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Operator Station User Guide for Ovation 3.6.

0 and
Feature Pack 3

Version 4
August 2017
Copyright Notice

Since the equipment explained in this document has a variety of uses, the user and those
responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves as to the acceptability of each
application and use of the equipment. Under no circumstances will Emerson Process
Management Power & Water Solutions, Inc. (Emerson) be responsible or liable for any damage,
including indirect or consequential losses resulting from the use, misuse, or application of this

The text, illustrations, charts, and examples included in this manual are intended solely to explain
the use and application of the OvationTM Unit. Due to the many variables associated with specific
uses or applications, Emerson cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based upon
the data provided in this manual.

No patent liability is assumed by Emerson with respect to the use of circuits, information,
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Copyright © Emerson Process Management Power & Water Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Emerson Process Management Power & Water Solutions

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Summary of Changes
Operator Station User Guide for Ovation 3.6.0 and Feature Pack 3
August 2017

Version 4

This version of the Ovation Operator Station User Guide includes the following changes:
 Added definitions of Alarm Check Remove, Highly Managed Alarms, and Shelving in Alarm
System terminology (see page 50).
 Updated information on Trend Building – Specific to Event Trends (see page 555).
 Made miscellaneous changes and corrections to the manual.

1 Introduction to the Operator Station 1

1.1 What is Ovation? ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 What are the components of an Ovation system? .............................................................. 2
1.2.1 Ovation network ..................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Ovation database ................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Ovation input/output modules ................................................................................ 3
1.2.4 Ovation Controllers ................................................................................................ 3
1.2.5 Ovation Operator Stations...................................................................................... 4
1.2.6 Developer Studio (Windows) ................................................................................. 4
1.2.7 Historical storage and reporting capabilities .......................................................... 5
1.2.8 Third-party devices................................................................................................. 5
1.2.9 Connectivity products ............................................................................................. 5
1.3 What is an Ovation Operator Station? ................................................................................ 5
1.4 What are the Operator Station applications? ...................................................................... 6
1.5 Operator Station terminology .............................................................................................. 7

2 Getting started with the Operator Station 11

2.1 What Ovation software is installed on the Operator Station? ........................................... 11
2.2 To access the Operator Station applications .................................................................... 12
2.3 To use the Operator Station applications.......................................................................... 12
2.4 Understanding Operator Event Messages ........................................................................ 14
2.5 Using monitors at the Operator Station............................................................................. 15
2.6 What is the Ovation Keyboard? ........................................................................................ 15
2.6.1 Ovation Keyboard functions ................................................................................. 16

3 Using common Operator Station functions 19

3.1 What are the common Operator Station functions? .......................................................... 19
3.2 Guide Diamond tool .......................................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 To use the Guide Diamond tool ........................................................................... 21
3.3 Application Options window .............................................................................................. 22
3.3.1 To use the Application Options window ............................................................... 27
3.4 Preferences window .......................................................................................................... 29
3.4.1 To use the Preferences window ........................................................................... 30
3.5 Template/Configuration/Search Criteria Settings window ................................................ 32
3.5.1 To use the Template/Configuration/Search Criteria window ............................... 33
3.6 Page Setup window .......................................................................................................... 34
3.6.1 To use the Page Setup window ........................................................................... 35
3.7 Print Preview window ........................................................................................................ 36
3.7.1 To use the Print Preview window ......................................................................... 39
3.8 Print window ...................................................................................................................... 40
3.8.1 To use the Print window ....................................................................................... 41

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3.9 Point Menu ........................................................................................................................ 42

3.9.1 Standard Point Menu items .................................................................................. 43
3.9.2 To use the Point Menu ......................................................................................... 44

4 Using the Alarm System at the Operator Station 47

4.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system? .................................................................................. 48
4.1.1 What is an alarm? ................................................................................................ 49
4.1.2 Alarm System terminology ................................................................................... 50
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window? ............................................... 52
4.2.1 To access the Operator Station Alarm window .................................................... 54
4.2.2 What are the components of the Alarm window? ................................................ 55
4.2.3 Alarm Menu button ............................................................................................... 56
4.2.4 Preview and Print menu for alarms ...................................................................... 57
4.2.5 Alarm System Options ......................................................................................... 58
4.2.6 Alarm Quick Access toolbar ................................................................................. 59
4.2.7 Alarm system ribbon tabs..................................................................................... 59
4.2.8 Home ribbon tab in the Alarm window ................................................................. 60
4.2.9 Filter ribbon tab in the Alarm window ................................................................... 62
4.2.10 Value ribbon tab in the Alarm window.................................................................. 63
4.2.11 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Alarm window ......................................................... 65
4.2.12 Alarm window Status bar ..................................................................................... 67
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window ................................ 68
4.3.1 Alarm List in the Operator Station Alarm window ................................................ 70
4.3.2 History list in the Operator Station Alarm window ................................................ 71
4.3.3 Acknowledged list in the Operator Station Alarm window ................................... 72
4.3.4 Unacknowledged list in the Operator Station Alarm window ............................... 73
4.3.5 Reset list in the Operator Station Alarm window ................................................. 74
4.3.6 Alarm Suppressed list in the Operator Station Alarm window ............................. 75
4.3.7 Alarm Frequency list in the Operator Station Alarm window ............................... 76
4.3.8 Iconic List in the Operator Station Alarm window ................................................ 77
4.3.9 Remote Network Status list in the Operator Station Alarm window ..................... 80
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns ........................................... 82
4.4.1 Date and Time column for the Operator Station Alarm window........................... 82
4.4.2 Alarm Type column for the Operator Station Alarm window ................................ 83
4.4.3 Suppressed Alarm Type column for the Operator Station Alarm window ........... 86
4.4.4 Code column for the Operator Station Alarm window.......................................... 86
4.4.5 Name column for the Operator Station Alarm window ......................................... 86
4.4.6 Description column for the Operator Station Alarm window ................................ 87
4.4.7 Alarm Priority (AP) column for the Operator Station Alarm window .................... 87
4.4.8 Alarm Destination (AY) column for the Operator Station Alarm window ............. 87
4.4.9 Characteristics column for the Operator Station Alarm window .......................... 87
4.4.10 Alarm Frequency Count column for the Operator Station Alarm window ............ 87
4.4.11 Value/Quality (Q) columns for the Operator Station Alarm window ..................... 88
4.4.12 Units column for the Operator Station Alarm window .......................................... 88
4.4.13 Limit column for the Operator Station Alarm window ........................................... 89
4.4.14 Incremental Limit (Incr) column for the Operator Station Alarm window ............. 89
4.4.15 Plant Mode (PM) column for the Operator Station Alarm window ....................... 89
4.4.16 Network ID column for the Operator Station Alarm window ................................ 89
4.4.17 Network Alias column for the Operator Station Alarm window ............................ 89
4.4.18 Incrementals and Returns column for the Operator Station Alarm window ......... 90
4.4.19 Shelve Status column for the Operator Station Alarm window ............................ 90
4.4.20 Cutout Status column for the Operator Station Alarm window ............................ 90
4.4.21 Return To Service column for the Operator Station Alarm window ..................... 90

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4.4.22 Reason column for the Operator Station Alarm window ...................................... 90
4.4.23 Priority column for the Operator Station Alarm window ....................................... 91
4.5 Understanding alarm cutout at the Operator Station ........................................................ 91
4.5.1 What Operator Station applications use status colors for cutout points? ............ 91
4.5.2 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station alarm lists ............................ 92
4.5.3 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Point Information windows .. 92
4.5.4 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Graphic Display windows .... 93
4.5.5 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Point Review windows......... 93
4.5.6 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Trend windows .................... 94
4.6 Understanding the Alarm Frequency tab .......................................................................... 94
4.6.1 To update the number of most frequent alarms in the Alarm Frequency tab ...... 95
4.6.2 Alarm frequency count with incremental alarms .................................................. 95
4.6.3 Alarm frequency count without incremental alarms ............................................. 96
4.6.4 Resetting the data in the Alarm Frequency tab ................................................... 96
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station ......................................... 97
4.7.1 To select alarms in the Alarm window at the Operator Station ............................ 97
4.7.2 To acknowledge an alarm at the Operator Station .............................................. 98
4.7.3 To reset an alarm at the Operator Station ......................................................... 100
4.7.4 To shelve a point using the Alarm window......................................................... 102
4.7.5 To shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the context menu ........... 103
4.7.6 To unshelve a point using the Alarm window..................................................... 105
4.7.7 To perform an alarm check on a point using the Alarm window ........................ 106
4.7.8 To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the
Alarm window ..................................................................................................... 107
4.7.9 To perform limit check OFF on a point using the Alarm window ....................... 108
4.7.10 To display the Iconic alarms .............................................................................. 109
4.7.11 To change the application icon .......................................................................... 111
4.8 Understanding the color scheme for alarm messages in the Operator Station
Alarm window .................................................................................................................. 113
4.9 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station .................................................... 114
4.9.1 Mode filtering at the Operator Station ................................................................ 114
4.9.2 Priority filtering at the Operator Station .............................................................. 115
4.9.3 Destination filtering at the Operator Station ....................................................... 115
4.9.4 Characteristics filtering at the Operator Station ................................................. 116
4.9.5 Point characteristics ........................................................................................... 116
4.9.6 Dynamic alarm destination filtering .................................................................... 117
4.9.7 Alarm type filtering at the Operator Station ........................................................ 118
4.9.8 Network/unit filtering at the Operator Station ..................................................... 119
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows ........................................................................ 119
4.10.1 To set Priority Alarm filtering .............................................................................. 120
4.10.2 To set Destination Alarm filtering ....................................................................... 121
4.10.3 To set Characteristics Alarm filtering ................................................................. 122
4.10.4 To use predefined Characteristics Alarm filtering .............................................. 124
4.10.5 To set Alarm Type filtering ................................................................................. 126
4.10.6 To set Network/Unit Alarm filtering .................................................................... 127
4.11 Understanding DEVALRT at the Operator Station.......................................................... 128
4.11.1 What is the Alert Details window at the Operator Station? ................................ 129
4.12 Understanding the Alarm Keyboard functions at the Operator Station ........................... 129
4.12.1 What are the Dell programmable touch keys at the Operator Station? ............. 130
4.12.2 To define a Dell Touch Key script ...................................................................... 131
4.13 Understanding the Operator Station Audio Alarm System ............................................. 131
4.13.1 Continuous Audio Alarms at the Operator Station ............................................. 132
4.13.2 Non-Continuous Audio Alarms at the Operator Station ..................................... 132
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station ........................................................ 133

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4.14.1 To open alarm files from the Open dialog box ................................................... 133
4.14.2 To open a single alarm file from a Microsoft Windows command prompt ......... 134
4.14.3 To open multiple alarm files from a Microsoft Windows command prompt ....... 135
4.14.4 To print alarms using the standard Windows print function ............................... 135
4.14.5 To use the Print Preview function for alarms at the Operator Station ............... 136
4.14.6 To setup a page for printing ............................................................................... 136
4.14.7 To add header and footer text to the Operator Station Alarm window .............. 137
4.14.8 To print alarms using the dedicated line-by-line serial printer ........................... 137
4.14.9 To print alarms using the Print Advance function (for dedicated
serial printer) ...................................................................................................... 138
4.14.10 Find Point utility in the Operator Station Alarm window ..................................... 139
4.14.11 To find a specific point in the Operator Station Alarm window .......................... 139
4.14.12 To add/remove/reorganize columns for the Operator Station Alarm window .... 140
4.15 Understanding the Alarm security at the Operator Station ............................................. 143

5 Using the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station 145

5.1 What is the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station? ................................. 145
5.1.1 To access the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station .................. 146
5.1.2 What are Operator Station Alarm Annunciation alarm message boxes? .......... 146
5.1.3 What is an Operator Station Alarm Annunciation Pop-up menu? ..................... 147
5.1.4 What is filtering for the Operator Station Alarm Annunciation window? ............ 149

6 Using the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station 151

6.1 What is the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station?....................................... 152
6.1.1 To access the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station ....................... 153
6.2 What are the components of the Alarm Guidance window? ........................................... 154
6.2.1 The File tab of Alarm Guidance window ............................................................ 154
6.2.2 The Options tab of Alarm Guidance window...................................................... 155

7 Using the Graphics Display System at the Operator Station 157

7.1 What is the Operator Station Graphics Display System? ............................................... 157
7.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station? .................................................. 158
7.2.1 To access the Graphics window at the Operator Station................................... 159
7.3 What is the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station? ..................................... 161
7.3.1 To use the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station ........................... 161
7.3.2 To download graphics to destination drops ....................................................... 163
7.4 What are the Operator Station Graphics Display window elements? ............................. 165
7.4.1 Graphics Display window menu bar at the Operator Station ............................. 165
7.4.2 Graphics Display window toolbar at the Operator Station ................................. 166
7.4.3 Graphics Display Status bar at the Operator Station ......................................... 167
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station? ........................... 167
7.5.1 To configure the General tab in the Graphics Display program at the
Operator Station ................................................................................................. 168
7.5.2 To configure the Print tab in the Graphics Display program at the
Operator Station ................................................................................................. 172
7.5.3 To configure the Window tab in the Graphics Display program at the
Operator Station ................................................................................................. 174
7.6 What is the Property Sheet window at the Operator Station? ........................................ 175
7.6.1 To display diagram properties at the Operator Station ...................................... 176

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7.7 Zooming the display area at the Operator Station .......................................................... 177
7.7.1 To zoom using the mouse at the Operator Station ............................................ 177
7.7.2 To zoom using the menu at the Operator Station .............................................. 177
7.7.3 To zoom by corners at the Operator Station ...................................................... 178
7.7.4 To zoom by box at the Operator Station ............................................................ 178
7.7.5 To select the zoom increment at the Operator Station ...................................... 179
7.8 What are Operator Station poke fields? .......................................................................... 179
7.8.1 To display poke fields at the Operator Station ................................................... 179
7.8.2 To display multiple pop-up windows at the Operator Station............................. 180
7.9 What is paging between Operator Station diagrams? .................................................... 181
7.9.1 What is the Operator Station Recall function for graphics? ............................... 181
7.10 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System? .................................................... 181
7.10.1 To create a new Favorites folder in the Graphics Display System .................... 182
7.10.2 To add Favorites in the Graphics Display System ............................................. 183
7.10.3 To access Favorites in the Graphics Display System ........................................ 184
7.11 What is a split window in the Graphics Display System? ............................................... 185
7.11.1 To dismiss a split window in the Graphics Display System ............................... 185
7.12 Printing graphics in the Graphics Display System .......................................................... 186
7.12.1 To perform a Print Setup (Graphics) .................................................................. 186
7.12.2 To print graphics at the Operator Station ........................................................... 186
7.13 What is the Warning window at the Operator Station? ................................................... 187
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System .................................... 187
7.14.1 What is an alarm group? .................................................................................... 187
7.14.2 How do you create and configure an alarm icon or an alarm group? ................ 188
7.14.3 What is the snap-on feature for alarm icons? .................................................... 192
7.14.4 Elements of an alarm icon.................................................................................. 193
7.14.5 Examples of alarm icon structures ..................................................................... 197
7.14.6 Example of the error shapes displayed for alarm icons ..................................... 198
7.14.7 Using the alarm icon for single points or alarm groups...................................... 199
7.14.8 Determining alarm groups with worst case priority ............................................ 201
7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window? ............................................................................. 202
7.15.1 Accessing the Graphics Alarm window .............................................................. 202
7.15.2 Components of the Graphics Alarm window ...................................................... 203
7.15.3 Understanding the Graphics Alarm window ....................................................... 205
7.15.4 Understanding the color scheme for alarm messages in the
Graphics Alarm window ..................................................................................... 205
7.15.5 Viewing remote network information .................................................................. 206
7.15.6 Viewing Point menu ........................................................................................... 207

8 Using the Point Information System at the Operator Station 209

8.1 What is the Ovation Point Information system? .............................................................. 209
8.2 What is the Point Information window at the Operator Station? ..................................... 210
8.2.1 To access the Point Information window at the Operator Station ...................... 212
8.3 What are the components of the Point Information window? ......................................... 214
8.4 Point Information Menu button ........................................................................................ 215
8.4.1 Ovation Point Browser window in PI .................................................................. 216
8.4.2 To use the Ovation Point Browser window in PI ................................................ 217
8.4.3 Where Used window in PI .................................................................................. 218
8.4.4 To use the Where Used window in PI ................................................................ 219
8.4.5 To print from the PI window ............................................................................... 219
8.4.6 Print window for Point Information ..................................................................... 220

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8.4.7 Export window for Point Information .................................................................. 220

8.4.8 To use the Export window in PI ......................................................................... 221
8.5 Point Information Quick Access toolbar .......................................................................... 221
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs .......................................................................................... 222
8.6.1 Home ribbon tab in the Point Information window ............................................. 222
8.6.2 View ribbon tab in the Point Information window ............................................... 224
8.6.3 Value ribbon tab in the Point Information window .............................................. 225
8.6.4 Value/Mode ribbon tab in the Point Information window.................................... 226
8.6.5 Alarm ribbon tab in the Point Information window ............................................. 228
8.6.6 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Information window ..................................... 230
8.6.7 Plant Mode ribbon tab in the Point Information window..................................... 232
8.7 Point Information operations ........................................................................................... 233
8.8 Point Context Menu......................................................................................................... 235
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs ...................................................................................... 236
8.9.1 Alarm tab for Point Information window ............................................................. 238
8.9.2 What is a cutout sensor alarm? ......................................................................... 263
8.9.3 Alarm cutout in the Point Information window .................................................... 263
8.9.4 Ancillary tab for Point Information window ......................................................... 265
8.9.5 ASCII Parameters tab for Point Information window ......................................... 266
8.9.6 Byte Parameters tab for Point Information window ............................................ 267
8.9.7 Configuration tab for Point Information window ................................................. 267
8.9.8 Display tab for Point Information window ........................................................... 276
8.9.9 Hardware tab for Point Information window ....................................................... 279
8.9.10 Module Information tab for Point Information window........................................ 283
8.9.11 Initial tab for Point Information window .............................................................. 284
8.9.12 Instrumentation tab for Point Information window .............................................. 285
8.9.13 Integer Parameters tab for Point Information window........................................ 288
8.9.14 Keys tab for Point Information window............................................................... 288
8.9.15 Limits tab for Point Information window ............................................................. 289
8.9.16 Mode tab for Point Information window.............................................................. 292
8.9.17 Plant Mode tab for Point Information window .................................................... 294
8.9.18 Point tab for Point Information window .............................................................. 300
8.9.19 Real Parameters tab for Point Information window ........................................... 305
8.9.20 Security tab for Point Information window.......................................................... 305
8.9.21 Status tab for Point Information window ............................................................ 306
8.9.22 Value tab for Point Information window ............................................................. 313
8.9.23 Custom tab for Point Information window .......................................................... 319
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station ................................... 320
8.10.1 To shelve a point using the Point Information window....................................... 320
8.10.2 To shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the context menu ........... 321
8.10.3 To unshelve a point using the Point Information window................................... 323
8.10.4 To perform an alarm check on a point using the Point Information window ...... 324
8.10.5 To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the
Point Information Window .................................................................................. 326
8.10.6 To perform limit check ON or OFF using the Point Information window ............ 327

9 Using signal diagrams at the Operator Station 329

9.1 What are signal diagrams? ............................................................................................. 329
9.1.1 What functions are provided by signal diagrams? ............................................. 329
9.1.2 What are the best practices for using signal diagrams? .................................... 330
9.2 Accessing a Signal Diagram ........................................................................................... 330
9.2.1 To access signal diagrams from the Windows-based Ovation Applications
window ............................................................................................................... 331

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9.2.2 To access signal diagrams from a Point Menu .................................................. 332

9.2.3 To access signal diagrams from the Control Builder ......................................... 333
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors ................................................................................. 334
9.3.1 To access the Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window ........................... 334
9.3.2 To change the default Signal Diagram colors .................................................... 337
9.3.3 Configuring General Diagram colors.................................................................. 338
9.3.4 Configuring digital signal and algorithm colors .................................................. 339
9.3.5 Configuring non-digital signal colors .................................................................. 340
9.3.6 Configuring non-digital algorithm colors............................................................. 341
9.3.7 Configuring signal point value labels ................................................................. 343
9.3.8 Configuring point quality tags ............................................................................. 345
9.3.9 Configuring point scan rates .............................................................................. 346
9.4 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window ............................................................. 347
9.4.1 To open a sheet in the Signal Diagram window ................................................ 348
9.4.2 To refresh the Open Document hierarchy tree .................................................. 349
9.4.3 To search for a sheet in the Open Documents window ..................................... 349
9.5 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu .................................. 350
9.5.1 Navigation toolbar .............................................................................................. 350
9.5.2 Navigation menu ................................................................................................ 352
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas? .................................................................. 353
9.6.1 Viewing algorithm information in a Signal Diagram window .............................. 354
9.6.2 Understanding when online graphics and control are mismatched ................... 355
9.6.3 Understanding colors on the Signal Diagram display canvas............................ 356
9.6.4 Understanding icons on the Signal Diagram display canvas ............................. 357
9.6.5 To display algorithm and point information using the right-click menu .............. 358
9.6.6 To display an additional Signal Diagram window .............................................. 360
9.6.7 To display a specific version of a sheet ............................................................. 361
9.6.8 To explode a macro on a Signal Diagram window ............................................ 361
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows? ......................................................................... 362
9.7.1 Using the signal diagram Event Log window ..................................................... 363
9.7.2 Using the signal diagram Algorithm Summary window ...................................... 364
9.7.3 Using the signal diagram Function Summary window ....................................... 365
9.7.4 Using the signal diagram Algorithm Control window ......................................... 366
9.7.5 Using the signal diagram Properties Summary window to tune algorithms....... 367
9.7.6 Accessing the signal diagram window right-click menus ................................... 368
9.7.7 To use the Event Log right-click menu............................................................... 368
9.7.8 To use the Algorithm Summary window and Function Summary window
right-click menus ................................................................................................ 369
9.8 Tuning algorithms ............................................................................................................ 370
9.8.1 To tune algorithm parameters ............................................................................ 370
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms ............................................................ 371
9.9.1 To access the SIS Tuning window for SIS algorithms ....................................... 371
9.9.2 SIS Tuning window for the LSCALC algorithm .................................................. 372
9.9.3 SIS Tuning window for the LSCEM algorithm .................................................... 373
9.9.4 SIS Tuning window for the LSSEQ algorithm .................................................... 375
9.9.5 SIS Tuning window for the LSSTD algorithm..................................................... 377
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value ..................................................................................... 378
9.10.1 To force an algorithm input value....................................................................... 378
9.10.2 To set a new forced SIS algorithm input value and quality ................................ 385
9.10.3 To clear the force value and leave Debug mode ............................................... 389
9.11 Reconciling tuning changes in a Windows-based Ovation system................................. 392
9.11.1 To reconcile tuning changes between the Controller and the database for
Windows-based Ovation systems ...................................................................... 392

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10 Using Point Review at the Operator Station 395

10.1 What is the Operator Station Point Review function? ..................................................... 396
10.2 What is the Point Review window at the Operator Station? ........................................... 397
10.2.1 To access the Point Review window at the Operator Station ............................ 398
10.3 What are the components of the Point Review window?................................................ 398
10.3.1 Point Review Menu button ................................................................................. 399
10.3.2 Point Review Quick Access toolbar ................................................................... 400
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs ................................................................................................ 400
10.4.1 Home ribbon tab in the Point Review window.................................................... 401
10.4.2 Filters ribbon tab in the Point Review window ................................................... 402
10.4.3 Value ribbon tab in the Point Review window .................................................... 404
10.4.4 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Review window ........................................... 406
10.5 To add/remove/reorganize columns for the Operator Station Point Review window ..... 408
10.6 Understanding the Point Status Column ......................................................................... 409
10.7 Understanding the Priority Column ................................................................................. 410
10.8 Opening Point review files from Microsoft Windows command-line ............................... 411

11 Using the Trend Display System at the Operator Station 413

11.1 What is the Trend Display system? ................................................................................ 414
11.1.1 What are the main tasks of the Trend Display system? .................................... 416
11.1.2 Trend Display system terminology ..................................................................... 417
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window .......................................................................... 420
11.2.1 To access the Trend window at the Operator Station ........................................ 422
11.2.2 Quick Access Toolbar ........................................................................................ 424
11.2.3 Trend Functions Ribbon toolbar ......................................................................... 427
11.2.4 Slide-out Properties Panel and Visibility Panel .................................................. 429
11.2.5 Details Panel ...................................................................................................... 430
11.2.6 Dockable View tabs............................................................................................ 430
11.2.7 Status Bar .......................................................................................................... 436
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window........... 437
11.3.1 To use Trend Options ........................................................................................ 437
11.3.2 Configuring the General trend options ............................................................... 438
11.3.3 Configuring the Data Display trend options ....................................................... 440
11.3.4 Overriding background, chart titles, and X-axis color for printing ...................... 442
11.3.5 Defining trend scales.......................................................................................... 444
11.3.6 Using the Value Explorer trend options ............................................................. 445
11.3.7 Defining the Historian data sources ................................................................... 446
11.3.8 Defining time zones............................................................................................ 447
11.3.9 Events ................................................................................................................ 448
11.3.10 Understanding the About trend option ............................................................... 449
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend ...................................................... 449
11.4.1 To access the Format ribbon tab ....................................................................... 449
11.4.2 To access the Configure Settings dialog box..................................................... 449
11.4.3 To configure the appearance of vertical grid lines ............................................. 451
11.4.4 To configure the appearance of horizontal grid lines ......................................... 454
11.4.5 To configure the appearance of the X-axis (time-axis) in a Trend chart............ 459
11.4.6 To set the Long-Date Time Format .................................................................... 466
11.4.7 To select a trend display layout type .................................................................. 467
11.4.8 To configure a Stacked Panes layout appearance ............................................ 467
11.4.9 To configure a Quadrant Layout appearance .................................................... 471
11.4.10 To configure Master Scale settings.................................................................... 473

viii OW360_20
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11.4.11 To configure trace item colors (Good/Non Good) .............................................. 475

11.4.12 To configure the Details Panel appearance ....................................................... 478
11.4.13 To add titles to trend layouts .............................................................................. 482
11.4.14 To use Chart Options ......................................................................................... 486
11.4.15 To view or hide the application panels and trend chart panes........................... 487
11.4.16 To save a defined appearance as a reusable style ........................................... 488
11.4.17 To use the Explore option .................................................................................. 491
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content .................................................................... 498
11.5.1 Types of trends .................................................................................................. 498
11.5.2 To create a trend (Live and Historical) ............................................................... 498
11.5.3 To enable an Event Trend.................................................................................. 499
11.5.4 To launch an Event trend ................................................................................... 500
11.5.5 To initiate an Event trend from historical trend .................................................. 502
11.5.6 To browse for points to add to a trend ............................................................... 502
11.5.7 To add a point to a trend .................................................................................... 503
11.5.8 To configure scale behavior ............................................................................... 505
11.5.9 To add a Compound Trace ................................................................................ 506
11.5.10 To delete a point from a trend ............................................................................ 507
11.5.11 To manage trace items in a Live trend............................................................... 508
11.5.12 To manage trace items in a Historical trend ...................................................... 519
11.5.13 To use Full Integration processing type in Historical trend ................................ 521
11.5.14 To use Rate of Change processing type in Historical trend............................... 521
11.5.15 To use the Properties Panel .............................................................................. 522
11.5.16 To set the length of time for a trend (Live Trends only) ..................................... 524
11.5.17 To specify a time span for a trend (Historical Trends only) ............................... 524
11.5.18 To specify a time span by using the Choose Time Span dialog box ................. 525
11.5.19 To specify a time span by using the Set Time Span drop-down list .................. 526
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures .................................................... 530
11.6.1 To define a default Style to be used for building a trend ................................... 531
11.6.2 To create a new trend ........................................................................................ 532
11.6.3 To create an XY Plot .......................................................................................... 534
11.6.4 To add reference/marker lines to a trend ........................................................... 534
11.6.5 To add shading to a baseline value ................................................................... 536
11.6.6 To distinguish trend traces ................................................................................. 537
11.6.7 To hide the time scale for upper panes and quadrants ..................................... 539
11.6.8 To overlay actual readings against periodic aggregates ................................... 540
11.6.9 To save a Trend Group Definition (TGD) ........................................................... 541
11.6.10 To display Trend Definitions at the Operator Station ......................................... 542
11.6.11 To rename or delete a trend group definition ..................................................... 543
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends .......................................................................... 544
11.7.1 To pause, resume, or begin a trend ................................................................... 545
11.7.2 To save a trend .................................................................................................. 546
11.7.3 To open an existing trend................................................................................... 546
11.7.4 To refresh the plot data values of a trend .......................................................... 547
11.7.5 To print a trend ................................................................................................... 547
11.7.6 To memorize and recall a time span (Historical and Event Trends only) .......... 548
11.7.7 To zoom a trend ................................................................................................. 548
11.7.8 To page through a trend..................................................................................... 549

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11.7.9 To identify different values on a trend graph...................................................... 550

11.7.10 To activate the deferred execution mode for historical trends ........................... 553
11.7.11 To use the context menu of E icon on historical trends ..................................... 554
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends....................................................................... 555
11.8.1 Event Trend specific menu options on the Trend ribbon tab ............................. 556
11.8.2 Graph tab of an Event Trend ............................................................................. 557
11.8.3 Table View tab of an Event Trend...................................................................... 559
11.8.4 Event Details tab of an Event Trend .................................................................. 561
11.8.5 Interaction between Event Trend view tabs when Trace Explorer is active ...... 563
11.8.6 Event Trend specific user preferences .............................................................. 563
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends ...................................................... 564
11.9.1 To specify event filters in the Events Browser window ...................................... 564
11.9.2 To run an Event Trend from the Events Browser window ................................. 569
11.9.3 To specify trace properties for an Event Trend .................................................. 570
11.9.4 To zoom an Event Trend.................................................................................... 572
11.9.5 To page through an Event Trend ....................................................................... 572
11.9.6 To add a trace to an Event Trend ...................................................................... 573
11.9.7 To remove a trace from an Event Trend ............................................................ 573
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures ............................................... 574
11.10.1 To open a saved Trend Group Definition (TGD) ................................................ 574
11.10.2 To explore data associated with a Trend graph (plot data cursor
or comparison) ................................................................................................... 574
11.10.3 To perform Time Navigation (page, zoom, different time period) ...................... 578
11.10.4 To maximize the trend graph size for distance viewing ..................................... 579
11.10.5 To export trend data values ............................................................................... 580
11.11 Using the command prompt syntax for Trend ................................................................. 581

12 Using Historical Reviews 583

12.1 Historical Review overview ............................................................................................. 584
12.1.1 To access the Historical Reviews window ......................................................... 585
12.2 Components of the Historical Reviews window .............................................................. 586
12.3 Historical Review Menu button ....................................................................................... 587
12.3.1 To use the Load Review Configuration option (from the Historical Review
Menu button) ...................................................................................................... 588
12.3.2 To use the Save Review Configuration option (from the Historical Review
Menu button) ...................................................................................................... 590
12.3.3 To use the Print option (from the Historical Review Menu button) .................... 591
12.3.4 To use the Export option (from the Historical Review Menu button) ................. 591
12.3.5 To use the Preferences option (from the Historical Review Menu button) ........ 592
12.3.6 To use the Historian Preferences option (from the Historical Review
Menu button) ...................................................................................................... 594
12.3.7 To use the Historical Reviews Options (from the Historical Review
Menu button) ...................................................................................................... 595
12.3.8 To use the Exit Historical Review option (from the Historical Review
Menu button) ...................................................................................................... 597
12.4 Quick Access Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 597
12.5 Menu bar ......................................................................................................................... 597
12.6 Ribbon bars ..................................................................................................................... 598
12.6.1 Home ribbon bar ................................................................................................ 598
12.6.2 Filter ribbon bar .................................................................................................. 600
12.7 Settings bar ..................................................................................................................... 602
12.8 Columns Grouping bar .................................................................................................... 602

x OW360_20
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12.9 Review Details panel....................................................................................................... 602

12.9.1 Customizing the view of the Review Details panel ............................................ 604
12.10 Dockable tabs ................................................................................................................. 605
12.10.1 Customizing the view of the Dockable tabs ....................................................... 605
12.11 Status bar ........................................................................................................................ 606
12.12 Setting preferences ......................................................................................................... 606
12.13 Performing a Historical Review ....................................................................................... 606
12.13.1 To perform a Point review .................................................................................. 607
12.13.2 Understanding the Point Status column............................................................. 610
12.13.3 To perform an Alarm review ............................................................................... 611
12.13.4 To perform an Operator Event review................................................................ 613
12.13.5 Understanding Operator Event Messages ......................................................... 615
12.13.6 To perform an SOE review................................................................................. 616
12.13.7 To perform an SIS review .................................................................................. 618
12.13.8 To perform an ASCII review ............................................................................... 619
12.13.9 To perform a Common review ........................................................................... 621
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review ............................................ 622
12.14.1 To run a Point review from the Command Prompt window ............................... 622
12.14.2 To run an Alarm review from the Command Prompt window ............................ 623
12.14.3 To run an Operator Event review from the Command Prompt window ............. 623
12.14.4 To run an ASCII review from the Command Prompt window ............................ 624
12.14.5 To run an SOE review from the Command Prompt window .............................. 624
12.14.6 To run an SIS review from the Command Prompt window ................................ 625
12.14.7 To open the online help from the Command Prompt window ............................ 625
12.14.8 To verify configuration settings from the Command Prompt window ................ 626
12.14.9 To load a configuration file from the Command Prompt window ....................... 627
12.14.10 To execute a review query directly from the Command Prompt window ..... 628
12.14.11 To specify a historian name from the Command Prompt window................ 629
12.14.12 To specify duration of review from the Command Prompt window .............. 630
12.14.13 To specify point filter criteria from the Command Prompt window ............... 633
12.14.14 To specify alarm filter criteria from the Command Prompt window.............. 636
12.14.15 To specify operator event filter criteria from the Command
Prompt window ................................................................................................... 639
12.14.16 To specify ASCII filter criteria from the Command Prompt window ............. 641
12.14.17 To specify SOE filter criteria from the Command Prompt window ............... 642
12.14.18 To specify SIS filter criteria from the Command Prompt window ................. 644
12.15 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review .................................................. 645

13 Using the Ovation Error Log Window at the Operator Station 649
13.1 Ovation Error Log window at the Operator Station ......................................................... 649
13.2 To access the Error Log window at the Operator Station ............................................... 650
13.3 Error Log window menu bar at the Operator Station ...................................................... 651
13.4 Error Log window toolbar at the Operator Station .......................................................... 652
13.5 Error Log window columns at the Operator Station ........................................................ 653
13.6 To use the Choose Columns dialog box at the Operator Station ................................... 653
13.7 Priority levels of Error Log messages at the Operator Station........................................ 654
13.8 To use the Select Priority Level dialog box at the Operator Station ............................... 654

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14 Using the System Viewer at the Operator Station 655

14.1 What is the System Viewer at the Operator Station? ..................................................... 655
14.1.1 To access the System Viewer window at the Operator Station ......................... 656
14.2 System Viewer window components .............................................................................. 657
14.3 Home ribbon tab .............................................................................................................. 659
14.4 Hierarchy Search ribbon tab ........................................................................................... 660
14.4.1 Components of the Hierarchy Search tab .......................................................... 661
14.4.2 Search Filter bar................................................................................................. 662
14.4.3 To perform a search ........................................................................................... 662
14.4.4 Search Results pane .......................................................................................... 663
14.5 Selection Information area .............................................................................................. 663
14.6 Hierarchy Display Pane................................................................................................... 665
14.6.1 Understanding the system hierarchy ................................................................. 666
14.7 Dockable tabs ................................................................................................................. 669
14.7.1 Drop Summary tab ............................................................................................. 671
14.7.2 General Attributes tab ........................................................................................ 673
14.7.3 Drop Status tab .................................................................................................. 675
14.7.4 Status Point tab .................................................................................................. 676
14.7.5 Point Attributes tab ............................................................................................. 678
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window .............................................................. 679
14.8.1 Arranging System Viewer windows .................................................................... 680
14.8.2 Right-click column navigation menu .................................................................. 681
14.8.3 To group by tab columns.................................................................................... 682
14.8.4 To group using the Show Group By Box option ................................................. 684
14.8.5 To customize column layout .............................................................................. 686
14.8.6 Tooltips ............................................................................................................... 687
14.8.7 Accessing online help ........................................................................................ 687
14.9 Refreshing the System Viewer application ..................................................................... 687
14.10 Window elements common to System Viewer and other Operator
Station applications ......................................................................................................... 688
14.10.1 System Viewer Menu button .............................................................................. 688
14.10.2 System Viewer Quick Access toolbar ................................................................ 690
14.10.3 System Viewer Point Menu ................................................................................ 690
14.11 Viewing the general status of your system ..................................................................... 691
14.11.1 To access the Drop Summary tab ..................................................................... 692
14.11.2 Accessing a Point Menu from the System Viewer application ........................... 693
14.11.3 Identifying status by color codes ........................................................................ 694
14.11.4 To view Fault Code information ......................................................................... 694
14.11.5 To quickly address points in alarm..................................................................... 696
14.12 Viewing general node information ................................................................................... 697
14.13 Getting additional drop information ................................................................................. 698
14.14 Viewing point information for devices and modules ........................................................ 699
14.14.1 To select and update points ............................................................................... 700
14.14.2 To shelve or unshelve a point using the System Viewer window ...................... 702
14.14.3 To perform an alarm check on a point using the System Viewer window ......... 703
14.14.4 To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the
System Viewer window ...................................................................................... 703
14.14.5 To perform limit check ON or OFF using the System Viewer window ............... 704
14.15 Viewing network device information ................................................................................ 704

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14.16 Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs ................................................. 704
14.16.1 Value ribbon tab ................................................................................................. 705
14.16.2 Value/Mode ribbon tab ....................................................................................... 705
14.16.3 Alarm ribbon tab ................................................................................................. 706
14.16.4 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab ........................................................................................ 706
14.16.5 Commission ribbon tab ...................................................................................... 707
14.16.6 Plant Mode ribbon tab ........................................................................................ 707
14.17 To export information from System Viewer ..................................................................... 708
14.18 Using the Where Used option ......................................................................................... 711
14.19 Viewing additional information on Fault Code: Hardware Address and
I/O Status Values ............................................................................................................ 712

15 Ovation Utilities 715

15.1 What are the Ovation utilities? ........................................................................................ 715
15.2 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility? ..................................................... 716
15.2.1 To access the Operator Diagram Group Display at an Operator Station .......... 716
15.2.2 What are Operator Diagram Group Display guidelines? ................................... 717
15.2.3 To display a diagram group at the Operator Station .......................................... 717
15.2.4 Configuring Operator Diagram Groups at an Operator Station ......................... 717
15.2.5 To add a diagram group at an Operator Station ................................................ 718
15.2.6 To remove a diagram group from an Operator Station ...................................... 718
15.2.7 To reorder diagram groups at an Operator Station ............................................ 718
15.3 What is the Print Screen utility? ...................................................................................... 719
15.4 What is SnapGraphics utility? ......................................................................................... 719
15.4.1 To configure the SnapGraphics window parameters ......................................... 720
15.4.2 To take screen captures of process diagrams ................................................... 721
15.5 What is the Sensor Calibration utility? ............................................................................ 722
15.5.1 To access the Sensor Calibrate function ........................................................... 722
15.5.2 To calibrate a point using Sensor Calibration .................................................... 723
15.6 What is the SureService Ovation System Registration Utility? ....................................... 726
15.7 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility? ................................................................ 726
15.7.1 To access the Session Manager utility .............................................................. 727
15.7.2 What are the components of the Session Manager window?............................ 727
15.7.3 Remote Networks tab in the Session Manager window .................................... 728
15.7.4 Drop/User tab in the Session Manager window ................................................. 728
15.7.5 Operator Functions tab in the Session Manager window .................................. 729
15.7.6 Point Security Groups tab in the Session Manager window .............................. 730

16 Using Command Line switches for Point Information or

Point Review applications 731
16.1 Syntax of Command Line switches ................................................................................. 731

17 Running Ovation in a language other than English 735

17.1 Preparing for Ovation localization ................................................................................... 735
17.2 To run Ovation in languages other than English ............................................................. 735

Index 737

OW360_20 xiii
S E C T I O N 1

Introduction to the Operator Station


What is Ovation? ................................................................................................................. 1

What are the components of an Ovation system? .............................................................. 2
What is an Ovation Operator Station? ................................................................................ 5
What are the Operator Station applications? ...................................................................... 5
Operator Station terminology .............................................................................................. 6

1.1 What is Ovation?

The OvationTM products provide total process control management. Ovation integrates plant
monitoring, continuous control, sequential logic, and batch control systems into one network.

Ovation is modular. It permits the configuration of the process management system exactly as it is
needed. A small installation can be expanded to include as many as 254 intelligent modules
(referred to as drops or workstations). Each drop is a separate module that can perform various

The Controller is the drop containing the Ovation I/O modules (electronic and personality) that are
attached to sensors on the actual plant equipment. The point values measured by these sensors
are broadcast onto the Ovation network through the Controller.

The Operator Station is the drop that allows you to monitor the various drops and their processes.

OW360_20 1
1.2 What are the components of an Ovation system?

1.2 What are the components of an Ovation system?

The Ovation system consists of different types of workstations that are linked to each other
through a high-speed network. These workstations perform different functions and send data
throughout the entire network to communicate the results of these functions. Therefore, each
station on the network is able to collect data and also to send out data when requested by other

Ovation offers unique features to its users:

 Transmits real-time data.
 Detects, reports, or bypasses system faults.
 Provides redundancy for all critical functions.
Since Ovation provides redundancy for the most important system elements (such as control), the
flow of data throughout the system is not interrupted by any single component, cable, or device
failure. This redundancy helps prevent possible work stoppage.

The basic drops or functions used in an Ovation system are listed below:
 Ovation network (see page 2)
 Ovation database (see page 3)
 Ovation input/output modules (see page 3)
 Ovation Controller (see page 3)
 Ovation Operator Station (see page 4)
 Developer Studio (Windows) (see page 4)
 Historical storage and reporting capabilities (see page 5)
 Third-party devices (see page 5)
 Connectivity products (see page 5)

1.2.1 Ovation network

The Ovation network connects the components of the Ovation system so that all components can
communicate with each other in real time.

The Ovation Network is based on the standard Fast Ethernet protocol, implemented in a robust,
fail-safe, open design. This design provides for easy, direct connection of third-party devices such
as printers, WANs, LANs, Allen-Bradley PLCs, GE Mark V/VI turbine controls, and other similar
equipment that use Ethernet communications.

The network is media independent, allowing both fiber-optic and/or copper (UTP) implementation.

2 OW360_20
1.2 What are the components of an Ovation system?

1.2.2 Ovation database

The Ovation database provides the capability to integrate and organize massive amounts of raw
data in the system to create meaningful and valuable information.

The Ovation database consists of a Master database that uses Oracle software for its relational
database. The Master database contains the system configuration, control algorithm information,
and the process point database.

All programming tools and user interfaces store their data in the Ovation database, and that
information is transmitted to the control system. Application software and the control system can
be easily accessed via third party SQL (Structured Query Language) tools. This means that the
Ovation process control system data is open and accessible to all components of the Ovation
network that have permission to access the database data. (Refer to the Ovation Database User

1.2.3 Ovation input/output modules

Ovation Input and Output (I/O) modules consist of modular, plug-in components that offer built-in
fault tolerance and system diagnostics. Ovation I/O modules convert input signals and create
output signals, which perform a multitude of functions.

Specialized I/O modules are also available for loop interfacing, serial linking, and pulse
accumulating functions. These modules are typically located in Ovation Controller cabinets, but
they can also be installed in cabinets that are up to 2,000 meters away from the Controller. (Refer
to the Ovation I/O Reference Manual and Ovation Bus and Specialty I/O Reference Manual.)

1.2.4 Ovation Controllers

The Ovation Controller is a process controller that is based on a commercially available operating
system. The Controller executes modulating and sequential control strategies and supports the
following functions:
 Originates and receives process points.
 Adds, deletes, and modifies points online.
 Provides alarming and command word processing for originated points.
 Reads I/O modules and converts data to process points.
 Reads process points and writes data to I/O modules.
 Executes control algorithms.
 Adds, deletes, and modifies control online. (Refer to the Ovation Controller User Guide.)

OW360_20 3
1.2 What are the components of an Ovation system?

1.2.5 Ovation Operator Stations

The Ovation Operator Station drop provides communication with plant processes through the
Ovation network and monitors normal and abnormal plant conditions. A Distributed Database
(Raima) supports the Operator Station. This database is a subset of the information found in the
Master Database and contains only those data items necessary to support Operator Station

Several applications are included in the Operator Station functions such as:
 Alarm System: Detects and displays abnormal plant conditions, such as drop time outs,
points out of range, digital state changes, etc.
 Graphics Display or Process Diagram System: Displays graphic diagrams that represent
the actual plant process control equipment used to monitor and control the system.
 Point Information (PI) System: Views and edits point information from the Ovation Network
and the Point Builder.
 Error Log: Provides information about system errors and writes messages to a log file.
 Point Review: Searches the database for points having specific characteristics or belonging
to a particular point group.
 Trend: Displays data samples collected for live points on the Ovation Network in graphical or
tabular trends.
 Signal diagrams: Displays diagrams created in the Control Builder that can be used at the
Operator Station to monitor and tune a control process.

1.2.6 Developer Studio (Windows)

The Engineering drop provides tools that are used for the development, configuration, and
maintenance of application and system software. These tools are known as Ovation Power Tools.

These Power Tools perform the following functions:

 Define and configure your Ovation system.
 Create, modify, and delete points.
 Define the I/O modules used in an Ovation system.
 Store values from algorithms (typically, for Special Functions and ladder applications).
 Loads control and originating point information into Ovation drops and links the Master
Database with other drops within the system.
 Force Controller changes (online) into the database.
 Create, modify, and delete security objects and definitions.
 Track changes made to the database.
 Compare an external database with your Master Database.
 Create control logic that runs on the Ovation Controller.
 Create and edit system process diagrams that display on the Operator Station. (Refer to the
Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.)

4 OW360_20
1.3 What is an Ovation Operator Station?

1.2.7 Historical storage and reporting capabilities

Ovation Historians provide mass storage and retrieval of process data, alarms, sequence of
events (SOE), logs, and operator actions in the Ovation process control system. Reports can then
be generated that provide meaningful information to operators, engineers, and maintenance
personnel. (Refer to the applicable Ovation Process Historian User Guide.)

1.2.8 Third-party devices

Ovation provides the ability to reliably exchange information between the plant control system and
diverse third-party devices such as Allen-Bradley, GE Mark, Modbus, RTP I/O, Toshiba, and MHI

1.2.9 Connectivity products

Emerson connectivity products, such as Web Access View Enabler (WAVE), ODBC Server,
NetDDE Server, OPC Server, and SCADA Server connect the plant control system to corporate
networks. By integrating plant control and information systems, plants can develop new
applications including global process tuning, predictive control, neural networks, and process

1.3 What is an Ovation Operator Station?

The Ovation Operator Station is a workstation (drop) that enables an operator to view and control
the current status of the plant process control system through the use of process diagrams and
other standard display utilities. The Operator Station functions include monitoring and controlling
alarm conditions, entering point information, and creating point trends.

OW360_20 5
1.4 What are the Operator Station applications?

1.4 What are the Operator Station applications?

The Operator Station allows you to communicate with plant processes through the Ovation
network and to monitor normal and abnormal plant conditions. The Operator Station desktop
displays a folder (Ovation Applications) containing the icons that represent each of the Operator
Station applications.

The following list provides a brief overview of the Operator Station applications:
 Alarms – displays information on abnormal conditions and plant malfunctions. There are two
types of alarm systems available for Ovation Operator Stations:
 Alarm System - This standard alarm system provides a method for detecting and
displaying abnormal plant conditions on an Operator workstation. Alarms display in
various types of lists.
 Alarm Annunciation System - This optional alarm system provides a method for
detecting and displaying abnormal plant conditions on an Operator workstation. Alarms
display in alarm bands that appear at the top of the workstation monitor.
 Error Log – provides information about system errors and archives old error messages.
 Graphics – allows you to view graphic diagrams.
 Historical Review - provides information on historical data.
 Online Help - allows you to access all of the online help files for each Operator Station
 Point Information (PI) – provides access to detailed information about each point in the
Ovation network.
 Point Review – allows you to choose specific characteristic filters to search the database for
periodic process points.
 Signal Diagrams - allows you to view control sheets created by the Control Builder.
 Trend – enables you to display graphical, tabular, and radar view of trends with live points
and historical points.
 System Viewer – generates a real-time, live display of a drop’s I/O from the drop-level down
to individual points or channels on modules.
 Ovation Machine Works - displays vibration data for the Machine Health Monitor. For more
information, refer to the applicable Machinery Health Monitor User Guide.

6 OW360_20
1.5 Operator Station terminology

1.5 Operator Station terminology

The following table contains a list of terms used in conjunction with the Operator Station.

Terms used with the Operator Station


Application Button in upper left corner of an application window that can be used to access
Menu Button functions for that application.

Apply Used to verify the data, enter information, and start a desired operation. The window
is not dismissed.
Cancel Cancels changes and dismisses the window.
Characteristics Provides a method for sorting the database based on plant area, signal type,
equipment, or other concepts you might want to use. There are eight alphanumeric
characters available per point.
You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from specific plant areas or
destinations. This is done by assigning a unique destination to each point. The first
character in this field defines the destination. This character must be either a letter
(A-Z), a dash (-) (matches all characters on a given sort), or a blank space that does
not match any character. Points with alarms cannot have a blank destination.
Dockable tabs Movable tabs located in the bottom half of an application window. These tabs
provide detailed information about points, alarms, and current application sessions.
Use the Guide Diamond (see page 20) to move and anchor dockable tabs.
Double-click Action that requires you to rapidly click the left mouse button twice.
Drag and Drop Window manager function that allows you to “drag” data from one window and
“drop” it into another window.
Frequency Represents the broadcast frequency of the point. The choices are:
 Slow 1.0 second
 Fast 0.1 second
 Aperiodic as requested
Aperiodic points are broadcast in special aperiodic DDBs that are broadcast on the
network by subscription. When a point’s dynamic data is accessed from another
drop, that drop sends a request to the originator to start broadcasting (once a
second) the DDB that contains the point. These subscriptions are renewed with the
subsequent accesses. Once the subscription runs out, the point (DDB) no longer
Grayed out Color of a button or entry field that indicates that a function or menu item is not
available to you under the present conditions.
Guide A type of mouse that can arrange and anchor multiple dockable tabs in a window.
Diamond (see The Guide is shaped like a cross where each section of the "cross" is used to help
page 20) position a dockable tab in a window.
Icon Graphical representation of a window or function.
LAI Last Active Instance. This icon appears in the window of the graphic that is currently
active. The request executes in the window where LAI appears.
Latched When the quality of a point is set to a requested value. Test Mode must be On in
Quality order to use the Latched Quality option. Choices are Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad.
Left-click Action that requires you to click the left mouse button once. The left mouse button is
(“Select”) used to select a window or an item inside a window.

OW360_20 7
1.5 Operator Station terminology


Maximize Opens the window to the full size of the screen.

Minimize Removes the window from the screen, but does not terminate the application. A
button on the task bar provides access to the application.
OK Applies changes and dismisses the window.
Open Double-click an icon to open the application.
Quality The system can be configured to display an additional quality reason clarifier after
Reasons the point quality description. If you want the reasons to display, the system should
be configured to set the order of precedence for the quality reasons, in addition to
the text that displays for each reason. The Value/Status tab on the Point Information
window displays all applicable quality reasons.
Possible Quality reasons are:
 Latched Quality
 Tagged Out
 Hardware Error
 Oscillating Point
 Sensor Calibrate
 Scan Removed
 Data Link Failure
 Substituted Entered Value
 Algorithm Application
 Test Mode
 User Definable
 Engineering Limit
 Reasonability Limit
Quality Good = none
Displays Description = Can be the result of following factors:
 The data is usable as it stands.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm
Fair = F
Description = Can be the result of following factors:
 An Operator entered value.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm
Poor = P
Description = Can be the result of following factors:
 Generated from certain algorithms if some inputs were bad and some were good.
 Input at maximum or minimum scale.
 If out of Engineering Range.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm

8 OW360_20
1.5 Operator Station terminology


Quality Bad = B
Displays Description = Can be the result of following factors:
(Continued)  Faulty input hardware.
 Input out of specified sensor range (analog).
 The removal of a point from scan.
 If out of Reasonability Range.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm
Timed Out = T
Description = The point is not being updated. The drop that broadcasts the point is
probably off the network.
The formal definition of “quality” does not include the status “Timed Out.” However,
window displays that contain process point status usually include Timed Out
information in the same screen location as the four Quality items.
Quick Access Group of icons located next to the Application Menu button. These icons can access
Toolbar the most frequently used functions for that application.
Refresh Refreshes screen.
Ribbon An interface where a set of icons are placed on a ribbon panel in a ribbon tab
instead of using menus and toolbars. The icon options are context sensitive, which
means that the available icon options change depending on which part of the
interface you are using at that time.
Ribbon Bar Contains the function names of the groups of icons that perform a specific task.

Ribbon Group Name of the type of function that is displayed in the application window. For
example, "List Operations" for the different alarm lists that display in the Alarm
Ribbon Panel Collection of related tasks illustrated by icons that change as the ribbon tabs
Ribbon Tabs Tabs located under the Quick Access Toolbar. These tabs are used to set the
configuration for the application.
Right-click By clicking the right button on the mouse, a pop-up menu may display containing
(“Menu”) actions appropriate to the cursor position and application.
Status Bar An area at the bottom of many program windows that contains a short text message
about the current condition of the program and specific application data.
Task Bar A small area on the screen which contains buttons for all the running applications.
The task bar is usually along the bottom, but may be positioned along any edge.
Title Bar Top margin of a diagram. Contains minimize, maximize, and close icons in upper
right corner.
Toolbar The toolbar is usually located under the Menu bar. It is a row of on-screen graphical
buttons or icons relating to application functions.
W# A box appears around this W# icon to show which window is active.
Workspace Graphical environment where menus, icons, and diagrams are located.

OW360_20 9
S E C T I O N 2

Getting started with the Operator Station


What Ovation software is installed on the Operator Station? ........................................... 11

To access the Operator Station applications .................................................................... 11
To use the Operator Station applications .......................................................................... 12
Understanding Operator Event Messages ........................................................................ 14
Using monitors at the Operator Station ............................................................................. 15
What is the Ovation Keyboard? ........................................................................................ 15

2.1 What Ovation software is installed on the Operator Station?

An Operator Station allows the operator to communicate with plant processes on the Ovation
network. This is done by using the Operator Station applications (see page 5). When you install
an Operator Station, you install software on the station that is required to manage these

The software that is installed on the Operator Station is the Developer Studio package, point
management services, and Ovation applications.

The Ovation applications are the Operator functions: Alarms, Error Log, Graphics, Historical
Review, Point Information (PI), Point Review, Signal Diagram, and Trend.

For information on installing the Operator Station, refer to the Ovation Software Installation

OW360_20 11
2.2 To access the Operator Station applications

2.2 To access the Operator Station applications

1. Double-click the Operator Station folder (Ovation Applications) located on the Operator
Station desktop.
Access the Start button ->All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications.
The Ovation Application function icons appear.
2. Select the desired Operator Station application. The appropriate window for the selected
application appears.

Figure 1: Operator Station applications

2.3 To use the Operator Station applications

Many of the Ovation Operator Station applications use a ribbon bar interface. The ribbon is
divided into task-oriented ribbon tabs, where the commands and features required to perform a
different task are grouped together. A central idea of the interface is that many of its menu options
are context sensitive, which means that the available menu options change depending on what
object is currently selected.

Note: If a ribbon bar icon is grayed out, that option is currently disabled.

For example, in the following figure of the Alarm window, the Silence Audio item is grayed out
because no Audio alarms are available. Notice also that by combining the upper Home tab with
the lower Acknowledged tab, you display some of the commands and feature settings needed to
display a list of Acknowledged alarms. This concept is carried out in all the Operator Station

12 OW360_20
2.3 To use the Operator Station applications

The different interfaces for the various Operator Station applications are described in detail in the
following sections:
 Alarms (see page 47)
 Graphics
 Point Information
 Signal Diagrams
 Point Review
 Trends
 Historical Review
 Error Log
 System Viewer

Figure 2: Example of Alarm window at the Operator Station

OW360_20 13
2.4 Understanding Operator Event Messages

2.4 Understanding Operator Event Messages

Certain Operator Station applications report user-specified actions to other drops in the Ovation
system in the form of Operator Event Messages. For example, if an operator makes a change to
a point, such as setting it to Limit Check Off, that action generates an event message so that
other drops in the system are aware of the change.

Operator Event Messages are saved at an Ovation historian drop and can be viewed through the
historian's Operator Event Review application.

Only certain Operator Station applications and specific operator actions generate operator event
messages. The applications that can issue an Operator Event message are:
 Alarms
 Graphics
 Point Information
 Point Review
 Signal Viewer
 System Viewer
 Trends
 Historical Review
Operator Event Messages are also generated when a user logs on and logs out from a drop.

In addition, some actions can be issued from more than one Operator Station application. For
example, the Scan On action can be performed in the Alarm, Point Information, Graphics, and
System Viewer subsystems.

The following table displays the list of actions that generate Operator Event messages.

Actions that generate Operator Event messages


Scan On
Scan Off
Alarm Check On
Alarm Check Off
Limit Check On
Limit Check Off
Auto Cutout Disabled
Auto Cutout Enabled
Alarm Acknowledge (the Send Alarm Event Message parameter must be selected in the
MMI Config window in the Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide for more information.)
Alarm Reset (the Send Alarm Event Message parameter must be selected in the MMI
Config window in the Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide for more information.)
Test Mode On

14 OW360_20
2.5 Using monitors at the Operator Station


Test Mode Off

Latched Quality Good
Latched Quality Fair
Latched Quality Poor
Latched Quality Bad
Value Clamp On
Value Clamp Off
Engineering Check On
Engineering Check Off
Reasonability Check On
Reasonability Check Off
Entered Value
When any of the limits of an analog or deluxe analog are changed
Set Force
Clear Force
Set all Force Bits
Clear All Force Bits
Confirm Commission Request
Confirm Uncommission Request
Mode Change TO FROM, where TO and FROM are AUTO, CASC, or MANUAL

Note: For more information about Operator Event Messages generated from graphics
application programs, refer to the Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.

2.5 Using monitors at the Operator Station

You can configure one or two monitors at an Operator Station. This is typically done at Emerson
before the system ships. You must install a special card in the PC that enables two monitors to be
used on the same Operator Station. Refer to the vendor documentation for further information.

2.6 What is the Ovation Keyboard?

The Ovation Keyboard (formerly known as the Membrane Keyboard), is an optional keyboard that
is used in conjunction with the standard keyboard and mouse. It allows the operator to access
data acquisition and control applications.

The Ovation Operator Station supports the connection of the standard Ovation Keyboard through
one of the computer's serial ports and the Ovation applications. When the system is configured at
the station to have an Ovation Keyboard, this function is initiated when the system starts. See
Ovation keyboard functions (see page 16) for descriptions of the key functions.

OW360_20 15
2.6 What is the Ovation Keyboard?

2.6.1 Ovation Keyboard functions

The following table lists the keys and their functions on the Ovation Keyboard:

Ovation Keyboard


1 Alarm List Displays the Alarm List.

2 Normal/Priority Switches the current alarm mode.
(formerly, Switch Mode Code)
3 Alarm History Displays the Alarm History.
4 Reset List Displays the Alarm Reset List.
5 Unacknowledged Displays the Unacknowledged Alarm List.
6 Point Acknowledge Acknowledges the selected alarms.
7 Page Acknowledge Acknowledges the page of alarms.
8 Page Reset Resets the page of alarms.
9 Point Reset Resets the selected alarms, depending upon the alarm
application displayed.
10 Silence Audio Silences the continuous audible sound.
(formerly, Bell Ack)

11 Window Keys Displays Process Diagram windows.

(Window 1-8)
12 Backward Performs the recall (backward) function for the selected
Process Diagram window.
13 Forward Performs the forward recall function for the selected
Process Diagram window.
14 Up and Down Arrow Initiates Page Up and Down function.
15 Left and Right Arrow Initiates Page Left and Right function.
16 Start/Open Activates a digital control algorithm.
17 Stop/Close Resets a digital control algorithm.
18 Value Entry Allows manual entry of numerical values of set point or
output (formerly, Digital Entry).
19 Auto Enables the automatic control mode.
20 Manual Enables the manual control mode.
21 Tune Displays the System Overview window.
22 Control Up Arrow and Up – Raises the setpoint. (Formerly, Raise Setpoint)
Control Down Arrow
Down – Lowers the setpoint. (Formerly, Lower Setpoint)
23 Control Up and Up – Raises the output. (Formerly Raise Output)
Control Down Down – Lowers the output. (Formerly, Lower Output)

16 OW360_20
2.6 What is the Ovation Keyboard?


24 User-Definable Keys There are 48 user-definable keys. You can define each
key to be a custom key or an alarm key.
(Custom or Alarm)
You can map custom keys to programmable functions
that execute at the Operator Station. These backlit keys
When you configure the do not light.
user-defined keys, you You can map alarm keys to user-definable alarm groups.
must number the keys These backlit keys can be configured to blink, turn on, and
from left to right and top turn off to identify alarm status information about the
to bottom. group. You can configure an alarm key to display (at the
Perform the Operator Station) a predefined diagram for the specific
configuration using the group.
configuration tools.
(Refer to the Ovation Key labels are printed for each project and inserted over
Operator Station the blank custom keys. You can use the keypad template
Configuration Guide.) to define the desired key labels for your project.
P1 - P10 P1 - P10 Programmable Keys. In order for the programmable keys
to be active, you must define a FUNC_KEY statement
corresponding to the P1 - P10 keys in a Process Diagram.
The diagram must then be displayed in the currently active
graphics window.
For example:
You define FUNC_KEY 1-4 in diagram 2100 to perform
various actions. When diagram 2100 displays in the
currently active Graphics window, P1 - P4 become active
and their corresponding actions can be performed. P5 -
P10 will have no effect when selected. When you replace
diagram 2100 with another, P1-P4 becomes inactive or is
replaced with the FUNC_KEY actions of the new diagram.
(Refer to the Ovation Graphics Language Reference

OW360_20 17
S E C T I O N 3

Using common Operator Station functions


What are the common Operator Station functions? .......................................................... 19

Guide Diamond tool .......................................................................................................... 19
Application Options window .............................................................................................. 22
Preferences window .......................................................................................................... 29
Template/Configuration/Search Criteria Settings window ................................................ 32
Page Setup window .......................................................................................................... 34
Print Preview window ........................................................................................................ 36
Print window ...................................................................................................................... 40
Point Menu ........................................................................................................................ 42

3.1 What are the common Operator Station functions?

The Operator Station provides the following common tools and windows that can be used by
multiple Operator Station applications:
 Guide Diamond tool (see page 20).
 Application Options window (see page 22).
 Preferences window (see page 29).
 Page Setup window (see page 34).
 Print Preview window (see page 38).
 Print window (see page 40).
 Point Menu (see page 42).

3.2 Guide Diamond tool

A Guide Diamond is a control that can arrange and anchor multiple dockable tabs in an
application window. The dockable tabs provide lists and information pertaining to that application.
You can dock multiple tabs simultaneously in an application window through the use of the Guide

Figure 3: Guide Diamond

OW360_20 19
3.2 Guide Diamond tool

The Guide Diamond can be used in the following Operator Station applications:
 Alarm system (see page 52).
 Point Information.
 Trend.
 System I/O Viewer.

Note: The Guide Diamond is only applicable for the Alarm system when the Alarm Window
Style is configured as Enhanced Grid Mode Style (refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide).

The following figure is an example of a Point Information (PI) application where several tabs are
docked and displayed at one time in the PI application window.

Figure 4: Example of PI window displaying multiple tabs

20 OW360_20
3.2 Guide Diamond tool

3.2.1 To use the Guide Diamond tool

Use the following procedure to display and use the Guide Diamond:

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53), Point Information window, or System Viewer
2. Select a dockable tab in the application window and drag it to another location in the
application window. The Guide Diamond will appear as you drag the tab. The four directional
arrows of the Diamond point toward the four sides of the application window (left, right, top,
and bottom).

Figure 5: Guide Diamond

3. When the tab you are dragging reaches the location where you want to dock it, move the
pointer over the corresponding portion of the Guide Diamond. The designated area will be
4. Release the mouse button to dock the window in the shaded area position.
5. You can reposition the tab to its original position by clicking on the middle portion of the Guide
Diamond and the tab will move to its original position in the ribbon bar.
6. For Point Information application, if you want to save the tab layout so the tabs will appear in
the same position when you begin a new session, use the Preferences window (see page 29)
and Save the settings.
For Alarm applications, if you want to save the tab layout so the tabs will appear in the same
position when you begin a new session, access the Menu button and use the Save
Configuration button.

OW360_20 21
3.3 Application Options window

3.3 Application Options window

The Application Options windows provide configuration options that are applicable to certain
Operator Station applications. These configuration options typically deal with window appearance,
colors, and start-up settings. The following Ovation applications have access to an Application
Options window:
 Alarm system (see page 55).
 Point Information.
 Point Review.
 Session Manager.
 Alert Details (refer to the Ovation PlantWeb Alerts User Guide).
 Trend.
 System I/O Viewer.
 Alarm Guidance.
These options can be edited by the operator during a session of the application and if desired,
can be saved for reuse in future sessions of the application. The application Menu button at the
top of the main application window provides access to the Application Options for the Alarm, Point
Information, Point Review, Trend, and System Viewer applications.

For the Session Manager, Alarm Guidance, and Alert Details application, a drop-down menu on
the main application window provides access to the Application Options window.

22 OW360_20
3.3 Application Options window

The following figure provides an example of an Application Options window for the Point
Information application:

Figure 6: Application Options window example

OW360_20 23
3.3 Application Options window

The following table describes most of the possible Application Options and identifies the
applications that use those options. Note that Trend options are discussed in the Trend section.

Application Option descriptions



Maximize View Alarm, Point Expands or collapses ribbon tabs.

Ribbon Information,
Point Review,
System Viewer
Show Column View Alarm, Point Displays a bar at the top of the Alarm list or
Grouping Bar Review Point Review list which enables you to group
items in the list by selecting a column
heading in the bar.
For example, if you left click the date column
header, the column will sort by date. If you
drag the column up into the grouping bar (or
right-click the column header and choose the
"Group By This Column" menu item), rows
with the same date are grouped together in
the grid. The Show Column Grouping Bar
option indicates whether the group by bar is
displayed (if not, you cannot see which, if
any, columns are currently being grouped.
Show Current View Point Review, Displays information about current filter
Settings Bar System Viewer settings.
Show Search View System Viewer Displays information about current filter
Filter Bar settings.
Show Search View System Viewer Displays information about current search
Results results.
Auto Resize View Point Review If set, the visible columns fill the available
Columns horizontal space in the application window.
Startup Filter Startup Options Point Review, Uses the Browse button to select the desired
and Column System Viewer filters and column template to be loaded on
Template startup.
Default Startup Options Alarm Uses the Browse button to select the desired
Configuration configuration file to be the default
File configuration file and to be loaded on
Color Scheme Colors Alarm, Point Selects the color scheme for the application.
Information, The choices are as follows:
Point Review,
Session Black
Manager, Alert Blue
Details, System Silver
Viewer, Alarm

24 OW360_20
3.3 Application Options window



Use Gradient Colors Alarm, Point Allows rows of data in the main application
Colors in List Information, window to appear with the colors displayed
Rows Point Review, as gradient colors (shaded from dark to light
Alert Details, or from light to dark).
System Viewer,
Alarm Guidance
List Row Colors Alarm, Point Selects the color of the row background of
Background Information, the list in the main application window.
color Point Review,
Alert Details, Alarms and Alert Details use the color
System Viewer, selected in the Studio. If not defined in the
Alarm Guidance Studio, the color selected here is used.

List Row Colors Alarm, Point Selects the color of the row foreground (text)
Foreground Information, of the list in the main application window.
color Point Review,
Alert Details, Alarms and Alert Details use the color
System Viewer, selected in the Studio. If not defined in the
Alarm Guidance Studio, the color selected here is used.

Empty Area Colors Alarm, Point Allows the color of the empty area of the list
Follows Color Information, in the main application window to be similar
Scheme Point Review, to the color selected for the Color Scheme
Session parameter.
Manager, Alert
Details, System
Viewer, Alarm
List Empty Area Colors Alarm, Point Defines the color at the top of the empty
Color 1 Information, area of the list.
Point Review,
Manager, Alert
Details, System
Viewer, Alarm
List Empty Area Colors Alarm, Point Defines the color at the bottom of the empty
Color 2 Information, area of the list.
Point Review,
Manager, Alert
Details, System
Viewer, Alarm
Display list for Iconic Alarm Allows the selected icon group to filter the
Selected Group Configuration alarm list so that the list of the alarms
associated with the selected icon group
displays under the icon in the Iconic With
List tab (see page 108). No other alarm list
tabs are shown.
Iconic Iconic Alarm Provides a menu from which you can select
Configuration Configuration an iconic configuration. Access the Alarm
Menu button and use the Load
Configuration button to load the selected
configuration. The configuration will be
loaded when you select OK.

OW360_20 25
3.3 Application Options window



Save Font Configuration Alarm Accesses the Alarm Menu button and uses
Settings the Save Configuration button to save the
font configuration that is being used in the
current session to a configuration file so it
can be reused in a future session.
Save Iconic Configuration Alarm Accesses the Alarm Menu button and uses
Configuration Settings the Save Configuration button to save the
current Iconic settings so they can be reused
in a future session.
Save Layout Configuration Alarm Accesses the Alarm Menu button and uses
Settings the Save Configuration button to Save a
window layout, such as how dockable tabs
are arranged, and the width and height of
the window.
Save Views Configuration Alarm Accesses the Alarm Menu button and uses
Settings the Save Configuration button to save the
views that are being used in the current
session so they can be reused in a future
session. If unchecked, then Save Column
Configuration and Save Filter Configurations
are also unchecked.
Save Column Configuration Alarm Accesses the Alarm Menu button and uses
Configuration Settings the Save Configuration button to save
column layout, such as column order, width,
and visibility.
Save Filtering Configuration Alarm Accesses the Alarm Menu button and uses
Configuration Settings the Save Configuration button to save the
filtering settings, such as Priority,
Destination, Alarm Type, and Network/Unit.
About About All applications Displays the name and version number of
the application.

26 OW360_20
3.3 Application Options window

3.3.1 To use the Application Options window

Use the following procedure to make option changes during a current session of the application
and if desired, to save the settings for reuse in future sessions of the application:

1. Access the main Ovation application window. Options are valid for following applications:
 Alarm system (see page 55)
 Point Information
 Point Review
 Session Manager
 Alarm Guidance
 Alert Details (see page 129)
2. Select the Application Menu button.

Note: For the Session Manager, Alert Details, and Alarm Guidance applications, which have no
Application Menu Button, select the Options menu and then select the desired application

3. Select the Options icon. The Options window for the applicable application appears.
4. Select the type of Options you want to edit.
5. The corresponding options appear. Select the desired settings (see page 22).

OW360_20 27
3.3 Application Options window

6. If applicable, save the settings (see page 22) to a configuration file that you can reuse in a
future session.

Figure 7: Application Options window example

28 OW360_20
3.4 Preferences window

3.4 Preferences window

The Preferences window saves the settings that you define in the Application Options window
(see page 22) to your own personal user profile. In this way, you can access the saved settings in
a new application edit session instead of having to perform the setting changes repeatedly.

The Preferences window can be used for the following applications:

 Alarms (see page 47).
 Point Information.
 Point Review.
 Session Manager.
 Alert Details (see page 129).
 Trend.
 System Viewer.
 Alarm Guidance.
Saving preferred window settings simplifies window monitoring at the Operator Station by allowing
you to use the custom settings and options you have defined for a particular application.

Suppose you have used the Ribbon tabs and the application Option windows to configure an
application window to your specifications. These choices may include font type and size, color
scheme, what columns are displayed, and how wide the columns are (not applicable in Point

After the application window settings are complete, you may want to save those settings to your
user profile instead of having to perform the setting changes again at your next session.

After preferences are saved, they will be automatically loaded whenever you access the
application window. The preferences are loaded for a session based on the following order:
 User defined preferences are requested first. A user can save, load, and clear settings only
for his user profile.
 If user-defined preferences are not found, role defined preferences are requested next. An
administrator can save, load, and clear settings for any role profiles, but he cannot affect any
user profile except his own.
 System preferences are requested next.
 If no preferences are defined, the system default settings will be used.

OW360_20 29
3.4 Preferences window

3.4.1 To use the Preferences window

Use the following procedure to save your session settings:

1. Access the main application window.

2. Using the Application Options window (see page 22), select the desired settings for the
application session.
3. Select the Application Menu button.

Note: For the Session Manager and Alert Details applications which have no Application Menu
button, select the File menu.

4. Select the Preferences icon. The Preferences window appears.

5. Select the Save button to save the settings to your user profile. The next time you access the
application, your customer settings will be used when you begin the new session.
6. Select the Clear button to remove the preference settings for your user profile. If you clear
your user-defined settings, your Role settings will load when you begin a new session.

30 OW360_20
3.4 Preferences window

7. If you are an Administrator, you can perform the following:

 Save the preferences to a Role profile by highlighting the desired role before you select
the Save button.
 Use the preferences that have been defined for another role by selecting the desired role
from the list in the Preferences window, and then selecting the Load button. All the
settings that were saved for the selected role will now appear in your current session.
 Clear role preferences that have been defined by highlighting the role in the list, and then
selecting the Clear button. All the settings that were saved for that role will be removed.

The following figure is an example of an Administrator Preferences window that lists all the roles
to which an Administrator can load or clear preferences. If you are not an Administrator, you will
not have all the system roles displayed in his Preferences window and some buttons may be
grayed out.

Figure 8: Preferences window

OW360_20 31
3.5 Template/Configuration/Search Criteria Settings window

3.5 Template/Configuration/Search Criteria Settings window

The Template/Configuration/Search Criteria window provides the opportunity to save various
window settings between sessions for the following applications:
 Alarms (see page 47).
 Point Review.
 System Viewer.
The Alarm application uses the Template window and creates .alm files.

The Point Review application uses the Configuration window and creates .rvt files.

The System Viewer application uses the Search Criteria window and creates .osv files.

This simplifies window monitoring at the Operator Station by enabling you to save settings to a file
for future use. You can also select the user role that can access the saved settings.

After you have saved the desired settings to a file, you can load the file for a new application
session so that the new session will have the same settings as the previous session did.

When you save the file, you can select the user role(s) that can access and use the saved file.
The following figure is an example of the Load Filter/Column Template window for the Point
Review application. Notice the .rvt file that has been saved from a previous session and can now
be loaded to a new session.

Figure 9: Load Filter/Column Template window

32 OW360_20
3.5 Template/Configuration/Search Criteria Settings window

3.5.1 To use the Template/Configuration/Search Criteria window

Save settings

Use the following procedure to save settings during a current session of the application for reuse
in future sessions of the application:

1. Access the main application window (Alarm system (see page 55), Point Review, or System
Viewer applications).
2. Select the Application Menu button.
3. For the Alarm application, select Save Configuration Settings. The Save As window
For the Point Review application, select Save Filter/Column Template. The Select
Filter/Column Template window appears.
For the System Viewer application, select Save Search Criteria. The Save Search Criteria
window appears.
4. Select the user role(s) that can access and use the saved file for a future session.
5. Enter a name for the file in the File Name field.
6. Select Save As. The settings are now saved to a file that can be loaded for a new session of
the application.
You can also save the files in a folder. Click the Create folder icon located on the top-right
corner of the Save as box. This allows you to create a folder and then save the files folder-

Load settings

Use the following procedure to load previously saved settings for a new session of the application:

1. Access the main application window (Alarm system (see page 55), Point Review, or System
Viewer applications).
2. Select the Application Menu button.
3. For the Alarm application, select Load Configuration Settings. The Open window appears.
For the Point Review application, select Load Filter/Column Template. The Load Filter and
Column Template window appears.
For the System Viewer application, select Load Search Criteria. The Load Search Criteria
window appears.
4. Enter a name for the file in the File Name field.
5. Select the Open button. The settings that were saved to the file are now applied to the new

OW360_20 33
3.6 Page Setup window

3.6 Page Setup window

The standard Microsoft Windows Page Setup window is used to define various settings for your
printouts from the various Operator Station applications. You can select the following settings:
 Paper size.
 Paper source.
 Paper Orientation (Portrait or Landscape).
 Margin sizes.

Note: This is the standard Windows print function that prints alarms as displayed in an Alarm
list. The Alarm application also provides a feature for a dedicated alarm printer that is invoked
from the Print menu: Alarm Menu button -> Print -> Print Advance.

Figure 10: Page Setup window

34 OW360_20
3.6 Page Setup window

3.6.1 To use the Page Setup window

Use the following procedure to set the page parameters for your printout:

1. Access the main application window.

2. Select the appropriate Printing function and access the Page Setup window.
3. Select the desired settings for the printout pages in the Page Setup window.
4. Select the OK button to save the page settings for printouts or select Cancel to remove the
settings and return to the Default settings.

Figure 11: Page Setup window

OW360_20 35
3.7 Print Preview window

3.7 Print Preview window

The Print Preview window is used to define many different settings for your printouts from the
various Operator Station applications. You can see how your printout will actually appear before
you send the print job to the printer.

The following figure illustrates the Preview window and the following table describes the menus in
the window.

Figure 12: Print Preview window

36 OW360_20
3.7 Print Preview window

Menus in the Print Preview window


File Menu This menu displays several Print Preview functions:

 Page Setup
 Print...(Print window appears)
 Print (Quick Print)
 Export Document
 Send via E-mail
 Exit
View Menu This menu displays several Print Preview functions:
 Page Layout (Facing or Continuous)
 Toolbars
 Status Bar
 Customize
Background This menu displays several Print Preview functions:
Menu  Background
 Color
 Watermark

The following figure illustrates the icons in the Print Preview window and the table describes the
icons (left to right):

Figure 13: Icons in the Print Preview window

Icons in the Print Preview window


Search Displays a Find window that can be used to search for text strings in the Preview
Customize Displays a Print Options window that can be used to modify the printout of the
Print Options contents of the Print Preview window.
Open a Displays an Open window that can be used to locate and open a file.
Save the Displays a Save As window that can be used to save a file.
Print Displays the Windows standard Print window (see page 40) that can be used to
edit the print settings and then print the contents of the Print Preview window.
Quick Print Performs a quick print without permitting any editing of the print settings.

Page Setup Displays the Windows standard Page Setup window (see page 34) that can be
used to define the size and margins of the page.

OW360_20 37
3.7 Print Preview window


Search Displays a Find window that can be used to search for text strings in the Preview
Header and Displays the Header and Footer window that can be used to enter headers and
Footer footers for the printout page.
Scale Displays the Scaling window that can be used to adjust the size of the printout
Hand tool Displays a hand in the Preview window that can be used to select items.

Magnifier Displays a magnifying glass in the Preview window that can be used to magnify
items to the percentage selected in the percentage pull-down menu.
Zoom Out Shrinks the Preview page.

Zoom Pull-down menu used to select the magnification percentage for the Magnifier tool
percentage to use.
Zoom In Expands the Preview page.

First Page Displays the first page of the current contents of the Print Preview window.

Previous Page Displays the page last shown from the current contents of the Print Preview
Next Page Displays the next page of the current contents of the Print Preview window.

Last Page Displays the last page of the current contents of the Print Preview window.

Multiple Pages Permits you to select multiple pages to display on one page (up to six pages).

Color Permits you to select the background color for the printout pages.
background of
Watermark Displays the Watermark window that can be used to define a watermark that will
appear on each printout page.
Export Displays a pull-down menu that can be used to select the file format type that you
document want to use to export the contents of the Print Preview window. Then it displays a
Save As window that can be used to name the new file and select the location of
the new file.
Send via email Displays a pull-down menu that can be used to select the file format type that you
want to use to email the contents of the Print Preview window. Then it displays a
Save As window that can be used to name the new file and select the location of
the new file.
Exit Closes the Print Preview window.

38 OW360_20
3.7 Print Preview window

3.7.1 To use the Print Preview window

Use the following procedure to define the Print Preview window settings:

1. Access the main application window.

2. Select the Application Menu button.

Note: For the Alert Details application that has no Application Button, select the File menu.

3. Select the appropriate Printing function and access the Print window.
4. Select the desired settings in the Print window.
5. Select the Preview button. The Preview window appears.

Figure 14: Print Preview window

6. If you are satisfied with the appearance of the data in the Preview window, you can select the
Print button/icon to send the print job to the printer with the new settings or select Cancel to
remove the settings and return to the default settings.

OW360_20 39
3.8 Print window

3.8 Print window

The standard Microsoft Windows Print window is used to define different settings for your
printouts from the various Operator Station applications. The Print window is applicable to
whatever operating system you may be running.

You can select the following settings:

 Printer that will process your print job.
 Page range to print.
 Number of copies to print.
 Print to a file instead of to a printer.
 Preferences where you can define multiple variables for the print job.

Note: This is the standard Windows print function that prints alarms as displayed in an Alarm
list. The Alarm application also provides for a dedicated alarm printer that is invoked from the
Print menu: Alarm Menu button -> Print -> Print Advance.

Figure 15: Example of standard Print window for Windows 7 operating system

40 OW360_20
3.8 Print window

3.8.1 To use the Print window

Use the following procedure to define the Print window settings:

1. Access the main application window.

2. Select the Application Menu button.

Note: For the Alert Details application that has no Application Button, select the File menu.

3. Select the appropriate Printing function and access the Print window.
4. Select the desired settings in the Print window.
5. Select the Print button to send the print job to the printer with the new settings or select
Cancel to remove the settings and return to the default settings.

Figure 16: Example of standard Print window for Windows 7 operating system

OW360_20 41
3.9 Point Menu

3.9 Point Menu

The Point Menu provides a quick method to select a point displayed at the Operator Station and
to access information about that point from different application windows. You can access the
Point Menu from the Alarm, Alert Details, Point Information, Point Review, System Viewer, Trend,
Historical Review, and Process Diagram windows.

By default, the Point menu is configured with standard menu items. In addition, you can use the
Developer Studio to add up to nine additional custom menu choices. The Point Menu is
configurable at all levels in the Ovation Developer Studio system tree. (Refer to the Ovation
Developer Studio User Guide.)

The following figure is a sample of a Point Menu. The menu items may vary depending on the
application you are working in. For example, the Point Menu in Point Information offers Collapse
and Expand options for the point data displayed in Point Information windows.

Figure 17: Point Menu

42 OW360_20
3.9 Point Menu

3.9.1 Standard Point Menu items

You can use the standard Point Menu to display point information from the following windows:
 Point Information - Use to view or modify point data in a Point Information window.
 Trend - Use to view point activity for an individual point in a Trend window.
 Signal Diagram - Use to display a control sheet in a Signal Diagram window. This is the sheet
where the point originates (DG record field). Refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference
Manual for information on record fields
 Summary Diagram - Use to display a custom diagram in a Process Diagram window (LJ
record field). The LJ field has the Summary Diagram Name. If there is no LJ field, then the SD
field is used. The SD field is no longer used.
 Historical Review - Use to execute the selected operation (Point, Alarm, Operator Event) for
the selected point on the default historian. (Refer to the applicable Ovation Process Historian
User Guide.)
 System Viewer - Use to display the hardware status. Refer to the Ovation I/O Reference
Manual and Ovation Bus and Specialty I/O Reference Manual for hardware information.
 Remote Alarm Viewer - Allows you to view all the alarms for the remote network that the
summary point is from. It is enabled only for remote summary points. (Refer to Multiple
Networks User Guide for more information.)
 Alarm Guidance - Use to display the Alarm Guidance information.
 Alert Details - Use to display PlantWeb alerts in the Alert Details window. Only appears on the
menu if Fieldbus devices are enabled. (Refer to the Ovation PlantWeb Alerts User Guide for
information about Alerts.)
 AMS Device manager - Use to obtain detailed information about Plant Web Alerts. (Refer to
the Ovation PlantWeb Alerts User Guide.)
 Ovation Developer Studio - Opens the Ovation Developer Studio window. It displays the
current/selected point in its configuration.
 Operations (Options are based on the point type):
 Acknowledge Alarm - Use to acknowledge a point that is in alarm. The alarm will appear
on the Acknowledged alarm list.
 Reset Alarm - Use to reset a point whose value is no longer in alarm. The alarm
disappears from all the alarm lists except the History list.
 Scan OFF/ON - Use to remove a point from being scanned and updated by the
 Alarm Check OFF/ON - Use to disable alarm checking for a point.
 Limit Check OFF/ON - Use to disable the engineering range limit for a point.
 History Edit/Annotate - Use to launch the History Edit Tool (described in the applicable
Ovation Process Historian User Guide). This only appears on the menu if you are using
Historical Trend or Historical Review functions. This is only enabled if the following conditions
are met:
 Ovation Process Historian Engineering Tools are installed.
 User's role has security clearance to launch data edit.
 Specific historian other than the default is selected.

OW360_20 43
3.9 Point Menu

3.9.2 To use the Point Menu

1. Select a point name or point value on any applicable window. You can access the Point Menu
from the Alarm, Alert Details, Point Information, Trend, and Process Diagram application
2. Right-click the selection. The applicable Point Menu window appears. The fully qualified point
name appears at the top of the menu as shown in the following figure:

Figure 18: Point Menu

3. Select a Point Menu option from the following options. The applicable window appears.
 Point Information – Displays the Point Information window.
 Trend – Displays the Trend Display window.
 Signal Diagram – Displays a Graphic window containing a control sheet. This is the
sheet where the point originates (DG record field). Refer to the Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for information on record fields.
 Summary Diagram – Displays a Graphic window containing a custom diagram (LJ
record field). The LJ field has the Summary Diagram Name. If there is no LJ field, then the
SD field is used. The SD field is no longer used.
 Historical Review - Opens the Historical Review application. It executes the selected
operation (Point, Alarm, or Operator Event) for the selected point on the default historian.
The default duration is 24 hours and if required can be configured from the MMI field in
the Ovation Developer Studio. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide
for more details on MMI field.
For more information about Historical Review, refer to the applicable Ovation Process
Historian User Guide.
 System Viewer - Displays the hardware status. Refer to the Ovation I/O Reference
Manual and Ovation Bus and Specialty I/O Reference Manual for hardware information.
 Remote Alarm Viewer - Allows you to view all the alarms for the remote network that the
summary point is from. It is enabled only for remote summary points. (Refer to Multiple
Networks User Guide for more information.)
 Alert Details - Displays the Alert Details window for specific PlantWeb alarms, if enabled.
Refer to PlantWeb Alerts User Guide for information on Alert Details.
 Alarm Guidance - Use to display the Alarm Guidance information.

44 OW360_20
3.9 Point Menu

 Ovation Developer Studio - Opens the Ovation Developer Studio window. It displays the
current/selected point in its configuration. If one or more instances of Ovation Developer
Studio applications are already running, the "last active" instance is utilized (a new
instance of Ovation Developer Studio is not launched) – and the point configuration is
displayed on it. Note that this menu option is not enabled for remote Ovation points.
 AMS Device Manager – Displays details about Alert Details, if Alert Details are enabled.
 Operations - Displays operations that you can perform on the selected point.
 History Edit/Annotate - Displays the History Edit tool, if enabled. (Refer to the applicable
Ovation Process Historian User Guide.)
 The last items that may show in the Point Menu are optional configurable custom Point
Menu choices. You can configure up to nine custom Point Menu choices using the
Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

OW360_20 45
S E C T I O N 4

Using the Alarm System at the Operator Station


What is the Ovation Alarm system? .................................................................................. 48

Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window? ............................................... 52
Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window ................................ 68
Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns ........................................... 82
Understanding alarm cutout at the Operator Station ........................................................ 91
Understanding the Alarm Frequency tab .......................................................................... 94
Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station ......................................... 96
Understanding the color scheme for alarm messages in the Operator Station
Alarm window .................................................................................................................. 113
Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station..................................................... 114
Working with the alarm filtering windows ........................................................................ 119
Understanding DEVALRT at the Operator Station.......................................................... 128
Understanding the Alarm Keyboard functions at the Operator Station ........................... 129
Understanding the Operator Station Audio Alarm System ............................................. 131
Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station ........................................................ 132
Understanding the Alarm security at the Operator Station ............................................. 143

OW360_20 47
4.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system?

4.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system?

The Ovation Alarm System allows you to monitor and detect abnormal plant conditions. The
alarms can be acknowledged, printed, and sent to the Emerson historian. You can also configure
the alarm system to display remote alarm messages from multiple networks. The Alarm window
that appears at the Operator Station contains dockable tabs that display the following alarm lists:
 List tab (see page 70) displays a list of the current alarms with the most recent alarm first.
 History tab (see page 71) displays a history of the most recent 15,000 alarm occurrences (all
alarm occurrences, including returns, are displayed).
 Acknowledged tab (see page 72) displays a list of the current acknowledged alarms.
 Unacknowledged tab (see page 73) displays a list of the oldest unacknowledged alarms in
the system. This list is generated from the alarm list with the oldest of the unacknowledged
alarms displayed first.
 Reset tab (see page 74) displays a list of points which were returned and acknowledged from
 Alarm Suppressed tab (see page 75) displays a list of all the alarms that are suppressed
from alarm because of being cut out, shelved, alarm check removed, or limit check removed.
The list also displays any point that has an active cutout condition or active shelved condition
even if the point is still in alarm.
 Alarm Frequency tab (see page 76) allows you to view the most frequent alarms that are
detected on a workstation.
 Icon tab (see page 77) displays a list of icons. Each icon corresponds to a group of alarms.
 Remote Network Status tab (see page 80) displays a list of each remote network connection
and its status.
The plant operator can also filter out alarms based on their priority, alarm type, and destination.
These filtering characteristics can be updated by the operator for both the normal and priority
modes of operation. In addition to viewing alarm conditions on the screen, alarms can be
annunciated by playing an audio file on external speakers. Alarms can be printed on a local
printer or they can be sent to the Emerson historian.

Note: You can configure the Alarms at any level in the System Tree. All configurations defined
at the lower levels override what has been defined at the higher levels.

48 OW360_20
4.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system?

4.1.1 What is an alarm?

An Ovation alarm is a message or signal that indicates an abnormal plant condition. This plant
condition is based on the status of an Ovation point. When you create a point in an Ovation
system, you define limits for the value of the point. If these limits are exceeded, the point goes
into alarm. Typically, an alarm requires an operator action.

An alarm typically indicates one of the following:

 Analog point has exceeded its high or low limits.
 Analog point is getting better or worse (value for point is moving closer to or further from its
defined limits).
 Digital point has changed its state (on/off, 1 or 0).
An alarm can be a visual message and/or an audible sound that serves the following purposes in
an Ovation system:
 Indicates an operator action is required.
 Helps maintain normal plant performance.
 Recognizes and avoids hazardous conditions.
 Identifies deviations that could lead to financial losses.
 Provides better understanding of the conditions that affect plant processes.
You can configure your alarm system to initiate either an Alarm window or the Alarm Annunciation
window. The Alarm window is the standard Ovation alarm window, but you can optionally use an
Alarm Annunciation window. You can display both alarm window types at the same time, but the
Alarm Annunciation window always appears at the top of the alarm screen and you cannot cover
the Alarm Annunciation window with any other windows.

Points in alarm display at the Operator Station. Unless you make configuration changes to the
alarm object that defines how alarms are displayed, the default values for the display are used.

If you want to change how the alarms are displayed, use the configuration function in the
Developer Studio (Windows Ovation system) to insert a new alarm object and make the desired

Once you have created the alarm object, if you want to make additional changes, use the
configuration function in the Developer Studio to open the alarm object and make the desired

No changes take place until you download the changes and restart the drop. See Downloading for
information on downloading changes to a drop.

OW360_20 49
4.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system?

4.1.2 Alarm System terminology

The following terms are used when discussing alarm or alarm annunciation windows:

Terms used with the Alarm System


Alarm Annunciation (Not available on all systems) This alarm system provides a method for
System detecting and displaying abnormal plant conditions on an Operator
workstation. Alarms display in alarm bands that appear at the top of the
workstation monitor. This is an alternative to the Alarm system.
Alarm Check Allows you to suppress a point from going into alarm. If you use the alarm
Remove check remove option, you are permanently removing the point from alarm.
Alarm Collector The alarm collectors are responsible for connecting to the remote networks,
receiving all of the remote alarm data, and disseminating it to the Alarm
windows. (Refer to the Ovation Multiple Networks User Guide.)
Alarm Cutout Alarm cutout is an optional function that either stops a point from alarming or
stops an alarmed point from displaying an alarm message. You select the
type of alarm cutout you want to use in your Ovation system through the
Developer Studio. For analog points, you can also cut out the individual alarm
Alarm Cutout Delay This is the time after the alarm cutout is released before the alarm is actually
Alarm Destination Each of the Operator workstations can be defined to receive alarms from
specific plant areas, or destinations. This is done by assigning a unique
destination to each point. The destination is defined by the first characteristic
of each point’s characteristic field. Each workstation can be assigned to
receive alarms for one or more specific destinations or for the entire system.
Alarm Priority Each point can have an alarm priority assigned to it. Priorities may be
assigned from 1 to 8, where 1 is the highest (most critical/important) and 8 is
the lowest (least critical/important). Analog points can have up to five different
priorities assigned (one for each of the four limits and one for the user defined
limit). The priority is defined if the corresponding limit is defined. The high X
(where X is 1 - 4) alarm uses the upper nibble of the appropriate priority field.
The low X (where X is 1 - 4) alarm uses the lower nibble.
The sensor alarm and SID alarm use the highest value from all the defined
priorities, and the return uses the lesser value of all the defined priorities. For
example, when determining the priority for a sensor alarm or return from
alarm, if the high1 limit is defined but the low1 limit is not defined, then the
limit1 priority field’s high nibble will be used in the evaluation of the priority but
the low nibble of the limit1 priority field is not used in the evaluation.
Alarm System This alarm system provides a method for detecting and displaying abnormal
plant conditions. Alarms display in lists on an Operator workstation. This is
the standard Ovation alarm system.
Filtering Allows you to choose the kinds of alarms that you want to display in the
various alarm lists at the Operator Station and also to filter out the alarms that
you do not want to display. The alarms displayed in the Alarm window can be
filtered based on mode, priority, destination (plant area), type, and
Highly Managed Used for points that require considerable attention. These alarms have the
Alarms greatest potential to impact safety, the environment, or a process. Any
modification to these alarms requires the appropriate authority approvals.

50 OW360_20
4.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system?


High4- High1 Limit Ovation analog points can have a high4, high3, high2, high1, low4, low3,
and Low4 - Low1 low2, and low1 limit value assigned to them. When any of these values are
Limit exceeded, an alarm status for the point is broadcast onto the Ovation
network. You are not required to define all four high limits or all four low limits.
Iconic Alarming This alarm system provides a mechanism to group alarms based on their
System priority and their plant area. Each group of alarms is represented by a
preconditioned bitmap on the display.
Incremental high In addition to the high1 - high4 and the low1 - low4 limits for an Ovation point,
and low limit a high incremental and a low incremental limit can also be assigned. When
an incremental alarm is exceeded, information can be sent to the Operator
workstation which indicates whether the value for the point is getting better or
worse (that is, whether the value is moving closer to or further away from the
last exceeded high or low limit.)
Legacy/Classic Style of alarm window that does not allow for the docking of tabs and for the
style sorting of alarms, but does allow gaps in the alarm lists when alarms are
removed. This style choice is set in the Developer Studio.
Reset (Resettable An indication that the return has been previously acknowledged and must be
Returns) reset in order to be removed from the Alarm List and cleared from the screen.
A resettable return is initiated in one of the two following ways:
 An unacknowledged alarm is acknowledged and then returns. This return is
re-initiated as a resettable return. Since its previous alarm state was
acknowledged, the return does not require an acknowledgment; however, it
does require a reset.
 An unacknowledged alarm returns to normal and the unacknowledged
return is broadcast to all the drops. Once the unacknowledged return is
acknowledged, it is re-initiated as a resettable return.
Returns (Returns to An indication that a point previously in alarm has now returned to normal and
normal) is no longer in alarm.
Sensor Alarms An indication of an input failure (for example, a bad signal or bad card).
Shelving Allows you to remove the alarm temporarily by defining a time duration for it.
For analog points, you can shelve the entire point from going into alarm or
you can shelve an individual limit.
SID Alarms An indication of an invalid point being used as a limit or cutout. It is also an
indication (on analogs only) that the calculated limit has bad quality.
State Change An indication of a change of state of a digital point (only displayed on the
History List).
User Defined Limit Ovation analog points can have an optional user-defined high and low limit
assigned to them. When either of these limits is exceeded, an alarm status for
the point is broadcast onto the Ovation network. This alarm is independent of
the standard alarm limits.
Unacknowledged When an alarm occurs (a new alarm, toggle alarm, or incremental alarm), it is
Alarms broadcast on the Ovation network as an unacknowledged alarm. The alarm
remains unacknowledged until the operator acknowledges it. This is a
system-wide acknowledgment, which is broadcast to all drops. If this alarm is
re-initiated again, (that is, a new limit was exceeded,) it would then become
an unacknowledged alarm again. When a drop time-out occurs, it is
considered to be unacknowledged. When the operator acknowledges this
type of alarm, it is not broadcast system-wide and must be done on a drop-
by-drop basis.

OW360_20 51
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?


Primary and Identifies the alarm data server that the alarm collector is connected to in
Secondary Alarm order to receive remote alarm data or the last connection the alarm collector
Data Servers made. For each alarm collector, you must define the remote networks that
connect to the alarm collector.

4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

The Alarm window allows you to monitor plant operations and acknowledge alarm conditions.
Each alarm message has its foreground and background color dictated by the color coding
scheme. Color coding is based on alarm priority. Specific colors are defined to identify
acknowledged versus unacknowledged alarms. The alarm colors are read in upon startup. The
colors are configured using the applicable Ovation configuration tool. (Refer to the Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

New alarm entries are processed by the system every second. If the Alarm window is minimized
and an alarm entry is detected, the alarm system’s icon turns red. The alarm system's icon also
changes to a new alarm icon (red bell or user configured new alarm warning icon) when the state
change alarm appears in the History list (tab) and the History tab is the only visible tab in the
alarm window/application.

You can open the Alarm window by double-clicking on the Alarms icon located in the notification
area, at the far right of the taskbar or by a single click the alarm icon in the task bar.

The Alarm window consists of two sets of tabs: ribbon tabs at the top of the window and Alarm list
tabs at the bottom of the window (the list tabs are dockable in the Enhanced Grid Mode style).
These tabs work together to display the various Alarm lists in the window. The information that
displays in each Alarm list is dependent upon what tab is selected.

You can select the tab that you want to display in the window, by using the Select View(s) menu
in the Home tab or by selecting each tab individually. You can display multiple tabs in the window
at the same time by using the Guide Diamond (see page 19) to arrange and anchor different tabs
as desired.

The first time the Alarm window opens, the Alarm List displays (provided the window is configured
to display an Alarm List). If a different alarm display is selected, and the Alarm window is
minimized, the last display appears the next time the icon opens (provided no points go into alarm
while the window is minimized). If a point goes into alarm while the window is minimized, the
Alarm window opens to the Alarm List screen.

52 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

The following figure is an example of the Alarm List display in the Home tab.

Figure 19: Alarm window Home tab

OW360_20 53
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.1 To access the Operator Station Alarm window

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Alarms
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Alarms.
If the Alarms application is already running, double-click the Alarms icon located in the
notification area, at the far right of the taskbar.
2. The Alarm window appears as shown in the following figures.

Note: You can configure your alarm system to initiate either an Alarm window or the Alarm
Annunciation window. The Alarm window is the standard Ovation alarm window, but you can
optionally use an Alarm Annunciation window. You can display both alarm window types at the
same time, but the Alarm Annunciation window always appears at the top of the alarm screen
and you cannot cover the Alarm Annunciation window with any other windows.

Figure 20: Alarm window example

Figure 21: Alarm Annunciation window example

54 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.2 What are the components of the Alarm window?

The Alarm window consists of the following:

 Alarm Menu button (see page 56).
 Quick Access toolbar (see page 58).
 Set of ribbon tabs at the top of the window:
 Home tab (see page 60)
 Filter tab (see page 61)
 Value tab (see page 63)
 Alarm/Limit tab (see page 65)
 Set of Alarm list tabs (see page 68) at the bottom of the window (tabs are dockable in
Enhanced Grid Mode style):
 List tab that displays the current Alarm list (see page 70).
 History tab that displays the Alarm History list (see page 71).
 Acknowledged tab that displays the Acknowledged Alarm list (see page 72).
 Unacknowledged tab that displays the Unacknowledged Alarm list (see page 73).
 Reset tab that displays the Reset list (see page 74).
 Alarm Suppressed tab that displays the Alarm Suppressed list, which is the list of all the
alarms that are suppressed from alarm because of being cutout, shelved, alarm check
removed, or limit check removed. The list also displays any point that has an active cutout
condition or active shelved condition even if the point is still in alarm.
 Alarm Frequency tab (see page 76) displays the most frequent alarms that are detected
on a workstation.
 Icon tab that displays the Icon list (see page 77) (only displayed when the icon list is
configured for Iconic Alarming).
 Remote Network Status tab displays the Remote Network Status list (see page 80) (only
displayed when the Alarm window is configured to receive alarms from remote networks).
 Grid area where the Alarm lists display.
The tabs work together to display the various Alarm lists in the window. The information that
displays in each Alarm list is dependent upon what tab is selected.

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4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.3 Alarm Menu button

The Alarm Menu button at the top of the Alarm window provides access to several Alarm window
functions. The following figure illustrates the menu that displays from the Alarm Menu button and
the following table describes the functions.

Figure 22: Alarm Menu button example

Alarm Menu button function descriptions


Load Configuration Displays a window (see page 33) that allows you to choose a previously
saved Alarm configuration (.alm file) and apply (load) it to the current session.
This configuration contains the definitions for font, alarm window layout, views
displayed and their corresponding columns and alarm filter settings.
Save Configuration Displays a window (see page 33) that allows you to save the current Alarm
configuration settings to a file (.alm file). By default, this configuration
contains the definitions for font, alarm window layout, views displayed and
their corresponding columns and alarm filter settings.
You should provide a custom name for the saved settings so the settings can
be applied (loaded) at a later time.
Print Opens the Preview and Print menu (see page 57) where you can select the
desired Print function. This is the standard Windows Print function.
Export Opens the Save As window. You can export the contents of the Alarm
window to Text, Image, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT, RTF, XLS, and XLSX
Preferences Opens the Preferences window (see page 29) where you can save current
window settings to your user profile. The saved settings (font, color scheme,
start-up configuration, column settings, and whether or not the ribbon bar is
maximized and the grouping bar is displayed) will then appear in your next

56 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?


Alarm System Displays various windows (see page 58) that allow you to set View, Colors,
Options Configuration Settings, and application icons for the Alarm window for the
current session.
Exit Alarm System Closes the Alarm window.

4.2.4 Preview and Print menu for alarms

The Preview and Print menu provides various print options for the Alarm window as shown in the
following figures and described in the following table:

Figure 23: Preview and Print menu for Alarms

Options in the Alarm Preview and Print menu


Print Accesses the standard Microsoft Print window (see page 40).

Print Preview Accesses the Print Preview window (see page 38).
Page Setup Accesses the Page Setup window (see page 34).

Print Advance This refers to the dedicated alarm printer, not the standard Microsoft Printer.

OW360_20 57
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.5 Alarm System Options

The Alarm System Options button displays the Ovation Alarm System Options window. You can
select from the following option types:
 View.
 Colors.
 Configuration Settings.
 Iconic Configuration (see page 108).
 Start Up Options.
 About.
 Application Icon (see page 111).
The following figure is an example of the Ovation Alarm System Options with View Settings
selected. Refer to System Options (see page 22) for descriptions of all the Alarm Option

Figure 24: Example of Alarm System options window

58 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.6 Alarm Quick Access toolbar

The Alarm window has frequently used icons that appear at the top of the window in a Quick
Access toolbar. This toolbar allows for easy access to commonly used functions, instead of
navigating through the ribbon tabs. These icons are shown below and are described in the
following table from left to right.

Figure 25: Alarm Quick Access toolbar

Alarm Quick Access toolbar functions


Find Point Opens the Find Point window (see page 139).

Acknowledge Acknowledges all unacknowledged alarms/returns that are currently selected in

Ovation Alarm the Alarm window.
Page Sends a request to acknowledge all of the unacknowledged alarms and returns
Acknowledge viewed on the screen
Reset Ovation Resets all resettable returns that are currently selected in the Alarm window.
Alarm Point
Page Reset Sends a request to reset all of the acknowledge returns viewed on the screen.
Silence Audio Silences the audio alarm. Enabled only if the Audio system has been configured.
Select Mode Selects the configured mode, Normal (N) or Priority (P), to be used for filtering

4.2.7 Alarm system ribbon tabs

The Alarm window displays different types of alarm lists that provide information about each alarm
in the Ovation system. The operator interface to the Alarm system consists of an Alarm window
that contains ribbon tabs. These tabs provide a method for the operator to perform various
configuration and operations on the alarm lists.

The ribbon tabs are displayed as needed for the alarm types that are selected. The following
ribbon tabs are available in the Alarm window:
 Home ribbon tab (see page 60).
 Filter ribbon tab (see page 61).
 Value ribbon tab (see page 63).
 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab (see page 65).

OW360_20 59
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.8 Home ribbon tab in the Alarm window

The Home ribbon tab in the Alarm window provides a group of configuration options that can be
used to define the appearance of the Alarm list. The Home tab is shown in the following figure
and the options are described in the following table. The buttons may vary depending upon what
Alarm list is displayed.

Figure 26: Alarm window Home tab

60 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

Options in the Alarm window Home tab


Search Accesses the Find Point utility (see page 139).

Mode Two modes of filtering (normal mode and priority mode) exist in the alarm
system. You can configure two different scenarios for alarm filtering, one for normal
mode and one for priority mode. You can toggle between the two modes to display
two different alarm filtering settings. Alarms that pass the defined filtering
parameters for the currently selected mode (normal or priority) display in the Alarm
window at the Operator Station.
Audio If configured, the Ovation Audio alarm system produces a sound whenever an
alarm occurs. Used to silence the audio for continuous audio.
Font type Use to change the font type used in the alarm lists.
B (letter B for Use to change the font weight used in the alarm lists.
I (letter I for Use to change the font to italic in the alarm lists.
Font size menu Use to change the font size used in the alarm lists.

Select View(s) Use to display the Alarm view (or Alarm list) that displays in the Alarm window.

Select columns Use to select the columns that display in the alarm lists.

Reset Counts Use to refresh the data in the Alarm Frequency tab (see page 76).
(see page 96)

OW360_20 61
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.9 Filter ribbon tab in the Alarm window

The Filter ribbon tab in the Alarm window provides a group of configuration options that can be
used to filter the alarms that appear in the Alarm list. The Filter tab is shown in the following figure
and the options are described in the following table. Note that the same options appear for
Normal and Priority modes.

Figure 27: Alarm window Filter tab

Options in the Alarm window Filter tab


Priority arrow Displays the Priority window (see page 115) where you select the priority level
of the alarms you want to pass the filter and appear on the alarm lists. Priorities
are assigned 1 through 8, where1 is the most critical; 8 is the least critical.
Destination/ Displays the Destination window (see page 115) where you select the
Characteristics destination letter of the alarms you want to pass the filter and appear on the
arrow alarm lists. Alarm destination is defined by the first characteristic of each point's
characteristic field.
Displays the Characteristics window (see page 116) where you select the
values for each of the eight characteristic positions that make up the plant area.
Alarm Type arrow Displays the Alarm Type window (see page 118) where you select the types of
alarms you want to pass the filter and appear on the alarm lists. Choices are
Plant Web Alerts, Process Points, and Drops.
Network/Unit arrow Displays the Network/Unit window (see page 119) where you select the network
or unit of the alarms you want to pass the filter and appear on the alarm lists.

62 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.10 Value ribbon tab in the Alarm window

The Value ribbon tab in the Alarm window provides a group of operations that can be performed
on the alarms that appear in the displayed Alarm list. The Value tab is shown in the following
figure and the options are described in the following table.

Figure 28: Alarm window Value tab

OW360_20 63
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

Options for the Alarm window Value tab


Scan On/Off Sends a request to change the Scan state of the selected set of points to
On or Off.
Value Clamp On/Off Sends a request to change the Value Clamp state of the selected set of
points to On or Off.
Clamping is when the point's engineering unit value is limited.
Test Mode On/Off Sends a request to change the Test Mode state of the selected set of
points to On or Off. Test Mode must be On in order to use the Latched
Quality option.
Latched Quality Sends a request to change the Latched Quality value of the selected set of
points to Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad.
Latched quality is when the quality of a point is set to a requested value.
Test Mode must be On in order to use the Latched Quality option.
Engineering Check Sends a request to change the Engineering Range Check state of the
selected set of points to On/Off.
The engineering range, expressed in engineering units, is used to range
check each analog input. If the point is out of range, then the point quality
will be set to P (POOR) and the engineering range bit will be set. The high
or low deadbands are used to keep the point from toggling in and out of
Engineering Range. The engineering range limits do not cause an alarm.
Since this is a range check and not a limit check, if the range is 0 - 100,
then 0 and 100 are considered to be in range. Anything less than 0 or
greater than 100 is considered out of range.
Reasonability Check Sends a request to change the Reasonability Range Check state of the
selected set of points to On or Off.
The reasonability range, expressed in engineering units, is used to range
check each analog input. If the point is out of range, then the point quality
will be set to B (BAD) and the reasonability bit will be set. The high or low
deadbands are used to keep the point from toggling in and out of
Reasonability Range. The reasonability range limits do not cause an alarm.
Since this is a range check and not a limit check, if the range is 0 - 100,
then 0 and 100 are considered to be in range. Anything less than 0 or
greater than 100 is considered out of range.

64 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.11 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Alarm window

The Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Alarm window provides a group of alarm operation options that
can be performed on the alarms that appear in the displayed Alarm list. The available operations
may differ depending upon what Alarm list is displayed.

The Alarm/Limit tab is shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following

Figure 29: Alarm window Alarm/Limit tab

OW360_20 65
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

Options for the Alarm window Alarm/Limit tab


Acknowledge Acknowledges all unacknowledged alarms/returns that are currently selected

Point in the alarm window. The point acknowledge operation does not reset any
returns that are currently selected.
Acknowledge Acknowledges all unacknowledged alarms/returns displayed in the window.
Page The page acknowledge operation does not reset any returns that are present.
Any unacknowledged returns that are acknowledged still require a reset to be
removed from the Alarm List.
Reset Point Resets all resettable returns that are currently selected in the Alarm window.

Reset Page Resets all resettable returns displayed in the window.

Alarm Check Sends a request to change the state of the alarm checking of the selected set
of points to On or Off.
Alarm Shelve Allows you shelve or unshelve a point.
Shelve/Unshelve When a point is shelved, you are asked to select duration. The point remains
shelved for that duration unless it is manually unshelved.
Limit Check Sends a request to change the state of the limit checking of the selected set of
points to On or Off.
Auto Cutout Sends a request to change the state of the Auto Cutout of the selected set of
points to Enabled or Disabled.

66 OW360_20
4.2 Understanding the main Operator Station Alarm window?

4.2.12 Alarm window Status bar

The Status bar is located at the bottom of the Alarm window. Alarm counts are located in different
areas of the Status bar.

Figure 30: Alarm window status bar

Options for the Alarm window status bar


Total Alarms Total number of alarms that pass the current Alarm List filter.

Acknowledged Total number of acknowledged alarms that pass the current Alarm List filter
Unacknowledged Total number of unacknowledged alarms that pass the current Alarm List filter.

Resets Total number of resettable returns that pass the Alarm List filter.
Alarm Check Total number of alarm check removed alarms that pass the Alarm Check
Remove Removed filter.
This icon on the Status bar identifies the Alarm window that is in control of the
peripheral's filtering parameters, for example, audio, historian station, and the
dedicated line-by-line alarm printing. If you want to change the audible filtering
parameters, you must change the filter through the Filter tab in the Alarm window.
The Ovation Keyboard interacts with the last active Graphic window. The last
active Graphic window is designated by the icon indication in the Status bar.

OW360_20 67
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm
The Alarm window displays different types of alarm lists that provide information about each alarm
in the Ovation system.

The Operator interface to the Alarm system consists of an Alarm window that contains multiple
tabs. These tabs display the following alarm lists:
 Alarm list (see page 70).
 Alarm History list (see page 71).
 Acknowledged Alarm list (see page 72).
 Unacknowledged Alarm list (see page 73).
 Reset list (see page 74).
 Alarm Suppressed list (see page 75).
 Icon list (see page 77) (only displayed when the icon list is configured for Iconic Alarming).
 Alarm Frequency tab (see page 76).
 Remote Network Status list (see page 80) (only displayed when the Alarm window is
configured to receive alarms from remote networks).
When an alarm occurs, it appears on the Alarm list, the History list, and the Unacknowledged list.
After the alarm is acknowledged, it remains on the Alarm list until it returns to normal and the
return is acknowledged and reset. After the return is reset, the alarm goes off all the Alarm lists.

Note: You can select the desired style of Alarm window from the Developer Studio. The
recommended setting is the Enhanced Grid Mode Style (default) which does not allow gaps or
blank lines in Alarm lists. This provides for better grouping and sorting of alarms.
You can also use the Legacy/Classic Style setting, which displays lists as they appeared in Pre-
3.3.1 Ovation releases. This style allows gaps and blank lines in Alarm lists.

Each list (except the Icon and Remote Network Status lists) incorporates two modes of filtering,
Normal and Priority. A single button switches each display between the two modes of filtering.
The tabs in the Alarm Filtering Definition window correspond to the alarm lists.

From the Alarm window, you can perform individual, group, or page alarm acknowledgment.

You can also right-click a point alarm item in an alarm list to access a Point Menu (see page 42)
that provides information about the point.

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4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

The following table shows the data that is displayed for each point type on the Alarm List, Alarm
History List, Acknowledged Alarm List, Unacknowledged Alarm List, and the Reset List.

Alarm Data


Analog Alarm, returns Date, time, alarm type, code, point name, description, value, units, limit
incrementals, alarm priority, alarm destination, and plant mode.

Digital Alarm, returns Date, time, alarm type, code, point name, description, set/reset, value,
alarm priority, alarm destination, and plant mode.
Drop Alarm, returns Date, time, alarm type, point name, description, fault code/fault
identification, fault parameters 1 and 2, alarm priority, and alarm
Packed Group alarms Date, time, alarm type, point name, description, value (in its binary
representation), blank or “T” (time out), bits in alarms in binary, alarm
priority, alarm destination, and plant mode.
Packed Group Alarms Date, time, alarm type, PN, ED, set/reset description, value, attention
Used as Devices code, override code, and alarm description.
State Change Date, time, alarm type, code, point name, description, set/reset, value
quality. State Change only applies to the alarms shown on the Alarm
History List.
Time-Outs When a timed-out point is in alarm and displayed on the Alarm List or
Unacknowledged Alarm List, or Reset List, the Quality field displays
the letter “T.”
The letter “T” only appears on the Alarm History List if the list is
updated after the point times out.
Plant Web Alerts Date, time, alarm type, code, point name, description, value (identifies
the specific alerts that are active), quality, alarm priority, alarm
Node/Module Date, time, alarm type, PN, ED, value (binary)/Quality, bits in alarm
(binary), alarm priority, alarm destination.
Alarm Suppressed Date, time, alarm type, suppressed alarm type, code, point name,
description, Net Alias, AP, AY, value, quality, units, limit, incr, PM,
return to service, reason

OW360_20 69
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.1 Alarm List in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm List has the following attributes:

 Displays the current system alarms and returns.
 Value and status of the alarms constantly update.
 Displays all the points designated by the Alarm list filtering criteria for the current alarm mode
(Normal or Priority).
 Displays the most recent alarms on the first page, with the capability to access more alarms
by paging backwards.
 In the Legacy/Classic alarm window style, each alarm point appears once in this list. When an
existing alarm changes state causing a new alarm event, either the new status writes over the
old status or the new status is added to the top of the display and the old status is removed.
This is configurable.
 Displays the total number of points currently in alarm. You can select alarm entries from the
list and acknowledge them. This changes the color of the alarm to indicate that the alarm is
 Alarm events are color-coded and you can configure the alarms so that different priority
alarms display in different colors. You can also use colors to differentiate between an
acknowledged status and an unacknowledged alarm.
The following figure shows an example of the Alarm window displaying the Home tab in
combination with the List tab.

Figure 31: Alarm window example

70 OW360_20
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.2 History list in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm History list has the following attributes:

 Each alarm point may appear in this list several times.
 Displays all the points designated by the History filtering criteria for the current alarm mode
(Normal or Priority).
 All incrementals and returns display as individual entries.
 Displays the most recent alarms on the first page, with scrolling capabilities available for
paging back.
 Contains the 15,000 most recent alarm events (alarms, returns, and state changes).
The following figure shows an example of the Alarm window displaying the Home tab in
combination with the History tab.

Figure 32: History list in the Alarm window

OW360_20 71
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.3 Acknowledged list in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Acknowledged list has the following attributes:

 Displays the current acknowledged alarms.
 Displays all the points designated by the Acknowledged filtering criteria for the current alarm
mode (Normal or Priority).
 When an acknowledged alarm returns to normal or becomes unacknowledged, it is removed
from the list.
 Each alarm point appears once in this list.
 Value and status of the alarms constantly update.
The following figure shows an example of the Alarm window displaying the Home tab in
combination with the Acknowledged tab.

Figure 33: Acknowledged list in the Alarm window

72 OW360_20
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.4 Unacknowledged list in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Unacknowledged Alarm list has the following attributes:

 Displays all the points designated by the unacknowledged filtering criteria for the current
alarm mode (Normal or Priority).
 Value and status of the alarms constantly update.
 Removes the alarm when the alarm is acknowledged.
 Alarm point appears only once in this list.
 When all alarms in the system are acknowledged, this list is blank.
 Adds the newest alarms to the end of the list (in Legacy/Classic alarm style only).
 Displays the alarms in reverse order with the oldest unacknowledged alarm appearing at the
top of the first page (in Legacy/Classic alarm style only).
The following figure shows an example of the Alarm window displaying the Home tab in
combination with the Unacknowledged tab.

Figure 34: Unacknowledged list in the Alarm window

OW360_20 73
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.5 Reset list in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Reset Alarm list has the following attributes:

 Value and status of the alarms constantly update.
 Displays all the points designated by the Reset filtering criteria for the current alarm mode
(Normal or Priority).
 Displays all the resettable returns in reverse order of the Alarm list. New resettable returns
are placed at the bottom of the list (in Legacy/Classic alarm style only).
The following figure shows an example of the Alarm window displaying the Home tab in
combination with the Reset tab.

Figure 35: Reset list in the Alarm window

74 OW360_20
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.6 Alarm Suppressed list in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm Suppressed list contains points that are suppressed from alarm because of being
cutout, shelved, alarm check removed, or limit check removed. The list also contains any point
that has an active cutout condition or active shelved condition even if the point is still in alarm.

The suppressed list allows you to unshelve the points, put the points back on alarm checking and
back on limit checking.

The Alarm Suppressed list has the following attributes:

 Displays all the alarms that are currently suppressed.
 Displays the shelve status, cutout status, return to service, and reason in the list.
 Displays the date, time, point name, and description of each point in the list.
 Allows you to turn alarm checking back on from the list.
The following figure shows an example of the Alarm window displaying the Alarm/Limit tab in
combination with the Alarm Suppressed list.

Figure 36: Alarm Suppressed list in the Alarm window

OW360_20 75
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.7 Alarm Frequency list in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm Frequency tab allows you to view the most frequent alarms that are detected on a
workstation. The tab allows you to identify the number of times a local point goes into an alarm
condition. It displays a running total of the most frequent alarms since the workstation has been
turned on.

However, this feature is only applicable to local alarms and not remote alarms.

The following figure shows an example of the Alarm window displaying the Alarm Frequency tab.

Figure 37: Alarm Frequency tab

76 OW360_20
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.8 Iconic List in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Iconic Alarm list has the following attributes:

 Provides a mechanism to group alarms based on their priority and their plant area.
 These groups of alarms are represented by preconfigured bitmaps (tiles).
 A currently selected alarm group is indicated by a colored border around the icon tile.
 The location (row, column) of the currently selected alarm displays on the Status bar.
You must configure iconic alarming in order to add an Iconic tab to the Alarm window. After you
have configured Iconic alarming (see To display the Iconic alarms (see page 108)), you can
display it in the Operator Station Alarm window in the Iconic list tab (refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide for information about configuring Iconic alarms).

Perform the following to add an Iconic tab to the Alarm window:

1. In the Alarm window, click the Home tab.

2. Click the Select View drop-down menu. The Choose View list appears.
3. Select Iconic.
4. Click the right-arrow to move the Iconic option to the Selected View list.
5. Click OK.

Figure 38: Adding an Iconic tab in the Alarm window

OW360_20 77
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

6. Use the Iconic Configuration Options window (see page 108) to select the desired type of
Iconic alarm display.
 Iconic (only Iconic tiles appear)

Figure 39: Iconic tab

78 OW360_20
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

 Icon With List (Iconic tiles and list of alarms associated with a selected tile appear)

Figure 40: Iconic With List tab

Note that in the previous figure, the currently selected alarm group is signified with a red
border drawn around the icon tile. In addition, the selected group’s location (row, column)
displays on the Status bar and the alarms associated with the selected Icon are listed.

OW360_20 79
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

4.3.9 Remote Network Status list in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Remote Network Status list has the following attributes:

 Presents detailed information concerning each remote network connection.
 Allows the user to select what information to display in the list.

Note: If you do not configure the alarm display to receive alarms from remote networks, the
Remote Network Status tab does not display.

Figure 41: Remote Network Status list in Alarm window

80 OW360_20
4.3 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that display in the Alarm window

To select the columns that you want to display in the Remote Network Status tab:

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select the Remote Network Status tab.
3. Select the Home ribbon tab.
4. Select the Column(s) window.
5. Select the Remote Network Status view.
6. Select the desired columns and then select OK.

The columns choices are defined as follows:

ID - Remote network ID.

Alias - Remote network alias.

Status - Identifies the status of the connection to the remote network.

Alarm Data Server Connection - Identifies the alarm data server where the remote alarm
messages are originating from. When the connection to the alarm data server is lost, it designates
which server the alarm system last connected to.

Primary Alarm Data Server - IP address of the primary alarm data server on the remote network.
This is the machine that sends the remote alarm messages.

Secondary Alarm Data Sever - IP address of the secondary alarm data server on the remote
network. This is the machine that sends the remote alarm messages.

OW360_20 81
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns

4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns

Alarm information is contained in columns in the Alarm window. You can select (see page 139)
which columns to display in the Alarm window and each column is sizable.

You can change the size of the column to automatically fit all the data in that column. Place the
cursor between the columns until the cursor changes shapes and then double-click.

You can also change the size of the columns manually. Place the cursor between the columns,
press the left mouse button down and drag the column to a new size.

The columns can provide the following information about the alarms:
 Date and Time (see page 82).
 Alarm Types (see page 83).
 Suppressed Alarm Type (see page 86).
 Code (see page 86).
 Name (see page 86).
 Description (see page 87).
 Alarm Priority (AP) (see page 87).
 Alarm Destination (AY) (see page 87).
 Value/Quality (Q) (see page 88).
 Units (see page 88).
 Limit (see page 89).
 Incremental Limit (Incr) it (see page 89).
 Plant Mode (see page 89).
 Network ID (see page 89).
 Net Alias (see page 89).
 Incrementals and Returns (see page 89).
 Shelve Status (see page 90).
 Cutout Status (see page 90).
 Return To Service (see page 90).
 Reason (see page 90).
 Priority (see page 91).

4.4.1 Date and Time column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Date and Time column displays the date when the alarm occurred in month, day, and year
format (for example, 11/20/2009).

The Date and Time column displays the timestamp when the alarm occurred. By default, hours,
minutes, and seconds display (for example, 3:30:40 PM). You can also display milliseconds (for
example, 3:30:40.990 PM) in the alarm Time column by using the Developer Studio to configure
the Alarm Display tab. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

If desired, you can enable the OCR400 and OCR1100 Controllers to alarm timestamp to the 1
millisecond level by configuring the Point Processing tab. (Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio
User Guide.)

82 OW360_20
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns

4.4.2 Alarm Type column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm Type column displays the state of the alarm.

The alarm status represents the present state of the alarm condition. The following table lists the
status types and possible states of alarm condition.

Alarm types


Analog RETURN Point has returned to normal.

SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
HIGH1 High1 alarm. The value exceeded the high 1 limit.
HIGH2 High2 alarm. The value exceeded the high 2 limit.
HIGH3 High3 alarm. The value exceeded the high 3 limit.
HIGH4 High4 alarm. The value exceeded the high 4 limit.
HI WRS High Worse alarm. The high incremental alarm limit was passed
going away from normal.
HI BET High Better alarm. The high incremental alarm limit was passed
going toward normal.
H1/HUDA High1 High UDA (User-defined Alarm) alarm. The point is in
high 1 alarm and the value has also exceeded the high UDA
alarm limit.
H2/HUDA High2 High UDA alarm. The point is in high 2 alarm and the
value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
H3/HUDA High3 High UDA alarm. The point is in high 3 alarm and the
value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
H4/HUDA High4 High UDA alarm. The point is in high 4 alarm and the
value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
HW/HUDA High Worse High UDA alarm. The point is in high worse alarm
and has also exceeded the high UDA limit.
HB/HUDA High Better UDA alarm. The point is in high better alarm and has
also exceeded the high UDA limit.
H1/ LUDA High1 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 1 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
H2/ LUDA High2 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 2 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
H3/ LUDA High3 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 3 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
H4/ LUDA High4 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 4 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
HW/LUDA High Worse Low UDA alarm. The point is in high worse and has
also exceeded the low UDA limit.
HB/LUDA High Better Low UDA alarm. The point is in high better and has
also exceeded the low UDA limit.
LOW1 Low1 alarm. The value exceeded the low 1 limit.

OW360_20 83
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns


LOW2 Low2 alarm. The value exceeded the low 2 limit.

LOW3 Low3 alarm. The value exceeded the low 3 limit.

LOW4 Low4 alarm. The value exceeded the low 4 limit.

LO WRS Low Worse alarm. The low incremental alarm limit was passed
going away from normal.
LO BET Low Better alarm. The low incremental alarm limit was passed
going toward normal.
L1/HUDA Low1 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 1 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L2/HUDA Low2 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 2 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L3/HUDA Low3 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 3 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L4/HUDA Low4 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 4 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
LW/HUDA Low Worse High UDA alarm. The point is in low worse alarm and
the value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
LB/HUDA Low Better High UDA alarm. The point is in low better alarm and
the value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L1/LUDA Low1 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 1 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
L2/LUDA Low2 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 2 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
L3/LUDA Low3 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 3 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
L4/LUDA Low4 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 4 alarm and the value
has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
LW/LUDA Low Worse Low UDA alarm. The point is in low worse alarm and
the value has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
LB/LUDA Low Better Low UDA alarm. The point is in low better alarm and
the value has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
HI UDA High UDA alarm. The value has exceeded the high UDA alarm

LO UDA Low UDA alarm. The value has exceeded the low UDA alarm
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from
alarm before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears
in the Alarm History List.
TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
SID ALM SID Alarm. The SID Alarm can be set when:
 The limit field for the point is a SID and a limit read error has
been detected for that point.
 The SID used to determine cutout is invalid.

84 OW360_20
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns


Digital RETURN Point has returned to normal.

SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from
alarm before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears
only in the Alarm History List.
ALARM Point is in a digital alarm state.
ST CHG The digital changed state. This status appears only in the Alarm
History List.
SID ALM SID Alarm. The SID Alarm is set when the SID used to determine
cutout is invalid.
Packed Group RETURN Point has returned to normal.
Module TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
Records SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from
alarm before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears
only in the Alarm History List.
ALARM Point is in alarm.
SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
SID ALM SID Alarm. The SID Alarm can set when the SID used to
determine cutout is invalid.
Packed Group CLEAR Point has returned to normal.
Used as a
Device ALARM Point is in alarm (state alarm).
OPERAT Operational failure (general description).
INSENS Input sensor failure.
OUTSEN Output sensor failure.
ALARM_SN Output sensor failure and state alarm.
TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from
alarm before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears
only in the Alarm History List.
SID ALM SID alarm. The SID Alarm can set when the SID used to
determine cutout is invalid.
SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
PlantWeb RETURN Drop has returned to normal.
TIMEOUT Drop has timed out.
DEVALRT The field device is in alarm. The value field identifies the specific
alert(s) that are active.

OW360_20 85
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns


Drop RETURN Drop has returned to normal.

TIMEOUT Drop has timed out.
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from
alarm before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears
in the Alarm History List.
ALARM Drop is in alarm.
INC AL Drop alarm which has added faults. This status appears in the
Alarm History List.

4.4.3 Suppressed Alarm Type column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Suppressed Alarm Type column identifies the alarm type that is being suppressed. It
identifies what alarm the point would be in if it was not currently being suppressed from alarm.

4.4.4 Code column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Code column displays the alarm removed code. The code choices are:
 LR = The point is limit check removed.
 SC = The point is scan off (scan removed).
 AR = The point is alarm check removed (point removed from alarm by an operator).
 AR-C = Alarm Off Re-inhibit
 CO = Any cutout condition is set, but the point might not be suppressed from alarm. The type
of cutout depends on mode of cutout (see page 91).
 CA = The point is suppressed from alarm. This could be because it is cutout, shelved, alarm
check removed, or limit check removed.
 RD = Return delay.
 PS = The point is shelved.
 XA = The point is suppressed from an alarm.
PlantWeb Alert codes:
 AR = Alarm check removed.
 CS = Communication suppressed.
 FS = Failed suppressed.
 NS = Abnormal suppressed.
 MS = Maintenance suppressed.
 AS = Advisory suppressed.

4.4.5 Name column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Name column displays the point name of the alarm.

86 OW360_20
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns

4.4.6 Description column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Description column displays the description of the point. This can be the English Description
which displays up to 30 characters or the Alarm Description which displays up to 45 characters.
This is configured in the Alarm Display tab in the Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

4.4.7 Alarm Priority (AP) column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm Priority (AP) column displays the alarm priority defined for the point. When the point is
in sensor alarm and configured to use sensor characteristics and sensor priority, the sensor
priority field (ZP) is used rather than the alarm priority field.

4.4.8 Alarm Destination (AY) column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm Destination (AY) column displays the alarm destination defined for the point. When
the point is in sensor alarm and configured to use sensor characteristics and sensor priority, the
first character of the sensor characteristics field (YR) is used instead of the AY field.

4.4.9 Characteristics column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Characteristics column displays the characteristics field defined for the point. When a point is
in sensor alarm, the application uses the sensor characteristic (YR) instead of the characteristics
field (KR). The sensor characteristic is used when the point is in sensor alarm if the point has
been configured to use the sensor characteristics and sensor priority.

4.4.10 Alarm Frequency Count column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm Frequency Count column only appears in the Alarm Frequency tab (see page 94).

This column displays the alarm frequency count list, which is constantly updated. The entries can
be added to the list and deleted from the list as the counts change.

OW360_20 87
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns

4.4.11 Value/Quality (Q) columns for the Operator Station Alarm window

The point value continually updates on the Alarm List, the Unacknowledged Alarm List,
Acknowledged Alarm List, and Reset List. The possible options are:
 Analog Value/Quality (Q) – displays the value of the analog point with its quality (blank =
good, P = poor, F = fair, B = bad, or T = timed out). Value/Q displays are always displayed
by default.
 Digital Value/Quality (Q) – displays the status description of the digital point (SET/RESET)
followed by the value (1 or 0) and the point’s quality. This is only used with digital points.
 Packed Group Value – displays the current digital value in binary followed by an indication
identifying whether or not the point is timed out, which is followed by the bits in alarm
(displayed in binary). For packed group alarm points, the value field (displayed in binary
notation) is followed by a “T” if the point is timed out. This is followed by the bits in alarm
(displayed in binary). For packed group points used as devices, the set/reset field is followed
by the value.
 Module/Node Records – lists value (displayed in binary) followed by the quality. The
value/quality is followed by the bits in alarm displayed in binary. For the modules value field,
the value field (displayed in binary notation) is followed by quality and the bits in alarm
(displayed in binary).
 PlantWeb Alerts - contains the currently active alert types. For example, if a PlantWeb alert
has an active Failed, Maintenance, and Advisory alert, the value field would display "FAILED
MAINT ADVISE." The following values display for the specific alert type:
 FAILED - Failed Alert.
 MAINT - Maintenance Alert.
 ADVISE - Advisory Alert.
 NO_COMM - Communication Alert.
 ABNORMAL - Abnormal Alert.
 Drop Alarms – the drop description displays. The drop description identifies the fault code,
fault ID, and fault parameters 1 and 2.
 Quality – The Ovation system supports four quality states: Good, Fair, Poor, and Bad, plus
the condition Timed-out. Each indicates the condition of the point to the operator and to the
The system can be configured to display an additional quality reason clarifier after the point
quality description. If the reasons are to be displayed, you should configure the system to set
the order of precedence for the quality reasons in addition to the text that is displayed for
each reason. If multiple reasons are present, only the reason with the highest precedent
displays. You can view all of the applicable quality reasons in the Value/Status tab on the
Point Information window.

4.4.12 Units column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Units column displays engineering units of analog points. For packed points used as devices,
the attention code is followed by the emergency override code.

88 OW360_20
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns

4.4.13 Limit column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Limit column displays the high or low limit for analog points.

Alarm limits are applicable only to analog points. This field (“Limit”) displays the highX or lowX
where X is 1-4 (or High UDA or Low UDA limit, providing the point is only in UDA alarm) limit that
was exceeded, not the incremental limit. When the alarm has returned to normal (or is in sensor
alarm or the SID alarm), the Limits field is blank. For packed points used as devices, the alarm
description displays. The Alarm descriptions are: Tripped, No Response, Did Not Open, Did Not
Close, Did Not Stop, Did Not Start, and Blank.

4.4.14 Incremental Limit (Incr) column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Incremental Limit column displays the incremental limit for analog points. For high alarms, the
high incremental limit displays. For low alarms, the low incremental limit displays.

Incremental limits are applicable only to analog points. This field (“Incr”) displays the high
incremental limit when any high alarm limit is exceeded or the low incremental alarm when any
low alarm limit is exceeded. When incremental alarms are activated, information can be sent to
the Operator workstation to indicate whether the value of the point is moving further away from, or
closer to, the high or low limit. When the alarm has returned to normal (or is in sensor alarm), this
field is blank.

For analog records, the incremental limit displays. The incremental limit is not displayed if the
high/low incremental limit checking is turned off (this is determined by the “LB” record field).
(Refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.)

4.4.15 Plant Mode (PM) column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Plant Mode column displays the plant mode at the time of the alarm (Plant Mode is only valid
for deluxe record types).

4.4.16 Network ID column for the Operator Station Alarm window

Network ID column displays the network ID. This column is not a part of the typical display, but
can be added through the Add/Remove Columns dialog box.

4.4.17 Network Alias column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Network Alias column displays the network alias. This column is not a part of the typical
display, but can be added through the Add/Remove Columns dialog box.

OW360_20 89
4.4 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns

4.4.18 Incrementals and Returns column for the Operator Station Alarm window

Incrementals always appear on the Alarm List, Unacknowledged Alarm List, and the Reset List.

There are two configuration options that affect how incrementals and returns are shown on all
these lists.

1. Incrementals and returns can remain in their original position on the list as defined by the time
the point went into alarm.
2. Incrementals and returns are removed from their original position and placed at the top of the
Alarm List and at the bottom of the Unacknowledged List and Reset List.

Returns are an indication that a point previously in alarm has returned to normal and is no longer
in alarm.

Returns always appear on the Alarm History List. If specified during configuration, returns can
also appear or not appear on the Alarm List, Unacknowledged List, or the Reset List.

For systems with iconic alarming, you may specify that unacknowledged returns and resettable
returns can either be maintained in the alarm group or automatically removed.

If the alarm list is sorted, any new entry or incremental is placed where it belongs in the sorted

4.4.19 Shelve Status column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Shelve Status column displays the shelve status of a point. If the point is an analog point and
the limits are shelved, it displays what limits are shelved.

4.4.20 Cutout Status column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Cutout Status column displays the cutout status of the point. If the point is an analog point
and the limits are cutout individually, it displays what limits are cutout.

4.4.21 Return To Service column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Return To Service column displays the time that the automatic unshelve operation will occur.

4.4.22 Reason column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Reason column displays the description you entered when the point was alarm check
removed or shelved.

90 OW360_20
4.5 Understanding alarm cutout at the Operator Station

4.4.23 Priority column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Priority column displays an icon that provides alarm information as well as the priority. This
alarm icon matches the color scheme that is used by the alarm graphic element. The actual icon
displayed is one of a predefined set of bitmaps, which match the predefined set of shapes for
each priority. For additional details on the alarm shapes and colors configuration, refer to the
applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

Note: The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station application that displays alarm
priority: Alarm window, Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point Review.

4.5 Understanding alarm cutout at the Operator Station

Alarm cutout is an optional function that either stops a point from alarming or stops an alarmed
point from displaying an alarm message. You use the Developer Studio to select the desired type
of alarm cutout for your Ovation system and to select the points that you want to configure for
cutout. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

Alarm cutout is applicable for analog, digital, and packed points.

An example of using the alarm cutout function is to configure points with cutout in order to
eliminate nuisance alarms under certain conditions such as during plant startup.

4.5.1 What Operator Station applications use status colors for cutout points?

All Operator Station applications that display the status of alarms use the default alarm colors that
are defined in the Studio. Applications that use status colors are:
 Alarm lists (see page 91).
 Point Information (see page 92).
 Graphics Display (see page 93).
 Point Review (see page 93).
 Trends (see page 94).
If you want to change the default alarm colors, use the appropriate alarm color tabs in the Studio
and download the changes to the drop. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration

OW360_20 91
4.5 Understanding alarm cutout at the Operator Station

4.5.2 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station alarm lists

The operator interface to the alarm system consists of alarm display windows. These windows
display various types of alarm lists (see page 68).

If you configure the alarm cutout type to inhibit alarm generation (Refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide.):
 When a process point reaches alarm conditions, no alarm generates.
 If the process point is already in alarm and you apply this cutout type:
 The point is removed from alarm.
 The alarm message is removed from the Alarm list.
 A return message with CA (cutout) in the code column appears in the History list. This
identifies that the alarm returned as a result of being cut out. However, the alarm
message can have a CO in the code column. This identifies that a cutout condition is set,
but the point is not suppressed from alarm.

Note: If the code is CO, the message would not be RETURN.

 A return message (with CA code) is sent to the Historian and to the alarm printer.

If you configure the alarm cutout type to inhibit alarm display:

 When the process point reaches alarm conditions, an alarm is set, but no alarm messages
appear in alarm lists.
 If the process point is already in alarm and this cutout type is applied:
 The alarm message is removed from the Alarm list, Unacknowledged list, Acknowledged
list, Reset list, and Icon list. The alarm message does not appear in the History list and is
not printed.
 The alarm message is sent to the Historian whenever the point transitions even though the
message does not display on the alarm screen.

4.5.3 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Point Information


Point Information (PI) windows display at the Operator Station and provide access to detailed
information about each point in the Ovation network.

If you configure the alarm cutout type to inhibit alarm generation, when a process point is
cutout, the Alarm Status field in the PI Alarm tab for the cutout process point displays Cutout even
if the point is not in alarm. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

If you configure the alarm cutout type to inhibit alarm display, the Alarm Status field in the PI
Alarm tab for the cutout process point displays the alarm state along with the cutout indication, for
example, HIGH3 CO.

If a point is cutout, any color used in the applicable PI windows to indicate the alarm status of that
point will then use the color that indicates the point is not in alarm.

92 OW360_20
4.5 Understanding alarm cutout at the Operator Station

4.5.4 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Graphic Display


The Graphics Display System (also known as the Process Diagram System) allows you to view
graphic diagrams at the Operator Station.

If a point is cutout, any color used in applicable graphics to indicate the alarm status of that point
will then use the color that indicates the point is not in alarm.

Figure 42: Graphics display window

4.5.5 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Point Review windows

The Point Review function displays information and live values for selected points in the system.

If you configure the alarm cutout type in your Ovation system to inhibit alarm generation, when
a point is cutout, the Alarm Status field displays Cutout, the Point Status field displays CO, and
no alarm generates. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

If you configure the alarm cutout type in your Ovation system to inhibit alarm display, the Alarm
Status field displays the alarm type for the cutout process point. The Point Status field for the
cutout point displays CO. Also, any field in the Point Review window that displays alarm color
uses the color that indicates the point is not in alarm.

OW360_20 93
4.6 Understanding the Alarm Frequency tab

4.5.6 Displaying alarm cutout points in Operator Station Trend windows

The Trend Display system displays data samples collected for live points on the Ovation Network
in graphical or tabular trends.

If you configure the alarm cutout type in your Ovation system to inhibit alarm generation, when
a point reaches alarm conditions, no alarm generates. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide.) If the process point is already in alarm, and this cutout type is applied, then
the point is removed from alarm.

If you configure the alarm cutout type in your Ovation system to inhibit alarm display, the point
names and their values appear in Trends. Also, any field in the Trend window that displays alarm
status uses the color that indicates the point is not in alarm.

4.6 Understanding the Alarm Frequency tab

The Alarm Frequency tab contains a list of the most frequent alarms that have been detected on a
workstation. The alarm frequency list is filtered based on priority, destination, alarm types, and
unit of the local network. The alarm frequency count is constantly updated and entries can be
added to the list and deleted from the list as the counts change.

The Alarm Frequency tab contains the following columns. Name (see page 86), AP (see page
87), AY (see page 87), Description (see page 87), Alarm Frequency Count (see page 87), and
Characteristics (see page 87).

You can reorganize the location of these fields. See To add/remove/reorganize columns for the
Operator Station Alarm window (see page 139).

Figure 43: Fields in the Alarm Frequency tab

94 OW360_20
4.6 Understanding the Alarm Frequency tab

4.6.1 To update the number of most frequent alarms in the Alarm Frequency tab

By default, the Alarm Frequency tab displays 10 of the most frequent alarms at one time. To
change the number of the most frequent alarms, update the Alarm configuration in the Ovation
Developer Studio. For configuration details, refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration

4.6.2 Alarm frequency count with incremental alarms

You must configure the incremental alarm settings in the Ovation Developer Studio in order to
include incremental alarms in the total alarm count. For configuration details, refer to the Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide.

Once incremental alarms are configured, they are added to the most frequent alarms. You can
count these incremental alarms on the basis of increase in the alarm count. The alarm count is
increased when a point gets incrementally worse or better and also when it goes into an alarm
from a returned or a "not in an alarm" state. This is explained below with the help of examples.

The following examples describe how to count the alarms (with or without incremental alarms)
when the alarm states are changing.

 Example 1: If a point is in an alarm state such as:
Alarm -> Return -> Alarm
Alarm Count: The alarm count in the Alarm Frequency list will be increased by two for this
 Example 2: If you add incremental alarms to Example 1, the alarm states will change as
Alarm Count: The alarm count in the Alarm Frequency list will now be six.

Note: This condition applies to analog points, packed points, and devices. The condition also
applies to any point that can incrementally add additional alarm states.

OW360_20 95
4.6 Understanding the Alarm Frequency tab

4.6.3 Alarm frequency count without incremental alarms

By default, the incremental alarms count is NOT included in the alarm frequency count. You must
specifically configure the incremental alarm settings in the Ovation Developer Studio to include
the incremental alarms in the total alarm count. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide for more information. To count the total alarms without incremental alarms,
use the following examples:

 Example 1: If a point is in an alarm state such as:
Alarm -> Return -> Alarm
Alarm Count: The alarm count in the Alarm Frequency list will be increased by two for this
 Example 2: If you do not include incremental alarms in the total alarm count, the alarm state
changes as follows:
Alarm Count: In this example, you count only the initial alarm state. So, the total alarm count
in the Alarm Frequency list is 2.

4.6.4 Resetting the data in the Alarm Frequency tab

The Reset Counts button resets all of the alarm frequency counts back to zero. It clears the Alarm
Frequency List and rebuilds the list as new alarms are detected.

Figure 44: Reset alarm count button

96 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

You can perform several functions such as selecting an alarm, acknowledging an alarm, resetting
an alarm, and so forth in the Alarm window at the Operator Station.

4.7.1 To select alarms in the Alarm window at the Operator Station

You can select each alarm or return message displayed in the Alarm window. To select the
specified alarm message, left-click the message and deselect any other selected alarms. A
selected alarm message is designated by a check in the check box located in the first column.

You can select multiple lines by holding down the Shift key and left-clicking a point. This selects
all the points between the original message and the other selected message. When the Control
key is held while using the left mouse button, it acts as a toggle. If a point is selected, it deselects
the point. Otherwise, it selects the point. It does not change the status of other points that are

The selection can be changed by left-clicking on another point. This selection deselects any
previously selected points. Only the viewable alarm messages can be selected.

Drag and drop can be invoked by placing the cursor on the alarm message, clicking on the left
mouse button, and dragging it to the desired location. When the button is released, the fully
qualified point name is dropped in the selected location.

Select an alarm message with the right mouse button to display the Point Information Point Menu
(see page 42) and access it:

Figure 45: Point menu

OW360_20 97
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.2 To acknowledge an alarm at the Operator Station

When an alarm occurs, some type of user action is typically required. For this reason, you must
acknowledge each alarm, indicating an awareness of the alarm condition.

Alarms are acknowledged on a point-by-point basis and are broadcast system wide; that is, when
one operator acknowledges an alarm, it is acknowledged at every station. (Drop timeouts are not
broadcast system wide.)

Note: If you disable the acknowledgment function, you are not able to acknowledge alarms from
the Alarm window or the Ovation Keyboard. Also, if running the Continuous Audio System, the
Silence Audio button on the Alarm window and the Ovation Keyboard is inactive. (Refer to the
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

To acknowledge an alarm, follow these steps.

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select one of the alarm list tabs that display alarms that are not yet acknowledged. For
example, you could select the List tab, the History tab, or the Unacknowledged tab.
3. Select the Alarm/Limit ribbon tab.
4. Select the desired alarm(s) in the Alarm window. More than one alarm may be chosen. All
selected alarms are designated with the check mark in the left most column.
5. To acknowledge one alarm, select the Point Acknowledge icon.
If alarm functions are enabled on the standard keyboard, select F2 to perform Point
Acknowledge. See Alarm Keyboard Functions (see page 129) for more information.
6. To acknowledge all points currently displayed on the screen, select the Page Acknowledge
If alarm functions are enabled on the standard keyboard, select F3 to perform Page
Acknowledge. See Alarm Keyboard Functions (see page 129) for more information.

98 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

7. The acknowledged alarm(s) will now appear in the List tab or the Acknowledged tab.

Figure 46: Acknowledge alarms

OW360_20 99
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.3 To reset an alarm at the Operator Station

You must reset an acknowledged return before it is removed from the Alarm List. Acknowledged
returns are reset by point or by page. Use one of the following procedures to reset a return:

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select the desired acknowledged return(s) in the Alarm window. More than one return may be
chosen. All selected returns are designated with a check in the check box located in the first
3. Select the Reset button on the Alarm/Limit ribbon tab, or select the Point Reset button on the
Quick Access toolbar (see page 58) to perform the point reset. You may also use the Point
Reset button on the Ovation Keyboard. See Alarm Keyboard Functions (see page 129) for
more information.
If alarm functions are enabled on the standard keyboard, select F4 to perform Point Reset.
4. To reset all points currently displayed on the screen, click the Page Reset button on the
Alarm/Limit ribbon tab, or on the Quick Access toolbar (see page 58). You may also use the
Page Reset button on the Ovation Keyboard. See Alarm Keyboard Functions (see page 129)
for more information.

100 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

If alarm functions are enabled on the standard keyboard, select F5 to perform Page Reset.

Note: If you disable the acknowledge function in the Ovation configuration tools, you cannot
perform reset operations.

Figure 47: Acknowledge alarms

OW360_20 101
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.4 To shelve a point using the Alarm window

To shelve a point using the Alarm window:

1. Access the Operator Station Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select a point to be shelve.
3. From the Alarm/Limit menu, select SHELVE or from the point context menu select
Operations-->Shelve. A pop-up box appears as shown in the following figure.
 In the Reason box, enter a reason you want to shelve the point.
 In the Unshelve In list, select shelve duration. The point remains shelved for that
duration unless it is manually unshelved (see page 104).

Figure 48: Select shelve duration

4. Click OK.

Note: You can also shelve a point using the Point Information window and System Viewer
window at the Operator Station.

102 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.5 To shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the context menu

To shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the context menu of Alarm window, follow
these steps.

1. Access the Operator Station Alarm window (see page 53).

2. To shelve, from the Alarm list, select an analog point for which you have defined the limits.
3. Right-click the point to view the context menu. Select Operations-->Shelve and choose the
limit to be shelved from the options menu. The following figure shows High 2,1 limits of the
analog point are selected to be shelved.

Figure 49: To shelve a specific limit

OW360_20 103
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4. The Confirm Alarm Shelve Request window appears.

 Displays the limit you selected.
 In the Reason box, enter the reason you want the limit to be shelved.
 From the Unshelve In list, select the shelve duration. The point remains shelved for that
duration unless it is manually unshelved (see page 104). Click OK.

Figure 50: Enter a reason and confirm the shelve request

Note: When a point is shelved it does not go into alarm. When an analog limit is shelved, it does
not go into the specific limit alarms. For example, if the High4 is shelved, the point does not go
into High 4, 3, 2, 1, or High UDA alarm, but it can go into Low alarm.

5. In the Shelve Status column of the Alarm Suppressed tab, you can view the selected limits of
the point is shelved as shown in the following figure.

Figure 51: Selected limits shelved

Note: You can also shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the Point Information
window and System Viewer window at the Operator Station.

104 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.6 To unshelve a point using the Alarm window

The point unshelves automatically according to the shelve duration selected while shelving a
point. However, if you want to unshelve a point manually using the Alarm window, follow these

1. Access the Operator Station Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select a point to be unshelved. From the Alarm window ribbon bar, click the UNSHELVE
button to unshelve the selected point as shown in the following figure.

Figure 52: Select unshelve from ribbon bar

Select a point and right-click to view the context menu. Select Operations-->Unshelve to
unshelve the selected point.

Figure 53: Select unshelve from the context menu

OW360_20 105
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

3. The Confirm Alarm Unshelve Request message box appears. Click Yes to confirm to
unshelve the selected point.

Figure 54: Unshelve manually

Note: You can also unshelve a point using the Point Information window and System Viewer
window at the Operator Station.

4.7.7 To perform an alarm check on a point using the Alarm window

To perform an alarm check on a point using the Alarm window, follow these steps.

1. Access the Operator Station Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select a point to perform Alarm Check OFF to remove alarm checking on a point. By default,
a point is in the Alarm Check ON state.
3. From the Alarm/Limit tab, select Alarm Check OFF. A Confirm Alarm Check OFF Request
pop up box displays. In the Reason box, enter a reason you want to perform the alarm check
off operation. Click OK. The point is removed from the alarm list.

Figure 55: Select Alarm Check options

Note: To view the point back into the alarm list, select the point and perform the alarm check
ON operation from the Point Information window, Alarm Suppressed tab of the Alarm window, or
Point Review window.

106 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.8 To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the Alarm

To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the Alarm Window, follow these

1. Access the Operator Station Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select a point to be auto cut out.
3. From the Alarm/Limit menu, in the Auto Cutout section, select Enabled or Disabled.
 Enabled: Displays a Confirm Auto Cutout ON Request message box. Click OK to enable
the auto cutout request for the selected point as shown in the following figure.

Figure 56: Enable auto cutout option

 Disabled: Displays a Confirm Auto Cutout OFF Request message box. Click OK to
disable the auto cutout request for the selected point as shown in the following figure.

Figure 57: Disable auto cutout option

OW360_20 107
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.9 To perform limit check OFF on a point using the Alarm window

To perform limit check OFF on a point using the Alarm window, follow these steps.

1. Access the Operator Station Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select a point from the Alarm list to perform limit check OFF. By default, a point is in limit
check ON state.
3. From the Alarm/Limit menu, in the Limit Check section, select Limit Check OFF. A Confirm
Limit Check OFF Request message box displays. Click Yes to turn off the limit check for the
selected point as shown in the following figure.

Figure 58: Perform the limit check OFF

Note: To get the point back in the limit check ON state, select the point and perform the Limit
Check ON operation from the Point Information window, Alarm Suppressed tab of Alarm
window, or Point Review window.

108 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

4.7.10 To display the Iconic alarms

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).
2. Select the Alarm Menu button.
3. Select the Alarm System Options icon.
4. Select the Iconic Configuration settings item. The Iconic Configuration Settings for the
Ovation Alarm System Options window appears.

Figure 59: Alarm Options - Iconic Configuration Settings

5. Select the desired Iconic configuration from the Iconic Configuration pull-down list.
6. Put a check in the Display List For Selected Group check box if you want to display the list of
selected icon groups and check the Enable Resize Option For Alarm Group Panel check
box to enable the resizing option for the alarm group panel.

OW360_20 109
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

The following figure shows an example of the Iconic With List alarm tab. Notice that an icon
group is selected (has a red border). The alarms that are reflected in the selected icon group
appear in a list at the bottom of the window.

Figure 60: Iconic list displayed with Alarm list

These groups of alarms are represented by preconfigured bitmaps. Two bitmaps are typically
defined for each alarm group. One bitmap identifies a group not in alarm; and the other
represents a group in alarm. The maximum number of groups that can be configured is based
on the size of the bitmaps.
Iconic alarming can accommodate xlarge (96 x 96), large (64 x 64), medium (48 x 48), or
small (32 x 32) bitmaps. The maximum number of rows and columns is based on the icon
size that is configured. The following table describes the icon sizes that are available. (Refer
to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

Icon size


XL 28 12 336 96x96

L 21 16 336 64x64 (Default)

M 17 19 323 48x48

S 13 23 299 32x32

110 OW360_20
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

The state of an iconic alarm can be determined by a color-coded border. The border identifies
if the group is in alarm or not in alarm.
For groups that are in alarm, the border color identifies the unacknowledged status. If all the
alarms in a group are acknowledged, the border color displays in the acknowledged color. If
at least one alarm in the group is unacknowledged, the border color remains in the
unacknowledged color. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.) You can
also configure a default Iconic alarm group.

4.7.11 To change the application icon

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).
2. Select the Alarm Menu button.
3. Select the Alarm System Options icon.
4. Select the Application Icon settings item. The Application Icon Configuration Settings for the
Ovation Alarm System Options window appears on the right-side.

Figure 61: Changing application icons

OW360_20 111
4.7 Working with Alarm window functions at the Operator Station

a) Standard Application Icon: The standard application icon is the green alarm bell. Click
the Browse button to select the application icons for the alarm window from the list of
available application icons. The application icons are downloaded from the Ovation
Developer Studio. Please refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide to
learn how to upload the application icons. The following figures display examples of the
default application icon and the changed application icon in the Alarm window:

Figure 62: Standard application icon

Figure 63: Standard application icon that has been changed

b) New Alarm Warning Icon: The default New Alarm warning Icon is the red bell icon that is
displayed when a new alarm is detected by the alarm window or when the state change
alarm appears in the History list (tab) while the alarm window is minimized. Thus, it is a
warning to the user. Using the Browse button, you can change the warning icon from the
available list of application icons. The application icons are downloaded from the Ovation
Developer Studio. Please refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide to
learn how to upload the application icons.

112 OW360_20
4.8 Understanding the color scheme for alarm messages in the Operator Station Alarm window

4.8 Understanding the color scheme for alarm messages in the

Operator Station Alarm window
The Operator Station Alarm window uses the alarm configuration performed in the Developer
Studio (refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide) when displaying the alarm

You can display the entire alarm message using the Operator Station Alarm window colors or you
can define a separate color for the Value field in the Ovation Developer Studio. Refer to the
applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

When the Operator Station Alarm window colors are not used, you can identify whether the Alarm
Type field should still be displayed in the defined alarm colors.

In addition, if the Operator Station Alarm window colors are not used and acknowledged alarms
are configured to be displayed in a lower intensity, the acknowledged alarm messages are
displayed in a lighter intensity to quickly distinguish between acknowledged and unacknowledged
alarms on the Alarm list.

Figure 64: Various color scheme for alarm messages

OW360_20 113
4.9 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station

4.9 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station

You can choose the kinds of alarms that you want to display in the various alarm lists at the
Operator Station and filter out the alarms that you do not want to display.

You can also choose the kinds of alarms that you want to send to the alarm printer or to the

You can use the Developer Studio to set default alarm filtering settings. These settings determine
what alarms appear on the various alarm lists at the Operator Station, what alarms are sent to the
printer, to audio, and what alarms are sent to the Historian for storage. (Refer to the Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the Alarm
window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and
can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is
closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

Note: If you disable the Modify Alarm Filters function in the Security Builder, you cannot change
the filtering parameters. (Refer to the Managing Ovation Security User Guide.)

The alarms that will display in the Alarm window can be based on the following temporary filtering
 Mode (see page 114).
 Priority (see page 115).
 Destination (plant area) (see page 115).
 Alarm type (see page 118).
 Network/unit (see page 119).

Note: Filtering is also available for audible alarms (see Audio Alarm System (see page 131)). If
audible alarms have been selected, they use the Alarm List filtering, and the tab in the Alarm
Filtering Definition window will display List/Audio.
The HSR tab is available in the Alarm window that is in control of the peripherals filtering
The Print Advance option is available from the Print option in the Alarm Menu button, providing
a dedicated alarm printer (not the standard Windows printer) is configured. The Alarm window
that is in control of the peripherals filtering is designated by the Filt icon displayed in the Status

4.9.1 Mode filtering at the Operator Station

Two modes of filtering (normal mode and priority mode) exist in the alarm system. You can
configure two different scenarios for alarm filtering, one for normal mode and one for priority
mode. You can toggle between the two modes to display two different alarm filtering settings.
Alarms that pass the defined filtering parameters for the currently selected mode (normal or
priority) display in the Alarm window (see page 52) at the Operator Station.

114 OW360_20
4.9 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station

4.9.2 Priority filtering at the Operator Station

Alarm priority refers to the level of importance that is assigned to the alarm condition of a point.
Ovation alarm priority consists of the following features:
 Each broadcast point must have a priority associated with it.
 Eight different alarm priorities are defined in Ovation.
 The highest priority code is 1, the lowest priority code is 8 (default).
 Analog points can have separate priorities assigned to high and low limit alarms, sensor
alarms, SID alarms, and returns.
You can define default priority settings for a point in the Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the Alarm
window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and
can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is
closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Ovation Developer Studio.

4.9.3 Destination filtering at the Operator Station

Each of the Operator Stations in a system can be defined to receive alarms from specific plant
areas or destinations. This is done by assigning a unique destination to each point. The
destination is defined by the first characteristic (see page 116) of each point’s characteristic field
(AY record field). Each Operator Station can be assigned to receive alarms for one or more
specific destinations or for the entire system.

You can determine which points appear on the alarm windows for an Operator Station by
selecting the appropriate characters (A through Z) which represent the location from which these
points originate.

You can define default destination settings for a point in the Developer Studio. (Refer to the
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the Alarm
window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and
can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is
closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Ovation Developer Studio.

You can select which destinations pass the filtering for the Alarm List, History List, Acknowledged
List, Unacknowledged List, Reset List, historical storage, and printer.

You can also define the filtering criteria for the alarms that are sent to the Emerson historian and
to the alarm printer. This is a non-exclusive choice item; therefore, each destination that you
include in the filter must be selected. Each destination can also be configured with a description.

Dynamic alarm destination filtering (see page 117) can be used to filter on plant areas.

OW360_20 115
4.9 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station

4.9.4 Characteristics filtering at the Operator Station

You can also filter the alarms based on the characteristics. The application allows you to select
the values for each of the eight characteristic positions that make up the plant area. Refer to the
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide to configure the filtering type in the Ovation
Developer Studio. You can select the filtering type as alarm destination or characteristics.
Selecting the filter by characteristics option in the Developer Studio displays the characteristics
filter options. You can select the values for each of the eight characteristic positions. You can also
select from a group of predefined filters in addition to allowing individual selection for each
position. You can select multiple entries from the predefined filters, which result in all selected
values being added to the appropriate characteristic positions.

The characteristics filtering is applicable to the standard alarm lists, printer, historian, and audio
alarm system.

Note: The Dynamic Alarm Filtering and Alarm Destination Descriptions are only available when
the Alarm System is configured to filter based on the alarm destination.

If an alarm window is configured to filter by characteristics and it opens a configuration that

contains alarm destination rather than characteristics, the destination filter is ignored and the
current characteristics setting is used. Similarly, if an alarm window is configured to filter by
destination and it opens a configuration that contains characteristics rather than alarm destination,
the characteristics filter is ignored and the current alarm destination setting is used.

4.9.5 Point characteristics

Characteristics for a point are a short-hand method of describing the location and function of the

Characteristics consist of up to eight alphanumeric characters and the wildcard symbol (-). These
characters typically correspond to data such as plant area, subsystem, equipment, parameter,
and designator. The first character always represents the plant area or destination of the point
and must always be a letter (A - Z) or the wildcard symbol (-).

You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from specific plant areas or destinations.
This is done by assigning a unique destination to each point. The first character in this field
defines the destination. This character must be either a letter (A-Z), a dash (-) (wildcard that
matches all characters on a given sort), or a blank space that does not match any character.
Points with alarms cannot have a blank destination.

You can define characteristics for a point in the Developer Studio by using the Point tab in a
point's dialog box. (Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.)

116 OW360_20
4.9 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station

4.9.6 Dynamic alarm destination filtering

Dynamic alarm destination filtering provides for plant area filtering based on the changing values
of predefined plant area points. You use the Dynamic Filtering Points tab in the Alarm dialog box
in the Developer Studio to assign plant area points to specific plant areas. The plant area point
must be a digital or packed point whose current value (0 or 1) determines whether dynamic alarm
destination filtering is enabled or disabled for the associated plant area.

Note: The dynamic alarm filtering is only used when the alarm system is filtering based on
destination and not based on characteristics.

If you use a digital point as a plant area point, the current value of the plant area point (0 or 1)
determines whether a point is filtered on plant area or not. If the plant area point has a current
value of 1, plant area filtering is enabled. If the plant area point has a current value of 0, plant
filtering is disabled.

If you use a packed point as a plant area point, the current value of the specified bit (0 or 1)
determines whether the point is filtered on plant area or not.

The alarm system automatically refilters when the system detects that the value of a plant area
point has changed.

If the point is timed out, the plant area filter is enabled. The quality of the point has no effect on
whether or not the plant area filter is enabled.

If plant area filtering is enabled for a specific plant area and if the applicable Destination check
box is selected in the Alarm Filtering Destination window, then any point that contains that plant
area in the destination field of its characteristics passes the filter. If plant area filtering is disabled
for a specific plant area, any point that contains that plant area in the destination field of its
characteristics, fails the filter.

For example, if a point in alarm contains a B in its destination field and the plant area point
defined for plant area B has a value of 1, the point passes the destination filter. If a point in alarm
contains a B in its destination field and the plant area point defined for plant area B has a value of
0, the point fails the destination filter.

Dynamic destination filtering is applicable to the alarm lists, icon alarm lists (see page 77), and
audio alarms (see page 131). The Ovation Keyboard, Printer filter, and the Historian filter do not
use the dynamic destination filtering.

OW360_20 117
4.9 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator Station

4.9.7 Alarm type filtering at the Operator Station

Alarm type refers to the different classifications of points that can generate alarms. The following
alarm types are defined in Ovation:
 PlantWeb Alerts are alarms generated by Fieldbus devices that are part of an Ovation
system. If you select the PlantWeb Alerts alarm type, you can also select the type of alerts
(see page 128) you want to include in the filter process.
 Process Points are alarms generated by points carrying information throughout the Ovation
system about the process performance.
 Summary Points are alarms to identify remote networks that contain alarms.
 Drops are alarms generated by the drops on the Ovation network. These alarms typically
deal with malfunctions on the drop hardware.
 Shelved are points that are suppressed from an alarm because they have been shelved or
have an active shelve condition even when the point is still in alarm. You perform a shelve
operation on the point or shelve an analog limit.
 Alarm Check Removed are points that have been suppressed from an alarm because they
have been removed from alarm checking. You perform an Alarm Check Off operation on the
 Limit Check Removed are points that have been suppressed from an alarm because they
have been removed from limit checking. You perform the Limit Check Off operation on the
 Cutout points are points that are suppressed from an alarm because they have been cut out
or have an active cutout condition even when the point is still in alarm. The point will not go
into the specific alarm that is cutout. The cutout can suppress the point alarming or suppress
the individual analog limit alarming.
 Alarm Is Suppressed are points that are suppressed from alarm because of being cutout,
shelved, alarm check removed, or limit check removed.
You can define default alarm type settings for a point in the Developer Studio. (Refer to the
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the Alarm
window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and
can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is
closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

The Alarm Type check boxes allow you to select which alarm types pass the filtering for the
possible alarm lists that display in the Alarm window and which alarms are sent to any dedicated
alarm printer or to the Historian.

Note: You can only use the filtering of Shelved, Alarm Check Removed, Limit Check Removed,
Cutout, and Alarm Is Suppressed points on the Suppressed List Alarm Type filter.

118 OW360_20
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

4.9.8 Network/unit filtering at the Operator Station

Alarm filtering on network/unit means that you can configure the Alarm window to perform filtering
based on the network and unit where alarms reside.

You cannot filter alarms based on network/unit unless you first enable Unit Filters (disabled is the
default setting) in the Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration
Guide.) When this feature is enabled, the Networks/Units filtering window is enabled, and you can
dynamically filter alarms (see page 127) at the Operator Station based on networks and units.
When this feature is disabled, the Networks/Units window does not appear and all Units pass

If unit filtering is enabled in the Studio, you can select the Networks tab and then the unit(s) that
you want to use for filtering alarms.

4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

The alarm filtering windows provide the ability to temporarily override default alarm filtering
settings while working in the Alarm window for one session at the Operator Station.

Default alarm filtering settings are configured in the Developer Studio. These settings determine
what alarms appear on the various alarm lists at the Operator Station, what alarms are sent to the
printer, to audio, and what alarms are sent to the Historian for storage. (Refer to the Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the Alarm
window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and
can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is
closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

The alarm filtering windows are accessed from the Filter tab in the Alarm window.

Figure 65: Filter tab in the Alarm window

The filtering windows that can be used to filter alarms are:

 Priority (see page 120)
 Destination (see page 115)
 Alarm Type (see page 118)
 Network/Unit (see page 119)

OW360_20 119
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

4.10.1 To set Priority Alarm filtering

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53) at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

Figure 66: Destination filtering

3. Select the Priority icon (see page 115) from either the Normal Mode or the Priority Mode
ribbon panel. The Priority alarm filtering window appears.

Figure 67: Priority Alarm Filtering window

4. Select the alarm list you want to set filters for from the Select View list.
5. Select the alarm priority levels that you want to set filters for from the Priority list.
6. Select the OK button. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering
definitions activated.
7. Select the Cancel button to discard any changes before they are applied.

Note: You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the
Alarm window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings
and can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window
is closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

120 OW360_20
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

4.10.2 To set Destination Alarm filtering

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53) at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

Figure 68: Destination filtering

3. Select the Destination icon (see page 115) from either the Normal Mode or the Priority
Mode ribbon panel. The Destination alarm filtering window appears.

Note: The Destination icon is only available when the alarm filtering is configured as filter by
destination. Refer to the applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for additional

Figure 69: Destination Alarm filtering window

4. Select the alarm list you want to set filters for from the Select View list.
5. Select the destination characteristic that you want to set filters for from the Destination list
(see page 115).

OW360_20 121
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

6. Select the OK button. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering
definitions activated.
7. Select the Cancel button to discard any changes before they are applied.

Note: You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the
Alarm window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings
and can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window
is closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Developer Studio.

4.10.3 To set Characteristics Alarm filtering

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53) at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

Figure 70: Characteristics filtering

3. Select the Characteristics icon (see page 115) from either the Normal Mode or the Priority
Mode ribbon panel. The Characteristics alarm filtering window appears.

Note: The Characteristics icon is only available when the alarm filtering is configured as filter by
characteristics. Refer to the applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for
additional information.

a) Select the alarm list you want to set filters for from the Select View list.
b) Select the characteristic that you want to set filters for from the Characteristics list (see
page 116). You can select the values for each of the eight characteristic positions.
c) Click Set All to select all the characteristics for a particular view and position.
 For example, select List from Select View and select position 1 from Characteristics.
 Click Set All to select all the characteristic on this page.
d) Click Clear All to clear all the characteristics for a particular view and position.
e) Click Set All Characteristics to select all the characteristics for a particular view and all
the positions from 1 to 8.
f) Click Clear All Characteristics to clear all the characteristics for a particular view and all
the positions from 1 to 8.

122 OW360_20
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

g) Alternatively, select a predefined characteristic filter from the Load Characteristics list
to use a predefined filter. See To use predefined Characteristics Alarm filtering (see page
123) for additional information.

Figure 71: Characteristics filtering window

4. Select the OK button. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering
definitions activated.
5. Select the Cancel button to discard any changes before they are applied.

Note: You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the
Alarm window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings
and can be saved to a configuration file. At the next startup, those saved configuration settings
can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is
closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Developer Studio.

OW360_20 123
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

4.10.4 To use predefined Characteristics Alarm filtering

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53) at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

Figure 72: Characteristics filtering

124 OW360_20
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

3. Select the Characteristics icon (see page 115) from either the Normal Mode or the Priority
Mode ribbon panel. The Characteristics alarm filtering window appears.
a) Select a predefined characteristic filter from the Load Characteristics list to use a
predefined filter. These filters are defined in the Ovation Developer Studio. Refer to the
applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide to configure the Characteristics
b) The Characteristics field displays the predefined values for all eight positions.

Figure 73: Select predefined filter

c) Click OK. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering definitions
d) Click Cancel to discard any changes before they are applied.

OW360_20 125
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

4.10.5 To set Alarm Type filtering

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53) at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

Figure 74: Destination filtering

3. Select the Alarm Type icon (see page 115) from either the Normal Mode or the Priority
Mode ribbon panel. The Alarm Type alarm filtering window appears.

Figure 75: Alarm Type filtering window

4. Select the alarm list you want to set filters for from the Select View list.
5. Select the Alarm Type that you want to set filters for from the Alarm Type list (see page 118).
6. Select the OK button. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering
definitions activated.
7. Select the Cancel button to discard any changes before they are applied.

Note: You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the
Alarm window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings
and can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window
is closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

126 OW360_20
4.10 Working with the alarm filtering windows

4.10.6 To set Network/Unit Alarm filtering

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53) at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

Figure 76: Destination filtering

3. Select the Network/Unit icon (see page 115) from either the Normal Mode or the Priority
Mode ribbon panel. The Network/Unit alarm filtering window appears.

Figure 77: Network/Unit Alarm filtering window

4. Select the alarm list you want to set filters for from the Select View list.
5. Select the Networks and Units that you want to set filters for from the Network window (see
page 119).
6. Select the OK button. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering
definitions activated.
7. Select the Cancel button to discard any changes before they are applied.

Note: You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab (see page 61) in the
Alarm window at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings
and can be saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration
settings can be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window
is closed and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

OW360_20 127
4.11 Understanding DEVALRT at the Operator Station

4.11 Understanding DEVALRT at the Operator Station

The alarm type DEVALRT was created for displaying information on PlantWeb alerts and non-
PlantWeb alerts. When a Fieldbus device issues an alert, the Alarm system receives the alert and
displays a DEVALRT alarm type in its Value field. In addition, the priority that was assigned to the
node point for that alert type also displays (refer to the Ovation PlantWeb Alerts User Guide.) If
multiple alerts are active on the Alarm List, the alarm system only shows the highest priority alert
(which is the lowest number). Finally, the alert information passes to the AMS Device Manager
software so that it can display in its audit trail.

For DEVALRT alarms, the Value field contains information for the applicable types that are
currently active. Devices can have only one active alert for each alert type.

PlantWeb alerts are alarms generated by Fieldbus devices that support the following alarm types:
 Advisory Alarm - indicates conditions that have no impact of the device's ability to sense and
 Failed Alarm - indicates that the device needs maintenance now and that the device has lost
its ability to sense and control.
 Maintenance Alarm - indicates that the device needs maintenance soon and is in danger of
losing its ability to sense and control.
 Communication Alerts indicate that the Ovation system is unable to communicate with the
For non-PlantWeb alerts, the NO COMM and ABNORMAL alarm types are valid.
 Abnormal Alarm - indicates that the device is not performing as it should be and requires
attention. Depending on the type of device issuing the alert, it could encompass various levels
of severity. See the manufacturer's documentation for more information.
 Communication Alarm - the Ovation system is unable to communicate with the device.
The following figure illustrates a DEVALRT alarm.

Figure 78: DEVALRT alarm example

128 OW360_20
4.12 Understanding the Alarm Keyboard functions at the Operator Station

4.11.1 What is the Alert Details window at the Operator Station?

The Alert Details window is a live, updating window which shows you detailed information on
PlantWeb and non-PlantWeb alerts. It is accessed from the right-click Point Menu (see page 42).
(Refer to the Ovation PlantWeb Alerts User Guide.) Alert Details only appears on the Point Menu
if Fieldbus devices are enabled.

Each row in the scrolling list is color-coded based on the state of the alert (that is, active, inactive,
suppressed, and so forth). Active alerts use the appropriate alarm color. Suppressed, inactive,
disabled, and alarm check removed alerts use the appropriate return color. Color is defined by
priority in the Ovation configuration tools. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration
Guide.) In addition, the Operations option in the Point Menu window (see page 42) allows you to
suppress individual alerts.

Figure 79: Alert Details window

4.12 Understanding the Alarm Keyboard functions at the Operator

The Ovation Alarm window allows you to perform Point Acknowledge, Page Acknowledge, Point
Reset, Page Reset, and Silence Audio by selecting a designated function key on the standard
keyboard. The focus must be on the Alarm window in order for this function to work. This
functionality is enabled or disabled through the Ovation configuration tools. (Refer to the Ovation
Operation Station Configuration Guide.)

The following functions are identified for each key:

 F2 - Point Acknowledge.
 F3 - Page Acknowledge.
 F4 - Point Reset.
 F5 - Page Reset.
 F7 - Silence Audio.

OW360_20 129
4.12 Understanding the Alarm Keyboard functions at the Operator Station

4.12.1 What are the Dell programmable touch keys at the Operator Station?

The Alarm Keyboard functionality has been expanded to work in conjunction with the Dell
programmable touch keys on the Dell enhanced keyboard. These functions operate in the same
manner regardless of whether they were initiated from the Dell keyboard or the Ovation

The system requirements are as follows:

 Dell Enhanced Keyboard.
 Load Dell Touch Key programmable software.
 Use Dell Touch Key software to configure the programmable keys.
The following is a brief description of the current operation for these functions:
 Open Current Alarm List - If there is no alarm list currently running, a new window is started.
If the Operator Station has more than one Alarm window running, then the currently selected
Alarm List opens.
 Page Acknowledge - If the Operator Station has more than one Alarm window running, then
the currently selected Alarm window receives the command. The Alarm window must be
opened in order to perform this request.
 Silence Audio - The continuous audio must be running on the Operator Station in order to
perform the silence audio function. The continuous audio can be configured to silence the
audio on all Operator Stations.
 Page Acknowledge and Silence Audio - If the Operator Station has more than one Alarm
window running, then the currently selected Alarm window receives the command. The Alarm
window must be open in order to perform this request.
The software does not verify that all of the alarms on the screen were acknowledged before
sending the silence audio command. It simply verifies that the acknowledge function is
enabled. The continuous audio must be running on the Operator Station in order to perform
the silence audio function. The continuous audio can be configured to silence audio on all
Operator Stations.

Note: The Page Acknowledge and Silence Audio options are only available through the Dell
Programmable Touch Keys.

130 OW360_20
4.13 Understanding the Operator Station Audio Alarm System

4.12.2 To define a Dell Touch Key script

Four Dell Touch Key scripts are provided with your Ovation software. You define what script is
executed when a programmable key is selected.

1. Load the Dell Touch software.

2. Access the Dell Touch software from the Windows Start menu.
3. Choose button 1, 2, or 3.
4. Select Launch Application or Website.
5. Browse to your Ovation Base directory. The scripts are located in this directory, for example,
6. Choose a script you would like to launch. Select a script from the following list:
 Openalarmlist.js
 AckPageAlarm.js
 SilenceAudioAlarm.js
 AckPageSilenceAudioAlarm.js
7. Repeat steps 3 - 6 to program each touch key.

4.13 Understanding the Operator Station Audio Alarm System

The Ovation Audio Alarm System is used to produce a sound whenever an alarm occurs. The
sound alerts the user that a point is in alarm and attention is needed.

Note: You are responsible for supplying the audio files that are used for the audio alarm system.
Sample files, provided by Emerson, are located in the System Audio folder. All audio files must
be .wav files.

When an alarm is received for the audio system, the user-defined audio file is sounded as it is
configured (either continuously or non-continuously) (refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide for configuration instructions).

If continuous audio is configured, an audio file sounds until the operator silences it. Additionally,
you can configure a digital point that corresponds to each alarm priority and the return event.
Each time an alarm is received, the tone for the highest priority alarm is sounded and the highest
priority digital alarm is turned on. If a higher priority alarm is received before silencing the audio,
the tone automatically changes to the higher priority tone.

Note: Digital points must be originated by the Operator Station and must not be alarmable

If non-continuous audio is configured, an audio file sounds once and then shuts off. You can
define the minimum time interval that must pass before the same audio file is sent again.

You can base non-continuous audio on the priority or the destination of the alarm. This audio
functionality only annunciates files for unacknowledged alarms and unacknowledged returns.
There is no audio sounded when a point is acknowledged or when a point is reset.

OW360_20 131
4.13 Understanding the Operator Station Audio Alarm System

4.13.1 Continuous Audio Alarms at the Operator Station

Continuous Audio Alarms are based on the priority of the alarm. Filtering for the Continuous
Audio System is based on the Alarm List settings. The alarm messages that are sent to the
continuous audio must pass the Alarm list filter for the current mode (normal or priority).

For the Continuous Audio system, you define an audio file that corresponds to each alarm
priority and an audio file that corresponds to a return event. Additionally, the system can be
configured to define a digital point corresponding to each alarm priority and a digital point
corresponding to a return event. The order of precedence for the continuous audio is:

- Priority 1 (Highest Priority) Highest Precedence


- Priority 8 (Lowest Priority)

Return Event Lowest Precedence

When an alarm is received, the defined audio file is sounded continuously and the configured
digital is turned on. The audio sounds and the digital remains on until the audio is silenced or the
configurable auto turn-off time has expired. Each time an alarm is received, the audio file for the
highest priority alarm sounds and the digital point corresponding to the priority is turned on,
providing it is off.

If a higher priority alarm is received before silencing, the higher priority audio file begins playing,
the current digital is turned off, and the digital corresponding to the new priority is turned on.

The audio can be silenced (acknowledged) by selecting the Silence Audio button on the Alarm
window or on the Ovation Keyboard.

If alarm functions are enabled on the standard keyboard, select F7 to perform silence audio. See
Alarm Keyboard Functions (see page 129) for more information. (Refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide.)

4.13.2 Non-Continuous Audio Alarms at the Operator Station

Non-Continuous Audio Alarms are based on either the priority or the destination of the alarm.
(Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

For the Non-Continuous Audio system, you can define an audio file that corresponds to each
alarm priority and also an audio file that corresponds to each alarm destination.

When a point goes into alarm, the audio file that is configured for that point sounds once and then
shuts off. The same audio file can sound again after the configured minimum time between
repeats of the audio file has expired.

Note: The non-continuous audio only annunciates the local alarms. It does not annunciate the
remote alarms.

132 OW360_20
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

The following sections explain the common alarm operations at the Operator Station.

4.14.1 To open alarm files from the Open dialog box

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).
2. Select the Alarm Menu button.
3. Select Load Configuration.
4. The Open dialog box appears where you can select an alarm file to open.

Figure 80: The Open dialog box

OW360_20 133
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14.2 To open a single alarm file from a Microsoft Windows command prompt
1. Open Windows Command Prompt by clicking Start->All Programs->Accessories
->Command Prompt.
2. At the command prompt, enter the command in the following format to open a single alarm
request_alarm_list -f <role name>:<alarm file name.alm>
role name is same as the name displayed in the Open dialog box that appeared upon
clicking Load Configuration.
alarm file name.alm is the alarm file name saved in the role:role name category that
you want to open.
The format for the request_alarm_list command line parameters could be the System, a
configured Role, or a User name. Additionally, the name of the configuration file could also be
under a directory if that is how you saved it.

Note: When you identify the format for the request (to open an alarm file) the location could be
based on the User, Role, or System. This way you can fully qualify the location. Otherwise, the
relative path is given and the application will search to find it. First, it will look under the User,
then the Role, and then the System.

The following figure displays an example to open a 'alarm.alm' alarm file saved in the
'User:Administrator' category in the Open dialog box:

3. The specified alarm file opens.

134 OW360_20
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14.3 To open multiple alarm files from a Microsoft Windows command prompt
1. Create a notepad file with the file names of all alarm file that you want to open from the
Windows Command Prompt. Save this file as autoStartupFileName.tas. An example format
of this notepad file is shown in the following figure:

Figure 81: An example notepad file

2. Close the autoStartupFileName.tas file and open the Windows Command Prompt by
clicking Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.
3. At the command prompt, enter the command in the following format to open the multiple
alarm files:
request_alarm_list -af <pathname of the autoStartupFileName.tas
The following figure displays an example to open multiple alarm files:

4. The alarm file names specified in the autoStartupFileName.tas file open.

4.14.4 To print alarms using the standard Windows print function

You can print alarms from the Alarm window using the standard Microsoft Windows print function
(this is not the dedicated line-by-line serial printer). The filtering parameters defined for the
specific list being printed are used.

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select the Alarm Menu button (see page 58).
3. Select the Print option.
4. The Print button displays the Windows standard Print (see page 40) window. Select the page
range, printer, and number of copies from this window.

OW360_20 135
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14.5 To use the Print Preview function for alarms at the Operator Station

You can use the Print Preview function to configure many aspects of how the alarms will appear
in printouts. You can also use the Print Preview window to configure the header and footer
properties used on printouts. The header/footer properties can be different for each alarm list.

These settings define how the alarms appear when printed.

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select the Alarm Menu button (see page 56).
3. Select the Print button. The Preview and Print menu (see page 57) appears.
4. Select the Print Preview option. The Print Preview window (see page 38) appears.
5. Make the desired settings.
6. Select OK to save the settings or click Cancel to dismiss the window without applying

4.14.6 To setup a page for printing

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).
2. Select the Alarm Menu button.
3. Select the Print option.
4. Select the Page Setup option. The Page Setup window (see page 34) appears.
5. These settings define how the alarms appear when printed.
6. Select the desired settings.
7. Select OK to save the settings or click Cancel to dismiss the window without applying

136 OW360_20
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14.7 To add header and footer text to the Operator Station Alarm window

You can configure the header and footer properties used on printouts. The header/footer
properties can be different for each alarm list.

These settings define how the alarms appear when printed.

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select the Alarm Menu button.
3. Select the Print button. The Preview and Print menu appears.

Figure 82: Alarm Preview and Print menu

4. Select the Print Preview option. The Print Preview window (see page 38) appears.
5. Select the Header and Footer icon from the Quick Access toolbar at the top of the Preview
6. Make the desired settings.
7. Select OK to save the settings or click Cancel to dismiss the window without applying

4.14.8 To print alarms using the dedicated line-by-line serial printer

You can print alarms from the Alarm window using a dedicated line-by-line serial printer.

Use the Developer Studio (refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide) to configure
the settings for the dedicated printer (this is not the standard Windows print function).

OW360_20 137
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14.9 To print alarms using the Print Advance function (for dedicated serial

The Print Advance button allows you to advance to the most current alarm being printed. Alarms
that are in the software print queue with a timestamp less than or equal to the time when the Print
Advance button was selected are not printed. That is, alarms already in the print buffer are sent
to the printer; those queued to print are not printed. The printer advances to the first alarm whose
timestamp is greater than the time that the Print Advance was selected.

Use the following procedure to use the Print Advance function for a dedicated serial printer:

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).

2. Select the Alarm Menu button.
3. Select the Print button.
4. Select the Print Advance button.

Figure 83: Alarm Preview and Print menu

138 OW360_20
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14.10 Find Point utility in the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm program uses a search utility named Find Point to locate specific points in the Alarm
list, History list, Unacknowledged list, Reset list, and Alarm Check Remove list of the Alarm
window. This utility searches for a point based on a point name that you enter in the Search String
entry field.

The utility, by default, searches down the Alarm lists for the entered point name. However, if you
want to search up the Alarm lists, put a check in the Search Up check box.

4.14.11 To find a specific point in the Operator Station Alarm window

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).
2. Select the Home tab and the Alarm list tab for the list you want to search.
3. Select the Search icon. The Find Point window appears.

Figure 84: Find Point dialog window

4. Enter the name of the point you want to find in the Search String entry field.
5. Select the Find Next button to start the search for the point. The utility searches down the
alarm list unless you check the Search Up check box.
The point is located and highlighted in the Alarm window.

OW360_20 139
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

4.14.12 To add/remove/reorganize columns for the Operator Station Alarm

1. Access the Alarm window (see page 53).
2. Select the Home tab and the applicable alarm list tab for the desired Alarm list.
3. Select the Select Column(s) icon. The Select Column window appears.

Figure 85: Select Columns dialog box

4. Select the View (alarm list) that you want to configure columns for.
5. Select the columns you want to display in the View that you selected, move them to the
Selected Column(s) list and select OK.

140 OW360_20
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

6. You can also reorganize the columns by right-clicking on a column header. The Column menu
appears. Use this menu to sort, group, reorganize, resize, and remove columns from the
Alarm window.

Figure 86: Column menu

7. In the application window, there is a space above the columns that reads 'Drag a column
header here to group by that column' as shown in the following figure. If this area is not
visible, right-click any column header and select Show Group By Box.
You can drag and drop the columns in this bar and view the column data group-wise.
Alternatively, you can right-click a particular column header and select the Group By This
Column option from the Column menu that appears as shown in the preceding figure. You
can hide the Drag a column header here to group by that column bar by right-clicking
anywhere on this bar and selecting Hide Group By Box.

Figure 87: Viewing the 'Drag a column header here to group by that column' bar

OW360_20 141
4.14 Common Alarm operations at the Operator Station

8. The following figure shows an example of grouping as per the 'Alarm Type' column:

Figure 88: An example of grouping as per the 'Alarm Type' column

The following figure shows an example of grouping as per the 'Alarm Type', 'Description', and
'Priority (AP)' columns:

Figure 89: An example of grouping as per the 'Alarm Type', 'Description', and Priority

Note: To ungroup a particular column, right-click the column header in the 'Drag a column
header here to group by that column' bar and select UnGroup. To ungroup all the columns and
view the default view, right-click the empty space in the 'Drag a column header here to group by
that column' bar and select Clear Grouping.

142 OW360_20
4.15 Understanding the Alarm security at the Operator Station

4.15 Understanding the Alarm security at the Operator Station

You have the ability to disable or enable the acknowledge, reset, and filtering functions on a drop-
by-drop basis. If the acknowledge function is locked out (disabled), the silence function is also

Security can also be applied on a point-by-point basis in addition to a function-by-function basis

as described in the applicable Ovation configuration tools manual.

You can modify Alarm window properties if the "Allow modifying of Alarm window properties" rule
is enabled in the Ovation Security Manager (Refer to Managing Security in Ovation for additional

OW360_20 143
S E C T I O N 5

Using the Alarm Annunciation window at the

Operator Station


What is the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station? ................................. 145

5.1 What is the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station?

The Alarm Annunciation window is an optional alarm application that displays alarms in
configurable alarm bands. The alarm bands contain alarm message boxes (see page 146) that
identify current local alarms (alarms on remote networks do not display in the Alarm Annunciation
window). When a point goes into alarm, it displays in the appropriate band and if configured, also
causes an audible to sound (see page 131).

You can access a pop-up menu (see page 147) from the Alarm Annunciation window by right
clicking on the Alarm Annunciation window area. This menu provides additional information about
the alarms and the points that are in alarm.

You can configure your alarm system to initiate either an Alarm window or the Alarm Annunciation
window. You can display both alarm window types at the same time, but the Alarm Annunciation
window always appears at the top of the alarm screen and you cannot cover the alarm
annunciation window with any other windows.

You can configure blinking for each Alarm Annunciation window to define whether
unacknowledged alarms and unacknowledged returns blink or not. If blinking is configured, any
unacknowledged alarm or return blinks until it is acknowledged (Refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide).

Note: Any applicable Alarm Annunciation window parameters that are not configured
specifically for the Annunciation window use values that are set for the Alarm system (such as
colors and the use of audio to annunciate alarms).

Figure 90: Alarm Annunciation window example

OW360_20 145
5.1 What is the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station?

5.1.1 To access the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Alarms
If the Alarms application is already running, double-click the Alarms icon located in the
notification area, at the far right of the taskbar.
2. If the Alarm Annunciation Window is configured to display, the Alarm Annunciation window
appears (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

5.1.2 What are Operator Station Alarm Annunciation alarm message boxes?

Each alarm band in the Alarm Annunciation window is scrollable and consists of multiple alarm
message boxes that identify specific points that have gone into alarm. Each alarm message box
contains a two-line text field whose foreground and background colors are configurable. (Refer to
the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

The alarm message boxes display two lines of text (up to 12 characters per line). You enter this
text through the Developer Studio and can enter up to 24 characters to identify the point that is in
alarm. You can also display the fully qualified point name for each alarm message box by
hovering over the message box.

The alarm message boxes display from left to right in the order that alarms are detected with the
old alarms moving to the left as new alarms fill in on the right. There are no fixed locations for any
alarm message boxes and the boxes remain on the alarm band until the points have returned to
normal and have been acknowledged and reset by the operator.

When return is reset, the corresponding alarm message box disappears and any alarm message
boxes to the right automatically shift left compressing the blank space. Any blank spaces remain
on the right side.

There are scroll buttons located at the right and left end of each alarm band. If you select a scroll
button, this moves the message boxes one at a time to the right or left.

If you right-click the scroll button, a menu displays. You can use this menu to navigate more than
one message box at a time. The right scroll button contains the following options:
 Page Left
 Scroll to the End (newest alarm entry)
The left scroll button contains the following options:
 Page Right
 Scroll to the Beginning (oldest alarm entry)

146 OW360_20
Table of Contents

The scroll button is color coded based on the highest priority entry that is scrolled off the display

Figure 91: Scroll Menu

When an alarm band becomes full and a new alarm is detected for the band, the oldest entry
automatically scrolls off on the left side and the new entry is added. If you have scrolled the alarm
band and a new entry is detected but is not visible, the right scroll button blinks to identify that a
new entry has been received.

The blink rate coincides with the new alarms that have been received, but are scrolled off the
band (unacknowledged alarm blink rate takes precedence over the unacknowledged return blink
rate). No automatic scrolling occurs here and you must scroll the band to display the new entry.

5.1.3 What is an Operator Station Alarm Annunciation Pop-up menu?

You can access a pop-up menu from the Alarm Annunciation window by right clicking on the
Alarm Annunciation window area. This menu provides additional information about the alarms and
the points that are in alarm.

Figure 92: Annunciation Window Point Menu

OW360_20 147
5.1 What is the Alarm Annunciation window at the Operator Station?

You can use a pop-up alarm menu to acknowledge unacknowledged alarms and reset returns.

Alarm Annunciation pop-up menu


Point name Fully-qualified point name displayed for information only.

Acknowledge Acknowledges all of the visible unacknowledged alarms and

unacknowledged returns on the alarm bands. The operator must
scroll any hidden alarm message boxes back on the alarm screen
in order to perform the acknowledgment operation on them.
The acknowledge option is only enabled if the appropriate point
group security function is defined and the acknowledgment function
enabled. (Refer to Managing Ovation Security.)
Reset Resets all of the visible resettable returns on the alarm screen. The
operator must scroll any hidden alarm message boxes back on the
alarm screen in order to perform the reset operation on them.
The reset option is only enabled if the appropriate point group
security function is defined and the acknowledgment function
enabled. (Refer to Managing Ovation Security.)
Filters Allows the operator to change the destination filter for the visible
alarms in alarm message boxes. This option will only be enabled
when the alarm filtering security function is enabled. The
destination filtering setting returns to the filtering that was set in the
Developer Studio after the session is closed.
Point Menu Displays the standard Point Menu. Also provides two extra options:
 Point Acknowledge - Acknowledges the unacknowledged alarm
for the selected point.
 Point Reset - Resets the resettable return for the selected point.

148 OW360_20
Table of Contents

5.1.4 What is filtering for the Operator Station Alarm Annunciation window?

You can filter the alarms displayed in the Alarm Annunciation window based on priority and

The alarm priority selects the alarm band within the Alarm Annunciation window where the alarm
appears. You can define alarm filtering on priority in the Alarm Annunciation window object
through the Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

Eight priorities are defined in Ovation. Priority 1 is the highest (most critical/important) and 8 is the
lowest (least critical/important).

Both the alarm band (priority filter) and the alarm window (destination filter) can contain multiple
entries. When a point goes into alarm, it displays in the appropriate band and if configured,
causes an audio file to sound. Each point must pass the priority and destination filters.

The alarm destination identifies the alarm annunciation window(s) that display the alarm.
Destination is defined by the first character in each process point’s set of characteristics. This
character generally represents a plant location. The AY record field holds the first character for
each process point.

You should define alarm filtering on destination in the Alarm Annunciation window object through
the Developer Studio (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide). You can also
dynamically change the destination filter by accessing and using the pop-up alarm menu (see
page 147) as described in the following procedure:

1. Access the pop-up alarm menu (see page 147).

2. Select Filters. The destination selection window appears.

Figure 93: Destination selection window

3. Each letter represents the first character in each process point’s set of characteristics and is
the alarm destination. Select the letter check boxes that you want to use to filter alarms:
 Put a check mark in the desired individual boxes.
 Select All inserts a check mark in all the boxes and all destinations will pass the filter.
 Clear All removes the check mark from all the boxes and no destinations will pass the
4. Select OK to accept your filter choices. You can now filter the alarms that appear in the Alarm
Annunciation window based on these settings.
5. When you end the session, your filtering settings revert to the settings defined through the
Developer Studio.

OW360_20 149
S E C T I O N 6

Using the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator



What is the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station?....................................... 152

What are the components of the Alarm Guidance window? ........................................... 154

OW360_20 151
6.1 What is the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station?

6.1 What is the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station?

The Alarm Guidance window provides a mechanism to view the point-specific alarm guidance
information that can be defined for each point in the system. An example of alarm guidance
information could be the corrective action for an alarm or the cause of the situation.

When the Point Menu is configured to display the Alarm Guidance option, you can access the
Alarm Guidance window from the Point Menu and from all Ovation applications that contain the
Point Menu (such as Point Information, Trend, and so forth) as shown in the following figure. To
configure the Alarm Guidance option from the Point menu, refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide.

Figure 94: Opening Alarm Guidance window from Point Menu

Figure 95: Ovation Alarm Guidance window

Once the Alarm Guidance window is open, you can send a new point to it either by the Point
menu or by the drag-and-drop operation.

Note: The alarm guidance data is retrieved from the Ovation database. If the Ovation Database
Server is not running, a message appears stating that the alarm guidance data cannot be

The Alarm Guidance window displays both local and remote points, provided the remote point
originates from a system that contains the alarm guidance functionality.

152 OW360_20
6.1 What is the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station?

6.1.1 To access the Alarm Guidance window at the Operator Station

1. Access a Point Menu from an applicable Ovation application.
2. When the Point Menu appears, select the Alarm Guidance menu option as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 96: Accessing Alarm Guidance window from Point Menu

3. The Alarm Guidance window appears. Note that if the Alarm Guidance window is already
running, the "last active" Alarm Guidance Window displays the requested data.

Figure 97: Ovation Alarm Guidance window

4. The Alarm Guidance window displays the name of the point in alarm and any additional
information on the alarm that may be helpful for you. Note that the information on this window
cannot be edited and that alarms cannot be acknowledged from this window.
5. Once the Alarm Guidance window is open, you can right-click to access the Point Menu to
open another application or to find another point to add to the Alarm Guidance window.
6. The Alarm Guidance window supports drag and drop functionality. You can drag and drop a
point name from another Ovation application into the Alarm Guidance window to display
guidance information for the required point. You can also drag a point name from the Alarm
Guidance window and drop it into another Ovation application window that supports drag and

OW360_20 153
6.2 What are the components of the Alarm Guidance window?

6.2 What are the components of the Alarm Guidance window?

The Alarm Guidance window consists of the following:
 File tab (see page 154)
 Options tab (see page 155)
 Information bar: Displays the point name whose Alarm Guidance information is displayed in
the Description section.
 Description section: Displays the alarm guidance information as configured in Ovation
Developer Studio. Refer to the Point Configuration section of the Ovation Developer Studio
User Guide for more information.

Figure 98: Ovation Alarm Guidance window

6.2.1 The File tab of Alarm Guidance window

The File tab allows you to perform the following:

 Print the alarm guidance information using the Print option.
 Preview the alarm guidance information before printing using the Print Preview option.
 Set the page for printing using the Page Setup option.
 Export the alarm guidance information to a specific location using the Export option.
 Change Preferences.

Figure 99: File tab options

154 OW360_20
6.2 What are the components of the Alarm Guidance window?

6.2.2 The Options tab of Alarm Guidance window

The Options tab allows you to perform the following:

 Change the color coding scheme using the Alarm Guidance Options option.
 Change the font, font style, and size of the text in the window.

Figure 100: Options tab options

OW360_20 155
S E C T I O N 7

Using the Graphics Display System at the Operator



What is the Operator Station Graphics Display System? ............................................... 157

What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station? .................................................. 158
What is the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station? ..................................... 161
What are the Operator Station Graphics Display window elements? ............................. 165
What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station? ........................... 167
What is the Property Sheet window at the Operator Station? ........................................ 175
Zooming the display area at the Operator Station .......................................................... 176
What are Operator Station poke fields? .......................................................................... 179
What is paging between Operator Station diagrams? .................................................... 181
What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?..................................................... 181
What is a split window in the Graphics Display System? ............................................... 184
Printing graphics in the Graphics Display System .......................................................... 186
What is the Warning window at the Operator Station? ................................................... 186
Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System .................................... 187
What is the Graphics Alarm window? ............................................................................. 202

7.1 What is the Operator Station Graphics Display System?

The Graphics Display System (also known as the Process Diagram System) allows you to view
graphic diagrams at the Operator Station.

The operator has direct interaction with the process flow through system display diagrams.
Typically, the Operator Station can display up to 16 process diagrams or icons (which open to
custom diagrams). These graphics are typically custom diagrams created by using the Ovation
Graphics Builder. (Refer to the Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide and Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual.)

You can use the Operator Station utility Operator Diagram Group Display to take a "snapshot" of
a group of graphic diagrams while they are being displayed on an Operator Station monitor. This
snapshot and all information pertaining to the diagram group are stored in a configuration file. You
can then quickly and easily redisplay the group in the same position it was when you took the

You can also redirect a graphic (see page 161) that is currently displayed on an Ovation Operator
Station (source drop) and display it on another Operator Station (destination drop).

OW360_20 157
7.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station?

7.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station?

A Process Diagram window displays graphic diagrams at an Ovation Operator Station. You
access the Graphics window from the Graphics icon at the Operator Station. You can display up
to 16 main windows at once. An Operator Station with multiple monitors can be configured to
display different diagram windows on each monitor.

Each diagram may contain links to other diagrams. Typically, page links are hierarchical. For
example, the top-level diagram might be a plant overview with a plant area displayed below.
Different areas or additional data on the plant area may be located to the left or right.

When you create a diagram, you assign a name and a diagram type (main, window, or sub
window) to the diagram at build time. If you do not specify a paging direction for the diagram, the
arrow button for that diagram is grayed-out.

Once a diagram displays in the window, you can zoom an area of the window, as described in
Zooming the Display Area (see page 176).

If desired, you can take a screen capture of one or more of the diagrams using the SnapGraphics

The diagram may include poke fields which displays other diagrams in pop-up windows. For more
information on poke fields, see Displaying Poke Fields (see page 179).

158 OW360_20
7.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station?

7.2.1 To access the Graphics window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Graphics
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Graphics.
2. Depending on the Operator Station configuration, each Graphics window can initially display a
custom diagram. Diagram 1000.diag is the default diagram.

Figure 101: Graphics display window example

3. To display a diagram in the window, select a diagram name from one of the following sources:
 Load Diagram icon on the toolbar.
 Ovation Keyboard (Custom Key).
 Favorites menu.
If a top-level diagram is defined for the system, you can access it quickly by clicking on the
diagram box.

OW360_20 159
7.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station?

4. You can access additional graphics from poke fields in the diagram. These graphics appear in
pop-up windows. By default, only one pop-up window at a time can remain open for a
diagram. If you want to open more than one pop-up window at a time for a graphic, you must
configure this feature as described in Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.
You can open up to 10 pop-up windows for a graphic by selecting the Lock Window check
box in each pop-up window. This locks the graphic in the window until you uncheck it, and no
other graphic can overwrite the locked graphic. You cannot check the final pop-up window
that you open and any additional window you open (beyond the configured number) appears
in that pop-up window.

Figure 102: Graphics Pop-up Window example

160 OW360_20
7.3 What is the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station?

7.3 What is the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station?

The Graphic Redirect window allows you to take a standard graphic file (.diag only, not .svg
control files) that is currently displayed on an Ovation Operator Station (source drop) and display
it on another Operator Station (destination drop). You can define the station you want to use as a
destination drop as well as the window you want to use (1 - 16). (Refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide for configuration instructions.)

You can configure up to 16 target graphic redirect destinations in a local network, and you can
display up to 16 graphics at one time at an Operator Station. On a remote network, you can only
redirect graphics to a local destination drop, not a remote drop.

You can also use the Redirect Graphics application program #115 to create a graphic poke field
that displays the graphic on a destination drop in a defined window. (Refer to the Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual for instructions on using graphic application programs.)

Before you can redirect a graphic to a destination drop, you must be sure the graphic has been
downloaded (see page 163) to the destination drop. If the graphic does not reside on the
destination drop, you cannot display it.

Note: If you modify a graphic, the latest changes do not appear in a redirected graphic unless
you first download the revised graphic (see page 163) to the destination drop.

7.3.1 To use the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station

After the Graphic Redirect window objects have been configured, you can simultaneously display
graphics at the source Operator Station and the destination Operator Station. (Refer to the
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for configuration instructions.) You can also display
graphics on a large screen monitor or on additional Operator Stations.

1. Make sure the graphics (the latest versions of the .diag files) you want to redirect are
downloaded (see page 163) on the destination drop:
2. Display a graphic at the source Operator Station.
3. Select Redirect graphic from the File menu. A list of configured destinations appears.
Right-click in the canvas of the graphic and select Redirect graphic from the menu that
Select a poke field or OL_button to execute the Redirect Graphics application program #115
from the currently displayed graphic.

Note: A poke field must already exist in the displayed source graphic. (Refer to the Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual for instructions on using the Redirect Graphic application
program #115 to create poke fields to redirect graphics.)

OW360_20 161
7.3 What is the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station?

4. From the list of configured redirected graphic destinations, select the destination Operator
Station and window where you want to display the graphic. The graphic you are displaying at
the source Operator Station now also displays at the destination Operator Station.

Figure 103: Menu of redirected graphics

Note: If you dynamically change a source graphic (for example, activate a poke field), this
change may not appear in the destination graphic, since a destination graphic always appears in
its initial state. However, if there is a database change in a process point value, this change will
appear in the destination window.


You display diagram 1234 in its initial state on workstation A. You run some triggers to display
additional widgets on the diagram, access a pop-up window, and perform control functions that
update widgets on the diagram. Then, you redirect the graphic to workstation B.

When diagram 1234 displays on workstation B, it displays in its initial state; no triggers have been
run, no pop-up window appears, and no control functions have been executed. Therefore,
diagram 1234 does not appear on workstation B as it currently does on workstation A. Instead, it
appears as diagram 1234 appeared when it initially appeared on workstation A.

162 OW360_20
7.3 What is the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station?

7.3.2 To download graphics to destination drops

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio from the context menu. (Refer to the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.)
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the appropriate Systems, Networks, Units, or Drops folder:
3. Select the Graphics icon.
4. Right-click the Diagrams icon under Graphics and select Download. A Download Preview
dialog box appears.

Note: The Download Preview window contains a list of drops that fall under the selected level in
the hierarchy. For example, if you choose to download from the Systems folder level, all drops in
the system appear in the Download Preview window. If you choose to download from the Units
folder level, all drops under that unit appear in the Download Preview window.

Figure 104: Download Preview window with Drop Preview

5. Select the drop(s) you would like to download, by:

 Placing a check in the box (es) next to the individual drop number(s).
 Select all drops by placing a check in the top check box next to the Drops folder icon.
 Uncheck all drops by removing the check in the top check box next to the Drops folder
6. Select Ok to download these drops. You may abort the download by choosing the Abort
button in the Download Preview window.
The system queries the graphics to determine if there are any changes to the graphics.

OW360_20 163
7.3 What is the Graphic Redirect window at the Operator Station?

7. If there are no graphic changes, there is nothing to download and you are done.
If there are graphic changes to download, another Download Preview window appears. Each
item in the Query Results list appears already checked. Clear any item you do not want to

Figure 105: Download Preview for a specific drop

8. After the information in the Download Preview dialog is acceptable, make sure there is a
check in the Download check box.
You typically do not need to reboot when downloading graphics.
9. Select the Ok button. This downloads the changed graphics to the selected drop.

Download Preview window options


Download When checked, downloads all of the selected previewed files after selecting the
Ok button.
Reboot Restarts the computer. Typically used when downloading control graphics (.svg
Abort Stops the download process.
Ok Downloads the graphics and closes the window.
Skip to Next Advances to the next drop for file preview. (The current drop is not downloaded.)
Help Provides help about the Graphic Redirect feature.

164 OW360_20
7.4 What are the Operator Station Graphics Display window elements?

7.4 What are the Operator Station Graphics Display window

The elements of the Graphics window are:
 Menu Bar Elements (see page 165)
 Toolbar Elements (see page 166)
 Status Bar (see page 167)

7.4.1 Graphics Display window menu bar at the Operator Station

The menu bar contains five cascade buttons. Each button displays a pull-down menu.

Graphics window menu bar elements


File Load – Loads diagram files from a specified directory.

Group – Selects a diagram group for the current diagram.
Print Setup – Displays a dialog box to setup the printer properties.
Print – Sends the diagram to the printer.
Redirect graphics - List of configured drops and window numbers where you
can also simultaneously display the current graphic.
Properties – Displays the general, display, paging, zooming, and detail
information about current diagram.
Configuration – Displays the general, print, and window configuration of a
Exit – Ends the program.
View Main Toolbar – Makes the toolbar visible or not visible.
Layer Toolbar - Makes the Layer toolbar visible or not visible.
Control Toolbar - Makes the Control toolbar visible or not visible.
Status Bar – Makes the Status bar visible or not visible.
Full View – Displays the complete diagram in the active window.
Page – Navigates through the paging sequence defined in the process
Zoom – Displays a list of zoom options.
Display Pokes – Displays the poke fields on the graphics image.
Show hidden buttons (green) - Displays all the buttons on the graphic image,
including the hidden buttons which display in green.
Select Font – Displays a font dialog window.
Copy to Clipboard – Copies the diagram to the system clipboard.
Error List - Displays a list of warnings and errors for this window.
Control Control Panel - Displays the Control Panel.

OW360_20 165
7.4 What are the Operator Station Graphics Display window elements?


Favorites Add To Favorites – Adds the current diagram to the Favorites dialog menu.
Organize Favorites – Displays a window with the tree control list of favorite
diagrams. Several editing functions are available in this window.
Goto Favorites – Displays a dialog listing of all the favorites.
Help Help Topics - Displays the standard Windows Help menu.
About Graphics – Displays a dialog box with the application name and version

7.4.2 Graphics Display window toolbar at the Operator Station

The toolbar on the Graphics window allows you to quickly jump to several process diagram
functions. The toolbar contains the following elements described in the following table.

Figure 106: Graphics Toolbar

Note: You can hide this toolbar by selecting Hide in the Process Diagram Configuration
window. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

Graphics Display toolbar elements


Load Diagram File – displays a navigation dialog box with graphics files.

Home Page – returns you to the user-configured home page.

Go To Favorites – displays the Favorites window.

Reset Control - if control is active on the selected graphic, this button resets control.

Full Screen – displays the diagram at the maximum screen size.

Page Up – displays the page one level up in the graphics diagram if one is defined.

Page Down – displays the page one level down in the graphics diagram if one is
Page Right – displays the page to the right in the graphics diagram if one is defined.

Page Left – displays the page to the left in the graphics diagram if one is defined.

Recall Backward – displays the saved previous state in the graphics diagram.

Recall Forward – displays the saved next state in the graphics diagram.

Print Active Document – prints the current graphics diagram.

About – displays the application name and version number.

Visited Diagrams – displays a drop-down list of previously displayed diagrams.

166 OW360_20
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?

7.4.3 Graphics Display Status bar at the Operator Station

The error display and the active graphics program are located in the Status bar in the bottom of
the graphics window.

Figure 107: Status bar

Note: You can hide this Status bar by selecting Hide in the Process Diagram Configuration
window. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

 Error - when an error occurs in a diagram, it displays in the status bar.

 Last Active Instance - the LAI on the status bar identifies the Graphics window that is
currently active.

7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator

Graphic configuration parameters are set through the applicable Ovation configuration tool. These
parameters are written to each drop individually through the download procedure. (Refer to the
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

Graphic configuration parameters


Number of Local Number of graphic windows allowable per drop. 1 through 16

Number of previous Number of diagram saved in the recall queue. 1 through 50
Raise/lower request Number of seconds before the raise/lower functions is 1 through 60
timeout canceled, if no keyboard raise signal is received.
Zoom corners Allows you to click and drag the mouse to zoom. True or False
Disable fixed Overrides the fixed size and fixed position parameters True or False
size/position set by the Graphics Builder when the diagram was

OW360_20 167
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?

7.5.1 To configure the General tab in the Graphics Display program at the
Operator Station

Each drop has a number of configuration parameters which can only be set locally via the
Graphics Display program:

1. To access the configuration menu, select the Graphics icon from the Ovation programs
2. From the File pull-down menu, choose the Configuration option. The Configure Graphic
window appears.

Figure 108: File pull-down menu

168 OW360_20
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?

Figure 109: Configure Graphic window -- General tab

3. Make the desired changes and select Apply or OK to accept the changes.

OW360_20 169
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?

The following table explains the choices available in the General tab.

Configure Graphics General tab


General Number of Number of graphic windows allowed 1 through 16

Windows per drop.
Default = 4
This setting is overwritten via a drop
Number of Number of diagrams saved in the 1 through 50
previous views recall queue.
Default = 15
This setting is overwritten via a drop
Number of Number of popup windows (up to 10) 1 - 10
PopUp Windows that you can display at one time from
a main graphic. Default = 1

Popups are additional graphics that

you can access from poke fields in a
main diagram. (Refer to the Ovation
Operator Station Configuration
Lock popups by If popups are locked (Yes), no other Yes or No
default graphic can overwrite the locked
graphic. Default = Yes

Keyboard Keyboard Obsolete.


Font Font Name Defines the default font name used Default = Courier
only if a diagram does not have a New
font statement.
Font Style Defines the default font style used Default = Bold
only if a diagram does not have a
font statement.
Font Browse Use to select a font.
Miscellaneous Disable “Enter” If checked, when the mouse is Checked or
Button placed over a poke field on a Unchecked
diagram, the Enter button on the
keyboard has no affect when Default =
selected. Unchecked

Disable Fixed Overrides the fixed size and fixed Checked or

Size/Position position parameters set by the Unchecked
Graphics Builder when the diagram
was compiled. Default = Checked

This setting is overwritten via a drop

Disable Zoom by Allows you to click and drag the Checked or
Drag Mode mouse to zoom. Unchecked
Default =

170 OW360_20
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?


Hide “Error List” When set, the Error List window Checked or
Dialog does not automatically display when Unchecked
an error occurs. However, you can
request the window via the View - Default =
Error List menu item when required. Unchecked

Support Split Allows you to view split windows. Checked or

Windows See What is a Split Window? (see Unchecked
page 184) for additional information
on split windows. Default =
Treat all Select this for non-multiple networks Checked or
unresolved systems. All unresolved points are Unchecked
points as dummy treated as dummy points.
points Default =
Disable reset If unchecked, when you close a Checked or
control graphic window, control is disabled. Unchecked
Default =
Explorer type If unchecked, the Graphics Recall Checked or
Recall function will display the graphics as Unchecked
they display in the legacy Graphics
Display. Default =
If checked, the Graphics Recall
function will display the graphics as
MS Internet Explorer utilizes the
Recall function.

OW360_20 171
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?

7.5.2 To configure the Print tab in the Graphics Display program at the Operator
1. To access the configuration menu, select the Graphics icon from the Ovation Applications
2. From the File pull-down menu, choose the Configuration option. The Configure Graphic
window appears.
3. Choose the Print tab.
4. Define your margins.
5. If desired, you can use the Replacement Colors section to replace the background color with
a color from the scrolling list.
To clear an item, select the top most item (blank) from the color list.
6. Select Apply or OK to accept the changes.

Figure 110: Configure Graphic window -- Print tab

172 OW360_20
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?

The following table explains the setting options available in the Print tab.

Configure Graphics Print tab


Margins Right Defines the right print margin in inches.

Left Defines the left print margin in inches.
Top Defines the top print margin in inches.
Bottom Defines the bottom print margin in inches.
Replacement Colors Background Defines the background color for the diagram when
If the background replacement color is used
anywhere in the diagram, it is replaced with the
current background color.

Replacement Defines the replacement color #1 for the print

Color #1 functions.
Replacement Defines the replacement color #2 for the print
Color #2 functions.

OW360_20 173
7.5 What are Graphic configuration parameters at the Operator Station?

7.5.3 To configure the Window tab in the Graphics Display program at the
Operator Station

You may also access configuration parameters on a per window basis. The following figure shows
the available Window configuration parameters:

Figure 111: Configure Graphic window -- Window tab

1. To access the configuration menu, select the Graphics icon from the Ovation programs
2. From the File pull-down menu, choose the Configuration option. The Configure Graphic
window appears.
3. Choose the Window tab. You may reset all of the parameters at any time by selecting the
Default button.
4. Click Apply or OK to commit your desired changes.

174 OW360_20
7.6 What is the Property Sheet window at the Operator Station?

The following table explains the setting options available in the Window tab.

Configure Graphics Window tab


Select Window Window The number of the window to be Window #1

Number configured. Valid range is 1 through
Initial Diagram Diagram Name The name of the diagram that 1000.diag
displays when this window initially
Diagram Path The path to the initial diagram. C:\ovation\mmi\
Browse button Displays *.diag window where you N/A
can select a diagram to display.
Group Number The group number associated with 0
the initial diagram.

Home Page Diagram Name The name of the diagram that 1000.diag
displays when you select the Home
Page option.
Browse button Displays *.diag window where you N/A
can select a diagram to display.
Diagram Path The path to the Home Page diagram. C:\ovation\mmi\
Window Size Full Size When initially displayed, the window N/A
as Initial covers the entire screen.
1/4 Size When initially displayed, the window N/A
covers 1/4 of the screen.
1/3 Size When initially displayed, the window N/A
covers 1/3 of the screen.
1/2 Size When initially displayed, the window N/A
covers 1/2 of the screen.
Custom When initially displayed, the window N/A
covers a portion of the screen defined
by the width and height parameters.
Width and height become active when
you select this button.
Window X-Position When initially displayed, the window is 0
Position placed at the position defined by X.
Default button Resets values to default values. N/A
Y-Position When initially displayed, the window is 0
placed at the position defined by Y.

7.6 What is the Property Sheet window at the Operator Station?

The Property Sheet window allows you to view data about the currently selected diagram and

OW360_20 175
7.6 What is the Property Sheet window at the Operator Station?

7.6.1 To display diagram properties at the Operator Station

1. From the File pull-down menu in the Graphics display window, select Properties.

Figure 112: File pull-down menu

2. Click the right mouse button on an area of the diagram that is not occupied by a point value
or a control algorithm. Select Properties from this right-click menu.
3. The Properties window appears displaying detailed information about the selected diagram.
The Properties window is only used for informational purposes. You cannot edit the data in
this window.

Figure 113: Properties window (with diagram data displayed)

176 OW360_20
7.7 Zooming the display area at the Operator Station

7.7 Zooming the display area at the Operator Station

You can enlarge or reduce the entire diagram or just a specific area by using the Zoom menu or
the mouse zoom options.

7.7.1 To zoom using the mouse at the Operator Station

If you have defined the display diagram as zoomable and have not disabled the zoom feature,
you may use the mouse to zoom in on a specific area of the diagram or display full view of the

Note: You can disable the mouse zoom feature by selecting File menu -> Configuration
option -> Disable Zoom by Drag Mode.

1. To zoom in on a specified area of the diagram, click the left mouse button on a point in the
diagram that is not occupied by a poke or data entry field. The pointer changes to a
magnifying glass.
2. With the left mouse button depressed, drag the pointer across the diagram. A box appears
around the selected area. When you release the button, the boxed area zooms to occupy the
entire window.
3. To zoom out to the original diagram percentage, double-click the left mouse button on a point
of the diagram that is not occupied by a poke or data entry field. The entire diagram displays
in the window.

7.7.2 To zoom using the menu at the Operator Station

1. Select the View pull-down menu and select the Zoom option.

Figure 114: Zoom menu

OW360_20 177
7.7 Zooming the display area at the Operator Station

2. Select one of the following Zoom functions:

 Zoom By Corners (see page 178) – displays the area specified by the user.
 Zoom By Box (see page 178) – displays only the area contained in the zoom box.
 Zoom In (see page 179) – magnifies the display area by the percentage defined in the
Zoom In/Out window.
 Zoom Out (see page 179) – reduces the display area by the percentage defined in the
Zoom In/Out window.
 %Zoom In/Out (see page 179) – displays the Zoom In/Out Factor window to change the
percentage of magnification for the Zoom In and Zoom Out functions.

7.7.3 To zoom by corners at the Operator Station

The Zoom By Corners function allows you to select a specific area of the diagram to enlarge.

1. Select the View pull-down menu. Choose Zoom By Corners from the Zoom option.
2. Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the desired area.
3. Left-click and drag the cursor to the opposite corner of the area to be zoomed. A box appears
around the selected area.
4. Release the cursor. The area magnifies and shifts to show the zoom area in the window. The
display aspect ratio of width to height is maintained; therefore, the area shown will differ from
the zoom area selected unless the zoom area has the same aspect ratio as the window.

7.7.4 To zoom by box at the Operator Station

The Zoom By Box function allows you to select a specific area of the diagram to enlarge.

1. Select the View pull-down menu. Choose Zoom By Box from the Zoom option. The cursor
changes to a box.
2. Move the box to the area to zoom.
 To increase the size of the box, use the (+) from the keyboard’s numeric keypad.
 To decrease the size of the box, use the (-) from the keyboard’s numeric keypad.
3. Left-click to zoom. The area magnifies and shifts so that the zoom area occupies the entire

178 OW360_20
7.8 What are Operator Station poke fields?

7.7.5 To select the zoom increment at the Operator Station

The zoom increment determines the percentage of magnification for the Zoom In and Zoom Out
functions. For example, a zoom factor of 25 indicates that the diagram increases in size by 25%
of the zoom range each time the Zoom In button is selected and decrease 25% when Zoom Out
is selected.

1. Select the View pull-down menu. Choose % Zoom In/Out from the Zoom option. The Zoom
Increment window appears.

Figure 115: Zoom Increment window

2. Use the slide bar or enter a value in the entry field to change the zoom factor.
3. Close the window. The changes take effect without an Apply button.
4. Select one of the following zoom functions from the Zoom menu:
 Zoom In – increases the size of the diagram by the percentage defined in the Zoom
In/Out window.
 Zoom Out – reduces the size of the diagram by the percentage defined in the Zoom
In/Out window.

7.8 What are Operator Station poke fields?

A poke field is a rectangular area on a diagram. When you select that area with a cursor, the poke
field executes a function. Some of the possible functions include displaying a new diagram,
displaying a pop-up window, running an application program, running an operating system
command, displaying process point information and displaying help information.

A diagram may contain several types of poke fields. You can display the locations of all poke
fields on a diagram using the Display Pokes option from the View menu. (Refer to the Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual for additional information about the implementation of
poke fields.)

If desired, you can highlight a poke field in a process diagram. The Process Diagram
Configuration window in the Developer Studio allows you to configure the color and width of poke
field border lines. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for details.

7.8.1 To display poke fields at the Operator Station

1. Select the View pull-down menu in the Graphics window.
2. Select the Display Pokes option. A red rectangle appears around the poke fields in the
displayed diagram.

Note: As you move the mouse pointer over a diagram, it changes from an arrow to a finger as it
encounters a poke field.

OW360_20 179
7.8 What are Operator Station poke fields?

7.8.2 To display multiple pop-up windows at the Operator Station

You can access multiple graphics from poke fields in the diagram. These graphics appear in pop-
up windows. By default, only one pop-up window at a time can remain open for a diagram. If you
want to open more than one pop-up window at a time for a graphic, you must configure this
feature as described in Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

You can open up to 10 pop-up windows for a main graphic. You can lock a graphic in a pop-up
window by selecting the Lock Window check box in the pop-up window. This locks the graphic in
the window until you uncheck it, and no other graphic can overwrite the locked graphic. You
cannot check and lock the final pop-up window that you open, and any additional graphic you
open (beyond the configured number) appears in that pop-up window.

Figure 116: Graphics pop-up window example

180 OW360_20
7.9 What is paging between Operator Station diagrams?

7.9 What is paging between Operator Station diagrams?

The paging buttons and paging menu items are used to page between diagrams. Paging must be
defined for the displayed diagram in order for the buttons to operate. (Refer to the Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual.)

You have the ability to page in four directions: up, down, left, and right, if defined in the diagram.
The buttons and menu items are disabled if the paging directions are not defined.

7.9.1 What is the Operator Station Recall function for graphics?

The Recall function displays the diagrams that were shown before or after the current diagram.
The diagrams are stored in a queue so that they can be quickly retrieved. A diagram is added to
the end of the queue when you zoom the diagram or display a new diagram in the window. You
can repeatedly recall backward until you reach the first entry in the queue.

When the queue is full and a new diagram is selected, the diagram at the beginning of the queue
is removed to make room for the new diagram.

There are two Recall buttons and a drop-down menu on the Graphics toolbar. You can use these
buttons and menu to display a diagram that has been previously displayed.

 Recall Backward (red curved arrow pointing left) – displays the previous diagram. This
menu item is not active (it is grayed out) if you did not previously select a diagram.
 Recall Forward (red curved arrow pointing right– displays the next diagram. This menu
item is not active (it is grayed out) if you did not previously select Backward.
 Drop-down menu - allows you to select and return to a specific previously viewed

Figure 117: Recalling diagrams

7.10 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?

Favorites are a collection of items that you use frequently. Favorites in the Graphics Display
System allow you to quickly access diagrams which are used on a regular basis. Three options
exist under the Favorites right-click menu:
 Organize Favorites (see page 181)
 Add to Favorites (see page 182)
 Goto Favorites (see page 183)

Note: Favorites configuration is stored on each drop and is not distributed across the network;
therefore, you must configure favorites on each drop individually.

OW360_20 181
7.10 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?

7.10.1 To create a new Favorites folder in the Graphics Display System

1. Access the Graphics window (see page 158).
2. Select Organize Favorites from the Favorites pull-down menu. A window appears.
This window allows you to create custom folders to organize your diagrams, move between
diagrams, and rename folders and diagrams.
3. Highlight the existing folder or the root Favorites folder and select the New Folder button.
4. A new folder is created. Highlight the new folder and select the Rename button and enter
your desired folder name.
5. Remove folders from the list by highlighting the folder and selecting the Delete button. This
removes the folder and all underlying diagrams from the list.

Figure 118: Organize Favorites window

182 OW360_20
7.10 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?

7.10.2 To add Favorites in the Graphics Display System

You can add a diagram to the favorites list by first displaying the diagram in the Graphics window:

1. Access the Graphics window (see page 158).

2. Select Add to Favorites from the Favorites pull-down menu. A window appears showing the
complete diagram path name and description. You may overwrite this description.
3. Select the Create In>> button to place this entry in any of the previously designated Favorites

Figure 119: Add Favorites window

OW360_20 183
7.10 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?

7.10.3 To access Favorites in the Graphics Display System

1. Access the Graphics window (see page 158).
2. Select Goto Favorites from the Favorites pull-down menu or select the Favorites folder on
the toolbar. A window appears.

Figure 120: Goto Favorites window

3. Highlight the desired diagram and select the Open button or double-click the diagram.

184 OW360_20
7.11 What is a split window in the Graphics Display System?

7.11 What is a split window in the Graphics Display System?

Information can be displayed in subscreen format at the bottom of the screen (see Dismissing a
Split Window (see page 185)). All displayable items are permitted in subwindows. The
subwindows are initially sized at 20% of the main screen, but can be expanded. The subwindows
remain visible as the main screen diagram changes.

Note: You can enable the split screen feature by selecting File menu -> Configuration option
-> Support Split Screens.

7.11.1 To dismiss a split window in the Graphics Display System

Dismiss a split window subwindow by doing one of the following:

 Select the right mouse button in the subwindow to display a pop-up menu with a Dismiss
 Drag the split screen bar to the bottom of the window.
 Use an application program to dismiss the window (Refer to the Ovation Graphics Language
Reference Manual).

Figure 121: Split window

OW360_20 185
7.12 Printing graphics in the Graphics Display System

7.12 Printing graphics in the Graphics Display System

You can define a print setup and then print graphics from the main Graphics window (see page

7.12.1 To perform a Print Setup (Graphics)

1. Access the main Graphics window (see page 158).
2. Select the Print Setup option from the File pull-down menu.
3. To modify specific properties, click the Properties button. A window with tabs appears.
4. To change the paper orientation, choose landscape or portrait in the Page Setup tab.

Note: The default paper orientation for graphic displays is landscape.

5. Select OK to commit the changes.

7.12.2 To print graphics at the Operator Station

1. Access the main Graphics window (see page 158).
2. Select Print from the File pull-down menu.
3. Select the Main Screen, Window, or Subscreen option and the Print window appears.
4. Select the appropriate printing options.
5. To modify the specific output options, click the Properties button. Use the tabs in the
Properties window to select the desired option and select OK to close the Properties window.
6. Click OK in the main Print window to accept the changes and print the graphic.

Note: To print a specific portion of the displayed graphic, zoom in on the desired area, use the
print procedure described above, and select Main Screen to print.
To change the background and selected colors on the printed page, see To Configure the
Graphics Print Tab (see page 171).

186 OW360_20
7.13 What is the Warning window at the Operator Station?

7.13 What is the Warning window at the Operator Station?

If an error or warning should occur when a diagram displays, a message appears in the Status
Bar and in a Warning window. Take the appropriate action to respond to the message.

Figure 122: Warning window

If you wish to write the warnings to a file, select Write Warnings to File from the Warning Level
drop-down menu in the Warning window. As errors and warnings occur, they are written to the file
C:\tmp\graphics_debug.txt. This feature is intended for debugging and should be used

7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

An alarm icon represents the unacknowledged/acknowledged alarm status, alarm priority, and
alarm suppressed status of a single alarm point or an alarm group. It provides a graphical
representation on a diagram when a point or alarm group is in alarm. For alarm groups, an
operator can quickly click the icon and display the Graphics Alarm window that provides
information about the alarms and suppressed alarms that are in the selected alarm group.

7.14.1 What is an alarm group?

The alarm group represents a group of alarmable points with a specific criterion. You configure
the grouping criteria by classifying the priority and characteristic for each alarm group. You also
show a numeric alarm count of the total number of alarms represented by the alarm icon (called a
snap-on (see page 192)) displayed for the alarm groups.

OW360_20 187
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

7.14.2 How do you create and configure an alarm icon or an alarm group?

The icon shape, outline color, and fill color are configurable. These parameters represent the
unacknowledged/acknowledged alarm status, alarm priority, and alarm suppressed status of a
single alarm point or an alarm group.

You configure the alarm group information in the Ovation Developer Studio. An overview of the
process is listed here. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide and Ovation
Graphics Builder User Guide for more information on building and configuring alarm icons.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio to configure the alarm graphics group.
 Use the system tree to navigate to the Alarm Graphic Groups at System level.
 Configure the following parameters of the alarm group. To understand various alarm icon
elements, see Elements of an alarm icon (see page 193):
 Enable or disable the alarm group.
 Identify if returns are displayed.
 Configure whether the alarm groups contain local alarms only. When you select the
local alarm only option, remote alarms are not collected for the alarm graphic groups
even if the drop is configured to receive the remote alarm data.
 Define the order of precedence used to determine the group’s priority and status.
 Specify if you want to show the alarm priority as an icon in the Point Information
 Identify the grouping characteristics.
 Select the shape to be displayed for each priority.
 Select the shape to be displayed for suppressed alarms.
 Select the shape and color to be displayed for errors.
 Select the acknowledged outline color for each priority.
 Select the unacknowledged outline color for each priority.
 Select the suppressed alarm outline color.
 Select the alarm icon fill color.

188 OW360_20
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

 Select the suppressed icon fill color.

Figure 123: Alarm Graphics Group window

2. Create a group name and determine the plant area grouping and priority grouping criteria
3. Download and reboot the drop.
4. Access the Graphics Builder from the Ovation Developer Studio.

OW360_20 189
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

5. Add an alarm icon according to the procedures defined in the Ovation Graphics Builder User
 Choose the alarm icon type, single point or alarm group.
 Alarm icon for single point: Configure point name, icon size, and icon outline width.

Figure 124: GBNT:Alarm Icon window with single point selected

190 OW360_20
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

 Alarm icon for group of points: Specify the group name created in the Ovation
Developer Studio and configure the icon size, icon outline width, Graphics Alarm
window size and position, snap-on position and alarm count information to be
displayed in it, and snap-on color parameters.

Figure 125: GBNT: Alarm Icon window

6. Download and reboot the drop.

OW360_20 191
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

7. Access the Operator Station Graphics Display System. Load the graphic with the configured
alarm icon.

Figure 126: Configured alarm icons in Graphics Display System

Note: The alarm icons that are created in the Ovation Graphics Builder are used in the Graphics
Display System. The Alarm Window, Graphics Window, Point Review, and Point Information
applications also display a bitmap based on the shape configurations, but it is not created in the
Graphics Builder. These bitmaps are predefined shapes.

7.14.3 What is the snap-on feature for alarm icons?

As an option for alarm icons used with alarm group, you can show a numeric count of the total
number of alarms represented by the alarm icon. This snap-on alarm count is placed in an area
adjacent to the alarm icon and configured in the Graphics Builder. You can configure snap-on to
show the numeric count of the total number of alarms, total number of acknowledged alarms, total
number of unacknowledged alarms, or total number of suppressed alarms associated with the
alarm icon.

For configuration details, refer to the Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide.

When the snap-on is configured for the alarm icon, the numeric value displays beside the icon
also in the configured font, colors, font size, field width, position (above, below, left or right)
relative to the icon, and virtual offset from the icon.

Figure 127: Snap-on displayed beside the alarm icon group

192 OW360_20
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

7.14.4 Elements of an alarm icon

The following are the elements of an alarm icon.

 Alarm icon shapes (see page 193).
 Alarm icon fill color (see page 194).
 Alarm priority (see page 196).
 Alarm icon outline color (see page 196).
The alarm icon color and shape is defined by the priority and alarm status of the point. See
Example of an alarm icon structure (see page 196) for configured alarm icon shapes.

Note: In the Graphics Display System application, when an error exists that prohibits the display
of the alarm icon, a special error shape displays for the alarm icon. See Example of the error
shapes displayed for alarm icons (see page 198).

Alarm icon shapes

The alarm icon appears the same whether it is based on a single point or an alarm group. You
configure the shape that you want to set for each priority and for suppressed alarms in the
Ovation Developer Studio. The following predefined options of shapes are available.
 Upright triangle
 Square
 Upside-down triangle
 Diamond
 Circle
 Hexagon
 Rounded-corners square
 Pentagon
 Page connector

OW360_20 193
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

Alarm icon fill color

The shape used for each priority and for suppressed alarms is configured in the Developers
Studio. Also, the fill color for suppressed alarms is determined by the Alarm Icon Suppressed Fill
Color option configured in the Developers Studio (see Ovation Operator Station Configuration

This option has the following choices:

 Use the Suppressed alarm foreground color.
 Use the Suppressed alarm background color.

Figure 128: Alarm group for suppressed alarms displaying foreground and background
colors in Graphics Display System

194 OW360_20
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

The fill color for all other alarms is determined by the alarm priority, alarm status (acknowledged
or unacknowledged), and the Alarm Icon Priority Fill Color option. The Alarm Icon Priority Fill
Color option, also configured in the Developer Studio (refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide), specifies whether to use the foreground or background alarm color for
acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms:
 The foreground alarm color is used for both acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms.
 The background alarm color is used for both acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms.
 The foreground alarm color is used for acknowledged and the background alarm color for
unacknowledged alarm.
 The background alarm color is used for acknowledged and the foreground alarm color for
unacknowledged alarms.
The foreground and background alarm colors are also configured in the Alarm Object in the
Developer Studio. For more information, refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration

Figure 129: Color changes as shown in the Graphics Display System

OW360_20 195
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

Alarm priority

In an alarm icon, the priority appears as a number in center of the alarm icon shape. This icon can
only have a 1-8 for alarms, or an S for suppressed alarms. The shapes can only be one of the
predefined shapes. The appropriate bitmap is displayed based on the configuration in the Alarm
Graphics Group Configuration performed in the Ovation Developer Studio. Refer to the applicable
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for more information.

Note: The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station application that displays alarm
priority: Alarm window, Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point Review.

Alarm icon outline color

The configured outline color is used for the numeric display (or the ‘S’). The outline color is also
used to outline the perimeter of the shape itself. The outline colors (for both acknowledged and
unacknowledged states) is configured for each priority in the Developer Studio (see Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide). A single outline color is configured for suppressed alarms.

196 OW360_20
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

7.14.5 Examples of alarm icon structures

You can use the alarm icon to obtain information about unacknowledged/acknowledged alarm
status, alarm priority, and alarm suppressed status of a single alarm point or an alarm group.

Some examples of the alarm icon for priorities 1-4 and suppressed are shown in the following



1 Upright triangle

2 Square

3 Upside-down triangle

4 Diamond

Suppressed (S) Circle

OW360_20 197
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

7.14.6 Example of the error shapes displayed for alarm icons

In the Graphics Display System application, when an error exists that prohibits the display of the
alarm icon, a special error shape appears.

The error shape and color configuration is system-wide and is configured in the Developers
Studio. The error shape is configured from a list of four pre-defined shapes (universal_no, x,
triangle_exclamation, and octagon_x). The error shapes display in a solid color or with a
transparent background. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for
configuration information.

The following table shows the four possible error shapes that displays in the Graphics Display


Universal no

Triangle exclamation

Octagon x

198 OW360_20
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

7.14.7 Using the alarm icon for single points or alarm groups

Alarm icon for single point

When you click an alarm icon configured for a single point, a pop-up message appears to confirm
the alarm acknowledge request. When you click Yes, it acknowledges the alarm.

Figure 130: Alarm icon displays confirm acknowledge request

When you right-click an alarm icon configured for a single point, a point menu appears for the
point on the Graphics Display Diagram. The Point menu is same as it appears on any other
Operator Station application and provides the same access to functionality. See Point Menu (see
page 42) for more information.

Figure 131: Point menu for the point on the Graphics Display Diagram

OW360_20 199
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

Alarm icon for alarm group

Clicking an alarm icon for an alarm group displays a pop-up mini alarm summary window, called
the Graphics Alarm window. The Graphics Alarm window display all points that are in alarm or
suppressed from alarm and are members of a specific group. For more information, see What is
the Graphics Alarm window? (see page 202).

Figure 132: Graphics Alarm window

200 OW360_20
7.14 Understanding the alarm icons in the Graphics Display System

7.14.8 Determining alarm groups with worst case priority

The alarm icon for groups indicates the alarm status of any active alarm in the group, revealing
the representation of the worst-case alarm priority for all alarms that comprise the group. The
precedence is defined as follows:
 Unacknowledged alarm status takes precedence over acknowledged.
 Acknowledged alarm status takes precedence over Suppressed.
The order of precedence based on the highest priority alarm in the group or based on the highest
priority unacknowledged alarm in the group is configured in the Developer Studio (see Ovation
Operator Station Configuration Guide). For example, consider a group that contains priority 1, 2,
and 3 alarms. All of the priority 1 alarms are acknowledged. There is at least one priority 2 and
one priority 3 alarm that are unacknowledged in the group. Based on the configuration of the
group precedence, the worst case is determined as follows:
 Highest Priority Alarm
 Group Priority - Priority 1
 Group Status - Acknowledged
 Highest Priority Unacknowledged Alarm
 Group Priority - Priority 2
 Group Status - Unacknowledged

The only time the group status reflects suppressed is when there are no unacknowledged and no
acknowledged alarms in a group that contains suppressed alarms. The priority is based on the
highest priority suppressed alarm in the group.

Note: Returns and Resets are NOT considered as unacknowledged or acknowledged alarms
and are not part of the unacknowledged or acknowledged counts or part of the suppressed

OW360_20 201
7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window?

7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window?

The Graphics Alarm window is a mini alarm summary window that displays an alarm list
containing only the points in the group that is associated with the alarm icon where the initiation
request originated. By default, only alarms and suppressed alarms are maintained in this list.
However, returns and resets can also be maintained in the list based on the configuration settings
in the Developer Studio. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for additional

Note: There is a Graphics Alarm window for each Graphics Display System window.

Figure 133: Graphics (mini-summary) Alarm window

Note: The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station application that displays alarm
priority: Alarm window, Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point Review.

7.15.1 Accessing the Graphics Alarm window

1. Access the Graphics Display System application.
2. Load the required graphics diagram.
3. Select an alarm icon group graphic element on the loaded graphic.
4. The Graphics Alarm window appears.

202 OW360_20
7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window?

7.15.2 Components of the Graphics Alarm window

The Graphics Alarm window consists of the following item:

Note: For information about these components, see Using the Alarm System at the Operator
Station (see page 47).

 Menu button

 Quick Access toolbar

 Set of ribbon tabs at the top of the window:

 Home tab

 Value tab

 Alarm/Limit tab (appears only as Alarm tab if a digital point is selected)

 List of alarms in the selected alarm icon group graphic element.

The information for each group that displays in the list is based on the point’s priority and

OW360_20 203
7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window?

 List of columns
Similar to the Operator Station Alarm window, the alarm information is contained in columns
in the Graphics Alarm window. The columns provide the following information about the
 Date
 Alarm Type
 Code
 Name
 Net Alias
 Description
 AP
 Priority
 AY
 Characteristics
 Value
 Quality
 Units
 Limit
 Incr
 PM

Note: For more information on the columns displayed in the Graphic Alarm window, see
Understanding the Operator Station Alarm window columns (see page 82).

204 OW360_20
7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window?

7.15.3 Understanding the Graphics Alarm window

The Graphics Alarm window provides a platform to share the alarm group information between
the Ovation Graphics Display system and the Ovation Alarm system. When you open this
window, the appropriate alarm messages are passed to this application. As new alarm messages
are detected, they are forwarded as necessary.

The Graphics Alarm window is similar to the Operator Station Alarm window. It provides the ability
to do the following functions:
 Load and save configuration files.
 Provide support for user preferences.
 Support the point menu as well as the Value and Alarm/Limit Ribbon options.
 Provide remote network connection details similar to the Remote Network Status tab of the
current Operator Station Alarm window.
The Graphics Alarm window differs from the Operator Station Alarm window in the following ways:
 The Graphics Alarm window does not use the default filtering defined in the Alarm
Configuration and it does not allow you to change the filtering.
 The Graphics Alarm window is based on the alarm group that is selected. If a new group is
desired, you can open it by selecting the appropriate alarm icon group graphic element.
 The Graphics Alarm window only contains the alarm list. It does not maintain a history list,
unacknowledged list, acknowledged list, reset list, suppressed list, alarm frequency list, or
icon list.
 The Graphics Alarm window does not support the Silence Audio function.

7.15.4 Understanding the color scheme for alarm messages in the Graphics Alarm

The Graphics Alarm window uses the Operator Station Alarm window configuration settings in the
Developer Studio (refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide) when displaying
alarm messages. You can display the entire alarm message using the Operator Station Alarm
window colors, or you can define a separate color for the Value field in the Ovation Developer

When the Operator Station Alarm window colors are not used, you can identify whether the Alarm
Type field should still be displayed in the defined alarm colors.

In addition, if the Operator Station Alarm window colors are not used and acknowledged alarms
are configured to be displayed in a lower intensity, the acknowledged alarm messages are
displayed in a lighter color intensity to quickly distinguish between acknowledged and
unacknowledged alarms on the alarm list.

Figure 134: Various color schemes used for alarm messages

OW360_20 205
7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window?

7.15.5 Viewing remote network information

1. Access the Graphics Alarm window (see page 202).
2. Click anywhere on the Remote Connection status bar that displays remote connection
 A pop-up window appears that provide the following information about the remote
 Network alias.
 Network status.
 Alarm data server connection type.
 IP address of primary and secondary alarm data servers.

Figure 135: Remote network information pop-up window

206 OW360_20
7.15 What is the Graphics Alarm window?

7.15.6 Viewing Point menu

You can view the Point menu for a single point from the Graphics Alarm window. The Point menu
is same as it appears on any other Operator Station application and provides the same access to
functionality. See Point Menu (see page 42) for more information.

1. Access the Graphics Alarm window (see page 202).

2. Right-click a point to view the Point menu.
 The following figures display an example of a Point menu on the Graphics Alarm window:

Figure 136: Graphics Alarm window: Point menu for a point

Figure 137: Graphics Alarm window: Point menu for a point in sensor alarm

OW360_20 207
S E C T I O N 8

Using the Point Information System at the Operator



What is the Ovation Point Information system? .............................................................. 209

What is the Point Information window at the Operator Station? ..................................... 210
What are the components of the Point Information window? ......................................... 214
Point Information Menu button ........................................................................................ 215
Point Information Quick Access toolbar .......................................................................... 221
Point Information ribbon tabs .......................................................................................... 222
Point Information operations ........................................................................................... 233
Point Context Menu ......................................................................................................... 235
Point Information dockable tabs ...................................................................................... 235
Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station ................................... 319

8.1 What is the Ovation Point Information system?

The Ovation Point Information system provides access to current detailed information about each
point in the Ovation network.

The fields for Ovation points are updated periodically to ensure the accuracy of the point data.

From the Point Information window, you can use the dockable tabs (see page 235) to view point
database records along with point status information.

You can also use the ribbon tabs (see page 222) to make adjustments to point attributes, such as
entering a new point value or disabling alarm checking.

OW360_20 209
8.2 What is the Point Information window at the Operator Station?

8.2 What is the Point Information window at the Operator Station?

The Point Information window is composed of many different components (see page 214). The
main components are window tabs:
 Ribbon tabs at the top of the window.
 Dockable tabs in the middle of the window.
These tabs work together to display all the attributes for the selected point in the window. The
information that displays is dependent upon what tab is selected.

Note: You can also create custom tabs (see page 319) that will display only the point attributes
that you want to see.

You can select one dockable tab to display in the window or you can select multiple tabs to
display at the same time by using the Guide Diamond to arrange and anchor different tabs as

The first time the Point Information window appears, the Home ribbon tab (see page 222)
appears. There is an empty Point Name field where you can enter the name of the point you want
to display or use the Browse For Points button (see page 217) to locate the desired point.

After you enter a point name and access the point, you can select the applicable tabs to display
the desired information about the point in the PI window.

The name of the point currently displayed in the window appears on the Point Information window
title bar. For more information on this, refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

The parameters of the point appear along with the record fields and current values of the
parameters. You can "drag" the point name from the Current Point field and "drop" it into other
applications such as Trend.

210 OW360_20
8.2 What is the Point Information window at the Operator Station?

The following figure is an example of the Point Information window using the Value/Mode ribbon
tab with multiple dockable tabs.

Figure 138: Example of PI window displaying multiple tabs

OW360_20 211
8.2 What is the Point Information window at the Operator Station?

8.2.1 To access the Point Information window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Point
Information icon.
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Point Information.
2. The empty Point Information window appears as shown in the following figure.

Figure 139: Point Information Start window

3. If you know the name of the desired point, type in the name and press Enter. The Point
Information window appears for that point (as shown in the following picture).
 If the point name is unqualified, the default unit and network is appended to the name.
 If the point name has the network specified, the default unit is added, if the network
matched the default network.
 If the point is not found on the unit, the other units on the network are searched for the
point name.

212 OW360_20
8.2 What is the Point Information window at the Operator Station?

4. You can also select a point from the list of Recently Viewed Points that appears when you
select the Point Information Menu button (see page 215).

Figure 140: Point Information Menu example

5. If you do not know the point name, and want to browse through the collection of current
Ovation points, click the Browse for Points icon (magnifying glass) in the Point Information
window. The Point Browser window (see page 216) appears. Set the desired settings to filter
the points you want to display in the Browse for Points window.

Figure 141: Point Information window displaying point data

OW360_20 213
8.3 What are the components of the Point Information window?

8.3 What are the components of the Point Information window?

The Point Information window consists of the following:
 Point Information menu button (see page 215).
 Point Information Quick Access toolbar (see page 221).
 Ribbon tabs (see page 222) at the top of the window:
 Home tab (see page 222).
 View tab (see page 224).
 Value/Mode tab (see page 226).
 Alarm/Limit tab (see page 228) (appears only as Alarm if a digital point is selected).
 Plant Mode tab (see page 232) (appears if a Deluxe point is selected).
 Dockable tabs (see page 235) in the middle of the window.
 Current Point Status bar appears above the dockable tabs (as shown in the following
example). This bar displays the current point name, the English Description (ED) of the point,
and the current value of the point.

The tabs work together to display all the attributes for the selected point in the window. The
information that display is dependent upon what tab is selected.

Note: You can also create custom tabs (see page 319) that will display only the point attributes
that you want to see.

214 OW360_20
8.4 Point Information Menu button

8.4 Point Information Menu button

The Point Information Menu button at the top of the Point Information window provides access to
several Point Information window functions. The following figure illustrates the menu that displays
from the Point Information Menu button and the following table describes the functions.

Figure 142: Point Information Menu example

Point Information Menu button functions


Browse for points Displays the Ovation Point Browser (see page 216) window where you can search
the point directory for the local Ovation network as well as configured remote
Ovation networks for points by applying various filtering criteria. An individual point
can then be selected to be loaded into Point Information.
Where Used Displays the Where Used window (see page 218) that contains a list of references
to the currently loaded point. This button is enabled if a point is currently loaded in
the PI window.
Print Displays the Preview and Print menu.

Export Opens the Export window (see page 220). You can use the Save As window to
export the contents of the PI window to Text, Image, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT,
RTF, XLS, and XLSX formats.
Preferences Opens the Preferences window that can be used to save application settings
between PI sessions.
Point Information Displays the Options window that allows you to set View and Color Settings for the
Options Point Information window for the current session.
Exit Point Closes the Point Information window.
Recently Viewed List of last points that have been viewed in the Point Information window.

OW360_20 215
8.4 Point Information Menu button

8.4.1 Ovation Point Browser window in PI

The Ovation Point Browser window is used to locate the points you want to display in the Point
Information window (see page 210). Various filters are provided to help you narrow the search for
the desired points.

The Ovation Point Browser window appears when you select the Browse for Points icon
(magnifying glass) in the Point Information window, in the Quick Access toolbar, or in the Point
Information Menu button. The following figure provides an example of the Ovation Point Browser
window and the following table provides descriptions of the components of the window.

Figure 143: Ovation Point Browser window

Functions in the Point Information Ovation Point Browser window


Start button Searches for all points matching the current filter settings and displays the
matching set in the point list. This button is enabled if a search is not
currently in progress.
Stop button Aborts the current point search. This button is enabled if a point search is in
Network/Unit Selects between local and remote networks and units as the source of the
points to display.
Drops Selects a set of drops from the selected Network/Unit as the source of the
point search.
Point Name/ Sets the Point Name and/or Description filters used during the point search.
Description An asterisk (*) character is used as a wild card.
Characteristic Sets the Point Characteristics to be included during the point search.

216 OW360_20
8.4 Point Information Menu button


Record Types Selects a set of record types to be included during the point search.

Frequencies Selects a set of frequencies to be included during the point search.

OK Accepts the selected point and loads its parameter values.

Close Closes the Ovation Point Browser window.

Initializing Points Displays the progress of the initialization of the points in the list. All the
Bar points in the list must be initialized in order to sort or group the points in the
Stop Point Used to stop the initialization of the points in the list. Appears next to the
Initialization progress bar in the bottom of the window during initialization.

8.4.2 To use the Ovation Point Browser window in PI

1. Access the Point Information window (see page 211). If you do not know the name of a
desired point to enter into the Point Name field, you can browse for the desired point.
2. Click the Browse for Points icon (magnifying glass) in the Point Information window, or in the
Quick Access toolbar, or in the Point Information Menu button in the Point Information
window. The Ovation Point Browser window (see page 216) appears.
3. Use the icons in the toolbar to display various point filter windows. You can use these filter
windows to define the properties of the points you want to display in the Ovation Point
Browser window.
4. You can filter on the following point attributes:
 Data Source - where the point is located in the Ovation system.
 Network and Unit.
 Drop number.
 Point name and description.
 Characteristics.
 Record type.
 Frequencies.
5. After you have selected the point attributes you want to filter on, select the Refresh Point
List icon (Start) in the Toolbar to start the search. (If you want to stop the search, click the
Stop Point Search icon.)
The Point Initialization Progress bar appears in the bottom of the window while the points are
being initialized in the search. You cannot group or sort the points until all the points are
6. The list of points with the selected attributes displays in the Browse window. Use the scroll
bar to view the entire list.
7. Double-click on a desired point name in the list or select the point and click the OK icon to
accept the selected point. The Point Information window appears for that point.
8. The Browse for Points window remains on the screen so you can perform searches for other
points. To close the window, click the Close icon or the “X” button in the top right corner.

OW360_20 217
8.4 Point Information Menu button

8.4.3 Where Used window in PI

After you have loaded a point into the Point Information window (see page 210), you may want to
learn where that point is used in the Ovation system. The Where Used window contains a list of
places and items that currently reference the selected point. You may use this as a cross
reference tool when building or modifying points.

The following figure provides an example of a Where Used window and the following table
provides descriptions of the components of the window.

Figure 144: Point Information Where Used window

Components in the Point Information Where Used window


Object column Lists the objects in the database that use the selected point.

Type column Identifies the type of objects in the database that use the selected point.
How Used column Describes how the point is used in the Ovation system.

Go To Reference If the selected point is used in control or in a graphic, this button is enabled.
button Identifies the control sheet or graphic where the selected point is used. A
window also appears that provides the option to open the sheet or graphic
where the point is used.
Refresh button Refreshes the contents of the window.

Close button Closes the Where Used window.

218 OW360_20
8.4 Point Information Menu button

8.4.4 To use the Where Used window in PI

1. Access the Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Make sure a point is loaded into the Point Information window.
3. Select the Point Information Menu button (see page 215).
4. Select the Where Used icon from the menu or from the Quick Access toolbar.
5. You can use the window to determine where and how the point is used in the system.

8.4.5 To print from the PI window

1. Access the Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Make sure a point is loaded into the Point Information window.
3. Select the Print icon from the Point Information Quick Access toolbar.
 The Print window containing a list of all the PI tabs appears.
 Select the desired tabs you want to print and select the Preview button. The Preview
window (see page 220) appears.
 If you are satisfied with the Preview, select the appropriate Print button at the top of the
Preview window to send the Preview to the printer.
4. Select the Point Information Menu button (see page 215).
5. Select the Print icon from the menu. A new menu appears with the following options:
 Print
 Print window containing a list of all the PI tabs appears.
 Select the desired tabs you want to print and select the Preview button. The Preview
window appears.
 If you are satisfied with the Preview, select the appropriate Print button at the top of
the Preview window to send the Preview to the printer.
 Page Setup
 The standard Microsoft Page Setup window appears.
 Select the desired Page Setup options and select OK.

OW360_20 219
8.4 Point Information Menu button

8.4.6 Print window for Point Information

The Print window provides many functions that can be used to define your Point Information
printouts. The following figure illustrates the window that appears when you select the Print
button. Use this window to select the Point Information tabs that you want to print. Select Print to
send the selected tabs to the printer or select Preview to display the tabs in the Preview window.

Figure 145: Point Information Print window

8.4.7 Export window for Point Information

The Export window provides a list of Point Information window tabs. You can select the desired
tab(s) and save the data on the tab(s) to a Text, Image, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT, RTF, XLS,
or XLSX file.

Figure 146: Point Information Export window

220 OW360_20
8.5 Point Information Quick Access toolbar

8.4.8 To use the Export window in PI

1. Access the Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Make sure a point is loaded into the Point Information window.
3. Select the Point Information Menu button (see page 215).
4. Select the Export icon from the menu. The Export window appears.
5. Select the tab(s) whose data you want to save to a file.
6. Select the Export As button and a Save As window appears. Use the Save As window to
name the file, select where you want to store the file, and define what file format you want to

8.5 Point Information Quick Access toolbar

The Point Information window has frequently used icons that appear at the top of the window in a
Quick Access toolbar. This toolbar allows for easy access to commonly used functions, instead of
navigating through the ribbon tabs. These icons are shown below and are described in the
following table from left to right.

Figure 147: Point Information Quick Access toolbar

Point Information Quick Access toolbar functions


Browse for Points Displays the Ovation Point Directory Browser where you can search the
(see page 216) point directory for the local Ovation network as well as configured remote
Ovation networks for points by applying various filtering criteria. An
individual point can then be selected to be loaded into Point Information.
Where Used (see Displays a list of references to the currently loaded point. This button is
page 218) enabled if a point is currently loaded.
Print Point Select or deselect a group of information to be printed. Any or all of the
Information (see groups of information may be printed. The information groups correspond to
page 219) the tabs in the Point Information window.

OW360_20 221
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

When a point is loaded into the Point Information window, the applicable ribbon tabs appear in the
window. These tabs allow you to select a point to load, format the text that appears in the
dockable tabs, and perform various operations (see page 233) on the point that is loaded in the
Point Information window (for example, turn Scan on or off for the point).

The ribbon tabs are displayed as needed for the point types that are selected. The following
ribbon tabs are available in the PI window:
 Home ribbon tab (see page 222).
 View ribbon tab (see page 224).
 Value tab (see page 225)
 Value/Mode ribbon tab (see page 226).
 Alarm ribbon tab (see page 228).
 Alarm/Limit tab (see page 230)
 Plant Mode ribbon tab (see page 232).

8.6.1 Home ribbon tab in the Point Information window

The Home ribbon tab in the Point Information window provides an entry field where you can enter
or select the name of an existing Ovation point that you want to load into the Point Information

A valid Ovation point name consists of the following three parameters:

 Point name.
 24-character maximum for Windows systems.
 Six-character maximum sub-network (unit) name.
 Eight-character maximum network name.
The fully qualified name is of the format “pointname.unit@network.” The (.) and @ are
delimiters for point names.

The name of the point that is currently loaded in Point Information is displayed in the current Point
Status bar. This bar provides additional information such as the point's English Description,
quality, and value. The point name that is in the current point field can be dragged to other
Ovation applications (such as Trend) that are valid drop targets.

222 OW360_20
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

The Home tab is shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following
table. The Home tab is the same for all point types.

Figure 148: Point Information window Home tab

Options in the Point Information window Home tab


Point Name Entry field where you can enter the name of a current Ovation point from the
Ovation network. Provides a pull-down list that displays the names of the points
used in this PI session. You can also use the wildcards in this field.

Note: When a wildcard is detected, a drop-down list opens with a scrolling list
of points that match. Since this list of point names can be lengthy, there will be
a progress indication bar along with a button to stop the search.

The search is limited to a single network. If you do not type in a unit@network,

the default network is used. You will not be able to use a wildcard in
unit@network portion of the name.

Apply Point Name Accepts the point name specified in the Point Name entry field and loads the
information associated with the corresponding Ovation point.
Browse for Points Displays the Ovation Point Directory Browser where the point directory for the
(see page 216) local Ovation network as well as configured remote Ovation networks can be
searched for points by applying various filtering criteria. An individual point can
then be selected to be loaded into Point Information.

OW360_20 223
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

8.6.2 View ribbon tab in the Point Information window

The View ribbon tab in the Point Information window provides several configuration options that
you can use to configure the font that displays in the PI windows.

The View tab is shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following table.
The View tab is the same for all point types.

Figure 149: Point Information window View tab

Options in the Point Information View tab


Font type menu Use to change the font type used in the PI dockable tabs.

Font size menu Use to change the font size used in the PI dockable tabs.
B (letter B for bold) Use to change the font weight used in the PI dockable tabs.

I (letter I for italic) Use to change the font to italic in the PI dockable tabs.
New custom tab (see Use to create a new custom tab.
page 319)

224 OW360_20
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

8.6.3 Value ribbon tab in the Point Information window

The Value ribbon tab in the Point Information window allows you to perform several operations on
a point that is loaded into the Point Information window.

The Value tab for a Packed Point is shown in the following figure. All the possible options are
described in the following table.

Figure 150: Point Information window Value tab

Options in the Point Information Value tab


Toggle value Toggles the state of the selected bit. If the button is selected, its value will be
Bits 0 - 15 affected whenever one of the Force or Force Value buttons is clicked. This button
is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions allow the
Set All Sets all the bits.
Clear All Clears all the bits.

Force Value 0/1 Sends a request to set the selected bits of the Value (A2 field) to 0 or 1. This
button is enabled if one or more Value Bits are selected and all applicable user
and point security group permissions allow the operation.
Clear/Set Force Sends a request to set the selected bits of the Forced Bits value (B3 field) to 0 or
1. This button is enabled if one or more Value Bits are selected and all applicable
user and point security group permissions allow the operation.

OW360_20 225
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

8.6.4 Value/Mode ribbon tab in the Point Information window

The Value/Mode ribbon tab in the Point Information window allows you to perform several
operations on a point that is loaded into the Point Information window.

The Value/Mode tab for a digital point is shown in the following figure. Different point types
(Analog, Digital) display different options and all the possible options are described in the
following table.

Figure 151: Point Information window Value/Mode tab

Options in the Point Information Value/Mode tab


Scan Set Scan Off or On. This option sends a request to change the scan state of the
current point to Off or On. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point
Off or On security group permissions allow the operation.
Digital Value Set digital value to 0 (False) or 1 (True). This option sends a request to change
the digital value of the current point to 0 or 1 or the corresponding user-defined
state. This button is enabled if the scan is off and all applicable user and point
security group permissions allow the operation.
Analog Value Apply Analog Value. This option sends a request to change the analog value
using the value entered in the Analog Value field. This button is enabled if all
applicable user and point security group permissions allow the operation.
Value Clamp This option sends a request to change the Value Clamp state of the current point
to Off or On. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group
Off or On permissions allow the operation.
(analog point)

226 OW360_20
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs


Test Mode Set Test Mode Off or On. This option sends a request to change the Test Mode
state of the current point to Off or On. This button is enabled if all applicable user
Off or On and point security group permissions allow the operation.
Latched Quality Set Latched Quality to Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad. This option sends a request to
change the Latched Quality value of the current point to Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad.
This button is enabled if the Test Mode is On and all applicable user and point
security group permissions allow the operation.
Latched quality is when the quality of a point is set to a requested value. Test
Mode must be On in order to use the Latched Quality option.
Set Engineering This option sends a request to change the Engineering Range Check state of the
Range Check current point to Off or On. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point
security group permissions allow the operation.
(analog point)
The engineering range, expressed in engineering units, is used to range check
each analog input. If the point is out of range, then the point quality will be set to P
(POOR) and the engineering range bit will be set. The high or low deadbands are
used to keep the point from toggling in and out of engineering range. The
engineering range limits do not cause an alarm. Since this is a range check and
not a limit check, if the range is 0 - 100, then 0 and 100 are considered to be in
range. Anything less than 0 or greater than 100 is considered out of range.
Set Reasonability This option sends a request to change the Reasonability Range Check state of
Range Check the current point to Off or On. This button is enabled if all applicable user and
point security group permissions allow the operation.
(analog point)
The reasonability range, expressed in engineering units, is used to range check
each analog input. If the point is out of range, then the point quality will be set to B
(BAD) and the reasonability bit will be set. The high or low deadbands are used to
keep the point from toggling in and out of reasonability range. The reasonability
range limits do not cause an alarm. Since this is a range check and not a limit
check, if the range is 0 - 100, then 0 and 100 are considered to be in range.
Anything less than 0, or greater than 100 is considered out of range.

OW360_20 227
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

8.6.5 Alarm ribbon tab in the Point Information window

The Alarm ribbon tab in the Point Information window provides several alarm configuration
options that you can perform on the current point that is loaded in the PI window. You can
acknowledge and reset alarms, turn alarm check off or on, shelve or unshelve points, and enable
or disable Auto Cutout.

The Alarm tab for a digital point is shown in the following figure. Different point types (Digital,
Packed, Module, and Node) display different options and all the possible options are described in
the following table.

Figure 152: Point Information window Alarm tab

228 OW360_20
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

Options in the Point Information window Alarm tab


Acknowledge Sends a request to acknowledge the active alarm of the current point. This
Alarm button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions allow
the operation.
Reset Alarm Sends a request to reset the acknowledged return of the current point. This
button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions allow
the operation.
Set Alarm Check Sends a request to change the Alarm Check state of the current point to Off/On.
Off/On This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions
allow the operation.
Disable/Enable Sends a request to change the Auto Cutout state of the current point to
Auto Cutout Disabled/Enabled. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security
group permissions allow the operation.
Alarm Shelve Allows you shelve or unshelve a point.
Shelve/Unshelve When a point is shelved, you are asked to select duration. The point remains
shelved for that duration unless it is manually unshelved.

Status Check Sends a request to have the status check occur whenever the digital value
changes. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group
(digital point) permissions allow the operation.
Status Check on 0 = Sends a request to have the status check occur whenever
the digital value is 0.
Status Check on 1 = Sends a request to have the status check occur whenever
the digital value is 1.
0 -> 1 = Sends a request to have the status check occur on a 0 to 1 transition of
the digital value.
1 -> 0 = Sends a request to have the Status check occur on a 1 to 0 transition of
the digital value.

OW360_20 229
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

8.6.6 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Information window

The Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Information window provides several alarm configuration
options that you can perform on the current point that is loaded in the PI window. You can
acknowledge and reset alarms, turn alarm check off or on, shelve or unshelve points, turn point
limit states off or on, and enable or disable Auto Cutout.

The Alarm/Limit tab for an analog point is shown in the following figure. Different point types
(Analog) display different options and all the possible options are described in the following table.

Figure 153: Point Information window Alarm/Limit tab

230 OW360_20
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

Options in the Point Information window Alarm/Limit tab


Acknowledge Sends a request to acknowledge the active alarm of the current point. This
Alarm button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions
allow the operation.
Reset Alarm Sends a request to reset the acknowledged return of the current point. This
button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions
allow the operation.
Set Alarm Check Sends a request to change the Alarm Check state of the current point to Off/On.
Off/On This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions
allow the operation.
Turn Limit Check Sends a request to change the Limit Check state of the current point to Off/On.
Off/On This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions
allow the operation.
Alarm Shelve Allows you shelve or unshelve a point.
Shelve/Unshelve When a point is shelved, you are asked to select duration. The point remains
shelved for that duration unless it is manually unshelved.
Disable/Enable Sends a request to change the Auto Cutout state of the current point to
Auto Cutout Disabled/Enabled. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security
group permissions allow the operation.
Low Limits/High Change the values of one or more of the various Low Limits/High Limits. These
Limits individual fields are enabled if all applicable user and point security group
permissions allow the operation.
Status Check Sends a request to have the status check occur whenever the digital value
changes. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group
permissions allow the operation.
Status Check on 0 = Sends a request to have the status check occur whenever
the digital value is 0.
Status Check on 1 = Sends a request to have the status check occur whenever
the digital value is 1.
0 -> 1 = Sends a request to have the status check occur on a 0 to 1 transition of
the digital value.
1 -> 0 = Sends a request to have the Status check occur on a 1 to 0 transition of
the digital value.

OW360_20 231
8.6 Point Information ribbon tabs

8.6.7 Plant Mode ribbon tab in the Point Information window

The Plant Mode tab only appears if the point in the Point Information window is a Deluxe Point.

The Plant Mode tab is shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following

Figure 154: Point Information window Plant Mode tab for a digital point

Options in the Point Information window Plant Mode tab


Select Plant Mode Selects the plant mode applicable to the status Check buttons.

Status Change Sends a request to have the Status check occur whenever the digital value
changes. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group
permissions allow the operation.

232 OW360_20
8.7 Point Information operations

8.7 Point Information operations

Point Information provides record type specific ribbon tabs in the PI window that can be used to
perform various operations on the loaded point. The following table lists the operations that can
be performed on different point types.

Point Information Operations



Scan (Off or On) Analog, Deluxe Analog, Digital, This operation sends a request to change
Deluxe Digital the scan state of the current point to Off or
On. Determines whether or not the
originating drop scans and updates the
Value Clamp Analog, Deluxe Analog This operation sends a request to change
(Off or On) the clamp state of the current point to Off
or On. Determines whether or not the
point's engineering unit value is limited
Analog Value Analog, Deluxe Analog This operation sends a request to change
the analog value entered in the Analog
Value field.
Digital Value Digital, Deluxe Digital This operation sends a request to change
the digital value of the current point to
False (0) or True (1).
Latched Quality Analog, Deluxe Analog, Digital, This operation sends a request to the
Deluxe Digital originating drop to set (latch) the quality of
the point to the requested value (Good,
Fair, Poor, or Bad).
Test Mode Analog, Deluxe Analog, Digital, This operation sends a request to change
Deluxe Digital the test mode of the current point to Off or
Engineering check Analog, Deluxe Analog This operation sends a request to check
(On) or not check (Off) the engineering
range of the current point.
Reasonability check Analog, Deluxe Analog This operation sends a request to check
(On) or not check (Off) the reasonability
range of the current point.
Force bits Packed Points, Deluxe Packed This operation can be used to force the
value of a digital bit. When a bit is "forced"
the point is removed from scan and a
value has been manually entered for the
Alarm check Analog, Deluxe Analog, Digital, This operation sends a request to change
(Off or On) Deluxe Digital, Packed, Deluxe the Alarm Check state of the current point
Packed, Module, Node to Off/On.
Limits (Off or On) Analog, Deluxe Analog This operation sends a request to change
the Limits state of the current point to Off
or On.

OW360_20 233
8.7 Point Information operations



Auto cutout Analog, Deluxe Analog, Digital, This operation sends a request to enable
(Disabled or Deluxe Digital, Packed, Deluxe or disable the auto cutout state of the
Enabled) Packed point. Alarm cutout either stops a point
from alarming or stops an alarmed point
from displaying an alarm message.
Limits (Low Limits Analog, Deluxe Analog This operation sends a request to change
or High Limits) the value of one or more of the limit
Ack(nowledge) Analog, Deluxe Analog, Digital, This operation sends a request to
Deluxe Digital, Packed, Deluxe acknowledge the active alarm of the
Packed, Module, Node current point.
Reset Analog, Deluxe Analog, Digital, This operation sends a request to reset
Deluxe Digital, Packed, Deluxe the acknowledged return of the current
Packed, Module, Node point.
Status check Digital, Deluxe Digital This operation sends a request to have
the status check occur whenever the
digital value changes.
Status Check on 0 = Sends a request to
have the status check occur whenever the
digital value is 0.
Status Check on 1 = Sends a request to
have the status check occur whenever the
digital value is 1.
0 -> 1 = Sends a request to have the
status check occur on a 0 to 1 transition of
the digital value.
1 -> 0 = Sends a request to have the
Status check occur on a 1 to 0 transition of
the digital value.
Plant Mode Limits Deluxe Analog Select applicable mode (1 - 6). This
operation sends a request to change the
value of the parameters for the selected
Plant Mode.
Plant Mode Status Deluxe Digital This operation sends a request to have a
Check status check occur on a 0 to 1 change of a
digital value.

Note: If the Ovation security indicates that an attribute is not changeable or that a point may not
be changed, the modifiable fields are visible, but grayed out. This indicates the field may not be

When the point contained on the point menu is a referenced point, the foreground color of the
point name is displayed in red to further denote that the Point menu is for the reference point and
not the point currently in the Point Information window.

234 OW360_20
8.8 Point Context Menu

8.8 Point Context Menu

When you use the Point Menu from the Point Information Window on a field that represents
another point, it contains the point that is being referenced (provided it is defined) and not the
point contained in the Point Information Window. The following is a list of fields that contain
reference points:
 The module point that the digital or analog is connected to.
 The Module Information tab of an analog or digital point.
 The alarm cutout field.
 The simulation point.
 An analog limit field that is a system ID.
When the point contained on the Point Menu is a referenced point, the Point Menu appears as
 The foreground color of the point name is displayed in red to further denote this is the Point
Menu for the reference point and not the point currently in the Point Information window.
 The Point Information Option is displayed.
 The Operation Menu is removed.

OW360_20 235
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

When a point is loaded into the Point Information window, the applicable dockable tabs appear in
the window. These tabs contain grids that identify the record fields that pertain to the loaded point.
Each row in the grid displays the following in a dockable tab:
 Edit Indicator column - This column is typically blank, but if a value can be modified, a pencil
icon will appear. A read-only icon provides detailed information about the value field (for
example, a list of bit definitions and values).
 Parameter name.
 Point Record Field - Click this to display online Help. Refer to the Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for additional information about point records.
 Current value of the field - Left-click this value cell to display an appropriate window where
you can perform the desired operation (for example, take a point off scan).
If there is an error regarding one of the fields, a text message appears in the Value field next
to the Value. Certain fields can be modified and become more detailed.

The following figure is an example of a Status dockable tab for a digital point.

Figure 155: Example of PI Status dockable tab

236 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

The following table lists the different dockable tabs and provides a brief description of each tab:

Point Information dockable tab descriptions



Alarm (see page LA, DA, LD, DD, Displays the various alarm priority fields.
238) LP, DP, DU, RM,
Ancillary (see All point types Displays additional user-defined information about points.
page 265) The information in the Ancillary tab is imported when a
point definition is imported. Otherwise, the tab is not
ASCII Params LC Displays the ASCII parameters of the algorithm. Labels
(see page 266) depend on the algorithm name chosen on the
Configuration tab.
Byte Params LC Displays the byte parameters of the algorithm. Labels
(see page 267) depend on the algorithm name chosen on the
Configuration tab.
Configuration All point types Displays the various configurations of the points.
(see page 267) except PD
Display (see LA, DA, LD, DD, Displays the type of display, standard, exponential,
page 275) LP, DP, DU, PD, technical, and the scale limits.
Hardware (see All point types Displays the I/O hardware configuration of each point in
page 278) except PD, LC, the system.
and DU
For RM (module) point types, also displays the names of
any analog, digital, or packed points associated with the
Initial (see page LA, DA, LP, DP, Displays the initial values of the various points.
284) PD
Instrumentation LA, DA Displays various hardware information including sensor
(see page 285) limits.
Int(eger) Params LC Displays the integer parameters of the algorithm. Labels
(see page 288) are dependent on the algorithm name chosen on the
Configuration tab.
Keys (see page LC Displays the communication or "hand-shaking"
288) parameters between the Operator Station and a
Limits (see page LA, DA Displays the alarm limits of point records.
Mode (see page LA, DA, LD, DD Displays test mode parameters.
Plant Mode (see DA, DD, DP Displays a collection of parameters that can be set
page 294) differently for each of the six modes.
Point (see page All point types Displays information about the point.
Real Params LC Displays the real (floating point) parameters of the
(see page 305) algorithm. Labels depend on the algorithm name chosen
on the Config tab.

OW360_20 237
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Security (see All point types Displays the defined security groups for each point in the
page 305) system.
The Security tab is not shown until the Security Builder
creates point security groups. (Refer to the appropriate
Managing Ovation Security User Guide.)
Status (see page LP, DP, LA, DA, Displays the status word values and the value of the point
306) LD, DD, PD, DU, record command word.

Value (see page LP, DP, LA, DA, Displays the bit values for the point.
313) LD, DD, PD, DU,

8.9.1 Alarm tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Alarm tab for different record types:

Alarm tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points


Alarm Params

Alarm Check N/A On or Off

Identifies the alarm check status of the current point.
Alarm Shelve N/A Shelve or Unshelve
Identifies the shelve status and the limits that are shelved.
See To shelve or unshelve a point (see page 320) for
additional details.
Alarm Check RE Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment - 80 bytes
Comment Displays the comment specified when the point was shelved
or was alarm check removed.
Limit Check N/A On or Off
Sends a request to change the Limit Check state of the
current point to Off/On.

238 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs


Auto Cutout N/A Enabled or Disabled

Each point in the system is capable of being cutout. (If a point
is cutout, it will not go into alarm.)
The cutout is enabled by setting a bit in the status word. If the
cutout is enabled, then the cutout is defined by a point
entered in the Alarm Cut-Out field (CX) of the point record.
This point may be either a digital or a packed point as defined
in the SID Configuration field (SJ) of the point record.
If the cutout is disabled or if the cutout is enabled, and its
value is reset, then the point is alarmed as normal. If the
cutout is enabled and its value is set, then the point is
inhibited from alarm.
Tagout N/A Enabled or Disabled
This command sets a bit in the status word to indicate that the
point is out of service. This command will also scan remove
the point. This also allows the tag out quality clarifier to be
displayed by the Alarm Display System.
Alarm Status N/A Describes whether or not the point is in alarm.

Alarm Acknowledged N/A Describes whether or not the point is an unacknowledged

Status alarm.
Suppressed Alarm N/A Displays the status of point if it was not suppressed from
Status alarm.
Cutout Status N/A Identifies the cutout status of the point. If the point is an
analog and the limits are cut out individually, it identifies what
limits are cutout.
Additional Analog PW Displays the status of point whether it is shelved or cutout.
Alarm Status For additional information, refer to Record Types Reference
Alarm Sequence AZ Alarm Sequence Number - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time and used for detecting lost
alarm messages.
Contains the last alarm message number sent by the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Cutout Sensor N/A Enabled or Disabled
Displays whether the cutout sensor alarm is enabled or
disabled. If it is enabled, the alarm cutout will inhibit sensor

OW360_20 239
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs


Current Alarm Priority N/A Displays an icon that provides alarm information as well as
Icon the priority. This alarm icon matches the color scheme that is
used by the alarm graphic element. The actual icon displayed
is one of a predefined set of bitmaps, which match the
predefined set of shapes for each priority. For additional
details on the alarm shapes and colors configuration, refer to
the applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

Note: The field is only available when the point is in alarm.

The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station
application that displays alarm priority: Alarm window,
Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point

Alarm Times

Time of First Alarm U4 Time of First Alarm

Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time when the point first went into alarm. It is
set every time the point enters an alarm state from a no alarm
For migration, this field maps to WDPF fields MM, NN, AH,
MN, LU (Bytes).
Time of First Alarm U5 Time of First Alarm in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point first went
into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state
from a no alarm state.
Time of Last Event U6 Time of Last Event
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point last changed
alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Last Event U7 Time of Last Event in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point last
changed alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an
alarm state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Alarm Check UC Time of alarm check remove/shelve in seconds - 32-bit
Remove/Shelve integer
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm check
action occurred.
Shelve Duration UG Displays the duration that the point can be shelved before it is
automatically unshelved.
Return To Service N/A Displays the time that the automatic unshelve operation will
Time occur.

240 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs


Time of Cutout UE Cutout time in seconds - 32-bit integer

Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm cutout
Alarm Annunciation

Alarm Annunciation AT The alarm message boxes in the Alarm Annunciator alarm
Text bands display two lines of text (up to 12 characters per line).
This text can contain up to 24 characters and identifies the
point that is in alarm.
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.
Alarm Description AD Description of an alarm. Can contain a maximum of 45
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.

Initial Alarm Delay 1T Each point in the system can have an initial delay (in
Time seconds) associated with it. This feature will delay the
reporting of the alarm to the system. Therefore, a point with a
Sec delay time of 60 seconds will not be reported to the system as
being in alarm for one minute after it first went into alarm.
At that time, the current alarm state is sent in an alarm
message to the Alarm Display System. That means that if a
point goes into alarm and returns to normal before the time
delay has expired, then no alarm is sent. The alarm state at
the end of the time delay is always reported, as opposed to
the alarm state when the time delay started. This delay can
be turned off by setting the delay time to 0. The default alarm
delay is 0.
Alarm Return Delay MP Alarm-off delay time in seconds - 16 bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Sets the time delay, in seconds, from the time an alarm return
condition is detected to the time it is reported.
Delay periods may range from 0 to 65535 seconds. A value of
0 (zero) indicates no delay.
Sensor Alarms are not delayed.

OW360_20 241
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs


Alarm Cutout CX If a point is cut out, it will not go into alarm. If alarm cutout has
been enabled, a point name (either digital or packed) appears
here. If the alarm cutout is a digital point, the field displays the
value 0 or 1. If the alarm cutout is a packed point, the field
displays the packed point, bit number used for the cutout and
bit value. If the alarm cutout is a packed point that is treated
as a bitmask, the field displays the packed point and the
bitmask value. This provides a mechanism to cut out the
individual analog limits.
Typically, an alarm cuts out on one. If the field "Alarm Cutout
on Zero" in the Studio Point Builder is checked, then the
alarm cuts out on zero.
If zero appears here, this means alarm cutout is not enabled
because no point has been defined in the Studio for alarm
Default = 1
Destination AY Destination - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Initialized to the first character of the characteristics field
Valid characters are A through Z and “-” (wildcard).
Used to display sets of related points that are in alarm.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AY (Byte).
Alarm Cutout Delay CY The field sets the alarm cutout delay time, in seconds. The
delay is the time after the cutout is released before the alarm
is actually reported. This delay is associated with the cutout,
and if the cutout delay time is set to 0, then the delay is not
used. The delay is activated when the value of the cutout
point goes from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1, depending on the
configuration set in the Studio. The default cutout delay is 0.
Status Copy SK Status Copy - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Contains a copy of the status bits so that they may be saved
to flash memory or disk (refer to the PI online Help or Ovation
Record Types Reference Manual).
Alarm Priorities

Sensor Priority ZP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools. Sensor alarm priority assigned to
the point.
Each point is configured to use the separate sensor priority.
Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for details.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).

242 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs


Alarm Priority 1 AP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools. Alarm priority assigned to the
Used for alarm diagrams.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Priority 2 P6 Alarm Priority 2 - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Used for alarm diagrams.
Alarm priority for High Limit 2 and Low Limit 2.
Indicates the high and low alarm priority of the point. A lower
number indicates higher priority.
The lower of the two values is used for points in SENSOR
Alarm Priority 3 P7 Alarm Priority 3 - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Used for alarm diagrams.
Alarm priority for High Limit 3 and Low Limit 3.
Indicates the high and low alarm priority of the point. The
lower of the two values is used for points in SENSOR alarm;
the higher of the two values is used for points returned to
Alarm Priority 4 P8 Alarm Priority 4 - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Used for alarm diagrams.
Alarm priority for High Limit 4 and Low Limit 4.
Indicates the high and low alarm priority of the point. The
lower of the two values is used for points in SENSOR alarm;
the higher of the two values is used for points returned to
Alarm Priority 5 P9 User-Defined Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Used for alarm diagrams.
Alarm priority for User Defined High Limit and User Defined
Low Limit.
The lower of the two values is used for points in SENSOR
alarm; the higher of the two values is used for points returned

OW360_20 243
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Alarm tab fields for Digital (LD) or Deluxe Digital (DD) points



Alarm Params

Alarm Check N/A On or Off

Identifies the alarm check status of the current point.
Auto Cutout N/A Enabled or Disabled
Each point in the system is capable of being cutout. (If a point
is cutout, it will not go into alarm.)
The cutout is enabled by setting a bit in the status word. If the
cutout is enabled, then the cutout is defined by a point
entered in the Alarm Cut-Out field (CX) of the point record.
This point may be either a digital or a packed point as defined
in the SID Configuration field (SJ) of the point record.
If the cutout is disabled or if the cutout is enabled, and its
value is reset, then the point is alarmed as normal. If the
cutout is enabled and its value is set, then the point is
inhibited from alarm.
Tagout N/A Enabled or Disabled
This command sets a bit in the status word to indicate that the
point is out of service. This command will also scan remove
the point. This also allows the tag out quality clarifier to be
displayed by the Alarm Display System.
Status Checking AR Status Checking Configuration - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools (defaults to zero if not initialized).
“N” is used if status checking is NOT to be performed.
If status checking is to be performed, the following values are
 0 - The point goes into alarm if its current value is zero.
 1 - The point goes into alarm if its current value is one.
 2 - The point goes into alarm when the current scan value
does not equal the value that occurred during the initial loop
scan (state change).
 3 - The point goes into alarm when the current value makes
the transition from 0 to 1.
 4 - The point goes into alarm when the current value makes
the transition from 1 to 0.
When the AR field is set to 3 or 4, if the point is cut-out from
alarm checking when the transition occurs, the point will not
go into alarm when it is returned from cut-out.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AR (Byte).
Alarm Status N/A Describes whether or not the point is in alarm.

Alarm Acknowledged N/A Describes whether or not the point is an unacknowledged

Status alarm.

244 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Alarm Sequence AZ Alarm Sequence Number - 32-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time and used for detecting lost
alarm messages.
Contains the last alarm message number sent by the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Current Alarm Priority N/A Displays an icon that provides alarm information as well as
Icon the priority. This alarm icon matches the color scheme that is
used by the alarm graphic element. The actual icon displayed
is one of a predefined set of bitmaps, which match the
predefined set of shapes for each priority. For additional
details on the alarm shapes and colors configuration, refer to
the applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

Note: The field is only available when the point is in alarm.

The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station
application that displays alarm priority: Alarm window,
Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point

Cutout Sensor N/A Enabled or Disabled

Displays whether the cutout sensor alarm is enabled or
disabled. If it is enabled, the alarm cutout will inhibit sensor
Alarm Times

Time of First Alarm U4 Time of First Alarm

Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point first went into
alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state from
a no alarm state.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF Fields MM, NN, AH,
MN, LU (Bytes).
Time of First Alarm U5 Time of First Alarm in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point first went
into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state
from a no alarm state.
Time of Last Event U6 Time of Last Event
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point last changed
alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Last Event U7 Time of Last Event in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point last
changed alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an
alarm state or returns from an alarm state.

OW360_20 245
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Time of Alarm Check UC Time of alarm check remove/shelve in seconds - 32-bit

Remove/Shelve integer
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm check
action took place.
Time of Alarm Check UD Time of alarm check remove/shelve in nanoseconds - 32-bit
Remove/Shelve integer
nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the last alarm
check action occurred.
Time of Cutout UE Cutout time in seconds - 32-bit integer
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm cutout
Time of Cutout UF Cutout time in nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the last alarm
cutout occurred.
Alarm Annunciation AT The alarm message boxes in the Alarm Annunciator alarm
Text bands display two lines of text (up to 12 characters per line).
This text can contain up to 24 characters and identifies the
point that is in alarm.
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.
Alarm Description AD Description of an alarm. Can contain a maximum of 45
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.

Initial Alarm Delay 1T Each point in the system can have an initial delay (in
Time (sec) seconds) associated with it. This feature will delay the
reporting of the alarm to the system. Therefore, a point with a
delay time of 60 seconds will not be reported to the system as
being in alarm for one minute after it first went into alarm.
At that time, the current alarm state is sent in an alarm
message to the Alarm Display System. That means that if a
point goes into alarm and returns to normal before the time
delay has expired, then no alarm is sent. The alarm state at
the end of the time delay will always be reported, as opposed
to the alarm state when the time delay started. This delay can
be turned off by setting the delay time to 0. The default alarm
delay is 0.

246 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Alarm Return Delay MP Alarm-off delay time in seconds - 16 bit integer

Initialized by Power Tools.
Sets the time delay, in seconds, from the time an alarm return
condition is detected to the time it is reported.
Delay periods may range from 0 to 65535 seconds. A value of
0 (zero) indicates no delay.
Sensor Alarms are not delayed.
Alarm Cutout CX It displays the point name and cutout value.

Destination AY Destination - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Initialized to the first character of the characteristics field
Valid characters are A through Z and “-” (wildcard).
Used to display sets of related points that are in alarm.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AY (Byte).
Alarm Cutout Delay CY The field sets the alarm cutout delay time, in seconds. The
delay is the time after the cutout is released before the alarm
is actually reported. This delay is associated with the cutout,
and if the cutout delay time is set to 0, then the delay is not
used. The delay is activated when the value of the cutout
point goes from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1, depending on the
configuration set in the Studio. The default cutout delay is 0.
Status Copy SK Status Copy - 32 Bit Integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Contains a copy of the status bits so that they may be saved
to flash memory or disk (refer to the PI online Help or Ovation
Record Types Reference Manual).
Sensor Priority ZP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Sensor alarm priority assigned to
the point.
Each point is configured to use the separate sensor priority.
Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for details.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Priority AP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Alarm priority assigned to the
Used for alarm diagrams.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).

OW360_20 247
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment

Alarm Check RE Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment - 80 bytes

Comment Saves the comment/reason you entered while performing an
Alarm Check remove or Shelve operation.

Alarm tab fields for Drop (DU) points




Destination AY Destination - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Initialized to the first character of the characteristics field
Valid characters are A through Z and “-” (wildcard).
Used to display sets of related points that are in alarm.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AY (Byte).
Last Alarm Sequence LN Last alarm message packet number that the drop sent out.

Alarm Priority AP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Alarm priority assigned to the point.
Used for alarm diagrams.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Times

Time of First Alarm U4 Time of First Alarm

Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point first went into
alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state from
a no alarm state.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF Fields MM, NN, AH,
MN, LU (Bytes).
Time of First Alarm U5 Time of First Alarm in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point first went
into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state
from a no alarm state.

248 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Time of Last Event U6 Time of Last Event

Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point last changed
alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Last Event. U7 Time of Last Event in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point last
changed alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an
alarm state or returns from an alarm state.
Alarm Annunciation

Alarm Annunciation AT The alarm message boxes in the Alarm Annunciator alarm
Text bands display two lines of text (up to 12 characters per line).
This text can contain up to 24 characters and identifies the
point that is in alarm.
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.
Alarm Description AD Description of an alarm. Can contain a maximum of 45
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.

Alarm tab fields for Module (RM) points



Alarm Params

Current Bits in Alarm C9 Current Bits in Alarm - 16-bit Integer

Shows bits which are currently in alarm. Updated by the
drop at run time.
Packed group alarming is performed on a bit-by-bit basis
using the Current Value (A2), the Alarm Mask (E0) and the
Bit Sense (E1) fields of the point record. If the bit is set in the
Invalidity Bits (A3) or Forced Bits (B3) fields of the point
record, then the bit cannot go into alarm. The bits that are in
alarm are stored in the Current Bits In Alarm (C9) field of the
point record. Even though the bits are checked individually,
there is only one alarm, one cutout and one delay for the
entire packed point.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field C9 (16-bit
Alarm Check N/A On or Off
Identifies the alarm check status of the current point.
Alarm Status N/A Describes whether or not the point is in alarm.

Alarm Acknowledged N/A Describes whether or not the point is an unacknowledged

Status alarm.

OW360_20 249
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Current Alarm Priority N/A Displays an icon that provides alarm information as well as
Icon the priority. This alarm icon matches the color scheme that is
used by the alarm graphic element. The actual icon
displayed is one of a predefined set of bitmaps, which match
the predefined set of shapes for each priority. For additional
details on the alarm shapes and colors configuration, refer to
the applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration

Note: The field is only available when the point is in alarm.

The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station
application that displays alarm priority: Alarm window,
Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point

Alarm Sequence AZ Alarm Sequence Number - 32-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time and used for detecting lost
alarm messages.
Contains the last alarm message number sent by the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Alarm Times

Time of First Alarm U4 Time of First Alarm

Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point first went
into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state
from a no alarm state.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF fields MM, NN, AH,
MN, LU (Bytes).
Time of First Alarm U5 Time of First Alarm in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point first
went into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state from a no alarm state.
Time of Last event U6 Time of Last Event
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point last changed
alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Last event U7 Time of Last Event in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point last
changed alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an
alarm state or returns from an alarm state.

250 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Time of Alarm Check UC Time of alarm check remove/shelve in seconds - 32-bit

Remove/Shelve integer
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm check
action took place.
Time of Alarm Check UD Time of alarm check remove/shelve in nanoseconds - 32-bit
Remove/Shelve integer
nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the last alarm
check action occurred.
Alarm Annunciation

Alarm Annunciation AT The alarm message boxes in the Alarm Annunciator alarm
Text bands display two lines of text (up to 12 characters per line).
This text can contain up to 24 characters and identifies the
point that is in alarm.
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.
Alarm Description AD Description of an alarm. Can contain a maximum of 45
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.

Destination AY Destination - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Initialized to the first character of the characteristics field
Valid characters are A through Z and “-” (wildcard).
Used to display sets of related points that are in alarm.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AY (Byte).
Alarm Priority

Sensor Priority ZP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools. Sensor alarm priority assigned to
the point.
Each point is configured to use the separate sensor priority.
Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Priority AP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Alarm priority assigned to the point.
Used for alarm diagrams.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).

OW360_20 251
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Alarm Groups

Alarm Grouping Mask E0 Mask for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer

Initialized by Power Tools. Determines which bits of the A2
field will be scanned to determine the alarm status of the
If any bit of this field is 1, then the corresponding bit in the
A2 field will be included in the group alarm according to the
bit sense as defined by the E1 field.
Alarm Grouping Bit E1 Bit Sense for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Determines whether the SET or
RESET state of each bit in the A2 field causes the point
alarm to be SET.
If any bit of the E0 field is 1, then the alarm is SET (value of
1 or TRUE) if the corresponding bit of the A2 field matches
the bit of the E1 field in the same position.
Alarm checking is performed only for those bits within the
value (A2 field) specified in the Alarm Mask field (E0). For
bits which are checked, when the bit's value is equal to the
value specified here, the alarm condition is set. That is, the
corresponding bit in the In Alarm field (C9) is set, and the
alarm bit in the Second Packed Status (2W) is set.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field E1 (16 Bit
Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment

Alarm Check RE Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment - 80 bytes

Comment Saves the comment/reason you entered while performing an
Alarm Check remove or Shelve operation.

252 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Alarm tab fields for RN points in PlantWeb Alerts



Alarm Params

Current Bits in Alarm C9 Current Bits in Alarm - 16-bit integer

Shows bits which are currently in alarm. Updated by the
drop at run time.
Packed group alarming is performed on a bit-by-bit basis
using the Current Value (A2), the Alarm Mask (E0), and the
Bit Sense (E1) fields of the point record. If the bit is set in the
Invalidity Bits (A3) or Forced Bits (B3) fields of the point
record, then the bit cannot go into alarm. The bits that are in
alarm are stored in the Current Bits In Alarm (C9) field of the
point record. Even though the bits are checked individually,
there is only one alarm, one cutout and one delay for the
entire packed point.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field C9 (16-bit
Alarm Check N/A On or Off
Identifies the alarm check status of the current point.
Alarm Status N/A Describes whether or not the point is in alarm.

Current Alarm Priority N/A Displays an icon that provides alarm information as well as
Icon the priority. This alarm icon matches the color scheme that is
used by the alarm graphic element. The actual icon
displayed is one of a predefined set of bitmaps, which match
the predefined set of shapes for each priority. For additional
details on the alarm shapes and colors configuration, refer to
the applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration

Note: The field is only available when the point is in alarm.

The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station
application that displays alarm priority: Alarm window,
Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point

Alarm Acknowledged N/A Describes whether or not the point is an unacknowledged

Status alarm.
Alarm Sequence AZ Alarm Sequence Number - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time and used for detecting lost
alarm messages.
Contains the last alarm message number sent by the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).

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Alarm Times

Time of First Alarm U4 Time of First Alarm

Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point first went
into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state
from a no alarm state.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF fields MM, NN, AH,
MN, LU (Bytes)
Time of First Alarm U5 Time of First Alarm in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point first
went into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state from a no alarm state.
Time of Last event U6 Time of Last Event
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point last changed
alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Last event U7 Time of Last Event in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point last
changed alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an
alarm state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Alarm Check UC Time of alarm check remove/shelve in seconds - 32-bit
Remove/Shelve integer
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm check
action took place.
Time of Alarm Check UD Time of alarm check remove/shelve in nanoseconds - 32-bit
Remove/Shelve integer
nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the last alarm
check action occurred.
Alarm Annunciation

Alarm Annunciation AT The alarm message boxes in the Alarm Annunciator alarm
text bands display two lines of text (up to 12 characters per line).
This text can contain up to 24 characters and identifies the
point that is in alarm.
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.
Alarm Description AD Description of an alarm. Can contain a maximum of 45
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.

254 OW360_20
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Destination AY Destination - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Initialized to the first character of the characteristics field
Valid characters are A through Z and “-” (wildcard).
Used to display sets of related points that are in alarm.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AY (Byte).
Alarm Priority

Sensor Priority ZP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools. Sensor alarm priority assigned to
the point.
Each point is configured to use the separate sensor priority.
Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Priority AP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Alarm priority assigned to the
Used for alarm diagrams.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Groups

Alarm Grouping Mask E0 Mask for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer

Initialized by Power Tools. Determines which bits of the A2
field will be scanned to determine the alarm status of the
If any bit of this field is 1, then the corresponding bit in the
A2 field will be included in the group alarm according to the
bit sense as defined by the E1 field.

OW360_20 255
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Alarm Grouping Bit E1 Bit Sense for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Determines whether the SET or
RESET state of each bit in the A2 field causes the point
alarm to be SET.
If any bit of the E0 field is 1, then the alarm is SET (value of
1 or TRUE) if the corresponding bit of the A2 field matches
the bit of the E1 field in the same position.
Alarm checking is performed only for those bits within the
value (A2 field) specified in the Alarm Mask field (E0). For
bits which are checked, when the bit's value is equal to the
value specified here, the alarm condition is set. That is, the
corresponding bit in the In Alarm field (C9) is set, and the
alarm bit in the Second Packed Status (2W) is set.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field E1 (16-bit
PlantWeb Alert Information

Failed/Abnormal K2 Failed/Abnormal Subcode - 16-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time.
Stores subcodes for Failed/Abnormal alerts (PlantWeb and
Maintenance K3 Maintenance Subcode - 16-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Stores subcodes for Maintenance PlantWeb Alerts.
Advisory Subcode K4 Advisory Subcode - 16-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Stores subcodes for Advisory PlantWeb Alerts.
Failed/Abnormal J2 Failed/Abnormal Alarm Index - 16-bit integer
Alarm Index
Updated by drop at run time.
Stores alarm indexes for Failed/Abnormal Alarm Index.
Maintenance Alarm J3 Maintenance Alarm Index - 16-bit integer
Updated by drop at run time.
Stores alarm indexes for Maintenance Alarm Index.
Advisory Alarm Index J4 Definition: Advisory Alarm Index - 16-bit integer
Updated by drop at run time.
Stores alarm indexes for Advisory Alarm Index.
Communication Alarm P1 Communication Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Alarm priority assigned to the point for Communication alert
types. 1 is high and 8 is low.
Used for PlantWeb Alerts.

256 OW360_20
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Maintenance Alarm P2 Maintenance Alarm Priority - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Alarm priority assigned to the point for Maintenance alert
types. 1 is high and 8 is low.
Used for PlantWeb Alerts.
Advisory Alarm P3 Advisory Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Alarm priority assigned to the point for Advisory alert types.
1 is high and 8 is low.
Used for PlantWeb Alerts.
Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment

Alarm Check RE Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment - 80 bytes

Comment Saves the comment/reason you entered while performing an
Alarm Check remove or Shelve operation.

Alarm tab fields for Packed (LP) or Deluxe Packed (DP) points



Alarm Params

Current Bits in Alarm C9 Current Bits in Alarm - 16-bit integer

Shows bits which are currently in alarm. Updated by the
drop at run time.
Packed group alarming is performed on a bit-by-bit basis
using the Current Value (A2), the Alarm Mask (E0), and the
Bit Sense (E1) fields of the point record. If the bit is set in the
Invalidity Bits (A3) or Forced Bits (B3) fields of the point
record, then the bit cannot go into alarm. The bits that are in
alarm are stored in the Current Bits In Alarm (C9) field of the
point record. Even though the bits are checked individually,
there is only one alarm, one cutout and one delay for the
entire packed point.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field C9 (16-bit
Alarm Check N/A On or Off
Identifies the alarm check status of the current point.

OW360_20 257
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Auto Cutout N/A Enabled or Disabled

Each point in the system is capable of being cutout. (If a
point is cutout, it will not go into alarm.)
The cutout is enabled by setting a bit in the status word. If
the cutout is enabled, then the cutout is defined by a point
entered in the Alarm Cut-Out field (CX) of the point record.
This point may be either a digital or a packed point as
defined in the SID Configuration field (SJ) of the point
If the cutout is disabled or if the cutout is enabled, and its
value is reset, then the point is alarmed as normal. If the
cutout is enabled and its value is set, then the point is
inhibited from alarm.
Tagout N/A Enabled or Disabled
This command sets a bit in the status word to indicate that
the point is out of service. This command will also scan
remove the point. This also allows the tag out quality clarifier
to be displayed by the Alarm Display System.
Tagout Bits TQ Tagout Bits - 16-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Alarm Status N/A Describes whether or not the point is in alarm.

Alarm Acknowledged N/A Describes whether or not the point is an unacknowledged

Status alarm.
Alarm Sequence AZ Alarm Sequence Number - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time and used for detecting lost
alarm messages.
Contains the last alarm message number sent by the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Current Alarm Priority N/A Displays an icon that provides alarm information as well as
Icon the priority. This alarm icon matches the color scheme that is
used by the alarm graphic element. The actual icon
displayed is one of a predefined set of bitmaps, which match
the predefined set of shapes for each priority. For additional
details on the alarm shapes and colors configuration, refer to
the applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration

Note: The field is only available when the point is in alarm.

The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station
application that displays alarm priority: Alarm window,
Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point

Cutout Sensor N/A Enabled or Disabled

Displays whether the cutout sensor alarm is enabled or
disabled. If it is enabled, the alarm cutout will inhibit sensor

258 OW360_20
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Alarm Times

Time of First Alarm U4 Time of First Alarm

Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point first went
into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm state
from a no alarm state.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF fields MM, NN, AH,
MN, LU (Bytes).
Time of First Alarm U5 Time of First Alarm in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point first
went into alarm. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state from a no alarm state.
Time of Last Event U6 Time of Last Event
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the point last changed
alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an alarm
state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Last event U7 Time of Last Event in Nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the point last
changed alarm states. It is set every time the point enters an
alarm state or returns from an alarm state.
Time of Alarm Check UC Time of alarm check remove/shelve in seconds - 32-bit
Remove/Shelve integer
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm check
action took place.
Time of Alarm Check UD Time of alarm check remove/shelve in nanoseconds - 32-bit
Remove/Shelve integer
nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the last alarm
check action occurred.
Time of Cutout UE Cutout time in seconds - 32-bit integer
Sec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in seconds when the last alarm cutout
Time of Cutout UF Cutout time in nanoseconds - 32-bit integer
nanosec Updated by the drop at run time.
Represents the time in nanoseconds when the last alarm
cutout occurred.

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Alarm Annunciation

Alarm Annunciation AT The alarm message boxes in the Alarm Annunciator alarm
Text bands display two lines of text (up to 12 characters per line).
This text can contain up to 24 characters and identifies the
point that is in alarm.
This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.
Alarm Description

Alarm Description AD Description of an alarm. Can contain a maximum of 45

This field is not applicable in the Ovation 1.x release.

Initial Alarm Delay 1T Initial Alarm Delay Time in Seconds - 16-bit integer
Time (sec)
Initialized by Power Tools.
Sets the time delay, in seconds, from the time an initial
alarm condition is detected to the time it is reported.
Delay periods may range from 0 to 65,535 seconds. A value
of 0 (zero) indicates no delay.
Sensor Alarms are not delayed.
Alarm Return Delay MP Alarm-off delay time in seconds - 16 bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Sets the time delay, in seconds, from the time an alarm
return condition is detected to the time it is reported.
Delay periods may range from 0 to 65535 seconds. A value
of 0 (zero) indicates no delay.
Sensor Alarms are not delayed.
Alarm Cutout CX It displays the point name, bit number, and value of the bit
number. If a point is cutout, it does not go into alarm. If alarm
cutout has been enabled, a point name (packed) appears
here and the field displays the packed point, bit number
used for cutout, and bit value.
Typically, an alarm cuts out on one. If "Alarm Cutout on
Zero" in the Studio Point Builder is checked, then the alarm
cuts out on zero.
If zero appears here, this means alarm cutout is not enabled
because no point has been defined in the Studio for alarm
Destination AY Destination - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Initialized to the first character of the characteristics field
Valid characters are A through Z and “-” (wildcard).
Used to display sets of related points that are in alarm.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AY (Byte).

260 OW360_20
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Alarm Cutout Delay CY The field sets the alarm cutout delay time, in seconds. The
delay is the time after the cutout is released before the alarm
is actually reported. This delay is associated with the cutout,
and if the cutout delay time is set to 0, then the delay is not
used. The delay is activated when the value of the cutout
point goes from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1, depending on the
configuration set in the Studio. The default cutout delay is 0.
Status Copy SK Status Copy - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Contains a copy of the status bits so that they may be saved
to flash memory or disk (refer to the PI online Help or
Ovation Record Types Reference Manual).
Force Bit Copy EK Force Bits Copy - 16-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time. Indicates which (if any) of
the 16 digital values in the A2 field are forced. “Forced”
indicates that the point is scan removed and has an entered
Whenever the force indication bit is set in this field, the
corresponding bit in the Invalidity field is also set.
Out of Service Force EZ Out of Service Force Bits - 16-bit integer
Updated by the drop. Indicates that the corresponding bit
was forced when it was marked out of service.
Alarm Priority

Sensor Priority ZP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools. Sensor alarm priority assigned to
the point.
Each point is configured to use the separate sensor priority.
Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Priority AP Definition: Alarm Priority - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Alarm priority assigned to the
Used for alarm diagrams.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Grouping Mask E0 Mask for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Determines which bits of the A2
field will be scanned to determine the alarm status of the
If any bit of this field is 1, then the corresponding bit in the
A2 field will be included in the group alarm according to the
bit sense as defined by the E1 field.

OW360_20 261
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Alarm Grouping Bit E1 Bit Sense for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Determines whether the SET or
RESET state of each bit in the A2 field causes the point
alarm to be SET.
If any bit of the E0 field is 1, then the alarm is SET (value of
1 or TRUE) if the corresponding bit of the A2 field matches
the bit of the E1 field in the same position.
Alarm checking is performed only for those bits within the
value (A2 field) specified in the Alarm Mask field (E0). For
bits which are checked, when the bit's value is equal to the
value specified here, the alarm condition is set. That is, the
corresponding bit in the In Alarm field (C9) is set, and the
alarm bit in the Second Packed Status (2W) is set.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field E1 (16-bit
Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment

Alarm Check RE Alarm Check Remove/Shelve Comment - 80 bytes

Comment Saves the comment/reason you enter while performing
Alarm Check remove or Shelve operation.

Alarm tab fields for Packed Digital (PD) points



Destination AY Destination - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Initialized to the first character of the characteristics field
Valid characters are A through Z and “-” (wildcard).
Used to display sets of related points that are in alarm.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AY (Byte)
Status Copy SK Status Copy - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Contains a copy of the status bits so that they may be saved
to flash memory or disk (refer to the PI online Help or
Ovation Record Types Reference Manual).

262 OW360_20
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8.9.2 What is a cutout sensor alarm?

Sensor alarms are generated when any hardware error is detected. Ovation provides a "cutout
sensor alarm" functionality. This feature uses alarm cutout to configure each point separately to
inhibit the generation of sensor alarms.

By default, the cutout sensor alarm functionality is disabled, which means sensor alarms are not
inhibited by the alarm cutout. The functionality is enabled in Ovation Developer Studio. To learn
how to enable the cutout sensor alarms for hardware, refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide.

8.9.3 Alarm cutout in the Point Information window

If an alarm cutout is enabled, then the cutout is defined by a point entered in the Alarm Cut-Out
field (CX) of the point record. This point may be either a digital or a packed point as defined in the
SID Configuration field (SJ) of the point record. The following figure illustrates a Point Information
window, where the Alarm Cutout CX field is displayed as the Ovation point name
(DIGITALCUTOUT) (not its SID) and its value when the cutout is a digital point.

Figure 156: Alarm Cutout field value for digital point

If the alarm cutout is a packed point, the point name, bit number, and value of the bit number are
displayed as shown in the following figure:

Figure 157: Alarm Cutout field value for packed point

OW360_20 263
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For deluxe points, each individual plant mode has its own Cutout Sensor Alarm field. The cutout
sensor alarms configuration is stored in bit 15 of the Alarm Limit Configuration fields applicable to
each Plant Mode (YF, YG, YH, YI, YJ, and YK). The following figure shows an example of the
Plant Mode tab. For more information on plant mode and record fields, refer to the Ovation
Record Types Reference Manual.

Figure 158: Alarm Limit Configuration under the Plant Mode tab

264 OW360_20
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In the Point Information window, the Alarm tab has a 'Cutout Sensor' field that is either set to
ENABLED or DISABLED as shown in the following figure:

Figure 159: Cutout Sensor field under the Alarm tab

When the cutout sensor alarm is enabled, bit 15 of the Alarm Limit Configuration field (LB) is set
to 1 or else it is set to 0.

8.9.4 Ancillary tab for Point Information window

The Ancillary tab displays the ancillary data fields for a specified point. It also allows you to edit
the existing ancillary data fields. However, it does not allow you to add additional fields to the

Note: The Point Information window allows you to update the ancillary data only when the
security option is enabled to update the ancillary data at runtime. For more information on the
ability to edit the ancillary data fields, please refer to the Managing Ovation Security User Guide.

The following table describes the fields that display in the Ancillary tab:

Ancillary tab fields


Ancillary information about a point appears here only if that information has been defined.
Parameter Name This is the Ancillary field label configured in the Ovation Developer
Field This is for internal purpose.

Value This is the value of the ancillary field.

OW360_20 265
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To view the Ancillary tab:

1. Define the ancillary labels and their corresponding values in the Ovation Developer Studio.
Please refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for more details.
2. Create a new point for which the ancillary labels are already defined. You can enter the
ancillary data on each point in the Ovation Developer Studio without entering any data for the
3. Open the Point Information window and browse to that point. Click the Ancillary tab to view
the ancillary data as shown in the following figure:

Figure 160: Configured Ancillary tab

4. Click the value in the Value column. It is an editable field (depending upon the security
permissions, refer to the Managing Ovation Security User Guide for more details).
5. A pop up box appears that allows you to edit the value. The new value is saved in the

8.9.5 ASCII Parameters tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the ASCII tab for LC record types:

ASCII Parameters tab fields for Algorithm (LC) points



Algorithm ASCII Field AJ, AK, These fields represent flash data fields. The flash data portion
is saved in the originating drop permanently in non-volatile
AL, AM memory (disk or flash) and copied periodically to receiving
String of Eight Characters - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Eight-character ASCII field.

266 OW360_20
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8.9.6 Byte Parameters tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the Byte Parameters tab for LC record

Byte Parameters tab fields for Algorithm (LC) points



Algorithm Byte Field X0 - X9 Algorithm Byte Fields - Bytes

Y0 - Y5 Initialized by Power Tools and/or updated by drop at run time.
For migration, see Algorithm Flash Data Structures (Bytes) in
PI online Help or Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.

8.9.7 Configuration tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Configuration tab for different record

Configuration tab fields for Algorithm (LC) points



Tuning Configuration TN Defines whether or not the algorithm is tunable.

Tuning Diagram LU Defines the number of the applicable tuning diagram.

Algorithm Name AN Represents the name of the algorithm.

Application Specific TT Third-party I/O tag - 40 Character ASCII

Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to define tag names for some third-party I/O devices.
Processing Task PZ  Definition: Processing Task Index - Byte
Index  Initialized by Power Tools.
 Specifies the Control Task that scans the I/O.
 Valid value for this field is a number between 0 and 4.

SIS Indication KC Indicates whether the point is a SIS point or not. Options
 1 = SIS point
 0 = Not a SIS point

OW360_20 267
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Configuration tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Alarm Limit Configuration

Alarm Limit LB Represents whether an alarm is checked by OPP (Originated
Configuration Point Processing).

SID Configuration SJ Defines whether a point is cutout. Each point in the system is
capable of being cutout. (If a point is cutout, it will not go into
alarm.) The cutout is enabled by setting a bit in the status word. If
the cutout is enabled, then the cutout is defined by a point
entered in the Alarm Cut-Out field (CX) of the point record. This
point may be either a digital or a packed point as defined in the
SID Configuration field (SJ) of the point record.
If the cutout is disabled or if the cutout is enabled, and its value is
reset, then the point is alarmed as normal. If the cutout is
enabled and its value is set, then the point is inhibited from
Flags FL Miscellaneous binary information about a point.

Point Bit Mask

Point Bit Mask LM This field only has bit 0 defined. Bit 0 identifies whether the Alarm
Check Remove is disabled for the point and the Alarm
Check/Limit Check Remove is disabled for analog points. This is
defined in the Ovation Developer Studio for each point. Refer to
the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information.

OPP Scan Rate OR Indicates the rate at which OPP (Originated Point Processing)
should process commands and perform alarm and limit checking
on the point.
The default value should be the frequency of the point. Valid
values are F(ast at 100 milliseconds), S(low at 1 second),
A(periodic), or U(ser defined).
Processing Task PZ  Definition: Processing Task Index - Byte
Index  Initialized by Power Tools.
 Specifies the Control Task that scans the I/O.
 Valid value for this field is a number between 0 and 4.

Simulation SID SP System ID for the simulation point. Must be an analog point.
Options are:
 Valid SID
 -1 = Simulation SID is configured but could not be calculated or
 0 = No simulation point has been configured.
Simulation Point N/A Fully qualified point name for the point corresponding to the
Simulation SID. The Simulation Point contains the simulated
value to be used for this point when in simulation mode.

268 OW360_20
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Module Point Info

Module Point SID RP Displays the System ID of the Module record that the analog
point is connected to. If the point is not connected to a module,
the System ID is 0.
The value of the RP field will also be 0 for remote points whose
network does not support this feature.
Module Point N/A Displays the point name of the Module record that the analog
point is connected to. If the point is not connected to a module,
the point name is blank.
SIS Indication KC Indicates if the point is a SIS point or not. Options are:
 1 = SIS point
 0 = Not a SIS point

Configuration tab fields displaying Digital (LD) or Deluxe Digital (DD) points



Alarm Limit Configuration

Alarm Limit LB Represents whether an alarm is checked by OPP.

SID Configuration SJ Defines whether a point is cutout. Each point in the system
is capable of being cutout. (If a point is cutout, it will not go
into alarm.) The cutout is enabled by setting a bit in the
status word. If the cutout is enabled, then the cutout is
defined by a point entered in the Alarm Cut-Out field (CX) of
the point record. This point may be either a digital or a
packed point as defined in the SID Configuration field (SJ) of
the point record.
If the cutout is disabled or if the cutout is enabled, and its
value is reset, then the point is alarmed as normal. If the
cutout is enabled and its value is set, then the point is
inhibited from alarm.
Flags FL Miscellaneous binary information about a point.

Digital Configuration EQ Used to configure the digital point.

Oscillation Count OT Indicates the number of oscillations allowed before the point
enters oscillation alarm. Must be a valid integer in the range
0 through 65,535.
Relay Close Delay RL Indicates the amount of time (in milliseconds) required for a
Time (msec) contact to open or close.
Point Bit Mask
Point Bit Mask LM This field only has bit 0 defined. Bit 0 identifies whether the
Alarm Check Remove is disabled for the point and the Alarm
Check/Limit Check Remove is disabled for analog points.
This is defined in the Ovation Developer Studio for each

OW360_20 269
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OPP Scan Rate OR Indicates the rate at which OPP should process commands
and perform limit checking on the point.
The default value should be the frequency of the point. Valid
values are F(ast at 100 milliseconds), S(low at 1 second),
A(periodic), or U(ser defined).
Processing Task PZ  Definition: Processing Task Index - Byte
Index  Initialized by Power Tools.
 Specifies the Control Task that scans the I/O.
 Valid value for this field is a number between 0 and 4.
Power Check Channel Numbers

Power Check PG Used for the power check function. If PG is configured for
Channel power checking, the card's power is checked on the bit
indicated by the PG field.
If this bit, read from the I/O image, is not set, PCL sets the
point's Power Check Error Bit, sets its Hardware Error Bit,
sets Quality to BAD, does not update the digital Value and
clears the Oscillation Error Bit since it cannot be determined.

Simulation SID SP System ID for the simulation point. Must be a digital point.
Options are:
 Valid SID
 -1 = Simulation SID is configured but could not be
calculated or retrieved.
 0 = No simulation point has been configured.
Simulation Point N/A Fully-qualified point name for the point corresponding to the
Simulation SID. The Simulation point contains the simulated
value to be used for this point when in simulation mode.
Module Point Info

Module Point SID RP Displays the System ID of the Module record that the digital
point is connected to. If the point is not connected to a
module, the System ID is 0.
The value of the RP field will also be 0 for remote points
whose network does not support this feature.
Module Point N/A Displays the point name of the Module record that the digital
point is connected to. If the point is not connected to a
module, the point name is blank.

SIS Indication KC Indicates if the point is a SIS point or not. Options are:
 1 = SIS point
 0 = Not a SIS point

270 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Configuration tab fields for Drop (DU) points




Partner Drop SID PS Identifies the drop ID of the partner drop.

Processing Time CT Time, in milliseconds, required to make one complete pass

through a Controller application program.
Reserved = 16-bit integer

Configuration tab fields for Module (RM) points



Alarm Limit Configuration

Alarm Limit LB Represents whether an alarm is checked by OPP.

Flags FL Miscellaneous binary information about a point.

Point Bit Mask

Point Bit Mask LM This field only has bit 0 defined. Bit 0 identifies whether the Alarm
Check Remove is disabled for the point and the Alarm
Check/Limit Check Remove is disabled for analog points. This is
defined in the Ovation Developer Studio for each point. Refer to
the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information.
OPP Scan Rate OR Indicates the rate at which OPP (Originated Point Processing)
should process commands and perform alarm and limit checking
on the point.
The default value should be the frequency of the point. Valid
values are F(ast at 100 milliseconds), S(low at 1 second),
A(periodic), or U(ser defined).
Processing Task PZ  Definition: Processing Task Index - Byte
Index  Initialized by Power Tools.
 Specifies the Control Task that scans the I/O.
 Valid value for this field is a number between 0 and 4.
Register C
Configuration WP Contains configuration values (Write) of Register C for Ovation
Data for I/O modules.
Register C

Configuration WG Indicates relevant bits whose values must be read to verify the
Mask for Write operation of Register C.
Register C

OW360_20 271
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Register D

Configuration WQ Contains configuration values (Write) of Register D for Ovation

Data for I/O modules.
Register D
Configuration WH Indicates relevant bits whose values must be read to verify the
Mask for Write operation of Register D.
Register D
Register E

Configuration WR Contains configuration values (Write) of Register E for Ovation

Data for I/O modules.
Register E
Configuration WI Indicates relevant bits whose values must be read to verify the
Mask for Write operation of Register E.
Register E

Configuration FN Can contain up to 30 characters.


SIS Indication KC Indicates if the point is a SIS point or not. Options are:
 1 = SIS point
 0 = Not a SIS point

272 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Configuration tab fields for Node (RN) points



Alarm Limit Configuration

Alarm Limit LB Represents whether an alarm is checked by OPP.

Flags FL Miscellaneous binary information about a point.

Point Bit Mask

Point Bit Mask LM This field only has bit 0 defined. Bit 0 identifies whether the Alarm
Check Remove is disabled for the point and the Alarm
Check/Limit Check Remove is disabled for analog points. This is
defined in the Ovation Developer Studio for each point. Refer to
the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information.

OPP Scan Rate OR Indicates the rate at which OPP (Originated Point Processing)
should process commands and perform alarm and limit checking
on the point.
The default value should be the frequency of the point. Valid
values are F(ast at 100 milliseconds), S(low at 1 second),
A(periodic), or U(ser defined).
Processing Task PZ  Definition: Processing Task Index - Byte
Index  Initialized by Power Tools.
 Specifies the Control Task that scans the I/O.
 Valid value for this field is a number between 0 and 4.
Register C

Configuration WP Contains configuration values (Write) of Register C for Ovation

Data for I/O modules.
Register C

Configuration WG Indicates relevant bits whose values must be read to verify the
Mask for Write operation of Register C.
Register C
Register D

Configuration WQ Contains configuration values (Write) of Register D for Ovation

Data for I/O modules.
Register D
Configuration WH Indicates relevant bits whose values must be read to verify the
Mask for Write operation of Register D.
Register D
Register E

Configuration WR Contains configuration values (Write) of Register E for Ovation

Data for I/O modules.
Register E
Configuration WI Indicates relevant bits whose values must be read to verify the
Mask for Write operation of Register E.
Register E

OW360_20 273
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs




SIS Indication KC Indicates if the point is a SIS point or not. Options are:
 1 = SIS point
 0 = Not a SIS point

Configuration tab fields for Packed (LP) or Deluxe Packed (DP) points



Alarm Limit Configuration

Alarm Limit LB Represents whether an alarm is checked by OPP.

SID Configuration SJ Defines whether a point is cutout. Each point in the system is
capable of being cutout. (If a point is cutout, it will not go into
alarm.) The cutout is enabled by setting a bit in the status
word. If the cutout is enabled, then the cutout is defined by a
point entered in the Alarm Cut-Out field (CX) of the point
record. This point may be either a digital or a packed point as
defined in the SID Configuration field (SJ) of the point record.
If the cutout is disabled or if the cutout is enabled, and its value
is reset, then the point is alarmed as normal. If the cutout is
enabled and its value is set, then the point is inhibited from
Flags FL Miscellaneous binary information about a point.

Oscillation Count OT Indicates the number of oscillations allowed before the point
enters oscillation alarm. Must be a valid integer in the range 0
through 65,535.
Oscillating Bits OU Indicates which bits are oscillating.

Point Bit Mask

Point Bit Mask LM This field only has bit 0 defined. Bit 0 identifies whether the
Alarm Check Remove is disabled for the point and the Alarm
Check/Limit Check Remove is disabled for analog points. This
is defined in the Ovation Developer Studio for each point.
Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more
OPP Scan Rate OR Indicates the rate at which OPP (Originated Point Processing)
should process commands and perform alarm and limit
checking on the point. The default value should be the
frequency of the point. Valid values are F(ast at 100
milliseconds), S(low at 1 second), A(periodic), or U(ser
Processing Task PZ  Definition: Processing Task Index - Byte
Index  Initialized by Power Tools.
 Specifies the Control Task that scans the I/O.
 Valid value for this field is a number between 0 and 4.

274 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Power Check

Power Check Failure PK Indicates which bits have power check failure.

Power Check Channel Numbers

Power Check 6A - 6P Used for the power check function for packed points.
Channel Number -
If the Packed point record's Power Check Bit Number field (6A
Bit 0 - Bit 15 - 6P) for the corresponding input bit is configured for power
checking, the card's power is checked on the bit indicated by
the Power Check Bit Number (6A - 6P) field.

Simulation SID SP System ID for the simulation point. Must be a packed point.
Options are:
 Valid SID
 -1 = Simulation SID is configured but could not be calculated
or retrieved.
 0 = No simulation point has been configured.
Simulation Point N/A Fully-qualified point name for the point corresponding to the
Simulation SID. The Simulation point contains the simulated
value to be used for this point when in simulation mode.

SIS Indication KC Indicates if the point is a SIS point or not. Options are:
 1 = SIS point
 0 = Not a SIS point

OW360_20 275
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8.9.8 Display tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Display tab for different record types:

Display tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Signal Diagram Index DG Signal Diagram Index - 16-bit integer

Signal Diagram is a control sheet created by the Control
Initialized by Power Tools. Defines the number of the
Point Summary LJ Summary Diagram - 16-bit integer
Summary Diagram is a custom diagram created by the
Graphics Builder.
Initialized by Power Tools.
Point Summary SD Obsoleted as of Ovation 3.3.1
Replaced by LJ record field.
Digits Displayed FM Display Format - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools as a non-negative integer.
Defines the type of display (standard, exponential, or
technical) and the number of decimal places to be shown
for a Standard option.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field FM (Byte).

Display tab fields for Digital (LD) or Deluxe Digital (DD) points



Set State Description ST Set State Description - String of Six Characters

Initialized by Power Tools (default = six blanks).
Provides an expanded description (six characters
maximum) of each bit's set state for use in displays and
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field ST (String of
Six Characters).
Reset State RS Reset State Description - String of Six Characters
Initialized by Power Tools (default = six blanks).
Provides an expanded description (six characters
maximum) of each bit's reset state for use in displays and
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field RS (String of
Six Characters).

276 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Signal Diagram Index DG Signal Diagram Index - 16-bit integer

Signal Diagram is a control sheet created by the Control
Initialized by Power Tools. Defines the number of the
Point Summary LJ Summary Diagram - 16-bit integer
Summary Diagram is a custom diagram created by the
Graphics Builder.
Initialized by Power Tools.
Point Summary SD Obsoleted as of Ovation 3.3.1
Replaced by LJ record field.

Display tab fields for Drop (DU) points



Signal Diagram Index DG Signal Diagram Index - 16-bit integer

Signal Diagram is a control sheet created by the Control
Initialized by Power Tools. Defines the number of the
Point Summary LJ Summary Diagram - 16-bit integer
Summary Diagram is a custom diagram created by the
Graphics Builder.
Initialized by Power Tools.
Point Summary SD Obsoleted as of Ovation 3.3.1
Replaced by LJ record field.

OW360_20 277
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Display tab fields for Packed (LP) or Deluxe (DP) points or Module (RM) or Node (RN)



The following fields are defined for each bit in the packed point:
Bit 0 through bit 15

Set State Description 8A - 8P Set State Description, Bits 0 through 15 - String of Six
ASCII Characters
Initialized by Power Tools (default = six blanks).
Provides an expanded description (six characters
maximum) of each bit's set state for use in displays and
Reset State 9A - 9P Reset State Description, Bits 0 through 15 - String of Six
Descriptions ASCII Characters
Initialized by Power Tools (default = six blanks).
Provides an expanded description (six characters
maximum) of each bit's reset state for use in displays and
Signal Diagram Index DG Signal Diagram Index - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Defines the number of the
Point Summary LJ Summary Diagram - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Point Summary SD Obsolete as of Ovation 3.3.1
Replaced by LJ record field.
Group Number GN Group number 16-bit integer
Defines a group number for the packed points. This
enables the formatting of the point's value field and bits in
the alarm field.

Note: This field is NOT valid for RM and RN points.

278 OW360_20
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8.9.9 Hardware tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Hardware tab for different record types:

Hardware tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Parameter Name N/A Name and value of the selected hardware parameter.
Input Bit Pattern IQ Input Bit Pattern - 32-bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time.
Contains a copy of the bit pattern read from or written to the
I/O hardware.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field IP (16-bit
I/O Bias YB I/O Bias - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Applicable to Hardware inputs only.
I/O Scale YS I/O Bias - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Applicable to Hardware inputs only.
Shared Memory MR I/O Status - 32-bit integer
Bit Definitions for I/O Status and HART Analog Input points.
(Refer to PI online Help or Ovation Record Types Reference
Shared Memory Base MQ Shared Memory Base Index - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Indicates which device the I/O point belongs to (for example,
IOIC card, third-party hardware device). (Refer to the
Ovation Controller User Guide.)
I/O Card Type IT I/O Card Type - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Describes how the Controller should access and interpret
the I/O card values and statuses. (Refer to the Ovation
Controller User Guide.)
Hardware Address HD Hardware Address - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Hardware address of card.
For Q-line, it is equal to the address directly jumpered on the
card plus the offset into the proper channel number (no
doubling required).
Card Value FV Value of card

OW360_20 279
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Application Specific TT Third-party I/O Tag - 40-character ASCII

Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to define tag names for some third party I/O devices.

Note: The field is only applicable to LA points.

Hardware tab fields for Digital (LD) or Deluxe Digital points



Parameter Name N/A Name and value of the selected hardware parameter.
Hardware Bit Position BP Hardware Bit Position - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Defines which bit (0 through 15)
is to be used from the 16 bits on a digital input or output
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field BP (Byte).
Shared Memory MR I/O Status - 32-bit integer
Bit Definitions for I/O Status and HART Analog Input points.
(Refer to PI online Help or Ovation Record Types Reference
Shared Memory Base MQ Shared Memory Base Index - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Indicates which device the I/O point belongs to (for example,
IOIC card, third-party hardware device). (Refer to the
Ovation Controller User Guide.)
I/O Card Type IT I/O Card Type - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Describes how the Controller should access and interpret
the I/O card values and statuses. (Refer to the Ovation
Controller User Guide.)
Hardware Address HD Hardware Address - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Hardware address of card.
For Q-line, it is equal to the address directly jumpered on the
card plus the offset into the proper channel number (no
doubling required).
Application Specific TT Third-party I/O Tag - 40-character ASCII
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to define tag names for some third-party I/O devices.

280 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Hardware tab fields for Module (RM) points



Parameter Name N/A Name and value of the selected hardware parameter.
IO Point <n> displays the point name of any analog, digital,
or packed point that is associated with the module.
Shared Memory Base MQ Shared Memory Base Index - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.DDD = 001
Indicates which device the I/O point belongs to (for example,
IOIC card, third-party hardware device). (Refer to the
Ovation Controller User Guide.)
Shared Memory MR I/O Status - 32-bit integer
Bit definitions for I/O Status and HART Analog Input points.
(Refer to PI online Help or Ovation Record Types Reference
Hardware Address HD Hardware Address - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools. Hardware address of card.
For Q-line, it is equal to the address directly jumpered on the
card plus the offset into the proper channel number (no
doubling required).
I/O Card Type IT I/O Card Type - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Describes how the Controller should access and interpret
the I/O card values and statuses. (Refer to the Ovation
Controller User Guide.)
Serial Number MH Serial Number - 32-bit integer
Identifies and date codes the Ovation I/O module. (Refer to
the Ovation I/O Reference Manual and Ovation Bus and
Specialty I/O Reference Manual.)
Single 10-digit decimal number representing when module
was manufactured.
The format used is DDDYYPNNNN: where:
DDD = day of year (001 - 366)
YY = year (00-99)
P = label printstation (0 - 9)
NNNN = 1 - 9999; roll-over counter
Increments by one and rolls back to 0001 after reaching
Index Number 1, 2, 3 M6, M7, Index Numbers 1, 2, 3 - 16-bit integer
Part of Electronic ID. Provides a description of type and
revision of cards that make up an Ovation module. Consists
of three 16-bit integers.

OW360_20 281
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Additional Module RK Additional Module Status Bits - 16-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time.
Current values for 16 module statuses.
Not all I/O Modules propagate (or use) this field. Refer to
the 0xC register information in Ovation I/O Reference
Manual and Ovation Bus and Specialty I/O Reference
Manual for details.
Application Specific TT Third-party I/O Tag - 40-character ASCII
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to define tag names for some third-party I/O devices.

Hardware tab fields for Packed (LP) or Deluxe Packed (DP) points



The following fields are defined for each bit in the packed point:
Bit 0 through bit 15

Parameter Name N/A Value of the selected hardware parameter.

Hardware Bit Position 2A -2P Hardware Bit Position for Bits 0 through 15 - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Defines which bit (0 through 15)
is to be used from the 16 bits on a digital input or output
I/O Status 4A - 4P I/O Status - 32-bit integer
For Data Link points (data type (bits 8 - 15 of IT field) = 35),
only the 4A field is valid.
It represents the I/O status for all 16 bits.
Shared Memory Base 0A - 0P Shared Memory Base Index for Bits 0 through 15 - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools.
Indicates which I/O interface card (PCQL or PCRL) the I/O
card resides on.
I/O Card Type 5A - 5P I/O Card Type for Bits 0 through 15 - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
(Refer to the Ovation I/O Reference Manual and Ovation
Bus and Specialty I/O Reference Manual for additional
information about data types and card types.)
Hardware Address 1A - 1P Hardware Addresses for Bits 0 through 15 - 32-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Hardware address of card.
For Q-line, it is equal to the address directly jumpered on the
card. (No doubling required.)

282 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Bad Hardware Status BQ Hardware Error Bits - 16-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time.
Indicates which bits have bad hardware status.
Application Specific TT Information about the application being used.

8.9.10 Module Information tab for Point Information window

The Module Information tab allows you to view the information about analog or digital points that
are connected to the module record. The following tables describe the fields that display in the
Module Information tab for different record types:

Module Information tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Parameter Name N/A Name and value of the selected hardware parameter.
Module Point Info

Module Point SID RP Displays the System ID of the module record that the analog
or digital point is connected to.
If the point is not connected to a module, the value of SID will
be 0.
The value of the RP field will also be 0 for remote points
whose network does not support this feature.
Module Point Displays the point name of the module record that the analog
or digital point is connected to.
If the point is not connected to a module, the value of module
point will be blank.
Value Parameters

Current Digital Value A2 Displays the value field of the module point that the analog or
Bits digital point is connected to.
Current Digital Value Displays the value field of the module point in binary format
Bits (Binary) that the analog or digital point is connected to.
Out Of Service

Bit 0 Information - Bit 15 Information

Description 7A - 7P Displays the description of bit information of the module point

that the analog or digital point is connected to.
Value Displays the bit information of the module point that the
analog or digital point is connected to.

OW360_20 283
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8.9.11 Initial tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Initial tab for different record types:

Initial tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Initial Analog Value IV Initial Analog Value - 32-bit real number

Initialized by Power Tools. Initial value of AV field on first

Initial tab fields for Packed Digital (PD) points



Initial PD Value IV Packed Digital Value - 32-bit integer

(Binary) Current values for 32-bit logical field.
AV field initial values may be set by the user through the IV
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AV (32-bit

Initial tab fields for Packed (LP) or Deluxe Packed (DP) points



Initial Digital Value IW First Packed Status - 32-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field DS (16-bit
Initial Digital Value IM Initial Digital Value Mask - 16-bit integer
Initialized by Power Tools.
Initial bit values mask used on first pass
Uncommissioned bits UB Uncommissioned Bits - 16-bit Integer
Initialized by Power Tools.

284 OW360_20
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8.9.12 Instrumentation tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the Instrumentation tab for different record

Instrumentation tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points




Min Scale Value BV Minimum Scale Value of Point - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to scale the value for bar chart displays. The BV field
must be less than the TV field.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field BB (16-bit
Max Scale Value TV Maximum Scale Value of Point - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to scale the value for bar chart displays. The TV field
must be greater than the BV field.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field TB (16-bit
Bottom Output Scale BW Bottom Output Scale - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Represents minimum value of output in engineering units.
Used by the Point Conversion Library (PCL) to linearly
convert the analog value to the cards output level.
Top Output Scale TW Top Output Scale - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Represents maximum value of output in engineering units.
Used by the Point Conversion Library (PCL) to linearly
convert the analog value to the cards output level.

OW360_20 285
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Sensor Low Limit LS Low Sensor Limit (V/A) - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Only for analog input points:
 Must be expressed in the largest unit of measurement
applicable for the type of card inputs. For example, use
volts (V), not millivolts (mV); amps (A), not milliamps (mA).
 LS should be initialized to indicate the lower limit of the
inputs signal's valid operating range.
Nuisance sensor alarms can occur if the actual value is 0 or
the maximum of the point, since the noise on the lines can
cause the signals to fluctuate slightly around the actual value.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field LS (32-bit real
Sensor High Limit HS High Sensor Limit (V/A) - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Only for analog input points:
 Must be expressed in the largest unit of measurement
applicable for the type of card inputs. For example, use
volts (V), not millivolts (mV); amps (A), not milliamps (mA).
 HS should be initialized to indicate the upper limit of the
input signal's valid operating range.
Nuisance sensor alarms can occur if the actual value is 0 or
the maximum of the point, since the noise on the lines can
cause the signals to fluctuate slightly around the actual value.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field HS (32-bit real
Low Sensor BL Low Sensor Deadband Range - 32-bit real number
Deadband Range
Initialized by Power Tools.
If the current value of a point is oscillating near a sensor limit,
this value prevents the point from going into and out of alarm.
A positive value indicates the deadband is the actual value of
BL. A negative value indicates the deadband is a percentage
of the Low Sensor Limit (LS).
High Sensor BH High Sensor Deadband Range - 32-bit real number
Deadband Range
Initialized by Power Tools.
If the current value of a point is oscillating near a sensor limit,
this value prevents the point from going into and out of alarm.
A positive value indicates the deadband is the actual value of
BH. A negative value indicates the deadband is a percentage
of the High Sensor Limit (HS).

286 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Cold Junction Compensation

Cold Junction CE Cold-Junction Compensation SID - 32-bit integer

Compensation SID
Initialized by Power Tools.
Must be derived from an analog SID.
Pertains to the cold-junction compensation of thermocouple
field inputs.
 0 indicates that the point is not to be cold-junction
 A non-zero value indicates the point is to be cold-junction
compensated using the SID's value.
SID must be an analog point representing temperature in
either Centigrade or Fahrenheit.
Cold Junction NA Cold Junction Compensation Point Name
Compensation Point

Conversion Type CV Conversion Type Index - Byte

Initialized by Power Tools.
Selects the type of equation to be used for the conversion to
engineering units.
Valid entries, conversion types, and their corresponding
equations are illustrated in Ovation Record Types Reference
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field CV (Byte).
Conversion Coeff # 1 1V - 8V Conversion Coefficient #1 - #8 32-bit real number
through Conversion
Coeff #8 Initialized by Power Tools.
Used in I/O conversion formula defined by the Conversion
Type Index. Used for Cold Junction Compensation.

OW360_20 287
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8.9.13 Integer Parameters tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the Integer tab for the LC record type:

Integer Parameters tab fields for Algorithm (LC) points



Algorithm 32-bit G0 - G9 Algorithm 32 Bit Integer Fields - 32-bit integers

Integer Field B0 - B2
B4 - B9 Initialized by Power Tools and/or updated by drop at run time.
C0 - C8 The Control keys and Programmable keys activate bits as
D0, D2 indicated in Ovation Record Types Reference Manual. The P-
D4 - D6 key definitions are defined in the Ovation Keyboard section.
D8, D9
E2 - E4 For migration, see Algorithm Flash Data Structures (16-bit
E7 - E8 integers) in the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
F4 - F6 Reference Manual.
Y6 - Y9

8.9.14 Keys tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the Keys tab for the LC record type:

Keys tab fields for Algorithm (LC) points



Interface to Key CN Interface to Keys/Buttons - 16-bit integer

Interfaces the control functions (keys or buttons) at the
Operator interface to the algorithms specified in the graphics
control statement. Refer to the Ovation Graphics Language
Reference Manual for information on the control statements
available in a specific software level.
Bit 12 = Auto key
Bit 13 = Man key
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field CN (16-bit
Copy Last Operator CP Copy of Last Operator Station Keys - 16-bit integer
Station Keys
For migration, this field maps to WDPF Field CP (16-bit
See the CN field.

288 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

8.9.15 Limits tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the Limits tab for the different record types:

Limits tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Low Alarm Deadband DJ Low Alarm Deadband - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Deadband for Low Alarm Limits 1, 2, 3, and 4 and Low User
Defined Limit.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
If the current value of a point is oscillating near an alarm
limit, this value prevents the point from going into and out of
 A positive value indicates the deadband is the actual value
of DB.
 A negative value indicates the deadband is a percentage
of the corresponding alarm limit.
 May be a real value or analog SID.
High Alarm Deadband DB High Alarm Deadband - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Deadband for High Alarm Limits 1, 2, 3, and 4 and High
User Defined Limit.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
If the current value of a point is oscillating near an alarm
limit, this value prevents the point from going into and out of
 A positive value indicates the deadband is the actual value
of DB.
 A negative value indicates the deadband is a percentage
of the corresponding alarm limit.
 May be a real value or analog SID.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field DB (32-bit real
Low Limits

Low Value Clamp VL Low Value Clamp Limit - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Applicable to hardware inputs only.
Used to clamp the analog value above this limit. Clamping is
when the point's engineering unit value is limited (clamped).

OW360_20 289
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Engineering Low Limit EL Low Engineering Limit - 32-bit real number

Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Reasonability Low RW Low Reasonability Limit - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Low Alarm Limit #1 LL Low Alarm Limit #1 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field LL (32-bit real
Low Alarm Limit #2 ZL Low Alarm Limit #2 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field ZL (32-bit real
Low Alarm Limit #3 3Z Low Alarm Limit #3 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Low Alarm Limit #4 4Z Low Alarm Limit #4 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
User-Defined Low UL Low Alarm Limit #4 - 32-bit real number
Alarm Limit
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Operating Range Low LR Low Operating Range 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.

290 OW360_20
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High Limits

High Value Clamp VH High Value Clamp Limit - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Applicable to hardware inputs only.
Used to clamp the analog value below this limit. Clamping is
when the point's engineering unit value is limited (clamped).
Engineering High EH High Engineering Limit - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Reasonability High RV High Reasonability Limit - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
High Alarm Limit #1 HL High Alarm Limit #1 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or an analog SID.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF Field HL (32-bit real
High Alarm Limit #2 ZH High Alarm Limit #2 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF Field HL (32-bit real
High Alarm Limit #3 3Y High Alarm Limit #3 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
High Alarm Limit #4 4Y High Alarm Limit #3 - 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.

OW360_20 291
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User Defined High UH High User Defined Alarm Limit - 32-bit real number
Alarm Limit
Initialized by Power Tools.
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Operating Range HR Low Operating Range 32-bit real number
High Limit
Initialized by Power Tools.
Alarm Limits

Low Inc Alarm Limit ZM Low/High Alarm Incremental Limit - 32-bit real number
High Inc Alarm Limit ZI Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to add more low alarm limits above the lowest defined
limit or more high alarm limits above the highest defined
Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF Field ZM or ZI (32-bit
real number).

8.9.16 Mode tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Mode tab for different record types:

Mode tab fields for Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Latched Quality N/A After the Controller receives a 'Latch Quality' command, the
quality of the point is set to the requested value. The 'latched
quality' bit of the point is also set.
Possible values are Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad
Test Mode N/A On or Off. Defines whether or not point is in test mode.

Range Checking
Engineering Range N/A On or Off. Defines whether or not engineering range for the
Check point is being checked.

Reasonability Range N/A On or Off. Defines whether or not reasonability range for the
Check point is being checked.

292 OW360_20
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Command Word

Command Word ZY Command Word - 16-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time.
Command requests are issued through the ZY field. These
commands are issued automatically by the system.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field CM (Byte).
Operator Entered EV Operator Entered Analog Value - 32-bit real number
Updated by the drop at run time. Actual Value used when
the point is forced.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field EV (32-bit real
Sensor Calibrate

Sensor Calibrate Val SN The Input Bit Pattern (IQ) and the Sensor Calibrate (SN)
(V or A) fields are updated. The Input Bit Pattern Field (IQ) contains
the raw data in the Value field of the card's I/O Image. The
Sensor Calibrate field contains one of the following real
values based on the Sensor Calibrate Configuration:
 Engineering units value (before sensor limit checking is
 Uncompensated and normalized value (before sensor limit
checking is performed).
 Cold junction compensated and normalized value (after
sensor limit checking and cold junction compensation are

Mode tab fields for Digital (LD) or Deluxe Digital (DD) points




Latched Quality N/A After the Controller receives a 'Latch Quality' command, the
quality of the point is set to the requested value. The 'latched
quality' bit of the point is also set.
Possible values are Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad
Test Mode N/A On or Off. Defines whether or not the point is in test mode.

Command Word

Command Word ZY Command Word - 16-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time.
Command requests are issued through the ZY field. These
commands are issued automatically by the system.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field CM (Byte).

OW360_20 293
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8.9.17 Plant Mode tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Plant Mode tab for different record

Plant Mode tab fields for Deluxe Analog (DA) points



The following fields are defined for each Plant Mode:

Plant Mode 1 through Plant Mode 6

Device Mode Point DM Device Mode Point - 32-bit integer

Identifies the system ID of the Device Mode point.
Displays the point name of the device point and its analog
value. If it is not defined, the field is blank.
Plant Mode Point NA Plant Mode Point - 32-bit integer
Identifies the system Id of the Plant Mode point.
Displays the plant mode point name and its analog value. If
it is not defined, the field is blank.
Hi Alarm Limit #1 1Q High Alarm Limit #1 - 32-bit real number
1S Initialized by Power Tools.
1T Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
1U Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Hi Alarm Limit #2 2Q High Alarm Limit #2 - 32-bit real number
2S Initialized by Power Tools.
2T Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
2U Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Hi Alarm Limit #3 3Q High Alarm Limit #3 - 32-bit real number
3P Initialized by Power Tools.
3T Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
3U Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Hi Alarm Limit #4 4Q High Alarm Limit #4 - 32-bit real number
4S Initialized by Power Tools.
4T Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
4U Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.

294 OW360_20
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High Incremental 5Q High Alarm Incremental Limit - 32-bit real number

Alarm Limit 5R
5S Initialized by Power Tools.
5T Used to add more high alarm limits above the highest
5U defined limit. Used by the limit checking routine associated
5X with the Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Operating Range H1-H6 High Operating Range 32-bit real number
High Limit
Initialized by Power Tools.
Operating Range Low L1-L6 Low Operating Range 32-bit real number
Initialized by Power Tools.
Low Alarm Limit #1 6Q Low Alarm Limit #1 - 32-bit real number
6S Initialized by Power Tools. Used by the limit checking routine
6T associated with the Originated Point Processor (OPP).
6U May be a real value or analog SID.
Low Alarm Limit #2 7Q Low Alarm Limit #2 - 32-bit real number
7S Initialized by Power Tools. Used by the limit checking routine
7T associated with the Originated Point Processor (OPP).
7U May be a real value or analog SID.
Low Alarm Limit #3 8Q Low Alarm Limit #3 - 32-bit real number
8S Initialized by Power Tools. Used by the limit checking routine
8T associated with the Originated Point Processor (OPP).
8U May be a real value or analog SID.
Low Alarm Limit #4 9Q Low Alarm Limit #4 - 32-bit real number
9S Initialized by Power Tools. Used by the limit checking routine
9U associated with the Originated Point Processor (OPP).
9X May be a real value or analog SID.
Low Incremental 0Q Low Alarm Incremental Limit - 32-bit real number
Alarm Limit 0R
0S Initialized by Power Tools.
0T Used to add more low alarm limits above the lowest defined
0U limit. Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
0X Originated Point Processor (OPP).
May be a real value or analog SID.
Reasonability High JD High Reasonability Limit - 32-bit real number
Limit JE
JF Initialized by Power Tools.
JG Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
JH Originated Point Processor (OPP).

OW360_20 295
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Reasonability Low JK Low Reasonability Limit - 32-bit real number

Limit JL
JM Initialized by Power Tools.
JN Used by the limit checking routine associated with the
JO Originated Point Processor (OPP).
Alarm Cutout K5 Alarm Cutout - 32-bit integer
K7 Initialized by Power Tools. Always a SID value.
K8 If the value of the SID is non-zero, the point will not alarm if it
K9 enters an alarm condition.
If the value of the SID is zero and the Alarm Cut-Out Delay
has expired, the point will alarm, if it is in an alarm condition.
Alarm Cutout Delay KG Alarm Cut-Out Delay - 16-bit integer
KI Initialized by Power Tools.
KJ This is the time to delay, after Alarm Cut-Out is released,
KK before the point is actually allowed to alarm again.
Alarm Limit Config YF Alarm Limit Configuration - 32-bit integer
YH Initialized by Power Tools.
YI (Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
YJ Reference Manual for bit definitions.)
SID Config J5 SID Configuration - 32-bit integer
J7 Initialized by Power Tools.
J8 If a bit is set, the corresponding field's value represents an
J9 Analog SID, except for the Alarm Cut-Out fields.
The Alarm Cutout field is always a digital or packed SID;
therefore, the SID configuration bits for this field represent
SID type and bit number.
(Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.)
Alarm Priority #1 M0 Alarm Priority 1 - Byte
M2 Initialized by Power Tools.
M3 Alarm priority for High Limit 1 and Low Limit 1.
M5 Used for alarm diagrams. The lower of the two values is
used for points in SENSOR alarm; the higher of the two
values is used for points returned to NORMAL.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).

296 OW360_20
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Alarm Priority #2 O0 Alarm Priority 2 - Byte

O2 Initialized by Power Tools.
O3 Alarm priority for High Limit 2 and Low Limit 2.
O5 Used for alarm diagrams. The lower of the two values is
used for points in SENSOR alarm; the higher of the two
values is used for points returned to NORMAL.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Priority #3 QF Alarm Priority 3 - Byte
QH Initialized by Power Tools.
QI Alarm priority for High Limit 3 and Low Limit 3.
QK Used for alarm diagrams. The lower of the two values is
used for points in SENSOR alarm; the higher of the two
values is used for points returned to NORMAL.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Alarm Priority #4 XH Alarm Priority 4 - Byte
XJ Initialized by Power Tools.
XK Alarm priority for High Limit 4 and Low Limit 4.
XM Used for alarm diagrams. The lower of the two values is
used for points in SENSOR alarm; the higher of the two
values is used for points returned to NORMAL.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).

Plant Mode tab fields for Deluxe Digital (DD) points



The following fields are defined for each Plant Mode:

Plant Mode 1 through Plant Mode 6

Device Mode Point DM Device Mode Point name - 32-bit integer

Displays the value of the device mode, Device1 AV=1.000
Plant Mode Point NA Plant Mode Point name - 32-bit integer
Displays the value of the plant mode, PlantMode AV=2.000
Alarm Cutout K5 Alarm Cutout - 32-bit integer
K7 Initialized by Power Tools. Always a SID value.
K8 If the value of the SID is non-zero, the point will not alarm if it
K9 enters an alarm condition.
If the value of the SID is zero and the Alarm Cut-Out Delay
has expired, the point will alarm, if it is in an alarm condition.

OW360_20 297
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Alarm Cutout delay KG Alarm Cut-Out Delay - 16-bit integer

KI Initialized by Power Tools.
KJ This is the delay time, after Alarm Cut-Out is released, before
KK the point is actually allowed to alarm again.
Alarm Limit Config YF Alarm Limit Configuration - 32-bit integer
YH Initialized by Power Tools. (Refer to the PI online Help or
YI Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for bit definitions.)
SID Config ZG SID Configuration - 32-bit integer
ZI Initialized by Power Tools.
ZJ If a bit is set, the corresponding field's value represents an
ZK Analog SID, except for the Alarm Cut-Out fields.
The Alarm Cutout field is always a digital or packed SID;
therefore, the SID configuration bits for this field represent
SID type and bit number.
(Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.)
Alarm Priority M0 Alarm Priority 1 - Byte
M2 Initialized by Power Tools.
M3 Alarm priority for High Limit 1 and Low Limit 1.
M5 Used for alarm diagrams. The lower of the two values is used
for points in SENSOR alarm; the higher of the two values is
used for points returned to NORMAL.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).
Status Checking ZQ Status Checking Configuration - Byte
ZS Initialized by Power Tools (defaults to zero if not initialized).
ZT Used if status checking is to be performed.
ZV The following values are defined:
 0 - The point goes into alarm if its current value is zero.
 1 - The point goes into alarm if its current value is one.
 2 - The point is defined to be a state change digital.
 3 - The point goes into alarm when the current value makes
the transition from 0 to 1.
 4 - The point goes into alarm when the current value makes
transition from 1 to 0.

298 OW360_20
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Plant Mode tab fields for Deluxe Packed (DP) points



The following fields are defined for each Plant Mode:

Plant Mode 1 through Plant Mode 6

Device Mode Point DM Device Mode Point name - 32-bit integer

Displays the value of the device mode, Device1 AV=1.000
Plant Mode Point NA Plant Mode Point name - 32-bit integer
Displays the value of the plant mode, PlantMode AV=2.000
Alarm Cutout K5 Alarm Cutout - 32-bit integer
K7 Initialized by Power Tools. Always a SID value.
K8 If the value of the SID is non-zero, the point will not alarm if it
K9 enters an alarm condition.
If the value of the SID is zero and the Alarm Cut-Out Delay
has expired, the point will alarm, if it is in an alarm condition.
Alarm Cutout Delay KG Alarm Cut-Out Delay - 16-bit integer
KI Initialized by Power Tools.
KJ This is the delay time, after Alarm Cut-Out is released, before
KK the point is actually allowed to alarm again.
Alarm Limit Config YF Alarm Limit Configuration - 32-bit integer
YH Initialized by Power Tools. (Refer to the PI online Help or
YI Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for bit definitions.)
SID Config ZG SID Configuration - 32-bit integer
ZI Initialized by Power Tools.
ZJ If a bit is set, the corresponding field's value represents an
ZK analog SID, except for the Alarm Cut-Out fields.
The Alarm Cutout field is always a digital or packed SID;
therefore, the SID configuration bits for this field represent
SID type and bit number.
(Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.)
Alarm Grouping Mask N0 Mask for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer
N2 Initialized by Power Tools.
N3 Determines which bits of the A2 field will be scanned to
N4 determine the alarm status of the point.
If any bit of this field is 1, then the corresponding bit in the A2
field will be included in the group alarm according to the bit
sense as defined by the E1 field.

OW360_20 299
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Alarm Grouping Bit 0Z Bit Sense for Alarm Grouping - 16-bit integer
Sense 1Z
2Z Initialized by Power Tools.
Alarm Priority M0 Alarm Priority 1 - Byte
M2 Initialized by Power Tools.
M3 Alarm priority for High Limit 1 and Low Limit 1.
M5 Used for alarm diagrams. The lower of the two values is used
for points in SENSOR alarm; the higher of the two values is
used for points returned to NORMAL.
Valid entries are 1 (high) through 8 (low).

8.9.18 Point tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Point tab for different record types:

Point tab fields for Algorithm (LC) points



System ID ID System Identification number (SID). This is the assigned Ovation

system reference number for each point which may be transmitted
over the Ovation network.
Point Alias PA 24-character alias for the point name.

Point ED This is a text field of 0 - 30 characters.

Record Type RT Defines the type of point. There are 11 possible point record
types. Please refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference
Manual for details.
Originating DO Identifies the drop where the point originated.
Drop Number
Frequency N/A Represents the broadcast frequency of the point. The choices are:
 Slow 1.0 second.
 Fast 0.1 second.
 Aperiodic as requested.
Aperiodic points are broadcast in special aperiodic DDBs that are
broadcast on the network by subscription. When a point’s dynamic
data is accessed from another drop, that drop sends a request to
the originator to start broadcasting (once a second) the DDB that
contains the point. These subscriptions are renewed with the
subsequent accesses. Once the subscription runs out, the point
(DDB) no longer broadcasts.

300 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Point Version VN 32-bit integer

Initialized by Power Tools. Updated by the drop.
Used for keeping track of Power Tools changes to the point.

Point Name PN String of 24 characters.

Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to identify points in displays, listings, and for operator entry.
May use any ASCII character except (@), ($), (%), (&), (*), (,), (\),
(~), ('), ('), ("), (.), and a space.

Point tab fields for Analog (LA), Deluxe (DA), Digital (LD), or Deluxe Digital (DD) points



System ID ID System Identification number (SID). This is the assigned

Ovation system reference number for each point which may be
transmitted over the Ovation network.
Point Alias PA 24-character alias for the point name.

Point Description ED This is a text field of 0 - 30 characters.

Record Type RT Defines the type of point. There are 11 possible point record
types. Please refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference
Manual for details.
Characteristics KR Provides a method for sorting the database based on plant
area, signal type, equipment, or other concepts you might want
to use. There are eight alphanumeric characters available per
You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from
specific plant areas or destinations. This is done by assigning a
unique destination to each point. The first character in this field
defines the destination. This character must be either a letter
(A-Z), a dash (-) (matches all characters on a given sort), or a
blank space that does not match any character. Points with
alarms cannot have a blank destination.
Sensor YR For sensor alarm characteristics; each point is configured to use
Characteristics the separate sensor characteristics. Refer to the Ovation
Developer Studio User Guide for details.
Provides a method for sorting the database based on plant
area, signal type, equipment, or other concepts you might want
to use. There are eight alphanumeric characters available per
You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from
specific plant areas or destinations. This is done by assigning a
unique destination to each point. The first character in this field
defines the destination. This character must be either a letter
(A-Z), a dash (-) (matches all characters on a given sort), or a
blank space that does not match any character. Points with
alarms cannot have a blank destination.

OW360_20 301
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Originating Drop DO Identifies the drop where the point originated.

Frequency N/A Represents the broadcast frequency of the point. The choices
 Slow 1.0 second.
 Fast 0.1 second.
 Aperiodic as requested.
Aperiodic points are broadcast in special aperiodic DDBs that
are broadcast on the network by subscription. When a point’s
dynamic data is accessed from another drop, that drop sends a
request to the originator to start broadcasting (once a second)
the DDB that contains the point. These subscriptions are
renewed with the subsequent accesses. Once the subscription
runs out, the point (DDB) no longer broadcasts.
Point Version VN Keeps track of changes made to the point by the configuration
Number tools.

Point Name PN String of 24 characters.

Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to identify points in displays, listings, and for operator
May use any ASCII character except (@), ($), (%), (&), (*), (,),
(\), (~), ('), ('), ("), (.), and a space.

302 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Point tab fields displaying Drop (DU) points



System ID ID System Identification number (SID). This is the assigned Ovation

system reference number for each point which may be transmitted
over the Ovation network.
Point Alias PA 24-character alias for the point name.

Point ED This is a text field of 0 - 30 characters.

Record Type RT Defines the type of point. There are 11 possible point record
types. Please refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference
Manual for details.
Characteristics KR Provides a method for sorting the database based on plant area,
signal type, equipment, or other concepts you might want to use.
There are eight alphanumeric characters available per point.
You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from
specific plant areas or destinations. This is done by assigning a
unique destination to each point. The first character in this field
defines the destination. This character must be either a letter (A-
Z), a dash (-) (matches all characters on a given sort), or a blank
space that does not match any character. Points with alarms
cannot have a blank destination.
Originating Drop DO Identifies the drop where the point originated (was created).
Processing CT The time, in milliseconds, required to make one complete pass
Time through a Controller application program.
Reserved field - 16-bit Integer
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF Field CT (16-bit).

Point Name PN String of 24 characters.

Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to identify points in displays, listings, and for operator entry.
May use any ASCII character except (@), ($), (%), (&), (*), (,), (\),
(~), ('), ('), ("), (.), and a space.

OW360_20 303
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Point tab fields displaying Packed (PD), Deluxe Packed (DP), Module (RM), or Node (RN)



System ID ID System Identification number (SID). This is the assigned Ovation

system reference number for each point which may be transmitted
over the Ovation network.
Point Alias PA 24-character alias for the point name.

Point Description ED This is a text field of 0 - 30 characters.

Record Type RT Defines the type of point. There are 11 possible point record
types. Please refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference
Manual for details.
Characteristics KR Provides a method for sorting the database based on plant area,
signal type, equipment, or other concepts you might want to use.
There are eight alphanumeric characters available per point.
You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from
specific plant areas or destinations. This is done by assigning a
unique destination to each point. The first character in this field
defines the destination. This character must be either a letter (A-
Z), a dash (-) (matches all characters on a given sort), or a blank
space that does not match any character. Points with alarms
cannot have a blank destination.
Sensor YR For sensor alarm characteristics; each point is configured to use
Characteristics the separate sensor characteristics. Refer to the Ovation
Developer Studio User Guide for details.
Provides a method for sorting the database based on plant area,
signal type, equipment, or other concepts you might want to use.
There are eight alphanumeric characters available per point.
You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from
specific plant areas or destinations. This is done by assigning a
unique destination to each point. The first character in this field
defines the destination. This character must be either a letter (A-
Z), a dash (-) (matches all characters on a given sort), or a blank
space that does not match any character. Points with alarms
cannot have a blank destination.
Originating Drop DO Identifies the drop where the point originated.
Frequency N/A Represents the broadcast frequency of the point. The choices are:
 Slow 1.0 second.
 Fast 0.1 second.
 Aperiodic as requested.
Aperiodic points are broadcast in special aperiodic DDBs that are
broadcast on the network by subscription. When a point’s dynamic
data is accessed from another drop, that drop sends a request to
the originator to start broadcasting (once a second) the DDB that
contains the point. These subscriptions are renewed with the
subsequent accesses. Once the subscription runs out, the point
(DDB) no longer broadcasts.
Point Version VN Keeps track of changes made to the point by the configuration
Number tools.

304 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Point Name PN String of 24 characters.

Initialized by Power Tools.
Used to identify points in displays, listings, and for operator entry.
May use any ASCII character except (@), ($), (%), (&), (*), (,), (\),
(~), ('), ('), ("), (.), and a space.

8.9.19 Real Parameters tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the Real Parameters tab for the LC record

Real Parameters tab fields for Algorithm (LC) points



Algorithm 32-Bit Real R1 - R9 Algorithm 32-bit Real Number Fields - 32-bit real numbers
Number Field S1 - S9
T1 - T9 Initialized by Power Tools and/or updated by drop at run time.
U1 - U3 For migration, see Algorithm Flash Data Structures (32-Bit
V1 - V6 Real Number Field) in PI online Help or Ovation Record
Types Reference Manual.

8.9.20 Security tab for Point Information window

The following table describes the fields that display in the Security tab for different record types:

Security tab fields for all point types



Security Groups GS Group Security - 32-bit Integer

Initialized by Power Tools.
Indicates security groups configured for access to the point.
Security Group 1 N/A Yes or No. Defines if a specific security group has access to
through Security the point.
Group 32
Name of the group also appears.

OW360_20 305
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

8.9.21 Status tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Status tab for different record types.

Status tab fields displaying Long Analog (LA) points



Status Words

First Analog Status 1W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AS (Short
Second Analog Status 2W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AW (Short
Third Analog Status 3W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.

Status tab fields displaying Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Status Words

First Analog Status 1W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AS (Short
Second Analog Status 2W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AW (Short
Third Analog Status 3W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.

306 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Status tab fields displaying Digital (LD) points



Status Words
First Digital Status 1W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF Field AS (Short
Second Digital Status 2W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF Field AW (Short
Third Digital Status 3W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.

Status tab fields displaying Deluxe Digital (DD) points



Status Words
First Digital Status 1W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF Field AS (Short
Second Digital Status 2W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF Field AW (Short
Third Digital Status 3W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.

OW360_20 307
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Status tab fields displaying Drop (DU) points



Status Words

Functional Processor FA 16-bit Integer. Updated by the drop at run time.

Status Word 1
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field FA (16-bit
Drop Mode FB Drop Mode - Byte. Updated by the drop at run time.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field FB (Byte).
Highway Status Word HC 16-bit Integer. Updated by the drop at run time.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field HC (16-bit

Drop Fault Code FC When equal to zero, indicates that no faults have been
detected by the self-test diagnostics of the drop.
When not equal to zero, indicates an error code that identifies
the fault condition.
Fault ID Code FK Additional information about the Fault Code.

Fault Param 1 FS Additional information about the Fault ID.

Fault Param 2 FO Additional information about the Fault ID.

Fault Param 3 FG Additional information about the Fault ID.

Fault Param 4 FH Additional information about the Fault ID.

Fault Param 5 FI Additional information about the Fault ID.

Command Word

Drop Command JU Drop Command - Byte. Updated by the drop at run time.
Used by the drop to receive drop-related commands from the
host and other drops on the network.
Zero indicates that any received commands have been
For migration, this field maps to WDPF II Field JU (Byte).
Controller Status
Sheet Set 1 Average GD Average time in milliseconds that Sheet Set 1 takes to execute
Execution Time (ms) (100 cycle average).
Sheet Set 2 Average GL Average time in milliseconds that Sheet Set 2 takes to execute
Execution Time (ms) (100 cycle average).
Sheet Set 3 Average GI Average time in milliseconds that Sheet Set 3 takes to execute
Execution Time (ms) (100 cycle average).
Sheet Set 4 Average GG Average time in milliseconds that Sheet Set 4 takes to execute
Execution Time (ms) (100 cycle average).
Sheet Set 5 Average GH Average time in milliseconds that Sheet Set 5 takes to execute
Execution Time (ms) (100 cycle average).

308 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



IOIC Diagnostic NB Currently not populated by the Controller.

Node Diagnostic NC Contains a bit for each remote node in the Controller. If any bit
Status is set, the corresponding node has failed a diagnostic test.
OCR400 Controllers use bits 0 - 7 and OCR161 uses all the
Network Interface Information

Interface Type KM Type of Network Interface Card - Byte

Read once at startup.
Possible values:
 Unknown.
 Single Attached FDDI.
 Dual Attached FDDI.
Interface Vendor VE Network Interface Card Vendor - Byte
Read once at startup.
Possible values:
 Unknown.
 NPI.
 PTI.
 Osicom.
Channel 0 State K0 State of Channel 0 of Network Interface Card - Byte
Updated every second.
Possible Values:
 Unknown.
Channel 1 State K1 State of Channel 1 of a Dual Attached FDDI Card - Byte
For Dual Attached cards, if both channels are working,
Channel 0 will always be used (Active). This field is not
applicable for Single Attached cards.
Updated every second.
Possible Values:
 Unknown.
 UNAVAIL (failed).
 AVAIL (standby).
Input Packets IS Number of Input Packets Received - 32-bit integer
Updated every 10 seconds.
Input Errors IE Number of Input Packet Errors - 32-bit integer
Updated every 10 seconds.
Output Packets OP Number of Packets Sent - 32-bit integer
Updated every 10 seconds.

OW360_20 309
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Output Errors OE Number of Output Packet Errors - 32-bit integer

Updated every 10 seconds.
TREQ (msec) TR Target Token Rotation Time (in milliseconds) requested by this
drop - Byte
TNEG (msec) NE Negotiated Target Token Rotation Time (in Milliseconds) for
the Ring - Byte
Negotiated time is the smallest of all the requested TTRTs
(Target Token Rotation Time) on the ring. This should be 50
for Ovation networks. Updated every 10 seconds.
Drop Parameters

Software First Pass FF Software First Pass Flags - 32-bit integer

Internal use only.
Status Copy SK Status Copy - 32-bit integer
Updated by the Drop at run time.
Contains a copy of the status bits so that they may be saved to
flash memory or disk (refer to PI online Help or Ovation Record
Types Reference Manual).
Drop Attention Code TA Drop Attention Code - 16-Bit integer
Updated by the drop at run time. When not equal to zero,
indicates that the drop requires attention.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field TA (16 bit integer).
Drop Type Code TY Drop Type Code - Byte
Initialized by Power Tools. Defined as follows:
50 = Ovation Drop Status Record (DSR)
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field TY (Byte).
Distributed Database E5 Distributed Database Update Percent - 16-bit integer
Update Percent
Updated by the drop at run time. Indicates the percentage of
the distributed database that has been distributed to the drop.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF II field E5 (16 bit
Mismatch Flags E6 Mismatch Flags - 16-bit Integer
Bit Definitions for Mismatch Flags:
 0 = Indicates flags are valid. If this is not set, then the other
bits are not valid (unknown).
 1 = Drop is mismatched with Power Tools Database (that is,
drop needs to be downloaded).
 2 = Drop is mismatched with Partner.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field E6 (16 bit Integer).
Drop Function Word F9 Drop Function Word - 16-bit Integer
Updated by the drop at run time. Indicates what subsystems
are running on the drop.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field F9 (16-bit integer).

310 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Modified Sequence MS Modifications done to the system database.

Status tab fields displaying Module (RM) points



Status Words

First Module Status 1W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AS (Short
Second Module 2W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
(Binary) Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AW (Short
Third Module Status 3W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.

OW360_20 311
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Status tab fields displaying Packed Digital (PD) points



Status Words

First Digital Status 1W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AS (Short
Second Digital Status 2W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AW (Short
Third Digital Status 3W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the PI online Help or Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for bit definitions.

Status tab fields for Packed (LP) or Deluxe Packed (DP) points



Status Words

First Digital Status 1W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for bit
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AS (Short
Second Digital Status 2W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for bit
For migration, this field maps to the WDPF field AW (Short
Third Digital Status 3W 32-bit integer whose bits are updated by the drop at run time.
(Binary) Refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for bit
Command Word

Entered Digital Value EW Entered Digital Value Bits - 16-bit integer

Updated by the drop at run time.
Bit values used when point is forced.

312 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

8.9.22 Value tab for Point Information window

The following tables describe the fields that display in the Value tab for different record types.

Value tab fields displaying Long Analog (LA) points



Value Prams
Scan N/A On or Off. Determines whether or not the Controller scans
and updates the point.

Clamp N/A On or Off. Determines whether or not the point's engineering

unit value is limited (clamped).
Quality N/A Possible values for the point are GOOD, FAIR, POOR, and
BAD. Quality information is stored in the 1W field.
Analog Value AV Represents the analog value of the point in IEEE 32-bit real
number format.
Units EU Engineering Units of Current Value - String of Six Characters
 For migration, this field maps to WDPF II Field EU (String
of Six Characters).
 Initialized by Power Tools (default = 6 blanks).
 Used for display purposes.
 Text description (6 characters maximum) of the
engineering units of the current value. Examples are V,
msec, and so forth.
Out of Service N/A Point is not being scanned or updated on the network.

Reasons - Reason the point has quality.

OW360_20 313
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Value tab fields displaying Deluxe Analog (DA) points



Value Params

Scan N/A On or Off. Determines whether or not the Controller scans

and updates the point.

Clamp N/A On or Off. Determines whether or not the point's engineering

unit value is limited (clamped).
Quality N/A Possible values for the point are GOOD, FAIR, POOR, and
BAD. Quality information is stored in the 1W field.
Analog Value AV Represents the analog value of the point in IEEE 32-bit real
number format.
Units EU Engineering Units of Current Value - String of Six Characters
 For migration, this field maps to WDPF II Field EU (String of
Six Characters).
 Initialized by Power Tools (default = 6 blanks).
 Used for display purposes.
 Text description (6 characters maximum) of the engineering
units of the current value. Examples are V, msec, and so
Out of Service N/A Point is not being scanned or updated on the network.

Scan Time

Time of Scan - sec U8 How frequently (in seconds) the Controller scans the point
Time of Scan - U9 How frequently (in nanoseconds) the Controller scans the
Nanosec point value.
Reasons - Reason the point has quality.

Value tab fields displaying Digital (LD) points



Value Params

Scan N/A On or Off. Determines whether or not the Controller scans

and updates the point.

Quality N/A Possible values for the point are GOOD, FAIR, POOR, and
BAD. Quality information is stored in the 1W field.
Digital Value N/A 1 or 0. Set or not set.

Out of Service N/A Point is not being scanned or updated on the network.

Reasons - Reason the point has quality.

314 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Value tab fields displaying Deluxe Digital (DD) points



Value Params
Scan N/A On or Off. Determines whether or not the Controller scans and
updates the point.

Quality N/A Possible values for the point are GOOD, FAIR, POOR, and
BAD. Quality information is stored in the 1W field.
Digital Value N/A 1 or 0. Name of point is also shown.

Out of Service N/A Point is not being scanned or updated on the Network.

Scan Time

Time of Scan - sec U8 How frequently (in seconds) the Controller scans the point
Time of Scan - U9 How frequently (in nanoseconds) the Controller scans the point
Nanosec value.
Reasons - Reason the point has quality.

Value tab fields displaying Module (RM) points



Value Params

Current Digital Value A2 Current Values for 16 digital points. Updated by the drop at run
Bits time.
(Binary) For migration, this field maps to WDPF field A2 (16-bit integer).
Out of Service N/A Point is not being scanned or updated on the network.

Bit Information

Bit 0 - Bit 15 N/A 32-bit integer fields. Initialized by Power Tools and/or updated
by the drop at run time.
Command Word ZY Updated by the drop at run time. Command requests are
issued through the ZY field. These commands are issued
automatically by the system.
Point Description 7A - 7P English Descriptions. Bits 0 through 15 - String of 30 ASCII
Initialized by Power Tools (default = 16 blanks).

OW360_20 315
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

Value tab fields displaying Packed Digital (PD) points



Value Params

Packed Digital Value AV Current values for 32-bit logical field. AV field initial values may
Bits be set by the user through the IV field.
(Binary) For migration, this field maps to WDPF field AV (32-bit

Value tab fields for Packed (LP)



Value Params
Current Digital Bits A2 Current Values for 16 digital points. Updated by the drop at run
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field A2 (16-bit integer).
Current Group N/A Displays the configured string representation of the value.
Formatted Value

The field is blank if the group number is not configured or if the

specific value does not have a text configured for it.
Invalidity Bits A3 Invalidity Bits - 16-bit integer
(Binary) Updated by the drop at run time.
Validity status for each of the 16 digital points in the A2 field:
 Each bit is SET (value of 1 or TRUE) if the corresponding A2
bit is invalid.
 Each bit is RESET (value of 0 or FALSE) if the
corresponding A2 bit is valid.
 Any “forced” bit (see B3 field) causes the invalidity bit for that
digital point to be SET.
Any bit for which a Power Check Failure or Remote I/O error
has been detected will cause the invalidity bits for that digital
point to be set.
Force Bits B3 Force Bits - 16-bit integer
(Binary) Updated by the drop at run time.
Indicates which (if any) of the 16 digital values in the A2 field
are forced. “Forced” indicates that the point is scan removed
and has an entered value.
Whenever the force indication bit is set in this field, the
corresponding bit in the Invalidity field is also set.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field B3 (16-bit Integer)
Inverted Bits IZ Inverted Bits - 16-bit integer
(Binary) Initialized by Power Tools.
Indicates which bits are to be inverted by OPP when read from
or written to the I/O cards.

316 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Out of Service N/A Point is not being scanned or updated on the network.

Bits Out of Service EY Out of Service Bits - 16-bit integer

(Binary) Updated by the drop.
Indicates that the corresponding bit has been marked out of
Bit Information

Bit 0 - Bit 15 N/A 32-bit integer fields. Initialized by Power Tools and/or updated
by the drop at run time.
Command Word ZY Updated by the drop at run time. Command requests are
issued through the ZY field. These commands are issued
automatically by the system.
Point Description 7A - 7P English Descriptions. Bits 0 through 15 - String of 30 ASCII
Initialized by Power Tools (default = 16 blanks).

Value tab fields for Deluxe Packed (DP) points



Value Params
Current Digital Bits A2 Current Values for 16 digital points. Updated by the drop at run
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field A2 (16-bit integer).
Current Group N/A Displays the configured string representation of the value.
Formatted Value

The field is blank if the group number is not configured or if the

specific value does not have a text configured for it.
Invalidity Bits A3 Invalidity Bits - 16-bit integer
(Binary) Updated by the drop at run time.
Validity status for each of the 16 digital points in the A2 field:
 Each bit is SET (value of 1 or TRUE) if the corresponding A2
bit is invalid.
 Each bit is RESET (value of 0 or FALSE) if the
corresponding A2 bit is valid.
 Any “forced” bit (see B3 field) will cause the invalidity bit for
that digital point to be SET.
 Any bit for which a Power Check Failure or Remote I/O error
has been detected will cause the invalidity bits for that digital
point to be set.

OW360_20 317
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs



Force Bits B3 Force Bits - 16-bit integer

(Binary) Updated by the drop at run time.
Indicates which (if any) of the 16 digital values in the A2 field
are forced. “Forced” indicates that the point is scan removed
and has an entered value.
Whenever the force indication bit is set in this field, the
corresponding bit in the Invalidity field is also set.
For migration, this field maps to WDPF field B3 (16-bit integer).
Command Word ZY Updated by the drop at run time. Command requests are
issued through the ZY field. These commands are issued
automatically by the system.
Inverted Bits IZ Inverted Bits - 16-bit integer
(Binary) Initialized by Power Tools.
Indicates which bits are to be inverted by OPP when read from
or written to the I/O cards.
Force One Bit

Out of Service N/A Point is not being scanned or updated on the network.

Bits Out of Service EY Out of Service Bits - 16-bit integer

(Binary) Updated by the drop.
Indicates that the corresponding bit has been marked out of
Scan Time

Time of Scan - sec U8 How frequently (in seconds) the Controller scans the point
Time of Scan - U9 How frequently (in nanoseconds) the Controller scans the point
Nanosec value.
Bit Information

Bit 0 - Bit 15 N/A 32-bit integer fields. Initialized by Power Tools and/or updated
by the drop at run time.
Command Word ZY Updated by the drop at run time. Command requests are
issued through the ZY field. These commands are issued
automatically by the system.
Point Description 7A - 7P English Descriptions. Bits 0 through 15 - String of 30 ASCII
Initialized by Power Tools (default = 16 blanks).

318 OW360_20
8.9 Point Information dockable tabs

8.9.23 Custom tab for Point Information window

In addition to the dockable tabs that display in the Point Information application, you can create a
new custom tab that will contain only the point parameters that you want to see in the tab. These
tabs are created for specific record types and you can create up to 10 custom tabs per record

For example, if you create a custom tab for an analog point and save the tab, then this new tab
will appear whenever you load any analog point into the Point information window. If you load a
digital point, then the custom tab that you created for an analog point will not appear.

Use the following procedure to create a custom tab:

1. Access the Point Information window (see page 211).

2. Load a point into the Point Information window (either enter a point name or browse (see
page 217) for a point name).
3. Access the View ribbon tab (see page 224) in the Point Information window.
4. Select the New Custom tab button. The Add Custom Tab window appears.
5. Enter a new name for the new custom tab and select OK.

Figure 161: Add Custom Tab window

6. The new custom tab will appear in the Point Information window along with the existing
dockable tabs. You can drag specific point parameters into the new tab from the other
dockable tabs. You can also right-click on a point parameter in an existing tab to display the
following menu.
From this menu, you can copy the desired parameter to the custom tab, collapse parameters,
or expand parameters in the tabs.

7. If desired, you can rename the tab or delete it by right-clicking on the new tab name and
performing the desired action.
8. You can save this tab for reuse in another session by using the Preferences window. If you try
to close the session without saving the new tab, the system will prompt you if you want to
save the new custom tab.

OW360_20 319
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

The following section details the various operations you can perform using the Point Information

8.10.1 To shelve a point using the Point Information window

To shelve a point using the Alarm/Limit tab of the Point Information window, follow these steps.

1. Access the Operator Station Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Select and open a point to shelve.
3. From the Alarm/Limit tab, select SHELVE or from the point context menu select Operations
-->Shelve. A Confirm Alarm Shelve Request pop-up box appears. Enter the following
information as appropriate.
 In the Reason box, enter a reason you want to shelve the point.
 From the Unshelve In list, select shelve duration. The point remains shelved for that
duration unless it is manually unshelved (see page 322).

Note: When a point is shelved it does not go into alarm. When an analog limit is shelved, it does
not go into the specific limit alarms. For example, if the High4 is shelved, the point does not go
into High 4, 3, 2, 1, or High UDA alarm, but it can go into Low alarm. For more information, see
To shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the context menu (see page 320).

Figure 162: Select shelve duration

4. Click OK.

Note: You can also shelve a point using the Alarm window and System Viewer window at the
Operator Station.

320 OW360_20
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

8.10.2 To shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the context menu

To shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the context menu of the Point Information
window, follow these steps.

1. Access the Operator Station Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Select and open an analog point for which you have defined the limits.
3. From the Point column, right-click the point name to view the context menu. Select
Operations-->Shelve and choose the limit to be shelved from the options menu.

Figure 163: Shelving a point using Point context menu

Note: When a point is shelved it does not go into alarm. When an analog limit is shelved, it does
not go into the specific limit alarms. For example, if the High4 is shelved, the point does not go
into High 4, 3, 2, 1, or High UDA alarm, but it can go into Low alarm.

OW360_20 321
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

4. The Confirm Alarm Shelve Request window appears.

 Displays the limit selected by you.
 In the Reason box, enter the reason you want the limit to be shelved.
 From the Unshelve In list, select the shelve duration. The point remains shelved for that
duration unless it is manually unshelved (see page 322). Click OK.

Figure 164: Enter a reason and confirm the shelve request

Note: You can also shelve the specific limits of an analog point using the Alarm window and
System Viewer window at the Operator Station.

322 OW360_20
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

8.10.3 To unshelve a point using the Point Information window

The point unshelves automatically according to the shelve duration selected while shelving a
point. However, if you want to unshelve a point manually using the Point Information window,
perform the following:

1. Access the Operator Station Alarm window.

2. Select a point to be unshelved. From the Alarm window ribbon bar, click the UNSHELVE
button to unshelve the selected point as shown in the following figure.

Figure 165: Unshelve a point using ribbon bar

Select a point and right-click to view the context menu. Select Operations-->Unshelve to
unshelve the selected point.
3. The Confirm Alarm Unshelve Request message box appears. Click Yes to confirm to
unshelve the selected point.

Figure 166: Unshelve manually

Note: You can also unshelve a point using the Alarm window and System Viewer window at the
Operator Station.

OW360_20 323
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

8.10.4 To perform an alarm check on a point using the Point Information window

To perform an alarm check on a point using the Alarm/Limit tab of the Point Information window,
follow these steps.

1. Access the Operator Station Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Select a point to either Alarm Check OFF to remove alarm checking on a point or Alarm
Check ON to turn alarm checking on a point.
3. From the Alarm/Limit tab, select Alarm Check ON or Alarm Check OFF as appropriate.
 Alarm Check ON: Displays a Confirm Alarm Check ON Request pop up box. Click OK to
turn on the alarm checking option or click Cancel to cancel the operation.
 Alarm Check OFF: Displays a Confirm Alarm Check OFF Request pop up box. In the
Reason box, enter a reason you want to perform the alarm check off operation. Click OK.

Figure 167: Select Alarm Check OFF option

324 OW360_20
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

To perform Alarm Check ON or OFF on a point using the Point menu of the Point
Information window, follow these steps.

Right-click the Point Name in the Point tab of Point Information window. From the context menu,
select Point Name-->Operations-->Alarm Check OFF/Alarm Check ON as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 168: Performing Alarm Check ON/OFF using the Point menu

Note: You can also perform Alarm Check operation on a point using the Alarm window and
System Viewer window at the Operator Station.

OW360_20 325
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

8.10.5 To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the Point
Information Window

To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the Point Information Window, follow
these steps.

1. Access the Operator Station Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Select a point to be auto cut out.
3. From the Alarm/Limit menu, in the Auto Cutout section, select Enabled or Disabled.
 Enabled: Displays a Confirm Auto Cutout ON Request message box. Click OK to enable
the auto cutout request for the selected point.
 Disabled: Displays a Confirm Auto Cutout OFF Request message box. Click OK to
disable the auto cutout request for the selected point.
4. You can also auto cut out a point using the Alarm column of the Point Information window by
selecting the value of the Auto Cutout parameter. A pop up box appears with two options,
DISABLED or ENABLED. Select as appropriate to disable or enable the auto cutout on the
selected point.

Figure 169: To auto cut out a point

Note: You can also auto cutout a point using the Alarm window and System Viewer window at
the Operator Station.

326 OW360_20
8.10 Working with Point Information functions at the Operator station

8.10.6 To perform limit check ON or OFF using the Point Information window

To perform limit check ON or OFF on a point using the Point Information window, follow these

1. Access the Operator Station Point Information window (see page 211).
2. Select a point.
3. From the Alarm/Limit menu, in the Limit Check section, select ON or OFF.
 ON: Displays a Confirm Limit Check ON Request message box. Click Yes to turn on the
limit check for the selected point.
 OFF: Displays a Confirm Limit Check OFF Request message box. Click Yes to turn off
the limit check for the selected point.
4. You can also perform Limit Check ON or OFF on a point using the Point menu of the Point
Information window.
 Right-click the Point Name in the Point tab of Point Information window. In the context
menu that appears, select Point Name-->Operations-->Limit Check OFF/Limit Check
5. You can also perform Limit Check ON or OFF on a point using the Alarm column of Point
Information window by selecting the value of the Limit Check parameter. A pop up box
appears with two options, OFF or ON. Select as appropriate to perform Limit Check ON or
OFF on the selected point.

Figure 170: Performing Limit Check On or OFF

Note: You can also perform Limit Check operation on a point using the Alarm window and
System Viewer window at the Operator Station.

OW360_20 327
S E C T I O N 9

Using signal diagrams at the Operator Station


What are signal diagrams? ............................................................................................. 329

Accessing a Signal Diagram ........................................................................................... 330
Configuring Signal Diagram colors.................................................................................. 333
Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window ............................................................. 347
Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu .................................. 350
What is the Signal Diagram display canvas? .................................................................. 353
What are the Signal Diagram windows? ......................................................................... 362
Tuning algorithms ............................................................................................................ 370
Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms ............................................................ 371
Forcing an algorithm input value ..................................................................................... 378
Reconciling tuning changes in a Windows-based Ovation system................................. 392

9.1 What are signal diagrams?

A signal diagram is an Ovation Operator Station application that monitors and tunes a control
process. Once you create and save a control function (sheet) in the Control Builder, you can view
it online through a signal diagram.

In order to use a signal diagram to monitor or tune a process, you must first load the control
function (.svg file) into the Controller and then the system downloads it to an Operator Station in
your system. (See Loading sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system section of Ovation
Control Builder User Guide for more information.)

9.1.1 What functions are provided by signal diagrams?

The following functions are provided by the signal diagrams:

 Monitoring analog and digital values.
 Monitoring algorithm mode, tracking and limit status.
 Tuning algorithms parameters.
 Manipulating Set Point and MA Station algorithms.
 Using points through page connectors.
 Navigation for control subsystems.

OW360_20 329
9.2 Accessing a Signal Diagram

9.1.2 What are the best practices for using signal diagrams?

Implementation of your control will be easier if adequate time is spent planning your control
system before implementing the control. This saves time and frustration for your current project
and enables you to reuse the control in future projects. The following guidelines will help you in
planning your system control graphics:
 Make your drawings neat and efficient. Experience will enable you to create drawings that are
esthetically pleasing as well as functional.
 Name all algorithms that will be used in custom graphics.
 Name all points that will be used on custom graphics, alarm points, or points that leave a
sheet (output page connectors). Default point names cannot be used in output page
 When creating internal point names, only create point names for generated (output) points. If
you need a point name for an undefined input point, create and use ADUMMY (for analogs)
and DDUMMY (for digitals). This approach helps to avoid the scenario where two different
points get created for the same signal and then the logic will not work.
 Use dynamic text to specify tuning parameters on sheets.
 Always use the MAMODE algorithm with MASTATIONs. The MAMODE algorithm provides a
“mode word” which provides consistent indication of the status of the associated M/A Station
on all graphics.
 Use comments on the sheets to identify the logic path and the functionality between sheets.
 Try to use a linear approach when designing a sheet. This keeps the logic organized and
makes the graphics easier to follow.
 Use the Synchronize Online function to view control sheets in the Signal Diagram viewer
without loading those sheets in the Controller first. This function saves time, since it can be
used to view sheets in Signal Diagrams for accuracy before they are loaded to the Controller.

9.2 Accessing a Signal Diagram

You can access a signal diagram in many ways:
 From the Operator Station Ovation Applications icons (Windows-based Ovation systems
 From a Point Menu.
 From the Control Builder.

330 OW360_20
9.2 Accessing a Signal Diagram

9.2.1 To access signal diagrams from the Windows-based Ovation Applications


Perform the following steps to access signal diagrams from the windows based ovation
applications window:

1. From the Ovation Operator Station, select Start > All Programs > Ovation > Ovation
Applications. The Ovation Application icons appear.
2. Double-click the Signal Diagram icon. The Open Document window appears.

Figure 171: Signal Diagrams -- Open Document window

3. From the Open Document window, navigate to the sheet you want to display. To do this,
expand the unit, drop, and control task folders until you find the desired sheet. For more
information on using the Open Document window, see Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram
window (see page 347).
4. Double-click the sheet. The Signal Diagram window appears with the sheet displayed on the

OW360_20 331
9.2 Accessing a Signal Diagram

9.2.2 To access signal diagrams from a Point Menu

You can access a signal diagram from a Point Menu. You can access the Point Menu from any of
the following Operator Station windows that displays a point name or a point value:
 Point Information window.
 Alarm window.
 Trend window.
 Point Review window.
 Graphics Display window.
 Historical Alarm Review window.
 Historical Point Review window.
 Historical Trend window.
 Historical SOE Review window.
Use the following procedure to access a signal diagram from a Point Menu. This procedure uses
the Point Information window as an example.

1. Double-click the Point Information icon from the Ovation Applications menu at the Operator
Station. (Note that you can access any other Operator Station window that displays a point
name or a point value.)
2. The Point Information (PI) window displays. Enter the desired point name in the Point Name
entry field or use the Browse for Points icon (magnifying glass) to find the point name.
3. Select a point name or a point value on the PI window.
4. Right-click the selection to display the Point Menu. Select Signal Diagram.
5. The Signal Diagram displays containing the control sheet that is directly associated with that
point. This is the sheet where the point originates. This is not applicable for points in a remote

332 OW360_20
9.2 Accessing a Signal Diagram

9.2.3 To access signal diagrams from the Control Builder

1. From the Control Builder main window, pull down the Tools menu and select Signal
Diagrams. The Open Document window appears (see page 347).
2. Drill down the hierarchy tree to find the sheet you want. Highlight the sheet.
3. Press the Ok button. The signal diagram window appears showing the sheet that you

Figure 172: Signal Diagram window

Note: When the Signal Diagram window is accessed from the Control Builder Tools menu, any
changes loaded to the Controller are available immediately.

OW360_20 333
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

You can configure certain point, signal, and text colors on the Signal Diagram Viewer. The Signal
Diagram Viewer Configuration window is accessed from a command line on your PC.

9.3.1 To access the Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window

Use the following procedure to access the Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window.

1. Open a command (cmd) window.

2. Type the follow command at the prompt:
3. Once you are in the CB_HOME directory, type the following command at the prompt:
C:\Ovation\CtrlBldr>cbViewer –CONFIGURE

334 OW360_20
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

4. A Browse for Folder window appears. Pick the on-line directory under OVPTSVR and click

Figure 173: Browse For Folder -- select "on-line" for Viewer configuration window

OW360_20 335
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

The Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window appears.

Figure 174: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window

336 OW360_20
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3.2 To change the default Signal Diagram colors

The Signal Diagram Viewer comes with factory-set default colors. Use the following procedure to
change the default Signal Diagram colors.

1. Access the Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window (see page 334).
2. Select the button for the items you want to configure. The choices are:
 General Diagram Colors (see page 338).
 Digital Signal and Algorithm Colors (see page 339).
 Non-Digital Signal Colors (see page 340).
 Non-Digital Algorithm Colors (see page 341).
 Signal Point Value Labels (see page 343).
 Point Quality Tags (see page 345).
 Point Scan Rates (see page 346).
3. Depending on your selection, the Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window changes to
reflect the configurable parameters for the selected item.
4. Make the changes as desired.
5. Select the Ok button to save the changes and quit the window. The On-
line\SignalDiagramViewerConfig.xml file will be modified.
6. Open a command (cmd) window and type the follow command at the prompt to regenerate
the catalog (note that the catalog should be regenerated after every change):
C:\Ovation\CtrlBldr>cbLoader catalog C:\OvPtSvr\SystemName\on-
7. Wait 20 seconds for distribution and start a new Signal Diagram Viewer.

OW360_20 337
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3.3 Configuring General Diagram colors

The General Diagram Colors bar on the configuration window sets the default colors for the
Signal Diagram window and for algorithms and signals that are operating normally.

Figure 175: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window -- General Diagram Colors

General Diagram Colors -- Items and Descriptions


Background Color Background color of the display canvas.

Foreground Color Foreground color of the display canvas.
Highlight Outline Default outline color used for the selected algorithm.
Highlight Fill Default fill color used for the selected algorithm.

338 OW360_20
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3.4 Configuring digital signal and algorithm colors

The Digital Signal and Algorithm Colors bar on the configuration window allows you to select
the colors for digital signal lines and digital algorithms.

Figure 176: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window -- Digital Signal and Algo. Colors
Digital Signal and Algorithm Colors -- Items and Descriptions


Default Colors Value True - color that indicates the digital signal/algorithm is true
and running normally.
Value False -- color that indicates the digital signal/algorithm is
false and running normally.
Point in Alarm Value True -- color that indicates the digital signal/algorithm is true
and in alarm.
Value False -- color that indicates the digital signal/algorithm is
false and in alarm.
Point Off Scan Value True -- color that indicates the digital signal/algorithm is true
and off scan.
Value False -- color that indicates the signal/algorithm is false and
off scan.

OW360_20 339
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3.5 Configuring non-digital signal colors

The Non-Digital Signal Colors bar on the configuration window allows you to select the colors
for signal lines that are not digital.

Figure 177: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window -- Non-Digital Signal Colors

Non-Digital Signal Colors -- Items and descriptions


Default Color Color that indicates the signal is not in any of the following conditions
(in alarm, not good quality, timed out, off scan).
Point in Alarm Color that indicates the point for the signal is in alarm.
Point Not Good Quality Color that indicates the point for the signal does not have good quality.
Point Timed Out Color that indicates the point for the signal is timed out.
Point Off Scan Color that indicates the point for the signal is off scan.

340 OW360_20
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3.6 Configuring non-digital algorithm colors

The Non-Digital Algorithm Colors bar on the configuration window allows you to select the
colors for algorithms that are not digital.

Figure 178: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window -- Non-Digital Algorithm Colors

OW360_20 341
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

Non-Digital Algorithm Colors -- Items and descriptions


Default Color (including Automatic) Color that indicates the algorithm is operating in a normal
Output Point in Alarm Color that indicates the output point is in alarm.
Output Point Not Good Quality Color that indicates the output point does not have good
Algorithm Tracking Color that indicates that the algorithm is currently tracking a
downstream algorithm.
Algorithm in Manual Mode Color that indicates the algorithm is in manual mode.
Algorithm in Local Mode Color that indicates the algorithm is in local mode.
Output Reached Top of Scale Color that indicates the algorithm has reached its high limit and
is currently unable to increase.
Output Reached Bottom of Scale Color that indicates the algorithm has reached its low limit and
is currently unable to decrease.

342 OW360_20
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3.7 Configuring signal point value labels

The Signal Point Value Labels bar on the configuration window allows you to select the font type
and size for algorithm value indicators and point status indicators.

Figure 179: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window -- Signal Point Value Labels

OW360_20 343
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

Signal Point Value Labels -- Items and descriptions


Font Family Select the font type used for the dynamic values on the signals.
Point Size Select the font size used for the dynamic values on the signals.
List of Set Descriptions Allows you to define the words that will be filtered out on the Signal
Diagram when the value of the digital point is true. This option works
with the Show Default True/False Labels icon on the Navigation
toolbar. This option functions as a toggle option so the text is either
seen or hidden.
In this entry field, you enter all of the words, separated by a
semicolon, which you want to filter out when you press the Show
Default True/False Labels icon. For example, if you enter
"TRUE;on;set," those words will not be shown on the signal diagram
when the value is true and you press the Show Default True/False
Labels icon to hide the text.
List of Reset Descriptions Allows you to define the words that will be filtered out on the Signal
Diagram when the value of the digital point is false. This option
works with the Show Default True/False Labels icon on the
Navigation toolbar. This option functions as a toggle option so the
text is either seen or hidden.
In this entry field, you enter all of the words, separated by a
semicolon, which you want to filter out when you press the Show
Default True/False Labels icon. For example, if you enter
"FALSE;off;reset," those words will not be shown on the signal
diagram when the value is false and you press the Show Default
True/False Labels icon to hide the text.

344 OW360_20
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors

9.3.8 Configuring point quality tags

The Point Quality Tags bar on the configuration window allows you to select what item (letter or
number) will be used to indicate the type of quality for a point.

Figure 180: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window -- Point Quality Tags

Point Quality Tags -- Items and descriptions


Default (Quality Good) Designator used for the tag when the point has good quality
(operating normally). One or more characters may be used.
Fair Quality Designator used for the tag when the point has fair quality.
One or more characters may be used.
Poor Quality Designator used for the tag when the point has poor quality.
One or more characters may be used.
Bad Quality Designator used for the tag when the point has bad quality.
One or more characters may be used.
Point Timed Out Designator used for the tag when the point times out. One or
more characters may be used.

OW360_20 345
9.3 Configuring Signal Diagram colors


Point Off Scan Designator used for the tag when the point is off scan. One or
more characters may be used.
Point in Alarm Designator used for the tag when the point is in alarm. One or
more characters may be used.

9.3.9 Configuring point scan rates

The Point Scan Rates bar on the configuration window allows you to set a fast scan rate and a
slow scan rate (in milliseconds).

Figure 181: Signal Diagram Viewer Configuration window -- Point Scan Rates

Point Scan Rates -- Items and descriptions


Fast Scan Rate (msec) Defines the fast scan rate which determines the rate at which
points are being updated. This option is used with the Enable
Fast Point Update icon on the Navigation toolbar. Valid
range is 50 msec or greater. This icon operates as a toggle
button and goes between the fast and slow scan rate.
Slow Scan Rate (msec) Defines the slow scan rate which determines the rate at which
points are being updated. This option is used with the Enable
Fast Point Update icon on the Navigation toolbar. Valid
range is 500 msec or greater. This icon operates as a toggle
button and goes between the fast and slow scan rate.

346 OW360_20
9.4 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window

9.4 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window

The Open Document window displays sheets in a hierarchical tree that can be sorted by drop and
control task or by component code. Navigate to the desired sheet by expanding the folders in the
tree. Note that only one sheet can be displayed on the Signal Diagram window at one time.

The Open Documents window is the first window that displays when you access a Signal Diagram
(see page 330). It also appears when you press the Open icon on the Signal Diagram window.
The exception is when a signal diagram is accessed from a Point Menu. When you right-click a
point and select Point Menu, a signal diagram appears loaded with the sheet that originates that
point. See To access signal diagrams from a Point Menu (see page 332).

Figure 182: Signal Diagrams -- Open Document window

OW360_20 347
9.4 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window

Open Document window item descriptions


Tree drop-down menu Presents two different options of the sheet hierarchy tree:
 Drop Layout - sheets are organized by drop and control task.
 Component Layout - sheets are organized by component
Refresh Document Tree icon Displays the Refresh Document List window that prompts you to
regenerate the cache file if it becomes outdated. Regenerating
this file updates the Open Document window so that any newly
added sheets appear in the window.
Search document tree icon Displays a Find window that allows you to enter text strings in the
entry field that represent all or part of a document title.
Document list window pane Displays the sheets in a hierarchical tree that is sorted either by
drop layout or component layout.
Ok button Opens the sheet in the Signal Diagram window and closes the
Open Document window.
Cancel button Quits the Open Document window without displaying any sheets
in the Signal Diagram window.

Note: For projects that have a valid SIS license, the Open Document window tree displays SIS
sheets under their applicable Control Module and Logic Solver.

9.4.1 To open a sheet in the Signal Diagram window

1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330). Typically, the Open Document window appears.
2. If a Signal Diagram window is already open, click the Open icon on the Signal Diagrams
Navigation toolbar (see page 350). The Open icon is the seventh icon from the left. The Open
Document window appears.
3. From the Tree drop-down menu, select a layout for the hierarchy tree.
 Drop Layout - Sheets are organized by drop and control task.
 Component Layout - Sheets are organized by component code.
4. Navigate through the hierarchy to find the sheet you want.
5. Click the sheet and then press the Ok button. The sheet appears on the Signal Diagram
display canvas.

Note: Only one sheet can be opened at a time in a Signal Diagram window.

348 OW360_20
9.4 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window

9.4.2 To refresh the Open Document hierarchy tree

The Refresh Document List window allows you to update the sheets that appear in the Open
Documents window hierarchy tree.

1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330). Typically, the Open Document window appears.
2. From the Open Document window, select the Refresh Document Tree icon (found next to
the Tree drop-down menu).
The Refresh Document List window appears.

Figure 183: Refresh Document List window

3. Select Yes to regenerate the cache file which will update the sheets in the tree. Select No to
quit the window without updating the cache file.

9.4.3 To search for a sheet in the Open Documents window

The Find window allows you to search for sheets in the Open Documents window hierarchy tree.

1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330). Typically, the Open Document window appears.
2. From the Open Document window, select the Search Document Tree icon (found next to the
Refresh Document Tree icon).
The Find window appears.

Figure 184: Find window

3. Enter all or part of the sheet name. You can also use the wildcard (*) character to search for
sheets (for example, D* means find all sheet names that begin with D).
4. Select the OK button to start the search process. Select Cancel to quit the Find window
without searching for any sheets.

OW360_20 349
9.5 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu

9.5 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu

The Navigation toolbar provides a quick way to open, access, and print sheets. The Navigation
menu allows you to select what windows appear on the Signal Diagram main window.

9.5.1 Navigation toolbar

The Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar appears at the top of the Signal Diagram window.

Figure 185: Navigation toolbar

Navigation toolbar icons and descriptions


Open Previous Document -- Moves to the previously viewed or loaded

sheet (not defined by page connectors or execution order).

Open Next Document -- Moves to the next currently loaded sheet (not
defined by page connectors or execution order).

Previous Document in Table of Contents -- Moves to the sheet above

the current sheet, based on execution order.

Next Document in Table of Contents -- Moves to the sheet below the

current sheet, based on execution order.

Open Related Component Documents -- Provides a list of documents

(control sheets and supplemental documents) that are part of the
component code hierarchy scheme as the document that you currently
have open. (See What are component codes? section of Ovation Control
Builder User Guide.)
Open Primary/Partner Specific Document -- Displays a menu that lists
the Controllers that have a copy of the sheet you have open in the Signal
Diagram. It also shows you which Controller has the most recent copy of
that sheet. See To display the last loaded version of a sheet (see page
Open Document -- Opens a new sheet by activating the Open
Document window.

Refresh Current Document -- Refreshes the currently viewed sheet.

Print Document -- Prints the sheet using the standard Windows Print
dialog box.

350 OW360_20
9.5 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu


Pointname entry field and Open Reference Document icon -- Enter a

point name in the entry field and select the icon. A list appears showing
all the names of sheets that use that point. The sheet with a yellow *
beside the name is the sheet where the point originates. If the point is on
the loaded sheet, it highlights on the display canvas.
Enable Fast Point Update -- Determines how fast points are being
updated. If the clock on the icon is one quarter full, points are being
updated at 50 milliseconds. If you click it, the clock becomes three
quarters full meaning that points are being updated every 500
milliseconds. This icon operates as a toggle button.
Show Icon Indicators on Algorithms -- Displays algorithm value
indicators on algorithms. This icon functions as a toggle option.
Therefore, if values are currently displayed, pressing the icon will hide
the point values.
Show Dynamic Values on Signals -- Displays point values on signal
lines. This icon functions as a toggle option. Therefore, if point values are
currently displayed, pressing the icon will hide the point values.

Show Default True/False Labels -- Removes the Boolean logic where

values are true or false. This icon functions as a toggle option. Therefore,
if True/False text is currently displayed, pressing the icon will hide the
True/False text. It is recommended that you display True/False text
before you print.
Change Dynamic Value Font Size -- Allows you to change the font size
of dynamic values displayed on the sheet. Click the icon to cycle through
three choices: small, medium, and large.

Show Algorithm Order -- Provides a visual numbered sequence of how

the algorithms are executed within a control sheet. When you select this
icon, the algorithms on the sheet are replaced by rectangular boxes with
numbers inside. This indicates the sequence of the algorithms.
Open Help Document -- Provides online help on the signal diagram

Note: Holding down the <Shift> key while selecting any of these options will start a new
instance of the Signal Diagram Viewer.

OW360_20 351
9.5 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu

9.5.2 Navigation menu

You can toggle the display of the Navigation toolbar and the Signal Diagram windows by right-
clicking on any empty space on the toolbar. (Click anywhere but directly on an icon.) A menu
displays that toggles the display of the toolbar and windows. If there is a check to the left of the
menu item, that toolbar or window is currently displayed. If there is no check beside the menu
item, that toolbar or window is currently not displayed.

Figure 186: Navigation menu

352 OW360_20
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

The display canvas is where you view your running control after a sheet has been selected from
the Open Document window.

Figure 187: Signal Diagram window

The top of the signal diagram window shows the name of the sheet. From this sheet, you can
monitor your control based on signal and algorithm colors and updating point names and values.
When you select an algorithm, the information that pertains to that algorithm displays in the
Algorithm Summary and the Properties Summary windows. The Properties Summary window
allows you to tune the algorithm.

OW360_20 353
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6.1 Viewing algorithm information in a Signal Diagram window

Detailed algorithm, point feedback, and mode information appear as flyover data at the bottom
status bar of the Signal Diagram window (lower left corner). For Foundation Fieldbus algorithms,
the values for the STAT and AMODE parameters display. If you hover over a signal line, the
signal line value displays.

If an algorithm supports tracking, the track value and mode bits appear at the bottom of the Signal
Diagram window. If the algorithm you selected does not support tracking, no tracking information
will appear at the bottom of the window. Refer to the Understanding tracking section of the
Control Builder User Guide for more information.

Figure 188: Algorithm information displayed at the bottom of Signal Diagram window

354 OW360_20
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6.2 Understanding when online graphics and control are mismatched

The Ovation system is designed to report discrepancies between the signal diagram loaded in the
Operator Station and the control running in the Controller.

A special icon appears at the lower right-hand corner of the signal diagram window to indicate if
there is a mismatch. Typically, a check mark inside a green circle appears at the lower right-hand
corner of the signal diagram window, indicating that there is no mismatch between the signal
diagram and the control sheet in the Controller. However, if a mismatch does exist, a yellow
triangle icon displays, indicating that the diagram is obsolete.

Signal Diagram mismatch icon indicators


No mismatch between the signal diagram and the control sheet in the Controller.

Mismatch exists between the signal diagram and the control sheet in the Controller.

OW360_20 355
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6.3 Understanding colors on the Signal Diagram display canvas

The online sheet uses various colors to indicate the conditions that are occurring in the control
scheme. From the Display canvas, the operator views these colors and notes any changes so he
can take appropriate actions.

The following colors are the Emerson default colors that are initially configured with the shipment
of your system. These colors are defined by the standard html color codes, which are given in
hexadecimal numbers. These numbers reside in an .xml file on your system. You may modify the
.xml file using the standard html color code to change these colors per project requirements.

Non-Digital Algorithms Colors

The following colors are used for an algorithm body to indicate the condition of a non-digital
algorithm. The hexadecimal color code number is also given:
 Pastel Green (00FF00) - algorithm is tracking.
 Red (FF0000) - algorithm is in manual mode.
 Turquoise (00FFFF) - algorithm is in local mode.
 Dark Gray (606060) - algorithm has reached bottom of scale.
 Dark Gray (606060) - algorithm has reached top of scale.
 White (FFFFFF) - algorithm is in automatic mode.
 White (FFFFFF) - default/normal color for non-digital algorithm.
 Magenta (E000E0) - algorithm is in alarm.
 Light Purple (pink) (FF0080) - output point is Not Good quality.

Non-Digital Signal Colors

Signals are the lines connecting algorithms on a control drawing. The following colors are used for
non-digital signals to indicate the value of the point of the originating algorithm. The hexadecimal
color code number is also given:
 White (FFFFFF) - default color for point. No action needed.
 Magenta (E000E0) - point is in alarm.
 Light Purple (pink) (FF0080) - output point is Not Good quality.
 Dark Gray (606060) - point is timed out.
 Light Gray (707070) - point is off scan.

Digital Signal/Algorithm Colors

The following colors are used for digital signals and digital algorithms. The hexadecimal color
code number is also given:
 Red (FF0000) - Value - True.
 White (FFFFFF) - Value - False.
 Magenta (E000E0) - point is in Alarm - True.
 Yellow (FFFF00) - point is in Alarm - False.
 Light Blue (0000FF) - point is off scan - True.
 Turquoise (00FFFF) - point is off scan - False.

356 OW360_20
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6.4 Understanding icons on the Signal Diagram display canvas

The sheet may display various icons to indicate certain conditions that are occurring in a point or
an algorithm. From the display canvas, the operator views these icons and notes any changes so
he can take appropriate actions.

Signal Diagram display canvas icons


Point is in alarm.

Algorithm has reached its high limit.

Algorithm has reached its low limit.

Algorithm is off scan.

Output point has quality other than Good.

Algorithm is timed out.

OW360_20 357
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6.5 To display algorithm and point information using the right-click menu
1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330).
2. From the display canvas, right-click an algorithm or a page connector symbol. A menu
appears. See the following figure.

Figure 189: Right-clicking an algorithm

The menu has the following format:

 Top of the menu shows the algorithm name.
 Middle section of the menu lists the user-defined points.
 Bottom of the menu allows you to access online help for that algorithm.

358 OW360_20
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

3. Pull-right on one of the user-defined point names to display another menu. See the following

Figure 190: Pull-right menu

4. The pull-right menu has the following format:

 Top of the menu shows the point name.
 Middle section of the menu displays a Point menu. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station
User Guide for more information on Point menus.
 Bottom portion of the menu displays the names of sheets where this point is used. A
yellow asterisk (*) beside the name is the sheet where the point originates. If you click a
sheet in the list, it opens in the Signal Diagram window. Note that only one sheet can be
opened at a time in the Signal Diagram window.

OW360_20 359
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6.6 To display an additional Signal Diagram window

Only one sheet can be displayed at a time in a single Signal Diagram window. However, if you
need to display two sheets at the same time (possibly for the purpose of comparing sheets), you
can access a second Signal Diagram window.

1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330).

2. From the display canvas, right-click an algorithm or a page connector symbol. A menu
3. From the menu, pull-right on one of the user-defined point names to display another menu.
See the following figure:

The bottom portion of the menu displays the names of sheets where this point is used. A
yellow asterisk (*) beside the name is the sheet where the point originates.
4. Hold down the <Shift> key and click a sheet name in the list. The sheet opens in a new
Signal Diagram window. The first Signal Diagram window also remains open.

Note: An additional Signal Diagram window can also be opened by pressing the <Shift> key
with the page connector context menus, the first six Navigation toolbar icons (see page 350),
and the OK button on the Open Document window (see page 347).

360 OW360_20
9.6 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

9.6.7 To display a specific version of a sheet

You can choose to display a sheet from either the primary or the partner Controller.

1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330). Typically, the Open Document window appears.
2. From the Open Document window, select the Open PrimaryPartner Specific Document
icon on the Navigation toolbar. A menu appears.

Figure 191: Display Loaded Versions menu

The menu that appears shows which Controller drops have a copy of the currently open
sheet. A triangle beside the Controller name means that the sheet that is displayed on the
canvas is different than what is in that Controller. If no triangle appears beside the Controller
name, the sheet that is displayed on the canvas is the same version as what is in that
3. From the menu, select the Controller that has the version of the sheet you want to view in the
Signal Diagram window.

9.6.8 To explode a macro on a Signal Diagram window

You can show the contents of a macro on a Signal Diagram window. To do this, use the following

1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330). Typically, the Open Document window appears.
If a Signal Diagram window is already open, click the Open icon on the Signal Diagram
Navigation toolbar (see page 350). The Open icon is the seventh icon from the left. The Open
Document window appears.
2. From the Open Document window, open a sheet that contains a macro.
3. When the sheet with the macro displays on the Signal Diagram display canvas, right-click the
4. Select the Explode Macro option from the right-click menu. The components of that macro

Note: Like control macros, the signal diagram application supports exploding the SIS composite
blocks to view the content. For more information on control macros, such as editing, replacing,
or displaying the control macros in signal diagrams, see What are control macros? Also, signal
lines for optional points, which are not defined in this instance, are not shown.

OW360_20 361
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

When you are first accessing a Signal Diagram (see page 330) and displaying a diagram, it
appears on the display canvas. By default, the Function Summary window also initially displays.
You can access other windows from the Navigation menu (see page 352) that give you detailed
information about a selected algorithm. Like the Control Builder windows, the signal diagram
windows work together to give you a complete picture of your control process. Also like the
Control Builder, all signal diagram windows are dockable and floatable.

Note: When you select an algorithm on a sheet, only windows that relate to the selected
algorithm will open.

From the Navigation menu, you can access the following windows:
 Event Log (see page 363) -- shows a list of actions taken in the Signal Diagram window.
 Algorithm Summary (see page 364) -- displays information on a selected algorithm.
 Algorithm Control (see page 366) -- used for certain algorithms that support user input in the
form of keyboard buttons or set point values.
 Properties Summary (see page 367) -- performs tuning on a selected algorithm.
 Ladder Viewer -- only used for Ladders. This will only appear when a ladder is displayed on
the canvas. Note that the Navigation menu will display a Ladder Viewer menu item if a Ladder
is displayed on the canvas.
 Function Summary (see page 365) -- similar to the Algorithm Summary window, but only
displays information on page connectors (inputs and outputs).
Notice that for most of these windows, when you access and dock them, they appear as tabs at
the bottom of the Signal Diagram window (except for the Ladder Viewer which does not appear as
a tab at the bottom of the window). See the following figure:

Figure 192: Signal Diagram windows minimized as tabs at the bottom of the screen

362 OW360_20
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7.1 Using the signal diagram Event Log window

The Event Log window provides a list of activities or events (system-initiated and user-initiated)
that occurred on the Signal Diagram main window and the supporting windows.

Figure 193: Event Log window

The following table briefly explains the Event Log window fields.

Event Log window fields and descriptions


Message number Shows the number of the message.

Time Provides the time that the event occurred.
Severity Gives a rating of the importance of the message. The choices are:
 Info -- Informational message. Appears when sheet is opened. No
action required. Shown in green.
 Warning -- A problem occurred with the network or database (for
example, point not found). Shown in yellow.
 Error -- Unable to commit tuning changes. File not found. Shown in
Source Shows the window where the event occurred.
Message Lists the actual message along with the name and location of the

The Event Log window contains a right-click menu that allows you to manage the contents of the
window. See To use the Event Log right-click menu (see page 368) for more information.

OW360_20 363
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7.2 Using the signal diagram Algorithm Summary window

The Algorithm Summary window displays information for a selected algorithm on the sheet. From
this window, you also have an overview of all the parameters for that algorithm and their
associated points. In addition, if you right-click any of the window fields, a Point menu displays
where you can access the Point Information window or a Trend Display (see To use the Algorithm
Summary window and Function Summary window right-click menus (see page 369)). The
following figure shows the Algorithm Summary window.

Figure 194: Algorithm Summary window

The following table briefly explains the Algorithm Summary window fields.

Algorithm Summary window fields


Name Shows the abbreviated name of the algorithm parameter. For more
information, refer to Ovation Standard Algorithms Reference Manual
and Ovation Q-Line and Specialty Algorithms Reference Manual.
Parameter Description Provides a description of the parameter. For more information, refer to
Ovation Standard Algorithms Reference Manual and Ovation Q-Line
and Specialty Algorithms Reference Manual.
Point Gives the name of the point associated with the parameter.
Bit For packed points, gives the bit associated with the point. Refer to the
Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.
Point Description Gives a description of the point. This is defined in the Control Builder
Property Editor.
Type Displays the record type for the point. Refer to the Ovation Record
Types Reference Manual.
Bottom Gives the point's defined low value.
Top Gives the point's defined high value.
Value Displays the current value for the point. Note that when the value is a
hexadecimal number, the decimal version of the number displays next
to it in parentheses. If the value is text (True/False), the value displays
next to the text in parentheses (1 for True, 0 for False).

The Algorithm Summary window contains a right-click menu that allows you to determine which
columns display on the window. In this way, you can customize what information appears on the
window. See To use the Algorithm Summary window and Function Summary window right-click
menus (see page 369) for more information.

364 OW360_20
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7.3 Using the signal diagram Function Summary window

The Function Summary window is similar to the Algorithm Summary window, but only shows
information for page connectors (input and output points). In addition, if you right-click any of the
window fields, a Point menu displays where you can access the Point Information window or a
Trend Display (see To use the Algorithm Summary window and Function Summary window right-
click menus (see page 369)). The following figure shows the Function Summary window.

Figure 195: Function Summary window

Note: In order for the Parameter Description column to appear on the Function Summary
window, you must enter a description in the Functional Description field in the Control Builder
Property Editor. Also, if you enter information in the Input Mnemonic field in the Property Editor,
a Name column will appear in the Function Summary window. For more information on Property
Editor parameters for page connectors, see the To use page connectors on control sheets
section of Ovation Control Builder User Guide.

The following table briefly explains the Function Summary window fields.
Function Summary window fields


Parameter Description Provides a description of the parameter. Refer to the Ovation Standard
Algorithms Reference Manual and Ovation Q-Line and Specialty Algorithms
Reference Manual.
Point Gives the name of the input or output point.
Bit For packed points, gives the bit associated with the point. Refer to the
Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.
Point Description Gives a description of the point. This is defined in the Control Builder
Property Editor.
Type Displays the record type for the point. Refer to the Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual.
Bottom Gives the point's defined low value.
Top Gives the point's defined high value.
Value Displays the current value for the point. Note that when the value is a
hexadecimal number, the decimal version of the number displays next to it
in parentheses. If the value is text (True/False), the value displays next to
the text in parentheses (1 for True, 0 for False).

The Function Summary window contains a right-click menu that allows you to determine which
columns display on the window. In this way, you can customize what information appears on the
window. See To use the Algorithm Summary window and Function Summary window right-click
menus (see page 369) for more information.

OW360_20 365
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7.4 Using the signal diagram Algorithm Control window

The Algorithm Control window is used for certain algorithms that support user input in the form of
keyboard buttons or set point values. The buttons and entry fields that display depend on what
parameters are applicable to the algorithm that is selected. For more information, refer to Ovation
Standard Algorithms Reference Manual and Ovation Q-Line and Specialty Algorithms Reference

Typically, a check mark inside a green circle appears at the upper left-hand corner of the
Algorithm Control window, indicating that there is no mismatch between the algorithm on the
signal diagram and the algorithm on the control sheet in the Controller. However, if a mismatch
does exist, a yellow triangle icon displays, indicating that the algorithms do not match.

Figure 196: Algorithm Control window for an MASTATION algorithm showing no mismatch

Figure 197: Algorithm Control window for a KEYBOARD algorithm showing a mismatch

Note: When an algorithm is mismatched, it cannot be modified.

366 OW360_20
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7.5 Using the signal diagram Properties Summary window to tune algorithms

The Properties Summary window performs tuning on one algorithm. See Tuning Algorithms (see
page 370) for information on using this window to tune.

Note: If you do not have security permissions to modify the selected point or to tune, a message
appears stating that you are unable to perform the desired function.

The following figure shows the Properties Summary window. You can only access this window if
the algorithm you selected is tunable.

Figure 198: Properties Summary window

Note: If you right-click anywhere on the Properties Summary window, you get a Point Menu
which can display various Ovation applications.

The following table describes the Properties Summary window fields and buttons.

Properties Summary window fields


Algorithm Parameter Abbreviated name of the algorithm parameter. Refer to the

Ovation Standard Algorithms Reference Manual and Ovation Q-
Line and Specialty Algorithms Reference Manual.
Name Full name of the algorithm parameter.
Current Value Current value of the parameter.
Tuned Value Tuned value of the parameter.
Commit Button Changes the value of the algorithm record.
Reset Button Clears any user-defined tuned values that were entered in the

Note: When the Properties Summary window is docked, the Name parameter is hidden to save

OW360_20 367
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7.6 Accessing the signal diagram window right-click menus

The Event Log, Algorithm Summary, and Function Summary windows have right-click menus that
provide additional window options.

9.7.7 To use the Event Log right-click menu

The Event Log window contains a right-click menu that allows you to manage the contents of the

1. Access a Signal Diagram (see page 330).

2. If the Event Log window is not already displayed, go to the Navigation menu (see page 352)
and select Event Log. The Event Log window appears.
3. Right-click any of the window table cells. A menu appears.

Figure 199: Event Log window -- right-click menu

4. Select one of the following items on the right-click menu:

 Copy to Clipboard -- copies the entire contents of the Event Log and puts it in a file.
 Clear Contents -- clears all of the information out of the Event Log.
 Refresh Contents -- reformats the size of the window cells.

368 OW360_20
9.7 What are the Signal Diagram windows?

9.7.8 To use the Algorithm Summary window and Function Summary window
right-click menus

You can access two different right-click menus from the Algorithm Summary and Function
Summary windows.

1. Right-click any field on the Algorithm Summary window or the Function Summary window and
a menu displays allowing you to access a Point Menu for that point.

Figure 200: Algorithm Summary right-click menu showing Point Info and Trend

2. Right-click anywhere on empty white space on the Algorithm Summary window or the
Function Summary window and a different menu appears. This menu lists the fields that you
can display on the window. In this way, you can customize what information appears on the

Figure 201: Algorithm Summary right-click menu showing available fields to display

3. Select the field you want to display. A check mark appears beside the name. If no check mark
appears beside a name, that field will not display on the window.

OW360_20 369
9.8 Tuning algorithms

9.8 Tuning algorithms

The Tuning function in Ovation refers to the changing of point values in an algorithm while it is
displayed in a signal diagram. This modifying or tuning is performed online at an Operator Station
while the system is running. As the tuning is done, the values are sent to the Controller and the
value of the point changes accordingly.

Note: In order for you to select an algorithm for control, you must set the security item
CONTROL FUNCTIONS. In order for you to tune an algorithm, you must set the security item
TUNING FUNCTIONS. For Windows Ovation systems, these functions are enabled through the
Developer Studio.

9.8.1 To tune algorithm parameters

1. Access the Signal Diagram window (see page 330).
2. Select a sheet from the Open Document window (see page 347).
3. Left-click the algorithm you want to tune.
4. Go to the Properties Summary window and select the parameter(s) to tune. Enter a new value
for the parameter in the Tuned Value field.

Figure 202: Properties Summary window

5. Select the Commit button to save the setting and change the value in the algorithm record.
6. To perform advanced tuning functions on special algorithms, go to the display canvas, right-
click the algorithm, and select Advanced Tuning. An advanced tuning window appears. For
information on the advanced tuning window for special algorithms, Refer to APC Toolkit User
Guide. For information on the advanced tuning window (SIS Tuning) for SIS algorithms, see
Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms (see page 371).

Note: When an algorithm is mismatched, it cannot be modified.

370 OW360_20
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

SIS algorithms can be viewed and tuned through an SIS Tuning window in the Signal Diagram

All of the SIS algorithms have SIS Tuning windows. If the SIS algorithm has tunable parameters,
they are tuned through the SIS Tuning window -- not through the Property Summary window. If
the SIS algorithm does not have tunable parameters, the tunable column in the SIS Tuning
window appears blank.

For certain SIS algorithms, the SIS Tuning window has an extra tab. The information in this tab is
read-only, and contains the information that was entered in the advanced editing window in the
Control Builder. The algorithm that has the extra tab is:
 LSCEM (see page 373).

Note: For more information on the SIS algorithms, refer to the Ovation Q-Line and Specialty
Algorithms Reference Manual.

9.9.1 To access the SIS Tuning window for SIS algorithms

Use the following procedure to access the SIS Tuning window for SIS algorithms:

1. Access the Signal Diagram window (see page 330). (Refer to the Ovation Control Builder
User Guide for more information on the Signal Diagram window.)
2. Select a sheet from the Open Document window (see page 347).
3. The sheet appears on the display canvas. Right-click the desired SIS algorithm on the sheet
and select Advanced Tuning from the menu that appears.
The SIS Tuning window applicable to that algorithm appears.

OW360_20 371
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

9.9.2 SIS Tuning window for the LSCALC algorithm

Figure 203: LSCALC SIS Tuning window (Properties Summary tab)

Figure 204: LSCALC SIS Tuning window - (Program tab)

372 OW360_20
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

9.9.3 SIS Tuning window for the LSCEM algorithm

1. Select the Properties Summary tab to display the summary of the tuning properties in the
SIS Tuning window.

Figure 205: LSCEM SIS Tuning window (Properties Summary tab selected)

OW360_20 373
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

2. Select the Cause And Effect Table tab to display the cause and effect table in the SIS
Tuning window.

Figure 206: LSCEM SIS Tuning window (Cause and Effect Table tab selected)

374 OW360_20
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

9.9.4 SIS Tuning window for the LSSEQ algorithm

Figure 207: LSSEQ SIS Tuning window -- Properties Summary tab

OW360_20 375
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

Figure 208: LSSEQ SIS Tuning window -- Sequence Table tab

376 OW360_20
9.9 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

9.9.5 SIS Tuning window for the LSSTD algorithm

Figure 209: LSSTD SIS Tuning window -- Properties Summary tab

Figure 210: LSSTD SIS Tuning window -- State Transition Table tab

OW360_20 377
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

An SIS Force operation occurs when an SIS algorithm input parameter value or quality is
changed manually. This means the input is "forced."

For example, you might want to see the behavior of an SIS algorithm when it has a certain input
value or quality; however, the SIS algorithm might not currently have the input value or quality you
need. You can use a Signal Diagram (see page 378) to temporarily force the input value or quality
of the SIS algorithm in order to observe the behavior.

You cannot force the output of an SIS algorithm to a particular value or quality; you can only force
the input to a particular value or quality. Before you can force an input value or quality for an SIS
algorithm, you must turn on the Control Module Debug mode.

Debug mode is where you can perform functional testing of safety logic by forcing input values for
algorithms (see page 378).

After you have forced an input value or quality, a blocking icon appears at the end of the forced
input pin of the algorithm in the Signal Diagram. This icon also appears next to the current value
in the Algorithm Summary window. This icon illustrates that the value or quality for the input signal
is currently forced and cannot be updated by the system.

Note: Remember to remove the forced input value when you want the SIS algorithm to execute

WARNING! Be sure to turn OFF the Debug mode before closing the signal diagram. Failure to
do so may result in unsafe conditions.

9.10.1 To force an algorithm input value

 Make sure that the applicable control sheet has been successfully loaded into the SIS
Interface Controller and the Logic Solver.

1. Access the Signal Diagram application:
 From the Operator Station Ovation Applications icons.
 From a Point Menu.
 From the Control Builder. Refer to Ovation Control Builder User Guide for more
2. Navigate to a sheet in the Open Document window. Refer to Ovation Control Builder User
Guide for more information.
3. Double-click the sheet and the sheet appears on the display canvas of the Signal Diagram

378 OW360_20
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

4. Right-click the desired algorithm on the sheet and select Advanced Tuning from the menu.
The SIS Tuning window appears with the selected algorithm name at the top of the window.
The following steps provide an example of how to use the SIS Force function.

Figure 211: SIS Tuning window

5. Click the Force button. The Force application window for the selected algorithm appears. The
following window displays when the Control Module with the selected algorithm is not in
Debug mode

Figure 212: Force application window in Normal mode

OW360_20 379
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

6. If the Control Module is in Normal mode, click the Debug ON button and continue to Step 7. If
the Control Module is in Debug mode, skip to Step 9.

Notes: When you turn on the Debug mode, you set the Debug mode for the entire Control
module and all of the SIS Control Sheets in that module. If bit 9 of the Logic Solver RN point is
set, it indicates that Debug mode is ON for any Control module of that Logic Solver. Control
module RN point bit 1 also indicates that the Control Module Debug mode is ON. Turing ON the
Debug mode generates a SIS Event that is sent to Ovation Historian.

7. A window appears asking you to confirm the Debug mode selection. Select Confirm. (The
SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 213: Control module Debug ON confirm window

Note: If you do not confirm SIS secure write selection for a few seconds, the command confirm
timeout dialog box appears.

380 OW360_20
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

8. The Force application window now displays that the Control module for the selected algorithm
is in Debug mode.

Figure 214: Force application window in Debug mode

OW360_20 381
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

9. Once in Debug mode, select the input pin you want to force from the list on the left side of
the Force application window and click the Set button. See the following figure.

Figure 215: Force application window -- select input pin

382 OW360_20
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

Force application window fields and buttons


Dismiss Use this button to close the current force window.

Debug OFF Use to exit the Debug Mode.
Debug ON Use to enter the Debug Mode.
Algorithm Input Pins list
Name Names all of the algorithm pins whose values can be forced with their actual
states. Forced pins are marked with a warning icon to the left of the Name
Forced Value Displays the value to which the pin, if forced, is applicable.
Force Input fields
Pin Name of pin whose value is being forced.
Clear button Clears or removes the forced value from the pin (appears only when one of
the algorithm input pins is selected).
Set button Sets a new forced value for the pin (appears only when one of the algorithm
input pins is selected).
Change value to Enter the value to which you want to force the pin (appears only when one of
entry field the algorithm input pins is selected).
Change quality to Select quality to force the pin (appears only when one of the algorithm input
entry field pins is selected).
Force button Use this button to change the value and quality of the algorithm input.

10. A window appears asking you to confirm that you want to confirm the selected pin. Click
Confirm. (The SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 216: Force Input Confirm window

OW360_20 383
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

11. The Force application window now shows the forced pin with the warning icon in the
Algorithm Input Pins list.

Figure 217: Force application window showing forced pin and warning icon

Note: A blocking icon appears at the end of the forced input pin of the SIS algorithm in the
Signal Diagram application. This icon also appears next to the current value in the Algorithm
Summary window. This icon illustrates that the value and quality for the input signal is currently
forced and cannot be updated by the system.

12. After you have forced the pin value, do one of the following:
 Set a new forced value and quality for the pin (see page 385).
 Clear the forced value and leave Debug Mode (see page 388).

384 OW360_20
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

9.10.2 To set a new forced SIS algorithm input value and quality
1. To set a new forced value and quality for a pin whose value is already forced, perform the
following steps:
2. Access the Force application window.
3. Select one of the forced pins from the Algorithm Input Pins list.
4. For analog inputs, enter the value manually in the Change value to field.
5. For digital inputs, select either a TRUE or FALSE value. The "i" icon, which appears between
the Change quality to field and the Force button, shows that the entered value is a valid
floating point number.

Figure 218: Force application window -- change value

OW360_20 385
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

6. Select a quality of GOOD or BAD and click the Force button.

Figure 219: Force Digital Input – change value and quality

386 OW360_20
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

7. A window appears asking you to confirm that you want to force the value and quality of the
selected pin. Click Confirm. (The SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 220: Changed forced value and quality confirm window

OW360_20 387
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

8. The Force application window now appears showing the newly forced value in the Algorithm
Input Pin list.
A BAD forced quality is indicated by letter "B" with the value. However, there is no indication if
the forced quality is GOOD. Clear the force (see page 388) or set a new forced value again.

Figure 221: Force application window updated with new forced value and quality

Note: The quality force feature is not applicable in the LSDI and LSAI algorithms.

388 OW360_20
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

9.10.3 To clear the force value and leave Debug mode

To clear the forced value for a pin, perform the following steps:

1. Access the Force application window.

2. Select the pin.
3. Click the Clear button.

Note: If Debug Mode is OFF, all forced inputs from the sheets under that Control module will be

4. A window appears prompting you to confirm the clear of the forced input of the selected pin.
Click Confirm. (SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 222: SIS Write window showing cleared forced value

OW360_20 389
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

5. Emerson recommends that you leave Debug mode when you are finished with the forcing
tasks. To perform this:
a) Click the Debug OFF button in the Force application window.

Figure 223: Force Value window -- select Debug OFF

390 OW360_20
9.10 Forcing an algorithm input value

b) A window appears asking you to confirm that you want the Debug mode switch OFF.
Click Confirm. (The SIS Write function checks to verify that the process if valid.)

Figure 224: SIS Write window

c) The Force application window shows that the Control module is in Normal mode.

Figure 225: Force application window in Normal mode

OW360_20 391
9.11 Reconciling tuning changes in a Windows-based Ovation system

9.11 Reconciling tuning changes in a Windows-based Ovation system

After you have created a control sheet and saved it, you must load the control to the Controller
and then the system downloads the file to an MMI in your system. Then you can monitor and tune
the control process using a signal diagram at any MMI.

During the monitoring process, you may want to make online tuning changes to an algorithm (only
algorithm parameter values can be tuned, not point values). These tuning changes are sent to the
Controller as you make them. After you complete the changes, you must use the Reconcile
function in the Ovation Developer Studio if you want to save those changes into the database.

When you begin the Reconciliation process in the Studio, you will be prompted to accept the
changes or reject them. If you accept the changes, they will be saved to the database. If you do
not accept the changes, the algorithm parameter values will not be saved to the database.

Finally, in order for the tuning changes to become permanent, you must use the Reconcile
function in the Control Builder to save the changes to the .svg file.

This process is illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 226: Windows-based Ovation system

9.11.1 To reconcile tuning changes between the Controller and the database for
Windows-based Ovation systems

Perform the following steps to reconcile tuning changes between the controller and the database
for Windows-based Ovation systems:

1. Access the Signal Diagram window (see page 330).

2. Select a sheet from the Open Document window (see page 347).
3. Make any desired changes and save them. The changes are sent to the Controller. In order
for the changes to be sent to the database, you must reconcile the Controller and the
4. Access the Ovation Developer Studio and select the Controller where the sheet resides.
5. Right-click the Controller and select Reconcile.

392 OW360_20
9.11 Reconciling tuning changes in a Windows-based Ovation system

6. If the drop is redundant, the “Select a drop to reconcile” dialog box appears. Select the
appropriate target drop and then select Ok. Communications are established at the target
drop and the Reconcile dialog box appears.

7. Check for files listed in the "Items not compared" field in the top section of the dialog box.
Items that cannot be reconciled and the reasons why they cannot be reconciled are listed in
this field.
8. Check for items that have differences and that can be reconciled in the "Difference(s) found"
field in the bottom section of the dialog box.
9. Select the changes that you want to upload to the database. They now appear highlighted. If
you do not select them, the changes will not be uploaded.
10. Select Ok to copy the algorithm changes to the database. Note that if nothing is selected in
the lower window pane, nothing will be copied even if you select the Ok button.
The selected Controller and the database are reconciled. See To reconcile tuning changes
between the database and the Control Builder to reconcile the database and the control

OW360_20 393
S E C T I O N 10

Using Point Review at the Operator Station


What is the Operator Station Point Review function? ..................................................... 396

What is the Point Review window at the Operator Station? ........................................... 397
What are the components of the Point Review window? ................................................ 398
Point Review ribbon tabs ................................................................................................ 400
To add/remove/reorganize columns for the Operator Station Point Review window ..... 407
Understanding the Point Status Column ......................................................................... 409
Understanding the Priority Column ................................................................................. 410
Opening Point review files from Microsoft Windows command-line ............................... 410

OW360_20 395
10.1 What is the Operator Station Point Review function?

10.1 What is the Operator Station Point Review function?

The Point Review function allows you to search the database for points having specific
characteristics or belonging to a particular point group. A review generated from the Point Review
window displays (or prints) a list of points with specified characteristics, point groups, status
conditions, or qualities.

The Point Review function provides live values for points in the system.

You can base a review on point characteristics that define plant areas (physical or functional), or
other user-defined sorting criteria such as equipment or subsystems.

In addition to characteristics and point groups, you can also base a review on status conditions,
such as points in alarm, points for which scan has been disabled, or points in sensor alarms.

Optionally, the points to be included in a point review can be selected based on quality (good,
bad, fair, or poor), originating drop, and record type.

Point Review provides the ability to show a wide variety of point fields in the columns in the Point
Review window, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 227: Point Review window with multiple columns

396 OW360_20
10.2 What is the Point Review window at the Operator Station?

10.2 What is the Point Review window at the Operator Station?

The Point Review window allows you to search the database for points having specific
characteristics or belonging to a particular point group. You can generate reviews from the Point
Review window that provide live values for points in the Ovation system.

The reviews that are generated are based on the filters you set in the Filters tab. After a review
list appears in the Point Review window, you can use the Find Point window to locate a specific
point or points that contain a specific text substring.

The following figure is an example of the Point Review window using the Home tab.

Figure 228: Point Review Home tab

OW360_20 397
10.3 What are the components of the Point Review window?

10.2.1 To access the Point Review window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Point
Review icon.
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Point Review.
2. The Point Review window appears. The Point Review searches for points on the selected
network and unit.

Figure 229: Point Review Home tab

10.3 What are the components of the Point Review window?

The Point Review window consists of the following:
 Point Review menu button (see page 399).
 Point Review Quick Access toolbar (see page 400).
 Set of ribbon tabs at the top of the window:
 Home tab (see page 401).
 Filters tab (see page 402).
 Value tab (see page 404).
 Alarm/Limit tab (appears only as Alarm tab if a digital point is selected).
 Point Review list.
The information that displays in the list is dependent upon what filters are selected for the review.

398 OW360_20
10.3 What are the components of the Point Review window?

10.3.1 Point Review Menu button

The Point Review Menu button at the top of the Point Review window provides access to several
Point Review window functions. The following figure illustrates the menu that displays from the
Point Review Menu button and the following table describes the functions.

Figure 230: Point Review Menu window

Point Review Menu button functions


Load Filter/ Column Displays a window that allows you to choose a previously saved Point Review
Template configuration of filter and column settings and apply (load) it to the current
Save Filter/Column Displays a window that allows you to save the current filter and column
Template settings to a file. You should provide a custom name for the saved settings so
the settings can be applied at a later time.
Print Displays the Preview and Print menu.

Export Opens the Save As window. You can export the contents of the Point Review
window to Text, Image, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT, RTF, XLS, and XLSX
Preferences Opens the Preferences window.
Point Review Opens the Point Review Options window.
Exit Point Review Closes the Point Review window.
Recently Used List of last Filter/Column templates that have been viewed in the Point
Filter/Column Review window.

OW360_20 399
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs

10.3.2 Point Review Quick Access toolbar

The Point Review window has frequently used icons that appear at the top of the window in a
Quick Access toolbar. This toolbar allows for easy access to commonly used functions, instead of
navigating through the ribbon tabs. These icons are shown below and are described in the
following table from left to right.

Figure 231: Point Review Quick Access toolbar

Point Review Quick Access toolbar functions


Start Point Starts a point review. Points matching the currently configured filter settings
Review are displayed in the review list. This button is enabled if a review is not
currently in progress.
Stop Point Stops an active point review (it may require a few seconds to terminate the
Review review process). Points retrieved up to the point of termination are
displayed in the list. This button is enabled whenever a review is in
Load Filter Displays a window that allows you to choose a previously saved Point
and Column Review configuration of filter and column settings and apply (load) it to the
Settings current session.
Save Filter Displays a window that allows you to save the current filter and column
and Column settings to a file. You should provide a custom name for the saved settings
Settings so the settings can be applied at a later time.
Print Displays the Preview and Print menu.

10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs

The Point Review window allows you to search the database for points having specific
characteristics or belonging to a particular point group. You can generate reviews from the Point
Review window that provide live values for points in the Ovation system.

The operator interface to the Point Review system consists of a Point Review window that
contains ribbon tabs. These tabs provide a method for the operator to start and stop reviews,
define what points will be reviewed, configure how the point reviews will appear, and perform
operations on selected points.

The ribbon tabs are displayed as needed for the point types that are selected. The following
ribbon tabs are available in the Point Review window:
 Home ribbon tab (see page 401).
 Filters ribbon tab (see page 402).
 Value ribbon tab (see page 404).
 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab (see page 406).

400 OW360_20
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs

10.4.1 Home ribbon tab in the Point Review window

The Home ribbon tab is used to start and stop a point review. You can define the font that will
display in the Point Review list, search the list for a specific point or points, and select and clear
rows of points.

The Home tab is shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following

Figure 232: Point Review Home tab

Options in the Point Review Home tab


Start Starts a point review. Points matching the currently configured filter settings
are displayed in the review list. This button is enabled if a review is not
currently in progress.
Stop Stops an active point review (it may require a few seconds to terminate the
review process). Points retrieved up to the point of termination are displayed
in the list. This button is enabled whenever a review is in progress.
Find Point Searches through the review list for point names containing a specified
substring. This button is enabled if one or more rows exist in the review list.
Select Page Selects all currently visible rows. This button is enabled if one or more rows
exist in the review list.
Clear Clears all selected rows. This button is enabled if one or more rows are
Selection selected in the review list.

OW360_20 401
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs


Font type Use to change the font type used in the review lists.
Font size Use to change the font size used in the review lists.
B (letter B Use to change the font weight used in the review lists.
for bold)
I (letter I for Use to change the font to italic in the review lists.

10.4.2 Filters ribbon tab in the Point Review window

The Filters ribbon tab in the Point Review window provides a group of configuration options that
can be used to filter the points that appear in the Review list.

The Filters tab is shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following

Figure 233: Point Review Filters tab

402 OW360_20
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs

Options in the Point Review window Filters tab


Point Source Selects the source of points for the review to be either the Point Database or the
set of configured point groups. Selection of configured point groups will disable
the ability to select drops, point names, description, and characteristics for the
Enable Live Data When selected, live data filters are applied during reviews and columns containing
live data are visible. If Enable Live Data is not selected, a fast search of either the
point database or the configured point groups is conducted, ignoring the live
filters. Also, the columns containing live data are hidden.
Reset All Resets all filters to their default values.
Network/Unit Selects the Ovation network and unit to be used as the source of points during the
review. This button is enabled if the Point Source is set to Point Database.
Drops Displays a list of drops available on the currently selected Ovation network and
unit from which to review points. This button is enabled if the Point Source is set
to Point Database.
Point Name/ Sets the point name and/or description filters to be used during the review. This
Description button is enabled if the Point Source is set to Point Database.

Point Groups Selects the point groups to be used as the source of points during the review. This
button is enabled if the Point Source is set to Configured Point Groups.

Characteristics Sets the characteristic filter to be used during the review. This button is enabled if
the Point Source is set to Point Database.

Record Types Selects the set of record types to be included during the review.

Frequencies Selects the set of frequencies to be included during the review.

Value/Status Sets the Value/Status filter to be used during the review. If the Value/Status
Change (VL) is selected, all timed-out points are excluded from the review. This
button is enabled if the Enable Live Data button is selected.
Quality Sets the Quality filters to be applied during the review. Do NOT select the
Value/Status Change (VL) filter or you cannot apply the Quality filters. Setting any
of the quality options causes points matching that particular Quality value to be
included in the review. This button is enabled if the Enable Live Data button is
Limit/Alarm Sets the Limit/Alarm filters to be applied during the review. Do NOT select the
Value/Status Change (VL) filter or you cannot apply the Limit/Alarm filters. Setting
any of the Limit/Alarm options causes points matching that particular Limit/Alarm
value to be included in the review. This is applicable to the Quality, Check/Cutout,
Reason and Alert filters.
But the Data filter behaves in a different way. If VL is selected, it filters the points
but when any other live data filter is selected, VL gets deselected and other live
data filter takes priority and vice versa. If any other live data filter is selected, it
filters the points but when VL is selected, the selected live data filter gets
deselected and VL takes the priority.
This button is enabled if the Enable Live Data button is selected.

OW360_20 403
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs


Check/Cutout Sets the Alarm Check/Cutout filters to be applied during the review. Do NOT
select the Value/Status Change (VL) filter or you cannot apply the Check/Cutout
filters. Setting any of the Alarm Check/Cutout options causes points matching that
particular Alarm Check/Cutout value to be included in the review. This button is
enabled if the Enable Live Data button is selected.
Reasons Sets the Reasons filters to be applied during the review. Do NOT select the
Value/Status Change (VL) filter or you cannot apply the Reason filters. Setting any
of the Reason options causes points matching that particular Reason value to be
included in the review. This button is enabled if the Enable Live Data button is
Alert Sets the Alert Suppression filters to be applied during the review. Do NOT select
the Value/Status Change (VL) filter or you cannot apply the Alert Suppression
filters. Setting any of the Alert options causes points matching that particular Alert
Suppression value to be included in the review. This button is enabled if the
Enable Live Data button is selected.
Select Columns Selects the columns to display in the review list. The columns correspond to
selected database and live fields available in Ovation points.

10.4.3 Value ribbon tab in the Point Review window

The Value ribbon tab in the Point Review window provides a group of operations that can be
performed on the selected points that appear in the displayed Point Review list. The Value tab is
shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following table.

Figure 234: Point Review Value tab

404 OW360_20
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs

Options for the Point Review Value tab


Scan On/Off Sends a request to change the Scan state of the selected set of points to On or
Value Clamp Sends a request to change the Value Clamp state of the selected set of points
On/Off to On or Off.
Clamping is when the point's engineering unit value is limited.
Test Mode Sends a request to change the Test Mode state of the selected set of points to
On/Off On or Off. Test Mode must be On in order to use the Latched Quality option.
Latched Quality Sends a request to change the Latched Quality value of the selected set of
points to Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad.
Latched quality is when the quality of a point is set to a requested value. Test
Mode must be On in order to use the Latched Quality option.
Engineering Sends a request to change the Engineering Range Check state of the selected
Check set of points to On or Off.
The engineering range, expressed in engineering units, is used to range check
each analog input. If the point is out of range, then the point quality will be set to
P (POOR) and the engineering range bit will be set. The high or low deadbands
are used to keep the point from toggling in and out of Engineering Range. The
engineering range limits do not cause an alarm. Since this is a range check and
not a limit check, if the range is 0 - 100, then 0 and 100 are considered to be in
range. Anything less than 0 or greater than 100 is considered out of range.
Reasonability Sends a request to change the Reasonability Range Check state of the
Check selected set of points to On or Off.
The reasonability range, expressed in engineering units, is used to range check
each analog input. If the point is out of range, then the point quality will be set to
B (BAD) and the reasonability bit will be set. The high or low deadbands are
used to keep the point from toggling in and out of Reasonability Range. The
reasonability range limits do not cause an alarm. Since this is a range check
and not a limit check, if the range is 0 - 100, then 0 and 100 are considered to
be in range. Anything less than 0 or greater than 100 is considered out of

OW360_20 405
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs

10.4.4 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Review window

The Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Review window provides several alarm configuration
options that you can perform on a selected point or points that are listed in the Point Review

The Alarm/Limit tab is shown in the following figure and the options are described in the following

Figure 235: Point Review Alarm/Limit tab

406 OW360_20
10.4 Point Review ribbon tabs

Options in the Point Review Alarm/Limit tab


Acknowledge Sends a request to acknowledge the alarms of the selected set of points. This
Alarm button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions allow
the operation.
Reset Alarm Sends a request to reset the acknowledged returns of the selected set of points.
This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group permissions
allow the operation.
Set Alarm Check Sends a request to change the Alarm Check state of the selected set of points to
Off/On Off or On. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group
permissions allow the operation.
Alarm Shelve Allows you shelve or unshelve a point.
Shelve/Unshelve When a point is shelved, you are asked to select duration. The point remains
shelved for that duration unless it is manually unshelved. For additional
information, see shelving functionality in Point Information window.
Limit Check Sends a request to change the Limit Check state of the selected set of points to
Off/On Off or On. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point security group
permissions allow the operation.
Disable/Enable Sends a request to change the Auto Cutout state of the selected set of points to
Auto Cutout Disabled or Enabled. This button is enabled if all applicable user and point
security group permissions allow the operation.

OW360_20 407
10.5 To add/remove/reorganize columns for the Operator Station Point Review window

10.5 To add/remove/reorganize columns for the Operator Station

Point Review window
1. Access the Point Review window (see page 397).
2. Select the Home tab and select the Select Column(s) icon. The Select Column window
 From the Available Properties list, select the column you want to display in the Point
Review window and move it to the Selected Properties list.
 Select OK.

Figure 236: Select Columns dialog box

3. You can also reorganize the columns. Right-click on a column header and the Column menu
appears. Use this menu to sort, group, reorganize, resize, and remove columns from the Point
Review window.

Figure 237: Column menu

408 OW360_20
10.6 Understanding the Point Status Column

4. In the application window, there is a space above the columns that reads 'Drag a column
header here to group by that column.' If this area is not visible, right-click any column
header and select Show Group By Box.
You can drag and drop the columns in this bar and view the column data group-wise.
Alternatively, you can right-click a particular column header and select the Group By This
Column option from the Column menu that appears as shown in the preceding figure. You
can hide the Drag a column header here to group by that column bar by right-clicking
anywhere on this bar and selecting Hide Group By Box. See To add/remove/reorganize
columns for the Operator Station Alarm window for more information.

Note: To ungroup a particular column, right-click the column header in the 'Drag a column
header here to group by that column' bar and select UnGroup. To ungroup all the columns and
view the default view, right-click the empty space in the 'Drag a column header here to group by
that column' bar and select Clear Grouping.

10.6 Understanding the Point Status Column

The following table describe the acronyms that appear in the Point Status column of Point Review

Point Status Descriptions



Engr. Range Limits (EL) Displays points that exceed the engineering range units.
Limit Alarms (LA) Displays points that went into alarm because a limit was
Reasonability Limits Displays points that exceed the reasonability limits.
Value Clamp Limits (CL) Displays points that have the value clamped.
Sensor Alarms (SA) Displays points in sensor alarm.

SID Alarm (IA) Displays points in SID alarm.

Alarm Check Removed Displays points for which alarm checking has been disabled.
Cutout Disabled (CD) Displays points with the cut-out option manually disabled.

Cutout From Alarming Displays points which have been cut-out from alarm checking.
Engr. Range Check Off Displays points with the engineering range limit check disabled.
Limit Check Removed Displays points for which limit checking has been disabled.
Reasonability Check Off Displays points with reasonability limit check disabled.
Value Clamp Off (VO) Displays points that have value clamping disabled.

Entered Values (EV) Displays points that have an operator-entered value.

OW360_20 409
10.7 Understanding the Priority Column



Engr. Range Limits (EL) Displays points that exceed the engineering range units.
External Calibration Displays points that are externally calibrated.
Scan Removed (SC) Displays points which have been removed from scan.

Tagged Out (XO) Displays points that are tagged out.

Test Mode (TM) Displays points in the test mode (latched quality).

Uncommissioned (UC) Displays points that are uncommissioned.

Out of Service (OS) Displays points that are out of service.
Failed (FS) Displays points that have the Failed alert type suppressed.
Maintenance (MS) Displays points that have the Maintenance alert type suppressed.

Advisory (AS) Displays points that have the Advisory alert type suppressed.
Communication (CS) Displays points that have the Communication alert type
Abnormal (NS) Displays points that have the Abnormal alert type Suppressed.

10.7 Understanding the Priority Column

To view the alarm icon, you must add the Priority column in the Point Review window by selecting
the Alarm Priority Icon property from the Select Column button on the Home tab. See To
add/remove/reorganize columns for the Operator Station Point Review window (see page 407) for
more information.

The Priority column displays an icon that provides alarm information as well as the priority. The
alarm icon matches the color scheme that is used by the alarm graphic element. The actual icon
displayed is one of a predefined set of bitmaps, which match the predefined set of shapes for
each priority. For additional details on the alarm shapes and colors configuration, refer to the
applicable Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

Note: The alarm icon can appear on any Operator Station application that displays alarm
priority: Alarm window, Graphics Alarm window, Point Information, and Point Review.

410 OW360_20
10.8 Opening Point review files from Microsoft Windows command-line

10.8 Opening Point review files from Microsoft Windows command-

You can also open Point Review files from the Windows command-line. This is similar to opening
the Alarm files from the Windows command-line.

1. Open the Windows Command Prompt by clicking Start->All Programs->Accessories

->Command Prompt.
2. At the command prompt, enter the command in the following format to open a Point Review
review /settings <role name>:<file name.rvt>
role name is the same as the name displayed in the Open dialog box that appeared upon
clicking Load Configuration.
file name.rvt is the Point Review file name saved in the role name category that you want
to open.

Note: When you identify the format for the request (to open a Point Review file) the location
could be based on the User, Role, or System. This way you can fully qualify the location.
Otherwise, the relative path is given and the application will search to find it. First, it will look
under the User, then the Role, and then the System.

The following figure displays examples of opening a 'ptrvw1.rvt' file saved in the
'User:Administrator' category (role name) and 'System' category (role name):

3. The specified Point Review file opens.

OW360_20 411
S E C T I O N 11

Using the Trend Display System at the Operator



What is the Trend Display system?................................................................................. 414

Understanding the main Trend window .......................................................................... 420
Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window........... 436
Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend ...................................................... 449
Trend Building – Configuring trend content .................................................................... 497
Trend Building – Common trend building procedures..................................................... 530
Trend Operation - Working with Trends .......................................................................... 543
Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends ....................................................................... 555
Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends ...................................................... 564
Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures ............................................... 573
Using the command prompt syntax for Trend ................................................................. 581

OW360_20 413
11.1 What is the Trend Display system?

11.1 What is the Trend Display system?

A trend is typically a plot of dependent variables (such as process values) mapped against
independent variables (such as time). It mainly consists of Cartesian graphs with vertical axis (Y-
axis) representing process values and horizontal axis (X-axis) representing time values. There are
many options available for customizing Ovation trends at the Operator Station to effectively
visualize, monitor, and analyze process activity. The Trend Display application allows you to view
Live, Historical, and Event data in the form of graphical charts, tables, and printouts.

The following three primary trend views are available:

 Graph (see page 430): plots of process point values over time or process point values
compared to a reference point value (XY Plot).
 Table (see page 430): tabular listing of process values over time.
 Radar (see page 430): multi-axes plot comparing several process point values at a specified
point in time.
Live Trend accesses the Operator Station's Ovation trend buffer, which contains a local, recent
history of values from the Ovation real-time data network. Historical Trend accesses the Ovation
Process Historian’s (OPH) historical database (Refer to the applicable Ovation Process Historian
User Guide for detailed Historian information). Event Trend accesses the historical record of
Controllers and DEC module triggered event occurrences and details from the Ovation Process
Historian (OPH).

Additional views are available to provide related information. In Live Trend mode, an Information
tab is provided that shows the alarm limits associated with the assigned points. In Historical
Trend mode, a Summary tab is provided that lists the numerical results (for example, average,
maximum, and more) for the entire trend time span. In Event Trend mode, Event Details tab is
provided that displays triggered event occurrences and corresponding pre- and post-event data.

Note: The Event Trend is visible when you enable the EnableTriggered Events from the Trend
Options window (see page 448).

Live, Historical, and Event Trends have many of the same features, but there are some features
that are unique to each type of trend.

414 OW360_20
11.1 What is the Trend Display system?

The following table illustrates the features that are available for Live, Historical, and Event Trends:
Trending features



Formatting tools Display settings   

Styles   
Layouts   
Chart grids   
Chart options   
Visibility options   
Trend configuration Duration presets   
and interaction
Time span presets  
Variable time span 
Memorize / recall time  
Variable plot sample 
Browse points   

Add / delete point   

Graphical zoom  

Data zoom * 

Auto zoom 

Page back   

Page next  

Trace value explorers   

Save / recall trend group   

Print results   

Export results   

Browse events 

Display ratio 

Trend views Graph   

Table   

Radar  

Information 
Summary 
Event Details 

OW360_20 415
11.1 What is the Trend Display system?



Trace properties Point name   

Bit mask  
Historian data source   
Data processing type / 
conversion constant
Variable plot sample 
Trace colors   
Scaling options   
Visibility settings   
Display settings   
* Click-drag zoom only

11.1.1 What are the main tasks of the Trend Display system?

The Trend application is structured for flexible development, customization, and powerful runtime
interaction. The application window shown below is organized to facilitate various tasks such as:
 Create a Trend
 Define appearance
 Colors
 Titles
 Layout
 Time and date format
 Orientation
 Define content of a trend
 Process points
 Data aggregations
 Trend time period and sample intervals
 Initiate, operate, and analyze a trend
 Launch predefined or new specific trend
 Navigate time periods of interest
 Zoom for more detail to explore an anomaly
 Identify and compare plot values

416 OW360_20
11.1 What is the Trend Display system?

 The Trend application also provides the ability to view data in tabular form, to print or export
the graph and/or data, or to configure application behavior settings.

Figure 238: Task-oriented application structure

Note: The Trend application tasks such as Building a trend (see page 449) and Analyzing and
operating a trend (see page 497) are discussed later in the following sections.

11.1.2 Trend Display system terminology

The following terms are used when discussing the Ovation Trend Display system:


Auto Historian When specified as a Historian for a trace item, historical data is obtained from
the first historian in the historian list that permits a connection and fulfills data
retrieval request.
Base Line value This numeric value applies to the trend graph when the graph type is Area,
Area Bars, Step Area, or Line Bars. It is used as a reference to fill the area
above and below it for Area, Area Bars, Step Area type graphs, and to draw
line bars above and below it for a Line Bars type graph. It is also referred to as
a Base Value.
Compare values This feature allows you to examine trace values from two different time
explorer instances and compare the difference between those two values. This is done
by placing two movable vertical cursor lines on the trend chart. For a Live
Trend, these cursor lines move with the plot lines, thus representing constant
Compound Trace This is a trace item that is not directly a process point but derives its values
from other process point values by applying specified calculation logic.
Data markers When enabled, the numeric values actually used to plot a trend graph are
highlighted with marker dots on the trend graph.

OW360_20 417
11.1 What is the Trend Display system?


Data Zoom A data zoom-in will show a more granular view with a reduced time range. A
data zoom-out will show a less granular view with a wider time range. A data
zoom operation always needs to rebuild underlying data.
Digital trace item This is a trace item where all data values are either 0 or 1. An example of this
is a DIGITAL type process point, a PACKED type process point with only 1 bit
being shown on display, or a minimum/maximum of such values specified as a
processing type for a Historical Trend.
Display ratio When the time-period being shown contains too many samples, an Event
Trend reduces the data that is displayed by using an approximation technique.
The display ratio indicates the reduction in data that occurred for purpose of
plotting reasonable and representative number of samples.
Event Trend This mode allows searching for and listing of triggered event occurrences and
details from the Controllers and DEC module. In this mode, you can also view
the corresponding pre- and post-data in a graphical or tabular form.
Graphical Zoom This adjusts the scale range to show a zoomed-in or zoomed-out view without
changing underlying data samples.
Historical Trend This type of trend shows the historical view of process point values for a
specified time span. It interfaces with OPH to obtain historical data of specified
granularity and data aggregation criteria like actual-value, min, max, average,
and more.
Live Trend This type of trend continuously updates the Trend display to show real-time
updates to process point values.
Master Scale This is an optional scale available to be used by all trace items.
My Scale When a trace item is assigned its own customized scale, it is called My Scale.
This scale may also be referred to as the built-in scale or native scale.
Ovation Process Historical data collection and storage system for process point values and
Historian (OPH) related content.
Quadrants layout This is a form of laying out Trend Graphs in four quadrants (two rows, two
columns arrangement). These are named Quadrants A, B, C, and D.
Reference line This is horizontal line placed on a trend chart, based on a user specified value
on a scale. These lines are used to visually emphasize specific values on the
trend chart. For example, they can be used to visualize alarm limits. They are
also referred to as Marker Lines.
Reference stripe This is horizontal band placed on a trend chart and based on a user specified
low value and high value on a scale. This band can be filled with a solid color
or a gradient color. These stripes are used to visually emphasize areas on a
chart bounded by specific values. For example, they can be used to visualize
a region bounded by alarm limits. They are also referred to as Marker Stripes.
Relative Time This is a method of specifying start and/or end time for a Historical Trend and
is relative to commonly understood time boundaries such as current time,
current hour, today, yesterday, and so forth. This is represented as an
expression comprised of various mnemonics. One example is ‘ct -10hr - 10mi’
meaning subtract 10 hours and 10 minutes from current time, to determine the
time value. Relative time is useful for Historical Trends because it makes it
unnecessary to specify absolute time values every time a trend needs to be
Scale This is a vertical axis displaying a ruler with tick marks and numeric labels. It is
associated with trend graphs and helps to get a visual indication and measure
of plotted data values.

418 OW360_20
11.1 What is the Trend Display system?


Scale Criteria The scale criteria dictates the numerical extent of the scale. Auto, Limits, and
Custom are the three available criteria.
When scale criteria is Auto, the scale adjusts its extent dynamically based on
the extent of displayed values.
When scale criteria is Limits, the scale extent is based on the Top and Bottom
values of the process point. These are typically specified using the Ovation
Developer Studio.
When scale criteria is Custom, the scale extent is based on user specified Low
and High custom values.
Shared Scale When a scale is used by more than one trace item, it becomes a shared scale.
Master scale is an example of a sharable scale. Also ‘My Scale’ scales of
Trace items are sharable scales.
Show 0 level on This scale property displays the trend graph with 0 value on scale visible on a
scale trend chart thus allowing graph visualization relative to 0 value. It is applicable
only for scale criteria of Auto. However, if all the data values have a range
farther away from 0, then turning off this property will make the graph span
more effectively on the trend chart.
Stacked Panes This is a form of laying out Trend Graphs in vertically stacked areas (panes)
layout appearing one below the other. Up to four panes are available and are named
Panes A, B, C, and D.
Staggered traces A newly added digital trace item is always assigned My Scale as scale with
scale criteria Auto. In this particular situation, these traces are plotted so that
they appear staggered on a trend chart in the related pane or quadrant. For a
staggered trace, SET and RESET description text appears on the scale.
Time Zone This is a three or four letter abbreviation for the Time Zones that are available
Abbreviation on a Windows machine and which users intend to use for specifying the
absolute start and/or end times for a Historical Trend. Using these, times can
be specified from nonlocal time zones.
Trace A graph line representing the values for a process point. The whole Trend is
comprised of a maximum of 32 traces.
Trace Hover When the mouse is made to hover on the trace plot, underlying point names
Window and data values are displayed in a small pop up window referred as a Trace
hover window.
Trace values This feature allows you to examine trace values while simultaneously moving
explorer a vertical cursor line horizontally across the trend chart.
Trend Color When new items are added to the Trend, they are assigned colors based on a
Scheme color scheme. This color scheme is comprised of 32 good color values and 32
non-good color values. Each pair of these values is assigned to a trace item
based on its sequence in the list of items. These colors can be over-ridden at
the trace item level. Good color value denotes data values with GOOD quality
and non-good color values denote data values with quality of BAD, FAIR, or
Trend Style These are appearance and display settings associated with the Trend chart
display. These can be saved and reused as necessary. A default trend style
can be specified as a user preference.
User Preferences These are the settings for controlling the behavior of the application. These
can be saved in order to be applied for any new application sessions.
XY-Plot This is a trend in which the X-axis is based on numeric values of a process
point instead of time. Values of other process points are plotted against these
X-axis values based on mutual common time-stamps associated with them.

OW360_20 419
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

The Trend window features a ribbon style user interface that incorporates dockable windows and
panels to organize and present information to the user.
 Ribbon tabs at the top are associated with the ribbon panels consisting of menus and
commands, which are grouped based on their function.
 Dockable tabs are the Trend Data Display view panels that display various views of trend
data. These dockable panels are organized as tabs in the content area and are floatable.
 Properties panel and Details panel display configuration and runtime information for the
displayed process points. They can be anchored to specific sides of the main window and are
These user interface elements work together to interactively provide the functions for configuring
trend parameters, selecting the process points, displaying the trend data, and assisting you in the
examination and comparison of current and past values.

You can choose to display the trend views one at a time by having all views in the same tab group
or you can move around views by holding and moving associated tabs with a mouse. A Guide
Diamond tool helps identify valid anchoring positions and allows interactive placement of views for
the desired arrangement.

420 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

The following figure shows the Trend window appearance, when the application runs for the very
first time:

Figure 239: Trend Display window

The main components of the Trend window are as follows:

 Trend Menu button (see page 424)
 Trend Quick Access toolbar (see page 424)
 Ribbon tabs (see page 426) (at the top of the window)
 Properties Panel (see page 429) (Dockable panel that docks to left or right side of the main
 Details Panel (see page 429) (Dockable panel that docks to top or bottom of the main
 Dockable tabs or Trend Data Display view panels (see page 430) (in the middle of the
 Status bar (see page 436) (at the bottom of the trend window)

OW360_20 421
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

11.2.1 To access the Trend window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Trend
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Trend.
Access the Trend window using the Trend option on the Point Menu (see Point Menu).
Drag/drop points from other Ovation applications into the Trend window.
2. The Trend window appears.
 Note that by default, the Trend window opens in the Live Trend mode, as shown below:

Figure 240: Trend (or Live Trend) window

422 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

3. In order to activate a Historical Trend, choose Historical Trend in the Trend Type option,
which is present in the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 424) and the Home ribbon tab. The
Historical Trend window appears:

Figure 241: Historical Trend window

OW360_20 423
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

11.2.2 Quick Access Toolbar

This section provides a brief overview of the Trend application's menu options available in the
Trend Menu button and Quick Access toolbar.
 Trend Menu button
The Trend Menu button at the top-left corner of the Trend window provides access to several
auxiliary Trend functions. The following figure illustrates the menu that displays from the
Trend Menu button and the following table describes the functions:

Figure 242: Trend Menu

424 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

Trend Menu button functions


New Allows you to create a new trend of a specific type, a Live trend or a
Historical trend.
Open Allows you to open an existing live or historical trend from a previously
saved Trend Group Definition (.tgd) file (see page 541).
Save As Allows you to save the current trend configuration as a Trend Group
Definition (.tgd) file (see page 541) to a directory of your choice. You can
then reuse (open) the file at a later time.
Launch Duplicate Allows you to open a duplicate instance of a currently displayed Trend in a
new separate Trend window. The new instance can be modified
Explore (see page Displays different windows that provide information about user preferences,
490) trend styles (current or saved), and trend definitions (current or saved) (see
page 541).
Print Displays the Preview and Print menu.

Export Opens the Export window. You can export the contents of the Trend data
views window to Text, CSV, HTML, PDF, RTF, and XLS formats.
Preferences Opens the Preferences window that can be used to save application
settings that are then applied to subsequent Trend sessions.
Historian Opens the Preferences window that can be used to save the historical data
Preferences source (Ovation Process Historian) host and user-specified time zone
abbreviation settings. These settings are then applied to subsequent Trend
Trend Options Displays the Trend Options (see page 436) window that allows you to
specify application defaults and behavior settings for the current session.
These settings can be saved as user preferences that are then applied to
all new Trend application sessions.
Exit Trend Closes the Trend window.
Recent Documents List of most recently opened Trend Definition files.

OW360_20 425
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

 Quick Access toolbar

The Trend window has frequently used icons that appear at the top of the window in a Quick
Access toolbar. This toolbar allows for easy access to commonly used functions, instead of
navigating through the ribbon tabs. These icons are shown below and are described (from left
to right) in the following table:

Figure 243: Trend Quick Access toolbar

Trend Quick Access toolbar functions


Trend Type - Allows you to activate the Live or Historical trend.

Full Page Back and Full Page Next (see page 549) - Displays trend for
previous full page of data or next full page of data, respectively.
Live Trend Duration (see page 523) - Allows you to specify the Live trend
duration. For Live trends, this shows the available durations in a drop-down
menu; for Historical trends, this brings up the Time Span configuration dialog
Trace Properties (see page 508) - Allows you to configure traces and their
Browse Points (see page 502) - Allows you to browse and add the points to

Add point (see page 503) - Allows you to add a single point to the trend.
Clicking the down arrow on the right allows the addition of a compound trace
Begin - Initiates a request to get the trend data from the Historian and uses
that data to update the trend window contents.

426 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

11.2.3 Trend Functions Ribbon toolbar

Ribbon tabs organize various Trend application functions and facilitate navigation to them. The
following ribbon tabs are available in the Trend window:
 Home ribbon tab

Figure 244: Home ribbon tab

The Home ribbon tab in the Trend window allows you to choose the following:
 Type of trend (live, historical, or Event): Allows you to choose the type of trend, Live,
Historical, or Event by clicking the Type drop-down icon. You can also select the trend
type from the quick access toolbar (see page 424).

Note: The Event Trend option is available only when you enable the Triggered Events
functionality. For additional information, see Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends
(see page 564).

 Font size and type that will appear in the details panel grid: Allows you to choose the
style and size of the font that will appear in the Details panel grid. This setting is saved as
a user preference using the Preferences (see page 424) link.
 Format ribbon tab

Figure 245: Format ribbon tab

The Format ribbon tab contains features that you can use to set up the appearance of the
trend. You can configure the trend appearance and associated display settings (see page
449) by:
 Configuring background colors, time axis options, and pane sizing.
 Swapping between stacked panes and quadrants layout.
 Showing or hiding Details panel, Properties panel, Graph panes, and event markers in
the Graph Trend view.
 Activating additional chart options.

OW360_20 427
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

These features are organized by functions (Configure, Layout, Chart Grid, Chart Options, and
Visibility) as shown in the preceding figure:
 Trend ribbon tab

Figure 246: Trend ribbon tab for Live trends

Figure 247: Trend ribbon tab for Historical trends

Figure 248: Trend ribbon tab of an Event Trend

The Trend ribbon tab provides tools for configuring the trend content (for example, time
range, trace parameters and process points), and user interaction for trend operation and
analysis. You can use these tools to define the following trend settings:
Trend content configuration functions (see page 497) include:
 Trend’s time specifications
 Point assignments (see page 502)
 Compound traces (see page 506)
 Number of samples (historical trend only)
 Data processing types (historical trend only)
Trend operation and analysis functions include:
 Pausing live trends (see page 544)
 Initiating a historical trend
 Graphical and data (see page 548) (historical trend only) zooming
 Paging through time (see page 549)
 Saving and reusing a time period (historical trend only)
 Trend value exploration and comparison

428 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

11.2.4 Slide-out Properties Panel and Visibility Panel

Figure 249: Properties Panel and Visibility Panel options

Click the point name tab to view the Properties Panel and click the Visibility tab to view the
Visibility Panel.

The Properties Panel provides a quick view of trace item configuration details and allows you to
dynamically edit and update these details while a trend graph is in view. The panel has the same
information that the Trace Properties window contains as described in the To manage trace items
in a trend (see page 508) section.

The Properties Panel shows configuration details of the trace item that is selected in the Details
Panel as described in the To configure the Details Panel appearance (see page 478) section.

The Visibility Panel is an alternative location for controlling trace and scale visibility. It is useful
because the Details Panel is sometimes hide itself or is usually sized such that all points cannot
be viewed without scrolling through its rows.

OW360_20 429
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

11.2.5 Details Panel

Figure 250: Details panel in Format tab

The Details panel gives you the key information for the points assigned to the trend traces (such
as point name, description, current point value). The panel also provides trace and scale visibility
controls, and offers right-click menu options for point operations and trace location editing. The
colors and content columns shown within the Details Panel are configurable using the Display
Settings dialog box. The preceding figure shows the Details panel with two point names selected
along with their descriptions.

11.2.6 Dockable View tabs

Trend data view (dockable) tabs provide different views of trends. These dockable tabs are:
 Graph view tab
 Table View tab
 Summary view tab (displayed for Historical Trends, but not available for Live Trends)
 Radar View tab
 Event List tab (displayed only if a triggered event is present in the specified time range;
available only for Historical Trends)
 Information tab (displayed for Live Trends, but not available for Historical Trends)
You can interactively dock these views in an application window through the use of the Guide
Diamond tool. The dockable tab view panels can be laid out as a group of tabbed windows or can
be docked with each other for simultaneous viewing. These view panels can also float
independently and can be placed on different monitors.

Note: For use with a live trend, alarm limits are displayed in Information view to assist with
data exploration. For use with a Historical trend, summary data for entire trend duration is
presented in Summary View.

The Graph View, Table View, and Radar View exhibit synchronization when Trace Values
Explorer is activated. For example, the time selected using the Trace Values Explorer (see page
550) is highlighted in the Table View and represents the time shown in the Radar View. Moving
the cursor in one view can affect the other.

430 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

 Graph (view) tab

Figure 251: An example of a Graph view dockable tab

The Graph view tab is the main dockable tab that will be used most often to monitor process
activity. The graph view shows the plots of process values over time or plots of process variables
against another variable in an X-Y plot format.

OW360_20 431
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

 Table View tab

Figure 252: An example of a Table View dockable tab

The Table View dockable tab contains the same data as the data presented in the Graph view tab
but in a tabular format.

432 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

 Summary View tab

Figure 253: An example of a Summary View dockable tab for the Historical Trend

The Summary View tab shows historical data summary information (for example, average,
maximum, minimum, and so forth) for the entire time span.

OW360_20 433
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

 Radar View tab

Figure 254: An example of a Radar View dockable tab

The Radar view dockable tab plots all the configured points for one instant in time, each on an
individual spoke (axis) arranged in a radial pattern. Radar graphs are also known as spider
charts. These are useful for plotting similar points together to identify commonality between them
and to easily see outliers/deviations from the others.

The Live Trend version of the Radar View tab continuously updates. The Historical version is
static but the instant in time that is plotted in radar view can be adjusted by moving the Trace
Values Explorer (see page 550) cursor line in the Graph view.

434 OW360_20
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

 Event List tab of a Historical trend

Note: A Historical Trend displays an Event List tab only if triggered events are detected in its
time range.

The Event Details tab displays details about an event. The following figure depicts an Event List
tab view for the Historical Trend application.

Figure 255: Event List tab

If you double-click an event record, the Event Trend window appears. See Trend Operation -
Working specific to Event Trends (see page 564) for more information.

OW360_20 435
11.2 Understanding the main Trend window

 Information tab

Figure 256: An example of an Information dockable tab

The Information dockable tab displays the Top value, Bottom value, and various alarm limits for
all trace items. Associated context menus allow easy creation of reference line objects and stripe
objects based on these limits.

11.2.7 Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the Trend window: It shows the current trend type,
time specifications, point count, display ratio, and current date and time for the currently shown

Figure 257: Status Bar

436 OW360_20
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend
Options window
The Trend Options selection in the Trend menu button provides different windows that display
information about various Trend features and settings.

11.3.1 To use Trend Options

Use the following procedure to use Trend Options:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Click the Trend Menu button. Select Trend Options.

Figure 258: Select Trend Options

3. A dialog box appears. Use the dialog box to view and edit the current configured settings for

OW360_20 437
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.2 Configuring the General trend options

The following figure and table show and explain the General options available under the Trend
Options window:

Figure 259: General Options in the Trend Options window

438 OW360_20
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

Description of General Options


Color Scheme This controls the color scheme of the application window as in other
Ovation applications (for example, Point Info or Alarm Window).
Default Style This Style is used when a new Trend is created. You can choose one from
the previously saved Styles (see page 487).
Default Historian This is the initial value for the historian assigned to the newly added trend
point items.
Live Trend Update This allows the user to specify a display update rate for live trends.
Maximize Ribbon This entry controls the minimize and maximize state of the ribbon bar.

Note: Double-clicking the ribbon bar tab also changes this state.

Enable record scrolling This activates a scroll-bar to aid navigation between trace items when
in Properties panel viewing the trace Properties panel (see page 522).
Show Status Bar This entry allows you to show or hide the status bar. A hidden status bar
means more space is available for trend display.
By default, view This controls the ability to display one or multiple traces’ configuration
multiple records in settings (see page 508) in the Trace Properties dialog box.
'Trace Properties'
Input Date-Time format This entry controls the date-time format for specifying absolute start or
end time in the Time Span dialog box for historical trends.
Sync side margins in If checked, the left chart margin for quadrant A/B will be equal and the
quadrants (A/B, C/D) right chart margin for quadrant A/B will be equal. The same setting applies
for quadrant C and D. This setting is useful for aligning the chart areas of
quadrants A/B and C/D.
Note that for the trend charts oriented vertically, above information applies
to the quadrants A/C and B/D.
For Quadrants, All Quadrants: Graphical Zoom operation will apply to all quadrants.
Graphical Zoom mode
Active Quadrant Only: Graphical Zoom operation will apply to the active
quadrant only.
For Quadrants, Print If checked, the information shown in Details Panel will be printed on each
Details on Each Page page.

OW360_20 439
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.3 Configuring the Data Display trend options

The following figure and table show and explain the Data Display options available under the
Trend Options window:

Figure 260: Data Display Options in the Trend Options window

440 OW360_20
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

Description of Data Display Options


Tabular Trend This entry controls the order of rows displayed in the table view, based on the
order Date/Time value in the first column. Available choices are ‘Latest first’ or ‘Oldest
Display of Edited When appropriately licensed, the Ovation Process Historian (OPH) allows the
data historical data record to be manually adjusted for circumstances where more
accurate readings can be obtained through other means. The OPH retains both
the original data it collected and also the edits that you made to the data. This
option determines which data is presented to the user in the trend, the originally
collected data or the user modified data.
Mark Edited This entry, when checked, marks the edited values with an asterisk character
Values prefix.
Display concise This selection and the next one allow you to control where a fully qualified point
Point Name in all name or a concise point name (without unit and network suffix) is presented
locations unless within the Trend application.
overridden for
locations below
Display concise This entry, when checked, results in the concise point name being displayed in
Point Name for places mentioned in the left-side column.
Scales drop-down,
Dual cursor-lines
pop-up and Trace
line hover window
Mark saved When checked, all Trend Group Definition (.tgd) files saved for historical trends
Historical Trend will execute the trend upon opening of the file, without additional user action.
File for immediate With this feature, a historical trend representing a reference or benchmark
execution on process activity can be easily recalled for viewing. For example, "Unit 2 Turbine
subsequent open Run-up 2012-02-18" or "Plant Overview Past 24 Hours" files will then execute
the trend upon opening. Without this setting, trends will wait for user interaction
before initializing the request for historical data.
Show Current This setting applies only for Live Trend. If checked, the current value for
Value for Live process points will be displayed every second in the Details panel 'Value'
Trend in Details column. Otherwise the end value corresponding to the right-most displayed
panel 'Value' sample will be displayed. This setting is useful for trends with large durations for
column which you want to see the current values.

OW360_20 441
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.4 Overriding background, chart titles, and X-axis color for printing

The following figure displays the Print Colors options available under the Trend Options window:

Figure 261: Print Colors Options in the Trend Options window

The Print Colors option provides an option to use a white background and/or to use black color for
chart titles and the X-axis. It allows you to view a clear Trend image in the print-outs. For
example, if you have set a dark background to view Trends or if you have chosen a Black
background setting (under Format tab/Chart Options), you will not receive an easy-to-read print
out. Use the Print Colors option and select a white background for an easy-to-read print out.

442 OW360_20
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

The following table explains the Print Colors options.

Description of Print Colors Options


Use White color for Allows you to override the background color with white when printing the trend
printing content.
Use Black color for Allows you to override the chart titles and X-axis color with black when printing
printing chart titles the trend content.
and X-axis
Use above options Allows you to choose whether to override the print colors (based on the above
only for Black two selections) only when black background setting (under Format tab/Chart
background setting Options) is in effect.
If you select this option and if black background setting is not being used, the
colors printed are the same as shown on the Trend display window.

OW360_20 443
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.5 Defining trend scales

The following figure and table show and explain the Scale options available under the Trend
Options window:

Figure 262: Scales Options in the Trend Options window

Description of Scale Options


Digital/Packed For native scale (My scale) of Digital and Packed trend point item trace, these
Point Scale Limits are the Limits applied when the scale criteria is ‘Limits’.
Digital/Packed For native scale (My scale) of newly added Digital and Packed trend point item
Point Default trace, these are the initial low and high custom values. They are used when the
Custom Values scale criteria is ‘Custom’.
Analog Point For native scale (My scale) of newly added Analog trend point item trace, these
Default Custom are the initial low and high custom values. They are used when the scale
Values criteria is ‘Custom’.
Moving to a This item allows the control over the scale sharing behavior when non-digital
different points are moved from one pane/quadrant to another. If set, the trace will use
Pane/Quadrant the scale of a similar existing point rather than using the previously assigned
scale. This allows for the maximum area to be used for the graphs by reducing
the number of scales in use.

444 OW360_20
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.6 Using the Value Explorer trend options

The following figure and table show and explain the Value Explorer options available under the
Trend Options window:

Figure 263: Value Explorer Options in the Trend Options window

Description of Value Explorer Options


Compare Explorer This setting allows you to control the color of the line cursors shown when the
Cursor Line Color Compare Explorer functions are activated. When set to “Auto” the application
chooses the colors that vary based on the trend plot colors beneath the
Trace Explorer This setting allows you to control the color of the line cursor shown when the
Cursor Line Color Value Explorer function is activated. When set to “Auto” the application
chooses colors that vary based on the trend plot colors beneath the cursor.
Display Single This entry, when checked, allows you to display the value explorer cursor line
Cursor Line as as intersecting vertical and, horizontal cross-hair lines.
Compare Explorer This entry allows you to control where the Compare Values Explorer displays
information its information. Available choices are in a Details Panel or in a separate Pop
location up Window.

OW360_20 445
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.7 Defining the Historian data sources

The Historians option available under the Trend Options window displays the Ovation Process
Historians being used as a source of the historical data request. An example is shown in the
following figure:

Figure 264: Historians Options in the Trend Options window

446 OW360_20
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.8 Defining time zones

The Time Zone options under the Trend Options window allow you to specify abbreviations for
frequently used time zones intended for your use. These abbreviations are made available in
Historical trend time span dialog boxes for the specification of absolute start and end times.

Figure 265: Time Zones Options in the Trend Options window

OW360_20 447
11.3 Defining the behavior of the Trend application using the Trend Options window

11.3.9 Events

The Events option under the Trend Options window allow you to enable the Event Trend mode.
The following figure and table show and explain the Events options available under the Trend
Options window:

Figure 266: Events Options in the Trend Options window

Description of Event Options


Events Default This Style is used when a new Event Trend is created. You can choose a Trend
Style file as a default file from the previously saved Styles (see page 487).
Enable Triggered When checked, enables the Event Trend mode (see page 499).
Default Lookup Specifies the default search time period (in months) for browsing events when
Period for the Events Browser window is launched.
browsing Events

448 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.3.10 Understanding the About trend option

The About option available under the Trend Options window displays the product version and
copyright information about the Ovation Trend.

11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

Before you create your trend, you will want to define how the trend will look. You can use the
Format ribbon tab to configure the appearance of a trend and to select what panels appear with
the trend.

11.4.1 To access the Format ribbon tab

Use the following procedure to access the Format ribbon tab:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab. The Format tab options appear. Use these options to access
dialog boxes that allow you to configure the appearance of your trends

Figure 267: Format ribbon tab

11.4.2 To access the Configure Settings dialog box

The Configure Settings dialog box contains several tabs that allow you to define appearance
settings such as grid lines color, chart background colors, details panel colors, trend color
scheme, X-axis settings, and Master scale settings. Use the following procedure to access the
Configure Settings dialog box:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.

OW360_20 449
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

3. Select Display Settings. The Configure Settings dialog box appears containing seven
configuration tabs. These tabs are:
 General tab
 Stacked Panes Layout tab
 Quadrant Layout tab
 Master Scale tab
 Good Colors tab
 Non Good Colors tab
 Details Panel tab

Figure 268: General tab in the Configure Settings dialog box

450 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

The Configure Settings dialog box has two Restore buttons to enable you to quickly return to the
default trend settings:
 Restore Defaults: Click this button to restore the default settings (prior to any customization
done) on a particular tab.
 Restore Defaults for All Tabs: Click this button to restore the default settings (prior to any
customization done) on all the tabs.

11.4.3 To configure the appearance of vertical grid lines

Grids help you to easily identify the reference value and time in the trend chart. There are two
types of vertical grid lines:
 Primary grid-lines appear along major tick marks on X-axis.
 Secondary grid-lines appear along minor tick marks on X-axis.
To configure the chart grid lines, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Click the Vertical drop-down arrow to view the vertical grid line options (Primary Grid-lines
and Secondary Grid-lines).

Figure 269: Vertical grid line options

 Primary Grid-lines: Click this option to view primary (major) vertical grid lines. Re-click
this option to hide the primary lines and secondary lines (if any).
 Secondary Grid-lines: Click this option to view the secondary (minor) vertical grid lines.
These lines provide further refinement in the existing primary grid-lines. Re-click this
option to hide these lines.
4. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box. Select the General tab.

OW360_20 451
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

5. Notice that the Chart Grid-lines Color section in the General tab has two options:
 Primary Lines Color: Allows you to select the color of the primary (major) grid lines.
 Secondary Lines Color: Allows you to select the color of the secondary (minor) grid

Figure 270: Chart Grid-lines options in the Configure Settings dialog box

6. Make your desired selections and click OK at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box.
7. Note the following figures illustrating grid lines in trends:
 The following figure shows a trend chart:

Figure 271: Trend chart example

452 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows the Primary Grid-lines option selected (in the Format ribbon
tab) and primary lines grid color from the Primary Lines Color field (in the Configure
Settings dialog box) selected. Please note that the following trend shows the primary
(major) vertical grid lines enabled on the trend chart:

Figure 272: Vertical primary grid-lines example

OW360_20 453
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows a trend chart with the Secondary Grid-lines option selected
(in the Format ribbon tab) and secondary lines grid color selected from the Secondary
Lines Color field (in the Configure Settings dialog box). This figure shows the refinement
done in between the existing primary (major) vertical grid lines in the form of secondary
(minor) grid lines:

Figure 273: Secondary grid-lines example

11.4.4 To configure the appearance of horizontal grid lines

There are two types of horizontal grid lines:

 Primary grid-lines: Each Pane and Quadrant has 10 primary lines.
 Secondary grid-lines appear between primary grid-lines.

454 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

To configure the chart grid lines, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Click the Horizontal drop-down arrow to view the horizontal grid line options (Primary Grid-
lines and Secondary Grid-lines).

Note: Scale based horizontal grid lines are point value related and are defined PER SCALE and
are activated in Trace Properties (see page 508).

Figure 274: Horizontal grid line options

 Primary Grid-lines: Click this option to view the 10 primary (major) horizontal grid lines.
Re-click this option to hide the primary lines and secondary lines (if any).
 Secondary Grid-lines: Click this option to view the secondary (minor) horizontal grid
lines. These lines provide further refinement in the existing primary grid-lines. Re-click this
option to hide these lines.
There are ten equally-spaced horizontal primary grid-lines in each pane and quadrant. The
secondary grid-lines appear inside the primary grid-lines and their number is fixed at two
between consecutive primary grid-lines.
4. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box. Select the General tab.
5. Notice that the Chart Grid-lines Color section in the General tab has two options:
 Primary Lines Color: Allows you to select the color of the primary (major) grid lines.
 Secondary Lines Color: Allows you to select the color of the secondary (minor) grid

Figure 275: Chart Grid-lines options in the Configure Settings dialog box

6. Make your desired selections and click OK at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box.

OW360_20 455
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

7. Note the following figures illustrating grid lines in trends:

 The following figure shows a trend chart:

Figure 276: Trend chart example

456 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows the Primary Grid-lines option selected (in the Format ribbon
tab) and primary lines grid color from the Primary Lines Color field (in the Configure
Settings dialog box) selected. Please note that the following trend shows the primary
(major) horizontal grid lines enabled on the trend chart:

Figure 277: Horizontal primary grid-lines example

OW360_20 457
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows a trend chart with the Secondary Grid-lines option selected
(in the Format ribbon tab) and secondary lines grid color selected from the Secondary
Lines field (in the Configure Settings dialog box). This figure shows the refinement done
in between the existing primary (major) horizontal grid lines in the form of secondary
(minor) grid lines:

Figure 278: Horizontal secondary grid-lines example

In the preceding figure, please note that there are ten equally-spaced horizontal primary
grid-lines and two secondary grid-lines between consecutive primary grid-lines.

458 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows a trend chart with all the grid-lines: Horizontal primary and
secondary grid-lines and Vertical primary and secondary grid-lines.

Figure 279: All grid-lines example

11.4.5 To configure the appearance of the X-axis (time-axis) in a Trend chart

The X-axis is the horizontal chart axis that represents the time in a trend. You can use the
Configure Settings dialog box (see page 449) to configure the display of X-axis labels and to
adjust the spacing of major ticks and minor ticks.

To configure the x-axis lines, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the Primary Grid-lines option from the Vertical drop-down, if you want to enable
vertical grid lines on the trend chart.
4. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box. Select the General tab.

OW360_20 459
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

5. Go to the X-Axis section of the General tab. Make your desired selections and click OK at the
bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box.

Figure 280: X-Axis section in the Configure Settings dialog box

6. Note the following figures illustrating various options you can use to configure x-axis lines in a
 The following figure shows a trend with the default X-axis with Vertical Grid enabled (see
page 451):

Figure 281: Trend with default X-axis

460 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows a trend with the Staggered Text check box checked. This
shows the X-axis text in two rows. There is one X-Axis date-time label for each major tick
mark. Staggered labels improve readability when there is larger number of major tick

Figure 282: Trend with Staggered text on X-axis

OW360_20 461
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows a trend with an angle value selected from the Slant Angle
drop-down list. The X-axis text tilts according to the angle value selected.

Figure 283: Slanted text on X-axis

 The following figure illustrates the Date-Time Format drop-down list. This list provides
various formats for displaying date-time labels along X-axis.

Figure 284: Date-Time Format options

462 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows an example of how the date and time on X-axis varies with the
selection of different Date-Time Format options:

Figure 285: X-axis text with respect to different Date-Time Format options selected

 The following figure shows a trend with tick intervals configured from the Major Tick
Intervals and Minor Tick Intervals drop-down lists. These lists allow you to select the
number of major and minor tick intervals on X-axis. This setting also controls the vertical
grid lines spacing. The following trend shows four major tick intervals and three minor tick

Figure 286: Major and Minor ticks on X-axis

OW360_20 463
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows a trend with the Show Relative Time ( check
box checked. This enables you to view the X-axis as the time relative to the current time
(in Live Trends) or the end time (in Historical Trends). The time is shown in the following
format: days.hours:minutes:seconds.

Figure 287: Relative time on X-axis in 'days.hours:minutes:seconds' format

464 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 The following figure shows a trend with Show Relative Time (One Time Unit) check box
checked. This enables you to view the X-axis as the time relative to the current time in
single time-unit format.

Figure 288: Relative time on X-axis in 'One Time Unit' format

OW360_20 465
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.6 To set the Long-Date Time Format

The Long-Date Time option is used to configure date-times that are displayed in trends for the
table view date-time column, summary view, status bar, pop up hover window, compare explorer,
and value explorer.

To configure the Long Date-Time format, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box. Select the General tab.
4. Select the Long Date-Time Format drop-down list. Make your desired selection and click OK
at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box. The following figure illustrates the Long
Date-Time Format drop-down list:

Figure 289: Long-Date Time Format drop-down list

466 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.7 To select a trend display layout type

You can select from two types of layouts, Stacked Panes layout (see page 467) or Quadrants
layout (see page 471) as shown in the following figure. You can change the layout mode selection
during the trend analysis to provide an alternative view of the data.

Figure 290: Layout section of Format ribbon tab

To select a trend display layout, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the Quadrant or Stacked Pane layout icon in the Layout section of the Format
4. You can use the Configure Settings dialog box (see page 449) to further configure the
appearance of the layout.

11.4.8 To configure a Stacked Panes layout appearance

The Stacked Panes Layout tab is used to configure the looks of the pane and frame area where
the trend charts are displayed.

Note: You can change a Trend display layout from Stacked Panes layout to Quadrant layout
and vice versa.

To configure the Stacked Panes Layout tab, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.

OW360_20 467
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

3. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box. Select the Stacked
Panes Layout tab. The tab contains the following sections:
 Pane Appearance
 Frame Area Appearance
 X-Axis

Figure 291: Stacked Panes Layout tab in Configure Settings dialog box

4. Refer to the following descriptions of the fields in each section. Make your desired selections
and click OK at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box.

468 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

Pane Appearance section in Stacked Panes Layout tab

 Use Pane A colors for All panes: Enable this check box, if you want the appearance of
Pane B, C, and D to be similar to Pane A except for the pane height and X-axis visibility.
 Pane: Use this to select the pane for which you want to change the appearance. You can also
click the pane in panes preview representation on the right (refer to the preceding figure) to
select that pane for configuration.
 Fill Mode: Use this to select the background of the pane (trend chart background) to be either
Solid or Gradient. Choosing 'Solid' as the Fill Mode option allows you to further select one
background color. Choosing 'Gradient' as the Fill Mode option allows you to further select two
background colors and to define how you want the two colors to be blended.
 Color 1: Use this to denote the color for Solid fill. If you select 'Solid' as the Fill Mode option,
the Gradient Mode and Color 2 fields are grayed out. Select a color from the Color 1 field,
the pane color (trend chart background) changes according to the selected color. The
following figure shows the two preview panes with Solid background:

Figure 292: Pane with solid color background

 Color 2: Color 1 and Color 2 denote colors to be blended for Gradient fill. Select a color from
the Color 1 field and another color from Color 2 field. Next, select how you want the
combination of the two selected colors to be shown in the pane. The Gradient Mode field
allows you to do so. The following figure shows some of the Gradient Mode options:

Figure 293: Gradient Mode Options

OW360_20 469
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

The following figure shows two preview panes with Gradient background:

Figure 294: Panes with Gradient background

 Pane Weighted Height: Use this to select the weighted height of the selected pane.
Weighted height of all visible panes decides the final displayed height of each visible pane.
 X-Axis Visible: Use this check box to show/hide the X-axis in the selected pane. Hiding the
X-axis increases the Trend view area.
Frame Area Appearance section in Stacked Panes Layout tab

The Frame Area Appearance section is used to configure the looks of the frame area where the
trend charts are displayed. You can customize the appearance of a Frame area to have a Solid
background or a Gradient background.

Since the fields in this section are similar to the fields in the Pane Appearance section, refer to the
previous Pane Appearance section in Stacked Panes Layout tab for field descriptions.

In the following figure, the Fill Mode is Solid and Color 1 is Red:

Figure 295: Frame Color with Fill Mode as Solid

470 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

X-Axis section in Stacked Panes Layout tab

The X-Axis section is used to configure the X-Axis appearance in a trend.

 Use the Color field in this section to select the color of the X-axis line.
 Use the Preview X-Axis Color button to preview the color of the X-axis line.

11.4.9 To configure a Quadrant Layout appearance

The Quadrant Layout tab is used to configure the appearance of four quadrants (A, B, C, and D)
that display four trend charts simultaneously.

Note: You can change a Trend display layout from Stacked Panes layout to Quadrant layout
and vice versa.

To configure the Quadrant Layout tab, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the Quadrant icon in the Layout section of the Format ribbon tab.
4. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box.

OW360_20 471
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

5. Select the Quadrant Layout tab.

Note: To configure Quadrants appearance, it is not necessary to activate the quadrant layout.

Figure 296: Quadrant Layout tab options in Configure Settings dialog box

472 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

6. Refer to the following descriptions of the fields in the tab. Make your desired selections and
click OK at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box.
 Use Quadrant A colors for All quadrants: Enable this check box, if you want the look of
Quadrant B, C, and D to be similar to Quadrant A except for the X-axis visibility in the
 Quadrant: Use this to select the quadrant for which you want to change the appearance.
You can also click the quadrant in quadrants preview representation as shown in the
preceding figure to select that quadrant for configuration.
 Fill Mode, Gradient Mode, Color 1, and Color 2: Use these fields to configure
quadrants' background. Since these fields are similar to the fields in the Stacked Panes
Layout tab, see the field descriptions in the Pane Appearance section of that tab (see
page 467).
 Frame Fill Mode, Frame Gradient Mode, Frame Color 1, and Frame Color 2: Use
these fields to configure quadrants' frames. Since these fields are similar to the fields in
the Stacked Panes Layout tab, see the field descriptions in the Frame Area Appearance
section of that tab (see page 467).
 X-Axis Color field and Preview X-Axis Color button: Use these fields to select the color
of the X-Axis line and to preview the color of the X-axis line.
 X-Axis Visible: Check or clear this check box to show/hide the X-axis in the selected

11.4.10 To configure Master Scale settings

The Master Scale tab is used to configure a sharable trend-wide scale that is independent of
individual trace items. It can be used as scale of any trace item. You can configure scale
properties, labels, position, type, and so forth.

Note: Shared scale allows quick modification of scale properties for those trace items using it.

To configure the Master Scale tab, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box.
4. Select the Master Scale tab.
5. Use the Scale Visible check box to show/hide the scale.

OW360_20 473
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

6. Make your desired selections and click OK at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box.
See To manage trace items in a trend (see page 508) for descriptions of the fields in the
Master Scale tab.

Figure 297: Master Scale tab options in Configure Settings dialog box

Note: The properties defined here are also accessible from the Properties Panel and Trace
Properties dialog box.

474 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.11 To configure trace item colors (Good/Non Good)

When new trace items are added to Trend, they are assigned colors based on the Trend Color
Scheme. This color scheme consists of 32 good colors for good quality and 32 non-good
colors for non-good quality, one pair for each trace item based on the sequence number of trace
item. Good colors are the colors used to plot segments of the trace when the process point values
are of Good quality and Non Good colors are the colors used to plot segments of trace when the
process point values are not of good quality.

These colors default to colors set in the Ovation Developer Studio for the Trend Color scheme.
You can use the Good Colors/Non Good Colors tabs to over-ride the default colors.

To configure the Good Colors/Non Good Colors tabs, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box.

OW360_20 475
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

4. Select the Good Colors/Non Good Colors tab.

Figure 298: Good Colors tab in Configure Settings dialog box

476 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

Figure 299: Non Good Colors tab in Configure Settings dialog box

5. Select a point for which you want to change the good/non good color value.
6. In the Good/Non Good Color Value column, click the individual color value corresponding to
the point selected.
7. The list of colors appears. Select any color from the list.
8. Make your desired selections and click OK at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box.

Note: The colors assigned to trace items from the color scheme can be over-ridden at the trace
item level, thus making it a permanent assignment unaffected by the deletion of other trace

OW360_20 477
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.12 To configure the Details Panel appearance

The Details panel gives you the key information such as point name, description, current point
value, and many more for the points assigned to the trend traces. The colors and content columns
shown within the Details Panel are configurable using the Display Settings dialog box. The
following figure shows the Details panel with two point names selected with their description.

To configure the Details Panel, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Check the Details Panel check box if you want to display the Details Panel on the trend

Figure 300: Details panel in Format tab

4. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box.

478 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

5. Select the Details Panel tab.

Figure 301: Details Panel tab in Configure Settings dialog box

6. Select the columns you want to display in the Details Panel.

OW360_20 479
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

7. Use the two arrows on the side to set the order of these columns as they will appear in the
Details panel. The descriptions of the columns that may appear in the Details Panel are
shown in the following table:

Description of Details Panel Columns


Record Number Sequence number of the trace item.

Graph Visible Visibility of the trace item.
Point Name Name of the trace item.
Historian Historian associated with the trace item.
Processing Type Processing type associated with the trace item.
Description Description associated with the trace item.
End Value Value based on latest row in table view. For Live Trend, it is the end value or
current value based on the user preference selected in Trend Options window.
Units Engineering units associated with the trace item.
Scale Visible Visibility of scale assigned to the trace item.
Low Scale Lowest value on the assigned scale.
High Scale Highest value on the assigned scale.
Cursor Value Value associated with the Value explorer cursor line.
Left Cursor Value Value associated with the Compare explorer left cursor line in the Explore
function of the Trend ribbon tab.
Right Cursor Value Value associated with the Compare explorer right cursor line in the Explore
function of the Trend ribbon tab.
Difference Difference in the right cursor value and left cursor value associated with the
Compare explorer in the Explore function of the Trend ribbon tab.

8. Use the Row Color section to choose background colors for the Details Panel grid rows. If
Color 1 and Color 2 are same, solid background is displayed; if they are different, then the
colors are blended to form a vertical gradient.
9. Check the Follow Color Scheme check box if you want the background of rows to match the
color scheme of the Trend window (as defined in the Trend Options dialog box). This setting is

480 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

10. Use the Empty Area Color section to choose the empty area background for the Details
Panel grid.
An example of row color and empty area color is shown below:

Figure 302: Details panel

Figure 303: Details panel with Row Color and Empty Area Color selected

11. Access the Details Panel context menu by right-clicking on the Details Panel grid. You can
access various Ovation Applications using the options in the pop-up menu. Notice that the
following Trend specific functions are included in the menu:
 Pane: Pane or Quadrant assignment for a trace item
 Delete Trace: Delete point from trend
 Move Up: Move trace item up in sequence
 Move Down: Move item down in sequence

Figure 304: Details Panel menu

OW360_20 481
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.13 To add titles to trend layouts

You can add titles to trend layouts and then show the titles or hide them.

To add a trend title to a Quadrants/Stacked Pane layout, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the Quadrant or Stacked Pane layout icon in the Layout section of the Format

Figure 305: Selecting Quadrant Titles

482 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

4. Select Titles in the Configure section of the ribbon. The Chart Titles window appears.

Figure 306: Chart Titles window

5. Enter names for the Stacked Panes or Quadrants layouts in the Chart Titles window (each
Quadrant has its own title).
6. Check the Visible check box if you want the title to be visible.
7. Select the Color for the title text.

OW360_20 483
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

8. Note that the following figure shows an example where the title visibility is enabled for all
quadrants, a title name is given to all Quadrants (Test title for Quad A, B, C, and D), and the
title color is black:

Figure 307: An example of titles for all quadrants

484 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

9. Note that the following figure shows an example where the title visibility is enabled, a title
name is given to the Stacked Panes layout, and the title color is black:

Figure 308: An example of Stacked Panes with visible title

OW360_20 485
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.14 To use Chart Options

Chart Options allow you to select a black background for a trend and to switch the axes positions
resulting in a horizontal process range and a vertical time axis.

To use the Chart Options, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the desired Chart Option(s) in the Format ribbon:
 Black Background: Check this option to display a black background for the current trend
chart. It over-rides the settings that were already defined but it does not delete them from
the trend configuration. Therefore, if you clear this check box, the trend chart’s previous
background will appear.
 Orient Vertically: Check this option to display the trend charts with a horizontal process
range and vertical time axis. The most recent time displays at the top of the chart.
 Charts side by side: Check this option to display the trend charts side by side when the
quadrants layout is in effect.

Figure 309: Chart Options section in Format ribbon tab

486 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.15 To view or hide the application panels and trend chart panes

To view or hide the panels and panes in a trend chart, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the desired options in the Visibility section of the Format ribbon. If you check the
boxes, the selected panels or panes will appear in the trend chart.
 Details Panel (see page 478).
 Properties Panel (see page 522).
 Event Markers: When checked, displays the event markers in the Graph tab of an Event
Trend (see page 557).
 Individual stacked panes (see page 471).

Figure 310: Visibility section in Format ribbon tab

OW360_20 487
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.16 To save a defined appearance as a reusable style

Once you have configured the display settings for a trend, you can save the settings to a file and
use it again in current and other trend sessions. For example, if you are building trends for
multiple Plant sites, you can configure Plant-specific display appearance settings to help the user
distinguish among them. These saved display settings can be very useful in defining new Trends
by quickly allowing you to experiment with various saved settings instead of starting from scratch
every time.

To load/save styles for trends, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select Styles to load, save, or apply the default style.

Figure 311: Different options under Styles

488 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

4. Select from the following menu options:

 Save to file: Select this option to save the trend appearance settings and apply these to
current or future trends. Select the role from left-side, give a name to your file and click
Save As. The Create folder icon located on the top-right corner of the Save as Trend
Style file (TS) box allows you to create a folder to organize the trend style files within a
user-defined folder hierarchy.
Administrators may store styles into the “System” folder to be accessed as read-only by
all or to role-based folders to be limited to designated user roles. Other users can save
personal Trend Styles to the folders that they have write access to, as controlled by
Ovation security management.

Figure 312: Saving a Trend style file

OW360_20 489
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 Load from file: Select this option to load an existing trend appearance style that you may
have saved. When you select this option, the following dialog box appears. You can view
all the Trend Style files in various roles but use the one according to the user permissions
you have (Roles: Admin, IT, Supervisor, Engineer, and more). Select any file that is
accessible to you and click Open to load that style.

Note: An administrator can see all the trend style files saved by all the users (in different roles).

Figure 313: Load an existing Trend style file

 Apply default style: Select this option to apply the default style that was selected by the
user (as part of user preferences) to the trend.

490 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

11.4.17 To use the Explore option

You can also view the information about trend appearance by using the Explore option in the
Trend Menu button. This option provides detailed information about preferences, styles, and
Trend Group Definitions.

Use the following procedure to use the Explore option:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Click the Trend Menu button.
3. Select the Explore option. A window appears showing a list of topics.

Figure 314: The Explore option in the Trend Menu button

OW360_20 491
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

4. Choose any of the following topics to see the detailed information:

 Current preferences: It opens a window that displays information about the application
preferences currently in effect. These include ‘Color Scheme’, ‘Default Style’, ‘Default
Historian’, and many other settings as shown in the following figure:

Figure 315: Explore option-Current Preferences

492 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 Application Base Style: It opens a window that displays the content of initial default
values for trend style settings (that is, display settings). These values will be in effect in
the Trend application if the default trend style has not been specified in the Trend Options
window and you have not modified any display settings. This is shown in the following

Figure 316: Explore option-Application Base Style

OW360_20 493
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 User Default Style: It opens a window that displays the content of the default Style used
by the Trend application. The Default Style is specified as an entry in the Trend Options
(see page 438) window. The following figure shows an example of Default Style contents:

Figure 317: Explore option-User Default Style

494 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 Current Trend Definition: It opens a window that displays information about the currently
displayed trend configuration details and trend style settings in effect. The following figure
shows an example:

Figure 318: Explore option-Current Trend Definition

OW360_20 495
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 Trend Definition Files: It allows you to select a previously saved trend definition file
(.tgd) and then displays the content of this Trend definition file. The information presented
is similar to that in the Current Trend Definition option previously shown.

Note: You can navigate through a folder hierarchy created by the user or administrator using
the Save As feature. For more information, see Save a Trend Group Definition (TGD) (see page

Figure 319: Explore option-Trend Definition Files

496 OW360_20
11.4 Trend Building - Defining the appearance of a trend

 Trend Style Files: It allows you to select a previously saved Trend Style (.ts) file and then
displays the content of this Trend style file. The information presented is similar to that in
the User Default Style option previously shown.

Note: You can navigate through a folder hierarchy to find the desired style created by a user or
administrator using the Styles-->Save to file feature. For more information, see Trend Styles
(see page 487).

Figure 320: Explore option-Trend Style Files

OW360_20 497
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

Once you have configured the trend appearance, you will want to define the information content
of the trend. Use the Trend ribbon tab to configure the trend content such as, process points,
sample processing types, and time ranges.

11.5.1 Types of trends

As mentioned in previous sections, the Ovation Trend application supports three modes of
 Live Trends: This mode provides dynamic updates of current values along with the recent
history of data just prior to them.
 Historical Trends: This mode allows exploration into past time periods of interest.
 Event Trends: This mode allows searching for and listing of triggered event occurrences and
details from the Controllers and DEC module. In this mode, you can also view the
corresponding pre- and post-data in a graphical or tabular form.
Live Trend accesses the Operator Station's Ovation trend buffer, which contains a local, recent
history of values from the Ovation real-time data network. Historical Trend accesses the Ovation
Process Historian’s (OPH) historical database to extract and use historical information to display
graphical and numerical trends. Event Trend accesses the historical record of Controllers and
DEC module triggered event occurrences and details from the Ovation Process Historian (OPH).

The ribbon style user interface, user interaction, and configuration concepts for Historical and
Event Trends is similar to that of Live Trends – but includes additional features for time navigation
and historical data processing.

11.5.2 To create a trend (Live and Historical)

Use these steps to create a trend:

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421).

2. Decide the trend type, Live or Historical.
3. Set the length of time for a trend (Live Trends) (see page 523).
Specify a time span (Historical Trends) (see page 524).
4. Browse for points to add to a trend (see page 502).
Add a point to a trend (see page 503).
5. Configure scale behavior (see page 505).
6. Add a Compound Trace (see page 506).
7. Manage trace properties for Live trend (see page 508).
Manage trace properties for Historical trend (see page 519).
8. When required, use Properties Panel to dynamically edit and update the trace item
configuration details while a trend graph is in view (see page 522).

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11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.3 To enable an Event Trend

Use the following steps to activate the event trending functionality:

1. Access the Events option in the Trend Options window (see page 448).
2. Perform the following steps in the right pane:
a) Select the Enable Triggered Events check box.
b) Click OK.

Figure 321: Trend Options window

OW360_20 499
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.4 To launch an Event trend

After enabling the event trend option, launch the Event Trend by using any of the following
 Trend Menu button -> New -> Event Trend

Figure 322: Launching Event Trend from the Trend Menu button

500 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Quick Access Toolbar -> Trend Type -> Event Trend

Figure 323: Launching Event Trend from the Quick Access Toolbar

The Events Browser window appears:

Figure 324: Events Browser window

OW360_20 501
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.5 To initiate an Event trend from historical trend

1. Access a Historical Trend (see page 498).
2. When the Trend application has the Triggered Events option enabled and if triggered events
(generated by Controller or DEC module) are present in the trend time span, an E icon
appears in the Graph tab.
 Click the event marker (E) icon.

Figure 325: Graph tab -- triggered event (E icon)

 The Event Trend window appears. See Trend Operation - Working specific to Event
Trends (see page 564) for more information.

11.5.6 To browse for points to add to a trend

You can update the point content for a current trend through the Points section of the Trend
ribbon bar. You can add or delete single points. Multiple points can be added by launching the
Point Browse window. In addition, a compound trend trace can be created from here.

Use the following procedure to browse for points to add to a trend:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Browse Points icon from the Points section.

Figure 326: Deleting a point - Points section in Trend ribbon tab

4. The Point Browse window appears. Use this window to add one or multiple point(s) to a
current trend. See Ovation Point Browser window in PI section for instructions on using this

502 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.7 To add a point to a trend

Use the following procedure to add a point to a trend:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Add icon from the Points section.

Figure 327: Deleting a point - Points section in Trend ribbon tab

4. The Specify Point Information dialog box appears. Add the required information about the

Figure 328: Specify Point Information dialog box

OW360_20 503
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

5. The fields in the window are described below. After you have filled in the required information,
click OK to add the point to the trend.
 Point Name: Enter the name of the point to be added to the Trend or click the ellipses
button to browse for the point.
 Historian: Select the applicable Historian name for history data.
 Processing Type: This defines the mathematical processing for aggregating samples for
Historical trends. The following processing types are available in Historical Trends.
 Actual
 Average
 Delta
 Duration Bad
 Duration Good
 End
 Full Integration
 Integration
 Maximum
 Minimum
 Percent Bad
 Percent Good
 Range
 Rate of change
 Raw Count
 Start
 Std-dev
 Time Average
 Time Of Maximum
 Time Of Minimum
 Time Reset
 Time Set
 Toggle
 Toggle Reset
 Toggle Set
 Total
 Variance
 Samples: This defines the number of samples (1 to 2000) to retrieve for historical trends.
Live trends are fixed at 600 samples. Each trace can have unique sample counts.
 Conversion Constant: This supplies the units conversion constant to be used for
Integration, Full Integration, and Rate of Change Processing Types when trending this
type of data from the historian.

504 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Bit Mask: This field applies only to packed point items and is grayed out if the selected
point is not a packed point.

Note: You can also drag and drop a point in the Trend window from other Ovation applications
such as Point Review to view its trend trace. The point is added to the underlying pane or
quadrant. You can also add a point by using the Trace Properties window.

Clicking the Trend option in the Ovation Point menu will show the selected point in an existing
trend window. If a trend window is not already running, it will spawn a new trend window.

11.5.8 To configure scale behavior

You can configure how the scale behaves when you add points to a current trend. Use the
following procedure to configure scale behavior:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Click the small arrow below the Trace Properties icon as shown in the following figure:

Figure 329: Small-arrow below Trace Properties in Trend ribbon tab

4. Note the Personalize Scale Usage dialog box that appears as shown in the following figure.
This dialog box is used to select scale and scale criteria for new trace items.

Figure 330: Personalize Scale Usage dialog box

OW360_20 505
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

5. For new Trace Items with non-digital values, select from the following options and then
select OK:
 Use scale of last similar item in same Pane/Quadrant automates the adoption of
scales for points with identical scales configured in the point database. For example,
browsing and adding 12 vibration points would use the scale of the first point and share it
with the other 11 so that only one scale is displayed on the Graph view.
 Use My Scale forces each added trace to have its own scale displayed in the Graph
view. Sharing of another trace’s scale would have to be configured manually via the Trace
Properties window. When this option is selected, it automatically sets the Scale Criteria
that are specified in the bottom of this dialog box.
 Use Master Scale configures all added traces to use the Master Scale that was
configured in the Configure Settings dialog box under the Format tab. For more
information, see the To configure Master Scale settings (see page 473) section.

11.5.9 To add a Compound Trace

Compound Trace plot represents values derived from adding or subtracting values of two process
points. Use the following procedure:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the down arrow next to the Add button in the Points section.
4. The Specify Compound Trace Information dialog box appears. Fill in the fields as desired.

Figure 331: Specify Compound Trace Information dialog box

506 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

5. The fields in the window are described below. After you have filled in the required information,
click OK to add or subtract the information for the points.
 Name: Enter the name of the compound trace.
 Description: Enter the description of the compound trace.
 Expression: This shows the addition or subtraction criteria to be applied to the data
values of constituent points.
 Samples: This is the number of data samples. This option is enabled only for Historical
 High Limit: This is the high limit to be used when scale criteria is Limits.
 Low Limit: This is the low limit to be used when scale criteria is Limits.
 Units: Enter the engineering units for this compound trace item.
 Point Name: Enter the name of the point to be added to the Trend or click the ellipses
button to browse for the point.
 Historian: Select the applicable Historian name for the history data.
 Processing Type: This defines the mathematical processing for aggregating samples for
Historical trends.
 Conversion Constant: This supplies the units conversion constant to be used for
Integration, Full Integration, and Rate of Change Processing Types when trending this
type of data from the historian.
 Bit Mask: Applies to packed point items only.
 Add Individual Trace (if does not exist already): Check this box for creating individual
trace for constituent points.

11.5.10 To delete a point from a trend

Use the following procedure to delete a point from a trend:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Delete icon from the Points section. Use this icon to delete all or only the selected

Figure 332: Deleting a point - Points section in Trend ribbon tab

OW360_20 507
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.11 To manage trace items in a Live trend

The Trace Properties window allows you to view existing traces' configuration and manage the
trace items by using the Add Point, Browse Points, Remove Trace, and Remove All buttons
located at the bottom of the window. Also, you can configure Compound Traces by using the Add
Compound Trace button. Compound Trace plot represents addition or subtraction of two process
point values.

The Trace Properties window groups the details of trace items into collapsible sections such as
Main, Scale, and Visibility for easy readability and navigation. You can edit each property display
cell of the associated value.

Use the following procedure to access the Trace Properties window

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Trace Properties icon in the Points section.

508 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

4. The Trace Properties window appears.

Figure 333: Trace Properties window when Live trend type is selected

OW360_20 509
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

The Trace Properties window is comprised of different sections, which are described below:
 Main section: Use this section to examine the point properties that were set while adding a
point along with the good and non good colors to be used for each trend trace.

Figure 334: Main section of the Trace Properties window

 Scale section: Use this section to edit or view information pertaining to the trend scale that is
used for trace items.

Figure 335: Scale section of the Trace Properties window

 Scale: Use this drop-down list to present all the scale choices available for this trace item.
Depending on the context, this list includes Master scale, My Scale, and native scales of
other trace items or a subset thereof.
 Master scale is the scale that was configured in Display Settings under the Format
ribbon tab (See To configure Master Scale settings (see page 473).) By selecting this
option you can use the scale settings defined for the Master Scale and edit the
master scale properties directly from Trace Properties window.
 Select the My Scale option to customize the scale properties to suit your
requirements. The customized scale will be called 'My Scale'. My Scale selection
indicates that the scaling behavior will be controlled by the Scale Criteria settings for
this trace.
 As long as 'My Scale' is defined for at least one trace, the scale from another trace
can be adopted for use by this trace. This allows the trend chart area to be maximized
by eliminating display of duplicate process range limits from the trend chart. The point
name and sequence number of the trace(s) with sharable scales are listed as a drop-
down Scale option(s).

510 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Scale Criteria: Click the cell and select from the Auto, Limits, or Custom options.
 If you select Auto, the scale extent adjusts automatically based on the extent of trace
values. This means the complete trace plot will always be visible in the display area.
This option automatically readjusts the scaling according to the plot data content
associated with the time span of the trend graph. This maximizes the resolution of the
plotted graph for increased readability.
 If you select Limits, the scale extent is based on Limits for the trace point item.
Please refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for information on how to
specify these limits.
 If you select Custom, it over-rides the scale limits from the Ovation point database
and applies the user configured range limits specified in the Custom High and
Custom Low cells.
 Custom High and Low: Use the option to specify high and low custom value for the
scale, respectively. Select the cell and enter the values.
 Scale Color: Click the cell and choose the color of the scale from the color options
available in the drop-down box.
 Lines: Use this setting to place a reference line on the trend chart for visual comparison
with trended process activity. Select the cell and click the ellipses to view the Marker
Lines dialog box. On this dialog box, click Add New Line to add a reference line on the
trend chart:

Figure 336: Defining properties of a marker line

The fields in the Marker Lines dialog box are described below:
 Y Value: Specify the Y value on the scale to display a horizontal marker line at that
 Label: Specify a label for the marker line.
 Color: Select the color of the marker line from available options in the drop-down box.
 Thickness: Specify the thickness of the marker line.
 Line Style: Select the style of the line from the available drop-down options such as
Dash, Dash Dot, Dash Dot Dot, Dot, and Solid.

OW360_20 511
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Visible: Check or clear the check box to view or hide the marker line. You can also
delete the line using the Delete button.
The following figure shows an example of the marker line where the Y Value specified is

Figure 337: An example of the Marker line

 Stripes: Use this feature to add stripes to the trend chart to provide a visual reference
area for the plotted traces. Select the cell and click the ellipses to view the Stripes dialog
box. Click the Add New Stripe button to add a reference stripe.

Figure 338: Defining properties of a stripe

The fields in the Stripes dialog box are described below:

 Low Value: Specify the low-value on scale from where the stripe will begin.
 High Value: Specify the high-value on scale where the stripe will end.
 Color 1: Select the color of the stripe from available options in the drop-down box.

512 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Fill Mode: Select the Fill Mode as Solid or Gradient.

 Gradient Mode: If Gradient is selected as the Fill Mode, select the color blending
direction from the options: BottomLeftToTopRight, BottomRightToTopLeft,
BottomToTop, FromCenterHorizontal, FromCenterVertical, LeftToRight, RightToLeft,
ToCenterHorizontal, ToCenterVertical, TopLeftToBottomRight,TopRightToBottomLeft,
or ToptoBottom.
 Color 2: If Gradient is selected as the Fill Mode, select the second color for the stripe
from available options in the drop-down box. The stripe color that will appear will be
the combination of Color 1 and Color 2 selected.
 Visible: Check or clear the check box to view or hide the stripe. You can also delete
the stripe using the Delete button.
The following figure shows an example of the stripe where the Low Value is .38 and High
Value is .52:

Figure 339: An example of a Stripe

 Visibility: Use this section to show/hide the Trend trace plot and scale in the Trend Graph
view. The visibility of these items can also be controlled from the Details Panel (see page

Figure 340: Visibility section of the Trace Properties window

OW360_20 513
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Display Settings: Use this section to specify the display-related attributes for each trend
trace including:
 Pane or quadrant assignment.
 Type of graph to be plotted.
 Trace plot line appearance.
 Shading settings for area graph types.
 Markers to identify data values on a trace plot.
 Use of this point (instead of time) for XY plotting.

Figure 341: Display Settings section of the Trace Properties window

The fields in the Display Settings section are described below:

 Pane ID: Select the Pane ID for the trace item.
 Quadrant ID: Select the Quadrant ID for the trace item.
 Graph Type: Select the type of graph to be displayed in the Graph view for the trace item
from the available options such as Area, Area Bars, Line, Line Bars, Step Line, and Step

514 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

The following figures illustrates the graph view of trend trace with various Graph types

Note: The graph types Area Bars, Step Area, Line Bars, and Step Line are more pronounced for
Historical Trends that use a smaller number of samples. These graph types have a limited
purpose for Live Trends because they use a higher number of data samples.

Figure 342: Graph Type: Area

Figure 343: Graph Type: Area Bars

OW360_20 515
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

Figure 344: Graph Type: Line

Figure 345: Graph Type: Line Bars

516 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

Figure 346: Graph Type: Step Line

Figure 347: Graph Type: Step Area

 Line Style: Select the line style from the available options such as Dash, Dash Dot, Dash
Dot Dot, Dot, and Solid. This option is only enabled for Line-related graphs (Line, Line
Bars, and Step Line as selected in the Graph Type field).
 Line Thickness: Specify the thickness of the trace plot line. This option is only enabled
for Line-related graphs (Line, Line Bars, and Step Line as selected in the Graph Type
 Transparency: Select the transparency of the graph area with respect to other trace plots
and the background of the Trend window. This option is only enabled for Area-related
graphs (Area, Area Bars, and Step Area as selected in the Graph Type field).
 Base Value: This value specifies a base for plotting trace item with graph type of Area,
Area Bars, Step Area, and Line Bars. For example, for an Area graph type, the area
above and below the base value will be shaded.

OW360_20 517
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Data Markers: Check this option to view the data markers on the graph as shown in the
following example figure. When enabled, Data Markers will show the location for each
data value on the plot line.

Figure 348: An example of data markers

 XY Plot - X Axis: Use this option to plot a point not against time but against another point
by checking the XY Plot - X Axis. If this box is selected, this trace item is chosen as X
 Scale - More Options: Use this section for additional options you can use to customize the
scale-display and behavior. You can show/hide the label for the scale, set the scale position,
activate horizontal grid lines, and configure the scale type as linear or logarithmic.

Figure 349: Scale - More Options section of the Trace Properties window

The fields in the Scale – More Options section are described below:
 Scale Label: Specify a text label to be assigned to the scale.
 Label Visible: Check or clear the check box to show or hide the scale label specified.
 Scale Position: Select the position of scale to be either Left or Right of the trend graph.
 Scale Type: Select the scale type to appear as Linear or Logarithmic.

Note: Logarithmic scale usage is based on the scale criteria as displayed in the following table:


Limits Logarithmic scale is available only when the lower limit is greater than 0 for the
process point.
Custom Logarithmic scale is available only when the lower custom value is greater than
0 for the process point.
Auto Logarithmic scale is always available.

 Logarithmic Base: If Scale Type option is selected as Logarithmic, then select the
logarithmic base as Base 10, Base 2, or Base e.

518 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

 Show 0 Level: Check or clear the check box to show or hide the 0 level on the scale.
 Horizontal Grid: Check or clear the check box to show or hide the horizontal grid for a
particular scale.
 Buttons in the Trace Properties window:
 Use the Add Compound Trace button, as mentioned in the Add Point section above, to
add or subtract the data for two points before being plotted on the trend graph.
 Use the View Single Item/View Multiple Items button to change the display behavior of
the Trace Properties window and view the details of one point or multiple points at a time.
By using the Move Up and Move Down arrows next to this button, you can adjust the
sequence of traces configured for the current trend.

11.5.12 To manage trace items in a Historical trend

When the Historical trend type is selected, only the Main section of the Trace Properties window
(as shown in the following figure) changes. The Main section displays few different trace
properties while the other trace properties displayed are same as those displayed when the Live
trend type is selected (see page 508).

Figure 350: The Main section of Trace Properties window when Historical trend type is

OW360_20 519
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

The trace properties used for retrieving historical data are described in the following table:

Trace properties in a Historical Trend (Main section)


Historian Use this option to specify the Ovation Process Historian that supplies
historical data. It can be specified per trace item.

Note: Use the Trend Options dialog box to specify a list of

historians to be used for Historical Trend.

Processing Type Use this option to specify the mathematical calculation logic applied to
the historical process values.
Conversion Constant Use this option to specify the floating-point number that applies to
processing types of Integration, Full Integration (see page 521) and
Rate of Change (see page 521).
Samples Use this option to specify the number of data samples. This is a
number in the range of 1 to 2000. Using this property, you can
request plots of trace items with different number of data samples.
Trace items with more data samples show more detailed plot whereas
trace items with less data samples may be used for a coarse view of
Each trace can have its own sample quantity. For example, a daily
trend consisting of one or more traces of 24 hourly average samples
along with one or more superimposed plot trace of 2000 actual
Bit Mask This property applies only for PACKED points. For Actual processing
type, it is a set of ON consecutive bits. For processing types other
than Actual, only one bit can be specified to retrieve results based on
that bit position.

520 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.13 To use Full Integration processing type in Historical trend

Full Integration is a processing type (in the Trace Properties window) that performs the retrieval of
integration samples from the Ovation Process Historian. However, instead of plotting the samples
individually, the plots have successively accumulated values over the displayed time span.

The following figure shows the difference between the Integration and Full Integration processing
types. In this example, a point with a constant flow rate of 14 gallons per hour is trended for a
one-hour time span (actual value). The same point is plotted in the second trend pane with the
Integration processing type applied with the trend divided into 10 six-minute integration results,
using the units conversion constant specified in the point’s trace properties. The third trend pane
shows the same point with the Full Integration processing type specified, which shows the six-
minute integrations successively accumulated over the trend time span.

Figure 351: Integration versus Full Integration processing types

11.5.14 To use Rate of Change processing type in Historical trend

Rate of Change is an OPH retrieval processing type (in the Trace Properties window (see page
508)) that uses the inverse of the value entered in the Conversion Constant field.

OW360_20 521
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.15 To use the Properties Panel

The Properties Panel provides a quick view of trace item configuration details and allows you to
dynamically edit and update these details while a trend graph is in view. The panel has same
information that the Trace Properties window contains as described in the Using the Trace
Properties window (see page 508) section.

The Properties Panel shows configuration details of the trace item that is selected in the Details
Panel as described in the To configure the Details Panel appearance (see page 478) section.

Use the following procedure to show or hide the Properties Panel:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Put a check in the Properties Panel check box in the Visibility section of the Format ribbon.
The Properties Panel will now appear in the trend window. Uncheck the box and the
Properties Panel will not appear in the trend window.

522 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

4. You can also make use of the following features:

 Enable a horizontal scroll-bar to navigate between the trace items in the Property Panel.
This is enabled from the Trend Menu button -> Trend Options ->General options.
 Select a trace item by clicking its plot line in a graph view.
 In addition to PANE and QUADRANT assignments in Properties panel and Details Panel
context menu, you can move trace items to difference panes and quadrants by doing a
left-click-drag on the plot line.
 You can pin or unpin the Properties Panel in a trend window. In an un-pinned state, the
panel is hidden with just the title visible along the edge of the trend window. Hover the
mouse on the title and the Properties Panel will temporarily slide into the trend window.
Move the mouse outside or click in the outside area to make the panel slide back.

Figure 352: Properties Panel and Visibility Panel options

The Visibility Panel is an alternative location for controlling trace and scale visibility. It is useful
because the Details Panel is sometimes hide itself or is usually sized such that all points cannot
be viewed without scrolling through its rows.

OW360_20 523
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.16 To set the length of time for a trend (Live Trends only)
1. Access the Trend window (see page 421).
2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Set icon in the Duration section.

Figure 353: Duration section in Trend ribbon tab (Live Trend)

4. Select the desired time duration from the drop-down list. This will be the length of time for
Live Trend display.

Figure 354: Duration drop-down list

11.5.17 To specify a time span for a trend (Historical Trends only)

You can specify a time span for a Historical Trend in the following ways:
 Using the Choose Time Span dialog box (see page 524).
 Using the Set Time Span drop-down list (see page 526).

524 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

11.5.18 To specify a time span by using the Choose Time Span dialog box

Use the following steps to specify a time span by using the Choose Time Span dialog box:

1. Access the Trend window (see page 421).

2. Click Set in the Time Span group of the Trend ribbon tab.
3. The Choose Time Span dialog box appears:

Figure 355: Choose Time Span dialog box

4. You can specify the desired time span by using the following options:
 Start Time and End Time (can be specified as either an absolute value or a relative value)
 Start Time and Duration (Duration contains preset durations that are the same as the
preset durations for Live Trends)
 End Time and Duration
 Pencil icon (toggles between absolute and relative time modes)
 Absolute time syntax (specifies the trend start and/or end time using exact times)
 Relative time syntax (specifies the trend start and/or end time and is relative to commonly
understood time boundaries such as current time, current hour, today, yesterday, and so
 Time zone selection (If time zones have been previously configured, they will appear in a
drop-down window. You can select a time zone and then specify time in that time zone.)
 C button (resets current time)
 L button (restores the time span to the previously entered time span)
 Sample Count

OW360_20 525
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

In the date-time box for absolute date-time, the suffix LCL means local time zone. If time zones
have been configured in the Trend Options (see page 447) window, they will appear in a drop-
down window activated by a click on the down arrow in the date-time box. You can select a time
zone and then specify time in that time zone. This feature allows you to specify a time zone
setting that is different from your local time zone. It is useful when the historian has data collected
from a large geographic area and you want to present the data by using the same time zone as
the remote Ovation system.

Note: You can define the format of the absolute date-time string that appears in the Start Time
and End Time boxes. Click the C option button to show current time in the date-time box and
click the L option button to restore the time span to the one used for the last request.

The pencil icon at the right end of the date-time box toggles absolute and relative mode. Relative
time can be specified by typing the string or by using the drop-down window activated by a click
on the down arrow in the date-time box. The following figure shows the drop-down window that
can be used to specify relative time interactively.

Figure 356: Specifying the relative time interactively

A few examples of relative time are as follows:

 ct – 15mi: current time minus 15 minutes
 yd – 3hr – 10mi: yesterday 00:00 minus (3 hours and 10 minutes)
Relative time makes it unnecessary to specify absolute time values every time a trend needs to
be generated.

11.5.19 To specify a time span by using the Set Time Span drop-down list

Use the following steps to specify a time span by using the Set Time Span drop-down list:

1. Access the Trend window (see page 421).

2. Click the drop-down arrow below Set in the Time Span group of the Trend ribbon tab to view
the available time span options. The options include easy-to-use time period presets, as
shown in the following figures:

526 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

Figure 357: Further options associated with the “Last” option

OW360_20 527
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

Figure 358: Further options associated with the “Past” option

Figure 359: Further options associated with the “From start of” option

528 OW360_20
11.5 Trend Building – Configuring trend content

3. You can specify the time span by selecting any option from the list. If the current date is
February 26, 2013 (Tuesday) and current time is 11:45, the Trends application interprets
various options as described in the following table.

Options in the Set Time Span drop-down list


Previous Hour February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013

10:00 11:00
Yesterday February 25, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 00:00
Last → Monday February 25, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 00:00
Last → Tuesday February 19, 2013 February 20, 2013
00:00 00:00
Last → Wednesday February 20, 2013 February 21, 2013
00:00 00:00
Last → Thursday February 21, 2013 February 22, 2013
00:00 00:00
Last → Friday February 22, 2013 February 23, 2013
00:00 00:00
Last → Saturday February 23, 2013 February 24, 2013
00:00 00:00
Last → Sunday February 24, 2013 February 25, 2013
00:00 00:00
Past → 10 minutes February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013
11:35 11:45
Past → 30 minutes February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013
11:15 11:45
Past → 60 minutes February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013
10:45 11:45
Past → 2 hours February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013
09:45 11:45
Past → 1 day February 25, 2013 February 26, 2013
11:45 11:45
Past → 2 days February 24, 2013 February 26, 2013
11:45 11:45
Past → 7 days February 19, 2013 February 26, 2013
11:45 11:45

OW360_20 529
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures


Past → 14 days February 12, 2013 February 26, 2013

11:45 11:45
Current Hour February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013
11:00 11:45
Today February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
Current Week February 25, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Today February 26, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Yesterday February 25, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Last Monday February 25, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Last Tuesday February 19, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Last Wednesday February 20, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Last Thursday February 21, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Last Friday February 22, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Last Saturday February 23, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45
From start of → Last Sunday February 24, 2013 February 26, 2013
00:00 11:45

11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

Use the following procedures to build a common trend:

1. Define a default style (see page 531).

2. Create a new trend (see page 531).
3. Create an XY Plot (see page 534).
4. Add reference lines to a trend (see page 534).
5. Save a Trend Group Definition (see page 541).
6. Customize trace properties (see page 508).

530 OW360_20
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.1 To define a default Style to be used for building a trend

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421).
2. To create a new style, see the To save a defined appearance as a reusable style (see page
487) section.
3. To choose a style from previously saved styles, click the Trend Menu button. Select Trend
4. The Trend Options dialog box appears with the General option selected. Use the Default
Style option to choose a style from previously saved Styles (see page 487).

Figure 360: General Options in the Trend Options window

OW360_20 531
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.2 To create a new trend

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421).
2. From the Trend Menu button, select New and then click the Live Trend Type or Historical
Trend Type.
Use a saved trend (TGD) (see page 541) as a starting point.
3. Specify appearance (see page 449).
4. Configure time specification (see page 497).
5. Assign points to be trended (see page 502).

532 OW360_20
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

6. Customize Trace Properties. This is an optional step in the process of creating a trend. The
Trace Properties window, as shown in the following figure, allows you to view existing traces'
configuration. You can manage the trace items (such as trend scale, display settings, and so
forth) by using the Add Point, Browse Points, Remove Trace, and Remove All buttons
located at the bottom of the window. For more information on customizing trace properties,
refer to To manage trace items in a trend (see page 508).

Figure 361: Trace Properties window when Live trend type is selected

OW360_20 533
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.3 To create an XY Plot

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421).
2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Trace Properties icon in the Points section.
4. The Trace Properties dialog box appears.
5. In the Display Settings section of the Trace Properties dialog box or slide out panel, specify
XY Plot - X Axis for one point as explained in the To manage trace items in a trend (see page
508) section.

Figure 362: The Display Settings section of the Trace Properties window

11.6.4 To add reference/marker lines to a trend

You can add a reference or marker line on the trend chart to visually compare the reference line
with the trended process activity.

To add a reference line to a trend, perform the following steps:

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Trace Properties icon in the Points section.
4. The Trace Properties dialog box appears.
5. In the Scale section of the Trace Properties dialog box or slide out panel, use the Lines field
to add a reference line.

Figure 363: The Scale section of the Trace Properties window

534 OW360_20
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

6. In the Lines field, select the cell and click the ellipses to view the Marker Lines dialog box.
On this dialog box, click Add New Line to add a reference line on the trend chart:

Figure 364: Defining properties of a marker line

 The fields in the Marker Lines dialog box are described below:
 Y Value: Specify the Y value on the scale to display a horizontal marker line at that
 Label: Specify a label for the marker line.
 Color: Select the color of the marker line from available options in the drop-down box.
 Thickness: Specify the thickness of the marker line.
 Line Style: Select the style of the line from the available drop-down options such as
Dash, Dash Dot, Dash Dot Dot, Dot, and Solid.
 Visible: Check or clear the check box to view or hide the marker line. You can also
delete the line using the Delete button.
The following figure shows an example of the marker line where the Y Value specified is

Figure 365: An example of the Marker line

OW360_20 535
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.5 To add shading to a baseline value

You can select the transparency of the graph area with respect to other trace plots and to the
background of the Trend window and also specify a base for plotting trace item by following these

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Trace Properties icon in the Points section.
4. The Trace Properties dialog box appears.
5. In the Display Settings section of the Trace Properties dialog box, use the Transparency
and the Base Value fields.
 In the Transparency field, using the slide bar, select the transparency of the graph area
with respect to other trace plots and to the background of the Trend window. This option
is only enabled for Area-related graphs (Area, Area Bars, and Step Area as selected in
the Graph Type field).
 In the Base Value fields, specify a base for plotting a trace item with respect to the graph
type of Area, Area Bars, Step Area, and Line Bars. For example, for an Area graph type,
the area above and below the base value will be shaded.

Figure 366: The Display Settings section of the Trace Properties window

536 OW360_20
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.6 To distinguish trend traces

Follow these steps to set color, line style, line thickness, and data markers for each trend trace:

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Trace Properties icon in the Points section.
4. The Trace Properties dialog box appears.
5. In the Main section of the Trace Properties dialog box, examine the good and non good
colors for each trend trace. For additional information, refer to To manage trace items in a
trend (see page 508).

Figure 367: The Main section of the Trace Properties window

6. In the Display Settings section of the Trace Properties dialog box, you can select the style of
the line, thickness of the trace plot line, and view data markers. For additional information,
refer to To manage trace items in a trend (see page 508).

Figure 368: The Display Settings section of the Trace Properties window

OW360_20 537
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

The following figure shows the traces for digital points in various colors, line thickness, and line

Figure 369: Distinguish Traces

The following figure shows two historical traces (both are the same) for the same process point.
Trace in Pane A is without data markers and trace in Pane B shows data markers:

Figure 370: Displaying data markers

538 OW360_20
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.7 To hide the time scale for upper panes and quadrants
1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).
2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box. Select the Stacked
Panes Layout tab.
4. Clear the X-Axis Visible check box to hide the time scale for each upper pane as shown in
the following figure:

Figure 371: Hide the time scale

5. Next, in the Configure Settings dialog box, select the Quadrant Layout tab.
6. Clear the X-Axis Visible check box to hide the time scale for upper quadrants (A and C) as
explained in the To configure a Quadrant Layout appearance (see page 471) section.

OW360_20 539
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.8 To overlay actual readings against periodic aggregates

The Processing Type field in the Specify Point Information dialog box allows you to overlay an
actual reading against periodic aggregates (a single result from a collection of input values).

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Add icon from the Points section.
4. The Specify Point Information dialog box appears.
5. Use the Processing Type field to define the mathematical processing you want to use for
aggregating samples for Historical trends.
6. Refer to To add a point to a trend (see page 503) and To add a Compound Trace (see page
506) sections for more information about using aggregates.
7. Note that the trend shown in the following graphic has three traces, all for the same point, and
all over a two hour time span. One is the actual value, using 2000 samples to provide a fine
resolution of the data over that time period to show how that process point’s value changed.
Often it is useful to observe aggregated results (for example, average) compared against the
actual value. The other two traces are averages, one for each ten minute period within the two
hours and one for the entire two hour time span.
 Trace 1 has:
 2000 “Actual” samples with a Graph Type of “Line”.
 Trace 2 has:
 12 “Time Average” samples with a Graph Type of “Step Area” (2 hours / 12 samples =
10 minutes/sample).
 Trace 3 has one “Time Average” sample with a Graph Type of “Step Line”.

Figure 372: Traces of same point with different samples

540 OW360_20
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.9 To save a Trend Group Definition (TGD)

A Trend Definition is a previously defined and saved trend configuration consisting of all the
trend’s settings including appearance, point assignments, time span, and more. Trend Definitions
are created when saved to a user specified folder according to their role privileges and can be
reused at a later time. Trend Definitions are saved as .tgd files through the Save As option on the
Trend Menu button. Trend Definitions replace the Trend Groups and TND file functionality from
previous releases. The Trend Group Definitions (TGD) are created using the Trend application
itself. Administrators can create system-wide standard trend definitions available read-only to all
users. Operators can create their own specific trends and save them.

Use the following procedure to create or modify an existing Trend:

Note: A setting under Trend Options / Data Display defines whether a saved historical trend
(TGD) will execute immediately upon opening or if it will wait for the user to press "Begin."

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Click the Trend Menu button and select "Save As."
3. Choose Role or User location:
 If the User selected is Admin, you can save TGDs to the following areas:
 System wide access
 Role specific access
 User specific access
 If the User selected is non-Admin user, you can save TGDs to your personal areas.
4. Create or choose an existing Folder.

Note: You can create, rename, or delete folders to organize the Trend Group Definition (TGD)
files for later use.

5. Choose an appropriate file name to allow easy recognition. For example, use plant area,
process description, or related equipment along with time coverage for the saved trend.

OW360_20 541
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

6. Click Save As.

Figure 373: Trend definitions defined as per role

To know more about how the Trend Groups are migrated to Trend Group Definitions, please refer
to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

11.6.10 To display Trend Definitions at the Operator Station

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).
2. Click the Trend Menu button and select Open.
3. Select the desired .tgd file.
4. Note that the Live Trend Definitions will begin to trend immediately upon opening. Historical
Trend Definitions will either auto execute the historical data retrieval or wait for user action

Note: A setting under Trend Menu button >Trend Options > Data Display defines whether a
saved historical trend (TGD) will execute immediately upon opening or if it will wait for the user
to press "Begin." See Configuring the Data Display Trend Options (see page 440) for additional

542 OW360_20
11.6 Trend Building – Common trend building procedures

11.6.11 To rename or delete a trend group definition

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).
2. Click the Trend Menu button, select Save As.
3. Choose Role or User location.
4. The right-side of the dialog box displays the list of TGDs. Select a tgd file to be renamed.
Click and you will now be able to rename the file.
5. Select a file you want to delete. Press the DELETE key from the keyboard. To delete the file,
click Yes on the confirmation pop up box.

Figure 374: Trend definitions defined as per role

OW360_20 543
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

After you have configured how your trends will appear, you can use the Trend ribbon bar to work
with trends. You can use the Trend ribbon tab to pause live trends, zoom trends, page through
time, save and reuse time periods, and explore and compare trend values. Use the following
procedure to access the Trend ribbon tab:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab. The Trend ribbon bar appears. Select the desired action.

Figure 375: Trend ribbon tab for Live trends

Figure 376: Trend ribbon tab for Historical trends

544 OW360_20
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

11.7.1 To pause, resume, or begin a trend

At times, it is desirable to halt the dynamic plotting of a live trend so that it is easier to examine
recent process activity:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Stop/Start icon to resume or pause the dynamic updating of the live trend.
Select the Begin icon to begin a historical trend. This option is only available for Historical

Figure 377: Action section in Trend ribbon tab (Live Trend)

Figure 378: Action section in Trend ribbon tab (Historical Trend)

Click the green or red rectangle appearing on the left side in the status bar (at the bottom of
the Trend window) to resume or pause the updating of the trend.

OW360_20 545
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

11.7.2 To save a trend

The Save As option allows you to save the current trend configuration as a Trend Group
Definition (.tgd) file (see To Save a Trend Group Definition (TGD) (see page 541) for more

Use the following procedure to use the Save As option:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Click the Trend Menu button.
3. Select the Save As option.
4. You can save the configuration file to a directory of your choice. You can then reuse (open)
the file at a later time.

Note: You can save Historical Trends in the following two ways:

• A Historical Trend can be saved for a specific absolute period in time. This trend can then
be recalled later as a benchmark reference.
• A Historical Trend can be saved with a time range relative to the current time (time of trend
request) or the most recent time boundary (beginning of most recent hour, day, or week).
This trend can then be used to obtain a recent time period for analysis.

11.7.3 To open an existing trend

The Open option allows you to open an existing live or historical trend from a previously saved
Trend Group Definition (.tgd) file (see To Save a Trend Group Definition (TGD) (see page 541)
additional information.)

Use the following procedure to use the Open option:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Click the Trend Menu button.
3. Select the Open option. A window appears with a list of previously saved trend definitions
(.tgd files).
4. Navigate to the desired trend definition, select the file name, and click Open.
5. Note that the selected Trend Definitions (Live) will begin to trend immediately upon opening.
6. Note that the Trend Definitions (Historical) will either auto execute the historical data retrieval
or wait for user action (Begin), based on the settings that were configured through Trend
Menu button > Trend Options > Data Display.
7. To learn more about how the Trend Groups are migrated to Trend Group Definitions, please
refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

546 OW360_20
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

11.7.4 To refresh the plot data values of a trend

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).
2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Refresh icon to refresh the trend with data from the Historian.

Figure 379: Action section in Trend ribbon tab (Live Trend)

Figure 380: Refreshing a trend (Historical Trend)

11.7.5 To print a trend

You can print trends at the Operator Station. Use the following procedure:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421). Display the desired Trend view (for example,
Graph, Table, Information, Summary, or Radar (see page 430) view.
2. Select the Print option from the Trend Menu button and the Print window appears. Select the
appropriate printing options.
3. To modify specific output options, click the Preferences button.
4. Click OK to accept the changes and to print.

Note: You can only print one Trend view (the Graph, Table, Information, Summary, or Radar
view) at a time.

OW360_20 547
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

11.7.6 To memorize and recall a time span (Historical and Event Trends only)

There may be a situation where you are exploring historical data for a set of points, and after
paging and zooming in time, you observe an anomaly. You can observe the activity for that time
period with a different set of points by memorizing that resultant time period and then recalling it
after loading a different trend definition.

Use the following steps to memorize and recall a time span. This feature is only available for
Historical Trends.

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Memorize icon to memorize the current time span (start time, end time, and
duration of trend) to be recalled later.
4. If desired, select the Recall icon to recall the previously memorized time span.

Note: The Memorize button will memorize the time range of the event trend that can be recalled
later for historical trend and event trend.

11.7.7 To zoom a trend

You can use the Graphical Zoom section of the Trend ribbon tab to zoom trends in and out. Use
the following procedure:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the desired zoom function from the Graphical Zoom section. The options are:
 Zoom In to focus on a closer view of a trend.
 Zoom Out to focus on a further out view of a trend.
 Zoom Restore to restore a trend display to its un-zoomed state.

Figure 381: Graphical Zoom section in Trend ribbon tab

548 OW360_20
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

4. Select from the following options to perform different zoom procedures:

 On an un-zoomed graph view, use left-click-drag or CTRL+Left-click-drag to create a full
vertical zoom rectangle. Release the mouse and an X-axis graphical zoom is performed.
 Press the Escape key or right-click to cancel the above operation.
 In graphically zoomed view, left-click-drag to pan the view. For additional graphical zoom,
use CTRL+Left-click-drag.
 A graphically zoomed chart will show scroll-bars for the trend view. Use these bars to pan
the view.
 Double-click a graphically zoomed chart to restore the graphical zoom.
 Use SHIFT+Left-click-drag to create a zoom rectangle. This can be used for zooming
along both X- and Y-axes.
 SHIFT+Left-click to zoom the view by three times.
 ALT+Left-click to zoom out the view by three times.
 CTRL+(Plus key) to zoom the view by 20 percent.
 CTRL+(Minus key) to zoom out the view by 20 percent.
5. If you use the Data Zoom function (historical trend only), the following occurs:
 Data Zoom In allows you to see more in-depth data for a reduced time range.
 Data Zoom Out shows less in-depth data for a wider time range. For more information,
please refer to the applicable Ovation Process Historian User Guide.
 If you perform a Data Zoom function on a live trend (as described in the following step),
this operation activates a historical trend.
 Right-click-drag to create a full vertical zoom rectangle. Release the mouse to perform
Data Zoom. Press the Escape key or left-click to cancel this operation.

11.7.8 To page through a trend

You can use the Page section of the Trend ribbon tab to view previous trend data. Use the
following procedure:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Page Back icon to view the trend data for the previous time span. The previous
time span will be the same length as the current time span.
4. For Historical trends, you can select the Page Next icon to view trend data for the later time
span. The later time span will be the same length as the current time span.

Figure 382: Page section in Trend tab

OW360_20 549
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

11.7.9 To identify different values on a trend graph

The Explore functions allow you to identify plot values and time instances that correspond to lines
that you have placed onto the trend graph. Use the following procedure:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select one of the options from the Explore section:
 Trace Values.
 Compare Values.

Figure 383: Explore section in Trend tab

4. Select Trace Values to activate a cursor line that you can move to the desired location on a
trend plot. The plot data values are displayed in the Details Panel (see page 478) and the time
corresponding to the cursor line appears in the right footer of the Trend application window.
5. You can also activate the Trace Values function by hovering the mouse cursor at the very top
of the trend graph area. You will see a special icon (triangular shape). Left-click the mouse
once the special icon appears. A cursor line appears that follows the mouse movement to
your desired location. A subsequent left-click deactivates the Trace Values function.

550 OW360_20
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

Note that the Trace Values line cursor only moves when you reposition it. Therefore, a live
trend will move beneath it and then the line cursor represents a new point in time.

Figure 384: Trace hover value

Figure 385: An example of trace value cursor line

OW360_20 551
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

6. Select Compare Values to compare the values and time differences between two user-
positioned line cursors. This function is activated in two ways, through the Compare Values
button or by positioning the mouse cursor just below the time scale and then doing a left-click
(when the mouse cursor changes to an Up arrow) to display a line cursor. A second line can
be placed in the same way. For a live trend, the line cursors will “stick” to the trend traces to
mark that instant in time and will move to the left with the trace as new dynamic data updates
You have the following line placement options: Left Cursor Line, Right Cursor Line, and Both
Cursor Lines. Click the Both Cursor Lines option and you will have two line cursors on the
trend as shown in the following figure:

Figure 386: An example of Compare Values cursor lines

7. The values and times that correspond to the two line cursors are displayed in one of two
places depending on user preferences set under Trend Menu button > Trend Options > Value
Explorer. You can configure this information to display within the Details Panel or in a
separate pop-up window. In addition to the values and times at the cursors, the difference in
value and time between the cursors is computed and displayed.

552 OW360_20
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

8. Use the Details Panel (see page 478) to view the Cursor-lines information as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 387: Cursor-lines information in the Details Panel

9. You can reposition the cursor lines by holding them with left-click and dragging. A click just
below the time axis (when the cursor changes to Up arrow), will change the position of the
nearest cursor line to the clicked location when both lines have been activated, or else this will
create a new cursor line.

11.7.10 To activate the deferred execution mode for historical trends

Historical Trend offers a special deferred execution mode. This mode allows you to build the trend
definition in its entirety, specify time span, and when done, click the Begin option in the Trend
ribbon tab to start data retrieval for the trend and to update the plot.

Use the following steps to activate the deferred execution mode for Historical Trends:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select Historical Type Trend.
3. Click Set in the Time Span group of the Trend ribbon tab.
4. The Choose Time Span dialog box appears:

Figure 388: Choose Time Span dialog box while using a deferred execution mode in
Historical Trends

OW360_20 553
11.7 Trend Operation - Working with Trends

5. Click OK. As you can see in the previous figure, if the current time is 2/4/2013 11:36:06 LCL,
the time range is automatically set as follows:
 Start Time: Current Time (ct) - Duration = (2/4/2013 11:36:06 LCL) - (10 min) = 2/4/2013
11:26:06 LCL
 End Time: ct
 Duration: 10 minutes

Note: Clicking OK in the Trace Properties window retains this mode if the trend was already in
deferred mode. Otherwise, the trend is updated immediately.

11.7.11 To use the context menu of E icon on historical trends

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).
2. Enable Event Trend (see page 499).
3. Select Historical Type Trend.
 In the Graph tab, right-click the E icon, a context menu appears.

Figure 389: E icon -- right-click menu

 The right-click menu of the E icon contains the following options.

Options in the right-click menu of the E icon


Launch Event Trend Opens the Event Trend in the same

Launch Event Trend (New Opens the Event Trend in a new window.
Memorize Event Time Span Memorizes the current time span in effect.
Browse Events Opens the Events Browser window.

554 OW360_20
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

The Event Trend window is similar to the Live and Historical Trend windows and consists of the
following components:
 Trend Menu Button: Same as live and historical trend windows.
 Trend Quick Access Toolbar: Different from live and historical trend windows. See Quick
Access Toolbar of an Event Trend.
 Ribbon tabs: The following tabs are available:
 Home ribbon tab: Same as live and historical trend windows.
 Format ribbon tab: Same as live and historical trend windows.
 Trend ribbon tab: Different from live and historical trend windows. See Trend ribbon tab
of an Event Trend.
 Dockable tabs or Trend Data Display view panels: Different from live and historical trend
windows. The following tabs are available:
 Graph tab (see page 557).
 Table View tab (see page 559).
 Event Details tab (see page 561).
 Properties Panel: Same as live and historical trend windows.
 Details Panel: Same as live and historical trend windows.
 Status bar: Same as live and historical trend windows.

Figure 390: Components of the Event Trend window

OW360_20 555
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

11.8.1 Event Trend specific menu options on the Trend ribbon tab

The following table describes Event Trend specific menu options on the Trend ribbon tab in the
Trend window.

Event Trend specific menu options on the Trend ribbon tab


Browse Events Opens the Events Browser window. Use this window to specify event search filters and
run an Event Trend.
Refresh Use this option to refresh the trend display with newly acquired event data without
altering the time span.
Set (Time Use these options to configure time span settings:
Span)  Associated drop-down menu with the Set menu option offers convenient time span
presets for the Event Trend: 2, 6, 10, 30, 60, 120, and 180 seconds.
 Click Memorize to memorize the current time span in effect.
 Click Recall to recall the memorized time span and to update the trend display
Browse Points Opens the Add Event Points window. A list of available event points displays.
Select points to add to a trend.
Page Back Use this option to update the trend display to show data in the preceding time span with
respect to the time span currently in effect. The associated menu options allow going
backward by a full page and half page.
Page Next Use this option to update the trend display to show data in the succeeding time span
with respect to the time span currently in effect. The associated menu options allow
going forward by a full page and half page.

556 OW360_20
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

11.8.2 Graph tab of an Event Trend

The Graph tab is the main tab that is frequently used to observe process activity. The Graph tab
displays the plots of process values over a time range. The T icon in an Event Trend indicates the
moment when a triggered event occurs.

Note: Generally, the graph of a Controller-type Event Trend spreads over 3 minutes (2 minutes
before and 1 minute after the T icon).

The following figure depicts a Graph tab view for an Event Trend generated from a Controller

Figure 391: Event Trend window -- Graph tab (Controller event)

OW360_20 557
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

The following figure depicts a Graph tab view for an Event Trend generated from a DEC Module

Figure 392: Event Trend window -- Graph tab (DEC Module event)


• When the graph of an Event Trend contains a lot of trend activity, it is difficult to get the drag
box to appear when you are attempting to click-drag zoom, and a circle with a slash appears
as the cursor. To override this behavior, press and hold the Control key before the click-
drag operation.
• Click-drag with a Control key (Control+click-drag) is also used to force a zoom, instead of a
pan, whenever the pan hand cursor appears. This is the case whenever the Display Ratio
becomes 1:1, indicating that there is no additional detail available from the buffer. The
Control+click-drag operation magnifies the existing plot data.

558 OW360_20
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

11.8.3 Table View tab of an Event Trend

The Table View tab displays the Event Trend results in a tabular format.

Note: The Table View tab does not display approximated rows. It displays all rows from the
event data file.

The timestamp background is displayed in the following colors:

 Green: Displays event data that falls in the time range being displayed for the trend.
 Gray: Displays event data that falls outside the time range being displayed for the trend.
The following figure depicts a Table View for an Event Trend generated from a Controller event.

Figure 393: Event Trend window -- Table View tab (Controller event)

OW360_20 559
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

The following figure depicts a Table View for an Event Trend generated from a DEC Module

Figure 394: Event Trend window -- Table View tab (DEC Module event)

560 OW360_20
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

11.8.4 Event Details tab of an Event Trend

The Event Details tab displays the following details about the selected event:
 Event Name: Indicates the name of a Controller or DEC event.
 Event Source: Indicates the drop where the event originates.
 Trigger Time: Indicates the time at which the triggered event occurred during the trend time
 Start Time: Indicates the start time of the event trend.
 End Time: Indicates the end time of the event trend.
 Historian: Indicates the historian designated to receive triggered events.
 Interval: Indicates the scan interval of the event trend. This field only appears for DEC
 Event Variables: Displays various attributes of the points in the Triggered Event list, such as
point name, description, minimum, and maximum values.
 Trigger Variables: Displays the trigger variables and their associated values.
 Trigger Condition: Displays the Boolean expression consisting of variables, operators, and
constants. When the trigger condition occurs, the data is sent to the historian for analysis.
The following figure depicts an Event Details tab view for an Event Trend generated from a
Controller event.

Figure 395: Event Trend window -- Event Details tab

OW360_20 561
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

The following figure depicts an Event Details tab view for an Event Trend generated from a DEC
Module event.

Figure 396: Event Trend window -- Event Details tab (DEC Module event)

562 OW360_20
11.8 Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends

11.8.5 Interaction between Event Trend view tabs when Trace Explorer is active

Since view tabs are dockable, you can position them so that the Graph, Table View, and Event
Details tabs are shown together (see the following figure). Moving the line cursor adjusts the
views accordingly.

Figure 397: Interaction between Event Trend view tabs when Trace Explorer is active

11.8.6 Event Trend specific user preferences

The following table lists the Event Trend specific user preferences, which are specified in the
Trend Options window. The Trend Options window can be accessed by using the Trend Menu

Event Trend specific user preferences


Input Date-Time Controls the format of a date-time string in the date-time box for specifying the
format (under General absolute start time and end time in the Time Span dialog box for the Event
tab) Trend application.
Historians tab Displays a list of Ovation Process Historians to be used as a source of the
event data request.
Time Zones tab Displays frequently used time-zone abbreviations for specifying absolute start
and end time for the Event Trend time span.
Events tab See Events tab in the Trend Options (see page 448) window.

OW360_20 563
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

Similar to Live and Historical Trends, you can perform the following tasks with an Event Trend:
 Zoom an Event Trend.
 Page through an Event Trend.
 Save an Event Trend.
 Memorize and recall a time span for an Event Trend.
 Specify trace properties for an Event Trend.
 Add a trace to an Event Trend.
 Remove a trace from an Event Trend.
 Use Chart Options in Event Trends.
The following section details tasks specific to Event Trends.

11.9.1 To specify event filters in the Events Browser window

Use the following steps to specify event filters in the Events Browser window:

1. Access the Events Browser window.

2. From the Events Browser window, click Set Filters. The Events Browser window updates to
show additional fields for specifying filters.

Figure 398: Events Browser window -- specifying filters

564 OW360_20
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

The following table describes various event filter options.

Event filter options


Time Span Specifies the time span by using any of the following options:
 Time Span dialog box (see page 566).
 Time Span drop-down list (see page 567).
Event Name Specifies an event name for the filter search.
Network/Unit Specifies the network and unit filter for the search.

Historians Specifies the Ovation Process Historian that supplies historical data.
Type Specifies the event type:
 DEC Module
 Controller
Source Drop Specifies the Source drop from where an event originates.

3. After you specify the filter options, click Start from the taskbar. The Event Records group
displays the search results in the form of event records.

Figure 399: Events Browser window -- event records

OW360_20 565
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

Specifying time span filter for Events search using the Time Span dialog box

Use the following steps to specify a time span filter by using the Time Span dialog box:

1. Access the Events Browser window.

2. From the Events Browser window, click Set Filters. The Events Browser window updates to
show additional fields for specifying filters.
3. Click Time Span. The Time Span dialog box appears.

Note: Click the Time Span button to open the dialog box. If you click the drop-down arrow
(adjacent to the button), the Time Span drop-down list appears (see page 567).

Figure 400: Events Browser window -- Time Span dialog box

4. In the Time Span dialog box, you can specify the time span by using the following options:
 Start Time and End Time
 Start Time and Duration
 End Time and Duration
 Absolute time specification syntax
 Relative time specification
 Time zone selection
 Current time reset (the “C” button)
 Previous entered time reset (the “L” button)

566 OW360_20
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

Duration is one of the preset durations that are the same as the presets for Live Trends. Start
time and/or end time can be specified as either absolute value or relative value. In the date-
time box for absolute date-time, the suffix LCL means local time zone. If time zones are
configured in the Trend Options window, they appear in a drop-down window activated by
clicking the down arrow in the date-time box. You can select a time zone for specifying time in
that time zone. This feature allows you to specify a time zone setting that is different from
your local time zone. It is useful when the historian has data collected from a large geographic
area, and you want to present the data by using the same time zone as the remote Ovation

Note: Input date/time format user preference controls the format of the absolute date-time string
that appears in the Start Time and End Time boxes. Clicking the C option button shows the
current time in the date-time box. Clicking the L option button restores the time span to the one
used for the last request.

The pencil icon at the right end of the date-time box toggles absolute and relative mode.
Relative time can be specified by typing the string or by using the drop-down window
activated by clicking the down arrow in the date-time box. The following figure shows the
drop-down window that can be used to specify relative time interactively.

Figure 401: Specifying the relative time interactively

A few examples of relative time are as follows:

 ct – 15mi: current time minus 15 minutes
 yd – 3hr – 10mi: yesterday 00:00 minus (3 hours and 10 minutes)
5. Click OK to apply settings.

OW360_20 567
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

Specifying time span filter for Events search using the Time Span drop-down list

Use the following steps to specify a time span filter by using the Time Span drop-down list:

1. Access the Events Browser window.

2. From the Events Browser window, click Set Filters. The Events Browser window updates to
show additional fields for specifying filters. Click the drop-down arrow, adjacent to the Time
Span button. The Time Span drop-down list appears.

Note: Click the drop-down arrow, adjacent to the Time Span button, to open the Time Span
drop-down list. If you click the Time Span button, the Time Span dialog box appears (see page

Figure 402: Events Browser window -- Time Span drop-down list

3. You can specify the time span by selecting any option from the list. For example, if the current
date is April 26, 2017 (Wednesday) and the current time is 11:45, the Event Trends
application interprets various options as described in the following table.

Options in the Time Span drop-down list


Today April 26, 2017 April 26, 2017

00:00 11:45
Yesterday April 25, 2017 April 26, 2017
00:00 00:00
Past 7 days April 19, 2017 April 26, 2017
11:45 11:45
Past 14 days April 12, 2017 April 26, 2017
11:45 11:45
Past 21 days April 5, 2017 April 26, 2017
11:45 11:45

568 OW360_20
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends


Past 1 Month March 26, 2017 April 26, 2017

11:45 11:45
Past 2 Months February 26, 2017 April 26, 2017
11:45 11:45

11.9.2 To run an Event Trend from the Events Browser window

Use the following steps to run an Event Trend from the Events Browser window:

1. Access the Events Browser window.

2. Specify event filters in the Events Browser window (see page 564).
3. Select an event record (an event) from the Event Records group. The Events Browser
window updates to show the event details for the selected record.
An event pertains to one of the following event types:
 Controller
 DEC Module
4. Click Launch Trend, located at the upper-right corner of the Events Browser window.
Double-click the event record.
(For example purposes, the following figure depicts the selection of a Controller event.)

Figure 403: Events Browser window

OW360_20 569
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

5. The Event Trend window appears for the selected event record. You can view the trend
details in the following tabs:
 Graph (see page 557).
 Table View (see page 559).
 Event Details (see page 561).

11.9.3 To specify trace properties for an Event Trend

You can specify the trace properties by using the Trace Properties option in the Points group of
the Trend ribbon tab. The trace properties used for retrieving event data are described in the
following table. For other properties, and for information on using trace properties, refer to the
Ovation Operator Station User Guide.

Trace properties in an Event Trend


Historian Specifies the Ovation Process Historian that supplies event data. It
can be specified per trace item.

Note: Use the Trend Options dialog box to specify a list of historians
to be used for Event Trends.

570 OW360_20
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

The following figure shows the Trace Properties window for the Event Trend application.

Figure 404: Trace Properties window for an Event Trend

OW360_20 571
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

11.9.4 To zoom an Event Trend

Event Trend has a different (auto-zoom) zooming behavior than Live and Historical Trends.

In Live and Historical Trends:

 A left-click-drag magnifies the current data set.
 A right-click-drag shows a higher resolution data set.
However, in case of Event Trends, both left-click and right-click zooms produce the same action:
 To plot a higher resolution data set until the data to plot has a Display Ratio of 1:1. After this,
both left-click and right-click show a magnified view of the raw data values.
For example, consider a 30-second DEC event with 0.390625 millisecond sample interval. This
produces 76,800 samples to represent in the Event Trend, which is far more than the pixels to
show them. The trend application processes the samples to produce a reduced number of plot
values in such a way as to not lose transients and they are written to the graph display canvas.
Initially, that 30 sec has a Display Ratio of 38:1, meaning that approximately 2000 plots are
written to the graph. When a zoom is initiated, the original data file is reprocessed using the
zoomed time span to produce a new set of ~2000 plot values. This zoom reprocessing occurs
until the Display Ratio is 1:1. At this time, the zoom action no longer processes plot values and
writes them to the graph. Further zooming provides a shorter time span and a magnified view of
the sample values.

To restore the original Time Span, you can double-click in the graph canvas or choose the full
range option in the Set Time Span pull-down list.

11.9.5 To page through an Event Trend

Note: This function becomes active only after you perform one or more zooms on a trend. You
cannot page through an Event Trend that is showing a full range time span.

Use the Page group of the Trend ribbon tab to view previous and next time periods of the trend
data, as described in the following steps:

1. Run an Event Trend from the Events Browser window (see page 569).
2. Modify layout, trace content and settings, and trend formatting, as desired.
3. Zoom into a shorter time range.
4. From the Event Trend window, select the Trend ribbon tab.
5. Select the Full Page Back icon to view the trend data for the previous time span. The
previous time span will be the same length as the current time span duration.
6. Select the Full Page Next icon to view the trend data for the later time span. The later time
span will be the same length as the current time span duration.

572 OW360_20
11.9 Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Trends

11.9.6 To add a trace to an Event Trend

You may want to add a trace to an Event Trend in the following scenarios:
 Depending on the configuration of DEC or Controller events, few points or module variables
from the event data file may fail to appear in the Event Trend due to the user configuration.
You may want to re-add those points.
 You want to re-add a trace that were previously deleted from view.
To add a trace to an Event Trend, use the Add Points button in the Trace Properties window
(see page 570).

11.9.7 To remove a trace from an Event Trend

Use the Remove Trace button in the Trace Properties window (see page 570) to remove a trace
from an Event Trend. This action removes the point or module variable trace from the trend views,
but the data retrieved from the OPH is still available to the Event Trend client.

OW360_20 573
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

The sections discuss the common trend operations.

11.10.1 To open a saved Trend Group Definition (TGD)

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).
2. Click the Trend Menu button and select Open.
3. Navigate to find the desired trend:
 If you want to open a global trend, explore the System area.
 If you want to open a role based trend, explore the Roles available.
 If you want to open a personal trend, explore the User area.
4. Navigate the Folder hierarchy defined by the administrator or the user.
5. Select the desired TGD file and click Open to open the TGD file.

11.10.2 To explore data associated with a Trend graph (plot data cursor or

There are several ways to look at the numerical values that drive the trend graph. To explore the
data associated with a trend graph:

1. Access the main Trend window (see page 421).

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Hover the cursor over the trace graph, a little popup appears showing the numerical values
that drive the trend graph as shown in the following figure:

Figure 405: Trace hover value

574 OW360_20
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

4. Select one of the options from the Explore section:

 Trace Values.
 Compare Values.

Figure 406: Explore section in Trend tab

5. Select Trace Values to activate a cursor line that you can move to the desired location on a
trend plot. The plot data values are displayed in the Details Panel (see page 478) and the time
corresponding to the cursor line appears in the right footer of the Trend application window.
6. You can also activate the Trace Values function by hovering the mouse cursor at the very top
of the trend graph area. You will see a special icon (triangular shape) as shown in the
following figure. Left-click the mouse once the special icon appears. A cursor line appears that
follows the mouse movement to your desired location. A subsequent left-click deactivates the
Trace Values function.
Note that the Trace Values line cursor only moves when you reposition it. Therefore, a live
trend will move beneath it and then the line cursor represents a new point in time.

Figure 407: Trace Values option activated

OW360_20 575
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

7. Depending on the Trend options settings, a cross-hair or line cursor is displayed in order to
pin point the location of interest. The numerical values are presented at the far right columns
in the Details Panel as shown in the following figure:

Figure 408: An example of trace value cursor line

576 OW360_20
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

8. After selecting Compare Values Explorer and left-clicking the Trend graph canvas, you can
determine the differences between two points in time. The following figure shows the
differences in values and time between two cursor lines activated via the ribbon button or a
left click just BELOW the graph canvas in the time axis area (where the "up arrow" icon

Figure 409: Compare Values option activated

9. You can also explore data associated with the Trend graph using the Table and Summary
Views (only available for Historical trends).

OW360_20 577
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

10. Select Table View to see the process data presented in numerical / tabular form. The
following paragraph describes the interaction between Graph, Radar, and Table view tabs
when Trace Explorer is active:
Since the view tabs are dockable, you can position them so that the Graph and Radar and/or
Table views are shown together (see figure below). When you activate the Trace Explorer
and position the line cursor at a desired point in time, the values plotted in the Radar view and
the row highlighted in the Table view correspond to the time indicated by the line cursor.
Moving the line cursor adjusts the other Views accordingly.

Figure 410: Interaction between Graph, Radar, and Table view tabs when Trace Explorer is

11.10.3 To perform Time Navigation (page, zoom, different time period)

To explore a different time period:

 Change Live Trend Duration (see page 523) or Historical Trend Time Span (see page 524).
 Page the Duration or Time Span backward or forward (see page 549).
 Perform a Data Zoom (historical trend only) (see page 548).
To explore the same historical time period for different points:
 Identify a time period of interest via time navigation methods listed above (see page 524).
 Memorize the current Time Span (see page 547).
 Add new points of interest or open a Trend Group Definition (TGD) (see page 503).
 Recall the memorized Time Span (see page 547).

578 OW360_20
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

11.10.4 To maximize the trend graph size for distance viewing

To maximize the trend graph size for distance viewing, you can perform the following options:

1. Hide the Details Panel using the Details panel Visibility setting from the Trend window >
Format tab.

Figure 411: Detail Panel and Ribbon tab hidden

2. Minimize the Ribbon toolbar by double-clicking a tab.
 Restore temporarily by single-clicking the tab.
 Restore Ribbon by double-clicking the tab.

OW360_20 579
11.10 Trend Operation – Common trend operation procedures

3. If you want to focus on a single Graph pane, you can temporarily hide the other panes from
view by using the Pane visibility (see page 486) settings from the Format tab. Alternatively, all
the traces can be assigned to a single Graph Pane.

Figure 412: Panes 1 and 3 hidden

4. If the user wants the trend traces to be thicker, these can be modified from the Trace
Properties dialog box (see page 508) or slide-out panel (see page 522).

11.10.5 To export trend data values

To export the trend data values, perform the following steps:

1. Access the Trend main window (see page 421) > Trend Menu button.
2. Select Open and open a saved TGD file (see page 487).
3. Select the Table view or the Summary view tab depending on the type of data values desired.
4. On the Trend Menu button, click Export to open the Export window.
5. You can export the contents of the Trend data views window to Text, Image, CSV, HTML,
PDF, XML, MHT, RTF, XLS, and XLSX formats.

Note: You can export the images of the Graph or Radar views by following the steps similar to
the above steps.

580 OW360_20
11.11 Using the command prompt syntax for Trend

11.11 Using the command prompt syntax for Trend

The Trend application supports the following command prompt options, which you can use, as
 Syntax: c:\>trend.exe /loadpoint [point name]
Example: The following command starts a new instance of Trend application and starts
trending the point tech_doc_ai1 with the default trend duration and appearance settings.

Note: You can specify only one point on the command prompt.

 Syntax: c:\>trend.exe /loadsid [sid number (decimal)]

Example: If the SID in decimal for the point tech_doc_ai1 is 2147496492, the following
command starts a new instance of Trend application and starts trending the point
tech_doc_ai1 with the default trend duration and appearance settings.

Note: You can specify only one SID on the command prompt.

 Syntax: c:\>trend.exe /loadgroup [trend group definition file name

Example: The following command starts a new instance of Trend application and displays
trend for the points contained in tech_doc.tgd. The trend type (live or historical), time span,
and appearance settings are read from the TGD file and applied to the trend visual.

Note: You can specify only one TGD file on the command prompt.

 Syntax example: c:\>trend.exe /loadgroup [trend group definition file

name (.tgd)] /xywh=(20,20,900,800) /ShowDetailsPanel=No
/ShowPropertiesPanel=No /MaximizeRibbon=No
In this syntax example,
 xywh option specifies the Trend location and size information enclosed in parenthesis
and separated by commas.
 The supported values for ShowDetailsPanel, ShowPropertiesPanel, and
MaximizeRibbon options are Yes, No, True, False, 0, or 1. The values are not

Note: You can use the loadpoint, loadsid, and loadgroup command prompt options one at a
time. You can specify these command prompt options in any sequence after the "trend.exe" part
of the syntax. The supported separator characters are ‘=’ symbol and space; you may use these
characters interchangeably.

OW360_20 581
S E C T I O N 12

Using Historical Reviews


Historical Review overview ............................................................................................. 584

Components of the Historical Reviews window .............................................................. 586
Historical Review Menu button........................................................................................ 587
Quick Access Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 597
Menu bar ......................................................................................................................... 597
Ribbon bars ..................................................................................................................... 597
Settings bar ..................................................................................................................... 602
Columns Grouping bar .................................................................................................... 602
Review Details panel ....................................................................................................... 602
Dockable tabs.................................................................................................................. 605
Status bar ........................................................................................................................ 606
Setting preferences ......................................................................................................... 606
Performing a Historical Review ....................................................................................... 606
Using command line options to perform a historical review ............................................ 622
To view edited historical data from a Historical Review .................................................. 645

OW360_20 583
12.1 Historical Review overview

12.1 Historical Review overview

The Historical Review application allows you to perform specific retrieval requests for point-based
and message-based (that is, alarm, SOE, operator event) historical data. Historical retrieval
results are displayed within an interactive grid that allows you to regroup, sort, and filter the
retrieval results. The user interface for this application contains a ribbon toolbar for easy
navigation to its filtering and configuration features.

By using this functionality, you can perform the following tasks:

 Select historical time ranges, data filters, and views to review your data.
 Save the review query settings (for example, "all set point change operator events for the past
24 hours", "today's sequence of events messages", and so forth) to a Review Definition file,
according to user role, for later reuse.
 Compare specific points from multiple historians.
 Easily select common time spans (for example, yesterday, current day, past 60 min, and so
 Memorize a current time span for recall and use for other review types.
 Perform paging of a time span.
 Export the retrieval results to various file types, such as .txt, .csv, .pdf, .xls, and .xlsx.
 Investigate and diagnose detailed process records that correspond to the time period of a
plant condition or an event.
You can access Historical Review from your Operator Station or a desktop PC.

Note: The Historical Review application can only be used for OPH retrieval. Interoperability with
eDB and HSR has not been retained in Ovation 3.6.0.

Use the Historical Review application to perform the following types of reviews:
 Point: Point reviews are based on a selected time range, specific points (filtered by point
name, point group, or point characteristic), and specific review types that you select (which
define the type of collected point data that is retrieved). For example, you might be interested
to view all changes in point value, or you might be interested to view only the changes that
occurred when the points entered a particular status.
 Alarm: Alarm reviews display all alarm messages that occurred on all drops or a single drop,
selected alarm types, point types, or individual points.
 Operator Event: Operator Event reviews display operator event messages based on specific
workstation, subtypes, specific grouped subtypes, selected subtypes, and messages for a
single point.
 SOE: SOE reviews are based on workstation number and point name.
 SIS (optional): SIS activity messages are transmitted from SIS data servers. This review tab
is hidden by default.
 ASCII: ASCII messages are text messages generated by the system. The ASCII review can
display, print, or save ASCII messages that occur on all workstations or a single workstation.
 Common: Common reviews are combined reviews of one or more data types to be displayed

584 OW360_20
12.1 Historical Review overview

12.1.1 To access the Historical Reviews window

Use the following steps to access the Historical Reviews window:

1. Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Historical Review.
Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the
Historical Review icon.
2. The Historical Reviews window appears:

Figure 413: Historical Review main window

Note: The SIS dockable tab is hidden by default.

3. To run a specific type of review, click the corresponding dockable tab located at the bottom of
the Historical Reviews window. For example, click the Alarm tab to run an alarm review.
See Performing a Historical Review (see page 606) for more information.

OW360_20 585
12.2 Components of the Historical Reviews window

12.2 Components of the Historical Reviews window

The graphical user interface (GUI) for the Historical Review application is shown in the following

Figure 414: Components of the Historical Reviews window

Note: The SIS dockable tab is hidden by default.

The Historical Review GUI contains the following main components:

 Historical Review Menu button (see page 587).
 Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597).
 Menu bar (see page 597).
 Ribbon bars (see page 597).
 Settings bar (see page 602).
 Column grouping bar (see page 602).
 Review details (see page 602).
 Dockable tabs (see page 605).
 Status bar (see page 606).

586 OW360_20
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

12.3 Historical Review Menu button

The Historical Review Menu button at the top of the Historical Reviews window provides access
to several Historical Review functions. When you click the Historical Review Menu button, the
following dialog box appears:

Figure 415: Options in the Historical Review Menu button

The following table describes the functions provided by the Historical Review Menu button.

Functions provided by the Historical Review Menu button


Load Review Selects a previously saved Ovation Historical Review filter

Configuration (see page or column template to load preconfigured filtered settings
588) and selected columns.
Save Review Saves the review's current filter settings and, optionally, the
Configuration (see page current column configuration for later re-use. A custom
589) name is provided to the saved settings for easy
identification of the desired review at a later time.
Print (see page 591) Performs print, print preview, and page setup operations.

Export (see page 591) Opens the Save As window. You can export the contents
of the Historical Reviews window to text, CSV, HTML, PDF,
and XLS formats.
Preferences (see page Opens the Preferences dialog box that can be used to save
592) Historical Review application settings. These settings are
then applied to subsequent Historical Review sessions.
Historian Preferences Opens the Preferences dialog box that can be used to save
(see page 593) historical data source (Ovation Process Historian) hosts
and user-specified time zone abbreviation settings. These
settings are then applied to subsequent Historical Review
(and trend) sessions for the specified user or role.

OW360_20 587
12.3 Historical Review Menu button


Historical Reviews Modifies the configuration settings, review settings, and

Options (see page 595) time zones. In addition, you can change the look and feel of
the Historical Reviews window.
Exit Historical Review Exits and closes the Historical Review application.
(see page 596)

12.3.1 To use the Load Review Configuration option (from the Historical Review
Menu button)

Use the Load Review Configuration option (from the Historical Review Menu button) as follows:

1. Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Historical Review.
2. The Historical Reviews window appears.
3. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Load Review
Configuration. The Open dialog box appears:

Figure 416: Loading a review configuration

4. Select an existing review configuration file (.rvw), such as "All Alarms for Past 1 Day.rvw",
corresponding to a role, and click Open. The configuration settings in the selected file are
loaded for a Historical Review.

588 OW360_20
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

5. Click Begin to start the Historical Review with the loaded settings. The Historical Reviews
window appears:

Figure 417: Historical Reviews window displaying results for the loaded review
configuration file, “All Alarms for Past 1 Day.rvw”

OW360_20 589
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

12.3.2 To use the Save Review Configuration option (from the Historical Review
Menu button)

The Save Review Configuration option is used to save the Historical Review configuration
settings in a review (.rvw) file. The file can be used later to load the saved configuration settings.

Use this option as follows:

1. Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Historical Review.
2. The Historical Reviews window appears. Perform the Historical Review (see page 606) with
the desired configuration settings. The settings are displayed in the Settings bar (see page
3. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Save Review
Configuration to save the settings of your review in a file. The Save As dialog box appears:

Figure 418: Saving a review configuration

4. Select a role from the left pane and enter a name of the review configuration file, such as
"SOE Review for Past 1 Day", in the File Name box.
5. Click Save As. The review configuration file, "SOE Review for Past 1 Day.rvw", is created.
Next time, you can use the Load Review Configuration (see page 588) option to load the
configuration settings defined in the file and perform a Historical Review (see page 606).

590 OW360_20
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

12.3.3 To use the Print option (from the Historical Review Menu button)

Use the Print option (from the Historical Review Menu button) as follows:

1. Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Historical Review.
2. The Historical Reviews window appears. Perform the Historical Review (see page 606).
3. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Print to perform print,
print preview, and page setup operations.

12.3.4 To use the Export option (from the Historical Review Menu button)

Use the Export option (from the Historical Review Menu button) as follows:

1. Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Historical Review.
2. The Historical Reviews window appears. Perform the Historical Review (see page 606).
3. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Export. The following
Save As dialog box appears:

Figure 419: Save As dialog box

OW360_20 591
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

4. Enter a file name, such as past1day, in the File name box; select the file type in the Save as
type box; and click Save. The file can be exported and saved in the following formats:
 Text Files (.txt)
 CSV Files (.csv)
 HTML Files (.htm)
 PDF Files (.pdf)
 Microsoft Excel Files (.xls, .xlsx)
5. The Historical Review records are saved in the file. Depending upon the format compatibility,
you can now import the file you exported in Step 4 to an external software application, such as
the Ovation Alarm Health Analyzer (AHA).

12.3.5 To use the Preferences option (from the Historical Review Menu button)

Use the following steps to load, save, or clear the user preferences that apply to the Historical
Review application:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Historian
Preferences. The Historian Preferences dialog box appears:

Figure 420: Historian Preferences dialog box

592 OW360_20
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

3. Click Save to save the settings to your user profile and the settings will reappear when you
begin a new session.
4. Click Clear to remove the preference settings for your user profile, and your Role settings will
load when you begin a new session.
5. If you are an Administrator, you can perform the following:
 Save the preferences to a Role profile by highlighting the desired role before you click
 Use the preferences that have been defined for another role by selecting the desired role
from the list in the Preferences window, and then click Load. All the settings that were
saved for the selected role will now appear in your current session.
 Clear role preferences that have been defined by highlighting the role in the list, and then
click Clear. All the settings that were saved for that role will be removed.

OW360_20 593
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

12.3.6 To use the Historian Preferences option (from the Historical Review Menu

Use the following steps to load, save, or clear the historical data source and time zone
preferences used by the Historical Review application:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Historian
Preferences. The Historian Preferences dialog box appears:

Figure 421: Historian Preferences dialog box

3. Click Save to save the settings to your user profile and the settings will reappear when you
begin a new session.
4. Click Clear to remove the preference settings for your user profile, and your Role settings will
load when you begin a new session.
5. If you are an Administrator, you can perform the following:
 Save the preferences to a Role profile by highlighting the desired role before you click
 Use the preferences that have been defined for another role by selecting the desired role
from the list in the Preferences window, and then click Load. All the settings that were
saved for the selected role will now appear in your current session.
 Clear role preferences that have been defined by highlighting the role in the list, and then
click Clear. All the settings that were saved for that role will be removed.

594 OW360_20
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

12.3.7 To use the Historical Reviews Options (from the Historical Review Menu

You can use the Historical Review Options dialog box to define the appearance of the Historical
Reviews window, the appearance of the review content, the time format of the review content,
and identification of the OPHs in your Ovation system, configured to be available to the Historical
Review application.

Use the following steps to change the review settings:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Historical Reviews
Options. The Historical Reviews Options dialog box appears:

Figure 422: Historical Reviews Options dialog box

OW360_20 595
12.3 Historical Review Menu button

3. The following table describes the options available in the Historical Reviews Options dialog
box. Select the desired options and click OK.

Historical Reviews Options


Configuration Settings Use this option to control which application settings are saved
with a review configuration file. The option contains the
following selections:
 Font settings
 Layout
 Views
 Column settings
 Filters
View Use this option to hide or view the Ribbon bar, Settings bar,
and Columns Grouping bar. In addition, you can enable or
disable auto-resize of the review columns' width.
Colors Use this option to change the colors associated with the
Historical Reviews window. You can change the color scheme
of the window to Black, Blue, or Silver. In addition, you can
specify the gradient color, background color, foreground color,
and empty area color.
Review Settings Use this option to specify the following settings:
 Default interval between start time and end time for each
review type
 Default start and end time format
 Date and time format, including subsecond display
 Data retrieval mode for edited data
Start Up Options Use this option to specify a default configuration file, if desired.

Historian Use this option to view the information, including host name
and IP address, of Ovation Process Historians available to
Historical Review and other Ovation historical client
applications. You can also add a new historian by entering the
host name and IP address of the new machine.
Time Zone Use this option to specify abbreviations for frequently used
time zones intended for your use. These abbreviations are
made available in Historical Review and trend time span dialog
boxes for the specification of absolute times.
About Use this option to view the version and copyright information of
the Historical Review application.

596 OW360_20
12.4 Quick Access Toolbar

12.3.8 To use the Exit Historical Review option (from the Historical Review Menu

Use the Exit Historical Review option (from the Historical Review Menu button) as follows:

1. Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Historical Review. The Historical
Reviews window appears.
2. Click the Historical Review Menu button (see page 587), and then click Exit Historical
Review to exit the Historical Reviews window.

12.4 Quick Access Toolbar

The Historical Reviews window has frequently used icons that appear at the top of the window in
a Quick Access Toolbar. This toolbar allows for easy access to commonly used functions. The
Quick Access Toolbar is shown below.

Figure 423: Quick Access Toolbar in the Historical Review window

The following table describes the icons in the Quick Access Toolbar.

Icons in the Quick Access Toolbar


Start Historical Review Starts a Historical Review. Points matching the currently configured
filter settings are displayed in the review list. This button is enabled if a
review is not currently in progress.
Stop Historical Review Stops an active Historical Review. This button is enabled whenever a
review is in progress.
Find Point Searches through the review list for point names, drop names, or review
types containing a specific substring. This button is enabled if one or
more rows exist in the review list.

12.5 Menu bar

The Menu bar of the Historical Reviews window contains the following tabs:
 Home tab: Use this tab to access the basic options, grouped under the Home ribbon bar (see
page 598), during a Historical Review.
 Filter tab: Use this tab to access the filter options, grouped under the Filter ribbon bar (see
page 600), during a Historical Review.

OW360_20 597
12.6 Ribbon bars

12.6 Ribbon bars

The Historical Reviews window contains the following ribbon bars:
 Home ribbon bar (see page 598).
 Filter ribbon bar (see page 600).
The ribbon bars consist of menus and commands, which are grouped based on their function.

12.6.1 Home ribbon bar

The Home ribbon bar contains groups, which further encapsulates different commands to be used
during a Historical Review. This bar has same groups for every review type. The Home ribbon bar
is shown in the following figure.

Figure 424: Home Ribbon Bar of the Historical Review window

598 OW360_20
12.6 Ribbon bars

The following table describes various functions available in the Home ribbon bar.

Functions in the Home ribbon bar


Review Begin Starts a Historical Review. Points

matching the currently configured filter
settings are displayed in the review list.
This button is enabled if a review is not
currently in progress.
Stop Stops an active Historical Review. This
button is enabled whenever a review is in
Time Span Set Specifies the time range for the review
request. You can also toggle between
absolute time and relative time by using
the toggle icon.
Memorize Saves start time, end time, and duration of
a Historical trend. It does not save the
sample count.

Note: The sample count is the Data

density (plot sample quantity) that is
tightly coupled with the trend trace - and
is sometimes different per trend trace.

Recall Recalls the time range.

Page Back Takes the time span used by the current
review filter and then executes the query
for the preceding time range.
Next Takes the time span used by the current
review filter and then executes the query
for the subsequent time range.
Search Find Searches through the review results list of
the point names, drop names, or review
types containing a specified substring.
This button is enabled only if one or more
reviews exist in the review list.
Historian Historian Selects the historian that you want to
extract the historical information from.
Font Style and Size Changes the font settings, including style
and size.
Select Select Views Customizes the views under dockable
Views/Columns tabs.
Select Columns Customizes the column headings that you
want to display in the Historical Reviews
window for a particular type of review.

OW360_20 599
12.6 Ribbon bars

12.6.2 Filter ribbon bar

The Filter ribbon bar has different groups for each review type, as shown in the following figures.

Figure 425: Filter ribbon bar for the Point review

Figure 426: Filter ribbon bar for the Alarm review

Figure 427: Filter ribbon bar for the Operator Event review

Figure 428: Filter ribbon bar for the SOE review

Figure 429: Filter ribbon bar for the SIS review

600 OW360_20
12.6 Ribbon bars

Figure 430: Filter ribbon bar for the ASCII review

Figure 431: Filter ribbon bar for the Common review

The following table describes various functions available in the Filter ribbon bar for each review

Functions in the Filter ribbon bar for each review type


Point review System, See To perform a Point review (see

Characteristics/Group/Description/P page 607) for more information.
oint, and Data Filter
Alarm review System, Originating Drop, Priority, See To perform an Alarm review (see
and Filter Criteria page 611) for more information.
Operator Event System, Originating Drop, User See To perform an Operator Event
review Detail, Reason Detail, and Filter review (see page 612) for more
Criteria information.
SOE review System and Filter Criteria See To perform an SOE review (see
page 616) for more information.
SIS review System and Originating Drop See To perform an SIS review (see
page 618) for more information.
ASCII review System and Originating Drop See To perform an ASCII review (see
page 619) for more information.
Common review Review, Point, Message Systems, See To perform a Common review
Alarm, Operator Event, SOE, (see page 621) for more information.
ASCII, and SIS (when enabled)

OW360_20 601
12.7 Settings bar

12.7 Settings bar

The Settings bar displays the current filter settings for a Historical Review. The settings include
Start Time, End Time, Historian, Network/Unit, Point Filter, and so forth.

The following figure shows a Settings bar for a review.

Figure 432: Settings bar in the Historical Review window

12.8 Columns Grouping bar

You drag a column header under this bar to group by that column.

The following figure shows the Columns Grouping bar:

Figure 433: Columns Grouping bar in the Historical Review window

12.9 Review Details panel

The Review Details panel displays the results of a Historical Review, as shown in the following

Figure 434: Review Details panel in the Historical Review window

602 OW360_20
12.9 Review Details panel

The Review Details panel contains various columns for each review type, as listed in the following

Columns in the Review Details panel


Point  Date/Time
 Point Name
 Alarm Type
 Point Description
 Value
 Quality
 Units (A) Alarm State (D)
 Point Status
Alarm  Date/Time
 Alarm Type
 Code
 Point Name
 Point Description
 AP
 Value
 Q
 Units(A) State
 Limits
 Incr
 Point Type
 PM
Operator Event  Date/Time
 Drop
 Domain
 User Name
 Message
 Reason
SOE  Date/Time
 Point Name
 Description
 State
ASCII  Date/Time
 Drop
 Message
SIS  Date/Time
 Drop
 Message

OW360_20 603
12.9 Review Details panel


Common  Date/Time
 Type
 Point Name
 Drop
 Domain
 User Name
 Description
 Reason

12.9.1 Customizing the view of the Review Details panel

You can customize the view of the Review Details panel as follows:
 To customize the column headings that you want to display in the Historical Reviews window
for a particular type of review, click Select Column(s) under the Select Views/Columns
group in the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). The following dialog box appears:

Figure 435: Select Column(s) dialog box

 Move the columns of a review type, which you want to display in the Historical Reviews
window, from Select Column(s) to Selected Column(s). In the above figure, all columns
for the Point view are moved to Selected Column(s), and therefore, all the columns are
displayed in the Historical Reviews window.
 Right-click a column heading to customize the data display in a column. You can perform
actions, such as sorting the data in ascending or descending order, best fit, remove the
column, filter editor, and so forth.

604 OW360_20
12.10 Dockable tabs

12.10 Dockable tabs

The Dockable tabs component contains dockable tabs for each review type, as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 436: Dockable tabs in the Historical Review window

Note: The SIS dockable tab is hidden by default.

12.10.1 Customizing the view of the Dockable tabs

You can customize the view of the dockable tabs as follows:

 To customize the views to be visible as dockable tabs (including enabling the view of the SIS
dockable tab), click Select View(s) under the Select Views/Columns group in the Home
ribbon bar (see page 598). The following dialog box appears:

Figure 437: Select View(s) dialog box

 Move the views, which you want to display in the dockable tabs, from Choose View(s) to
Selected View(s). In the above figure, all views, except ASCII, are moved to Selected
View(s), and therefore, every view, except ASCII, has a corresponding dockable tab.

OW360_20 605
12.11 Status bar

12.11 Status bar

The Status bar displays the status of the Historical Review, as shown in the following figure. The
status is shown as a short text message.

Figure 438: Status bar of the Historical Review window

12.12 Setting preferences

The Preferences feature provides the opportunity for you to save various window settings
between sessions for various applications. After your application window settings are complete,
you may want to save those settings to your user profile instead of having to perform the setting
changes again at your next session.

After preferences are saved, they will be automatically loaded whenever you access the
application window. The preferences are loaded for a session in the following order:
 User-defined preferences are requested first. You can save, load, and clear settings only for
your user profile.
 If user-defined preferences are not found, role-defined preferences are requested next. An
administrator can save, load, and clear settings for any role profiles, but he or she cannot
affect any user profile except his or her own.
 System preferences are requested next.
 If no preferences are defined, the system default settings are used.
See To use the Preferences option (from the Historical Review Menu button) and To use the
Historian Preferences option (from the Historical Review Menu button) (see page 593) for
information about setting preferences in the Historical Reviews window.

12.13 Performing a Historical Review

You can use the Historical Reviews window to perform specific retrieval requests for point-based
and message-based historical data. These retrieval results or reviews are displayed on a grid that
allows you to regroup, sort, and filter the retrieval results. You can perform the following reviews:
 Point review (see page 607).
 Alarm review (see page 611).
 Operator Event review (see page 612).
 SOE review (see page 616).
 SIS review (see page 618).
 ASCII review (see page 619).
 Common review (see page 621).

606 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

12.13.1 To perform a Point review

The Point review is used to query and display historical process values and related status
information. The main review window displays a point's value at the time that it was collected
(when its deadband was exceeded or when its status changed). The display is provided in a row
and column format that lists the date, time, point name, alarm type, point description, value, and
status units for each change.

Use the following steps to perform a Point review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the Point dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the Point review window.
3. Use the Home ribbon bar (see page 598) to specify the general settings for the review.
4. Use the Filter ribbon bar (see page 600) to specify the filter criteria for the review. The ribbon
bar has the following groups:
 System: This group has the following option:
 Network/Unit: Use this option to select the network and unit filter for the review.
 Characteristics/Group/Description/Point: This group has the following options:
 Characteristics: Use this option to specify characteristics for the review. Enter
characteristics individually or choose characteristics from the pre-defined group. To
enter characteristics individually, by position, select a position number and a position
value from the Character Position and Position Values drop-down lists,
respectively. To choose a pre-defined characteristics group, select a group from the
Characteristics drop-down list.
 Point Group: Use this option to specify a historian point group.
 Point/Description: Use this option to specify point name and description. You can
also specify wildcard character, *, as an input.
 Points: Use this option to specify or browse the points for the review.

OW360_20 607
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

 Data Filter: This group has the following options:


Value/Status Value/Status Change (VL) Retrieves all collected changes in value or status.
Raw Values Retrieves the actual data as it was collected,
including duplicate data (heartbeat) where the
value or status has not changed.
Quality Good (GQ) Retrieves all collected changes when a point has
good quality.
Fair (FQ) Retrieves all collected changes when a point has
fair quality.
Bad (BQ) Retrieves all collected changes when a point has
bad quality.
Poor (PQ) Retrieves all collected changes when a point has
poor quality.
Timed Out (TQ) Retrieves occurrences when a point is timed-out.
Limit/Alarm Limit Alarms (LA) Retrieves occurrences when a point is removed
from limit or alarm checking.
Sensor Alarms (SA) Retrieves occurrences when a point reaches a
sensor alarm.
Sid Alarm (IA) Retrieves points in the Sid alarm.

Check/Cutout Alarm Check Removed Retrieves points for which an alarm checking has
(AR) been disabled.
Cutout Condition Set (CO) Retrieves occurrences when a point was cut-out
from alarm checking.
Limit Check Removed (LR) Retrieves points for which limit checking has been
Alarm is Suppressed (XA) Retrieves points for which alarms are suppressed.

Alarm Shelved (PS) Retrieves points for which alarms are shelved.

Reasons Entered Values (EV) Retrieves occurrences of operator-entered values.

External Calibration (EC) Retrieves points whose status indicates that

external calibration is set.
Scan Removed (SC) Retrieves occurrences when a point was removed
from scan.
Tagged Out (XO) Retrieves points whose status indicates that they
are tagged out.
Value Option Returned Values Retrieves values showing return from the selected
conditions, in addition to the samples that satisfy
other conditions.
Initial Values Retrieves the initial value from the start of the
chosen time range, in addition to the samples that
satisfy the other chosen conditions. This is the
value that was set for a point reaching the retrieval
specified time range. To select the Initial Values
check box, you must first select the Value/Status
Change check box.

608 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597), click Begin.
6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 439: Point review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, which is located in the Quick Access
Toolbar (see page 597) and the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). This button is enabled only
when you start a review. It may take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

OW360_20 609
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

12.13.2 Understanding the Point Status column

The following table describes the acronyms that appear in the Point Status column of Historical
Review application while performing a Point review

Point Status Descriptions



Engr. Range Limits (EL) Displays points that exceed the engineering range units.
Limit Alarms (LA) Displays points that went into alarm because a limit was
Reasonability Limits Displays points that exceed the reasonability limits.
Value Clamp Limits (CL) Displays points that have the value clamped.
Sensor Alarms (SA) Displays points in sensor alarm.

SID Alarm (IA) Displays points in SID alarm.

Alarm Check Removed Displays points for which alarm checking has been disabled.
Cutout Disabled (CD) Displays points with the cut-out option manually disabled.

Cutout From Alarming Displays points that have been cut-out from alarm checking.
Engr. Range Check Off Displays points with the engineering range limit check disabled.
Limit Check Removed Displays points for which limit checking have been disabled.
Reasonability Check Off Displays points with reasonability limit check disabled.
Value Clamp Off (VO) Displays points that have value clamping disabled.

Entered Values (EV) Displays points that have an operator-entered value.

External Calibration Displays points that are externally calibrated.

Scan Removed (SC) Displays points that have been removed from scan.

Tagged Out (XO) Displays points that are tagged out.

Test Mode (TM) Displays points in the test mode (latched quality).

Uncommissioned (UC) Displays points that are uncommissioned.

Out of Service (OS) Displays points that are out of service.
Failed (FS) Displays points that have the Failed alert type suppressed.
Maintenance (MS) Displays points that have the Maintenance alert type suppressed.

Advisory (AS) Displays points that have the Advisory alert type suppressed.
Communication (CS) Displays points that have the Communication alert type

610 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review



Abnormal (NS) Displays points that have the Abnormal alert type Suppressed.

Unacknowledged (U) Displays points that are unacknowledged.

Unacknowledged Displays points that are unacknowledged and need reset.

Return (UR)
Acknowledged Return Displays points that are acknowledged and need reset.
Alarm Suppressed (XA) Displays points for which alarms are suppressed.

Point Shelve (PS) Displays points for which alarms are shelved.

12.13.3 To perform an Alarm review

The Alarm review is used to display, print, or save a filtered list of alarm messages that are stored
with the historian's alarm history. You can specify filters for alarms by using options, such as
alarm type, point type, and single point.

Use the following steps to perform an Alarm review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the Alarm dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the Alarm review window.
3. Use the Home ribbon bar (see page 598) to specify the general settings for the review.
4. Use the Filter ribbon bar (see page 600) to specify the filter criteria for the review. The ribbon
bar has the following groups:
 System: This group has the following option:
 Network/Unit: Use this option to select all networks or a single network or unit as a
filter option for the review.
 Originating Drop: This group has the following option:
 Drops: Use this option to select the drop ID for the review.
 Priority: This group has the following option:
 Priority: Use this option to select alarm priority. The range of alarm priority is 1-8.
 Filter Criteria: This group has the following options:
 Alarm Type: Use this option to select one or more alarm types for the review.
 Point Type: Use this option to select one or more point types for the review.
 Point: Use this option to enter or browse a point for the review.
5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597), click Begin.

OW360_20 611
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 440: Alarm review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, which is located in the Quick Access
Toolbar (see page 597) and the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). This button is enabled only
when you start a review. It may take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

612 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

12.13.4 To perform an Operator Event review

The Operator Event review is used to filter a chronological list of operator event messages by
time period, originating workstation, or event type. In addition, this review allows you to focus on
actions taken during a specific time period and can help you decide whether human interaction
preceded a particular plant event.

Use the following steps to perform an Operator Event review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the Operator Event dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the Operator
Event review window.
3. Use the Home ribbon bar (see page 598) to specify the general settings for the review.
4. Use the Filter ribbon bar (see page 600) to specify the filter criteria for the review. The ribbon
bar has the following groups:
 System: This group has the following option:
 Network/Unit: Use this option to select all networks or a single network or unit as a
filter option for the review.
 Originating Drop: This group has the following option:
 Drops: Use this option to select the drop ID for the review.
 User Detail: This group has the following option:
 Domain User Name: Use this option to specify the domain and user name of the
Ovation user that initiated the operator event action.
 Reason Detail: This group has the following option:
 Reasons: Use this option to specify the reason as a search criteria for the review.
 Filter Criteria: This group has the following options:
 Groups: Use this option to select one or more groups for the review.
 SubTypes: Use this option to select one or more subtypes for the review.
 Point: Use this option to enter or browse a point for the review.
5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597), click Begin.

OW360_20 613
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 441: Operator Event review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, which is located in the Quick Access
Toolbar (see page 597) and the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). This button is enabled only
when you start a review. It may take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

614 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

12.13.5 Understanding Operator Event Messages

Certain Operator Station applications report user-specified actions to other drops in the Ovation
system in the form of Operator Event Messages. For example, if an operator makes a change to
a point, such as setting it to Limit Check Off, that action generates an event message so that
other drops in the system are aware of the change.

Operator Event Messages are saved at an Ovation historian drop and can be viewed through the
historian's Operator Event Review application (see page 612).

Only certain Operator Station applications and specific operator actions generate operator event
messages. The applications that can issue an Operator Event message are:
 Alarms
 Graphics
 Point Information
 Point Review
 Signal Viewer
 System Viewer
 Trends
 Historical Review
Operator Event Messages are also generated when a user logs on and logs out from a drop.

In addition, some actions can be issued from more than one Operator Station application. For
example, the Scan On action can be performed in the Alarm, Point Information, Graphics, and
System Viewer subsystems.

The following table displays the list of actions that generate Operator Event messages.

Actions that generate Operator Event messages


Scan On
Scan Off
Alarm Check On
Alarm Check Off
Limit Check On
Limit Check Off
Auto Cutout Disabled
Auto Cutout Enabled
Alarm Acknowledge (the Send Alarm Event Message parameter must be selected in the
MMI Config window in the Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide for more information.)
Alarm Reset (the Send Alarm Event Message parameter must be selected in the MMI
Config window in the Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide for more information.)
Test Mode On

OW360_20 615
12.13 Performing a Historical Review


Test Mode Off

Latched Quality Good
Latched Quality Fair
Latched Quality Poor
Latched Quality Bad
Value Clamp On
Value Clamp Off
Engineering Check On
Engineering Check Off
Reasonability Check On
Reasonability Check Off
Entered Value
When any of the limits of an analog or deluxe analog are changed
Set Force
Clear Force
Set all Force Bits
Clear All Force Bits
Confirm Commission Request
Confirm Uncommission Request
Mode Change TO FROM, where TO and FROM are AUTO, CASC, or MANUAL

Note: For more information about Operator Event Messages generated from graphics
application programs, refer to the Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.

12.13.6 To perform an SOE review

The SOE review is used to view the SOE messages that are generated throughout an Ovation
system and stored by the historian. You can identify high-speed digital state changes that may
have been initiated or resulted from an interesting process incident. You can refine your search
on the basis of filter criteria, including particular point name, originating unit, or controller.

Use the following steps to perform an SOE review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the SOE dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the SOE review window.
3. Use the Home ribbon bar (see page 598) to specify the general settings for the review.

616 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

4. Use the Filter ribbon bar (see page 600) to specify the filter criteria for the review. The ribbon
bar has the following groups:
 System: This group has the following option:
 Network/Unit: Use this option to select all networks or a single network or unit as a
filter option for the review.
 Filter Criteria: This group has the following options:
 All: Use this option if you want to review all SOE messages.
 Drops: Use this option to select the drop ID for the review.
 Point: Use this option to enter or browse a point for the review.
5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597), click Begin.
6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 442: SOE review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, which is located in the Quick Access
Toolbar (see page 597) and the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). This button is enabled only
when you start a review. It may take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

OW360_20 617
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

12.13.7 To perform an SIS review

The SIS review is used to view SIS messages that are transmitted from SIS data servers. By
default, the SIS review tab is hidden. To view the SIS dockable tab, click Select View(s) in the
Select Views/Columns group in the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), and then move the SIS
view from Choose View(s) to Selected View(s).

Use the following steps to perform an SIS review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the SIS dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the SIS review window.
3. Use the Home ribbon bar (see page 598) to specify the general settings for the review.
4. Use the Filter ribbon bar (see page 600) to specify the filter criteria for the review. The ribbon
bar has the following groups:
 System: This group has the following option:
 Network/Unit: Use this option to select all networks or a single network or unit as a
filter option for the review.
 Originating Drop: This group has the following option:
 Drops: Use this option to select the drop ID for the review.
5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597), click Begin.

618 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 443: SIS review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, which is located in the Quick Access
Toolbar (see page 597) and the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). This button is enabled only
when you start a review. It may take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

12.13.8 To perform an ASCII review

The ASCII review is used to retrieve ASCII messages, which are generated by users, and occur
on all workstations or a single workstation.

Use the following steps to perform an ASCII review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the ASCII dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the ASCII review window.
3. Use the Home ribbon bar (see page 598) to specify the general settings for the review.

OW360_20 619
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

4. Use the Filter ribbon bar (see page 600) to specify the filter criteria for the review. The ribbon
bar has the following groups:
 System: This group has the following option:
 Network/Unit: Use this option to select all networks or a single network or unit as a
filter option for the review.
 Originating Drop: This group has the following option:
 Drops: Use this option to select the drop ID for the review.
5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597), click Begin.
6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 444: ASCII review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, which is located in the Quick Access
Toolbar (see page 597) and the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). This button is enabled only
when you start a review. It may take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

620 OW360_20
12.13 Performing a Historical Review

12.13.9 To perform a Common review

The Common review is used to display one or more types of review data in a single view.

Use the following steps to perform a Common review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window (see page 585).

2. Click the Common dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the Common review
3. Use the Home ribbon bar (see page 598) to specify the general settings for the review.
4. Use the Filter ribbon bar (see page 600) to specify the filter criteria for the review, which may
include the following steps:
 Use the Review group to specify the review types you want to include or exclude from the
Common review.
 Use the Point, Alarm, Operator Event, SOE, ASCII, and SIS groups to specify the filter
settings for each review type.
 Use the Message Systems group to select all networks or a single network or unit as a
filter option for the review.
5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar (see page 598), click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar (see page 597), click Begin.
6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 445: Common review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, from the Quick Access Toolbar (see page
597) and the Home ribbon bar (see page 598). This button is enabled only when you start a
review. It may take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

OW360_20 621
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

You may use the command line options (from the Command Prompt window) to perform a
historical review.


HistReview.exe [/help] |
[/setting “configuration-file-name”] |
[/loadfile “configuration-file-name”] |
{ [/historian “default_or_historian_string”]
[/duration PreviousHour|CurrentHour|Today|CurrentWeek|
{ /filter-point <point-filter-option> |
/filter-alarm <alarm-filter-option> |
/filter-ope <operator-event-filter-option> |
/filter-ascii <ascii-filter-option> |
/filter-soe <soe-filter-option> |
/filter-sis <sis-filter-option>

See the following sections for examples and descriptions of these options.

12.14.1 To run a Point review from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-point parameter to run a Point review from the Command Prompt window.




The following example illustrates a command to run a Point review from the Command Prompt

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

Note: See To specify point filter criteria from the Command Prompt window (see page 633) for
more information.

622 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.2 To run an Alarm review from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-alarm parameter to run an Alarm review from the Command Prompt window.




The following example illustrates a command to run an Alarm review from the Command Prompt

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration PreviousHour /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

Note: See To specify alarm filter criteria from the Command Prompt window (see page 636) for
more information.

12.14.3 To run an Operator Event review from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-ope parameter to run an Operator Event review from the Command Prompt




The following example illustrates a command to run an Operator Event review from the Command
Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

Note: See To specify operator event filter criteria from the Command Prompt window (see page
639) for more information.

OW360_20 623
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.4 To run an ASCII review from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-ascii parameter to run an ASCII review from the Command Prompt window.




The following example illustrates a command to run an ASCII review from the Command Prompt

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ascii

/networkunit "OV350/UNIT0"

Note: See To specify ASCII filter criteria from the Command Prompt window (see page 641) for
more information.

12.14.5 To run an SOE review from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-soe parameter to run an SOE review from the Command Prompt window.




The following example illustrates a command to run an SOE review from the Command Prompt

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/pointname "D23-SOFTSOE02"

Note: See To specify SOE filter criteria from the Command Prompt window (see page 642) for
more information.

624 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.6 To run an SIS review from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-sis parameter to run an SIS review from the Command Prompt window.




The following example illustrates a command to run an SIS review from the Command Prompt

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-sis

/networkunit "FE350C/UNIT0"

Note: See To specify SIS filter criteria from the Command Prompt window (see page 644) for
more information.

12.14.7 To open the online help from the Command Prompt window

Use the /help parameter to open the online help from the Command Prompt window.




The following example illustrates a command to open the online help from the Command Prompt

HistReview.exe /help

OW360_20 625
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.8 To verify configuration settings from the Command Prompt window

Use the /setting parameter to verify configuration settings from the Command Prompt window.


/setting <configuration-file-name>

 <configuration-file-name>: Name of the configuration file for system, role, or user
based historical review application.


The following example illustrates a command to verify the Administrator role settings from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /setting Role:Admin:review1.rvw

The following example illustrates a command to verify the Engineer role settings from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /setting Role:engineer:Role-engineer.rvw

The following example illustrates a command to verify the Operator role settings from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /setting Role:operator:abc.rvw

The following example illustrates a command to verify the settings for other available users from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /setting “valid configuration file name”

626 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.9 To load a configuration file from the Command Prompt window

Use the /loadfile parameter to load a configuration file from the Command Prompt window.


/loadfile <configuration-file-name>

 <configuration-file-name>: Name of the configuration file for system, role, or user
based historical review application.


The following example illustrates a command to load the configuration file review.rvw from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /loadfile C:\Ovation\AppDocs\U-Administrator\F8880A38-

5FA4-48cb-911A-845FBD48C028\ review1.rvw

OW360_20 627
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.10 To execute a review query directly from the Command Prompt


Use the /execute parameter to execute a review query directly from the Command Prompt

Note: If you do not use the execute parameter, you must manually run the review once the
Historical Review window appears with the configuration settings. If you specify the execute
parameter, the filter criteria is loaded and executed in the Historical Review window.




The following examples illustrate commands to execute arguments directly from the Command
Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /execute /setting Role:Admin:review1.rvw

HistReview.exe /execute /loadfile C:\Ovation\AppDocs\U-

Administrator\F8880A38-5FA4-48cb-911A-845FBD48C028\ test.rvw

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /execute /filter-

point /pointdesc

HistReview.exe /execute /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-

alarm /priority "2,8"

HistReview.exe /execute /historian default /duration Past1Day /execute

/filter-ope /drops ""

HistReview.exe /execute /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-


HistReview.exe /execute /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/pointname "D23-SOFTSOE02"

HistReview.exe /execute /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-sis

/drops ""

628 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.11 To specify a historian name from the Command Prompt window

Use the /historian parameter to specify a historian name from the Command Prompt window.
If you do not specify a historian, the default or auto-historian is used.


/historian "default_or_historian_string"


The following examples illustrate commands to specify an available historian drop X from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian dropX /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian dropX /duration PreviousHour /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian dropX /duration Past1Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify available historian redundant drop
A/dropB from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian dropA/dropB /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian dropA/dropB /duration PreviousHour /filter-

alarm /pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian dropA/dropB /duration Past1Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify the default historian drop from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration PreviousHour /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

OW360_20 629
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.12 To specify duration of review from the Command Prompt window

Use the /duration parameter to specify duration of review from the Command Prompt window.


/duration PreviousHour|CurrentHour|Today|CurrentWeek|Past10Min|



Note: Default value is Past1Day, which is 24 hours.


The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of default value of 24 hours from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of previous hour from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration PreviousHour /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration PreviousHour /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration PreviousHour /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of current hour from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration CurrentHour /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration CurrentHour /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration CurrentHour /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

630 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of today from the Command
Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Today /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Today /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Today /filter-ope /pointname


The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of current week from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration CurrentWeek /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration CurrentWeek /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration CurrentWeek /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of past 10 minutes from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past10Min /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past10Min /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past10Min /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of past 30 minutes from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past30Min /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past30Min /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past30Min /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

OW360_20 631
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of past 2 hours from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past2Hour /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past2Hour /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past2Hour /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of past 2 days from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past2Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past2Day /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past2Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of past 7 days from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past7Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past7Day /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past7Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

The following examples illustrate commands to specify duration of past 14 days from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past14Day /filter-point

/pointnames D12_MNET_DA01.unit0@OV350

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past14Day /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past14Day /filter-ope

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_S"

632 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.13 To specify point filter criteria from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-point parameter with other arguments to specify point filter criteria from the
Command Prompt window.


/filter-point [/networkunit “netunit”]

{ [/characteristics “xxxxxxxx”]|

[/pointgroup “pointgroupname”]|

[/pointdesc “pointdescription”] |

[/pointnames “pointname-list”]

} [/data-filter “data-filter-string”]

 [/networkunit “netunit”]: Indicates a network unit string, for example,
"OVA350/UNIT0". If you do not specify network unit, the default network unit of the Ovation
network is used.
 [/characteristics “xxxxxxxx”]: Indicates an eight-character string, for example, “-----
 [/pointgroup “pointgroupname”]: Indicates a historical review point group.
 [/pointdesc “pointdescription”]: Indicates a point name or point description string,
for example, “LA001*/*”.
 [/pointnames “pointname-list”]: Indicates a comma-separated point name(s).
 {/data-filter “data-filter-string”}: Indicates a comma-separated data filter, for
example, “VL”, “Raw Values, Initial Values”,
“GQ,FQ,PQ,BQ,TQ,LA,SA,IA,AR,CO,LR,EV,EC,SC,XO,XA,PS, Returned Values, Initial


• If you do not specify /characteristics, /pointgroup, /pointdesc, or

/pointnames, an error is returned upon execution.
• If you do not specify /data-filter, the default filter is VL.


The following example illustrates a command to specify the point filter criteria of Ovation networks
and units from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/networkunit FE350C/UNIT0 /characteristics "SMOKETST"

OW360_20 633
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following example illustrates a command to specify the point filter criteria of characteristics
from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/characteristics "S-------"

When /characteristics is not specified, the default point filter criteria is “ ”. The following
example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/characteristics ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the point filter criteria of point groups from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointgroup "OPH-HR"

When /pointgroup is not specified, the default point filter criteria is “ ”. The following example
illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointgroup ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the point filter criteria of point description
from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointdesc "TEST"

When /pointdesc is not specified, the default point filter criteria is " ". The following example
illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointdesc ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the point filter criteria of point name from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames "d32_mnet_la01_s, d32_mnet_ld01


When /pointname is not specified, the default point filter criteria is " ". The following example
illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames "”

634 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following examples illustrate commands to specify the point filter criteria of data filter from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/characteristics "--------” /data-filter “VL”

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames "” /data-filter “Raw Values, Initial Values”

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames "” /data-filter “GQ, FQ, PQ, BQ, TQ, LA, SA, IA, AR, CO, LR,
EV, EC, SC, XO, XA, PS, Returned Values, Initial Values”

When /data-filter is not specified, the default filter is "VL". The following example illustrates
this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-point

/pointnames "” /data-filter “”

OW360_20 635
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.14 To specify alarm filter criteria from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-alarm parameter with other arguments to specify alarm filter criteria from the
Command Prompt window.


/filter-alarm [/networkunit “netunit”] [/drop “drops-list”] [/priority


{ [/alarmtype “alarm-type-list”]|[/pointtype “point-type-list”]|

[/pointname “pointname”]

 [/networkunit “netunit”]: Indicates a network unit string, for example,
"OVA350/UNIT0". Default value is "", which means "Select All Networks".
 [/drop “drops-list”]: Indicates comma-separated drops. Default value is "", which
means “All Drops”. For example, “Drop1, Drop2”, “”.
 [/priority “priority-list”]: Indicates comma-separated priority string. For example, “2,
3, 5”. Default value is “Disable Priority”.
 [/alarmtype “alarm-type-list”]: Indicates comma-separated alarm type. For
example, “RETURN, SENSOR”.
 [/pointtype “point-type-list”]: Indicates comma-separated point type. For example,
 [/pointname “pointname”]: Indicates a point name string to search.

Note: If you do not specify /alarmtype, /pointtype, or /pointname, the filter criteria
/pointname “” is equivalent to point name wildcard character (*).


The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of Ovation
networks and units from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration /Past1Day /filter-alarm

/networkunit OV350/UNIT0

When /networkunit is not specified, the default alarm filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "Select All
Networks". The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/networkunit “"

636 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of drops list from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm /drops

"drop12, drop29"

When /drop is not specified, the default alarm filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "All Drops". The
following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm /drops


The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of priority list from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/priority "2,8"

When /priority is not specified, the default alarm filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "Disable Priority".
The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/priority ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of alarm type from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/alarmtype "HIGH,RETURN, SENSOR ”

When /alarmtype is not specified, the default alarm filter criteria is “ ”, that is, equivalent to
point name wildcard character (*). The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/alarmtype ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of point type from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/pointtype "LP, DP"

When /pointtype is not specified, the default alarm filter criteria is “ ”, that is, equivalent to
point name wildcard character (*). The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/pointtype ""

OW360_20 637
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of point name from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_DP01_F"

When /pointname is not specified, the default alarm filter criteria is “ ”, that is, equivalent to
point name wildcard character (*). The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration PreviousHour /filter-alarm

/pointname ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of point name
(wildcard *) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration PreviousHour /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_L*"

The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of point name
(wildcard %) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past30Min /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA%"

The following example illustrates a command to specify the alarm filter criteria of point name
(wildcard single character match) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past30Min /filter-alarm

/pointname "D12_MNET_LA01_?"

638 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.15 To specify operator event filter criteria from the Command Prompt

Use the /filter-ope parameter with other arguments to specify operator event filter criteria from
the Command Prompt window.


/filter-ope [/networkunit “netunit”] [/drop “drop-list”]

[/domain “domainname”] [/username “username”]

{ [/group “group-list”]|[/subtype “subtype-list”]|

[/pointname “pointname”]

 [/networkunit “netunit”]: Indicates a network unit string, for example,
"OVA350/UNIT0". Default value is "", which means "Select All Networks".
 [/drop “drop-list”]: Indicates comma-separated drops. Default value is "", which means
“All Drops”. For example, “Drop1, Drop2”, “”.
 [/domain “domainname”]: Indicates the domain name.
 [/username “username”]: Indicates the user name.
 [/group “group-list”]: Indicates comma-separated groups. For example, “Alarm Limit,
Controller Action”.
 [/subtype “subtype-list”]: Indicates comma-separated sub types. For example, “Scan
Off, Scan On”.
 [/pointname “pointname”]: Indicates a point name string to search.

Note: If /group, /subtype, or /pointname is not specified, an error is returned upon



The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of Ovation
networks and units from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope

/networkunit "OV350/UNIT0"

When /networkunit is not specified, the default operator event filter criteria is “ ”, that is,
"Select All Networks". The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope

/networkunit "”

OW360_20 639
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of drops
list from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope /drops


When /drop is not specified, the default operator event filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "All Drops".
The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope /drops ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of group
list from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope /GROUP

"Alarm Limit, Controller Action, Value Change"

When /group is not specified, the default operator event filter criteria is “ ”, that is, equivalent to
point name wildcard character (*). The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope /GROUP


The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of sub
type from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope


When /subtype is not specified, the default operator event filter criteria is “ ”, that is, equivalent
to point name wildcard character (*). The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope


The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of point
name from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope


When /pointname is not specified, the default operator event filter criteria is “ ”, that is,
equivalent to point name wildcard character (*). The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope


The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of point
name (wildcard *) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope


640 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of point
name (wildcard %) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope


The following example illustrates a command to specify the operator event filter criteria of point
name (wildcard single character match) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ope


12.14.16 To specify ASCII filter criteria from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-ascii parameter with other arguments to specify ASCII filter criteria from the
Command Prompt window.


/filter-ascii [/networkunit “netunit”] [/drop “drop-list”]

 [/networkunit “netunit”]: Indicates a network unit string, for example,
"OVA350/UNIT0". Default value is "", which means "Select All Networks".
 [/drop “drop-list”]: Indicates comma-separated drops. Default value is "", which means
“All Drops”. For example, “Drop1, Drop2”, “”.


The following example illustrates a command to specify the ASCII filter criteria of Ovation
networks and units from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ascii

/networkunit "OV350/UNIT0"

When /networkunit is not specified, the default ASCII filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "Select All
Networks". The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ascii

/networkunit ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the ASCII filter criteria of drops list from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ascii /DROPS


When /drop is not specified, the default ASCII filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "All Drops". The
following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-ascii /DROPS


OW360_20 641
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.17 To specify SOE filter criteria from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-soe parameter with other arguments to specify SOE filter criteria from the
Command Prompt window.


/filter-soe [/networkunit “netunit”] [/drop “drop-list”] [/pointname


 [/networkunit “netunit”]: Indicates a network unit string, for example,
"OVA350/UNIT0". Default value is "", which means "Select All Networks".
 [/drop “drop-list”]: Indicates comma-separated drops. Default value is "", which means
“All Drops”. For example, “Drop1, Drop2”, “”.
 [/pointname “pointname”]: Indicates a point name string to search.

Note: If either of /drop or /pointname is not specified, the All button option is used as the
selected filter criteria.


The following example illustrates a command to specify the SOE filter criteria of Ovation networks
and units from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/networkunit "OV350/UNIT0"

When /networkunit is not specified, the All button options are used as search criteria. The
following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/networkunit “"

The following example illustrates a command to specify the SOE filter criteria of drops list from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe /DROPS


When /drop is not specified, the All button options are used as search criteria. The following
example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe /DROPS


642 OW360_20
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

The following example illustrates a command to specify the SOE filter criteria of point name from
the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/pointname "D23-SOFTSOE02"

When /pointname is not specified, the All button options are used as search criteria. The
following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/pointname ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the SOE filter criteria of point name
(wildcard *) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/pointname "D23-*"

The following example illustrates a command to specify the SOE filter criteria of point name
(wildcard %) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/pointname "D23-SOFT%"

The following example illustrates a command to specify the SOE filter criteria of point name
(wildcard single character match) from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-soe

/pointname "D23-SOFTSOE?"

OW360_20 643
12.14 Using command line options to perform a historical review

12.14.18 To specify SIS filter criteria from the Command Prompt window

Use the /filter-sis parameter with other arguments to specify SIS filter criteria from the
Command Prompt window.


/filter-sis [/networkunit “netunit”] [/drop “drop-list”]

 [/networkunit “netunit”]: Indicates a network unit string, for example,
"OVA350/UNIT0". Default value is "", which means "Select All Networks".
 [/drop “drop-list”]: Indicates comma-separated drops. Default value is "", which means
“All Drops”. For example, “Drop1, Drop2”, “”.


The following example illustrates a command to specify the SIS filter criteria of Ovation networks
and units from the Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-sis

/networkunit "FE350C/UNIT0"

When /networkunit is not specified, the default SIS filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "Select All
Networks". The following example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-sis

/networkunit ""

The following example illustrates a command to specify the SIS filter criteria of drops list from the
Command Prompt window:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-sis /drops


When /drop is not specified, the default SIS filter criteria is “ ”, that is, "All Drops". The following
example illustrates this scenario:

HistReview.exe /historian default /duration Past1Day /filter-sis /drops ""

644 OW360_20
12.15 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

12.15 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

After you have performed a Point review, you can compare data between the original value of a
point and the latest value of that point. You can also display a pencil icon next to any data that
has been edited.

Use the following steps to view the edited historical data from the Historical Reviews window:

1. Perform a Historical Review, for example, Point review (see page 607). The Historical
Reviews window appears:

Figure 446: Point review

2. Click the Historical Review Menu button, and then click Historical Reviews Options (see
page 595).

OW360_20 645
12.15 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

3. The Historical Reviews Options dialog box appears.

a) From the left pane, click Review Settings.
b) In the right pane, you can toggle between Get Original Value and Get Latest Value to
display either original or the most recent data. In addition, you can select the Mark Edited
Data check box if you want to see pencil icons next to the data that has been edited.
c) Click OK.

Figure 447: Review Settings

646 OW360_20
12.15 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

4. Return to the Historical Reviews window. A selected check box appears at the left to the
edited data.

Figure 448: Point review with edit icons

OW360_20 647
S E C T I O N 13

Using the Ovation Error Log Window at the Operator



Ovation Error Log window at the Operator Station ......................................................... 649

To access the Error Log window at the Operator Station ............................................... 649
Error Log window menu bar at the Operator Station ...................................................... 650
Error Log window toolbar at the Operator Station........................................................... 651
Error Log window columns at the Operator Station ........................................................ 653
To use the Choose Columns dialog box at the Operator Station ................................... 653
Priority levels of Error Log messages at the Operator Station........................................ 654
To use the Select Priority Level dialog box at the Operator Station ............................... 654

13.1 Ovation Error Log window at the Operator Station

An Ovation Error Log window contains error, warning, and informational messages generated by
the various Ovation services and applications.

The Error Log window displays system messages in a standard Windows list view using up to five
columns of information. When first displayed, error messages appear in the window in
chronological order from oldest to newest. You can define the number of columns (see page 653)
that appear and the priority of the messages (see page 654) in the columns.

This information displays in two different modes, Live and Historical. You can toggle between the
two modes in order to view current as well as older error messages. A filtering function allows you
to search for error messages based on dates or priority (see page 654).

You can use the Ovation Developer Studio to define the following Error Log functions (refer to the
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide):
 Send error messages to another Ovation workstation for storage and display. The messages
are also available on the local workstation.
 Archive older error messages.
 Configure the size of the active Error Log file (Live) so that as it reaches its maximum size,
part of the file (oldest Live messages) is archived in the Historical file.
 Configure the size of the archival Historical file so that as it reaches its maximum size, part of
the file (oldest Historical messages) is deleted. This process maintains a consistent size for
both the Live and Historical Error Log files.

OW360_20 649
13.2 To access the Error Log window at the Operator Station

13.2 To access the Error Log window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Error
Log icon.
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Error Log.
2. The Ovation Error Log window appears and displays error, warning, and informational
messages generated by the various Ovation services and applications.

Figure 449: Ovation Error Log window (Live mode)

650 OW360_20
13.3 Error Log window menu bar at the Operator Station

13.3 Error Log window menu bar at the Operator Station

The menu bar contains four pull-down menus. The following table lists and describes the menu

Error Log menu bar elements


File Print – sends the error list to the printer.

Print Preview – displays a preview of the error list on the screen before printing.
Print Setup – displays a dialog box to define the printer properties.
Save as – saves the list to another location or to another name.
Exit – ends the program.
Edit Delete – permanently removes all selected items from the Error Log.
Live - displays the current Error Log messages.
Historical - displays the older Error Log messages.
View Toolbar – makes the toolbar visible or not visible.
Status Bar – indicates how much time is left to complete the Search.
Select Columns - displays a dialog box (Choose Columns (see page 653)) that allows
you to select the columns you want to display in the Error Log window.
Refresh – displays the screen after the Error Log messages are reread.
Priority Level – displays a dialog box (Select Priority Level (see page 654)) that
allows you to choose a new minimum priority level for displayed messages.
Auto Refresh – toggles the auto refresh function on and off. By default, the display
automatically refreshes when an application logs a message.
Help Help Topics – displays the online help menu.
About Error Log – displays a dialog box with the application name and version

OW360_20 651
13.4 Error Log window toolbar at the Operator Station

13.4 Error Log window toolbar at the Operator Station

The Error Log toolbar is typically located below the Menu bar. The toolbar objects display from left
to right and are described in the following table.

Figure 450: Error Log toolbar when displaying Live data

Figure 451: Error Log toolbar when displaying Historical data

Error Log toolbar elements


Historical error log messages display when you select this icon.

Live error log messages display when you select this icon.

Delete Delete items – deletes the selected error message from the Error Log.
Print – prints the current error log.

Help – displays the online help.

652 OW360_20
13.5 Error Log window columns at the Operator Station

13.5 Error Log window columns at the Operator Station

The data about the error messages displays in a standard Windows list view that contains up to
five columns. You can define what columns appear in the window and you can resize the columns
by adjusting the headers at the top of each column. Click a column header to sort the list in
alphabetical order based on that column's data. Click again to sort the list in reverse alphabetical
order. By default, the messages appear in chronological order.

Messages that appear in the Error Log window (see page 649) have five components of
information. This information appears in the columns that you selected from the Choose Columns
dialog box (see page 653).
 Date Time – indicates the date and time the message was generated and added to the Error
 Source – indicates the workstation that first logged this message. If you see this message at
a workstation that has been configured as a Logging Host, this column lists the workstation
that sent the message. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for
information on configuring the Error Log.)
 Priority – displays a value ranging from 0 to 7. The value 0 represents an extremely severe
condition; the value 7 represents benign information or a debugging message. By default,
only priorities 0 through 6 display.
 Identifier – displays a string showing which Ovation program or drop generated the message.
 Description – contains a description of the error message. Some error messages may
contain a series of hex numbers. These are typically Fault Codes from the Controller and
have the following format:
<Fault Code>: <Fault ID>: <Fault Parameter1>... <Fault Parameter5>.
For Ovation 3.5 and later releases, fault codes are part of Ovation software and are displayed
in the Ovation System Viewer application.

13.6 To use the Choose Columns dialog box at the Operator Station
The Choose Columns dialog box allows you to select what information you want to display in the
Error Log window. Use the following procedure to select the desired columns:

1. Access the Error Log window (see page 649).

2. Select the View drop-down menu and pick Select Columns. The Choose Columns window

Figure 452: Choose Columns dialog box

3. Select the desired columns and select the OK button. The columns that you have checked
now appear in the Error Log window.

OW360_20 653
13.7 Priority levels of Error Log messages at the Operator Station

13.7 Priority levels of Error Log messages at the Operator Station

Error Log messages have eight different priority levels:
 0 - Emergency Condition/Severe Error
 1 - Alert Message
 2 - Critical Situation
 3 - Errors
 4 - Warnings
 5 - Normal but Significant Condition
 6 - Informational Messages
 7 - Debug Messages
These priority levels are defined during program development and are permanently fixed. The
most severe message level is 0 and the least severe message level is 7.

The Select Priority Level dialog box allows you to select the least severe priority level of the error
messages that you want to display in the Error Log window.

13.8 To use the Select Priority Level dialog box at the Operator
1. Access the Error Log window.
2. Select the View drop-down menu and pick Priority Level. The Select Priority Level dialog
box appears.

Figure 453: Error Log Select Priority Level dialog box

3. Select the base priority level of the error messages that you want to appear in the Error Log
window and select OK. All messages containing that priority level and any priority levels
above that level will appear in the Error Log window.
For example, if you select level 3, all messages with priority levels 3, 2, 1, or 0 display in the

654 OW360_20
S E C T I O N 14

Using the System Viewer at the Operator Station


What is the System Viewer at the Operator Station?...................................................... 655

System Viewer window components .............................................................................. 656
Home ribbon tab .............................................................................................................. 659
Hierarchy Search ribbon tab ........................................................................................... 660
Selection Information area .............................................................................................. 663
Hierarchy Display Pane ................................................................................................... 665
Dockable tabs.................................................................................................................. 669
Navigating through the System Viewer window .............................................................. 679
Refreshing the System Viewer application ..................................................................... 687
Window elements common to System Viewer and other Operator
Station applications ......................................................................................................... 688
Viewing the general status of your system ..................................................................... 691
Viewing general node information ................................................................................... 697
Getting additional drop information ................................................................................. 698
Viewing point information for devices and modules ........................................................ 699
Viewing network device information ................................................................................ 704
Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs ................................................. 704
To export information from System Viewer ..................................................................... 708
Using the Where Used option ......................................................................................... 711
Viewing additional information on Fault Code: Hardware Address and
I/O Status Values ............................................................................................................ 712

14.1 What is the System Viewer at the Operator Station?

The Ovation System Viewer application allows you to view the overall health of your Ovation
system as well as the health of individual Ovation components. With the System Viewer, you can
navigate through the various levels of an Ovation system, from the System level to the drop level,
to view drop status, point, and I/O information, as well as fault code information.

The Ovation System Viewer automatically generates a real-time, live display of the entire Ovation
system all the way down to the most basic level, showing the individual points, branches, and
modules of a particular drop. The System Viewer provides you with an effective monitoring tool for
the operation, maintenance, and commissioning of your plant.

System Viewer also supports the status display of network assets (such as switches, printers, and
GPS) bus devices, Rline I/O devices, and third-party devices such as Fieldbus, Profibus, and

OW360_20 655
14.1 What is the System Viewer at the Operator Station?

14.1.1 To access the System Viewer window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the System
Viewer icon.
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> System Viewer.
2. The System Viewer window appears. The first time the System Viewer window appears, it
displays the top-level view of the entire Ovation system.

Figure 454: System Viewer window - top-level view

Note: You can have more than one System Viewer window running, but the window with the
green square icon (called the Active Instance indicator) at the bottom right of the window is the
active window.

656 OW360_20
14.2 System Viewer window components

14.2 System Viewer window components

The Ovation System Viewer window consists of various components that work together to display
the attributes of your Ovation system. The information that appears on the window is dependent
upon the selections made in the hierarchy tree and/or the search criteria that you set. The main
items of the System Viewer window are:
 Ribbon tabs – Provides a method for the operator to perform various operations in the System
Viewer. The System Viewer window has two main ribbon tabs.
 Home ribbon (see page 659)
 Hierarchy search (see page 660)
 Selection Information area (see page 663) -- Displays the information according to the
selections made in the hierarchy tree and/or the search criteria that you set in order to view
the Ovation system health.
 Search Filter bar (see page 662) -- Displays the filter criteria you selected from the Hierarchy
Search tab.
 Hierarchy Display pane (see page 665) – Displays a system tree, similar to the one shown in
the Ovation Developer Studio. The tree shows the hierarchical relationship between all of the
elements in your Ovation system.
 Dockable tabs -- Provides a list and information pertaining to the Ovation system health.
System Viewer offers the following dockable tabs:
 Drop Summary tab (see page 671).
 General Attributes tab (see page 673).
 Drop Status tab (see page 675).
 Status Point tab (see page 675).
 Point Attributes tab (see page 678).

OW360_20 657
14.2 System Viewer window components

 Search results window – Displays the results of a search operation.

 In addition, the System Viewer application has six other ribbon tabs that appear depending
upon what point type is selected. These are the same tabs that are in Point Information. See
Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs (see page 704) for more information.
System Viewer also uses buttons, toolbars, and windows that are common to other Operator
Station applications (see page 688).

Figure 455: Components of the System Viewer window

658 OW360_20
14.3 Home ribbon tab

14.3 Home ribbon tab

The Home ribbon tab is used to navigate through your previous and next displays of the System
Viewer window. The tab also allows you to clear a selected row, to highlight all alarms or only
unacknowledged alarms in the Hierarchy Display pane, and to define the font that will display in
the System Viewer window dockable tabs.

The following figure displays the options under the Home ribbon tab of the System Viewer window
and the table describes their functions:

Figure 456: Home ribbon tab in the System Viewer window

Options in the Home ribbon tab


Back and Forward Back goes to the previous selection in Hierarchy Display pane (see page 665)
and the previously viewed display of the System Viewer window.
Forward goes to the display/setting that comes after the current display (search
forward). Note that you must have first hit the Back arrow before the Forward
arrow becomes active.
Clear Selection Clears the selected row. This button becomes enabled when either the Status
Point tab (see page 675) or the Point Attributes tab (see page 678) is displayed.
All Alarms Displays a red icon beside all of the items that are in alarm in the Hierarchy
Display pane (see page 665).
Unack’d Alarms Displays a green icon beside all of the items that are in an unacknowledged
alarm state in the Hierarchy Display pane (see page 665).
Font type menu Provides a list of option to change the font type of the status data and column
headers in the dockable tabs (see page 669).
Font size menu Provides a list of option to change the font size of the status data and column
headers in the dockable tabs (see page 669).
B (letter B for bold) Changes the font of the status data to bold and column headers in the dockable
tabs (see page 669).
I (letter I for italic) Changes the font of the status data and the column headers to italic in the
dockable tabs (see page 669).

OW360_20 659
14.4 Hierarchy Search ribbon tab

14.4 Hierarchy Search ribbon tab

The Hierarchy Search tab is used to set the filter criteria when you perform a search. You can
filter the search by selecting a particular network/unit, drop, device category, device type, device
status, and alert condition. For Foundation Fieldbus devices, you can also search on the
commissioned or uncommissioned state of device points.

Once you select the filters, the ribbon displays the Search Filter bar (see page 662) with all of
your search criteria. The results of a search operation appear at the bottom of the window in the
Search Results pane (see page 663). See To perform a search (see page 662) for more

Figure 457: Hierarchy Search tab

660 OW360_20
14.4 Hierarchy Search ribbon tab

14.4.1 Components of the Hierarchy Search tab

You can filter the search by selecting the options from the following components of the Hierarchy
Search tab. The results of your selection appear in the Search Filter bar (see page 662).

To select the search criteria, pull down the menu that is available with each search option.

Figure 458: Search options menu accessed from Network/Unit

The following table lists and describes the components of the Hierarchy Search tab.
Hierarchy Search tab components


Start Search Initiates the search operation.

Reset All Resets all filters to their default values.
Network/Unit Displays a list of Ovation networks and units that can be used as the source of
points during the search.
Drops Displays a list of drops available on the currently selected Ovation network and
unit from which to search for points.
Device Categories Displays a list of device categories available on the currently selected Ovation
network and unit from which to search for points.
Device Types Displays a list of device types available on the currently selected Ovation network
and unit from which to search for points.
Device Status Displays a list of device statuses available on the currently selected Ovation
network and unit from which to search for points. The choices are Abnormal and
Fieldbus Commissioned Displays a list of Fieldbus points that are in the commissioned or uncommissioned
state. Refer to the Ovation Foundation Fieldbus User Guide for more information
on commissioning.
Alert Displays a list of PlantWeb alert types to suppress. Suppressing a PlantWeb alert
type means that it has been removed from alarm checking. The choices are
Failed, Maintenance, Advisory, and Communications. For more information, refer
to the Ovation PlantWeb Alerts User Guide.

OW360_20 661
14.4 Hierarchy Search ribbon tab

14.4.2 Search Filter bar

The Search Filter bar appears below the Selection Information area. This area displays the filter
criteria you selected from the Hierarchy Search tab.

Figure 459: Search Filter bar

14.4.3 To perform a search

To perform a search in System Viewer, follow the steps:

1. Access the System Viewer window (see page 655).

2. Click the Hierarchy Search tab.
3. Filter the search criteria by selecting the options from the following components of the
Hierarchy Search tab:
 Network/Unit: Select the desired Ovation network and unit.
 Drops: Select the desired drop(s) available for the currently selected Ovation network
and unit.
 Device Categories: Select the desired device category or categories available for the
currently selected Ovation network, unit, and drop(s).
 Device Types: Select the desired device type available for the currently selected device
 Device Status: Select the desired device status available for the currently selected
device type.
 Fieldbus Commissioned: If you selected to search for Fieldbus devices, select whether
to search for points of commissioned devices, uncommissioned devices, or both.
 Alert: If you selected to search for Fieldbus devices, you can also filter your search by
alert suppression filters. Refer to the Ovation PlantWeb Alerts User Guide for more
information on alert types.
 Reset All: Returns all the filters to their default values.
For more information about using the components of the Hierarchy Search tab, see
Components of the Hierarchy Search tab (see page 661).
4. Click the Start Search button. The Search Results pane (see page 663) updates with data.

662 OW360_20
14.5 Selection Information area

14.4.4 Search Results pane

Perform a search by choosing the search criteria using the components under the Hierarchy
Search ribbon tab (see page 660). The search results display at the bottom of the System Viewer
window in an area called the Search results pane. See Performing search in System Viewer for
additional information.

Figure 460: Search Results

Click an item in the Search Results pane. The application highlights that particular
network/drop/device in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) and displays the dockable
tabs that are applicable for the item selected.

14.5 Selection Information area

The Selection Information area displays the node path you selected in the Hierarchy Display pane
(see page 665) and the selection you made for Alarm Treatment under the Home ribbon.

As you drill down to select an item from the Hierarchy Display pane (also called the system
hierarchy tree), your selection appears in the Selected Object field. From the Home pane, you can
then determine if you want to show all alarms or only unacknowledged alarm for the items you
selected in the system tree.

For example, refer to the following figure. If the operator discovers that there is an alarm condition
on network EMNET (shown by the red alarm icon in the Hierarchy Display pane), he can drill
down the tree to see what item in the system has an alarm. Based on the following figure, an
alarm exists in at the following location:

EMNET network -> UNIT0 -> DROP13/DROP63 -> IO Device 0 IOIC -> IO Interface 1
LocalOvation -> Branch 1 -> Slot 1.

OW360_20 663
14.5 Selection Information area

The Drop Summary tab on the right side of the window shows Drop 13 and Drop 63 highlighted in
red and Ovation I/O in an Abnormal condition.

Figure 461: Selection Information area showing object in hierarchy tree that is in alarm

664 OW360_20
14.6 Hierarchy Display Pane

14.6 Hierarchy Display Pane

The Hierarchy Display pane is designed in a tree or system hierarchy structure, similar to the tree
structure design in the Ovation Developer Studio (refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User
Guide for more information). This structure separates the functions of the system and makes it
easy to see and understand the dependence and flow of the configuration as well as the usage of
the various hardware objects, such as Ovation hardware and third-party hardware (Fieldbus,
Profibus, and DeviceNet).

The tree structure separates the system functions into levels with the highest level being the most
general and the lowest level being the most specific. Each level is defined by a folder. There are
four major folders in the Hierarchy Display pane: System, Network Asset, Unit, and Drops.
Each folder (or item) of the tree contains all the specific elements for that level. For example, the
Drops folder contains all Drops for a specific unit. See Understanding the system hierarchy (see
page 666).

The item you select in the Hierarchy Display pane determines which dockable tabs (see page
669) will appear in the System Viewer. Each dockable tab displays the information that is
applicable to the item selected in the tree.

The node(s) you select in the Hierarchy Display pane appear in the Selection Information area
(see page 663). From the Home ribbon, you can select to highlight either all alarms or only
unacknowledged alarms in the system tree. A red alarm icon indicates that an item is in alarm. A
green icon indicates that the alarm has not been acknowledged for that particular item.

Figure 462: System Viewer window showing Hierarchy Display pane

OW360_20 665
14.6 Hierarchy Display Pane

The Hierarchy Display pane is a floatable and dockable window. Dockable means it can be
attached to one of the sides of the main window, and floatable means that it becomes a free-
floating window if you double-click it. Once it is a free-floating window, it can be moved anywhere
(even to another monitor in a dual-monitor configuration) to create more space for the primary
display. See Arranging System Viewer windows (see page 680) for more information.

Figure 463: Hierarchy Display pane as a free-standing window

Note: When you hover over an item in the tree, a tooltip (see page 687) displays showing what
type of item you have selected.

14.6.1 Understanding the system hierarchy

The Hierarchy Display pane follows a similar format as the System Tree in the Ovation Developer
Studio. Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information. The nodes are
depicted in the following drawing:

Figure 464: Hierarchy depiction

666 OW360_20
14.6 Hierarchy Display Pane

The following figure shows an example system in a Hierarchy Display pane:

Figure 465: Sample system hierarchy

OW360_20 667
14.6 Hierarchy Display Pane

To expand or collapse a single folder structure within the system tree, click the plus (+) or
minus (-) signs in front of each folder. To expand or collapse all of the items in a folder, right-click
and select either Collapse All or Expand Add from the menu.

Figure 466: Right-click menu accessed from Hierarchy Display Pane

668 OW360_20
14.7 Dockable tabs

14.7 Dockable tabs

The System Viewer window contains various dockable tabs. Each dockable tab provides
information pertaining to a specific aspect of the Ovation system. For example, there is a
dockable tab that gives summary information on all of the drops in a unit and there is a dockable
tab that shows the attributes of a point. The dockable tabs that are specific to the System Viewer
application are:
 Drop Summary tab (see page 671).
 General Attributes tab (see page 673).
 Drop Status tab (see page 675).
 Status Point tab (see page 675).
 Point Attributes tab (see page 678).
In addition to the tabs listed above, System Viewer also displays some of the Point Information
tabs as well. See Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs (see page 704) for more

The number and type of dockable tabs that appear in the System Viewer window depends on
what item is selected in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665). Not all of the dockable tabs
are applicable to every item that can be selected in the system tree. For example, only the Drop
Summary tab appears when the top level of the system is selected in the Hierarchy Display Pane
(see page 665).

Figure 467: Drop Summary tab appears when system is selected

However, when you select a drop from the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665), the General
Attributes, Drop Status, and Drop Summary tabs appear.

Figure 468: Drop selected in hierarchy tree displays three dockable tabs

OW360_20 669
14.7 Dockable tabs

You can redock the tabs (also called grids) for better readability of data under the dockable tabs.

The following figures display examples of redocking a tab:

Figure 469: An example of a default view of dockable tabs

Figure 470: An example of redocking the tabs

670 OW360_20
14.7 Dockable tabs

Figure 471: An example of another way of redocking the tabs

14.7.1 Drop Summary tab

The Drop Summary tab provides an overview of your entire system when you have the top-level
system selected in the Hierarchy Display pane. All of the drops in the system are listed, along with
status information, network information, and fault code information.

When you select a Unit in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665), the Drop Summary tab
lists all the drops that are part of that unit. When you select a drop, the Drop Summary tab
displays information for that drop. The same columns display in the Drop Summary tab regardless
of what is selected in the system tree.

The Drop Summary tab provides additional information through the use of drop-down menus and
color coding. See Viewing the general status of your system (see page 691) for more information.

The following figure displays the Drop Summary tab:

Figure 472: Drop Summary tab

OW360_20 671
14.7 Dockable tabs

Drop Summary tab fields and descriptions


Drop ID Shows the drop number as defined in the Ovation Developer Studio.
Drop Mode Indicates if the selected drop is in Backup or Control mode.
HWY1 Provides the status of network 1. The choices are: Normal, Standby, Failed, and
Timed Out.
HWY2 Provides the status of network 2. The choices are: Normal, Standby, Failed, and
Timed Out.
Drop Status Indicates the state of the drop. The choices are:
 Cleared (CLR) - There is no data in the drop.
 Database Mismatch (DM) - The drop is out of sync with the Database. Perform a
load operation to sync them.
 Partner Mismatch (PM) - For redundant drops, the partners are out of sync.
Perform a load operation to sync them.
Fault Code Indicates a fault condition exists on the drop. See To view Fault Code information (see
page 694).
Fault ID Identifies the type of fault code.
Ovation I/O Identifies the device as an Ovation device (R-line).
Fieldbus Identifies the device as a Fieldbus device.
Profibus Identifies the device as a Profibus device.
DeviceNet Identifies the device as a DeviceNet device.

672 OW360_20
14.7 Dockable tabs

14.7.2 General Attributes tab

The General Attributes tab provides standard information about the item you have selected. This
information is defined in the Ovation Developer Studio; therefore, the information is fixed and
does not change.

Depending on what node is selected in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665), the fields
change for the General Attributes tab. For information on these fields and how they are defined,
refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.

Figure 473: General Attributes tab when Unit is selected in Hierarchy Display pane

Figure 474: General Attributes tab when Drop is selected in Hierarchy Display pane

Figure 475: General Attributes tab when Controller Networking is selected in Hierarchy
Display pane

OW360_20 673
14.7 Dockable tabs

Figure 476: General Attributes tab when IO Device 0 IOIC is selected in Hierarchy Display

Figure 477: General Attributes tab when IO Interface 1 LocalOvation is selected in

Hierarchy Display pane

Figure 478: General Attributes tab when Branch is selected in Hierarchy Display pane

Figure 479: General Attributes tab when Slot is selected in Hierarchy Display pane

674 OW360_20
14.7 Dockable tabs

14.7.3 Drop Status tab

The Drop Status tab represents the state of a particular drop or on a primary and partner drop
pair. This tab only appears when a specific drop is selected in the Drop Summary tab (see page
671) or in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665).

The information in the Drop Status tab is obtained from the DU record of the drop (refer to the
Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for more information). It is the same information that is
displayed in the Status tab of Point Information application. See Status tab for Point Information
window for detailed information.

Figure 480: Drop Status tab

Note: You can display the bits that are set for the Functional Processor Status Word 1 (FA
record field) by clicking in the field under the Primary Drop Value and Partner Drop Value
columns. See Getting additional drop information (see page 698).

OW360_20 675
14.7 Dockable tabs

14.7.4 Status Point tab

The Status Point tab provides information on the point associated with an Ovation or third-party
device. A module (RM) point or a node points (RN) is assigned to the device. RM points are used
for Ovation I/O modules and RN points are used for remote I/O nodes.

The Status Point tab appears when you select the Controller driver node (I/O Device IOIC) or a
module from the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665).

Figure 481: Status Point tab

Status Point tab fields and descriptions


Configuration Identifies the configuration as primary or backup.

Point Name Name of the point associated with the module or node.
Description Description of the point.
Value Displays the current value of the point. Click this field and a window appears showing the
bits that are set for the point (see the figure beneath the table).
Q (Quality) Shows the quality of the point. The choices are: G (GOOD), F (FAIR), P (POOR, (B)
BAD, and T (Timed out).
Point Status Displays the status of the point as defined by the 1W field (refer to the Ovation Record
Types Reference Manual for more information).

Note: Right-click any field on the Status Point tab and a Point Menu appears (see page 693).

Figure 482: Bit Information

676 OW360_20
14.7 Dockable tabs

Depending on the selection in the Hierarchy Display pane, the Status Point tab may display
additional fields other than the standard fields. If there are additional fields, they may appear in an
additional tab.

Figure 483: Status Point tab showing a continuation tab

If you select a point in the Status Point tab, a check mark appears to the left side of the row (see
Selecting and clearing points (see page 699)). Once selected, notice that other ribbon tabs
appear at the top of the System Viewer window. These ribbons are the same ribbons that are
used for points in the Point Information application. The number and type of Point Information
ribbons that appear depend upon the type of point selected. The ribbons that appear allow you to
perform various functions on the point, such as alarm check remove, alarm cutout, commissioning
a point, and so forth. The Point Information ribbons that are available are discussed in Point
Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs (see page 704).

Figure 484: Status Point tab showing a point selected and Point Information ribbon
displayed at the top of the window

OW360_20 677
14.7 Dockable tabs

14.7.5 Point Attributes tab

The Point Attributes tab provides specific information on an analog, digital, and packed point that
is assigned to a network device (switch, router, printer) or to a module.

Note: The fields on the Point Attributes tab vary depending on the type of module or network
device you select in the Hierarchy Display Pane.

Figure 485: Point Attributes tab

Point Attributes tab fields and descriptions


Attribute name Displays the attribute of the point.

Point Name Displays the name of the point.
Description Provides a description for the point.
Packed Bit: Description Description of the packed bit, if applicable to the point.
Value Displays the current value of the point.
Q (Quality) Shows the quality of the point. The choices are: G (GOOD), F (FAIR), P (POOR,
(B) BAD, and T (Timed out).
Units Displays the engineering units of the current value (EU record field, refer to the
Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for more information).
Point Status Displays the status of the point as defined by the 1W field (refer to the Ovation
Record Types Reference Manual for more information).

Note: Right-click any field on the Status Point tab and a Point Menu appears (see page 693).

678 OW360_20
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

If you select a point in the Point Attributes tab, a check mark appears to the left side of the row
(see Selecting and clearing points (see page 699)). Once selected, notice that other ribbon tabs
appear at the top of the System Viewer window. These ribbons are the same ribbons that are
used for points in the Point Information application. The number and type of Point Information
ribbons that appear depend upon the type of point selected. The ribbons that appear allow you to
perform various functions on the point, such as alarm check remove, alarm cutout, commissioning
a point, and so forth. The Point Information ribbons that are available are discussed in Point
Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs (see page 704).

Figure 486: Point Attributes tab showing a point selected and Point Information ribbons
displayed at the top of the window

14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

The System Viewer Dockable tabs provide a flexible way to view the information in the columns
and allows you to customize how that information is presented. Columns can be sorted, grouped,
resized, or removed. By configuring different views of the window, you can focus on the
information you need.

Some of the Dockable tabs have columns that are sortable. Click the header of the column and
either an up arrow or a down arrow appears. The up arrow indicates that the column is sorted in
alphabetical order. A down arrow means that the column is sorted in reverse alphabetical order.

Figure 487: Sortable column

OW360_20 679
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

14.8.1 Arranging System Viewer windows

The Hierarchy Display pane and the Search Results pane can be moved and minimized to create
more space for the primary System Viewer display.

Use the push pin in the upper right corner of the Hierarchy Display pane and the Search Results
pane to toggle the location of the window:
 Left-click the pin once to make the pane a side bar.
 Left-click the side bar to display the window without locking it in its default place.
 Left-click the pin again to lock the window in its default place beside the dockable tabs.
 When the pane is locked in place, click and drag the window to anywhere on the screen, as

Note: The Search Results pane does not become a freestanding window and cannot be moved
to another location on the System Viewer window.

 For the Hierarchy Display Pane, left-click and drag the window back to the default area to the
left of the dockable tabs. Double-click the pin to lock it in place.

Figure 488: Push pin icon for Hierarchy Display pane

Figure 489: Hierarchy Display pane displayed as a side bar

680 OW360_20
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

14.8.2 Right-click column navigation menu

All of the headers in the System Viewer's Dockable tabs can display a right-click menu that allows
you to customize what information to display in the tab and how to display it.

Figure 490: Right-click menu accessed from column headers

Right-click menu items and descriptions


Sort Ascending Sorts the column in an alphabetical order.

Sort Descending Sorts the column in a reverse alphabetical order.
Clear Sorting Clears any sorting that was set and returns the column layout to its default
Group By This Column Allows you to group the information in a hierarchy according to the selected
column. See To group by tab columns (see page 681).
Show Group By Box Allows you to display the grouped information in an area above tab columns.
See To group using the Show Group By Box option (see page 684).
Remove This Column Removes the column from view.
Column Chooser Displays a window that acts as a holder for columns that you removed or that
you want to reorder. See To customize column layout (see page 685).
Best Fit Resizes the selected column so that the longest field is completely visible.
Best Fit (all columns) Resizes all the columns in the tab so that the longest field in each column is
completely visible.

OW360_20 681
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

14.8.3 To group by tab columns

You can group the information in a Dockable tab such that information is displayed in a
hierarchical format. One field becomes basis against which all the other fields are organized.

1. Access the System Viewer (see page 655).

2. Select an item in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) to display that item's applicable
dockable tab(s).
3. Right-click the desired column in a dockable tab. From the menu, select Group By This
Column. In the following figure, the right-click menu is accessed from the Asset column.

Figure 491: Point Attributes dockable tab showing right-click menu

4. The information in the dockable tab updates such that the Asset field becomes the base by
which all the other fields are listed. In the following figure, all of the information for the Port
Attributes tab is sorted by Asset.

Figure 492: Point Attributes dockable tab grouped by the Asset column

682 OW360_20
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

5. If desired, you can group by an additional field. Select a field and right-click to display the
menu. Choose Group By This Column. In the following figure, the Point Name field was

Figure 493: Point Attributes dockable tab grouped by Asset and Point Name fields

6. From the example figure above, expand the Point Name node in the tree to display the Value
and Description fields.

Figure 494: Point Attributes dockable tab showing all field information

7. After you have grouped the fields, you can display the group navigation in an area above the
column headers. Right-click one of the remaining headers in the tab, and select Show Group
By Box. The grouping that you have defined appears.

Note: You can group fields by simply showing the group box and dragging fields into the box.
See To group tab columns by the group box (see page 684).

Figure 495: Grouping shown in a box above tab headers

OW360_20 683
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

8. Right-click the group box above the column headers to display another menu. Select one of
the following options:
 Full Expand -- expands all of the nodes in the dockable tab that you have grouped.
 Full Collapse -- collapses all of the nodes in the dockable tab that you have grouped.
 Clear Grouping -- removes all of the grouping and returns the fields in the dockable tab
to their default state.
 Hide Group By Box -- removes the group box from view.

Figure 496: Right-click menu accessed from group box

14.8.4 To group using the Show Group By Box option

You can group tab columns by using the Show Group By Box option.

1. Access the System Viewer (see page 655).

2. Select an item in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) to display that item's applicable
dockable tab(s).
3. Right-click any column in a dockable tab. From the menu, select Show Group By Box.

Figure 497: Point Attributes dockable tab showing right-click menu

684 OW360_20
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

4. A box appears above the tab columns with a message prompting you to drag a column
header into the box.

Figure 498: Point Attributes dockable tab showing group box

5. Click and drag a header into the box. The dockable tab updates such that the field you
selected becomes the base by which all the other fields are listed. In the following figure, the
Point Name field was selected.

Figure 499: Point Attributes dockable tab with Point Name field dragged into box

6. Continue dragging fields into the box, as desired.

7. Right-click in the group box area to display another menu. Select one of the following options:
 Full Expand -- expands all of the nodes in the dockable tab that you have grouped.
 Full Collapse -- collapses all of the nodes in the dockable tab that you have grouped.
 Clear Grouping -- removes all of the grouping and returns the fields in the dockable tab
to their default state.
 Hide Group By Box -- removes the group box from view.

OW360_20 685
14.8 Navigating through the System Viewer window

14.8.5 To customize column layout

You can rearrange the columns in any dockable tab window. You can also remove columns from

1. Access the System Viewer (see page 655).

2. Select an item in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) to display that item's applicable
dockable tab(s).
3. Right-click the desired column in a dockable tab. From the menu, select Column Chooser.
The Customization window appears.

Figure 500: Customization window

4. The Customization window acts as a holder for columns that you want to remove from view or
that you want to move to a different location on the tab.
5. Select a column header and drag it to the Customization window. See the following figure.

Note: Certain columns (such as Point Name and Drop ID) cannot be moved to the
Customization window.

Figure 501: Customization window with columns added

6. If desired, after you have moved the desired columns to the Customization window, you can
drag the columns from window back to the dockable tab in a new location. In this way, you
can configure the order of the tab columns in the way that you choose.

Note: If you choose to Remove a column, it is placed in the Customization window so that it can
be accessed at a later time.

686 OW360_20
14.9 Refreshing the System Viewer application

14.8.6 Tooltips

The System Viewer application displays tool tips for various fields. A tooltip is a short descriptive
text string describing the selected function. To see the tooltip for a particular field, hover the
mouse pointer over the desired area.

Figure 502: Example tooltip

14.8.7 Accessing online help

The System Viewer has an online help system that provides information on the System Viewer
application. You can access this help in one of the following ways:
 By pressing the F1 key on the keyboard while the cursor is anywhere on the System Viewer
 By clicking the question mark icon (?) in the far right corner of the System Viewer window

Figure 503: System Viewer online help icon

14.9 Refreshing the System Viewer application

The Refresh feature in the System Viewer window allows the application to automatically refresh
itself. If you add a new device to the Ovation Developer Studio or make a change to the existing
hardware configuration, System Viewer detects the addition/change and displays a warning
window stating that the files are out of sync. See the following figure.

Figure 504: Refresh screen

The Warning window gives you a countdown as to when the system will automatically refresh.
You cannot pause the countdown or stop the refresh. If desired, you can refresh the system
before the countdown expires by pressing the Refresh Now button.

OW360_20 687
14.10 Window elements common to System Viewer and other Operator Station applications

14.10 Window elements common to System Viewer and other Operator

Station applications
The Operator Station provides various common Window elements that can be used by other
Operator Station applications. The following section discusses the Windows elements common to
the System Viewer and other Operator Station applications.

14.10.1 System Viewer Menu button

Similar to other Operator Station applications, the System Viewer window also has a Menu button
at the top of the System Viewer window. The Menu button provides access to several System
Viewer window functions. The following figure illustrates the menu options:

Figure 505: System Viewer Menu

The System Viewer Menu button has a few window functions that are common to other Operator
Station applications. The common window functions are Load Search Criteria, Save Search
Criteria, Print, Preferences, and Options. For additional information, see Using common Operator
Station functions.

688 OW360_20
14.10 Window elements common to System Viewer and other Operator Station applications

The following table describe the System Viewer Menu button functions:

System Viewer Menu button functions


Load Search Criteria Displays a window that allows you to choose a previously saved System Viewer
configuration of filter and column settings and apply (load) it to the current
Save Search Criteria Displays a window that allows you to save the current filter and column settings
to a file. You should provide a custom name for the saved settings so the
settings can be applied at a later time.
Print Displays the Preview and Print menu. This function is similar to the Print option
in the Point Information window.
Export Opens the Export window. This window is similar to the Export window in Point
Information. You can use the Save As window to export the contents of the
System Viewer window to text, image, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT, RTF,
XLS, and XLSX file formats. See the Export option section for more information.
Preferences Opens the Preferences window that can be used to save application settings
between System Viewer sessions.
Where Used Displays the Where Used window that contains a list of references to the
currently loaded point. This button is enabled if a point is currently loaded in the
Point Information window. See the Where Used option section for more
System Viewer Options Displays the Options window that allows you to set View and Color Settings for
the System Viewer window for the current session.
Exit System Viewer Closes the System Viewer window.
Recently Used Search Provides a list of last search criterion that has been viewed in the System
Criteria Viewer window.

OW360_20 689
14.10 Window elements common to System Viewer and other Operator Station applications

14.10.2 System Viewer Quick Access toolbar

Similar to other common Operator Station applications, the System Viewer application also has a
Quick Access toolbar. This toolbar appears at the top of the window and consists of frequently
used icons. This toolbar also allows for easy access to commonly used functions, instead of
navigating through the ribbon tabs. These icons are shown in the following figure and are
described in the following table as they appear in the figure from left to right:

Figure 506: System Viewer Quick Access toolbar

System Viewer Quick Access Toolbar functions


Displays the Load Search Criteria window.

Allows you to navigate back and forth by using these two arrows.

14.10.3 System Viewer Point Menu

Similar to other Operator Station applications, System Viewer also has a Point Menu. The Point
Menu provides a quick method to select a point displayed at the Operator Station and to access
information about that point from different application windows. The menu items may vary
depending on the type of point that you select.

Figure 507: Point Menu accessed from System Viewer

For additional information, see Point Menu.

690 OW360_20
14.11 Viewing the general status of your system

14.11 Viewing the general status of your system

The Drop Summary tab allows you to view the status of every drop in your Ovation system as well
as the status of the individual drops.

The Drop Summary tab fields provide important information in the column fields as well as in the
color scheme and drop-down menus that are available in the Drop Status tab fields (see page
671). The Drop Summary tab allows you to do the following:
 Access a Point Menu (see page 693).
 User color coding to determine the drop's mode (see page 694).
 Get detailed information on a single drop (see page 698).
 View fault information (see page 694).

Figure 508: Drop Summary tab as shown when the top-level is selected in the Hierarchy
Display pane

OW360_20 691
14.11 Viewing the general status of your system

14.11.1 To access the Drop Summary tab

The Drop Summary tab appears for every node selected in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page

1. Access the System Viewer (see page 655).

2. To see the status of every drop in your system, select the top-level node in the Hierarchy
Display Pane (see page 665).

Figure 509: Drop Summary tab shown when top-level system selected in Hierarchy Display

3. To see the status of every drop in a particular unit, select the desired unit.
4. To see the overall status of a particular drop, click the desired drop or any node under the
drop (see page 698).
5. If you select a Controller drop node from the hierarchy tree, the Drop Summary tab displays
the primary Controller drop first and then shows the backup drop indented on the row beneath
the primary drop. See the following figure.

Figure 510: Drop ID column on Drop Summary tab showing primary and backup

692 OW360_20
14.11 Viewing the general status of your system

14.11.2 Accessing a Point Menu from the System Viewer application

A Point Menu can be accessed from the Drop ID field on the Drop Summary tab (see page 671)
or from any field on the Status Points (see page 675) and Point Attributes tabs (see page 678).

Figure 511: Point Menu accessed from Drop ID field

For more information on the Point Menu, see Point Menu.

OW360_20 693
14.11 Viewing the general status of your system

14.11.3 Identifying status by color codes

The Drop Summary tab uses color coding as a means of visually providing information. Several
fields in different tabs may use color coding such as Drop ID, Drop Mode, Fault Code, Value, and
Quality. The color coding color list appears as a tooltip when you hover over the Drop ID field in
the Drop Summary tab.

Figure 512: Color coding tooltip

The following list defines the colors:

 Gray indicates the drop is off the highway (network).
 Red indicates the drop is in alarm or in fault.
 Orange indicates the drop is in failed mode.
 Magenta indicates the drop needs operator attention.
 White indicates the drop is in startup mode or timed out.
 Green indicates the drop is in normal mode or the drop is in control.
 Yellow indicates the drop is in backup mode or standby mode for the network.
 Cyan indicates the drop is in standby mode.

Note: If a drop is in a mode other than defined above, it will be displayed in White.

14.11.4 To view Fault Code information

The Ovation system uses fault codes as a way to indicate if a fault condition exists for a selected
drop. Drop faults are defined by a fault code, a fault ID, and possibly one or more fault
parameters. See the following example:

Fault 66 7 1 11
66 = Fault Code
7 = Fault ID
1 = Parameter 1
11 = Parameter 2

694 OW360_20
14.11 Viewing the general status of your system

These values are taken from the FC and FK fields of the DU record type. Refer to the Ovation
Record Types Reference Manual for additional information.

The System Viewer displays the fault code and fault ID in the Drop Summary tab. Use these fields
to access additional fault information:

1. Access the System Viewer (see page 655).

2. Select the top-level system node in the Hierarchy Display Pane to display the Drop Summary
3. From the Drop Summary tab (see page 691), hover the mouse over the Fault Code or Fault
ID fields to view general fault information in a small tooltip format. The drop number along with
the fault code, fault ID, and fault parameter(s) are listed.

Figure 513: Fault Information displayed in a tooltip

OW360_20 695
14.11 Viewing the general status of your system

4. To get detailed fault information and possible suggestions to correct the fault, click either the
Fault Code or Fault ID field. The Ovation Drop Fault Report appears as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 514: Fault report

For more information on hardware address and I/O Status values for Fault Code 66 (Fault ID B),
see Viewing additional information on Fault Code: Hardware Address and I/O Status Values (see
page 712).

14.11.5 To quickly address points in alarm

The Drop Summary tab allows you to quickly address points that are in alarm for Ovation I/O,
Fieldbus, Profibus, and DeviceNet devices. Instead of having to search for each point individually
that is in alarm, the Drop Summary tab organizes all of the alarm points in one list under the
applicable drop and device.

Use the following procedure to view the points that are in alarm for a device:

1. Access the System Viewer (see page 655).

2. Select the top-level system node in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) to display the
Drop Summary tab.
3. From the Drop Summary tab (see page 691), go to one of the device columns (Ovation I/O,
Fieldbus, Profibus, or DeviceNet).
4. Click in the Abnormal field (with a red background). A drop-down menu appears listing all of
the points that are in alarm for that device. Notice that the full path of where to find the point is
shown in the list (System -> Unit -> Drop -> IOIC Controller driver -> Device type -> Branch ->

Figure 515: Points in alarm for an Ovation device

696 OW360_20
14.12 Viewing general node information

5. Select a point from the drop-down list. The Hierarchy Display pane updates to highlight the
node (slot in the following figure) in the system tree, and all of the dockable tabs that are
applicable to that point appear on the System Viewer window. See the following figure.

Figure 516: Dockable tabs appear after a point is selected

6. If desired, select a point from the Point Attributes or Status Point tab to perform a Point
Information function (see page 704).

14.12 Viewing general node information

The General Attributes tab (see page 673) appears for most of the nodes selected in the
Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) (units, drops, I/O). It does not appear when you select the
top-level system or a network asset. This tab displays static information that is defined in the
Ovation Developer Studio. Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for additional

Figure 517: General Attributes tab

OW360_20 697
14.13 Getting additional drop information

14.13 Getting additional drop information

You can get detail information for a specific drop in one of the following way:
 Click a drop in the Drop Summary tab (see page 691). The cursor jumps to that drop in the
Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) and the System Viewer window updates to show the
General Attributes tab and the Drop Status tab in addition to the Drop Summary tab.
 Select a drop from the Hierarchy Display tab, the Drop Summary, General Attributes, Drop
Status tabs appear showing information for the selected drop.
The Drop Status tab gives you the detailed information about the status of the selected drop. The
Drop Status tab provides all of the information that is displayed in the Drop Summary tab plus
additional information.

Figure 518: Drop Status tab

The information in the Drop Status tab is the same information that is displayed in the Status tab
of Point Information application. See Status tab for Point Information window for detailed

Figure 519: Status tab accessed from Point Information application

698 OW360_20
14.14 Viewing point information for devices and modules

The Drop Status tab also allows you to view the bits that are set for Functional Processor Status
Word 1 (FA record field). Click the Functional Processor Status Word 1 field under the Primary
Drop Value and Partner Drop Value columns to display a list of bits. The bits that have a check
mark beside them are set. Note that the bit list is read-only and cannot be modified in the System
Viewer application. Refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for more information.

Figure 520: Bits defined for the Functional Processor Status Word 1 parameter

14.14 Viewing point information for devices and modules

You can get detailed information on a point assigned to a device or a module. The Status Point
tab (see page 675) provides information on the point associated with the Ovation or third-party
device. A module (RM) point or a node points (RN) is assigned to the device

The Point Attributes tab (see page 678) provides specific information on an analog, digital, and
packed point that is assigned to a network device (switch, router, printer) or to a module.

The Status Point and Point Attributes tabs provides several additional windows and menus to
present point information to you. With these tabs you can:
 Display a Point Menu by right-clicking any column on the window.
 Identify a point that is in alarm by the red color coding and the red alarm bell icon.
 Determine what bits have been set for a packed point.
 Understand the status of the point.
 Select a point and perform Point Information functions (see page 699).

OW360_20 699
14.14 Viewing point information for devices and modules

14.14.1 To select and update points

The System Viewer allows you to perform some of the functions that can be performed in the
Point Information application. You can select a point from either the Status Point tab or the Point
Attributes tab to make applicable changes.

Note: You can only select one point from one tab at a time.

1. Access the System Viewer (see page 655).

2. Select an item in the Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 665) that displays the Point Attributes
or the Status Points tab.
3. Select a point in one of the tabs. A green check mark appears next to the selected point. See
the following figure.

Figure 521: One point selected in Point Attributes tab

Note: To clear the check mark from the tab, press the CTRL key and left-click. You can also
click the Clear Selection button on the Home tab.

4. Depending on the type of point you selected and how that point was configured, additional
ribbon tabs appear at the top of the System Viewer window. These tabs are the same tabs
found in the Point Information application.

Figure 522: Point Information ribbon tabs shown on the System Viewer window

5. Select one of the ribbon tabs. The functions that you can perform on the selected point
appear on the ribbon.

Figure 523: Alarm/Limit functions that can be performed on a point in System Viewer

700 OW360_20
14.14 Viewing point information for devices and modules

6. Select the action to take on the point from the applicable Point Information ribbon tab. A pop
up message appears asking you to confirm the action. Click OK to confirm.

Figure 524: Confirmation message for Point Information action

7. Once you perform the action on the point, an Operator Event message (see page 14) is sent
to the Ovation Event Log.

OW360_20 701
14.14 Viewing point information for devices and modules

14.14.2 To shelve or unshelve a point using the System Viewer window

To shelve or unshelve a point using the System Viewer window, follow these steps.

1. Access the System Viewer window (see page 655).

2. Select a point (see page 699). Depending on the type of point you selected and how that
point was configured, additional ribbon tabs appear at the top of the System Viewer window.
3. The following figure shows an example of a selected point. In the Alarm tab, you can select
the Alarm Shelve options to shelve or unshelve a point from the System Viewer window. For
more information about shelving or unshelving a point, see Working with Alarm window
functions at the Operator Station or Working with Point Information functions at the Operator

Figure 525: To shelve or unshelve a point using the System Viewer window

702 OW360_20
14.14 Viewing point information for devices and modules

14.14.3 To perform an alarm check on a point using the System Viewer


To perform an alarm check operation on a point using the System Viewer window, follow these

1. Access the System Viewer window (see page 655).

2. Select a point (see page 699). Depending on the type of point you selected and how that
point was configured, additional ribbon tabs appear at the top of the System Viewer window.
3. The following figure shows an example of a selected analog point. In the Alarm tab, you can
select the Alarm Check options to Alarm Check ON or Alarm Check OFF on a point from
the System Viewer window.

Figure 526: To perform alarm check on a point using the System Viewer window

 Alarm Check ON: Displays a Confirm Alarm Check ON Request pop up box. Click OK to
turn on the alarm checking option or click Cancel to cancel the operation.
 Alarm Check OFF: Displays a Confirm Alarm Check OFF Request pop up box. In the
Reason box, enter a reason to perform the alarm check off operation. Click OK.

For more information on Alarm Check on a point, see To perform an alarm check on a point using
the Alarm window or To perform an alarm check on a point using the Point Information window.

14.14.4 To enable or disable the auto cutout option for a point using the
System Viewer window

Similar to the Alarm and Point Information windows, you can also enable or disable the auto
cutout option for a point using the System Viewer window. For more information, see To enable or
disable the auto cutout option for a point using the Alarm window or To enable or disable the auto
cutout option for a point using the Point Information Window.

OW360_20 703
14.15 Viewing network device information

14.14.5 To perform limit check ON or OFF using the System Viewer window

Similar to the Alarm and Point Information windows, you can also perform limit check ON or OFF
on a point using the System Viewer application. For more information, see To perform limit check
OFF a point using the Alarm window or To perform limit check ON or OFF using the Point
Information window.

14.15 Viewing network device information

You can view the status of the network devices in your Ovation system. Items such as printers,
switches, and so forth are assigned a packed digital point, which can be viewed in the Point
Attributes tab. The Point Attributes tab operates in the same way as for any other device. For
more information on using the Point Attributes tab, see Viewing point information for devices and
modules (see page 699).

Figure 527: Point Attributes tab showing points for Ovation network devices

Network assets are only displayed in the System Viewer when SNMP is configured in the Ovation
Developers Studio. Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information.

14.16 Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs

The System Viewer application uses six ribbon tabs that are part of the Point Information
application. These ribbons only appear when a point in the Status Point or Point Attributes tab is
selected. The number and type of Point Information ribbons that appear depends upon what type
of point is selected. These tabs are described in the following table:

Point Information tabs used in System Viewer


Value tab (see Long Analog (LA), Deluxe Analog (DA), Long Packed (LP), or Deluxe Packed
page 705) (DP) point
Value/Mode tab Long Digital (LD) or Deluxe Digital (DD) point. This tab contains the Auto,
(see page 705) Manual, and Cascade buttons used to change the device modes
Alarm tab (see Long Digital (LD), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long Packed (LP), Deluxe Packed (DP),
page 706) Module (RM), or Node (RN) point
Alarm/Limit tab Long Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) point
(see page 706)
Commission tab Long Analog (LA), Deluxe Analog (DA), Long Digital (LD), Deluxe Digital (DD),
(see page 707) Long Packed (LP), or Deluxe Packed (DP) point.
The Commission tab is used to commission points NOT devices.
Plant Mode tab Deluxe Analog (DA), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long Packed (LP), or Deluxe Packed
(see page 707) (DP) point. This tab contains the Auto, Manual, and Cascade buttons used to
change the device modes.

704 OW360_20
14.16 Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs

14.16.1 Value ribbon tab

The Value ribbon tab in the System Viewer window provides a group of operations that can be
performed on the selected points that appear in the grid. It is similar to the Value ribbon tab in the
Point Information window. See Value ribbon tab in the Point Information for more information.

The tab appears when a Long Analog (LA), Deluxe Analog (DA), Long Packed (LP), or Deluxe
Packed (DP) point is selected. The Value tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure 528: Value ribbon tab

14.16.2 Value/Mode ribbon tab

The Value/Mode ribbon tab in the System Viewer window provides a group of operations that can
be performed on the selected points that appear in the grid. It is similar to the Value/Mode ribbon
tab in the Point Information window. See Value/Mode ribbon tab in the Point Information for more

The tab appears when a Long Digital (LD), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long Analog (LA), or Deluxe
Analog (DA) point is selected. The Value/Mode tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure 529: Value/Mode ribbon tab

OW360_20 705
14.16 Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs

14.16.3 Alarm ribbon tab

The Alarm ribbon tab in the System Viewer window provides a group of operations that can be
performed on the selected points that appear in the grid. It is similar to the Alarm ribbon tab in the
Point Information window. See Alarm ribbon tab in the Point Information for more information.

The tab appears when a Long Digital (LD), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long Packed (LP), Deluxe
Packed (DP), Module (RM), or Node (RN) point is selected. The Alarm tab is shown in the
following figure:

Figure 530: Alarm ribbon tab

14.16.4 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab

The Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the System Viewer window provides several alarm configuration
options that you can perform on a selected point in the grid. It is similar to the Alarm/Limit ribbon
tab in the Point Information window. See Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Information for more

The tab appears when a Long Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) point is selected. The
Alarm/Limit tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure 531: Alarm/Limit ribbon tab

706 OW360_20
14.16 Point Information tabs included as System Viewer tabs

14.16.5 Commission ribbon tab

The Commission ribbon tab in the System Viewer window provides uncommission and
commission options that you can perform on a selected point in the grid. The tab appears when a
Long Analog (LA), Deluxe Analog (DA), Long Digital (LD), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long Packed (LP),
or Deluxe Packed (DP) point is selected. The Commission tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure 532: Commission ribbon tab

The Commission ribbon tab has the following options.

 Uncommission: Change the state of the selected point to Uncommissioned.
 Commission: Change the state of the selected point to Commissioned.

Note: The Uncommission and Commission buttons are enabled only if the Scan is Off and if all
applicable user and point security group (control) permissions allow the operation.

14.16.6 Plant Mode ribbon tab

The Plant Mode ribbon tab in the System Viewer window provides several alarm configuration
options that you can perform on a selected point in the grid. It is similar to the Plant Mode ribbon
tab in the Point Information window. See Plant Mode ribbon tab in the Point Information for more

The tab appears when a Deluxe Analog (DA), Deluxe Digital (DD), or Deluxe Packed (DP) point is
selected. The Plant Mode tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure 533: Plant Mode ribbon tab

OW360_20 707
14.17 To export information from System Viewer

14.17 To export information from System Viewer

The Export window lists the tabs for which the content can be exported. The System Viewer
allows you to export data from the Drop Summary, Status Point, and Point Attributes tab. You can
select the desired check boxes next to the tab(s) and save the data on the tab(s) to a text, image,
CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT, RTF, XLS, or XLSX file formats.

To export data from the System Viewer:

1. Access the System Viewer window (see page 655).

2. Select the System Viewer Menu button (see page 688) in the upper left corner of the
window. Then select the Export option.

Figure 534: System Viewer Menu button showing Export option

708 OW360_20
14.17 To export information from System Viewer

3. The Export window appears. Select the tab(s) from which you want to export data.

Figure 535: Export window

Note: To export information from all of the tabs, click the Set All button. To deselect all of the
selected tab boxes, click the Clear All option. To quit the window without exporting data, click

4. Select the Export As button and a Save As window appears.

OW360_20 709
14.17 To export information from System Viewer

5. Use the Save As window to name the file, select where you want to store the file, and define
what file format you want to use. The available formats are: Text files (*.txt), CSV files (*.csv),
HTML files (*.html). PDF files (*.pdf), and Microsoft Excel files (*.xls).

Figure 536: Save As window for exported file

6. After you have completed the information in the window, click the Save button.

710 OW360_20
14.18 Using the Where Used option

14.18 Using the Where Used option

When observing the hardware status, you may want to learn where a point is used in the Ovation
system. The Where Used window contains a list of places and items that currently reference the
selected point. You may use this as a cross reference tool when building or modifying points.

The following figure provides an example of a Where Used window and the following table
provides descriptions of the components of the window:

Figure 537: Where Used window in the System Viewer Menu button

Components in the System Viewer Where Used window


Object column Lists the objects in the database that use the selected point.
Type column Identifies the type of objects in the database that use the selected point.
How Used column Describes how the point is used in the Ovation system.
Go To Reference If the selected point is used in control or in a graphic, this button is enabled.
button Identifies the control sheet or graphic where the selected point is used.
Refresh button Refreshes the contents of the window.
Close button Closes the Where Used window.

OW360_20 711
14.19 Viewing additional information on Fault Code: Hardware Address and I/O Status Values

14.19 Viewing additional information on Fault Code: Hardware Address

and I/O Status Values
For the Ovation 3.5 and later releases, the Fault Codes are part of the Ovation System Viewer

The following tables apply to the hardware address and I/O Status values for Fault Code 66 (Fault
ID B).

Note: All fields are 0 based. This table only applies to IOIC Devices.

Hardware Address Decoding


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Node Branch Module Offset


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Node 1 Offset


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 0 Offset


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 Offset

I/O Status Values


0x0000 Local: No response from module

0x0800 Remote: Echo: No response
0x0a00 Remote: Node: No response
0x0e00 Remote: Transmit collision1
0x2000 Local: Bad CRC
0x2800 Remote: Echo: Bad CRC1
0x2a00 Remote: Node: Bad CRC
0x2e00 Remote: I/O control register changed

712 OW360_20
14.19 Viewing additional information on Fault Code: Hardware Address and I/O Status Values


0x4000 Local: Module in attention

0x4c00 Remote: Node in attention
0x4e00 Remote: PCRR internal error
0x6000 Success
0x6200 Remote: Echo: Wrong SRC1
0x6400 Remote: Node: Wrong SRC
0x6800 Remote: Echo: Wrong DST1
0x6a00 Remote: Node: Wrong DST
0x6c00 Remote: Node: Invalid response
0x0180 IOIC board not in control
0x0190 Q-line DIOB volts bad
0x00a0 Illegal access type
0x00b0 Illegal hardware address
0x00c0 Point not scanned yet
0x00d0 I/O cycle hung
0x00e0 Remote I/O type unknown
0x01f0 Third-party I/O Driver Error (for example, invalid GE Mark V/VI tables)
0x6010 Error checking for SOE Events
0x6020 Readback failed or Card OK Bit not set
0x6130 DIOB test failed
Consider updating PCRR (3A99190G01) Board to Revision 14 (per DEO 57211).

Note: Bit 0x8000 could also be set in any of these codes.

Local I/O statuses indicate a problem in the local R-Line I/O bus. For local I/O, the problem is
between the PCRL and the module. For remote I/O, the problem is between the remote node
Controller and the module.

Remote I/O statuses indicate a problem in the remote R-Line I/O bus. The problem is between the
PCRR and the remote node Controller.

OW360_20 713
S E C T I O N 15

Ovation Utilities


What are the Ovation utilities? ........................................................................................ 715

What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility? ..................................................... 716
What is the Print Screen utility? ...................................................................................... 719
What is SnapGraphics utility? ......................................................................................... 719
What is the Sensor Calibration utility? ............................................................................ 722
What is the SureService Ovation System Registration Utility? ....................................... 726
What is the Ovation Session Manager utility? ................................................................ 726

15.1 What are the Ovation utilities?

The Ovation utilities allow you to display a variety of information about your Ovation system or
perform a function on your Ovation system. The utilities are:
 Controller Diagnostics (refer to the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide for information
about the Controller Diagnostics utility).
 Operator Diagram Group Display (see page 716).
 Print Screen utility (see page 719).
 SnapGraphics utility (see page 719).
 Sensor Calibration (see page 722).
 SIS Diagnostics. (refer to the applicable Ovation SIS User Guide for more information).
 SureService Ovation System Registration Utility (see page 726) (refer to the applicable
Ovation System Registration User Guide for more information).
 Ovation Session Manager (see page 726).
 Virtual Controller Coordinator Manager (refer to the applicable Ovation Virtual Controller User
Guide for more information).

OW360_20 715
15.2 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility?

15.2 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility?

The Operator Diagram Group Display takes a "snapshot" of a group of graphic diagrams while
they are being displayed on an Operator Station monitor. This snapshot and all information
pertaining to the diagram group are stored in a configuration file. You can then quickly and easily
redisplay the group in the same position it was when you took the snapshot.

The configuration file contains the following information:

 Description of the group of diagrams.
 Predefined diagrams (up to sixteen) that belong in the group.
 Point groups to use in the diagrams.
 x and y-coordinates of the group display.
 Width and height of the group display.

15.2.1 To access the Operator Diagram Group Display at an Operator Station

1. At the Operator Station, select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Utilities ->
Operator Diagram Group Display. The Operator Diagram Group Display window appears.

Figure 538: Operator Diagram Group Display window

716 OW360_20
15.2 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility?

2. Use the window to add, remove, or reorder (see page 717) Operator Diagram Groups.
3. After the initial access of the utility, you can optionally select to start the utility automatically
each time you log on to the Operator Station. Put a check in the Display Icon in Taskbar
Tray on Startup check box in the Operator Diagram Group Display window, and each time
you log on, an Operator Diagram Group icon appears in the taskbar tray.

15.2.2 What are Operator Diagram Group Display guidelines?

The following guidelines apply to the creation and configuration of Operator Diagram Groups:
 You may capture up to sixteen diagrams in a diagram group.
 You must configure each specific Operator Station individually for each user.
 Users may copy their Operator Diagram Group configuration files to multiple Operator
 If requested group coordinates are invalid or outside the current Operator Station screen
resolution, the group diagram appears in the upper-right corner of the screen.
 When you perform a group snapshot, any active pop-up windows in the applicable graphics
are not captured and do not display when you request the diagram group.

15.2.3 To display a diagram group at the Operator Station

1. At the Operator Station, right-click on the Operator Diagram Group Display icon in the taskbar
tray. A list of the defined diagram groups appears.

Figure 539: Diagram Group menu

2. Left-click on the diagram group that you want to display.

15.2.4 Configuring Operator Diagram Groups at an Operator Station

After you access the Operator Diagram Group Display window, you can edit the diagram groups.
After you make the desired configuration changes, select the Save to Disk button to save the

You can perform the following functions:

 Add a diagram group (see page 717).
 Remove a diagram group (see page 718).
 Reorder the diagram groups (see page 718).

OW360_20 717
15.2 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility?

15.2.5 To add a diagram group at an Operator Station

1. Log onto an Operator Station.
2. Display the diagrams that you want to include in the diagram group.
3. Access the Operator Diagram Group Display window and select the Add Snapshot button.
The utility determines the size, location, diagram number, and point group number of all the
currently displayed diagrams and puts that information into a configuration file.
4. Enter a description (up to 80 characters) for the group in the Snapshot Description window.
5. Select Apply or Cancel.

Figure 540: Snapshot Description window

6. Select the Save to Disk button on the Operator Diagram Group Display window to save the

15.2.6 To remove a diagram group from an Operator Station

1. Log onto an Operator Station.
2. Access the Operator Diagram Group Display window and select the desired diagram group
from the list of configured diagram groups.
3. Select the Remove Snapshot button. This removes the diagram group from the configuration
4. Select the Save to Disk button to save the changes.

15.2.7 To reorder diagram groups at an Operator Station

1. Log onto an Operator Station.
2. Access the Operator Diagram Group Display window and select the desired diagram group
from the list of configured diagram groups. Use the up and down arrows to reorder the group's
position in the list.
3. Continue reordering the diagram groups until the desired group order is complete.
4. Select the Save to Disk button to save the changes.

718 OW360_20
15.3 What is the Print Screen utility?

15.3 What is the Print Screen utility?

The Print Screen utility allows you to print a copy of the current computer screen without using a

The Print Screen utility captures what is displayed on the computer screen(s) and sends that
image to an installed printer. By default, the printer is set to use landscape mode to print the

The application can be invoked from the Start menu, from a shortcut on the desktop, or from the
Windows taskbar.

To use the Print Screen utility, click the Start menu -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation
Utilities -> Print Screen Utility. When accessed, the print occurs. There is no user interface for
this utility.

15.4 What is SnapGraphics utility?

The SnapGraphics utility allows you to take screen captures of one or more process diagrams in
the Graphics Display System. To use the SnapGraphics utility, click the Start menu -> All
Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Utilities -> SnapGraphics Utility. You can also access the
SnapGraphics utility from C:\Ovation\OvationBase\SnapGraphics.exe.

Note: To access the SnapGraphics online help, click ?.

OW360_20 719
15.4 What is SnapGraphics utility?

15.4.1 To configure the SnapGraphics window parameters

Before taking screen captures, configure the parameters in the SnapGraphics window.

1. Access the SnapGraphics window (see page 719).

2. Configure the parameters as follows:
 Add/Browse: Allows you to select the diagrams for which you need to take screen
 Remove Selected: Allows you remove the selected diagram(s) from the list of diagrams
you want to take screen captures of.
 Clear All: Removes all diagrams from the list of diagrams you want to take screen
captures of.
 runtime graphics window to use: Specifies the runtime graphics window to use to
display the diagrams when taking the screen captures. You may choose to either use the
currently selected window or a user-specified window. If you choose to use a user-
specified window, the window drop-down menu appears to allow you to select one of the
available process diagram windows.
 Window: Allows you to select which of the available diagram windows you want to
use when performing the screen captures (when you choose the user-specified
window option.)
 delay time (seconds): Allows you to set a delay time after which a screen capture is
taken by the application.
 Output Image File Format: Allows you to select the format of the captured screen. The
options are .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, and .pdf.
 create a single .pdf output file: Allows you to create a single .pdf output file for all the
screen captures if checked. If this option is not checked, an individual .pdf file output file is
created for each process diagram. This option is only available when the output file format
is .pdf.
 Output Filename: Allows you to enter or browse the file location and enter name of the
output file when the output format is .pdf and the option to create a single .pdf output file
is checked.
 Output Folder: Allows you to enter or browse the folder location when the output format
is .bmp, .gif, .jpg, or .png (when the option to create a single .pdf output file is not
 Image label display: Allows you to select the way to display the image label. The options
are none, name only, and name & timestamp. This option is only available when the
output file format is .pdf.

720 OW360_20
15.4 What is SnapGraphics utility?

 Image label pos: Allows you to select the position of the image label. The options are
top of page or below image. This option is only available when the output file format is

Figure 541: SnapGraphics main window

15.4.2 To take screen captures of process diagrams

1. Access the SnapGraphics window (see page 719).
2. Configure the SnapGraphics window parameters (see page 719).
3. Click Start to take the screen captures and click Stop to stop the process of capturing
4. Check the output file at the output filename location.
5. Click Exit to close the SnapGraphics window.

OW360_20 721
15.5 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

15.5 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

Sensor Calibration provides calibration of analog points. Sensor Calibration takes user input and
calculates the conversion coefficients that are then used by the Controller for conversion of
original input values to engineering units.

15.5.1 To access the Sensor Calibrate function

1. Choose Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Utilities -> Sensor Calibrate.
The Sensor Calibration window appears.

Figure 542: Sensor Calibration window

722 OW360_20
15.5 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

15.5.2 To calibrate a point using Sensor Calibration

1. To search for points you want to calibrate, click the Search button on the Sensor Calibration
The Find Points window appears.

Figure 543: Find Points window

2. From the Find Points window, select a drop from the left pane and a point from the right
pane and select Apply.
3. The selected point displays on the Sensor Calibration window.

Note: When a point is applied, the point is taken off scan and put in Sensor Calibrate mode.

4. Select the Degree of the Polynomial (that is the highest power of input x). Refer to the CV
Conversion Type Index record field. (refer to the Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.)
5. Enter the Expected Values for your application range.
6. Click Position and select one of the following options:
 User Entered - (Manual Calibration) - Entered by the user.
 Actual Voltage - Read from the hardware. The actual voltage is based on the card.

OW360_20 723
15.5 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

7. Once a sufficient number of values are entered (the required number of values is dependent
on the polynomial order specified previously), you can choose the Calc Coeff button to
calculate the new coefficients. When the coefficients are calculated, they are displayed in the
New Coeff column (see the following figure).

Figure 544: Sensor Calibration window showing complete calibration

8. The Deviation field is only applicable for actual values read from the hardware.
 Store Coeff - Replaces the old coefficient values with the new values.
 Clear Coeff - Clears the table, then you can start over.

724 OW360_20
15.5 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

9. Click the Plot Point tab. The Plot Point window appears (see the following figure). This plots
the Expected Value against the Actual Voltage in a graph.

The Plot Point tab in the Sensor Calibration window displays a graph of the plotted points.

Figure 545: Plot Point tab

OW360_20 725
15.6 What is the SureService Ovation System Registration Utility?

15.6 What is the SureService Ovation System Registration Utility?

The Ovation System Registration Utility is a data collection program that takes inventory of your
Ovation system. It captures installed hardware information and software revisions and presents
the information in a user-friendly report. It also creates encrypted data log files that can be sent to
Emerson for display in the Guardian support service.

For releases earlier than Ovation 3.6.0, you install the Registration Utility on every workstation in
your system (except Controllers) and then run the collection process from the Database Server.

Note: In the Ovation 3.6.0 release, the Registration Utility is automatically installed with the
Ovation installation.

The Registration Utility gathers information about your Ovation system and creates a system
information report. You can view or print this report before sending it to Emerson. Run this utility
anytime you change your Ovation system such as when you add a license, add Controllers, add
workstations, and so on. This ensures that your records are current.

The gathered information is then sent to Emerson as encrypted files. These files are loaded into a
database that also contains other system data such as SureService information and software
licenses. This allows Emerson to have full and accurate information on your Ovation system. In
this way, Guardian can keep you informed about developments that may affect your system.

The System Registration Utility is compatible with the Ovation software release 2.3.2 and above.

To access the SureService Ovation System Registration utility, click the Start menu -> All
Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Utilities -> SureService Ovation System Registration

Refer to the Ovation System Registration Utility User Guide for more information.

15.7 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

The Ovation Session Manager utility provides quick access to useful system information such as
the current Ovation version, remote data server status, and security information. It also gives you
the ability to change your default network and unit which is helpful in completing fully qualified
point names.

The icon for the Ovation Session Manager utility is located in the Taskbar Notification Area
(System Tray) of an Ovation workstation. The color of the icon indicates the status of the session:
 Green = All systems are normal.
 Yellow = Session Manager is initializing.
 Red = One or more remote networks are not responding.

Figure 546: Session Manager icon

726 OW360_20
15.7 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

15.7.1 To access the Session Manager utility

Perform the following to access an Ovation workstation:

1. Locate the Session Manager utility icon in the System Tray.

2. Double-click the icon. The Session Manager window opens.

15.7.2 What are the components of the Session Manager window?

The Session Manager window consists of the following:

 Four drop-down menus:
 Session Manager File menu.
 Session Manager Options menu.
 Default Network drop-down menu.
 Default Unit drop-down menu.
 Set of dockable tabs that describe the parameters of the current Operator Station session:
 Remote Networks tab (see page 728).
 Drop/User tab (see page 728).
 Operator Functions tab (see page 729).
 Point Security Groups tab (see page 730).

OW360_20 727
15.7 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

15.7.3 Remote Networks tab in the Session Manager window

The Remote Networks tab lists the current Remote networks and the status of each network.
Remote networks are configured through the Developer Studio. The icon that appears in front of
the network ID in the window uses colors to indicate the status of the network:
 Green = Remote Network status is in good standing and the default network and the default
unit information are available.
 Yellow = Remote Network status is not yet fully initialized.
 Red = Remote Network status is not in good standing and default network and default unit
information are not available.

15.7.4 Drop/User tab in the Session Manager window

The Drop/User tab identifies the current drop and the current user on the drop and provides
information about both of them.

Figure 547: Session Manager Drop/User tab

728 OW360_20
15.7 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

15.7.5 Operator Functions tab in the Session Manager window

The Operator Functions tab lists the current network, the possible operator functions, and
identifies what operator functions are enabled or disabled for the current session.

The operator functions are configured through the Ovation Security Manager (refer to Managing
Security in Ovation for details).

Figure 548: Session Manager Operator Functions tab

OW360_20 729
15.7 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

15.7.6 Point Security Groups tab in the Session Manager window

The Point Security Groups tab lists the current Point Security Groups and identifies what Security
Groups are enabled or disabled for the current session.

The Point Security Groups are configured through the Ovation Security Manager (refer to
Managing Security in Ovation for details).

Figure 549: Session Manager Point Security Groups tab

730 OW360_20
S E C T I O N 16

Using Command Line switches for Point Information

or Point Review applications


Syntax of Command Line switches ................................................................................. 731

16.1 Syntax of Command Line switches

You might want to start an Operator Station application by using a command line or by having
another application start it programmatically. You can use this method to start Point Information
and Point Review applications. The following text illustrates the syntax that can be used:

The syntax for the command line in Point Information is presented below:

Pi.exe [pointname] | [ /loadsid <sid>] | [/loadpoint <pointname>]


pointname = Valid Ovation point name (does not have to be fully qualified; if not, default
network/units are used)

sid = Ovation system ID in hexadecimal format (for example, 0x80001234).

The command switches in Point Review set the initially loaded filter settings.

OW360_20 731
16.1 Syntax of Command Line switches

Review.exe [/source <database | groups>] […]

If /source is set to database:

Review.exe /source database [/live <[true | false]>] [/netunit <netunitname>] [/drops

<dropids>] [/ptname <pointname>] [/desc <engdesc>] [/charst <characteristics>] [/rectypes
<recordtypes>] [/freq <frequencies>] [/livefilters <filters>] [/columns <columns>] [/execute]

If /source is set to groups:

Review.exe /source groups <ptgroupname groupname> <ptgroupnumber groupnumber>

<ptgrouptype pds | trend> [/live <[true | false]>] [/rectypes <recordtypes>] [/freq
<frequencies>] [/livefilters <filters>] [/columns <columns>] [/execute]


netnameunit = Either an Ovation network name or a slash separated network name and unit (for
example, NET1 or NET1/UNIT0).

dropids = Comma-separated list of Ovation drop IDs (for example, 200,201,210,220).

pointname = Valid Ovation point name. Wildcards can be used (for example, *or LA*-201).

engdesc = Ovation English description. Wildcards can be used (for example, *).

characteristics = A valid Ovation characteristics string (for example, --------).

recordtypes = Comma-separated list of Ovation record types (for example, LA,DA,LD,DD)

LA – analog
DA – deluxe analog
LD – digital
DD – deluxe digital
LP – packed
DP – deluxe packed
LC – algorithm
RM – module
RN – node
PD – packed digital

freq = Comma -separated list of Ovation frequencies (for example, F,S,A).

F – fast
S – slow
A – aperiodic

732 OW360_20
16.1 Syntax of Command Line switches

filters = Comma-separated list of permitted live data filters (for example, VL,GQ,FQ,PQ,BQ,TQ).

VL – value/status change
GQ – good quality
FQ – fair quality
PQ – poor quality
BQ – bad quality
TQ – time out
EL – engineering range limits
LA – limit alarms
RL – reasonability limits
CL – value clamp limits
SA – sensor alarms
IA – Sid alarm
AR – alarm check removed
CD – cutout disabled
CO – cutout from alarming
EO – engineering range check off
LR – limit check removed
RO – reasonability check off
VO – value clamp off
EV – entered values
EC – external calibration
SC – scan removed
XO – tagged out
TM – test mode
UC – uncommissioned
OS – out of service
FS – failed
MS – maintenance
AS – advisory
CS – communication
NS – abnormal

/execute = If this is specified, the filters will be loaded and a search will automatically run upon
groupname = Defined Ovation point group name.
groupnumber = Defined Ovation group number.

grouptype = Type of point group, either pds or trend.

OW360_20 733
S E C T I O N 17

Running Ovation in a language other than English


Preparing for Ovation localization ................................................................................... 735

To run Ovation in languages other than English ............................................................. 735

17.1 Preparing for Ovation localization

Ovation systems are deployed worldwide. Therefore, there is often a need to internationalize
Ovation applications in languages other than English. The areas in an application that can be
internationalized are menus, text strings, and dialog boxes.

Different tools are used to internationalize the different types of Ovation programs. Your Emerson
service representative will be able to assist you with this process.

When the localization project is complete, Emerson will give you a CD that you will load on your
Ovation machine. Refer to To run Ovation in languages other than English (see page 735).

17.2 To run Ovation in languages other than English

1. On your Ovation 3.6.0 system, insert the CD that contains your translated Ovation resources
2. Run the setup.exe file.
3. The Select languages dialog appears. Choose your language and click Next.
4. The Ready to install the program dialog appears. Click Install.

Example - To run Ovation in French

1. Access the Control Panel -> Region and Languages. This tab may be called the Regional
and Language Options tab on a Windows XP system.
2. Choose French from the Formats tab. This tab may be called the Regional Options tab on a
Windows XP system. Click Ok. The Operation Station applications will now appear in French.

OW360_20 735

Alarm Destination (AY) column for the Alarm

A window • 87
Accessing a Point Menu from the System Alarm Frequency Count column for the
Viewer application • 693 Operator Station Alarm window • 87
Accessing Favorites in the Graphics Display Alarm frequency count with incremental
System • 185 alarms • 95
Accessing online help • 687 Alarm frequency count without incremental
Accessing the Alarm Annunciation window • alarms • 96
146 Alarm Frequency list in the Operator Station
Accessing the Alarm window • 54 Alarm window • 76
Accessing the Error Log window at the Alarm icon fill color • 195
Operator Station • 650 Alarm icon outline color • 197
Accessing the Graphics Alarm window • 203 Alarm icon shapes • 194
Accessing the Graphics window • 159 Alarm List in the Operator Station Alarm
Accessing the Operator Diagram Group window • 70
Display at an Operator Station • 716 Alarm Menu button • 56
Accessing the Point Information window • Alarm priority • 197
212 Alarm Priority (AP) column for the Alarm
Accessing the Point Review window at the window • 87
Operator Station • 398 Alarm Quick Access toolbar • 59
Accessing the Sensor Calibrate function • Alarm ribbon tab • 706
722 Alarm ribbon tab in the Point Information
Accessing the signal diagram window right- window • 228
click menus • 368 Alarm Suppressed list in the Operator
Accessing the SIS Tuning window for SIS Station Alarm window • 75
algorithms • 371 Alarm system definition • 48
Accessing the Trend window at the Operator Alarm System Options • 58
Station • 422 Alarm system ribbon tabs • 59
Acknowledged list in the Operator Station Alarm System terminology • 50
Alarm window • 72 Alarm tab for Point Information window • 238
Acknowledging an alarm • 98 Alarm Type column for the Alarm window •
Adding a diagram group at an Operator 83
Station • 718 Alarm type filtering at the Operator Station •
Adding Favorites in the Graphics Display 118
System • 184 Alarm window Status bar • 67
Alarm Annunciation alarm message boxes • Alarm/Limit ribbon tab • 706
146 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Alarm window •
Alarm Annunciation Pop-up menu • 147 65
Alarm Annunciation window definition • 145 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point
Alarm cutout in the Point Information window Information window • 230
• 263 Alarm/Limit ribbon tab in the Point Review
Alarm cutout points in alarm lists • 92 window • 406
Alarm cutout points in Graphic Display Alert Details window at the Operator Station
windows • 93 • 129
Alarm cutout points in Point Information Ancillary tab for Point Information window •
windows • 92 265
Alarm cutout points in Point Review windows Application Options window • 22
• 93 Arranging System Viewer windows • 680
Alarm cutout points in Trend windows • 94 ASCII Parameters tab for Point Information
Alarm definition • 49 window • 266

OW360_20 737

Customizing the view of the Dockable tabs •

B 605
Byte Parameters tab for Point Information Customizing the view of the Review Details
window • 267 panel • 604
Cutout Status column for the Operator
C Station Alarm window • 90
Calibrating a point using Sensor Calibration • D
Characteristics column for the Operator Date and Time column for the Operator
Station Alarm window • 87 Station Alarm window • 82
Characteristics filtering at the Operator Defining a Dell Touch Key script • 131
Station • 116 Defining the behavior of the Trend
Clearing the force value and leave Debug application using the Trend Options
Mode • 389 window • 437
Code column for the Alarm window • 86 Defining the Historian data sources • 446
Columns Grouping bar • 602 Defining time zones • 447
Commission ribbon tab • 707 Defining trend scales • 444
Common Alarm operations at the Operator Dell programmable touch keys at the
Station • 133 Operator Station • 130
Components of an Ovation system • 2 Description column for the Alarm window •
Components of the Graphics Alarm window • 87
204 Destination filtering at the Operator Station •
Components of the Hierarchy Search tab • 115
661 Details Panel • 430
Components of the Historical Reviews Determining alarm groups with worst case
window • 586 priority • 202
Configuration tab for Point Information Developer Studio (Windows) • 4
window • 267 Dismissing a split window in the Graphics
Configuring digital signal and algorithm Display System • 186
colors • 339 Display tab for Point Information window •
Configuring General Diagram colors • 338 276
Configuring non-digital algorithm colors • Displaying a diagram group at the Operator
341 Station • 717
Configuring non-digital signal colors • 340 Displaying multiple pop-up windows at the
Configuring Operator Diagram Groups at an Operator Station • 181
Operator Station • 717 Displaying poke fields at the Operator
Configuring point quality tags • 345 Station • 180
Configuring point scan rates • 346 Dockable tabs • 605, 669
Configuring Signal Diagram colors • 334 Dockable View tabs • 430
Configuring signal point value labels • 343 Downloading graphics to destination drops •
Configuring the Data Display trend options • 163
440 Drop Status tab • 675
Configuring the General tab in the Graphics Drop Summary tab • 671
Display program • 168 Drop/User tab in the Session Manager
Configuring the General trend options • 438 window • 728
Configuring the Print tab in the Graphics Dsplaying diagram properties at the
Display program • 172 Operator Station • 176
Configuring the Window tab in the Graphics Dynamic alarm destination filtering • 117
Display program • 174 E
Connectivity products • 5
Continuous Audio Alarms at the Operator Elements of an alarm icon • 194
Station • 132 Error Log Window at the Operator Station •
Copyright Notice • 2 649
Creating a new Favorites folder in the Error Log window columns at the Operator
Graphics Display System • 183 Station • 653
Custom tab for Point Information window • Error Log window menu bar at the Operator
319 Station • 651

738 OW360_20

Error Log window toolbar at the Operator History list in the Operator Station Alarm
Station • 652 window • 71
Event Details tab of an Event Trend • 561 Home ribbon bar • 598
Event Trend specific menu options on the Home ribbon tab • 659
Trend ribbon tab • 556 Home ribbon tab in the Alarm window • 60
Event Trend specific user preferences • 563 Home ribbon tab in the Point Information
Events • 448 window • 222
Example of the error shapes displayed for Home ribbon tab in the Point Review window
alarm icons • 199 • 401
Examples of alarm icon structures • 198 How do you create and configure an alarm
Export window for Point Information • 220 icon or an alarm group? • 189
Favorites in the Graphics Display System • Iconic List in the Operator Station Alarm
182 window • 77
Filter ribbon bar • 600 Identifying status by color codes • 694
Filter ribbon tab in the Alarm window • 62 Incremental Limit (Incr) column for the Alarm
Filtering for the Alarm Annunciation window • window • 89
149 Incrementals and Returns column for the
Filters ribbon tab in the Point Review Alarm window • 90
window • 402 Initial tab for Point Information window • 284
Find a specific point in the Alarm window • Instrumentation tab for Point Information
139 window • 285
Find Point utility in the Operator Station Integer Parameters tab for Point Information
Alarm window • 139 window • 288
Forcing an algorithm input value • 378 Interaction between Event Trend view tabs
when Trace Explorer is active • 563
G Introduction to the Operator Station • 1
General Attributes tab • 673
Getting additional drop information • 698
Getting started with the Operator Station • Keys tab for Point Information window • 288
Graph tab of an Event Trend • 557 L
Graphic configuration parameters • 167 Limit column for the Alarm window • 89
Graphic Redirect window definition • 161 Limits tab for Point Information window • 289
Graphics Display Status bar at the Operator
Station • 167 M
Graphics Display System definition • 157
Menu bar • 597
Graphics Display window elements • 165
Mode filtering at the Operator Station • 114
Graphics Display window menu bar • 165
Mode tab for Point Information window • 292
Graphics Display window toolbar • 166
Module Information tab for Point Information
Graphics window definition • 158
window • 283
Guide Diamond tool • 19
Name column for the Alarm window • 86
Hardware tab for Point Information window •
Navigating through the System Viewer
window • 679
Header and footer text for the Alarm window
Navigation menu • 352
• 137
Navigation toolbar • 350
Hierarchy Display Pane • 665
Network Alias column for the Alarm window •
Hierarchy Search ribbon tab • 660
Historical Review Menu button • 587
Network ID column for the Alarm window •
Historical Review overview • 584
Historical storage and reporting capabilities •
Network/unit filtering at the Operator Station
• 119

OW360_20 739

Non-Continuous Audio Alarms at the Point Review Menu button • 399

Operator Station • 132 Point Review Quick Access toolbar • 400
Point Review ribbon tabs • 400
O Point Security Groups tab in the Session
Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram Manager window • 730
window • 347 Point tab for Point Information window • 300
Opening Point review files from Microsoft Poke field definition • 180
Windows command-line • 411 Preferences window • 29
Operator Diagram Group Display guidelines Preparing for Ovation localization • 735
• 717 Preview and Print menu for alarms • 57
Operator Functions tab in the Session Print Preview window • 36
Manager window • 729 Print window • 40
Operator Station definition • 5 Print window for Point Information • 220
Operator Station terminology • 7 Printign graphics at the Operator Station •
Ovation Controllers • 3 187
Ovation database • 3 Printing graphics in the Graphics Display
Ovation definition • 1 System • 187
Ovation Error Log window at the Operator Priority column for the Operator Station
Station • 649 Alarm window • 91
Ovation input/output modules • 3 Priority filtering at the Operator Station • 115
Ovation Keyboard definition • 15 Priority levels of Error Log messages at the
Ovation Keyboard functions • 16 Operator Station • 654
Ovation network • 2 Property Sheet window definition • 176
Ovation Operator Stations • 4
Ovation Point Browser window in PI • 216
Ovation software installed on the Operator Quick Access Toolbar • 424, 597
Station • 11
Ovation Utilities • 715 R
Ovation utilities definition • 715 Real Parameters tab for Point Information
Overriding background, chart titles, and X- window • 305
axis color for printing • 442 Reason column for the Operator Station
Alarm window • 90
Reconciling tuning changes between the
Page Setup window • 34 Controller and the database for Windows-
Paging between Operator Station diagrams • based Ovation systems • 392
182 Reconciling tuning changes in a Windows-
Performing a Historical Review • 606 based Ovation system • 392
Performing a Print Setup (Graphics) • 187 Refreshing the System Viewer application •
Plant Mode (PM) column for the Alarm 687
window • 89 Remote Network Status list in the Operator
Plant Mode ribbon tab • 707 Station Alarm window • 80
Plant Mode ribbon tab in the Point Remote Networks tab in the Session
Information window • 232 Manager window • 728
Plant Mode tab for Point Information window Removing a diagram group from an
• 294 Operator Station • 718
Point Attributes tab • 678 Reordering diagram groups at an Operator
Point characteristics • 116 Station • 718
Point Context Menu • 235 Reset list in the Operator Station Alarm
Point Information dockable tabs • 236 window • 74
Point Information Menu button • 215 Resetting an alarm at the Operator Station •
Point Information operations • 233 100
Point Information Quick Access toolbar • 221 Resetting the data in the Alarm Frequency
Point Information ribbon tabs • 222 tab • 96
Point Information tabs included as System Return To Service column for the Operator
Viewer tabs • 704 Station Alarm window • 90
Point Menu • 42 Review Details panel • 602
Point Review function definition • 396 Ribbon bars • 598

740 OW360_20

Right-click column navigation menu • 681 System Viewer window components • 657
Running Ovation in a language other than
English • 735 T
Table View tab of an Event Trend • 559
Template/Configuration/Search Criteria
Search Filter bar • 662 Settings window • 32
Search Results pane • 663 The File tab of Alarm Guidance window •
Security tab for Point Information window • 154
305 The Options tab of Alarm Guidance window
Selecting the zoom increment at the • 155
Operator Station • 180 Third-party devices • 5
Selection Information area • 663 To access the Alarm Guidance window at
Setting preferences • 606 the Operator Station • 153
Settings bar • 602 To access the Configure Settings dialog box
Shelve Status column for the Operator • 449
Station Alarm window • 90 To access the Drop Summary tab • 692
Signal Diagram (display canvas colors) • 356 To access the Format ribbon tab • 449
Signal diagrams • 329 To access the Historical Reviews window •
Signal diagrams (accessing from a Point 585
Menu) • 332 To access the Operator Station applications
Signal diagrams (accessing from Ovation • 12
Applications window) • 331 To access the Session Manager utility • 727
Signal diagrams (accessing from the Control To access the Signal Diagram Viewer
Builder) • 333 Configuration window • 334
Signal Diagrams (accessing) • 330 To access the System Viewer window at the
Signal Diagrams (display canvas) • 353 Operator Station • 656
SIS Tuning window for the LSCALC To activate the deferred execution mode for
algorithm • 372 historical trends • 553
SIS Tuning window for the LSCEM algorithm To add a Compound Trace • 506
• 373 To add a point to a trend • 503
SIS Tuning window for the LSSEQ algorithm To add a trace to an Event Trend • 573
• 375 To add reference/marker lines to a trend •
SIS Tuning window for the LSSTD algorithm 534
• 377 To add shading to a baseline value • 536
Slide-out Properties Panel and Visibility To add titles to trend layouts • 482
Panel • 429 To add/remove/reorganize columns for the
Specifying time span filter for Events search Operator Station Alarm window • 140
using the Time Span dialog box • 566 To add/remove/reorganize columns for the
Specifying time span filter for Events search Operator Station Point Review window •
using the Time Span drop-down list • 568 408
Split window in the Graphics Display System To browse for points to add to a trend • 502
• 186 To change the application icon • 111
Standard Point Menu items • 43 To change the default Signal Diagram colors
Status bar • 606 • 337
Status Bar • 436 To configure a Quadrant Layout appearance
Status colors for cutout points in applications • 471
• 91 To configure a Stacked Panes layout
Status Point tab • 676 appearance • 467
Status tab for Point Information window • To configure Master Scale settings • 473
306 To configure scale behavior • 505
Summary of Changes • 3 To configure the appearance of horizontal
Suppressed Alarm Type column for the grid lines • 454
Operator Station Alarm window • 86 To configure the appearance of the X-axis
Syntax of Command Line switches • 731 (time-axis) in a Trend chart • 459
System Viewer Menu button • 688 To configure the appearance of vertical grid
System Viewer Point Menu • 690 lines • 451
System Viewer Quick Access toolbar • 690

OW360_20 741

To configure the Details Panel appearance • To maximize the trend graph size for
478 distance viewing • 579
To configure the SnapGraphics window To memorize and recall a time span
parameters • 720 (Historical and Event Trends only) • 548
To configure trace item colors (Good/Non To open a saved Trend Group Definition
Good) • 475 (TGD) • 574
To create a new trend • 532 To open a sheet in the Signal Diagram
To create a trend (Live and Historical) • 498 window • 348
To create an XY Plot • 534 To open a single alarm file from a Microsoft
To customize column layout • 686 Windows command prompt • 134
To define a default Style to be used for To open alarm files from the Open dialog
building a trend • 531 box • 133
To delete a point from a trend • 507 To open an existing trend • 546
To display a specific version of a sheet • 361 To open multiple alarm files from a Microsoft
To display algorithm and point information Windows command prompt • 135
using the right-click menu • 358 To open the online help from the Command
To display an additional Signal Diagram Prompt window • 625
window • 360 To overlay actual readings against periodic
To display the Iconic alarms • 109 aggregates • 540
To display Trend Definitions at the Operator To page through a trend • 549
Station • 542 To page through an Event Trend • 572
To distinguish trend traces • 537 To pause, resume, or begin a trend • 545
To enable an Event Trend • 499 To perform a Common review • 621
To enable or disable the auto cutout option To perform a Point review • 607
for a point using the Alarm window • 107 To perform a search • 662
To enable or disable the auto cutout option To perform an alarm check on a point using
for a point using the Point Information the Alarm window • 106
Window • 326 To perform an alarm check on a point using
To enable or disable the auto cutout option the Point Information window • 324
for a point using the System Viewer To perform an alarm check on a point using
window • 703 the System Viewer window • 703
To execute a review query directly from the To perform an Alarm review • 611
Command Prompt window • 628 To perform an ASCII review • 619
To explode a macro on a Signal Diagram To perform an Operator Event review • 613
window • 361 To perform an SIS review • 618
To explore data associated with a Trend To perform an SOE review • 616
graph (plot data cursor or comparison) • To perform limit check OFF on a point using
574 the Alarm window • 108
To export information from System Viewer • To perform limit check ON or OFF using the
708 Point Information window • 327
To export trend data values • 580 To perform limit check ON or OFF using the
To group by tab columns • 682 System Viewer window • 704
To group using the Show Group By Box To perform Time Navigation (page, zoom,
option • 684 different time period) • 578
To hide the time scale for upper panes and To print a trend • 547
quadrants • 539 To print alarms using the dedicated line-by-
To identify different values on a trend graph line serial printer • 137
• 550 To print alarms using the Print Advance
To initiate an Event trend from historical function (for dedicated serial printer) • 138
trend • 502 To print alarms using the standard Windows
To launch an Event trend • 500 print function • 135
To load a configuration file from the To print from the PI window • 219
Command Prompt window • 627 To quickly address points in alarm • 696
To manage trace items in a Historical trend • To refresh the Open Document hierarchy
519 tree • 349
To manage trace items in a Live trend • 508 To refresh the plot data values of a trend •

742 OW360_20

To remove a trace from an Event Trend • To specify a time span for a trend (Historical
573 Trends only) • 524
To rename or delete a trend group definition To specify alarm filter criteria from the
• 543 Command Prompt window • 636
To run a Point review from the Command To specify ASCII filter criteria from the
Prompt window • 622 Command Prompt window • 641
To run an Alarm review from the Command To specify duration of review from the
Prompt window • 623 Command Prompt window • 630
To run an ASCII review from the Command To specify event filters in the Events
Prompt window • 624 Browser window • 564
To run an Event Trend from the Events To specify operator event filter criteria from
Browser window • 569 the Command Prompt window • 639
To run an Operator Event review from the To specify point filter criteria from the
Command Prompt window • 623 Command Prompt window • 633
To run an SIS review from the Command To specify SIS filter criteria from the
Prompt window • 625 Command Prompt window • 644
To run an SOE review from the Command To specify SOE filter criteria from the
Prompt window • 624 Command Prompt window • 642
To run Ovation in languages other than To specify trace properties in an Event
English • 735 Trend • 570
To save a defined appearance as a reusable To take screen captures of process
style • 488 diagrams • 721
To save a trend • 546 To tune algorithm parameters • 370
To save a Trend Group Definition (TGD) • To unshelve a point using the Alarm window
541 • 105
To search for a sheet in the Open To unshelve a point using the Point
Documents window • 349 Information window • 323
To select a trend display layout type • 467 To update the number of most frequent
To select alarms in the Alarm window at the alarms in the Alarm Frequency tab • 95
Operator Station • 97 To use Chart Options • 486
To select and update points • 700 To use Full Integration processing type in
To set a new forced SIS algorithm input Historical trend • 521
value and quality • 385 To use predefined Characteristics Alarm
To set Alarm Type filtering • 126 filtering • 124
To set Characteristics Alarm filtering • 122 To use Rate of Change processing type in
To set Destination Alarm filtering • 121 Historical trend • 521
To set Network/Unit Alarm filtering • 127 To use the Algorithm Summary window and
To set Priority Alarm filtering • 120 Function Summary window right-click
To set the length of time for a trend (Live menus • 369
Trends only) • 524 To use the Application Options window • 27
To set the Long-Date Time Format • 466 To use the context menu of E icon on
To setup a page for printing • 136 historical trends • 554
To shelve a point using the Alarm window • To use the Event Log right-click menu • 368
102 To use the Exit Historical Review option
To shelve a point using the Point Information (from the Historical Review Menu button) •
window • 320 597
To shelve or unshelve a point using the To use the Explore option • 491
System Viewer window • 702 To use the Export option (from the Historical
To shelve the specific limits of an analog Review Menu button) • 591
point using the context menu • 103, 321 To use the Export window in PI • 221
To specify a historian name from the To use the Guide Diamond tool • 21
Command Prompt window • 629 To use the Historian Preferences option
To specify a time span by using the Choose (from the Historical Review Menu button) •
Time Span dialog box • 525 594
To specify a time span by using the Set To use the Historical Reviews Options (from
Time Span drop-down list • 526 the Historical Review Menu button) • 595

OW360_20 743

To use the Load Review Configuration Understanding alarm cutout at the Operator
option (from the Historical Review Menu Station • 91
button) • 588 Understanding alarm filtering at the Operator
To use the Operator Station applications • Station • 114
12 Understanding DEVALRT at the Operator
To use the Ovation Point Browser window in Station • 128
PI • 217 Understanding icons on the Signal Diagram
To use the Page Setup window • 35 display canvas • 357
To use the Point Menu • 44 Understanding Operator Event Messages •
To use the Preferences option (from the 14, 615
Historical Review Menu button) • 592 Understanding the About trend option • 449
To use the Preferences window • 30 Understanding the Alarm Frequency tab • 94
To use the Print option (from the Historical Understanding the alarm icons in the
Review Menu button) • 591 Graphics Display System • 188
To use the Print Preview window • 39 Understanding the Alarm Keyboard
To use the Print window • 41 functions at the Operator Station • 129
To use the Properties Panel • 522 Understanding the Alarm list tabs that
To use the Save Review Configuration display in the Alarm window • 68
option (from the Historical Review Menu Understanding the Alarm security at the
button) • 590 Operator Station • 143
To use the Template/Configuration/Search Understanding the color scheme for alarm
Criteria window • 33 messages in the Graphics Alarm window •
To use the Where Used window in PI • 219 206
To use Trend Options • 437 Understanding the color scheme for alarm
To verify configuration settings from the messages in the Operator Station Alarm
Command Prompt window • 626 window • 113
To view edited historical data from a Understanding the Graphics Alarm window •
Historical Review • 645 206
To view Fault Code information • 694 Understanding the main Operator Station
To view/hide the application panels and Alarm window? • 52
trend chart panes • 487 Understanding the main Trend window • 420
To zoom a trend • 548 Understanding the Operator Station Alarm
To zoom an Event Trend • 572 window columns • 82
Tooltips • 687 Understanding the Operator Station Audio
Trend Building – Common trend building Alarm System • 131
procedures • 530 Understanding the Point Status column •
Trend Building – Configuring trend content • 610
498 Understanding the Point Status Column •
Trend Building - Defining the appearance of 409
a trend • 449 Understanding the Priority Column • 410
Trend Building - Specific to Event Trends • Understanding the Signal Diagram
555 Navigation toolbar and menu • 350
Trend Display System at the Operator Understanding the system hierarchy • 666
Station • 413 Understanding when online graphics and
Trend Display system terminology • 417 control are mismatched • 355
Trend Functions Ribbon toolbar • 427 Units column for the Alarm window • 88
Trend Operation – Common trend operation Using command line options to perform a
procedures • 574 historical review • 622
Trend Operation - Working specific to Event Using Command Line switches for PI or
Trends • 564 Point Review applications • 731
Trend Operation - Working with Trends • 544 Using common Operator Station functions •
Tuning algorithms • 370 19
Types of trends • 498 Using Historical Reviews • 583
Using monitors at the Operator Station • 15
U Using Point Review at the Operator Station •
Unacknowledged list in the Operator Station 395
Alarm window • 73

744 OW360_20

Using signal diagrams at the Operator Hardware Address and I/O Status Values
Station • 329 • 712
Using the Alarm Annunciation window at the Viewing algorithm information in a Signal
Operator Station • 145 Diagram window • 354
Using the Alarm Guidance window at the Viewing general node information • 697
Operator Station • 151 Viewing network device information • 704
Using the alarm icon for single points or Viewing point information for devices and
alarm groups • 200 modules • 699
Using the Alarm System at the Operator Viewing Point menu • 208
Station • 47 Viewing remote network information • 207
Using the Choose Columns dialog box at the Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS
Operator Station • 653 algorithms • 371
Using the command prompt syntax for Trend Viewing the general status of your system •
• 581 691
Using the Graphic Redirect window • 161
Using the Graphics Display System at the W
Operator Station • 157 Warning window at the Operator Station •
Using the Point Information System at the 188
Operator Station • 209 What are the best practices for using signal
Using the Print Preview function for alarms • diagrams? • 330
136 What are the common Operator Station
Using the Select Priority Level dialog box at functions? • 19
the Operator Station • 654 What are the components of the Alarm
Using the signal diagram Algorithm Control Guidance window? • 154
window • 366 What are the components of the Alarm
Using the signal diagram Algorithm window? • 55
Summary window • 364 What are the components of the Point
Using the signal diagram Event Log window Information window? • 214
• 363 What are the components of the Point
Using the signal diagram Function Summary Review window? • 398
window • 365 What are the components of the Session
Using the signal diagram Properties Manager window? • 727
Summary window to tune algorithms • 367 What are the main tasks of the Trend
Using the System Viewer at the Operator Display system? • 416
Station • 655 What are the Operator Station applications?
Using the Value Explorer trend options • 445 •6
Using the Where Used option • 711 What are the Signal Diagram windows? •
What functions are provided by signal
Value ribbon tab • 705 diagrams? • 329
Value ribbon tab in the Alarm window • 63 What is a cutout sensor alarm? • 263
Value ribbon tab in the Point Information What is an alarm group? • 188
window • 225 What is SnapGraphics utility? • 719
Value ribbon tab in the Point Review window What is the Alarm Guidance window at the
• 404 Operator Station? • 152
Value tab for Point Information window • 313 What is the Graphics Alarm window? • 203
Value/Mode ribbon tab • 705 What is the Operator Diagram Group
Value/Mode ribbon tab in the Point Display utility? • 716
Information window • 226 What is the Operator Station Recall function
Value/Quality (Q) columns for the Operator for graphics? • 182
Station Alarm window • 88 What is the Ovation Point Information
View ribbon tab in the Point Information system? • 209
window • 224 What is the Ovation Session Manager
Viewing additional information on Fault Code utility? • 726
What is the Point Information window at the
Operator Station? • 210

OW360_20 745

What is the Point Review window at the

Operator Station? • 397
What is the Print Screen utility? • 719
What is the Sensor Calibration utility? • 722
What is the snap-on feature for alarm icons?
• 193
What is the SureService Ovation System
Registration Utility? • 726
What is the System Viewer at the Operator
Station? • 655
What is the Trend Display system? • 414
Where Used window in PI • 218
Window elements common to System
Viewer and other Operator Station
applications • 688
Working with Alarm window functions at the
Operator Station • 97
Working with Point Information functions at
the Operator station • 320
Working with the alarm filtering windows •
Zooming by box at the Operator Station •
Zooming by corners at the Operator Station •
Zooming the display area at the Operator
Station • 178
Zooming using the menu at the Operator
Station • 178
Zooming using the mouse at the Operator
Station • 178

746 OW360_20

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