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Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533

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Durability evaluation of retrofitted corroded reinforced concrete

columns with FRP sheets in marine environmental conditions
Amin Kashi a,⇑, Ali Akbar Ramezanianpour a, Faramarz Moodi b
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Concrete Technology and Durability Research Center (CTDRc), Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Three different retrofit methods for

rehabilitation of corroded RC columns
with FRP sheets were evaluated.
 A marine simulator environment was
designed and constructed similar to
the real conditions.
 In harsh environmental condition,
protecting the exterior surface of the
FRP sheets should be considered.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of marine environmental condition on durability of
Received 2 December 2016 RC-corroded columns strengthened with FRP sheets. In this study, three retrofit methods based on sub-
Received in revised form 19 June 2017 strate repairs were evaluated. There are two common retrofit methods for the corroded RC columns,
Accepted 21 June 2017
which are directly wrapping FRP (method 1) and wrapping FRP after replacing damaged concrete with
repair mortar (method 2), respectively. Also, a durable retrofit method was developed in this study
(method 3). In this method, after removing damaged concrete, wrapping was carried out, and then repair
mortar was applied around GFRP sheet. After strengthening, specimens were stored in a marine simulator
Corroded RC column
Wrapping by FRP
for 3000 and 9000 h. In retrofit method 1, ultimate strength of retrofitted columns by one layer of GFRP
Marine exposure and CFRP sheet decreased by 27.4% and 19.7%, respectively, after 9000 h marine exposure. The decrease in
Durability ultimate strength of columns wrapped by one layer of GFRP and CFRP in retrofit method 2 was 25% and
Distance based approach 18.3%, respectively. In retrofit method 3, 9000 h marine exposure caused 8.8% and 2.2% increase in ulti-
mate strength of strengthened columns with one and two layers of GFRP, respectively. The failure mode
of strengthened columns by methods 2 and 3 was brittle. Finally, Distance Based Approach (DBA) was
used in order to compare different retrofit methods. It was found that the performance of retrofitted col-
umns in method 3 would be ideal in marine environmental conditions.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Reinforced concrete (RC) columns in marine environment are

⇑ Corresponding author.
continuously exposed to chloride attack, which lead to corrosion
E-mail address: (A. Kashi).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533 521

of the reinforcing steel and degradation of the concrete [1–5]. Tra- 43% and 34.3% reduction in the ultimate strength of the specimens
ditionally, corroded RC columns have been strengthened with steel wrapped by one and two layers of GFRP sheets, respectively [18].
plates. Steel jacketing has difficulties in application. Moreover, cor- Although numerous researches have been devoted to the per-
rosion of steel plates is another problem. In the last decade fiber formance of FRP sheets in an aggressive environment, not much
reinforced polymers (FRP) have been recognized as an effective information is available on the post-repair structural behavior of
technique for strengthening corrosion-damaged RC columns. The corrosion-damaged columns wrapped with FRP sheets in marine
remarkable properties of FRP, such as lightweight, resistance to environments where prolonged exposure to high humidity and
electro-chemical corrosion, and high tensile strength, allow them temperature, wet/dry cycles, salt water, and ultraviolet-radiation.
to be used for rehabilitation of corroded structures without serious The main objective of this paper is to survey the performance of
difficulties [6]. While wrapping by FRP sheets is known as an effec- corroded RC columns after strengthening by FRP sheets, in the
tive rehabilitation technique, the durability of this method espe- marginal region of the southern sea of Iran, which is known to have
cially in harsh environmental conditions such as marine extraordinarily harsh conditions due to the presence of chloride
environment is still under investigation [7,8]. A number of ions in seawater, high temperature and humidity, tidal phenom-
researches on the durability of FRP system in marine environments ena, and solar UV radiations. In this study, a durable retrofit
are represented in the following: method was developed. In this method, after removing damaged
While wrapping by FRP sheets is known as an effective rehabil- concrete, wrapping was carried out, and then repair mortar was
itation technique, the durability of this method especially in harsh applied around FRP sheet. To compare the durable method with
environmental conditions such as marine environment is still two common retrofit methods, which are respectively bonding
under investigation directly FRP on damaged concrete and bonding FRP after replacing
Generally, hydrothermal effects (the combination of humidity damaged concrete, uni-axial compression tests were conducted on
and heat) are dominant in the durability degradation of FRP mate- a series of corrosion- damaged RC columns which wrapped by FRP
rials [9]. Along with moisture absorption, the presence of salt in sheets. Because of lower durability of GFRP sheets, the effect of
water may exacerbate deleterious effects [10]. Karbhari and Zhao durable retrofit method was investigated only in GFRP-repaired
investigated the behavior of FRP sheets subjected to three different columns.
environmental conditions consisted of immersion in fresh water,
immersion in salt water, and freeze-thaw cycles. Salt water expo-
2. Experimental program
sure caused maximum degradation in mechanical properties of
FRP sheets, especially in GFRP, in comparison to other environmen-
2.1. Material properties
tal conditions [11]. Having put wrapped concrete columns by FRP
layers in 15% saline solution, Micelli et al. observed that the ulti-
There were totally 60 RC columns constructed in this study. The
mate strength reduced by 27% and 10% in GFRP and CFRP-
height and the diameter of the specimen were 300 mm and
wrapped columns, respectively, after 120 days [12]. In a study con-
150 mm, respectively. Specimens reinforcement consist of four
ducted by Bae and Belarbi on concrete specimens confined by CFRP
U10 longitudinal steel bars at 25 mm cover. The rational for the
and GFRP sheets, the salt water had deteriorate effect on GFRP-
cross section of the steel bars as a fraction of the gross sectional
wrapped columns, whereas CFRP confined columns only experi-
of the specimen was 1.7%. Two U6 circular hoops at the top and
enced a minor decrease in ultimate strength [13]. An experimental
bottom of specimens supported the longitudinal reinforcement.
program was conducted by Gharachorlu and Ramezanianpour to
Columns preparation, typical geometry and reinforcement are
evaluate the strength and durability of concrete cylinders strength-
shown in Fig. 1. In some cases, damaged concrete cover was
ened with FRP sheets subjected to marine environmental condi-
replaced by self-compacted mortar. Mix properties of the concrete
tion. The highest decrease in strength was observed in GFRP-
and self-compacted mortar are summarized in Tables 1 and 2,
wrapped specimens after one year exposure to the wet-dry cycles
respectively. Slump flow test was carried out on the self-
of saline solution at 38 °C. They also found that the durability of
compacted mortar according to the EFNARC guideline [19].
wrapped specimens could be improved by increasing the number
Unidirectional carbon and glass fibers sheets were used for
of the layers [14]. Cromwell examined the performance of FRP
strengthening of the specimens which installed with the wet lay-
sheets when subjected to different environmental conditions, such
up technique. Tensile strength parallel to the fiber was determined
as water, saltwater, alkaline, dry heat, diesel fuel, and freeze/heat
in accordance with the ASTM D3039 standard [20]. Mechanical
exposure. In this research degradation was particularly observed
properties of the FRP sheets are shown in Table 3.
in salt water and alkaline environments, especially in GFRP sheets
[15]. A report by Böer et al. presented results from environmental
effects on durability of FRP-wraps in civil engineering. They found 2.2. Accelerated corrosion
that the exposure to saltwater reduced both the ultimate strength
and ductility of the columns which were strengthened with GFRP Since the main goal of present research was to evaluate differ-
sheets. The CFRP-wrapped RC columns only experienced slight ent retrofit methods for the corrosion-damaged RC columns in
decrease in ultimate strength. Also, humidity was found to have marine environment, 57 columns were firstly corroded by an accel-
the primary destructive effect, while salt crystals expanding over erated corrosion process, and three columns remained un-
time in the micro cracks exacerbated the deteriorating effect on corroded. In many researches, accelerated corrosion process and
the sheets [16]. In a study which was conducted by Silva et al., calculation of the time required to specific corrosion rate (mass
accelerated environmental condition was imposed by immersing loss in reinforcing bars) have been carried out according to Fara-
the GFRP sheets in a 5% NaCl solution. The saltwater was kept at day’s law, which is expressed by the following equation [21–26]:
three different temperatures, 35 °C, 50 °C and 65 °C. Significant mnF
decrease in mechanical properties of GFRP sheets, namely, on their t¼ ð1Þ
tensile strength was observed at different temperatures. Further-
more, the solution absorption by the GFRP increased with water where t = time of the corrosion process (s); m = mass loss of iron
temperature as well as their mechanical properties degradation (gr); n = valence of the reacting electrode for the material (nsteel = 2);
[17]. Also, Kashi et al. found that marine environment caused a F = Faraday’s constant (96500 A.s); a = atomic mass of iron
(55.85 gr); I = corrosion current (A).
522 A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533

Fig. 1. (a) Preparation of RC columns (b) RC columns-geometry and reinforcement details (dimension in mm).

Table 1
Mix properties of the concrete.

W/C Cement Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate Compressive strength

(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (MPa)
0.51 341 804 974 29.8

Table 2
Mix properties of self-compacted mortar.

W/C Cement Sand Limestone powder Superplasticizer by weight of cement Slump flow Compressive strength
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (%) (cm) (MPa)*
0.45 450 1469 130 0.8 26 60
compressive strength test was carried out on 5  5  5 cm cubic specimens.

Table 3
Mechanical properties of FRP sheets.

FRP type Fiber volume ratio (%) Tensile strength (MPa) Ultimate strain (%) Tensile modulus of elasticity (GPa)
GFRP 35 190 1.21 15.6
CFRP 30 342 0.76 44.7

In this study, the RC columns were immersed up to 2/3 of their In retrofit method 2, damaged concrete was removed and
height in a plastic tank which had saline solution with a concentra- replaced by repair mortar. The replacement mortar was a self-
tion of about 3.5% by weight of water; then the specimens were compacted mortar. In this method, firstly, the corroded concrete
subjected to 1(A) external current which continued up to 15% mass was cut up to the level of longitudinal steel bars, and then it was
loss of steel bars (see Fig. 2). removed and repair mortar was applied around sound concrete
(see Fig. 4). Cutting corroded concrete before removing process
2.3. Retrofit methods caused less destructive effect on the sound concrete. The concrete
cylinders were kept in mold at laboratory temperature (20 °C) for
In this study, three different types of repair were considered for 24 h. After demolding, specimens were stored in lime-saturated
corrosion-damaged RC columns. Method 1 was conventional repair water for 28 days. Afterwards, specimens were kept for 14 days
method which was directly bonding FRP sheets on the corroded at laboratory temperature, and then wrapping was carried out with
concrete. In this method, after cleaning any staining and rust one layer of GFRP and CFRP, respectively.
deposits from the specimen surface, cracks were filled by primer Retrofit method 3 was developed due to the improving the
(see Fig. 3), then specimens were strengthened by one layer of durability of wrapped columns with GFRP sheets. This strengthen-
GFRP and CFRP, respectively. ing method was carried out in the following steps:
A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533 523

Fig. 2. (a) Schematic presentation of the accelerated corrosion process (b) Accelerated corrosion process in the laboratory.

Fig. 3. Preparing specimens for strengthening in method 1 (a) Cleaned specimens (b) Applying primer.

Fig. 4. Preparing specimens for strengthening in method 2 (a) Cutting corroded concrete (b) Removing corroded concrete (c) Replacing corroded concrete by self-compacted

a) Corroded concrete cover was removed similar to the retro- retrofit method, GFRP sheets were protected by self-compacted
fit method 2. b) The surface preparation was carried out before mortar. For this purpose, firstly, the silica sand was spread onto
wrapping by GFRP sheets. For this purpose, sound concrete was wet resin immediately after confining. It was due to the rough-
placed in cylindrical mold with dimensions 120 mm in diameter ening the surface of GFRP sheets and provide a better bonding
by 300 mm in height and then self-compacted mortar was with protective mortar (see Fig. 5b). e) After curing of GFRP
casted around it (Fig. 5a). Curing process for repair mortar was sheets, self-compacted mortar was applied around them (see
similar to the retrofit method 2. c) 120  300 mm columns were Fig. 5c). Repair mortar was cured for 28 days in lime-saturated
wrapped by one and two layers of GFRP, respectively. d) In this water.
524 A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533

Fig. 5. Strengthening in method 3 (a) Surface preparation of specimens before wrapping (b) Sanded confined specimens (c) Casting self-compacted mortar on the sanded

After strengthening, epoxy resin was applied on the unwrapped The test specimens are summarized in Table 4. Three identical
portions of the columns. So, moisture and chloride ions couldn’t columns were prepared for each type of specimens. As shown in
ingress through the top and bottom of the wrapped specimens. Table 4, columns C-C and CA-C are non-corroded and corroded col-
umns, respectively, without any exposure. Columns C15A1G1-C,
2.4. Environmental conditions C15A1C1-C, C15A2G1-C, C15A2C1-C, C15A3G1-C and C15A3G2-C,
are the control specimens (without exposure) wrapped with one
After preparation of the specimens, they were placed in two dif- layer of GFRP in retrofit method 1, one layer of CFRP in retrofit
ferent environmental conditions: 1) normal condition in laboratory method 1, one layer of GFRP in retrofit method 2, one layer of CFRP
and 2) marine simulator. In this study, a marine simulator has been in retrofit method 2, one layer of GFRP in retrofit method 3 and two
used at the Concrete Technology and Durability Research Center layers of GFRP in retrofit method 3, respectively. Columns
(CTDRC) at Amirkabir University of Technology for accelerated C15A1G1-M3, C15A1C1-M3, C15A2G1-M3, C15A2C1-M3,
simulation of coastal region in the south of Iran which was selected C15A3G1-M3 and C15A3G2-M3, are the weathered specimens for
as a case study in this research. In this area, many RC structures 3000 h, wrapped with one layer of GFRP in retrofit method 1, one
show signs of deterioration, mainly due to the chloride-induced layer of CFRP in retrofit method 1, one layer of GFRP in retrofit
corrosion of steel bars. Weather conditions of coastal region in method 2, one layer of CFRP in retrofit method 2, one layer of GFRP
the south of Iran- including high temperature and humidity, tidal in retrofit method 3 and two layers of GFRP in retrofit method 3,
phenomenon of seawater and UV radiations- are simulated in an respectively. Also, Columns C15A1G1-M9, C15A1C1-M9,
accelerated manner on RC columns exposed to weathering. C15A2G1-M9, C15A2C1-M9, C15A3G1-M9 and C15A3G2-M9, are
The exterior view of the marine simulator and also the RC col- the weathered specimens for 9000 h, wrapped with one layer of
umns which were placed in the tidal pool are shown in Fig. 6. In GFRP in retrofit method 1, one layer of CFRP in retrofit method 1,
order to simulate the real environmental condition, the tempera- one layer of GFRP in retrofit method 2, one layer of CFRP in retrofit
ture of the interior simulator was set to 40 °C, its humidity to method 2, one layer of GFRP in retrofit method 3 and two layers of
68%, and the salt concentration of water to 36.6 grams per liter. GFRP in retrofit method 3, respectively.
The specimens were stored in the simulator for 3000 and 9000 h
and experienced 250 and 750 cycles, respectively. One cycle lasted 3. Experimental results and discussion
24 h and consisted of 12 h drying (Fig. 6b) and 12 h immersion in
salt water (Fig. 6c). UV radiation was applied in correspondence 3.1. Effect of accelerated corrosion on compressive behavior
with dry cycles (when the tidal pool was empty). The temperature
and humidity of the normal condition in laboratory was 20 °C and The stress-strain curves of non-corroded and corrosion-
40%, respectively damaged columns are shown in Fig. 7a. Corroded columns showed
a reduction of 29%, 14.5% and 22.1% in ultimate strength, ultimate
2.5. Test methods axial strain and the modulus of elasticity, respectively. Degradation
in mechanical properties of RC corroded columns was mainly due
After completion of the accelerated marine conditioning, uni- to the reduction in cross-sectional area of steel bars and conse-
axial compression tests were carried out in order to evaluate the quently propagation of the cracks in concrete.
durability of different retrofit methods. For this purpose, the The area under the stress-strain curves is related to the energy
mechanical properties of RC columns which were stored in marine absorption. The energy absorption of corroded RC columns
simulator compared with similar specimens which were kept in decreased when compared to the non-corroded ones. This indi-
normal environmental condition. cated that the failure mode of corroded columns was more brittle
Concrete cylinders were tested under monotonically increasing than the non-corroded columns (see Fig. 7b and c).
axial displacement (stroke control) by the rate of 1 mm/min. The
axial deflection of specimen was measured base on the relative dis- 3.2. Effect of retrofit method 1 on compressive behavior
placement between the top and bottom loading platens of the test
machine. A compressive strength test was carried out by DARTEC Fig. 8 presents the axial stress vs. axial strain curve of the cor-
machine in Rock Laboratory of AmirKabir University. roded columns which were strengthened in retrofit method 1.
A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533 525

Fig. 6. (a) Exterior view of the marine simulator (b) Specimens placed in tidal pool (dry cycle) (c) Specimens placed in tidal pool (wet cycle).

Mechanical properties which obtained from these curves are sum- and 31.2% in CFRP and GFRP-wrapped columns, respectively,
marized in Table 5. As shown in Table 5, retrofit method1 with CFRP after 3000 h marine exposure. Also, after 9000 h exposure in
and GFRP increased ultimate strength by 87% and 40.3%, respec- marine simulator, 44.6% and 31.5% reduction in axial plastic
tively, in normal environmental condition. After 3000 h marine modulus of CFRP and GFRP-wrapped columns was observed,
exposure, ultimate strength of columns retrofitted by method 1 respectively.
decreased by 4.5% and 26.3% in CFRP and GFRP wrapped columns, It was found that exposure to marine environment was the
respectively. Also, after 9000 marine exposure, 19.7% and 27.4% most extreme condition for the GFRP-wrapped columns. While
reduction in ultimate strength of strengthened columns by this ret- CFRP-wrapped column was more durable than GFRP-wrapped
rofit method was observes in CFRP and GFRP-wrapped specimens, one, marine exposure reduced both the compressive strength and
respectively. axial plastic modulus of CFRP-wrapped columns. After confining
The second slope of the stress-strain curve is an important with CFRP sheets, moisture and chloride ions were trapped in the
indicator in the design of FRP-wrapped RC columns and is wrapped columns, and hence, internal cracks developed due to
referred to as axial plastic modulus (E2), throughout this paper. the corrosion of steel bars. So, increasing in ultimate strain was
E2 in RC columns retrofitted by method 1 decreased by 20.7% observed in CFRP-wrapped columns after exposure. Because of
526 A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533

Table 4
Test specimens.

Specimen ID Accelerated Corrosion Retrofit Method FRP type Number of layers Environmental conditioning
C-C No – – – Control
CA-C Yes – – – Control
C15A1G1-C Yes 1 GFRP 1 Control
C15A1C1-C Yes 1 CFRP 1 Control
C15A2G1-C Yes 2 GFRP 1 Control
C15A2C1-C Yes 2 CFRP 1 Control
C15A3G1-C Yes 3 GFRP 1 Control
C15A3G2-C Yes 3 GFRP 2 Control
C15A1G1-M3 Yes 1 GFRP 1 Marine Simulator-3000 h
C15A1C1-M3 Yes 1 CFRP 1 Marine Simulator-3000 h
C15A2G1-M3 Yes 2 GFRP 1 Marine Simulator-3000 h
C15A2C1-M3 Yes 2 CFRP 1 Marine Simulator-3000 h
C15A3G1-M3 Yes 3 GFRP 1 Marine Simulator-3000 h
C15A3G2-M3 Yes 3 GFRP 2 Marine Simulator-3000 h
C15A1G1-M9 Yes 1 GFRP 1 Marine Simulator-9000 h
C15A1C1-M9 Yes 1 CFRP 1 Marine Simulator-9000 h
C15A2G1-M9 Yes 2 GFRP 1 Marine Simulator-9000 h
C15A2C1-M9 Yes 2 CFRP 1 Marine Simulator-9000 h
C15A3G1-M9 Yes 3 GFRP 1 Marine Simulator-9000 h
C15A3G2-M9 Yes 3 GFRP 2 Marine Simulator-9000 h

Fig. 7. (a) Axial stress-strain curves of non-corroded and corroded RC columns before exposure (b) Failure mode of non-corroded RC columns (c) Failure mode of corroded RC
A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533 527

Fig. 8. Axial stress-strain curves of retrofitted columns in method 1 (a) wrapped with CFRP (b) wrapped with GFRP.

Table 5
Mechanical properties of the strengthened specimens in methods 1, 2 and 3 for both control and marine environmental conditions.

Environmental condition Specimen ID ,u (MPa)* єu (%)* E2 (GPa)*

Control C-C 37.1 0.738 –
CA-C 26.3 0.631 –
C15A1G1-C 36.9 (40.3%)y 0.945 (49.7%)y 1.98
C15A1C1-C 49.2 (87%)y 1.137 (80.1%)y 2.72
C15A2G1-C 54.7 (108%)y 0.906 (43.5%)y –
C15A2C1-C 66.5 (152.8%)y 1.075 (70.4%)y –
C15A3G1-C 42.1 (60.1%)y 0.819 (29.8%)y –
C15A3G2-C 47.4 (80%)y 0.861 (36.5%)y –
Marine Simulator after 3000 h C15A1G1-M3 27.2 (3.4%)y (26.3%)à 0.831 (31.7%)y (12%)à 1.36 (31.2)à
C15A1C1-M3 47 (78.7%)y (4.5%)à 1.259 (99.5%)y (10.7%)à 2.16 (20.7%)à
C15A2G1-M3 42.4 (61.2%)y (22.4%)à 0.578 (8.4%)y (36.2%)à –
C15A2C1-M3 63.7 (142.2%)y (4.2%)à 0.919 (45.6%)y (14.5%)à –
C15A3G1-M3 44.7 (70%)y (6%)à 0.754 (19.5%)y (8%)à –
C15A3G2-M3 48 (82.3%)y (1.3%)à 0.729 (15.5%)y (15.3%)à –
Marine Simulator after 9000 h C15A1G1-M9 26.8 (1.9%)y (27.4%)à 0.746 (18.2%)y (21%)à 1.36 (31.5)à
C15A1C1-M9 39.5 (50.2%)y (19.7%)à 1.356 (115%)y (19.1%)à 1.50 (44.6)à
C15A2G1-M9 41 (55.8%)y (25%)à 0.604 (4.3%)y (33.4%)à –
C15A2C1-M9 54.3 (106.3%)y (18.3%)à 0.812 (28.7%)y (24.5%)à –
C15A3G1-M9 45.9 (74.3%)y (8.8%)à 0.740 (17.3%)y (9.6%)à –
C15A3G2-M9 48.4 (84%)y (2.2%)à 0.703 (11.4%)y (18.3%)à –
,u: The ultimate compressive stress at failure, єu: The ultimate axial strain at failure, E2: Axial modulus in the plastic region.
Values in parentheses show the increase/decrease percentage compared to CA-C.
Values in parentheses show the increase/decrease percentage compared to similar specimens which were placed in normal condition.
528 A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533

severe degradation in mechanical properties of GFRP sheets, this to the matrix cracking and fibers fracture together which was more
phenomenon was not seen in GFRP-wrapped columns. evident in the weathered specimens. In CFRP-wrapped columns,
Failure modes of retrofitted columns in normal condition fiber–matrix interface fracture was seen in normal environmental
revealed in both GFRP and CFRP-wrapped columns FRP sheets rup- condition. Also, fiber-matrix interface degradation was more evi-
tured perpendicular to fibers orientation (see Fig. 9a and b). This dent after marine exposure.
failure mode was due to matrix cracking and fibers fracture
together. After exposure, in CFRP-wrapped columns FRP sheets 3.4. Effect of retrofit method 3 on compressive behavior
ruptured mainly parallel to fibers orientation. It was due to the
degradation of fiber–matrix interface. On the other hand because The axial stress-strain curves of columns retrofitted by method
of lower durability of glass fibers, GFRP sheets ruptured by fibers 3 are shown in Fig. 12. Also, mechanical properties of these col-
fracture (see Fig. 9c and d). umns are summarized in Table 5. Similar to the retrofit method
2, linear axial stress–strain curve was observed in this retrofit
3.3. Effect of retrofit method 2 on compressive behavior method. It can be due to the elastic behavior of mortar, and also
the effect of mortar confinement around the GFRP sheets. As
The axial stress-strain curves of the corroded columns which shown in Table 5, in normal environmental condition, retrofitted
were strengthened by retrofit method 2 are presented in Fig. 10. columns by method 3 increased ultimate strength by 60.1% and
Also, mechanical properties which obtained from these graphs 80% after confining with one and two layers of GFRP, respectively.
are summarized in Table 5. The linear axial stress–strain curve of Different durability performance was seen in retrofit method 3.
the FRP-confined column has been verified in this retrofit method. Unlike the retrofit methods 1 and 2, not only the durability of the
It is important to note that this behavior is different from that of retrofitted columns with method 3 was not affected, but also a
FRP–wrapped concrete. It was due to the elastic-brittle behavior minor increase was observed in ultimate strength of the columns
of the repair mortar. As shown in Table 5, in normal environmental after marine exposure. It was due to the post-curing of the repair
condition, retrofit method 2 with CFRP and GFRP sheets increased mortar in marine environmental condition. In retrofit method 3,
the compressive strength of the corroded column by 152.8% and after 3000 h marine exposure, ultimate strength of columns
108%, respectively. In this retrofit method, after 3000 marine expo- wrapped with one and two layers of GFRP, increased by 6% and
sure, 4.2% and 22.4% reduction in ultimate strength of CFRP and 1.3%, respectively. Also, in this retrofit method, 8.8% and 2.2%
GFRP-wrapped columns was observed, respectively. Also, 9000 h increase in ultimate strength of the wrapped columns with one
marine exposure decreased the ultimate strength of wrapped col- and two layers of GFRP was observed, respectively, after 9000 h
umns with CFRP and GFRP by 18.3% and 25%, respectively. exposure.
These results indicate, compared with retrofit methods 1, the The failure modes of retrofitted columns by method 3 are
retrofit method 2 could provide higher compressive strength. It shown in Fig. 13. In these specimens, loading was continued up
was due to the higher strength of repair mortar when compared to the rupture of GFRP. Concurrent with the rupturing of the
to the damaged concrete. In term of durability, degradation in ulti- sheets, some longitudinal cracks appeared on the protective mortar
mate strength of retrofitted columns by method 2 was almost sim- and they failed simultaneously. Moreover, in this retrofit method,
ilar to the corresponding strengthened columns in method 1. It was the failure of the columns occurred with a lower sound and a less
due to the similar exposure condition, which in both retrofit meth- explosive manner, in comparison with other retrofit methods. In
ods, FRP system was exposed during its service life. It should be normal environmental condition, after failure, cracked mortar
noted that prevention of internal cracks propagation in retrofit cloud be removed easily from the surface of FRP. On the other
method 2, caused minor enhancement in durability of wrapped hand, after marine exposure, cracked mortar was departed
columns. Moreover, because of lower strength and durability of together with some parts of sheets. Therefore, it can be found that
GFRP sheets, internal cracks expansion had more destructive effect bond strength between FRP and protective mortar was improved
in GFRP-wrapped columns. after marine exposure.
Fig. 11 shows failure modes of columns retrofitted by method 2. In some specimens, steel bar buckling was observed behind of
Similar to the retrofit method 1, GFRP-wrapped columns failed due ruptured sheets (see Fig. 13d). It seems in this retrofit method, pre-

Fig. 9. Failure mode of (a) C15A1G1-C (b) C15A1C1-C (c) C15A1G1-M9 (d) C15A1C1-M9.
A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533 529

Fig. 10. Axial stress-strain curves of retrofitted columns in method 2 (a) wrapped with CFRP (b) wrapped with GFRP.

Fig. 11. Failure mode of (a) C15A2G1-C (b) C15A2C1-C (c) C15A2G1-M9 (d) C15A2C1-M9.

mature failure of FRP occurred by buckling of longitudinal rein- and 3 better to use for the corroded columns undertaken high level
forcement. It was due to the closer distance between longitudinal of corrosion. In term of durability, comparing with different retrofit
steel bars and FRP sheets. methods, retrofit method 3 was more durable, which was due to
the protection of the sheets against marine exposure. In term of
3.5. Comparison of retrofit methods strength, replacing confined damaged concrete by self-compacted
mortar, resulting in the increasing of the ultimate strength in retro-
Comparing with different retrofit methods, method 1 was easier fit methods 2.
to do, but could not prevent the corrosion of steel reinforcements. In this study, Distance Based Approach (DBA) [27–29] has been
On the other hand, both retrofit methods 2 and 3 could protect utilized in order to evaluation of three retrofit methods. In this
steel bars from corrosion. Also, they were more costly and technique, the first step was to establish the decision criteria. For
increased the difficulty of strengthening. Thus, retrofit methods 2 this purpose, strength, durability and cost have been selected as
530 A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533

Fig. 12. Axial stress-strain curves of retrofitted columns in method 3 (a) wrapped with two layers of GFRP (b) wrapped with one layer GFRP.

Fig. 13. Failure mode of (a) C15A3G1-C (b) C15A3G2-C (c) C15A3G1-M9 (d) C15A3G2-M9.

criteria for comparing different retrofit methods. Strength criterion in different retrofit methods. After specifying decision criteria, they
was calculated by comparing ultimate strength of each specimen should be standardized. Higher standardized values are nearer to
with specimen CA-C (see Table 5). Also, durability criterion was the ideal state. Standardized criteria for different retrofitted speci-
calculated by comparing ultimate strength of weathered speci- mens are presented in Table 6. For each environmental condition,
mens with corresponding specimens in control condition (see individual standardization was carried out.
Table 5). A repair cost included, FRP, primer, repair mortar and Finally, the distance between each alternative method to the
worker wage cost, which was calculated based on each specimen optimum state is derived from the following equation:
A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533 531

Table 6
Standardized criteria.

Environmental condition Specimen ID Strength criterion Durability criterion Cost criterion

Control C15A1G1-C 1.22 – 1.62
C15A1C1-C 0.01 – 0.03
C15A2G1-C 0.51 – 0.60
C15A2C1-C 1.64 – 0.99
C15A3G1-C 0.71 – 0.32
C15A3G2-C 0.21 – 0.96
Marine Simulator after 3000 h C15A1G1-M3 1.56 1.37 1.62
C15A1C1-M3 0.13 0.29 0.03
C15A2G1-M3 0.26 1.08 0.60
C15A2C1-M3 1.55 0.32 0.99
C15A3G1-M3 0.06 1.1 0.32
C15A3G2-M3 0.21 0.74 0.96
Marine Simulator after 9000 h C15A1G1-M9 1.68 0.94 1.62
C15A1C1-M9 0.33 0.43 0.03
C15A2G1-M9 0.17 0.78 0.60
C15A2C1-M9 1.24 0.34 0.99
C15A3G1-M9 0.34 1.46 0.32
C15A3G2-M9 0.61 1.03 0.96

( )1=2
X 2 respectively. So, with regard to the long-term durability
Dk ¼ wj  ðzkj  zJ Þ ð2Þ of RC columns wrapped with FRP sheets, this retrofit
j method was not appropriate, especially in GFRP-wrapped
where k = number of alternatives; j = number of criteria; Dk = dis- 2) In the retrofit method 2, confining RC columns increased
tance index for kth alternative; wj = weight of jth criterion; zkj = - ultimate strength by 108% and 152.8% in GFRP and CFRP-
standardized value of the kth alternative with respect to the jth wrapped columns, in normal environmental condition.
criterion; z⁄j = the higher value of jth criterion. In this study distance Regarding to the long-term durability, 25% and 18.3% reduc-
index was calculated based on the assumption of equal weights. tion in ultimate strength of GFRP and CFRP-wrapped col-
The results of the DBA methodology for each retrofit method in umns was observed, respectively, after 9000 marine
different environmental conditions are presented in Fig. 14. Based exposure. Hence, it can be concluded that bonding FRP
upon the concept, the chosen alternative should have the shortest sheets after replacing corrosion-damaged concrete didn’t
distance index from the ideal solution. Results showed, regardless have any significant effect on durability of retrofitted col-
of durability (in normal environmental condition), strengthening umns. Compared with the retrofit method 1, minor improve-
with one layer of GFRP in method 2 was the best retrofit method. ment in durability of retrofitted columns by method 2 was
It should be noted that retrofit method 3 was not appropriate in observed, which was due to the prevention of further steel
this condition. After 3000 marine exposure, specimen which was corrosion.
wrapped by one layer of CFRP in retrofit method 1 showed better 3) In the retrofit method 3, strengthening RC columns with
performance. It was due to the higher strength and durability of one and two layers of GFRP increased ultimate strength
CFRP sheet, and also lower cost of retrofit method 1. Columns ret- by 60.1% and 80%, respectively, in normal environmental
rofitted by method 3 showed the best performance after 9000 mar- condition. Generally, in retrofitted columns by methods 2
ine exposure. It was due to the higher durability of these and 3, brittle manner was observed, which was mostly
specimens. On the other hand, comparing with retrofit method 3, due to the brittle behavior of self-compacted mortar. In
in retrofit methods 1 and 3, which FRP sheets were exposed to the retrofit method 3, regarding to the long-term durability
the marine environment, the performance of the retrofitted col- of strengthened columns, 8.8% and 2.2% improvement in
umns was not acceptable. Hence, it can be concluded that durabil- ultimate strength of wrapped columns by one and two lay-
ity is a significant parameter which must be considered in ers of GFRP was observed, respectively after 9000 h expo-
strengthening of the corroded columns in marine environment. sure. Therefore, in this retrofit method not only any
In a short period of time, applying durable type of FRP sheets can degradation was not observed, but also ultimate strength
be improved the performance of wrapped members, but in long was slightly improved. This was due to the protection of
term exposure, protecting FRP sheets seems to be necessary. GFRP sheets by repair mortar, and also better curing of
repair mortar in marine environments. Furthermore, repair
mortar showed better bonding to GFRP sheet after marine
4. Conclusion exposure.
4) Failure modes of specimens revealed that in RC-wrapped
In this paper, an experimental investigation was carried out in columns which FRP sheet was exposed during its service life,
the rehabilitation of corroded RC columns with FRP sheets. The fol- CFRP sheets mostly ruptured because of degradation of
lowing conclusions are drawn from this study: fiber–matrix interface. On the other hand, degradation of
glass fibers was more evident in GFRP sheets.
1) In the retrofit method 1, regardless of environmental con- 5) DBA analysis based on ultimate strength, durability and cost
dition, wrapping corroded columns by one layer of GFRP criteria was carried out. Results showed that in marine envi-
and CFRP increased ultimate strength by 40.3% and 87%, ronmental condition, short-term performance of retrofitted
respectively. After 9000 h marine exposure, ultimate column by one layer of CFRP in the method 1 was ideal. It
strength of these columns decreased by 27.4% and 19.7%, was also found that strengthened columns by one layer of
532 A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533

Fig. 14. Distance indicator for specimen retrofitted by methods 1, 2 and 3 which stored in (a) Control environmental condition (b) Marine simulator for 3000 h (c) Marine
simulator for 9000 h.

GFRP in the retrofit method 3 performed better than other Acknowledgments

specimens. Thus, it can be concluded that in harsh environ-
mental condition, wrapping by durable type of FRP sheets The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the
would not be sufficient, and protecting the exterior surface Concrete Technology and Durability Research Center (CTDRC) of
of the FRP sheets should be considered. Amirkabir University of Technology.
A. Kashi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 151 (2017) 520–533 533

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