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Uniplanar left-handed artificial metamaterials

Article  in  Journal of Optics A Pure and Applied Optics · January 2005

DOI: 10.1088/1464-4258/7/2/006


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5 authors, including:

George Goussetis Alexandros P Feresidis

Heriot-Watt University University of Birmingham


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J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 7 (2005) S44–S50 doi:10.1088/1464-4258/7/2/006

Uniplanar left-handed artificial

George Goussetis, Alexandros P Feresidis, Shenhong Wang,
Yunchuan Guo and John C Vardaxoglou
Wireless Communications Research Group, Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK

Received 9 June 2004, accepted for publication 24 August 2004

Published 20 January 2005
Online at
Planar periodic arrays of metallic elements printed on grounded dielectric
substrates are presented to exhibit left-handed properties for surface wave
propagation. The proposed structures dispense with the need for grounding
vias and ease the implementation of uniplanar left-handed metamaterials at
higher frequencies. A transmission line description is used for the initial
design and interpretation of the left-handed property. A thorough study
based on full wave simulations is carried out with regards to the effect of the
element geometrical characteristics and the array periodicity to the
properties of the artificial material. Dispersion curves are presented and
studied. The distribution of the modal fields in the unit cell is also studied in
order to provide an explanation of the material properties. The scalability of
the proposed structures to infrared frequencies is demonstrated.

Keywords: metamaterials, negative refraction, left-handed media, band gap

1. Introduction A transmission line approach for the analysis and design

of planar LH media has been proposed [5–7]. According
Recently, there has been intensive research effort in the to this approach, left-handed propagation occurs in a dual
microwave and physics communities on composite materials transmission line in one and two dimensions. Instead of the
that support left-handed propagation. The term left-handed shunt capacitance and series inductance of the standard circuit
representation of RH transmission lines (TL), LH-TL can be
describes the fact that the vectors E, H and k form a left-
produced introducing series capacitance and shunt inductance.
handed (LH) triplet, instead of a right-handed (RH) triplet,
Based on this analysis, many properties of NRI media have
as is the case in conventional right-handed media [1]. Thus,
been predicted and the performance of finite structures has
in LH media the Poynting vector E × H is anti-parallel to
been demonstrated. Distributed LH structures, which are
the wavevector k. In other words, the direction of phase
compatible with photolithographic fabrication techniques,
velocity is opposite to the direction of the group velocity and have also been presented recently [4, 6–8]. The distributed
energy propagation. This corresponds to the fact that LH planar LH structures proposed thus far require either a
materials possess a negative effective refractive index n (NRI) grounding via [4, 6, 7] or planar elements embedded vertically
related to the phase velocity according to vp = c/n. For in a planar grounded dielectric substrate [8].
NRI metamaterials, the dispersion relation of the first order In this paper we investigate novel uniplanar left-handed
mode has negative gradient. This is a clear indication of anti- metamaterials and study their properties as a function of their
parallel phase (ω/β) and group (dω/dβ) velocities. If the geometry and array periodicity. The proposed structures
energy flow and hence the group velocity are considered to dispense with the need for grounding vias and multilayer
travel in the positive direction, the phase velocity and thus the configurations [4]. Variations of the split ring resonator (SRR)
wavenumber of an NRI material is negative, and this is the element [9–11] printed on a grounded dielectric substrate
solution that has a physical meaning. Recently, artificial LH are demonstrated to exhibit left-handed properties for surface
media have been synthesized and their unusual properties such wave propagation, based on the emerging dispersion relations.
as negative refraction and subwavelength focusing have been In order to explain their performance, the TL approach is
experimentally demonstrated [2–4]. initially used and related to the modal field distribution in

1464-4258/05/020044+07$30.00 © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK S44

Uniplanar left-handed artificial metamaterials

C= C1/2 pF C=C1/2 pF

z y
IND (a) (b)
L=L1 nH x Y M
Reciprocal Irreducible
Space u.c. Brillouin zone
Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of the unit cell of a dual transmission
line (or LH-TL). Figure 2. Unit cells of the (a) rectangular SRR, (b) loaded SRR, and
(c) reciprocal lattice and irreducible Brillouin zone.
(This figure is in colour only in the electronic version)

3. Uniplanar material designs

the unit cell. Emphasis is given to the distributions of the
E and H fields and how they satisfy the requirement of A full wave analysis is used in this section to produce the
LH media for shunt inductance and series capacitance. The dispersion characteristics and modal field distributions of the
proposed structures are simple to fabricate and their scalability proposed structures. The analysis is based on the formulation
to higher frequencies is demonstrated. This is achieved based of the mixed potential integral equation (MPIE) with a closed
on simulation results at far-infrared frequencies for an LH form periodic Green functions that accounts for metallic
material with element dimensions compatible with published elements layered in dielectric substrates. The method of
microfabrication techniques [12]. moments in conjunction with triangular patch basis functions is
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, a used to solve the MPIE [13]. Commercially available software
brief outline of the dual transmission line concept is given (HFSS) based on the finite-element method (FEM) has also
and its relation to the modal E and H fields is described. been used to verify the results [14].
The SRR element array and its variations are studied in The rectangular SRR is initially studied as the unit element
section 2. Dispersion diagrams and modal field distributions of 2D uniplanar periodic arrays (figure 2(a)). The thickness
are presented and discussed. In section 3, a spiral element of the metallic elements is taken as zero in the simulations.
is utilized for the design of an LH medium at far-infrared The elements are considered on a 1.13 mm thick grounded
dielectric substrate of dielectric constant εr = 2.2. The SRR
dimensions are: small side 2.8 mm, large side 5.8 mm, line
width 0.2 mm, and gap 0.2 mm.
2. Equivalent circuit The dispersion diagram of the first two modes of the SRR
array with a relatively large unit cell of 5 mm × 8 mm is shown
A brief outline of the dual transmission line (TL) concept for in figure 3. The element together with the unit cell is shown
LH media is given here in order to explain its relation to the as the inset in the same figure. The material behaves as an RH
modal E and H fields that are studied in this paper. As has medium since the dispersion curves have a positive gradient.
been shown recently, a periodic structure with a unit cell that The ripples of the curves are due to tolerances in terms of
the accuracy of the simulation method. The first resonant
can be described by the equivalent circuit of figure 1 exhibits
mode corresponds to electric field polarization parallel to the
LH properties, i.e. antiparallel group and phase velocities, and
larger dimension of the element and aligned with the SRR
negative index of refraction [3]. The LH nature is provided by
gap. Therefore, in the X direction the first resonant mode is
the series capacitor and shunt inductor, as opposed to the series
predominantly TE, and in the Y direction the first mode is
inductor and shunt capacitor of the conventional RH-TL.
predominantly TM. In the XM and MY sections of the Brillouin
Based on this approach, it is instructive to study the contour the modes are hybrid.
distribution of the electric and magnetic field in the unit A study has been carried out with regards to the effect of
cell taking into account the requirement for shunt inductance the periodicity of the SRR array on the dispersion relations, and
and series capacitance. Shunt inductance is related to the representative results are presented. In figure 4 the dispersion
magnetic field that would be produced by an ideal shunt relation for a small unit cell along y is shown. This unit cell
inductor, i.e. the z-component of the magnetic field (Hz ). with dimensions 5 mm × 6 mm will be referred to as unit cell
Similarly, a series capacitor would produce electric field along 1, or UC1. It is evident that the small periodicity along y
the y-axis (assuming that the E-field is parallel to the y-axis and does not affect significantly the dispersion characteristics of
therefore ‘voltage is applied’ along y). The y-component of the array apart from a slight decrease of the frequency of the
the electric field (E y ) is therefore a measure of the equivalent supported modes.
series capacitance. The distributions of Hz and E y for the Figure 5 shows the dispersion relation for the SRR array
first resonant mode of the proposed arrays are presented and with a small unit cell along x. The unit cell with dimensions
discussed in the following section. 3 mm × 8 mm will be referred to as UC2. The effect of the

G Goussetis et al




Frequency (GHz)




Figure 3. Dispersion relation for the SRR grounded periodic array with large unit cell. Bold curves correspond to modes, and the dash line
corresponds to the light line.




Frequency (GHz)




Figure 4. Dispersion relation for the SRR grounded periodic array with unit cell UC1.

x-periodicity to the handedness of the structure is significant. A study of the distribution of the Hz and E y field
For small x-periodicity the structure behaves as an LH medium components for the first resonant mode of the proposed arrays
in the X part of the Brillouin zone, and hence the dispersion has been carried out. An explanation of the performance of the
curve has a negative gradient. Reducing the periodicity along y structures can be provided based on the LH-TL approach. As
affects only slightly the behaviour of the structure. Therefore, described in section 2, the E y field is a measure of the series
the SRR in a small unit cell has an LH medium response in capacitance and the Hz field a measure of the shunt inductance,
the X part of the Brillouin zone (figure 6). However, both which are both required for an LH effective medium. The
in figures 5 and 6 the structure is RH in the Y part of the corresponding E y and Hz field distributions in the unit cell of
Brillouin zone. the proposed structures are shown in figure 8.
Figures 8(a), (e) show the field distributions for the SRR
A capacitive loading of the gap in the SRR element
in UC1 and figures (b), (f) the fields for the SRR in UC2.
(figure 2(b)) has been found to enhance further the left Capacitance emerges in the SRR gap and between successive
handedness of the medium. This is shown in the dispersion elements, where opposite charges gather on either side.
relation in figure 7 where the proposed loaded SRR is also Furthermore, the current circulates along the open loop of the
shown as an inset. In this topology we have introduced larger SRR, resulting in magnetic activity and therefore inductance.
reentrant faces where opposite charges accumulate and the Comparing the E y and Hz values of the two structures (SRR-
capacitance values are increased. The structure now supports UC1 and SRR-UC2) it is evident that SRR-UC2 exhibits
LH propagation throughout the Brillouin zone. Results significantly stronger electric and magnetic activity, which in
obtained from HFSS for the first LH mode are also shown turn results in the LH behaviour of the structure. In the case of
in figure 7 and are in good agreement with the MPIE method. SRR-UC1 the fields and the corresponding series capacitance

Uniplanar left-handed artificial metamaterials




Frequency (GHz)




Figure 5. Dispersion relation for the SRR grounded periodic array with unit cell UC2.




Frequency (GHz)




Figure 6. Dispersion relation for the SRR grounded periodic array with small unit cell.




Frequency (GHz)




Figure 7. Dispersion relation for the capacitive-loaded SRR grounded periodic array. White dots show results obtained from HFSS.

and shunt inductance are weak, and the structure is RH. Similar the small unit cell shown in figures 8(c) and (g). This explains
field distributions to the SRR-UC2 are obtained for the SRR in the similar dispersion relations of these two structures.

G Goussetis et al

(a) (e)

(b) (f)

(c) (g)

(d) (h)

Figure 8. Normalized values of the E y component (a)–(d) and the Hz component (e)–(h) of the SRR for different periodicities, and the
loaded SRR element arrays at the first resonant mode in the X part of the Brillouin zone.

Further enhancement of the E y field is obtained for the 4. LH material at far-infrared frequencies
loaded SRR (figure 8(d)). Strong E y fields appear in the SRR
gap which correspond to an increase of the series capacitance. An LH medium has been designed to operate at far-infrared
Furthermore, current now also flows along the reentering frequencies, based on the studies of the previous sections. SRR
loads, which results in a further increase of Hz (figure 8(h)). elements have been previously proposed for the realization
The structure is more miniature and supports LH propagation of magnetic composite media at optical frequencies [12, 15].
throughout the Brillouin zone. In order to present realistic designs that can be fabricated

Uniplanar left-handed artificial metamaterials



Refractive index
-5 ΓX
z y


x -9


Figure 9. Unit cell of spiral element (line width is 4 µm and all -13
gaps are 2 µm). 300 320 340 360 380
Frequency (GHz)

using existing techniques, we followed the specifications of a Figure 11. Refractive index of the structure calculated from
previously published micro-fabrication technique and adhered figure 10.
to its restrictions in terms of minimum gaps and metal line
widths [12]. The gaps are 2 µm and the metal line widths the proposed material has been calculated from the dispersion
are 4 µm. Although the thickness of the elements has diagram and is shown in figure 11.
been taken as zero in the simulations, losses would occur 5. Conclusion
in a practical implementation as in [12]. The element is
supported on a quartz substrate of 50 µm thickness. Based Uniplanar LH artificial metamaterials have been presented
on these dimensions, the loaded SRR element was found to be and studied. The periodic materials consist of SRR elements
unsuitable for an LH medium design. This can be attributed and some variations printed on a grounded substrate in the
to the fact that the series capacitance and shunt inductance absence of grounding vias. In particular, a capacitive-loaded
values were not high enough for an LH response. A spiral- SRR exhibits LH behaviour throughout the Brillouin zone. A
element geometry, similar to that in [16], has been employed spiral element was utilized for the design of an LH medium
that produces the desired LH response. The unit cell of the at far-infrared frequencies. A transmission line description
proposed structure (40 µm × 40 µm) is shown in figure 9. was used for the initial design and interpretation of the LH
The dispersion relation of the first resonant mode of the property. A thorough study based on dispersion diagrams was
structure is shown in figure 10. The structure behaves as an carried out with regards to the effect of the element geometrical
LH medium throughout the Brillouin zone. In addition, the characteristics and the array periodicity on the properties of the
behaviour is more symmetrical for both X and Y directions, artificial material. It has been demonstrated that, apart form
as compared to the capacitive-loaded SRR of the previous the element geometry, the periodicity can also be critical for
section. Our simulations have shown that for a 400 µm thick achieving left-handedness. The distribution of the modal fields
quartz substrate the shape of the mode is very similar but in the unit cell was studied in order to provide an explanation
is now between 250 and 300 GHz. The refractive index of of the material properties.


Frequency (GHz)





Figure 10. Dispersion diagram of spiral element. Bold curve: first resonant mode; dash line: light line.

G Goussetis et al

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