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Worksheet #4/Chapters 5, 6, & 7

Name: Zekariyas H.Michael Box No.__________________

Chapter 5

1. According to the authors, who is the most significant character in OT narrative?

- God
2. Into which level of narrative does the call of Abraham fit?
A. Top Level
B. Middle Level – Call of Abraham fits here.
C. Bottom Level

3. Since the authors suggest that the narrative account of David and Bathsheba does not systematically teach about
adultery, what is the value of such a narrative?
- The narrative told us that such adultery activity would harm one’s (David’s) personal life and
his ability to rule (any personal responsibility).
4. T/F By “implicit” the authors mean that narrative often teach principles that can be understood on the personal
level but are difficult to explain to someone else.
- False
5. In what ways do the authors caution readers against seeing everything in Scripture (especially OT narrative) as
being a direct word to them?

Chapter 6

6. What do the authors mean by a “restoration movement” mentality?

7. According to the authors, what is “the crucial factor” contributing to the forward movement evidenced in the book
of Acts?

8. T/F The authors use Acts 6:1-7 to demonstrate how the church was organized on the basis of clergy and lay
9. When the authors discuss general principles for interpreting Acts, what do they identify as “the crucial
hermeneutical question”?

10. When the authors discuss specific principles for interpreting Acts, what do they suggest is necessary for a biblical
precedent to justify a present action?
Chapter 7
11. What two obvious facts present difficulties for the interpretation of the Gospels?

12. T/F According to the authors, the most valuable and authoritative Gospel is the one that the church received
13. What do the authors mean when they describe the Gospels as “two level documents”?

14. The authors draw a distinction between the “imperatives” of the Gospels and “law.” What do they identify as the
difference between the two?

15. To what are the authors referring when they say, in one sense, it is already here, but in another sense, it is not yet?

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