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Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology

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Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic drug
evaluation of benralizumab for the treatment of

Maria Gabriella Matera, Luigino Calzetta, Barbara Rinaldi & Mario Cazzola

To cite this article: Maria Gabriella Matera, Luigino Calzetta, Barbara Rinaldi & Mario
Cazzola (2017) Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic drug evaluation of benralizumab for the
treatment of asthma, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology, 13:9, 1007-1013, DOI:

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VOL. 13, NO. 9, 1007–1013


Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic drug evaluation of benralizumab for the

treatment of asthma
Maria Gabriella Materaa, Luigino Calzetta b
, Barbara Rinaldia and Mario Cazzola b

Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy; bDepartment of Systems Medicine, University of
Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy


Introduction: In many severe asthmatics, eosinophils cause inflammation and airways hyperrespon- Received 14 May 2017
siveness, resulting in frequent exacerbations, impaired lung function, and reduced quality of life. Accepted 20 July 2017
Interleukin-5 (IL-5) is a key cytokine for eosinophil growth, differentiation, recruitment, activation, and KEYWORDS
survival. Anti-IL-5-based therapies (mepolizumab and reslizumab are humanized monoclonal antibodies Asthma; benralizumab;
(hmAbs) that recognize free IL-5, benralizumab is a hmAb directed at the α subunit of the IL-5R) target eosinophils; humanized
the IL-5-signaling in eosinophilic asthma. monoclonal antibodies;
Areas covered: The pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic profile of benralizumab and how it provided interleukin-5
indications that permitted optimization of the design and timelines of the pivotal trials are described.
Expert opinion: Benralizumab has the advantage over other anti-IL-5 therapies to target the IL-5Rα
itself. Afucosylation enhances its interaction with its binding site and facilitates its pharmacological
activity. Other benefits of benralizumab are fast (within 24 h) depletion of peripheral blood eosinophils,
potent suppressive activity of bone marrow eosinophils and eosinophil precursors, tissue eosinophil
apoptosis regardless of the presence of eosinophil survival factors and even at low IL-5R densities. The
fact that benralizumab is dosed subcutaneously and is equally effective when given every eight weeks
instead than every four weeks provides patients with convenience of self-administration and make it
appealing for patients who dislike injections.

1. Overview of the market National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has not
approved mepolizumab on cost-effectiveness grounds [6].
Eosinophilic asthma is an important subtype of asthma asso-
Also benralizumab appears to be successful in its pivotal
ciated with reduced response to corticosteroid and increased
phase III studies.
risk of severe exacerbation [1]. Accumulation of eosinophils is
This article focuses on pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic
a well-defined feature of eosinophilic asthma where they
profile of benralizumab.
release granule-derived basic proteins, lipid mediators, cyto-
kines, and chemokines that potentiate airway inflammation
and contribute to lung tissue remodeling [2], and significantly 2. Characteristics of benralizumab
to asthma exacerbations [3].
Benralizumab is a fully humanized afucosylated IgG1κ mAb
Interleukin-5 (IL-5) is known to play a pivotal role in pro-
that binds to an epitope on IL-5Rα or CD125 (Cluster of
moting the growth, differentiation, and maturation of eosino-
Differentiation 125), which is in close proximity to the IL-5
phils in bone marrow and the recruitment, activation, and
binding site and thus inhibits IL-5R signaling, independent of
survival of this cell type in tissues [4]. Eosinophils rapidly
ligand (Box 1)[7].
undergo apoptosis in the absence of IL-5. Therefore, targeting
IL-5 was identified as a potential treatment approach to pre-
vent or blunt eosinophil-mediated inflammation [5]. 2.1. Chemistry
Different methods have been developed and trialled clini-
Benralizumab (molecular formula: C6492H10060N1724O2028S42)
cally on humans for inhibiting IL-5, including using antago-
derives from a mouse mAb that was generated using con-
nists targeting either IL-5 or the IL-5 receptor (IL-5R) [5].
ventional hybridoma technology [8]. It is produced in
Mepolizumab and reslizumab are humanized monoclonal anti-
Chinese hamster ovary cells deficient in the enzyme α-1,6-
bodies (mAbs) that recognize free IL-5, while benralizumab is a
fucosyltransferase and, consequently, is not fucosylated on
humanized mAb directed at the α subunit of the IL-5R.
the biantennary oligosaccharide core. This means that the
Mepolizumab and reslizumab have been licensed in the USA,
molecular structure of benralizumab has been engineered
Europe, and Japan for use in refractory eosinophilic asthma
without fucose sugar residue in the CH2 region of its Fc
following successful phase III studies demonstrating reduc-
tions in severe exacerbations, although in the UK, the

CONTACT Mario Cazzola Department of Systems Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
1008 M. G. MATERA ET AL.

pharmacologic effect [9]. Of particular note, benralizumab

Box 1. Drug Summary also depleted eosinophil precursors from the cynomolgus
Drug name Benralizumab monkey bone marrow without affecting precursors of the
Phase Phase III
Indication Treatment of asthma with an eosinophilic phenotype
megakaryocytic, myeloid (other than eosinophilic), and ery-
Mechanism of Humanized mAb directed at the α subunit of the IL-5R throid lineages [9].
action Immunohistochemical studies in the lung tissue of mild
Route of Subcutaneous, intravenous (?)
asthmatics proved that benralizumab is able to prominently
Molecular formula C6492H10060N1724O2028S42 recognize lung-tissue resident eosinophils and specifically
Pivotal studies CALIMA [23], SIROCCO [24], BISE [25], ZONDA [26], bind to them [9]. It stains more than 90% of eosinophils,
suggesting that IL-5R density is sufficient for benralizumab
engagement in this key location.

2.2. Mechanism of action

2.4. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties
Binding epitope mapping analyses identified the amino acid
isoleucine-61 of the segment B in domain 1 of the human IL- Following intravenous administration in a single ascending
5Rα as the critical residue for benralizumab binding [9]. This intravenous dose study (0.0003–3 mg/kg) in patients with
epitope has previously been identified as a portion of the IL-5 mild atopic asthma, the pharmacokinetic activity was approxi-
binding site [10], providing an explanation for its neutralizing mately dose proportional [12]. At doses of 0.03–3 mg/kg, the
activity. The binding of benralizumab with the α chain of IL-5R mean maximum concentration and mean area under the
results in inhibition of hetero-oligomerization of α and β sub- curve were 1–82 and 5–775 μg/mL, respectively (Table 1).
units and thus no signal transduction occurs. The mean volume of distribution of benralizumab (52–
Afucosylation enhances the interaction of benralizumab 93 mL/kg) was greater than the plasma volume, suggesting
with its binding site. Removal of the fucose sugar residue in potential binding of benralizumab to IL-5Rα-expressing blood
the CH2 region of the oligosaccharide core of human IgG1 cells and/or penetration into extravascular tissues. The mean
results in a 5- to 50-fold higher affinity to the main activating elimination half-life predicted was around 18 days, which is
Fcγ receptor (human FcγRIIIa) expressed on natural killer cells, typical for human IgG antibodies. The systemic clearance was
macrophages, and neutrophils. This modification amplifies measured to be approximately 4 mL/kg/day. Benralizumab
antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) func- was well tolerated and reduced blood eosinophil counts at
tions of eosinophils and basophils by >1000-fold over its dosages of ≥0.3 mg/kg within 24 h after dosing; these eosi-
fucosylated parental antibody and consequently depletes IL- nophil count reductions lasted for at least 12 weeks.
5Rα-expressing cells [9]. By acting on the IL-5R by ADCC, A Phase II multiple ascending dose (25, 100, or 200 mg)
benralizumab decreases blood eosinophils and basophils safety study using a subcutaneous formulation of benralizu-
close to the limit of detection and reduces eosinophil precur- mab in adult asthmatics resulted in pharmacokinetic/pharma-
sors in the bone marrow by 80% or more. codynamic activities similar to those observed with
The blockade of IL-5R signaling, independent of ligand, and intravenous dosing [13,14] (Table 1). Peripheral blood eosino-
depletion of IL-5Rα-expressing cells may underlie enhanced phil levels were depleted in all active cohorts by day 7, and
clinical efficacy [11]. this was maintained for at least 161 days with an acceptable
safety profile.
A Phase I study evaluated the effects of benralizumab on
eosinophil counts in airway mucosal/submucosal biopsies,
2.3. Preclinical studies
sputum, bone marrow, and peripheral blood in patients with
In vitro studies demonstrated that benralizumab was capable mild-to-moderate asthma and ≥2.5% sputum eosinophilia
to prevent eosinophil and basophil degranulation and pro- despite inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) therapy [15]. Patients
voke eosinophil and basophil apoptosis [9]. were randomized to single intravenous placebo or benralizu-
In nonhuman primates, repeat administrations of benrali- mab 1 mg/kg (day 0) (cohort 1) and to three monthly sub-
zumab (0.1, 1, 10, or 30 mg/kg every 3 weeks, followed by an cutaneous doses of placebo or benralizumab 100 or 200 mg
18-day recovery period in the highest dose group) reduced (days 0, 28, and 56) (cohort 2). Eosinophil counts were reduced
peripheral blood eosinophils to less than the limit of detection in the airway mucosa following benralizumab intravenous and
after the first administration, indicating the desired subcutaneous compared with placebo. Differences between

Table 1. Summary of pharmacokinetic parameters of benralizumab..

Dose Cmax AUC∞ CL Vss T1/2
0.03–3 mg/kg i.v. 1 ± 0.3–82 ± 18μg/mL 5 ± 2–775 ± 110 μg∗d/mL 7 ± 3–4 ± 0.6 mL/kg/day 65 ± 28–71 ± 18 mL/kg 7 ± 2–16 ± 3 days
25–200 mg s.c. 1.2–14 μg/mL 0.12 ± 0.071–1.2 ± 0.11 mg day/mL
Data from [12] and [13].
AUC∞: area under the curve from time 0 extrapolated to infinite time; CL: systemic clearance; Cmax: maximum concentration; T1/2: elimination half life; Vss: volume of
distribution at steady state; i.v.: intravenous; s.c.: subcutaneous.

benralizumab and placebo in percent change in airway eosi- healthy volunteers or patients with asthma. The life span of
nophil count were not statistically significant within cohorts, circulating eosinophils in blood was fixed at 2.64 days, cor-
but reached statistical significance when the two cohorts were responding to a half-life of 44 h. The serum concentration
combined in a post hoc analysis. In the two cohorts, benrali- of benralizumab corresponding to half-maximal eosinophil
zumab produced a median decrease from baseline of 61.9% depletion was 82.7 ng/mL, and the maximal rate of eosino-
and 95.8% in airway mucosal eosinophils, 18.7% and 89.9% in phil depletion by benralizumab was 18.8/day (mean eosino-
sputum, respectively. Moreover, benralizumab administration phil residence time of 0.053 days, or 1.28 h, in the presence
resulted in complete suppression of bone marrow and periph- of excess benralizumab) [18].
eral blood eosinophils. Also the number of basophils, which Summarizing the effects of benralizumab on eosinophils,
expressed IL-5Rα, markedly decreased. reduction has been observed in sputum, lung tissues, and
Sera of patients enrolled in the previous two trials were bone marrow of patients with mild-to-moderate asthma [15],
collected and compared with sera of healthy volunteers [16]. and in blood of patients with mild [12], mild-to-moderate [15]
Blood eosinophils, IL-5, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and moderate-to-severe asthma [20].
eosinophilic cationic protein ECP, eotaxin/chemokine (CeC
motif) 11 (CCL11), eotaxin-2/CCL24, tumour necrosis factor
2.5. Clinical efficacy
(TNF), and interferon γ (IFN-γ) were measured at baseline
and post benralizumab administration. Baseline serum EDN The clinical efficacy of benralizumab in asthma has been
levels directly correlated with blood eosinophils. After treat- documented in several Phase II and III studies.
ment, a significant reduction of blood eosinophils and sera
EDN and ECP were found in comparison to baseline (p < 0.05). 2.5.1. Early trials
No changes in TNF or IFN-γ were observed, while serum IL-5, Based on the simulated eosinophil profiles using the pharma-
eotaxin/CCL11, and eotaxin-2/CCL24 increased after benralizu- cokinetic/pharmacodynamic model used by Wang et al. [18],
mab administration vs. placebo (p < 0.05). These results sug- three benralizumab dosages (2, 20, or 100 mg) were selected
gest that cytotoxic granule proteins were not released after for efficacy assessment in a proof-of-concept phase IIb study
eosinophil reduction following treatment with benralizumab. in patients with uncontrolled asthma [20]. Study drugs were
Two Phase I trials in Japanese healthy males confirmed the given as two subcutaneous injections every 4 weeks for the
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, safety, and tolerability first three doses, then every 8 weeks, for 1 year. Benralizumab
of ascending single intravenous (0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, or 3 mg/kg) and 20 and 100 mg reduced the exacerbation rate in adults with
subcutaneous (25, 100, or 200 mg) doses of benralizumab [17]. eosinophilic asthma who were on medium-dose or high-dose
To characterize the pharmacokinetic and pharmacody- ICSs with long-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) and had had two to
namic properties of benralizumab in humans, benralizumab six exacerbations in the past year. Benralizumab did not
pharmacokinetic and blood eosinophil count data from six decrease exacerbation rates in noneosinophilic patients, but
early-stage studies (two single-dose studies in healthy resulted in significant improvements in FEV1 and in asthma
volunteers in Japan and four clinical studies in adult control in eosinophilic patients, noneosinophilic patients, and
patients with asthma in North America) were pooled and patients with baseline blood eosinophil counts of at least 300
analyzed via a population approach [18]. The final popula- cells/μL.
tion pharmacokinetic model was a two-compartment model The data from this trial were used in an exposure-response
with first-order elimination from the central compartment, analysis to identify the optimum benralizumab dosing regi-
and first-order absorption from the dosing site for subcuta- mens to be studied in a Phase III study [21]. Based on this
neous administered benralizumab. The estimated systemic analysis and overall risk assessment, 30 mg monthly subcuta-
clearance was 0.323 L/day, which is within the range for neously injections, followed by every 8-week dosing appeared
therapeutic mAbs [19]. The volumes of distribution of the to be the optimal regimen for benralizumab in adults and
central and peripheral compartments were estimated to be adolescents with body weights ≥40 kg suffering from uncon-
3.16 and 2.83 L, respectively, suggesting limited extravascu- trolled asthma.
lar distribution of benralizumab [18]. The absorption of It must be highlighted that also single doses (0.3 or 1.0 mg/
benralizumab from the subcutaneous dosing site was rela- kg) of intravenous benralizumab are effective. In fact, when
tively slow, with an estimated absorption rate constant of administered 7 days after patients presented to the emer-
0.252/day (mean absorption time of 3.97 days) and bioavail- gency department with an asthma exacerbation, they have
ability of 52.6%. Body weight was identified as a clinically decreased asthma exacerbation rates by 49% (3.59 vs. 1.82;
relevant covariate affecting systemic clearance and volumes p = .01) and exacerbations resulting in hospitalization by 60%
of distribution of the central and peripheral compartments. (1.62 vs. 0.65; p = .02) in the combined groups over 12 weeks
Race was a significant factor for the volume of distribution irrespective of blood eosinophil counts [22].
of the central compartment, with Japanese healthy volun-
teers having a larger volume of distribution of the central 2.5.2. Pivotal trials
compartment than non-Japanese patients with asthma. The WINDWARD program in asthma is made up of six Phase III
However, the racial difference in the volume of distribution trials, including SIROCCO, CALIMA, ZONDA, BISE, BORA, and
of the central compartment is not considered clinically rele- GREGALE (Table 2).
vant [18]. Age, sex, and tobacco smoking history had no Data from two large pivotal Phase III registrational trials,
apparent impact on the pharmacokinetic of benralizumab in CALIMA [23] and SIROCCO [24], have been already published.
1010 M. G. MATERA ET AL.

Table 2. Pivotal trials with benralizumab in asthma.

Study Patients Study design Therapy Key findings
FitzGerald 1306 Patients with severe asthma Multicenter, Benralizumab 30 mg either every A 28% (Q8W) to 36% (Q4W) reduction
[23] uncontrolled by medium- tohigh- randomized, 4 weeks (Q4W) or every 8 weeks in exacerbations and significant
dosage ICS plus LABA and a history of double-blind, (Q8W; first three doses every 4 weeks) increases in pre-bronchodilator FEV1
two or more exacerbations in the parallel-group, or placebo for 56 weeks as add on to compared with placebo with both
previous year placebo- standard treatment dosing regimens for those with a
controlled blood eosinophil count ≥300 cells/
μL. Reduction in blood eosinophils
from baseline (Q4W median 470
cells/μL; Q8W 480 cells/μL) through
week 4 (Q4W and Q8W median 0
cells/μL), and week 56 (Q4W and
Q8W median 0 cells/μL)
Bleecker [24] 1205 Patients with a physician-based Multicenter, Benralizumab 30 mg either every Compared with placebo, both
diagnosis of asthma for at least 1 year randomized, 4 weeks (Q4W) or every 8 weeks benralizumab dosing regimens
and at least two exacerbations while double-blind, (Q8W; first three doses every 4 weeks) reduced the annual asthma
on high-dosage ICS plus LABA in the parallel-group, or placebo for 48 weeks as add on to exacerbation rate and significantly
previous year placebo- standard treatment improved pre-bronchodilator FEV1
controlled over 48 weeks. Asthma symptoms
were improved only by the Q8W
Ferguson [25] 211 Patients with mild-to-moderate, Multicenter, Benralizumab 30 mg or placebo SC 80 mL greater improvement from
persistent asthma receiving either randomized, injections every 4 weeks for 12 weeks baseline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1
low- to medium-dosage ICS or low- double-blind, with benralizumab. Reduction in
dosage ICS plus LABA therapy, with or parallel group, median blood eosinophil counts to 0
without controller medication placebo- cells/μL with benralizumab, with 230
controlled cells/μL in the placebo group, at
week 12
Nair [26] 220 Patients with uncontrolled asthma Multicenter, Benralizumab 30 mg either every Significant reduction in the median
receiving high-dose ICS plus LABA randomized, 4 weeks (Q4W) or every 8 weeks final OCS doses from baseline by
and OCS with or without additional double-blind, (Q8W; first three doses every 4 weeks) 75% vs. a reduction of 25% in the
asthma controller(s) parallel group, or placebo for 28 weeks as add on to placebo group. Significant reduction
placebo- standard treatment in asthma exacerbation rate by 55%
controlled (Q4W) and 70% (Q8W) vs. placebo
despite reduction in OCS dosages.
No significant effect on FEV1
Ferguson [27] 116 Patients with severe asthma Multicenter, open- Benralizumab 30 mg SC injections via an Most patients and caregivers
label, 16 weeks accessorized prefilled syringe in an at- successfully administered
evaluation home setting. benralizumab
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; LABA: long-acting β2-agonist; OCS: oral corticosteroid; SC: subcutaneous.

These trials evaluated the effect of two dosing regimens of eosinophils from baseline (Q4W median 470 cells/μL; Q8W
benralizumab 30 mg administered either every 4 weeks (Q4W) 480 cells/per μL) through week 4 (Q4W and Q8W median 0
or every 8 weeks with first three doses every 4 weeks (Q8W) cells/μL), and week 56 (Q4W and Q8W median 0 cells/μL).
for 48 weeks (SIROCCO) or 56 weeks (CALIMA) as add-on The SIROCCO trial randomized 1205 participants and found
therapy to standard-of-care medicine across primary and key a 45% (Q4W) to 51% (Q8W) reduction in exacerbation rate
secondary end points in asthmatic subjects with severe, in the highest eosinophilic count group with both dosing
uncontrolled eosinophilic asthma despite the use of high- regimens compared with a 17–30% reduction in those with
dose ICSs and LABAs. Change in annual asthma exacerbation a blood eosinophil count <300 cells/μL. The time to first
rate as compared to placebo was the primary end point for asthma exacerbation was longer for both benralizumab
both trials. All subjects were then stratified into two groups treatment cohorts compared with placebo, with the prob-
according to absolute blood eosinophil counts in a 2:1 ratio, ability of having an asthma exacerbation reduced by 37%
≥300 and <300 cells/μL. Subjects with absolute eosinophil for the Q4W cohort and by 40% for the Q8W cohort. Lung
count ≥300 cells/μL show the greatest, statistically significant function was also significantly improved in the eosinophilic
benefits for the primary and secondary end points, although group for those receiving 8-weekly injections. The difference
subjects with eosinophil count <300 cells/μL also benefit to a in least-squares mean change from baseline between the
lesser but statistically significant degree. benralizumab Q4W and placebo cohorts was 106 mL
In particular, the CALIMA trial randomized 1306 patients (p = 0.0215) and between the benralizumab Q8W and pla-
and showed a 28% (Q8W) to 36% (Q4W) reduction in cebo cohorts it was 159 mL (p = 0.0006). Asthma symptoms
exacerbations and significant increases in pre-bronchodila- were improved only by the Q8W regimen. It is noteworthy
tor FEV1 compared with placebo with both dosing regimens that the reduction in exacerbation rates was greater in the
(125 mL with Q4W, and 116 mL with Q8W) for those with a SIROCCO trial, which generally had patients with more
blood eosinophil count ≥300 cells/μL. The improvements in severe asthma, than in the CALIMA trial, which had patients
pre-bronchodilator FEV1 were present within 4 weeks of with less severe forms of asthma, but also that both studies
treatment start and were maintained throughout the entire also demonstrated a reduction in annualized exacerbation
treatment period. Benralizumab also reduced blood rates in patients whose eosinophil levels were <300 cells/μL.

In addition, Q8W dosing seemed to be more effective than 2.7. Ongoing trials
Q4W dosing.
Several trials are currently recruiting participants. The first trial
The BISE study investigated the efficacy and safety of ben-
( Identifier: NCT02869438) aims to investigate
ralizumab in 211 eligible patients with mild-to-moderate, per-
the onset and maintenance of effect of benralizumab on lung
sistent asthma that received benralizumab 30 mg or placebo
function, blood eosinophils, asthma control metrics, and qual-
subcutaneously every 4 weeks for 8 weeks [25]. The primary
ity of life during 12-week treatment in patients with uncon-
end point was changed from baseline in pre-bronchodilator
trolled, severe asthma with eosinophilic inflammation. A
FEV1 at week 12. Benralizumab treatment resulted in an 80 mL
subset of patients is taking part in body plethysmography
greater improvement from baseline in pre-bronchodilator
substudy to further investigate the effect on lung function.
FEV1 than did placebo treatment. Benralizumab treatment
Also the pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity of benralizu-
reduced median blood eosinophil counts to 0 cells/μL at
mab is under evaluation.
week 12 compared with 230 cells/μL in the placebo group;
The second trial in progress ( Identifier:
depletion of blood eosinophils was maintained through to
NCT02821416) is a randomized, double-blind, parallel group,
week 20 in the benralizumab group.
placebo-controlled study designed to evaluate the effect of a
The ZONDA Phase III trial evaluated the oral corticosteroid
fixed 30 mg dose of benralizumab administered subcuta-
(OCS) sparing effects in 220 patients with severe asthma
neously every 4 weeks for three doses on allergen-induced
receiving high dosage ICS/LABA and OCS [26]. Benralizumab,
inflammation in subjects with mild atopic asthma challenged
at a dose of 30 mg administered subcutaneously either every
with an inhaled allergen.
4 weeks (Q4W) or every 8 weeks with the first three doses
A multicenter, double-blind, randomized, parallel group,
administered every 4 weeks (Q8W), significantly reduced the
Phase III safety extension study to evaluate the safety and
median final oral glucocorticoid doses from baseline by 75%,
tolerability of benralizumab in asthmatic adults and adoles-
as compared with a reduction of 25% in the OCS doses in the
cents on ICS plus LABA (BORA) is ongoing (
placebo group. It also significantly reduced asthma exacerba-
Identifier: NCT02258542). Patients who will complete a mini-
tion rate by 55% (Q4W) and 70% (Q8W) vs. placebo despite
mum of 16 weeks, and no more than 40 weeks, in this study,
reduction in OCS dosages. No significant effect on FEV1 was
will be given the option to transition to an open-label safety
observed at the end of the trial.
extension study (MELTEMI) ( Identifier:
Also the GREGALE multicenter, open-label trial, which
NCT02808819); the study population will be monitored for
assessed patient- and caregiver-reported functionality, perfor-
up to 2 additional years.
mance, and reliability of an accessorized prefilled syringe used
A further trial ( Identifier: NCT02968914) is
to administered benralizumab 30 mg subcutaneously in an at-
an open-label, single-dose pharmacokinetic comparability
home setting, has recently been presented as an abstract [27].
study to demonstrate comparable drug exposure following
It showed that most patients and caregivers successfully admi-
subcutaneous benralizumab administration by using accessor-
nistered benralizumab in an at-home setting and the acces-
ized prefilled syringe or autoinjector devices in healthy volun-
sorized prefilled syringe was functional, reliable, and
teers stratified by weight group (55–69.9, 70–84.9, and
performed well.
85–100 kg).

2.6. Safety, tolerability, toxicity 2.8. Regulatory affairs

To date, the most common adverse reactions seen with ben- Codeveloped by AstraZeneca and Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co.,
ralizumab include headaches, nasopharyngitis, and nausea benralizumab may receive regulatory approval in 2017, but it
[28,29]. Injection site reactions have also been reported. is still unclear when exactly it will happen. It has been
Busse et al. [12] recommended an intravenous infusion rate accepted for regulatory review in the USA, Canada, the EU,
of at least 30 min due to mild transient acute adverse events and Japan. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) informed
in four subjects dosed before this rate modification. that they have received an application for evaluating benrali-
The adverse event frequency was similar between benrali- zumab for centralized marketing authorization for the treat-
zumab-treated patients vs. placebo-treated patients for both ment of severe asthma with an eosinophilic phenotype in
SIROCCO and CALIMA trials (72% and 74% for all benralizu- April 2017 [EMEA/H/C/004433]. The US FDA has also accepted
mab-treated patients vs. 76% and 78% for placebo-treated the autoinjector for regulatory review in the USA.
patients observed in SIROCCO [24] and CALIMA [23], respec-
tively). The most common (≥5%) adverse events in benralizu-
3. Conclusion
mab-treated patients observed in SIROCCO were asthma,
nasopharyngitis, upper respiratory infection, headache, bron- Benralizumab is a humanized mAb directed at the α subunit of
chitis, sinusitis, influenza, and pharyngitis; and in CALIMA were the IL-5R. Rationally designed combined preliminary pharma-
nasopharyngitis, asthma, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract cokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies have provided an early
infection, headache, and sinusitis. Antidrug antibodies were indication of general safety and preliminary pharmacokinetic/
detected in 15% of treated patients in CALIMA trial, but no pharmacodynamic parameters that have permitted optimiza-
clinically relevant consequences were observed in those tion of the design and timelines of the pivotal trials. Data from
patients. the Phase III WINDWARD program have documented that
1012 M. G. MATERA ET AL.

benralizumab reduces asthma exacerbation rates, statistically at baseline predict exacerbation rate reduction by benralizu-
improves pre-bronchodilator FEV1, and is well tolerated. mab for patients with moderate-to-severe asthma [32].
We still do not know what is the real advantage, if any,
of the intriguing pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile
4. Expert opinion
of benralizumab over mepolizumab, and reslizumab. Direct
Eosinophils are a fundamental component (and marker) of comparisons among IL-5 inhibitors for severe asthma are
asthma pathophysiology in many severe asthmatics, causing not available in the literature. Two recent meta-analyses
inflammation and airways hyperresponsiveness. Such effects [33,34] have explored efficacy and safety of anti-IL-5 ther-
result in frequent exacerbations, impaired lung function, and apy in patients with asthma, but no clear superiority
reduced quality of life [30]. IL-5 is a key cytokine for eosinophil appeared between benralizumab, mepolizumab, and resli-
growth, differentiation, recruitment, activation, and survival zumab when appropriate doses were compared.
[4]. Anti-IL-5-based therapies (benralizumab, mepolizumab, Unfortunately, both meta-analyses did not include data
and reslizumab) target the IL-5-signaling pathway and have from the WINDWARD program and, in any case, indirect
been widely researched. comparisons are difficult due to substantial differences in
Single escalating doses of benralizumab result in a marked study protocol designs. For this reason, we strongly agree
reduction of peripheral blood eosinophil counts within 24 h that further trials are necessary to determine the most
after dosing, with an acceptable safety profile [12]. It is note- effective asthma treatment drug and studies need to be
worthy that the mean volume of distribution of benralizumab performed that distinguish which patients will respond to
is greater than the plasma volume, suggesting potential bind- particular mAbs, both within and between classes (i.e. who
ing of benralizumab to IL-5Rα-expressing blood cells and/or will respond to mepolizumab vs. benralizumab or reslizu-
penetration into extravascular tissues [12]. Unlike other cell mab vs. benralizumab) [32].
membrane receptor-targeted mAbs, benralizumab pharmaco-
kinetics is dose-proportional, and typical for IgG as a result of
rapid depletion of IL-5R-expressing eosinophils [18].
Benralizumab has the potential advantage over mepolizumab This paper was not funded.
and reslizumab, which have already been approved by both the
EMA and FDA for the treatment of asthma with an eosinophilic
phenotype, to target the IL-5Rα itself. Afucosylation enhances Declaration of interest
the interaction of benralizumab with its binding site and allows M Cazzola and MG Matera have participated as a speaker, and advisor in
depletion of eosinophils and basophils through enhanced ADCC. scientific meetings and courses under the sponsorship of AstraZeneca.
Benralizumab appears to be faster that other IL-5 treatments in The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement
with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial
depleting peripheral blood eosinophils, with a peak reduction
conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript
within 24 h, and more potent in suppressing bone marrow apart from those disclosed.
eosinophils and eosinophil precursors [31].
Other key benefits of benralizumab over mepolizumab and
reslizumab are its ability to cause tissue eosinophil apoptosis ORCID
regardless of the presence of eosinophil survival factors and Luigino Calzetta
drive eosinophil apoptosis at low IL-5R densities because the Mario Cazzola
ADCC mechanism by which it works is relatively insensitive to
surface density of target receptors [32]. This mechanism might
explain the pronounced depletion of mucosal airway eosinophils References
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