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Working life

Happy employees stay in their job four times longer than unhappy employees
Happy employees are more productive
I think it’s really important to be happy with your job
Personal achievement
Flashy title
High salary
Nowadays many people have shared a belief that the most important aspect of a job is the
money they earn
Having money allows you to pursue(go after) better physical and mental health, by being able to
afford doctors, gym memberships, and healthier food
Our basic needs of life are dependent on the money that we earn thus(therefore,so) we need
the money to cover our day to day living expenses.
employees who report high job satisfaction tend to achieve higher productivity
Employee satisfaction is essential(necessary) to ensure higher revenues for the organization. 
Better Work-Life Balance · Managing Your Time · Taking Time for You · Having a Social Life ·
Managing Work · Enjoying Weekends and Vacation.

Group Activities

Activities That Focus on Pure Team Bonding and Communication Skills are important for
People should learn not to be afraid of a little friendly competition
Group activities can make study/work more efficient and fun.
Group work allows people to tackle(deal/overcome) more complex problems than they could on
their own especially when they are working to a limited time frame
Group work can be an effective method to motivate students/employees, encourage active
learning, and develop key critical-thinking, communication, and decision-making skills.
It helps people develop interpersonal relationship skills.
Helps people feel less stressed · Feel better about themselves · Improve concentration levels ·
Increase energy levels

Always busy

We are busy because we do not make tough choices. We allow the world and our inbox to set
our agenda, rather than think for ourselves.
When you're busy, you put your health in danger. Being constantly busy can trigger chronic
stress, which leads to a host of issues that aren't good for your body.
People should find Some Quick Stress Relievers
Limit their Caffeine Intake. …
Get More Sleep In their Life. …
Build Quick Exercise Into their Schedule. …
Develop a "Can Do" Attitude.
Realize that being busy is a choice.
Regain their balance.
Everyone has the same amount of time each day and we decide where to focus our attention
based on our priorities.
Sea and Land

We live on a blue planet, with oceans and seas covering more than 70 per cent of the Earth’s
The sea provides countless benefits to our planet and all the creatures that live here
The air we breathe: The sea produces over half of the world's oxygen
From fishing to boating to kayaking and whale watching, the sea provides us with many unique
Food: The sea provides more than just seafood; ingredients from the sea are found in surprising
foods such as peanut butter and soymilk
Medicine: Many medicinal products come from the sea, including ingredients that help fight
cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease.
Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics. Recycle Properly. Participate In (or Organize) a Beach
Our land environment provides the habitat for many of our indigenous(native) plants and
Land provides food and materials
To maintain functioning ecosystems and the benefits they provide
Protected areas are cherished places for physical, mental and spiritual health.


Excitement is important because it moves us to action like nothing else

See , excitement is a great thing. It motivates you , encourages you  and obviously brings you
Excitement is one of the best ways to deal with stress and anxiety
Without excitement in your life, you are likely to fall into a sort of depression. Being excited is
However, getting too excited... may not be so good. It may have some bad results on your
health too as too much excitement will increase your blood pressure and heart rate. Too much
of anything is not so good as we know.
Today and every day I am excited about the new experience I am going to have or the new
things I am going to learn. It’s exciting because I don’t yet know what it will be. 
From an early age businesses have excited me, reading about different models makes me
happy, and the possibility to start one someday makes life exciting.
I found life exciting when I was young and I continue to do so now.


Art is not only a painting, a sculpture, or a well designed building. It can be comedy. It can be
creating computer games. It can be music. It can be writing a novel, or, perhaps, imagining a
whole new universe in a fantasy setting.
Art in itself comes in many forms -whether it is music, dance, painting, literature, etc. It’s the
application(use) of human emotions, skill, imagination and intelligence into an empty bowl which
when served tastes the best.
Well, in my opinion, it's quite simple. Art is about communication. It is something we connect
with, first as artists who create the work, the emotions and thoughts. 
Your understanding of art is as unique as anyone else's perspective (point of view) towards the
very same thing.
Life is artistic, every point on this life is full of Art. 
Art in general gives soul to our work , we get to share our perspective, and hope others can feel
it too.

Getting up early

Waking up early helps you develop better habits and improves your day-to-day productivity. 
10pm is the perfect bedtime. Going to sleep at 10pm enables you to get the recommended 7–8
hours of sleep, and still wake up by 5 or 6am. That means you can get in at least a 30-minute
workout in the morning — a common habit among the most successful and productive people
— and still be at work by 8 or 9am
Studies have also suggested early rising and success might be linked. 
Set realistic expectations and don't start with an unnatural hour while waking up early. It's best
to push the time gradually. 
Waking up early in the morning helps you have a healthier diet by giving you enough time to
have a good breakfast which can bring you an energy boost to start the day.
For the longest time, I was not an early riser. I was in the habit of going to bed late and waking
up long after the sun rose.
By waking up early, you make time for yourself, and for things which are important to you

Brothers and sisters

There is evidence to suggest that healthy sibling relationships promote happiness, love, and
your siblings actually do help boost your self-esteem
having a controlling sibling can make it harder for you to socialize outside of your family. You
may gain social intelligence from having siblings, but you may also gain social intelligence from
being an only child
Siblings make your patient. You learn to share your toys, your room and your space with them.
You may compete with your siblings all your life, but you also love them and are deeply bonded
to them.
Brothers and sisters are more often, a child's first playmate and an adult's oldest friend.


It is an important accessory for people who want to stand out from the crowd or simply feel
People love jewelry
Jewelry has always played a great role in increasing our beauty
Jewelry is important because it is something that everybody might choose to wear in today's
Women's are passionate about jewelry as it represents a symbol of femininity and even social
Jewelry has always made people feel  stylish, special, and confident
Whether it is about necklaces, bracelets or earrings, jewelry is extremely popular.
Diamond and platinum are the most expensive ones while silver is quite affordable to anyone,
and gold is the jewelry used by nearly everyone.
Jewelry designers work with precious metals, diamonds and gemstones to create wearable
pieces of art

Improving Fitness

If you want to start your journey to having a better body to feel great you should exercise daily
and eat the right food. ... Keep Track of Calories and Food Intake Per Day. ... Be Sure to Get
Sleep. ... Stay Motivated.
Consider going from walking to jogging, jogging to running, or add a completely new activity --
biking, swimming, Pilates
You need to force your body to overcome new obstacles, pushing it to change, adapt and
improve. Muscles become stronger and grow after being stressed.
Training frequency is the most important aspect of improving your fitness. Whatever your goals
are, you need to be working out on a regular basis
 You need a balanced diet of protein, carbs and fat. Get your veggies in at least twice a day,
and eliminate all processed foods

Staying at home

Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important if you are staying at home
because of coronavirus (COVID-19).
There are things you can do now to help you keep on top of your mental wellbeing and cope
with how you may feel if you're staying at home. Make sure you get further support if you feel
you need it.
If you're unable to get to the shops, work out how you can get any household supplies you
need. You could try asking neighbours or family friends, or find a delivery service.
A positive attitude, focusing on the benefits of this new reality can help everyone 
the stay at home order allowed us to spend more time with our family, gave us the ability to
reconnect with nature
More time for fitness · Family Togetherness · Improvement in Sleep Hygiene · Focus on Health

Spending money

Some people like to spend their money as soon as they earn it, while others think it is better to
save their money for some time in the future.
 In my opinion, it is a really wise idea to save money for the future. 
To begin with, older people are able to make better financial decisions than youngsters due to
their experience and maturity. 
When I was young, I spent a tremendous(huge) amount of money on video games and comic
books which I enjoyed only for a short time.
Also, life is full of unexpected emergencies which can cause a lot of anxiety if we do not have a
lot of money saved up.
 For example, last year my uncle suffered a major heart attack which required him to undergo
very expensive cardiac surgery.
I believe that it is better to save money for the future rather than spend it right away. 

Intelligent machines

 Without a doubt, people are living longer these days than ever before.  In my opinion, this is a
result of many helpful technological advances. 
First of all, developments in medical science have saved and lengthened many lives.
Modern technology gives individuals much more manageable working lives than people had in
the past.  
These days a lot of tasks are automated, which means they are carried out by intelligent
This means that, unlike in the past, employees don’t need to spend long hours at their
workplace every day.
I strongly believe that technology is the main reason why people today live longer than earlier
generations.  This is because it helps us to avoid serious health problems, and it makes our
working lives a lot easier to bear.

Making arrangements

Most of us plan ahead in life. We plan for our wedding, our children's education, family
vacations, and other significant expected life events. 

No one can see the future, yet we all must make guesses about it ,in order to make decisions
When you plan ahead, you will be able to consider the many options available.

Determine(decide) what you want to plan or prepare for. The future is a big place with many

Invent hypothetical situations related to your objective(aim/goal). Ask yourself "what if" for
various possibilities and imagine possible outcomes.

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