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A lot of, much, many, a few, a little, few, little

1. Choose the best answer(s) from ​A,​ ​ B​ and ​C​. There may be more than one correct answer.

A. much​ ​B. many ​C. a lot of

1. He hasn’t got ............... money.

2. How ............... food did they eat?

3. She’s got ............... luggage.

4. They need ............... equipment.

5. How ............... people were at the party?

6. She gave me ............... information.

7. He hasn’t seen ............... James Bond films.

8. How ............... do you earn?

9. I like England very ............... .

10. Have you got ............... friends?

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Answer Key → Page 4

2. Choose the correct answer from ​A​, ​B​, ​C​ and ​D​. There is only one correct answer.

A. little ​B. a little ​ ​C. few ​ ​D. a few

1. I am ............ sad today.

2. She is unhappy because she earns ............ money.

3. She knows a lot about Cambridge because she’s been there ............ times.

4. “Have you read many novels?” “Yes, ............ .”

5. Could you give me ............ information about the school?

6. It’s a bad school. It has ............ good teachers.

7. I didn’t feel lonely because I met ............ friends at the disco.

8. Did you buy any yoghurt? Yes, ............ .

9. He is poor, so he has ............ new clothes.

10. Please help me. I need ............ money to buy a train ticket.

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Answer Key → Page 4

3. Match the numbered sentences with the letters so that they have the same meaning.

1. He hasn’t got many friends. A. I’ve seen some Russian films.

2. He’s got some friends. B. He hasn’t got much money.

3. There are few good restaurants here. C. I haven’t seen many Russian films.

4. He has little money. D. She didn’t eat much.

5. I’ve seen few Russian films. E. He’s got few friends.

6. She ate little. F. There aren’t many good restaurants here.

7. There are a few good restaurants here. G. He’s got a few friends.

8. He has a little money. H. He’s got some money.

9. She ate a little food. I. There are some good restaurants here.

10. I’ve seen a few Russian films. J. She ate something.

1. .......... 2. .......... 3. .......... 4. .......... 5. ..........

6. .......... 7. .......... 8. .......... 9. .......... 10. ..........

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Answer Key → Page 4

Answer key:​ ​A lot of, much, many, a few, a little, few, little

1. 1. A, C 2. 1. B
2. A 2. A
3. C 3. D
4. C 4. D
5. B 5. B
6. C 6. C
7. B 7. D
8. A 8. B
9. A 9. C
10. B, C 10. B

3. 1. E
2. G
3. F
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. I
8. H
9. J
10. A

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