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Anushaktinagar, Mumbai

Summative Assessment Examination-2

Academic year- 2014-15

Class- VI Subject– English

Time – 3 hours Maximum Marks – 90


1. Marks for questions are indicated against each.

2. Answer should be brief and to the point and word limit be adhered to as far
as possible.

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Name of the Student:_____________________________________________________

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No of printed pages – 7

CCE-15-SA-II-Class-6-English-Question Paper


A.1. Read the following passage carefully:-

Achoo! by Cynthia Sherwood
1. Achoo! We all sneeze sometimes. Sneezing is a reflex that your body does automatically. That
means you cannot make yourself sneeze or stop one once it has started. When you sneeze, your
body is trying to get rid of bad things in your nose, such as bacteria. You have extra germs when
you have a cold, so you sneeze a lot more. You might also sneeze when you smell pepper!
2. Inside your nose, there are hundreds of tiny hairs. These hair filter the air you breathe.
Sometimes dust and pollen find their way through these hairs and bother your nasal passages. The
nerves in the lining of your nose tell your brain that something is invading your body.
3. Your brain, lungs, nose, mouth, and the muscles of your upper body work together to blow
away the invaders with a sneeze. When you sneeze, germs from your nose get blown into the air.
Using a tissue or “sneezing into your sleeve” captures most of these germs. It is very important to
wash your hands after you sneeze into them, especially during cold and flu season.
4. Do you ever sneeze when you walk into bright sunlight? Some people say that happens to them
often. Scientists believe the UV rays of the sun irritate the nose lining of these people so they
sneeze. If someone nearby sneezes, remember to tell them“Gesundheit!” That is a funny-looking
word which is pronounced “gezz-oont-hite.” It is the German word that wishes someone good
health after sneezing.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the questions that follow. (1 x 5 = 5)

a) Which parts of your body work together when you sneeze?

i) nose and mouth ii) lungs and nose
iii) brain, lings, nose, mouth and the muscles iv) nose and brain.
b) What does the German word Gesundheit mean?
i) I wish you good health. ii) I wish you God's blessings.
iii) I wish you a good day. iv) I wish you would stop sneezing.
c) Why do people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight?
i) natural ii) due to sunlight iii) irritation of the nose iv) UV rays irritate nose
d) After a sneeze into your hands ……………..
i) hold them tightly ii) rub them off iii) wash them neatly iv) never wash
e) What does the opposite of “lower” according to the passage?
i) high ii) higher iii) taller iv) upper

A.2. Read the following poem by Gertrude M Robinson.

Columbus was a wise man
Who thought the earth was round;
He planned to sail across the sea
Where trading could be found.
Though Kings did not believe in him,
And men thought he would fail,
He found one friend, the Spanish queen,
Who gave him ships to sail.

The crew rebelled, the sea was rough

In 1492;
Still this brave man kept sailing on
In spite of sea or crew

But when they spied America,

They landed with a cheer-
And that is why we celebrate
Columbus Day each year.

A 2.1. On the basis of your reading answer the questions. (1 x 3 =3)

a) Why did Columbus sail across the sea?
b) Who assisted him to carry out the sail?
c) What difficulties did he face?

A 2.2. Complete the sentences with suitable words or phrases . (1 x 2= 2)

a) The crew landed ________________ when they discovered America.
b) Columbus was a wise man because_______________________.

A.3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Waste Technology
Recycling rubbish not only helps save money, but also helps the environment. We lessen
the pollution that is created by burning rubbish and save valuable resources. Many countries
encourage recycling and new technology allows more waste to be reused. Most of the
rubbish that can be reused are paper, metals, glass and even plastic. Half the world‟s waste
consists of paper. Many countries import waste paper rather than new pulp for their paper
mills. The waste is pulped, cleaned and bleached to remove most of the ink and dirt before it
is turned into new paper in the same way as wood pulp or rags.

Metals are recycled into new steel and other metals. A new car, today, consists of parts of
earlier cars, that have been scraped and turned into steel sheets. The more valuable the
metal, like gold, silver, the more it pays to recycle. Aluminium is worth recycling because
extracting it from bauxite consumes a huge amount of electricity since most aluminium
today is recycled, the energy used to make aluminium had fallen by a quarter since the early

Glass is also worth recycling. The most sensible method is to use glass bottles as often as
possible. Broken glass known as cullet can also be recycled. Many western countries have
bottle banks into which used bottle can be thrown. Bottle banks depend on people‟s

Plastic is one of the most difficult substances to recycle because it comes into many
varieties. Some plastic bottles, for example, contain six layers of different types of plastic,
each designed to give the bottles certain qualities, shape, strength and flexibility.

A. 3.1. On the basis of your reading of the article, choose the correct option and write
only the answer in your answer sheet. (1 x 5=5)
a) Rubbish that can be reused is ____________
i) Paper ii) glass iii) metals
b) Cullet means ________________
i) a piece of metal ii) a piece of paper iii) broken glass.
c) Recycling rubbish helps ______________
i) save money ii) save environment iii) Bothi& ii
d) It is believed that half the world‟s waste comprise _______
i) metals ii) plastic iii) paper
e) One of the most difficult substances to recycle is ________
i) iron ii) plastic iii) paper

A 3.2. Answer the following questions : (1 x 5=5)

a) Why do we prefer recycling rubbish?
b) Why is Aluminium worth recycling?
c) How is a bottle bank useful to one?
d) Which word in the second paragraph is similar to “pulling out”?
e) Which word in the first paragraph is an opposite of “worthless”?


B.1 You are Acharya/Alisha. Your mother and father left for city. You got a call from your friend
to join a game of badminton by four o‟clock in the school. Write a message in 50 words to your
mother mentioning about it in details. (time, place, when to go and return home) (5)

B.2 You are Rakesh/Rakhi of class VI. Imagine that you are asked to write on “A Clean India,
Green India” for your school magazine. Now write a paragraph in 80 words on your experience
on the day you joined a cleanliness drive with your classmates in and around your school. (5)

B.3 On a Sunday you went to the city with your parents for entertainment and enjoyment. On the
way back home traffic jam killed all your enjoyment you had. Write a letter to your friend in
120 words on your sweet and sour experience you had on that day. (7)

B.4 I had gone for an evening walk. On the way I noticed an old woman sitting under a tree. She
was reading a letter. I went closer to her and asked why she was crying. Write a story in 120
words what actually happened afterwards. (8)


C.1. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. The first one has been done as an
example. (½ x 6 = 3)

incorrect correct
Once there was the cap seller. He had e.g., the a
a) a bag which contained much caps
in it. It was hot. He sat down under _______ ________
b) the tree to rest . He slept there _______ ________
c) for any time. He woke up and _______ ________
d) found their bag empty. There ________ ________
e) wasn‟t some cap in it. He _______ ________
f) looked up and saw more monkeys
sitting in a tree _______ ________

C.2. Re-arrange the following jumbled words to get meaningful sentences: (1 x 3 =3)

e.g. Camel / the oldest / the / is / of / domestic / animals/

The camel is the oldest of domestic animals.

a) is/ means / as / a / of / transport / in / deserts / it / used

b) is / useful / animal / this / adapted / well / lands / in harsh
c) can / the camel / take/ 100 litres / up to / of water / 10 minutes / in

C.3. Given below are the instructions for making tea. Complete the paragraph by choosing the
correct answer from the four choices given below. (1 x 4 = 4)

To prepare tea, water is poured in a pan. It (a) ___________till it boils. Tea leaves, sugar
and cardamom (b) _______into the boiling water. Milk is then (c) ______________ and the
concoction is further heated. After boiling, it is poured into cups and then (d) __________ hot.

a) (i) is heating (ii) was heated (iii) will be heated (iv) is heated
b) (i) is put (ii) are put (iii) is being put (iv) was put
c) (i) being added (ii) adding (iii) is added (iv) added
d) (i) is serving (ii) was served (iii) served (iv) is served

C.4. Do as directed:
(a) Choose the words from the box that describe movement and use them to fill in the blanks in
the sentences below. (½ x 4 =2)
(dived, sprang, whipped, darting, gliding, thudding)
(i) I saw a cobra ___________ out of a clump of cactus.
(ii) The birds _____________ at the snake.
(iii) The snake hissed, his forked tongue _______ in and out.
(iv) The snake __________ his head back to strike at the crow.

(b) Write two sentences using „as ----as‟, or „-er than‟ to compare the heights of the following
students (2)
Neha (155 cm) Sneha (150cm) Sona (155cm)

(c) Write two sentences using „most‟ and the clues given below: (2)
(i) 90% of the snakes are harmless. 10% are poisonous.
(ii) (Lots of ) fruit have plenty of sugar, (some) fruit are sugar free.

(d) Reply to the following questions by saying yes or no. Give one reason for saying yes or no. (2)
(i) Do you like morning walk?
(ii) Would you like to be a teacher?

(e) Choose the suitable phrase from the box given and replace the underlined words in the
following sentences.: (2)

look after, make it up, a tight spot, take chances

i) She has been told not to take risks while crossing the railway track.
ii) The old grandparent needs to be properly taken care of .


D.1. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (1 x 3 =3)

“But only words can free a thought

From its prison behind your eyes
May be your mind is holding now
A marvellous new surprise!”

a. Name the poet of the above given extract.

i) Peter Dixon ii) Mary O‟Neill iii) Rabindranath Tagore iv) Eleanor Farjean
b. Where does the prison of thought exist ?
i) inside our head ii) outside our head iii) inside our eyes iv) in the heart
c. What can free a thought from the prison?
i) Brain ii) Body iii) Words iv) Language

D.2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. (1 x 3 =3)
“Did they ever lose their hymn books
Did they ever leave their greens?
Did they scribble on the desk tops?
Did they wear old dirty jeans?
I‟ll follow one back home today
I‟ll find out what they do
Then I‟ll put it in a poem
That they can read to you.”

a) Name the poem and the poet of the given stanza.

b) What does the child want to know about his teachers?
c) What will the child do once he finds out what his teachers do?

D.3. Who said the following sentences to whom? (1 x 2 =2)

a) “A Panch has no friend nor enemy. He knows only justice. Let no one deviate from the
path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity”.
b) “They were all friends of the shopkeeper. They were playing tricks to tempt you to try
your luck. They wanted your money and they got it.”

D.4. Answer the following questions in about 30 words. (2 x 6 = 12)

a) How does the hump of the camels help them to survive when there is no food?
b) What did the cobra and the mongoose do, to show their readiness for the fight?
c) What were the two things Rasheed told not to do during his absence in the fair?
What happened to the crow in the end (in the lesson „The Banyan Tree‟)? Who was the winner?
d) Why was the crocodile unwilling to invite his friend home?
e) Why are dreams important? Give two reasons.
f) What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?
Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of reptiles to the people of his village?

D.5. Imagine that you are Prem in the story „What happened to the Reptiles‟. How would you
stop your villagers from fighting each other in the name of religion? Write your answer in a
paragraph. (5)
Taking ideas from the lesson „The Banyan Tree‟ write a paragraph about the importance of trees.

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