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APRIL 12, 2021



Today, 12th of April 2021. we continued the discussion of the disorders of the
upper gastrointestinal tract. at exactly 9 o’clock in the morning, we started the class with
a prayer led by Lenelle Luna.

The instructor started the discussion with the anatomy of the upper gastro
intestinal tract. we all know that the upper gastrointestinal tract includes the esophagus,
stomach, and the initial part of small intestine. I always appreciate when the instructor
gives us an overview of the system first before proceeding to the main discussion. it
helps us to recall and also to give us information on where will be the focus on. the first
disease is all about gastrointestinal bleeding. I’ve read about this last night and I’ve
learned that it is only a serious symptom that occurs in the digestive tract. it can also be
on the upper and lower GI tract. some of the causes the instructor mentioned includes
Mallory Weiss tear, esophagitis, esophageal varices, duodenitis. Our instructor gave the
class a chance to give their ideas about each cause and it went very well. we also
discussed about gastritis which is an inflammation of gastric and mucosa lining. I’ve
learned that it can be acute and chronic. Acute gastritis can be caused by dietary
consumption, food poisoning or medications. on the other hand, chronic gastritis is
caused by prolonged period of gastric inflammation of the stomach which can be due to
benign or malignant ulcer, autoimmune disease, smoking and etc. The last disease
that was discussed today is the peptic ulcer. it is a sore on the lining of the stomach,
small intestine or esophagus. the main cause of this is the helicobacter pylori bacteria.
these bacteria colonize on the gastric mucosa and release adhesins to help theme
adhere to gastric cells. this can also occur when walls of the stomach of small intestine
is damaged by our gastric juices.

After the discussion, we had a short quiz about the previous diseases that we
discussed to assess what we've learned. today was a productive day, the diseases
were discussed very well.

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