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Personal Statement for Archaeology-Sample

“Archaeology plays a vital role in supplying us with critical evidence

about our previous, educating us more about the way our ancestors
lived. This intrigues me, finding the story behind every artifact and
the way it changed who we are as a society now.

It combines two passions of mine, science and history; nonetheless

it has the capability to further our understanding a whole lot more
than those 2 topics would separately.

During my youth, my curiosity about Archaeology developed

because of my enthusiasm for history – as a kid I was fascinated by
museums as well as the huge quantity of information which was
available about every museum item.

This enabled me to appreciate how long and effort goes in to

maintaining our past, and just how essential this job is. Through this
experience I was able to joined people who’d studied Archaeology
at college; they explained how they analyzed early civilizations, and
the way they could run their own study into a specific topic which
interested them.

This motivated me to pursue Archaeology as a path to study at

college; I need the freedom to explore certain regions of history that
interest me, and also be in a position to gather my own proof about
previous civilizations.
My A-level decisions were affected by my excitement to research
Archaeology, and consequently all my unique topics has generated
a set of skills that I could apply to my additional research.

History has developed my curiosity to run my own research –

portion of my existing coursework needs me to locate my own
resources to add in my article, which gives me more freedom to
locate my own proof.

Additionally, my science choices let me comprehend analytical

methods that could be put on the discovery of artefacts, like carbon
dating. Learning about various methods used to analyse materials
has provided me an in-depth comprehension of just how more
information can be accumulated about an artifact using science
based approaches.

To acquire more experience, I went  through college history lessons

– that allowed me an opportunity to become more accountable, and
work together with different people whilst sharing knowledge about
a topic I’ve a passion for.

Additionally, as a part of my sixth-form council, I now have the

chance to solve issues which influence the sixth form, which
develops my own communication abilities with my coworkers.

Out of college, I’ve volunteered in a charity home- that enhanced

my team communication and work skills along with other
employees and with clients developing invaluable skills for when I
research Archaeology.
It’s given me the opportunity to become a pioneer of a team;
advancing my difficulty abilities and challenging me to think beyond
the box.

The Air Training Corps has given me a huge number of

opportunities – such as during this past year, I had been chosen to
be part of an expedition group moving into the Turkish Pyrenees,
attaining the goal of hiking up a 2000m summit in the area. To
attain this goal I needed to be dedicated into the expedition,
attending coaching weekends and finishing independent research to
the region

These experiences have enabled me to become more proud of a

personal accomplishment outside the standard school program,
thus motivating me to attain over the standard during college and
outside, in my future career as an archaeologist.

Archaeology will let me know more about the society that I reside
in, and consequently I’ll have the ability to donate to the expanding
data available about our ancestors.”

Note; Do not copy paste it . This is just to give you an idea

about how to write your subject personal statement.
Study Plan

Introduction and Intention to Study in China:

My name is _______ and I belong from Pakistan. I recently completed Master Degree in Environmental
Engineering from Jiangsu University situated in Jiangsu province of China. During my stay at Jiangsu
University, I was successful in publishing my research on CuSFunctionalized Cellulose Based Aerogel for
removal of organic dyes in an SCI journal named as Journal of Applied Polymer Science. With that, I
participated in various academic conferences and won awards such as best presenter and best paper. I
also took part in extracurricular activities and won Jiangsu University Badminton Championship three
times in a row. My stay in Jiangsu University was full of success stories and that is the basic reason that I
wish to further pursue my doctoral degree in Jiangsu University, China. With strong knowledge of
chemical process engineering, I would like to further extend my studies and research in process
engineering & modeling niche. Talking about my previous academic background, it was my intense
enthusiasm and deep interest in studies which awarded me with Bachelor in Chemical Process
Engineering Degree from Dawood University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi. I scored 80% marks
back in March 2014 in Chemical Engineering. It came into my knowledge that I scored overall 1st
position in semester 7th and secured 3rd position in semester 5th, later on as per overall score in this
degree; I managed to rank myself among top 5 students in Chemical Engineering Department.
Professors highly appreciated my success and recognized me as ‘Best Presenter’ in whole university as I
acquired expert level skills in developing & delivering academic presentations or seminars in
international events organized by university and department. Due to my fluent English language i
actually impressed and engrossed faculty members of Chemical Engineering Department, because of
which they appointed me as an ‘Ambassador of English Literary Society’ in University. I am eager to
apply for P.h.D. degree in Jiangsu University, China on CSC Scholarship. This zealous desire aroused in
me because of my strong academic background like research projects I completed, jobs I did so far in
relevant industries, studied related subjects and experiments conducted under supervision of respected
Professors. It is now my utmost desire to pursue my career path to become a good researcher for my
country. Reasons to Study in China: Research is the hallmark of innovations we see in this century. Such
global innovations are result of foundational facilities provided by country under supervision of highly
experienced people and China is providing these all facilities. I published my research paper in an SCI
journal recently during my stay in Jiangsu University and that happened only because the Chinese
Universities have the facility for international students to conduct the proper research. This is the major
reason that I wish to study further in a Chinese University this year. It must also be noted that now I can
speak Chinese language and have got 180 marks out of 200 in HSK 2 Chinese language examination.
Which means now I can speak basic Chinese language and I am eager to learn more of it. China is ranked
among top advanced countries because of highly advanced facilities, dedicated researchers, intelligent
minds and facilities government provide to conduct such studies. So this is why every research journal
and magazine feature success stories of Chinese people in every field. As per these grounds i cannot find
any better place than China to proceed in research field of Process Engineering Modeling and theory. I
read about various Chinese Thermodynamic and Process engineering professors in magazines of Icheme,
London & heard from fellows and my teachers in seminars that Chinese professors are the most
advanced persons in process engineering and modeling research niche under Research Center of Fluid
Machinery Engineering and Technology, Power Engineering & Engineering Thermophysics department.
Not only this but also it is a matter of fact that China is most secure country having nice environment
feasible for us to study. With that Pakistan-China friendship compelled me to move ahead and it feels
like China is our most friendly country where people are so humble and friendly. My parents feel
comfortable to allow me to proceed China because China is safest country & strong emerging largest
economy of the world. Chinese universities are Top ranked and recognized as prestigious research
institutes around globe. So these are the reasons that compelled me to choose China again for my
Doctoral degree Research. Research Field Direction and Plans: I am aware of Industrial and domestic
process engineering challenges as I have been internee in two of the top most Oil Refineries of Pakistan.
There I was able to polish my process engineering and modeling skills by using software’s such as Aspen
HYSYS, KORF Hydraulics and other listed below. I recently carried out practical research in
Environmental department of Jiangsu University on waste water treatment and it was accepted for
publication in SCI journal. My research was accepted for publication in journal of applied polymer
science (DOI: 10.1002/app.47404) and now I wish to further extend my research to synthesize similar
but more innovative catalysts materials. I would like to work on a project assigned on process
engineering so I can further extend my research work. I am open to the ideas of working on
development or improvement of pumps, heat exchangers or other process engineering equipments to
provide better performance. I am also interested to develop a modeling system capable to detect
certain pollutants in waste water via computerized simulation monitoring system just like Aspen HYSYS
capable of showing virtual process industry calculations about pollutant type and quantity analysis using
magnetic components. Once I’ll be able to classify and quantify the pollutants from sample of Textile &
Refinery Waster water then a thorough research to eradicate these pollutants can be performed with
help of bio-organic catalysts. Moreover, I am highly interested to initiate pre-research on pumps, values
and other hydraulic equipment’s so their work efficiency can be further improved under harsh or
challenging conditions. I am excited to start my doctoral degree in China this year and this degree &
research in China will be helpful for me when I’ll come back to Pakistan and implement my experiences
to elevate quality standards in Pakistani industries. Awards I won in Jiangsu University: • Winner of best
presenter award at SINO-Postgraduate Conference held by Jiangsu University • Winner of best research
publication award at SINO-Postgraduate Conference held by Jiangsu University • Winner of best overall
presenter award at School of Environment conference of Jiangsu University • Winner of Badminton
Championship in 2017 in Jiangsu University • Winner of Badminton Championship in 2018 in Jiangsu
University • Winner of Badminton Championship in 2019 in Jiangsu University Seminars I Delivered in
Pakistan and Other Activities: I was recognized as ‘Ambassador of English Literary Society’ by my
professors. So I delivered majority of presentations in University as well as at Social platforms. My
academic seminars includes: • Organic Waste Consequences on Aquatic Life [Eutrophication] •
Corrosion Protection Methodologies Adopted in Industrial Units in Asia • NOx, SOx & VOC and other
secondary pollutants distinction from primary pollutants • Seminar on Sugar Industry Operation &
essential Crystal Growth of massecuite • Presentation on Literature Survey on Thermodynamic
Properties of Fluids • Oil Refinery Operation [Reformer and Hydrocracking Unit with majors in Fluid
Cracking Unit] • Bubble and Dew Point Calculations and Flash Drum Design • Industrial Waste
Management Resources and Problems • Domestic Water Pollutant Sample Analysis Techniques
Professional Experience, Memberships & Awards: In Jiangsu University, I was able to work on the
synthesis of Metal Chalcogenide functionalized on the surface of an aerogel prepared by cellulose and
this research was helpful in degradation of organic dyes from waste water. This work was published in
an SCI journal as stated above. During my bachelor degree, my research project “Troubleshooting of
industrial Binary Component Distillation Rectification Pilot Plant” in graduation was actually sponsored
by National Oil Refinery and co-supervised by their engineering services managing director with my
university supervisor Professor Ghulam Ullah. The notion of our project commenced with the literature
survey and problems that caught our attention in pilot plant’s chiller in early stage and experimented
solution to resolve this issue was proposed using Aspen HYSYS Simulation software and Korf Hydraulics
which lead us to find out the root cause of the issue and it was proposed successfully to the laboratory
which later on they adapted and the pilot plant came back into life once again. It was a successful
project indeed in which I got extensive industrial knowledge because of the industrial tours and got a
chance to work with extremely professional and highly experienced production engineers in both Attock
& BYCO oil Refineries. In the end, I was awarded with appreciation certificate from University Chemical
Engineering Department and Professional Experience Certificate from BYCO Oil Refinery. Another final
year project I was co-engaged in was about Industrial Waste Water treatment & Carbon Dioxide
Reduction in flue gases for which we conducted literature survey. Moreover, I am qualified member of
Icheme, London. [Institute of Chemical Engineers Society, London] Beside this, I also have Pakistan
Engineering Council’s membership which is only awarded to those successful industrial engineers who
completed degrees and have successful research projects.


Throughout my education I have shown good results in my academics. I want to mention here that
English was taught to me as a subject up to Class 10th for ten years after that from class 11 to 12 and
throughout my bachelor’s study, all subjects were in English. The language of instruction was English in
University and I have taken all examination in English and passed. So I have no hesitation at all to study
further and do research work in English. So I can read, write and understand English without any
problem. In Matriculation (Grade 9 & 10) examination conducted by Board of intermediate and
secondary education Khulna I obtained 92 % marks and stood first in school (copy is send with
application). Then I succeeded to secure a seat in Bangladesh most famous College, Government College
in Khulna. In Grade 11 & 12 (Intermediate) I took Physics, Math, English and chemistry as my subjects
and passed its examination Conducted by Board of Intermediate and Second Education Khulna, with
distinction and secured 91 % marks (copy is attach with application). Now after Higher secondary school
I passed the entrance test to university and got admission in B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering in Bangladesh
University of Engineering & Technology. This university is very famous in Bangladesh among people and
only most talented students get admission in the University from all over Bangladesh. In Mechanical
Engineering I remained focused on my studies and secured an overall CGPA of 3.48/4.00 (degree and
transcript are uploaded to website). In seventh semester I studied hard and obtained a GPA of 3.7/4.0. I
completed my bachelor’s in Oct, 2015. I was able to secure a job in Bangladesh Atomic Energy
Commission as Post Graduate Training Program that was an achievement (I have proof). But I did not
join there because company wanted me to fill the bond to serve them for seven years and there was
also some restriction that would have ended my social life and also because I actually did not like
nuclear field very much. I associated with field of teaching after that. I am a private tutor and teach
Singapore syllabus at school level and I am currently teaching till today. In Sep, 2016 I did internship in
Orient Electronics Private limited in Khulna and I saw there that they are only assembling Refrigerator,
Air Conditioners and Water Dispenser. And they did not need Engineers but they only need workers and
managers to manage labors. I got disappointed and did not wish to do job in these types of companies
(you can find details about internship in my CV). The energy crisis has destroyed the industry of
Bangladesh and the market is saturated with engineers. So I am interested in strengthening my
academic proficiency by pursuing Masters in Mechanical Engineering in China on Chinese Government
Scholarship and do job in China after studies if possible. I will learn Chinese Language. I want to
contribute in the field of science and to serve humanity. My passion is to serve humanity by seeking
knowledge and contributing in the field of science by research work. I want to mention here that I do
not have any acceptance letter from any professor because it took me a lot of time to understand the
procedure for applying masters so there is no time left to ask for it now so I am directly applying to
universities. REASON TO STUDY IN CHINA: One may ask why I do not do masters in Bangladesh. The
reason is that at higher studies the quality of education is very poor and there are not adequate
laboratories to carry out research work in most of the universities of Bangladesh. On the contrary, China
is an advanced country with a lot of top ranked Engineering Universities. And one more attraction to this
scenario is Chinese Government Scholarship for citizens of third world countries like Bangladesh who
cannot afford expensive education of China. As I told you earlier the other reasons are my passion to get
more learned and serve humanity by doing research work in the field of Science and Engineering. MY
PERSONALITY: I am a humble person with flexible nature. Flexibility is life and rigidness is death. As a
little baby’s body is very flexible but when one dies one’s body become rigid. The most beautiful thing
about me is I am always ready to accept good changes in me. And I also believe that the environment
and people around a person bring changes in his personality. So I want to come to China and in Chinese
Universities, Professors and teacher will change me to a better person than I am today. I do not look
down upon any cultural or religion. But I only respect good people without gender discrimination. I am
not a religious extremist. I respect China and its people and want to take good things from them in my
personality. STUDY PLAN IN CHINA: I am interested in securing a seat of Master in Mechanical/Thermal
Power/Power Machinery/ Fluid Dynamics with research option in Turbomachinery, on Chinese
Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program. And my preferences are as below 1- M.E in Power
Machinery and Engineering/Thermal Power Engineering with research work in Turbomachinery
thermodynamics. 2- M.E in Fluid Mechanics with research option in Turbomachinery. 3- Master of
Sciences/Engineering in Flight vehicle design I have an enormous interest in Thermo-Fluid Sciences of
Turbomachinery and I can choose “Thermal Power Engineering” for my master’s program if I can choose
Power Machinery or Turbo machinery for research topic. As I study my course work in Master I will
decide then which specific topic is to choose for research or thesis. I may choose heat engines or turbo
machinery to conduct research on, for thesis. I already have good concepts on Combined Gas and Steam
Power plants and in I secured “A” grade in this subject. In short I will choose research topic under
the umbrella of Thermal-Fluid Sciences. If the Masters in Fluid Mechanics with research option in “Turbo
machinery and Propulsion” is available, I am interested in it and want to do it. But if master in fluid
mechanics with the above mentioned research field is not available or university does not have required
laboratories to carry out research in field of Turbo machinery and Propulsion then the other options are
“Thermal Power Engineering” and Flight Vehicle Design”. I have an enormous interest in Thermal-Fluid
Science and I can choose “Thermal Power Engineering” for my master’s program. As I study my course
work in Master I will decide then which specific topic is to choose for research or thesis. I may choose
heat engines or turbo machinery to conduct research on, for thesis. I already have good concepts on
Combined Gas and Steam Power plants and in I secured “A” grade in this subject. In short I will
choose research topic under the umbrella of Thermal-Fluid Sciences. Another option is master’s
program of “Flight Vehicle Design” which is a sub discipline of Aerospace or Aeronautical Engineering
and I also find it very interesting. It is also a very important field if you consider air force of a country or
air journey. There is a continuous need of making fighter aircraft of good design. In this matter an
assistant professor from my previous university told me that Aeronautics is a narrow field and there are
no job opportunities in this field in Bangladesh after doing masters. So if you do not find job in China
after doing masters in Aerospace field it will be very difficult to find a job in Bangladesh as well because
there is no industry for aircrafts etc. Dear Professors I have given you three options of Master’s Program
in above paragraphs to give me admission. And these master’s programs are Thermal Power Engineering
with research option in turbomachinery or Power machinery, Fluid mechanics with research option in
turbo machinery and masters in Flight Vehicle Design. Now it is your privilege to give me admission in
anyone of the programs that is available in your University and that have better future prospective. Best
Regards, XXXX

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