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Responsibility : IND Return to Vendor – Pune

Navigation : Managing Customer Returns > Return to Vendor

After you follow the navigation as mentioned above, next screen will be as below:

Press it to perform a
To perform a Return to Vendor (RTV) transaction, press the “New” button. And the next screen will be as

Enter the Receipt No. (GRN), against which RTV, has to be made. And press “FIND” to query the same.

Press it to query the

Receipt (GRN).
Once the Receipt No. (GRN) has been queried, the screen will be as shown below:

And next, the steps to be followed are as below:

1. Ticke the small box, at the extreme left side.

2. Enter the quqntity, for which RTV has to be made.
3. Select the correct option, from the list of values (LOV), for the column “Return To”.
4. Options available in the LOV are “Receiving” and “Supplier”.
5. Logic for selecting the correct option is as below:
i) Incase, all the steps for the receipt has been performed i.e. the steps ‘Receive’ and
‘Deliver’ has been done, then we need to select “Receiving”
ii) And incase, only the step ‘Receive’ has been performed for the receipt and then we
have opted to do the RTV, then select “Supplier”
6. By selecting the correct option we ensure that, we return the goods exactly in the same path, by
which it has been received and so the accounting generated for it, will be exactly the reverse of
the accouting generated while receiving it.

Lets suppose, Delivery has been performed for the receipt, for which we do the RTV.

So, for the column ‘Return To’, we need to select “Receiving” from the LOV and then save the
trasnaction. It will be, as shown in the screen shot below:
Once the transaction is saved, close the window and come out.

Once you save the transaction, India – Receiving Transaction Processor will be fired at the backend, to
generate the accounting for the same.
Next, again follow the navigation as below:

Navigation : Managing Customer Returns > Return to Vendor

And the open the screen as below:

Next, we need to enter the Receipt No. (GRN) and query the same by pressing the “FIND” button at the
bottom, as done earlier.
Again we are back to the same screen that we have seen earlier.

And as explained earlier, we need to follow the steps as below:

1. Ticke the small box, at the extreme left side.

2. Enter the quqntity, for which RTV has to be made.
3. And now, for the column ‘Return To’, select the option “Supplier”.
4. And then we need to scroll further to the right, till we find the column ‘Create Debit Memo’. We
need to ensure that the small box undere this column is ticked. This is one of the many
conditions, for creating the auto Debit Memo, in the system.
5. Next step is to, save the transaction.

Once the transaction is saved, close the window and come out.

Once you save the transaction, India – Receiving Transaction Processor will be fired at the backend, to
generate the accounting for the same.

Next screen shot is to show, how to enter the details in different columns and then to save the same.

And the screen next to that is to show the concurrent program “India – Receiving Transaction Program”
that has been run, on saving the RTV transaction, so that the accounting entry is generated for the
Once the concurrent program “India – Receiving Transaction Program” is completed normal, we can
query the Receipt No. (GRN), in the Receiving Transaction Summary screen, to check for the detailed
steps followed and the accounting generated for each and every step, as shown in the screen shots

To enable auto debit memo creation please check the following:

 Flag "Create Debit Memo for RTS transactions" is checked at Vendor Site (tab: Purchasing)
 The return is returned to Supplier, not to Receiving
 There is already an original invoice in AP for the item returned
 The PO and the original invoice are for the same Supplier Site
 The Supplier Site is as BOTH a Pay Site and a Purchasing Site.
 The return quantity is not causing the quantity invoiced to go negative, i.e. the return quantity is
equal to or less than the quantity invoiced.
 The Create Debit Memo check box is also checked on in the Receipt form

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