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Approximately between 1000 AD and 1200 AD,

a large number of Orions fled the Rigel system
for the Outer Dark, settling on the planet Voran,
already inhabited by a primitive Vulcanoid
species. Intermarrying, they raised the
Vulcanoids to low interstellar technology.

Voran was far enough from the Vegan Tyranny,

the Karsid Empire, and the Hur’q to be safe
from them, and enough off the trade and piracy
routes favored by the Congeries to avoid
trouble with them. In time, the new Voran Hegemony came to rule over 80 planets and nearly as many
species. By the 19th century, they felt strong enough to resume contact with Rigel, but did not admit to
their connection.

In the late 21st century, Voran traders were rescued from Orion pirates by a
Terran ship of the UN Space Fleet, and learned of Earth. The Voran captain
was the nephew of the Hegarch, a fact not shared with the Terran captain.
Diplomatic contact began, and after some inquiries, a suitable reward was
given to the crew of the rescuers. In addition, Zephram Cochrane, inventor
of the warp drive, was given the fifth Dynastic Liberation Prize ever
awarded in Voran history. His invention meant the Terrans were able to
rescue the nephew, although this was not mentioned in the text of the

The Hegarch and the Varal of Voran at that time were far-sighted, in so
far as feudal rulers of an interstellar empire could be, and saw
something in Earth. When the Federation was formed, the Vorans
believed a new era was coming, and petitioned to join. However, they
insisted on joining as a unit. They did not wish to dissolve the Hegemony
and allow their subject worlds to choose membership on an equal
footing with the hearthworld. Instead, the Hegemony allied with the
nascent Federation for several decades, until the Federation agreed to
Voran becoming a full member, and the subject worlds gaining associate
membership as subsidiaries of Voran, in 2198. They were the largest
single polity in the entire Federation.

In 2167, Omne became the Regent for the young Hegarch, last of his line,
receiving the sixth (and last) Dynastic Liberation prize, and pursued
secession from the Federation over the Prime Directive. It looked likely
that the Hegemony would then join the Romulan Star Empire. After he
disappeared in the company of the Federation Ambassador
Plenipotentiary, Captain James Kirk, and Kirk returned without him, the
Varal at that time declared the Regency null and void, and began dissolving the Hegemony. Voran today
is a moral leader to many former Hegemony worlds, but is no longer a titular liege to those worlds. The
Voran aristocracy is also fading. This has resulted in more Vorans serving in Starfleet, Federation civil
service, and politics than before, particularly women, who had less opportunity in the Hegemony. It has
also resulted in a stricter interpretation of the Prime Directive.

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