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Name: LABORCERO, Dayanara Jean D.

(Evaluator) Date of Submission: 04/07/2021

LARMAN, Keiza Gale C. (Education Technologist) Section: BSN 1-C

LATOGA, Jules Marion M. (Researcher)

LLARINA, Patricia Anne. (Documenter)

Subject: Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

Faculty: Dr. Jan Oliver Z. de Leon

Learning Activity for Week 5

Group 01
“Different Fields in Nursing”
Institutional / Hospital Nursing
i. Basic Concepts
 Institutional or Hospital Nursing Nursing is the term which are used to designate the
work of graduate nurses employed by hospitals or certain institution for direct nursing
service such as:
 -general or graduate floor duty,
 -special or private duty, and
 -group nursing

Nursing in hospital and related health facilities such as extended care facilities, nursing homes,
and neighborhood clinics, comprises all of the basis components of comprehensive patient care
and family health. The concept of the modern hospital as a community health center where in-
patient and out-patient care are continuous describes the goal of medical care in most general

ii. Major Tasks / Obligations / Responsibilities

 Major Task
 Provides professional nursing care and treatment, either as curative or preventive
measures, to ill, injured, disabled and other patients, and newborn babies and their
mothers, in hospitals, clinics or other establishments;
 Supervises and coordinates the work of nursing and other non-medical staff in
operating theater and assist surgeons during operations ;
 Administers medicine and drugs, applies surgical dressings and give other forms of
treatment prescribed by physicians;
 Maintains accurate, detailed reports and records;
 Participates in preparations for physical and psychological treatment of mentally-ill
 Gives professional nursing care to patients in their homes;
 Provides professional nursing services, care and advice within a community or at a
work-place; and
 May specialize in community services to industrial and other organizations and engage
in research activities related to nursing.

Obligations / Responsibilities

The purpose of this system of nursing is to supplement student nurse service by that of
graduate nurses so that a better ratio of nurse to patient may be maintained in order to improve:
(1) the nursing care of the hospital sick, (2) the education of the student nurse, (3) the nursing
needs of the community and (4) the welfare of the graduate nurse.

The nurse cares for the patient in the hospital or in the out-patient department and plants for
the nursing care needs of the patient about to be discharged. The nurse performs nursing
measure that will meet the patient’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health needs
while in the institution and helps him and his family plan for his further health care needs
when he returns home. The nurse’s function involve assessment of the patient’s needs for
nursing and planning for giving or providing the care indicated whether this be personal care,
rehabilitation measures or health instructions. These function include participation in the
research and training carried on in the hospital, teaching auxiliary personnel and assisting in
teaching and supervision of nursing and/or midwifery students, if there are affiliates in the said

iii. Advantages / Disadvantages

Advantages of Staff Nursing in Hospital’s

1. There is always a supervisor whom one can consult if problems exist.
2. Nurses updated with new trends in medicine and in nursing care of patients.
3. They undergo rotation of different units and have a chance to determine their special area of
choice before they are assigned permanently in one area such as Medicine, pediatrics, surgery,
ICU-CCU, Obstetrics, Operating Room, Delivery Room, etc.
4. They have an eight-hours day and a forty-hour week duty which provide for two days of rest
away from duty. They have provisions for sick leaves, holidays, and vacations with ay
according to personnel policies of the institution.
5. They have the chance to get promoted to higher positions if they are qualified.
6. Salary increases are given periodically according to merit system thereby increased their
initiative and best efforts.
7. They are considered an important member of the health team in providing care to the
8. More staff development programs are available in hospitals. Disadvantage of Staff Nursing in

The disadvantages usually do not outweigh the advantages:

1. There is a great possibility of understaffing which may require nurses to put in overtime
work and sacrifice some of their plans. This is especially true in hospitals where budget for
personnel is limited.
2. Because of the bulk of works, some staff nurses do not find time to improve their skills
through continuing education programs. Or, if the hospitals are far-flung, no continuing
education programs are provided.
3. Administrative problems and overwork may tend to dissatisfy the staff nurse.

iv. Qualifications / Requirements

Section 29 of RA 9173 specifies that a person occupying supervisory or
managerial positions requiring knowledge of nursing must:
a) Be a registered nurse in the Philippines;
b) Have at least two (2) years of experience in general nursing service
c) Possess a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, with at least nine (9) units in
management and administration courses at the graduate level; and
d) Be a member of good standing of the accredited professional organization of nurses.

It is provided, however, that a person occupying the position of chief nurse or director
of nursing services, shall, in addition to the foregoing qualifications, possess:

a) At least five (5) years of experience in a supervisory or managerial position in nursing;

b) A master’s degree major in Nursing.

It is further provided that for primary hospital, the minimum academic qualifications
and experiences for a chief nurse shall be as specified in subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this
section: Provided, furthermore, That for the chief nurses in the public health agencies. Those who
have a master’s degree in public health/ community health nursing shall be given priority.
Provided, even further, That for chief nurses in military hospitals, priority shall given to those
who have finished a master’s degree in nursing and completion of the General Staff Course
(GSC): Provided finally, That those occupying such positions before the effectively of this Act
shall given a period of (5) years within which to qualify.
A new trend in hospital nursing is clinical specialization. Nurses train n a special field of
nursing of their choice. Courses to prepare nurses desiring to perfect their clinical opportunities
are offered in universities, usually at the master’s level. These nurses must have the experience
required before applying for a position as an expert practitioner.
Memorandum Circular No. 2000-05, series of 2000 of the Professional Regulation
Commission, Board of Nursing, mandates the implementation of this provision of the
Philippines Nursing Act.

v. Average Salary

In the local labor market, an entry level registered nurse receives a salary of P8,000 -
P13,500 per month. Registered Nurses hired at Hospitals commonly receive an average salary of
P9,757 per month. In the government, the average salary per month is around P13,500 while in
private sector, the rate average is around P10,000 per month.

Overseas, the pay scale is way above local rates with the US market offering an average
salary of $3,800 per month, the United Kingdom with £1,662, and Canada with $4,097 for entry

vi. Other information

Skills and Competencies

 Ability to convey information effectively;
 Excellent reading comprehension;
 Ability to use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative
solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems;
 Analytical skill;
 Ability to communicate information and ideas clearly in speaking and in writing so
others will understand; and
 Problem sensitivity or the ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go

Physical Attributes and Characteristics
 Service Oriented - always actively looking for ways to help people;
 Compassionate and understanding;
 Possess “social perceptiveness” or a keen sense of awareness for patients’ needs and
problems; and
 Ability to see details at close range (near vision).

Cost of Education *

The cost of pursuing a BS in Nursing degree may range between P8,900 to P50,000 in private
schools per semester. The cost is much lower in public universities where tuition fee is around
P8,500 per semester.


Department of Labor and Employmen. (n.d.). REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES; Department of Labor and
Employment; Bureau of Local Employment. Retrieved from GOVPH:



Institutional Nursing: As Defined by the Subcommittee of the Joint Distribution Committee.

(1931). The American Journal of Nursing, 31(6), 689-692. doi:10.2307/3410010

I. PowerPoint Presentation


II. Photo Documentation

Planning and Preparation

During the Presentation
III. Examination and Activity

For the activity our group made a series of questions that is answerable by true or false that is
in Google form.

1. Hospital Nursing is the term which is used to designate the work of graduate nurses
employed by hospitals.

2. A person who is occupying supervisory or managerial positions must have at least 2 (years)
of experience in general nursing service administration. -

3. A person occupying the position of chief nurse must have 6 years of supervisory or
managerial position in nursing.

4. An institutional nurse is either in a hospital, nursing home or rehab.

5. Cost of education in Public University in Public University is 10,000php while in private

schools is 8,900-50,000.

Answe Key:





IV. Result of Examination (31 responses)

Email Address Score Name

1. 5/5 Erika Elaine M. Pimpinio

2. 5/5 Dana Q. Patungan

3. 5/5 Jhesierynne Luzame

4. 5/5 Reign Marjorae C. Pulido

5. 5/5 Reign Esleen G. Oliveria

6. 5/5 Era Krystelle D. Marabe

7. 5/5 Trisha Lene E. Nomel

8. 5/5 Oligario Jr. Nimer Mallari

9. 5/5 Angela Venice B. Miguel

10. 5/5 Michaela Miranda

11. 5/5 Romeo Isaac L. Mendiola

12. 5/5 Zarinna Faye M. Peralta

13. 5/5 Ailyn M. Matic

14. 5/5 Alexandra S. Pineda

15. 5/5 Vinci M. Matacot

16. 5/5 Ayyilah Jan B. Lumaban

17. 5/5 Ivy Joyce Pantig

18. 5/5 Angelika G. Matic

19. 5/5 Czryna Pablo

20. 5/5 Jim Daniel L. Malixi

21. 5/5 Geoff Russel Y. Miller

22. 5/5 Princess Nicol A. Mahilum

23. 5/5 Anne Isabel C. Morano

24. 5/5 Ina Carmela Malixi

25. 5/5 Kim Angela C. Makidato

26. 5/5 Frances Kyle Ortega

27. 5/5 Ahndhilah D. Molina

28. 5/5 Amirah Karyl S. Lumanlan

29. 5/5 Trisha S. Mendoza

30. 5/5 Gennaih Perello

31. 5/5 John Rozen C. Mausisa

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