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BTS Thanks To English MOTS 7

Time passes diligently

Even if other things stop for a second, time passes by persistently. This is
our record that has finally seen light after such a long period. These are the
memoirs of our footsteps past. These are the sounds that are frozen in
space. And as special as the year 2020 is on its own, I am thrilled to be
putting down the seven of our names on the album, with no other words to
describe us

Every time an album is released, I tend to get emotional. Nonetheless, I am

grateful that the seven of us have reached a new stage. We’ve passed
through countless dimensions and probabilities to get here. I am thankful
that this book has come to be. I am honored to be holding on to this much
luck. Thank you

I know better now though — that the seven of us are not the only ones
standing on the empty stage in the dark. I now see the silhouettes of
everyone who has been here with us throughout our history. Some of them
are tucked low, some are hanging unreachably high. I must say, that is
what I’ve learned after 7 years of running toward the truth

I still don’t know all the names of those to whom I owe thanks. I probably
can’t even write them all down. But I know that these names belong to my
family, friends, the members, the agency, all the staff members and
associates in the industry, and even to a brief message of encouragement
from an unknown face. We all wear different name tags when we meet at
different points in our lives, but I know that at this moment, I am able to
smile and write this thank you note because of everyone who treated me
with love when they crossed paths with me

I know though, there is one final name that deserves to be at the end of this
short story. And that name would belong to ARMYs. When I read out the
word ARMY, it sounds Korean, but at times it also sounds English.
Sometimes it even sounds Spanish. On that name tag, I see the names
and faces of all ARMYs around this planet. I fall asleep embracing these
names that have come pouring into my arms like falling stars. I shall have a
good dream — and I shall find a good vibe to keep going. Would this not be
what true love looks like? I love you all. Thank you. Here’s to another
record of us

Another full album has been released. First of all, I’d like to share this honor
with our ARMY. If it weren’t for all of you, there would be no meaning of us
making music. Thank you and I love you ARMY
Much love to my family who is always by my side and giving me strength
And to the Big Hit family. Now there is more staff that I don’t know that I do
know but I will never forget the efforts and work of all our staff. I am happy
to be able to work with the world’s best staff
To the BTS members. Preparing for this album was hard work and I’m glad
that all our efforts weren’t wasted because we were able to complete a
really amazing album. I am happy to have worked with all of you for this
album. Let’s promote this album well~
I also want to say thank you to all the people who listen to our music. I
believe that music that doesn’t have people listening to it is incomplete
music. Thank you for completing our album

While being able to make an album and have people listen to our songs is
a precious and happy thing, I’m always thinking of how to make more
heartfelt songs that can touch all those that listen to our songs. It is
because of this that making an album has a big meaning for us. I want to
take this opportunity to say thank you to all the efforts and work of the
people that helped us create this album
I know that words are not enough to express how thankful I am to Bang
PD, Yoon Seok Jun and the rest of the Big Hit Entertainment family. I want
to show you how much more we can grow just like how much we have
grown so far. I am deeply thankful
I am also so sorry and thankful to all the staff and the design team. You
sleep less and work harder than us and I know I don’t express myself
enough. It is because of your efforts that we are able to shine brightly.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
To my members. Just thank you. I know I shouldn’t take you all for granted
but I keep thinking it’s just natural. I can’t imagine not having all of you. So I
hope to continue going forward with all of you for a long, long time. I will try
my best to do better. Thank you so much and I love you
To ARMY. It’s already been 7 years since we’ve been together. I think
we’ve been able to share a lot of happy emotions together by talking about
music. Although there is happiness that comes from simply being happy, I
think happiness that is earned through sharing our feelings is something I
am truly grateful for. It is a blessing that I was able to meet all of you. I’m
really curious to see how many more precious memories we will have
together as the years go by. Until then, I hope to continue to share this with
my members and all of you. Lastly, as I said before, having people listen to
our music is our biggest happiness. I know I always say this but the reason
we exist and are able to sing on stage is because of all you. Thank you. I
love you
So I’m not the best at saying things in an organized manner… but know
that I always want to tell you all the beautiful things and do things that will
make you feel good. My heart has not changed. It is still here, it has
matured, it has grown even bigger. I try to keep my comments short
because the longer it gets, the more confused I become. But it’s not easy. I
really purple you all though
No matter how old I get, I will keep coming back with more love for
everyone. I may not be much, but please let me be your pride and joy. I will
strive to remain your awesome son, grandson, friend, younger brother, and
an older brother who makes you proud

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