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General English-Meeting 4

Listening Skill

Learning Objectives
1. The students are able to define words and match pictures through independent, quality, and measurable
2. The students are able to complete the missing words, phrases, and/or sentences from the news through
independent, quality and measurable performance.
3. The students are able to answer the questions from the news.
4. The students are able to think logically, have the motivation, and independently record and report the

Listen to the news to practice and improve your listening skills.

Before Listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen and watch the news and do the exercises.

Preparation Task
A. Find the definition of each word below to enrich your vocabulary.

No Words Definition
1 Virus an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid
molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light
microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells
of a host
 a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and
typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the
system or destroying data
2 Symptom

3 Severity

4 Pneumonia

5 Contagious

6 Pandemic

7 Elderly

8 Social Distancing

General English Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Elsa Ernawati Nainggolan, S.Pd., M.Pd
B. Match the words that is suitable with its picture

Virus ………………

…………. …………

……….. ………….

…………… …………

General English Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Elsa Ernawati Nainggolan, S.Pd., M.Pd
Activity 1

Listen and Watch the news “Why Fighting Corona Virus Depends on
You”. The instructor will play the video or you can go through the link .

Listen and watch again the news and try to fill the blank.

Listen and watch again the news and try to fill the blank.
Why Fighting Corona Virus Depends on You
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization made an announcement.

"In the past two weeks, the number of cases of COVID-19 outside China has increased
13-fold. COVID-19 can be characterized as a 1………..."

The coronavirus, or COVID-19, disease had already 2…………. China, South Korea,
Iran, and Italy. And this was a warning to other countries where it was now spreading

General English Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Elsa Ernawati Nainggolan, S.Pd., M.Pd
“In the days and weeks ahead, we expect to see the number of cases, deaths, and
affected countries climb even higher.”

The spread of COVID-19 was no longer something that could be stopped. But we can
still slow it down. We just have to act right now.
Someone with COVID-19 usually develops a fever, fatigue, and a cough. Aches, pains,
and other 3 ……. ……… are also possible, but are less frequent. But the severity of
those symptoms varies. And for some people who get the virus, you might never show
symptoms at all.

“In 80% of cases, people experience only mild disease. But in 20% of cases, the
disease can manifest in a more serious way.”
…….., it seems like about 1 to 2% of known cases lead to death. But that rate is much
lower for young people, and 5…. …. …. …. ……. The virus also seems to be very
contagious -- more contagious than the flu. After getting infected, it can take an average
of 5-6 days before you feel sick, and your symptoms start to appear. But you can
already spread it to other people in that period, 6…. … …. …. …….. .

“Just as people realize they're sick, they seem to be at the most risk of passing it along
to others.”

That’s how the virus has been so effective at spreading across the world so quickly. And
why the WHO was now calling COVID-19 a pandemic. But what they said next was just
as important: "We cannot say this loudly enough. 7….. ……. ….. …… …… …. …. …
…. …… .” And that depends on something each of us needs to do as individuals.

In any hospital, the capacity to treat patients is limited by how many beds they have.
Think of this as the number of beds in your local hospital at 8….. ….. …... . A couple
are already filled by patients receiving treatment for things like a car accident injury or a
stroke. And this not represents one person who’s healthy and decides to go out like
usual. They jump on the subway and 9…. …… …. ……. . Where they catch COVID-19.
But they don't feel sick right away, and might not for several days. So, later they go to a
basketball game. Where they 10……… ……. two or three more people. Most of these
people will have relatively mild cases, but one might be an elderly person with a severe
case who will eventually have to go to the hospital. But these three, who are all infected
but don’t feel sick, go out again: On the subway, into the office, and then out after work,
infecting several more people, twenty percent of whom will need to go to the hospital.
…… … …. ….. … ….., this process 12……….. the number of people going to the
hospital each day. Before long, the hospital is full and a crisis begins. People with
severe cases of COVID-19 can’t get treatment, and some who could be saved, die.
Plus, people with other issues can’t get treatment either and some of them die. This
surge of severe cases causes 13……….. …….. . That’s what happened in South Korea,
Iran, and Italy, all of which went from 100 to more than 5,000 cases in less than 2
weeks. A lot of people died because they couldn’t get into the hospitals. This surge is
made up of only the severe cases, but it was generated by people who didn’t feel sick,

General English Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Elsa Ernawati Nainggolan, S.Pd., M.Pd
spreading the disease in public. Which means the people who can do the most to avoid
these 14………. …….., are these people. And that means all of us.

To slow the virus down, you need to act as if you already have it. By avoiding public
transportation, the office, crowded places, and even 15…… ……. ……., you decrease
your chances of both getting the disease, and spreading it. This is called social
distancing. If enough of us do it, the virus still spreads, but much slower. Over time,
many people might still get infected, but fewer severe cases show up to the hospital
each day, never overwhelming the system. 16…. ….. ….. …. ……, these people can all
get treatment, and fewer people die because of it. These are the two ways the COVID-
19 pandemic can play out. But this one only happens if everyone does their part. And
it's why 17…….. …. ……… are urging people to “flatten the curve” by social distancing,
and staying home as much as possible. It’s also why In the US, many companies are
helping by requiring employees to work from home and major sports leagues have
cancelled their games for the time being. It may seem drastic but it’s worked before.

In 1918, the cities of Philadelphia and St. Louis were both hit by a flu pandemic, but
they responded in 18……… …….. . In Philadelphia, health officials allowed 19… ….. …..
… … …….. . While in St. Louis, officials prepared. They closed schools, theaters, and
bars. Philadelphia’s hospitals were overwhelmed and many more died as a result. But
St. Louis was able to avoid 20…… …… …… . A hundred years later, these are the two
scenarios we face. A difference not in whether you get the coronavirus, but when you
get it. That could mean the difference between life and death, maybe for someone you
know. 21….. …. …. … …. …. .

Activity 2
Answer these questions by using your analytical argument.

1. Why WHO (World Health Organization) characterized COVID-19 as pandemic?

2. What are the symptoms of people having COVID-19?
3. How does someone get infected by COVID-19?
4. Why Iran, South Korea, and Italy have the most death ratio of COVID-19 in just 2
5. How can you as “individual” slow down the spreads of COVID-19?
6. Did the disease pandemic ever happen before? How they get deal with those
pandemic? And what could we learn from it to fight COVID-19?
7. Do you think covid-19 would come to an end? How could it be?

General English Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Elsa Ernawati Nainggolan, S.Pd., M.Pd

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