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Assertions and Reasons

In the following questions (1-11), a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a reason
statement of reason (R).
Mark the correct choice as
(a) f both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.

() if both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion,
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

1.Assertion. Electric potential of earth is taken zero. Reason. Some energy disappears in the form of haa
Reason. No electric field exists on earth surface. sparking etc. heat,
AIIMS 2014
[AIIMS 2009] 6. Assertion. A spherical equipotential suface
is nenot
2. Assertion. Work done in moving a charge between possible for a point charge.
any two points in a uniform electric field is independent of Reason. A spherical equipotential surface is
the path followed by the charge, between these possible inside a spherical capacitor. AlIMS 15
Reason. Electrostatic forces are not conservative. 7. Assertion Lines of force are
perpendicular b
[AIIMS 13] conductor surface.

3. Assertion. A metallic shield in the form of

Reason. Generally electric field is perpendicular to
a hollow
shell may be built to block an electric field.
equipontential surface. AIMS
8. Assertion If dielectric is placed in extemal field
Reason. In a hollow spherical shield, the electric field
then field inside dielectric will be less than applied field
inside it is zero at every point. [AIIMS 12
Reason. Electric field will induce dipole moment
4. Assertion. Dielectric
polarisation means formation of opposite to field direction. [AIIMS
positive and negative charges inside the dielectric. 9. Assertion Charge never flows from a
Reason. Free electrons formed in this process.
are higher capacity to the condenser of lower capacity.
[AIIM 2014] Reason. Flow of charge between two bodies connecet
5. Assertion. When charges are shared between any by a thin wire is determined by the charges on them
two bodies, no charge is really lost and some loss of energy [AIIMS1N
does occur.

10. Assertion The force between theplates of a parallel Reason. In polar dielectrics, each molecule has a
is proportional to charge on it. permanent dipole moment but these are randomly
plate capacitor
force is equal to charge per unit area. oriented in the absence of an externally applied electric
Reason. Electric
[AIIMS 18] field. [AIMS 18
absence of an externally applied
11. Assertion In the
unit volume of a polar
electric field, the displacement per
dielectric material is always zero.

7. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is
1.(c) Electric potential of the earth is taken zero because correct explanation of the assertion.
its capacitance C is very large and so,
electric field in the
8. (c) External field induces an

V 0 for all finite charges. dielectric in the opposite direction which sets up a dipole
moment in the same direction of external field.
done in
2.(c) Electrostatic forces are conservative. Work 9. (d) Charges always flow from higher potential
field is path lower potential. Both assertion and reason are false.
moving a charge in a uniform electric
independent. Assertion is true but reason is false.
3. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is 10.()F-4E
the correct explanation of the assertion.
and charges on the unit area.
4.(a) Polarisation induces +ve ve
F cannot be equal to charge per
electrons are
wO opposite faces of the dielectric. No free Assertion is true but the r e a s o n is false.
LOTmed in the process. Both assertion and reason are false. true and the reason
(a) Both assertion and
reason are
. (a) Charge is always conserved but some energy explanation of the assertion.
reason are true.
is correct
1OSt in the form of heat. Both assertion and
6. (d) Both assertion and reason are false.

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