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Safety Instrumented System (SIS) User Guide for

Ovation 3.4

Version 1
August 2011
Copyright Notice

Since the equipment explained in this document has a variety of uses, the user and those
responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves as to the acceptability of each
application and use of the equipment. Under no circumstances will Emerson Process
Management be responsible or liable for any damage, including indirect or consequential losses
resulting from the use, misuse, or application of this equipment.

The text, illustrations, charts, and examples included in this manual are intended solely to explain
the use and application of the Ovation Unit. Due to the many variables associated with specific
uses or applications, Emerson Process Management cannot assume responsibility or liability for
actual use based upon the data provided in this manual.

No patent liability is assumed by Emerson Process Management with respect to the use of
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Copyright © Emerson Process Management Power & Water Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Emerson Process Management
Power & Water Solutions
200 Beta Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15238


1 Introduction to Ovation Safety Instrumented System (SIS) 1

1.1 What is a Safety Instrumented System?............................................................................. 1
1.2 Functions of Ovation SIS .................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Safety Instrumented System terminology ........................................................................... 2

2 Planning your Safety Instrumented System 5

2.1 SIS issues to consider......................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs)............................................................... 6
2.1.2 Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) ............................................................................ 6
2.2 Limitations for Ovation SIS system ..................................................................................... 6
2.3 SIS environmental specifications for Ovation SIS devices ................................................. 7
2.4 SIS network design examples............................................................................................. 8
2.4.1 Physical network design example ..................................................................... 8
2.4.2 Logical network design example ....................................................................... 9
2.5 Planning your hardware installation .................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 Installation tools............................................................................................... 10

3 Hardware for Ovation SIS 11

3.1 Hardware components of Ovation SIS.............................................................................. 11
3.2 SIS carriers........................................................................................................................ 14
3.2.1 Horizontal Carriers .......................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Vertical Carriers............................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 To install the 1-wide Vertical or Horizontal carrier (dual-left/right extender
cables) ............................................................................................................. 18
3.2.4 To install the 2-wide Horizontal power/SIS Data Server carriers .................... 18
3.2.5 To install the 4-wide Vertical (Power/SIS Data Server) carrier ....................... 20
3.2.6 To install the 8-wide Horizontal I/O interface carrier (can hold up to four
simplex Logic Solvers) .................................................................................... 21
3.2.7 SIS I/O channels ............................................................................................. 22
3.2.8 To install the 8-wide Vertical (left/right side) carrier (can hold up to four
simplex Logic Solvers)..................................................................................... 27
3.3 SLS Simplex and Redundant Terminal Blocks ................................................................. 29
3.3.1 To install Terminal Blocks ............................................................................... 29
3.4 Carrier extender cables..................................................................................................... 30
3.4.1 Carrier extender cable part numbers .............................................................. 30
3.4.2 To install carrier extender cables .................................................................... 31
3.4.3 To terminate the local bus (1-wide carrier)...................................................... 32
3.5 SIS Data Server ................................................................................................................ 33
3.5.1 SIS Data Server part number .......................................................................... 33
3.5.2 To install a simplex SIS Data Server............................................................... 34
3.5.3 To power up a simplex SIS Data Server ......................................................... 34
3.5.4 To power up a duplex SIS Data Server........................................................... 35

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3.5.5 To remove a redundant SIS Data Server........................................................ 35

3.5.6 SIS Data Server LEDs..................................................................................... 36
3.6 SIS Logic Solver I/O.......................................................................................................... 38
3.6.1 Logic Solver 8-Slot carrier numbering scheme ............................................... 39
3.6.2 SIS Logic Solver part number ......................................................................... 40
3.6.3 To install Logic Solvers ................................................................................... 40
3.6.4 Logic Solver redundancy................................................................................. 41
3.6.5 SIS Logic Solver LED indicator patterns ......................................................... 42
3.6.6 Logic Solver specifications .............................................................................. 42
3.7 SIS Net Repeater .............................................................................................................. 43
3.7.1 SIS Net Repeater part number........................................................................ 43
3.7.2 To install SIS Net Repeaters for horizontal mounting ..................................... 44
3.7.3 SIS Net Distance Extender.............................................................................. 44
3.7.4 SIS Net Repeater LEDs .................................................................................. 44
3.8 Fiber-optic cable\ring......................................................................................................... 46
3.9 Power Supply .................................................................................................................... 46
3.9.1 Power supply part number .............................................................................. 46
3.9.2 Power supply specifications ............................................................................ 47
3.9.3 To install power supplies ................................................................................. 47
3.9.4 To provide power to the Logic Solvers............................................................ 47
3.9.5 To provide power to the SISNet Repeaters .................................................... 48
3.9.6 To provide power to SISNet Distance extenders ............................................ 49
3.9.7 SIS Power Supply LEDs.................................................................................. 50
3.10 SIS LAN switches and routers .......................................................................................... 51
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories ................................................................................................... 51
3.11.1 SIS Relay module............................................................................................ 52
3.11.2 Voltage Monitor module .................................................................................. 56
3.11.3 SIS Current Limiter module ............................................................................. 58
3.11.4 Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module ............................................................ 61
3.11.5 Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module ................................................................. 64
3.11.6 Auxiliary Relay Diode module ......................................................................... 65
3.11.7 RC Compensator Module................................................................................ 66
3.11.8 End of Line Resistance Module....................................................................... 67

4 Adding and configuring SIS components in the Ovation

Developer Studio 69
4.1 Software components of Ovation SIS ............................................................................... 69
4.2 Overview of adding and configuring SIS components ...................................................... 70
4.3 Using the Ovation Developer Studio to configure SIS components ................................. 71
4.4 To add an SIS Network to the Ovation system ................................................................. 72
4.5 To add an SIS Data Server to the Ovation System .......................................................... 74
4.6 Initial installation SIS upgrade........................................................................................... 77
4.7 To add an SIS network switch to the Ovation System...................................................... 77
4.8 To create SIS network switch configuration files .............................................................. 79
4.8.1 To initialize SIS network switches ................................................................... 81
4.9 To add an SIS I/O device number..................................................................................... 83
4.10 To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System ............................................................. 84
4.10.1 To associate a Node point with an SIS I/O device .......................................... 87
4.11 To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device................................................... 89
4.11.1 Viewing SIS points in the Ovation Developer Studio hierarchy ...................... 92

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4.12 Removing or Deleting an SIS Point .................................................................................. 94

4.12.1 To Delete an SIS Point.................................................................................... 94
4.12.2 Removing a SIS Point from a SIS control sheets............................................ 94
4.13 To configure SIS LAN network switches........................................................................... 95
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System ...................................... 98
4.14.1 Configuring the Logic Solver Config tab........................................................ 101
4.14.2 Configuring the Logic Solver General tab ..................................................... 102
4.14.3 Configuring the Logic Solver Proof Testing tab............................................. 103
4.15 To add an SIS control sheet to the SIS Ovation system................................................. 105
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel..................................................................................... 106
4.16.1 Configuring an Analog Input Channel ........................................................... 108
4.16.2 Configuring a HART Analog Input Channel .................................................. 109
4.16.3 Configuring a HART Two-state Output Channel ........................................... 111
4.16.4 Configuring a Digital Input Channel .............................................................. 113
4.16.5 Configuring a Digital Output Channel............................................................ 114
4.17 To configure SIS control modules................................................................................... 114
4.18 To configure SIS digital points for alarming with timestamps ......................................... 116
4.19 To view SIS points .......................................................................................................... 118

5 Using Ovation SIS 119

5.1 Loading Logic Solvers..................................................................................................... 119
5.1.1 To load an SIS Logic Solver.......................................................................... 119
5.2 Using Point Information (PI) to identify SIS points .......................................................... 121
5.2.1 To use Point Information to identify SIS points ............................................. 122
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms ............................................................ 124
5.3.1 To access the SIS Tuning window for SIS algorithms .................................. 124
5.3.2 SIS Tuning window for the LSCALC algorithm ............................................. 125
5.3.3 SIS Tuning window for the LSCEM algorithm ............................................... 126
5.3.4 SIS Tuning window for the LSSEQ algorithm ............................................... 128
5.3.5 SIS Tuning window for the LSSTD algorithm................................................ 130
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value ..................................................................................... 131
5.4.1 To force an algorithm input value .................................................................. 132
5.4.2 To set a new forced algorithm input value .................................................... 136
5.4.3 To clear the force value and leave Debug Mode .......................................... 138
5.5 Restarting a Logic Solver ................................................................................................ 140
5.5.1 To restart (reboot) a Logic Solver.................................................................. 140
5.6 Requiring a reset before outputs can become energized ............................................... 142
5.7 Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults ............................................ 142
5.7.1 Detecting faults on input channels ................................................................ 143
5.7.2 Detecting faults on output channels .............................................................. 147
5.8 Choosing the Logic Solver scan rate .............................................................................. 148
5.9 Loading to a running process.......................................................................................... 148
5.10 Restarting a Logic Solver after a power failure ............................................................... 149
5.11 System Administration functions ..................................................................................... 149
5.11.1 Backing up the database............................................................................... 149
5.11.2 Making configuration changes after startup .................................................. 149
5.11.3 Reconciling parameter changes.................................................................... 149
5.12 Proof testing the Logic Solver ......................................................................................... 150
5.12.1 Automatic proof testing.................................................................................. 151
5.12.2 Manual proof testing...................................................................................... 151

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5.13 Customizing your Ovation Control Builder frame............................................................ 152

5.14 Upgrading SIS firmware .................................................................................................. 152
5.14.1 To initially load or upgrade an SIS Data Server ............................................ 153
5.14.2 To upgrade an SIS Logic Solver ................................................................... 154
5.15 Using Fault Codes for SIS (66, 3, 8) ............................................................................... 155
5.16 SIS Diagnostics............................................................................................................... 156
5.17 SIS Logic Solver Module and Diagnostic events ............................................................ 157

6 Operations and Maintenance practices 159

6.1 Bypasses and other overrides......................................................................................... 159
6.1.1 Override types ............................................................................................... 160
6.1.2 Configuration of bypasses............................................................................. 161
6.1.3 Operation of bypasses .................................................................................. 161
6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures.............................................. 163
6.2.1 How Ovation SIS annunciates faults............................................................. 164
6.2.2 Evaluating and responding to annunciated faults ......................................... 165
6.2.3 Evaluating fatal errors ................................................................................... 166
6.2.4 Maximum fault detection time........................................................................ 168
6.3 Proof testing the Logic Solver ......................................................................................... 169
6.3.1 Automatic Tests............................................................................................. 169
6.3.2 Manual Tests ................................................................................................. 169
6.4 Upgrading firmware......................................................................................................... 170
6.5 Making online scaling changes in HART transmitters .................................................... 171

7 SIS Algorithms 173

7.1 Algorithm types ............................................................................................................... 174
7.2 Using algorithm reference pages .................................................................................... 174
7.2.1 Algorithm functional symbols......................................................................... 175
7.3 Ovation SIS Logic Solver algorithm table ....................................................................... 176
7.4 LSAI................................................................................................................................. 178
7.5 LSALM............................................................................................................................. 180
7.6 LSAND ............................................................................................................................ 182
7.7 LSAVTR .......................................................................................................................... 184
7.8 LSBDE............................................................................................................................. 201
7.9 LSBFI .............................................................................................................................. 203
7.10 LSBFO............................................................................................................................. 206
7.11 LSCALC .......................................................................................................................... 208
7.12 LSCEM ............................................................................................................................ 213
7.13 LSCMP ............................................................................................................................ 240
7.14 LSDI ................................................................................................................................ 242
7.15 LSDO............................................................................................................................... 244
7.16 LSDVC ............................................................................................................................ 251
7.17 LSDVTR .......................................................................................................................... 262
7.18 LSLIM .............................................................................................................................. 276
7.19 LSMID ............................................................................................................................. 279
7.20 LSNAND.......................................................................................................................... 283

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7.21 LSNDE ............................................................................................................................ 285

7.22 LSNOR ............................................................................................................................ 287
7.23 LSNOT ............................................................................................................................ 289
7.24 LSOFFD .......................................................................................................................... 290
7.25 LSOND ............................................................................................................................ 292
7.26 LSOR............................................................................................................................... 294
7.27 LSPDE............................................................................................................................. 296
7.28 LSRET............................................................................................................................. 298
7.29 LSRS ............................................................................................................................... 300
7.30 LSSEQ ............................................................................................................................ 302
7.31 LSSR ............................................................................................................................... 305
7.32 LSSTD............................................................................................................................. 307
7.33 LSTP ............................................................................................................................... 312
7.34 LSXNOR.......................................................................................................................... 314
7.35 LSXOR ............................................................................................................................ 315
7.36 SIS connector algorithm table ......................................................................................... 316
7.37 GSECPARAMREF .......................................................................................................... 317
7.38 NONSECPARAM ............................................................................................................ 318
7.39 SECPARAM .................................................................................................................... 319
7.40 SECPARAMREF............................................................................................................. 320
7.41 Connecting SIS sheets.................................................................................................... 321
7.42 Secured algorithm parameters........................................................................................ 322
7.43 NonSecure algorithm parameters ................................................................................... 322

Index 323

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S E C T I O N 1

Introduction to Ovation Safety Instrumented System



What is a Safety Instrumented System?............................................................................. 1

Functions of Ovation SIS .................................................................................................... 2
Safety Instrumented System terminology ........................................................................... 2

1.1 What is a Safety Instrumented System?

A Safety Instrumented System (SIS) is a set of components that includes sensors, Logic Solvers,
and final control elements whose purpose is to respond to dangerous plant conditions, which may
be hazardous. The Safety Instrumented System must generate the correct outputs to prevent the
hazard or reduce the consequences of the hazard.

A Safety Instrumented System (SIS) is a form of process control typically used in industrial
processes, such as those of Power Generation and Waste Water. The SIS performs specified
functions in order to maintain a safe state of a control process when any unacceptable process
conditions are detected.

A safe state is a state of the process operation where the hazardous event cannot occur. The
safe state should be achieved within one-half of the process safety time.

International standard IEC 61508 is a standard of rules applied to all types of industry. This
standard covers the complete safety life cycle, and has its origins in the process control industry

International standard IEC 61511 was published in 2003 to provide guidance to end-users on the
application of Safety Instrumented Systems in the process industries.

Refer to the Ovation Safety Instrumented System (SIS) User Guide for information about using
SIS with Ovation.

OW340_47 1
1.2 Functions of Ovation SIS

1.2 Functions of Ovation SIS

The Safety Instrumented System performs the following functions:
„ Implements a risk reduction strategy which is intended to reduce the likelihood of a hazardous
event causing a catastrophe in a plant.
„ Validates messages that are sent from Ovation workstations to the safety system. This
reduces the risk of sending invalid and perhaps unsafe messages to the SIS. This function is
known as SIS Write.
„ Manages the safety instrumented functions (SIFs) to provide a risk reduction strategy which is
intended to reduce the likelihood of a hazardous event. Each SIF defines:
… Measurement sensors to use.
… Actions to take.
… When to apply the actions.
… How fast to measure and react.

1.3 Safety Instrumented System terminology


Algorithms Algorithms are self-contained software modules that reside in the Logic Solvers.
Backplane Backplane is the electronic bus that is part of an SIS carrier. Backplane carries signals
between the SIS Logic Solvers and the SIS Data Server.
CIS Ovation Controller Interface to SIS Data Server (CIS) provides communication between the
Ovation Controller and the SIS Data Server.
Control module When a Logic Server is added to the Studio, four control modules are automatically created
and appear under the Logic Solver in the Studio tree. The control sheets are stored in the
control modules. All the control sheets stored in a control module are scanned at the same
CRC Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a mathematical function designed to detect changes to
computer data, and is commonly used in digital communications and data storage. A
CRC-enabled device calculates CRC code for each block of data. When a new block is
received, the device repeats the calculation; if the new CRC code does not match the old
CRC code, this indicates that there is a difference between the two blocks of data. This
means there is either a data error or a change in the configuration of the data.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network application protocol used by
devices to obtain configuration information for operation in an Internet Protocol network.
This allows networks to add devices with little or no manual intervention.
HAZOP Hazard and Operational Studies. Requirements for SIS projects.
IP Address Unique number consisting of four parts separated by dots. An example of an IP address is Every computer that is on the Internet has a unique IP address.
Local bus Communications between Logic Solvers and one SIS Data Server. Achieved via backplanes
and extender cables.
Local SISNet Communications of safety data among Logic Solvers connected to one SIS Data Server.
(Local peer bus) Achieved via carrier backplanes and coaxial extender cables.
LOPA Layers of Protection Analysis. Requirements for SIS projects.

2 OW340_47
1.3 Safety Instrumented System terminology


Netmask The netmask (also known as an address mask) is a number that identifies the range of IP
addresses that are on a local network. The netmask serves as a filter that enables a
computer to determine whether it can transfer data directly to another machine on the local
network or if the computer must use a router to transfer data.
NAMUR NAMUR is an international association of automation technology in process control
industries. NAMUR alarming can be performed on I/O channels. The NAMUR limits are
106.25% top limit and -2.5% bottom limit.
NTP task Network Time Protocol. Synchronizes time between the Ovation Controller and its attached
Logic Solvers.
Remote SISNet Communications among Logic Solvers connected to different SIS Data Servers. Achieved
(Remote peer bus) via SISNet Repeaters and a fiber optic loop
Shadow algorithm Term used to describe SIS algorithms when they are loaded into the Ovation Controller. The
algorithms are not actually used by the Controller for control, but serve as a visual
representation to the user of the algorithms in the Logic Solver.
SIF Safety Instrumented Function (see page 6).
SIL Safety Integrity Level (see page 6).
SIS Force Force operation (see page 131) occurs when a value for an algorithm input parameter (pin)
is manually changed, typically for testing purposes.
SIS hardware Refer to Hardware components (see page 11).
SIS LAN Communication between a SIS Data Server and an Ovation Controller.
SIS point An Ovation point that has been used on an SIS control sheet. After the sheet is saved and
loaded to an SIS Logic Solver, the point can then be used in SIS control schemes.SIS points
can be analog or digital points.
SISNet Ring Sub-network of SIS components that is contained within one fiber-optic ring (value between
0 and 15).
SISNet Communications among Logic Solvers, with both local and remote architectures.
SIS Write SIS Write provides for the validation of messages between Ovation Operator Stations and
the SIS Logic Solvers. This function greatly reduces the risk of sending an invalid message
to the safety system from the Ovation system.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used in network management systems to
monitor network-attached devices.

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S E C T I O N 2

Planning your Safety Instrumented System


SIS issues to consider......................................................................................................... 5

Limitations for Ovation SIS system ..................................................................................... 6
SIS environmental specifications for Ovation SIS devices ................................................. 7
SIS network design examples............................................................................................. 7
Planning your hardware installation .................................................................................... 9

2.1 SIS issues to consider

A Safety Instrumented System (SIS) is a form of process control usually implemented in industrial
processes, such as those in a factory. The SIS performs specified functions to achieve or
maintain a safe state of the process when unacceptable or dangerous process conditions are

Consider the following issues when planning a SIS project:

„ The safe state is a state of the process operation where the hazardous event cannot occur.
You should be able to achieve a safe state within one-half of the process safety time.
„ Even though safety instrumented systems are composed of elements that are similar to
elements in a process control system (such as sensors, logic solvers, actuators, and support
systems), you should keep the safety system separate and independent from your regular
control systems.
„ The specified functions, or safety instrumented functions (SIF (see page 6)) should be
implemented as part of an overall risk reduction strategy since they are intended to reduce
the likelihood of a catastrophic release and create a safe state.
„ The correct operation of an SIS requires a series of equipment to function properly, such as
the following:
… Sensors capable of detecting abnormal operating conditions, such as high flow, low level,
or incorrect valve positioning.
… Logic Solvers that receive the sensor input signal(s), make appropriate decisions based
on the nature of the signal(s), and change its outputs according to user-defined logic.
… Final elements that take action on the process (for example, closing a valve) to bring it to
a safe state due to changes in Logic Solver output.
… Support systems, such as power and communications, are generally required for SIS
operation. The support systems should be designed to provide the required integrity and
„ Functional and safety integrity requirements for an SIS are determined from hazard and
operability studies (HAZOP), layers of protection analysis (LOPA), risk graphs, and so on. All
techniques are mentioned in IEC 61511 and IEC 61508.
… You need to verify that during SIS design, construction, and operation, these functional
and safety requirements are met.

OW340_47 5
2.2 Limitations for Ovation SIS system

… You can verify functional requirements by design reviews, such as failure modes, effects,
and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA). You can also use various types of testing, such as
factory acceptance testing, site acceptance testing, and regular functional testing.
… You can verify safety integrity requirements by reliability analysis. For SIS that operates
on demand, it is often the probability of failure on demand (PFD) that is calculated. In the
design phase, the PFD may be calculated using generic reliability data. Later on, the
initial PFD estimates may be updated with field experience from the specific plant in
… Since it is not possible to address all factors that affect SIS reliability through reliability
calculations, you should also have adequate measures in place (for example, processes,
procedures, and individual training and certification) to avoid, reveal, and correct SIS
related failures

2.1.1 Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs)

Safety instrumented systems are applied to a process to substantially reduce the risk from costly
or dangerous failures in industrial processes. The magnitude of risk reduction needed is
determined from an analysis of the severity of hazardous process events and their probability of

Safety instrumented systems are typically comprised of multiple Safety Instrumented Functions
(SIFs). Each SIF can be considered a control loop, defining:
„ Measurements (sensors) to use.
„ Actions to take (control elements to drive).
„ When to apply the actions (logic linking the measurements to the actions).
„ How fast to measure and react.
Every SIF has a Safety Integrity Level (SIL (see page 6)) assigned to it.

2.1.2 Safety Integrity Levels (SILs)

Every SIF has a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assigned to it. SIL is a measure of the risk reduction
provided by a SIF based on four discrete levels, each representing an order of magnitude of risk
reduction. The factors considered in determining a SIL include:
„ Device integrity
„ Diagnostics
„ Failures
„ Testing
„ Operation
„ Maintenance

2.2 Limitations for Ovation SIS system


SISNet Repeater rings in a system 1

SISNet Repeater pairs in an Ovation SIS system 32
Logic Solvers per SIS Data Server 32 (simplex), 16 (redundant)

6 OW340_47
2.3 SIS environmental specifications for Ovation SIS devices


Logic Solvers in a SIS system 1024

Logic Solvers that can publish data globally on a SIS 32
SIS control modules in a Logic Solver 4
Algorithms in a SIS control module 127
Secure parameters per Logic Solver 16
Non-Secure parameters per Logic Solver 24
Logic Solvers that can publish data globally on one SIS 8 (64 slots)
Data Server
Secure parameters published globally per SIS system 512
SDS (SIS Data Server) 8
I/O channels 4096

2.3 SIS environmental specifications for Ovation SIS devices


Storage temperature -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)

Operating temperature -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)
Relative humidity 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Airborne contaminants Severity level G3
Protection rating IP 20, NEMA 12
Shock 10 g half-sine wave for 11 ms
Vibration 1 mm peak-to-peak from 5 to 16 Hz; 0.5 g from 16 to 150 Hz
Input power 20 rating
Electromagnetic compatibility Per EN61326-1, Criteria A and Namur NE21

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2.4 SIS network design examples

2.4 SIS network design examples

There are many different ways to design an SIS network. Each system has unique requirements
that must be considered when planning the SIS network.

The following SIS network design examples illustrate the different design types:
„ Physical network design (see page 8) provides a hardware view of the SIS network.
„ Logical network design (see page 9) provides a conceptual view of the SIS network.

2.4.1 Physical network design example

8 OW340_47
2.5 Planning your hardware installation

2.4.2 Logical network design example

2.5 Planning your hardware installation

The following list provides an overview of the basic SIS hardware installation. Refer to the specific
sections for installation details.

1. Install appropriate carriers (see page 14) on the DIN rails in a hardware cabinet.
2. Install terminal blocks (see page 29) onto a carrier.
3. Install the SIS Data Servers (see page 34) onto a carrier.
4. Install Logic Solvers (see page 40) onto the terminal block.
5. Connect the field wiring.
6. Install the SIS Net Repeaters (see page 44).
7. Install extender cables (see page 31).
8. Terminate the local bus (see page 32).
9. Provide power to (see page 46):
… SIS Data Servers
… SIS Logic Solvers.
… SIS Net Repeaters.
… SIS Net Extenders.
10. If desired, install auxiliary equipment (see page 51).

OW340_47 9
2.5 Planning your hardware installation

2.5.1 Installation tools

The following tools are needed to install standard Ovation SIS:

„ Standard electrical tools (voltmeter, wire cutter, wire stripper, pliers, screwdrivers).
„ Standard installation tools (screwdrivers, drill with standard bits).
„ Ethernet cable tools (crimper, cable tester).

10 OW340_47
S E C T I O N 3

Hardware for Ovation SIS


Hardware components of Ovation SIS.............................................................................. 11

SIS carriers........................................................................................................................ 14
SLS Simplex and Redundant Terminal Blocks ................................................................. 29
Carrier extender cables..................................................................................................... 30
SIS Data Server ................................................................................................................33
SIS Logic Solver I/O.......................................................................................................... 38
SIS Net Repeater .............................................................................................................. 43
Fiber-optic cable\ring......................................................................................................... 46
Power Supply .................................................................................................................... 46
SIS LAN switches and routers .......................................................................................... 51
Ovation SIS accessories ................................................................................................... 51

3.1 Hardware components of Ovation SIS

The SIS system contains various hardware components that are described in the following table.

Note: For information on installing switches and routers in your SIS system, refer to the
manufacturer's installation instructions.

Hardware components


SIS carriers Vertical or horizontal brackets that mount on the DIN rails in a cabinet and
hold the SIS Logic Solvers and terminal blocks.
Simplex terminal block (see Interfaces between I/O devices and one Logic Solver.
page 29)
Duplex terminal block (see Interfaces between I/O devices and two Logic Solvers.
page 31)
SIS Data Server (see page Provides the interface between the Ovation Controller and Logic Solvers and
33) SISNet Repeaters. The SIS Data Server can manage up to 32 Logic Solvers.
SIS Logic Solvers (see Hardware modules that contain logic solving capability and provide an
page 38) interface to 16 I/O channels.
SIS Net Repeaters (see Provides communication between Logic Solvers that are connected to
page 43) different SIS Data Servers.
Fiber optic cable/ring (see Used to permit one SISNet Repeater connected to a SIS Data Server to
page 46) communicate with another SISNet Repeater connected to a different SIS
Data Server.
Carrier Extender cables Connects power and signals between 8-wide carriers.
(see page 30)

OW340_47 11
3.1 Hardware components of Ovation SIS


SIS Net Distance Extender Permits SISNet Repeaters to communicate over greater distances.
(see page 44)
Power Supply (see page Provides power to the SIS Data Server.

12 OW340_47
3.1 Hardware components of Ovation SIS

The following graphic illustrates the SIS hardware components in a typical system.

OW340_47 13
3.2 SIS carriers

3.2 SIS carriers

SIS carriers are brackets that are used to secure the SIS modules in a cabinet. The SIS carriers
mount on standard 35 mm (1.38 in.) T- or G-type DIN rails in the hardware cabinets.

There are two types of SIS carriers:

„ Horizontal carriers (see page 14)
„ Vertical carriers (see page 15)

Note: The LocalBus, including all cabling, cannot be longer than 6.5 m (21.3 ft).

3.2.1 Horizontal Carriers

There are three types of Horizontal Carriers:

… 1-wide carrier (dual-left/right cable extender).

… 2-wide carriers (SIS Data Server, SIS Net Repeater).
… 8-wide carriers (I/O) (can hold up to four simplex Logic Solvers).

Note: The LocalBus, including all cabling, cannot be longer than 6.5 m (21.3 ft).

Figure 1: Terminal blocks installed on an 8-wide carrier

Horizontal Carrier parts


KJ4001X1-NA1-PW 1-Wide Horizontal Dual Right Cable Extender

KJ4001X1-NB1-PW 1-Wide Horizontal Dual Left Cable Extender
KJ2221X1-EA1-PW 2-Wide Horizontal - holds SISNet Repeaters
KJ4001X1-BA3-PW 2-Wide Horizontal - SIS Data Server w/ Redundancy and SIS + Bus Term
KJ4001X1-BE1-PW 8-Wide Horizontal - I/O with Shield Bar (Can hold up to four simplex Logic Solvers)

14 OW340_47
3.2 SIS carriers

3.2.2 Vertical Carriers

Vertical carriers mount on standard 35 mm (1.38 in.) T- or G-type DIN rails.

„ Vertical carriers
… 1-wide carrier (right cable extender Vertical).
… 1-wide carrier (left cable extender Vertical).
… 4-wide Vertical (Power/SIS Data Server).
… 4-wide Vertical (SIS Net Repeater).
… 8-wide Vertical (I/O, left/right side) (can hold up to four simplex Logic Solvers).

Note: The LocalBus, including all cabling, cannot be longer than 6.5 m (21.3 ft).

The vertical carriers are mounted properly when the lettering is in the upright position.

There are six types of carriers for mounting vertically in a cabinet:

„ Two types of 1-wide extenders.
„ Two types of 4-wide carriers for power/SDS and SISNet repeaters.
„ Two types of 8-wide I/O interface carriers (8-wide carrier can hold up to four simplex Logic
There are two separate cable lengths for connecting the 8-wide I/O interface carriers (8-wide
carrier can hold up to four simplex Logic Solvers):
„ 1 meter bottom cable extender.
„ 2 meter top cable extender.
The LocalBus, including all cabling, cannot be longer than 6.5 m (21.3 ft).

OW340_47 15
3.2 SIS carriers

Figure 2: Cabinet with vertical SIS configuration

16 OW340_47
3.2 SIS carriers

Vertical carrier parts


KJ4003X1-BC1-PW 4-Wide Vertical Power/SDS, Top

KJ4003X1-BD1-PW 4-Wide Vertical SISNet Repeater
KJ4003X1-BA1-PW 8-Wide Vertical - I/O SIS Compatible, Left Side (Can hold up to four simplex Logic
KJ4003X1-BB1-PW 8-Wide Vertical - I/O SIS Compatible, Right Side (Can hold up to four simplex Logic
KJ4003X1-BE1-PW Extender, Right 1-Wide Vertical
KJ4003X1-BF1-PW Extender, Left 1 -Wide Vertical

The following figure illustrates suggested spacing for vertical DIN rail installation.

Figure 3: Vertical DIN rail installation

OW340_47 17
3.2 SIS carriers

3.2.3 To install the 1-wide Vertical or Horizontal carrier (dual-left/right extender


The 1-wide carrier is used to extend the local peer bus through the use of extender cables (see
page 31) or to terminate the Local peer bus.

Refer to To install carrier extender cables (see page 31) for directions on using 1-wide carriers
as extenders.

Use the following procedure to use the 1-wide carrier as a terminator:

1. Install a one-wide carrier onto the right/left side of the last carrier on the DIN rail.
2. Place a 120 ohms BNC terminator (KJ4010X1-BN1) onto each BNC connector on the carrier
and push and turn to lock the terminator into place.
3. Terminate both connectors.

Figure 4: One-wide SIS carrier

3.2.4 To install the 2-wide Horizontal power/SIS Data Server carriers

Use the 2-wide power/SDS carrier to install one power supply and one SIS Data Server.

1. Install the 2-wide power/controller carrier on the DIN rails in the cabinet.
2. You can install an SIS Data Server and power supply on the 2-wide power/SIS Data Server

18 OW340_47
3.2 SIS carriers

Note: Be sure that you are using the 2-wide power/SDS carrier numbered KJ4001X1- BA3-PW
or higher for any SIS installation.

3. Install the 2-wide SISNet Repeater carriers on the DIN rails if remote communication is
required. (SISNet Repeater carriers can be installed anywhere between the 2-wide
power/SDS carrier and the terminated one-wide carrier.)
4. Connect the carriers to any adjacent carriers by sliding together the 48 pin connectors on the
sides of the carriers.
5. If you are installing carriers on separate DIN rails, you will need to connect two (left and right)
one-wide carriers and then connect cables to extend the LocalBus and local peer bus.

Figure 5: Two-wide SIS carrier

OW340_47 19
3.2 SIS carriers

3.2.5 To install the 4-wide Vertical (Power/SIS Data Server) carrier

Use the 4-wide power/SIS Data Server carrier to install two power supplies and two redundant
SIS Data Servers.

The 4-wide power/SIS Data Server carriers supply power and communications connections for
vertically mounted SIS Data Servers.
„ Top 4-wide power/controller carriers connect to the left 8-wide I/O interface carrier. The 96 pin
connector is at the bottom of this carrier. (The left 8-wide I/O interface carrier holds cards 1-8
from top to bottom.)

Figure 6: Four-wide SIS carrier

20 OW340_47
3.2 SIS carriers

3.2.6 To install the 8-wide Horizontal I/O interface carrier (can hold up to four
simplex Logic Solvers)

Use the 8-wide carrier to install eight I/O cards with terminal blocks.

The power and cable specifications are:

„ Local Bus that powers I/O cards uses 8.0 A.
(For large systems, use the LocalBus extenders to add more power.)
„ Bussed field power bus that is shared by multiple I/O card pairs uses 6.5 A for each
„ Local Bus cable =1 .2 m (3.9 ft) long.

1. Install the 8-wide I/O interface carrier on the DIN rails in the cabinet next to the 2-wide carrier.
2. You can install Logic Solver terminal blocks on the 8-wide carrier.

Figure 7: Eight-wide SIS carrier

OW340_47 21
3.2 SIS carriers

3.2.7 SIS I/O channels

A Logic Solver provides 16 channels of flexible I/O. This means that each channel can be used as
one of the following:
„ Analog Input (see page 22).
„ HART Analog Input (see page 22).
„ HART Two-State Output (see page 23).
„ Digital Input (see page 23).
„ Digital Output (see page 26).

Note: To configure an SIS I/O channel (see page 106) provides information on configuring the
SIS I/O channels.

Analog Input and HART Analog Input channel specifications and wiring


Number of channels 16
Isolation Each channel is optically isolated from the system and factory tested to
1500 VDC. No channel-to-channel isolation.
Nominal signal range (span) 4 to 20 mA
Full signal range 1 to 24 mA
Field circuit power per channel 24 mA
2-wire transmitter power 15.0 V minimum terminal to terminal @ 20 mA; current limited to 24 mA
Input Measurement Accuracy 0.1% of Span
Safety/diagnostic accuracy 2.0% of span
Resolution 16 bits, 2-pole filter, corner frequency 5.68 Hz
Filtering -3 db at 5.68 Hz
-20.0 db at 40 Hz (half the sample rate)

Figure 8: Wiring diagram and terminations for Analog Input and HART Analog Input

22 OW340_47
3.2 SIS carriers

HART two-state output channel specifications and wiring


Number of channels 16
Isolation Each channel is optically isolated from the system and factory tested to 1500
VDC. No channel-to-channel isolation.
Nominal signal range On state - 20 mA
(span) Off state - 0 to 4 mA (configurable (see page 111))
Full signal range 0 to 24mA
Safety/diagnostic 5% of span
Resolution 12 bits
Compliance voltage 20 mA into 600 Ω load
Open-loop detection <1.0mA - when the output drifts 15% out of the configured value

Figure 9: Wiring diagram and terminations for HART Two-state output channels

Digital Input channel specifications and wiring


Number of channels 16
Isolation Each channel is optically isolated from the system and factory tested to 1500 VDC.
No channel-to-channel isolation.
Detection level for ON ≥ 2 mA
Detection level for < 1.65 mA
Input impedance ~ 1790 Ω Inputs compatible with NAMUR sensors (12 V)
Input compatibility Dry contact with end of line resistance
<100 Ω for guaranteed short circuit detection
1 >6 mA (simplex)
Line fault detection
Short circuit (optional) >11 mA (redundant)

OW340_47 23
3.2 SIS carriers


Line fault detection >40 kΩ for guaranteed open loop detection

Open circuit (optional) <0.35 mA
Digital Input channels have line fault detection for detecting open or short circuits in field wiring. To use
this capability you must:
ƒ Enable line fault detection in your configuration. Enable line fault detection on a channel-by-channel basis
when you configure the channels.
ƒ Connect the dry contact to external resistors. Connect the dry contact to a 12 KΩ resistor in parallel
(allows the open circuit detection) and a 2.4 KΩ resistor in series (allows short circuit detection).
Emerson's End of Line Resistance Module (KJ2231X1-EC1) provides this function. This module connects
to the Digital Input channel and to a field contact.
Line fault detection is built into NAMUR sensors (see page 2). Do not use external resistors with NAMUR
sensors; however, you must enable line fault detection in your configuration when using NAMUR sensors.

24 OW340_47
3.2 SIS carriers

Figure 10: Wiring diagram and terminations for digital input channels (with line fault
detection options)

Figure 11: Wiring diagram and terminations for digital input channels (without line fault
detection options)

OW340_47 25
3.2 SIS carriers

Digital Output channel specifications and wiring


Number of channels 16
Isolation Each channel is optically isolated from the system and factory tested to 1500
VDC. No channel-to-channel isolation.
Output voltage Field power minus 2 V
Field power 0.5 A continuous per channel; 4.0 A max. per card
Output loading 56 to 3500 Ω
Open loop test off. 4.5 μA typical; 10 μA max.
Off-state leakage Optional pulse test will apply 24 VDC pulse on line for 1.0 mS every 50 mS.
Short circuit Outputs current limited to 2.0 A typical
1 < 5 Ω for > 1 second with +24 VDC field power.
Line fault detection
Short circuit (optional) < 25 kΩ for guaranteed open loop detection

Line fault detection < 3.5 kΩ for guaranteed no open loop detection.
Open circuit (with +24
VDC field power)
Digital Output channels have line fault detection for detecting open or short circuits in field wiring. To use
this capability you must:
ƒ Enable line fault detection in your configuration. Enable line fault detection on a channel-by-channel
basis when you configure the channels.
ƒ When driving inductive loads greater than or equal to 0.8 Henry in simplex or 0.3 Henry in redundant, an
RC compensator may be required. Size the RC compensator at 3.3 kΩ and 0.47 μf for simplex and 2.7
kΩ and 0.22 μf for redundant as shown in the following figure. Emerson's RC compensator module
(KJ2231X1-ED1) provides this function. This module can be used for simplex and for redundant
Pulse testing is recommended; however, it can be disabled for field devices such as solid state relays or
active electronics that cannot support it. With redundant Logic Solvers, pulse testing requires partner
synchronization and stops if the redundant partner becomes unavailable.

26 OW340_47
3.2 SIS carriers

Figure 12: Wiring diagram and terminations for digital output channels

3.2.8 To install the 8-wide Vertical (left/right side) carrier (can hold up to four
simplex Logic Solvers)

Use the 8-wide Vertical carrier to install up to four Logic Solvers with terminal blocks.

There are two types of 8-wide interface carriers:

„ Left 8-wide interface carrier (card positions 1-8 from top to bottom).
„ Right 8-wide interface carrier (card positions 8-1 from top to bottom).
The extender cable specifications are:
„ Bottom cable extender = 1.0 m (3.3 ft) nominal length.
„ Top cable extender = 2.0 m (6.6 ft) nominal length.
„ Local Bus cable = 1.2 m (3.9 ft) long.
1. Mount the DIN rail at the appropriate location.
2. Connect each 8-wide carrier to any adjacent carriers by sliding the 96-pin connectors at the
top or bottom of the carriers together. Hold the carrier in position to ensure that it does not fall.
3. Turn the screws counter-clockwise to disengage the latch. With the carrier on the rail, tighten
the screws clockwise to latch.

Note: The middle two screws are for G-rail mounting and the outer screws are for T-rail

4. If you are mounting 8-wide carriers on separate rails, use the bottom cable extender for a
left-to-right bridge and the top cable extender for a right-to-left bridge.

OW340_47 27
3.2 SIS carriers

5. Install ground wiring. For a good connection, use a signal ground cable and a block spade
terminal, sized for AC/DC system power.

Figure 13: Installing 8-wide SIS carrier

28 OW340_47
3.3 SLS Simplex and Redundant Terminal Blocks

3.3 SLS Simplex and Redundant Terminal Blocks

Terminal blocks connect the wires from the devices in the plant to the SIS Logic Solvers. The
terminal blocks are mounted on the SIS 8-wide I/O carriers in the Ovation cabinets. SIS terminal
blocks are yellow.

The Carrier can hold four Simplex or two Redundant Terminal blocks. The Simplex Terminal
Block takes up two slots and can be mounted in slots starting with 1, 3, 5, or 7.

The Redundant Terminal Block takes four slots and can be mounted in slots starting with 1, 3, or

Terminal block part numbers



KJ2201X1-HA1-PW Connects to SIS Logic Solver (Simplex).

KJ2201X1-JA1-PW Connects to Redundant SIS Logic Solver (Duplex).

3.3.1 To install Terminal Blocks

1. Install an 8-wide I/O carrier onto a DIN rail.
2. Locate an odd slot number on the I/O interface carrier. Simplex terminal blocks occupy two
slots starting with 1, 3, 5, or 7 and redundant terminal blocks occupy four slots starting with 1,
3, or 5.
3. Insert the tabs on the back of the terminal block through the slots on the carrier and push the
terminal block up to lock it into place. The following figure shows a redundant terminal block
installed on an I/O interface carrier.
4. Connect the field wiring.

OW340_47 29
3.4 Carrier extender cables

The following figure illustrates the installation of an SIS terminal block on a horizontal 8-wide

Figure 14: Terminal blocks installed on an 8-wide carrier

3.4 Carrier extender cables

Carrier extender cables extend power and signals between 8-wide carriers (can hold up to four
simplex Logic Solvers). Local peer bus extender cables extend the local peer bus between Logic
Solvers on different carriers. One-wide carriers with terminators terminate the local peer bus at
the final carrier.

When carriers are installed on separate DIN rails, carrier extender cables and local peer bus
extender cables are used to extend the LocalBus and local peer bus. Extender cables connect to
one-wide carriers on the left and right sides of the 2-wide and 8-wide carriers.

3.4.1 Carrier extender cable part numbers

Carrier extender cables extend power and signals between 8-wide carriers.

Carrier extender cable part numbers



KJ4002X1-BF2-PW Carrier extender cable, bottom, 44 inches

KJ4002X1-BF3-PW Carrier extender cable, bottom, 31 inches
KJ4002X1-BF4-PW Carrier extender cable, bottom, 57 inches
KJ4002X1-BF5-PW Carrier extender cable, bottom, 77 inches
KJ4002X1-BE1-PW Carrier extender cable, top, 77 inches



KJ4003X1-BH1-PW Carrier extender cable, 43 inches

30 OW340_47
3.4 Carrier extender cables



KJ4003X1-BH2-PW Carrier extender cable, 17 inches


KJ4010X1-BL1-PW Cable Assembly, SISNet, Coax, Black, 46 inches

KJ4010X1-BM1-PW Cable Assembly, SISNet, Coax, White, 46 inches
KJ4010X1-BL2-PW Cable Assembly, SISNet, Coax, Black, 33 inches
KJ4010X1-BM2-PW Cable Assembly, SISNet, Coax, White, 33 inches
KJ4010X1-BL3-PW Cable Assembly, SISNet, Coax, Black, 59 inches
KJ4010X1-BM3-PW Cable Assembly, SISNet, Coax, White, 59 inches

3.4.2 To install carrier extender cables

A standard installation uses one carrier extender cable; however, dual carrier extender cables can
also be used. The following procedure is for a standard installation that uses one carrier extender

1. Install the right and left-side one-wide carriers by sliding together the 48-pin connectors on the
sides of the carriers.
2. Connect the 44-pin D-shell (male) connector on the carrier extender cable to the top D-shell
connector labeled A on the right-side carrier and fasten the retainer screws.

OW340_47 31
3.4 Carrier extender cables

3. Connect the 44-pin D-shell connector on the other end of the cable to the top D-shell
connector labeled A on the left-side carrier and fasten the retainer screws.

Figure 15: One-wide SIS carrier

4. Notice that the local peer bus extender cable has black and white boots. The cables connect
black-to-black (D) and white-to-white (C).
5. Place the cable end onto the BNC connector on the carrier and push and turn to lock the
cable into place.

3.4.3 To terminate the local bus (1-wide carrier)

You must terminate the local peer bus by using a 120 ohm BNC terminator on the right one-wide
carrier that is connected to the last 8-wide carrier on the local bus.

1. Install a 1-wide carrier onto the right side of the last carrier.

32 OW340_47
3.5 SIS Data Server

2. Place a 120 ohms BNC terminator onto each BNC connector on the carrier and push and turn
to lock the terminator into place. Terminate both connectors.

Figure 16: BNC connectors

3.5 SIS Data Server

An SIS Data Server provides the interface between the Ovation Controller and Logic Solvers and
SISNet Repeaters.

3.5.1 SIS Data Server part number

The SIS Data Server provides the interface between the Ovation Controller and Logic Solvers and
SISNet Repeaters.

Data server part number


KJ2003X1-PW1 Ovation SIS Data Server

OW340_47 33
3.5 SIS Data Server

3.5.2 To install a simplex SIS Data Server

A SIS Data Server provides the interface between the Ovation Controller and Logic Solvers and
SISNet Repeaters.

1. Install a 2-wide power/SIS Data Server carrier onto a DIN rail.

2. Align the connectors on the back of the SIS Data Server with the connectors on the right slot
of the 2-wide power/SIS Data Server carrier and push to attach.
3. Tighten the mounting screw.

3.5.3 To power up a simplex SIS Data Server

„ Install (see page 34) the SIS Data Server into a 2-wide carrier.
„ Make sure the system power supply is connected to the SIS Data Server and the power is off.
„ Make sure the Ovation network is set up in such a way that the SIS Data Server is able to
communicate (once it is powered up) with a DHCP server.

1. Power up the SIS Data Server's power supply.
2. Refer to the flashing LEDs (see page 36) on the SIS Data Server:
… The SIS Data Server attempts to contact the DHCP server and obtain its runtime
configuration. Until the DHCP transaction is complete, the SIS Data Server continues to
flash its LEDs.
… The SIS Data Server initializes in the ACTIVE mode. The ACTIVE LED switches to the
constant ON state. The Pri CN and Sec CN LEDs flash to indicate network activity.

34 OW340_47
3.5 SIS Data Server

Note: If the DHCP server does not contain a valid configuration for the SIS Data Server, the SIS
Data Server remains in the ‘obtaining runtime configuration’ state until a valid configuration can
be provided by the DHCP server.

3.5.4 To power up a duplex SIS Data Server

„ Install (see page 34) the SIS Data Server into a 2-wide carrier.
„ Make sure the system power supply is connected to the SIS Data Server and the power is off.
„ Make sure the Ovation network is set up in such a way that the SIS Data Server is able to
communicate (once it is powered up) with a DHCP server.
„ Make sure theSIS Data Server's redundant partner is running and active, and that there is a
physical redundant connection between the SIS Data Server and its partner.

1. Power up the SIS Data Server's power supply.
2. Refer to the flashing LEDs (see page 36) on the SIS Data Server:
… The SIS Data Server attempts to contact the DHCP server and obtain its runtime
configuration. Until the DHCP transaction is complete, the SIS Data Server continues to
flash its LEDs.
… The SIS Data Server communicates with its partner over the redundancy link. It detects
that the partner is currently in the ACTIVE state. The SDS initializes in the STANDBY
state. The STANDBY LED switches to the constant ON state. The Pri CN and Sec CN
LEDs flash to indicate network activity.
… Note that if the redundancy configuration obtained from the DHCP server by the two SIS
Data Servers does not match, the two SIS Data Servers cannot communicate over the
redundancy link. The SIS Data Server reboots while the redundant partner continues to
operate in the ACTIVE mode. This cycle will repeat itself until the redundancy
configuration is the same for both SIS Data Servers.

Note: If the DHCP server does not contain a valid configuration for the SIS Data Server, the SIS
Data Server remains in the ‘obtaining runtime configuration’ state until a valid configuration can
be provided by the DHCP server.

3.5.5 To remove a redundant SIS Data Server

1. Make sure both SIS Data Servers in a redundant pair are running and both have active
connections to the Ovation network.

1. Remove the active redundant SIS Data Server from its slot on the carrier.
2. Refer to the flashing LEDs (see page 36) on the SIS Data Server:
… The partner SIS Data Server in the redundant pair detects the failure of its partner and
switches to ACTIVE mode.

OW340_47 35
3.5 SIS Data Server

… The STANDBY LED switches to the constant OFF state. The ACTIVE LED switches to
the constant ON state. The Pri CN and Sec CN LEDs flash as per network activity. The
Pri CN and Sec CN LEDs flash to indicate network activity.

Note: If you remove the standby SIS Data Server from its slot on the carrier, the active partner
remains unaffected and continues to run in the ACTIVE state.

3.5.6 SIS Data Server LEDs


Power (Green) On Power is supplied to the unit.

Off System power is not supplied to unit (possible line power
(Internal Fault).
Error (Red) On (solid/continuous) Internal fault.
Off No Fault.
On for one second followed Unit went through RESET due to an unrecoverable
by all LEDs on for five software error.
Flashing SIS Data Server is cleared.
Active (Green) On SIS Data Server is Active.
Off SIS Data Server is on Standby.
SIS Data Server is cleared.
(Internal Fault)
Standby On SIS Data Server is on Standby.
Off SIS Data Server is Active.
Flashing SIS Data Server is not configured.
Primary CN Flashing Communication is active for Primary Physical Interface.
Off Communication is not active for Primary Physical
Secondary CN Flashing Communication is active for Secondary Physical
(Orange) Interface.
Off Communication is not active for Secondary Physical

When you install and load an Ovation SIS Data Server, the LEDs flash a pattern that reveals the
state of the SIS Data Server.

36 OW340_47
3.5 SIS Data Server

Initialization state

When you install (see page 34) an SIS Data Server in an Ovation carrier, the LEDs perform the
following sequence, with one second between each phase, until the SIS Data Server is fully

Initialization phases



Minimal Firmware load

After the SIS Data Server has been initialized, the LEDs perform the following sequence to
indicate that the basic SIS firmware is loaded on the SIS Data Server:

LED states


Power Constant ON
Error Constant OFF
Active If this is the active SIS Data Server, constant ON.
If this is not the active SIS Data Server, constant OFF.
Standby If this is the standby SIS Data Server, constant ON.
If this is not the standby SIS Data Server, constant OFF.
Pri CN Dependent on network activity.
Sec CN Dependent on network activity.

Upgraded Firmware load

After the SIS Data Server has been upgraded, the LEDs perform the following sequence only
once to indicate that upgraded SIS firmware is now loaded on the SIS Data Server:

LED states


Power Constant ON
Error Constant OFF
Active Blinks every two seconds.
Standby Blinks every 0.5 seconds.

OW340_47 37
3.6 SIS Logic Solver I/O


Pri CN Dependent on network activity.

Sec CN Dependent on network activity.

3.6 SIS Logic Solver I/O

Logic Solvers are hardware modules that contain logic solving capability. There are simplex and
redundant Logic Solvers. Local Logic Solvers use the same SIS Data Server but remote Logic
Solvers use different SIS Data Servers.

Each Logic Solver can provide an interface to a maximum of 16 I/O channels. The following table
lists the available types of SIS I/O.

Types of SIS I/O


Analog input Reports the analog value present at Used with LSAI algorithms as input I/O references.
the channel. Used with LSAO algorithms as readback
references to read a 4 to 20 mA signal.
HART analog Reports the analog value present at Used with LSAI algorithms as input I/O references.
input the channel and up to four digital Used with LSAI algorithms as readback references
values from a HART field device. to read a 4 to 20 mA signal.
HART Drives a digital valve controller Used with LSDVC algorithm to drive DVC6000ESD
two-state output device. digital valve controllers.
output ƒ On value is 20 mA.
ƒ Off value is configurable: either 0
mA or 4 mA (to allow for HART
Digital Input Reports the digital value present at Used with LSDI algorithms as input I/O references
the channel. when reading a digital (On/Off) signal. Used with
LSDO algorithms as a readback I/O reference for a
digital signal.
Digital Output Drives the output to a digital value Used with LSDO algorithms as output I/O
and holds the output at that value. references when driving a digital signal.
Outputs immediately reflect the
output value that was received.
Upon receiving a configuration that
indicates a change from one type of
output to another, the outputs
switch to the off state

38 OW340_47
3.6 SIS Logic Solver I/O

3.6.1 Logic Solver 8-Slot carrier numbering scheme

Logic servers can be mounted on the 8-slot carriers. Each 8-slot carrier has slot numbers 1-8
painted on it. Up to eight 8-slot carriers can be daisy chained together for a total of 64 slots. In the
SIS system the 8-slot carriers will only handle Logic Solvers. Logic Solvers take up two slots for a
standard module and four slots for a redundant Logic Solver.

When mounting a Logic Solver module in a carrier, the first slot must be an odd numbered slot 1,
3, 5, and 7 for Standard and 1 and 5 for Redundant Logic Solvers. The electronic slot numbering
must be unique, so each slot is numbered according to its place in the daisy chain.

Since the even numbers are not counted, the first carrier has four slots. For the first carrier, Slot 1
= 1, slot 3 = 2, slot 5 = 3 and slot 7 = 4. For carrier #8 1 = 29, 3 = 30, 5 = 31 and 7 = 32. The slot
layout for an 8 carrier setup looks like the following.

#1 1 - 3- 5 -7
1 - 2- 3- 4

#2 1 - 3- 5 -7
5 - 6- 7- 8

#3 1 - 3- 5 -7
9 - 10 - 11 - 12

#4 1 - 3- 5 -7
13 - 14 - 15 - 16

#5 1 - 3- 5 -7
17 - 18 - 19 - 20

#6 1 - 3- 5 -7
21 - 22 - 23 - 24

#7 1 - 3- 5 -7
25 - 26 - 27 - 28

#8 1 - 3- 5 -7
29 - 30 - 31 - 32

Placing a Logic solver module in a specific carrier slot, Slot #5 (painted number) in Carrier #4 for
instance, requires counting the number of slots starting from the first carrier to get the electronic
slot number.

Or you can use the chart above. For the example above, Carrier #4, Slot #5, Using the chart
above, the electronic number for that slot is 15.

Or, the following formula will help figure out the electronic slot.

{[(Physical Carrier # - 1)( X 8) + (Painted Slot # - 1)] / 2} +1

For the example above Carrier #4, Slot #5, using the formula above will also give the correct
electronic number.

OW340_47 39
3.6 SIS Logic Solver I/O

{[(4 - 1) ( X 8) + (5 - 1)] / 2} +1 =
{[(3 X 8) + (4)] / 2} +1 =
{[24 + 4] / 2} +1 =
{28 / 2} +1 =
14 + 1 =

3.6.2 SIS Logic Solver part number

Logic Solvers are hardware modules that contain logic solving capability.

Logic Solver part numbers


KJ2201X1-PW1 Ovation SIS Logic Solver

3.6.3 To install Logic Solvers

Logic Solvers are hardware modules that contain logic solving capability. These modules
communicate with each other through the SIS carriers.

1. Install an 8-wide I/O carrier (can hold up to four simplex Logic Solvers) onto a DIN rail (can
hold up to four simplex Logic Solvers).
2. Install a Logic Solver terminal block on the I/O interface carrier.
3. Install a Logic Solver on the terminal block.
4. Use odd numbered slots (1,3,5, and 7) on an 8-wide carrier.
5. Use two slots for Simplex Logic Solvers and four slots for redundant Logic Solvers (see page

40 OW340_47
3.6 SIS Logic Solver I/O

6. Align the connectors on the back of the Logic Solver with the connectors on the front of the
terminal block and push to attach.

Figure 17: Installed Logic Solver

3.6.4 Logic Solver redundancy

A redundant Logic Solver configuration consists of a pair of Logic solvers mounted in adjacent
carrier slots with a redundant terminal block. Each Logic Solver is powered separately. The
redundant Ovation SIS Logic Solver modules are connected to the field at the redundant terminal

No control sheet configuration is required to take advantage of Logic Solver redundancy, as the
system automatically recognizes the redundant pair of cards. An integrity error alarm in a
redundant Logic Solver pair will notify the operator if a Logic Solver fails.

When an Ovation SIS system uses redundant Logic Solvers, this means that any two redundant
Logic Solvers run in parallel at all times. Both Logic Solvers read the inputs from the I/O terminals,
both execute the logic and both drive the outputs at the I/O terminals.

There is no concept of primary and backup or master and slave. The only difference between the
two is that the active Logic Solver communicates with both the Ovation Developer Studio and the
Ovation Operator Station, and the dedicated safety network (SISnet). The standby Logic Solver
is communicating only on the SISnet.

If a failure is detected in one of the Logic Solvers, it automatically goes to a failed state. In this
condition all its output channels are de-energized. This has no impact on the other Logic Solver or
the physical outputs because the other module continues to read inputs, execute logic, and drive
outputs. The transition from the active to the standby Logic Solver is therefore completely

OW340_47 41
3.6 SIS Logic Solver I/O

3.6.5 SIS Logic Solver LED indicator patterns


On On On On Power-up tests in
Flashing in sync Flashing in sync Flashing in sync Flashing in sync progress
with Standby with Active with Error with Power
Alternating with Alternating with Alternating with Alternating with
Error and Active Power and Power and Error and Active
Standby Standby
On On On Off Non-Redundant Setup
Solid Flashing in sync Flashing in sync Not initialized
with Active with Error
On On On Off Redundant pair (Active)
Solid Flashing in sync Flashing in sync Not initialized
with Active with Error
On On Off On Redundant pair (Standby)
Solid Flashing in sync Flashing in sync Not initialized
with Standby with Error
On Off On Off Non-Redundant Setup
Solid Flashing Initialized, not configured
On Off On Off Redundant pair (Active)
Solid Flashing Initialized, not configured
On Off Off On Redundant pair (Standby)
Solid Flashing Initialized, not configured
or configuration in
On Off On Off Non-Redundant Setup
Solid Solid Configured
On Off On Off Non-Redundant Setup
Solid Solid Configured
On Off On Off Redundant pair (Active)
Solid Solid Configured
On Off Off On Redundant pair (Standby)
Solid Solid Configured
On On On On Card is not fully
Solid Solid Flashing Flashing operational
(Contact technical
On On Off Off Error detected during
Solid Solid power-up tests (Contact
technical support)

3.6.6 Logic Solver specifications


Storage temperature -40 to 85 C (-40 to 185 deg. F)

Operating temperature -40 to 70 C (-40 to 158 deg. F)

42 OW340_47
3.7 SIS Net Repeater


Relative humidity 5 to 95%, non-condensing

Airborne contaminants ISA-S71.04-1985 Airborne Contaminants
class G3
Conformal coating
Protection rating IP 20, NEMA 12
Shock 10 g ½-sine wave for 11 ms
Vibration 1 mm peak-to-peak from 5 to 16 Hz; 0.5 g from 16 to 150 Hz
Input power 24 VDC +- 20%, 1.0A plus field power (5.0 A total)

Note: it is recommended that the Logic Solver and SIS Data Server use
separate power supplies

Field power 4 A maximum (actual value depends upon channel type and field device type)
Isolation Each channel is optically isolated from the system and factory-tested to 1500
VDC. No channel-to channel isolation.
LocalBus current None
Mounting In SIS terminal blocks in odd-numbered slots (1,3,5,7) on the 8-wide carrier.
Simplex logic solvers take two slots and redundant Logic Solvers take four slots
Dimensions Height 105.5 mm (4.1 in.)
Width 83.8 mm (3.3 in.)
Depth 110.0 mm (4.3 in.)

3.7 SIS Net Repeater

SIS Net Repeaters are hardware modules that provide communication beyond the local Logic
Solvers that are connected to one SIS Data Server.

The Repeaters broadcast global messages to remote Logic Solvers that are attached to another
SIS Data Server. This communication is done through the use of a fiber-optic network.

Global messages refer to messages that are intended for all Logic Solvers.

3.7.1 SIS Net Repeater part number

SIS Net Repeaters are hardware modules that provide communication beyond the local Logic
Solvers that are connected to one SIS Data Server.

SIS Net Repeater part number


KJ2221X1-PW1 Ovation SIS Net Repeater

OW340_47 43
3.7 SIS Net Repeater

3.7.2 To install SIS Net Repeaters for horizontal mounting

SIS Net Repeaters are hardware modules that provide communication beyond the local Logic
Solvers that are connected to one SIS Data Server.

1. Install a 2-wide SIS Net Repeater carrier onto a DIN rail.

2. Install the SISNet Repeater on the carrier. There is a primary and secondary SISNet
Repeater on each carrier.
3. Align the connector on the back of the SISNet Repeater with the connector on the 2-wide
SISNet Repeater carrier and push to attach.
4. Tighten the mounting screw.

Figure 18: Installed SIS Net Repeater

3.7.3 SIS Net Distance Extender

SIS Net Distance Extenders convert multimode fiber-optic signals to single mode fiber-optic
signals to allow SISNet Repeaters to communicate over greater distances. Depending upon the
installation, the remote peer ring can be extended by an additional 20 km when single mode
fiber-optic cable is used.

SIS Net Distance Extender



KJ2222X1-BA1-PW Ovation SIS Net Distance Extender

3.7.4 SIS Net Repeater LEDs


Power On Power is applied to Unit.

Off Power is not applied to unit.

44 OW340_47
3.7 SIS Net Repeater


Error On Internal Fault .

Off There is no fault.
Flashing Maintenance Required.
Local Peer On Normal operation, SIS Net Repeater is receiving global data from other
Tx SIS Net Repeaters and transmitting it to the local peer bus.
Off Normal operation, there is no Logic Solver for the SIS Net Repeater to
synchronize with on the local peer bus.
The SIS Net Repeater local peer bus transmitter hardware has
detected a problem
Flashing (local The SIS Net Repeater is not receiving its own transmissions while still
peer Tx only) receiving the transmissions of local Logic Solvers.
Flashing (both Local peer bus extender cables are disconnected; bus is not terminated
local Tx and Rx) or is terminated with wrong resistance.
Local Peer On Normal operation, SIS Net Repeater is receiving transmissions from
Rx local Logic Solvers.
Off Normal operation, there is no Logic Solver for the SIS Net Repeater to
synchronize with on the local peer bus.
SIS Net Repeater local peer bus receiver hardware has detected an
Flashing (both Local peer bus extender cables are disconnected; bus is not terminated
local Tx and Rx) or is terminated with wrong resistance; More than 5% of received
messages have errors.
Remote Peer On Normal operations, SIS Net is transmitting local and remote global
Tx messages on the fiber-optic ring.
Off Hardware error.
Flashing Break in fiber-optic ring.
Remote Peer On Normal operation, the SIS Net Repeater is receiving global data.
(Yellow) Off Hardware error.
Flashing Fiber-optic cable is disconnected, broken, or crossed; More than 5% of
received messages have errors.

OW340_47 45
3.8 Fiber-optic cable\ring

3.8 Fiber-optic cable\ring

A fiber-optic cable/ring allows one SISNet Repeater (connected to an SIS Data Server) to
communicate with another SISNet Repeater (connected to a different SIS data Server).

A local SISNet Repeater collects locally generated global messages into a single message and
sends it to the next SISNet Repeater in the ring. Upon receipt of a message, the receiving SISNet
Repeater broadcasts it to its local peer bus and forwards the message to the next SISNet
Repeater in the ring.

A global message is forwarded around the ring once.

The primary SISNet Repeaters form one fiber-optic ring and the secondary form a separate,
independent ring.

SISNet Distance Extenders (see page 44) that convert multimode fiber-optic signals to single
mode fiber-optic signals can be used to extend the remote peer ring

3.9 Power Supply

Logic Solvers, SIS Net Repeaters, and SISNet Distance Extenders are powered separately from
SIS Data Servers. This ensures that a loss of power to the SIS Data Server does not affect the
operation of Logic Solvers, SISNet Repeaters, and SISNet Distance Extenders. In most
installations, redundant 24 VDC power is used for both simplex and redundant SIS applications.
When redundant 24 VDC power is used, both power supplies must be referenced to a common
connection to ground

The SIS power supply takes line power or power from a bulk power supply and converts it to 12
VDC power to drive the SIS Data Server. The system power supply mounts on either slot of the
2-wide power/ SDS carrier.

CAUTION! Although the screw terminal connector on the Logic Solver, SISNet Repeater, and
SISNet Distance Extender has two positive and two negative connectors, it is recommended
that they NOT be used to daisy-chain power. Daisy-chaining could result in a loss of power to
downstream Logic Solvers if power is removed or lost at an upstream Logic Solver.

3.9.1 Power supply part number

The system power supply takes line power or power from a bulk power supply and converts it to
12 VDC power to drive the SIS Data Server. The system power supply mounts on either slot of
the 2-wide power/SIS Data Server carrier or on a 4-wide power/SIS Data Server carrier.

Power supply part number


KJ1501X1-PW1 Ovation SIS power supply

46 OW340_47
3.9 Power Supply

3.9.2 Power supply specifications


Input power rating 24V DC, +/-20% (5.4A) OR 12V DC, -4%+5% (14.8A)
Output power rating -40 to 60° C 12V DC, 8.0A OR 12V DC, 13.0A
(-40 to 140° F)
Output power rating 70° C (158° F) 12V DC, 6.0A OR 12V DC, 10.0A

Output power rating 5.1V DC, 2.0A

Output power rating 3.4V DC, 2.0A
Note: Combined output power of 10.2 Watts Maximum
5.1V DC and 3.4 VDC DC
Ambient temperature -40 to 70° C
Alarm relay contact rating 30V DC, 2A OR 250 AC, 2A

3.9.3 To install power supplies

The system power supply takes line power or power from a bulk power supply and converts it to
12 VDC power to drive the SIS Data Server. The system power supply mounts on either slot of
the 2-wide power/SDS carrier or on a 4-wide power/SDS carrier.

1. Install a 2-wide or 4-wide power/SIS Data Server carrier onto a DIN rail.
2. Connect the input supply wires to the input power connection on the top of the system power
3. If you have secondary system power supplies, connect the input supply drops to each system
power supply.

WARNING! Always remove input power to the supply before connecting or disconnecting the
input power connection. The connector should not interrupt current flow and could be
damaged if actuated under a load condition.

4. Align the system power supply with the connector on the 2-wide or 4-wide power/SIS Data
Server carrier and push to attach.
5. Tighten the mounting screw.

3.9.4 To provide power to the Logic Solvers

1. Locate the removable 24 VDC screw terminal connectors on the top of the Logic Solver.

OW340_47 47
3.9 Power Supply

2. Connect power supply positive (+) to the positive (+) connector on the Logic Solver and power
supply negative (-) to the negative (-) connector on the Logic Solver.

Figure 19: Providing power for Logic Solvers

3.9.5 To provide power to the SISNet Repeaters

1. Locate the removable 24 VDC screw terminal connectors on the top of the SISNet Repeater.

48 OW340_47
3.9 Power Supply

2. Connect power supply positive (+) to the positive (+) connector on the SISNet Repeater and
power supply negative (-) to the negative (-) connector on the SISNet Repeater.

Figure 20: Providing power for SIS Net Repeaters

3.9.6 To provide power to SISNet Distance extenders

1. Locate the removable 24 VDC screw terminal connectors on the top of the SISNet Distance

OW340_47 49
3.9 Power Supply

2. Connect power supply positive (+) to the positive (+) connector on the SISNet Distance
Extender and power supply negative (-) to the negative (-) connector on the SISNet Distance

Figure 21: Providing power for SIS Net Distance Extenders

3.9.7 SIS Power Supply LEDs



Power On Power is supplied to the unit.

Off System power is not supplied to unit (Possible line power problem) (Internal

50 OW340_47
3.10 SIS LAN switches and routers



Error On Outputs are outside of tolerance. Inputs over voltage. Unit shuts down.
Off No fault.

3.10 SIS LAN switches and routers

For information on installing switches and routers in your SIS system, refer to the manufacturer's
installation instructions.

3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

Typically, Ovation SIS equipment will connect to either 4-20 mA analog signal devices or digital
I/O devices rated at up to 500 mA per channel. Almost all the outputs will be "de-energize-to-trip."
However, there may be some output signals that require higher voltages or currents. Some
environments may require nonincendive outputs. Some devices may require "energize-to-trip"

SIL3 applications that require higher voltage or current than the Logic Solver natively supplies
may employ the SIS Relay module. The Voltage Monitor may be used to verify the correct state of
the relay. For applications where the current to the final device needs to be limited for
nonincendive ratings, there is the current limiter module.

For other applications that simply need high current, Ovation offers the Auxiliary Relay Energize
to Actuate (ETA Direct) module. For applications where the current to the final device needs to be
switched on when the system trips, there is the Auxiliary Relay De-energize to Actuate (Inverting),
or DTA-Inverting relay. Either of these relay modules, when paired with the Auxiliary Relay Diode
module, allows Ovation SIS to meet higher-current digital output requirements while maintaining
its field wiring monitoring and ensuring that the relay changes states correctly.

The following auxiliary equipment can be used with SIS applications:

„ SIS Relay module (see page 52)
„ Voltage Monitor module (see page 56)
„ SIS Current Limiter module (see page 58)
„ Auxiliary Relay DTA Inverting module (see page 61)
„ Auxiliary Relay ETA Direct module (see page 64)
„ Auxiliary Relay Diode module (see page 65)

OW340_47 51
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

3.11.1 SIS Relay module

The SIS Relay module is suitable for use in both high and low de-energize to trip safety critical
applications. This module can extend the voltage and current capability of the Ovation SIS Logic
Solver or any other safety PLC 24VDC digital output without compromising safety integrity. It is
capable of switching up to 2.5A at 250 VAC or 2.5A at 24 VDC for safety applications following
de-energize to trip conventions by disconnecting field power when de-energized.

Two sets of output switches that are controlled by one common input are provided .The DC mode
of operation is configured to provide two independent sets of DC input power while the AC mode
of operation is configured to switch both sides of the AC input power.

The SIS Relay module contains three relays from different manufacturers. A relay coil is
energized for all three relays in normal operation. If a demand occurs, the Logic Solver removes
the power from the coil for all three relays at the same time. Each relay can be proof tested in the
field. Refer to the Ovation SIS Accessories Safety Manual.

AC Field Wiring

Refer to the following figure for AC field wiring connections for the SIS Relay module.
„ Two pin digital input connection for input from a Logic Solver or generic safety PLC 24VDC
Digital Output channel.
„ Two pin connections for input from an AC power source.
„ Two pin connections for the switched AC output to an AC field device.

52 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

Figure 22: SIS Relay module for AC Field Wiring

OW340_47 53
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

DC Field Wiring

Refer to the following figure for DC field wiring connections for the SIS Relay module.
„ Two pin digital input connection for input from a Logic Solver or generic safety PLC 24VDC
Digital Output channel.
„ Four pin connection for input from two DC power sources.
„ Four pin connection for the switched outputs to two DC field devices

Figure 23: SIS Relay module for DC Field Wiring

The SIS Relay module's LED shows the state of the relay coil if the digital input is correctly
connected to the Logic Solver output. The LED is illuminated when the relays are energized and
supplying power through the switched power outputs. The following table shows the specifications
for the SIS Relay module.

SIS Relay Module Specifications


Input for energized relay > 18VDC

Input for de-energized relay < 6VDC

54 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories


Input current at 24 VDC < 70 mA ±- 20%

Relay current rating for AC operation 2.5A @ 250 VAC
Relay current rating for DC operation 2.5A @ 30 VDC
Note: When used in switched applications where
transients and current are limited.
Maximum AC Source 280 VAC
Maximum DC Source 30 VDC
Output series impedance (energized state) < 0.5 Ω
Output series impedance (de-energized state) > 1 MΩ
Maximum DC source 1 to source 2 potential 100 V
Input to Output isolation rating 300 VAC
Input to output delay (de-energize) 10 msec
Input to output delay (energize) 12 msec
Mounting configuration Horizontal DIN rail
Lifetime limitation on number of relay cycles >30,000 cycles or 20 years

The dimensions for the SIS Relay module are the same as for the Voltage Monitor module (see
page 56).

OW340_47 55
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

3.11.2 Voltage Monitor module

The Voltage Monitor provides two independent sets of voltage monitoring circuitry in one device.
Each circuit is suitable for use in both high and low de-energize to trip applications to extend the
voltage input monitoring capability of the Ovation SIS Logic Solver or any other safety PLC digital
input compatible with its specified output states. It also supplies a secondary output for non-safety
critical monitoring for each input. Refer to the Ovation SIS Accessories Safety Manual for
information on proof testing the Voltage Monitor.

The state of both outputs for an associated input is controlled by the voltage level of the input with
the outputs going to the de-energized state when the input goes below a specified value.

The Voltage Monitor is designed to be used with the Ovation SIS Logic Solver to drive the Logic
Solver's Digital Input channel or an Ovation Digital Input channel (auxiliary) based on the output of
the SIS Relay module. Refer to the following figures.

Figure 24: Voltage Monitor Top View and Dimensions

56 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

Figure 25: Voltage Monitor Bottom View and Connections

The Voltage Monitor has the following connections:

„ Two four-pin connection blocks, one for each voltage monitoring channel for connection to DC
or AC power source being monitored.
„ Two four-pin connection blocks, one for each voltage monitoring channel for connecting the
output to a Logic Solver or other safety PLC monitored DI channel and an Ovation Digital
Input channel (auxiliary).

Voltage Monitor Specifications


Input for energized output >18 VDC or > 80 VAC

Input for de-energized output <3 VDC or <3 VAC
Maximum input voltage rating 250 VAC
Input current at 24 VDC < 6 mA ± 20%
Input current at 120 VAC <12mA
Input current at 230 VAC <15 mA

OW340_47 57
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories


Output impedance (energized state) < 3.5 KΩ

Output impedance (de-energized state) >8.5 KΩ
Maximum output voltage rating 30 VDC
Input to output isolation rating 250 VAC
Safety output to auxiliary isolation rating 30 VAC
Channel-to-channel isolation rating 250 VAC
Input to output delay (de-energize) 30 msec
Input to output delay (energize) 5 msec
Mounting configuration Horizontal DIN rail
Lifetime limitations 30,000 cycles or 20 years

3.11.3 SIS Current Limiter module

The SIS Current Limiter module limits the current from the Logic Solver Digital Output channels to
levels below the ignition curves for Class 1 Division 2 and Zone 2 installations. Field wiring from
the Current Limiter output to the field can be removed and reconnected under power.

SIS Current Limiter module specifications


Input power (from Logic Solver Digital Output channels) 17 to 29 VDC; 22 VDC nominal
Output power 28.8 VDC (max)
Output current range 0-100 mA (max)
Output current limit threshold 100 mA (min); 120 mA (max)
Mounting Horizontal DIN rail

58 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

Refer to the following figures for illustrations of pin connections:

„ Four pin connections for input from the Logic Solver Digital Output channels.
„ Four pin connections for output to energy-limited loads.

Figure 26: SIS Current Limiter Top View and Dimensions

OW340_47 59
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

DIN Rail End

Current-limited output 4-
Current-limited output 4+

Current-limited output 3-
Current-limited output 3+ 9
1 2
15 Current-limited output 2-
Current-limited output 2+
Current-limited output 1-
Current-limited output 1+

Figure 27: SIS Current Limiter Bottom View and Connections

60 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

3.11.4 Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module

The Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting (De-Energize to Actuate) module is connected to a Logic

Solver's digital input and digital output channels and is then connected to a dual 24 VDC power

Two field terminals are then used to connect to the Auxiliary Relay Diode module (see page 65)
that is located next to the field actuator as shown in the following figure.

The Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module energizes the field when Digital Out is turned Off.

The Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module is paired with the Auxiliary Relay Diode module to
enable monitoring of the field wiring and the status of the relay. A switch on the Auxiliary Relay
Diode module is used to change between Energize to Actuate (ETA) and De-Energize to Actuate
(DTA). The Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module's LED shows if power is correctly installed and
the state of the relay coil.

This module is not intended for SIL-certified applications.

Figure 28: Example of module connections to Auxiliary Relay Diode module

OW340_47 61
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

Figure 29: SIS Auxiliary Relay DTA Inverting Top View and Dimensions

62 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

Figure 30: SIS Auxiliary Relay DTA Inverting module Bottom View and Connections

The Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module has the following connections:

„ Two pin connections for primary power
„ Two pin connections for secondary power
„ Two pin connections for field output to the Auxiliary Relay Diode module
„ Two pin connections for coil input
„ Two pin connections for status output
„ Two pin connections for auxiliary output contact closure (not shown in the "Example of
module connections to Auxiliary Relay Diode module" graphic)

Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting Module Specifications


Input field power 24 VDC ± 20% 5A maximum (actual current depends upon actuator
Contains integrated OR-ing diodes for redundant 24 V inputs.
Relay current rating 5 A @ 24 VDC nominal
Isolation Power input and Logic Solvers must be connected to a common
Coil input voltage 17-28.8 VDC to energize
Coil input impedance 430 Ohms
Mounting Horizontal DIN rail

OW340_47 63
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module functions



DO DI Relay
Normal On (1) On On Off On (1) Open/ Open/ Open/
(Alarm Off) Short Short Short
Tripped Off (10 Off Off On Off (0) Open/ Open/ N/A
(Alarm On) Short Short
Only applies when Line Fault Detection is enabled. When Line Fault Detection is not enabled, the On states
detect opens only and the Off states detect shorts only.

3.11.5 Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module

The Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct (Energize to Actuate) module is connected to a Logic Solver's
digital input and digital output channels and is then connected to a dual 24 VDC power supply.

Two field terminals are then used to connect to the Auxiliary Relay Diode module that is located
next to the field actuator in a similar manner as that shown in the graphic in the Auxiliary Relay
DTA-Inverting module (see page 61) topic.

Note: The dimensions and connections for the Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module are the same
as those for the Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module (see page 61).)

The Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module energizes the field when Digital Out is turned On.

The Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module is paired with the Auxiliary Relay Diode module to enable
monitoring of the field wiring and the status of the relay. A switch on the Auxiliary Relay Diode
module is used to change between Energize to Actuate (ETA) and De-Energize to Actuate (DTA).
The Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module's LED shows if power is correctly installed and the state of
the relay coil.

This module is not intended for SIL-certified applications but may be useful in lock-out or deluge
applications where an unintended trip caused by a Logic Solver fault or operator error could be
hazardous to personnel and equipment.

Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct Module Specifications


Input field power 24 VDC ± 20% 5A maximum l (actual current depends upon actuator
Contains integrated OR-ing diodes for redundant 24 V inputs.
Relay current rating 5 A @ 24 VDC nominal
Isolation Power input and Logic Solvers must be connected to a common

64 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories


Coil input voltage 17-28.8 VDC to energize

Coil input impedance 430 Ohms
Mounting Horizontal DIN rail

Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module functions



DO DI Relay
Normal Off (0) Off Off Off On (1) Open/ Open/ Open/
(Alarm Off) Short Short Short
Tripped On (1) On On On Off (0) Open/ Open/ N/A
(Alarm On) Short Short
Only applies when Line Fault Detection is enabled. When Line Fault Detection is not enabled, the On
states detect opens only and the Off states detect shorts only.

3.11.6 Auxiliary Relay Diode module

The Auxiliary Relay Diode module is paired with either the Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module
(see page 64) or the Auxiliary Relay DTA Inverting modules (see page 61) to extend the Logic
Solver's automatic testing of field wiring past these relays to the digital end device.

A switch on the Auxiliary Relay Diode module is used to change between Energize to Actuate and
De-Energize to Actuate operation.

Auxiliary Relay module specifications


Mode selection Switch selectable between ETA and DTA operation. Incorrect switch position will cause
bad status on Logic Solver Digital Input.
Diode rating 24 VDC ± 20% 5 A maximum (actual current depends upon actuator used)
Mounting Per DIN 43729

OW340_47 65
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

The following figure shows the dimensions, connections, and switch positions on the Auxiliary
Relay Diode module.

Figure 31: Auxiliary Relay Diode module

3.11.7 RC Compensator Module

When driving inductive loads greater than or equal to 0.8 Henry in simplex or 0.3 Henry in
redundant, an RC compensator may be required. The RC Compensator module is sized at 3.3 kΩ
and 0.47 μf for simplex and 2.7 kΩ and 0.22 μf for redundant. This module can be used for
simplex and redundant applications. The dimensions of the RC Compensator module are as
„ Height 2.31 cm (0.91 in.)
„ Width 3.48 cm (1.37 in.)
„ Depth 1.7 cm (0.67 in.)

66 OW340_47
3.11 Ovation SIS accessories

3.11.8 End of Line Resistance Module

The Digital Input channels have line fault detection for detecting open or short circuits in field
wiring. The End of Line Resistance module provides a 12 KΩ resistor in parallel (allows the open
circuit detection) and a 2.4 KΩ resistor in series (allows short circuit detection) to provide the
appropriate resistance for line fault detection. This module connects to the digital input channel
and to a field contact. The dimensions of the RC Compensator module are as follows
„ Height 2.31 cm (0.91 in.)
„ Width 3.48 cm (1.37 in.)
„ Depth 1.7 cm (0.67 in.)

OW340_47 67
S E C T I O N 4

Adding and configuring SIS components in the

Ovation Developer Studio


Software components of Ovation SIS ............................................................................... 69

Overview of adding and configuring SIS components ...................................................... 70
Using the Ovation Developer Studio to configure SIS components ................................. 71
To add an SIS Network to the Ovation system ................................................................. 72
To add an SIS Data Server to the Ovation System .......................................................... 74
Initial installation SIS upgrade........................................................................................... 77
To add an SIS network switch to the Ovation System ...................................................... 77
To create SIS network switch configuration files .............................................................. 79
To add an SIS I/O device number..................................................................................... 83
To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System ............................................................. 84
To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device ................................................... 89
Removing or Deleting an SIS Point .................................................................................. 94
To configure SIS LAN network switches........................................................................... 95
To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System ...................................... 98
To add an SIS control sheet to the SIS Ovation system................................................. 105
To configure an SIS I/O channel ..................................................................................... 106
To configure SIS control modules ................................................................................... 114
To configure SIS digital points for alarming with timestamps ......................................... 116
To view SIS points .......................................................................................................... 118

4.1 Software components of Ovation SIS


SIS Data Server SIS Data Server pSOS operating ƒ Logic Solver (external)
system ƒ Net Repeater (external)
Ovation Controller Ovation Controller VxWorks operating ƒ Controller embedded software
Interface to SIS system (external)
Data Server (CIS) ƒ SIS Data Server embedded
ƒ Ovation SIS Engineering tools
ƒ Ovation SIS MMI Tools
ƒ SIS Write Server
Ovation SIS Write Engineering or MS Windows ƒ CIS
Library Operator Station 2003/XP/2008/Window ƒ Ovation SIS Engineering tools
s7 ƒ Ovation SIS MMI Tools

OW340_47 69
4.2 Overview of adding and configuring SIS components



Ovation SIS Engineering station MS Windows ƒ CIS

Engineering Tools 2003/XP/2008/Window ƒ SIS Write Server
Ovation SIS MMI Operator Station MS Windows ƒ CIS
Tools 2003/XP/2008/Window ƒ SIS Write Server

4.2 Overview of adding and configuring SIS components

The following steps provide an overview of adding and configuring the SIS hierarchy in the
Ovation Developer Studio:

1. Add a new SIS Network (see page 72).

2. Add a new SIS Data Server (see page 74).
3. Add new network switches (see page 77).
4. Create SIS network switch configuration files (see page 79).
5. Initialize SIS network switches (see page 81).
6. Add an SIS I/O device number (see page 83).
7. Add a new SIS I/O device (see page 84).
8. Associate a Node point (see page 87) with an SIS I/O device.
9. Assign an SIS Data Server (see page 89) to an SIS I/O device.
10. Configure the SIS LAN network switches (see page 95).
11. Add a new SIS Logic Solver (see page 98).
12. Add a new control sheet (see page 105).
13. Configure SIS I/O channel (see page 106).

70 OW340_47
4.3 Using the Ovation Developer Studio to configure SIS components

The following figure illustrates an example of an SIS configuration hierarchy in the Ovation
Developer Studio.

Figure 32: SIS configuration hierarchy

4.3 Using the Ovation Developer Studio to configure SIS

It would be helpful to read and understand the first three sections of the Ovation Developer Studio
User Guide to provide an understanding of how to work with the SIS through the Ovation
Developer Studio. Information on adding and configuring the various software components of
Ovation SIS can be found in the following sections. Adding networks, devices and points usually
require using the Insert New function initiated by right-clicking menu of an item in the Ovation
Developer Studio hierarchy. For a better understanding of the other right-click functions, see the
Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.

Note: An SIS point must be in the SIS Data Server and not in the SIS Logic Solver, have any
references removed and moved to the parent Controller before it can be deleted (See Deleting
an SIS Point.)

OW340_47 71
4.4 To add an SIS Network to the Ovation system

4.4 To add an SIS Network to the Ovation system

„ Make sure that the Ovation network can communicate with the Ovation Database server.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the SIS
Networks folder:
Appropriate Network
SIS Networks
3. Right-click SIS Networks and select Insert New. The Insert New SIS Network Wizard

Figure 33: Insert New SIS Network Wizard

4. Enter a unique SIS network name (1-16 characters) that is not used anywhere else in your
system and a Ring identifier name (value from 0 through 15). Select the Finish button. The
configuration window for the new SIS network dialog appears.

72 OW340_47
4.4 To add an SIS Network to the Ovation system

Note: If a duplicate SIS network name is found, you cannot insert the network.

Figure 34: SIS network configuration window

5. Enter the following attributes for the new SIS Network.

SIS Network attributes


SIS Network name Enter a unique SIS network name that is not used anywhere else in your
system. (1-16)
Ring identifier Name for a sub-network that is contained within one Fiber Optic ring. (0-15).
SIS Net Mask Enter the IP Address for the Net Mask of the SIS network (typically provided
by the System Administrator).
SIS LAN Gateway IP Enter the IP Address for the Gateway of the SIS network (used as router
Address information).
SIS LAN Multicast Address Enter the IP Address for the Multicast of the SIS network (used for Multicast
IP Address).
SNMP TrapHost IP Enter a number for the SNMP TrapHost (used for switch configuration).
TimeZone (parameters set by system)
Name Set by system.
UTC Offset Set by system.
DST Timezone Set by system.
6. Select Apply. The new network appears in the Ovation Studio hierarchy tree.

OW340_47 73
4.5 To add an SIS Data Server to the Ovation System

Note: For a better understanding of the other right-click functions, see the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.

4.5 To add an SIS Data Server to the Ovation System

„ Make sure you have added an SIS Network to the Ovation Developer Studio hierarchy and
configured it properly (see page 72).

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the SIS
Data Servers folder:
Appropriate Network
SIS Networks
Appropriate SIS Network
SIS Data Servers

74 OW340_47
4.5 To add an SIS Data Server to the Ovation System

3. Right-click SIS Data Servers and select Insert New. The Insert New Data Servers window

Figure 35: Insert New Data Server Wizard

4. Enter a unique SIS Data Server name that is not used anywhere else in your system. You
cannot rename an SIS Data Server after it has been created.
5. Select the Finish button. The configuration window for the new SIS Data Server configure
dialog box appears.

OW340_47 75
4.5 To add an SIS Data Server to the Ovation System

Note: If a duplicate SIS Data Server is found, you cannot insert the new SIS Data Server.

Figure 36: SIS Data Server configuration window

6. Enter the following attributes for the new SIS Data Server.

SIS Data Server attributes


Data Server Name The name that you entered when you inserted the new SIS Data Server (Step 4)
appears here. (1-14 characters) At least 1 alphanumeric, and can include $, -, and _.
The Suffix _B is not allowed.
SIS identifier This is set by the system. (1-254)

Assigned Drop This will be grayed-out. Will be automatically populated when the SIS Data Server is
assigned to an Ovation Controller.
Redundant Data When this box is checked, the SIS Data Server works in redundant mode (if partner
Server is present).
Data Server Partner This is automatically generated based on the SIS Data Server Name field.
Data Server IP IP Address of the Primary SIS Data Server (must be a valid IP address in the
Address network). If this is a redundant configuration, the Primary IP address must be lower
than the Partner IP address.

76 OW340_47
4.6 Initial installation SIS upgrade


Data Server Ethers Enter the Ethernet (MAC) address of the Primary SIS Data Server using the format
Address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (you must insert colons between every two characters).
The address is located on the SIS Data Server module.
Data Server IP IP Address of the Partner SIS Data Server (available if there is a SIS Data Server
Address Partner). If this is a redundant configuration, the Partner IP address must be higher
than the Primary IP address.
Data Server Ethers Enter the Ethernet (MAC) address of Partner SIS Data Server (available if there is a
Address SIS Data Server Partner) (using the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (you must insert colons
between every two characters)).
The address is located on the SIS Data Server module.
7. Select Apply. The new SIS Data Server appears in the Ovation Studio hierarchy tree.

Note: For a better understanding of the other right-click functions, see the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.

4.6 Initial installation SIS upgrade

When your Ovation system is initially installed, after you have added and configured the SIS
Network and the SIS Data Servers in the Ovation Developer Studio, you must load new firmware
in the SIS Data Servers.

Emerson has provided files for this purpose. See To load or upgrade an SIS Data Server (see
page 153) for instructions on this procedure.

4.7 To add an SIS network switch to the Ovation System

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the SIS
Network Switch folder:
Appropriate Network
SIS Networks
Appropriate SIS Network
SIS Data Servers
SIS Network Switch

OW340_47 77
4.7 To add an SIS network switch to the Ovation System

3. Right-click SIS Network Switches and select Insert New. The New SIS Network Switches
dialog appears.

Figure 37: New SIS Network Switches window

4. Enter the following attributes for the new SIS network switch.

SIS Network Switches attributes


Level Currently, this value should always be 1.

Number of Ports Maximum number of ports that are available for the switch. Range of 1 to 26.
Switch Name This should be a unique name that appears nowhere else in the network.
Switch IP Address IP Address of primary switch (typically provided by the System Administrator).
Name This should be a unique name that appears nowhere else in the network.
IP Address IP Address of partner switch (typically provided by the System Administrator).
5. Select Apply. The new network switch appears in the Ovation Studio WorkPad.

Note: For a better understanding of the other right-click functions, see the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.

After you have added a new switch, you need to create configuration files for the switch (see page

78 OW340_47
4.8 To create SIS network switch configuration files

4.8 To create SIS network switch configuration files

The SIS Switch Engineering Tool enables you to create switch configuration files for the network
switches (such as Cisco IE 3000) that are used in an SIS network.

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS network switch (see page 77).

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the SIS
Networks folder:
SIS Networks
3. Right-click on the desired SIS Network and select Create Switch Configuration Function.
The Ovation SIS Switch Engineering Tool window appears. This window is used to create
DHCP and Switch configuration files.

OW340_47 79
4.8 To create SIS network switch configuration files

4. Select the Configuration Files tab.

Figure 38: Ovation SIS Switch Engineering Tool window (Configuration Files tab)

Ovation SIS Switch Engineering Tool fields/buttons


Select DHCP Template Selects a DHCP template file.

Select Switch Template Selects a Switch template file.
Open XML Selects an XML file that contains network parameters. These default values are
set in the Ovation Developer Studio.
Create files Creates configuration files from the switch and prompts you to define the
location where you want to place the created files.
5. Select the Create Files button.
This creates two text files used to configure the Primary switch and the Partner switch:
<SIS Network Name> - <Primary switch name>.txt
for example SISNet1-SW301.txt
<SIS Network Name> - <Partner switch name>.txt
For example SISNet1-SW302.txt

80 OW340_47
4.8 To create SIS network switch configuration files

6. A window appears asking where you want to store the new files. Browse to the desired
location and store the switch configuration files.
You will use these files later to configure the SIS network switches.

4.8.1 To initialize SIS network switches

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have created the SIS network switch configuration files (see page 79).

1. Check to determine if the Hyper Terminal program is installed on your computer:
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Communications ->Hyper Terminal.
If Hyper Terminal is not installed on your computer, proceed to Step 2
If Hyper Terminal is already installed on your computer, skip to Step 4.
2. Navigate to: Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows
Components -> Accessories and Utilities -> Communications -> Check
"HyperTerminal." This should install Hyper Terminal on your computer.
3. Make sure the blue cable is connected to the console port on the router and COM1 serial port
on the server.
4. After HyperTerminal is installed, navigate to:
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> HyperTerminal, and then
open HyperTerminal.
5. Select icon, name connection RouterCfg, and select Connect using COM1 from the
drop-down menu.
6. Once connected, go to File -> Properties -> Settings.
7. Connect using COM1, Configure
Make the following settings:
9600 baud
no flow control
8. Select OK.
Emulation = VT100
Set ASCII Setup to Line Delay and Character Delay of 10 milliseconds.

OW340_47 81
4.8 To create SIS network switch configuration files

9. Enter the following data (shown in bold )in the terminal:

switch> ena
switch# term width 132
switch# conf t
switch(config)# (open the <SIS Network Name>-<Primary Switch>.txt file, "ctrl a" selects
all, "ctrl c" copies) right click and paste to host
switch# copy running-config startup-config
10. Close the Hyper Terminal window. This initializes the Primary switch.
11. After the Primary switch is configured, open Hyper Terminal again to initialize the Partner
Start _> All Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> HyperTerminal, and then
open HyperTerminal.
12. Select icon, name connection RouterCfg, and select Connect using COM1 from the
drop-down menu.
13. Once connected, go to File -> Properties -> Settings.
14. Connect using COM1, Configure
Make the following settings:
9600 baud
no flow control
15. Select OK.
Emulation = VT100
Set ASCII Setup to Line Delay and Character Delay of 10 milliseconds.
16. Enter the following data (shown in bold )in the terminal:
switch> ena
switch# term width 132
switch# conf t
switch(config)# (open <SIS Network Name>-<Partner Switch>.txt file, "ctrl a" selects all,
"ctrl c" copies) right click and paste to host
switch# copy running-config startup-config
17. Close the Hyper Terminal window. Both SIS network switches are now initialized.

82 OW340_47
4.9 To add an SIS I/O device number

4.9 To add an SIS I/O device number

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added and initialized an SIS network switch (see page 77).


After you have added and configured an SIS network, SIS Data Server, and network switch, you
need to add an SIS I/O device (see page 84). However, before you do this, you need to first add a
device number for the device.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the
Device Numbers item:
Appropriate Drop
Device Numbers
3. Right-click on the Device Numbers item.
4. Select Insert New from the pop-up menu. The Insert New Device Numbers Wizard appears.

Note: If you need to change a driver on a previously configured device, or anytime a new device
is added, perform a clear/load function on the Controller. The Device Number represents the
physical devices that can communicate with the Controller.

5. Select a number sequentially, starting at 1 to a maximum of 9. An example would be if two

devices were to be configured, their device numbers would be 1 and 2, not 1 and 3 or 4 or 5.
6. Select Finish. The New Device Numbers dialog box appears showing the Controller Driver
Parameters tab.

OW340_47 83
4.10 To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System

4.10 To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS I/O device number (see page 83).


After you have added and configured an SIS Data Server for your Ovation system, you need to
assign this Data Server to a specific Ovation Controller drop. In order to do this, you must add a
new I/O device to the Controller and then assign the Data Server to this I/O device.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the I/O
Devices folder:
Appropriate Drop
I/O Devices

84 OW340_47
4.10 To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System

3. Right-click I/O Devices and select Insert New. The Insert New I/O Device window appears.

Figure 39: Insert New I/O Device Wizard

4. Select an I/O Device Number number sequentially, starting at 5 to a maximum of 11. Select
Ovation SIS for the I/O Device Type.

OW340_47 85
4.10 To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System

5. Select the Finish button. The configuration window for the new SIS I/O device appears.
(Notice that the field for the Node Record Point Name is blank.)

Figure 40: SIS I/O device configuration window

6. Enter the following attributes for the new I/O device.

SIS I/O device attributes


I/O Device Number Number of the SIS I/O device. This is displayed by the system.
I/O Device Type Should be Ovation SIS. This is displayed by the system.
Node Record Point Comes from the Node point (RN record type). Refer to To associate a Node point
Name with an SIS I/O device (see page 87) for instructions on creating the Node point.
SIS identifier This is displayed by the system.
Network Interface
Message Port UDP port used for communication between the SIS Data Server and the Ovation
Controller. This is a socket number. The recommended value is 2080, DO NOT
change this number.
Alarm Handler Port Transfers alarm messages between the SIS Data Server and the Ovation Controller.
This is a socket number. The recommended value is 3051, DO NOT change this

86 OW340_47
4.10 To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System


Network Interface This can be a single or dual network connection.

Network Interface Number of the SIS network (N1 - N4).
Backup Network Number of the backup SIS network (N1 - N4).
Primary Network Interface
IP Address IP Address of primary network interface (typically provided by the System
Subnet Mask Identifies the range of IP addresses that are on a local network.
Partner Network Interface
IP Address IP Address of partner network interface (typically provided by the System
Subnet Mask Identifies the range of IP addresses that are on a local network.
7. Select the Apply button and the new SIS I/O Device appears in the Ovation Studio hierarchy

Note: For a better understanding of the other right-click functions, see the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.

4.10.1 To associate a Node point with an SIS I/O device

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server. (see page 74)
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS I/O device number (see page 83).
„ Make sure you have you have added an SIS I/O device (see page 84).


After you have added an SIS I/O device, you need to create a Node point and assign it to the new
I/O device.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the Node
Points folder:
Appropriate Drop
Node Points

OW340_47 87
4.10 To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation System

3. Right-click on Node Points and select Insert New. The Insert New Node Points Wizard

Figure 41: Insert New Node Points Wizard

4. Enter a point name and select the desired frequency for the point.
5. Select Finish. The configuration window for the Node point appears.
6. Select the Hardware tab.

88 OW340_47
4.11 To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device

7. Select the SIS I/O device you want to associate with the Node point. Select the I/O task

Figure 42: Node Point configuration window

8. After the Node point is created, select the Refresh button and the name of the Node point
appears in the Node Record Point Name field in the New I/O devices window (see page 84).

4.11 To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS I/O device number (see page 83).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS I/O device (see page 84).


After you have added and configured an SIS Data Server and an SIS I/O device to your Ovation
system, you need to assign this Data Server to a specific Ovation Controller drop.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the Data
Server folder:
Appropriate Drop
I/O Devices
SIS I/O Device
Data Servers

OW340_47 89
4.11 To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device

3. Right-click Data Servers and select Insert New. The Insert New SIS Data Server Wizard

Figure 43: Insert New SIS Data Servers Wizard

4. Enter the following attributes for the new I/O Data Server Device.

SIS Data Server device attributes


Data Server Name This is a pull-down list of the SIS Data Servers that you defined under the SIS
Network folder.
SIS Data Server ID Number assigned to the Data Server.

90 OW340_47
4.11 To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device

5. Select Finish. The configuration window for the new SIS I/O Data Server appears.

Figure 44: SIS Data Server configuration window

6. Enter the following attributes for the new I/O Data Server.

SIS Data Server attributes


Data Server Name This is a pull-down list of the SIS Data Servers that you defined under the SIS
Network folder.
SIS Data Server ID Number assigned to the Data Server.
Ovation Point Name Ovation point that determines the quality of the Data Server.
7. Select Apply and the new SIS I/O Device appears in the Ovation Studio hierarchy tree.

Note: For a better understanding of the other right-click functions, see the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.

OW340_47 91
4.11 To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device

4.11.1 Viewing SIS points in the Ovation Developer Studio hierarchy

Ovation points are created through the use of DBID or manually by adding a point using the
Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to Planning Your Ovation System for information about DBID or
to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for information about adding a point.)

Ovation points become SIS points when the points are used by the Control Builder on an SIS
control sheet. When the SIS control sheet is saved, the points will appear in the Ovation
Developer Studio hierarchy in the SIS Points folder under the SIS Data Servers folder When the
control sheet is loaded to the Logic Solver, the points now appear in the SIS Points folder under
the Logic Solvers folder. The SIS points also appear in the WorkPad area below the Studio
hierarchy tree, as seen in the following figure.

92 OW340_47
4.11 To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS I/O Device

Figure 45: SIS points in the Ovation Developer Studio hierarchy

OW340_47 93
4.12 Removing or Deleting an SIS Point

4.12 Removing or Deleting an SIS Point

There are several steps be able to delete an SIS Point. An SIS Point cannot be deleted if it is in
any of the SIS folders. The point must be moved out of the SIS folder and into the correct path
under the appropriate Controller. Moving the point can only be accomplished with a point that is in
the SIS Data Server and is not referenced by any SIS object.

1. Clear the Logic Solver.

2. Remove the SIS Point from the control sheet (see page 94).
3. Delete the SIS Point (see page 94).

4.12.1 To Delete an SIS Point

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the SIS folders.
3. Navigate the SIS folders to locate the appropriate SIS Point to be deleted.
… If the Point is in the SIS Point Server under the SIS Data Server, and is not in the SIS
Logic Solver hierarchy, go to Step 7.
… If the Point is in the SIS Point Server under the SIS Logic Solver hierarchy continue with
Step 4.
4. Perform a Where Used function (see the Ovation Developer Studio) to check for any
references to control sheets.
5. Remove all control sheet references to the SIS Point using the Control Builder, see Removing
a SIS Point from a SIS control sheets (see page 94).
6. Continue Step 5 until the SIS Point is reference free, the SIS Point will be moved from the SIS
Logic Solver to the SIS Data Server hierarchy.
7. Drag and drop the SIS Point from the SIS Point folder under the SIS Data Server folder to the
appropriate Controller folder.
8. The Point can then be deleted using the Right-click menu.

4.12.2 Removing a SIS Point from a SIS control sheets

If you want to remove a SIS point from its SIS control status, you can do this through the Ovation
Control Builder:

1. Access the Ovation Control Builder (refer to Ovation Control Builder User Guide for details).
2. Open the control sheet that contains the SIS Point that you want to remove.
3. Remove the desired SIS points and save the sheet.
4. Load the sheet to the applicable Logic Solver. The Point will move from the SIS Points folder
under the Logic Solver to the SIS Points folder under the SIS Data Server folder. This
indicates that the Point are no longer used as SIS Point in a SIS control scheme.

94 OW340_47
4.13 To configure SIS LAN network switches

4.13 To configure SIS LAN network switches

The SIS Switch Engineering Tool enables you to configure switches (such as Cisco IE 3000) that
are used in an SIS network.

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have created SIS network switch configuration files (see page 79).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS I/O device number (see page 83).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS I/O device (see page 84).
„ Make sure you have associated a Node point (see page 87) with the SIS I/O device.
„ Make sure you have assigned a SIS Data Server (see page 89) to the SIS I/O device.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the SIS
Networks folder:
SIS Networks
3. Right-click on the desired SIS Network and select Create Switch Configuration Function.
The Ovation SIS Switch Engineering Tool window appears. This window is used to configure
DHCP and Switch configuration files.

OW340_47 95
4.13 To configure SIS LAN network switches

4. Select the Configuration Files tab. The Ovation SIS Switch Engineering Tool dialog opens.

Figure 46: Ovation SIS Switch Engineering Tool window (Configuration Files tab)

5. Select the Create Files button.

This configures the two text files used to create (see page 79) the Primary switch and the
Partner switch and now also creates a DHCP text file:
<SIS Network Name> - <Primary switch name>.txt
for example SISNet1-SW301.txt
<SIS Network Name> - <Partner switch name>.txt
For example SISNet1-SW302.txt
<SIS Network Name> - DHCP.txt
For example SISNet1- DHCP.txt

96 OW340_47
4.13 To configure SIS LAN network switches

Note: Use the following steps to send the applicable switch configuration file and the DHCP file
to each switch (Primary and Partner switch).

6. Select the Telnet Connection tab.

Figure 47: Ovation SIS Switch Engineering Tool window (Telnet Connection tab)

Telnet Connection fields/buttons


Switch Name/IP Name or IP address of the switch you want to configure.

Telnet Port Name of the Telnet port.
Connect Tool will request telnet password and then connect to the switch.
Disconnect Too will disconnect the switch.
Show Running Sends the switch command "Show Running Config" to the switch. The display area
Config shows the current running configuration. Requires a password to run (default is

OW340_47 97
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System


Show Version Sends the switch command "Show Running Config" to the switch. The display area
shows the current running configuration.
Load File Copies a configuration file into the switch. This file can be any of the files created in
the Configuration Files tab. You will be prompted to select the desired file and enter
the password. Then, you will be asked if you want to copy the configuration to the
startup configuration for the switch.
Apply Starts the selected option process.
7. Enter the applicable switch name or IP address for the Primary switch.
8. Select the Connect button and select Apply. You will be prompted to enter a password (the
default password is ChangeMe).
9. Select the Load File button and select Apply.
You will be prompted to select the desired file and to enter a password (the default password
is ChangeMe).
Select the <SIS Network Name> - DHCP.txt file. Next, you will be asked if you want to copy
the configuration to the startup configuration for the switch.
10. Select the Load File button and select Apply.
You will be prompted to select the desired file and to enter a password (the default password
is ChangeMe)
Select the <SIS Network Name> - <Switch name>.txt file. Next, you will be asked if you
want to copy the configuration to the startup configuration for the switch.
11. Select the Disconnect button and select Apply.
12. Repeat Steps 7 through 11 to configure the Partner switch.

4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have added an SIS I/O device number (see page 83).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS I/O device (see page 84).

98 OW340_47
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System


You can add up to 32 Logic Solvers to an SIS Data Server.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the
Logic Solvers folder:
Drops (appropriate Controller drop)
I/O Devices
SIS I/O Device
Data Servers
Logic Solvers
3. Right-click Logic Solvers and select Insert New. The Insert New Logic Solver wizard appears.

Figure 48: Insert New Logic Solver wizard

4. Enter the following attributes for the new Logic Solver.

OW340_47 99
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System

Logic Solver attributes


SIS Logic Solver Enter a unique Logic Solver name that is not used anywhere else in your system.
Redundant SIS Select this checkbox to enable the Logic Solver to work in redundant mode (if a
Logic Solver partner is present).
You cannot change the redundancy mode after you have added the Logic Solver.
SIS Logic Solver This is the slot used by the Logic Solver. Slot numbers range from 1 to 64 and must
Slot Number be unique within the SIS Data Server.
You cannot change the slot number after you have added the Logic Solver.
5. Select the Finish button. The configuration window for the new SIS Logic Solver appears.
Enter the appropriate values for the attributes in each tab and then select OK.
… Config tab (see page 101).
… General tab (see page 102).
… Proof Testing tab (see page 103).
6. The new Logic Solver appears in the Ovation Studio hierarchy tree.

Notes: When a Logic Solver is added to the Studio, four control modules (see page 114) are
automatically created and appear under the Logic Solver in the Studio tree.

Sixteen I/O channels are also included under each Logic Solver and they appear in the Studio
WorkPad area.

For a better understanding of the other right-click functions, see the Ovation Developer Studio
User Guide.

100 OW340_47
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System

4.14.1 Configuring the Logic Solver Config tab

After you have added an SIS Logic Solver, use the following Config tab to configure the Logic

Figure 49: Logic Solver configuration window (Config tab)

Logic Solver attributes in Config tab


SIS Logic Solver Name Enter a unique Logic Solver name that is not used anywhere else in your system.
Redundant SIS Logic Select this checkbox to enable Logic Solver to work in redundant mode (if a
Solver partner is present).
You cannot change the redundancy mode after you have added the Logic Solver.
SIS Logic Solver Slot This is the slot used by the Logic Solver. Slot numbers range from 1 to 32 and
Number must be unique within the SIS Data Server.
You cannot change the slot number after you have added the Logic Solver.
Revision CRC code which reflects the configuration of the entire Logic Solver as calculated
by the Ovation Developer Studio and is compared with the code that is calculated
by the Logic Solver at load time.
SIS Data Server SIS Data Server to which this Logic Solver is directly connected through
backplane connections. Name is entered by the system.
GSLOT Identifier Logic Solver global identifier. This is set by the system and is used as an
identifier for global Logic Solvers in the SISNet.
All I/O channels CRC CRC code which reflects the configuration of all I/O channels as calculated by the
Ovation Developer Studio and is compared with the code that is calculated by the
Logic Solver at load time. This code is the latest database CRC value.
Ovation Point Name Enter the name of an Ovation point that will hold status information.

OW340_47 101
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System

4.14.2 Configuring the Logic Solver General tab

After you have added an SIS Logic Solver, use the following General tab to configure the Logic

Figure 50: Logic Solver configuration window (General tab)

102 OW340_47
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System

Logic Solver attributes in General tab


Scan Rate This is the Logic Solver loop time. The available scan rates are 50ms, 100ms,
150ms, and 200 ms per period. The default rate (see page 148) is 50 ms.
Since the SIS Data Server sends control module information to the Controller every
second, scan rate is not related to update time.
Shadow block Refers to a specific Controller area where all the control sheets that contain shadow
Control Task algorithms are scanned at the same frequency.
Points are grouped by control tasks so they can be updated (scanned) at different
rates. The rate is set in the applicable Ovation configuration tool during
configuration for a Controller drop.
Secure parameters
Publish secure Select this checkbox to enable this Logic Solver to publish secure parameters
params globally globally over the SIS Network.
Enable high-density This checkbox is currently enabled, but is disabled for editing. This option activates
secure parameters 16 secure parameters for each Logic Solver.
Nonsecure parameters
Nonsecure Identifies nonsecure parameters associated with this Logic Solver.
parameters 1 - 24

4.14.3 Configuring the Logic Solver Proof Testing tab

After you have added an SIS Logic Solver, use the Proof Testing tab to configure the Logic

Ovation SIS performs an automatic diagnostic whenever a Logic Solver reboots. You can use the
parameters in the Proof Testing tab to set the desired configuration for diagnostics:
„ You can configure the Proof test timer period so that when the timer period expires, there will
be an automatic transfer to the backup Logic Solver. This forces a reboot and diagnostics are
performed (only available for redundant Logic Solvers).
An alarm can be generated to indicate that you should reboot the Logic Solver in order to
perform the diagnostics.

OW340_47 103
4.14 To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in the Ovation System

„ You can configure the Proof test timer to generate an alert before the Proof Test timer will
expire. The alert is sent to the Ovation Error Log.
If a Logic Solver fails the power diagnostic during boot up, it will try again. If it fails a second time,
the Logic Solver will enter a "reduced mode." This mode will be indicated through the Logic Solver
RN record.

Figure 51: Logic Solver configuration window (Proof Testing tab)

Logic Solver attributes in Proof Testing tab


Proof test interval (for this Logic Solver. See SIS Safety Manuals for additional information.)
Proof test interval (years) This, plus the days count, is the total proof test interval.
Proof test interval (days) This, plus the years count, is the total proof test interval.
Proof test reminder alert
Proof test remind alert due This is the number of days until the user is reminded to execute a proof
(days) test.
Enable automatic proof test to Select this checkbox to allow a proof test to run automatically without
run at reminder time operator attention (only available for redundant Logic Solvers).

104 OW340_47
4.15 To add an SIS control sheet to the SIS Ovation system

4.15 To add an SIS control sheet to the SIS Ovation system

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added and configured a Network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have added an I/O device number (see page 83).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS I/O device (see page 84).
„ Make sure you have assigned a Data Server (see page 89) to the SIS I/O device.
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Logic Solver (see page 98).

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the
Control Sheets folder:
Drops (appropriate Controller drop)
I/O Devices
SIS I/O Device
Data Servers
Logic Solvers
Control Modules
Control Sheets
3. Right-click on Control Sheets and select Insert New. The Insert New Control Sheets window

Figure 52: Insert New Control Sheets window

4. Enter the following attributes for the new control sheet.

OW340_47 105
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

Insert New Control Sheets attributes


Algorithm Count Keeps track of the number of algorithms on a sheet.

Sheet Name Defines how the sheet is described in the system. This name (up to 30 characters)
appears in the Control Sheets section of the Studio hierarchy.
Sheet Number Short reference number (maximum of three characters). This number is used to
identify the sheet to the user, but is not the unique internal .svg file number that is
assigned by the Control Builder.
Sheet Component Defines the sheet component code. Component codes are text strings that are
assigned to each sheet or supplemental document that represent the sheet's or
document's location in the hierarchy.
5. Select OK. The Ovation Control Builder opens.
6. Draw the desired control scheme and save the sheet. (Refer to the Ovation Control Builder
User Guide for more information.)

4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS I/O device (see page 84).
„ Make sure you have assigned a SIS Data Server (see page 89) to the SIS I/O device.
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Logic Solver (see page 98).

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the I/O
Channels folder:
Drops (appropriate Controller drop)
I/O Devices
SIS I/O Device
SIS Data Servers
Logic Solvers
I/O Channels

106 OW340_47
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

Note: Sixteen I/O channels are also included under each Logic Solver and they appear in the
Studio WorkPad area.

3. Right-click on I/O Channels and select Open. The I/O Channel window appears.

Figure 53: I/O Channel window (Config tab)

4. Enter the following attributes for the I/O Channel in the Config tab. Each channel type has the
same attributes in the Config tab .

I/O Channel attributes for Config tab


Channel Number Name of the channel (1 through 16)

Enabled When box is checked, the channel is enabled and can be used.
Channel Type Type of channel that will be used:
ƒ Undefined Channel Type.
ƒ Analog Input Channel (see page 108).
ƒ HART Analog Input Channel (see page 109).
ƒ HART Two-state Output Channel (see page 111).
ƒ Digital Input Channel (see page 113).
ƒ Digital Output Channel (see page 114).
Ovation Point Name of the Ovation point that is assigned to the channel.
I/O channel CRC CRC code which reflects the configuration of this I/O channel as calculated by the
(see page 2) Ovation Developer Studio and is compared with the code that is calculated by the
Logic Solver at load time.
5. After you have defined the attributes in the Config tab, use the applicable Attributes tab to
enter values for the selected Channel Type.
6. After you have entered the applicable attribute values in the Attributes tabs, select OK.

OW340_47 107
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

4.16.1 Configuring an Analog Input Channel

1. After you have configured the Config tab (see page 106) for an Analog Input channel, use the
Attributes tab to configure an Analog Input Channel.

Figure 54: I/O Channel window (Attributes tab for analog input channel)

I/O Channel attributes for analog input channel


NAMUR alarming When this box is checked, NAMUR alarming is performed on the channel. If enabled
and if the transmitter supports it, any analog value that is outside the NAMUR limits
(106.25% top limit and -2.5% bottom limit) for four seconds has its status marked as
BAD:Sensor Failure. (NAMUR is an international association of automation
technology in process control industries.)
Analog over range The percent value at which the analog value is considered overrange. If the signal is
pct above this limit, its status indicates the value is limited high.
Analog under The percent value at which the analog value is considered underrange. If the signal
range pct is below this limit, its status indicates the value is limited low.
Conversion type Raw data is converted to point values. Indirect is the only type of conversion
currently in use.
Bottom of Scale The low scale value, engineering units code, and number of digits to the right of the
decimal point associated with OUT.
Top of Scale The high scale value, engineering units code, and number of digits to the right of the
decimal point associated with OUT.
Bad if limited When this box is checked, point status is BAD if the point value is outside of the
configured over/under range.
2. Enter the applicable Attributes and select OK.

108 OW340_47
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

4.16.2 Configuring a HART Analog Input Channel

1. After you have configured the Config tab (see page 106) for a HART Analog Input channel,
use the Attributes tab to configure a HART Analog Input Channel.

Figure 55: I/O Channel window (Attributes tab for HART analog input channel)

OW340_47 109
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

I/O Channel attributes for HART analog input channel


Loop current mismatch detection When checked, you can enable the detection of a loop current
mismatch between the analog and digital current values from the
HART device.
Analog over range pct The percent value at which the analog value is considered overrange.
If the signal is above this limit, the status of the Function Block's
Analog parameter associated with this channel is high limited.
Conversion Type Raw data is converted to point values. Indirect is the only type of
conversion currently in use.
Bottom of Scale The low scale value, engineering units code, and number of digits to
the right of the decimal point associated with OUT.
Top of Scale The high scale value, engineering units code, and number of digits to
the right of the decimal point associated with OUT.
Bad if Limited When this box is checked, point status is BAD if the point value is
outside of the configured over/under range.
Analog under range pct The percent value at which the analog value is considered
underrange. If the signal is below this limit, its status indicates the
value is limited low.
Enable NAMUR alarming When this checkbox is checked, NAMUR alarming is performed on the
channel. If enabled and if the transmitter supports it, any analog value
that is outside the NAMUR limits (106.25% top limit and -2.5% bottom
limit) for four seconds has its status marked as BAD:Sensor Failure.
(NAMUR is an international association of automation technology in
process control industries.)
HART Errors
Ignore PV Out out Limits This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore Analog-Digital Mismatch This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore PV Output Saturated This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore PV Output Fixed This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore Loss of Digital Comms This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore Field Device Malfunction This field is reserved for future releases.
2. Enter the applicable Attributes and select OK.

110 OW340_47
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

4.16.3 Configuring a HART Two-state Output Channel

1. After you have configured the Config tab (see page 106) for a HART Two-state Output
channel, use the Attributes tab to configure a HART Two-state Output Channel.

Figure 56: I/O Channel window (Attributes tab for HART two-state output channel)

OW340_47 111
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel


Loop current mismatch detection When checked, you can enable the detection of a loop current
mismatch between the analog and digital current values from the
HART device.
The slot 0 device code from the The slot 0 device variable code sent digitally from the Analog Output
AO card card. Defines the HART variable whose data is reported by
The slot 1 device code from the The slot 1 device variable code sent digitally from the Analog Output
AO card card. Defines the HART variable whose data is reported by
The slot 2 device code from the The slot 1 device variable code sent digitally from the Analog Output
AO card card. Defines the HART variable whose data is reported by
The slot 3 device code from the The slot 1 device variable code sent digitally from the Analog Output
AO card card. Defines the HART variable whose data is reported by
Enabled HART slot 0 When checked, HART slot 0 is enabled and can be used.
Enabled HART slot 1 When checked, HART slot 1 is enabled and can be used.
Enabled HART slot 2 When checked, HART slot 2 is enabled and can be used.
Enabled HART slot 3 When checked, HART slot 3 is enabled and can be used.
4th Variable Point Name Variable returned by HART transmitter, in Engineering Units. Read
Primary Variable Point Name Variable returned by HART transmitter, in Engineering Units. Read
Second Variable Point Name Variable returned by HART transmitter, in Engineering Units. Read
Tertiary Variable Point Name Variable returned by HART transmitter, in Engineering Units. Read
HART Errors
Ignore PV Out out Limits This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore Analog-Digital Mismatch This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore PV Output Saturated This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore PV Output Fixed This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore Loss of Digital Comms This field is reserved for future releases.
Ignore Field Device Malfunction This field is reserved for future releases.
2. Enter the applicable Attributes and select OK.

112 OW340_47
4.16 To configure an SIS I/O channel

4.16.4 Configuring a Digital Input Channel

1. After you have configured the Config tab (see page 106) for a Digital Input channel, use the
Attributes tab to configure a Digital Input Channel.

I/O Channel attributes for digital input channel


Detect open and When this box is checked, this enables the card to detect open and short circuits in
short circuit field wiring, provided that external resistors have been added to the wiring.
Inverted When this box is checked, the value reported by the LSDI algorithm will be the
opposite value of that on the physical input channel.
2. Enter the applicable Attributes and select OK.
Once the Input channel is defined, a corresponding Ovation raw input point needs to be

OW340_47 113
4.17 To configure SIS control modules

4.16.5 Configuring a Digital Output Channel

1. After you have configured the Config tab (see page 106) for a Digital Output channel, use the
following Attributes tab to configure a Digital Output Channel.

Figure 57: I/O Channel window (Attributes tab for digital output channel)

I/O Channel attributes for digital output channel


Detect open and When this checkbox is checked, this enables the card to detect open and short
short circuit circuits, provided that external resistors have been added to the wiring.
2. Enter the applicable Attributes and select OK.

4.17 To configure SIS control modules

„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS network (see page 72).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Data Server (see page 74).
„ Make sure you have added and configured a Network switch (see page 77).
„ Make sure you have added an I/O device number (see page 83).
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS I/O device (see page 84).
„ Make sure you have assigned a SIS Data Server (see page 89) to the SIS I/O device.
„ Make sure you have added and configured an SIS Logic Solver (see page 98).

114 OW340_47
4.17 To configure SIS control modules

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Select the desired Logic Solver. The four control modules for that Logic Solver appear in the
Studio tree under the Logic Solver.
3. Right-click on the desired control module and select Open. The Control Module dialog (Config
tab) appears.

Figure 58: Control Module window (Config tab)

Control Module attributes for Config tab


Control Module CRC CRC code which reflects the configuration of this control module as calculated by
the Ovation Developer Studio and is compared with the code that is calculated by
the Logic Solver at load time.
User Documentation
Module Name Name of the control module which is contained in the Logic Solver.
Module Number Number of the control module which is contained in the Logic Solver.
Module Revision Revision of the control module which is contained in the Logic Solver.
Ovation Point Name Enter the name of an Ovation point that will hold status information.

OW340_47 115
4.18 To configure SIS digital points for alarming with timestamps

Figure 59: Control Module window (SIS tab reserved for Emerson use only)

Note: When you attempt to load an SIS Logic Solver (see page 119), a Confirm window
appears that lists all the SIS devices for that Logic Solver that may be affected by the load. The
previous CRC value for each device is listed and the Current CRC value is also listed. The
Current value is the CRC value that the device will change to if you continue with the load

4.18 To configure SIS digital points for alarming with timestamps

1. Create an Ovation point through the use of DBID or manually add a point using the Ovation
Developer Studio. (Refer to Planning Your Ovation System for information about DBID or to
the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for information about adding a point.)
2. If you want to configure digital points for alarms that display a timestamp, perform the
a) Use the Ovation Developer Studio system tree to navigate to the Alarm item:
System (or appropriate level such as Network, Unit, or Drop)
b) Right-click on the Alarm item and choose Open. The Alarm window appears.
c) Scroll to select the Alarm Display tab by using the horizontal scroll bar.

116 OW340_47
4.18 To configure SIS digital points for alarming with timestamps

d) Select Yes for the Show Millisecond Resolution field, and 100 Milliseconds for the
Millisecond Format field. All points under this setting in the tree will now contain these
settings for timestamps.

Figure 60: Alarm window (Alarm Display tab)

Note: Check to confirm that the OPP Rate for the point is set to U (User Defined). You can use
Point tab in the Point Information tool to verify the setting.

3. Download the changes to the drop and reboot the drop for the changes to take effect.
4. In order to make the new point an SIS point, open the Control Builder and use the point on an
SIS control sheet. Save the control sheet. (Refer to the Ovation Control Builder User Guide for
more information.)
5. Access the Ovation Developer Studio hierarchy tree. The point now appears in the SIS Points
folder under the SIS Data Servers folder.
6. Load the control sheet to the Logic Solver.
7. The point now appears in the SIS Points folder under the Logic Solvers folder.

OW340_47 117
4.19 To view SIS points

4.19 To view SIS points

SIS points will appear in the WorkPad section of the Studio interface after the applicable Logic
Solver has been successfully loaded. When the Logic Solver is loaded, the points will move from
the parent Data Server to the Logic Solver.

1. Use the system tree to navigate to the SIS Points folder:
Drops (appropriate Controller drop)
I/O Devices
SIS I/O Device
SIS Data Servers
Logic Solvers
SIS Points
2. Click on the Applicable points icon (Analog, Digital, or Algorithm) and any points that have
been loaded into the parent Logic Solver display in the WorkPad section.

118 OW340_47
S E C T I O N 5

Using Ovation SIS


Loading Logic Solvers..................................................................................................... 119

Using Point Information (PI) to identify SIS points .......................................................... 121
Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms ............................................................ 124
Forcing an algorithm input value ..................................................................................... 131
Restarting a Logic Solver ................................................................................................ 140
Requiring a reset before outputs can become energized ............................................... 142
Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults ............................................ 142
Choosing the Logic Solver scan rate .............................................................................. 148
Loading to a running process.......................................................................................... 148
Restarting a Logic Solver after a power failure ............................................................... 149
System Administration functions ..................................................................................... 149
Proof testing the Logic Solver ......................................................................................... 150
Customizing your Ovation Control Builder frame............................................................ 152
Upgrading SIS firmware ..................................................................................................152
Using Fault Codes for SIS (66, 3, 8) ............................................................................... 155
SIS Diagnostics ............................................................................................................... 156
SIS Logic Solver Module and Diagnostic events ............................................................ 157

5.1 Loading Logic Solvers

Logic Solvers contain the SIS logic solving capability and provide an interface to 16 I/O channels.
When you want to update the logic solving for your safety applications, you may need to load new
or edited logic into the Logic Solver.

5.1.1 To load an SIS Logic Solver

„ Make sure you have SIS load privileges.


All loads to Logic Solvers are total loads. Incremental loads are not allowed and you cannot load
multiple Logic Solvers at the same time.

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the
Logic Solvers folder:

OW340_47 119
5.1 Loading Logic Solvers

Drops (appropriate Controller drop)
I/O Devices
SIS I/O Device
Data Servers
Logic Solvers
3. Select the Logic Solver you want to load.
4. If the Logic Solver is locked, right-click and select Unlock. A confirmation dialog window
5. On the confirmation dialog, click Confirm to unlock the Logic Solver.

Note: Locking or unlocking a Logic Solver generates an event in the event log.

6. Navigate to the Logic Solver in the SIS Network.

7. Right-click and select Load.
8. A Confirm window appears listing the Previous CRC codes and Current CRC codes of the
Logic Solver, the four control modules, and the I/O channels.
The Previous CRC values are the codes of the object before you perform a load to the Logic
The Current CRC values are the codes that the object will have after you perform a load to
the Logic Solver.
If you select Yes to continue the load function, new CRC values for any objects that will
change will appear in the Current CRC column and there will be an asterisk (*) in front of the

120 OW340_47
5.2 Using Point Information (PI) to identify SIS points

Notice in the following Confirm window that there are asterisks in front of the I/O Channels
that have changed after the Logic Solver was loaded.

Figure 61: Logic Solver Confirm window

5.2 Using Point Information (PI) to identify SIS points

You can use the Point Information window to locate SIS points in a system and to determine if a
point is a SIS point. The Point Information window provides the following information about a
selected point (refer to the Ovation Operator Station User Guide for additional information about
the Point Information function):
„ The point name (PN record field) displays at the top of the window. All points in the Ovation
system are fully specified by three parameters:
… Point name
¾ 24-character maximum for Windows systems.
… Six-character maximum sub-network (unit) name.
… Eight-character maximum network name.

OW340_47 121
5.2 Using Point Information (PI) to identify SIS points

The fully qualified name is of the format “name. unit@network.” The (.) and @ are
reserved characters for point names.
„ The description, point value, quality, and engineering units for analog points display below
the point name.
„ The point attributes display by selecting the applicable tabs.
„ The point record field that corresponds to the parameter name is listed beside the
parameter. A point record stores the information which defines the attributes of a point. Point
records are used within each drop, and to communicate over the Ovation network to other
„ The Ovation system has 11 record or point types. (Refer to the Ovation Record Types
Reference Manual for additional information about point records.)
„ The point information displayed in the lower portion of the window displays using a folder
format. The tabs are labeled and the information related to the tab label displays below when
the tab is selected. When a valid point name is entered, information for the point displays for
the first tab, the Point tab.
„ The SIS Indication (KC) field identifies if a point is a SIS point.
„ The action buttons Cancel and Apply are active only when a tab with modifiable data is
„ Last Active Instance (LAI) - displays in the right bottom corner of the window. This identifies
the Point Information window that is currently active.
„ Point status information displays in the left bottom corner of the window.

Note: Value and status fields update once every second. The remaining point attributes update
once every three seconds. Point Information requests a one-shot every three seconds to make
sure it has the latest static data.

5.2.1 To use Point Information to identify SIS points

„ Make sure the Ovation point exists and is in the database.

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click on the Point
Information icon.
If the Point Information application is already running, double click on the PI icon located on
the system tray.
Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Point Information.
The Point Information window appears.
2. If you know the name of the desired point, type in the name and press Enter. The Point
Information window appears for that point.
3. If you do not know the name of the desired point, click the Search button in the Point
Information window or select from the File pull-down menu. The Find Points window appears.
4. Select the appropriate network, unit, and drop. A scrolling list of all the points for that drop
appears. To discontinue or change the search, click the Abort Search button.

122 OW340_47
5.2 Using Point Information (PI) to identify SIS points

5. Double click on the desired point name in the list or select the point and click the Apply
button. The Point Information window appears for that point.
6. Select the Config tab.

Figure 62: Point Information window (Config tab)

7. Check the SIS Indication field at the bottom of the window. If the point is a SIS point, the
value will be 1 or greater. If the point is not a SIS point, the value will be zero (0).

OW340_47 123
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

SIS algorithms can be viewed and tuned through an SIS Tuning window in the Signal Diagram

All of the SIS algorithms have SIS Tuning windows. If the SIS algorithm has tunable parameters,
they are tuned through the SIS Tuning window -- not through the Property Summary window. If
the SIS algorithm does not have tunable parameters, the tunable column in the SIS Tuning
window appears blank.

For certain SIS algorithms, the SIS Tuning window has an extra tab. The information in this tab is
read-only, and contains the information that was entered in the advanced editing window in the
Control Builder. The algorithms that have the extra tab are:
„ LSCALC (see page 125).
„ LSCEM (see page 126).
„ LSSEQ (see page 128).
„ LSSTD (see page 130).

Note: For more information on the SIS algorithms, refer to Ovation Algorithms Reference

5.3.1 To access the SIS Tuning window for SIS algorithms

To access the SIS Tuning window for SIS algorithms, follow the steps below:

1. Access the Signal Diagram window.

2. Select a sheet from the Open Document window.
3. The sheet appears on the display canvas. Right-click on the desired SIS algorithm on the
sheet. Select Advanced Tuning from the menu that appears.
The SIS Tuning window applicable to that algorithm displays. See Ovation Algorithms
Reference Manual for information on SIS algorithms.

124 OW340_47
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

5.3.2 SIS Tuning window for the LSCALC algorithm

Figure 63: LSCALC SIS Tuning window (Properties Summary tab)

Figure 64: LSCALC SIS Tuning window -(Program tab)

OW340_47 125
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

5.3.3 SIS Tuning window for the LSCEM algorithm

Figure 65: LSCEM SIS Tuning window (Properties Summary tab)

126 OW340_47
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

Figure 66: LSCEM SIS Tuning window (Cause and Effect Table tab)

OW340_47 127
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

5.3.4 SIS Tuning window for the LSSEQ algorithm

Figure 67: LSSEQ SIS Tuning window -- Properties Summary tab

128 OW340_47
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

Figure 68: LSSEQ SIS Tuning window -- Sequence Table tab

OW340_47 129
5.3 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms

5.3.5 SIS Tuning window for the LSSTD algorithm

Figure 69: LSSTD SIS Tuning window -- Properties Summary tab

130 OW340_47
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

Figure 70: LSSTD SIS Tuning window -- State Transition Table tab

5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

A SIS Force operation occurs when you manually change a value for an algorithm input
parameter. This means the value is "forced."

For example, you might want to see the behavior of an algorithm when it has a certain input
value. However, the algorithm might not currently have the input value you need. You can use a
Signal Diagram (see page 132) to temporarily force the input value of the algorithm in order to
observe the behavior.

You cannot force the output of an algorithm to a particular value; you can only force the input to a
particular value. However, before you can force an input value for an SIS algorithm, you must turn
on the Debug Mode.

The Debug Mode is where you can perform functional testing of safety logic by forcing input
values for algorithms (see page 132).

After you have forced an input value, a blocking icon will appear at the end of the forced input pin
of the algorithm in the Signal Diagram. This icon will also appear next to the current value in the
Algorithm Summary window. This icon illustrates that the value for the input signal is currently
forced and cannot be updated by the system.

Note: Remember to remove the forced input value when you want the algorithm to execute

OW340_47 131
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

5.4.1 To force an algorithm input value

„ Make sure the applicable control sheet has been successfully loaded into the Controller and
the Logic Solver.

1. Access the Signal Diagram window:
… From the Operator Station Ovation Applications icons or from a Point Menu (see Ovation
Operator Station User Guide for details).
… From the Control Builder (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide for details).
2. Navigate to a sheet in the Open Document window. See Ovation Control Builder User Guide
for more information.
3. Double-click on the sheet and the sheet appears on the display canvas of the Signal Diagram
4. Right-click on the desired algorithm on the sheet and select Advanced Tuning from the
The SIS Tuning window appears with the selected algorithm name at the top of the window.
The following steps provide an example of how to use the SIS force function.

Figure 71: Example of an SIS Tuning window

132 OW340_47
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

5. Select the Force button. The Force Value window for the selected algorithm appears. The
following window displays when the Control Module with selected algorithm is not in Debug

Figure 72: Force Value window in Normal mode

6. If Control Mode is in Normal mode, press the Debug ON button and continue to Step 7. If the
Control Mode is in Debug mode, skip to Step 9.

Note: When you turn on the Debug Mode, you set the Debug Mode for the entire Control
Module and all of the SIS control sheets in that module.

If bit 9 of the RN record is set, it indicates that the Logic Solver is in debug mode.

7. A window appears asking you to confirm that you want to enter Debug Mode. Select Confirm.
(The SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 73: SIS Write window

OW340_47 133
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

8. The Force Value window now displays that the Control Module for the selected algorithm is in
Debug Mode.

Figure 74: Force Value window in Debug mode

9. Once in Debug mode, select the input pin you want to force from the list on the left side of
the Force Value window and click the Set button. See the following figure.

Figure 75: Force Value window -- select input pin

134 OW340_47
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

Force Value window fields and buttons


Debug ON Use to enter the Debug Mode.

Debug OFF Use to leave the Debug Mode.
Force Inputs
Algorithm Input Pin Lists all of the algorithm pins whose values can be forced with their actual states.
List Forced pins are marked with a warning icon in the left column of the list.
Forced Value Displays the value to which the pin, if forced, is applicable.
Pin Name of pin whose value is being forced.
Set button Sets a new forced value for the pin (appears only when one of the algorithm input pins
is selected).
Clear button Clears or removes the forced value from the pin (appears only when one of the
algorithm input pins is selected).
Change value to Enter the value to which you want to force the pin (appears only when one of the
entry field algorithm input pins is selected).
Force button Use this button to change the value of an already forced value for a pin.
10. A window appears asking you to confirm that you want to force the selected pin. Select
Confirm. (The SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 76: SIS Write window showing forced pin

OW340_47 135
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

11. The Force Value window now shows the forced pin with the warning icon in the Algorithm
Input Pins list.

Figure 77: Force Value window showing forced pin and warning icon

Note: A blocking icon appears at the end of the forced input pin of the algorithm in the Signal
Diagram window. This icon also appears next to the current value in the Algorithm Summary
window. This icon illustrates that the value for the input signal is currently forced and cannot be
updated by the system.

12. After you have forced the pin value, do one of the following:
… Set a new forced value for the pin (see page 136).
… Clear the forced value and leave Debug Mode (see page 138).
See Ovation Safety Instrumented System (SIS) User Guide for information on setting and
clearing forced values.

5.4.2 To set a new forced algorithm input value

1. If you decide to set a new forced value for a pin whose value is already forced, do the
following in the Force Value window:
a) Select one of the forced pins from the Algorithm Input Pins list.

136 OW340_47
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

b) Enter a new value in the Change value to field. The "i" icon which appears in the middle
of the Change value to field and the Force button show the user that the entered value is
a valid floating point number.

Figure 78: Force Value window -- change value

c) Select the Force button.

2. A window appears asking you to confirm that you want to force the value of the selected pin.
Select Confirm. (The SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 79: SIS Write window showing changed forced value

OW340_47 137
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

3. The Force Value window now displays showing the new forced value in the Algorithm Input
Pin list.
You can now clear the force (see page 138) or set a new forced value again.

Figure 80: Force Value window updated with new forced value

5.4.3 To clear the force value and leave Debug Mode

1. If you decide to clear the forced value for a pin, do the following in the Force Value window:
a) Select the pin name.
b) Select the Clear button.

138 OW340_47
5.4 Forcing an algorithm input value

2. A window appears asking you to confirm that you want to clear the forced value of the
selected pin. Select Confirm. (SIS Write function checks to verify that the process is valid.)

Figure 81: SIS Write window showing cleared forced value

3. Emerson recommends that you leave Debug Mode when you are finished with your forcing
tasks. To do this:
a) Select the Debug OFF button in the Force Value window.

Figure 82: Force Value window -- select Debug OFF

OW340_47 139
5.5 Restarting a Logic Solver

b) A window appears asking you to confirm that you want to leave Debug Mode. Select
Confirm. (The SIS Write function checks to verify that the process if valid.)

Figure 83: SIS Write window showing Debug Mode off

c) The Force Value window shows that the Control Module is in Normal mode.

WARNING! Be sure to leave Debug mode before closing the signal diagram. Failure to do so
may result in unsafe conditions.

5.5 Restarting a Logic Solver

The Ovation SIS system supports redundant Logic Solvers. A redundant Logic Solver consists of
a pair of Logic Solvers mounted in adjacent carrier slots with a redundant terminal block. Each
Logic Solver is powered separately. The Logic Solvers contain the same configuration and run the
same logic.

If you have a redundant Logic Solver configuration, you might need to do one of the following
actions to a redundant Logic Solver:
„ Restart the active Logic Solver.
„ Restart the standby Logic Solver.
„ Switch the active Logic Solver to the standby mode, and the standby Logic Solver to the
active mode.

Note: If you must restart a simplex Logic Solver online, such as for proof testing, you need to
temporarily bypass or block final elements and provide manual supervision.

5.5.1 To restart (reboot) a Logic Solver

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate through the following folders and their subfolders to the
Logic Solvers folder:

140 OW340_47
5.5 Restarting a Logic Solver

Drops (appropriate Controller drop)
I/O Devices
SIS I/O Device
Data Servers
Logic Solvers
3. Right-click on the Logic Solver you want to restart and select Reboot. A Restart Wizard

Figure 84: Restart Logic Solver Wizard

4. Select the desired action:

… Force Restart Active = Restarts the active Logic Solver.
… Force Restart Standby = Restarts the standby Logic Solver.
… Switchover = Switches the active Logic Solver to standby, and the standby becomes the
active Logic Solver.
5. Select the Finish button. A confirmation dialog window appears.
6. On the confirmation dialog, click Confirm to restart the selected Logic Solver or to switch the
active Logic Solver to standby, and the standby Logic Solver to active.

OW340_47 141
5.6 Requiring a reset before outputs can become energized

5.6 Requiring a reset before outputs can become energized

The configuration of SIS module logic determines which conditions allow de-energized output
channels of the Logic Solver to become energized.

It is generally desirable to require an operator reset of the Logic Solver before the equipment
under control is allowed to go from a shutdown or tripped state to the normal operating state.
However, in some cases, the output channels should be allowed to change from de-energized to
energized based on input channel values without operator intervention, for example, as soon as
an interlock condition clears.

Ovation SIS algorithms provide an easy way to configure SIS module logic to either require or not
require an operator reset before applicable output channels can become energized.

There are certain situations where a powered Logic Solver keeps output channels de-energized
independent of SIS module logic. When the Logic Solver is going through power-up testing
following a reset or restart, has detected a persistent fatal error, or is in an unconfigured state,
output channels remain de-energized. Otherwise, SIS module logic determines the output
channel state.

The recommended technique for requiring an operator reset is to use the Cause Effect Matrix
(LSCEM (see page 213)) algorithm. It has an RRSn (required reset) parameter or each extensible
EFFn (output effect) output of the algorithm. Each EFFn output is connected to one or more
output algorithms, which are bound to output channels. When RRSn is True (the default value),
the EFFn output cannot transition from 0 to 1 unless STAn (current state) is “Ready to Reset” and
RSTn (reset) has been changed to True, typically by an SIS Write from an Ovation Operator
station. When RRSn is False, EFFn can transition from 0 to 1 when associated CSn (input cause)
have become inactive and other permissives are satisfied, without a reset.

The “require reset” option is also available in the two output algorithms, but it should be used only
if there is no LSCEM algorithm in upstream SIS module logic.

5.7 Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults

It is important to consider the status of the input and output channels of the Logic Solver, as BAD
status may indicate a problem that must be addressed. The following topics are described below:
„ Detecting faults on input channels (see page 143)
„ Detecting faults on output channels (see page 147)

142 OW340_47
5.7 Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults

5.7.1 Detecting faults on input channels

Faults detected by the Logic Solver on input channels can originate in field devices, field wiring, or
in the Logic Solver input circuitry.

The Logic Solver responds to faults detected on input channels by integrating BAD status with the
channel value and annunciating the fault.

The Logic Solver does not automatically de-energize output channels when faults are detected on
input channels. SIS module logic must be configured to take action based on the requirements of
the application. For example, you may want to prevent a trip from occurring in the presence of a
fault on an input channel, or cause a trip immediately when a fault is detected, or initially prevent
a trip yet cause a trip some time later if the fault persists. SIS algorithms contain parameters to
facilitate the configuration of these options.

You have some control over how BAD status on input channels can get into SIS modules. Certain
input channel parameters and algorithm parameters impact the detection of faults on input
channels and whether BAD status becomes available to SIS module logic.

Handling BAD status on analog input channels

An analog input channel (see page 108) always has BAD status when the measured current is
outside the sensor failure limits, 0.78 mA (-20.12%) and 22.66 mA (116.6%). The limits can be
exceeded due to faults in the transmitter, field wiring, or the Logic Solver. You can also cause the
channel to have BAD status when the current reaches a value inside the sensor failure limits.

Changing the "Enable NAMUR alarming" channel parameter to True enables NAMUR limit
detection, which results in BAD status being applied when the current is greater than 21.0 mA
(106.25%) or less than 3.6 mA (-2.5%) for four consecutive seconds.

When the channel value exceeds the channel’s configured "Analog over range pct" or "Analog
under range pct," high-limited or low-limited status is applied to the channel. The SOP8 parameter
in the Analog Input (LSAI) algorithm has a “BAD if Limited” option. When the LSAI algorithm’s
referenced input channel has high or low limited status, the algorithm applies BAD status to its PV
and OUT parameters if the option is enabled.

The HART Analog Input channel’s (see page 109) HART related error parameters allow you to
select which HART diagnostic conditions detected in the HART transmitter or by the Logic Solver
cause BAD status to be integrated with the analog value on the channel (the "BAD if Limited"
channel parameter). The default value of these parameters is to ignore all HART diagnostic
errors, meaning the presence of an error condition does not cause BAD status on the channel. If
you deselect “Ignore Field Device Malfunction,” for example, the channel has BAD status if the
transmitter reports a device malfunction, allowing this HART diagnostic to be integrated with your
SIS module logic.

OW340_47 143
5.7 Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults

Handling BAD status on digital input channels

Faults detected on digital input channels (see page 113) by the Logic Solver result in BAD status
on the channel. The Logic Solver detects open and short circuits in field wiring if line fault
detection has been enabled on the channel using the "Detect open and short circuit" parameter.
When line fault detection is enabled, you must use a NAMUR sensor or install end of line resistors
in series and parallel. An open or short detected through line fault detection results in BAD status
on the channel.

Line fault detection is required when the field switch is normally open, that is, when the channel is
On to indicate a demand.

Line fault detection is recommended when the field switch is normally closed, that is, when the
channel is Off to indicate a demand. If an open circuit occurs in the field wiring, it is a safe failure
whether or not line fault detection has been enabled. But a short in the field can be a dangerous
failure and be undetected, unless line fault is enabled, in which case the channel has BAD status.

144 OW340_47
5.7 Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults

Using BAD Status in SIS Modules

Two algorithms are available in SIS modules to manipulate output channels: the Digital Output
(LSDO (see page 244)) algorithm and the Digital Valve Controller (LSDVC (see page 251))
algorithm. Each has a CASND input parameter whose value is the commanded state for the
output channel, which is connected from upstream logic in the SIS module. When the status of
CASND changes to BAD, the algorithm starts a timer whose value is stored in the FTMR (fault
detection timer) parameter. If and when the timer reaches the configured FTIM (fault detection
delay) value, the algorithm enters the fault state if theFOP2 (Enable detection based on CASND
status) option is enabled. The algorithm drives the output channel Off when it is in the fault state.

SIS algorithms have a predetermined way of propagating the status of input parameters to output
parameters. Faults detected on input channels cause BAD status to reach output algorithms in
SIS modules depending on the configuration of other algorithms in the SIS module.

The configured value of FTIM in output algorithms determines how long status can be BAD before
the output algorithm initiates a trip. The default value is 300 seconds, which gives enough time for
operators to bypass a BAD input and take corrective action before a trip is initiated. Use an
appropriate value for FTIM in each output algorithm. Some SIFs (see page 6) can tolerate a high
number corresponding to your allowed repair time, while other SIFs may require a low number of
just a few seconds.

The following figure illustrates the use of common SIS algorithms to create shutdown logic in an
SIS module. The status on the output parameter of the input algorithms, LSAI and LSDI, is the
status of the referenced input channel. The Analog Voter (LSAVTR (see page 184)) and Digital
Voter (LSDVTR (see page 262)) algorithms propagate BAD status on input parameters
selectively. For example, if a single input of a 1oo2 (1 out of 2) or 2oo3 (2 out of 3) voter algorithm
has BAD status, OUT continues to have GOOD status because there are enough good inputs for
a real process demand to cause a trip. However, if a single input of a 1oo1 or 2oo2 voter
algorithm has BAD status, its OUT has BAD status. If a CSn (input Cause n) input of a Cause and
Effect Matrix (LSCEM (see page 213)) algorithm has BAD status, all EFFn (output Effect n)
outputs associated with that input have BAD status.

LSAVTR, LSDVTR, and LSCEM algorithms have a configurable SOPT parameter, which impacts
how the algorithms determine the value of their output parameter(s) based on the status of their
inputs. These algorithms determine the status of their output parameter(s) by fixed status
propagation logic unique to the algorithm and independent of the SOPT parameter. This assures
that if BAD status is capable of preventing a process demand from causing a trip, BAD status
propagates to the output algorithm(s). Refer to the LSAVTR, LSDVTR, and LSCEM algorithm
documentation for more detail on the impact of the SOPT parameter in these algorithms.

OW340_47 145
5.7 Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults

Figure 85: Using SIS algorithms to create shutdown logic

146 OW340_47
5.7 Configuring the Logic Solver's response to detected faults

5.7.2 Detecting faults on output channels

Faults detected by the Logic Solver on output channels (see page 114) can originate in field
devices, field wiring, or the Logic Solver output circuitry. As with input channels, the Logic Solver
responds to faults on output channels by integrating BAD status with the channel value and
annunciating the fault.

A fault on an output channel does not prevent the output from being de-energized if there is a
demand to trip on that channel. Suppose a Digital Output channel is stuck On due to a fault in the
output circuitry. When SIS module logic detects a process demand to trip and the LSDO algorithm
drives the channel Off, power remains On as a result of the fault. However, the Logic Solver reads
back the output as still being On and initiates a reset, which opens the master power switch and
de-energizes all output channels on the Logic Solver.

When the "Detect open and short circuit" parameter on Digital Output channels is True (the
default value), the Logic Solver detects and annunciates stuck On conditions by means of
periodic pulse testing. In this way a failed unit can be replaced before a demand occurs, thereby
avoiding a trip on all output channels. The "Detect open and short circuit" parameter should
remain configured as True unless the final element cannot tolerate the 1 millisecond Off pulse
during each 50 millisecond period.

If the Logic Solver detects an open or short in field wiring or the output circuitry, it integrates a
special status with the channel value called BAD SensorFailure LowLimited. Output algorithms
detect this status on the referenced output channel and optionally drive the output channel Off. If
the “Enable detection based on output channel status” option is set in the algorithm’s FOP3
parameter, the algorithm enters the fault state and drives the channel Off immediately upon
detection. The FTIM value is not used in this case.

An open or short in field wiring implies the final element is in the de-energized state. Therefore the
default value for the FOP3 parameter drives the channel Off when an open or short is detected. In
order to keep the channel Off after it is driven Off, an operator reset must be required somewhere.
The reset can be on the final element itself, in the output algorithm, or in the upstream LSCEM

The following figure shows an example of using an LSCEM algorithm for latching an output Off.

Figure 86: Using an LSCEM algorithm to latch an output Off

OW340_47 147
5.8 Choosing the Logic Solver scan rate

The CS3 input of the LSCEM (see page 213) algorithm has a value of 1 when neither output
algorithm is in the fault state. FSTAT is normally an internal parameter, but in this example, it is
exposed as an output parameter on the LSDO and LSDVC algorithms and connected to an
LSNOR algorithm. If either output algorithm detects an open or short on its referenced channel, a
trip occurs on EFF1 of the LSCEM algorithm and both output algorithms drive their outputs Off
(because CASND becomes 0). The algorithm that detected the open or short had already driven
its output Off. The outputs remain Off until an operator reset is done on EFF1 by changing RST1
of the LSCEM algorithm to True. The fault state condition clears when a Digital Output channel is
driven Off because the diagnostic no longer detects the condition. The same is true for a HART
Two-state Output channel when OFCUR is “0 milliamps.”

This technique applies to the case where a coordinated trip of multiple final elements is required
when any of the final elements involved in an interlock becomes de-energized due to an open or
short. If you want to drive Off only the output with the open or short, use a separate LSCEM Effect
output for each output algorithm and connect FSTAT into a separate Cause input.

In some applications it may not be desirable to drive an output Off when an open or short is
detected. For example, you may want the final element to become energized without operator
intervention whenever an intermittent short clears. In this case, disable the FOP3 parameter in the
output algorithm.

5.8 Choosing the Logic Solver scan rate

The default scan rate (see page 102) for SIS module execution in the Logic Solver is 50
milliseconds. You can change the scan rate to 100, 150, or 200 milliseconds from the SLS
properties dialog in Ovation Explorer. Increasing the Logic Solver scan rate value impacts the
execution rate of SIS modules. But diagnostic cycle times in the Logic Solver remain constant,
with the exception of the main processor comparison diagnostic, which is a function of SIS
module scan rate.

The recommended scan rate to use whenever possible is 50 milliseconds. This scan rate
minimizes the input to output response time. The only reason to change the scan rate beyond the
default 50 milliseconds is if the Logic Solver is not able to execute the SIS module or modules at
the configured scan rate.

5.9 Loading to a running process

If you anticipate a need to make online changes to SIS module logic, that is, to load Logic Solvers
that are protecting a running process, you should ensure the load does not disrupt the process.

Locking a Logic Solver prevents it from being loaded. Locking also prevents a user-initiated Logic
Solver switchover. To be able to lock or unlock a Logic Solver you must have the SIS Can Load
privilege. A Logic Solver must be unlocked before you can load to it (see page 119). If you
attempt to load a locked Logic Solver, you are given the opportunity to unlock the Logic Solver
and continue.

148 OW340_47
5.10 Restarting a Logic Solver after a power failure

5.10 Restarting a Logic Solver after a power failure

A restart occurs after power is restored to a Logic Solver that had a running configuration prior to
losing power for less than 10 days. During a restart the Logic Solver reapplies the last loaded
configuration and restores parameters that had been saved to non-volatile memory. At the time
power is lost, outputs of the Logic Solver are de-energized, which should result in the same
output state as after the original load. After a restart the goal is to retain the same process state
that occurred as a result of the power failure, yet to restore the parameter values that were saved
to non-volatile memory, which are more current than the last loaded values.

5.11 System Administration functions

There are multiple functions that your System Administrator should perform. Some of these
functions are described below:
„ Backing up the database (see page 149).
„ Making configuration changes after startup (see page 149).
„ Reconciling parameter changes (see page 149).

5.11.1 Backing up the database

It is valuable to always have a current backup of the database in case you need to replace your
workstation for any reason. An automatic daily export is recommended beginning with the
engineering phase and continuing through the entire lifecycle. Use the Daily Export feature of
Ovation Database Administrator to configure automatic database exports.

It is valuable to always have a current backup of the database in case you need to replace the
database. Refer to Ovation Database User Guide for information on backing up your database.

5.11.2 Making configuration changes after startup

After the process is running, it is useful to have an offline Ovation system available in case you
need to make and test configuration changes to SIS modules. If you make changes to SIS
modules in the configuration database of your production system, you should be prepared for a
potential need to load them at any time, for example, if a simplex Logic Solver needs to be
replaced. It is better to import tested changes into the production system just before you plan to
load them.

5.11.3 Reconciling parameter changes

When you change a parameter value at runtime using an SIS Write from an Ovation Operator
Station or from the Control Builder, the change is recorded in the workstation so that you can
reconcile the change with the database later. Reconciling the change with the database keeps the
database value in sync with the runtime value.

However, if there is a need to load the Logic Solver, the new CRC value is different from the
existing value and a functional test is required. One Logic Solver of a redundant pair can be
replaced without a load. If you are using simplex Logic Solvers, you may want to forgo reconciling
parameter changes so that a load does not require a functional test. Instead, check to see if there
are any pending reconciles prior to loading. If so, record the changes, do the load, then manually
repeat the SIS Write operations.

OW340_47 149
5.12 Proof testing the Logic Solver

5.12 Proof testing the Logic Solver

Logic Solvers must be proof tested periodically to ensure there are no dangerous faults present
that are not being detected by continuous runtime diagnostics. A manual proof test for a Logic
Solver is initiated from the Ovation Developer Studio and causes the Logic Solver to go through
reset and power-up testing. Proof testing of Logic Solvers can also be done automatically.

Immediately following successful power-up testing, there are no known dangerous faults present.
Choose the proof test interval for a Logic Solver based on the associated SIF requiring the
shortest proof test period to achieve the required probability of dangerous failure for its Logic
Solver subsystem.

The Logic Solver proof test timer automatically counts the number of days since the last reset
occurred. The Logic Solver configuration dialog in Ovation Developer Studio has a Proof Testing
tab for entering the required proof testing interval and a reminder time value. See Logic Solver
configuration for information about the fields in this tab (see page 103).

Figure 87: Logic Solver configuration window (Proof Testing tab)

The Logic Solver provides an alert when the number of days since the last reset exceeds the
configured time. A reminder alert occurs a configured number of days before the “exceeds” alert
to assist maintenance personnel in the planning of manual tests.

The proof test timer for a redundant Logic Solver indicates the number of days since the last reset
of the Active unit, which always occurs earlier than the last reset of the Standby.

150 OW340_47
5.12 Proof testing the Logic Solver

5.12.1 Automatic proof testing

Automatic proof testing is available for redundant Logic Solvers only. The Proof Testing tab of the
Logic Solver configuration dialog has an “Enable automatic proof test to run at reminder time”
check box (this check box is grayed-out for simplex Logic Solvers). When checked, the Logic
Solver performs the proof test when the number of days since the last reset reaches the
configured time. The test begins five minutes after the Logic Solver sets the reminder alert. In this
case the reminder alert informs the operator that a test will occur soon so that the "Partner Not
Available" alerts can be ignored after the test begins. At the time of automatic proof test:
„ The Active Logic Solver starts the test by initiating a switchover to the Standby Logic Solver. If
the Standby Logic Solver is not available, the Active Logic Solver tries again in five minutes.
„ After switchover, the Standby Logic Solver becomes Active and the new Standby Logic
Solver goes through reset and begins power-up testing. There is no adverse impact to the
running process.
„ The new Active Logic Solver still has a proof test due, so it waits for its partner to become
available then initiates a switchover. When the partner has become the Active Logic Solver,
the new Standby Logic Solver goes through reset and power-up testing.

5.12.2 Manual proof testing

The following procedure should be used for manual proof testing of the Logic Solver.

Simplex Logic Solver

1. Initiating a manual reset on a simplex Logic Solver results in all outputs being de-energized. If
you must proof test a simplex Logic Solver online, you need to temporarily bypass or block
final elements and provide manual supervision.
2. The Logic Solver must be Unlocked to initiate a manual reset. Select the Logic Solver under
SIS Network in the Ovation Developer Studio. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select
Unlock. Click Confirm on the SIS Write confirmation dialog.
3. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select Reboot. The Restart Wizard appears. Select Force
Restart Active from the options in the Restart Wizard window (see page 140). Clicking
Confirm on the confirmation dialog results in all outputs being de-energized.
4. The Logic Solver goes through power-up testing and returns to the configured state. The
proof test timer resets to 0.

Redundant Logic Solver

The procedure for a redundant Logic Solver allows the proof test to be done online without
adversely affecting the running process.

1. The Logic Solver must be Unlocked to initiate a manual reset. Select the Logic Solver under
SIS Network in the Ovation Developer Studio. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select
Unlock. Click Confirm on the SIS Write confirmation dialog.
2. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select Reboot. The Restart Wizard appears. Select Force
Restart Standby from the options in the Restart Wizard window (see page 140). Clicking
Confirm on the confirmation dialog results in all outputs being de-energized.
3. Wait several minutes for the Standby Logic Solver to complete power-up tests and become
configured by the Active Logic Solver. The Partner Not Available maintenance alert goes
inactive when the Standby Logic Solver is fully configured.

OW340_47 151
5.13 Customizing your Ovation Control Builder frame

4. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select “Switchover.” Click Confirm on the confirmation
5. The previously reset Standby Logic Solver becomes the new Active Logic Solver and the new
Standby Logic Solver goes through power-up tests and is configured by the new Active Logic
Solver. The proof test timer is 0.

5.13 Customizing your Ovation Control Builder frame

Every control function, control library, and control macro begins with a template or blueprint that
displays on the drawing canvas. This template, called the frame, contains a standard format that
can be used to enforce a consistent look for all the items in a project. The format also contains
information that identifies the item (sheet, library, macro) to the system and to the user. By placing
this information in the frame, you do not have to enter it every time you create a new item.

The Control Builder provides an approved frame or template file, called the frame.svg file, which
is shipped with the standard release of the Ovation system. All of the elements of the frame are
defined in the frame.svg file.

You many want to customize a frame in order to more easily identify SIS control sheets. The SIS
Data Server, Logic Solver, and Control Module are available as Document Values under the Draw

Use the following procedure to create a SIS custom frame (Frame.svg) in the unit's
ControlFunctions directory.

1. Copy the default frame (C:\Ovation\CtrlBldr\Frame.svg) into the ControlFunctions Directory.

2. Add a [Document Value] for cb-sis-server in the custom frame (Frame.svg). You may wish to
add items for the Logic Solver and/or the Control Module at this time.
3. Recompile all the control sheets.
4. Load the Logic Solvers and control sheets. This document value will remain hidden on
NON-SIS Control Functions.

Refer to the Ovation Control Builder User Guide for more information about creating frames and
sheets, and adding document values.

5.14 Upgrading SIS firmware

Future releases of Ovation software will potentially include updated firmware for the SIS
components. It may not be necessary to upgrade the firmware in SIS hardware components when
the remainder of the Ovation system is upgraded to a new release. But if a new SIS firmware
revision has desired features or corrects a specific issue, you can upgrade to the new revision by
installing files from an Ovation workstation to flash memory in the SIS component.

The following topics provide upgrade procedures:

„ To initially load or upgrade an SIS Data Server (see page 153).
„ To upgrade an SIS Logic Solver (see page 154).

152 OW340_47
5.14 Upgrading SIS firmware

5.14.1 To initially load or upgrade an SIS Data Server

When you first receive an SIS Data Server, you must perform an initial load of the firmware.
Subsequent loads of the SIS Data Server are considered to be upgrades.

Emerson provides firmware for the SIS components in your Ovation system. Firmware for the
upgrade to your SIS Data Server consists of four Hex files and one UDF file. Use the following
procedure to initially load or upgrade your SIS Data Server.

1. Retrieve the new SIS Data Server firmware from the path:
2. Unzip the files and store the four Hex files and one UDF file in an area where they can be
easily accessed; (for example, C:\temp\sis)
3. Open a Command Prompt window and go to Ovation\OvationBase.
4. Enter the following:
OvSisCtlUpgConsole <SDS> -n <path to files>
<SDS> = name or IP address of SIS Data Server to be loaded or upgraded
<path to files> = absolute path to Hex and UDF files
(for example, OvSisCtlUpgConsole -n
5. Press the Enter key.
6. The upgrade system files will load. The following text is an example of what displays in the
Command Prompt window when the upgrade is finished:
Percent complete 100
Upgrade system load complete.
Target will now restart in upgrade mode.
Attempting to re-establish upgrade session.
Upgrade session re-established.
Upgrading CTLPPCSTART version (MD Controller Start Vector
(Debug Component does not need to be loaded)
Upgrading CTLPPCRECOVER version (MD Controller Recovery (Debug))
Component does not need to be loaded
Upgrading CTLPPCAPP version 10.3.0 (MD Controller Application (Debug))
7. The component load will begin. When finished, the following will display
Component load complete.
Component CTLPPCAPP upgrade COMPLETE.
Upgrade Completion Summary: <Normal Completion>
8. The SIS Data Server is now upgraded.

OW340_47 153
5.14 Upgrading SIS firmware

5.14.2 To upgrade an SIS Logic Solver

Emerson provides firmware for the SIS components in your Ovation system. Use the following
procedure to upgrade your SIS Logic Solver (SLS):

Note: The typical upgrade time for a single Logic Solver is about eight minutes.

If during the upgrade process there is a network failure, or the workstation which is hosting the
upgrade application fails, you can restart the upgrade. To do so, repeat the procedure starting at
Step 4.

1. Retrieve the new Logic Solver firmware package. It consists of four files:
… 1340.idf
… IO_Compatibility.csv
… SLSApp.hex
… SLSBoot.hex
2. Store the four files in an area where they can be easily accessed; (for example, C:\temp\sis)
3. Clear the target SLS in the Ovation Developer Studio (see page 98).
4. Clear the Ovation Controller to which the target Logic Solver is assigned.
5. Run the upgrade application:
Ovation.Sis.SlsUpgrade.Console.exe [SDS ip address/hostname] [logic solver number] [logic
solver redundant] [full path to idf file]
[SDS ip address/hostname] = IP address or hostname of the SIS Data Server which is
supervising the Logic Solver that you are upgrading.
[logic solver number] = Number (1-32) of the physical Logic Solver that you are upgrading
(this is not the carrier slot number).
[logic solver redundant] = Flag indicating whether the target Logic Solver is in a redundant
configuration. Accepted values of this attribute are true or false.
[full path to idf file] = Fully qualified file name of the .idf file which is part of the firmware
package, (for example, d:\sls-firmware\v.10.3\1340.idf
6. Confirm that you want to proceed with the upgrade by entering y when prompted.
7. Wait for the application to terminate. The application will periodically output messages
regarding the progress of the upgrade process. In the final step, it will report the status of the
entire upgrade.

WARNING! Do not shutdown your computer or interrupt the upgrade process until it is
completed. Failure to comply may result in corrupting the Logic Solver's flash memory and
rendering the Logic Solver unusable.

You MUST complete a full function test of the Logic Solver after a firmware upgrade.

154 OW340_47
5.15 Using Fault Codes for SIS (66, 3, 8)

5.15 Using Fault Codes for SIS (66, 3, 8)

The Ovation system generates fault codes and messages that you can use to diagnose
workstation and system problems. This section details the fault codes and messages that are
generated by the Safety Instrumented System.

To research other fault codes generated by your system, access the Ovation fault information tool

You can find fault information on the System Status diagram and the Drop Details diagram. You
can find further information in your Error Log Viewer.
„ Fault Code = FC (displayed in decimal in the Drop Details diagram).
„ Fault ID = FK (displayed in hexadecimal in the Drop Details diagram).
„ Fault Parameter 1 = FS (displayed in hexadecimal in the Drop Details diagram).
„ Fault Parameter 2 = FO (displayed in hexadecimal in the Drop Details diagram).
„ Fault Parameter 3, 4, and 5 (displayed in hexadecimal in the Solaris GMD or in the Windows
Error Log Viewer).
The SIS shadow algorithms have the following values:
„ Fault Code = 66 which indicates a Controller fault.
„ Fault ID = 0x0003 which indicates an algorithm fault.
„ Fault Parameter 1 =0x0008 which indicates a problem with an SIS shadow algorithm as it
appears in the Ovation Controller.

0x0001 Logic Solver function number (Y1 field) is invalid.

Parameter 3 = Control module ID
Parameter 4 = Control sheet number
Parameter 5 = Algorithm execution order number for the control sheet
0x0002 Value in an algorithm field (TT field) is invalid.
Parameter 3 = Control module ID
Parameter 4 = Control sheet number
Parameter 5 = Algorithm execution order number for the control sheet
0x0003 Auxiliary record for the algorithm cannot be found.
Parameter 3 = Control module ID
Parameter 4 = Control sheet number
Parameter 5 = Algorithm execution order number for the control sheet
0x0004 XDB lock cannot be found and the algorithm did not update parameter and
output values in that loop.
Parameter 3 = Control module ID
Parameter 4 = Control sheet number
Parameter 5 = Algorithm execution order number for the control sheet
0x0005 There is a module revision mismatch between algorithm point configuration
and Logic Solver module configuration.
Parameter 3 = Control module ID
Parameter 4 = Control sheet number
Parameter 5 = Algorithm execution order number for the control sheet

OW340_47 155
5.16 SIS Diagnostics

5.16 SIS Diagnostics

You can perform diagnostics on your SIS system by referring to the bit values of the Node (RN)
record of a point.

1. Access the Ovation Operator Station.

2. Access Point Information from your Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station to view
the node record (refer to the Ovation Operator Station User Guide for more information about
the Point Information function).
3. Navigate to the Value/Status tab in the node record (the value used for the node record is the
A2 field).
4. Review the collected bit information about the module or node.



0 Configured OK NCONF I/O Driver is configured. This bit is set by

the I/O driver during the first pass.
1 Communication error ERROR Ok There is a communication error. The I/O
driver cannot send messages to the SIS
Data Servers.
2 Configuration error ERROR Ok There is an error in a configuration file or
the configuration is inconsistent.
3 Alarm handler error ERROR Ok The alarm handler has indicated that one
or more alarm files are corrupted.
4- <unused>



0 Configured OK NCONF SIS Data Server is configured.

1 Primary in control PRIM BCKP The primary SIS Data Server is in control.
2 Local bus ERROR OK There is an error in the SIS Data Server
communication error communication over the backplane.
3 SIS LAN communication ERROR OK There is a timeout in the communication
timeout between a SIS Data Server and an Ovation
4- <unused>



0 Configured OK NCONF The Logic Solver is configured.

1 Commissioned OK DECOM The Logic Solver has been recognized by
D Ovation.
2 Calibration ACTIVE NACT The logic Solver has been calibrated.
3 Configuring state ACTIVE NACT The Logic Solver is configured.
4 Communication error ERROR OK There is an error in the communication with
the Logic Solver.

156 OW340_47
5.17 SIS Logic Solver Module and Diagnostic events

5 IO channel error ERROR OK There is an error in the Logic Solver's I/O

6 Primary in control PRIM BCKP The primary Logic Solver is in control.
7 Locked LOCKE UNLCKD The Logic Solver is locked and cannot be
D loaded.
8 Scan rate overloaded OVRLD NOVRLD The configured scan rate for the Logic
Solver is exceeded by the estimated
execution time.
9- <unused>



0 Module not registered NREG OK The module is not registered

1 Debug mode DEBUG NORM The Debug Mode is where you can perform
functional testing of safety logic by forcing
input values for algorithms.
2- <unused>

5.17 SIS Logic Solver Module and Diagnostic events


TM_ME_DVC_CNFRM_SUCCESS 1 Successful confirmation following a command

to trip
TM_ME_DVC_CNFRM_FAILURE 2 Failed to confirm following a command to trip
TM_ME_DVC_CNFRM_OFF_WHILE_ON 3 Confirmed Off while commanded On
TM_ME_DVC_PST_STARTED 4 Partial stroke test started
TM_ME_DVC_PST_DENIED 5 Partial stroke test denied
TM_ME_DVC_PST_FAILED 6 Partial stroke test failed
TM_ME_DVC_PST_SUCCESS 7 Successful partial stroke test
TM_ME_DVC_PST_PAST_DUE 8 Partial stroke test past due
TM_ME_DO_CNFRM_SUCCESS 11 Successful confirmation following a command
to trip
TM_ME_DO_CNFRM_FAILURE 12 Failed to confirm following a command to trip
TM_ME_DO_CNFRM_OFF_WHILE_ON 13 Confirmed Off while commanded On
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_REMOVED 21 Bypass removed on <x>
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_PERMIT 22 Maintenance bypass permitted
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_PERMIT_REMOVED 23 Maintenance bypass permit removed
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_SET 24 Maintenance bypass on <x>
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_REMOVED_TIMEOUT 25 Maintenance bypass removed by block due to

OW340_47 157
5.17 SIS Logic Solver Module and Diagnostic events


TM_ME_AV_VOTE_NOT_TRIP 26 <x> voting not to trip

TM_ME_AV_VOTE_TRIP 27 <x> voting to trip
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_VOTE_TRIP 28 A bypassed input is voting to trip
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_VOTE_NOT_TRIP 29 No bypassed input is voting to trip
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_VOTE_PRETRIP 30 A bypassed input is voting to pretrip
TM_ME_AV_BYPASS_VOTE_NOT_PRETRIP 31 No bypassed input is voting to pretrip
TM_ME_DV_BYPASS_REMOVED 41 Bypass removed on <x>
TM_ME_DV_BYPASS_PERMIT 42 Maintenance bypass permitted
TM_ME_DV_BYPASS_PERMIT_REMOVED 43 Maintenance bypass permit removed
TM_ME_DV_BYPASS_SET 44 Maintenance bypass on <x>
TM_ME_DV_BYPASS_REMOVED_TIMEOUT 45 Maintenance bypass removed by block due to
TM_ME_DV_VOTE_NOT_TRIP 46 <x> voting not to trip
TM_ME_DV_VOTE_TRIP 47 <x> voting to trip
TM_ME_DV_BYPASS_VOTE_TRIP 48 A bypassed input is voting to trip
TM_ME_DV_BYPASS_VOTE_NOT_TRIP 49 No bypassed input is voting to trip
TM_ME_CEM_EFFECT_TRIPPED 61 Trip, first out Cause <x>
TM_ME_MISC_EVENTS_LOST 71 SLS Control subsystem lost SIF Module Events


TM_DE_SWITCHOVER 1 REDIO: Switchover Occurred; card switch x

TM_DE_POWER_FAIL 2 Power Failure Occurred for x seconds
TM_DE_PAST_ERROR 3 An error condition was present after previous
TM_DE_LOST_EVENTS 4 Logic Solver Card Lost Event(s)
TM_DE_POWER_UP_EVENT 5 Logic solver proof test and power up successful

158 OW340_47
S E C T I O N 6

Operations and Maintenance practices


Bypasses and other overrides......................................................................................... 159

Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures.............................................. 163
Proof testing the Logic Solver ......................................................................................... 169
Upgrading firmware.........................................................................................................170
Making online scaling changes in HART transmitters .................................................... 171

6.1 Bypasses and other overrides

It is often necessary to force an output value to remain at the Normal value during plant startup to
prevent a trip caused by inputs that have not stabilized at their normal operating values. You may
also want to bypass inputs to allow for sensor maintenance.

Ovation SIS has built-in capability for creating applications that follow guidelines set forth in the
IEC 61511 standards. Ovation SIS does not limit you to using its built-in bypass capability. You
are free to create custom logic and interfaces for this purpose.

The following subsections describe the built-in bypass capability in Ovation SIS.

OW340_47 159
6.1 Bypasses and other overrides

6.1.1 Override types

Maintenance bypass

During a maintenance activity such as calibration, proof testing, or repair of a transmitter, a

maintenance bypass temporarily prevents the process value on the input channel from
contributing to a potential trip. The Analog Voter (LSAVTR) and Digital Voter (LSDVTR)
algorithms provide the built-in maintenance bypass capability. When an individual input is
bypassed for maintenance, its vote to trip is not considered in voting logic. A maintenance bypass
is set and cleared by an operator or maintenance technician using an SIS Write operation from a
workstation or a physical key switch, but could be cleared by the voter algorithm itself upon a
configurable timeout.

Startup bypass

While a process is starting up, a startup bypass temporarily overrides a process value to allow
time for it to reach a value that does not initiate a trip. The Analog Voter and Digital Voter
algorithms provide the built-in startup bypass capability. The algorithm output maintains the
normal operating value while the startup bypass is active. A startup bypass is initiated by an
operator using an SIS Write operation or by the voter algorithm detecting a process startup
condition. The startup bypass is cleared after a configurable time period or optionally when the
voter algorithm detects a process condition.

Parameter force

This override uses Control Studio Debug mode to force an input parameter on an algorithm
diagram to have a value other than the source value. The use of parameter forces is intended for
functional testing, not when the SIF is providing its protection function unsupervised.

LSEM effect force

This override forces an Effect output on a LSCEM algorithm to the normal or tripped value,
thereby forcing the output channel value. The LSCEM Effect force is intended for testing or to
manipulate final elements while the process is not running. It should not be used as a
maintenance bypass; individual inputs should be bypassed for maintenance purposes.

160 OW340_47
6.1 Bypasses and other overrides

6.1.2 Configuration of bypasses

The configurer of SIS module logic uses the BOPn (Bypass Opt n) parameters in the voter
algorithms to determine which maintenance and startup bypass options apply for the algorithm
usage. Refer to the Analog Voter (see page 184) and Digital Voter (see page 262) algorithms
topics for details on the available bypass options.

The configurer must provide a means to annunciate to the operator when a maintenance bypass
or force condition is active. The built-in capability is provided through the SIS_DEFAULT module
template, which has an alarm parameter, BYPASS_ALM, referencing bits in the SIF_ALERTS
bitstring parameter found in all SIS modules. The referenced bits roll up the state of override
conditions in the SIS module and in the voter and LSCEM algorithms in the module. BYPASS
_ALM is active when a maintenance bypass is active in any voter algorithm in the module, an
Effect is being forced in any LSCEM algorithm, or an input is being forced using Control Studio
Debug. Startup bypasses are not annunciated by default, but can be configured to do so using a
check box.

The ability to set and clear maintenance bypasses in voter algorithms at runtime can be
configured using dynamos for the voter algorithms in Ovation Operate configure mode.

6.1.3 Operation of bypasses

A Maintenance bypass is typically used in either of two situations.

1. There is a planned maintenance activity on a transmitter or other sensor. A single input is

bypassed to prevent that input from causing a spurious trip during the activity.
2. A failure occurs in a transmitter, the field wiring, or the input circuitry of the Logic Solver
during normal operation. A maintenance bypass is used to prevent BAD status from causing a
trip in the output algorithm (if the failure itself did not already cause a trip).

The bypass is set from a process display in Ovation Operate, for example, by clicking on an input
check box of the voter algorithm dynamo and then confirming the selection. A set bypass is
cleared using the same procedure. While the bypass is set, BYPASS_ALM remains active and
the toolbar button for the SIS Alarm List is visible in the Ovation Operate toolbar, meaning there is
at least one active, unacknowledged, or suppressed SIS alarm in the list. A click on the toolbar
button opens the SIS Alarm List display.

Operators should be aware of all alarms visible on this display. The handoff at shift change should
include a review of the SIS Alarm List. You can create other alarms related to bypasses by
referencing alarm conditions determined in the voter algorithms. These alarms include a reminder
that the expiration of a bypass is imminent and whether a bypassed input is voting to trip.

The history of bypass activity is available in the Event Chronicle of Ovation Process History View.
No special configuration is required. The setting and clearing of bypasses and bypass permits are
recorded whether they are done using SIS Writes from workstations or physical switches. An
event record is also created whenever the algorithm removes a bypass due to a timeout.

Refer to the example (see page 162) of a scenario where a maintenance bypass is used following
a failure.

OW340_47 161
6.1 Bypasses and other overrides

Maintenance bypass example

The Failure

A HART transmitter fails, resulting in a Field Device Malfunction HART error and a down-scale
output value as configured in the device.

How the Logic Responds

Bad status enters the SIS module logic in the Logic Solver because the input channel was
configured to not ignore the Field Device Malfunction error. The Analog Voter algorithm in the SIS
module has a “Greater Than” input detection type (DTYPE) and a 1oo1 voting arrangement. Bad
status propagates through the voter algorithm, but the down-scale value does not cause a trip
value on the output of the algorithm. Bad status continues to propagate through the LSCEM
algorithm and causes the fault state timer to start in the Digital Output algorithm, but no trip occurs
on the output.

How the Operator Responds

The BAD status has caused IO_ALM in the SIS module to become active and appear on the
alarm banner in Ovation Operate. The operator clicks the module button in the alarm banner,
which changes the main display to the interlock display created for the SIF and pops up the SIS
module faceplate. The operator assesses the impact of the failure by looking at the interlock
display, which was created with algorithm dynamos. It is clear that a trip has not occurred, but the
operator sees on the DO algorithm dynamo that the fault state timer value is incrementing and
sees the time value at which the output algorithm initiates a trip.

The operator clicks the bypass check box for the transmitter and confirms the “set bypass.” The
fault state timer stops incrementing and retains its value. The operator initiates the repair activity
for the transmitter, knowing that manual supervision of the SIF is necessary while the bypass is
active because the Logic Solver is not able to respond to a demand if one occurs. Manual
supervision implies that a local measurement is available for the process value and the operator
can be notified if a demand occurs and has a means to manually initiate a trip.

There are several variations to this scenario to consider.

1. Suppose the voting arrangement is 1oo2. In this case the BAD status does not propagate.
Manual supervision is not necessary. The SIF is still able to respond to a demand based on
the other transmitter. The operator bypasses the BAD input so a trip does not occur when the
transmitter is replaced.
2. Suppose the voting is 2oo3. In this case the operator merely follows up on repair for the
transmitter. No maintenance bypass is needed. The other two transmitters are providing the
protection and there is no concern that a trip might occur when the transmitter is replaced.
3. Suppose the transmitter failure results in an up-scale output value. With a 1oo1 or 1oo2
voting arrangement, a false trip occurs. A 2oo3 voting arrangement has the same result as a
down-scale output value. But 2oo2 voting starts the fault state timer in the output algorithm
because there are not enough good inputs to ensure a proper response to a potential

Whenever BAD status enters an SIS module and a determination is made that a repair is
required, the repair should be completed within the allowed repair time for the SIF to prevent the
PFDavg or PFH from exceeding the SIL verification value.

162 OW340_47
6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures

6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures

The Logic Solver executes extensive self-testing on a continuous basis to detect potential faults.
This section presents an overview of fault detection, how the Logic Solver and Ovation SIS
respond to a detected fault, and what you should do if a fault occurs. Although the presence of a
fault is expected to be uncommon, it is important to have a fundamental understanding of the

Faults detected by Logic Solver diagnostics are generally related to hardware failures in the Logic
Solver, but can also be associated with field devices and field wiring, or other conditions not
related to hardware. Some faults have the potential to prevent the appropriate response to a
process demand, some do not. The Logic Solver’s response and the recommended action
depend on the type of fault detected.

The terms fault and error are used interchangeably. Not all diagnostic conditions detected and
annunciated by the Logic Solver are faults or errors. Some merely cause an advisory alert such
as a reminder that a proof test of the Logic Solver is due soon.

Ovation SIS responds to faults detected in the Logic Solver in one of three ways:

1. The Logic Solver responds to a detected fault by initiating a shutdown; an Ovation SIS alarm
The Logic Solver has detected a fatal error, which results in a reset and de-energization of all
output channels on this Logic Solver. Reasons for a fatal error include, among others, a
processor has failed and does not arm the hardware watchdog, a processor has detected that
a critical task did not complete in a timely fashion, or the main processors have calculated
different output values. An alarm occurs following a fatal error, but the particular alarm
depends on whether the Logic Solver is simplex or redundant.
2. An Ovation SIS alarm occurs when the Logic Solver detects a fault; the Logic Solver
continues providing its protection function.
The Logic Solver has detected a non-fatal condition. An alarm occurs because the condition
requires an operator action such as initiating maintenance or taking steps to clear the
condition. When a non-fatal condition is active, the Logic Solver is still able to respond to a
process demand. In some cases, a demand results in a reset of the Logic Solver if an error
condition is already present, for example, an output channel is stuck On.
3. Ovation SIS logs an event record when the Logic Solver detects a fault; the Logic Solver
continues providing its protection function.
The Logic Solver has has detected a non-fatal condition, but no alarm occurs because
immediate action is not required. An event record is added to Event Chronicle, which may be
of interest in a future investigation. Ovation SIS creates event records for all annunciated
conditions in addition to these event-only conditions.

OW340_47 163
6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures

6.2.1 How Ovation SIS annunciates faults

Ovation SIS provides standard alarms to annunciate, in Ovation Operate, faults detected by the
Logic Solver. No special configuration is required. At runtime the alarms are part of a container
with the Logic Solver name. When a Logic Solver alarm appears on the alarm banner in Ovation
Operate and is clicked by the operator, the Logic Solver faceplate opens. The faceplate shows
the active alarm(s): FAILED_ALM, MAINT_ALM, ADVISE_ALM, or COMM_ALM. It also shows
the text for the active condition or “Multiple conditions” if more than one alert condition is active for
the particular alarm.

A button on the faceplate toolbar opens Diagnostics Explorer in the context of the Logic Solver.
The Logic Solver container has a number of diagnostic parameters accessible at runtime by the
Logic Solver path. There is also a container for the Logic Solver itself, accessible at runtime by
the controller path using the leftmost slot number of the card, for example, CTLR1 /IO1

A redundant Logic Solver pair has diagnostic parameters for each Logic Solver and for the
redundant pair. The figure below is an example of Diagnostics Explorer showing the diagnostic
parameters for the highlighted Logic Solver. There is an “alerts” bitstring parameter associated
with the Failed, Maint, and Advise alarms. The alarm is active if any bit is set in the corresponding
alerts parameter. The Comm alarm is active if the SIS Data Server cannot communicate with the
Logic Solver (or either, if redundant).

The figure below is an example of the Diagnostics Explorer showing the diagnostic parameters of
the left Logic Solver of a redundant pair. The right Logic Solver has the same parameters. There
is a bitstring parameter for the status of each subsystem. The bits in these subsystem status
parameters map into bits of the alerts parameters in the Logic Solver container. A simplex Logic
Solver has direct mapping, but a redundant Logic Solver combines the subsystem status
conditions into the alerts parameters. If the subsystem status condition is active in either Logic
Solver card, the mapped alert condition is active.

Refer to the SLS Diagnostic Parameters topic in the Ovation SIS book of Ovation Books Online
for details on the subsystem status and alert bitstring parameters.

The topic describes:

„ The text and meaning of each condition
„ How subsystem status bits map into alert bits
„ What action to take when an alert condition becomes active
„ Which conditions annunciate and impact device integrity
„ Which conditions are event-only and do not impact device integrity
You can change the priority of the Failed, Maint, Advise, and Comm alarms. Because certain
error conditions can exist momentarily, avoid alarm priorities that are auto- acknowledging.

164 OW340_47
6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures

6.2.2 Evaluating and responding to annunciated faults

When a fault or other annunciated condition occurs, there are multiple sources of information to
be evaluated prior to taking action. The evidence left by the condition is a function of the type of
fault and whether the Logic Solver is simplex or redundant.

The first step in the evaluation is determining whether the condition is fatal or non-fatal.
„ A fatal error in a simplex Logic Solver generally results in a process shutdown because output
channels of the Logic Solver card are de-energized. An active Comm alarm occurs
„ A non-fatal error in a simplex Logic Solver does not impact the process. There is no Comm
alarm, but there is a Maint or Advise alarm depending on the condition.
„ A fatal error in one of a redundant pair of Logic Solvers does not impact the process because
the other Logic Solver continues to drive outputs. An active Maint alarm occurs immediately
because the partner card with the fatal error is not available.
„ A non-fatal error in a redundant Logic Solver results in an active Maint or Advise alarm. The
evidence differs from a fatal error in that the partner card has not gone through reset, so it
continues to be available to the Logic Solver without the error condition.
The next step is determining whether the error condition is still present. Typically detected faults
are persistent, that is, they are caused by a hardware failure and require that the Logic Solver be
replaced. But some conditions are momentary, clearing after being active briefly. In this case an
inactive, unacknowledged alarm is present. Diagnostic parameters do not indicate the cause of
the alarm because the condition is no longer active. Event Chronicle must be used to determine
which condition caused the alarm when the alarm is no longer active.

OW340_47 165
6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures

6.2.3 Evaluating fatal errors

Fatal errors result in a reset of the affected Logic Solver. The evidence of a fatal error changes
based on the time since the fatal error occurred. Immediately after a fatal error the Logic Solver
resets and begins its power-up testing, which completes in about two minutes. During this time
the Logic Solver is not reporting diagnostic information to the SIS Data Server. A redundant
partner of this Logic Solver indicates that its partner is not available while it is power-up testing. If
the fatal error is momentary, the “partner not available” condition clears when power-up testing is
complete. But if the fatal error is persistent, the “partner not available” condition remains.

The Logic Solver stores the reason for a fatal error in a diagnostic parameter called
PAST_ERROR (PastError in Diagnostics Explorer). The value of PastError is updated when the
Logic Solver finishes power-up testing following a fatal error. Persistent fatal errors are expected
to cause the same condition to be detected when the Logic Solver begins running its continuous
diagnostic tests. The outcome is another reset. When a Logic Solver detects the same fatal error
on two back-to-back resets, it enters a reduced startup state where SIS modules do not execute
and outputs cannot be powered On. The Logic Solver’s Status is “Not Operational” and
DiagStatus is “Persistent Fatal Error After Powerup.”

A simplex Logic Solver copies its diagnostic parameter PastError into its parameter FailedAlerts
when the fatal error persists after power-up tests complete. Immediately after the fatal error is
detected a Comm error occurs, which becomes inactive when power-up tests complete. At this
time the Failed alarm becomes active.

A redundant Logic Solver behaves differently. PastError is not copied from the Standby Logic
Solver into FailedAlerts because the Active Logic Solver continues to operate. The Logic Solver
has not failed; only the Standby has failed. Note that the Standby may have been the Active Logic
Solver at the time the error occurred. A redundant Logic Solver has a Maint alarm due to the
Standby partner not being available. The Maint alarm occurs immediately after the fatal error.

Note: Persistent fatal errors generally require a hardware repair. The hardware must be
returned to Emerson for repair. Before returning the hardware, perform a manual reset of the
affected Logic Solver using Diagnostics Explorer. If the error continues to be present after
power-up tests complete, which is expected, please contact the Global Service Center (GSC)
for technical support prior to contacting Customer Service for a Material Return Tracking (MRT)
number. The GSC will help determine the necessary action and forward the call to Customer
Service if needed. For contact information, visit:

The PastError parameter retains the reason for the most recent fatal error. PastError clears
(returns to GOOD) the next time a reset occurs that is not due to an error condition, for example,
a manual reset is done.

The following table summarizes the evidence and action required when the various classes of
errors occur in simplex and redundant Logic Solvers. The table shows the state of alarm and
diagnostic parameters approximately five minutes after the error is detected.

166 OW340_47
6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures

Summary of the Evidence of Logic Solver Errors and the Action Required




Non-Fatal, Inact-Unack Check Event Chronicle Inact-Unack alarm Check Event Chronicle
Momentary alarm (MAINT or records to determine (MAINT or records to determine
ADVISE) error condition. ADVISE) error condition and
Record error affected Logic Solver.
occurrence; report to Record error
Emerson if there is a occurrence; report to
repeat occurrence. Emerson if there is a
repeat occurrence.
Non-Fatal, Act-Unack alarm Check _ALERTS Act-Unack alarm Check _ALERTS
(MAINT or parameter associated (MAINT or
Persistent ADVISE) with alarm to determine ADVISE) parameter associated
error condition. with alarm to determine
Report error to error condition.
Emerson. Check _STATUS
parameters on both
Logic Solver to
determine the affected
Logic Solver.
Report error to
Fatal, Inact-Unack Restart the process at Inact-Unack Check PAST_ERROR
Momentary COMM _ALM the appropriate time. MAINT_ALM on Standby Logic Solver
to determine error
Check PAST_ERROR condition.
on Logic Solver to
determine error Report error to
condition. Emerson.
Report error to
Fatal, Act-Unack Check Act-Unack Check PAST_ERROR
Persistent FAILED_ALM on Standby card to
FAILED _ALERTS on MAINT _ALM, determine error
Act-Unack SLS or PAST _ERROR MAINT _ALERTS condition.
MAINT_ALM, on Logic Solver to
MAI NT_ALE determine error includes “Partner Do a manual reset of
RTS includes condition. Not Available” and Standby card; replace
'”Card Not Fully “Card Not Fully card if necessary.
Operational.” Do a manual reset of
Logic Solver, replace if Operational.” Report error to
STATUS (Logic necessary. STATUS (Standby Emerson.
Solver) is card) is “Not
Report error to
“Not Emerson. Operational.”
Operational.” DIAG _STATUS
DIAG_STATUS on Standby card
on Logic Solver includes
includes “Persistent Fatal
“Persistent Fatal Error After
Error After Powerup.”

OW340_47 167
6.2 Fault detection, system response, and repair procedures

Explanation of Terms in the above table

Non-Fatal – The error is not safety-critical and results in a notification action only.

Fatal – The error causes a reset of the Logic Solver to de-energize outputs on that unit. For a
simplex Logic Solver, final elements in the field are commanded to the tripped state. For a
redundant Logic Solver, the affected unit resets, which results in the partner being the Active unit,
but final elements in the field are not affected.

Momentary – The error condition is active briefly, then clears.

Persistent – The error condition remains active indefinitely.

Inact-Unack – The alarm condition is inactive, but the alarm has not been acknowledged.

Act-Unack – The alarm has not been acknowledged and the alarm condition is still active.

Report the error to Emerson – Most, but not all, errors should be reported to Emerson. Some
conditions are not errors but advisory alerts and can be cleared by an action such as a
configuration change or reconcile/load. Refer to the "Logic Solver Diagnostic Parameters” topic in
the Ovation SIS User Guide prior to reporting a diagnostic condition. Momentary, non-fatal
conditions should be reported only when the same condition has occurred multiple times.

Please report actual errors by contacting technical support at:

6.2.4 Maximum fault detection time

The cycle time for continuous diagnostics varies. Some faults are detected within one millisecond
of occurrence. Some are detected at a 50-millisecond diagnostic cycle time, which is independent
of the configured Logic Solver scan rate for SIS modules; others require the condition to be
present for multiple 50-millisecond cycle times.

The maximum fault detection time for a fatal error is eight diagnostic scan cycles or 400
milliseconds. This means the input to output response time of the SIF can increase no more than
400 milliseconds due to the presence of a fault.

Fault detection time using main processor comparison diagnostics is a function of the configured
Logic Solver scan rate for SIS modules. At the slowest scan rate of 200 milliseconds, detection
time is still within 400 milliseconds.

The longest diagnostic cycle times in the Logic Solver are related to memory testing. A failed
memory test results in a fatal error within one hour of the memory error occurrence. However, if a
process demand occurs after a memory failure but before detection of the memory failure,
another diagnostic, such as the task checkpoint monitor or main processor comparison test,
indirectly detects the memory error within the 400 milliseconds.

168 OW340_47
6.3 Proof testing the Logic Solver

6.3 Proof testing the Logic Solver

Logic Solvers must be proof tested periodically to ensure there are no dangerous faults present
that are not being detected by continuous runtime diagnostics. A manual proof test for a Logic
Solver is initiated from an Ovation workstation and causes the Logic Solver to go through reset
and power-up testing. Proof testing of Logic Solvers can also be done automatically.

Immediately following successful power-up testing there are no known dangerous faults present.
Choose the proof test interval for a Logic Solver based on the associated SIF requiring the
shortest proof test period to achieve the required probability of dangerous failure for its Logic
Solver subsystem.

The Logic Solver proof test timer automatically counts the number of days since the last reset
occurred. The Logic Solver properties dialog in Ovation Studio has a Proof Testing tab for
entering the required proof testing interval and a reminder time value.

The Logic Solver provides an alert when the number of days since the last reset exceeds the
configured time. A reminder alert occurs a configured number of days before the “exceeds” alert
to assist maintenance personnel in the planning of manual tests.

There is an event record for the setting and clearing of proof test alerts. The proof test timer for a
redundant Logic Solver indicates the number of days since the last reset of the Active unit, which
always occurs earlier than the last reset of the Standby.

6.3.1 Automatic Tests

Automatic proof testing is available for redundant Logic Solvers only. The Proof Testing tab of the
Logic Solver properties dialog has an “Enable automatic proof test to run at reminder time” check
box (this check box is grayed-out for simplex Logic Solvers). When checked, the Logic Solver
performs the proof test when the number of days since the last reset reaches the configured time.
The test begins five minutes after the Logic Solver sets the reminder alert. In this case the
reminder alert informs the operator that a test will occur soon so that the Partner Not Available
alerts can be ignored after the test begins. At the time of automatic proof test:
„ The Active Logic Solver starts the test by initiating a switchover to the Standby Logic Solver. If
the Standby Logic Solver is not available, the Active Logic Solver tries again in five minutes.
„ After switchover the Standby card becomes Active and the new Standby card goes through
reset and begins power-up testing. There is no adverse impact to the running process. An
event record confirms successful power-up testing.
„ The new Active Logic Solver still has a proof test due, so it waits for its partner to become
available then initiates a switchover. When the partner has become the Active Logic Solver,
the new Standby Logic Solver goes through reset and power-up testing. An event record
confirms successful power-up testing of the Logic Solver.

6.3.2 Manual Tests

The following procedure should be used for manual proof testing of the Logic Solver.

Simplex Logic Solver

1. Initiating a manual reset on a simplex Logic Solver results in all outputs being de-energized. If
you must proof test a simplex Logic Solver online, you need to temporarily bypass or block
final elements and provide manual supervision.

OW340_47 169
6.4 Upgrading firmware

2. The Logic Solver must be Unlocked to initiate a manual reset. Select the Logic Solver under
SIS Network in Diagnostics Explorer. If the value of the Locked parameter is Yes in the
contents pane, right-click on the Logic Solver and select Unlock. Click Confirm on the SIS
Write confirmation dialog.
3. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select “Force Reset on Active.” Clicking Confirm on the
confirmation dialog results in all outputs being deenergized.
4. The Logic Solver goes through power-up testing and returns to the configured state. The
proof test timer resets to 0. There are two event records, one for the user reset command and
one from the Logic Solver confirming that power-up tests completed successfully.

Redundant Logic Solver

The procedure for a redundant Logic Solver allows the proof test to be done online without
adversely affecting the running process.

1. The Logic Solver must be Unlocked to initiate a manual reset. Select the Logic Solver under
SIS Network in Diagnostics Explorer. If the value of the Locked parameter is Yes in the
contents pane, right-click on the Logic Solver and select Unlock. Click Confirm on the SIS
Write confirmation dialog.
2. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select “Force Reset on Standby.” Click Confirm on the
confirmation dialog.
3. Wait several minutes for the Standby Logic Solver to complete power-up tests and become
configured by the Active Logic Solver. The Partner Not Available maintenance alert goes
inactive when the Standby Logic Solver is fully configured.
4. Right-click on the Logic Solver and select “Switchover.” Click Confirm on the confirmation
5. The previously reset Standby Logic Solver becomes the new Active Logic Solver and the new
Standby Logic Solver goes through power-up tests and is configured by the new Active Logic
Solver. The proof test timer is 0. There are four event records, two for the user reset and
switchover commands and two for the Logic Solvers, confirming that power-up tests
completed successfully.

6.4 Upgrading firmware

Future releases of Ovation software will potentially include updated firmware for the Logic Solver
and SISNet Repeater. It may not be necessary to upgrade the firmware in SIS hardware
components when the remainder of the Ovation system is upgraded to a new release. But if a
new SIS firmware revision has desired features or fixes a specific issue, you can upgrade to the
new revision by installing files from an Ovation workstation to flash memory in the Logic Solver or
SISNet Repeater.

The Ovation Controller Upgrade Utility is used to upgrade the firmware in an Logic Solver or
SISNet Repeater. After a Ovation workstation has been upgraded with a new release or a service
pack has been installed, the firmware upgrade files are located in the default Ovation\ctl folder.
Launch the Controller Upgrade Utility from the Windows Start button using the Ovation Installation
menu. Click the Help button for instructions.

170 OW340_47
6.5 Making online scaling changes in HART transmitters

6.5 Making online scaling changes in HART transmitters

A special procedure is recommended if you need to make an online change to the upper or lower
range value in a HART transmitter connected to a channel of the Logic Solver. The Logic Solver
does not automatically synchronize the scaling between the HART device and the associated
LSAI (see page 178) algorithm in the SIS module. Scaling must be configured independently.

In the SIS module, scaling is set using the TPSC and BTSC parameters in the LSAI algorithm. To
change the scaling in the HART device you must use AMS or a HART Communicator. Loading
the Logic Solver or changing the scaling in the LSAI algorithm at runtime does not affect scaling in
the HART device. Similarly, changing the upper or lower range value in the HART device does
not cause a change to TPSC and BTSC parameters in the LSAI algorithm.

If an online scaling change is made in the HART device, there is a step change in the OUT
parameter of the associated LSAI algorithm, and the value is incorrect until an equivalent manual
change is made to the scaling parameters of the LSAI algorithm. When making online scaling
changes, a standard procedure should be followed to prevent spurious trips and to ensure that
matching scaling is achieved. The recommended procedure is as follows.

1. Bypass the LSAVTR (see page 184) algorithm input connection from the OUT parameter of
the AI algorithm assigned to the HART device’s channel using the LSAVTR dynamo on the
process display in Ovation Operate. If the TRSTS parameter of the LSAVTR algorithm
becomes “Trip Inhibited” as a result of the bypass, manually monitor the SIF while the input is
2. Make the scaling change in the HART transmitter using AMS.
3. Use Control Studio Online to make the equivalent change to the TPSC and BTSC parameters
of the associated LSAI algorithm.
4. Check to see that the OUT parameter of the LSAI algorithm has the expected online
engineering units value.
5. Remove the bypass.
6. Reconcile the change in the TPSC and BTSC parameters to the configuration database.

OW340_47 171
S E C T I O N 7

SIS Algorithms


Algorithm types................................................................................................................ 174

Using algorithm reference pages .................................................................................... 174
Ovation SIS Logic Solver algorithm table ....................................................................... 176
LSAI................................................................................................................................. 178
LSALM............................................................................................................................. 180
LSAND ............................................................................................................................ 182
LSAVTR .......................................................................................................................... 184
LSBDE............................................................................................................................. 201
LSBFI .............................................................................................................................. 203
LSBFO............................................................................................................................. 206
LSCALC .......................................................................................................................... 208
LSCEM ............................................................................................................................ 213
LSCMP ............................................................................................................................ 240
LSDI ................................................................................................................................ 242
LSDO............................................................................................................................... 244
LSDVC ............................................................................................................................ 251
LSDVTR .......................................................................................................................... 262
LSLIM .............................................................................................................................. 276
LSMID ............................................................................................................................. 279
LSNAND.......................................................................................................................... 283
LSNDE ............................................................................................................................ 285
LSNOR ............................................................................................................................ 287
LSNOT ............................................................................................................................ 289
LSOFFD .......................................................................................................................... 290
LSOND ............................................................................................................................ 292
LSOR............................................................................................................................... 294
LSPDE............................................................................................................................. 296
LSRET............................................................................................................................. 298
LSRS ............................................................................................................................... 300
LSSEQ ............................................................................................................................ 302
LSSR ............................................................................................................................... 305
LSSTD............................................................................................................................. 307
LSTP ............................................................................................................................... 312
LSXNOR.......................................................................................................................... 314
LSXOR ............................................................................................................................ 315
SIS connector algorithm table ......................................................................................... 316
GSECPARAMREF .......................................................................................................... 317
NONSECPARAM ............................................................................................................ 318
SECPARAM ....................................................................................................................319
SECPARAMREF .............................................................................................................320
Connecting SIS sheets.................................................................................................... 321
Secured algorithm parameters........................................................................................ 322
NonSecure algorithm parameters ................................................................................... 322

OW340_47 173
7.1 Algorithm types

7.1 Algorithm types

There are seven types of SIS logic algorithms:
„ Input/Output (I/O) algorithms – Used to reference hardware points.
„ Math algorithms – Perform mathematical functions for conversion, integration, and totaling.
„ Timer/Counter algorithms – Perform timing and counting functions for control and
„ Logical algorithms – Perform logic functions for sequencing, scheduling, and interlocking.
„ Analog Control algorithms – Perform simple and complex algorithms for comprehensive
analog control.
„ Energy Metering algorithms – Perform mathematical flow calculations for natural gasses,
steam, and other fluids.
„ Advanced Control algorithms – Perform complex algorithms for advanced process control.

7.2 Using algorithm reference pages

Algorithm reference pages are provided for each algorithm in this manual. These pages are
alphabetized and provide the following information about each algorithm (where applicable):
„ Description - Describes the algorithm's operation.
„ Invalid Real Numbers and Quality - Describes how quality is set.
„ Functional Symbol - Illustrates (in pictorial form) the algorithm's operation. Refer to
Algorithm functional symbols (see page 175).
„ Algorithm Record Type (if required) - Defines the type and size of the record generated for
storing parameters and other information necessary to the algorithm. (See Ovation Record
Types Reference Manual.)
„ Algorithm Definitions - Provides the following information on the algorithm:
… Names of the parameters used.
… Algorithm record field used by each tuning constant or data initialization parameter; also,
the type of entry required in this field (integer, byte, or real).
… Parameter types such as those described below:
¾ Variable = Input or output signal to the algorithm (that is, analog or digital).
¾ Tuning Constant = Fixed parameter that remains constant unless it is changed by the
user at the Operator's Station or Control Builder.
¾ Data Initialization Parameter = Fixed constant that cannot be changed by the user at
the Operator's Station but can be changed by the Control Builder.
¾ Selectable = can be either a Tuning constant in an algorithm record field or a point
¾ Reconcilable Constant = parameter can be tuned and reconciled through a special,
project-specific diagram.
¾ Algorithm Initialization = internal parameter that is exposed by the algorithm.
… Definition of whether the parameter is required or optional.
If the parameter is optional and not initialized by the user, it defaults to zero.
If there are input points to the algorithm that are optional and not initialized by the user,
they have a value of zero for analog points and FALSE for digital inputs.

174 OW340_47
7.2 Using algorithm reference pages

… Default value (if applicable).

… Brief description of the parameter.
… Minimum point record required by each variable.
Each algorithm defines the minimum size point record that can be used for each
algorithm input or output.
The quality of the points is set BAD when a detectable hardware failure is encountered.
This information can be used in control strategies or for alarming purposes by detecting
BAD quality using the QUALITYMON series of algorithms.
„ Function - Explains the algorithm's operation in terms of a mathematical equation.
„ Application Example - Provides an example to demonstrate the use of the algorithm.
„ Miscellaneous Sections - applicable to a specific algorithm only.

7.2.1 Algorithm functional symbols

The following items are used in the algorithm functional symbols:

„ Required Analog (LA record type) input or output (solid line and solid arrowhead).

„ Required Digital or Packed Digital (LD or LP record type) input or output (solid line and hollow

„ Required Algorithm (LC record type) input or output (solid line and line arrowhead).

„ Required Drop (DU) input or output (solid line and no arrowhead).

„ Optional or Selectable Analog (LA record type) input or output (dashed line and solid

„ Optional or Selectable Digital or Packed Digital (LD, LP record type) input or output (dashed
line and hollow arrowhead).

„ Optional or Selectable Algorithm (LC record type) input or output (dashed line and line

„ Optional or Selectable Drop (DU record type) input or output (dashed line and no arrowhead)

Note: Symbols portrayed in this manual only serve as an example and can be configured
differently depending on the number and type of pins that are used. The Control Builder
application may show various symbol configurations of the same algorithm and may not directly
match what is shown in this document.

OW340_47 175
7.3 Ovation SIS Logic Solver algorithm table

7.3 Ovation SIS Logic Solver algorithm table

Algorithms from the SIS family are not valid in control macros or standard control functions.


LSAI (see Analog Input Accesses a single analog measurement value and status from an I/O
page 178) channel. The input value is a transmitter's 4 to 20 mA signal.
LSALM (see Alarm Performs alarm detection on a user-specified input. The parameters
page 180) generated can then be used to generate alarm events at the user
LSAND (see Logical AND Generates a digital output value based on the logical AND of two to 16
page 182) digital inputs. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.
LSAVTR Analog Voter Monitors a number of input values and determines if there are enough
(see page votes to trip. If a configured number of the inputs vote to trip, the
184) algorithm trips and sets the output of the algorithm to 0 (zero).
LSBDE (see Bi-Directional Generates a True (1) digital pulse output when the digital input makes
page 201) Edge Trigger a positive (False-to-True) or negative (True-to-False) transition since
the last execution of the algorithm. The algorithm supports signal
status propagation.
LSBFI (see Boolean Fan In Generates a digital output based on the weighted binary sum, binary
page 203) coded decimal (BCD) representation, or logical OR of one to 16 digital
inputs. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.
LSBFO (see Boolean Fan Out Decodes a binary weighted input to individual bits and generates a
page 206) digital output value for each bit (as many as 16 outputs). The
algorithm supports signal status propagation.
LSCALC Calculation/Logic Allows you to specify an expression that determines the algorithm's
(see page output. Mathematical functions, logical operators, constants and
208) parameter references can be used in the expression.
LSCEM (see Cause Effect Defines interlock and permissive logic that associates as many as 16
page 213) Matrix (uses inputs and 16 outputs. Configure one or more inputs to trip each
advanced editor) output. When an input becomes active, all outputs associated with
that input trip.
LSCMP (see Comparator Compares two values and sets a Boolean output based on that
page 240) comparison.
LSDI (see Digital Input Accesses a single digital measurement value and status from a
page 242) two-state field device and makes the processed physical input
available to other algorithms. The algorithm supports signal inversion,
signal filtering, signal status propagation, and simulation.
LSDO (see Digital Output Takes a digital input value representing the commanded output state
page 244) and writes it to a specified Digital Output channel. The algorithm
supports fault state detection and field device confirmation.
LSDVC (see Digital Valve Drives a HART Two-state Output channel connected to a digital valve
page 251) Controller controller. The algorithm supports partial stroke testing, fault state
detection, and field device confirmation.
LSDVTR Digital Voter Monitors a number of input values and determines if there are enough
(see page votes to trip. If a configured number of the inputs vote to trip, the
262) algorithm trips and sets the output of the algorithm to 0 (zero).
LSLIM (see Limit Limits an input value between two reference values. The algorithm
page 276) has options that set the output to a default value or the last value if the
input becomes out of range.

176 OW340_47
7.3 Ovation SIS Logic Solver algorithm table


LSMID (see Middle Signal Selects between multiple analog signals. The algorithm selects the
page 279) Selector mid-valued input from the inputs that are not disabled and do not have
Bad status. If there is an even number of inputs, the average of the
two middle valued inputs is used as the middle value.
LSNAND Logical NAND Generates a digital output value based on the logical AND of two to 16
(see page digital inputs, then performs a NOT on the result. The algorithm
283) supports signal status propagation.
LSNDE (see Negative Edge Generates a True (1) digital pulse output when the digital input makes
page 285) Trigger a negative (True-to-False) transition since the last execution of the
algorithm. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.
LSNOR (see Logical NOR Generates a digital output value based on the logical OR of two to 16
page 287) digital inputs, then performs a NOT on the result. The algorithm
supports signal status propagation.
LSNOT (see Logical NOT Logically inverts a digital input signal and generates a digital output
page 289) value. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.
LSOFFD Off-Delay Timer Delays the transfer of a False (0) digital input value to the output by a
(see page specified time period. The algorithm supports signal status
290) propagation.
LSOND (see On-Delay Timer Delays the transfer of a True (1) digital input value to the output by a
page 292) specified time period. The algorithm supports signal status
LSOR (see Logical OR Generates a digital output value based on the logical OR of two to 16
page 294) digital inputs. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.
LSPDE (see Positive Edge Generates a True (1) digital pulse output when the digital input makes
page 296) Trigger a positive (False-to-True) transition since the last execution of the
algorithm. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.
LSRET (see Retentive Timer Generates a True (1) digital output after the input has been True for a
page 298) specified time period. The elapsed time the input has been True and
the output value are reset when the reset input is set True.
LSRS (see Reset/Set Generates a digital output value based on NOR logic of reset and set
page 300) Flip-Flop inputs.
LSSEQ (see Sequencer (uses Associates system states with actions to drive outputs based on the
page 302) advanced editor) current state.
LSSR (see Set/Reset Generates a digital output value based on NAND logic of set and reset
page 305) Flip-Flop inputs.
LSSTD (see State Transition Implements a user-defined state machine. The state machine
page 307) Diagram (uses describes the possible states, and the transitions between those
advanced editor) states, that can occur.
LSTP (see Timed Pulse Generates a True (1) digital output for a specified time duration when
page 312) the input makes a positive (False-to-True) transition. The output
remains True even when the input returns to its initial digital value and
returns to its original False value only when the output is True longer
than the specified time duration.
LSXNOR Logical XNOR Performs a NOT on the exclusive OR of two inputs.
(see page
LSXOR (see Logical XOR Performs an exclusive OR of two inputs to produce an output.
page 315)

OW340_47 177
7.4 LSAI

7.4 LSAI


The Logic Solver Analog Input (LSAI) algorithm accepts a single analog input signal from an input
channel and makes it available to other algorithms.

The LSAI algorithm provides an interface to analog input devices connected to Logic Solvers that
are on the same SIS Data Server. Some typical analog devices are differential pressure, flow,
temperature, and level transmitters.

Analog inputs can be from conventional or HART channels. This algorithm does not use digital
values from HART channels.

The LSAI algorithm does not have alarms.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSAI algorithm accesses a single analog measurement value and status from an input

The LSAI algorithm supports signal scaling and signal status calculation.

The algorithm's output parameter (OUT) reflects the process variable (PV) value and status.

When you configure the LSAI algorithm, you select the input channel associated with an analog
measurement by configuring the Ovation point. You select the point and the parameter the LSAI
algorithm accesses on that channel. The channel specified can be one of the 16 channels on this
Logic Solver or an input channel on a Logic Solver on the same SIS Data Server.

The Ovation system cannot change the scaling in a HART device connected to a Logic Solver
channel. Such changes must be done using AMS Device Manager or a handheld configurator.
These changes do not propagate into the Ovation database.

178 OW340_47
7.4 LSAI

Status Handling

The SOP8 (Status Opt:Bad if Limited) parameter allows you to select options for status handling
and processing. The supported status options for the Analog Input algorithm are:
„ Bad if Limited
When this option is selected, the status of PV and OUT is Bad if the status of the referenced
channel is Hi Limited or Low Limited due to exceeding the overrange, underrange, NAMUR, or
sensor failure limits.

Algorithm Definitions



OUT R2 - Real Variable Required - Analog Output with Status LA

PV R3 - Real Variable Optional - Analog Output Value Only LA
FVAL R4 - Real Variable Optional - Hardware Channel Value LA
BLERR G0 - Integer Variable Optional - Block Error Status LX
ƒ 256 - Input Failure/Bad PV
ƒ 4096 - Simulate Active
TPSC S1 - Real Data Init Required 100 Output Scale: Top. -
This parameter is copied
from the channel
configuration and can't be
changed in algorithm
BTSC S2 - Real Data Init Required 0 Output Scale: Bottom. -
This parameter is copied
from the channel
configuration and can't be
changed in algorithm
SOP8 YQ - Data Init. Required 0 Status Opt: Bad if Limited. -
Integer This parameter is copied
Bit 8 from the channel
configuration and can't be
changed in algorithm
ƒ 0 - No
ƒ 1 - Yes

OW340_47 179



The Logic Solver Alarm (LSALM) algorithm detects alarm conditions on an analog input you
specify. Use the algorithm to generate an alarm condition that can be referenced by an alarm in
the SIS module.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

Use the Alarm algorithm to detect alarm conditions for analog parameters from other algorithms.
You can choose the alarm detection type (High or Low) and the alarm limit. The algorithm
provides enable and delay parameters for the alarm you configure.

The following configurable parameters are available:

„ ADTYP - Indicates if the alarm detection type is High or Low.
„ ALM_ENAB - Enables and disables processing for the alarm condition. The default value is
Enabled (1).
When ALM_ENAB is 0 (alarm detection is disabled):
… AACT is immediately forced to 0 (Inactive)
… No alarm condition detection occurs.

180 OW340_47

„ ADLON - Delays the time it takes for AACT to be set to Active (1) after the alarm condition is
detected. If the alarm condition clears before the delay time is reached, the AACT parameter
remains Inactive (0) and the timer is reset. The timer resets every time the alarm condition
„ ADLOF - Delays the time it takes for AACT to be set to Inactive (0) after the alarm condition
clears. If the alarm condition reoccurs before the delay time is reached, the AACT parameter
remains Active (1) and the timer is reset. The timer resets every time the alarm condition is
„ AENDL - The time before alarm condition processing begins immediately after the alarm is
enabled (ALM_ENAB becomes True). The AACT parameter is forced to 0 for the time
specified. The timer resets whenever ALM_ENAB goes from Disabled (0) to Enabled (1).
„ AHYS - Used as a deadband when resetting alarm conditions for analog values.

Status Handling

The algorithm does not support status. Alarm detection is performed regardless of the status of
the input.

Algorithm Definitions



IN R1 - Real Variable Required - Monitored Input LA

AACT X1 - Byte Variable Required - Alarm activation state. The LD
choices are:
0 - Inactive
1 - Active
ATMR R2 - Real Variable Required - Alarm Delay Timer LA
ADTYP X2 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Alarm Detection Type -
ALIM R3 - Real Tunable Required 0 Alarm Condition Limit -
AENCV X3 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Enable Alarm: Activate -
Bit 0 0=No
ADLOF R4 - Real Tunable Required 0 Alarm Delay Off -
ADLON R5 - Real Tunable Required 0 Alarm Delay On -
AENDL R6 - Real Tunable Required 0 Alarm Enable Delay -
AHYS R7 - Real Tunable Required 0.5 Alarm Hysteresis -
TPSC R8 - Real Tunable Required 100 Input Scale: Top -
BTSC R9 - Real Tunable Required 0 Input Scale: Bottom -
SCDML X5 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Input Scale: Decimal Place -

OW340_47 181



The Logic Solver AND (LSAND) algorithm generates a digital output value based on the logical
AND of two to 16 digital inputs. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN1 through INx are the digital input values and statuses (as many as 16 inputs).

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The number of inputs to the LSAND algorithm is an extensible parameter. The algorithm default is
two inputs. Use the Control Builder (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide) to add additional
input pins.

The LSAND algorithm examines the inputs you define and applies the logical AND function to the
inputs. When all inputs are True (1), the output is True. When one or more of the inputs is False
(0), the output is False.

Status Handling

The output status is set to the worst status among the selected inputs unless at least one input is
False and its status is not Bad. When this is the case, the output status is set to

Algorithm Definitions



-- Number of Inputs
NOFIN Y0 - Byte Required 2 (automatically incremented -
by system)
IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LD
IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LD
IN3 - Variable Optional - Input 3 LD
IN4 - Variable Optional - Input 4 LD
IN5 - Variable Optional - Input 5 LD

182 OW340_47



IN6 - Variable Optional - Input 6 LD

IN7 - Variable Optional - Input 7 LD
IN8 - Variable Optional - Input 8 LD
IN9 - Variable Optional - Input 9 LD
IN10 - Variable Optional - Input 10 LD
IN11 - Variable Optional - Input 11 LD
IN12 - Variable Optional - Input 12 LD
IN13 - Variable Optional - Input 13 LD
IN14 - Variable Optional - Input 14 LD
IN15 - Variable Optional - Input 15 LD
IN16 - Variable Optional - Input 16 LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

OW340_47 183



The Logic Solver Analog Voter (LSAVTR) algorithm provides an analog voter function for safety
instrumented functions. A voter algorithm monitors a number of input values and determines if
there are enough votes to trip. The LSAVTR algorithm monitors as many as 16 analog inputs. If a
configured number of the inputs vote to trip, the algorithm trips and sets the output of the
algorithm to 0 (zero).

For example, a process shutdown might be required if a tank exceeds a certain temperature.
Three temperature sensors are installed in the tank and an analog voter algorithm is configured to
monitor the sensors and trip if two of the three transmitters detect a high temperature.

Because the Logic Solver is a De-energize to Trip system, the normal operating value of the
output is 1 (On) and the tripped value is 0 (Off).

Functional Symbol

184 OW340_47

Algorithm Execution

The LSAVTR algorithm has one or more floating-point inputs with status and one digital output
with status. The algorithm compares each input to a common configured trip limit to determine
whether that input is a vote to trip the output (change it from the normal operating value to the
tripped value). The inputs are typically the engineering unit values from multiple field transmitters
measuring the same process value.

Basic Algorithm Operation

Voting in the Analog Voter algorithm is an M out of N function or "MooN". That is, M inputs of the
total N inputs must vote to trip. For example, the algorithm can be configured as a 2 out of 3 voter
(2oo3), where two of the three inputs must exceed the trip limit before the output is tripped. The
output of the algorithm is typically connected to an LSCEM (Cause and Effect Matrix) algorithm,
which interprets the value as either a safe or dangerous process state.

The LSAVTR algorithm has three inputs by default. The number of inputs is extensible from 1 to
16. The M value corresponds to the parameter N2TRP (Votes needed to trip, default value is 2).
Common voting schemes include 2 out of 3 (2oo3), 1 out of 2 (1oo2), and 2 out of 2 (2oo2). Other
features of the algorithm make it useful for single transmitter applications as a 1oo1 voter.

To determine whether an input is a vote to trip, the value is compared to the limit value (TRLIM -
Voted-to-Trip Limit Value). The configuration parameter DTYPE (Input Detection Type)
determines whether the comparison is Greater Than (high limit) or Less Than (low limit).

In addition to trip limit detection, the algorithm also compares the inputs to a common PTLIM
(Pre-Trip Limit Value) and applies voting to determine a pre-tripped condition. Pre-trip voting is
typically used as a pre-alarm condition, but it is possible to expose the POUT parameter as an
algorithm output so that a single voter algorithm can initiate trip demand logic for two different trip

A vote to trip must remain a vote to trip for a configured time (TRDLY - Trip Delay) before the
output changes to tripped. When the vote to trip clears, it must remain clear for NDLY (Output
Reset Delay) before the output changes to the normal state. The delays apply to both the OUT
and POUT (Output of Pre-Trip Vote) outputs. The default value for both delays is 0.0 seconds.
The TRSTS (Trip Status Indicator) and PSTAT (Pre-Trip/Startup Inhibit Status) parameters
indicate the state of the vote to trip.

For example, the possible values for TRSTS are:

„ Normal - the conditions for tripping are not fulfilled.
„ Tripped -- the conditions for tripping are fulfilled.
„ Voted to Trip, Delayed -- transition of TRSTS can be delayed when this parameter is a
non-zero number and a transition is occurring between the tripped state.
„ Voted Normal, Delayed -- transition of TRSTS can be delayed when this parameter is a
non-zero number and a transition is occurring between the normal state.
„ Trip Inhibited (when applicable) -- occurs whenever a startup bypass is active or when it is
not possible to trip because there are not enough inputs participating in voting. The latter case
can occur when inputs are bypassed or when inputs have bad status and the selected
STATUS_OPT option is Trip inhibited.

OW340_47 185

Startup and Maintenance Bypass Options

It is often necessary to force a voter algorithm's output to remain at the Normal value during plant
startup to prevent a trip caused by inputs that have not stabilized at their normal operating values.
You may also want to bypass inputs to allow for sensor maintenance. By default, you can bypass
only one input of the algorithm at a time. The bypassed input cannot vote to trip.

The following sections explain how to use the BOPx options to implement startup and
maintenance bypasses.

Bypassing Inputs

If you have voter algorithms with 1 out of 2 (1oo2)) or 1 out of 1 (1oo1) voting schemes you may
want the ability to bypass inputs to allow for maintenance. Voters that require multiple votes to trip
can benefit from bypass functions as well, resulting in more predictable behavior during
transmitter maintenance. Default algorithm behavior requires that BPERM (Permit Input Bypass)
be true to bypass inputs. You can configure BPERM to be set by a display button or physical
switch (digital input to the SIS module).

If your application does not require permission before inputs can be bypassed, you can select the
BOPTx option "Bypass Opt: PermitNotReq" (Bypass permit is not required to bypass).

Reducing the Number to Trip

By default, an algorithm configured as an M out of N voter becomes an M out of (N-1) algorithm (a

2 out of 3 voter becomes a 2 out of 2 voter) when an input is bypassed because the bypassed
input cannot vote to trip. Selecting the BOPTx option "Bypass Opt: MaintBypRed" (A maintenance
bypass reduces the number to trip) causes an M out of N voter to become an (M-1) out of (N-1)
voter (reduces the number required to trip by one when an input is bypassed).

The following table shows the effect the BOPTx option "Bypass Opt: MaintBypRed" has on the
actual number to trip (ANTRP) for several voting schemes. Note that in no case is ANTRP less
than one.

BOPTx effect on ANTRP





2 out of 3 2 out of 2 1 out of 2

2 out of 2 Trip Inhibited 1 out of 1
1 out of 2 1 out of 1 1 out of 1
1 out of 1 Trip Inhibited Trip Inhibited
2 out of 4 2 out of 3 1 out of 3
6 out of 8 6 out of 7 5 out of 7

186 OW340_47

Allowing Multiple Bypasses

If your application requires, you can enable bypassing multiple inputs simultaneously by selecting
the BOPTx option "Bypass Opt: MulBypAllowed" (Multiple maintenance bypasses are allowed).

If multiple bypasses are set, deselecting the BOPTx option "Bypass Opt: MulBypAllowed"
prevents further bypasses being set but existing bypasses remain set. Additional bypasses
cannot be set until all existing bypasses are cleared.

Maintenance Bypass Timeout

You can configure a maintenance bypass to be active for a finite time using BTOUT (Input Bypass
Reset Timeout). Its default value is 0.0 seconds, which means no timeout is applied (maintenance
bypasses remain active until BYPx (Voting Bypass for Input x) parameters become False, either
by changing True BYPx parameters to False or changing BPERM to False).

When BTOUT is non-zero, BTMR (Bypass Countdown Timer) is preset to BTOUT seconds when
the first BYPx parameter becomes True (not when BPERM becomes True). Each module scan
thereafter BTMR is decremented until it times out (unless all BYPx parameters become False, in
which case the algorithm resets BTMR to 0.0).

BTMR is common to all inputs. The value of BTMR does not change when a second BYPx
parameter is changed to True (if multiple bypasses are allowed). When BTMR times out, the
algorithm default behavior changes all True BYPx parameters to False. If you use bypass
timeouts, do not expose BYPx parameters as algorithm inputs and connect to them. Doing so will
prevent the algorithm from removing bypasses upon timeout. If you need to manipulate BYPx
parameters from SIS module logic, use an LSCALC algorithm to conditionally assign them.

Optionally, you can use the bypass timer for indication only by selecting the BOPx option
"Maintenance bypass timeout is for indication only." This causes the timeout of BTMR to activate
a notification alarm (AALRT Expiration Reminder), but does not undo bypasses.

Bypass Timeout Reminder

You can configure the algorithm to remind operators that a bypass timeout is imminent. By
default, the algorithm does not notify. There are two ways you can cause a notification:
„ For bypasses with a configured timeout, you can cause notification in advance of the timeout
by setting RMTIM (Reminder Alarm Duration) to a non-zero value. When BTMR is non-zero
but less than or equal to RMTIM, the alarm condition (AALRT Expiration Reminder) is active.
The bypass timer is re-armed only after the first bypass. However, BTMR is a writeable
parameter. After notification that a timeout is about to happen, BTMR can be incremented
using a display button or some other suitable technique to extend the time.

OW340_47 187

„ A second approach is available when you are using the bypass timeout for indication only,
that is, bypasses are not removed when BTMR expires (the BOPx option "Maintenance
bypass timeout is for indication only" is selected). In this case the reminder alarm condition
becomes active when BTMR times out even if RMTIM is 0.0. If RMTIM is non-zero, the
reminder occurs prior to timeout. If BTMR times out, the reminder is active and remains active
until all bypasses have been removed.
The following table describes the behavior of the bypass timeout and reminder function for three
different configuration setups.

Bypass timeout behavior



BPERM changes to BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR stays 0.0
First input is bypassed BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR = BTOUT seconds BTMR = BTOUT seconds and
(BYPx changes to True) and begins timing down. begins timing down.
Second input is BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR continues timing BTMR continues timing down.
bypassed (assuming the down.
BOPx option "Multiple
maintenance bypasses
are allowed" is
BTMR > RMTIM N/A No reminder No reminder
BTMR <= RMTIM No reminder Reminder alarm condition is Reminder alarm condition is
active. active.
Bypass timer times out N/A The algorithm changes all Reminder alarm condition
BYPx parameters to False. remains active until all
Reminder alarm condition bypasses are removed
clears on the following manually.

188 OW340_47

Startup Bypass Trip Inhibit

It is often necessary to force a voter algorithm's output to remain at the Normal value during plant
startup to prevent a trip caused by inputs that have not stabilized at their normal operating values.
This startup bypass allows the process to reach normal operating conditions without tripping. Use
the STUP (Inhibit Startup Trip Detection) parameter and associated parameters for startup
bypasses. Do not use maintenance overrides for this purpose.

Timed Startup Bypass (the BOPx option Startup bypass duration is event-based is not

On a rising edge of the STUP parameter the algorithm forces OUT and POUT to the normal state
value for a configurable length of time defined by SUTM (Startup Inhibit Duration). When the
countdown timer SUTMR (Startup Inhibit Timer) times out, the algorithm resumes normal trip
detection. The default behavior of the algorithm is such that a subsequent rising edge of STUP
does not affect the startup time while SUTMR is timing down. To avoid a pending trip on timeout,
you can allow each rising edge of STUP to re-arm SUTMR (by selecting the BOPx option "Startup
bypass preset is allowed while active").

A reminder becomes available to STUP bypasses by selecting the BOPx option "Reminder
applies to startup bypass." When SUTMR is greater than 0.0 but less than RMTIM, the reminder
alarm condition (AALRT Expiration Reminder) is active. The reminder alarm condition is common
to the timeout of maintenance and startup bypasses.

Another option is to have the startup timer expire when inputs have stabilized, that is, when there
have not been enough votes to trip for a configurable period of time. When the BOPx option
"Startup bypass expires upon stabilization" is selected, the bypass timer expires when the
process stabilizes. While SUTMR is timing down, STMR times out whenever there are not enough
votes to trip and resets whenever the trip votes equal or exceed the number required to trip.

If STMR reaches the configured STM, SUTMR resets to 0.0 and normal trip detection resumes.
While SUTMR is timing down, the algorithm increments T2STB (Time to Stable) and stops as
soon as the STMR is triggered. T2STB (Time to Stable) indicates the total number of seconds
during the startup bypass until the inputs become and remain stable (assuming SUTM is
sufficiently long).

STMR does not reset at the end of the startup time period, but is reset at the beginning of a
startup and at any time during the startup when there are enough trip votes. T2STB is reset at the
beginning of a startup bypass. STMR and T2STB are processed even when the stabilization
option is not used (the BOPx option "Startup bypass expires upon stabilization" is not selected).
You can use the value of T2STB to optimize the configured SUTM.

Event-Based Startup Bypass (the BOPx option Startup bypass duration is event-based is

When the startup bypass expires based on an event rather than a fixed time period, select the
BOPx option "Startup bypass duration is event based." This ends the startup bypass when the
parameter STUP becomes False. STMR and T2STB are not processed. They are set to 0.0 when
STUP becomes True.

OW340_47 189

Bypass Permit Control

You can use the BOPx option "Bypass permit control should be visible in operator interface" to
control the visibility of a button on a graphic representing this algorithm. Operators can use this
button to set the BPERM parameter. Do not select this option if logic in the SIS module is writing
to BPERM (for example, a keyswitch is used to permit bypassing).

The following table summarizes the BOPx options and their effects.

BOPx parameter options



A maintenance bypass An M out of N voter becomes an An M out of N voter becomes an M

reduces the number to trip. (M-1) out of (N-1) voter (number out of (N-1) voter when an input is
(BOP1 - MaintBypRed) required to trip by is reduced by bypassed.
one) when an input is bypassed.
Multiple maintenance You can bypass multiple inputs at Only one input can be bypassed at a
bypasses are allowed. the same time. time.
(BOP2 - MulBypAllowed)
Maintenance bypass When BTMR times out AALRT When BTMR times out, AALRT
timeout is for indication Bypass Active remains set and Bypass Active clears and all
only. input bypasses remain in effect. bypasses are cleared.
(BOP3 - IndicateOnly)
Startup bypass preset is Each time STUP is set to True, SUTMR is not reset.
allowed while active. SUTMR is reset to the configured
(BOP4 - ReArmAllowed) value of SUTM.
Startup bypass expires Startup bypass and SUTMR clear Startup bypass ends when SUTMR
upon stabilization. if STMR reaches STM (after there reaches 0 (zero).
(BOP5 - BypExpires) are not enough votes to trip for the
configured amount of time).
Reminder applies to startup When SUTMR is greater than 0.0 AALRT Expiration Reminder does not
bypass. but less than RMTIM, the AALRT apply to startup bypass.
(BOP6 - ReminderApplies) Expiration Reminder is set. The
reminder alarm condition is
common to maintenance and
startup bypass timeouts.
Startup bypass duration is Startup bypass expires only when Startup bypass is time based.
event-based. STUP becomes False. STMR and
(BOP7 - BypDurEvent) T2STB are not processed.
Bypass permit is not BPERM does not need to be set to BPERM must be set to True for inputs
required to bypass. True for inputs to be bypassed. to be bypassed.
(BOP8 - PermitNotReq)
Bypass permit control Bypass permit controls appear in Bypass permit controls do not appear
should be visible in the standard LSAVTR faceplate. in the standard LSAVTR faceplate.
operator interface. (BOP9 - Do not select this option if SIS
BypPerVisible) module logic writes to BPERM (for
example, bypass permitting is
done using a keyswitch).

190 OW340_47

Status Handling

The status of the inputs influences algorithm behavior based on how the SOPT (Status Options if
Bad input) parameter is configured. The three choices of SOPT are:
„ Always Use Value — The value of the input is always used regardless of status. In this way a
hardware failure does not necessarily cause a shutdown and time is allowed for repair.
Detected hardware failures are indicated by standard alarms on the Logic Solver card. This is
the default option.
„ Will Not Vote if Bad — The input value is not counted as a vote to trip if its status is Bad.
„ Vote to Trip if Bad — The input value is counted as a vote to trip if the input status is Bad.
The following table shows how several common voting schemes degrade when a single input has
bad status based on the option chosen for SOPT.

Example of voting scheme degradation



2 out of 3 2 out of 3 or 1 out of 2 2 out of 2 1 out of 2

2 out of 2 2 out of 2 or 1 out of 1 Will Not Vote if Bad 1 out of 1
1 out of 2 1 out of 2 or Tripped 1 out of 1 Tripped
1 out of 1 1 out of 1 or Tripped Trip Inhibited Tripped
1. The degraded voting scheme depends on the value of the input with Bad status.

OW340_47 191

The LSAVTR algorithm determines the status of OUT and POUT in the same way no matter
which status option is chosen. The status calculation is completely separate from the value

The status of OUT and POUT is Good if the number of non-bypassed inputs with Good status is
greater than or equal to ANTRP (Actual Votes Needed to Trip), or all inputs are bypassed;
otherwise, the status is Bad. Uncertain status on inputs is treated as Good.

When any input has Bad status, the AALRT Input Bad becomes active.

TRSTS and PSTAT Indication

The TRSTS parameter indicates the state of the trip vote functions. The typical value for TRSTS
is Normal, and less commonly, Tripped. As shown in the following figure, TRSTS can be delayed
when TRDLY or NDLY is non-zero and a transition is occurring between normal and tripped

A fifth state, Trip Inhibited, occurs whenever a startup bypass is active or when it is not possible to
trip because there are not enough inputs participating in voting. The latter case can occur when
inputs are bypassed or when inputs have bad status and the selected SOPT option is Trip

The solid lines in the figure show the common state transitions of TRSTS expected as the
process value moves above and below the trip point. The dashed lines show less common state

Figure 88: State diagram for TRSTS

192 OW340_47

Algorithm Definitions



AUX1 G3 - SID Data Init. Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

NOFIN Y0 - Byte -- Required 1 Number of Inputs -
incremented by system).
IN1 R1 - Real Variable Required - Input 1 LD
IN2 R2 - Real Variable Optional - Input 2 LD
IN3 R3 - Real Variable Optional - Input 3 LD
IN4 R4 - Real Variable Optional - Input 4 LD
IN5 R5 - Real Variable Optional - Input 5 LD
IN6 R6 - Real Variable Optional - Input 6 LD
IN7 R7 - Real Variable Optional - Input 7 LD
IN8 R8 - Real Variable Optional - Input 8 LD
IN9 R9 - Real Variable Optional - Input 9 LD
IN10 S1 - Real Variable Optional - Input 10 LD
IN11 S2 - Real Variable Optional - Input 11 LD
IN12 S3 - Real Variable Optional - Input 12 LD
IN13 S4 - Real Variable Optional - Input 13 LD
IN14 S5 - Real Variable Optional - Input 14 LD
IN15 S6 - Real Variable Optional - Input 15 LD
IN16 S7 - Real Variable Optional - Input 16 LD
OUT X1 - Byte Variable Required - Output LD
PVN1 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 0 Input 1
PVN2 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 1 Input 2
PVN3 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 2 Input 3
PVN4 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 3 Input 4
PVN5 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 4 Input 5
PVN6 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 5 Input 6
PVN7 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 6 Input 7
PVN8 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 7 Input 8

OW340_47 193



AUX1 G3 - SID Data Init. Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

PVN9 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 8 Input 9
PVN10 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 9 Input 10
PVN11 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 10 Input 11
PVN12 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 11 Input 12
PVN13 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 12 Input 13
PVN14 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 13 Input 14
PVN15 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 14 Input 15
PVN16 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Pre-Trip Check Status LD
Bit 15 Input 16
PVOT X6 - Byte Variable Optional - Num of Inputs Voted to LA
PDTMR AUX1:R1 - Variable Optional - Countdown Timer for LA
Real Pre-Delay
POUT X7 - Byte Variable Optional - Output of Pre-Trip Vote LD
PSTAT X8 - Byte Variable Optional - Pre-Trip/Startup Inhibit LA
TVN1 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 0 Input 1
TVN2 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 1 Input 2
TVN3 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 2 Input 3
TVN4 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 3 Input 4
TVN5 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 4 Input 5
TVN6 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 5 Input 6
TVN7 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 6 Input 7
TVN8 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 7 Input 8
TVN9 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 8 Input 9

194 OW340_47



AUX1 G3 - SID Data Init. Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

TVN10 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 9 Input 10
TVN11 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 10 Input 11
TVN12 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 11 Input 12
TVN13 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 12 Input 13
TVN14 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 13 Input 14
TVN15 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 14 Input 15
TVN16 G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip Status LD
Bit 15 Input 16
TRPVT X9 - Byte Variable Optional - Num of Inputs LA
TRSTS Y2 - Byte Variable Optional - Trip Status Indicator. The LA
choices are:
ƒ 0 = Normal
ƒ 1 = Tripped
ƒ 2 = Trip inhibited
ƒ 3 = Voted to Trip,
ƒ Voted Normal,
See explanation given
T2STB AUX1:R2 - Variable Optional - Time to Stable in LA
Real seconds.
SUTMR AUX1:R3 - Variable Optional - Startup Inhibit Timer in LA
Real seconds.
STMR AUX:R4 - Variable Optional - Startup No-Vote-to-Trip LA
Real Timer in seconds.
OUTNB Y4 - Byte Variable Optional - Output with No Bypass LD
DLYTM AUX1:R5 - Variable Optional - Countdown Timer for LA
Real Delay in seconds.
BTMRH AUX1:R6 - Variable Optional - Bypass Countdown LA
Real Timer (hrs)
AALRT G6 - Integer Variable Optional - Alarms Conditions Set by LX
ANTRP Y3 - Byte Variable Optional - Actual Votes Needed to LA

OW340_47 195



AUX1 G3 - SID Data Init. Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

BYP1 C0 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 1 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP2 C1 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 2 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP3 C2 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 3 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP4 C3 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 4 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP5 C4 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 5 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP6 C5 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 6 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP7 C6 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 7 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP8 C7 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 8 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP9 C8 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input 9 -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP10 YT - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP11 D0 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP12 YQ - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP13 D2 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP14 YP - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP15 D4 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input -
0=No, 1=Yes
BYP16 D5 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for Input -
0=No, 1=Yes
BOP1 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 0 MaintBypRed 0=False,
BOP2 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 1 MulBypAllowed 0=False,

196 OW340_47



AUX1 G3 - SID Data Init. Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

BOP3 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: IndicateOnly -
Bit 2 0=False, 1=True
BOP4 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 3 ReArmAllowed
0=False, 1=True
BOP5 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: BypExpires -
Bit 4 0=False
BOP6 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 5 ReminderApplies
0=False, 1=True
BOP7 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 6 BypDurEvent 0=False,
BOP8 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 7 PermitNotReq 0=False,
BOP9 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 8 BypPerVisible 0=False,
BPERM X2 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Permit Input Bypass -
0=No, 1=Yes
BTOUT S8 - Real Tunable Required 0.0 Input Bypass Reset -
Timeout (sec)
BTMR S9 - Real Alg Init Required 0.0 Bypass Countdown -
Timer (sec)
DTYPE X3 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Input Detection Type -
DVHYS T1 - Real Tunable Required 0 Input Range Limit -
DVLIM T2 - Real Tunable Required 0 Input Value Range Limit -
TPSC T3 - Real Tunable Required 100 Input Scale: Top -
BTSC T4 - Real Tunable Required 0.0 Input Scale: Bottom -
SCDML Y5 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Input Scale: Decimal -
NDLY T5 - Real Tunable Required 0 Output Reset Delay (sec) -
N2TRP X4 - Byte Tunable Required 2 Votes Needed to Trip -
PTLIM T6 - Real Tunable Required 80 Pre-Trip Limit Value -
RMTIM T7 - Real Tunable Required 0 Reminder Alarm Duration -

OW340_47 197



AUX1 G3 - SID Data Init. Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

ROP1 G1 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: NoRollUp -
Bit 0 0=False
ROP2 G1 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: -
Bit 1 NoEventRecords
STM T8 - Real Tunable Required 0 Process Stabilization -
Time (sec)
STUP X5 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Inhibit Startup Trip -
SUTM T9 - Real Tunable Required 0 Startup Inhibit Duration -
SOPT G2 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Status Options if Bad -
0=Always Use Value
1=Will Not Vote if Bad
2=Vote to Trip if Bad
TRDLY U1 - Real Tunable Required 0 Trip Delay (sec) -
TRHYS U2 - Real Tunable Required 0.5 Trip Limit Deadband -
TRLIM U3 - Real Tunable Required 90 Voted-to-Trip Limit Value -
DI1 - Data Init. Optional VOTER1 Description of Voter 1. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI2 - Data Init. Optional VOTER2 Description of Voter 2. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI3 - Data Init. Optional VOTER3 Description of Voter 3. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI4 - Data Init. Optional VOTER4 Description of Voter 4. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI5 - Data Init. Optional VOTER5 Description of Voter 5. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI6 - Data Init. Optional VOTER6 Description of Voter 6. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.

198 OW340_47



AUX1 G3 - SID Data Init. Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

DI7 - Data Init. Optional VOTER7 Description of Voter 7. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI8 - Data Init. Optional VOTER8 Description of Voter 8. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI9 - Data Init. Optional VOTER9 Description of Voter 9. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI10 - Data Init. Optional VOTER10 Description of Voter 10. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI11 - Data Init. Optional VOTER11 Description of Voter 11. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI12 - Data Init. Optional VOTER12 Description of Voter 12. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI13 - Data Init. Optional VOTER13 Description of Voter 13. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI14 - Data Init. Optional VOTER14 Description of Voter 14. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI15 - Data Init. Optional VOTER15 Description of Voter 15. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.
DI16 - Data Init. Optional VOTER16 Description of Voter 16. -
For Control
Builder/Signal Diagram
application use only.

OW340_47 199


The following table shows the alerts that can appear for an LSAVTR algorithm, an explanation of
each alert and the bit position of each alert.

LSAVTR alerts


Trip Active Inactive when OUT is in the normal operating state, 0

active when OUT is in the trip state.
Pre-Trip Active Inactive when POUTD is in the normal operating state, 1
active when POUT is in the trip state.
Bypass Active Active when there is a maintenance bypass on any input 2
(any BYPx parameter is True).
Startup Override Active whenever the startup bypass is active. 3
Deviation Limit Active when the difference between the highest and 4
Exceeded lowest non-bypassed INn value exceeds DVLIM. Forced
inactive when DVLIM is 0.0.
Expiration Reminder Active when either a maintenance bypass or a startup 5
bypass is about to expire.
Bypassed Input Active if one or more bypassed inputs have exceeded the 6
Pre-Tripped pre-trip limit.
Bypassed Input Active if one or more bypassed inputs have exceeded the 7
Tripped trip limit.
Input Bad Active if any input has bad status. 8

200 OW340_47



The LSBDE algorithm generates a True (1) digital output when the digital input makes a positive
(False-to-True) or a negative (True-to-False) transition since the last execution of the algorithm. If
there has been no transition, the digital output of the algorithm is False (0).

The LSBDE algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN is the digital input signal and status.

OUT is the digital output signal and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The Bi-directional Edge Trigger algorithm examines the input value, compares it to the previous
input value, and sets the output True for one scan period when the input has changed. Otherwise,
the output is False. The status of the output value is set to the status of the input value.

The following figure illustrates how the Bi-directional Edge Trigger algorithm responds to a
change in input:

Figure 89: LSBDE algorithm execution example

OW340_47 201

Status Handling

The output status is set to the input status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input LD

OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

202 OW340_47



The Logic Solver Boolean Fan Input (LSBFI) algorithm generates a digital output based on the
weighted binary sum, binary coded decimal (BCD) representation, transition state, or logical OR
of one to 16 digital inputs. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.

RST (Reset First Weighted Output) is the input that, when True (1), clears FOUT (First Binary
Weighted Output) and activates the trap condition after all the inputs go False.

IN1 through INx are the digital input values and statuses (as many as 16 inputs).

OUTI is the unsigned 32-bit binary weighted output value that represents the bit combination of
the inputs (INx).

OUT is the output value that represents the logical OR of the inputs (INx).

FOUT is the binary weighted output of the digital input values when one or more inputs is set after
RST is set.

Functional Symbol

OW340_47 203

Algorithm Execution

The Boolean Fan Input algorithm examines the digital input values at each algorithm execution.
The OUTI output is set to the sum of the bit values of the True inputs (IN1 is weighted as 1, IN2
as 2, IN3 as 4, IN4 as 8, and so on). The status of OUTI is set to the worst status among the

When FOUT indicates a trap has not yet occurred (its value is False[0]) and one or more of the
inputs have become True, a trap condition is flagged and held by copying the value of OUTI to
FOUT. Thereafter, the FOUT value updates when the INx values transition from all False (0) to
one or more True (1). The status of FOUT is equal to the status of OUTI when the trap occurred.
The value of OUT is the logical OR of the digital inputs. OUT status is set to the worst status
among the inputs.

Note: Once the FOUT output is reset, the Boolean Fan Input algorithm does not set it again until
all of the INx values return to the False (0) state.

To support thumbwheel switch interfaces, the Boolean Fan Input algorithm uses a parameter to
store the binary coded decimal (BCD) representation of the digital inputs. The first four digital
inputs are used to construct the BCD ones digit. (Within these first four bits, the first input is the
least-significant bit.) The remaining sets of four inputs indicate the BCD tens, hundreds, and
thousands digits. When the four bits representing a digit are greater than nine, the digit is limited
to nine.

The following figure is an example of Boolean Fan Input algorithm execution for OUTI = 5510.
The result is BCD = 1586 and OUT = True.

Figure 90: LSBFI algorithm execution example

Status Handling

The OUTI and OUT statuses are set to the worst status among the inputs. The FOUT status is the
worst status among the inputs when the FOUT value is written. The FOUT status is reset when
the FOUT value is cleared.

Algorithm Definitions



-- Number of Inputs
NOFIN Y0 - Byte Required 2 (automatically -
incremented by system)

204 OW340_47



IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LD

IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LD
IN3 - Variable Optional - Input 3 LD
IN4 - Variable Optional - Input 4 LD
IN5 - Variable Optional - Input 5 LD
IN6 - Variable Optional - Input 6 LD
IN7 - Variable Optional - Input 7 LD
IN8 - Variable Optional - Input 8 LD
IN9 - Variable Optional - Input 9 LD
IN10 - Variable Optional - Input 10 LD
IN11 - Variable Optional - Input 11 LD
IN12 - Variable Optional - Input 12 LD
IN13 - Variable Optional - Input 13 LD
IN14 - Variable Optional - Input 14 LD
IN15 - Variable Optional - Input 15 LD
IN16 - Variable Optional - Input 16 LD
Variable Reset First Weighted
RST - Required - LD
Variable First Binary Weighted
FOUT - Required - LA
Variable BCD Representation of
BCD - Optional - LA
OUT - Variable Optional - Logical Output LD
OUTI - Variable Optional - Binary Weighted Output LA
ATRAP X1 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Enable First-Out Trap -
0=No, 1=Yes

OW340_47 205
7.10 LSBFO

7.10 LSBFO


The Logic Solver Boolean Fan Output (LSBFO) algorithm decodes a binary weighted input to
individual bits and generates a digital output value for each bit. The algorithm supports signal
status propagation.

IN is the unsigned 32-bit binary weighted input value and status.

OUT1 through OUTx are the digital output values and statuses (as many as 16 outputs) that
represent the bit of the input.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The number of outputs to the LSBFO algorithm is an extensible parameter. The algorithm default
is two outputs. Use the Control Builder (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide) to add additional
output pins.

The LSBFO algorithm treats the unsigned 32-bit input as a binary weighted value. The individual
bits that comprise this value are translated to the algorithm's digital outputs.

The first digital output represents the least-significant bit of the translated input value. The second
digital output is the next least-significant bit, and so on. The status of the input (IN) is passed to
the statuses of the digital outputs (OUTx).

The following is an example of Boolean Fan Output algorithm execution for IN = 5153.

206 OW340_47
7.10 LSBFO

Status Handling

The statuses of the algorithm outputs (OUTx) are set equal to the status of the algorithm input

Algorithm Definitions



NOFOT Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 2 Number of Outputs -

Variable Binary Weighted
IN - Required - LA, LD, LP
OUT1 - Variable Optional - Output 1 LD
OUT2 - Variable Optional - Output 2 LD
OUT3 - Variable Optional - Output 3 LD
OUT4 - Variable Optional - Output 4 LD
OUT5 - Variable Optional - Output 5 LD
OUT6 - Variable Optional - Output 6 LD
OUT7 - Variable Optional - Output 7 LD
OUT8 - Variable Optional - Output 8 LD
OUT9 - Variable Optional - Output 9 LD
OUT10 - Variable Optional - Output 10 LD
OUT11 - Variable Optional - Output 11 LD
OUT12 - Variable Optional - Output 12 LD
OUT13 - Variable Optional - Output 13 LD
OUT14 - Variable Optional - Output 14 LD
OUT15 - Variable Optional - Output 15 LD
OUT16 - Variable Optional - Output 16 LD

OW340_47 207



The Logic Solver Calculation/Logic (LSCALC) algorithm evaluates an expression you define to
determine the algorithm's outputs. You can use mathematical functions, logical operators,
constants, and parameter references in the expression.

IN1 through INx are the inputs to the algorithm (as many as 16 inputs).

OUT1 through OUTx are the algorithm outputs (as many as 16 outputs).

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSCALC algorithm uses as many as 16 inputs and 16 outputs to evaluate its contained
expression. In addition, the expression evaluator uses constants and module parameter
references that you specify to evaluate the expression. Expressions can only reference
parameters that are internal to the SIS module in which the LSCALC block is located. External
references from LSCALC algorithm expressions are not allowed. The calculated values are
assigned to internal module references or algorithm outputs for use as parameters or inputs to the
control strategy in other algorithms.


Expressions are structured text in a specific syntax and are made up of operands, operators,
functions, constants, and keywords. You write expressions using the LSCALC editor window (see
Ovation Control Builder User Guide).

Note: The values of temporary variables in expressions are not preserved on download or
restored on restart. Temporary variables start with a value of 0 (zero) on the first scan after a
download or restart.

Status Handling

The algorithm's outputs are initialized to Bad. You must explicitly set the status of outputs by
writing to the .ST field of an OUTx parameter. The .ST field is not automatically written when the
.CV field of an OUTx parameter is written.

If the LSCALC algorithm executes a divide by zero expression, the only effect is that status of the
output is set to BAD.

208 OW340_47

Algorithm Definitions



AUX1 G1 - SID Data Init Required - Auxiliary record 1 LC

NOFIN X1 - Byte Data Init. Required 1 Number of Inputs -
incremented by system)
NOFOT Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of Outputs -
LCKD - Data Init. Required 0 Program Edits: -
0 = Unlocked
1 = Locked
NOANL - Data Init. Required 0 Number of analog -
AC01 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 1 $(AC1) -
AC02 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 2 $(AC2) -
AC03 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 3 $(AC3) -
AC04 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 4 $(AC4) -
AC05 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 5 $(AC5) -
AC06 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 6 $(AC6) -
AC07 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 7 $(AC7) -
AC08 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 8 $(AC8) -
AC09 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 9 $(AC9) -
AC10 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 10 -
AC11 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 11 -
AC12 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 12 -
AC13 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 13 -
AC14 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 14 -
AC15 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 15 -
AC16 - Data Init. Required 0.000000 Analog Constant 16 -
NODIG - Data Init. Required 0 Number of digital -
DC01 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 1 $(DC1) -
0 = False
1 = True
DC02 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 2 $(DC2) -
0 = False
1 = True

OW340_47 209



DC03 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 3 $(DC3) -

0 = False
1 = True
DC04 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 4 $(DC4) -
0 = False
1 = True
DC05 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 5 $(DC5) -
0 = False
1 = True
DC06 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 6 $(DC6) -
0 = False
1 = True
DC07 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 7 $(DC7) -
0 = False
1 = True
DC08 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 8 $(DC8) -
0 = False
1 = True
DC09 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 9 $(DC9) -
0 = False
1 = True
DC10 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 10 -
0 = False
1 = True
DC11 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 11 -
0 = False
1 = True
DC12 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 12 -
0 = False
1 = True
DC13 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 13 -
0 = False
1 = True
DC14 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 14 -
0 = False
1 = True
DC15 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 15 -
0 = False
1 = True
DC16 - Data Init. Required 0 Digital Constant 16 -
0 = False
1 = True

210 OW340_47



IN1 R1 - Real Variable Optional - Input 1 LX

IN2 R2 - Real Variable Optional - Input 2 LX
IN3 R3 - Real Variable Optional - Input 3 LX
IN4 R4 - Real Variable Optional - Input 3 LX
IN5 R5 - Real Variable Optional - Input 4 LX
IN6 R6 - Real Variable Optional - Input 5 LX
IN7 R7 - Real Variable Optional - Input 6 LX
IN8 R8 - Real Variable Optional - Input 7 LX
IN9 R9 - Real Variable Optional - Input 8 LX
IN10 S1 - Real Variable Optional - Input 9 LX
IN11 S2 - Real Variable Optional - Input 10 LX
IN12 S3 - Real Variable Optional - Input 11 LX
IN13 S4 - Real Variable Optional - Input 12 LX
IN14 S5 - Real Variable Optional - Input 13 LX
IN15 S6 - Real Variable Optional - Input 14 LX
IN16 S7 - Real Variable Optional - Input 15 LX
OUT1 AUX1:R1 - Variable Required - Output 1 LA
OUT2 AUX1:R2 - Variable Optional - Output 2 LA
OUT3 AUX1:R3 - Variable Optional - Output 3 LA
OUT4 AUX1:R4 - Variable Optional - Output 4 LA
OUT5 AUX1:R5 - Variable Optional - Output 5 LA
OUT6 AUX1:R6 - Variable Optional - Output 6 LA
OUT7 AUX1:R7 - Variable Optional - Output 7 LA
OUT8 AUX1:R8 - Variable Optional - Output 8 LA
OUT9 AUX1:R9 - Variable Optional - Output 9 LA
OUT10 AUX1:S1 - Variable Optional - Output 10 LA
OUT11 AUX1:S2 - Variable Optional - Output 11 LA
OUT12 AUX1:S3 - Variable Optional - Output 12 LA

OW340_47 211



OUT13 AUX1:S4 - Variable Optional - Output 13 LA

OUT14 AUX1:S5 - Variable Optional - Output 14 LA
OUT15 AUX1:S6 - Variable Optional - Output 15 LA
OUT16 AUX1:S7 - Variable Optional - Output 16 LA
BLERR G0 - Variable Optional - Block Error Status LA, LD,
Integer 32 = Memory Failure LP
64 = Output Failure
8192 = Config. Error

212 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM

7.12 LSCEM


Use the Logic Solver Cause and Effect Matrix (LSCEM) algorithm to define interlock and
permissive logic that associates as many as 16 inputs (CSx Input Cause parameters) and 16
outputs (EFFx Output Effect parameters). Use the algorithm's MATRX parameter to identify one
or more causes that cause each effect to trip. When a CSx becomes active, all effects associated
with that CSx also trip.

An LSCEM algorithm provides the logic for one or more safety instrumented functions (SIF). CSx
inputs are typically connected from upstream voter algorithms, but may come from any source
indicating either an active (0) or inactive (1) process trip condition. The EFFx outputs are typically
connected to downstream output algorithms.

Because the Logic Solver is a de-energize to trip environment, the Normal operating value of
EFFx parameters is 1 and the Tripped value is 0.

By default, the algorithm has four CSx inputs and one EFFx output. In addition, you can use the
DCx and DEx parameters to label causes and effects.

Functional Symbol

OW340_47 213
7.12 LSCEM

Algorithm Execution

Each EFFx output has a corresponding STAx (Current State of Effect) parameter. EFFx can be
either 1 (Normal) or 0 (Tripped). STAx can have one of six values shown in the following figure.
The arrows in the figure show the possible transitions between state values during normal

Figure 91: State Transition diagram for STAx parameters

The values of STAx depend on whether EFFx is Tripped or Normal. The following table shows the
combinations that can occur.


Normal Normal
Trip Initiated-Delayed
Tripped Tripped
Waiting for Reset Permit
Ready to Reset
Waiting to Start Permit

214 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM

After an initial download or a restart of the Logic Solver, the initial value of every EFFx is Tripped.
An effect remains Tripped as long as any causes associated with that effect are tripped. After all
associated causes clear the effect become Normal.

The default behavior of the algorithm is for EFFx output values to be a function of the value and
status of the CSx inputs. EFFx Trips when one or more CSx associated with it is active.

You can modify this behavior with the LSCEM algorithm's parameters in a number of ways:
„ Use DTMx (Trip Delay for Effect) to set a delay time for EFFx to transition to Tripped.
„ Use RPTx (Reset Permit) to require an operator reset to transition EFFx to Normal. RPTx can
be set from process feedback or it could be a manual operator reset, such as from a key
„ Use SPTx (Start Permit) to force STAx to Waiting for Start Permit, which prevents EFFx from
becoming Normal unless SPTx is True.
„ Use FPRMT (Permit Force Effects) to allow forcing of effects.
„ Use FOPx (Force Option) to allow forcing effects without FPRMT being True.
„ Use FOPx to allow forcing multiple effects simultaneously.
„ Use FEFx (Force Effect) to set EFFx to Tripped or Normal.

Note: Emerson recommends that you use the FEFx parameters to manipulate final elements
only when the process is not running.

„ Use CMASK (Cause Mask) to prevent selected causes from becoming active.
If all you require is simple, time-based sequencing, use DTMx (Trip Delay for Effect) to prevent
EFFx from going directly to Tripped when an associated cause becomes inactive. While DTMx is
greater than 0 (zero), STAx (Current State) is Trip Initiated - Delayed, which keeps EFFxNormal.

To require an operator reset before an effect can return to Normal, use RRSx (Require Reset for
Effect), RPTx (Reset Permit), and RSTx (Reset). When RRSx is True, EFFx remains Tripped
when an associated cause is active. How STAx transitions depends on RPTx.

If RPTx is True (the default value), STAx transitions from "Tripped directly" to "Ready to Reset."
Configure RPTx to False to make STAx transition from "Tripped" to "Waiting for Reset Permit."
The reset permit can be written from process feedback or set by an operator from a key switch or
other hardware device. When RPTx becomes True, STAx transitions to "Ready to Reset." From
here, setting RSTx to True transitions STAx and EFFx to Normal.

Use SPTx (Start Permit) in a similar way to require permission to transition STAx from "Waiting for
Start Permit." The default value of SPTx is True, which allows the transition. If SPTx is False and
associated causes are cleared, STAx transitions from "Tripped" to "Waiting for Start Permit." To
move STAx and EFFx to Normal, set SPTx to True.

Use a combination of FPRMT, FOPx, and FEFx to force EFFx to a desired value. To force effects
you must first either set FPRMT to True, or select the FOPx option "Force permit is not required to
force Effects." Changing FPRMT from True to False removes current forces.

The parameter LTRIP is True when:

„ FPRMT is required to force an Effect (FOPx option Force permit is not required to force
Effects is not selected).
„ ACSx (Active Causes for Effect) is non-zero.
„ FEFx is Force Normal.

OW340_47 215
7.12 LSCEM

If LTRIP (Latent Trip Indicator) is True, setting FPRMT to False trips Effects that have been
forced to Normal.

Setting FEFx to Force Trip immediately transitions EFFx to Tripped even if DTMx is configured.
Setting FEFx to Force Normal immediately transitions EFFx to Normal, regardless of any
configured recovery strategy. If STAx is Trip Initiated-Delayed, setting FEFx to Force Normal
returns STATEn to Normal.

You can manipulate FEFx from runtime interfaces. Manipulating FEFx from within a module is not
likely to be useful. Use the FOPx option "Forcing of multiple Effects is allowed" to set whether
multiple effects can be forced at the same time.

FOPx includes an additional option: Force permit control should be visible in operator interface.
Select this option if your force effect control is in an operator display. Do not select this option if
you are using a key switch or other manual means to force effects.

Manipulate the parameter CMASK to prevent one or more causes from becoming active under
certain process conditions. Setting a bit in CMASK to True prevents the corresponding CSx from
tripping any associated effects. If after an effect is tripped CMASK masks the causes that tripped
that effect, STAx transitions out of Tripped. The state it transitions to depends on the configuration
of the algorithm parameters FEFx, SPTx, RRSx, and RPTx. Manipulate CMASK using a
Calc/Logic algorithm based on process conditions, for example, the current batch phase. Do not
manipulate CMASK directly from runtime interfaces. To bypass process conditions use upstream
voter algorithms instead.

The OVRx (High Priority Override) parameter indicates if EFFx is being overridden. The OVRx
values are:
„ None.
„ Forced to Tripped.
„ Forced to Normal.
„ All associated Causes masked.
ACSx indicates the currently active causes that are associated with EFFx that are not masked in
CMASK. FOTx indicates the cause or causes that first tripped EFFx. If additional causes become
active, FOTx does not change. FOTx retains its value until EFFx returns to Normal.

For example, if CS2 becomes active and EFF1 trips, ACS1 and FOT1 are both set to 2. If CS3
(which is also associated with EFF1) subsequently becomes active, FOT1 remains 2 and ACS1
becomes 6 (bits 2 and 3 of ACS1 are set).

The following table summarizes the state-dependant conditions necessary to transition EFFECTx
value between Tripped and Normal.



False (All associated non-masked causes are Any associated non-masked cause is active
inactive or
and SPTx = True) FEFx = Force Trip
or or
FEFx = Force Normal SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is

216 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



True (All associated non-masked causes are Any associated non-masked cause is active
inactive or
and RPTx = True FEFx = Force Trip
and RSTx = True or
and SPTx = True) SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is
or Bad.
FEFx = Force Normal

The following descriptions and tables explain each state and the conditions necessary to
transition to other allowable states. Note that the value of the RSTx parameter is set to False at
the end of every execution independent of the current value of STAx.

STAx: Tripped

If STAx is Tripped, EFFx is also Tripped. STAx remains Tripped as long as one or more
associated non-masked causes are active and FEFx is not Force Normal or FEFx is Force Trip.

EFFx transitions from Tripped when all the associated non-masked causes are inactive. If an
operator reset is not required and SPTx is True, STAx is set to Normal. If SPTx is False, STAx
moves to Waiting for Start Permit. If an operator reset is required and RPTx is True, STAx
becomes Ready to Reset. If RPTx is False, STAx becomes Waiting for Reset Permit.

If FEFx is Force Normal, STAx changes to Normal regardless of the value of SPTx or RPTx.

The following table summarizes the possible changes STAx can make from Tripped.


Waiting for Reset Permit ACSx = 0

and FEFx = No Force
and RRSx = True
and RPTx = False
Ready to Reset ACSx = 0
and FEFx = No Force
and RRSx = True
and RPTx = True
Waiting for Start Permit ACSx = 0
and FEFx = No Force
and RRSx = False
and SPTx = False
Normal ACSx = 0
and FEFx = No Force
and RRSx = False
and SPTx = True
FEFx = Force Normal

OW340_47 217
7.12 LSCEM

STAx: Waiting for Reset Permit

While STAx is Waiting for Reset Permit, EFFx is set to Tripped. STAx can transition to this state
from Tripped or Ready to Reset if RRSx is True. If RRSx becomes False while STAx is Waiting
for Reset Permit, STAx does not change until a reset occurs.

STAx changes back to Tripped if an associated non-masked cause becomes active or FEFx is
Force Trip.

STAx changes to Ready to Reset if RPTx becomes True.

If FEFx is Force Normal, STAx changes to Normal regardless of the current values of SPTx and

The following table summarizes the possible changes from Waiting for Reset Permit.


Tripped ACSx is not equal to 0

FEFx = Force Trip
SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is Bad.
Ready to Reset RPTx = True
Normal FEFx = Force Normal

STAx: Ready to Reset

STAx can transition to Ready to Reset from Tripped or Waiting for Reset Permit. EFFx is Tripped
when STAx is Ready to Reset.

To reach this state RRSx must be True. If RRSx becomes False while STAx is Ready to Reset,
the STAx does not change until a reset occurs.

If an associated non-masked cause becomes active or FEFx is Force Trip, STAx changes to
Tripped. If RPTx becomes False, STAx changes back to Waiting for Reset Permit.

If SPTx is True, the STAx changes to Normal when RSTx is True. If SPTx is False, RSTx
becoming True causes STAx to change to Waiting for Start Permit.

If FEFx is Force Normal, STAx changes to Normal regardless of the values of SPTx and RSTx.

The following table summarizes the possible changes of STA,i>n from Ready to Reset.


Tripped ACSx is not equal to 0

FEFx = Force Trip
SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is Bad.
Waiting for Reset Permit RPTx = False
Waiting for Start Permit RSTx = True
and SPTx = False

218 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM


Normal (RSTx = True

and SPTx = True)
FEFx = Force Normal

STAx: Waiting for Start Permit

STAx can change from Tripped or Ready to Reset to Waiting for Reset Permit. EFFx is Tripped
when STAx is Waiting for Start Permit.

If an associated non-masked cause becomes active or FEFx is Force Trip, STAx changes to

If SPTx is True, STAx changes to Normal.

If FEFx is Force Normal, STAx changes to Normal regardless of the current value of STAx.

The following table summarizes the possible changes of STAx from Waiting for Start Permit.


Tripped ACSx is not equal to 0

FEFx = Force Trip
SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is Bad.
Normal SPTx = True
FEFx = Force Normal

STATEn: Normal

EFFx is Normal when STAx is Normal.

STAx changes when a trip is initiated, that is, when one or more non-masked causes associated
with EFFx become active and FEFx is not Force Normal or FEFx is Force Trip. If EFFx is not
being sequenced with other effects, STAx becomes Tripped immediately. Use DTMx to set how
long to delay the transition to Tripped. If DTMx is non-zero STAx changes to Trip
Initiated-Delayed. If FEFx is Force Trip, STAx becomes Tripped immediately.

The following table summarizes the possible changes from Normal.


Tripped ACSx is not equal to 0

and FEFx is not equal to Force Normal
and DTMx = 0
FEFx = Force Trip
SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is Bad.

OW340_47 219
7.12 LSCEM


Trip Initiated - Delayed ACSx is not equal to 0

and FEFx is not equal to Force Normal and DTMx > 0
SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is Bad.

STAx: Trip Initiated - Delayed

When STAxs Trip is Initiated - Delayed the trip condition has occurred, but EFFx continues to be
Normal until DTMx seconds have elapsed.

The timer DTRx (Trip Delay Timer for Effect) decrements from DTMx each scan based on the
algorithm's scan rate. The timer continues to count down even if no causes remain active.

When DTRx reaches zero, STAx changes to Tripped even if there are no active causes. If FEFx
becomes Force Trip while DTRx is still decrementing, STAx changes immediately to Tripped.

Setting FEFx to Force Normal while DTRx is decrementing prevents EFFx from evolving to
Tripped and changes STAx back to Normal.

The following table summarizes the possible changes from Trip Initiated-Delayed.


Tripped FEFx = Force Trip

DTRx = 0
SOPT is set to Trip if Bad and any CSx status is Bad.
Normal FEFx = Force Normal

220 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM

Status Handling

The status of the CSx inputs influences algorithm behavior based on how the SOPT (Status
Options if Bad Input) parameter is configured. The value of SOPT impacts the calculation of
ACSx. The status of the EFFx outputs is based on the status of the associated causes and is not
affected by the value of SOPT.

When SOPT is "Always Use Value" (the default option), Bad status on an associated cause has
no impact on the value of ACSx. However, a sensor failure could cause an immediate shutdown
as a result of the process value changing. Another option for SOPT is "Use Last Good Value if
Bad," which prevents the transition of an associated cause to bad status from initiating a
shutdown, because the value used to calculate ACSx is the value the last time the status was
Good. This allows time for repair. The third option for SOPT is "Trip if Bad." If this option is set, a
Bad status on a cause input trips any associated effect.

The status of the effect outputs is set to Bad if any unmasked associated cause has Bad status
and the effect is not forced to Normal or Tripped; otherwise, it is set to
GoodNonCascade NonSpecific.

Algorithm Definitions



CMASK F4 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Cause Mask LP

Selectable Permit Force Effects
FPRMT X1 - Byte Optional 0 0 - False LD
1 - True
AUX1 G0 - SID Data Init Required - Auxiliary Record 1 LC
NOCS Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of Causes -
NOEFF Y2 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of Effects -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 1
DTM1 R1 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 2
DTM2 R2 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 3
DTM3 R3 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 4
DTM4 R4 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 5
DTM5 R5 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 6
DTM6 R6 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 7
DTM7 R7 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 8
DTM8 R8 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 9
DTM9 R9 - Real Required 0.0 -

OW340_47 221
7.12 LSCEM



Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 10

DTM10 S1 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 11
DTM11 S2 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 12
DTM12 S3 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 13
DTM13 S4 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 14
DTM14 S5 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 15
DTM15 S6 - Real Required 0.0 -
Tunable Trip Delay for Effect 16
DTM16 S7 - Real Required 0.0 -
RRS1 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 1
Bit 0 0 - False
1 - True
RRS2 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 2
Bit 1 0 - False
1 - True
RRS3 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 3
Bit 2 0 - False
1 - True
RRS4 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 4
Bit 3 0 - False
1 - True
RRS5 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 5
Bit 4 0 - False
1 - True
RRS6 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 6
Bit 5 0 - False
1 - True
RRS7 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 7
Bit 6 0 - False
1 - True
RRS8 X6 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 8
Bit 7 0 - False
1 - True

222 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



RRS9 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -

Effect 9
Bit 0 0 - False
1 - True
RRS10 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 10
Bit 1 0 - False
1 - True
RRS11 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 11
Bit 2 0 - False
1 - True
RRS12 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 12
Bit 3 0 - False
1 - True
RRS13 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 13
Bit 4 0 - False
1 - True
RRS14 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 14
Bit 5 0 - False
1 - True
RRS15 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 15
Bit 6 0 - False
1 - True
RRS16 X7 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Require Reset for -
Effect 16
Bit 7 0 - False
1 - True
FOP1 X4 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Force Opt: -
Bit 0 0 - No
1 - Yes
FOP2 X4 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Force Opt: -
Bit 1 0 - No
1 - Yes
FOP3 X4 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Force Opt: -
Bit 2 0 - No
1 - Yes
ROP1 X5 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: NoRollUp -
0 - False
Bit 0 1 - True

OW340_47 223
7.12 LSCEM



ROP2 X5 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: -

Bit 1 0 - False
1 - True
SOPT X3 - Byte Tunable Required 3 Status Options if Bad -
1 - Always Use Value
2 - Use Last Good
Value if Bad
3 - Trip if Bad
CS1 X8 - Byte - Variable Required - Input Cause 1 LD
Bit 0
AUX2:G0 -
CS2 X8 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 2 LD
Bit 1
AUX2:G1 -
CS3 X8 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 3 LD
Bit 2
AUX2:G2 -
CS4 X8 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 4 LD
Bit 3
AUX2:G3 -
CS5 X8 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 5 LD
Bit 4
AUX2:G4 -
CS6 X8 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 6 LD
Bit 5
AUX2:G5 -
CS7 X8 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 7 LD
Bit 6
AUX2:G6 -
CS8 X8 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 8 LD
Bit 7
AUX2:G7 -
CS9 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 9 LD
Bit 0
AUX2:G8 -
CS10 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 10 LD
Bit 1
AUX2:G9 -

224 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



CS11 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 11 LD

Bit 2
AUX2:B0 -
CS12 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 12 LD
Bit 3
AUX2:B1 -
CS13 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 13 LD
Bit 4
AUX2:B2 -
CS14 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 14 LD
Bit 5
CS15 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 15 LD
Bit 6
AUX2:B4 -
CS16 X9 - Byte - Variable Optional - Input Cause 16 LD
Bit 7
AUX2:B5 -
EFF1 AUX1:YC - Variable Required - Output Effect 1 LD
Integer Bit 0
AUX2:B6 -
EFF2 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 2 LD
Integer Bit 1
AUX2:B7 -
EFF3 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 3 LD
Integer Bit 2
AUX2:B8 -
EFF4 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 4 LD
Integer Bit 3
AUX2:B9 -
EFF5 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 5 LD
Integer Bit 4
AUX2:C0 -
EFF6 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 6 LD
Integer Bit 5
AUX2:C1 -

OW340_47 225
7.12 LSCEM



EFF7 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 7 LD

Integer Bit 6
AUX2:C2 -
EFF8 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 8 LD
Integer Bit 7
AUX2:C3 -
EFF9 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 9 LD
Integer Bit 8
AUX2:C4 -
EFF10 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 10 LD
Integer Bit 9
AUX2:C5 -
EFF11 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 11 LD
Integer Bit
AUX2:C6 -
EFF12 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 12 LD
Integer Bit
AUX2:C7 -
EFF13 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 13 LD
Integer Bit
AUX2:C8 -
EFF14 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 14 LD
Integer Bit
EFF15 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 15 LD
Integer Bit
AUX2:D0 -
EFF16 AUX1:YC - Variable Optional - Output Effect 16 LD
Integer Bit
AUX1:B6 - Variable First Causes to Trip
Optional - LP
InFOT1teger Effect 1
AUX1:B7 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT2 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 2

226 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



AUX1:B8 - Variable First Causes to Trip

FOT3 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 3
AUX1:B9 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT4 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 4
AUX1:C0 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT5 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 5
AUX1:C1 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT6 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 6
AUX1:C2 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT7 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 7
AUX1:C3 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT8 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 8
AUX1:C4 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT9 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 9
AUX1:C5 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT10 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 10
AUX1:C6 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT11 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 11
AUX1:C7 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT12 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 12
AUX1:C8 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT13 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 13
AUX1:YT - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT14 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 14
AUX1:D0 - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT15 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 15
AUX1:YQ - Variable First Causes to Trip
FOT16 Optional - LP
Integer Effect 16
OVR1 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 1
0 - None
Bits 0-3 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR2 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 2
0 - None
Bits 4-7 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked

OW340_47 227
7.12 LSCEM



OVR3 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA

Integer Effect 3
0 - None
Bits 8-11 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR4 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 4
0 - None
Bits 12-15 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR5 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 5
0 - None
Bits 16-19 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR6 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 6
0 - None
Bits 20-23 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR7 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 7
0 - None
Bits 24-27 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR8 AUX1:E2 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 8
0 - None
Bits 28-31 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR9 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 9
0 - None
Bits 0-3 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked

228 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



OVR10 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA

Integer Effect 10
0 - None
Bits 4-7 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR11 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 11
0 - None
Bits 8-11 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR12 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 12
0 - None
Bits 12-15 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR13 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 13
0 - None
Bits 16-19 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR14 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 14
0 - None
Bits 20-23 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR15 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 15
0 - None
Bits 24-27 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked
OVR16 AUX1:E3 - Variable Optional - High Priority Override LA
Integer Effect 16
0 - None
Bits 28-31 3 - Forced to Trip
2 - Forced to Normal
1 - All associated
Causes masked

OW340_47 229
7.12 LSCEM



STA1 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA

Integer 1
5 - Normal
Bits 0-3 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA2 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 2
5 - Normal
Bits 4-7 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA3 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 3
5 - Normal
Bits 8-11 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA4 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 4
5 - Normal
Bits 12-15 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA5 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 5
5 - Normal
Bits 16-19 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start

230 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



STA6 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA

Integer 6
5 - Normal
Bits 20-23 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA7 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 7
5 - Normal
Bits 24-27 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA8 AUX1:YM - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 8
5 - Normal
Bits 28-31 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA9 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 9
5 - Normal
Bits 0-3 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA10 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 10
5 - Normal
Bits 4-7 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start

OW340_47 231
7.12 LSCEM



STA11 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA

Integer 11
5 - Normal
Bits 8-11 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA12 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 12
5 - Normal
Bits 12-15 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA13 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 13
5 - Normal
Bits 16-19 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA14 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 14
5 - Normal
Bits 20-23 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
STA15 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA
Integer 15
5 - Normal
Bits 24-27 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start

232 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



STA16 AUX1:YL - Variable Optional - Current State of Effect LA

Integer 16
5 - Normal
Bits 28-31 6 - Trip
1 - Tripped
2 - Waiting for Reset
3 - Ready to Reset
4 - Waiting for Start
ACS1 AUX1:D2 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 1
ACS2 AUX1:D2 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 2
ACS3 AUX1:YP - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 3
ACS4 AUX1:YP - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 4
ACS5 AUX1:D4 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 5
ACS6 AUX1:D4 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 6
ACS7 AUX1:D5 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 7
ACS8 AUX1:D5 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 8
ACS9 AUX1:D6 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 9
ACS10 AUX1:D6 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 10
ACS11 AUX1:YN - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 11
ACS12 AUX1:YN - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 12

OW340_47 233
7.12 LSCEM



ACS13 AUX1:D8 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP

Integer Bits Effect 13
ACS14 AUX1:D8 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 14
ACS15 AUX1:D9 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 15
ACS16 AUX1:D9 - Variable Optional - Active Causes for LP
Integer Bits Effect 16
AUX1:R1 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR1 Optional - LA
Real Effect 1
AUX1:R2 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR2 Optional - LA
Real Effect 2
AUX1:R3 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR3 Optional - LA
Real Effect 3
AUX1:R4 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR4 Optional - LA
Real Effect 4
AUX1:R5 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR5 Optional - LA
Real Effect 5
AUX1:R6 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR6 Optional - LA
Real Effect 6
AUX1:R7 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR7 Optional - LA
Real Effect 7
AUX1:R8 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR8 Optional - LA
Real Effect 8
AUX1:R9 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR9 Optional - LA
Real Effect 9
AUX1:S1 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR10 Optional - LA
Real Effect 10
AUX1:S2 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR11 Optional - LA
Real Effect 11
AUX1:S3 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR12 Optional - LA
Real Effect 12
AUX1:S4 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR13 Optional - LA
Real Effect 13
AUX1:S5 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR14 Optional - LA
Real Effect 14
AUX1:S6 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR15 Optional - LA
Real Effect 15
AUX1:S7 - Variable Trip Delay Timer for
DTR16 Optional - LA
Real Effect 16

234 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



CALRT AUX1:E8 - Variable Optional - Alarms Conditions Set

Integer by Block
1 - An Effect is forced
to Trip or Normal
2 - An Effect has a
non-zero FIRST_OUT
LTRIP X2 - Byte Variable Optional - Latent Trip Indicator
RPT1 G2 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 1
0 - False
1 - True
RPT2 G3 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 2
0 - False
1 - True
RPT3 G4 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 3
0 - False
1 - True
RPT4 G5 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 4
0 - False
1 - True
RPT5 G6 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 5
0 - False
1 - True
RPT6 G7 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 6
0 - False
1 - True
RPT7 G8 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 7
0 - False
1 - True
RPT8 G9 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 8
0 - False
1 - True
RPT9 B0 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 9
0 - False
1 - True
RPT10 B1 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 10
0 - False
1 - True
RPT11 B2 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 11
0 - False
1 - True
RPT12 YU - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 12
0 - False
1 - True
RPT13 B4 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 13
0 - False
1 - True

OW340_47 235
7.12 LSCEM



RPT14 B5 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 14

0 - False
1 - True
RPT15 B6 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 15
0 - False
1 - True
RPT16 B7 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Reset Permit 16
0 - False
1 - True
SPT1 D8 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 1 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT2 D9 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 2 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT3 YM - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 3 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT4 YL - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 4 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT5 E2 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 5 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT6 E3 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 6 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT7 E4 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 7 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT8 YC - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 8 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT9 Y9 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 9 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT10 E7 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 10 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT11 E8 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 11 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT12 Y8 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 12 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT13 Y7 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 13 LD
0 - False
1 - True

236 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



SPT14 Y6 - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 14 LD

0 - False
1 - True
SPT15 XY - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 15 LD
0 - False
1 - True
SPT16 XW - Integer Selectable Optional 1 Start Permit 16 LD
0 - False
1 - True
MTR1 AUX1:G0 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 1; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR2 AUX1:G1 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 2; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR3 AUX1:G2 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 3; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR4 AUX1:G3 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 4; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR5 AUX1:G4 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 5; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR6 AUX1:G5 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 6; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR7 AUX1:G6 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 7; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR8 AUX1:G7 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 8; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR9 AUX1:G8 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column 9; -
Integer Parameter value visible
in LC record only
MTR10 AUX1:G9 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column -
Integer 10; Parameter value
visible in LC record
MTR11 AUX1:B0 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column -
Integer 11; Parameter value
visible in LC record
MTR12 AUX1:B1 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column -
Integer 12; Parameter value
visible in LC record

OW340_47 237
7.12 LSCEM



MTR13 AUX1:B2 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column -

Integer 13; Parameter value
visible in LC record
MTR14 AUX1:YU - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column -
Integer 14; Parameter value
visible in LC record
MTR15 AUX1:B4 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column -
Integer 15; Parameter value
visible in LC record
MTR16 AUX1:B5 - Data Init Required 0 CEM Matrix Column -
Integer 16; Parameter value
visible in LC record
RST1 B8 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 1 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST2 B9 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 2 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST3 C0 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 3 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST4 C1 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 4 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST5 C2 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 5 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST6 C3 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 6 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST7 C4 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 7 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST8 C5 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 8 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST9 C6 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 9 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST10 C7 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 10 LD
0 - False
1 - True

238 OW340_47
7.12 LSCEM



RST11 C8 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 11 LD

0 - False
1 - True
RST12 YT - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 12 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST13 D0 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 13 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST14 YQ - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 14 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST15 D2 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 15 LD
0 - False
1 - True
RST16 YP - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Reset 16 LD
0 - False
1 - True
AUX2 G1 - SID Data Init Required - Auxiliary Record 2 LC


The following table shows the alerts that can appear for an LSCEM algorithm, an explanation of
each alert, and the bit position of each alert.


An Effect is forced to Trip or Normal. Active when any effect is being forced, that is, 0
any FEFx parameter is Force Trip or Force
An Effect has a non-zero FOT (First Active when there is a non-zero FOTx. 1
Causes to Trip Effect).

OW340_47 239
7.13 LSCMP

7.13 LSCMP


The Logic Solver Comparator (LSCMP) algorithm compares two values (DSCV and CMPV1 -
Input and First Comparative Value respectively) and sets a Boolean output for each of the
following comparisons: LT (Less Than), GT (Greater Than), EQ (Equal To), NEQ (Not Equal).

Additionally, the LSCMP algorithm compares the DSCV against the range defined by CMPV2 and
CMPV1 to determine the Boolean output, INRGE (In-Range Comparison Output).

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSCMP algorithm has two algorithm calculations; the comparison calculation and the status

Comparison Calculation

The LSCMP algorithm compares the DSCV input with the CMPV1 input, the primary comparison
value. Based on the relationship between DSCV and CMPV1, the LT, GT, EQ, and NEQ outputs
are set to 0 (False) or 1 (True). A secondary comparison determines if DSCV is within the range
of CMPV1 to CMPV2. If DSCV is within this range, then the INRGE output is set to 1 (True),
otherwise 0 (False).

Status Propagation

Bad status on any of the input values propagates to the output. If the DSCV has a bad status, all
outputs reflect this bad status. If DSCV has good status but CMPV1 or CMPV2 has bad status,
then the outputs associated with the bad input are also set to bad. The status calculation is totally
independent of the comparison calculations.

The following table shows an example of the LSCMP algorithm outputs based on different input

Sample LSCMP algorithm outputs


DSCV 2.25 -233.0 37.5

CMPV1 15.0 -200.0 37.5
CMPV2 1.0 0.0 10.0
LT 1 1 0

240 OW340_47
7.13 LSCMP


GT 0 0 0
EQ 0 0 1
NEQ 1 1 0
INRGE 1 0 1

Status Handling

Status of each output is set to the worst status of the inputs for each output, except that Uncertain
status is treated as Good for determining status.

For example, if the status on CMPV1 is bad, the statuses on LT, GT, EQ, and NEQ are all set to
BAD. Also, if the status on CMPV1 or CMPV2 is BAD, then the status on INRGE is BAD.

Algorithm Definitions



DSCV - Variable Required - Input LA

CMPV1 T1 - Real Variable Optional 0 First Comparative Value LA
CMPV2 T2 - Real Variable Optional 0 Second Comparative LA
EQ - Variable Optional - Equal Comparison LD
GT - Variable Optional - Greater Than LD
Comparison Output
INRGE - Variable Optional - In-Range Comparison LD
LT - Variable Optional - Less Than Comparison LD
NEQ - Variable Optional - Not Equal Comparison LD

OW340_47 241
7.14 LSDI

7.14 LSDI


The Logic Solver Digital Input (LSDI) algorithm accesses a single digital input from a two-state
field device and makes the processed physical input available to other algorithms. You can
configure inversion on the input value.

The LSDI algorithm supports signal status propagation.

The input can come from a local input channel on the Logic Solver or from input channel data
sent across the SIS Net from another Logic Solver.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSDI algorithm accesses a single digital input from a two-state field device and makes the
processed physical input available to other algorithms. You can configure inversion on the input

After calculation, the process variable (PVD) is copied to the output (OUT).

I/O Selection

When you configure the Digital Input algorithm, you select the input channel associated with the
digital measurement by configuring the Ovation point. You select the point and the parameter the
Digital Input algorithm accesses on that channel. Note that points can be specified for channels
directly attached to this Logic Solver or channels attached to Logic Solvers that reside in the
same SIS Data Server.

When you select Digital Input Channel for the channel type, the only selectable channel
parameter is:

FVALD – The last digital value with status reported by the channel.

Field Value Processing

You can select the Invert input option (IOP1) to process FVALD:
„ Invert
When Invert is selected a NOT is performed on FVALD and the resulting value is copied to PVD
and OUT.

242 OW340_47
7.14 LSDI

Status Handling

Under normal conditions, a GOOD status is passed through to OUT.

When the status becomes Bad on the input channel, FVALD, PVD, and OUT are set to Bad
status and the BLERR parameter shows Bad PV. Status becomes Bad when line fault detection is
enabled and a line fault has been detected.

Algorithm Definitions



OUT X5 - Byte Variable Required - Digital Output with Status LD

PVD X6 - Byte Variable Optional - Digital Output Value Only LD
FVALD X7 - Byte Variable Optional - Hardware Channel Value LD
BLERR G1 - Integer Variable Optional - Block Error Status LX
ƒ 256 - Input Failure/Bad
IOP1 G0 - Integer Data Required 0 IO Opt: Invert Input. -
Bit 0 Init. This parameter is copied
from the channel
configuration and can't be
changed in algorithm
ƒ 0 - No
ƒ 1 - Yes

OW340_47 243
7.15 LSDO

7.15 LSDO


The LSDO algorithm drives a Logic Solver output channel (for example, a Digital Output channel)
to manipulate a solenoid or other final element. In a typical application, the algorithm's input is
from an output of a Logic Solver Cause and Effect Matrix (LSCEM) algorithm.

Functional Overview

The following algorithm diagram shows a simple application that uses the LSDO algorithm to
operate a solenoid valve.

Figure 92: Simple LSDO application diagram

244 OW340_47
7.15 LSDO

In this example, the input to the Logic Solver Digital Output algorithm is an effect output from a
Cause and Effect Matrix algorithm. During normal operation the effect output's value is 1. When
the inputs to the Cause and Effect Matrix algorithm indicate a hazardous condition exists, the
effect output is set to 0 (zero). This, in turn, trips the output of the Digital Output algorithm, driving
the associated Logic Solver channel to close the valve.

The Logic Solver Digital Input algorithm is wired to a limit switch or other indicator to confirm that
the valve closes. If the valve does not close, the PV input to the Digital Output algorithm from the
Digital Input algorithm eventually sets a fault state in the Digital Output algorithm.

This simple example does not illustrate a number of configurable functions the algorithm supports:
„ Options for detecting a fault state.
„ Timers to delay sending a signal to close the valve or set the fault state.
„ Requiring permission before resetting the algorithm to normal operation after being tripped.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

Because the Logic Solver is a De-energized to Trip environment the normal operating value of the
output is On (1) and the tripped value is Off (0).

To use the LSDO algorithm in a safety shutdown application, assign IOOUT to a Logic Solver
Digital Output channel connected to a valve controller. Typically, the CASND input of the LSDO
algorithm would be wired from an EFFECT output of an upstream LSCEM algorithm. Default
LSDO algorithm behavior passes the value of CASND to OUTD.

You can wire feedback from the final element to the RDBK input parameter of the LSDO
algorithm. This input would typically be wired from an LSDI algorithm representing a limit switch.
The RDBK value becomes the PVD of the LSDO algorithm. If the configurable time CTTM expires
before PVD confirms the off state, the DALRT Failed to confirm after trip command becomes
True. If RDBK is not wired, PVD has the same value as OUTD, so confirmation is immediate.

Fault State Detection

The LSDO algorithm enters a fault state when any of three conditions is detected and a
corresponding option has been selected for the detected condition. When the fault state is active,
the algorithm forces OUTD to Off, sets the Fault State Active bit in BLERR, and sets FSTAT to
Active. The FOPx options are selected by default and include:
„ Enable detection based on CASND status.
If the status of CASND becomes Bad, FTMR begins incrementing from 0.0. If the status
remains Bad for FTIM seconds, OUTD is forced to Off (0). FTMR continues to increment
while the status of CASND is Bad. The fault state condition clears immediately when the
status transitions away from Bad.

OW340_47 245
7.15 LSDO

„ Enable detection based on output channel status.

OUTD is forced to Off if the Logic Solver detects a short or open in the field wiring (status of
OUTD is Bad SensorFailure LowLimited) while OUTD is being commanded On. The LSDO
algorithm reacts to this status by forcing the output Off to track the state of the final element.
Note that FTIM has no effect when the fault state is a result of OUTD status.

Note: If you use this option, you must also require a reset, either in this algorithm or in an
upstream LSCEM algorithm, because an active fault state condition clears when the algorithm
drives the output Off. Requiring a reset prevents the algorithm from driving the output back to
On during the next scan.

„ Enable detection based on PVD value.

OUTD is forced to 0 based on feedback from the final element wired into RDBK. The final
element is confirmed Off (PVD is 0) while OUTD is commanded On. Use this option to force
the output Off if a failure of the final element is not detected by a Logic Solver diagnostic.
RDBK should be wired when using this option; otherwise, PVD has the same value as OUTD.
Note that FTIM has no effect when the fault state is a result of the value of PVD.

Note: If you use this option, you must also require a reset, either in this algorithm or in an
upstream LSCEM algorithm, because an active fault state condition clears when the algorithm
drives the output Off. Requiring a reset prevents the algorithm from driving the output back to
On during the next scan.

FTMR is a writeable parameter. Be advised that writing to FTMR can cause the state of OUTD to
change depending on the value written.

Determining the Value of OUTD and Writing the Output Channel Value

The following figure is the state transition diagram for OSTAT. When OSTAT is Off or Off - Ready
to Reset, the value of OUTD is Off (0) and the Logic Solver channel defined by IOOUT is written
to Off. When OSTAT is On, OUTD is On (1) and IOOUT is written to On.

Figure 93: OSTAT Transition diagram

246 OW340_47
7.15 LSDO

Note: To require a manual reset to transition OUTD to On (1), Emerson recommends that you
configure this in an upstream LSCEM algorithm, not the LSDO algorithm. The LSCEM algorithm
has a number of features that enhance the reset logic. The ability to require resets in the LSDO
algorithm (using the RQRST parameter) is provided if you do not have voter and LSCEM
algorithms to implement shutdown logic.

If you set the LSDO algorithm's RQRST parameter to True, any transition of OUTD to Off (0)
causes OUTD to remain Off until all of the following conditions are met:
„ CASND equals 1.
„ FSTAT is not active.
„ RST is True.
RST should be changed to True using a button on a process display. The algorithm changes RST
back to False. Do not expose RST as an input on the algorithm and wire to it. If you need to reset
an LSDO algorithm from SIS module logic, use an LSCALC algorithm to do a conditional
assignment to RST.

When OSTAT is Off or Off - Ready to Reset, the value of OUTD is 0 and the channel on this
Logic Solver defined by IOOUT is written to Off.

When OSTAT is On, OUTD is 1 and the channel is written to On.

Determining the Value of PVD

PVD normally gets its value from RDBK. If the status of RDBK is bad quality, PVD has the same
value as OUTD. Use the invert input option in the upstream LSDI algorithm if you are using a
closed limit switch.

Determining the Value of DALRT

The DALRT parameter reports two alarm conditions set by the algorithm (inactive = 0, active = 1):
„ Failed to confirm after trip command.
The device fails to confirm after being commanded to trip. On any transition of OUTD to Off,
the algorithm starts a confirmation timer. If the value of PVD is not 0 within CTTM seconds,
the alert Failed to confirm after trip command becomes True. The alert clears when OUTD
transitions to On (1).
„ Confirm lost while commanded On.
The device confirms Off while it is being commanded On. When OSTAT is On and PVD has
transitioned to 1, the condition is detected if PVD becomes 0, for example if the device has a
failure that causes it to confirm in the Off state. The alert clears on the next transition of
OSTAT to On.

OW340_47 247
7.15 LSDO

Event Generation

The LSDO algorithm generates an event record when any of the following conditions become
active and the ROPx option "Event records are not generated" is not selected:
„ The algorithm has set DALRT Failed to confirm following a command to trip. The event record
shows the path to the LSDO algorithm and the Failed to confirm after trip command text string
along with the time of occurrence.
„ The algorithm has set DALRT Confirm lost while commanded On. The event record shows
the path to the LSDO algorithm and the text Confirm lost while commanded On along with the
time of occurrence.
„ The command to trip was successful and RDBK has been wired. The event record shows the
path to the LSDO algorithm and the text Successful confirmation following a command to trip
along with the time of occurrence.

Alarm Detection

You can configure alarms to reference bits in DALRT and BLERR. You can reference these alarm
conditions upstream of the LSDO algorithm when required.

The Failed to confirm after trip command alert in DALRT propagates to the module parameter
SIF_ERRORS when the ROPx option "Alarm conditions do not roll up to module level" is not

Status Handling

Status is considered in the detection of the fault state.

The status of OUTD is normally GoodNonCascade NonSpecific NotLimited. If the fault state is
active, the status is set to GoodCascade FaultStateActive NotLimited. If the status on the output
channel is Bad, the status of OUTD is set to Bad. Bad SensorFailure LowLimited indicates an
open or short circuit has been detected. Bad DeviceFailure NotLimited indicates a channel error.

The status of PVD is that of RDBK unless its status is Bad NotConnected, in which case the
status of PVD is the same as OUTD.

Algorithm Definitions



CASND - Variable Required - Input LD

Variable Actual Element Feedback
RDBK - Optional - LD
NO_LC_ Data Init
IOOUT Required CHxx Digital IO Output Channel -
PVD - Variable Optional - Readback Value LD
OSTAT - Variable Optional - Output Current State LA
CTTMR - Variable Optional - Feedback Confirm Timer LA

248 OW340_47
7.15 LSDO



FTMRH - Variable Optional - Fault Detection Timer (hrs) LA

Variable Block Error Status. The
choices are:
BLERR - Optional - ƒ 128 - Output Failure LX
ƒ 256 - Input Failure/Bad PV
ƒ 1024 - Fault State is Active
Variable Fault State Status
FSTAT - Optional - ƒ 0 - Not Active LA
ƒ 1 - Active
Variable Alarm Conditions Set by
DALRT - Optional - LX
OUTD X9 - Byte Alg Init Optional 0 Output Value -
FOP1 G0 - Tunable Optional 1 FState Opt: Undefined Opt 1 -
Integer 0=No
(Bits 0-0) 1=Yes
FOP2 G0 - Tunable Required 1 FState Opt: -
Integer FaultDetectbyCASND
(Bits 1-1) 0=No
FOP3 G0 - Tunable Required 1 FState Opt: -
Integer FaultDetectbyOUTD
(Bits 2-2) 0=No
FOP4 G0 - Tunable Required 1 FState Opt: -
Integer FaultDetectbyPVD
(Bits 3-3) 0=No
FTIM R4 - Real Tunable Required 300 Fault Detection Delay Time -
FTMR R5 - Real Tunable Required 0 Fault Detection Timer (sec) -
CTTM R1 - Real Tunable Required 5 Output Feedback Time (sec) -
ROP1 G1 - Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: NoRollUp -
Integer 0=False
(Bits 0-0) 1=True
ROP2 G1 - Tunable Required 0 Report Opt:NoEventRecords -
Integer 0=False
(Bits 1-1) 1=True
RQRST X7 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Require Reset -
RST X8 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Reset -

OW340_47 249
7.15 LSDO


The following table shows the alerts that can appear for an LSDO algorithm and the bit position of
each alert.


Failed to confirm after trip command. 0

Confirm lost while commanded On. 1

250 OW340_47
7.16 LSDVC

7.16 LSDVC


The Logic Solver Digital Valve Controller (LSDVC) algorithm provides an interface to the Fisher
Controls DVC6000ESD digital valve controller for safety shutdown applications. The algorithm's
output is assigned to a HART Two-state Output Channel on a Logic Solver. In a typical
application the algorithm's input is from an output of a Cause And Effect Matrix (LSCEM)

Functional Overview

The LSDVC algorithm contains all of the parameters found in the Digital Output (LSDO) algorithm.
In addition, the LSDVC algorithm performs automatic and manual partial stroke testing on the
associated valve.

The following algorithm diagram shows a simple application that uses the LSDVC algorithm to
operate a DVC6000ESD digital valve controller.

Figure 94: Simple LSDVC application diagram

In this example, the input to the Digital Valve Controller algorithm is an effect output from a Cause
and Effect Matrix algorithm. During normal operation, the effect output's value is 1. When the
inputs to the Cause and Effect Matrix algorithm indicate a hazardous condition exists, the effect
output is set to 0 (zero). This, in turn, trips the output of the Digital Valve Controller algorithm,
driving the associated Logic Solver HART Two-state Output Channel to the configured off-current
value, which closes the valve.

OW340_47 251
7.16 LSDVC

The Digital Input algorithm is wired to a limit switch or other indicator to confirm that the valve
closes. If the valve does not close, the PV input to the Digital Valve Controller algorithm from the
Digital Input algorithm eventually sets a fault state in the Digital Valve Controller algorithm.

This simple example does not illustrate a number of configurable functions the algorithm supports:
„ Options for detecting a fault state.
„ Timers to delay sending a signal to close the valve or set the fault state.
„ Requiring permission before resetting the algorithm to normal operation after being tripped.
„ A number of features that support partial stroke testing.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

Because the Logic Solver is a De-energized to Trip environment, the normal operating value of
the output is On (1) and the tripped value is Off (0).

To use the LSDVC algorithm in a safety shutdown application, assign IOOUT to a Logic Solver
HART Two-state Output Channel connected to a Fisher Controls DVC6000ESD digital valve
controller. Typically, the CASND input of the LSDVC algorithm would be wired from an EFFECT
output of an upstream LSCEM algorithm. Default LSDVC algorithm behavior passes the value of

You can wire feedback from the DVC6000ESD to the RDBK input parameter of the LSDVC
algorithm. This input would typically be wired from an LSDI algorithm representing a limit switch.
The RDBK value becomes the PVD of the LSDVC algorithm. If the configurable time CTTM
expires before PVD confirms the off state, the "DALRT Failed to confirm after trip" command
becomes True. If RDBK is not wired, PVD has the same value as OUT, so confirmation is

Fault State Detection

The LSDVC algorithm enters a fault state when any of three conditions is detected and a
corresponding option has been selected for the detected condition. When the fault state is active,
the algorithm forces OUT to Off, sets the Fault State Active bit in BLERR, and sets FSTAT to
Active. The FOPx options are selected by default and include:
„ Enable detection based on CASND status.
If the status of CASND becomes Bad, FTMR begins incrementing from 0.0. If the status
remains Bad for FTIM seconds, OUT is forced to 0 (zero). FTMR continues to increment while
the status of CASND is Bad. The fault state condition clears immediately when the status
transitions away from Bad.
„ Enable detection based on output channel status.
OUT is forced to Off if the Logic Solver detects a short or open in the field wiring (status of
OUT is bad quality) while OUT is being commanded On. The LSDVC algorithm reacts to this
status by forcing the output Off to track the state of the DVC6000ESD. Note that FTIM has no
effect when the fault state is a result of OUT status.

252 OW340_47
7.16 LSDVC

Note: If you use this option you must also require a reset, either in this algorithm or in an
upstream LSCEM algorithm, because an active fault state condition clears when the algorithm
drives the output Off. Requiring a reset prevents the algorithm from driving the output back to
On during the next scan.

„ Enable detection based on PVD value.

OUT is forced to 0 based on feedback from the final element wired into RDBK. The final
element is confirmed Off (PVD is 0) while OUT is commanded On. Use this option to force the
output off if a failure of the final element is not detected by a Logic Solver diagnostic. RDBK
should be wired when using this option; otherwise, PVD has the same value as OUT. Note
that FTIM has no effect when the fault state is a result of the value of PVD.

Note: If you use this option you must also require a reset, either in this algorithm or in an
upstream LSCEM algorithm, because an active fault state condition clears when the algorithm
drives the output Off. Requiring a reset prevents the algorithm from driving the output back to
On during the next scan.

FTMR is a writeable parameter. Be advised that writing to FTMR can cause the state of OUT to
change depending on the value written.

Determining the value of OUT and writing the output channel value

The following figure is the state transition diagram for OSTAT. When OSTAT is Off or Off - Ready
to Reset, the value of OUT is Off (0) and the Logic Solver channel defined by IOOUT is written to
Off. When OSTAT is On, OUT is On and IOOUT is written to On.

Figure 95: OSTAT Transition diagram

OW340_47 253
7.16 LSDVC

Note: To require a manual reset to transition OUT to On (1), Emerson recommends that you
configure this in an upstream LSCEM algorithm, not the LSDVC algorithm. The LSCEM
algorithm has a number of features that enhance the reset logic. The ability to require resets in
the LSDVC algorithm (using the RQRST parameter) is provided if you do not have voter and
LSCEM algorithms to implement shutdown logic.

If you set the LSDVC algorithm's RQRST parameter to True, any transition of OUT to Off (0)
causes OUT to remain Off until all of the following conditions are met:
„ CASND equals 1.
„ FSTAT is not active.
„ RST is True.
RST should be changed to True using a button on a process display. The algorithm changes RST
back to False. Do not expose RST as an input on the algorithm and wire to it. If you need to reset
an LSDVC algorithm from SIS module logic, use an LSCALC algorithm to do a conditional
assignment to RST.

When RQRST is False, OUT's value is based on the value of CASND unless the fault state is

When OSTAT is Off or Off - Ready to Reset, the value of OUT is Off and the channel on this
Logic Solver defined by IOOUT is written to Off. This results in the configured OFCUR value (0 or
4 mA) being sent to the Logic Solver's HART Two-state Output Channel defined in IOOUT.

When OSTAT is On, OUT is On and the channel is written to On. This results in 20 mA being sent
to the Logic Solver's HART Two-state Output Channel.

Determining the value of PVD

PVD normally gets its value from RDBK. If the status of RDBK is BadNotConnected, PVD has the
same value as OUT. Use the invert input option in the upstream LSDI algorithm if you are using a
closed limit switch.

Determining the value of DALRT

The DALRT parameter reports two alarm conditions set by the algorithm (inactive = 0, active = 1):
„ Failed to confirm after trip command.
The device fails to confirm after being commanded to trip. On any transition of OUT to Off, the
algorithm starts a confirmation timer. If the value of PVD is not 0 within CTTM seconds, the
alert Failed to confirm after trip command becomes True. The alert clears when OUT
transitions to On (1).
„ Confirm lost while commanded On.
The device confirms Off while it is being commanded On. When OSTAT is On and PVD has
transitioned to 1, the condition is detected if PVD becomes 0, for example if the device has a
failure that causes it to confirm in the Off state. The alert clears on the next transition of
OSTAT to On.

254 OW340_47
7.16 LSDVC

Partial stroke testing

Perform partial stroke testing of a DVC6000ESD in one of the following ways:

„ Initiate a test from a workstation using the Advanced Tuning window on Signal Diagrams by a
SIS write to the PSSRT parameter in the LSDVC algorithm.
„ Use a Calc algorithm in an SIS module to initiate a test by conditionally writing the PSSRT
parameter in the LSDVC algorithm.
„ Configure the LSDVC algorithm to periodically initiate the test based on the algorithm's PSPT

Note: Do not attempt to initiate consecutive partial stroke tests from the logic unless you verify
that each test completes before initiating the next. Otherwise, the first test succeeds and
subsequent tests fail or are denied until the first test completes.

The partial stroke testing facility in the LSDVC algorithm is in one of three states as indicated in
the PST_STATE parameter, whose state transition diagram is shown in the following figure.

Figure 96: PSSTA Transition diagram

OW340_47 255
7.16 LSDVC

The partial stroke testing state is Idle when the algorithm has not been configured to initiate tests
periodically, that is, PSPT is zero hours, and the algorithm is waiting for a manual test to be
initiated by PSSRT.

The state is Armed when PSPT is greater than zero and PSNTR is timing down. A test starts
when PSNTR reaches zero (times out), or if prior to timing out, a manual test is started.

The state transitions to PST in Progress when a test is started from Idle or Armed. The algorithm
sends a request to the IO subsystem to initiate a partial stroke test. The algorithm generates an
event based on whether the test was successful, failed, or denied. The state then transitions to
Armed or Idle based on the value of PSPT.

A partial stroke test can fail for a number of reasons:

„ The DVC6000ESD returns a test failed response.
„ The Logic Solver I/O processor is not in the Ready state when the algorithm requests a test.
„ The Logic Solver I/O processor goes to the NoComm state after the test is initiated.
„ The Logic Solver control subsystem does not get a response from the Logic Solver I/O
processor for 180 seconds while PSSTA is PST In Progress.
When a partial stroke test fails, the algorithm sets the PSALR Test failed. The alert remains set
until the next time PSSTA is PST in Progress.

The partial stroke test can be denied by the DVC6000ESD when it is in some modes of operation;
for example, it is being calibrated or a test has been initiated from Valve link, or the connected
HART device does not support partial stroke testing. When a test is denied, the algorithm sets the
PSALR Test Denied, where it remains set until the next time PSSTA is PST in Progress.

When PSSTA is Armed or Idle, the algorithm compares the elapsed time since the last successful
test (PSSNT) to the maximum allowed time between successful tests (PSRIN) and sets the
PSALR No successful test in the required interval if the time has been exceeded (unless the
required interval is zero). PSSNT is set to zero after a test succeeds. PSSNT does not begin
incrementing after an initial load of the Logic Solver until a successful test has occurred.

A transition can occur between Idle and Armed when PSPT is written in runtime, or on the first
scan after a load if PSPT has changed. When the state is Idle, changing PSPT to a value greater
than zero causes the state to change to Armed and PSNTR to be initialized. When the state is
Armed, writing PSPT to zero changes the state to Idle. When Armed, a greater than zero write to
PSPT changes PSNTR to the value written to PSPT if that value is less than the current value of
PSNTR. PSNTR is decremented when the state is Armed.

When a load of the Logic Solver occurs where there is an existing configuration running, the
current state and timer values are copied from running LSDVC algorithms to retain the values.

Event Generation

The LSDVC algorithm generates an event record when any of the following conditions become
active and the ROPx option "Event records are not generated" is not selected:
„ The algorithm has set DALRT Failed to confirm following a command to trip. The event record
shows the path to the LSDVC algorithm and the "Failed to confirm after trip" command text
string along with the time of occurrence.
„ The algorithm has set DALRT to "Confirm lost while commanded On." The event record
shows the path to the LSDVC algorithm and the text "Confirm lost while commanded On"
along with the time of occurrence.

256 OW340_47
7.16 LSDVC

„ The command to trip was successful and RDBK has been wired. The event record shows the
path to the LSDVC algorithm and the text "Successful confirmation following a command to
trip" along with the time of occurrence.
„ The algorithm has set PSALR Test failed. The event record shows the path to the LSDVC
algorithm and the text string "Partial stroke test failed" along with the time of occurrence.
„ The algorithm has set PSALR Test denied. The event record shows the path to the LSDVC
algorithm and the text string "Partial stroke test denied" along with the time of occurrence.
„ The algorithm has set PSALR No successful test in the required interval. The event record
shows the path to the LSDVC algorithm and the text string "Partial stroke test past due" along
with the time of occurrence.
„ The partial stroke test is successful. The event record shows the path to the LSDVC algorithm
and the text "Successful partial stroke test" along with the time of occurrence.

Status Handling

Status is considered in the detection of the fault state.

The status of OUT is normally GoodNonCascade NonSpecific NotLimited. If the fault state is
active, the status is set to GoodCascade FaultStateActive NotLimited. If the status on the output
channel is Bad, the status of OUT is set to Bad. Bad SensorFailure LowLimited indicates an open
or short circuit has been detected. Bad DeviceFailure NotLimited indicates a channel error.

The status of PVD is that of RDBK unless its status is Bad NotConnected, in which case the
status of PVD is the same as OUT.

Algorithm Definitions



CASND X1 - Byte Variable Required - Input LD

RDBK X2 - Byte Variable Optional - Actual Element Feedback LD
IOOUT - Data Init. Required CHxx HART 2-State I/O Output -
PVD X3 - Byte Variable Optional - Readback Value LD
OSTAT Y2 - Byte Variable Optional - Output Current State LA
0 = Off
1 = Off - Ready to Reset
2 = On
BLERR G2 - Variable Optional - Block Error Status LX
Integer ƒ 128 = Output Failure
ƒ 256 = Input Failure/ Bad PV
ƒ 1024 = Fault State is Active
FSTAT X5 - Byte Variable Optional - Fault State Status LA
ƒ 0 = Not Active
ƒ 1 = Active

OW340_47 257
7.16 LSDVC



DALRT G3 - Variable Optional - Alarm Conditions Set by LX

Integer Block
1 = Failed to Confirm after trip
2 = Confirm lost while
commanded On
CTTMR R2 - Real Variable Optional - Feedback Confirm Timer LA
FTMRH R3 - Real Variable Optional - Fault Detection Timer (Hours) LA
PSSTA Y3 - Byte Variable Optional - PST State LA
PSALR G4 - Variable Optional - PST Alerts LX
PSNTR S1 - Real Variable Optional - Periodic PST Timer LA
PSSNT S2 - Real Variable Optional - Last Success PST Elapsed LA
OUT X9 - Byte Alg. Init. Optional 0 Output Value -
CTTM R1 - Real Tunable Required 5 Output Feedback Time (sec) -
FOP2 G0 - Tunable Required 1 FState Opt: -
Integer FaultDetectbyCASND
Bits 1 0=No
FOP3 G0 - Tunable Required 1 FState Opt: -
Integer FaultDetectbyOUTD
Bits 2 0=No
FOP4 G0 - Tunable Required 1 FState Opt: -
Integer FaultDetectbyPVD
Bits 3 0=No
FTIM R4 - Real Tunable Required 300 Fault Detection Delay Time -
FTMR R5 - Real Variable Required 0 Fault Detection Timer (sec) -
ROP1 G1 - Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: NoRollUp -
Integer 0=False
Bits 0 1=True
ROP2 G1 - Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: NoEventRecords -
Integer 0=False
Bits 1 1=True
OFCUR X6 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Valve Controller Off Current -
0=0 milliamps
1=4 milliamps
RST X7 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Reset -
Bit 0 0=False
RQRST X8 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Require Reset -
Bit 0 0=False

258 OW340_47
7.16 LSDVC



PSSRT X4 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Start On-Demand PST -

Bit 0 0=False
PSRIN R8 - Real Tunable Required 0 Required PST Interval (hrs) -
PSPT R7 - Real Tunable Required 0 Periodic PST Time (hrs) -


The following table shows the alerts that can appear for an LSDO algorithm and the bit position of
each alert.


Failed to confirm after trip command. 0

Confirm lost while commanded On. 1


The following table shows the alerts that can appear for an LSDO algorithm and the bit position of
each alert.


Last test denied. 0

No successful test in the required interval. 1
Last test failed. 2

OW340_47 259
7.16 LSDVC

Using output algorithms with the DVC6000ESD

The LSDVC algorithm provides an interface to the DVC6000ESD for safety shutdown and for
partial stroke testing. The HART Two-state Output Channel provides the control signal and the
HART communications path to the digital valve controller. You can configure the output channel
to have an OFCUR of 0 mA or 4 mA. The control signal can command the valve controller to the
tripped state regardless of the configured OFCUR value. Using an OFCUR value of 4 mA allows
HART communication between the Logic Solver and the valve controller whether the valve
controller is in the normal or the trip state. When the OFCUR is 0 mA, the power is removed
entirely when the LSDVC algorithm drives the channel Off.

CAUTION! Emerson recommends keeping the travel cutoffs in the DVC6000ESD (Travel
Cutoff High and Travel Cutoff Low) at their default value of 50%. Do not set Travel Cutoff Low
below 15% or set Travel Cutoff High above 85%.

Implementation Example
„ Outfit the valve with a solenoid as shown in the figure below.
„ Use two output channels on the Logic Solver, one configured as a Digital Output Channel and
one as HART Two-state Output Channel.
„ Set the OFCUR parameter to 4 mA.
„ Use two output algorithms in the SIS module, one LSDO and one LSDVC.
„ Wire the EFFECTn output from the LSCEM algorithm to the CASND input on both algorithms.

Figure 97: Example implementation

260 OW340_47
7.16 LSDVC

An advantage of this implementation is HART communication is active whether the valve is in the
normal or trip state.

Alternate Implementation
„ The DVC6000ESD is not outfitted with a solenoid valve.
„ Use a single output channel configured as HART Two-state Output Channel.
„ Set the OFCUR parameter to 0 mA.
„ Use one output algorithm, an LSDVC algorithm, in the SIS module
„ Wire the EFFECTx output from the LSCEM algorithm to the CASND input of the LSDVC

Figure 98: Alternate implementation

An advantage of this implementation is that only one output channel is required. The
disadvantage is not having HART communication when the DVC6000ESD is in the shutdown

OW340_47 261



The Logic Solver Digital Voter (LSDVTR) algorithm provides a digital voter function for safety
instrumented functions. A voter algorithm monitors a number of input values and determines if
there are enough votes to trip. The LSDVTR algorithm monitors as many as 16 digital inputs. If a
configured number of the inputs vote to trip, the algorithm trips and sets the output of the
algorithm to 0 (zero).

For example, a process shutdown might be required if a tank exceeds a certain temperature.
Three temperature sensors are installed in the tank and a digital voter algorithm is configured to
monitor the sensors and trip if two of the three transmitters detect a high temperature.

Because the Logic Solver is a De-energized to Trip environment, the normal operating value of
the output is 1 (On) and the tripped value is 0 (Off).

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSDVTR algorithm has one or more digital inputs with status and one digital output with
status. The algorithm examines each input to determine whether that input is a vote to trip the
output (change it from the normal operating value to the tripped value).

Basic Algorithm Operation

Voting in the Digital Voter algorithm is an M out of N function, that is, M inputs of the total N inputs
must vote to trip. For example, the algorithm can be configured as a 2 out of 3 voter, where two of
the three inputs must vote to trip before the output is tripped. The output of the algorithm is
typically wired to an LSCEM (Cause and Effect Matrix) algorithm, which interprets the value as
either a safe or dangerous process state.

The LSDVTR algorithm has three inputs by default. The number of inputs is extensible from 1 to
16. The M value corresponds to the parameter N2TRP (default value is 2). Common voting
schemes include 2 out of 3, 1 out of 2, and 2 out of 2. Other features of the algorithm make it
useful for single transmitter applications as a 1 out of 1 voter.

A vote to trip must remain a vote to trip for a configured time (TRDLY) before the output changes
to tripped. When the vote to trip clears, it must remain clear for NDLY before the output changes
to the normal state. The default for both delays is 0.0 seconds. The trip voting function has the
status parameter TRSTS that indicates the status of the trip vote.

262 OW340_47

For example, the possible values for TRSTS are:

„ Normal
„ Tripped
„ Voted to Trip, Delayed
„ Voted Normal, Delayed.
„ Trip Inhibited (when applicable)

Startup and Maintenance BYPx Options

It is often necessary to force a voter algorithm's output to remain at the Normal value during plant
startup to prevent a trip caused by inputs that have not stabilized at their normal operating values.
You may also want to bypass inputs to allow for sensor maintenance. By default, you can bypass
only one input of the algorithm at a time. The bypassed input cannot vote to trip.

The following sections explain how to use the BOPx options to implement startup and
maintenance bypasses.

Bypassing Inputs

If you have voter algorithms with 1 out of 2 or 1 out of 1 voting schemes you may want the ability
to bypass inputs to allow for maintenance. Voters that require multiple votes to trip can benefit
from bypass functions as well, resulting in more predictable behavior during transmitter
maintenance. Default algorithm behavior requires that BPERM be true to bypass inputs. You can
configure BPERM to be set by a display button or physical switch (digital input to the SIS module).

If your application does not require permission before inputs can be bypassed you can select the
BOPx option "Bypass permit is not required to bypass."

Reducing the Number to Trip

By default, an algorithm configured as an M out of N voter becomes an M out of (N-1) algorithm (a

2 out of 3 voter becomes a 2 out of 2 voter) when an input is bypassed because the bypassed
input cannot vote to trip. Selecting the BOPx option "A maintenance bypass reduces the number
to trip" causes an M out of N voter to become an (M-1) out of (N-1) voter (reduces the number
required to trip by one when an input is bypassed).

The following table shows the effect the BOPx option "A maintenance bypass reduces the number
to trip" has on the actual number to trip (ANTRP) for several voting schemes. Note that in no case
is ANTRP less than one.




2 out of 3 2 out of 2 1 out of 2

2 out of 2 Trip Inhibited 1 out of 1
1 out of 2 1 out of 1 1 out of 1
1 out of 1 Trip Inhibited Trip Inhibited
2 out of 4 2 out of 3 1 out of 3

OW340_47 263




6 out of 8 6 out of 7 5 out of 7

Allowing Multiple Bypasses

If your application requires, you can enable bypassing multiple inputs simultaneously by selecting
the BOPx option "Multiple maintenance bypasses are allowed."

If multiple bypasses are set, deselecting the BOPx option "Multiple maintenance bypasses are
allowed" prevents further bypasses being set but existing bypasses remain set. Additional
bypasses cannot be set until all existing bypasses are cleared.

Maintenance Bypass Timeout

You can configure a maintenance bypass to be active for a finite time using BTOUT. Its default
value is 0.0 seconds, which means no timeout is applied (maintenance bypasses remain active
until BYPx parameters become False, either by changing True BYPx parameters to False or
changing BPERM to False).

When BTOUT is non-zero, BTMR is preset to BTOUT seconds when the first BYPx parameter
becomes True (not when BPERM becomes True). Each module scan thereafter BTMR is
decremented until it times out (unless all BYPx parameters become False, in which case the
algorithm resets BTMR to 0.0).

BTMR is common to all inputs. The value of BTMR does not change when a second BYPx
parameter is changed to True (if multiple bypasses are allowed). When BTMR times out, the
algorithm default behavior changes all True BYPx parameters to False. If you use bypass
timeouts, do not expose BYPx parameters as algorithm inputs and wire to them. Doing so will
prevent the algorithm from removing bypasses upon timeout. If you need to manipulate BYPx
parameters from SIS module logic, use an LSCALC algorithm to conditionally assign them.

Optionally, you can use the bypass timer for indication only by selecting the BOPx option
"Maintenance bypass timeout is for indication only." This causes the timeout of BTMR to activate
a notification alarm (DALRT Expiration Reminder), but does not undo bypasses.

Bypass Timeout Reminder

You can configure the algorithm to remind operators that a bypass timeout is imminent. By
default, the algorithm does not notify. There are two ways you can cause a notification:
„ For bypasses with a configured timeout, you can cause notification in advance of the timeout
by setting RMTIM to a non-zero value. When BTMR is non-zero but less than or equal to
RMTIM, the alarm condition DALRT Expiration Reminder is active.
The bypass timer is re-armed only after the first bypass. However, BTMR is a writeable
parameter. After notification that a timeout is about to happen, BTMR can be incremented
using a display button or some other suitable technique to extend the time.

264 OW340_47

„ A second approach is available when you are using the bypass timeout for indication only,
that is, bypasses are not removed when BTMR expires (the BOPx option "Maintenance
bypass timeout is for indication only" is selected). In this case the reminder alarm condition
becomes active when BTMR times out even if RMTIM is 0.0. If RMTIM is non-zero, the
reminder occurs prior to timeout. If BTMR times out, the reminder is active and remains active
until all bypasses have been removed.
The following table describes the behavior of the bypass timeout and reminder function for three
different configuration setups.

Maintenance Bypass Timeout and Reminder Function Behavior



BPERM changes to BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR stays 0.0
First input is BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR = BTOUT seconds and BTMR = BTOUT seconds
bypassed (BYPx begins timing down and begins timing down
changes to True)
Second input is BTMR stays 0.0 BTMR continues timing down BTMR continues timing
bypassed down
(assuming the
BOPx option
bypasses are
allowed" is
BTMR > RMTIM N/A No reminder No reminder
BTMR <= RMTIM No reminder Reminder alarm condition is Reminder alarm condition is
active active
Bypass timer times N/A The algorithm changes all BYPx Reminder alarm condition
out parameters to False. Reminder remains active until all
alarm condition clears on the bypasses are removed
following scan. manually.

OW340_47 265

Startup Bypass Trip Inhibit

It is often necessary to force a voter algorithm's output to remain at the Normal value during plant
startup to prevent a trip caused by inputs that have not stabilized at their normal operating values.
This startup bypass allows the process to reach normal operating conditions without tripping. Use
the STUP parameter and associated parameters for startup bypasses. Do not use maintenance
overrides for this purpose.

Timed Startup Bypass (the BOPx option "Startup bypass duration is event-based" is not

On a rising edge of the STUP parameter, the algorithm forces OUT to the normal state value for a
configurable length of time defined by SUTM. When the countdown timer SUTMR times out, the
algorithm resumes normal trip detection. The default behavior of the algorithm is such that a
subsequent rising edge of STUP does not affect the startup time while SUTMR is timing down. To
avoid a pending trip on timeout, you can allow each rising edge of STUP to re-arm SUTMR (by
selecting the BOPx option "Startup bypass preset is allowed while active").

A reminder becomes available to STUP bypasses by selecting the BOPx option "Reminder
applies to startup bypass." When SUTMR is greater than 0.0 but less than RMTIM the reminder
alarm condition (DALRT Expiration Reminder) is active. The reminder alarm condition is common
to the timeout of maintenance and startup bypasses.

Another option is to have the startup timer expire when inputs have stabilized, that is, when there
have not been enough votes to trip for a configurable period of time. When the BOPx option
"Startup bypass expires upon stabilization" is selected, the bypass timer expires when the
process stabilizes. While SUTMR is timing down, STMR times up whenever there are not enough
votes to trip and resets whenever the trip votes equal or exceed the number required to trip.

If STMR reaches the configured STM, SUTMR resets to 0.0 and normal trip detection resumes.
While SUTMR is timing down, the algorithm increments T2STB and stops as soon as the STMR
is triggered. T2STB indicates the total number of seconds during the startup bypass until the
inputs become and remain stable (assuming SUTM is sufficiently long).

STMR does not reset at the end of the startup time period, but is reset at the beginning of a
startup and at any time during the startup when there are enough trip votes. T2STB is reset at the
beginning of a startup bypass. STMR and T2STB are processed even when the stabilization
option is not used (the BOPx option "Startup bypass expires upon stabilization" is not selected).
You can use the value of T2STB to optimize the configured SUTM.

Event-Based Startup Bypass (the BOPx option "Startup bypass duration is event-based" is

When the startup bypass expires based on an event rather than a fixed time period, select the
BOPx option "Startup bypass duration is event based." This ends the startup bypass when the
STUP parameter becomes False. STMR and T2STB are not processed. They are set to 0.0 when
STUP becomes True.

Bypass Permit Control

When the BOPx option "Bypass permit control should be visible in operator interface" is selected,
the algorithm faceplate contains a button which operators can use to set BPERM. Do not select
this option if logic in the SIS module is writing to BPERM (for example, a keyswitch is used to
permit bypassing).

266 OW340_47

The following table summarizes the BOPx options and their effects.

BOPx parameter options


A maintenance bypass An M out of N voter becomes an An M out of N voter becomes an M

reduces the number to (M-1) out of (N-1) voter (number out of (N-1) voter when an input is
trip. (BOP1 - required to trip by is reduced by one) bypassed.
MaintBypRed) when an input is bypassed.
Multiple maintenance You can bypass multiple inputs at the Only one input can be bypassed at a
bypasses are allowed. same time. time.
(BOP2 -
Maintenance bypass When BTMR times out DALRT When BTMR times out DALRT
timeout is for indication Bypass Active remains set and input Bypass Active clears and all
only. bypasses remain in effect. bypasses are cleared.
(BOP3 - IndicateOnly)
Startup bypass preset is Each time STUP is set to True, SUTMR is not reset.
allowed while active. SUTMR is reset to the configured
(BOP4 - ReArmAllowed) value of SUTM.
Startup bypass expires Startup bypass and SUTMR clear if Startup bypass ends when SUTMR
upon stabilization. STMR reaches STM (after there are reaches 0 (zero).
(BOP5 - BypExpires) not enough votes to trip for the
configured amount of time).
Reminder applies to When SUTMR is greater than 0.0 but DALRT Expiration Reminder does not
startup bypass. less than RMTIM, the DALRT apply to startup bypass.
(BOP6 - Expiration Reminder is set. The
ReminderApplies) reminder alarm condition is common
to maintenance and startup bypass
Startup bypass duration Startup bypass expires only when Startup bypass is time based.
is event-based. STUP becomes False. STMR and
(BOP7 - BypDurEvent) T2STB are not processed.
Bypass permit is not BPERM does not need to be set to BPERM must be set to True for inputs
required to bypass. True for inputs to be bypassed. to be bypassed.
(BOP8 - PermitNotReq)
Bypass permit control Bypass permit controls appear in the Bypass permit controls do not appear
should be visible in standard LSDVTR faceplate. Do not in the standard LSDVTR faceplate.
operator interface. select this option if SIS module logic
(BOP9 - BypPerVisible) writes to BPERM (for example,
bypass permitting is done using a

OW340_47 267

Status Handling

The status of the inputs influences algorithm behavior based on how the SOPT parameter is
configured. The three choices of SOPT are:
„ Always Use Value — The value of the input is always used regardless of status. In this way a
hardware failure does not necessarily cause a shutdown and time is allowed for repair.
Detected hardware failures are indicated by standard alarms on the Logic Solver card. This is
the default option.
„ Will Not Vote if Bad — The input value is not counted as a vote to trip if its status is Bad.
„ Vote to Trip if Bad — The input value is counted as a vote to trip if the input status is Bad.
The following table shows how several common voting schemes degrade when a single input has
bad status based on the option chosen for SOPT.



2 out of 3 2 out of 3 or 1 out of 2 2 out of 2 1 out of 2

2 out of 2 2 out of 2 or 1 out of 1 Will Not Vote if Bad 1 out of 1
1 out of 2 1 out of 2 or Tripped 1 out of 1 Tripped
1 out of 1 1 out of 1 or Tripped Trip Inhibited Tripped
The degraded voting scheme depends on the value of the input with Bad status.

268 OW340_47

The LSDVTR algorithm determines the status of OUT the same way no matter which status
option is chosen. The status calculation is completely separate from the value calculation.

The status of OUT is Good if the number of non-bypassed inputs with Good status is greater than
or equal to ANTRP or all inputs are bypassed; otherwise, the status is Bad. Uncertain status on
inputs is treated as Good.

When any input has Bad status, the DALRT Input Bad becomes active.

TRSTS Indication

The TRSTS parameter indicates the state of the trip vote functions. The typical value for TRSTS
is Normal, and less commonly, Tripped. As shown in the following figure, TRSTS can be delayed
when TRDLY or NDLY is non-zero and a transition is occurring between normal and tripped

A fifth state, Trip Inhibited, occurs whenever a startup bypass is active or when it is not possible to
trip because there are not enough inputs participating in voting. The latter case can occur when
inputs are bypassed or when inputs have bad status and SOPT selected is Trip inhibited.

The solid lines in the figure show the common state transitions of TRSTS expected as the
process value moves above and below the trip point. The dashed lines show less common state

Figure 99: State diagram for TRSTS

OW340_47 269

Algorithm Definitions



NOFIN Y0 - Byte Data Init. Required 1 Number of Inputs -

IN1 G3 - Integer Variable Required - Input 1 LD
Bit 0
IN2 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 2 LD
Bit 1
IN3 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 3 LD
Bit 2
IN4 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 4 LD
Bit 3
IN5 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 5 LD
Bit 4
IN6 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 6 LD
Bit 5
IN7 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 7 LD
Bit 6
IN8 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 8 LD
Bit 7
IN9 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 9 LD
Bit 8
IN10 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 10 LD
Bit 9
IN11 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 11 LD
Bit 10
IN12 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 12 LD
Bit 11
IN13 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 13 LD
Bit 12
IN14 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 14 LD
Bit 13
IN15 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 15 LD
Bit 14
IN16 G3 - Integer Variable Optional - Input 16 LD
Bit 15
OUT X1 - Byte Variable Required - Output LD
OUTNB X3 - Byte Variable Optional - Output with No LD
TVN1 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 0 Status Input 1
TVN2 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 1 Status Input 2
TVN3 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 2 Status Input 3

270 OW340_47



TVN4 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD

Bit 3 Status Input 4
TVN5 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 4 Status Input 5
TVN6 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 5 Status Input 6
TVN7 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 6 Status Input 7
TVN8 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 7 Status Input 8
TVN9 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 8 Status Input 9
TVN10 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 9 Status Input 10
TVN11 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 10 Status Input 11
TVN12 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 11 Status Input 12
TVN13 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 12 Status Input 13
TVN14 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 13 Status Input 14
TVN15 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 14 Status Input 15
TVN16 G4 - Integer Variable Optional - Voted-to-Trip LD
Bit 15 Status Input 16
ANTRP X6 - Byte Variable Optional - Actual Votes LA
Needed to Trip
BTMRH R3 - Real Variable Optional - Bypass Countdown LA
Timer (hrs)
DLYTM R4 - Real Variable Optional - Countdown Timer LA
for Delay
DALRT G5 - Integer Variable Optional - Alarm Conditions LX
Set by algorithm.
ƒ 1 = Trip Active
ƒ 4 = Bypass Active
ƒ 8 = Startup
Override Active
ƒ 32 = Expiration
ƒ 128 = Bypassed
Input Tripped
ƒ 256 = Input Bad

OW340_47 271



STMR R5 - Real Variable Optional - Startup LA

SUTMR R6 - Real Variable Optional - Startup Inhibit LA
Timer in seconds.
T2STB R7 - Real Variable Optional - Time to Stable in LA
TRSTS X7 - Byte Variable Optional - Trip Status LA
0 = Normal
1 = Tripped
2 = Trip Inhibited
3 = Voted to Trip -
4 = Voted Normal -
TRPVT X8 - Byte Variable Optional - Num of Inputs LA
BOP1 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 0 MaintBypRed
BOP2 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 1 MulBypAllowed
BOP3 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 2 IndicateOnly
BOP4 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 3 ReArmAllowed
BOP5 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 4 BypExpires
BOP6 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 5 ReminderApplies
BOP7 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 6 BypDurEvent
BOP8 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -
Bit 7 PermitNotReq

272 OW340_47



BOP9 G0 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Bypass Opt: -

Bit 8 BypPerVisible
BYP1 C0 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 1
BYP2 C1 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 2
BYP3 C2 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 3
BYP4 C3 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 4
BYP5 C4 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 5
BYP6 C5 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 6
BYP7 C6 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 7
BYP8 C7 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 8
BYP9 C8 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 9
BYP10 YT - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 10
BYP11 DO - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 11

OW340_47 273



BYP12 YQ - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD

Input 12
BYP13 D2 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 13
BYP14 YP - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 14
BYP15 D4 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 15
BYP16 D5 - Integer Selectable Optional 0 Voting Bypass for LD
Input 16
BPERM X2 - Byte Selectable Optional 0 Permit Input LD
Bypass 0=No
BTOUT R1 - Real Tunable Required 0.0 Input Bypass Reset -
Timeout (sec)
BTMR R2 - Real Data Init. Required 0.0 Bypass Countdown -
Timer (sec)
NDLY S4 - Real Tunable Required 0 Output Reset Delay -
N2TRP X4 - Byte Tunable Required 2 Votes Needed to -
RMTIM S5 - Real Tunable Required 0 Reminder Alarm -
Duration (sec)
ROP1 G1 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: -
Bit 0 NoRollUp
ROP2 G1 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Report Opt: -
Bit 1 NoEventRecords
STM S6 - Real Tunable Required 0 Process -
Stabilization Time
STUP X5 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Inhibit Startup Trip -
Bit 0 Detection

274 OW340_47



SUTM S8 - Real Tunable Required 0 Startup Inhibit -

Duration (sec)
SOPT Y5 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Status Options if -
Bad Input
0=Always Use
Value 1=Will Not
Vote if Bad
2=Vote to trip if Bad
TRDLY T2 - Real Tunable Required 0 Trip Delay (sec) -


The following table shows the alerts that can appear for an LSDVTR algorithm, an explanation of
each alert, and the bit position of each alert.


Trip Active Inactive when OUT is in the normal operating state, 0

active when OUT is in the trip state.
Bypass Active Active when there is a maintenance bypass on any 2
input (any BYPx parameter is True).
Startup Override Active Active whenever the startup bypass is active. 3
Expiration Reminder Active when either a maintenance bypass or a startup 5
bypass is about to expire.
Bypassed Input Tripped Active if one or more bypassed inputs have exceeded 7
the trip limit.
Input Bad Active if any input has bad status. 8

OW340_47 275
7.18 LSLIM

7.18 LSLIM


The Logic Solver Limit (LSLIM) algorithm limits an input value between two reference values. The
algorithm has options that set the output to a default value or the last value if the input becomes
out of range.

IN is the analog input value and status.

OUT is the analog output value and status.

LMIND is set True (1) when the input is limited to the OHLIM value. It remains True until the input
is limited to the OLLIM value, at which time it is set False (0). It remains False until the input is
again limited to the OHLIM value.

OUTLA is a Boolean value set True when the input is limited to the minimum value.

OUTHA is a Boolean value set True when the input is limited to the maximum value.

If the LMOPT option is CLAMP, then OUT is set to either OHLIM or OLLIM when there is a
corresponding limit violation.

You can use other LMOPT options instead of passing the clamped value to the output. If the
UseLast option is set then the output is set to the last output when the high or low limit is
exceeded. If the UseDefault option is set then the output is set to the DEFLT parameter value.

Functional Symbol

276 OW340_47
7.18 LSLIM

Algorithm Execution

The LSLIM algorithm restricts the output value between a high limit and a low limit. When IN is
less than or equal to the configured minimum value (OLLIM), OUT equals OLLIM and OUTLA is
set True.

When IN is greater than or equal to the configured maximum value (OHLIM), OUT equals OHLIM
and OUTHA is set True.

When the value is within the limits, OUTHA and OUTLA are set False.

When IN becomes greater than or equal to OHLIM, LMIND is set True.

When IN becomes less than or equal to OLLIM, LMIND is set False.

If the LMOPT option is CLAMP, then OUT is set to either OHLIM or OLLIM when there is a
corresponding limit violation.

You can use other LMOPT options instead of passing the clamped value to the output. If the
UseLast option is set then the output is set to the last output when the high or low limit is
exceeded. If the UseDefault option is set then the output is set to the DEFLT parameter value.

The following table shows an example of the Limit algorithm outputs when OLLIM = 5 and OHLIM
= 90:

LSLIM algorithm execution example


0 5 True False False

5 5 True False False
50 50 False False Equal to the previous
90 90 False True True
100 90 False True True

Status Handling

The statuses of the outputs (OUT, OUTHA, and OUTLA) are set to the input status. The status of
LMIND is always Good.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input LA

OUT - Variable Required - Output LA
OUTLA - Variable Optional - Low-Limited Input LD

OW340_47 277
7.18 LSLIM



OUTHA - Variable Optional - High-Limited Input LD

LMIND - Variable Optional - Hi-Low Limit Indicator LD
OLLIM R3 - Real Tunable Required 0 Min Output Value -
OHLIM R2 - Real Tunable Required 100 Max Output Value -
LMOPT X1 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Limit Options -
DEFLT R1 - Real Tunable Required 0 Output Default value -

278 OW340_47
7.19 LSMID

7.19 LSMID


The Logic Solver Mid Selector (LSMID) algorithm selects the mid-valued input from multiple
analog signals. This algorithm selects only from those inputs that are not bad. When there is an
even number of inputs, the average of the two middle valued inputs is used as the OUT value and
SEL is the number of the lowest-valued input of the two that are averaged.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

This algorithm selects the mid-valued input from those inputs that are not bad from as many as 16
inputs. When the algorithm has an odd number of inputs, OUT is the value of the selected input
and SEL is the number of the selected input. When the algorithm has an even number of inputs,
OUT is the average of the two mid-valued inputs and SEL is the number of the lowest-valued
input of the two mid-valued inputs. For example, an algorithm has the following inputs:
„ IN1 = 17
„ IN2 = 20
„ IN3 = 19
„ IN4 = 66
In this example OUT is equal to 19.5 (the average of IN2 and IN3) and SEL is 3 (IN3 is 19, the
least-valued of the two mid-valued inputs).

Alarm Detection

This algorithm calculates a DVACT parameter that can be used for alarming. This parameter is
True if one or more of the inputs used in the selection process is farther than DVLIM away from
the middle signal. A DVHYS parameter is used when DVACT is set for the calculation of when the
alarm has cleared.

Status Handling

Generally (see exceptions below), when an input is selected, the statuses of OUT and SEL are
set to the status of the selected input.
„ Quality Use And Propagation
… A bad input is never used.
… Any input which has poor quality will be used.
… If the number of poor or good inputs is zero, then bad is propagated to OUT and SEL

OW340_47 279
7.19 LSMID

„ Limit Status Propagation

… If an even number of inputs used by the algorithm: propagate not limited, unless both
inputs have the same limit status, in which case propagate that limit status.

Algorithm Definitions



NOFIN Y0 - Byte Data Init. Required 2 Number of Inputs -

IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LA
IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LA
IN3 - Variable Optional - Input 3 LA
IN4 - Variable Optional - Input 4 LA
IN5 - Variable Optional - Input 5 LA
IN6 - Variable Optional - Input 6 LA
IN7 - Variable Optional - Input 7 LA
IN8 - Variable Optional - Input 8 LA
IN9 - Variable Optional - Input 9 LA
IN10 - Variable Optional - Input 10 LA
IN11 - Variable Optional - Input 11 LA
IN12 - Variable Optional - Input 12 LA
IN13 - Variable Optional - Input 13 LA
IN14 - Variable Optional - Input 14 LA
IN15 - Variable Optional - Input 15 LA
IN16 - Variable Optional - Input 16 LA
OUT - Variable Required - Calculated / LA
Selected Output
SEL - Variable Optional - Number of Selected LA
DVACT - Variable Optional - Input Deviation LD
Status. The choices
ƒ True
ƒ False
DIS1 G0 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 1 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS2 G1 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 2 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS3 G2 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 3 LD
Integer 0=No

280 OW340_47
7.19 LSMID



DIS4 G3 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 4 LD

Integer 0=No
DIS5 G4 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 5 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS6 G5 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 6 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS7 G6 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 7 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS8 G7 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 8 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS9 G8 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 9 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS10 G9 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 10 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS11 B0 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 11 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS12 B1 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 12 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS13 B2 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 13 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS14 YU - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 14 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS15 B4 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 15 LD
Integer 0=No
DIS16 B5 - Selectable Optional 0 Disable Input 16 LD
Integer 0=No
DVHYS S8 - Real Tunable Required 0 Dev Status Reset -
DVLIM S9 - Real Tunable Required 0 MID Deviation Limit -
TPSC T1 - Real Tunable Required 100 Input Scale: Top -
BTSC T2 - Real Tunable Required 0 Input Scale: Bottom -

OW340_47 281
7.19 LSMID



SCDML Y5 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Input Scale: Decimal -


282 OW340_47



The Logic Solver Not AND (LSNAND) algorithm generates a digital output value based on
inverting the logical AND of two to 16 digital inputs. The algorithm supports signal status

IN1 through INx are the digital input values and statuses (as many as 16 inputs).

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The number of inputs to the LSNAND algorithm is an extensible parameter. The algorithm default
is two inputs. Use the Control Builder (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide) to add additional
input pins.

The LSNAND algorithm examines the inputs you define and applies the logical AND function to
the inputs, then applies the logical NOT function. When all inputs are True (1), the output is False.
When one or more of the inputs is False (0), the output is True.

Status Handling

The output status is set to the worst status among the selected inputs unless at least one input is
False and its status is not Bad. When this is the case, the output status is set to GOOD.

Algorithm Definitions



NOFIN Y0 - Byte Data Init. Required 2 Number of Inputs -

IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LD
IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LD
IN3 - Variable Optional - Input 3 LD
IN4 - Variable Optional - Input 4 LD
IN5 - Variable Optional - Input 5 LD
IN6 - Variable Optional - Input 6 LD

OW340_47 283



IN7 - Variable Optional - Input 7 LD

IN8 - Variable Optional - Input 8 LD
IN9 - Variable Optional - Input 9 LD
IN10 - Variable Optional - Input 10 LD
IN11 - Variable Optional - Input 11 LD
IN12 - Variable Optional - Input 12 LD
IN13 - Variable Optional - Input 13 LD
IN14 - Variable Optional - Input 14 LD
IN15 - Variable Optional - Input 15 LD
IN16 - Variable Optional - Input 16 LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

284 OW340_47
7.21 LSNDE

7.21 LSNDE


The Logic Solver Negative Edge Detect Trigger (LSNDE) algorithm generates a True (1) digital
output when the digital input makes a negative (True-to-False) transition since the last execution
of the algorithm. If there has been no transition, the digital output of the algorithm is False (0).

The LSNDE algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN is the digital input value and status.

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSNDE algorithm is used to trigger other logical events based on the falling transition of a
logical signal. If the input value has changed from True to False since the algorithm was last
executed, the output of the algorithm is set True. If the value has not changed from True to False,
the algorithm output is set False. The following figure shows how the LSNDE algorithm responds
to a change in input:

Figure 100: LSNDE algorithm execution example

OW340_47 285
7.21 LSNDE

Status Handling

The output status is set to the input status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input LD

OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

286 OW340_47
7.22 LSNOR

7.22 LSNOR


The Logic Solver Not OR (LSNOR) algorithm generates a digital output value based on inverting
the logical OR of two to 16 digital inputs. When one or more of the inputs is True (1), the output is
set to False.

The algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN1 through INx are the digital input values and statuses (as many as 16 inputs).

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The number of inputs to the LSNOR algorithm is an extensible parameter. The algorithm default is
two inputs. Use the Control Builder (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide) to add additional
input pins.

When one or more of the inputs is True (1), the output is set to False. Otherwise, the output is set
to True.

Status Handling

The output status is set to the worst among the input statuses. However, when at least one input
is True and its status is not Bad, the output status is set to Good.

Algorithm Definitions



NOFIN Y0 - Byte Data Init. Required 2 Number of Inputs -

IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LD
IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LD
IN3 - Variable Optional - Input 3 LD
IN4 - Variable Optional - Input 4 LD
IN5 - Variable Optional - Input 5 LD
IN6 - Variable Optional - Input 6 LD

OW340_47 287
7.22 LSNOR



IN7 - Variable Optional - Input 7 LD

IN8 - Variable Optional - Input 8 LD
IN9 - Variable Optional - Input 9 LD
IN10 - Variable Optional - Input 10 LD
IN11 - Variable Optional - Input 11 LD
IN12 - Variable Optional - Input 12 LD
IN13 - Variable Optional - Input 13 LD
IN14 - Variable Optional - Input 14 LD
IN15 - Variable Optional - Input 15 LD
IN16 - Variable Optional - Input 16 LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

288 OW340_47
7.23 LSNOT

7.23 LSNOT


The Logic Solver NOT (LSNOT) algorithm logically inverts a digital input signal and generates a
digital output value. When the input is True (1), the output is False (0). When the input is False,
the output is True.

The algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN is the digital input value and status.

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSNOT algorithm generates an output value that is the logical NOT of its input. When the
input is False, the output is True. When the input is True (1), the output is False.

Status Handling

The output status is set to the input status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input LD

OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

OW340_47 289



The Logic Solver Off Delay Timer (LSOFFD) algorithm delays the transfer of a False (0) digital
input value to the output by a specified time period. The algorithm supports signal status

IN is the digital input value and status used to trigger the timed digital output value.

OUT is the digital output value and status.

The Off-Delay Timer algorithm immediately transfers the digital input value (IN) to the output
(OUT) and resets the ETIME when IN is True (1). When IN transitions to False (0), OUT is reset
to False after a specified time period (TIMED). During this time period, ETIME tracks the time
starting when IN transitions to False until the time specified by TIMED expires.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The following figure shows the timed response of the Off-Delay Timer algorithm.

Figure 101: LSOFFD algorithm timing diagram

290 OW340_47

When IN is True, OUT is set True and the elapsed time counter (ETIME) is set to zero. When IN
is False for longer than TIMED, OUT is set False.

Status Handling

The output status is set to the input status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input Trigger LD

OUT - Variable Required - Output LD
ETIME - Variable Optional - Elapsed Timer (sec) LA
Tunable Required Output Reaction Time
TIMED R2 - Real 2 -
Delay (sec)

OW340_47 291
7.25 LSOND

7.25 LSOND


The Logic Solver On Delay Timer (LSOND) algorithm delays the transfer of a True (1) digital input
value to the output by a specified time period. The algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN is the digital input value and status used to trigger the timed digital output value.

OUT is the digital output signal and status.

The On-Delay Timer algorithm immediately transfers the digital input value (IN) to OUT and resets
the ETIME when IN is False. When IN transitions to True, OUT is set True after a configured time
period (TIMED). During this time period, ETIME tracks the time starting when IN transitions to
True until the time specified by TIMED expires.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The following figure shows the timed response of the LSOND algorithm.

Figure 102: LSOND algorithm timing diagram

292 OW340_47
7.25 LSOND

When IN is False, OUT is set False and the elapsed time counter (ETIME) is set to zero. When IN
is True longer than TIMED, OUT is set True.

Status Handling

The output status is set to the input status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input Trigger LD

OUT - Variable Required - Output LD
ETIME - Variable Optional - Elapsed Timer (sec) LA
TIMED R2 - Real Tunable Required 2 Output Reaction Time -
Delay (sec)

OW340_47 293
7.26 LSOR

7.26 LSOR


The Logic Solver OR (LSOR) algorithm generates a digital output value based on the logical OR
of two to 16 digital inputs. When one or more of the inputs is True (1), the output is set to True.

The algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN1 through INx are the digital input values and statuses (as many as 16 inputs).

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The number of inputs to the LSOR algorithm is an extensible parameter. The algorithm default is
two inputs. Use the Control Builder (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide) to add additional
input pins. When one or more of the inputs is True (1), the output is set to True. Otherwise, the
output is set to False.

Status Handling

The output status is set to the worst among the input statuses. However, when at least one input
is True and its status is not Bad, the output status is set to GOOD.

Algorithm Definitions



NOFIN Y0 - Byte Data Init. Required 2 Number of Inputs -

IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LD
IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LD
IN3 - Variable Optional - Input 3 LD
IN4 - Variable Optional - Input 4 LD
IN5 - Variable Optional - Input 5 LD
IN6 - Variable Optional - Input 6 LD
IN7 - Variable Optional - Input 7 LD
IN8 - Variable Optional - Input 8 LD

294 OW340_47
7.26 LSOR



IN9 - Variable Optional - Input 9 LD

IN10 - Variable Optional - Input 10 LD
IN11 - Variable Optional - Input 11 LD
IN12 - Variable Optional - Input 12 LD
IN13 - Variable Optional - Input 13 LD
IN14 - Variable Optional - Input 14 LD
IN15 - Variable Optional - Input 15 LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

OW340_47 295
7.27 LSPDE

7.27 LSPDE


The Logic Solver Positive Edge Trigger (LSPDE) algorithm generates a True (1) digital output
when the digital input makes a positive (False-to-True) transition since the last execution of the
algorithm. If there has been no transition, the digital output of the algorithm is False (0).

The LSPDE algorithm supports signal status propagation.

IN is the digital input value and status.

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

Use the LSPDE algorithm to trigger other logical events based on the rising transition of a logical
signal. If the input value has changed from False to True since the algorithm was last executed,
the output of the algorithm is set True. Otherwise, the output is False. The following drawing
shows how the Positive Edge Trigger algorithm responds to a change in input:

Figure 103: LSPDE algorithm execution example

296 OW340_47
7.27 LSPDE

Status Handling

The output status is set to the input status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input LD

OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

OW340_47 297
7.28 LSRET

7.28 LSRET


The LSRET algorithm generates a True (1) digital output after the input has been True for a
specified time period. The time for which the input has been True and the output value are reset
only when the reset input is set True.

IN is the digital input value and status to be timed.

RST is the digital input value and status used to reset OUT and ETIME.

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

298 OW340_47
7.28 LSRET

Algorithm Execution

The algorithm output (OUT) is set True when the input (IN) has been True for a specified time
period (TIMED) while the RST input is False (0). When the RST input is False and the IN value
transitions to False, the ETIME stops and retains its value until IN transitions to True again. When
the RST value transitions to True, the ETIME is reset to zero and OUT is set False.

The following figure shows the timed response of the Retentive Timer algorithm.

Figure 104: LSRET algorithm timing diagram

Status Handling

The output status is set to GoodNonCascade.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input Trigger LD

RST - Variable Required - Reset In LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD
Variable Optional Elapsed Timer
Tunable Required Output Reaction
TIMED R2 - Real 2 -
Time Delay (sec)

OW340_47 299
7.29 LSRS

7.29 LSRS


The Logic Solver Reset/Set Flip-Flop (LSRS) algorithm generates a digital output value based on
NOR logic of reset and set inputs:
„ If the reset input is False (0) and the set input is True (1), the output is True. The output
remains True, regardless of the set value, until the reset value is True. When reset becomes
True, the output is False.
„ When both inputs are True, the output is False.
„ When both inputs become False, the output remains at its last state and can be either True or
RST is the reset digital input value and status.

SET is the set digital input value and status.

OUT is the digital output value and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSRS algorithm is used to detect when the set input (SET) transitions to True. It holds the
output True, even when SET transitions to False, until another event changes the reset input
(RST) to True.

The following table shows the algorithm output value based on the possible SET and RST

LSRS algorithm truth table


False False Last OUT

False True False
True False True
True True False

300 OW340_47
7.29 LSRS

Status Handling

The output status is equal to the worst status among the inputs.

Algorithm Definitions



RST - Variable Required - Reset Input LD

SET - Variable Required - Set Input LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

OW340_47 301
7.30 LSSEQ

7.30 LSSEQ


The LSSEQ algorithm associates system states with actions. The combination of LSSTD
algorithms (which associate transitions with states you define) and LSSEQ algorithms provide a
sequencing capability.

The LSSEQ algorithm can have as many as 16 states and 16 digital outputs. For each state, the
algorithm sets the value of the outputs based on the pattern defined by the MATRX parameter.
See the topic "To access the LSSEQ advanced editor window" in the Ovation Control Builder
User Guide for more information on the MATRIX parameter. The algorithm can step through the
states in sequence using internal increment and decrement parameters, or the algorithm can be
set to specific states (and the corresponding outputs set) from logic external to the algorithm.

Functional Symbol

302 OW340_47
7.30 LSSEQ

Algorithm Execution

The LSSEQ algorithm has a configurable number of states and a configurable number of outputs.
By default the number of states is 16 and the number of outputs is 2. The MATRX parameter
defines a mask for each state that indicates how the outputs should be set when the algorithm is
in that state. The LSSEQ algorithm's state can be set in two ways:
„ If the STIND parameter is 1 (True) then STATE is set to the value of the STIN parameter.
This allows the algorithm to be driven from another algorithm, for example a State Transition
algorithm (LSSTD) whose STATE parameter is wired to STIN of the LSSEQ algorithm.
„ If the STIND parameter is 0 (False) the algorithm remains at its current state unless either the
INC or DEC parameter is set to True, thereby incrementing or decrementing STATE
accordingly. If the WRAP parameter is False STATE stops incrementing when the integer
value of STATE equals NOSTA and stops decrementing when the integer value of STATE
equals 1. If the WRAP parameter is True STATE wraps around from NOSTA to 1 for an
increment and from 1 to NOSTA for a decrement.
You can disable the LSSEQ algorithm by setting the ENBLE parameter to False. This sets STATE
to 0 and sets all the outputs to 0 (False). When the ENBLE parameter is changed to True and the
STIND parameter is not set, the algorithm sets STATE to 1 and drives the outputs based on the
mask for state 1.

If the STIND parameter is 0 (False), setting RST to True resets STATE back to state 1. RST
automatically resets to False after use.


In normal operation the outputs of the algorithm are a function of the current state and the
configured pattern for that state. However, the parameter OMASK can be manipulated to prevent
one or more outputs from being True. Setting bits in OMASK to 1 masks the corresponding output
from becoming 1 (True) regardless of what is configured for that state. In practice OMASK is
manipulated from within the SIS module by a LSCALC algorithm, for example, based on the
current batch phase.

Status Handling

The algorithm behavior is not affected by the status of the input parameters. The algorithm's
outputs always have good status.

Algorithm Definitions



NOOUT Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of Outputs -

NOSTA X1 - Byte Data Init Required 16 Number of Valid States -
Variable Optional Set CurrentState to
STIND X4 - Byte - LD
INC X5 - Byte Variable Optional - Move to Next State LD
DEC X6 - Byte Variable Optional - Back to Previous State LD
STIN X7 - Byte Variable Optional - Input State LA
ENBLE X8 - Byte Variable Optional - Enable/Disable algorithm LD

OW340_47 303
7.30 LSSEQ



NOOUT Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of Outputs -

YP - Integer Variable Required
OUT1 - Output 1 LD
- Bit 0
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT2 - Output 2 LD
- Bit 1
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT3 - Output 3 LD
- Bit 2
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT4 - Output 4 LD
- Bit 3
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT5 - Output 5 LD
- Bit 4
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT6 - Output 6 LD
- Bit 5
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT7 - Output 7 LD
- Bit 6
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT8 - Output 8 LD
- Bit 7
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT9 - Output 9 LD
- Bit 8
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT10 - Output 10 LD
- Bit 9
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT11 - Output 11 LD
- Bit 10
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT12 - Output 12 LD
- Bit 11
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT13 - Output 13 LD
- Bit 12
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT14 - Output 14 LD
- Bit 13
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT15 - Output 15 LD
- Bit 14
YP - Integer Variable Optional
OUT16 - Output 16 LD
- Bit 15
STATE X9 - Byte Variable Optional - Current State LA
OMASK D2 - Integer Tunable Required 0 Output Mask -
RST X2 - Byte Selectable Optional 0 Force to Initial LD
State 1
WRAP X3 - Byte Tunable Required 0 Stop DEC/INC if 1st/Last -
Bit 0 0=False

304 OW340_47
7.31 LSSR

7.31 LSSR


The Logic Solver Set/Reset Flip-Flop (LSSR) algorithm generates a digital output value based on
NAND logic of set and reset inputs:
„ When the reset input is False (0) and the set input is True (1), the output is True. The output
remains True until the reset input is True and the set input is False.
„ When the reset input is True, the output is equal to the set input.
„ When both inputs are True, the output is True.
„ When both inputs become False, the output remains at its last state and can be either True or
RST is the reset digital input value and status.

SET is the set digital input value and status.

OUT is the digital output signal and status.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSSR algorithm is used to detect a change in the set input (SET). When the reset input
(RST) is False, OUT is set True after SET changes to True. OUT remains True, even when SET
returns to False, and remains True until RST is changed to True and SET is False.

The following table shows the algorithm output value based on the possible SET and RST

LSSR algorithm output values


False False Last OUT

False True False
True False True
True True True

OW340_47 305
7.31 LSSR

Status Handling

The output status is equal to the worst status among the inputs.

Algorithm Definitions



SET - Variable Required - Set Input LD

RST - Variable Required - Reset Input LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

306 OW340_47
7.32 LSSTD

7.32 LSSTD


The Logic Solver State Transition Diagram (LSSTD) algorithm implements a user-defined state
machine in the Logic Solver. A state machine describes the possible states, and the transitions
between those states, that can occur in a system. The combination of LSSTD and LSSEQ
algorithms provide a sequencing capability. LSSTD algorithms associate transitions with system
states. LSSEQ algorithms associate system states with actions.

State machines may be described by state transition diagrams. For example, a burner
management system could be defined by the following diagram of the allowed transitions (arrows)
between system states (circles).

The algorithm's MATRX parameter describes the state diagram (the association of states and
input transitions). See the topic "To access the LSSTD advanced editor window" in the Ovation
Control Builder User Guide for more information on the MATRIX parameter.

Functional Symbol

OW340_47 307
7.32 LSSTD

Algorithm Execution

The Logic Solver State Transition Diagram (LSSTD) algorithm implements a state transition
diagram. The algorithm can have up to 16 states (outputs) and up to 16 transitions (inputs). You
configure the number of transition inputs, the number of output states, and a matrix of states
versus transitions where each entry indicates the state that the algorithm goes to when that
transition is active. By default the number of inputs (transitions) is 3 and the number of outputs
(states) is 2.

The LSSTD algorithm has a digital input with status (INx) for each transition, a STATE indicating
the current state, and a digital output with status for each state (OUTx). When the algorithm
executes it loops through the transition inputs until an active input is found that has an entry for
the current state in the state-transition matrix. STATE is then set to the matrix value and the
corresponding OUTx output is also set. Once an active transition is found that has a non-zero
matrix entry, no more transitions are checked. If the current state is a terminal state, that is, there
are no entries in the matrix for this state that are not zero, or if masked transitions prevent
transition to another state, the TRMNL parameter is set to True.

The initial state for the algorithm is state 1. When RST is set to True, the algorithm returns to the
initial state. The RST parameter automatically resets to False after it has been used.

The LSSTD algorithm also has an ENBL input. When ENBL is False, STATE is set to 0 and all
OUTx outputs are set to 0. When ENBL is changed from False to True the algorithm is forced into
state 1 and OUT1 is set to True. This allows an LSSTD algorithm to control other LSSTD
algorithms which implement sub-state machines. The Boolean output of the final sub-state
machine can then be wired into a transition of the top level algorithm which causes the sub-state
algorithm ENBL parameter to be set to False.


In normal operation the algorithm transitions between states based on the beginning state, the
active transition inputs, and the configuration of the state-transition matrix. The normal behavior
can be overridden in two ways.
„ The parameter TMASK prevents one or more transition inputs from causing the state of the
algorithm to change. Setting bits in TMASK prevent the algorithm from seeing the
corresponding transition as active regardless of the transition's value or status. In practice
TMASK is manipulated from within the SIS module by an LSCALC algorithm (for example,
based on the current batch phase).
„ The algorithm can also be forced into a specific state by setting the STIND parameter to 1
and setting STIN to the desired state.
The OVRRD parameter indicates when the normal logic is being overridden. It can take on one of
the following values from lowest to highest priority:
„ None — No overrides in effect.
„ All Associated Transitions Masked — All transitions that would be active have been masked
„ State Forced — STIND has been set to 1.

308 OW340_47
7.32 LSSTD

Status Handling

The status of the input transition parameters influences the behavior of the LSSTD algorithm
based on the configuration of the SOPT parameter. The SOPT parameter has three values:
„ Always Use Value (the default) — Use an input's value regardless of the input's status
„ Ignore If Bad — If an input's status is Bad, the input value has no effect on the algorithm.
„ Use Last Good Value — While an input's status is Bad, any change in input value is ignored.
Status is not propagated to OUTx parameters, which always have Good status.

Algorithm Definitions



NOSTA Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of States -

NOTRA Y2 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of -
IN1 D2 - Integer - Variable Required - Transition Input 1 LD
Bit 0
IN2 D2 - Integer - Variable Required - Transition Input 2 LD
Bit 1
IN3 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 3 LD
Bit 2
IN4 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 4 LD
Bit 3
IN5 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 5 LD
Bit 4
IN6 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 6 LD
Bit 5
IN7 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 7 LD
Bit 6
IN8 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 8 LD
Bit 7
IN9 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 9 LD
Bit 8
IN10 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 10 LD
Bit 9
IN11 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 11 LD
Bit 10
IN12 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 12 LD
Bit 11
IN13 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 13 LD
Bit 12
IN14 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 14 LD
Bit 13

OW340_47 309
7.32 LSSTD



NOSTA Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of States -

IN15 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 15 LD
Bit 14
IN16 D2 - Integer - Variable Optional - Transition Input 16 LD
Bit 15
ENBL X1 - Byte Variable Optional - Enable State Output LD
STIN X4 - Byte Variable Optional - Input State LA
STIND X5 - Byte Variable Optional - Set CurrentState to LD
OUT1 D4 - Integer - Variable Required - Output State 1 LD
Bit 0
OUT2 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 2 LD
Bit 1
OUT3 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 3 LD
Bit 2
OUT4 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 4 LD
Bit 3
OUT5 D4 - Integer- Variable Optional - Output State 5 LD
-Bit 4
OUT6 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 6 LD
Bit 5
OUT7 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 7 LD
Bit 6
OUT8 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 8 LD
Bit 7
OUT9 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 9 LD
Bit 8
OUT10 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 10 LD
Bit 9
OUT11 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 11 LD
Bit 10
OUT12 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 12 LD
Bit 11
OUT13 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 13 LD
Bit 12
OUT14 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 14 LD
Bit 13
OUT15 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 15 LD
Bit 14
OUT16 D4 - Integer - Variable Optional - Output State 16 LD
Bit 15
OVRRD X6 - Byte Variable Optional - Logic Override LA

310 OW340_47
7.32 LSSTD



NOSTA Y0 - Byte Data Init Required 1 Number of States -

STATE X7 - Byte Variable Optional - Current State LA
TRMNL X8 - Byte Variable Optional - Terminal State LD
VTRAN D5 - Integer Variable Optional - Valid Transitions LA
RST X2 - Byte Selectable Optional 0 Force to LD
Initial State 1
SOPT X3 - Byte Tunable Required 1 Status Options if Bad -
1=Always Use
2=Ignore if Bad
3=Use Last Good
TMASK YP - Integer Tunable Required 0 Transition Mask -

OW340_47 311
7.33 LSTP

7.33 LSTP


The Logic Solver Timed Pulse (LSTP) algorithm generates a True (1) digital output for a specified
time duration when the input makes a positive (False-to-True) transition. The output remains True
even when the input returns to False. The output returns to False only when the elapsed time is
more than the specified time duration. A False to True transition causes the timer to restart from
zero but the output remains True.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The LSTP algorithm sets the output True for a specified time. You can use the algorithm to run a
motor for a specified time period.

The following figure shows the timed response of the LSTP algorithm.

Status Handling

The algorithm always sets the status of OUT to GoodNonCascade Non-Specific.

Algorithm Definitions



IN - Variable Required - Input Trigger LD

OUT - Variable Required - Output LD
ETIME - Variable Optional - Elapsed Timer (sec) LA

312 OW340_47
7.33 LSTP



Output Reaction
TIMED R2 - Real Tunable Required 2 -
Time Delay (sec)

OW340_47 313



The Logic Solver Not Exclusive OR (LSXNOR) algorithm performs an exclusive OR of two inputs,
then performs a NOT on that result to produce an output. If neither input is True or if both inputs
are True, the output of the algorithm is True. If either input is False, the output of the algorithm is

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The following table shows the algorithm output value based on the possible IN1 and IN1

LSXNOR algorithm output values


False False True

False True False
True False False
True True True

Status Handling

If one or more of the inputs of the LSXNOR algorithm has Bad status, the output has Bad status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LD

IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

314 OW340_47
7.35 LSXOR

7.35 LSXOR


The Logic Solver Exclusive OR (LSXOR) algorithm performs an exclusive OR of two inputs to
produce an output that is True if one, and only one, of the inputs is true.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Execution

The following table shows the algorithm output value based on the possible IN1 and IN1

LSXOR algorithm output values


False False False

False True True
True False True
True True False

Status Handling

If one or more of the inputs of the LSXOR algorithm has bad status, the output has bad status.

Algorithm Definitions



IN1 - Variable Required - Input 1 LD

IN2 - Variable Required - Input 2 LD
OUT - Variable Required - Output LD

OW340_47 315
7.36 SIS connector algorithm table

7.36 SIS connector algorithm table

SIS connector algorithms are used to connect data between control modules and between Logic
Solvers. These algorithms accept points into sheets from inside and from outside the SIS


SECPARAM (see Connects data Connects data on sheets that belong to the same SIS Data
page 319) Server.
SECPARAMREF Connects data Accepts data from a SECPARAM algorithm on sheets that
(see page 320) belong to the same SIS Data Server.
GSECPARAMREF Connects data Accepts data from a SECPARAM algorithm on sheets that
(see page 317) belong to different SIS Data Servers.
NONSECPARAM Connects data Accepts points into a sheet from outside the SIS network.
(see page 318)

316 OW340_47



The GSECPARAMREF algorithm is used as a connector. GSECPARAMREF accepts points into

a sheet from another sheet that belongs to a different SIS Data Server and accepts data from a
SECPARAM algorithm via fiber-optic repeaters.

The SECPARAM and GSECPARAMREF algorithms operate as a pair. This pair (parameter and
parameter reference) is required when the SIS sheets do not belong to the same SIS Data

Global secure parameters are similar to SIS secure parameters, but may be published globally.
When using global secure parameters, you must also configure the Logic Solver to publish its
secure parameters globally so that you can connect to other SIS Data Servers. This sends the
secure parameter data to the SISNet Repeater and then to all other Logic Solvers. A total of 32
Logic Solvers can publish globally.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Definitions



OUT - Variable Required - Input Point Name LD

OW340_47 317



The NONSECPARAM algorithm is used as a connector. NONSECPARAM accepts points into a

sheet from outside the SIS network.

Use a page connector on an Ovation sheet to connect to a NONSECPARAM algorithm on SIS

sheet on the SIS network.

No more than 24 nonsecure parameters are allowed per Logic Solver.

Note: Refer to Ovation Safety Instrumented System (SIS) User Guide for more information on
nonsecure parameters.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Definitions



OUT - Variable Required - Input Point LA, LD,

Name LP

318 OW340_47



The SECPARAM algorithm is used as a connector. SECPARAM accepts points into a sheet from
inside a SIS Data Server and transfers data to a SECPARAMREF algorithm.

Use the SECPARAM algorithm when connecting a SIS sheet in a Control Module to another
sheet that belongs to the same SIS Data Server. The SECPARAM algorithm can connect sheets
in the same or different Control Modules or Logic Solvers, as long as they all belong to the same
SIS Data Server.

The SECPARAM and SECPARAMREF algorithms operate as a pair. This pair (parameter and
parameter reference) is required when the SIS sheets belong to the same SIS Data Server.

For Ovation, 16 high density secure parameters are available on a Logic Solver. Secure
parameters can be read by other modules in Logic Solvers on the same SIS Data Server. You
must configure a Logic Solver to publish its secure parameters globally so that you can connect to
other SIS Data Servers (see GSECPARAMREF (see page 317)). This sends the secure
parameter data to the SISNet Repeater and then to all other Logic Solvers. A total of 32 Logic
Solvers can publish globally.

The number of secure parameters a module can contain depends on the number of available
secure parameters available in the Logic Solver the module is assigned to.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Definition



IN - Variable Required - Output Point LD


OW340_47 319



The SECPARAMREF algorithm is used as a connector, and works in conjunction with the
SECPARAM algorithm. SECPARAMREF accepts points into a sheet that belong to the same SIS
Data Server and accepts data from a SECPARAM algorithm (see page 319).

When a SECPARAM algorithm is used on a sheet, it connects to a SECPARAMREF algorithm on

another sheet that belongs to the same SIS Data Server. (To connect to a sheet that belongs to a
different SIS Data Server, use GSECPARAMREF (see page 317).)

You can have any number of Secure Parameter References in a configuration.

Functional Symbol

Algorithm Definitions



OUT - Variable Required - Input Point LD


320 OW340_47
7.41 Connecting SIS sheets

7.41 Connecting SIS sheets

Ovation page connectors are similar to algorithms, but are not used in control, and are not sent to
the Controller. They are graphical representations that depict how signals are connected between

You can use standard Ovation page connectors to connect SIS sheets. The choices are:
„ Input page connectors graphically accept points into a sheet.
„ Output page connectors graphically pass points out of a sheet.
Refer to the Ovation Control Builder User Guide for details about using Ovation page connectors.

You can use SIS connectors to connect data between control modules and between Logic
Solvers. The choices are listed below and their usage is described in the following table:
„ Secure parameter (SECPARAM (see page 319)) accepts points into a sheet from inside the
SIS network and transfers data to SECPARAMREF on another sheet.
„ Secure parameter reference (SECPARAMREF (see page 320)) accepts points into a sheet
from inside the SIS network and accepts data from a SECPARAM on another sheet.
„ Global Secure parameter reference (GSECPARAMREF (see page 317)) accepts points
into a sheet from another Logic Solver inside the SIS network. (In order to use this connector,
the applicable Logic Solver must be configured as a Global Publisher (see page 98).)
„ Non-Secure parameter (NONSECPARAM (see page 318)) accepts points into a SIS sheet
from a sheet outside the SIS network.

Ovation sheet to an SIS sheet NONSECPARAM

SIS sheet to an Ovation sheet Ovation page connector
SIS sheets in the same control module Ovation page connector
SIS sheets in different control modules SECPARAM to SECPARAMREF
SIS sheets in the same Logic Solver SECPARAM to SECPARAMREF
SIS sheets in different Logic Solvers belonging to the same SECPARAM to SECPARAMREF
Data Server
Logic Solvers belonging to the same Data Server SECPARAM to SECPARAMREF
Logic Solvers belonging to different Data Servers and SECPARAM to GSECPARAMREF
communicating using SISNet Repeaters

OW340_47 321
7.42 Secured algorithm parameters

7.42 Secured algorithm parameters

Secured parameters are parameters that originate inside the SIS network. These parameters are
"secured" by the limitations of the SIS hardware configuration. Up to 16 secured parameters can
be assigned to one Logic Solver. These parameters are always digital and can be:
„ Parameters that are passed between Logic Solvers that share the same backplane.
„ Parameters that are passed between the modules in a Logic Solver.
„ Global secured parameters are secured parameters that are passed between Logic Solvers
that are connected through SISNet Repeaters via fiber-optic rings.

Note: Any input parameters that are originated outside SIS are considered to be nonsecure
parameters. Up to 24 nonsecured parameters (see page 322) can be assigned to one Logic

7.43 NonSecure algorithm parameters

Any input algorithm parameters that are originated outside the Logic Solvers (outside the SIS
network) are considered to be non-secure parameters.

Up to 24 non-Secure parameters can be assigned to one Logic Solver.

Note: Any input parameters that are originated inside SIS are considered to be secure
parameters. Up to 16 Secure parameters (see page 322) can be assigned to one Logic Solver.

322 OW340_47

Adding and configuring SIS components in End of Line Resistance Module • 67
the Ovation Developer Studio • 69 Evaluating and responding to annunciated
Algorithm functional symbols • 175 faults • 165
Algorithm types • 174 Evaluating fatal errors • 166
Analog Input and HART Analog Input
channel specifications and wiring • 22 F
Automatic proof testing • 151 Fault detection, system response, and repair
Automatic Tests • 169 procedures • 163
Auxiliary Relay Diode module • 65 Fiber-optic cable\ring • 46
Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module • 61 Forcing an algorithm input value • 131
Auxiliary Relay ETA-Direct module • 64 Functions of Ovation SIS • 2
Backing up the database • 149 GSECPARAMREF • 317
Bypasses and other overrides • 159
Handling BAD status on analog input
Carrier extender cable part numbers • 30 channels • 143
Carrier extender cables • 30 Handling BAD status on digital input
Choosing the Logic Solver scan rate • 148 channels • 144
Configuration of bypasses • 161 Hardware components of Ovation SIS • 11
Configuring a Digital Input Channel • 113 Hardware for Ovation SIS • 11
Configuring a Digital Output Channel • 114 HART two-state output channel
Configuring a HART Analog Input Channel • specifications and wiring • 23
109 Horizontal Carriers • 14
Configuring a HART Two-state Output How Ovation SIS annunciates faults • 164
Channel • 111
Configuring an Analog Input Channel • 108 I
Configuring the Logic Solver Config tab •
Initial installation SIS upgrade • 77
Installation tools • 10
Configuring the Logic Solver General tab •
Introduction to Ovation Safety Instrumented
System (SIS) • 1
Configuring the Logic Solver Proof Testing
tab • 103 L
Configuring the Logic Solver's response to
detected faults • 142 Limitations for Ovation SIS system • 6
Connecting SIS sheets • 321 Loading Logic Solvers • 119
Copyright Notice • 2 Loading to a running process • 148
Customizing your Ovation Control Builder Logic Solver 8-Slot carrier numbering
frame • 152 scheme • 39
Logic Solver redundancy • 41
D Logic Solver specifications • 42
Logical network design example • 9
Detecting faults on input channels • 143
LSAI • 178
Detecting faults on output channels • 147
LSALM • 180
Digital Input channel specifications and
LSAND • 182
wiring • 23
LSAVTR • 184
Digital Output channel specifications and
LSBDE • 201
wiring • 26
LSBFI • 203

OW340_47 323

LSBFO • 206 Power Supply • 46

LSCALC • 208 Power supply part number • 46
LSCEM • 213 Power supply specifications • 47
LSCMP • 240 Proof testing the Logic Solver • 150, 169
LSDI • 242
LSDO • 244 R
LSDVC • 251 RC Compensator Module • 66
LSDVTR • 262 Reconciling parameter changes • 149
LSLIM • 276 Removing a SIS Point from a SIS control
LSMID • 279 sheets • 94
LSNAND • 283 Removing or Deleting an SIS Point • 94
LSNDE • 285 Requiring a reset before outputs can
LSNOR • 287 become energized • 142
LSNOT • 289 Restarting a Logic Solver • 140
LSOFFD • 290 Restarting a Logic Solver after a power
LSOND • 292 failure • 149
LSOR • 294
LSPDE • 296 S
LSRET • 298
Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) • 6
LSRS • 300
Safety Instrumented System terminology • 2
LSSEQ • 302
Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) • 6
LSSR • 305
LSSTD • 307
LSTP • 312
Secured algorithm parameters • 322
LSXNOR • 314
SIS Algorithms • 173
LSXOR • 315
SIS carriers • 14
M SIS connector algorithm table • 316
SIS Current Limiter module • 58
Maintenance bypass example • 162 SIS Data Server • 33
Making configuration changes after startup • SIS Data Server LEDs • 36
149 SIS Data Server part number • 33
Making online scaling changes in HART SIS Diagnostics • 156
transmitters • 171 SIS environmental specifications for Ovation
Manual proof testing • 151 SIS devices • 7
Manual Tests • 169 SIS I/O channels • 22
Maximum fault detection time • 168 SIS issues to consider • 5
SIS LAN switches and routers • 51
SIS Logic Solver I/O • 38
NONSECPARAM • 318 SIS Logic Solver LED indicator patterns • 42
NonSecure algorithm parameters • 322 SIS Logic Solver Module and Diagnostic
events • 157
O SIS Logic Solver part number • 40
Operation of bypasses • 161 SIS Net Distance Extender • 44
Operations and Maintenance practices • 159 SIS Net Repeater • 43
Ovation SIS accessories • 51 SIS Net Repeater LEDs • 44
Ovation SIS Logic Solver algorithm table • SIS Net Repeater part number • 43
176 SIS network design examples • 8
Override types • 160 SIS Power Supply LEDs • 50
Overview of adding and configuring SIS SIS Relay module • 52
components • 70 SIS Tuning window for the LSCALC
algorithm • 125
P SIS Tuning window for the LSCEM algorithm
• 126
Physical network design example • 8
SIS Tuning window for the LSSEQ algorithm
Planning your hardware installation • 9
• 128
Planning your Safety Instrumented System •
SIS Tuning window for the LSSTD algorithm
• 130

324 OW340_47

SLS Simplex and Redundant Terminal To install the 8-wide Vertical (left/right side)
Blocks • 29 carrier (can hold up to four simplex Logic
Software components of Ovation SIS • 69 Solvers) • 27
System Administration functions • 149 To load an SIS Logic Solver • 119
To power up a duplex SIS Data Server • 35
T To power up a simplex SIS Data Server • 34
To access the SIS Tuning window for SIS To provide power to SISNet Distance
algorithms • 124 extenders • 49
To add an SIS control sheet to the SIS To provide power to the Logic Solvers • 47
Ovation system • 105 To provide power to the SISNet Repeaters •
To add an SIS Data Server to the Ovation 48
System • 74 To remove a redundant SIS Data Server •
To add an SIS I/O device number • 83 35
To add an SIS I/O device to the Ovation To restart (reboot) a Logic Solver • 140
System • 84 To set a new forced algorithm input value •
To add an SIS network switch to the Ovation 136
System • 77 To terminate the local bus (1-wide carrier) •
To add an SIS Network to the Ovation 32
system • 72 To upgrade an SIS Logic Solver • 154
To add and configure SIS Logic Solvers in To use Point Information to identify SIS
the Ovation System • 98 points • 122
To assign an SIS I/O Data Server to an SIS To view SIS points • 118
I/O Device • 89
To associate a Node point with an SIS I/O
device • 87 Upgrading firmware • 170
To clear the force value and leave Debug Upgrading SIS firmware • 152
Mode • 138 Using algorithm reference pages • 174
To configure an SIS I/O channel • 106 Using BAD Status in SIS Modules • 145
To configure SIS control modules • 114 Using Fault Codes for SIS (66, 3, 8) • 155
To configure SIS digital points for alarming Using Ovation SIS • 119
with timestamps • 116 Using Point Information (PI) to identify SIS
To configure SIS LAN network switches • 95 points • 121
To create SIS network switch configuration Using the Ovation Developer Studio to
files • 79 configure SIS components • 71
To Delete an SIS Point • 94
To force an algorithm input value • 132 V
To initialize SIS network switches • 81 Vertical Carriers • 15
To initially load or upgrade an SIS Data Viewing SIS points in the Ovation Developer
Server • 153 Studio hierarchy • 92
To install a simplex SIS Data Server • 34 Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS
To install carrier extender cables • 31 algorithms • 124
To install Logic Solvers • 40 Voltage Monitor module • 56
To install power supplies • 47
To install SIS Net Repeaters for horizontal W
mounting • 44
What is a Safety Instrumented System? • 1
To install Terminal Blocks • 29
To install the 1-wide Vertical or Horizontal
carrier (dual-left/right extender cables) •
To install the 2-wide Horizontal power/SIS
Data Server carriers • 18
To install the 4-wide Vertical (Power/SIS
Data Server) carrier • 20
To install the 8-wide Horizontal I/O interface
carrier (can hold up to four simplex Logic
Solvers) • 21

OW340_47 325

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