Final - Agrarian Law Instructions (15 June 2020)

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1. Your exam is on 26 June 2020, Thursday, 2:00 – 4:15 pm.

2. You will be provided a secret word, control number, and a link to access the exam 30
minutes before the exam or at 1:30 pm.

3. The exam will start at exactly 2:00 pm. The log-in period is only from 2:00 – 2:30 pm. This
means that you have only thirty (30) minutes to enter your name, control number, and the
secret word. After 2:30 pm, the exam will be unavailable. As such, we strongly suggest
that you check your internet connection and set your computer/laptop/cellular phone
ready for the exam before 2:00 pm.

If you fail to access the exam within the given timeframe, you will have to take a special
exam (see SPECIAL EXAM below.)

4. Once you access the link, enter your complete name in the space provided for your Last
Name, starting with your surname, and enter the control number in the space provided
for your First Name:

Last Name: Dela Cruz Juan

First Name: 0000000

5. After you entered your names and control numbers, you then input the secret word which
was given to you 30 minutes prior to the exam.

6. On your screen, the questions will appear one at a time. The first part is objective. You
may skip numbers and get back to it later. To skip a number, click on “Skip for Now.” To
go back to a number you skipped, click on the dropdown menu beside “Go To” on the
upper right corner, then select the number you want to go back to. Then click on “Go.”

7. For the objective part, select your answer by clicking on your answer of choice. Then click
on “Submit Answer.” You will do this per number in the objective part. If you clicked on
“Submit Answer,” you can no longer change that answer.

8. After you answered the last question and clicked “Submit,” the “Go To” option will no
longer be available on your screen. However, you can still go back to the unanswered
questions by clicking the “Keep Working” option. You will then be directed to the first
unanswered question. The “Go To” option will also reappear.

9. NEVER select the “back” option of your browser or the back button/backspace key.
You will lose all your answers as a result. If this happens, you need to retake the exam
(or if you already exhausted your allowable attempts, you need to take the special

10. Make sure to click “Submit Answer” for each question. If you go to next number after
clicking on your answer without selecting “Submit Answer,” your answer will not be
recorded and you will get a zero for that item. As such, you must always submit your

11. To protect the integrity of the exam, we randomized the order of the MCQ choices for
each student. If you will retake the exam due to disconnection, the order of MCQ
choices in your second attempt may differ from the order of MCQ choices during your
first attempt. In the same manner, the order of MCQ choices in your third attempt may
differ from the order of MCQ choices during your first and second attempt.

12. The last part is essay. Your answers should be concise. A mere “yes” or “no” answer will
not merit any point.

13. Once you are done answering the exam, click on “End Quiz”1 on the lower right portion.
Before you select “End Quiz,” make sure that you have clicked on “Submit Answer” for
all numbers. You can verify this by looking at the dropdown menu on the upper right
beside “Go To.” The dropdown menu should show all numbers as “Answered.”

Once you click on “End Quiz,” you will then be asked whether you will “Submit” or
“Keep Working.” Choose “Submit” if you have completed the exam, or “Keep Working”
to go back to the exam. After you choose “Submit,” click on “Done”.

If you do not complete this final step, any answer you entered will not be saved. Make
sure to accomplish this before the period for the final exam ends.

NOTE: If you try to upload on the last minute and the period lapses before you
successfully complete the last step, your entry will not be recognized and it is as if you
did not take the exam.

14. If for any reason you get disconnected during the exam, you may access the link again
and retake the exam. You can only do so, however, within the first thirty (30) minutes.
The exam will be unavailable for another attempt after 2:30pm.

You will need to repeat the exam because there is no partial saving of answers. Take
note also that in your second or subsequent attempts, the order of MCQ choices may
already be different from the order during your first attempt. Also, take note that you
only have until 2:30 for your second or subsequent attempts.

15. If you get disconnected, you need to inform us immediately through viber; or if this is
not possible, through text message to the contact number provided below. It is your
obligation to immediately notify us of your disconnection, specifying the cause thereof
(e.g. sudden loss of internet connection, technical error of the Quia platform, brownout,
malfunction of the gadget) We will carefully deliberate on the reasons provided for your

Note the “End Quiz” option may not appear if you answered the questions from top to bottom or in the order they
appear. If this is the case, after you selected “Submit Answer” for the last number/item, your options will either be to
“Submit” or “Keep Working.”
Remember these two important obligations in case of disconnection:

1.) Immediate notification of disconnection; and

2.) Specification of the cause of disconnection.

Without complying with these twin obligations, we may not consider your subsequent
attempts, and we may not give you a special exam.

If you cannot communicate to us through viber, you may message/text us at this number:

For uniformity, kindly indicate your name and section, place where you are taking the
exam, time of disconnection, and cause of disconnection:

Juan dela Cruz, 2X

Brgy. _____, Quezon City
TD: 9:10 pm
CD: Brownout

If you get disconnected after thirty (30) minutes has already elapsed (i.e. after 2:30 pm),
you will either take a special exam or you may be allowed to continue answering the rest
of the exam. This is still subject, of course, to your compliance with the notification
requirements. (Note: We will allow you to continue the exam if, based on the submitted
screenshot of your answers, you answered more than fifty (50%) of the MCQ questions.)

If you have a screenshot of your answers prior to your disconnection, kindly send us
copies thereof and we may consider them either in crafting a special exam for you, in
grading your special exam, or allowing you to continue answering the rest of the

16. If during the exam, you experience a lag in your internet connection which you believe is
to cause your failure to accomplish the exam on time, you may notify us and request to
instead take the special exam.

17. All issues/concerns during the exam shall be addressed on a case to case basis by the
proctor/professor. Your concerns should be posted in our viber group or in case such is
unavailable through an SMS sent to the contact number provided above.

1.) This applies to those who cannot take the exam, those who were disconnected after thirty
(30) minutes has elapsed, and those who experience poor internet connection during the

NOTE: Should you believe that you will not be able to take the scheduled exam, kindly
inform us, through your beadles, on the day before your exam. Do not forget to indicate
the reason.

2.) The examination type will be purely essay, possibly twenty (15-20) items. We, your
professors, will also strictly supervise the special exam.


1.) Are we allowed to alt-tab, type our answers on Word or Notes, and then paste on Quia? This
is because some of the students who were disconnected started from scratch.

Yes, you may. However, we discourage you from doing this. You alt-tab at your own risk.

First, we noticed that when we use alt-tab command while the exam is ongoing, there is a
greater chance of getting disconnected from the exam. As such, you are discouraged from
doing this.

Second, your suggestion may work only for the essay portion, which is merely 15% of the
exam. Besides, we encourage you to provide very concise answers for the essay type
questions. As such, when, by sheer bad luck, you get disconnected while you are
answering the essay portion, there is not much time lost if you type your answers again.

We thus suggest that you take a screenshot of your answer per item (before you click
“Submit Answer”).

2.) Slow internet connection- please see instruction number 16 above.

2.a.) Some were not able to open the quiz. We suppose that this is because of slow internet
connection. If this is the case, kindly refer to instruction no. 16.
2.b.) Some were disconnected in the middle of answering questions. On the premise that this is
because of slow internet connection or other causes, please see instruction nos. 15 and 16.
2.c.) The page kept refreshing. (See instruction no. 16) There were instances when the countdown
reverted to 2 hours. So far, based on our numerous attempts to take the exam and thus better
understand the platform, we have not experienced an instance where the countdown
reverted to 2 hours. If this is the case, it is beneficial for you, so it is okay. However, kindly
report such instance immediately.
2.d.) Some had their countdown running despite disconnection. This is really the case. In cases
of disconnection, please see instruction no. 16.
2.e.) One of the students answered the quiz 4 times because clicking the submit button failed. We
surmise that this is due to poor internet connection. If this happens, please see instruction
no. 17.
3.) The time for the exam would be from 4.30-6pm. What if due to our slow internet connection
the page loads at 5.30pm, how will we able to exhaust the 2-hour allotted time for the exam? Please
see instruction no. 3.

4.) Provide letter of choices. We are constrained to deny this request. Otherwise, the
purpose for randomizing the answer choices will not be achieved.
5.) Use control numbers xxx. Please see instruction number 4.

6.) We can screenshot the answers submitted via Quia or take pictures of it then send it to the
professor’s email. Yes, we encourage you to do so.

7.) Same lang ba na ganun format ng actual exam na kita na lahat ng questions? We
apologize for allowing you to take a simulated exam where all questions can be seen at
once. This should have not been the case had we been more careful in programming our
simulated exam.

Per the Admin’s memo, we are required to choose the option which shows one question
at a time. This is to protect the integrity of the exam.

Certainly, there are benefits when the questions are shown at once. As pointed by one of
your classmates, this option will lessen the chance of technical issues or loss of typed
answers because of inadvertence in clicking the next item. It is also more convenient for
you to check unanswered items, and that the chances of submitting an incomplete exam
will be lessened.

Upon carefully weighing the advantages and disadvantages of showing the questions one
at a time, we decided to implement the same. Its advantages, to our mind, far outweigh
its disadvantages. As such, we kindly remind you to be more prudent. Moreover, we
implore you to bear with our choice.

8.) 2 hours din ba actual exam? No. 2 and 15 mins.

9.) Yung ipinakita yung tamang sagot at the end of the exam, baka pwedeng ang gawin, may
mag access nung exam tapos once na makuha na yung right answers, i-relay sa iba na hindi pa
tapos sa exam yung answers. Thank you for pointing this out. For your exam, we will choose
the option “no feedback.” As such, when you are done with your exam, you will not
receive the answers or even your scores.


1.) Never attempt to cheat, especially by copying the code that will show the programmed
2.) Those who did not participate during the simulated exam are considered to have
waived their opportunity to voice out their concerns re: experience during the
simulated exam.
3.) Kindly familiarize yourselves with the Quia platform. We believe that this will
significantly help you during the exam proper.

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