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Marek Golonka

A twist for any Pathifnder campaign

Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

Dear gamer!

It seems to me that many of us have some sentiment for hordes of orcs, goblins,
gnolls and other so-called „wild humanoids”. Sometimes this sentiment comes from Tolkien,
sometimes from video games like Icewind Dale – that’s my case – and sometimes simply
from the fact that they are classical low-level opponents in many fantasy RPGs.

That’s why they are evergreen monsters (pardon the pun!) but that’s also why it’s
good to come up with a fresh idea about them every now and then, especially if we want to
use these creatures in sessions for mid- or high-level characters. Hordehearts is one such
idea – this mini-supplement provides you with a description of strange creatures that can
enter a symbiosis with a wild horde, feeding on members’ emotions and vitality but also
protecting and empowering them in return.

The presence of a Hordeheart can become a twist in a typical “wild horde” adventure
both because it makes a horde more dangerous and because a Hordeheart is a cunning
being who can scheme, deceive and intrigue against our heroes.

To make Hordehearts as easy to use as can be I’ve described only the most basic
information on them as facts, leaving numerous possible interpretations where possible.
Have fun!

Marek Golonka

Table of contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
Origins ............................................................................................................................... 3
Within a horde.................................................................................................................... 4
What is a horde? ............................................................................................................ 4
Game statistics ...................................................................................................................... 5
Horde powers ........................................................................................................................ 6
Horde blessing ................................................................................................................... 6
Adventure ideas .................................................................................................................... 7
Acknowledgements and licenses ........................................................................................... 8

Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

Introduction Origins
There are few things more appalling to Nobody knows for sure where did
civilized nations than an attack of a wild Hordehearts come from. Scholars,
horde. Be it composed of humans, orcs, shamans and adventurers have created
goblins or other creatures their sheer hundreds of explanations, hypotheses and
numbers and savage ferocity can easily wild speculations but none of these could
destroy whole cities or even nations, be called conclusive.
usually leaving only rubble and corpses
Below you’ll find some of the most
widespread and acknowledged theories
Such attacks are so cruel that some about the origins of these creatures. All,
people consider them to be work of some of none of these hypotheses might
demons. In fact mortals have more cruelty be true.
and rage than needed to create hordes
Vengeance spirits: when a great
without any supernatural assistance.
horde is defeated the fury of its slain
Sometimes, however, there indeed are
members creates a Hordeheart – maybe
fiendish creatures behind these violent
naturally, maybe with the help of a
groups. These creatures are so-called
shamanistic spell that channels these
Hordehearts, fiends who relish in hordes’
emotions. A Hordeheart born in this way
cruelty and feed on the violent emotions
will probably want to avenge the “mother”
that buzz among horde members.
horde. He might reassemble the remaining
Hordehearts are shapeshifters able to members of the horde or seek another one
change into most humanoid races and and direct it against the enemies of his
thus infiltrate ranks of almost any horde. “creators”.
They bond with such groups, feeding on
From Hell: Hordehearts are beings
their emotions to gain enhanced strength
from the infernal planes who took interest
and in return increasing the horde’s vitality
in wild hordes because of the fury they
and determination. Some of them content
emanate. They might be messengers from
themselves with the role of a leech,
the gods of orcs, goblins and similar
siphoning the horde’s might and relishing
creatures or simply independent fiends
in the power obtained that way while
seeking destruction and discord. You
others seek to influence and manipulate
might remove the native subtype from
the groups they join.
Hordehearts in this variant.

Literal Hordehearts: Hordehearts

might be precisely what they are called –
hearts of hordes, creatures born from
emotions experienced by the members of
such groups. They simply appear out of
nowhere one day and begin influencing
the horde. In this variant they should be
bound to their mother horde and lose the
ability to change shape.

Mad creations: Hordehearts might

have been created in a single event. For
example a powerful archmage might have

Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

changed other creatures (doppelgangers? leading it openly as chieftains. It is a
Rakshasas?) into them to subtly take dangerous position because chieftains are
control of the wild hordes. Or maybe a sect sometimes watched by wizards and other
of shamans became Hordehearts as a part beings capable of piercing a Hordeheart’s
of a bargain with a dark entity? disguise. Of course such beings can
blackmail a Hordeheart instead of
Within a horde revealing his true nature. After such
Hordehearts enter a symbiosis with blackmail a Hordeheart can be dragged
the horde simply by merging with its into a wide web of intrigues.
members and pledging allegiance to
whatever unifies the group (see What is a
horde? sidebar).
What is a horde?
There are many roles a Hordeheart Defining what can be considered a horde is
important when using Hordehearts in play,
may take in a wild horde. Of course, being
especially since their statistics depend on the size of
a shapechanger, a cunning member of this hordes they belong to (see Horde powers below).
race may occupy more than one of these Often it is easy to tell intuitively if a given group is a
positions at once. horde or not but sometimes a set of questions might
become handy:
Cannon Fodder: A Hordeheart
-Does this group share an allegiance to a person
pretends to be a typical member of a (chieftain, shaman), a symbol (a flag, name etc.) or
horde. Many of these creatures would find an idea (“to pillage the Northern Kingdom!”)?
such a position too ordinary but others like
-Does it have militaristic goals, either preparing for a
to influence a horde by their mere
war or already waging one?
presence. Others still are simply too lazy
to do anything more than that. -Does it differ from an army in that it relies on fury
and strength of individual members rather than
Shaman: with his magical powers and tactics during combat?
insight into the world of the supernatural a
If the answer to all these questions is “yes” the
Hordeheart can become a great shaman. considered group surely is a horde. If not, the
A fiend in such position can reveal that the judgement is up to you. Remember that, after all,
scope of his powers depend on the the potential for a great plot is what really matters –
horde’s size and thus encourage the horde if you want to create a story about a Hordeheart
who has to find a new group because an orc horde
to expand and seek new members. became too organized then you may decide that in
your setting a Hordeheart can connect only to
Champion: some Hordehearts hordes composed mostly of creatures of chaotic
become elite warriors of a horde, pledging alignment.
their might to the chieftain or the shaman
And last but not least: one could argue that
and astonishing the entire horde with their
outside the times of war communities of orcs,
power and apparent immortality. Leaders goblins, gnolls and similar “wild humanoids” are not
“commanding” these creatures are often hordes but tribes that would form a horde when the
afraid that their champions will sooner or need arises but Hordehearts can connect to such
later replace them and sometimes such “potential” hordes just as well as to actual ones. The
only difference is that there is a much lower chance
fears prove true. that many of the tribe’s members will be engaged in
combat at the same time (see Horde powers below).
Chieftain: bold Hordehearts can claim
the leadership of a horde and begin

Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

day, similar to barbarian’s rage. When
Game statistics raging he gets a +4 bonus to Strength and
Constitution and a +2 bonus to Will saves
but -2 penalty co Armour Class. Unlike a
Hordeheart CR 5
barbarian a Hordeheart isn’t fatigued after
XP 1,600 (see Horde powers below) his fury. If a Hordeheart has any Horde
Usually CE Medium outsider (native, points his fury becomes stronger – its
shapechanger) duration increases by two rounds per day
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; for every Horde point and it gains
Perception +10 additional bonuses:
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16; (+1 Dex, 1 Horde point: a raging Hordeheart
+3 natural, +3 armor) begins to emit an aura of fear. All
hp 51 (6d10+18) creatures within a 30 feet radius that see
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +7 him raging must make a DC 15 Will save
DR 5/good or be shaken with fear for 1d4 rounds.
Offense Whether the save is successful or not the
Speed 30 ft. creature becomes immune to the same
Melee greataxe +9/+4 (1d12+4, x3) Hordeheart’s dreadful fury for 24 hours.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Special attacks dreadful fury
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th) 3 Horde points: the bonuses for a raging
Always: 3/day — rage (DC 14) Hordeheatr increase to Strength +6,
Horde 1+ (see Horde powers below): Constitution +6 and Will +3. Additionally
3/day — cure medium wounds, 1/day:
his base land speed increases by 10 feet
bestow curse (DC 16), call lightning (DC
15), greater magic weapon while raging.
Horde 3+: At will — cure light wounds,
5 Horde points: the fear aura becomes
3/day – fear (DC 16), 1/day: stoneskin
Horde 5: 3/day: mass cure light wounds, much stronger – creatures that fail the
1/day: call lightning storm (DC 17), greater save are panicked instead of shaken.
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 15,
Cha 15
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 19
Feats Great sunder, Improved sunder,
Power attack
Skill Diplomacy +11, Disguise +11,
Intimidate +11, Knowledge (history) +10,
Perception +10, Sense motive +11,
Survival +8
Languages Common, two others
depending on the setting
SQ change shape (alter self), Horde

Dreadful fury (ex) A Hordeheart can enter

a state of terrible fury for five rounds per

Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

Horde powers Horde blessing
The true might of a Hordeheart comes Great hordes provide Hordehearts
from emotions and vitality of a horde he is with enough power to give them
attached to. This power is represented by something in return. Every creature
a system of Horde points. A Hordeheart’s belonging to such a horde gains benefits
number of Horde points depend on the depending on the horde’s size:
number of members of the horde he’s
2 Horde points: +2 enhancement bonus
attached to:
to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution or
Members Horde points Wisdom (chosen by the Hordeheart for the
50-499 1 entire horde).
500-999 2
1000-1999 3 3 Horde points: DR 2/-.
2000+ 4
4 Horde points: ability bonus increases to
+4. Alternatively two of abilities listed
Hordeheart is considered to have one above are increased by +2.
Horde point more than he really has when
at least half of his horde is engaged in 5 Horde points: DR increases to 5/-,
combat. It’s the only way a Hordeheart can Diehard as a bonus feat.
accumulate 5 Horde points.

The number of Horde points a

Hordeheart has influences his power in
three ways.

-A Hordeheart gets an insight bonus to

attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and
Armor Class equal to the number of Horde
points he has.

-Horde points increase the power of

Dreadful fury (see above).

-Two or more Horde points activate Horde

blessing that increases horde members’
powers (see below).

Horde points increase Hordeheart’s

power in many ways. That’s why his CR
and XP rating depend on the number of
Horde points accumulated:

Horde CR XP
0-1 5 1,600
2-3 6 2,400
4-5 7 3,200

Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

Adventure ideas
A hobgoblin horde descends from A great group of goblins, hobgoblins
the mountains, burning and pillaging every and orcs is gathering under the leadership
town they march into. A local noble sends of a green dragon. This dragon crowns a
his army against them but it seems that powerful orcish warrior as the king of this
these hobgoblins are much more powerful newfound horde. Most observers consider
than typical specimens, easily defeating a the orc to be the dragon’s puppet but in
huge force of well-armored cavalry. Player fact the orc is a Hordeheart – the dragon’s
Characters are asked or hired to partner with equal cunning and ambitions.
investigate the secret behind their power. Right now these two cooperate smoothly
so to defeat the horde the Player
The shaman of a barbarian tribe calls
Characters will have to discover the king’s
upon every brave warrior in the land to join
secret and turn him and the dragon
his people and create a great wild army
against each other. Given their great
that would wipe out forever the gnoll horde
ambitions it might not be so difficult…
occupying an important mountain range. In
fact both the shaman and the gnoll leader After the defeat of a great orc horde
are Hordehearts who want to complete a the elf general who defeated it can’t be
powerful and unholy rite fueled by the found and seems to be dead. After a few
maelstrom of rage that would arise from a weeks he returns, but as a changed man –
battle of two Hordeheart-bound armies. he tries to inspire xenophobia in his fellow
elves and begins to talk about wars
against neighbor nations. In fact he is a
Hordeheart born from the wrath of
defeated horde, wishing to punish the
elves not only by leading them into a lost
war but also by turning them into a
resentful militaristic people not better than

Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

Acknowledgements and licenses

Author & layout design: Marek Golonka

Publisher: Avalon Games

All art included in this file is taken from Avalon Games resources. Background design taken
from Papyrus Ornament Template Copy, copyright © 2009, Tamas Baranya. Used with permission.

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing,
LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license.
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used
under license.


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Domênico Gay (order #7343518)

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