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ICE™ Welding

Patent pending

Author: Hannes Raudsepp M.Sc., IWE

Chief Engineer ICE™

The statements set out are based on testing results carried out
under controlled conditions by ESAB using ESAB consumables
and experienced welding engineers and may vary accordingly.
Application: Wind energy
25 mm symmetrical x-joint and Setup
40 mm asymmetrical x-joint 1/3 2/3 x-joint Tandem 121-H-HCH, DC+
leading single 4.0 mm wire,
Increased deposition rate AC trailing ICE™ weld­ing head
3•2,5mm wire
Flatter cap
High deposition root™ Wire OK 12.22, Flux OK 10.72

No removal of tack weld Parent material

S355NL EN10025-3
Less flux used

Productivity parameters 25 mm symmetrical x-joint 355NL

Run Leading welding ICE Welding Welding speed Deposition rate Deposition rate Total deposition Heat input Increased
head head [mm/min] hot wire [kg/h] ICE [kg/h] rate [kg/h] [kJ/mm] deposition rate
with ICE™ [%]
Polarity Polarity


1 DC + AC 1000 13,8 18,3 32,1 2,85 11%


1 DC + AC 1000 16,0 13,9 29,9 2,79 6%

Productivity parameters 40 mm asymmetrical x-joint 355NL

Run Leading welding ICE Welding Welding speed Deposition rate Deposition rate Total deposition Heat input Increased
head head [mm/min] hot wire [kg/h] ICE [kg/h] rate [kg/h] [kJ/mm] deposition rate
with ICE™ [%]
Polarity Polarity


1 DC + AC 850 14,3 18,8 33,0 3,25 11%

2 DC + AC 1 000 14,5 22,9 37,4 3,10 20%

c DC + AC 1 000 14,3 22,9 37,1 3,10 21%

c DC + AC 1 000 14,3 22,9 37,1 3,10 21%

c DC+ AC 1 000 14,2 14,9 29,1 2,92 5%


1 DC + AC 1 000 13,7 13,9 27,6 2,79 7%

Macro 25 mm symmetrical x-joint 355NL Macro 40 mm asymmetrical x-joint 355NL

Application: Offshore
50 mm asymmetrical x-joint Dilimax 690 Setup
121-HCH, DC+ ICE™ welding
Increased deposition rate head 3•2,5mm wire. Preheat­
ing 150C°, inter pass tempe-
rature 200–250C°
Higher welding speed
Flatter cap Wire OK 13.43, Flux OK 10.62

Parent material
Less flux used Dilimax 690, ASTM D690

Productivity parameters 50 mm asymmetrical x-joint Dilimax 690

Run Electrode material ICE Welding head Welding speed Deposition rate ICE Heat input [kJ/mm] Increased deposi-
[mm/min] [kg/h] tion rate with ICE™
Diam hot wire Diam cold wire Polarity
ICE [mm] ICE [mm]


1 2,5 2,5 DC+ 650 13,7 1,68 26%

2 2,5 2,5 DC+ 700 13,7 1,80 26%

Fill 2,5 2,5 DC+ 650 13,7 1,74 26%

Cap 2,5 2,5 DC+ 650 13,7 1,42 26%


1 2,5 2,5 DC+ 800 13,7 1,37 26%

Fill 2,5 2,5 DC+ 800 13,7 1,37 26%

Cap 2,5 2,5 DC+ 750 13,7 1,46 26%

Macro 50 mm asymmetrical x-joint Dilimax 690

Application: Heavy fabrication
and ship building
Fillet weld a7 (3/8”) in one run Setup
121-HCH, DC+ ICE™ welding
Increased fillet height head 3•2,5mm wire, 35° torch
Less runs needed
Wire Spoolarc 81, Flux OK350

Productivity parameters Fillet weld a7 (3/8”) in one run

Run Electrode material ICE Welding head Welding speed Deposition rate ICE Heat input [kJ/mm] Increased
[mm/min] [kg/h] deposition rate
Diam hot wire ICE Diam cold wire ICE Polarity with ICE™ [%]
[mm] [mm]

1 2,5 2,5 DC+ 635 18,8 2,72 31%

2011-10 / ESAB reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Fillet weld a6 (5/16”) in high speed Setup
121-HCH, DC+ ICE™ welding
Higher welding speed head 3•2,5mm wire, 35° torch
Less runs needed Consumables
Wire Spoolarc 81, Flux OK350

Productivity parameters Fillet weld a6 (5/16”) in high speed

Run Electrode material ICE Welding head Welding speed Deposition rate Heat input [kJ/mm] Increased
[mm/min] ICE [kg/h] deposition rate
Diam hot wire ICE Diam cold wire ICE Polarity with ICE™ [%]
[mm] [mm]

1 2,5 2,5 DC+ 860 17,0 1,90 28%

Phone: +46 584 81000
Fax: +46 584 411721

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