Durability Issues of FRP Rebars in Reinforced Concrete Members

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Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868


Durability issues of FRP rebars in reinforced concrete members

Francesca Ceroni , Edoardo Cosenza b, Manfredi Gaetano b, Marisa Pecce a

Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, P.zza Roma 21, 82100 Benevento, Italy
Department of Structural Analysis and Design, University of Naples Federico II, via Claudio 21, 80125, Italy

Available online 30 August 2006


The use of fibre reinforced polymers (FRPs) as rebars in reinforced concrete (RC) elements is a viable means to prevent corrosion
effects that reduce the service life of members employing steel reinforcement. However, durability of FRP rebars is not straightforward
as it is related to material properties as well as bar–concrete interaction. A state of the art of durability of FRP rebars is presented herein
in order to highlight issues related to the material properties and interaction mechanisms which influence the service life of RC elements.
The design approach implemented in international codes is discussed and the reduction factors taking into account the durability
performances are summarized.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Durability; FRP bars; Environment effect; Long-term behaviour; Thermal effects

1. Introduction The durability of FRP materials has not been yet

assessed thoroughly and hence reliable design rules for
The increasing use of fibre reinforced polymers (FRPs) RC structures are still lacking. Nevertheless, it has been
as rebars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures has been observed [69,60,33,7,37] that the durability of concrete
supported by the ‘‘durability’’ of this novel material. How- members reinforced with FRP rebars depends on the effect
ever, the high durability of FRPs has been defined only of concrete environment for the composite material and
with regard to that of steel rebars. The latter are detrimen- cracking and concrete–bar bond. The latter is of para-
tally affected by corrosion phenomena governing the mount importance and depends on the rebar surface
effective life of structures and their maintenance costs. adopted by the manufacturer to improve bond (e.g.
Unfortunately durability of FRP rebars is a not straight- sanded, ribbed, etc.). It has also been noted [42] that crack
forward subject; it tends to be more complex than corro- openings are generally higher than in RC members with
sion of steel reinforcement, because degradation of the steel rebars, being the Young’s modulus of FRPs lower
material could depend both on resin and fibres and on their than in mild steel, thus reducing the protection due to
interface bond behaviour. Furthermore, the types of rebars concrete.
available on the market are various and the commercial Recently, many studies have been carried out on dura-
products are continuously changed. Different fibres are bility of FRP bars [6,25,26,32,36,38,53,69]; however, there
characterized by different behaviour under high tempera- are still many aspects to be investigated to provide reliable
ture, environmental effects and long-term phenomena. In design rules to be implemented in codes of practice.
addition concrete could be an unfavourable environment The durability may be defined as the capacity of a
due to alkali and moisture absorption. material or a structure corresponding to the initial perfor-
mance and is kept constant during time. In structural engi-
neering durability is thus the property related the effective
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 824 30 55 75; fax: +39 824 32 52 46. life of the construction. Materials and structures can be
E-mail address: ceroni@unisannio.it (F. Ceroni). characterized in several manners. Variations of mechanical

0958-9465/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
858 F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868

properties as Young’s modulus, tensile strength, interlam- The characteristics of resins that could reduce durability
inar shear and bond strength are the most suitable indica- of FRP materials, independently from resin and fibres type
tors of FRP deterioration. Considering the interaction are:
with concrete, durability is also the ability to prevent
cracking, chemical degradation, delamination, wearing, • Resin wet out (how well the fibres are covered by resin);
and similar effects of ageing with time, under the condi- • Absence of cracks (either surface or through thickness);
tions of sustained loads and/or design environmental • Absence of voids (generally smaller and well distributed
conditions. is preferable);
In this paper a state of the art of durability of FRP • Degree of cure of resin (if the production process was
rebars is dealt with. The adopted framework can be not well controlled the resin may be insufficiently
divided in three parts: effects of external and concrete envi- cross-linked to provide the designed protection).
ronment, long-term effects, influence of concrete–FRP Other qualities of resins are significant for durability,
mechanisms. but can be controlled by selecting the type of resin:
Experimental results relative to the effects of tempera- • Resistance to alkali and chloride attack;
ture, chemical agents and moisture are presented to • Toughness to resist microcracking;
compare different types of fibres and resins. Long-term • Impermeability to environment penetration to the
phenomena are also discussed and the role of fibres type interior;
and the consequences on RC elements are presented. • Easy manufacturing to minimise quality variations;
Finally, direct influence of interaction mechanisms between • High compatibility with fibres to ensure a strong fibre/
concrete and rebar, especially due to bond, are outlined. matrix bond.
References to specific provisions available in the techni-
cal literature and/or codes are introduced, as appropriate, Fibres provide stiffness and strength to composite mate-
for each of the features influencing the durability. rial, i.e. the performance of structural systems depends on
their main mechanical properties and durability behaviour.
2. Durability of FRP material The durability of glass, aramid and carbon fibres, that are
the most common types used in civil engineering applica-
Experimental tests to investigate durability have long tions, are different and have to be underlined for all the
durations and require accelerated methods to activate the effects assessed hereafter. In general glass fibres, that are
environmental effects. Thus the accuracy of the results in largely used also because are the cheapest ones, are less
terms of real time performances has to be determined. durable when used as rebars in concrete, due to high chem-
There is no full agreement about the test procedures; the ical sensibility to alkali environment. However, these
topic is further complicated by the variability in FRP observations should lead to a review of the existing design
products and their use in concrete members. process to consider that improving of performances can
It is essential in structural applications to identify stan- arise by optimizing the manufacturing techniques and
dard test procedures that could be confidently recom- coupling with various resins.
mended for materials. Durability of a composite material is related not only to
FRP bars include two different phases, a resin matrix the properties of its constitutive materials (fibres and
and unidirectional fibres. As a result, the properties of both matrix), but also to the integrity of the interface between
components and resin/fibres interface have to be investi- these two components. Bond of FRP reinforcement relies
gated with special emphasis on the influence of environ- upon the transfer of shear and transverse forces at the
mental and mechanical parameters. All the above interface between bar and concrete, and between individual
components play a role in defining the characteristics of fibres within the bar. These resin-dominated mechanisms
the composite material and can be susceptible to attack are in contrast to the fibre-dominated mechanisms that
by various aggressive environments, so that the adequate control properties such as longitudinal strength and stiff-
performance of all three elements has to be fully warranted ness of FRP bars. Environments that degrade the polymer
throughout the design life of the structure. resin or fibre/resin interface are thus also likely to degrade
Matrix protects fibres and transfers uniformly stresses the bond strength of an FRP bar.
between them, therefore the type of resin and the quality Usually a strong fibre/matrix interface is needed and
of its realization are fundamental. The effectiveness of the inadequate selection of fibre or matrix types or incorrect
resin depends on its continuity of surface and absence of processing can lead to a weak interface to environmental
defects. For example, cuts at the ends of composite expose attacks. A deterioration of this interface reduces the capac-
directly fibres to external environment giving undesirable ity of load transfer between fibres with a consequent weak-
effects in a durability viewpoint. In such regions environ- ness of the composite material [26]. The use of a coupling
mental effects can produce damage of the fibre/matrix agent on the fibre surface improves the strength of the
bond, because of the exposure of the fibres along their interface, and protects the fibres against environmental
length, matrix and the resin/fibre interface of internal parts attack or reaction with moisture or alkalis. However, the
to direct attacks from the environment. chemical bond between the coupling agent and the surface
F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868 859

of glass fibres is not stable in the presence of moisture and soften, melt or catch fire above 150–200 C. Fibres them-
alkalis that gradually destroys this bond, causing damage selves are more or less able to resist to higher temperatures:
to the interface. aramid to 200 C, glass to 300–500 C while carbon in non-
Combined with chemical attacks, a high level of sus- oxidizing environment up to 800–1000 C (Fib technical
tained mechanical loading increases the degradation of report [17]). Due to the temperature independence of car-
the fibres/matrix interface. bon fibres themselves, CFRP shows the most favourable
2.1. Environmental influences In Fig. 1 [64] experimental variation of Young’s modu-
lus and tensile strength at increasing temperature is shown
FRP bars are susceptible to changes of strength and for various types of aramid and carbon rebars. In the first
stiffness in the presence of environments prior to, during, graph the reduction of Young modulus as a function of the
and after construction. room temperature is depicted for three types of aramid and
The external environment is characterized by many carbon rebars; the higher reduction for aramid is shown.
chemical and physical actions, but only some of them could The same results are found also in the second graph where
give important effects on FRP materials modifying their the value of the tensile modulus is plotted. Finally in the
mechanical performances, thus reducing durability of third graph the strength reduction is shown for one aramid
structure. The most important are generally those dis-
cussed in the following, although their influence depends
on the type of composite material (type of resin and fibres).
One of the most important effects of external environ-
ment is the variation of thermal conditions. In a polymeric
composite the matrix properties are more affected by the
increase in the temperature than the fibre properties. The
glass transition temperature (Tg) of the matrix is a key
parameter, since it defines a topic point generally corre-
sponding to significant changes with considerable reduc-
tion of the mechanical properties.
The elastic modulus and strength of an FRP bar
decrease with the increase in temperature under high tem-
perature and sustained load. In the short-term, an increase
in temperature between 30 and 40 C, that is a significant
condition in the life of a structure, does not significantly
affect the strength or the elastic modulus of the most of
commercial fibres. However, long thermal ageing at a high
temperature combined with sustained loading may cause
deterioration in the properties of the matrix.
Under service temperature of concrete structures (from
20 to +60 C) the reduction in Young’s modulus is negli-
gible for CFRP, however slight reduction occurs for AFRP
and GFRP (Fib technical report [17]).
A reduction of ultimate load capacity in presence of
high temperature is caused by modification of matrix prop-
erties and in consequence of interface fibre–matrix, limiting
the effectiveness of fibres strength.
In many civil engineering applications, RC members are
subjected to high number of freezing/thawing cycles, that
are mostly combined with water and chloride ions penetra-
tion into the concrete, producing degradation of fibres,
resin and interfacial bond. Microcraking of resin is partic-
ularly influent because reduces the protection of fibres and
bond at the resin interface; thus the type of resin is a key
parameter for durability of FRP as further discussed in
the next section.
As far as very high temperature is concerned, i.e. fire
resistance, polymeric materials are usually flammable or Fig. 1. Effect of temperature [65]: (a) perceptual variation of Young’s
harming in the case of fire, therefore, basically resin deter- modulus; (b) variation of Young’s modulus; (c) variation of tensile
mines the temperature/fire resistance of FRPs. Resins strength.
860 F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868

and two carbon rebars, confirming the superior perfor- FRPs are generally not affected significantly by the pro-
mance of carbon. cess of carbonation that reduces concrete alkalinity due to
Ultraviolet rays affect polymeric materials that can be the high calcium hydroxide content of hardened cement
considerably degraded [41,7]. Exposure tests have shown stone (pH 12.5–14), therefore the usual benefit of concrete
[67,23] for AFRP rods around 13% reduction in tensile in protecting reinforcement could cause a reinforcement
strength after 2500 h exposure, 8% reduction for GFRP degradation when FRP rebars are used.
rods after 500 h (no reduction thereafter) and no reduction On the other hand, alkalinity may affect glass fibres
for CFRP rods. Some results from combined ultraviolet unless suitable polymer resins [60] protect them. The inter-
and moisture exposure tests with and without stress applied face between glass fibres and the resin controls the resis-
to the bars have shown tensile strength reductions of tance of the GFRP bars to the alkalis [69].
0–20% of initial values in CFRP, 0–30% in AFRP and Experimental data [36] showed that resin properties may
0–40% in GFRP [52,71]. strongly influence the durability of FRP reinforcement:
Exposition usually does not occur for rebars inside con- particularly GFRP rods are sensitive to alkaline attack
crete, but attention needs in storage. when polyester resin is used because does not provide
For chemical attack, the most important problem could adequate protection to fibres (Fig. 2).
be the effect of acid attack. However, there is a lack of data. Carbon fibres tend to show the best resistance, followed
Acid attack is more dangerous for concrete, therefore this by aramid and then glass fibres [33].
is more interesting for RC elements when acid resistant Carbon fibres cannot absorb liquids and are resistant to
cement, such as high-alumina cement, is used with FRP acid, alkali [36] and organic solvents, therefore, do not
reinforcement. show considerable deterioration in any kind of harsh envi-
The degradation process due to chemical actions occurs ronments, while deterioration of glass fibres in alkaline
for combining effects of microcracking in the matrix, due to environment is well known and the role of resin could be
stress conditions, that favourite penetration of corrosive more [60] or less negligible [57,66,71]; in particular vinyl-
agents to the core of the bar. There is a stress limit below ester resin offers a greater alkali resistance than polyester
which microcracking in the matrix cannot occur, and cap- resins.
illary action, related to porosity or imperfections, domi- The type of glass fibres, resin and manufacturing process
nates durability. could may lower the tensile capacity in the range of
25–100% [47]. According to the type of glass fibre tensile
2.2. Effects of concrete environment strength reductions in GFRP bars ranging from 0% to
75% of initial values have been registered [16]. Tensile stiff-
The most significant problems of steel corrosion in RC ness reductions in GFRP bars range between 0% and 20%
elements are related to carbonation that occurs everywhere in many cases. Reduction of strength due to alkali can be
depending on concrete W/C ratio, cement type, curing, influenced by high temperature and stress level [38]. In
CO2 concentration and cracking. the case of CFRP, the decrease in strength and stiffness
Aqueous solutions with high values of pH are known to may vary between 0% and 20% [63].
erode the tensile strength and stiffness of GFRP bars [44], Tensile strength and stiffness of AFRP rods in elevated
although results vary tremendously according to differences temperature alkaline solutions either with or without
in test methods. Higher temperatures and longer exposure tensile stress have been reported to decrease between
times exasperate the problem. 10–50% and 0–20% of initial values, respectively [63,47,56].

Fig. 2. Degradation of resin caused by alkali (G1: GFRP rebars with thermoplastic resin, G2: GFRP rebars with polyester resin [36]).
F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868 861

Some experimental studies [37] were performed to inves- about 15–25% [20]. According to swelling of AFRP rein-
tigate the performance of GFRP materials exposed to a forcement, bond cracking can be induced by wet/dry cycles
concrete environment in built structures. Any degradation (e.g. in splash zones of marine structures) that cause dete-
was found for GFRP reinforcement (rods and grids) in rioration and points out that aramid fibres are inapplicable
concrete environment in real-life engineering structures in marine environment [58,59] although the low sensitivity
exposed to natural environmental conditions for durations to chloride.
of 5–8 years. The EDX analyses indicated no alkali ingress A synthetic scheme of the meaningful issues of FRP
in the GFRP reinforcement from the concrete pore solu- rebars durability in concrete is represented in Table 1.
tion. The results was that, under tension, GFRP reinforce-
ment is durable and highly compatible with the concrete 2.3. Mechanical properties time depending
material and results are used for the new addendum of
CHBDC [13]. The most important time depending properties are:
Another environmental problem in RC concrete ele- creep, relaxation and fatigue.
ments could be presence of chloride in sea construction Creep phenomena in FRP rebars include: the creep
or de-icing salts that usually accelerate corrosion. strain under sustained load and the long-term tensile
Results vary widely because it is difficult to distinguish strength under sustained load (often called stress rupture,
the effects of chloride attack and degradation due to mois- residual strength or creep rupture strength) that can be sud-
ture diffusion and/or alkali attack of the fibres. CFRP and denly attained after a period of time called ‘‘endurance
AFRP reinforcements are insensitive to chloride ions. limit’’. Creep failure strength can be defined as the tensile
Experimental studies demonstrated that GFRP reinforce- stress causing failure after a specified period of time after
ments can be seriously damaged in marine environment starting of a sustained load.
or in presence of de-icing salts [48]. This type of failure depends on the fibre and resin types:
During casting of concrete, FRP rebars can absorb considering that carbon and glass fibres have excellent
water causing a chemical reaction. The moisture absorbed resistance to creep, while most of polymeric resins can be
by the composites, combined with the temperature of expo- very susceptible, the creep performance of FRP bars
sure, induces stresses in the material with consequent dam- strictly depends on orientation and volume fractions of
age of fibres, matrix, and their interface and decreasing of fibres.
the strength of FRP material with time. The endurance limit decreases as the ratio of the sus-
Moisture can be absorbed by capillary uptake along any tained tensile stress to the short-term strength increases.
pre-existing crack or interface between the fibre and resin High temperature, exposure to UV radiation, high alkalin-
matrix. The effect of moisture on composites is a mass ity, wet and dry cycles and freeze-thaw cycles may reduce
uptake, followed by the plasticization of the matrix and a the creep rupture strength and the endurance time.
decrease in the glass transition temperature. Moisture can It was experimentally observed that creep rupture [11]
act as a plasticizer disrupting Van-der-Waals bonds in does not occur if sustained stress is lower than 60% of
polymer chains [7] and producing fibre–matrix de-bonding the short term strength. Therefore this phenomenon is rel-
[21]. The phenomenon is emphasized for polyester resins evant for prestressed element, while in the RC elements the
and high temperature (>60 C) (Fig. 3). low level of stress in FRP rebars at serviceability loads does
Carbon and glass fibres cannot absorb water [74]. Con- not cause the possibility of creep rupture.
versely, water absorption in aramid fibres causes reversible Experimental results [27] on GFRP, AFRP and CFRP
decrease in tensile strength, Young’s modulus or relaxation bars, evidenced a linear relationship between creep rupture
and irreversible decrease in fatigue strength [43]. Decrease strength and the logarithm of time, for period up to 100 h.
in characteristics of AFRP due to water absorption is By extrapolating the results to 500,000 h (57 years) the
ratios of creep strength rupture to the short-term strength
of bars were linearly extrapolated to be 0.29, 0.47 and
0.93 for GFRP, AFRP and CFRP, respectively. Test on
commercial twisted CFRP bars and AFRP bars with an
epoxy matrix at room temperature to determine the endur-
ance time[5] showed that the estimated retained percentage
of short-term strength after 50 years was 79% for CFRP
and 66% for AFRP. Tests on GFRP bars with vinylester
matrix at room temperature [55] evidenced a creep strength
rupture equal to 55% of the short-term strength for an
extrapolated endurance time of 50 year.
Tests focusing on the durability of E-glass/vinylester
FRP bars in alkaline and de-ionized water under sustained
Fig. 3. Absorption capacity (G1: GFRP rebars with thermoplastic resin, tensile stress (or no stress) at ambient and elevated temper-
G2: GFRP rebars with polyester resin [36]). atures up to 608 C for periods of up to 14 months
862 F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868

Table 1
Effects of environmental agents in concrete
Effect Aramid Carbon Glass Influencing parameters
Alkali exposition Strength reduction Strength reduction Strength reduction Resin type,
0–20% 0–20% 0–75% temperature,
tensile stress
Chloride exposition Low sensitivity Resistant Sensible
Moisture Decreasing of fibres Damage of resin Damage of resin Resin type,
mechanical characteristics temperature

evidenced that the creep strain in the 9.5 mm bars was less mated as 1.8–2.0% for GFRP tendons, 0.5–1.0% for
than 5% of the initial value after 10,000 h of sustained ten- CFRP tendons and 5.0–8.0% for AFRP tendons, while
sile loading [39]. This value was obtained under high tensile relaxation of GFRP, CFRP and AFRP tendons after 50
stress of 38% of the guaranteed tensile strength. years of loading can be estimated as 4.0–14.0%, 2.0–
A test method to characterize creep rupture of FRP bars 10.0% and 11.0–25.0%, respectively, depending on the ini-
was proposed by Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE- tial tensile stress [6].
E533 [29]), while ACI 440.3R-04 [3] proposed a ‘‘Test A summary of time-depending phenomena described
Method for Creep of FRP Bars’’. These test methods are above is reported in Table 2.
aimed at evaluating the load-induced tensile strain at Fatigue is a degradation of the integrity of a material
imposed ages for FRP bars under a selected set of con- caused by repeated applications of a large number of load-
trolled environmental conditions and the corresponding ing cycles that reduce meaningful mechanical properties
load rate. such as strength and stiffness. A loss of strength causes a
CFRP shows excellent behaviour with regard to the premature failure of the component, because occurs at a
strains due creep. It can be stated that creep strain of small fraction of the static strength of material.
CFRP, at room temperature and humidity, remains under Evaluation of fatigue resistance in FRP materials is
0.01% after 3000 h at a tensile stress of even 80% of the ten- complex due to several damage mechanisms at many loca-
sile strength [33,49,68]. AFRP and GFRP give much higher tions in the composite element: matrix cracking, fibre
creep strain than CFRP: 0.15–1.0% for AFRP and 0.3– breaking, crack coupling, delamination initiation and
1.0% for GFRP at the same conditions above described delamination growth [53], so that the FRP components fail
[20,33,43]. due to a series of interdependent damage events. Unidirec-
The relaxation phenomenon of an FRP bar is defined by tional FRP composites possess high fatigue resistance with
the time dependent decrease in load of the bar held at a linear behaviour up to failure, while in presence of angle-
given constant temperature with a prescribed initial load plies localized damage mechanisms can occur making
applied and held at a given constant strain [22,34]. Usually non-linear the stress–strain response [22].
relaxation is defined after 1 million hours. A test method Fatigue resistance of GFRP is usually less than that of
for long-term relaxation of FRP bars has been suggested prestressing steel [74,33,34].
by JSCE (JSCE-E 534 [30]) and by the ACI sub-committee The fatigue stress limit is the stress level below which a
440 K [4]. material can be stressed cyclically for an infinite number of
Experimental studies have been performed on different times without failure.
FRP products considering various load durations [5]. Test Individual glass fibres, such as E-glass and S-glass, are
results indicate that at increasing the temperature, the generally not prone to fatigue failure; individual glass
relaxation rate becomes greater and this tendency is stron- fibres, however, have demonstrated delayed rupture caused
ger for AFRP bars. Relaxation after 1000 h can be esti- by the stress corrosion induced by the growth of surface

Table 2
Range of time-depending effects
Phenomenon Aramid (%) Carbon (%) Glass (%) Influencing parameters
Creep strain under sustained load 0.15–1.0 <0.01 0.3–1.0 Temperature, humidity
(i.e. 80% tensile strength after 3000 h)
Creep failure strength 47–66 79–93 29–55 Resin type, volume fraction
after about 50 years and orientation of fibres,
environmental conditions
1000 h 5.0–8.0 0.5–1.0 1.8–2.0 Temperature, initial
tensile stress
50 years 11–25 2.0–10 4.0–14
F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868 863

flaws in the presence of even minute quantities of moisture Deformations, ribs or wraps on FRP bar surface can
in ambient laboratory environment tests [35]. induce local stress concentrations influencing the perfor-
GFRP bars may loose approximately 10% of the initial mance of FRP bars under repeated loading: local stress
static strength per decade of logarithmic lifetime [35] in concentrations generate multiaxial stresses increasing the
presence of cyclic tensile loading. Environmental factors damage mechanisms related to matrix failure degrading
aging contemporaneously to cyclic load can influence the the fatigue performance. Construction modality of the
fatigue behaviour of GFRP bars due to sensibility of glass FRP bar can activate damage mechanisms related to fibres
fibres to moisture, alkaline and acidic solutions. failure [24].
CFRP composites are the least vulnerable to fatigue fail- For FRP rebars used as concrete reinforcement, various
ure: the fatigue strength is 3–4 times higher than that of types of fatigue testing, such as tension–tension, tension–
prestressing steel [68,49,50]. At one million cycles the fati- compression, compression–compression, etc., are possible
gue strength (residual strength after being subjected to fati- [61,8,25]. The results indicated that bond strength can
gue) is usually between 50% and 70% of the initial static either increase, decrease, or remain the same following cyc-
strength, and is low dependent on environmental condi- lic loading that means that bond fatigue behaviour has not
tions, unless the resin or fibre/resin interface is substan- been sufficiently investigated to date. A test method to
tially degraded by the environment. Fatigue of CFRP determine the fatigue characteristics of FRP bars under
seems to be independent of stress level and amplitude [70]. tensile cyclic loading has been adopted by JSCE (JSCE-E
In general fatigue behaviour when FRP rebars are 535 [31]) and a similar method has been proposed by
embedded in concrete is influenced by concrete environ- ACI 440k [4], that is surely a basic procedure for evaluating
mental that results in negative effect reducing fatigue life material characteristics.
(Fig. 4 [45]).
In the case of CFRP bars encased in concrete the fatigue 3. Influence of concrete–FRP mechanisms
strength further decreases when the temperature increases
from 20 C to 40 C [1]. Therefore the endurance limit is The previous analysis of durability regards FRP rebars
inversely proportional to loading frequency and decreases alone or in concrete, but does not exhaust durability of
due to the higher mean stress or a lower stress ratio RC elements reinforced with them.
(minimum stress/maximum stress) [49]. Deterioration of strength, stiffness and bond at
Aramid fibres, for which substantial durability data are concrete–FRP interface influences strength and stiffness
available, appear to behave similarly to carbon and glass reductions of RC members. It is, thus, important to high-
fibres in fatigue. Neglecting the rather poor durability of light the influence of the mechanical problems due to inter-
all aramid fibres in compression, the tension–tension fati- action between concrete and FRP [73].
gue behaviour of an impregnated aramid fibre bar is excel- It is worth noticing that the most types of rebars are
lent. Strength degradation per decade of logarithmic characterized by Young modulus lower then steel one, thus
lifetime is approximately 5–6% [46]. While no distinct cracks opening in service conditions are high reducing the
endurance limit is known for AFRP, but for 2 million protection role of concrete around rebars.
cycles the fatigue strength reported is variable between Surface configurations of rebars can modify the bond
54% and 73% of the initial ultimate strength [41]. Both behaviour of FRP rebars; suitable surface geometry and
GFRP and AFRP show similar dependency of stress level treatment [72] can reduce crack widths and increase the
on fatigue strength like prestressing steel does [70]. splitting forces that usually limits the bond strength, allow-
ing the application of rebar near the surface without risk of
longitudinal cracks.
However the difference between thermal coefficients
(CTE) of concrete and FRP play a very important role
when thermal actions occur. In the longitudinal direction
of FRP rebars the CTE is strongly dependent on fibres
characteristics, but in transversal direction is governed by
resin. In Table 3 typical values of CTE are reported evi-
dencing that in longitudinal direction glass fibres result

Table 3
Coefficient of thermal expansion
Direction Coefficient of thermal expansion (·10 6/C)
Longitudinal, aL 11.7 6.0 to 10.0 1.0 to 0 2.0 to 6.0
Fig. 4. Comparison of fatigue behaviour of bare and embedded CFRP
Transverse, aT 11.7 21.0 to 23.0 22.0 to 50.0 60.0 to 80.0
rebars [45].
864 F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868

similar to concrete but in the transversal one the thermal because, as well-known bond law defines tension stiffening
expansion is much higher for all types of fibres. phenomenon.
Therefore when high temperature variation takes place An important effect on the CTE of rebars is the surface
the large difference between transversal CTE can lead to treatment, the effect of spiral wrapping used to improve
transversal strain much higher than the concrete ones bond can be relevant; when transversal dilatation occurs a
(Fig. 5), causing radial pressure on the surface of the rein- confinement effect of the wrapping reduces the transversal
forcement with cracking of surrounding concrete and strain and the consequence radial tension on concrete [19].
longitudinal splitting of concrete cover. Therefore the Also at high temperature and for fire resistance the role
thickness of concrete cover must be generally increased [2]. of concrete cover is much more important because it repre-
Experimental pull out tests on embedded CFRP wires sents the protection of rebars, in general less fire resistant
[32] have investigated the combined effect of high tempera- than steel.
ture and concrete cover thickness (10, 20 and 30 mm) on Tests on beams under high temperature [64] showed the
the bond strength. Bond strength increase with the increase reduction of stiffness and strength is higher when compos-
of concrete cover up to approximately 100 C, above ite reinforcement is used instead of steel (Fig. 6); further-
100 C deterioration of resin matrix is the governing more the result depends on the fibres but also on the type
parameter of failure due to a softening phenomenon, while of rebars [51].
at 200 C bond strength does not seem influenced by the In case of beams fatigue life is related to bond degrada-
concrete cover. tion that for FRPs strongly depends on surface treatment.
Requirement of concrete cover thicker than for steel In some cases FRP reinforcement can result in less fatigue
reinforcement highlights the problem in the case of the degradation [54] than steel, having a bond mechanism gov-
innovative technique of strengthening with near surface erned by more stiff and resistant ribs that result in higher
mounting rebars (NSMB), when the FRP rebars are posed damage of interface during cyclic loads. Therefore it is dif-
in the cover of the steel ones. ficult to evaluate the fatigue strength in concrete because
Thermal cycles (also freezing and thawing) can damage many surface treatment are available with very different
bond at concrete interface reducing stiffness of the element bond laws (fib bulletin no. 10 [18]).
(increment of deflection) and increasing cracks opening, Long-term effects of RC elements depends on creep
characteristics of reinforcement but also on concrete creep,
therefore in general the beam behaviour is similar to that of
steel reinforced one and deformability increment in case of
FRP reinforcement is not much higher [10]. Moreover it
can be observed that low elastic modulus of FRP gives a
higher stress in compressive concrete at the same percent-
age of reinforcement, enhancing the influence of concrete
creep. Really the creep effects has to be considered together
with shrinkage of concrete, therefore the problem is com-
plex but surely much more influenced by concrete behav-

Fig. 5. Strains in concrete and rebars due to temperature [19]. Fig. 6. Stiffness reduction of beams due to temperature effect [64].
F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868 865

iour than reinforcement one. Finally the creep of FRP-con- sidering several effects including environmental durability,
crete bond interface have to be considered, but many type while specific limitations of stresses are given for perma-
of surface treatments are available and experimental infor- nent loads.
mation are lack; considering that FRP bond results in On the other hand, other codes (e.g. Norwegian stan-
higher stress level of the reinforcement than concrete, com- dard NS 3473 [40], STF 22A98741 [62], Canadian Highway
pared to steel bond, in general creep could be lower. Bridge Design Code CHBDC [13,14], CNR DT2005 [15],
ACI 440k [4]) suggest specific factors taking into account
4. Design provisions for durability the deterioration caused by environmental and long-term
effects. The Norwegian design provisions (NS 3473 [40])
The alteration of the materials properties in the time is a give reduction factors for stress rupture due to long time
critical topic for designer, that develop their design for an load in dry air at room temperature.
established service life (usually 50 or 100 years) of the The combined effects of environmental deterioration
structure. The existing design codes and guidelines (in and sustained loads are considered by reducing the mate-
Japan, Canada, USA and Norway) have been developed rial tensile strength using both reduction factors when they
to take account of specific environmental and time effects are explicitly indicated by codes (ACI 440k [4], NS 3473
in a similar way. The philosophy identifies the main time [40], CHBDC [13,14], CNR DT2005 [15]) obtaining very
depending situations and introduces a series of strength high reductions (the minimum value is for GFRP accord-
reduction factors to account for potential deterioration of ing to ACI 440k [4] provisions). In the case of British
FRP in these conditions. Furthermore in the provisions and Japanese guidelines (BISE [9], JSCE [28]) all the effects
about constructive details the minimum concrete cover are summarized in the material factor, usually introduced
(the concrete thickness covering the rebar) is suggested in addition also in the other codes besides the reduction
considering the protection of FRP rebar, the avoiding of factors.
splitting failure of bond mechanism, and reduction of con- So high reduction of material properties, especially for
crete cracking due to the different CTE of concrete and glass fibres, in general vanishes the possibility of using high
rebar. Values of concrete cover should be greater than strength performance of FRP material, furthermore it is
twice the rebar diameter, db, (ACI 440k [4]) or 1.5–1.8 db not possible to differentiate the various types of products
(Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA-S806-02 [12]) available in the market, therefore some researchers con-
to avoid splitting failure in RC elements, but greater values sider the approach to much safe and suggest to take into
are required for prestressed elements. In some codes (CNR account the parameters influencing the durability.
DT [15], fib technical report [17]), values of concrete cover Reliability of this procedure is related to experimental
greater than 25–35 mm are suggested for RC elements and standard methods to test durability of FRP rebars. ASTM
more for prestressed ones. standard are available for matrix and FRP material (water,
In Table 4, mean reduction factors are listed for various humidity, corrosion effects) in general but not for bars.
international code and the draft of Italian provisions. About long-term behaviour, the Canadian code (Canadian
These factors introduce in the design the effect of environ- Standard Association CAN/CSA-S806-02 [12]) suggests
mental conditions and permanent sustained loads, that testing procedures for long-term relaxation, creep and ten-
reduce the rebars performances during the life of the struc- sile fatigue of FRP Rods; therefore specific testing proce-
ture i.e. the durability of the structure. dures are furnished to evaluate alkali resistance and bond
The design guidelines of British Institution of Structural strength of FRP sheet bonded to concrete.
Engineers (BISE [9]) propose one factor reducing the mate- However standard procedures are still lack for concrete
rial strength that takes into account of the effects of envi- elements reinforced with FRP rebars, where also mechani-
ronment, sustained stress and other general uncertainties cal interaction occurs through bond. More studies need in
about materials. The JSCE design guidelines (JSCE [28]) this field to better understand the effective durability of RC
provides one factor reducing the material strength and con- elements and not of FRP material.

Table 4
Reduction factors
Reduction for CE genv UFRP 1/cfm 1/cm ga
environmental GFRP: 0.7–0.8 GFRP: 0.5 GFRP: 0.75 GFRP: 0.77 GFRP: 0.3 GFRP: 0.7–0.8
deterioration AFRP: 0.8–0.9 AFRP: 0.9 AFRP: 0.85 AFRP: 0.87 AFRP: 0.5 AFRP: 0.8–0.9
CFRP: 0.9–1.0 CFRP: 1.0 CFRP: 0.85 CFRP: 0.87 CFRP: 0.6 CFRP: 0.9–1.0
Stress limit for GFRP: 0.20 Not specified F 0.8 of creep failure Not specified gl
permanent load strength
AFRP: 0.30 GFRP: 0.8–1.0 GFRP 6 0.7 GFRP: 0.3
CFRP: 0.55 AFRP: 0.5–1.0 AFRP 6 0.7 AFRP: 0.5
CFRP: 0.9–1.0 CFRP 6 0.7 CFRP: 0.9
866 F. Ceroni et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 28 (2006) 857–868

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