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PATH – Musculoskeletal Alterations 2nd

1. What is it called when a bone loses its continuity? - Fracture

2. What is the characteristic of psoriasis? - excess activity of the skins proliferating units ( 10
times faster)
3. Is Urticaria a form of dermatomycosis? - No, Its not fungal
4. What do you call itchiness? - Pruritus
5. What is the real name for Jaundice? - Icterus
6. What is the cause of genital warts? - Human Papilloma virus
7. What are Genital warts called when they are big? - Condyloma Acuminatum
8. What is the most frequent reason for pruritic lesions? - Allergic Reactions
9. What is the name of skin lesions produced by the sun? - actinic dermatitis
10. What produces the herpes zoster? - Varicella Virus
11. How do you define one abscess? - one encapsulated cavity full of pus
12. Is herpes zoster treated with antibiotics? - No, Antibiotics are for Bacteria not Virus
13. What kind of disease is Lupus? - Autoimmune
14. Lupus that affects the whole body. – disseminated erythematosus Lupus
15. Inflamed skin caused by the excessive production of sebum - Seborrheic Dermatitis
16. Bed sores from not changing position are called. - Pressure Ulcer
17. What is the difference b/w arthritis and osteoporosis? - Osteoporosis is caused by mechanical
wear, not inflammation
18. What kind of arthritis is gout? - Uric acid crystals build up in the Joint
19. During Osteopenia, the Lacuna Communicate directly with the Volkmann canals? - False
20. What is the name of uric acid accumulation in soft tissue? - TOFI
21. What is the name of the condition when your lumbosacral spine is rheumatically compromised?
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
22. What is osteomyelitis? - Infection and Inflammation of bone and periosteum
23. A fracture that compromises the bone and cartilage is called? - Trans chondral fracture
24. If somebody says that calluses consolidate after remodelling Is that true or false? - False,
remodeling occurs when callus has already done is job. Remodelling happens after
25. If someone has muscle pain with tender points, it is called? - Fibromyalgia
26. What are the most frequent points affected by rheumatoid arthritis? - Knees, Fingers, Wrists,
Ankles, Feet, C-Spine
27. Arthritis cause by microbiome is called. – Septic Arthritis
28. Can you classify arthritis as infectious and non-infectious? - No, Inflammatory or
29. What are Rickets? - Osteomalacia in Kids
30. When the cortical bone is thinner and a spongy, what is the name of that condition? -
Osteoporosis (caused by lack of use or hormonal change)
31. Under which conditions you could you see myoglobinuria? - Accidents, Crushing lesions, etc
32. What is a sprain? - Tear in a ligament
33. What is the function of Osteoclasts in a Fracture? - Remodeling
34. In a Fracture, do we need activation of white blood cells and mast cells? - Yes, for inflammation
35. What is the first Necessary factor to appear in a fracture? - disruption of blood vessels in the
cortex and marrow. Simply BLEEDING
36. Give me one example of one pathologic fracture? - Bone cancer, Severe Osteoporosis, brittle
bone disease
37. Give me the classification of fractures in the most generic possible way - complete, incomplete
open or closed.

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