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M Renno Rizal


Exc 2.b

1. Teks Interaksi Interpersonal ( congratulations and compliments )

Grade X, KD 3.2 :
 Memberikan ucapan selamat dan pujian bersayap dengan
menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur bahasa yang tepat sesuai
dengan tujuan dan konteks penggunaan.
Topic : Expressions of congratulation
Instruction :
In this unit you will learn about give congratulation to others.
Conversation 1
Situation : They are talking at the hall.

Dr. Ranjan : __________

Sathish      : ___________

Dr. Ranjan : ___________

Sathish   : ___________

A. Now, write the conversations based on the situation given. Use

the conversations above to help you find the appropriate

Situation 1 : A give B a congratulation about something happened.

1. asking B to give 1. asking A to give compliments

B.  Now, perform the above conversation in front of the class. Use

some properties to make your performance alive. You can see the
following pictures to inspire your role play. 

Situation 1 : A give B a
Congratulation about something
A : ……………………..

B : ……………………..

A : ……………………..

B : ……………………..

2. Teks Interaksi Transaksional ( introduce oneself )

Grade VIII, KD 3.1 :

Meminta dan memberi informasi tentang jati diri dengan
menggunakan struktur teks yang tepat sesuai konteks penggunaan.
Topic : introduce about yourself
Instruction :
In this unit you will learn about give introduction yourself to other.
Conversation 1
Situation : They are talking in front of the class.

Alexa     : ………………

Soo-jin   : ……………...

Arturo    : ……………...

Soo-jin   : ……………...

A. Now, write the conversations based on the situation given. Use

the conversations above to help you find the appropriate

Situation 1 : C is introducing A to B, and they’re introduce each other.

1. asking C to introduce one of A 1. A and B introducing each
or B other

B.  Now, perform the above conversation in front of the class. Use

some properties to make your performance alive. You can see the
following pictures to inspire your role play. 

C is introducing A to B, and they’re

introduce each other.
C : ……………………

A : ……………………

B : ……………………

A : ……………………

3. Teks Fungsional ( Procedure text )

Grade IX, KD 3.7 :

Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan

fungsi sosial teks prosedur dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan
tentang resep dan manual, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
Topic : Procedure Text
Instruction :
In this unit you will learn a short functional text: procedure text..
Exercise 2.b.
You will read the texts that have information about procedure again,
before making your own text. Then, sit in group of four and take turn
to suggest the sentences for making your own text.

Baked Macaroni and Cheese

1. 1 packaged elbow macaroni
2. 4 tablespoons butter
3. 2 cups heavy cream
4. 4 cups cheddar cheese, shredded

1.First, boil the macaroni in a large pot for 5 minutes.
2.Then melt the butter on medium heat and add the cream.
3.Stir for about 2 minutes.
4.Next, add the cheese.
5.Stir until the cheese is melted. Season with salt and pepper.
6.After that, add the cooked macaroni and mix well.
7.Finally, bake for 20 minutes.

Now, in group rewrite the procedure text. Decide by yourselves what

thing that you want to inform. You also can change the information
about the procedure.

Your Text















4. Teks Fungsional Khusus (Advertisment )

Grade IX, KD 3.10 :

membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk iklan dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait produk dan jasa, sesuai dengan konteks
Topic: Advertisement
In this unit you will learn some texts that have information about
products and services.
Exercise 2.b


             A.     You'll see some ads with details, pay attention!

         B.      After you see the ads, then you'll create ads based on
those images include visual, logo, headline and sub-headline.

Analytics table:

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