This, That, These, Those, and One: Grammar 17

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International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking

Department of English

a. This, that, these, those: demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

This book is really good. That house is beautiful

These chips are cold What are those birds?

b. This, that, these, those + noun: demonstrative adjective.

bedroom bathroom

This is my mother That’s the bathroom

These are my cases Those are my glasses

c. This, that, these, those + verb: demonstrative pronoun

 This is singular. It is used with something that is here, next to the speaker.
 That is singular. It is used with something that is there, not next to the
speaker. Perhaps the speaker is looking at it or pointing to it.
 These is plural. It is used with things that are here, next to the speaker.

International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
 Those is plural. It is used with things that are there, not next to the speaker.


a. One student was late to class. One, each, and every are followed
b. Each student has a schedule. immediately by singular count nouns
c. Every student has a schedule. (but not plural nouns; not non-count
d. One of the students was late to class. One of and each of (but not every of)
e. Each of the students has a schedule. are followed by specific plural count
But nouns (but not singular nouns; not
non-count nouns)
f. Every of the students has a schedule.
 Every one (two words) is an expression of quantity; e.g. I have read every
one of those books.
 Everyone (one word) is an indefinite pronoun; it has the same meaning as
everybody; e.g. everyone/ everybody has a schedule.
 Each and every have essentially the same meaning.
 Each is used when the speaker is thinking of one person/ thing at a time, e.g.
each student has a schedule = Mary has a schedule; Peter has a schedule.
Mark has a schedule. Sabrina has a schedule. (etc.)
 Every is used when the speaker means “all”. Every student has a schedule. =
All of the student have schedules.


Practice 1: Choose this/ that/ these/ those to fill in the blanks.
1. Look at newspaper here.

2. _______________ are my grandparents, and people over there are my friend's

3. _______________ building over there is the Chrysler Building.
4. _______________ is my mobile phone and _____________ is your mobile phone on the shelf
over there.
5. _______________ photos here are much better than _________________ photos on the book.

6. _______________ was a great evening.

7. Are _______________ your pencils here?
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
8. _______________ bottle over there is empty.
9. _______________ bricks over there are for your chimney.
10. John, take _________________ folder here and put it on the desk over there.
Practice 2: Choose the best answer.

1. __________________________ are my rulers              

2. _________________________________is a guitar

3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________

Practice 3. Put the words in the correct order.

1. are / new / jeans / those / my / . _____________________________
2. that / digital camera / is / Peter's . _____________________________
3. red scarf / is / this / a / . _____________________________
4. my / these / books / are / . _____________________________

Practice 4. Some of the following sentences contain errors. Find and correct the
Example: It's important for every students to have a book.
Each of the students in my class has a book. (no change)

1. Spain is one of the country I want to visit.

2. The teacher gave each of students a test paper.
3. Every student in the class did well on the test.
4. Every furniture in that room is made of wood.
5. One of the equipment in our office is broken.
6. I gave a present to each of the woman in the room.
7. One of my favorite place in the world is an island in the Caribbean Sea.
8. Each one of your suitcases will be checked when you go through customs.
9. It's impossible for one human being to know every languages in the world.
10.I found each of the error in this exercise.
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English

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