Stopwatch 3 Unit 3 Grammar 2 (3.3.G2)

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Unit 3 Grammar Worksheet 2

1 Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives.
0. My friend John is the tallest (tall) person in my classroom.
1. My sister always buys (expensive) clothes in the mall.
2. Mr. Jones gives (easy) homework in school.
3. I’m (happy) student in my class. I love school!
4. The food in my school cafeteria is (bad) in the whole world!
5. My cousin Mark is (good) at playing video games. He always beats my
brother and me.

2 Unscramble the superlative sentences.

0. in the US / Los Angeles / the largest / is / city
Los Angeles is the largest city in the US.
1. the tallest / Burj Khalifa / is / in the world / building

2. Susannah Mushatt Jones / in the world / the oldest / person / is

3. in our solar system / Mercury / planet / is / the smallest

4. is / The sail fish / in the ocean / the fastest / fish

3 Look at the menu and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

School Cafeteria 0. Chicken is the most expensive food on the menu. T
Ice cream $1.50 1. Orange juice is the cheapest drink on the menu.
Hamburger $2.50 2. The milkshake is the most expensive drink.
Milkshake $1.75
3. Candy is the healthiest option on the menu.
Milk $0.75
Orange juice $1.00 4. The cookie is the cheapest dessert.
Apple $0.50 5. Ice cream is the most expensive dessert.
Soda $0.80 6 Soda is the healthiest drink.
Chicken $5.00
Cookie $0.25
Candy $0.35

3 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 3.3.G2

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