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MS SQL BI Developer
Email: ************* Phone: +91-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Professional Summary

 5.3 Years of IT Experience in Development and Support of Microsoft SQL Server

2008R2/2012 in Development, Data warehouse, Test and Production Environments on various
business domains like Financial, Insurance and Health Care.
 Experience in Data Schema Design, and Table Design.
 Eight months of experience on Power BI (Desktop and Service) along with SSAS Tabular
Model and DAX.
 Worked on the Power Bi reports & dashboards with SQL Server/Tabular SSAS sources
 Used Table , Matrix , Bar, Card , Gauge , Slicers visualizations
 Worked on Custom Visualizations like multi slicer and Hierarchy slicer.
 Worked on DAX expressions like filters, Aggregate, Mathematical Functions etc.
 Created New Calculated Column and Measure using DAX Expression.
 Comfortable in working with filters/calculated columns/measures/relationships and
transformations of Edit Query section.
 Published/shared the reports by creating Content Pack/Sharing the pbix file.
 Worked on On-Premises Gateway to refresh the data sources/creating a live connection with
Tabular SSAS.
 Implemented Role Based Security as part of security in Power Bi.
 Experience with T-SQL in constructing Tables, Triggers, User Function, Views, User
Profiles, Relational Database Models, Data Dictionaries and Data Integrity.
 Experience in Using multiple join statements to retrieve data from multiple tables
 Experience in Creating Backend validations using Insert/Update and Delete triggers and
Created views for generating reports.
 Experience in writing Programs for implementing Stored Procedures for different tasks.
Worked with Development teams in relation to application tuning.
 Experience in MS Business Intelligence tools like SQL Server Integration Services,
Reporting Services.
 Migrated DTS objects to SQL Server Integrated Services environment, migrated data from
SAS environment to SQL Server 2008R2/2012 via SQL Server Integrated Services.
 Implemented SSIS data, created maintenance procedures and provided data integrity
 Created ETL packages using SSIS to move data from various heterogeneous data sources.
 Created logs for ETL load at package level and task level to log number of records processed
by each package and each task in a package using SSIS.
 Implemented error handling and roll back process in ETL load.
 Configured SSIS packages using Package configuration wizard to allow packages run on
different environments.
 Used SSIS to create ETL packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data
warehouse databases, data mart databases, and process SSAS cubes to store data to OLAP
 Expert in removing the Duplicate (De-duplication) rows from a table and applying Fuzzy
lookup in SSIS
 Worked with Financial companies for application related pricing and security applications
 Developed Reports using efficient data retrieval techniques
 Designed different types of reports like drill down, drill through, sub reports, parameterized
reports and cascading reports in SSRS 2008R2/2012.
 Design and develop tabular, Matrix, Drill down and Parameterized reports in SSRS using
stored proc. Use of custom code, Expressions in SSRS.
 Developed Custom Reports and different types of Tabular Reports, Matrix Reports, Ad hoc
Reports and distributed Reports in multiple formats using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
in Business intelligence development studio (BIDS).
 Excellent Report creation skills using Microsoft Reporting Services (SSRS) 2008R2/2012.
 Excellent communication, presentation, interpersonal skills, strong troubleshooting and
organizational skills.

Technical Skills:

SQL Server Tools: SQL Server Enterprise Manager, T-SQL, Data Transformation
Services (DTS), SQL Server Query Analyzer, SQL Server Agent,
SQL Jobs, SQL Alerts and SQL Mail, SQL Server Management
Studio, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server 2008R2
Reporting Services (SSRS), DBCC, BCP, SQL Server Profiler.
Reporting Tool: SSRS & Power BI Developer.
Programming Languages: T-SQL
Databases: MS SQL Server 2008R2/2012.
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2003/Vista/Windows 7

Organizational Experience:
Currently working as a Sr. Software Engineer Moreal Infotech Pvt Ltd,Pune from Sept xxxx to
Till date
Worked as a Software engineer in Bornbit Technologies, Pvt, Ltd, Pune from xxxx January to xxxx

B. Sc from Osmania University

Professional Experience:
Client: Cigna Health Insurance, Windsor, CT Sept xx – xxxx
Role: MSBI Developer(SSIS/SSRS/Power BI)

Description: Cigna Health Insurance is a leading provider of healthcare industry. Cigna Health
Insurance has created a set of web based supply chain management solutions that directly address the
particular needs of hospital materials management departments and Supply manufacturers and
distributors. The important mission of the data warehouse project is Increase the frequency and quality of
information by providing increased levels of beneficial data to stakeholders in a more responsive way at a
predictable cost. Support and align with the corporate business strategy and differentiate Cigna Health
Insurance data offering from its competitors.
 Involved in reviewing the Investments application and interacting with business users to
understand the user requirements.
 Gathered user requirements and analyzed and designed software solution and database.
 Created SSIS packages to extract data from OLTP to OLAP systems and Scheduled Jobs to
call the packages and Stored Procedures.
 Transferred data from various OLTP data sources, such as Oracle, MS Access, MS Excel, Flat
files, CSV files into SQL Server 2012.
 Good understanding of Data Marts, Data warehousing, Operational Data Store (ODS),
OLAP, Star Schema Modeling, Snow-Flake Modeling, Fact and Dimensions Tables using MS
Analysis Services.
 Used scripts and variables, email notifications for ETL process using Data Integrator.
 Worked on the Power Bi reports & dashboards with SQL Server/Tabular SSAS sources
 Used Table , Matrix , Bar, Card , Gauge , Slicers visualizations
 Worked on Custom Visualizations like multi slicer and Hierarchy slicer.
 Worked on DAX expressions like filters, Aggregate, Mathematical Functions etc.
 Created New Calculated Column and Measure using DAX Expression.
 Responsible for implementation of creating complex SSIS packages using proper control and
data flow elements with error handling.
 Excellent in Data Extraction, Transforming and Loading (ETL) using SQL Server Integration
Services (SSIS), DTS, Bulk Insert, BCP.
 Expert in design and development of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages and
using various control flow task and data flow transformation.
 Implemented Event Handlers and Error Handling in SSIS packages and notified process
results to various user communities.
 Tested, Cleaned and Standardized Data meeting the business standards using Fuzzy /exact
lookups using SSIS tasks.
 Designed and developed matrix and tabular reports with drill down, drill through and drop
down menu option using SSRS.
 Generated and consolidated monthly reports and budget analysis to drive forecast
production plan with SQL report service (SSRS).
 Designed and Implemented various reports using Crystal Reports and responsible for the
migration to SSRS.
 Designed and build the OLAP cubes using Star schema and Snow Flake Schema using native
OLAP Service Manager.
 Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, Views, TSQL scripting for complex business
logic. Extensively used Joins and sub-queries for complex queries involving multiple tables from
different databases.
 Performed maintenance duties like performance tuning and optimization of queries,
functions and stored procedures.
 Created Database Maintenance Plans for the performance of SQL Server which covers
Database Integrity checks, update database Statistics and Re-indexing.
 Used SQL Profiler for troubleshooting, monitoring, optimization of SQL server 2012 and
SQL code.
 Optimized the database by creating various clustered, non-clustered indexes and indexed
 Taking Database full Backup, Transaction log backup & differential backup in daily Routine.
Environment: SQL Server 2012, Windows 2003/2007 Server. SQL Server ETL Tools
Client: AON , USA Sept xxxx – Aug xxxx
Role: MSBI Developer(SSIS/SSRS)

Aon Corporation is the leading provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance
brokerage and human capital and management consulting. The Application-AuMine is a policy and
quote management for endorsements, renewal and invoicing.  This project is responsible for loading data
(gets from various legacy systems) into SQL Servers by creating Integrated Packages (SSIS) and makes
available data and Reporting services (SSRS).


 Installed and Configured Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2/2012.

 Created Tables, Views, Indexes, Stored Procedure and Triggers. Used multiple join
statements to retrieve data and update the tables. Created Backend validations using
Insert/Update and Delete triggers.
 Extensively used Extract Transform Loading (ETL) tool of SQL Server to populate data from
various data sources and converted SAS environment to SQL Server.
 Developed, monitored and deployed SSIS packages.
 Worked in transferring the data using SQL Server Integration Services packages
Extensively used SSIS Import/Export Wizard for performing the ETL operations
 Hands on experience with SQL server Always On High Availability Groups.
 Heavily involved in the design/development of the applications using ASP. Net, VB.Net
 Utilized Integration Services (SSIS) to produce a Data Mart for reporting.
 Strong experience in working with BCP, SSIS (DTS, DTSX) packages for Data Integration

 Extensive knowledge of using   Package Configuration wizard to configure SSIS packages.

 Expertise in creating Property Expressions, Script Tasks for SSIS packages

 Responsible for Application security of the developmental application system databases

 Migrated DTS objects to SQL Server Integrated Services environment, migrated data from
SAS environment to SQL Server 2008R2/2012 via SQL Server Integrated Services
 Implemented SSIS data, created maintenance procedures and provided data integrity
 Implemented Snow Flakes Schema and Star Schema
 Worked with Development teams in relation to application tuning and Performance tuning
 Involved in the Database design (Logical Data Modeling and Physical Data Modeling) of the
system and worked with tools like ER Studio 8.5
 Used Performance Point Server to create reports, scorecards and dashboards.
 Involved in Performance Tuning of Code using execution plan and SQL profiler. Added
Indexes to improve performance on tables.
 Writing queries to generate reports for analysis of data using SQL Server Reporting
Services, Report Builder.
 Designed and created Report templates, bar graphs and pie charts based on the financial
 Generated Reports using Global Variables, Expressions and Functions for the reports using
SSRS 2008R2/2012.
 Designing and implementing a variety of SSRS reports such as Parameterized, Drilldown,
Ad hoc and Sub-reports using Report Designer and Report Builder based on the requirements.
 Designed SSRS reports with sub reports, dynamic sorting, defining data source and
subtotals for the report.
 Created data driven subscriptions for different users using Report Manager.
 Created views and Stored Procedures for generating report. Responsible for creating the
reports based on the requirements using SSRS 2008R2/2012. Extensively worked in sorting the
data, defining subtotals for the reports
 Identified and added the report parameters and uploaded reports on to the report manager
and organized them in folders.
Environment: MS SQL Server 2008R2/2012, MS SQL Server Integration Services 2008R2/2012, SQL Query
Analyzer, System Monitor/Performance Monitor, Always on, Event Viewer, SQL Profiler, SQL
Clustering, Source Control Management System, Index Tuning Wizard, Data Warehousing, Data
Transformation Services (DTS).

Client: Global Billing System(GBS) Jan xx- Aug xx

Role: SQL Developer

GBS (Global Billing System) is a highly operational, high data throughput system. The System is able to
process hundreds of orders weekly and with extreme stability. The System contains module such as
Customer Management, Price Plan Management, Products Management, Rating Engine, Credits and
Adjustments, CSV Ingestions and Invoice management. System is pretty flexible to handle all the
customers with specific requirements. Price Plan (Contains discounts also) based Rating has been
implemented into the system which also handles the pooling concept for the orders of both the types. It
also contains fraud detection and Usage data analysis under CSV Ingestions. System is also able to
generate all the necessary reports for the Management purposes. It also exposes the functionality for
Customers to view their invoices ,their pool balances, etc.
 Involved in Creation of Tables, Indexes, Stored Procedures and User defined Functions which
were used to implement business rules.
 Performed Performance tuning on SQL queries, triggers and stored procedures.
 Generated SQL Queries using necessary Join conditions and used Indexes efficiently for good
performance of queries.
 Performed the Creation, manipulation and supporting the SQL Server databases.
 Created stored procedures and triggers which were used to implement business rules.
 Helped in integration of the front end with the SQL Server backend.
 Written complex T-SQL statements (Queries) for retrieval of data and involved in performance
tuning of TSQL queries.
 Extensively Used SQL Profiler for troubleshooting, monitoring, and optimization of SQL Server
and non production database code as well as T-SQL code from developers and QA.
 Backing up, restoring system & other databases as per requirements, and also scheduled those
 Managing the security of the servers, creating the new logins and users, changing the roles of the

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