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Equivalent Circuit Modeling Of

Transmission Line Metamaterial Unit Cells

Rajpreet Kaur Gulati

A thesis submitted i n p a r t i a l f u l f i l m e n t
of the requirements for the degree of Master
of Engineering (Research)


School of Engineering and Information Technology

University College
University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force

12 February 2013
Equivalent circuit modeling of transmission
line metamaterial unit cells


Rajpreet Kaur Gulati

Supervised by: Dr Gregory Milford

A thesis submitted to the

School of Engineering and Information Technology

in conformity with the requirements for

the degree of Master of Engineering (Research)

University of New South Wales

ADFA, Canberra, Australia
February 2013

This thesis proposes a novel technique for extracting equivalent circuit models for
transmission-line metamaterial unit cells. The technique uses pseudo-inverse tech-
niques to find a direct solution of the over-determined matrix equation formed by
matching a specific equivalent circuit topology to Method of Momentum (MoM) and
measured frequency response data. The technique is shown to be robust to uncer-
tainty in the frequency response data for a CRLH unit cell implemented in grounded
coplanar waveguide (GCPW). This thesis also investigates how the GCPW unit cell
can be encased within a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) to suppress undesir-
able GCPW modes. A parametric study of via hole placement of the SIW walls using
MoM simulation data is described for characterising the performance of the SIW-
GCPW through-line structure. The thesis then shows how these two aspects can be
applied to CRLH units cells in GCPW-SIW for both measurement and MoM fre-
quency response data. Good agreement is observed between the frequency response
calculated using the equivalent circuit model and the measured or simulation data.
The potential application of the algorithm lies in efficient guidance and validation for
new designs of CRLH TL structures.


TL Transmission Line
CRLH Composite Right Left Handed
SRR Split Ring Resonator
LH Left Handed
RH Right Handed
IDC Inter-Digital Capacitor
SIW Substrate Integrated Waveguide
TE Transverse Electric
TM Transverse Magnetic
TEM Transverse Electromagnetic
RW Rectangular Waveguide
CPW Coplanar Waveguide
GCPW Grounded Coplanar Waveguide
CBCPW Conductor Backed Coplanar Waveguide


Statement of originality i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgments iii

Glossary iv

Contents v

List of Tables viii

List of Figures ix

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Metamaterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 Metamaterials Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Properties of Metamaterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.1 Left-handedness and backward wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.2 Negative refractive index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.3 Doppler effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 Applications of metamaterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5 History of Left handed metamaterial(LHM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6 Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Chapter 2: Metamaterial Transmission line 26

2.1 CRLH Transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.1.1 Circuital Prototype and Practical Implementations . . . . . . 27
2.1.2 Transmission Line and Periodic Network Analysis . . . . . . . 28
2.1.3 Z, Y, ABCD, h parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2 Characteristic behaviour of transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2.1 Dispersion Relation, Bloch Impedance, and Cutoff Frequencies 38

2.3 Waveguiding Structure of Transmission Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3.1 Planar guiding structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3.2 Planar CRLH transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4 Equivalent circuit modeling of planar CRLH transmission line . . . 50
2.5 Earlier topology for the extraction of equivalent circuit model from
planar CRLH TL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.6 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Chapter 3: Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 56

3.1 Advanced Design system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.1 Theory of extracting equivalent circuit of a unit cell from S
parameter of ADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.1.2 Pseudo Inverse Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.1.3 Pseudo inverse technique theoretical explanation . . . . . . . 66
3.1.4 Stability of output computed using pseudoinverse technique . 69
3.2 Extracting lumped elements for symmetrical T network . . . . . . . . 70
3.2.1 Results after adding white noise into S parameters . . . . . . . 74
3.2.2 Limitations of pseudoinverse extraction process . . . . . . . . 75
3.3 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Chapter 4: Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 79

4.1 Parasitic modes in CPW and GCPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.1.1 Parallel-plate mode and microstrip mode in GCPW . . . . . . 85
4.1.2 SIW transition with GCPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.2 Experiments based upon placement of via hole on GCPW . . . . . . 87
4.2.1 Changing ∆s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.2.2 Changing ∆x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.2.3 Changing the ∆y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.3 SIW on CRLH unit cell using GCPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.4 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Chapter 5: Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 97

5.1 De-embedding Device under test in momentum Simulation and mea-
surement data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.1.1 De embedding the effect of CP to obtain symmetrical T network 103
5.1.2 Frequency response of Device under test with full-wave simu-
lation/measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.1.3 Extracting lumped parameter value of equivalent circuit model
with Momentum simulation and measure data . . . . . . . . . 107
5.1.4 Extracting lumped parameter values from Momentum simula-
tion over different frequencies ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.1.5 Extracting lumped parameter values from measured data over
different frequencies ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.1.6 Frequency response of equivalent circuit model of unit cell . . 111
5.2 CRLH transmission Line and their characteristic behavior . . . . . . 114
5.2.1 Characteristic behavior of a transmission line . . . . . . . . . 114
5.2.2 Accuracy of our pseudo inverse technique in CRLH transmis-
sion Line modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.3 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

Chapter 6: Summary and conclusions 123

6.1 Summary and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.1.1 Recommendations for future work and application . . . . . . . 124

Appendix 126

References 130

List of Tables

3.1 Different noise value with LR CR LL CL actual(A) and extract(E) . . 77

3.2 Relative percentage error of LR , CR , LL , CL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.1 The geometry parameter of GCPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4.2 The geometry parameter used in CRLH unit cell . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.1 Selecting different range of frequency with fixed CP is 0.047pF with

momentum data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.2 Selecting different range of frequency with fixed CP 0.040pF in mea-
surement data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.3 The geometry parameter used in CRLH TL of Figure. 5.14 where N=9
unit cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.4 Extracted component LR CR LL CL and CP of Figure. 5.14 . . . . . 118
5.5 The geometry parameter used in CRLH TL of Fig 5.15 N=7 unit cell 120
5.6 Extracted component LR , CR , LL , CL and CP of Figure. 5.15 . . . . 120

List of Figures

1.1 All the possible combinations of permittivity and permeability . . . . 9

1.2 EHK triads.(a) Conventional material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 Refractive index of Conventional material and LHM . . . . . . . . . 13
1.4 Doppler effect. (a) Conventional material. (b)LHM . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5 SRR based LHM unit cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.6 Equivalent circuit of one unit cell of the resonant LHM . . . . . . . . 18
1.7 Equivalent circuit model of a)conventional b)dual TL unit cell . . . . 20
1.8 Equivalent circuit unit cell of CRLH TL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.9 CRLH unit cell in microstrip technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.1 Equivalent circuit of CRLH TL metamaterial [35] ’ The primed vari-

ables represent per-unit-length (Z 0 , Y 0 , L0R , CR0 ) and times-unit-length
(L0L , CL0 ) quantities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2 Two port network in terms of voltage and current . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 S matrix of two port network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.4 CRLH transmission characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.5 Geometry of enclosed waveguide with arbitrary cross section . . . . . 41
2.6 Geometry of rectangular waveguide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.7 Types of Planar transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

2.8 Dimension of substrate integrated waveguide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.9 Planar CRLH TL MTM unit cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.10 a) Planar CRLH TL b)Equivalent LC circuit model . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.11 Unit cell of Planar CRLH transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.1 Types of network of CRLH transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.2 S parameter response of symmetrical T network . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.3 Log Error between known and extract value with logarithm random
points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4 Condition number rank in terms of logarithm random points . . . . . 74
3.5 LR , CR , LL and CL with noise scale value 0.01, 0.1 and 0.001 . . . . . 75
3.6 log error of LR CR LL CL with noise scale value 0.01, 0.1 and 0.001 . 76
3.7 condition number with scale value 0.01, 0.1 and 0.001 . . . . . . . . . 77
3.8 Adding noise in S parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.1 Quasi-static field distribution of planar transmission line . . . . . . . 81

4.2 Illustration of the signal paths in the slots of a CPW line . . . . . . . 81
4.3 Bond wire on CPW[63] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.4 Dielectric overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.5 Modes in GCPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.6 Layout of GCPW with SIW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.7 Changing the ∆s between the hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.8 Simulation results for GCPW by changing distance x of via holes . . 92
4.9 Changing the ∆y between the hole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.10 Layout of CRLH transmission line with SIW unit cell . . . . . . . . 93
4.11 Simulation results for GCPW by changing distance x of via holes . . 95
5.1 Flow chart of extracting the equivalent circuit model of Planar CRLH
unit cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.2 Block diagram of fabrication of full wave measurement of unit cell . . 100
5.3 Picture of fabrication of full wave measurement of unit cell with feed
line and connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.4 Block diagram of full wave simulation of momentum with ADS . . . 102
5.5 a) CRLH unit cell b) Equivalent LC circuit model of a UC. . . . . . 104
5.6 Equivalent circuit model of unit cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.7 The simulation and measurement result of unit cell . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.8 Error between Z model and Z unit cell and Y model and Y unit cell . 109
5.9 Momentum simulation:Extraction of LR , CR , LL and CL with fixed
value of CP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.10 Measurement:Extraction of LR , CR , LL and CL with fixed value of CP 110
5.11 Transmission line modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.12 CRLH with SIW using GCPW transmission line b) Equivalent LC
circuit model of a UC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.13 Characteristics behavior of transmission line with I set of parameter 117
5.14 Characteristics behavior of transmission line with II set of parameter 119
5.15 Characteristics behavior of transmission line with III set of parameter 121

Introduction 1

Chapter 1


Recently, there has been increased interest in the development of materials to control
the flow of electromagnetic waves (e.g., light) in unprecedented ways not possible be-
fore. Clever engineering has provided us with the means of creating artificial materials
with electromagnetic responses that are difficult to find in naturally occurring and
earlier-known classical materials such as conductors, insulators and semiconductors
The electromagnetic properties of materials depends upon the following three
constitutive parameters: permittivity (), permeability (µ) and conductivity (σ) [2].
Permittivity () determines the electric flux density (D̄) of material for given electric
field (Ē), Permeability(µ)determines the magnetic flux density (B̄) of material for
given magnetic field(H̄). Different materials produce different (D̄) or (B̄) for same
(Ē) and (H̄), conductivity(σ) quantifies conduction current for a given Ē.
The D̄ is the electric vector that represents the component of an electric field
associated solely with the presence of separated free electric charges [2]. It can be
written as:
Introduction 2

D̄ = Ē (1.1)

Magnetic flux density B̄ can be written as in terms of magnetic field strength (H)

B̄ = µH̄ (1.2)

The quantities Ē and H̄ are the electric and magnetic field intensities and are
measured in units of [V olt/m] and [Ampere/m], respectively. The quantities D̄ and
B̄ are the electric and magnetic flux densities and are in units of [Coulomb/m2 ] and
[W eber/m2 ], or [T esla] [2].
The (1.1) and (1.2) are constitutive relations for electric and magnetic field.
Maxwell’s equations are a set of four partial differential equations that describe how
electric charge and electric current act as the sources of electric and magnetic field
and how the time varying electric field generates a magnetic field and vice versa [2].
The four Maxwell ’s equations are presented in (1.3).

∂ B̄
∇ × Ē = − (1.3a)
∂ D̄
∇ × H̄ = J + (1.3b)
∇.D̄ = ρ (1.3c)

∇.B̄ = 0; (1.3d)

The first equation is Faraday’s law of induction, the second equation is Ampere’s
Introduction 3

law as amended by Maxwell to include the displacement current ∂ D̄/∂t, the third
equation and fourth equation are Gauss’s laws for the electric and magnetic fields.
The displacement current term in Ampere’s law is essential in predicting the existence
of propagating electromagnetic waves [1].
Of the four equations, two, Gauss’s laws for the electric and magnetic fields de-
scribe how the fields emanate from charges. For the magnetic field, as there is no
magnetic charge, its lines neither begin nor end anywhere. For the electric field, its
lines begin from positive charges and end at negative ones. The other two equa-
tions describe how the fields circulate around their respective sources. The magnetic
field circulates around the electric currents and the time-varying electric fields as per
Ampere’s law and the electric field around the time-varying magnetic fields as per
Faraday’s law [2].
All materials are categorised based on electric permittivity, magnetic permeability
and conductivity parameters. In homogeneous material, permittivity and permeabil-
ity behave as constants free of electric sources and conduction currents (J¯ =0). In
this scenario, electromagnetic processes are governed by the homogeneous Maxwell
equations [2]. Maxwell’s equations can be rewritten in free space as:

∂ H̄
∇ × Ē = −µo (1.4a)
∂ Ē
∇ × H̄ = o (1.4b)
∇.D̄ = 0 (1.4c)

∇.B̄ = 0 (1.4d)
Introduction 4

where ρ = 0 because there’s no charge density in free space.

Assuming an ejωt for the time dependence, the time derivatives in (l.3a)-(1.3d)
can be replaced by jω [2]. Maxwell’s equations in phasor form then become:

∇ × Ē = −jωµH̄ (1.5a)

∇ × H̄ = jωĒ (1.5b)

Taking the curl of the above equations gives:

∇ × (∇ × Ē) = −jωµ∇ × H̄ = −µω 2 Ē (1.6)

This result can be simplified through the use of vector identity, ∇ × (∇ × A) =

∇(∇A) − ∇2 A, which is valid for the rectangular components of an arbitrary vector
A. Then:

∇2 Ē + µω 2 Ē = 0 (1.7)

since ∇.Ē = 0 in a source-free region. (1.7) is the wave equation, or Helmholtz

Similarly, we can derive the homogeneous wave equation for H̄.

∇2 H̄ + µω 2 H̄ = 0 (1.8)
Introduction 5

A constant k = ω µ is defined from the (1.7) and (1.8) and called the wavenum-
ber or propagation constant of the medium; its units are 1/m.
As a way of introducing wave behaviour, we next study the solutions to the above
wave equations in their simplest forms, first for a lossless medium and then for a lossy
(conducting) medium [2].
In a lossless medium  and µ are real numbers, so k is real. A basic plane wave
solution to the above wave equations can be found by considering an electric field
wih only an x̂ component and uniform (no variation) in x and y directions. Then,
∂/∂x = ∂/∂y = 0. and the Helmholtz equation of reduces to [2]

∂ 2 Ēx
+ k 2 Ēx = 0 (1.9)
∂ 2z

The solution of this equation is easily seen. by substitution, to be of the form

Ēx (z) = E + e−jkz + E − ejkz (1.10)

whereE + and E − are complex numbers.

The above solution is for the time harmonic case at frequency ω. In the time
domain, it is written as [2]:

Ē(z, t) = E + cos (ωt − kz) + E − cos (ωt + kz) (1.11)

where we have assumed that E + and E − are real constants. The first term in
equation (1.11) represents a wave traveling in the +z direction since, to maintain a
fixed point on the wave (ωt − kz = constant) that is the direction in which one must
move as time increases. Similarly, the second term represents a wave traveling in the
Introduction 6

negative z direction: hence notation E + E − for these wave amplitudes. The velocity
of the wave in this case is called the phase velocity [2] because it is the velocity at
which a fixed phase point on the traveling wave is given by:

ωt − kz = constant (1.12a)
(ωt − kz) = 0 (1.12b)
(ω − k ) = 0 (1.12c)

Therefore, the phase velocity can be obtained as:

= vp = ω/k (1.12d)

dz 1
vp = = (1.13)
dt µ

In free-space. we have vp is 1/ µ = c = 299, 792, 458 which is the speed of light.
The wavelength (λ) is defined as the distance between successive maxima (or
minima or any other reference points) on the wave at a fixed instant of time. Thus,

|ωt − kz| − |ωt − k(z + λ)| = 2π (1.14)

2π 2πvp
λ= = (1.15)
k ω

Now consider the effect of a lossy medium. If the medium has conductivity (σ),
Maxwell’s curl equations can be written from equation 1.3(a) and 1.3(b) as:
Introduction 7

∇ × Ē = −jωµH̄ (1.16)

∇ × H̄ = (σ + jω)Ē (1.17)

The resulting wave equation for Ē then becomes:

∇2 Ē − ω 2 µ(1 − )Ē = 0 (1.18)

√ p σ
where γ = ω µ 1 − (j ω ) is defined and called propagation constant of the
lossy medium; its units are 1/m.
A complete specification of the plane-wave electromagnetic field must include the
magnetic field. In general, whenever Ē or H̄ is known, the other field vector can be
readily found by using one of Maxwell’s curl equations [2].
Thus, applying (1.5a) to the ‘electric field of ( 1.10) gives Hx = Hz =0 and

H̄y (z) = [E + e−γz − E − eγz ] (1.19)
where η= ωµ/k = µ/ is the wave impedance for the plane wave defined as
the ratio of the Ē to the H̄ fields. For plane waves, this impedance is also called as
intrinsic impedance of the medium. In free-space we have η = µ/≈ 377Ω. Ē and
H̄ which are orthogonal to both each other and the direction of propagation. This is
a characteristic of transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves [2].
Introduction 8

1.1 Metamaterials

Over the last decade, a new class of artificially created materials, known as meta-
materials, have received considerable attention in both the physics and engineering
communities [3-10] because they can offer electromagnetic properties that are difficult
or impossible to achieve using conventional, naturally occurring materials. The defini-
tion of the term metamaterial is an artificial material that has exotic electromagnetic
properties” [3, 9] which are defined by the material’s constitutive parameters, per-
mittivity and permeability. A metamaterial is an artificial, effectively homogeneous,
electromagnetic structure with unusual properties that are not readily available in
nature. An effectively homogeneous structure is one in which the structural average
cell size (p) is much smaller than the guided wavelength (λg ). At least, the average
cell size should be less than a quarter of the wavelength, p < λg /4 [11].
Metamaterials are of particular importance in electromagnetism. In order for its
structure to effect the electromagnetic waves, a metamaterial must have structural
features smaller than the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation with which it
interacts: for instance, if a metamaterial is to behave as a homogeneous material
accurately described by an effective refractive index, its feature sizes must be much
smaller than the wavelength. For visible light, which typically has wavelengths of less
than one micrometer, its structural features are generally half or less than half this
size, i.e., less than 280 nanometer. For microwave radiation, the structural features
need only be in the order of 1 millimeter (mm). Microwave frequency metamaterials
are always artificial and constructed as arrays of current conducting elements (such
as loops of wire) which have suitable inductive and capacitive characteristics [11].
Introduction 9

1.2 Metamaterials Classification

The response of a system to the presence of electromagnetic field is determined by

the properties of the materials involved. These properties are described by defining
its macroscopic parameters such as permittivity () and permeability (µ) of these
materials. By using permittivity () and permeability (µ), the classification of meta-
materials can be performed as follows and the medium classification can be graphically
illustrated, as shown in Figure. 1.1 [11].

Figure 1.1: All the possible combinations of permittivity and permeability, [11, 36]

A medium with both permittivity and permeability greater than zero (> 0, µ >
0) is known as double positive (DPS) medium. Most occurring media (e.g. dielectrics)
fall under this category [11].
A medium with permittivity less than zero and permeability greater than zero
Introduction 10

(< 0, µ > 0 ) are called as Epsilon negative (ENG) medium. In certain frequency
regimes many plasmas exhibit these characteristics [11].
A medium with both permittivity greater than zero and permeability less than
zero ( > 0, µ < 0) is called a Mu negative (MNG) medium. In certain frequency
regimes some gyrotropic materials exhibit this characteristic [11].
A medium with both permittivity and permeability less than zero ( < 0, µ < 0)
is called a Double negative (DNG) medium or Left handed medium. This class of
materials has only been demonstrated using artificial constructed structure [11].

1.3 Properties of Metamaterials

Metamaterials are known as DNG or LH media, a term first applied by Veselago

in 1968 [3], because the wave vector, electric-field and magnetic-field vectors form a
LH system. In his pioneering work [3], Veselago pointed out that LH metamaterials
(LHMs) have simultaneous negative permittivity and permeability and some unique
properties, such as the inverse Snell effect, an inverse Doppler shift and backwards-
directed Cherenkov radiation. However, his idea was forgotten until 1999 because of
the non-availability of realisable materials at that time. These properties of LHMs
are explained and compared with those of conventional materials in the following

1.3.1 Left-handedness and backward wave

Almost all natural or conventional materials follow the so called Right-hand Rule
because, as their permeability and permittivity both have positive signs, their electric
field (Ē), magnetic field ( H̄) and wave vector (k̄ ) form a RH set of vectors as shown
Introduction 11

in Figure. 1.2 (a). For example of Ē along the positive x direction, H̄ along the
positive y direction then the wave propagating along the positive z direction. All
materials that have been encountered so far in a natural form are RH [3]. In a LHM,
the wave vector k̄ is the reverse of that in a RHM, and Ē and H̄ make a LH triplet
with it. This means that, if Ē is along the positive x direction and H̄ along the
positive y direction, the wave will propagate along the negative z direction in a LHM,
as shown in Figure. 1.2 [11].

Figure 1.2: EHK triads.(a) Conventional material. (b) LHM [11]

Now, we examine the direction of the energy flow in a LHM which is characterised
¯ as:
by the Poynting vector (S)

S̄ = (Ē × H̄) (1.20)

Ē, H̄ and S̄ always form a right-handed triplet regardless of the medium, and Ē,
H̄, k̄ form a right-handed triplet for a right-handed medium ( > 0 and µ > 0) , and
a lefthanded triplet for a left-handed medium ( < 0 and µ < 0), as shown in Figure.
In RHM ( > 0 and µ > 0) , the Poynting vector S̄ is in the same direction as k̄
as shown in Figure. 1.2(a), that is, along the positive z direction whereas in LHM
Introduction 12

( <0 and µ < 0), k̄ is along the negative z direction as shown in Figure. 1.2(b). The
Poynting power density is in the opposite direction for  < 0 and µ < 0, S̄ is also in
the opposite, and along the positive, z direction, as shown in Figure. 1.2 (b).
The dot product of the S and k is phase velocity. The phase and group velocity
related to wave vector is :

ω k̂
vp = (1.21)

vg = (1.22)

It is negative in a Left-handed(LH) medium to that in a Right-handed(RH)

medium. It indicates that the phase of the wave in the former propagates back-
ward to its source. It is in the opposite direction to that of the power related to the
group velocity (vg ).
This highlights another unique property of LHMs, that is, their ability to support
backward waves [11].

1.3.2 Negative refractive index

We have already introduced one of the unusual properties of a LHM, its support
of a backward wave. Another important one is its negative refraction. For a LH
medium, from n2 = µ, it is not evident that simultaneous negative  and µ lead to
a negative index of refraction. Both the negative and positive indices of refraction
solutions satisfy Maxwell’s equations and the boundary conditions for the refraction of
an incident wave. However, the negative solution for the index of refraction is selected
Introduction 13

in a LHM to satisfy the requirement that, in a refracted beam, the power flows away
from the interface due to the grounds of causality. The choice of a negative refractive
index in LHMs is discussed in detail in [3] and experimental studies confirming this
property of LHMs have been reported [11].

Figure 1.3: Refractive index of Conventional material and LHM [29]

Assuming a homogeneous medium, ray diagrams for RHM/RHM and RHM/LHM

interfaces and, using Snell’s law n1 sinθ1 = n2 sin θ2 , the refractions of an electromag-
netic wave at these interfaces can be seen in Figure. 1.3. In the latter case, the ray
would pass through the interface and continue propagating on the same side of the
normal as the incoming wave since the indices of refraction are n1 > 0 and n2 <0 .
The wave in a LHM is a backward one in which the Poynting vector (S) points in the
direction of the energy flow and continues in the direction indicated by the arrow,
but the wave vector propagates in the direction anti-parallel to the arrow [3].
Introduction 14

1.3.3 Doppler effect

In conventional materials, if the light source(S) is moving towards an observer(O)

then to the observer (O) frequency appears to increase then the original frequency of
the light source. But in meta materials, if the light source(S) is moving toward an
observer(O) then to the observer (O) frequency appears to decrease then the original
frequency of the light source as shown in Figure. 1.4 [3].

Figure 1.4: Doppler effect. (a) Conventional material. (b)LHM [11]

The explanation of this property is provided below: When a moving receiver

detects the radiation coming from a source at rest in a uniform medium, the detected
frequency of the radiation depends on the relative velocity of the emitter and the
receiver [3, 11]. This is the well-known Doppler effect. These frequency shifts can be
presented as:
∆ω = ωo (1.23)

ωo is the frequency of the radiation emitted by the source,
v is the velocity at which the receiver moves towards the source,
c is the velocity of the light in free space,
n is the refractive index of the medium.
Introduction 15

∆ω is the difference between the frequency detected at the receiver and the fre-
quency of oscillation of the source.
For n < 0 in a LHM, the frequency shift becomes negative for a positive v(the
receiver moving towards the source). This means that the wave propagation is back-
wards and the wavefront moves towards the source. Thus, both the receiver and
wavefront move in the same direction and the frequency measured at the receiver is
smaller than that measured by an observer at rest [11].

1.4 Applications of metamaterials

The properties of LHMs are used in diverse fields, such as electrical engineering,
electromagnetic studies, solid state physics, microwave and antennae engineering,
optoelectronics, classic optics, material sciences, semiconductor engineering, nano-
science and others [11]. LHMs are used in various applications such as the following.
1). Superlens: Pendry proposed that a slab of LHM can be used as a lens which
is free from all aberrations observed in a lens made using a positive refractive index
[12]. However, it has been shown that very small deviations in the material’s pa-
rameters from ideal conditions could lead to the excitation of resonances that would
cause deterioration in the performance of the lens. Nevertheless, scientists have been
working to overcome this and other difficulties to improve the resolution of a LHM
2). Cloaking: Another natural application of a LHM is the development of gradi-
ent index media [14] because the values of its permittivity and permeability can be
engineered at any point within the structure by adjusting the scattering properties
of each unit cell [15-16]. By implementing complex gradients independently in the
Introduction 16

permittivity and permeability tensor components, it has been shown that an entirely
new class of materials can be realised by the process of transformation optics [14-17].
A recent example utilised LHMs to form an invisibility cloak that was demonstrated
to render an object invisible to a narrow band of microwave frequencies [18].
3). Scattering reduction: LHMs can be used for the reduction of electromagnetic
wave scattering [19-22]. Recently, a theoretical analysis based on Mie scattering,
which indicated that metal coated with LHMs has a drastically reduced scattering
coefficient, was presented in [21].
4). Novel microwave components: LHMs can be employed as sub-wavelength
resonators and zero-phase delay lines. Their advantage over RHMs is the very small
dimension of their resonator [23]. Moreover, low-gain LHMs can be employed to
build high-gain antennas [23]. Furthermore, compact antennas are realisable utilising
artificial magnetic conductors.

1.5 History of Left handed metamaterial(LHM)

Since Veselogo’s observation[3], two important approaches based on LHMs have been
discovered: the resonant and non-resonant which are discussed below.
The resonant approach realised in 1999 [4, 5] by Pendry is based upon a structure
of split ring resonators (SRR). A magnetic flux penetrating the metal rings induces
rotating currents in the rings which produce their own flux to enhance or oppose the
incident field (depending on the SRRs’ resonant properties). This field pattern is
dipolar. Due to splits in the rings, the structure can support resonant wavelengths
much larger than the diameters of the rings. This would not happen in closed rings.
The small gaps between the rings produce large capacitance values which lower the
Introduction 17

resonating frequency because the time constant is large.

At frequencies below the resonant frequency, the real part of the magnetic perme-
ability of a SRR becomes large (positive) and, at frequencies higher than the reso-
nance, it becomes negative. This negative permeability can be used with thin metal
wire which has negative permittivity to produce negative refractive index materials
A SRR structure was combined with a thin metal wire structure by Shelby, Smith,
and Schultz [6] to develop the composite material shown in Figure. 1.5. This combined
structure exhibits negative permittivity and negative permeability over a particular
range of frequencies and can perform as a medium with a negative refractive index

Figure 1.5: SRR based LHM unit cell [29]

Following this experimental verification, many researchers studied the character-

istics and applications of such LHMs [8, 9]. Since LHM behaviour is obtained due to
the resonant nature of the unit cell, all structures based on the application of SRR
are called resonant LHMs. The equivalent circuit of one-unit cell of resonant LHMs
is shown in Figure.1.6 in which the parallel resonant circuit with inductance Lr and
capacitance Cr models the SRR and the metal wire is represented by the inductance
Introduction 18

L. The gap is modeled by the inductance Cg. The SRR is electrically coupled to the
thin wire through the line capacitance Cc.

Figure 1.6: Equivalent circuit of one unit cell of the resonant LHM

The resonant type structure with a narrow bandwidth for which double negative
behavior is obtained and high loss due to its resonant nature [11]. Generally, a struc-
ture made of resonating elements does not constitute a good transmission medium
for a modulated signal because of the quality factor intrinsically associated with each
resonator [11]. In a resonator, the loaded quality factor Ql is related to the unloaded
quality factor Qu and external quality factor Qe by [11]:

1 1 1
= + (1.24)
Ql Qu Qe

which expresses the fact that the total transmission1 loss (∝ 1 /Ql ) through a
resonator is equal to the sum of the dielectric/ohmic losses in the resonator (∝ 1/Qu )
and the coupling losses in the transitions with the external (source/load) circuits
Introduction 19

(∝ 1 1/Qe ). The loaded quality factor, which is the quantity actually measured and
eventually relevant in terms of transmission, is also obtained from the magnitude of
the transmission parameter (S21 ) [11] as

Ql = (1.25)

where fr is the resonance frequency and B is the -3dB bandwidth (in Hz)
For given dielectric (dielectric loss∝ tanθ ) and metal (ohmic loss ∝ 1/σ conduc-
tivity) materials, there is an unavoidable trade-off between bandwidth and transmis-
sion level. Minimum transmission loss,or equivalently maximum Q1 , is achieved at
the fr by minimizing the bandwidth B, according to (1.24), because in this case very
little power is dissipated in the cavity since its bandwidth is extremely narrow so that
Qu is maximized, according to (1.25). Therefore good transmission characteristics can
be obtained. However the bandwidth is so restricted that a modulated signal, even
with a modest bandwidth, cannot be transmitted through the resonating structure
without causing distortion. Although the bandwidth can naturally be increased, this
results in an immediate decrease in Ql according to (1.24) and therefore,in an increase
of transmission loss. In conclusion, a modulated signal cannot be transmitted effi-
ciently through a resonating propagation medium. Although this statement is a very
basic fact regarding resonator theory, it might not have been sufficiently appreciated
in the physics community investigating MTMs [11] which are structures unsuitable
for microwave application.
The drawback of the resonant approach is that its structure has a narrow band-
width and high loss. To overcome this, in mid-2002, three groups of researchers
simultaneously proposed a new TL approach for the design of planar LHMs based on
Introduction 20

the dual version of the conventional TL concept [9, 10, 24]. TL is formed by cascading
many( in the limit an infinite number) unit cells in cascade. Both these equivalent
circuit models are shown in Figure. 1.7.

Figure 1.7: Equivalent circuit model of a)conventional transmission line unit cell
b)dual transmission line unit cell [11].

This new circuit, obtained by interchanging the inductance/capacitance and in-

verting the series/parallel arrangements in the equivalent circuit of the conventional,
RH TL, is of a high-pass nature with anti-parallel phase and group velocities, in
contrast to that of the RH-TL which is of a low-pass nature with parallel phase and
group velocities. The dual TL is a cascade of numbers of unit cells also called the
LH TL. However, a perfect LH TL is difficult to fabricate due to unavoidable para-
sitic RH effects occurring in a TL. Therefore, a composite right-/left-handed (CRLH)
structure represents the most general model of a structure with LH attributes. The
equivalent circuit unit cell of a CRLH TL is shown in Figure. 1.8 [10].
The essential characteristics of a CRLH TL MTM can be inferred from an analysis
of the equivalent circuit of Figure. 1.8. At low frequencies, LR and CR tend to be
Introduction 21

Figure 1.8: Equivalent circuit unit cell of CRLH TL [11]

short and open, respectively, so that the equivalent circuit is essentially reduced to
the series − CL /shunt − LL circuit, which is LH since it has antiparallel phase and
group velocities; this LH circuit is of highpass nature; therefore, below a certain
cutoff, a LH stopband is present. At high frequencies, CL and LL tend to be short
and open, respectively, so that the equivalent circuit is essentially reduced to the
series − LR /shunt − CR circuit, which is RH since it has parallel phase and group
velocities; this LH circuit is of lowpass nature; therefore, above a certain cutoff, a RH
stopband is present. In general as the series resonance fse and shunt resonance fsh are
different, a gap exists between the LH and RH ranges. However, if these resonances are
made equal or balanced, this gap disappears and an infinite wavelength propagation
is achieved at the transition frequency fo [10,11].
TL MTMs can be designed to exhibit simultaneously low loss over broad band-
width under appropriate matching condition. Low loss is achieved by a balanced
design of the structure with good matching to the excitation ports, whereas broad-
bandwidth is a direct consequence of the TL nature of the structure and can be
Introduction 22

controlled by its LC parameters, which determine the cutoff frequency of the result-
ing band-pass structure. Another advantage of TL MTM structures is that they can
be engineered in planar configurations as shown in Figure. 1.9, and are compatible
with modern microwave integrated circuits (MICs). Finally, TL MTM structures can
benefit from the efficient and well-established TL theory for the efficient design of
microwave applications [10,11].

Figure 1.9: CRLH unit cell in microstrip technology [11]

The CRLH unit cell based upon the microstrip, in which extra via are added to
ground the TL unit cell, is discussed by Caloz [12]. To overcome the drawback of the
microstrip’s high dispersive loss, coplanar technologies are also used in CRLH unit
However, nowadays, for certain applications at microwave and millimeter wave
frequencies at which high Q filters are needed, coaxial, waveguide, dielectric slab
and non-radiating dielectric technologies can be implemented. However, they are
not suitable for low-cost mass production and integration with other circuits. To
Introduction 23

overcome this problem, a hybrid planar and non-planar integration scheme, called
substrate integrated circuits (SIC) [25], which can be further extended to ground
coplanar, has been proposed [26]. It consists of a three-layer structure in which the
middle layer is the substrate, and it is the top (and can also be) the bottom metal
layers that are patterned to define the waveguide top and bottom Walls, with the vias
forming the side walls. If the diameter between the metal vias (d) are much smaller
than λ the radiation losses become negligible. For high isolation, d must be smaller
than λ/10, which is less in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) [26] as T Em0 modes
propagate in a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW).
Metamaterial lines using SIC have been suggested in the literature in SIW tech-
nology [27, 28, 29]. In [27, 28, 29], simulations are presented on a CRLH TL-based
on a monoplanar SIW in which via holes are used to implement the series capacitors
and ground the shunt inductor of the CRLH LC network. In [28-30], a LH TL based
on a multilayered SIW using SRR is discussed and the concept of SIW is used to
implement a MTM CRLH TL. The via holes that unite the top and bottom layers
facilitate the interconnection between the shunt inductor and the ground without par-
asitic through-hole interconnect effects since the whole plane acts as a virtual metal
wall used to suppress the parasitic mode in TL. This thesis focuses on extracting
the equivalent circuit modeling of CRLH unit cell through a new method of analysis.
Caloz [11] developed formulae for the LR , CR , LL and CL of an inter-digital capacitor
(IDC) and a grounded stub inductor which use the insertion and reflection coeffi-
cients of the unit cell which are presented in the next chapter. Different approaches
for extracting the equivalent circuit model of CRLH TL unit cell have been intro-
duced [31, 32, 33]. However, the lumped elements of LR , CR , LL and CL have been
Introduction 24

found to behave differently with variations in frequency. We propose a new method

for extracting the values of LR , CR , LL and CL of an equivalent circuit model of a
CRLH unit cell which gives constant values.

1.6 Thesis outline

This thesis focuses on the Equivalent circuit modelling of a transmission line meta-
material unit cell and consists of three specific research outcomes. Firstly, it explores
the use of the pseudo inverse technique for the equivalent circuit model extraction of
a planar CRLH unit cell. Secondly, to investigate how superimposing below the cutoff
SIW structure around a Ground Coplanar Waveguide (GCPW) CRLH unit cell can
be used to suppress the parasitic modes and, hence, extend the bandwidth. Thirdly,
to demonstrate how the first and second elements can be combined to produce a
wide-band CRLH TL in a GCPW.
The rest of the thesis is organised as follows:
In Chapter 2, to provide a solid understanding of the basic principles of RH, LH
and CRLH TL designs, the fundamental electromagnetic properties of propagation
within LH materials are illustrated. Also, brief overviews of a planar TL and a planar
CRLH TL, and existing methods for the extraction of equivalent circuit models are
In Chapter 3, developing the tool for extracting the lumped element values of the
equivalent circuit model of a CRLH unit cell TL using the pseudo inverse technique
and assessing the accuracy of this new approach are discussed.
In Chapter 4, suppression of the parasitic mode in a through line using GCPW
with SIW is discussed. Also, placing via holes on a through line and implementing
Introduction 25

them on a CRLH unit cell are demonstrated.

In Chapter 5, the tool for extracting the lumped element values of a CRLH IDC
unit cell is implemented. The results from the simulation and measurement processes
are compared and the characteristic behaviour of the CRLH TL is discussed.
Finally, a summary of the thesis and perspectives/suggestions/recommendations
for future research, are provided in Chapter 6.
Metamaterial Transmission Line 26

Chapter 2

Metamaterial Transmission line

As discussed in the previous chapter, metamaterials may be engineered using resonant

unit cell. However, resonant metamaterials have narrowband and lossy characteris-
tic. In contrast, TL metamaterials, which are constituted of patterned lumped ele-
ments(inductances and capacitances), are non-resonant structures which exhibit low
loss, broad bandwidth and use in dispersion engineering. The most general, efficiently
applied TL metamaterials found to date are the so-called CRLH TL metamaterials
considered in this chapter. While they always exhibit a filtering response and, when
in ID configurations, may appear similar to conventional filters, TL metamaterials
are substantially different from them. They are designed for phase specifications and
include exclusive sub-wavelengths and typically identical, reactive elements, while
conventional filters follow magnitude specifications based on insertion loss prototyp-
ing functions and do not exhibit media (i.e.,continuous macroscopic) constitutive
This chapter presents the fundamental theory of CRLH TL metamaterials and
their characteristic behaviour [10, 11, 35]. Section 2.1.1 discusses the application of
TL theory to metamaterials. Section 2.2 presents an analysis of two- port networks
Metamaterial Transmission Line 27

using TL theory [2, 11, 35]. Section 2.3 assesses the waveguiding structure in terms
of the rectangular waveguide (RW). Subsections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 discuss four common
planar waveguiding structures and one Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) which
compromise between the planar and waveguide technologies and also discusses the
planar CRLH TL, respectively. Section 2.4 explains the extraction of equivalent
circuit model of planar CRLH TL.

2.1 CRLH Transmission line

This section presents a concise summary of the fundamental characteristics of CRLH

TL metamaterials, as required for the work undertaken in Chapters 3 and 5. Extensive
treatment of this topic is available in [35, 11].

2.1.1 Circuital Prototype and Practical Implementations

Artificial TL metamaterials are realised by periodically repeating a unit cell of length

∆p smaller than the guided wavelength (λg )(∆z << λg) along one, two or three
directions for 1D, 2D or 3D metamaterials, respectively.
Figure. 2.1 shows the equivalent circuit of a CRLH TL metamaterial which may
be seen as the most general TL medium as it exhibits a series-resonator (LR , CL )
impedance and a parallel-resonator (LL , CR ) admittance, where the LH capacitance
and inductance (CL , LL ) and RH capacitance and inductance(CR , LR ) are produced
by engineered lumped elements and their controlled electromagnetic parasitics, re-
spectively [11].
The important parameters in the CRLH circuital prototype in Figure. 2.1 are:
q q
ωR0 = C 0 1L0 (rad /s), ωL0 = C 0 1L0 (rad /s)
Metamaterial Transmission Line 28

Figure 2.1: Equivalent circuit of CRLH TL metamaterial [35] ’ The primed variables
represent per-unit-length (Z 0 , Y 0 , L0R , CR0 ) and times-unit-length (L0L ,
CL0 ) quantities.

q q
1 1
ωse = 0 L0
(rad /s), ωsh = L0L CR
0 (rad /s)

ωo = ωse ωsh (rad /s)
where the primes of L0R , CL0 CR0 and L0L indicate the per-unit-length quantities,
as specified in Figure. 2.1, and ωse , ωsh and ωo (all in [rad/s]) are called the series
resonance, shunt resonance and transition frequency, respectively.

2.1.2 Transmission Line and Periodic Network Analysis

Two types of TLs may be considered in approaches for TL metamaterials: ideal in-
finitesimal and artificial effective. Ideal infinitesimal TLs are perfectly uniform struc-
tures in which the electrical size (∆z) of the unit cell may be considered infinitesimal,
i.e., ∆z → 0 at all frequencies. Conventional TLs (e.g., coaxial, microstrip, CPW and
CPS which are discussed in the next section) belong to this category of ideal infinites-
imal TLs since they are constituted of uniform metal conductors embedded in natural
or molecular scale structured materials (e.g., teflon, alumina, Si and GaAs).However,
Metamaterial Transmission Line 29

conventional TLs are restricted to purely RH or forward-wave propagation with either

no, or very limited, dispersion capabilities [10, 35].
In contrast, CRLH TLs exhibit unique metamaterial properties, but have to be
engineered as artificial constructs in the form of periodic lumped-element networks
with unit cells of electrically small but finite electrical size, i.e., p << λg , with
∆z 6= 0, and where λg is the guided wavelength and p the period shown in Figure.
2.1. The series capacitance (CL and shunt inductance LL of Figure. 2.1 provide the
left-handedness (anti-parallel phase and group velocities at lower frequencies) and
the series inductance LR and shunt capacitance CR of Figure. 2.1 provide the right-
handedness (parallel phase and group velocities at higher frequencies). Thus, CRLH
TLs are artificial effective TLs. In the frequency range in which the condition p << λg
is met, as the artificial TL exhibits a response that is indistinguishable from that
of the corresponding perfectly uniform ideal medium, it is effectively homogeneous.
Outside this range, it exhibits the typical diffraction, bandage, anisotropy and stop-
band behaviors well-known in traditional periodic structures [11].
The description of an ideal infinitesimal TL provides a simple and insightful model
that represents a good approximation of the actual artificial structure in its metamate-
rial range (p << λg). The transformation from an ideal infinitesimal TL (primed vari-
ables) to a lumped periodic TL (non-primed variables) is performed by the following
substitutions: L0R = LR /p[H/m], CR0 = CR /p[F/m], L0L = LL p[Hm], CL 0 = CL p[F m].
To derive the characteristic behaviour of periodic structure, the transmission ma-
trix method is applied, a review of which is given in below. The TL approach discussed
above provides a fresh perspective on the operation of LHMs.
TL can also be modeled as a two-port network, an electrical circuit or device
Metamaterial Transmission Line 30

with two pairs of terminals which each constitute a port if they satisfy the essential
requirement known as the port condition, that is, the same current must enter and
leave a port [2, 11]. This network is represented by four external variables: voltage
(V1 ) and current (I1 ) at the input port, and voltage (V2 ) and current (I2 ) at the
output port, so that the two-port network can be treated as a black box modeled
by the relationships among the four variables (V1 ), (V2 ), (I1 ) and (I2 ), as shown in
Figure. 2.2. There are five different ways of describing these relationships which
depend on which two of the four variables are given; the other two can always be
derived. These can be described by the Z, Y, h, ABCD and S parameters which
explain the electrical behaviour of a linear two-port network [2].

Figure 2.2: Two-port network in terms of voltage and current [2]

In this section, a brief overview of the microwave circuit analysis of TL theory used
in this thesis is presented in order to provide the background to a better understanding
of the results discussed in the following chapters.
Metamaterial Transmission Line 31

2.1.3 Z, Y, ABCD, h parameter

1. The Z parameter has common ground two ports with current sources. It relates
the output currents from the ports to their input voltages. Given two currents
(I1 , I2 ), finding voltages(V1 ) and (V2 ) in matrix form can be represented as:

    
 V1   z11 z12   I1 
 =   (2.1)
V2 z21 z22 I2

where all four parameters (z11 , z12 , z21 , z22 ) represent impedance. In particular,
z12 and z21 are transfer impedances, defined as the ratio of a voltage V1 (or V2 )in
one part of a network to a current I1 (or I2 ) in another part (z12 = V1 /I2 ). Z is
a 2 × 2 matrix containing all four parameters [2].

The generalized form of Z in terms of voltage and current can be rewritten as:


 Z11 = I1
if I2 = 0

 Z12 V1
= if I1 = 0

 Z V2

 21 = I1
if I2 = 0

 Z V2
22 = I2
if I1 = 0

2. The Y parameter behaves in the opposite way to the Z parameter. It relates

the output voltages from the ports to their input currents [2]. The two voltages
(V1 , V2 ) and currents (I1 , I2 ) can be represented in matrix form as

    
 I1   y11 y12   V1 
 =   (2.2)
I2 y21 y22 V2
Metamaterial Transmission Line 32

where, all four parameters (y11 , y12 , y21 and y22 ) represent admittance. In particular,y12
and y21 are transfer admittances while Y is the corresponding parameter matrix.

The generalized form of Y in terms of voltage and current can be rewritten as:


 Y11 = V1
if V2 = 0

 Y12 I1
= if V1 = 0

Y =
 Y I2

 21 = V1
if V2 = 0

 Y I2
22 = V2
if V1 = 0

3. The ABCD parameter relates the input current and voltage at port 1 to the
output current and voltage at port 2. It is also called the transmission param-
eters. Given (V2 , I2 ) and finding the current (I1 ) and voltage V1 in matrix form
can be represented as:
    
 V1   A B   V2 
 =   (2.3)
I1 C D −I2

where A and D are dimensionless coefficients, B impedance and C admittance.

A negative sign (−I2 ) is added to the output current in the model, so that the
direction of the current is outward, in order to ensure easy analysis of a cascade
of multiple network models.

The generalized form the ABCD parameter (T) in terms of voltage and current
Metamaterial Transmission Line 33

can be rewritten as: 

 A = VV12 if I2 = 0

 B = V1

if V2 = 0
T =

 C = VI12 if I2 = 0

 D = I1

if V2 = 0

4. The h parameter relates the input current at port 1 and the voltage at port 2
to the output current at port 2 and the voltage at port 1. Given (V2 , I1 )and
finding the current (I2 ) and voltageV1 in matrix form can be represented as :

    
 V1   h11 h12   I1 
 =   (2.4)
I2 h21 h22 V2

where h12 and h21 are dimensionless coefficients, h11 impedance and h22 admit-

The generalised form of the h parameter (H) in terms of voltage and current
can be written as:

 h11 = VI1! if V2 = 0

 h12 = V1

if I1 = 0
 h21 = I2
 if V2 = 0

 I1

 h = I2

if I1 − 0
22 V2

5. The S parameter is measured by sending a single frequency signal into the

network or black box and detecting the waves exiting from each port. A matrix
of great use in microwave network problems is the scattering matrix, so-called
due to its analogy to the scattering or reflection of waves by a free-space reflector
Metamaterial Transmission Line 34

[2]. The wave functions used to define s-parameters for a two-port network.
Two-port network showing incident waves (a1 , a2 ) and reflected waves (b1 , b2 )
used in s-parameter definitions. It can be represented as in Figure. 2.3 and its
definition is:

Figure 2.3: S matrix of two port network [11]

    
 b1   S11 S12   a1 
 =   (2.5)
b2 S21 S22 a2

where a2 are the incident waves and b2 the reflected waves at port 2 and a1 the
incident waves and b1 the reflected waves at port 1. S11 , S22 , S21 and S12 are
scattering parameters which can be written as:

S11 = ( ab11 )a2 =0 = input reflection coefficient with the output port terminated by
a matched load (ZL = Z0 sets a2 = 0).

S22 =( ab22 )a1 =0 = output reflection coefficient with the input port terminated by
a matched load (Zs = Z0 sets a1 = 0).

S21 = ( ab21 )a2 =0 = forward transmission (insertion) gain with the output port
Metamaterial Transmission Line 35

terminated by a matched load (ZL = Z0 sets a2 = 0)

S12 =( ab12 )a1 =0 = reverse transmission (insertion) gain with the input port ter-
minated by a matched load (Zs = Z0 sets a1 =0)

Consequently, there is a relationship among the wave voltages for networks

which are reciprocal S12 = S21 , symmetrical S11 = S22 , asymmetrical S11 =
−S22 and lossless reciprocal |S11 | = |S22 | and |S11 |2 + |S12 |2 = 1 [2]. let us
consider ABCD parameters that are used for relating the sending end voltage
and current to the receiving end voltage and currents. In order to determine
the voltage and current distributions of a cascaded network, we use the ABCD
parameters of a two port network which, in terms of S parameter conversion, is

A = ((1 + S11 )(1 − S22 ) + (S12 S21 ))/(2S21 )

B = Zo((1 + S11 )(1 + S22 ) − (S12 S21 ))/(2S21 )

C = ((1 − S11 )(1 − S22 ) − (S12 S21 ))/(2S21 Zo)

D = ((1 − S11 )(1 + S22 ) + (S12 S21 ))/(2S21 )


For a cascade connection of N-cell two-port networks [11], its ABCD matrix,
[AN , BN , CN , DN ] is equal to the product of the ABCD matrix for the individual
Metamaterial Transmission Line 36

cell, [AK , BK , CK , DK ].

   N
 AN BN   AK BK 
 =  (2.7)

Once the ABCD matrix for the cascade network is established, the correspond-
ing S parameter of the whole network with the termination port ’s impedance
(Z0 ) can be derived as:

   
A+B/zo−Czo−D 2(AD−BC)
 S11 S12   A+B/zo+Czo+D A+B/zo+Czo+D
= (2.8)

 
2 −A+B/zo−Czo+D
S21 S22 A+B/zo+Czo+D A+B/zo+Czo+D

2.2 Characteristic behaviour of transmission line

An ideal infinitesimal TL is characterised by its complex propagation constant (γ =

α + jβ) and characteristic impedance (Zc). These quantities are obtained from the
per-unit-length immittances (Z 0 and Y 0 ) by the fundamental TL theory as follows.
The output current (Io ) and voltage (Vo ) can be related to the input current (Ii )
and voltage (Vi ) via this [ABCD] matrix as:

      
 Vo  V
−γp  i   A B   Vi 
 =e  =   (2.9)
Io Ii C D Ii

This can be rearranged into the form of a homogeneous linear system by:

    
 A−e B   Vi   0 
  =  (2.10)
C D−e Ii 0
Metamaterial Transmission Line 37

which has a non-trivial solution if, and only if, the determinant is equal to zero, i.e:

e2γp − (A + D)(eγp ) + (AD − BC) = 0 (2.11)

(AD-BC=1) and (A=D) symmetric network and (AD-BC=1) reciprocal network can
be multiplied the above equation with e−jγp as:

cosh γp = (A + D)/2 (2.12)

where, as γ = the propagation constant, γ = α + jβ α = the attenuation constant

and β = the dispersion characteristics, the complex propagation constant can be
expressed in terms of the per-unit-length immittances (Z 0 ) and (Y 0 ) as:

γ = α + jβ = Z 0Y 0 (2.13)

The corresponding artificial effective TL periodic structure may be characterised

by applying the Bloch-Floquet theorem in the transmission matrix formalism. Unlike
a conventional uniform RH TL, such as the microstrip or strip line, in which the
characteristic impedance can be defined at any point along the line, the periodic
LC network representation of the CRLH TL does not have a well-defined impedance
due to its network loading [11, 35]. Instead, in such a periodic network, the Bloch
impedance (ZB ), which is defined as the impedance at the terminals of the unit cell
at any k-th point of the TL, is used and given as:

   
 Vk   Vin 
ZB =  = = −B/(A − eγp ) (2.14)
Ik Iin
Metamaterial Transmission Line 38

An inspection of Figure. 2.1 reveals that a CRLH structure exhibits a passband

filtering magnitude response with a low-frequency cutoff ( ωcL ) corresponding dom-
inantly to the LH (LL , CL ) high-pass contribution and high-frequency cutoff (ωcR )
which corresponds dominantly to the RH (LR , CR ) low-pass contribution. These cut-
off frequencies can be determined by identifying the frequencies at which the Bloch
impedance of the structure becomes imaginary, and are given in the next section.
The constitutive metamaterial parameters, which are defined in the long-wavelength
range of p/λg << 1, are obtained by mapping the telegraphers equations to Maxwells
equations. They read as follows: µω = Z/jω and ω = Y /jω have been shown to
provide the expected metamaterial refractive effects in 2D configurations [11].

2.2.1 Dispersion Relation, Bloch Impedance, and Cutoff Frequencies

The per-unit-length immittances of the CRLH TL (Figure. 2.1) are:

Z = R0 + j(ωL0R − 1/ωCL0 ) (2.15)

Y = G0 + j(ωCR0 − 1/ωL0L ) (2.16)

TL metamaterials operate in transmission bands at frequencies far away from the

resonances of the artificial structure. Therefore, as their losses, like in a conventional
TL medium, do not affect their transmission characteristics to the first order, for
simplicity, throughout this study, we assume that R0 = G0 = 0 and consider losses as
perturbations of the lossless responses whenever necessary. Inserting the expressions
in (2.15) and (2.16) (with R0 = G0 = 0) into (2.13) and (2.14) yields the ideal
infinitesimal TL propagation constant and characteristic impedance [10, 11, 35] as:
Metamaterial Transmission Line 39

s 2
ω  ω 2
γ = js(ω) + + + (2.17)
ωR ω CL0 L0L

where s(ω) is a sign function equal to -1 in a LH band and to +1 in a RH band, and

the case of equal series and shunt resonances ( ωse ωsh ) is referred to as the balanced
resonance condition. The Bloch impedance in terms of wse , wsh is represented as:

ω ω
ZB = ZL 2
−1 / 2
+1 (2.18)
ωse ωsh

Figure 2.4: CRLH transmission characteristics, balanced (wse = wsh = wo ) and unbal-
anced resonance (wse 6= wsh )designs for an N = 5cell structure. Balanced
parameters: LR = LL = 2.5 nH, CR = CL = 1 pF, ZR = ZL = 5 O, fcL
= 1.32 GHz, fsh = fse = fo =3.18 GHz, and fcR = 7.18 GHz. Unbalanced
parameters: LR = 2 nH, LL = 2.5 nH, CR = 1 pF, CL = 0.75 pF, ZR
= 44.74, = ZL = 57.4 O, fcL = 1.51 GHz, fsh = 3.06 GHz, fo = 3.62
GHz, fse = 4.27 GHz, and fcR = 8.64 GHz. (a) Dispersion diagrams com-
puted by Equation 2.41 . (b) Normalized Bloch impedances computed by
Equation 2.42 [11] [35]

Figure. 2.4 presents typical dispersion diagrams and Bloch impedances for a
CRLH TL metamaterial showing that, in the passband, the lower frequency band is
LH (β < 0) and the higher is RH (β > 0) [35]. In the balanced-resonance case, mutual
cancellation of the series resonance (ωse ) and shunt resonance (ωsh ) closes up the
Metamaterial Transmission Line 40

unbalanced-resonance cases spectral gap and produces a unique transition frequency

with non-zero group velocity (slope) and infinite wavelength (β = 0, phase origin wo
) propagation. Inspection of the Bloch impedance in Figure. 2.5 (b) reveals that the
balanced-resonance condition is also the one for optimal matching (nearly constant
ZB ) over a broad frequency range whereas, in the unbalanced-resonance case, the
Bloch impedance varies abruptly between 0 and infinity between ωse and ωsh which
leads to a narrow bandwidth. Finally, it may be verified [35] that ωcL = 2π1.5 × 109
and ωcR = 2π7.6 × 109 , the bandwidth would extend from 2π1.5 × 109 rad/s to
2π7.6 × 109 rad/s[35]. When limp/λg →0 ωcL =0 limp/λg →0 and ωcR = infinity then
bandwidth of the structure is increased as the unit cell is miniaturised.

2.3 Waveguiding Structure of Transmission Line

TEM transmission structures, such as the coaxial cable and parallel plate, and they
do support a guided wave, the term waveguide more commonly refers to a closed
metallic structure with a fixed crosssection within which a guided wave propagates, as
shown for an arbitrary cross-section in Figure.2.5. This guide is filled with materials of
permittivity () and permeability (µ), and is defined by its metallic wall parallel to the
z-axis. The electromagnetic waves in the (metal-pipe) waveguide may be imagined as
travelling down it in a zig-zag path by being repeatedly reflected between its opposite
walls. In the particular case of a Rectangular waveguide (RW), it is possible to base
an exact analysis of it on this. Propagation in a dielectric waveguide may be viewed
in the same way, with the waves confined to the dielectric by total internal reflection
at its surface [2, 34].
These structures demonstrate lower losses than the simple TL structures in the
Metamaterial Transmission Line 41

first section. For lower frequencies, the waveguide dimensions become impractically
large and, for higher frequencies, they become impractically small (the manufacturing
tolerance becomes a significant portion of the waveguide size). These structures are
used to transport power in the microwave and mm-wave frequency range. These
waveguide have low Ohmic loses and are capable of carrying large power levels [2, 11,
34, 36].

Figure 2.5: Geometry of enclosed waveguide with arbitrary cross -section (propaga-
tion in z direction) [34]

A variety of geometries are used for waveguides, the most common being the RW
which is used in the microwave and well into the mm-wave frequency regimes. It is
a rectangular metallic guide of width a and height b which propagates both TE and
TM modes and is shown in Figure. 2.6. For conciseness, the field components of the
T Emn and T Mmn modes. From the basic forms of the equations, we can see that the
effect of the rectangular cross-section is a standing-wave dependence determined by
the dimensions of the crosssection of a and b. The dominant mode in a RW is the
Metamaterial Transmission Line 42

T E10 which has a cutoff frequency of [34]:

f c10 = √ (2.19)
2a µ

Further, h (and, therefore, the propagation constant γ) are determined by a and

b. The dimensions of a waveguide are chosen so that only a single mode propagates
at the desired frequency with all other modes cut off. By convention, a > b and a
ratio of a/b = 2.1 is typical for commercial waveguide types [34].

Figure 2.6: Geometry of RW [34]

2.3.1 Planar guiding structure

The next stage in TL development involves the waveguides which have been suc-
cessfully utilised to date in cm and mm technology enabling us to investigate the
behaviour of waveguides and to design some to account for the different demands
following from the functionality of a line within the circuit. In parallel, the theory of
Metamaterial Transmission Line 43

dielectric lines is built up. Useful features of dielectric lines are utilised in special cases
of signal propagation, e.g., microwave spectroscopy and communication systems, par-
ticularly in the mm-wave range. Space-reduced versions of dielectric waveguides are
those used for optical fibres and other light guides used in optical signal processing
Advances in semiconductor technology, the production of high-quality organic ma-
terials or ceramics with a low loss factor and the availability of low-cost printed circuit
boards have opened up the latest stage in TL development arrangement, usually a
combination of dielectrics and metallisation, is TLs which are microstrip, coplanar
waveguide (CPW) and stripline. Low loss, negligible signal distortion, a high trans-
mitted power capability, electromagnetic compatibility, a wide operational frequency
band and pure dominant mode propagation are desirable for any kind of TL, along
with easy and low-cost production, and high integrability with various passive circuits
and active devices. As TLs such as waveguides and coaxial lines transmit waves in
a space totally confined by metallic walls, they satisfy all these demands. Compared
with them, open TLs in which waves propagate along the line and in its close vicinity,
such as two-wire, strip, microstrip and uniplanar lines, and CPWs, etc., have reduced
transmitted power, higher losses cross-talk to neighbouring circuits and, occasionally
strong, dispersion. The features of closed and open lines overlap when a line belongs
to the fin-lines group. However, they are not easy to produce. Of these, the microstrip
is by far the most commonly used planar TL. CPW can also be used with slot lines.
In this section, we describe the basic properties of planar TLs, CPWs and Substrate
integrated waveguides (SIWs) which are described in detail [2, 11, 34, 36].
The microstrip is probably the most popular TL of choice for MMIC, IC and PCB
Metamaterial Transmission Line 44

(Figure. 2.7a). It is formed by a conductor strip on a dielectric insulator

Figure 2.7: Types of planar TLs [34]: (a) microstrip; (b) coplanar waveguide, (c) slot
line, and (d) coplanar strip line.

A planar with a conductor plane at the bottom and, typically, air at the top.
It cannot support a true TEM wave propagation since the dielectric materials sur-
rounding it are inhomogeneous. Therefore, both the E and H fields have longitudinal
components (a hybrid mode) [2] but, as they are small, the dominant mode is referred
to as quasi-TEM. The main driver for microstrip popularity is credited to its sim-
pler fabrication process using conventional processes. Microwave components, such
as antennas, couplers, filters, power dividers, etc., can be formed from microstrips
with each entire device existing as the pattern of metallisation on the substrate.
Therefore, a microstrip is much less expensive than traditional waveguide technology,
as well as being far lighter and more compact. The disadvantages of the microstrip
Metamaterial Transmission Line 45

compared with the waveguide are generally lower power-handling capacity and higher
losses. Also, unlike a waveguide, as a microstrip is not enclosed, it is susceptible to
cross-talk and unintentional radiation.
Other principal disadvantages are pointed to the requirement for a minimum of
two metal layers and vertical vias interconnects and vulnerable to dispersion and
radiation at high frequency region. With increasing frequency, the effective dielectric
constant gradually climbs towards that of the substrate so that the phase velocity
gradually decreases. This is true even with a non-dispersive substrate material (the
substrates dielectric constant will usually fall with increasing frequency) [2].
The coplanar waveguide (CPW) shown in Figure. 2.7(b) consists of a signal
line and two ground planes on a dielectric slab which has metallisation on one side.
The signal line width (s) and the two gaps (w1 and w2) determine characteristic
impedance. The dispersion characteristics of the CPW are better than those of the
microstrip. Another advantage offered by CPW is that three terminal devices can
be easily integrated into its uniplanar TL that requires no vias for grounding which
leads to CPW it being a good choice for high-frequency operation as its parasitics are
lower [34].
Two fundamental modes are supported by the three-conductor line shown in Fig-
ure. 2.7(b), including the desired CPW mode and an undesired coupled slot-line
mode, if the two ground planes separating the signal line are not kept at the same
potential. In order to disable mode conversion, wires or metal strips referred to as
via holes are placed at the discontinuities [2, 11, 34, 36]. The bottom plane of the
dielectric may come into close proximity with other materials and cause perturbations
of the TLs characteristics. This is remedied by using a grounded or conductor-backed
Metamaterial Transmission Line 46

CPW (GCPW or CBCPW) in which a ground plane is placed on its back side to
provide electrical isolation. Additional losses through coupling to the parallel-plate
waveguide mode occur at high frequencies but vias in the region around the TL sup-
press them.Although CPW was first proposed by Wen in 1969, acceptance of CPW
has been much slower than microstrip. For this reason, simple and reliable models
for CPW are not as readily available as for microstrip.
The slot line and coplanar strip line (CPS) are two other types of planar TL
shown in Figure. 2.7 (c) and (d). Both these structures consist of a dielectric slab
with metallisation on one side. The slot line has a slot of width w etched into the
ground plane. The CPS consists of two metal strips of widths w1 and w2 separated
by a distance (s) on the dielectric slab. Due to their geometries, both are balanced TL
structures and useful in balanced circuits, such as mixers and modulators [34]. The
slot line is sometimes used in conjunction with other TL types, such as the microstrip
or CPW for increased versatility, for example filters, hybrids and resonators. The
CPS TL has two conductors on the top plane of the circuit which allow series or
shunt elements to be readily integrated into its circuit. Difficulties with CPS include
its high characteristic impedances.
Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology is a compromise between the
planar and waveguide technologies that features interesting characteristics in terms
of ease of integration into other circuit components while offering components with
high-quality factors [37]. It is related to Rectangular waveguide where as others are
not. It is based on realising a waveguide within a dielectric substrate. The upper and
lower substrate metallisations are used as the broad walls of the waveguide structure
while the narrow side walls are synthesised in the form of two rows of metallised
Metamaterial Transmission Line 47

via holes or grooves connecting the top and bottom metallic plates (Figure. 2.8 (c))
resulting structure is a waveguide that possesses a planar profile and offers the good
performances of metallic waveguides [37].

Figure 2.8: Dimensions of: (a) RW, (b) dielectric waveguide and (c) SIW; and (d)
diameter and pitch

Since the early 1990s, different attempts towards the implementation of waveguide
structures in planar form have been undertaken. The first reference in the literature
is to a Japanese patent in 1994 in which a new dielectric-filled waveguide, in the form
of two rows of metallic vias in a dielectric substrate, was proposed [37].
Since the early 2000s, a renewal of interest in SIW technology and SIW-based
components has been intensively encouraged by a team led by Prof. Ke Wu at the
Polygrames Research Center. It has focused particular effort towards the design
and modelling of SIW-based components, planar excitations and interconnects which
introduce the concept of SIC as a new vision of a system on substrate (SoS). A simple
microstrip to SIW transition reported in 2001 has promoted research into the SIW
Metamaterial Transmission Line 48

[38, 39] and, in fact, has become one of the most cited references in SIW studies
employing planar excitations. Most of the classical microwave components have been
mapped into SIW technology including different planar transitions [38-42].
For a RW (not applicable for SIW), the cutoff frequency of its arbitrary mode is
found by [2, 34]:

c mπ 2  nπ 2
fc = + (2.20)
2π a b

where c is the speed of light in vacuum, m and n mode numbers, and a and b
dimensions of the waveguide.
For the T Em0 mode (applicable for SIW), a much-simplified version of this formula
is [34]: where:
f c = c/2a (2.21)

For a dielectric filled waveguide (DFW) (Figure. 2.8 (b)) with the same cutoff
frequency, dimension ad is found by:

ad = a/ r (2.22)

where r is relative permittivity.

Having determined the dimension a for the DFW, we can now pass to the design
equations for the SIW where [38, 39]:

as = ad + d2 /0.95p (2.23)
Metamaterial Transmission Line 49

and d is the diameter of each via and pitch (p) is distance between the vias (Figure.
2.8 (d)), so:

d < λg /5 (2.24)

p < 2d (2.25)

where λg Guided wavelength is [39]

λg = q (2.26)
2πf 2 π 2
r c
+ a

The dimensions of the substrate depend upon λg and fc . This derivation indicates
placements of the via holes.

2.3.2 Planar CRLH transmission line

The CRLH TL is obtained by chaining several unit cells (UCs) each of which contains
an IDC and a shunt stub inductor, as shown in Figure.2.9. Each stub inductor is
terminated in a via-hole short circuit. CRLH TLs have been investigated in microstrip
technology, this is the first distributed TL MTM structure.
Metamaterial transition with SIW have been presented in [27,43,44]. These meta-
material radiating structures are realized by etching interdigital slots on the waveguide
surface and the ground. The slot behaves as a series capacitor. The main reason is
that the proposed CRLH cell dispersions are insensitive to the frequency especially
in the right-handed radiating region, thus cause a wide frequency bandwidth for the
propagation constant β changing from −k to +k , where k is the wave number in the
Metamaterial Transmission Line 50

Figure 2.9: Planar CRLH TL MTM unit cell [11]

air [27, 43-45].

2.4 Equivalent circuit modeling of planar CRLH transmission line

The planar CRLH TL consists of cascade of planar CRLH unit cells, as shown in
Figure.2.10 (a). Figure.2.10 (b) shows an equivalent LC circuit model of a symmetrical
unit cell of size p which is essentially composed of a series of IDCs (2CL ) and a shunt
inductance (LL ) formed by a TL shortened to the ground plane. Due to the inherent
parasitic nature of a TL circuit at high frequency, a parasitic series inductance (LR /2)
and a shunt capacitance (CR ) are associated with the CRLH TL MTM structure. The
equivalent circuit describes the characteristic behaviour of the TL [11,46,47].

2.5 Earlier topology for the extraction of equivalent circuit model from
planar CRLH TL

Approximation formulas for the inductance LL and capacitance CL may be obtained

as follows. The shortened stub corresponds to a shorted TL, with input impedance,
Metamaterial Transmission Line 51

Figure 2.10: (a) planar CRLH TL MTM with inter-digital capacitor and shortened
stub inductor; and (b) equivalent LC circuit model of UC [23]

where Zcsi , βsi , and Lsi represent the characteristic impedance, the propagation con-
stant and length of stub, respectively [48].

LL = Zcsi /ω tan(βsi Lsi ), (2.27)

Equating this expression with the ideal impedance of an inductance,( jωLL ), we

obtain the following low-frequency approximation for the inductance of the stub which
is seen to be frequency dependent. One (among others) rough approximation for the
capacitance of the interdigital capacitor is the empirical formula [11] :

CL = (r + 1)Lic [(N − 3)A1 + A2](pF) (2.28)

Metamaterial Transmission Line 52

A1 = 4.409 tanh 0.55(h/wic )0.45 106 (pF/µm)

A2 = 9.92 tanh 0.52(h/wic )0.5 106 (pF/µm)

Lic , wic and h represent the length of the capacitor, the overall width of its finger
and the height of the substrate, respectively. The approximate formulas in (2.27)
and (2.28) may be only used as starting estimates for design. In the next paragraph,
present a more accurate approach based on the extraction of parameters from a full-
wave simulation or measurements [11].
The other way for extracting the parameters LR , CR , LL and CL in the CRLH
implementation as shown in Figure. 2.11(a), is to consider the equivalent circuit of
this unit cell constituted by the series connection of the interdigital capacitor and
shortened stub inductor, as shown in Figure. 2.11 (b), while Figure. 2.11 (c) shows
an auxiliary T − π network that is for extraction.
The scattering parameters of the interdigital capacitor and stub inductor taken
separately are determined by either full-wave simulation or measurement. For this
purpose, a short section of a microstrip TL has to be added at each end of the
component to ensure extinction of the higher-order modes generated by the coaxial
connector-to-microstrip transition discontinuity. Because the most important prop-
erties of MTMs are related to phase, it is essential to de-embed the component,
that is, subtract the phase shifts due to the additional microstrip lines by appro-
priate reference plane positioning or calibration (e.g., TRL calibration) [11, 46-47].
The scattering or S parameters of the interdigital capacitor and sub inductors are
Metamaterial Transmission Line 53

Figure 2.11: (a)Unit cell of Planar CRLH transmission line for extraction of param-
eters of the unit cell of Figure 2.10; (b)Equivalent circuit; and (c) Aux-
iliary equivalent π and T networks [11]

then converted into admittance or Y parameters and impedance or Z parameters,

respectively, using standard conversion formulas [2]. The extracting the parameter of
Figure. 2.11 (b)) and c) in terms Z and Y parameters can be written as.

(Y11ic )−1 + (Y21ic )−1

Cpic = ,

1 ∂(1/Y21ic ) 1
s = [ω − ], (2.29)
2jω ∂ω Y21 ic
2 ∂(1/Y21ic ) 1
Csic = [ω + ]
jω ∂ω Y21 ic
And the extracting the parameter of Figure. 2.11 (c) in terms Z and Y parameters
can be written as:
Metamaterial Transmission Line 54

si −1 si −1
(Z11 ) + (Z21 )
s = ,

1 ∂(1/Z21 ) 1
Cpsi = [ω + ], (2.30)
2jω ∂ω Z21 ic
2 ∂(1/Z21 ) 1
Lsip = [ω − ]
jω ∂ω Z21 ic
Determination of the expressions of the isolated reactances Cic and Lsi is im-
mediate, whereas calculations of the reactances Lic - Cic and Csi - Lsi , appearing
resonant/antiresonant tanks, require derivation with respect to ω to provide one
additional equation for determination of all unknowns. Finally, neglecting the ex-
tremely small inductance Lsi , we obtain the four CRLH parameters LR = Lic
s , CR =

2Cpic + Cpic , LL = Lsi ic

p , CL = Cs . It should be noted that, as this parameter extrac-

tion procedure considers complex S, Y, and Z parameters, it is a rigorous technique

which describes both the magnitudes and the phase behaviors of the waves traveling
along the structure. A second important point to note is that the expressions for
the extracted parameters depend on frequency since the equation of IDC and stub
inductors are explicit functions of ω as well as the Y and Z parameters. Consequently,
a frequency at which extraction is performed or the extraction frequency ( ω) must
be chosen. If the whole bandwidth (LH and RH) of the CRLH structure (ω0 ) is
used , a judicious choice for the extraction frequency is the transition frequency as,
performing extraction at other frequencies will yield slightly different responses [11].
The problem of this type of extraction process is that results vary with frequency
and it shows spikes. This thesis focuses on a new method for extracting the equivalent
circuit model from a planar TL, the pseudo inverse technique, which overcomes this
problem as its results dont vary with frequency.
Metamaterial Transmission Line 55

2.6 Chapter summary

This chapter is a general overview of CRLH TL. It focuses on the background of

CRLH TLs. It also presents different types of TL and relates them to lumped compo-
nent/element (LC) models. The description of a planar guiding structure is presented
and the microstrip, CPW, strip line, slot line, SIW (dealt with rectangular waveguide
and planar) and planar CRLH TLs are discussed. The last section looks at earlier
topologies for extracting an equivalent circuit model of CRLH transmission.
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 56

Chapter 3

Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit


In the previous chapters, the TLs and waveguiding structures of RH, LH and CRLH
TLs have been discussed. Topologies used in earlier works to extract the lumped
elements of an equivalent circuit model from planar CRLH IDC shunt inductor TLs
have also been presented [49-52]. In this chapter, we introduce the pseudo inverse
approach for extracting the equivalent circuit model of a CRLH unit cell using the S
parameters from a circuit simulator. Also, the tools used for full-wave simulation of
the CRLH IDC shunt inductor TL are discussed.
The equivalent circuit (schematic) model of a unit cell TL (See Section 2.1) char-
acterised by three types of networks

1. Asymmetrical

2. Symmetrical T

3. Symmetrical π

The asymmetrical network consists of one impedance branch with capacitance

Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 57

Figure 3.1: Types of CRLH TL network: (a) Asymmetrical; (b) Symmetrical T; and
(c) Symmetrical π

(CL ) and inductance (LR ) in a series and an admittance branch with inductance (LL )
and capacitance (CR ) in parallel, as shown in Figure. 3.1 (a). Symmetrical T network
consists of two impedance branches, each with a capacitance (2CL ) and inductance
(LR /2) in a series and an admittance branch with inductance (LL ) and capacitance
(CR ) in parallel, as shown in Figure. 3.1 (b). Symmetrical π network consists of two
admittance branches, each with capacitance (CR /2) and inductance (2LL ) and an
impedance branch with inductance (LR ) and capacitance (CL ), as shown in Figure.
3.1 (c).
The behaviours of these networks depend upon the arrangement of their impedances
and admittances [11, 35] and are observed by simulating the networks using ADS
[53,54] (advanced design system ) software.

3.1 Advanced Design system

ADS is an electronic design automation software system produced by Agilent EEs

of EDA,[53, 54]. It supports every step of the design process schematic capture,
layout, and circuit and momentum - electromagnetic field simulation. These are
used to create S-parameter models directly from printed circuit board (PCB) layouts,
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 58

generate the PCB layout of Extraction of the circuit schematic model of CRLH unit
cell a microstrip and CPW from its schematic tool; create the PCB layouts of a
microstrip and CPW from its momentum tool; and quickly analyse and characterise
the layouts by running millions of data bits in just a few minutes. These features
allow simulations of PCB designs at the highest frequencies[77]. These are used to
fully characterize and optimize an circuit and momentum design.
In the thesis we have used two tools of ADS. These are schematic and momentum
tool. The ADS schematic tool is used to design circuit topologies which are ready
for simulation. This hierarchical schematic capture tool provides a vast array of
components such as lumped elements,simulation controllers, PCB elements which are
pre-built functions so that the schematics that drive transient and frequency domain
simulations, etc, can be quickly captured.
In this chapter, we have used an inbuilt function of lumped elements of symmetric
T CRLH circuit model from ADS schematic tool to obtain electromagnetic simulation
of circuit by following steps. First is to add the prebuilt function of lumped element (
inductors and capacitors) from schematic tool make them symmetric T CRLH circuit
model as in Figure.3.1(b). Then, add the termination ports in the two end of the
circuit. The Termination components (available in the S-parameter simulation tool as
Term) should be used to define the input and output ports. The input Term should be
identified as Num=1, and the output Term as Num=2. These terminations must be
added to the RF network before running a simulation. They should also be connected
to ground. Then, using the S-parameter simulation component (S − P arameters)
from the Simulation-S Param enables us to obtain the scattering parameters (S-
parameters) of a circuit.
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 59

The another is momentum tool of ADS. The simulation result in ADS circuit
schematic is usually inaccurate, one issue is the parasitic elements at the intercon-
nection points between these high and low-z segments, and another issue is the ra-
diation loss. Therefore, one needs more accurate way to simulate the real GCPW
waveguide, whose simulation are closely compare with real-world measurement using
a Vector Network Analyser (VNA). VNA has the ability to characterize the device
under test(e.g., a high-speed connector) across a suitable range of frequencies and
extracted the S-parameter data. One efficient numerical simulation method is called
momentum method, that works on the Method of Moment(MoM) technology. As we
know the MoM involves solving Maxwells equations, correspond to this real GCPW
structure also involve Maxwells equations which is a partial differential equation in
both space and time. In this problem, one can use harmonic function to remove the
time dependence. The space-related differential equation can be converted to alge-
braic equation by means of Fourier transform. In quantum mechanics, the derivative
of time corresponds to energy, and the derivative of space corresponds to momentum.
In chapter 4 and 5, we have used GCPW simulation with momentum tool. The
process of setting up and running the momentum simulation and then viewing the
results is discussed here. As we have used MLin in chapter 4 and MLin and M
interdigital in chapter 5 and export this to layout and add the port in the opposite
order for simulation of GCPW [53, 54]. Then add the ground plane separation is
w1 = 4.5 mm and w2 = 4.5 mm, the conductor width (s) =1.750mm and the length
(L)=20mm. name of the substrate is copper clad,. Above and below the separation
w1 and w2 act as free space layer. After this GND layer is used in copper clad
substrate. Also add the hole and fix the layer as hole. Precompute the Mesh in
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 60

40 in each cell. It is a division of the layout into small rectangles so that the fields
from each can be found and then added together to get the total field. Then use the
momentum simulation tool in layout section which shows the terminal characteristics
in ”S-Parameter” form. Then, it quickly analyse and characterise the layouts by
running millions of data bits in just a few minutes. These features allow simulations
of layout designs at the highest frequencies.

3.1.1 Theory of extracting equivalent circuit of a unit cell from S pa-

rameter of ADS

As in previous section, describe the ADS and its tools which help us to simulate the
S-parameter of circuit. S parameter can be easily done with the help ADS of any
circuit, But in planar circuit characteristic depend upon equivalent circuit model. In
this section, we have described the theory to extract the equivalent circuit model of
a CRLH unit cell.
The equivalent circuit (schematic) model of a CRLH unit cell can be characterised
by its impedance and admittance obtained using the values of its lumped elements,
LR , CR , LL and CL [11, 35] as shown in Fig 3.1. The S parameters can be obtained
using the values of LR , CR , LL and CL . In the ADS schematic editor tool, magnitudes
of the S parameters lie within the interval 0 to 1. Extraction of LR , CR , LL and CL
has been done in three steps. First step is to convert S parameter to ABCD parameter
of unit cell. The ABCD parameters of unit cell can be calculated from S parameter
using equation (2.6). Second step is to convert ABCD parameter to impedance ( Z
)and admittance (Y) of unit cell. In Fig 3.1 relate the symmetrical T network, the
symmetrical π network and the Asymmetrical network of unit cell with impedance
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 61

and admittance. The ABCD parameter depend on its impedance (Z) and admittance
(Y). The ABCD parameters for a symmetrical T network (Fig 3.1 (b) ) can be written

   
 A B   1 + ZY /2 Z(1 + 0.25ZY ) 
 =  (3.1)
C D Y 1 + ZY /2

Using the above equation, the impedance (Z) and admittance (Y) can be written as:

Y =C (3.2)

2(A − 1)
Z= (3.3)

The ABCD parameters of an asymmetrical network (Fig 3.1 (a) ) can be written as:

   
 A B   1 + ZY Z 
 =  (3.4)
C D Y 1

Using (3.4), the impedance (Z) and admittance (Y) can be written as:

Y =C (3.5)

Z=B (3.6)

The ABCD parameters of a symmetrical π network (Fig 3.1 (c) ) can be written

   
 A B   1 + ZY /2 Z
= (3.7)

 
C D 0.5Y (2 + 0.5ZY ) 1 + ZY /2
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 62

Using (3.7), the impedance (Z) and admittance (Y) can be written as:

Z=B (3.8)

Y = 2C/(A − 1) (3.9)

The third step is to extract the LR , CR , LL and CL from impedance and Ad-
mittance. The impedance and admittance can be written in terms of the lumped
elements LR , CR , LL and CL [35] as follows

0 0
Zsym,c = j(ωLR − 1/ωCL ) (3.10)

0 0
Ysym,c = j(ωCR − 1/ωLL ) (3.11)

For an Asymmetrical network= L0R = LR ; CR0 = CR ; L0L = LL and CL0 = CL

For a Symmetrical T network= L0R = LR /2 ; CR0 = CR ; L0L = LL and CL0 = 2CL
For a Symmetrical Π network= L0R = LR ; CR0 = CR /2; L0L = 2LL and CL0 = CL
There are N points of S parameters available for use ADS circuit simulations.
Using (3.1), (3.4) and (3.7), we derive the values of Z and Y from the S-parameter
values. We derive the the values of L0R , CL0 , L0L and CR0 using (3.10) and (3.11). We
obtain N different equations as N points of Z and Y are available. We write these
equations in the form of matrix equations. From (3.11), we obtain the following
matrix equation:
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 63

 
jω −1/jω1
 1
 
Z sym,c (ω1 ) 

  jω2 −1/jω2 
  

 Zsym,c (ω2 )   

  jω3 −1/jω3 
  
 
 Zsym,c (ω3 )  
   
   jω4 −1/jω4  L
 
R 
 Zsym,c (ω4 )  =  (3.12)
  
   0

  . .  1/CL
 
  

 .  
  
   . . 

 . 
  
 jωN −1/jωN 
 
Zsym,c (ωN )  

The admittance can be represented in matrix form as:

 
  jω1 −1/jω1
 Ysym,c (ω1 )  
 

   jω2 −1/jω2 
 Ysym,c (ω2 )    

  jω3 −1/jω3 
  
 
Ysymc,c (ω3 ) 
   
   jω4 −1/jω4 

  CR 
 Ysym,c (ω4 )  =  (3.13)
   
   1/L0L

   . .
.  
 
   
    . . 

 . 
  
  jωN −1/jωN 

Y (ω )
sym,c n
 
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 64

 
jω1 −1/jω1
 
 
 jω2 −1/jω2 
 
 
 jω −1/jω 
 3 3
 
 jω4 −1/jω4 
 
Let W= 
 

 . . 
 
 
 . . 
 
 
jωN 1/jωN 
 
 

We can rewrite equations 3.12 and 3.13 as follows

 
 LR 
Z = W  0
 (3.14)
 
 CR 
Y = W   (3.15)

The above equations( 3.14) and (3.15) cannot be solved by the standard inverse
matrix method [55-57] as these are not a square matrices. To solve such types of
non-square matrices, the pseudo inverse technique is used. Pseudo Inverse technique
is explained in the next section.

3.1.2 Pseudo Inverse Technique

It has been discussed that (3.14) and (3.15) cannot be solved by the standard inverse
matrix method because they have more rows (m) than columns (n). However, this
type of matrix equations can be solved by the pseudo inverse technique. Matlab
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 65

provides an implementation of the pseudo inverse technique. The pseudo inverse

technique has some of, but not all, the properties of the ordinary inverse and is also
known as the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse. It is denoted by a dagger superscript
[57] as:

A = X† (3.16)

Both sides of (3.14) and (3.15) are pre-multiplied with W † and the matrix of L0R
and CL0 is equal to the pseudo inverse of W multiplied by Z as:

 
 LR 
 0
 = W† Z (3.17)

The matrix of CR0 and L0L is equal to the pseudo inverse of W multiplied by Z as:

 
 CR 
 0
 = W† Y (3.18)

For different frequencies, we have corresponding values of Z and Y obtained by

conversion from S parameters. Let’s say the set of these Z values as Zset, set of the
values of Y as Yset and set of values of frequencies as Wset. We select a subset
Wsubset of Wset and corresponding Zsubset of Zset , Ysubset of Yset to obtain
lumped element values. Wsubset, Zsubset and Ysubset are choosen randomly from
Wset, Zset and Yset respectively. We construct the matrix W by using the points
from Wsubset and similarly the matrices Y and Z are constructed from Ysubset and
Zsubset. Pseudo inverse of W is obtained by using Moore-Penrose pseudo technique.
Equations 3.17 and 3.18 are then used to determine the values of the values of L0R ,
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 66

CR0 , L0L and CL0 . The cardinality of these chosen subset’s can be varied and, for each
instance of these subset’s, we determine the values of L0R and CL0 . Similarly, Y and
W pairs are used to obtain the values of CR0 and L0L .
In the simulations, the cardinality of such subsets in determined randomly and
is equal to N, where N is number of random points used. N varies from 2 to 1600
points. We have 2 variables, L0R and CL0 , and we have more than 2 equations relating
these variables. Thus, we have an over determined system of equations. These linear
equations do not all intersect at the same point, but each pair of equations may
intersect at different points. Thus, there is no one exact solution. We can get an
approximate fit value using pseudo inverse method to solve such an over determined
systems of equations. Thus, the value of L0R , CR0 , L0L and CL0 obtained are approximate
and vary with the number of random points selected.

3.1.3 Pseudo inverse technique theoretical explanation

The pseudo inverse matrix is solved using the singular value decomposition method
which provides the appropriate tool for analyzing a mapping from one vector space
into another with a different dimension. It is a simple and accurate way of computing
the pseudo inverse matrix [56, 57]. Consider a matrix ARn×m . For convenience
we assume n ≤ m (otherwise consider AT ). The SVD of A is a real-valued matrix
factorization, A = U SV T whereas :
U is a n × m matrix with orthogonal columns, U T U = Im /4, where Im is the m
× m identity matrix.
V is an orthogonal m× m matrix, V T = V −1 .
S is a m × m diagonal matrix, a matrix in which the entries outside the main
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 67

diagonal are all zero, with non-negative singular values, (σ1 , ...,σm ) on the diagonal.
By convention the singular values are given in the sorted order (σ1 , ...,σm )= 0.
The rank of A is given by the number of singular values that are non-zero.
The pseudo inverse of A in terms of singular value decomposition is A† = V S † U .
For a diagonal matrix such as S, the pseudoinverse matrix is obtained by taking the
reciprocal of each non-zero element on the diagonal, leaving the zeros in place and
transposing the resulting matrix [56, 57].
If A† is a unique matrix n×m , it satisfies all the conditions given below [56, 57],
that is:

AA† A = A (3.19a)

A† AA† = A† (3.19b)

(AA† )∗ = AA† (3.19c)

(AA† )∗ = A† A; (3.19d)

where * is a conjugate transpose. The above four conditions are called the Moore-
Penrose conditions. It can be shown that, if A is nonsingular, A† = A−1 satisfies
these conditions if we multiply the first condition on the right-hand side by A† as we
obtain (AA† )2 = AA† . Hence, by the third condition, A A† is an Hermitian matrix
and is also an orthogonal projector onto the range of (AA† ). Using this fact, for any
matrix product (AB) with a range(AB) ⊂ range(A), we have:

range(A) = range(AA† A) ⊂ range(AA† ) ⊂ range(A)

Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 68

Thus, range(AA† ) = range(A) so that AA† is an orthogonal projector onto range(A).

Similarly, one can show A† onto range(A† ) = range(A∗ ). These two conditions are
that AA† is an orthogonal projector onto range(A) and A† A is an orthogonal projector
onto range(A∗ ).
As result, rank is of fundamental importance in linear algebra. It is the number of
linearly independent rows (m) or columns (n) of matrix (A). It is commonly denoted
by either rank(A) or rank A.
If m≥ n and rank(A)=n, then rank(S) of A matrix is USV is equal to n and S is
n ×n matrix therefore
A† A = In

Where In is n × n identity
Thus, A† is a left inverse of A. Similarly if n ≥ m and rank(A)=m and S is m ×
m matrix then

AA† = Im

Where Im is m × m identity and A† is a right inverse of A. The rank of an m × n

matrix cannot be greater than m nor n. A matrix that has a rank as large as possible
is said to have full rank; otherwise, the matrix is rank deficient [56, 57].
The condition number associated with the linear equation Ax =B provides a limit
on how inaccurate solution x will be after its approximate solution. Conditioning
is a property of the matrix not the algorithm. In particular, one should think of
the condition number as being (very roughly) the rate at which the solution (x) will
change with respect to a change in B. Thus, if the condition number is large, even
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 69

a small error in b may cause a large error in x. On the other hand, if the condition
number is small, the error in x will not be much larger than that in B [56,57].
The condition number of a matrix can also describe the sensitivity of solutions of
linear systems to inaccuracies in the data. Suppose we want to measure the maximal
increase in relative inaccuracy for the worst position of b and error db when solving
x in the system Ax=B. Then, the condition number is the ratio of the largest to the
smallest singular value [56, 57] as:

cond = σmax /σmin (3.20)

where σ are singular value of A matrix

If the condition number is close to one, the matrix is well-conditioned which means
its inverse can be computed with good accuracy. If the condition number is large,
the matrix is said to be ill-conditioned. Practically, such a matrix is almost singular
and the computation of its inverse, or the solution to a linear system of equations,
is prone to large numerical errors. A matrix that is not invertible has a condition
number equal to infinity [56, 57].

3.1.4 Stability of output computed using pseudoinverse technique

The stability of the output values of the lumped elements (LR , CR , LL and CL )
of the unit cell is measured using the pseudo inverse technique by adding additional
noise into the circuit in the form of S parameters with noise. A noise waveform can
have a wide variety of shapes as there are different types of noise: Gaussian white
noise; low-pass filtered Gaussian noise; and uniform noise. We use Gaussian white
noise in our simulations to ascertain the accuracy of the pseudo inverse technique.
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 70

White noise is a random signal (or process) with a flat power spectral density (PSD).
In other words, it contains equal power within a fixed bandwidth at any centre of
frequency. White noise draws its name from white light in which the PSD of the light
is distributed over the visible band in such a way that the eyes three colour receptors
(cones) are approximately equally stimulated [58, 59].
An arbitrary value of the scale is chosen and white noise is calculated using the
equation nx = (rand−1/2)×2×scale. The value nx is added to the original complex
S parameter(s) in real as well as imaginary part, the value of which is modified as
sφ= real(s)+nx+j(imag(s)+nx), where sφ is the S parameter(s) with noise. Then
converting S-parameters with noise to ABCD parameters using equation (2.6), ob-
taining Z and Y from ABCD parameters using equations (3.2) and (3.3), and finally
extracting (LR , CR , LL and CL ) from Z and Y data using equations (3.14) and (3.15).

3.2 Extracting lumped elements for symmetrical T network

The circuit parameters (LR = 2nH, CR = 1pF, LL = 2.5nH, CL = 0.75pF and Zo=50)
are chosen for the EM simulation of the symmetrical T CRLH TL network with circuit
schematic tool of ADS, which consists of two impedance branches with capacitance
(2CL ) and inductance(LR /2 ) in a series and an admittance branch with inductance
( LL ) and capacitance (CR ) in parallel, as shown in Figure. 3.1 (b) [11].
Qualitatively, this CRLH TL network is a combination of the RH and LH networks
TLs. The frequencies fse and fsh are those in the series and shunt resonances, respec-
tively, and fcL and fcR those for the RH and LH behaviours of the CRLH equivalent
circuit model, respectively, which are known as cutoff frequencies and describe the
characteristic behaviour of an equivalent circuit model. The four critical frequencies
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 71

obtained using the equations in Section 2.1.1 are fcR =8.6840 GHz, fsh = 3.1831GHz,
fo =3.6166GHz, fcL = 1.5063 GHz and fse =4.1094e GHz [11].
Therefore, it is a passband filter when the condition that the parameter values of
the LH high-pass cutoff frequency (fcL ) are smaller than those of the RH low-pass
cutoff frequency (fcR ), that is, fcL < fcR ., is used These values are taken from [11]
for the unbalanced design.
It can be easily anticipated from the study of the homogeneous CRLH TL that this
CRLH TL network will also exhibit a low-frequency LH range and a high-frequency
RH range with interposed gaps between the two ranges depending on whether the
resonances are unbalanced.
The term unbalanced CRLH is used when the series and shunt resonance frequen-
cies are not equal, i.e., LR CL 6= LL CR in which case the stopband vanishes and the
transition from LH to RH occurs at the transition frequency ((fo ) ). The S parame-
ters are obtained after simulating the symmetrical T network using the ADS circuit
schematic tool. The frequency responses of the lumped elements obtained as the
result of simulation are shown in Figure. 3.2 (a) and (b).
Then, the S-parameter data obtained from ADS is transformed into ABCD pa-
rameters using equation (2.6)which are then transformed into Z (impedance) and Y
(admittance) by:

   
 A B   1 + ZY /2 Z(1 + 0.25ZY 
 =  (3.21)
C D Y 1 + ZY /2

Using (3.1), the impedance and admittance in term of ABCD parameter can be
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 72

written as
Y =C (3.22)

2(A − 1)
Z= (3.23)

The extraction values of Z and Y in terms of frequency are shown in Figure. 3.2 (c)
and (d).

Figure 3.2: a)Frequency response in terms of frequency b) Z and Y response in terms

of frequency

N random number of points of Z and Y are chosen from the set of available points
(1600 points), where N is determined using a log scale. We assume a random set of
points of Z and Y for solving the pseudo inverse matrix to obtain the values of LR ,
CR , LL and CL . The value of N is equal to 10i , where i varies from 1 to 3.2 because
we have 1600 points of Z and Y [56, 57].
The matrix rank obtained using (3.14) is 2 and is shown in Figure. 3.3. As it
depends upon the maximum number of independent rows (or independent columns),
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 73

a square matrix (An×n) is non-singular only if its rank is equal to n.

The values of LR , CR , LL and CL are obtained using the maximum number of
points (the Z and Y values) which are more stable, and are LR ≈ 2nH, CR ≈1pF ,LL
≈ 2.5nH and CL ≈0.75pF upto 15 decimal places.
The condition number fluctuates with the random number of values of Z and Y
taken. This behaviour indicates the accuracy of the matrix. Variations in the values
of the condition number and matrix rank(W) are evident in Figure. 3.4. Thus, the
values of LR , CR , LL and CL are equal to known values with very small errors, in the
order of 10−15 , as shown in Figure. 3.3, which occur due to the loss of precision in
the internal representations of numerals in Matlab and are known as machine errors.
The arrows indicates errors between the known and extracted values showing that
the values of LR , CR , LL and CL become more stable as larger numbers of points are
taken [56, 57].

Figure 3.3: Error between known and extract value with random points a) Log error
of LR b) Log error of CR c)Log error of CL d) Log error of LL
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 74

Figure 3.4: Condition number rank in terms of logarithm random points

3.2.1 Results after adding white noise into S parameters

The values of the different sensitivity scales are taken as 0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 to compute
the values of white noise using (3.24) as:

nx = (rand − 1/2) × 2 × scale (3.24)

The value nx is added to the complex S parameter(s) of real and imaginary data
obtained from ADS (without noise). The new value of the S parameter after noise
is sφ= real(s)+nx+j(imag(s)+nx), where sφ is the S parameter with white noise [58,
59] which is used to calculate Z and Y from the ABCD parameters. The values of
LR , CR , LL and CL with noise show fluctuating behaviour with random points of Z
and Y (Figure. 3.5).
The numbers of errors in the values of LR , CR , LL and CL vary with the number
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 75

Figure 3.5: LR , CR , LL and CL with noise scale value 0.01, 0.1 and 0.001

of points of Z and Y taken and show fluctuating behaviour (Figure. 3.6), with a noise
scale value of 0.001 having fewer errors than those of 0.01 and 0.1.
The condition number of the Z matrix also shows fluctuating behaviour, (Figure.
3.7). We can conclude that, by taking more random points of the Z and Y values,
the numbers of errors between the actual and extracted values of LR , CR , LL and CL
decrease. As we take more points, the accuracy of the matrix increases and, therefore,
there are fewer errors between the actual and extracted values.

3.2.2 Limitations of pseudoinverse extraction process

Our extraction process shows good results for scale values of 0.01, 0.1 and 0.001 and,
even up to 0.2, it still shows significantly fewer errors. However, beyond 0.2, i.e., 0.3
and 0.5, the value of errors increases because the S-parameter magnitudes are not
between 0 and 1, that is, if they are greater than 1, they may cause more errors. The
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 76

Figure 3.6: log error of LR CR LL CL with noise scale value 0.01, 0.1 and 0.001

S parameter with noise is shown in Figure. 3.8.

Extractions of the LR , CR , LL and CL components using the pseudo inverse
technique with different noise scales are shown in Table.3.1. The relative percentage
errors between the extracted and known values for these lumped elements are shown
in Table.3.2 using the formula:

Error = (extracted − known)/known (3.25)

where as known is equal to Actual value and Extracted value is equal to observed
It is concluded that CR decreases and LL increases (LR and CL ) as the noise scale
value increases.
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 77

Figure 3.7: condition number with scale value 0.01, 0.1 and 0.001

Table 3.1: Different noise value with LR CR LL CL actual(A) and extract(E)

Noise LR (A) LR (E) CR (A) CR (E) LL (A) LL (E) CL (A) CL (E)

0.2 2 1.9984 1 0. 95390 2.5 2.6318 0.75 0.75057
0.3 2 1.9983 1 0.87855 2.5 2.9087 0.75 0.74713
0.5 2 1.9946 1 0.78236 2.5 3.3065 0.75 0.74912

3.3 Chapter summary

This chapter discusses the simulations conducted to extract the component values of
the equivalent circuit model using the S parameter in the pseudo inverse technique.
We have concluded that if we have taken more random number of points of impedance
and admittance, the extraction of equivalent circuit model are more robust. It also
Methodology proposed for equivalent circuit extraction 78

Figure 3.8: Adding noise in S parameters

Table 3.2: Relative percentage error of LR , CR , LL , CL

Noise LR (Error) CR (Error) LL (Error) CL (Error)

0.2 0.08006 4.6100 5.2720 0.0760
0.3 0.08507 12.1450 16.3480 0.3827
0.5 0.2707 21.7640 32.2600 0.1173

investigates the stability of the pseudo inverse technique for extracting the component
values when extra noise is added into the S parameter of the equivalent circuit model.
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 79

Chapter 4

Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW

In the last chapter extraction of lumped elements via S-parameter equivalent cir-
cuit model element has been discussed. This chapter deals with Planar structures.
It is mainly characterized into TLs theory of the quasi-TEM of both the coplanar
waveguide (CPW) and grounded CPW(GCPW). The effect of the conductor backing
makes the difference between the GCPW and CPW more noticeable. The GCPW has
a smaller characteristic impedance and larger effective permittivity. The slot width
as a function of the strip width can be found for the 50 Ohm CPW and GCPW lines.
This is because, when the slot width becomes comparable to the substrate thickness,
more and more of the electric field is concentrated between the strip and conductor
backing rather than in the slots. Therefore, a parasitic microstrip mode emerges. If
the slot is sufficiently wide, this mode may dominate and the structure will lose the
flexibility to keep a certain Z0 by tuning the slot-to-strip ratio [60].
It uses grounded planes on the same layer as the conductors and adjacent to those
conductive lines. The parasitic modes in the coplanar structures are described. Those
of GCPW suppressed by using a SIW transition are also presented. The SIW can be
modeled as a rectangular waveguide (the vias make up the side walls). This is valid
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 80

for the TE modes, the lowest of which (T E10 ) is the dominant mode. This chapter
also describes placements of via holes in a GCPW through various simulations using
the ADS momentum tool. It then implements this on a CRLH unit cell to produce a
wide bandwidth and suppress the parasitic modes of the GCPW.
In this work, the conventional CPW and GCPW are used as the transmission
media, discusses modes parasitic and parallel plate mode and suppress these modes
with SIW transition are discussed.

4.1 Parasitic modes in CPW and GCPW

Figure. 4.1 shows the quasi-static field distributions of three ideal propagation modes:
the CPW and GCPW. where (X) indicates for current flow into the paper and (.)
out of the paper. When current flow into the paper it induces the clockwise magnetic
field and when outside it induces anticlockwise magnetic field as per the right hand
In practice, there always exist different parasitic modes, particularly in the two
coplanar structures.
The most problematic parasitic mode in a CPW is its slotline mode which is
induced by unequal potentials between the two co-planar grounds alongside the signal
line. These unbalanced co-planar grounds exist in many asymmetrical structures, such
as coplanar bends [61], in which the unequal potentials can be regarded as the result
of the different path lengths between the inner and outer slots guiding the CPW mode
[62], as illustrated in Figure. 4.2 (a) and (b).
There are several possible ways of suppressing this mode: by imposing equal
potentials on the unbalanced grounds, by compensating the path difference, and
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 81

Figure 4.1: Quasi-static field distribution of (a) CPW, (b) micrsotrip and (c) GCPW.
The current density distributions are roughly marked as circles of different
sizes, with (x) for the current flow into the paper and (.) out of the
paper[88, 89]

Figure 4.2: Illustration of the signal paths in the slots of a CPW line. The transient
signals in the two slots are asynchronous after travelling through (a) a
single bend, but may be synchronised again after passing through (b) the
pair of oppositely oriented bends[61, 62]
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 82

trying to attenuate the slotline mode while maintaining the dominant CPW mode.
(1) Wire-bond or air-bridge The conventional means of suppression is to use con-
ductor crossovers (wire bonds or air bridges [63] )to interconnect the unbalanced co-
planar grounds (Figure. 4.3 shows a wire bond on a HTS CPW delay line). However,
the disadvantage of this method is the increase in loss and occurrence of resonances
between the bonds or bridges. This method is also costly, especially for a complex
CPW circuit in which a large number of crossovers may be needed.

Figure 4.3: Bond wire on CPW[63]

(2) Dielectric overlay

To compensate for the path difference, another means of suppression is to slow
down the wave travelling in the inner slot, which is shorter in length, so that it emerges
from the bend in phase with the wave in the outer slot. This can be done by placing
a dielectric medium over the inner slot, as shown in Figure. 4.4 (a), which has proven
to be effective over a broad band. However, it is not practical for a complex circuit
with many coplanar bends and, in addition, will unavoidably increase loss [62].
(3) Quarter-disk patch as conductor-backing
Another way that has been suggested to compensate for the path difference is to
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 83

Figure 4.4: Dielectric overlay (b) Quarter-disk patch as conductor- backing [61, 62].

lay a quarter-disk patch beneath the bend structure, as shown in Figure. 4.4 (b) [61].
This patch forms a localised conductor backing and can be realised by photolithog-
raphy. The frequency and bandwidth of the effective compensation depend on the
radius of the patch which needs to be carefully optimised [61].
(4) Top and bottom shields
Interestingly, the top and bottom shields of a packaged device have been found
to be able to reduce the slotline modes which is explained as an attenuation of the
slotline modes. As pointed out in [91], as the field of a slotline mode decays more
slowly than that of a CPW mode in the direction normal to the substrate surface,
it is more severely affected by the shields. The top shield can be the box lid and
the bottom the conductor backing of a GCPW structure. However, to suppress the
slotline mode effectively, one of the shields should be placed as close as possible to
the slots. It is suggested that the space between the circuit and shields should be less
than w+2s [64]. This brings the unfavourable effect of power leakage into the parallel-
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 84

plate modes [64]. In addition, because the microstrip mode may dominate when
the bottom shield (conductor backing) is too close, it may be that the propagating
microstrip mode helps to reduce the slotline mode.
The introduction of slotline modes due to the path difference has been visualised
in the time domain by pico-second transient measurements. Excited by a symmetrical
input transient, the signals travelling in the two slots can be probed after they pass
through a bend structure, as shown in Figure. 4.2 (a). A separation in arrival times
is observed which implies the presence of an odd mode. However, these signals can
be synchronised again if they further pass the other oppositely oriented bend, as
illustrated in Figure. 4.2 (b) [65, 66]. Although the symmetrical CPW mode (even
mode) is re-established in this way, some signal distortion and reflection due to the
bend is irreversible [66]. Even so, it is still helpful to suppress the slotline mode (odd
mode)before some energy leaks into it [67]. In a meander line, there also exist similar
structures which can geometrically compensate for the path difference, i.e., a pair of
U-turns with two bends.
It may be interesting to look at their possible compensating effect. The commercial
software simulator ADS [54] provides a useful technique which enables simulation of
the magnetic current in the slots rather than the electrical current in the conductors.
This may be a helpful tool for investigating S parameter difference between the signals
travelling in the two slots.
Of all the available approaches for suppressing slotline modes, the only practical
one for a long delay line operating over a wide band would be wire bonding. Be-
sides the slotline mode, a CPW may also hold odd TE and even TM surface-wave
modes because its co-planar ground together with the dielectric underneath forms a
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 85

conductor-backed dielectric slab [68]

4.1.1 Parallel-plate mode and microstrip mode in GCPW

For a GCPW, if the co-planar ground is wide enough, a parallel-plate mode may be
established between the upper and lower ground planes but proper interconnection
between these planes can reduce it. If the co-planar ground is too narrow, that is
also a problem. Riaziat [69] treated a GCPW with narrow co-planar grounds as three
coupled microstrip lines, as shown in Figure. 4.5. There are three normal propagation
modes for such a configuration, with each represented by a three-dimensional vector
the elements of which represent the relative potentials of the three lines [70]. The
following analysis quoted from [69] helps the understanding of the possible mode
conversion from coplanar to microstrip. .

Figure 4.5: The three normal modes in a GCPW structure with finite co-planar
grounds [69,70]

An ideal excitation on a GCPW line can be denoted by

Vo = (0, 1, 0)T (4.1)

which represents a signal on the centre conductor with the side conductors at zero
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 86

potential. However, as this is not a normal mode, the relationship among the three
potentials will change as the excitation propagates and finite potentials will appear
on the ground planes. The 3 normal modes of Vo are
V1 = (−1 0 + 1)T , V2 = (a 1 a)T , V3 = (−b 1 − b)T , (a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0)
slotline, microstrip and coplanar, as shown in Figure. 4.5. As, even with the
slotline mode (V1 ) fully suppressed, V0 is still a combination of modes V2 and V3 , the
coplanar mode (V3 ) is competing with the microstrip mode (V2 ). Although V0 is not a
normal mode, it can approximate to a single coplanar propagation mode if b is much
less than 1. This is the case when the co-planar ground width and substrate thickness
are much larger than w+2s [71]. Otherwise, if b>a, a mode conversion from coplanar
to microstrip may occur.

4.1.2 SIW transition with GCPW

To overcome these modes issues, SIW technology combined with a GCPW structure
is chosen. Metallised via holes are used to construct a conventional metal waveguide
in a planar substrate to suppress unwanted modes and form a shielding cavity around
the patch element. The patch is placed on one side of the substrate and isolated
from the ground plane by a narrow gap typically about two substrate thicknesses
wide. The SIW cavity is formed using two rows of metallised vias. In order to obtain
behaviour similar to that of a conventional metallic cavity, the conditions d/b > 0.5
and d/λ0 < 0.1 must be satisfied, where the (d) is the diameter of the holes and b the
spacing between the holes and λ0 is free space wavelength.Under these conditions,
the attenuation constant is small enough and the leakage from clearance between two
neighbouring vias can be neglected. A 50-Ohm GCPW is adopted as the feedline [72]
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 87

is shown in Figure. 4.6.

SIW technology is important because any non-planar waveguide-like structure (in-
cluding the classical rectangular waveguide) can be synthesized into planar form and
seamlessly integrated with conventional printed planar circuits (including transitions,
active components and antennas). This is one of the major advantages of SIW tech-
nology because it allows us to fabricate a complete circuit in planar form. Moreover,
it is possible to mount one or more chips on the same substrate, thereby reducing
losses and parasitics. Using SIW technology, one can optimise an antenna structure
and integrate it with different components [38].
The GCPW transition with SIW (continuous metallic wall of via holes); where s
is signal line width, w1 and w2 are the gaps in the substrate, d is the diameter of
the hole, L is the length of the substrate, ∆x and ∆y are the distances between the
holes on the x and y axes, respectively, ∆s is the space between a via hole and a slot
and ∆de the distance between the edges. As discussed, this suppresses the unwanted
mode below the cutoff frequency if the via holes are close enough, as discussed in
Section 2.3.1. The SIW can be modeled as a rectangular waveguide (the vias make
up the side walls). This is valid for the TE modes, the lowest of which (T E10 ) is the
dominant mode.
In next section we have study parametric study placement of via hole by perform-
ing various simulations using ADS momentum tool.

4.2 Experiments based upon placement of via hole on GCPW

The transmission properties of a GCPW are significantly improved when via holes
are used and located very close to the slots but not touching them. This eliminates
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 88

Figure 4.6: Layout of GCPW with SIW

the parasitic modes as the ground planes are electrically connected by the side walls
of the GCPW.
Now, a question arises as to the use of via holes on a GCPW in SIW:. how many
should be placed and at what distances? To investigate this, we conduct a similar
simulation study to that described in [72] using the ADS full-wave moment method
simulation of a GCPW with the various via hole geometries discussed in Chapter 3,
Section 3.1.1.
We set the parameter of GCPW geometry as shown in Table 4.1: permittivity 2.55,
substrate height 0.030 inch, loss tangent 0.002, copper cladding and characteristic
impedance Zc= 50 Ohm. Under these settings, the ground plane separation is w1 =
4.5 mm and w2 = 4.5 mm, the conductor width (s)= 1.750mm and the length (L)=
The value of frequencies is taken in range from 1-20 GHz. It is used to produce
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 89

Table 4.1: The geometry parameter of GCPW

permittivity height loss tangent substrate

Width Length (w1, w2) Zc
1.750mm 20mm 4.5mm 50

wide bandwidth below than 20 GHz. The average effective  of 1-20 GHz is equal to
1.949 which is calculated from the ADS line calculation, the phase velocity is 0.71c,
where c is the velocity of light and, therefore, Guided wavelength λg is 10.77mm by
using the equation below:

λg = c/(f )

For T E10 mode, the cut off wavelength is λC = 2a whereas a = ∆s or ∆x or ∆y

The free space wavelength λ0 is [2]:

1 1 1
− 2 = 2 (4.2)
λg λc λ0

Since λc < λ0 , T E10 mode does not propagate And λc > λ0 , T E10 mode propagates
The cut off frequency (fc) is:

f c = c/λC = c/2a (4.3)

4.2.1 Changing ∆s

Figure. 4.7 shows the different spaces between the slots in terms of distance(λg ) [99].
Therefore, ∆s = nt λg which depends on the following three conditions.
1) If a hole is touching a slot, the structure behaves more like a GCPW with no
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 90

via holes and shows null at 3.1 GHz and 5.6 GHz. At these frequencies, the parasitic
mode resonates causing a null in S21 . The cut off frequency (fc) increases as the
distance ∆x decreases in rectangular waveguide. The continuous wall of via hole
start with nt equal to 0.1, The cut of wavelength λc is 0.2 λg . The free space wave
length λ0 is 0.1967. The λc ≥ λ0 , dominant mode should exist in this case. But in
simulation this null occurs at 3.1 GHz and 5.6 GHz because gap (w1 and w2) is exist
which dominate the effect of via holes transition with GCPW.
2) If a space occurs between a slot and a hole with nt equal to 0.25 and 0.30, the
cut of wavelength λc is 0.5λg and 0.6 λg . The free space wave length λ0 is 0.44 and
0.51. Then λc >λ0 , the dominant mode should exist in this case.
3)If a hole is far away from a slot, the structure behaves more like a GCPW
because λc <λ0 . Therefore, by performing various simulations, we can conclude a
space occurs between a slot and a hole which is 0.30λg suppresses the null, as shown
in Figure. 4.10.

4.2.2 Changing ∆x

The number of holes depends on ∆x . As the value of ∆x decreases, there are more
holes with fixed length(L) of the substrate and the space between hole and slot is λg
which provides information as to the number of via holes needed in our experiment.
Then, a closer distance ∆x should lead to higher frequency operation. To test this
theory, we use various numbers of via holes with changing the distance ∆x between
the edge of one and that of another. In our simulations, we use a series of additional
boards with ∆x equal to nt λg , where nt is equal to 0.6, 0.5, 0.3 and 0.2, with a fixed
∆s of 0.30, a board length(L) of 20mm, and a dimension value of ∆de = 8mm.
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 91

Figure 4.7: Changing the ∆s between the hole ∆s =n λg where n is equal to


With via holes at a distance (nt ) of ∆x of 0.85 apart on a 0.030-inch thick substrate,
the spacings between ∆x are 9.122mm. and The cut of wavelength λc is 1.7λg . λ0
is calculating by using equation(4.2) then λc ≥ λ0 , dominant mode should exist in
this case, board operates without any null to 10 GHz [72]. With (nt ) is 0.8, 0.5 ,
0.3 and 0.2 on a 0.030 inch board, the distances ∆x between them are multiplied nt
with λg ,and their cutoff frequencies in copper cladding are 11GHz, 13GHz, 13.9 and
14.5, respectively. As the board operates without any null to 15GHz for 7 via holes,
a greater correlation is shown. Clear improvements are seen as more via holes are
added and the ∆x between them decreases, as shown in Figure. 4.8. At frequencies
higher than 16 GHz, the S21 > 0 dB, the problem has raised due to higher order
modes. More losses occur at high frequency and impedance mismatching exist.
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 92

Figure 4.8: Simulation results for GCPW by changing distance x of via holes where
∆x = nt λ where nt varies as 0.85, 0.8, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2

4.2.3 Changing the ∆y

By changing the y axis separation between the rows of holes, if we choose the space
(∆s ) of the via holes to be 0.25 λg and the distance of the x axis ( ∆x ) between them
to be 0.2λg and then add the holes in the y distance ( ∆y )> 0.25 λg , all null are
suppressed [72], as shown in Figure. 4.9.

4.3 SIW on CRLH unit cell using GCPW

This subsection is about adding CRLH structure on GCPW. Figure. 4.6 differs from
Figure. 4.10 as Figure. 4.10 contains CRLH unit cell embedded on GCPW .
Adding the ground vias on GCPW to see the effects of addition of ground vias in
CRLH structure. The optimum placement of grounding via in GCPW are discussed
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 93

Figure 4.9: Changing the ∆y between the hole.

Figure 4.10: Layout of CRLH transmission line with SIW unit cell
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 94

in previous section. The cut off frequency (fc) of the T E10 mode of GCPW using the
equation (4.2) suppress the parasitic mode. We add CRLH structure on GCPW to
know the effect of CRLH unitcell on frequency response of GCPW. We use the same
dimensions [33], as shown in Table 4.2. Here, we set the parameters of the CRLH
unit cell as permittivity 2.55, substrate height 0.030 inches, loss tangent 0.002, copper
cladding, set of frequencies in the range [1-20 GHz) and characteristic impedance
(Zc) 50 Ohm. Under these conditions, the ground-plane separation is (w1 and w2) =
4.5mm, the conductor width (Wic) =1.75 mm, the number of fingers (F) 5, the width
of each finger 20mm, Lic the width of the IDC, i.e., 4.8 mm, Ls the length of the stub
inductor, i.e., 8 mm, Ws the width of the shortened stub inductor, i.e., 0.4mm and
length (z) 20 mm to design broad bandwidth. Wic and Lic are the length and width
of the IDC, respectively, Ls and Ws the length and width of the shunt grounded stub
inductor, respectively, and z the length of the unit cell, as shown in Figure. 4.9.

Table 4.2: The geometry parameter used in CRLH unit cell

Wic length(z) (w1 and w2) F Lic Ws Ls

1.750mm 20mm 4.5mm 5 4.8mm .4mm 8mm

This has been done to address this by doing various simulation in CRLH unit cell
to suppress the parasitic mode and to produce wide bandwidth. In the letter, they
had some problems with parasitic mode, we want to hinder it, because it was causing
noise in the extraction process. Every time the outcome was different in different
frequency in extraction process. We regress the frequency want to get the same value.
The equivalent circuit model was unable to model the behavior and characteristics.
Every frequency they had created a new equivalent circuit model. It was very difficult.
The equivalent circuit model was unable to clarify its characteristic behaviour. We
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 95

want some of the frequency on the same circuitry, it show us characteristic behaviour
ideally for some of the frequency.
To test this theory, we use a series of additional boards with 5, 6 and 7 via holes
at the same widths and spacings as in the GCPW discussed in previous sections [72].
That with 7 via holes, with a distance from one edge of a via hole to the other ∆de of
8mm and a spacing from one via hole to another ∆x of 2.422mm does not show any
null at the 14 GHz frequency, as shown in Figure. 4.11.

Figure 4.11: Simulation results for GCPW by changing distance x of via holes

It must be noted that the characteristics of a CRLH unit cell may be changed in
GCPW with grounding vias because the dominant mode propagating in the waveguide
is the T E10 rather than the quasi-TEM in a microstrip which suppresses the parasitic
mode below the cut off frequency (fc). Through this simulation, we confirm that
the CRLH unit cell in GCPW with grounding vias can work efficiently for wider
Optimum placement of grounding vias in GCPW 96

bandwidths. It can excite negative-order resonance in the LH region and positive-

order resonance in the RH as well as zeroth-order resonances. However, negative-order
resonances operate below the waveguide cutoff.

4.4 Chapter summary

This chapter discusses how to overcome the problem of null in a CRLH unit cell
using SIW with via holes in a GCPW. It establishes the placements of via holes
by conducting various simulations in ADS momentum tool. We conclude that via
holes being located very close to the slots but not touching them and the ∆x and ∆y
distances between two via holes being very small are the ideal conditions because the
parasitic modes below the cutoff frequency are eliminated as the ground planes are
electrically connected by the side walls of the GCPW.
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 97

Chapter 5

Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH

unit cell

In the previous chapter, we discussed the suppression of spikes to eliminate parasitic

modes in the frequency responses of a GCPW in CRLH unit cell with SIW ( continu-
ous metallic wall of via holes) which produces a wide bandwidth with no spikes below
the cutoff frequency of the SIW in the frequency response of the GCPW-CRLH unit
cell. In this chapter, extraction of the equivalent circuit model of a GCPW- CRLH
unit cell using the S-parameter with pseudo inverse technique is discussed.
Following steps are followed to extract the equivalent circuit model parameters
using the measured as well as Momentum simulation data of CRLH unit cell TDU T
(shown in Figure.5.1).
1) De-embed the effect of the connectors and feedline from the measured data
using TDU T,meas = TF−1 TC−1 T(f ullwave,meas) TC−1 TF−1
2) De-embed the effect of the feedline from the simulation data using TDU T =
TF−1 Tf ullwave,mom TF−1
3) Assumed the value of CP to obtain a symmetrical T network
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 98

Figure 5.1: Flow chart of extracting the equivalent circuit model of Planar CRLH
unit cell
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 99

4) De-embed the effect of CP with an assumed value of CP . When the impedance

and admittance of the unit cell and equivalent circuit model become zero. When
the impedance and admittance of the unit cell and equivalent circuit model does not
become zero. Then again, assume the value of CP to make impedance and admittance
of the unit cell and equivalent circuit model become zero. The value of CP is taken
on a linear scale from 0.01 to 0.1. In each iteration, an increment of 0.01 is used to
obtain the value of CP for next cycle. 5) After the de-embedding of CP , the circuit
behaves as a symmetrical T network.
6) Apply the pseudo inverse technique to this symmetrical T network of a unit
cell to extract the equivalent circuit model parameters.
The following section describes the process of de-embedding of CRLH unit cell to
extract the equivalent circuit of it.

5.1 De-embedding Device under test in momentum Simulation and mea-

surement data

Ground coplanar structures can not be connected directly to the coaxial ports of a net-
work analyzer (NA). The structure or device under test must be physically connected
to the NA by some kind of transition network or fixture. One of the most frequently
used fixture or connector for this kind of applications is the surface mounted adapter
(SMA) [2]. Several techniques can be used to remove the effects of the adapter from
the measurement. The technique that is best suited for a given application depends
on the accuracy desired, the availability of calibration standards, the amount of time
available. Among these techniques the de-embedding is a mathematical process that
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 100

removes the effects of the adapter which are embedded in the measurements by sub-
tracting out the S-parameters of an equivalent network that represents the fixture.
In this section, de-embedding the full-wave simulation of the structure performed
by means of ADS momentum tool is presented. Also, de-embedding of the computed
S-parameters with NA has been presented. It is worthy to note that the development
of CRLH unit cell for the SMA has the advantage of requiring less computational
efforts for being solved than any three dimensional full wave model and it’s use avoids
calibration of NA repeatedly [3-7].
De-embedding required are one thru line, one longer line, and one pair of identical
reflective loads at each port. It separates the effects of the transmission medium in
which the circuit is embedded, from the circuit characteristics. If the thru line is
used as a reference, the reference plane is defined at the midpoint of the thru line.
Therefore, the circuit to be measured should be designed such that the feedline is
half the thru line length. The reference plane will thus be moved from the end of the
connector, through the feed line, to the beginning of that particular device-undertest
DUT (see Figure. 5.2). The calibration essentially eliminates all effects of connector
and feedline discontinuities so that the measured Sparameters solely characterize the
DUT. A snapshot of the proposed full-wave measurement of unit cell with feed line
and connectors is shown in Figure. 5.3.

Figure 5.2: Block diagram of fabrication of full wave measurement of unit cell
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 101

Figure 5.3: Picture of fabrication of full wave measurement of unit cell with feed line
and connectors

let T denote the matrix representing the ABCD parameters, we can write the
ABCD parameters of the full TL in terms of those of the feed lines and DUT as:

Tf ullwave,meas = TC TF T(DU T,meas) TF TC (5.1)

 
 ADU T,meas BDU T,meas 
TDU T,meas =  
CDU T,meas DDU T,meas
 −1  −1   −1  −1
= TF TC Tf ullwave,meas TC TF (5.2)

TDU T,meas = the ABCD parameter of device under test for measured.
TF = the ABCD parameter of feed line.
Tf ullwave,meas = the ABCD parameter of full wave measurement
TC = the ABCD parameter of connector
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 102

The de-embedding the full-wave simulation of the structure is performed by means

of ADS momentum tool which has explained in Chapter 4. The S-parameters data
of the full wave simulation of transmission line as shown in Figure.5.4 along with the
effect of feedlines has been presented. And eliminates all effects of feedline discon-
tinuities so that the simulation Sparameters solely characterize the device-undertest

Figure 5.4: Block diagram of full wave simulation of momentum with ADS

Tf ullwave,mom = TF TDU T,mom TF (5.3)

TDU T,mom = the ABCD parameter of device under test for Momentum simulation.
TF = the ABCD parameter of feed line.
Tf ullwave,mom = the ABCD parameter of full wave transmission line.

 
−1  −1
 ADU T,mom BDU T,mom 
TDU T,mom = = TF Tf ullwave,mom TF
CDU T,mom DDU T,mom

Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 103

The CRLH unit cell consists of IDCs and a shunt shortened-stub inductor. The
latter is sandwiched between two IDCs, as shown in Figure. 5.5(a). This type of TL
is known as a symmetrical (CRLH IDC stub inductor) TL. The equivalent circuit
for one CRLH cell is given in Figure.5.5(b). The series interdigital capacitor has
the equivalent capacitance (2CL ), the series equivalent (LR /2) inductance and the
parallel equivalent capacitance (to the ground) (Cp ). Also, the short-ended CPW has
the equivalent inductance (LL ) and the parallel equivalent capacitance, (CR ).
A process for extracting the value of the equivalent circuit model using the pro-
posed pseudo inverse method is explained in Chapter 3. The equivalent circuit model
consists of a T network with 2 capacitances (CP ), one on each side, as shown in
Figure. 5.5 (b). We first de-embed the effect of these two capacitances using it-
erative modification. The pseudo inverse method is then applied on the remaining
symmetrical T network.

5.1.1 De embedding the effect of CP to obtain symmetrical T network

The equivalent circuit model of the extracted unit cell consists of a symmetrical T
network with lumped elements (LR , CR , LL , CL ) and two CP on each side, as shown
in Figure. 5.6.
Usually, for a symmetrical T network , the values of Z and Y are obtained from
the ABCD parameters using (3.14) and (3.15). However, in this case, there is an
extra CP on each side of the network which results in very complex equations being
required to solve the values of Z and Y from the ABCD parameters. In order to
simplify the extraction, we assign an arbitrary random value to each CP . Thus, from
the ABCD parameters of the whole circuit, we first de-embed the effect of CP using
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 104

Figure 5.5: a) CRLH unit cell b) Equivalent LC circuit model of a UC.


YCp = jωCP (5.5)

With Momentum data:

Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 105

Figure 5.6: Equivalent circuit model of unit cell

   
 1 0   1 0 
TDU T,mom =   Tsym,mom ,   (5.6)
Ycp 1 Ycp 1

With measured data :

   
 1 0   1 0 
TDU T,meas =   Tsym,meas ,   (5.7)
Ycp 1 Ycp 1

 
 1 0 
Let Tcp=  
Ycp 1
Therefore, we can solved the equation as:

Tsym,mom = T cp−1 TDU T,mom T cp−1 (5.8)

Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 106

Tsym,meas = T cp−1 TDU T,meas T cp−1 (5.9)

Then, we are left with the ABCD parameters of the symmetrical T network. The
values of impedance (Zsym,mom , Zsym,meas ) for momentum simulation and measured
data, the admittance (Ysym,mom , Ysym,meas ) for momentum simulation and measured
data, can easily be obtained from the ABCD parameter of symmetrical T network
using pseudoinverse technique. We modify the value of CP until the difference between
the values of the impedances and admittances of the device under test and equivalent
circuit model is zero. The values of LR , CR , LL and CL vary for different values of N
using pseudo inverse technique and tend to converge for a large value of N. We take
stable values of LR , CR , LL and CL to determine the values of impedance Zmodel and
admittance Ymodel of the symmetrical T network of a unit cell as:

ZM odel = j(ωLR − 1/ωCL ) (5.10)

YM odel = j(ωCR − 1/ωLL ) (5.11)

The difference of rms value of ZM odel and Zsym has been used to obtain the value
of error which called as Zerror . Similarly the difference of rms value of YM odel and
Ysym has been used to obtain the value of error which called as Yerror .

q X
Zerror = 1/Nav |Zsym − Zmodel |2 (5.12)
q X
Yerror = 1/Nav |Ysym − Ymodel |2 (5.13)
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 107

whereas Nav is the number of values to obtained the average value.

When the Zerror and Yerror are zero, the circuit becomes behaves like a symmetrical
T network. The value of CP so obtained is used to extract the values of LR , CR , LL
and CL from this symmetrical T network. This method is also used for curve fitting
the frequency responses of the unit cell.

5.1.2 Frequency response of Device under test with full-wave simula-


Figure. 5.7 shows the S parameters obtained from device under test by momentum
simulation and measurement data with using same geometry as in chapter 4 with
7 via holes. It illustrates the variations in the S-parameter values of the unit cell
and its dependence on the frequency of TLs. Good agreement is found between the
momentum simulation and measured data results. From the Figure, it is clear that
up to 14.5GHz spikes are completely suppressed. At frequencies higher than 14.5
GHz, spikes occur occasionally which are due to the non-uniformity incurred because
we want to produce good agreement between the measured and momentum results.

5.1.3 Extracting lumped parameter value of equivalent circuit model with

Momentum simulation and measure data

As discussed earlier, we derive the values of impedance (Zsym ) and admittance (Ysym )
from the S parameters of the unit cell for a symmetrical T network. We then use
these values to obtain those of the lumped parameters (LR , CR , LL and CL ). From
these lumped element values, we obtain the values of Zmodel and Ymodel . We define
Zerror and Yerror as the differences between Zmodel and Zsym , and Ymodel and Ysym ,
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 108

Figure 5.7: The simulation and measurement result of unit cell

respectively, for both the Momentum simulation and experimentally measured data,
as shown in Figure.5.8. For CP of 0.04pF, Zerror and Yerror are zero.
The values of LR CR LL CL are obtained from Zsym and Ysym for both the Momen-
tum simulation and measured data, as shown in Figures. 5.9 and 5.10, respectively.

5.1.4 Extracting lumped parameter values from Momentum simulation

over different frequencies ranges

As in [33], LR , CR , LL CL and CP values are changed with every span of frequency. It

is difficult to interpret an ideal equivalent circuit, and its characteristics also changes
every span of frequency.we select different range of frequency because It gives us idea
that any range of frequency taken below the cut off, extracted values are approxi-
mately same. And also tell us robustness of our method below the cut off. We choose
any range between 1-10 Ghz whose electromagnetic simulation contain RH and LH
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 109

Figure 5.8: Error between Z model and Z unit cell and Y model and Y unit cell

Figure 5.9: Momentum simulation:Extraction of LR , CR , LL and CL with fixed value

of CP 0.047pF (3 -9 GHz)using symmetrical T network of unit cell
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 110

Figure 5.10: Measurement:Extraction of LR , CR , LL and CL with fixed value of CP

0.040pF (3 -9 GHz) using symmetrical T network of unit cell

effect exist. We select different ranges of frequency, from 1 to 10 GHz, with the Mo-
mentum simulation data of the unit cell in which the values of LR , CR , LL CL and
CP remain almost constant, as shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Selecting different range of frequency with fixed CP is 0.047pF with mo-
mentum data

3-5 5.1393 0.105 1.6771 0.05495 0.047
3-7 5.1390 0.1022 1.6816 0.0549 0.047
3-9 5.1405 0.1012 1.6850 0.05498 0.047
2-5 5.1400 0.119 1.6524 0.05497 0.047
2-6 5.1400 0.1075 1.6655 0.05496 0.047

The values of LR , CR , LL CL and CP vary for different values of the random

points (n) selected for Zsym,mom and Ysym,mom and tend to converge for large values of
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 111

n. We take the stable values of LR , CR , LL CL and CP as 5.1405nH, 0.1pF, 1.685nH,

0.05498pF and 0.047pF, respectively, in ranges from 1 to 8 GHz for the unit cell of
momentum to obtain the S-parameters of the model.

5.1.5 Extracting lumped parameter values from measured data over dif-
ferent frequencies ranges

We select different ranges of frequency, from 1 to 8 GHz, with the measurement data of
the unit cell TL in which the values of LR , CR , LL CL and CP remain almost constant,
as shown in Table 5.3. The values of LR , CR , LL CL and CP vary for different values
of the n random points selected for Zsym,meas and Ysym,meas in the measured data and
tend to converge for large values of n. We take the stable values of LR , CR , LL CL
and CP as 4.8nH, 0.1pF, 1.6649nH, 0.5499pF and 0.040pF, respectively, in ranges
from 1 to 8 GHz to obtain the S parameter for the model of the measured data.

Table 5.2: Selecting different range of frequency with fixed CP 0.040pF in measure-
ment data

3-5 4.8198 0.1048 1.6583 0.05497 0.040
3-7 4.8210 0.1019 1.6630 0.05498 0.040
3-9 4.82 0.1009 1.6649 0.05499 0.040
2-5 4.8129 0.1229 1.6273 0.05497 0.040
2-6 4.8220 0.1095 1.6459 0.05500 0.040

5.1.6 Frequency response of equivalent circuit model of unit cell

The values of LR , CR , LL CL and Cp taken for both the Momentum simulation and
measured data are shown in Tables 5.1 and 5.2. They are taken in the 3-9 GHz
frequency range with the Momentum simulation and measured data to obtain the
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 112

frequency responses of the equivalent circuit model of the unit cell which are shown in
Figure. 5.11 (a) and (b) with those of the momentum simulation (dotted/solid trace)
and measured data (dotted trace) of the unit cell, respectively. Solid curves show the
reproduced responses for the measured and Momentum unit cells using the equivalent
circuit of the unit cell while dotted curves show the simulated/measured data (the
unit cell responses have fewer high-frequency fluctuations). 1-10 GHz indicates the
frequency range in which insertion coefficient (S21) shows a wide band width. Figure
5.12 (c) shows the errors between the unit cell and the model of momentum (solid
trace) and measured data of the TL (dotted trace). This conveys to us that the
measured and momentum simulation data show fewer high-frequency fluctuations.
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 113

(a) Frequency responses of Momentum and model of unit cell transmission


(b) Frequency responses measure and model of unit cell transmission line

(c) Error of unit cell model and model with Momentum and measure trans-
mission line

Figure 5.11: Comparison of (dotted trace) Momentum and (solid trace) equivalent
circuit model of unit cell (a), (b) and (c)
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 114

5.2 CRLH transmission Line and their characteristic behavior

The CRLH TL unit cell and the extraction of an equivalent circuit model using the
pseudo inverse technique has been discussed. Next, we design a TL composed of a
number of unit cells and study its characteristic behaviour, such as dispersion and
the Bloch impedance, which based on the equivalent circuit model.

5.2.1 Characteristic behavior of a transmission line

As discussed earlier, a TL is composed of a number of unit cells of CRLH, as shown

in Figure 5.12 (a). The equivalent circuit of a CRLH TL reveals the characteristic
behaviour of any TL. The CRLH TL is composed of metamaterials, as discussed ear-
lier, has the effects of both RH and LH TLs and its unit cell can be realised in planar
form by periodically printing IDCs and shortened-stub inductors on conventional sub-
strates. An equivalent LC circuit model of a symmetrical unit cell of period p is shown
in Figure 5.12 (b). The properties of the TL which is composed of a periodic struc-
ture of period p can be determined from its equivalent model of unit cells of all the
unit cell consisting of the TL. Its dispersion and Bloch impedance characteristics are
studied. This TL produces wide-band characteristics and supports both forward and
backward waves which are used in leaky-wave antennas. The dispersion characteristic
and Bloch impedance are the important concepts of characteristic behaviour.
The characteristic behaviour of a periodic structure depends upon the Bloch
impedance and propagation characteristics discussed in Chapter 2 [11]. The dis-
persion equation of a symmetrical network, where (AD-BC=1) and A=D, is [11]:
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 115

Figure 5.12: CRLH with SIW using GCPW transmission line b) Equivalent LC circuit
model of a UC

cosh γp = (A + D)/2 (5.14)

where γ = propagation constant therefore γ = α + jβ

where α = attenuation constant β = dispersion characteristics Instead, in such a
periodic network, the Bloch impedance (ZB ), which is defined as the impedance at
the terminals of the unit cell at any k-th point of the TL, is used and given as [11]:

ZB = γp
−B/(A − e ) (5.15)

we have taken same set of parameters of Table 4.2 with using N is 7-cell. The
extracted parameters LR , CR , LL , CL and CP as shown in Table 5.1 are 5.1, 0.1,
1.68, 0.055 and 0.047. The characteristic behaviour like dispersion, Bloch impedance
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 116

and reflection coefficient of an equivalent circuit model(solid trace) and TL (dotted

trace) as shown in Figure. 5.13(a), 5.13 (b) and 5.13 (c). This Figure illustrates
the Bloch impedance in the wideband of the CRLH TL structure bounded by the
lower LH and the upper RH cutoff frequencies, describe us dispersion characteristics
of whose cut of frequency 6.9 GHz and and below 6.9 GHz CRLH TL behave as LH
above 6.9 Ghz behaves as RH TL.

5.2.2 Accuracy of our pseudo inverse technique in CRLH transmission

Line modeling

Our extraction works very well for the frequency range 1-10 GHz using the set of
parameters as described in previous section. To check that if our extraction works
wells, we have taken a new set of parameters as N is 9-cell unbalanced design with
parameters p is 6.1 mm, Lic is 4.0 mm, W ic is 1.7 mm, Ls is 2mm, W s is 1 mm,
width of digits is 0.1 mm, the number of pairs of inter-digital fingers is 1 and spacings
is 0.2 mm as shown in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3: The geometry parameter used in CRLH TL of Figure. 5.14 where N=9
unit cell

p Lic W ic Ls Ws width of digits F N

6.1mm 4.0mm 1.7mm 2mm 1mm 0.1mm 3 7

Extracted parameters after applying the pseudo inverse techniques as shown in

Table 5.4, LR is 1nH, CP is 2pF, CR is 1.9pF, LL is 0.2nH, CL is 0.7pF, N is 9
and Zo is 50. In these designs, the substrate used is cu-clad with dielectric constant
with permittivity is 2.55, substrate height is 0.030inch and loss tangent is 0.002. We
have extracted the parameter to know about characteristic behaviour of the TL. The
characteristic behaviour like dispersion, reflection coefficient and bloch impedence of
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 117

(a) S21 in dB of CRLH transmission line (dotted trace)

and equivalent circuit model (solid trace)

(b) Dispersion characteristics of CRLH transmis- (c) Bloch impedance CRLH transmission line
sion line (dotted trace) and equivalent circuit (dotted trace) and equivalent circuit model (solid
model (solid trace) trace

Figure 5.13: Dispersion, Reflection coefficient and Bloch impedance, model (solid
trace) and momentum simulation(dotted trace) of transmission line (a)
and (b)
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 118

an equivalent circuit model and TL as shown in Figure. 5.14(a), 5.14 (b) and 5.14
(c). This Figure illustrates the Bloch impedance in the wideband of the CRLH TL
structure bounded by the lower LH and the upper RH cutoff frequencies, describe
us dispersion characteristics of whose cut of frequency 7GHz and and below 7GHz
CRLH TL behave as LH above 7 GHz behaves as RH TL

Table 5.4: Extracted component LR CR LL CL and CP of Figure. 5.14

1 nH 1.9pF 0.2 nH 0.7pF 2pF
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 119

(a) Reflection coefficient S21 in dB of model (solid trace)

and Momentum simulation ( dotted trace) of transmis-
sion line

(b) Bloch impedance of model(solid trace) and (c) Dispersion characteristic of model(solid
Momentum simulation( dotted trace) of trans- trace) and Momentum simulation( dotted
mission line trace) of transmission line

Figure 5.14: Dispersion, Bloch impedance and Reflection coefficient model (solid
trace) and Momentum simulation (dotted trace) of transmission line(a)
and (b)
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 120

Taking another parameter with N is 7-cell with parameters: p is 20 mm, Lc is

5 mm, W c is 1.7 mm, Ls is 3 mm, W s is 2.0 mm, width of digits is 0.1 mm, the
number of pairs of interdigited fingers (F) is 3 and all spacing is 0.1 mm as shown
in Table 5.5, The extracted parameters after pseudo inverse technique as shown in
Table 5.6, LR is 0.9nH, CR is 2pF, CP is 1.5pF, LL is 0.15nH, CL is 0.76pF, N is 7,
sym is 1 and Zo is 50. In this designs, the substrate used is cu-clad with dielectric

Table 5.5: The geometry parameter used in CRLH TL of Fig 5.15 N=7 unit cell

p Lic W ic Ls Ws width of digits F N

20mm 5 mm 1.7mm 3mm 2.0mm 0.1mm 3 7

Table 5.6: Extracted component LR , CR , LL , CL and CP of Figure. 5.15

0.9 nH 2pF 0.15nH 0.76pF 1.5pF

constant permittivity is 2.55, substrate height is 0.030 inch and loss tangent is 0.002.
The characteristic behaviour depends upon dispersion, reflection coefficient and Bloch
impedance as shown in Figure. 5.15 (a), (b) and (c). This Figure illustrates the Bloch
impedance in the wideband of the CRLH TL structure bounded by the lower LH and
the upper RH cutoff frequencies, describe us dispersion characteristics of whose cut
of frequency 5.9 GHz and and below 5.9 GHz CRLH TL behave as LH above 5.9 GHz
behaves as RH TL.
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 121

(a) S21( reflection coefficient ) of momentum sim-

ulation(dotted trace) and model (solid trace) of
transmission line

(b) Bloch impedence of momentum simulation (dotted

trace) and model (solid trace)of transmission line

(c) Dispersion characteristics of momentum simula-

tion(dotted trace) and model (solid trace) of trans-
mission line

Figure 5.15: S21 in decibel(dB), Bloch impedance, dispersion characteristic of mo-

mentum simulation (dotted trace) and model(solid trace) of transmission
line (a), (b) and (c)
Equivalent circuit extraction of GCPW CRLH unit cell 122

5.3 Chapter summary

This chapter discusses the equivalent modelling of a unit cell and the use of the
pseudo inverse technique on a CRLH unit cell to extract the equivalent circuit model.
It compares the results with those from both the momentum simulation and measured
data. Then, it discusses the characteristic behaviour of a CRLH TL in momentum
simulation and an equivalent circuit model using the pseudo inverse technique.
Summary and conclusions 123

Chapter 6

Summary and conclusions

6.1 Summary and conclusions

This thesis discusses the extraction of equivalent circuit model for CRLH TL. It is
done in three phases. First, explore the use of pseudo inverse technique for equivalent
circuit model extraction of planar CRLH unit cell. Second, explore how superimpos-
ing below the cut off SIW structure around a GCPW CRLH unit cell can be used
to suppress the parasitic modes hence extending the bandwidth. Third, demonstrate
how first and second can be combined to produce wide-band CRLH TL in GCPW.
Equivalent circuit modeling of TL is important aspect of transmission line. de-
scribes the characteristic behaviour of TL. We have approached the technique using
pseudo inverse technique. This concept is new and novel concept for extracting the
equivalent circuit model. Earlier, techniques rely on optimisation of advanced design
software for extracting the equivalent circuit model. The Pseudo inverse technique
helps us to describe the equivalent circuit model of transmission using S parameter
of unit cell. More the number of points of S parameter are taken, more accurate are
the results.
Summary and conclusions 124

Caloz introduced microstrip TL but it has drawback of high dispersive loss. To

overcome this drawback, we have used SIW with GCPW in CRLH unit cell. It
suppressed the noise in the TL and produce wide bandwidth. A SIW is periodic
via hole structure to realise with bilateral edge wall. Such SIW can preserve the
advantage of high q factor and high power capacity. The periodic via holes act
as short circuit or perfect electrical conductor side wall. SIW in via hole has the
same guided characteristics as that of conventional rectangular waveguide. We have
discussed the study of placement of via-hole in GCPW which have already discussed
by researcher now day [72]. We have concluded that when via holes are located very
close to the slots but not touches to the slot, and also when the distance between two
via holes are very less. Then they eliminate the parasitic mode below the cut of the
frequency as the ground planes are electrically connected by the side walls of GCPW.
By using first and second can be combined to produce wide bandwidth CRLH
TL. In this work, we have used 7 via holes in CRLH unit cell using 20mm GCPW. It
produce wide bandwidth in 1-10 GHz range therefore our trans- mission line is spikes
free below than 10 GHz. The S parameter of CRLH unit cell is used to extract the
equivalent circuit model of CRLH unit cell of TL by using pseudo inverse technique.
The equivalent circuit model of TL and CRLH TL fit the curve 1-10 GHz frequency

6.1.1 Recommendations for future work and application

In this thesis, we have developed the equivalent circuit modeling of a CRLH unit cell
using the pseudo inverse technique on a one-dimensional (1-D) TL. This work can be
extended in following areas.
Summary and conclusions 125

1) Although simulation results for the CRLH unit cell TL were obtained, actual
fabrication of the TL was not. After fabrication, the simulation results could be
compared with the measured results.
2) Fabrication methods for constructing and characterising two-dimensional (2-D)
and three-dimensional (3-D) demonstration devices, such as mushrooms (Sievenpiper)
with and without extra caps but with vias and ring resonator antennas could be
developed and implemented using our pseudo inverse technique equivalent circuit
The main applications of 2-D and, possibly, 3-D metamaterials use the particular
properties of metamaterials to produce high-impedance surface properties which have,
to date, not been either discovered or focused on (see [74] and [75]). Concerning 1-D
metamaterial structures, they are of use in filters [76], leaky-wave antennas [75, 77],
and as particular phase-shifters [78] in, for instance, compact dual-band couplers [79]
which have been investigated and designed [80-84] to meet the increasing demands of
multi-band communication systems.
Appendix 126


A1: ABCD to S parameter As it can be seen from the two-port network discus-
sion that, for network analysis, we may use different types of network parameters, it
is often necessary to convert one parameter to another. The conversion of Z and Y
is the simplest and in that relationship, any 2 parameters can be reduced from the
relationship between their terminal variables [78]
For our example let us define following matrix notations

           
V1  I1  a1   b1  b1  p  ZO 0 
V =  I=  a=  b=  b=  ZO =  √ 
V2 I2 a2 b2 b2 0 ZO

 
p  YO 0 
YO =  √ 
0 YO

Note that terminal admittance Y0n = 1/Z0n where as n=1, 2, 3............n [78]

p p
a = 1/2( Y0 |V | + 1/2( Z0 |I|)
p p
b = 1/2( Y0 |V | − 1/2( Z0 |I|)

Suppose we want to make the relation between S parameter and Z parameter V

= [Z][I]

p p
a = 1/2( Y0 [Z] + 1/2( Z0 )[I]
p p
b = 1/2( Y0 [Z] − 1/2( Z0 )[I]
Appendix 127

Replacing[b ]by [S][a] we can arrive at following equations

p p p p
[S] = ([ Y0 ][Z] − [ Z0 ])([ Y0 ][Z] + [ Z0 ])−1

p p p p
[Z] = ([ Y0 ] − [S][ Y0 ])−1 ([S][ Z0 ] + [ Z0 ])
p p p p
[S] = ([ Y0 ] − [ Z0 ][Y ])([ Z0 ][Y ] + [ Y0 ])−1
p p p p
[Z] = ([S][ Z0 ] + [ Z0 ]−)−1 ([ Y0 ] − [S][ Y0 ])

Thus all the relationship can be found in this way Therefore ABCD to S parameter
conversion is:

A = (1 + S11 )(1 − S22 ) + (S12 S21 )/(2S21 )

B = Z0 (1 + S11 )(1 + S22 ) − (S12 S21 )/(2S21 )

C = (1 − S11 )(1 − S22 ) − (S12 S21 )/(2S21 Z0 )

D = (1 − S11 )(1 + S22 ) + (S12 S21 )/(2S21 )


A2: Solving  pseudo

 inverse
 Example 1: To solve linear equation Ax=b matrix if
2 3 18
   
A matrix is 
 4 5 Ax= b=32 What is the value of singular value decomposition
  
   
6 7 46
of A matrix ?
Appendix 128

   
2 3 18
   
If A= 
4 5 Ax= b=32
  
   
6 7 46
In matlab, we use command of svd(A) to know the value of U SV T x=V* pinv(s)
transpose(U) C

 
−0.3045 0.8606 0.4082 
 
U =
−0.5434 0.1951 −0.8165
 (6.2)
 
−0.7823 −0.4705 0.4082
   
 1 0  11.7825 0 
   
 0 s2   0 0.4158
S= = (6.3)
   

0 0  0 0 
   
   
0 0 0 0

V −0.6345 −0.7729 − 0.7729 0.6345 (6.4)
 
condition number(A)= 28.3380 Rank(A)=2 w =  
 
2.0000 0.5000
 
3.0000 0.3333
Example 2: To solve linear equation Ax=b matrix if A=   Then
 
4.0000 0.2500
 
 
5.0000 0.2000
Appendix 129

 
 8.0000 
 
Ax= b=  What is the value of singular value decomposition of A matrix ?
 
 
 
   
2.0000 0.5000  8.0000 
   
3.0000 0.3333 10.3333
If A=  And Ax= b=
   

4.0000 0.2500 13.0000
   
   
5.0000 0.2000 15.8000
In matlab we use command of svd(A) to know the value of U SV T x=V* pinv(s)
transpose(U) C

 
 −0.2757 0.8591 0.0634 0.4266 
 
−0.4094 0.2700 −0.4609 −0.7397
U = (6.5)
 

−0.5439 −0.1154 0.7966 −0.2375
 
 
−0.6787 −0.4193 −0.3861 0.4631
   
 1 0  7.3687 0 
   
 0 s2   0 0.4079
S= = (6.6)
   

0 0  0 0 
   
   
0 0 0 0
 
−0.9973 −0.0741
VT   (6.7)
−0.0741 0.9973
 
condition number(A)=18.0640; Rank(A)=2 and w =  
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