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Tugas Narrative Text Ke-2

1. The Smart Monkey And The Dull Crocodile (Fable)

One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile so he asked the
crocodile to take him across the other side of the river. The crocodile agree and told the monkey to
jump on its back. Then the crocodile swamp down the river with the monkey on his top. Unluckily,
the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the river and said to the monkey, “My
father is very sick. He has to eat the heart of the monkey. So he will be healthy again.”

At the time, the monkey was in dangerous situation and he had to think hard,. Then he had a good
idea. He told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank. “What’s for?” asked the crocodile.
“Because I don’t bring my heart,” said the monkey. “I left it under a tree, near some coconuts in the
river bank.”

The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they
reached the river bank, The monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back. Then he climbed up to the top of
a tree. “Where is your heart?’ asked the crocodile. “You are foolish,” said the monkey to the monkey
to the crocodile. “now I am free and I have my heart.”

Generic Structure

1. Orientation : The participants or characters of the story are a smart monkey and dull crocodile.
One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile
The time set is just one day. The story takes place in a river
2. Complication : Every narrative text must consist of conflict or problem. A simple definition of
problem is when something goes and it is not what we want. In the story the complication start when
the crocodile want to eats the monkey.
the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the river and said to the monkey, “My
father is very sick. He has to eat the heart of the monkey. Of course the monkey don not want to be
the crocodile’s meal and that is the problem which sets the whole story.
3. Resolution : A problem must be resolved. It can succeed or fail. In this story, the monkey succeeds
to solve the problem. He get free from the hungry crocodile.
The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they
reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back. Then he climbed up to the top of
a tree.

2. Dewi Sri (Myth)

Once upon a time, Batara Guru commanded all the gods and goddesses to contribute their power in
order to build a new palace. Anybody who disobeyed this commandment were considered lazy and
would lose their arms and legs.
Hearing the Batara Guru’s commandment, Naga god was very anxious because he didn’t have arms or
legs. He might not be able do the job. So he asked advice from Batara Narada who was the younger
brother of Batara Guru. Unfortunately Narada was also confused. The Naga god became very upset.
While the Naga god was crying for his bad luck, three teardrops fell on the ground. Not long after
that, those teardrops became three beautiful shining eggs which looked like jewels. Then Batara
Narada advised him to offer those shining eggs to Batara Guru.
With the three eggs in his mouth, the Naga god went to the Batara Guru’s palace. On the way, an
eagle asked him a question. Surely Naga god could not answer the question because he was holding
the eggs in his mouth. Seeing that, the bird thought that Naga god was arrogant and the bird attacked
Being attacked, one egg fell to earth. Then Naga god was hiding in the bushes but the bird was
waiting for him. The bird attacked for the second time and one egg fell again. So Naga god only had
one egg in his mouth. He kept moving to Batara Guru’s palace.
Finally Naga god arrived at the palace. He offered the egg to the Batara Guru. And miraculously the
egg hatched became a very beautiful baby girl. Naga god gave the baby girl to the Batara Guru. The
baby grew up into a beautiful girl and later known for Dewi Sri.

Generic Structure

1. Orientation: There were participants in that story. They Naga god, Batara Guru, Batara Narada and
an eagle. They were on once time.
2. Complication: Naga god faced a problem relating to Batara Guru commandement. Then he was in
conflict with an eagle on the way to palace.
3. Resolution: Naga god ended the story successfully by offering Batara Guru an egg which turned
into a beautiful girl.

3. Snow White (Fairy Tale)

Once upon time, there was a wicked queen. As part of her daily beauty routine, the Wicked Queen
asks her Magic Mirror, “Who is the fairest one of all?” and is told that Snow White, her blossoming
stepdaughter, is now the “fairest one of all.”

In an envious rage, the queen orders a woodsman to kill Snow White, who has just met the handsome
and endearing Prince, in the forest. Once there, however, the woodsman finds he cannot do the deed
and admonishes the princess to hide, while he returns to the queen with a pig’s heart, which he claims
belonged to Snow White.

Frightened by the dark, stormy forest, Snow White runs wildly through the trees until she collapses
with exhaustion on the forest floor. After her nap, she wakes to find the woods full of friendly, furry
animals, who guide her to an empty cottage.

Shocked by the decrepit condition of the cottage, Snow White enlists the help of the animals to clean
it up, and then falls asleep in an upstairs bedroom, which has been furnished with seven tiny beds.
While Snow White sleeps, the owners of the beds, the Seven Dwarfs–Sleepy, Dopey, Doc, Sneezy,
Grumpy, Bashful and Happy–return from working at the local diamond mine and discover the
snoozing princess.
After much confusion, Snow White strikes a deal with the Dwarfs, offering her domestic services in
exchange for room and board. To Grumpy’s dissatisfaction, Snow White turns the household upside
down and instigates positive changes in the Dwarfs’ life.

The Dwarfs’ newly found happiness ends abruptly when the evil queen, who has learned from the
Magic Mirror that Snow White is alive, transforms herself into an old hag and, equipped with a
poison apple, heads for the Dwarfs’ cottage.

Lured by the queen, the innocent Snow White bites into the apple and falls into a death-like sleep,
which can be broken only when she is kissed by her first true love. Satisfied that Snow White is
doomed, the queen rushes back toward her castle but is chased by the Dwarfs and falls to her death off
a cliff.

While lying in the woods in a glass-domed coffin built by the Dwarfs, Snow White is found by the
Prince. Entranced by her tranquil beauty, the prince kisses her back to life and carries her off to
eternal happiness.

Generic Structure

1. Orientation : Introducing Snow White

2. Complication : Snow White’s aunt and uncle would leave her in a castle, Snow White run away,
Snow White felt hungry in the wood.
3. Resolution : The dwarfs permitted Snow White lived in their cottage lived happily.

4. The Three Feathers (Folktale)

Once upon time There was a king who had three sons. The two son were clever. The third son did
not speak much so he was called Simpleton. When the king had become old, he did not know which
son should become the king.

Then he got a bright idea and said; “Go forth, who brings me the most beautiful carpet will be king
after me”. He blew three feathers in the air, and said: “You should go as they fly”. One feather flew to
the east, the second to the west, but the third flew straight up and did not fly far.
So one brother went to the right, and the other to the left. Simpleton was sad because his feather did
not fly far. Then all at once he saw a trap-door close to the feather. He found some steps, and went
down the door. Then he came to another door, knocked at it. The door opened, and he saw a fat toad
sitting. She asked what he wanted. He answered; “I should get the prettiest and finest carpet in the
world”. Then she called a young toad; “Bring me the great box!”

The young toad brought the box. The fat toad opened it, and gave simpleton a carpet out of it. The
carpet was so beautiful. So Simpleton thanked her, and brought it to the kingdom. Meanwhile his
brothers just got some coarse handkerchiefs from a shepherds’ wives whom they had met. When the
king saw Simpleton’s carpet he was very astonished and said; ” Well, the kingdom belongs to the
Simpleton”. But his two brothers argued that it was impossible that simpleton should be king, They
asked the king to make a new agreement.

Then the father said; “Who brings me the most beautiful ring will inherit the kingdom”. He blew
three feathers, which they were to follow. Those of the two eldest again went east and west, and
simpleton’s feather flew straight up, and fell down near the trap-door. Again the fat toad gave him a
ring sparkled with jewels. Meanwhile his two brothers just got old carriage-rings. However they did
not cease from tormenting the king until he made a third condition.

So the king declared; Who brings the most beautiful woman home will be the king”. He again blew
the three feathers into the air. Then Simpleton went down to the fat toad, and said; “I am to take home
the most beautiful woman”. The she gave him a yellow turnip which had been hollowed out.
Mournfully Simpleton said; “What am I to do with it?”. The toad answered; “Just put one of my little
toads into it!”. Then Simpleton seized one little toad and put her into the yellow coach. Surprisingly
the little toad turned into a beautiful maiden. So Simpleton took her to the king. On the other hand, his
brother brought peasant women to the kingdom.

When the king saw the women he said; “After my death the kingdom belongs to my youngest son”.
But the two eldest brothers kept arguing that whose wife could leap through a ring which hung in the
center of the hall would be the king. The king agreed. Then the two peasant women jumped through
the ring but they fell which made their arms and legs broke. On the other hand, the pretty maiden
sprang through the ring as lightly as a deer which made the two peasants ceased. So Simpleton
received the crown and ruled wisely the kingdom.

Generic Structure

1. Orientation : Once upon time There was a king who had three sons.
2. Complication : Simpleton was sad because his feather did not fly far.
But his two brothers argued that it was impossible that simpleton should be king
However they did not cease from tormenting the king until he made a third condition.
3. Resolution : So Simpleton received the crown and ruled wisely the kingdom.

4. Toba Lake (Legend)

In one village of North Sumatera, there lived a poor farmer named Toba. One day, he went fishing.
Luckily, he got a beautiful goldfish. He carried it home then planned to cook it. When he got home,
the fish turned into a beautiful woman.

The woman told him that she was cursed. She asked Toba to keep it as a secret. Toba agreed it only
with one condition that she would marry him. Then they got married and soon had one child named
Samosir. This boy liked to eat much food.

One day, mother asked Samosir to bring lunch to father. On the way to rice field, he stopped and ate
most of food. After that, he gave the rest of food to his father. Toba was very angry and shouted at
Samosir “You, a fish kid, you are so greedy!” Samosir cried and ran toward his mother. He asked
mother why father called him a fish kid.

Generic Structure

1. Orientation : In one village of North Sumatera, there lived a poor farmer named Toba. One day, he
went fishing. Luckily, he got a beautiful goldfish.
2. Complication : The woman told him that she was cursed. She asked Toba to keep it as a secret.
Toba agreed it only with one condition that she would marry him.
3. Resolution : Toba was very angry and shouted at Samosir “You, a fish kid, you are so greedy!”
Samosir cried and ran toward his mother. He asked mother why father called him a fish kid.

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