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Azerbaijanis will probably be vaccinated with

Turkish-Chinese vaccine free

2020 December 24 ( Thursday )  15:31:27

Русский   Azərbaycan

Baku/24.12.20/Turan: In an interview with Turan, the state organization

Təbib, responsible for the fight against the pandemic in Azerbaijan did
not confirm the widespread reports of Baku's intention to buy Turkish
vaccines. “The Azerbaijani government has decided to purchase 4
million units of coronavirus vaccine from Turkey. Report informs citing
sources in the government. According to the information, the vaccine
will be purchased from the Turkish company Keymen İlaç. The party
will cost 80 million manats. In accordance with the government's
decision, part of the funds will be paid by the Fund to Support the Fight
against Coronavirus, the other part - by the Ministry of Finance. At the
initial stage, Keymen İlaç will receive 50% of the total,  reads the report.
But Təbib representative Elnara Bakhshyeva told Turan that they still
have no information about plans to purchase Turkish or any other
According to other reliable information that Turan managed to obtain,
the Ministry of Finance of Azerbaijan is engaged in the issue of state
procurement of anti-coronavirus vaccines, therefore, Təbib may not
know about the agreement reached with Keymen İlaç. The "Turkish
version" is full of surprises. At the beginning of April 2020, Turkish
specialists successfully tested a vaccine against coronavirus infection on
animals. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the beginning of
November that Turkey could have its own vaccine by the spring of 2021.
One or more vaccines developed by other countries may become
available in Turkey by the end of the year. It is known that the Turkish
government was negotiating and intends to vaccinate with a Chinese-
made drug for free.
Azerbaijan will start voluntary vaccination against coronavirus COVID-
19 in early 2021, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said. “The
vaccination program is scheduled to begin early next year. It will be
voluntary and at the expense of the state,” Aliyev said at the summit of
the CIS heads of state on Friday, Interfax-Azerbaijan reports.
The President also noted that Azerbaijan has developed a vaccination
strategy in this matter. “It implies multi-platform and regardless of what
technologies are used, the main criterion for us will be the scientifically
based safety of these vaccines,” he stressed. “Now, when the vaccination
process begins in the world, we are also involved in this process. Over
the past many months, negotiations were held with leading vaccine
manufacturers such as Sputnik-V, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Sinovac,
Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech and I also want to note that Azerbaijan was
one of the first to join the international Covax initiative with the
participation of WHO on fair access of countries to vaccines,” Aliyev
The companies listed by the president operate in Russia, England-
Sweden, China - 2 companies), Germany and the USA - 2 companies.
There is no Turkish among them. Consequently, at the time when I.
Aliyev spoke at the summit of the heads of state of the CIS, the option
with the Turkish vaccine itself was not envisaged.
Why did Baku unexpectedly Baku choose the Turkish Keymen İlaç?
Two specialists who wished to remain anonymous told Turan that the
pharmaceutical companies listed above are ready to sell their products
abroad after they fully satisfy local demand. Consequently, Azerbaijan
could buy these vaccines, including the Russian one, by the spring-
summer of 2021. Time is running out, 40-50 people die from
coronavirus every day in the country. Therefore, it was decided to
purchase the vaccine in Turkey.
“We will buy the Chinese panacea Sinovac, but from the Turkish
representative office of this company. The vaccine is being tested in the
laboratories of the Turkish Ministry of Health." “Turkey buys the
Chinese vaccine Sinovac, the last phase of clinical trials of which was
carried out, including in Turkey. On December 23, the official
announcement of the test results and the degree of effectiveness was
supposed, but the company did not manage to process the data from
three countries - Brazil, Indonesia and Turkey. The process will take
approximately 2 more weeks,” two experts told Turan. —0—

KEYMEN PHARMACEUTICALS established in 1973 with Keymen Ecza Depoculuk ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
name and operates under DMT Group. Foundation of DMT group has begun with establishment of
Dr.Mustafa Topal's first personal firm in 1965 and with establishment of Ecz.Perihan Topal Import-Export-
Representation firm in 1970. In 1966, the importation & distribution of special medicines of Dr.Anna Arslan
from Romaina and medical equipments from USSR. During visits to East European countries, Dr.Mustafa
Topal has seen that high atention is given on public health services and products for public health are very
cheap. On his investigation for public health products, our still continuing cooperation with Institute of
Immunology and Virology Torlak, Belgrade / Serbia and Institute of Immunology Inc, Zagreb / Croatia
institutes has begun for sales of vaccines and antisera in Turkey. 1967 Oral Polio Vaccine produced by
Institute of Immunology and Virology Torlak has begun to be used by Turkish Ministry of Health. Same
vaccine is still supplied to Turkey for use under EPI. Tetanus Vaccine, Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccine,
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine and Measles Vaccine for the need of Turkey has been supplied from
USSR through Medexport. Unfortunately this cooperation was discontinued by 1984 due of USSR
reformation. 1973 Keymen Ecza Depoculuk ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. was established in 1973 for dealing in
pharmaceutical raw materials import, domestic distribution of medicines an APIs. Right after foundation, API
need of many pharmaceutical manufacturers has been supplied from quality sources in USSR, P.R. China,
Hungary and Yugoslavia. Company has established a wide spread domestic medicines distribution chanelle.
Domestic distribution of medicines was discontinued by 1985. 1980-1990 Company has focused on further
cooperation with companies in P.R. China and begin to import pharmaceutical raw materials, medical
equipments and light industry products. The first import of Chinese medical temperatures and microscopes
which are widely used in Turkey has been realised by us. 1994 Our currently ongoing successful cooperation
with Serum Institute of India Ltd, Pune - India has begun. 1996 Tetanus Vaccine, Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccine,
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine produced by Serum Institute of India Ltd are in use in Turkey. 2000 Our
currently ongoing successful cooperation with BB-NCIPD Ltd, Sofia / Bulgaria ( formerly part of National
Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases ) has begun and PPD Test Tuberculin is in use in Turkey. Our
currently ongoing successful cooperation with Laboratories SERB S.A.,, Paris / France has begun and
CONTRATHION %2 flacon ( pralidoxime methylsulphate) is in use in Turkey. 2003 Full need of Measles
Vaccine for Measles Elimination Program of Turkish Ministry of Health was supplied by Serum Institute of
India Ltd. Our currently ongoing successful cooperation with AOV International, Noida / India and Berlinger
& Co AG, Ganterschwil / Switzerland has begun for vaccine carriers and for digital temperature indicators
under cold chain products portfolio. 2004 BCG Vaccine produced by Serum Institute of India Ltd is in use.
Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine produced by CIGB - Heber Biotec Ltd, Habana / Cuba is is use. 2005
"Measles-Mumbs-Rubella Vaccine produced by Serum Institute of India Ltd is in use. 2006 Rubella Vaccine
produced by Serum Institute of India Ltd are in use in

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