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Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR when a company commits itself to operates in an ethical way to

manage the social responsibility, environmental and economic gains, and effects of its operation on the
society that is beneficial for the society. Having a Corporate Social Responsibility carefully considers the
rights of their employees, the community where their company is located, and its environment in which it
is operating. Practicing corporate social responsibility means that the company or business does not
focus only on its profit margin but they also consider the pros and cons of their activity or operation for the
environment and their employees and also the people outside their company. Like Canon Philippines,
where they have programs in social development, education, environmental and cultural conservation,
and preservation. The C.A.R.E or Canon Advocacy for Reinforcing Education, the PRINT FOR SMILES
wherein they are raising funds for free reconstructive surgeries for the children with cleft lip and palate,
the CANON GREEN NATION where they aim to make high-performing products that have less energy
consumption for the sustainability of the earth. The Canon Project Rebuild or CPR is also their another
program wherein they focus on disaster relief program that responds to emergencies and calamities to
give joy and support to the victims of the crises or calamities. Corporate Social Responsibility creates a
path for the company to benefit from it. Corporate Social Responsibility established a good reputation for
the company that attracts more investors. There are people or investors who are longing for the
companies that are practicing CSR to make the world to be a better place. CSR is essential to attract
those people and investors. Building a good reputation makes your company more visible to the people,
established long-term relationships in social by using employee volunteer programs like Canon
Philippines did, engaging fundraisings, advocacy support to the people and also to the environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility is not just about doing business as usual. It is about doing business
responsibly where many risks and opportunities exist. CSR is an essential part of building and
maintaining a favorable reputation for the company, CSR was used and is still being used to have a
company’s competitive advantage over its competitors. CSR creates positive relations on company’s
image and reputation, positive effect on employee’s motivation because of better incentives they received
from the firm, retention of an employee, and potential recruitment of workers. Corporate Social
Responsibility influences the consumer’s feedback to the company and its products and services it is
offering. A company that includes CSR on their strategies attracts more people and retain their
consumers. Employee and consumer’s perception towards the company, as a result of implementing
CSR, will do good for the reputation of the company and it will have a good long-term effect both on profit
and for their image. Another benefit of Corporate Social Responsibility is attracting positive attention, the
majority of consumers select brands they perceive to have a better appearance of CSR. People
nowadays believe that companies have a responsibility to take action to defend the welfare of society and
the environment. Today, companies are starting to realize that customers or consumers favor those
organizations and companies that operate in a socially responsible way. Corporate Social Responsibility
is the key to gain and sustain the loyalty of the customers and their trust will remain. Organizations or
companies that have recognition for the welfare of their employees attract more and retaining their best
employees because a company that has CSR values the contribution of the workers and it rewards their
efforts and it provides a good working environment and experience in such a way that they are more often
to stay with the company. As we all know, the main objective of the companies is to gain positive financial
results and ensure their profit but in the long run, unrestrained or irresponsible way of using our natural
resources will not do any good for our planet and also to all living things. Therefore, companies today are
finding ways for sustainable development. Like I said before, the Canon Philippines has a program the
Canon Green Nation wherein they are recycling the used toner cartridges. According to CMP Vice-
President Anuj Aggarwal, their corporate clients return over 99% of their used Canon toner cartridges for
them to be able to recycle those toner cartridges properly. It benefits the people and it helps to reduce
waste. In the long run, it will have a positive outcome in terms of their profit and it will help them to build a
good public image.

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