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International University – HCMC

Department of English

Practice 1: What are these things? Try and find out if you don’t know.
Example: an ant? It’s an insect. ants? bees? They are insects.
1. an onion? It’s a vegetable. 5. Earth? Mars? Venus? Jupiter? They are stars.
2. a pigeon? It It’s a bird. 6. the Rhine? the Nile? the Mississippi?
3. a dandelion? It’s a flower. They are rivers.
4. a skyscraper? It’s a building.

And who were these people?

Example: Beethoven? He was a composer. Beethoven? Bach? They were composers.
7. Picasso? He was an artist. 11. Kenedy? Johnson? Nixon? They were presidents.
8. Shakespeare? He was a playwright. 12. Elvis Presley? John Lennon? They were singers.
9. Einstein? He was a scientist.
10. Marylyn Monroe? She was an actress.

Practice 2: Read about someone’s job and then write what his or her job is.
Example: Ron flies airplanes. He’s a pilot.
1. Sue types letters and answers the phone in an office. She is a clerk.
2. Tim plans people's vacations for them. He is a travel agent
3. Carol takes care of patients in a hospital. She is a nurse
4. Mary teaches math. She is a teacher
5. Martha directs movies. She is a movie director

Practice 3: Put in a/an, or some, or put a cross (X) if none is needed.

Examples: I've seen some good movies recently. Do you have a headache?
Are most of your friends X students?
1. Do you have a camera?
2. Would you like to be an actor?
3. Bill has X big feet.
4. Do you collect X stamps?
5. Tom always gives Ann some flowers on her birthday.
6. Those are X really nice snacks. Where did you get them?
7. What a beautiful garden!
8. What X nice children!
9. Some birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
10. Jack has X very long legs, so he's a fast runner.
11. You need a visa to visit foreign countries, but not all of them.
12. I'm going shopping. I'm going to get some new clothes.
International University – HCMC
Department of English
13. Jane is a teacher. Her parents were X teachers too.
14. When we got downtown, some stores were still open, but most of them were already closed.
15. Do you enjoy going to X concerts?

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