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European Journal of Radiology 31 (1999) 182 – 187

CO2 as a contrast medium in endoluminal treatment of high flow

vascular malformations
Elı́as Górriz *, José M. Carreira, Ricardo Reyes, Laura Gallardo, Juan M. Pulido,
Alejandro Romero, Manuel Maynar
Vascular and Inter6entional Radiology Unit, Hospital Uni6ersitario Nuestra Señora del Pino, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Uni6ersity,
C/ Angel Guimerá, 93, 35005 Las Palmas, GC, Spain
Received 21 October 1997; received in revised form 13 May 1998; accepted 14 May 1998


Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of CO2 as a radiologic contrast medium in pre and post-embolization of
hemodynamically active vascular malformations. Material and methods: Eight pre and post-embolization angiographies were
performed on five patients with hemodynamically active vascular malformations. In all cases sequentially iodinated contrast
medium and CO2 were used. Procedures were performed using Philips Integris V equipped with specific software to process images
obtained with CO2 as contrast medium and with a purpose-built gas injector pump. The images were assessed by three
interventional radiologists who evaluated the findings by consensus. They were asked whether uptake of the malformations were
better, worse or the same with iodinated contrast and CO2. The images were judged according to the following characteristics;
quality, the filling in of the contrast in afferent artery of the HAVM, caliber and number of vessels and existence of pathologic
communications in HAVM. These characteristics were assessed in all the patients of the study, both before and after embolization.
Results: The CO2 angiographic results were compared to those obtained using iodinated contrast material. Iodinated contrast
provided superior image quality in all performed studies. The filling of arterial afference of HAVM was well defined with both
contrast media. In all performed cases with CO2, the malformations showed more vessels. No inmediate nor subsequent
complications developed with CO2 injections, except in one female patient, who presented an intense sensation of cramps in the
lower limbs. Conclusion: CO2 is a useful diagnostic and assessment tool before and especially during the embolization of
hemodynamically active vascular malformations. It improves quantification and uptake of the malformation’s vascular architec-
ture, detecting collateral circulation and arteriovenous shunts. It also detects residual post-embolization disease when iodinated
contrast agent is unsuccessful. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Vascular malformation; Angiography; Carbon dioxide; Iodinated contrast agent; Embolization

1. Introduction and severity of the malformation may vary, ranging

from asymptomatic macules to congestive heart insuffi-
Vascular malformations (VM) are congenital lesions, ciency episodes.
which occur as a result of abnormal vascular develop- Doppler ecography, magnetic resonance and angiog-
ment during the embryonic period. They appear in the raphy provide diagnostic assessment [5].
neonatal and early years. Trauma, surgery and hor- In most cases, surgical treatment is impossible or
monal changes may cause rapid growth of the lesion ineffective [6]. Percutaneous embolization techniques
[1]. allow to obliterate the pathologic vessels, either by
Mulliken classified vascular malformations in new- superselective catheterization of the affected afferent
born hemangiomas and VM [2 – 4]. VM are classified as arteries or by direct puncture. Different sclerosant sub-
high and low-flow VM [3]. The clinical presentation stances are used depending on the type and morphol-
ogy of the VM [3].
* Corresponding author. Tel: +34 28 441092; fax: 34 28 441097. Conventional angiographic methods use iodinated
E-mail address: (E.Górriz) liquids as a radiologic contrast agent. Using a gas for a

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E. Górriz et al. / European Journal of Radiology 31 (1999) 182–187 183

radiological contrast media has been a recent innova- the patients, percutaneous treatment followed episodes
tion [7]. It requires multiple features due to its physical of pain and functional impotence in the anatomic areas
and chemical characteristics. Specially designed equip- affected by the VM.
ment is required. To asses the possible benefits of CO2 The approachs was femoral anterograde in seven
radiologic contrast agent a comparative study was car- patients and femoral retrograde contralateral in one
ried out betweeen both conventional contrast medium case. In two patients, the procedure was performed
and CO2 in patients with hemodynamically-active vas- using general anesthetic due to their young age whereas
cular malformations (HAVM). the rest were administered local anesthetic.
In the angiographic assessment prior to treatment a 5
F pig-tail catheter was used (Cordis, Miami, Fl), a 5 F
2. Material and methods multipurpose catheter (Cordis, Miami, Fl) and a 0.035’’
hydrophilic guidewire (Terumo, Tokyo, Japan). The
From January to June 1997, eight angiographic stud- superselective studies were performed using a 3 F
ies were performed using CO2 and iodinated contrast Tracker catheter (Target Therapeutics, Fremont, CA)
agent pre and post-embolization on five patients pre- and a 0.014’’ platinum guidewire (Advanced Cardiovas-
senting with HAVM. Four women and one man be- cular Systems, Temecula, CA).
tween 12 and 36 years (mean age 28 years). The The angiographic study showed the presence of arte-
malformation’s were localized in the knee (n = 2), foot riolo-venular HAVM, in two cases and arterio-venous
(n= 1), thigh (n= 1) and gluteal region (n =1). In all HAVM in three patients.

Fig. 1. (A) Angiography with conventional contrast material of HAVM prior to embolization. (B) Angiography of the same arterial section made
with CO2 as radiologic contrast agent. More arteriovenous communications are seen in comparation with the iodinated contrast agent study. Early
venous filling is noted. (C) Late phase of the study with CO2 in which the venous efferent of the HAVM is observed.
184 E. Górriz et al. / European Journal of Radiology 31 (1999) 182–187

Fig. 1. (Continued)

Embolization was made with either ethanol on its artery of the HAVM, caliber and number of vessels and
own or mixed with Gelfoam particles (Spongostan existence of pathologic communications in HAVM.
Film, Ferrosan, Söborg, Denmark) and/or Gianturco These characteristics were assessed in all the patients
spirals (Cook, Bjaeverskov, Denmark). To assess the studied, both before and after the embolization.
malformations CO2 was used sequentially with a non- CO2 angiographies were of sufficient quality to be
ionic iodinated contrast agent (Imagopaque, Nycomed, compared with those obtained using iodinated contrast.
Madrid, Spain) before and after embolization, selec- The use of small caliber catheters for the superselective
tively injecting 8 cc of iodinated contrast manually and angiographies and embolizations did not hinder the
administration of CO2 as contrast medium.
60 cc of CO2 with 20 cc/sg by CO2 injector (Angiody-
namics. CO2 ject., Model CD 1000, NY).
Procedures were performed using Philips Integris V
equipped with specific software to process images ob- 3. Results
tained with CO2.
The images were assessed by three interventional The angiographic results obtained using CO2 as a
radiologists who evaluated the findings by consensus. contrast medium and those using an iodinated contrast
They were asked whether the malformation had better, agent were compared. Image quality was superior in all
worse or the same uptake with iodinated contrast or the studies performed with iodinated contrast media.
with CO2. The characteristics seen in the images were: The filling of arterial afference of the HAVM was well
quality obtained, the filling in of the contrast in afferent detected with both contrast media. The vascular mal-
E. Górriz et al. / European Journal of Radiology 31 (1999) 182–187 185

formation showed more vessels in all the cases per- 4. Discussion

formed with CO2 (Fig. 1A, B, C). The filling of the
malformed vessels with CO2 was crucial in the post-em- Carbon dioxide was first administered intravenously
bolization angiographic study. Residual arterio-venous in 1950 to detect pericardial effusion [8–10]. Ten years
communications in the performed angiographies with later it was used to evaluate the portal and hepatic
CO2 were detected which went undetected in the per- venous system [11,12].
formed angiographies using iodinated contrast agent In 1970, Hawkins pioneered the use of CO2 in vis-
(Fig. 2A, B, C). ceral and peripheral arterial circulation [7]. Today an-
In one patient, the angiographic study with CO2 as giographies with CO2 as a contrast medium have
contrast medium showed the flow direction mainly extended to diagnostic procedures as well as therapeutic
from the origin of the afferent artery toward the nidus purposes [13–15].
of HAVM (Fig. 1B, C). This was not detected with the HAVM are characterized by the presence of vascular
iodinated contrast image (Fig. 1A). Once embolized, nidus with hypertrophic afferent arteries and dilated
flow was reestablished in its anatomic direction (Fig. and tortuous efferent veins.
2C). Traditionally, angiographic studies of HAVM have
No complications developed immediately after the been performed using an iodinated contrast agent, with
procedure nor subsequently related to the injection of possible use of CO2 to note the differences in the
CO2, except in one female patient, who presented in- angiographic evaluation of HAVM [16,17]. This may be
tense cramps in the lower limbs. attributed to the different physical and chemical char-

Fig. 2. (A) Conventional contrast medium post-embolization angiography in a late phase. The microcoils used are seen in the embolization. (B)
Late phase with iodinated contrast agent in which vascular malformation is not seen. (C) The same arterial section angiography taken with CO2
as a radiologic contrast agent. Residual vascular malformation is detected.
186 E. Górriz et al. / European Journal of Radiology 31 (1999) 182–187

Fig. 2. (Continued)

acteristics between the two techniques. The iodinated A crucial aspect of HAVM embolization strategy is
contrast media, which are injected intravascularly, mix gaining detailed knowledge of the vascular architecture,
with the blood thus increasing the radiologic density the caliber and number of vessels which conform it as
depending on the flow and volume injected, as well as well as the rapid rate of flow between the afferent and
the level of dilution. CO2, acts by displacing the blood efferent arteries. Thus, superselective injections of con-
column, maintaining a gas/liquid interface and causing trast to design the strategy and choosing the material to
a decrease in the radiologic density through which the use in each case are performed prior to embolization.
image is obtained with digital subtraction and specially In all our patients both before and after embolization
designed programs for CO2 [16]. more information with CO2 than with iodinated con-
Different types of studies of malignant tumors and in trast media were obtained, showing arteriovenous com-
the cases of fistulas and arteriovenous malformations,
munications which were not visible with the iodinated
using CO2 as contrast medium, has detected arteri-
contrast media. During the procedure in angiographic
ovenous shunts which were not evident with iodinated
control this is especially important as it ensures greater
contrast agents. This is mainly due to the two charac-
teristics of CO2: its buoyancy and low viscosity [14–17]. accuracy at the moment that the malformation has
If the vascular area of study is more elevated than the been excluded.
injection site, the CO2 fills the entire structure, is re- One notable difference observed between performed
tained and remains there for a longer period of time angiographies with iodinated contrast media and CO2 is
[18]. The low viscosity of carbon dioxide (400 times less the detection of the flow tendency of one afferent artery
that of iodinated contrast) allows it to spread through toward the ‘nidus’. This was not seen with the contrast
the vascular tree and highlight arteriovenous communi- medium and may be useful in determining which thera-
cations and collateral vessels not visualized in studies peutic decision to take, even when a clinical situation of
with iodinated contrast media [17,19]. arterial deprivation has not manifest itself.
E. Górriz et al. / European Journal of Radiology 31 (1999) 182–187 187

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