1º: Ctrl+shift+l Before The Shortcuts

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1º: ctrl+shift+L

before the shortcuts:

after shortcuts:

2º: ctrl+T

before the shortcuts:

after shortcuts:

3º: Ctrl+ o o o

before the shortcuts:

after shortcuts:
4º: ctrl + shift + o o o

before the shortcut:

After shortcut:

5º: after ctrl + shift + o o o

we use ctrl + 1

Before the shortcut:

After shortcut:

6º: Alt + shift + =

before the shortcut:

After shortcut:

7º: Alt + E + S + V

Before the shortcuts

After shortcuts

8º: Alt + Enter

before the shortcut:

after shortcuts
the sell move

9º:ctrl + A

before the shortcut:

after shortcuts:

10º: Alt + F1

before the shortcut:

after shortcut:

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