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Name: Katy Schnormeier Subject: Reading/Writing

Grade Level: 2nd Unit: Timelines

Lesson Title: Kate and Pippin Timeline
Objective: Students will describe key ideas and details from “Kate and Pippin” using a timeline

Materials Tablet, timeline prompt, the book “Kate and Pippin”

Anticipatory Set Name events that occurred in “Kate and Pippin” in the
correct order

Input (What students already Students will already know how to set up a timeline, what a
know) timeline is, how they are supposed to make their timeline,
the content within the book “Kate and Pippin,” and how to
use the technology to build their own timeline.

Model (How will you I will review what a timeline is when we should use a
demonstrate skills?) timeline, the events that happened throughout the book, and
develop a template for the students to fill out with a partner

Check for understanding I will have the students get out their tablets, open seesaw,
and see the assignment for them to create their own timeline
with the events we reviewed in five placeholders. They will
work with a partner but will be on separate tablets so they
are able to think semi-independently. Then, we will come
together as a class and I will use clips with their names on
them to choose five students to share one aspect of their
timeline with the whole class.

Guided practice Students will read “Kate and Pippin” in the class before.
Then, we as a class will review what a timeline is as well as
when we should use one. Next, we will discuss how we
make effective and easy-to-understand timelines. We will
review the book’s content as a class before having them
make their own timeline. Then, they will use the
information they read to develop a timeline with one
partner. Lastly, five students will share one event they added
into their timeline with the whole class.

Closure “After learning about how, when, and why we use timelines
you can now think about what might be in your timeline as
well as what you hope to add to it later in your life.”

Independent Practice Students will create their own timeline with a partner using
the information they remember from the book “Kate and
Pippin.” They will share one aspect of their timeline with
the whole class after work time.

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