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Chronology November 16, 1979-February 15, 1980

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Spring, 1980), pp. 161-180
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 21/02/2012 04:30

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November 16, 1979-February15, 1980
Nov. 29: The UN General Assembly voted by 75 to 33
ArabIsraeliConflict with 37 abstentions to adopt a resolution that re-
(Seealso, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Turkey) jected the provisions of the Camp David accords
which "ignore, infringe upon, violate or deny the in-
1979 alienable rights of the Palestinian people." [AN}
Shak'ah ended a 2 week hunger strike in prison.
Nov. 16. The Mayor of the occupied West Bank town of [NYT)
Nablus, Bassam al-Shak'ah, told his attorney that he Dec. 2. A Greek Orthodox monk was found dead at a
would refuse solid foods until he was released from monastery near Nablus. He had been killed by a hand
prison in Ramallah by Israeli authorities. [NYT) grenade. [NYT]
Nov. 17: Israeli troops prevented West Bank mayors Dec. 5: Israel reversed its decision to deport Shak'ahand
from gathering in Gaza for a 1 day hunger strike in released him from prison. [NYT]
support of Nablus Mayor Shak'ah. [NYTI The mayors of the West Bank and Gaza withdrew
Nov. 18: The Israeli government set a 6 week deadline their resignations upon the release of Shak'ah. They
for final evacuation of the Elon Moreh settlement on had resigned to protest his detention. [NYT]
the West Bank. The Supreme Court had ordered the Dec. 6: The General Assembly voted by 102 to 17 with
evacuation. [NYT] 20 abstentions to condemn partial agreements and
Two guerrillas were killed and 2 captured by Israeli separate treaties which violated the rights of the Pal-
naval forces off the coast of Nahariya. The guerrillas estinian people. [AN]
had set off from Lebanon. [JP Dec. 8: US Special Envoy to the Middle East Sol Lino-
Palestinians demonstrated on the West Bank and witz arrived in Cairo for meetings with Egyptian lead-
Gaza to protest against the detention of Shak'ah. ers on the progress of Palestinian autonomy
[NYT] negotiations between Egypt and Israel. [NYT]
Nov. 20: Representatives of Egypt, Israel and the US Dec. 9: US Special Envoy Linowitz met with Egyptian
ended talks on Palestinian autonomy in Tel Aviv and President Anwar al-Sadit near Cairo. Later he said he
reported that some progress had been made. [NYTJ was "not confident" that an agreement on Palestinian
Nov. 21: Israel returned 30 acres of the Elon Moreh set- autonomy could be reached by the following May.
tlement to their Arab owners. [NYT} [NYT]
Nov. 22: The Israeli Supreme Court refused to release The Israeli Cabinet gave permission for work to be-
Shak'ah from prison pending judicial review of an or- gin on a new settlement to replace Elon Moreh. Bull-
der for his deportation. [NYT} dozers began work on the new settlement.
Nov. 25. Israel returned the Alma oilfield in the Gulf of [NYT]
Suez to Egypt in ceremonies at the Sinai town of El Dec. 10.' Linowitz met with Israeli Premier Menahem
Tur. [NYT] Begin in Israel and said the meeting had left him
Nov. 26: A judicial hearing for Shak'ah before the Mili- "immensely heartened." [NYT]
tary Advisory Committee was postponed. [NYT] Dec. 11: The Mayors of El Bireh and Ramallah were put
Nov. 27: Six men attacked a girls' school at the Jalazoun on trial for allegedly shoving a policeman outside a
refugee camp on the West Bank while the school was courtroom more than 1 year earlier. [NYT]
in session. The attackers smashed classroom win- Dec. 12: Israel announced that 6 Jewish settlers from the
dows, threw stones at women and children and fired West Bank settlement of Shiloh had been arrested
bullets into the air. [NYT] and charged in connection with the attack on the girls'
Shak'ah said he would not compromise with the Is- school in the Jalazoun refugee camp. [NYT]
raeli government in order to receive lighter punish- Linowitz and Israeli Interior Minister Yosef Burg
ment. [NYT] flew to Cairo and met with Egyptian Premier Mustafa

List of Abbreviations
AN, Arab News; FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformationServiceDaily Report-Middle East and North Africa; JP, The
JerusalemPost; MEED,Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, MiddleEast EconomicSurvey;NYT, The New YorkTimes;
TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington Post.


Khall. Later Khalil said that "fresh ideas" had been estinian autonomy that were "old and previously re
brought. [NYT] jected." [NYT]
A bomb exploded outside a building housing the Jan. 17: A bomb exploded in a hotel in London, killing a
Israeli Embassy in San Salvador. [NYT] Bahrayni. A second bomb exploded in the rubble.
Dec. 13: Linowitz met with Israeli Premier Begin in Is- [NYT]
rael. LaterLinowitz said that "some real progress" had The inhabitants of Elon Moreh agreed to move to a
been made in the negotiations. [NYT] new site near Nablus. [NYT}
Dec. 15. Gunmen assassinated 2 PLO officials in Ni- Jan. 18: Israeli soldiers killed a man who had crossed
cosia, Cyprus. [NYT) the Lebanese border and opened fire on them.
Dec. 16. It was reported that 1 of the Palestinians mur- [NYT]
dered in Cyprus had been chief of guerrilla opera- Jan. 22: Israel announced that municipal elections in the
tions in the West Bank. [NYT] West Bank and Gaza would not be held in April as
Dec. 18: An Israeli missile boat docked at Port Said, scheduled pending the outcome of negotiations on
Egypt. It was the first Israeli naval vessel to dock at an Palestinian autonomy. [NYT]
Egyptian port. [NYT) Jan. 23: The New York Times cited "official sources" as
Israeli soldiers used tear gas to disperse a demon- saying Israel had established a new settlement, called
stration near Hebron mourning the death of a local Maale, in the West Bank. [NYT]
Palestinian in Cyprus. [NYTI Jan. 25: Israel returned 5,500 square miles of the Sinai,
Dec. 19. Egyptian, Israeli and US delegations concluded including the Gidi and Mitla passes, to Egypt at cere-
a round of talks in Cairo on Palestinian autonomy. monies at a military airfield near Bir Gafgafa. [NYT]
[NYT] Jan. 26. The border between Israel and Egypt was de-
Nationalists of the Arab Students Front swept stu- clared open. Telex traffic between the 2 countries be-
dent elections for the Arab Students' Committee on gan. [NYT]
the Hebrew University Campus in Jerusalem. [NYT] Linowitz met with Jordanian King Husayn in Lon-
Dec. 24: A Nigerian serving in the UN Interim Forces in don. Later he said the talks had been "very frank."
Lebanon was expelled from Israel shortly after being [NYT]
sentenced to prison for gunrunning for Palestinian Arabs in East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank
guerrillas. [NYT] staged a general strike to protest the normalization of
Dec. 28: Begin visited the Kiryat Arba settlement near relations between Egypt and Israel. [NYT]
Hebron. He was heckled by Jews opposed to Pales- Jan. 28: The Israeli Foreign Ministry said that Egypt had
tinian self rule. [NYT) asked Israel to delay sending a team of diplomats to
Dec. 30: The Israeli government voted to extend for 5 Cairo to set up an Embassy. [NYT}
weeks the deadline for evacuation of the Elon Moreh Jan. 29: Israel began to dismantle the Elon Moreh set-
settlement. [NYT} tlement. Four families in the settlement refused to
Dec. 31.' Israeli Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai said that move from the site. [NYT]
the government planned to expropriate the East Jeru- Linowitz flew to Israel from Egypt. [NYT]
salem Electric Company, an Arab run concern. Jan. 30. Linowitz met with Gaza Mayor Rishad al-Shawa
[NYT] in Gaza on Palestinian autonomy. Shawa said later
that he objected to "the autonomy they are speaking
about." [NYT]
Jan. 31: An Israeli Jew was shot in the market at He-
1980 bron. He later died of his wounds. [NYT]
A curfew was placed on Hebron. UP]
Feb. 1: Linowitz met with Khalil and Israeli Interior
Jan. 7: Begin flew to Aswan and met with Egyptian Pres- Minister Burg in Herzliya, Israel. Later he said that
ident Sadat. [NYTI "very significant progress" had been reached. [NYT]
Six US Congressmen met with Palestine Liberation Feb. 2: Linowitz met with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince
Organization (PLO) leader Yasir 'Arafatin Beirut and Fahd in Saudi Arabia concerning the progress of the
urged the PLO to "halt military operations against Is- negotiations between Egypt and Israel on the Pales-
rael from Lebanon." [NYT] tinian question. [NYT]
Jan. 8: Begin and Sadat met in Aswan. Details of the Feb. 3. A bomb exploded in Rehovot, near Tel Aviv,
meeting were not made public. [NYT] injuring 6 people. [NYT]
Jan. 10. The talks in Aswan ended. An Egyptian pro- Feb. 4. Linowitz met with Moroccan King Hasan in Mar-
posal to administer any future accord on Palestinian rakesh on the progress of the Egyptian Israeli negotia-
autonomy first in the Gaza Strip was considered in the tions on Palestinian autonomy. [NYT]
meeting. [NYT] Feb. 6. The Egyptian parliament approved a law ending
Jan. 16: Representatives of Syria, Algeria, Libya, South the economic boycott of Israel. UP]
Yemen and the PLO convened an emergency meet- Feb. 10. An Israeli Cabinet communique said the gov-
ing of the Steadfastness and Confrontation Front. ernment had "no objection to Jews living in Hebron
[NYT] as in any other part of Israel." [NYT]
Egypt said it had rejected Israeli proposals on Pal- The curfew on Hebron was lifted. UP]

Feb. 12: A US spokesman said that an Israeli decision to Jan. 8: Carter ordered the withdrawal of 7 US consular
allow Jews to settle in Hebron "would be a step back- officers from Kiev and the expulsion of 17 Soviet dip-
wards in the peace process." [NYT) lomats from New York. [NYTI
"Israeli military sources" said the Soviet Union had Jan. 11: Canadian Premier Joe Clark said his govern-
supplied armored equipment and about 60 tanks to ment questioned "the appropriateness"of holding the
the PLO. The PLO denied the report. [NYT] Olympics in Moscow. [NYTI
Feb. 13: The Israeli Knesset Finance Committee appro- Jan. 12: Soviet President Brezhnev said that allegations
priated $1.3m for the purchase of land in the occu- that the Soviet Union had "expansionist designs" on
pied territories from private Arab land owners. Iran or Pakistan were "absolutely false." [NYT]
[NYT] Jan. 20. Carter said that if the Soviet Union did not pull
its troops out of Afghanistan within one month he
General would "not support the sending of an American team
to the Olympics." [NYT}
(Seealso, Afghanistan, Iran) Jan. 23: Carter said the US would use "any means nec-
essary, including military force" to repel an attack on
1979 the Persian Gulf. He announced that he would seek
authority to resume draft registration to "meet future
Nov. 26: The US State Department said it had told its mobilization needs." [NYT]
Embassies in about 10 Muslim countries to evacuate Jan. 24: The US said it was willing to sell China military
"voluntarily" dependents, non-essential diplomats support equipment. [NYT]
and private businessmen. The countries were not The US House of Representatives voted 386 to 12
named. [NYT) to urge the US Olympic Committee to press for the
Nov. 27: The US issued a "travel advisory" urging all transfer or cancellation of the Olympic Games.
Americans to avoid non-essential travel to Bangla- [NYT]
desh, the UAA, Bahrayn, Kuwayt, Qatar, Oman, Ye- Jan. 25: Japanese Premier Masayoshi Ohira condemned
men, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Lebanon. [NYT] the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and said Japan
Dec. 11: A US federal district judge ordered a halt to was ready to make "sacrifices"to force a Soviet with-
special immigration checks on Iranian students in the drawal. [NYT]
US. [NYT] Jan. 28: It was reported that Morocco would boycott
Dec. 27: A federal appeals court ruled that the US could the Olympic Games. [NYT]
conduct special immigration checks on Iranian stu- Jan. 29: The US Senate voted by 88 to 4 for a resolution
dents in the US. [NYT] calling for the US to boycott the Moscow Olympics
Dec. 29: The New York Times reported that US Presi- even if Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan.
dent Jimmy Carter had said he had told Soviet Presi- [NYT]
dent Leonid Brezhnev on the hot line that the Soviet Carter said that the US did not claim it could de-
Union would suffer "serious consequences" in its re- fend the Persian Gulf "unilaterally".[NYTI
lations with the US if it did not pull its forces out of Jan. 31. The Dutch Parliament voted to authorize the
Afghanistan. [NYT] government to recommend that the Netherlands boy-
cott the summer Olympics. [NYT]
1980 Feb. 1. China said it was joining the Olympic boycott.
Jan. 3. US President Carter asked the Senate to post- Japan said that a boycott "was desirable" and urged
pone its debate on the Salt II treaty with the Soviet its Olympic committee to take "an appropriate step."
Union because of the crisis in Afghanistan. [WP) [NYT]
Jan. 4: Carter called the Soviet presence in Afghanistan Feb. 3: Kenya announced it would boycott the summer
"an extremely serious threat to peace." He an- Olympic Games if they were held in Moscow. [NYT]
nounced that Soviet fishing privileges in US waters Feb. 5: France and West Germany issued a joint call for
would be curtailed, that "no high technology or other Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan "without delay."
strategic items" would be licensed for sale to the So- [NYT]
viet Union and that grain ordered by the Soviet Feb.8. Nigeria said its Olympics team was going to Mos-
Union from the US above amounts agreed upon by cow. [NYT]
treaty would not be delivered. [NYT] Feb. 12: International Olympic Committee (IOC) Presi-
Carter said that "continued aggressive actions" by dent Lord Killanin said that 73 members of the IOC
the Soviet Union would "endanger"the participation had unanimously agreed that the Olympic Games
of the US in the Olympic Games in Moscow. [NYT] "must be held in Moscow as planned." [NYT)
Jan. 5: The Soviet press agency Tass said the measures US officials said that Carter had ordered an am-
announced by Carter were "borrowed from the arse- phibious assault force to go to the Arabian Sea to
nal of the 'cold war.'" [NYT] demonstrate US military capability. [NYT]
Jan. 6: Saudi Arabia withdrew from the 1980 summer Feb. 15: The European Parliament called for a boycott of
Olympics to protest the Soviet intervention in Af- the Olympics and an embargo on sales of surplus
ghanistan. [NYT] commodities to the Soviet Union. [NYT]

stan and had sent about 1,500 combat soldiers to an

Petroleum Affairs air base near Kabul. [NYTI
Dec. 26: A US government spokesman said that in the
(Seealso, Iran) past 24 hours there has been "a large-scale Soviet air-
lift" to Kabul, raising Soviet military involvement in
1979 Afghanistan to "a new threshold." [NYT]
Dec. 27: Fighting broke out in Kabul and President
Nov. 26: UAA Oil Minister Mini' Sa'id al-'Utaybah said Hafizullah Amin was overthrown and executed.
that the UAA would reduce oil production by 5% at Former Deputy Premier Babrak Karmal assumed the
the beginning of 1980. [NYT] post of President. [NYT]
Dec. 4: Oil Ministers from the Organization of Arab Pe- It was reported that Soviet troops had taken part in
troleum Exporting Countries met in Kuwayt on tech- the fighting in Kabul. [NYT]
nical cooperation in oil matters. [NYT} Dec. 28: President Karmal said the Soviet Union had
Dec. 13: Saudi Arabia, the UAA, Qatar and Venezuela agreed to supply Afghanistan "urgent political, moral
announced oil price increases. [NYT} and economic aid, including military aid." [NYT]
An explosion touched off a fire on an empty super- US President Jimmy Carter called the Soviet mili-
tanker off the coast of Oman. [NYT} tary intervention "a grave threat to the peace" and a
Dec. 14: Saudi Arabia announced that it would maintain "blatant violation of accepted rules of international
oil production at 9.5m barrels a day through the fol- behavior." [NYT)
lowing April at least. [NYT] A Cabinet was formed as follows:
Dec. 16: Libyan Oil Minister 'Izz al-Din Mabruk said Babrak Karmal: Premier, Chairman of the Revolution-
Libya had raised the price of its light crude oil by $4 a ary Counciland SecretaryGeneralof the Central Com-
barrel to $30, retroactive to November 1. [NYT] mittee
Dec. 17: A ministerial conference of the Organization of Asadollah Sarwari:Deputy Premier
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) opened in Soltan Ali Keshtmand: Deputy Premierand Planning
Caracas, Venezuela. [NYTI Mohammad Rafia: National Defense
Iranian Oil Minister 'Ali Akbar Mu'infar confirmed Said Mohammad Gulabzoi: Interior
reports that Iran had raised its crude oil prices to Shah Mohammad Dost: Foreign
$28.50 a barrel. [NYT] Dr. Anahita: Education
Dec. 18: OPEC Oil Ministers continued meetings in Ca- Abdol Wakil: Finance
racas but were unable to reach a consensus on prices. Sherjan Mazdur Yar: Transport
[NYTI Faiz Mohammad: Borders& Tribes
Dec. 20: The OPEC ministerial conference ended with- Mohammad Khan Jalala: Trade [FBIS)
out agreement on a uniform pricing structure. Vene- Dec. 29.' The US said that the number of Soviet combat
zuelan Energy Minister Humberto Calder6n Berti troops in Afghanistan had reached "roughly 2 5,000 to
said that each nation would be "free to set its own 30,000." [NYT]
price." [NYT] Dec. 30: Qatar and the UAA issued statements con-
Dec. 30: Kuwayt announced it was raising its crude oil demning "Soviet military intervention" in Afghani-
prices by 19% to $25.50 per barrel. [NYT] stan. [NYT]
Dec. 31.' Heavy fighting broke out in Kabul during the
night but ended by morning. [NYT]
1980 Egypt condemned "the Soviet attempt to impose a
Marxist regime" on Afghanistan. [NYT]
Jan. 28: Saudi Arabia notified the members of the Ara-
bian American Oil Company that it had raised the
price of Arabian light crude oil to $26. [NYT]
Jan. 29: Iraq, Kuwayt and the UAA raised oil prices by
$2 per barrel. [NYT}
Feb. 3. Algeria raised the price of its oil to $34 per bar-
rel. [NYT] 1980
Jan. 1: Afghanistan said it had invited Soviet troops into
the country "in view of the present aggressive actions
Afghanistan of the enemies of Afghanistan." [NYT)
Jan. 2: Karmal addressed government leaders near Ka-
bul and called on the Afghan people to "come togeth-
(Seealso, General, Pakistan, Turkey) er and support our glorious revolution." [NYT}
The New York Times cited "West European diplo-
1979 matic sources" as saying that Soviet troops were en-
countering sharp resistance from Afghan insurgents
Dec. 21: US officials said that the Soviet Union had in Bamian Province. [NYT)
moved 3 army divisions to the border with Afghani- Afghan students occupied the Afghan Embassy in

New Delhi for 4 hours in "a symbolic protest" and Jan. 14: The General Assembly voted by 104 to 18 with
then withdrew. [NYT] 18 abstentions for a resolution which "strongly de-
Jan. 3: A UN Security Council meeting on Afghanistan plored" the "recent armed intervention" in Afghani-
was called for by 43 nations. [NYT) stan and called for the "total withdrawal of foreign
The Soviet press agency Tass accused Carter of troops" from the country. [NYT)
having been "wicked and malicious"when he referred Spanish Premier Adolfo Suirez met with Carter in
to the Soviet military intervention of Afghanistan as Washington. Later a US statement said the 2 leaders
an "invasion". [NYT} had agreed that the Soviet action in Afghanistan was
Jan. 5: The Security Council opened debate on Afghan- "amost serious threat to international peace." [NYT)
istan. Pakistan and Egypt condemned the Soviet in- Jan. 15: Tass said that the General Assembly resolution
tervention there. [NYT} constituted "clear intervention" in Afghanistan's af-
Jan. 6: About 65 Afghan residents in Tehran took over fairs. [NYTI
the Afghan Embassy for 5 hours to protest the pres- Jan. 16: British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington met
ence of the "bloody Russian army" in Afghanistan. with Indian Premier Indira Gandhi in India on the
[NYT] situation in Afghanistan. Later Gandhi said that she
A UN spokesman said that an average of 1,000 ref- did not think that "any country" was "justified in en-
ugees per day had fled from Afghanistan to Pakistan tering another country." [NYT]
in the last 2 weeks of December. [NYT] Tass quoted a high Afghan official as saying that
Iraqi President Saddam Husayn said the Soviet in- evidence of former President Amin's recruitment by
tervention in Afghanistan was "an erroneous and un- the CIA "mounts from day to day." [NYT]
justified act." [NYT) Jan. 17: The government ordered all American news
Jan. 7: The Soviet Union vetoed a UN resolution that correspondents to leave the country, accusing them
called for the immediate withdrawal of "all foreign of biased reporting and "interference in the country's
troops in Afghanistan." The vote was 13 to 2 in favor internal affairs."[NYT)
of the resolution. [NYT} Jan. 19: Journalists with US passports were expelled
The US said the Soviet Union had raised its troop from the country. They had been under house arrest
strength in Afghanistan to as many as 85,000 in "con- for 2 days. [NYT)
temptuous rejection" of the demands of world lead- Jan. 27: A conference of Islamic Foreign Ministers
ers. [NYT) opened in Islamabad to consider the situation in Af-
The Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda ghanistan. [NYT}
said Pakistan was not acting in its own interest in al- Jan. 29: The conference in Islamabad adopted a resolu-
lowing Afghan insurgents to use its territory as a tion which: condemned "the Soviet military aggres-
"base for the preparation of imperialist aggression" sion against the Afghan people"; demanded the
against Afghanistan. [NYT] "unconditional withdrawal of all Soviet troops"; sus-
Jan. 9: The Security Council voted by 12 to 2 with 1 pended the membership of Afghanistan in the Organ-
abstention for a resolution to move the issue of Af- ization of the Islamic Conference, urged support for
ghanistan to the General Assembly. [NYT) the Afghan people and called upon members to "en-
Jan. 10: The Cabinet was expanded: visage" the nonparticipation in the Olympic Games.
Mohammad Aslam Watanjar:Communications [NYT}
Abdol Majid: Information & Culture Feb. 4.' The New York Times reported that Soviet tanks
Abdorrashid Arian:Justice had reinforced Afghan army units around Spinbaldak,
Mohammad Esmail Danesh: Mines & Industries near the Pakistani border. [NYT)
Raz Mohammad Paktin: Water & Power Iranian Ayat Allah RuIh Allah Khumayni con-
Gol Dad: Higher Education demned the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and
Nazer Mohammad: Public Works pledged "unconditional support" for Muslim insur-
Mohammad Ebrahim Azim: Public Health gents in Afghanistan. [NYT)
Fazl Rahim Mohamand: Agriculture & Land Reform The New York Times reported that the Soviet
[FBIS] Union had announced the start of operations at a new
Jan. 1i1:Karmal said at a news conference in Kabul that naturalgas field atJarquduq, in northern Afghanistan.
the estimates of the Soviet presence in Afghanistan [NYT)
were exaggerated by the US "propagandisticliar ma- Feb. 13: Egyptian Defense Minister Kamal Hasan 'Ali
chinery." [NYT] said that Egypt was providing assistance to Afghan
The Soviet Union said it had acted in Afghanistan rebels and was "training some of them." [NYT)
to repel "armed intervention from outside." [NYT] Feb. 14: The UN Human Rights Commission voted by
More than 800 Afghans awaiting release of prison- 27 to 8 with 6 abstentions to condemn the Soviet in-
ers stormed a jail and allowed some prisoners to es- tervention in Afghanistan as "an aggression against
cape. One Afghan soldier and 1 civilian were killed in human rights." [NYT)
the riot. [NYT] Feb. 15: The New York Times cited "White House offi-
The British Foreign Office said that the British Am- cials" as saying the US had begun an operation to sup-
bassador to Afghanistan had been recalled "for con- ply light infantry weapons to Afghan insurgent
sultation." [NYT] groups. [NYT)

Algeria Dec. 9: President Spyros Kyprianou arrived in Athens

for talks with Greek leaders. [NYTI
Dec. 15: The UN Security Council voted unanimously
(Seealso, Petroleum Affairs, Iran, Iraq) to renew the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force
in Cyprus for 6 months. [MEED]
Nov. 22: Iraqi President Saddam Husayn met with Pres- Egypt
ident Chadli Benjedid in Algiers. [FBIS)
Dec. 6: President Benjedid returned to Algiers from (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Afghanistan, Oman)
Monrovia, Liberia, after attending a meeting of the
Organization of African Unity. [FBISJ
Dec. 16: Congolese President Denis Sassou-Nguesso ar-
rived in Algeria on a 3 day visit. [FBIS] Nov. 19: President Anwar al-Sddat led a prayer ceremo-
ny at the foot of Mount Sinai to mark the second an-
1980 niversary of his trip to Jerusalem. [NYT)
Al Akhbar reported that Muhammad Anwar had
Jan. 15: The following appointments were announced: been named Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
Boualem Benhamouda: Interior [NYT]
Brahim Brahimi: Irrigation [FBIS]
Feb. 4: Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins ar- 1980
rived in Algiers and was met by Benjedid. [FBISI
Tunisian Information and Culture Minister Fouad Jan. 5: Vice President Husni Mubarak arrived in Pe-
Mbazaa arrived in Algiers for discussions on bilateral king for 5 days of talks with Chinese leaders. [AN]
relations. [NYT] Jan. 8: The New York Times reported that the US and
Egypt had undertaken joint air exercises "in recent
weeks." [NYT]
Bahrayn Middle East News Agency cited Minister of State for
Foreign Affairs Butrus Ghali as saying the new Am-
(Seealso, General, Saudi Arabia) bassador to Moscow would remain in Cairo for con-
sultations. [FBIS]
Jan. 9: Israeli Premier Menahem Begin toured the
1980 temples of Luxor. [NYT}
Jan 12. Egypt asked the Soviet Union to reduce the
Jan. 13: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Manama and number of its diplomats in Cairo. [FBIS]
met with Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman Al Khalifah. Jan. 20. The New York Times reported that the US had
[FBIS] informed Egypt it would ask Congress to approve an
Jan. 23: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim arrived additional $1.1 billion in military credits over 2 years.
in Manama and met with Amir Shaykh 'Isa. [FBIS]
Feb. 7: Tunisian Foreign Minister Mohamed Fitouri ar- Jan. 23: Romanian Premier Ilie Verdet met with Presi-
rived in Bahrayn for a visit. The recent incidents in dent Sadat and Premier Mustafa Khalil. [FBIS]
Gafsa were to be discussed. [FBISJ Feb. 13: US Chief Delegate to the UN Donald
Feb. 9: Irish President Patrick Hillery met with Amir McHenry arrived in Cairo for talks with Egyptian of-
Shaykh 'Isa in Manama. [FBIS] ficials. [FBIS}

Cyprus Iran
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict) (Seealso, General, Petroleum Affairs, Afghanistan,
Kuwayt, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia)
Nov. 20: The UN General Assembly voted by 99 to 5
with 35 abstentions to adopt a resolution calling for Nov. 16: A spokesman for the students holding US hos-
the resumption of peace talks on Cyprus and the es- tages in Tehran said that the hostages would be in
tablishment of a 7 nation committee to aid in the ne- "more difficult conditions" if deposed Shah
gotiations if necessary. [AN] Muhammad Rizi Pahlav. left the US for any country
Dec. 4: President of the "Turkish Federated State of Cy- other than Iran. [NYT]
prus" Rauf Denktas, arrived in Ankara for talks with Petroleum Minister 'Ali Akbar Mu'infar denied
Turkish leaders. [TDN] that Iran would no longer accept US dollars as pay-

ment for oil. Later Finance Minister and Acting For- US Secretary of Defense Harold Brown ordered
eign Minister Abillhasan Bani Sadr issued a denial of that flight training of Iranian pilots and navigators in
the denial and said Iran had been refusing dollar pay- the US be halted, but allowed ground training to con-
ments for 3 days. [NYTI tinue. [NYT]
Nov. 17.' Ayat Allih Rdh Allih Khumayni ordered that Nov. 25: UN Secretary General Waldheim requested an
female and black hostages be released if they had not "urgent meeting" of the Security Council to deal with
committed "acts of espionage." [NYT] the crisis in Iran. [NYT]
Nov. 18: Ayat Allah Khumayni said that if the situation US Congressional Representative George Hansen
became "prolonged", Iran would "put the hostages on entered the US Embassy in Tehran and was allowed
trial." [NYTI to meet with hostages there. [NYT]
Nov. 19: A female and 2 black hostages were released State radio announced that Bani Sadr would go to
and flown to West Germany. [NYT] the UN in New York the next day. [NYT}
The US demanded that all the remaining hostages The Pars News Agency reported that Petroleum
be released and said if any were tried on espionage Minister Mu'infar had said that any country which
charges it would be "a further flagrant violation" of was "hostile" to Iran would "face an oil boycott" and
human rights and international law. [NYTI that the US dollar should be dropped as the currency
Nov. 20: Four female and 6 black hostages were released for oil transactions. [NYT]
and flown to West Germany. [NYT} Nov. 26: Revolutionary Council member Sadiq
The Ayat Allah said that if the US did not hand Qutabzidah said Iran had asked the UN to delay the
over the deposed Shah it was "possible that the hos- Security Council meeting for a week.
tages may be tried." [NYT] [NYT)
The US warned that although it was seeking "a Mu'infar said that daily oil production would be
peaceful solution" to the crisis in Iran there were cut for "conservation purposes" starting January 1.
"other remedies" available that were "explicitly rec- [NYTI
ognized in the Charter of the United Nations." A gallstone was removed from the Shah in New
[NYT} York. [NYT]
US officials said a naval task force, including an air- Iran said it had found records of nearly $800m in
craft carrier, had been ordered into the Indian Ocean loans to members of the Shah's family and their asso-
to join a second force. [NYT] ciates by 12 commercial banks. [NYT]
Nov. 21: The UN offered a proposal to enable Iran to Nov. 27: The Ayat Allah said Iran did not "agree" with
state its position at the UN. Under the proposal, the the Security Council meeting because the outcome of
Security Council would convene a meeting on the the meeting had been "predetermined" by the US.
crisis after the hostages were released and Secretary [NYT]
General Kurt Waldheim would appoint a group of in- The Security Council received written con-
ternational legal experts to examine Iranian charges firmation that Bani Sadr was scheduled to arrive in
against the Shah. [NYT] New York on December 1 to lead the Iranian delega-
Sudents holding the US Embassy in Tehran said tion at the Security Council meeting. [NYT]
that "all hostages would be destroyed" if the US used The Security Council renewed an appeal for the re-
military force in Iran. [NYT] lease of the hostages. [NYT]
Millions of people took part in religious and politi- The New York Times cited Iranian bank documents
cal demonstrations in Tehran on the first day of Mu- as indicating that more than $6m was transferred out
harram. [NYT] of Iran by members of the Shah's family and put into
The US said Iran would be held "strictly account- secret numbered bank accounts abroad. [NYT}
able" for the safety of the hostages. [NYT] Nov. 28: Bani Sadr was dismissed as Acting Foreign
Nov. 22. Five non-American hostages were released Minister but remained Finance Minister. [NYT]
from the US Embassy. [NYT] Revolutionary Council member Qutabzadah was
Foreign Ministers of 21 European nations jointly named Foreign Minister. [NYT]
appealed to Iran to release the US hostages. [NYT] An earthquake destroyed 5 villages in northeastern
The New York Times reported that Iran had de- Iran. [NYT]
faulted on a $500m loan issued by a syndicate of The US aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk joined the car-
banks. [NYT] rier Midway on station in the Arabian Sea. [NYT]
Bank Melli Iran said that Iran had "no intention" of The US aircraftcarrier Forrestalsailed for the Med-
repudiating "its international financial obligations." iterranean. [NYT]
[NYT] Nov. 29: The US asked the International Court of Jus-
Nov. 23: US President Jimmy Carter said that the con- tice (ICJ) to order Iran to release the hostages.
sequences for harm to any of the hostages would be [NYT]
"extremely grave." [NYT] Mexico announced it would not allow the Shah to
Finance Minister and Acting Foreign Minister Ban! return. [NYT]
Sadr declared that all foreign debts were repudiated. Iran filed suit in New York against the Shah and his
Later he said he meant that commercial bank loans wife, asking $56.5 billion in damages and the creation
obtained abroad would not be honored. [NYT] of a trust to assume control of their assets. [NYT]

Nov. 30: Foreign Minister Qutabzadah announced that indicating that a US Embassy official had carried a
Iran would not attend the Security Council meeting. false Belgian passport. [NYT)
[NYTI Dec. 7: A delegation from the Ayat Allih met with Ayat
Qutabzadah said that US Charge d'Affaires Bruce Allah Shari-atmadiri in Qum on the situation in Ta-
Laingen and 2 other Embassy officials held at the For- briz. [NYT]
eign Ministry were not hostages and could leave Iran, Thousands of people demonstrated in Tabriz in
although providing "security" to the airport would be support of Ayat Allah Shar-iatmadari.[NYT]
"rather difficult." [NYT] Mustafa Shafiq, nephew of the Shah, was assassi-
Dec. 1: The UN received written word from Iran that it nated in Paris. Ayat Allah Sadiq Khalkhgli took re-
would boycott the Security Council meeting. [NYT] sponsibility for the killing and said the assassin was a
Students holding the Embassy released a document member of the Islamic Fida'iyin. [NYT]
which they said proved that 2 of the hostages worked US President Carter said the US would "take steps
for the CIA. [NYT} to interrupt commerce with Iran"if the hostages were
Dec. 2: Voters went to the polls to accept an Islamic put on trial. [NYT]
Constitution. [NYT} An earthquake struck in eastern Iran, destroying 3
The US announced that the Shah would be allowed villages. [NYT]
to have temporary sanctuary at an Air Force hospital The Shah was quoted in excerpts from his memoirs
in Texas "for humanitarian reasons." [NYT] as saying the US had helped overthrow him in Janu-
The Shah flew to San Antonio and entered a hospi- ary, 1979, by sending a US general "with the clear
tal at Lackland Air Force Base. [NYT] purpose" of neutralizing the IranianArmy so it would
Dec. 3. The polls closed at the end of 2 days of balloting not fight on the r6gime's behalf. [NYT]
on the Constitution. [NYTI Dec. 8: Supporters of the Ayat Allah demonstrated in
Dec. 4: The Security Council voted by 15 to O in favor of Tabriz. [NYT)
a resolution "urgently" calling on Iran to release the Ayat Allah Shari'atmadar!said that agreements he
hostages and requesting the Secretary General to had made with revolutionary leaders were being bro-
"lend his good offices" for the implementation of the ken and warned that if the situation continued he
resolution. [NYT] "would not be responsible" for what happened in
Qutabzadah said that the hostages would be tried Azerbaijan. [NYT]
as spies by their student captors. [NYT] Supporters of Ayat Allah Sharratmadariin Tabriz
A US White House spokesman said that the hos- prevented the provincial governor from regaining
tages had been "threatened with execution" if they control of the statehouse. [NYT}
did not "cooperate" with their captors. [NYT] Two planes that reportedly carried government
Dec. 5: A crowd protesting against Ayat AllIh troops were prevented from landing at Tabriz.
Sharriatmadariclashed in Qum with a group of Azer- [NYT)
baijanis who had come on a pilgrimage to see him. An Qutabzadah said Iran would form a board to "re-
Azerbaijani was killed. Later the crowd marched to view the dossier of crimes" by the US in Iran. [NYT]
Ayat Allah Shari-atmadari'shouse where one of his Dec. 9. The Ayat Allah denounced the events in Tabriz
guards was killed. [NYT] as "rebellion against the rule of Islam." [NYT]
Waldheim said the initial Iranian response to the Students and militiamen loyal to the Ayat Allah re-
Security Council resolution had been "rather posi- captured the television station in Tabriz. Later they
tive." [NYT] were driven out again by supporters of Ayat Allah
The Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda Shari'atmadari.Three people were killed. [NYT]
said that the US was trying to "blackmail Iran by Dec. 10. Ayat Allah Shar'atmadari said there was "no
massing forces on its frontiers." [NYTJ need for the founders to dissolve" the Muslim
Dec. 6: Demonstrators in Qum marched on the head- People's Party. [NYT]
quarters of the Ayat Allah protesting the attack on Bani Sadr arrived in Tabriz to negotiate with Azer-
the house of Ayat Allah Sharratmadarithe night be- baijanis challenging the central government. He said
fore. [NYT] he would not negotiate directly with the Muslim
The Ayat Allah met with Ayat Allah Sharr-at- People's Party. [NYT]
madari in Qum and in a broadcast later "con- The US asked the ICJ to take "the quickest pos-
demned" the incidents of the day before and de- sible action" to insure release of the hostages. No Ira-
manded that such "plots" not be repeated. [NYT] nians appeared at the hearings. [NYT]
Supporters of Ayat Allah Shari-atmadarioccupied The US said it would regard the "parading"of US
the governor's mansion and broadcasting stations in hostages before an Iranian appointed international
Tabriz. Local military units endorsed the takeovers. tribunal with the same gravity as it would a trial.
The actions were led by the Muslim People's Party. [NYT]
[NYT] One of the hostages was interviewed by US televi-
A Kurdish Democratic Party spokesman said that 6 sion and said that his captors had "reallybeen good to
military helicopters had bombed 3 villages near Re- us." [NYT]
zaiyeh. [NYT] A reporter of the AssociatedPress was ordered ex-
Students holding the Embassy released documents pelled from Iran. [NYT]

A high US official charged that Japan had "gone Iraq demanded that Iran release 16 Iraqi teachers
overboard" to help Iran cope with a US freeze on Ira- seized a week earlier in Khurramshahr. [NYT]
nian assets when Japanese oil companies had rushed Dec. 18: Hujjat al-Islam Muhammad Mufatah and his 2
"with unseemly haste" to buy Iranian oil that had bodyguardswere assassinatedin Tehran.[NYT]
once been earmarked for the US. (NYT} Dec. 19: The student captors announced that the Am-
Dec. 11: Ayat Allah Shari'atmadiri said he had not bassador to the Scandinavian countries, former Depu-
voted in the constitutional referendum and said the ty Premier 'Abbas Amir Intizam, had been
Constitution contained "an important fault" that was implicated by US Embassy documents of having col-
"contradictory to national sovereignty." [NYTI laborated with the US, and that he had been arrested.
Supporters of the government clashed with Azer- [NYT]
baijanis in Tabriz. [NYT] An oil pipeline near Dizful was blown up. [NYT]
Dec. 12: The US ordered Iran to reduce its Embassy Dec. 20: Baluchi tribesmen clashed with Persians in the
staff to 15 persons and its personnel at 4 consulates to town of Zahidan. At least 3 people died. [NYT]
a total of 20 people. [NYT) Waldheim said that the Revolutionary Council had
Tehran newspapers circulated a letter purported to met in Qum and that he had been told the Council
have been written by US Senator Edward Kennedy in was making "important decisions" on the hostages.
support of the Ayat Allah. Kennedy said the letter [NYT]
was a "total fabrication." [NYTI Dec. 21: The Ayat Allah ordered that arrangements be
Dec. 13: The Ayat AIlah said that an "independent inter- made to have foreign clergymen visit the hostages at
national delegation" could be invited to visit the hos- Christmas. [NYT]
tages to counter US "propaganda".[NYT} Five men were executed in Meshed. [NYT]
A government team that was negotiating with Dec. 22: A state of emergency in Baluchistan was de-
Kurdish forces in Mehabad ended the negotiations clared in Zahidan. [NYT]
and left for Kermanshah. [NYTI Carter accused Iran of "arrogant defiance" of the
Thousands of Azerbaijanis marched through Tabriz world community and said the US would ask the
in support of Ayat Allah SharT-atmadari and against Security Council to impose "international economic
the Islamic Constitution. [NYT) sanctions" on Iran. [NYT]
Japanese Premier Masayoshi Ohira ordered a Dec. 24: Three US clergymen and the Roman Catholic
reexamination of policies regarding purchase of oil Archbishop of Algiers began meeting with the hos-
from Iran. [NYT] tages in Tehran. [NYT]
Dec. 14: The state-run radio announced that Iraq had Dec. 25: The 4 clergymen continued to meet with the
invaded Iranian territory. Later it said the invaders hostages. Later they said they had met with 43 hos-
had retreated back to Iraq. Iranian officials professed tages who appeared to be "in good physical condi-
ignorance of any invasion. [NYT] tion." [NYT]
The Japanese government decided to reduce pur- Dec. 26: The US said it believed Iran was holding 50
chases of Iranian oil to the level in effect when the US hostages. [NYT]
Embassy was seized. [NYT] Dec. 27: Religious leader Sarkan Aqa 'Abd al-Riza
Dec. 15. In a unanimous opinion granting provisional Ibrahimi and a companion were assassinated in Ker-
relief pending a final order, the ICJ ordered Iran to man. [NYT]
release the American hostages immediately. [NYT] Revolutionary guads attacked the headquarters of
The Shah flew to Panama and helicoptered to the the Muslim People's Party in Tabriz. [NYT]
island of Contadora. [NYT] Qutabzadah told reporters that "the students"
A spokesman for the student captors said that "spy would decide the fate of the hostages. [NYT]
trials" of the hostages would "definitely begin." Dec. 28: Gunfire in Tabriz continued during the night.
[NYT] Later revolutionary guards attempted to chase follow-
Baghdad radio said that Iranian allegations of an ers of Ayat Allaih Shari'atmadairifrom a rally. Nine
Iraqi invasion were "hallucinations" that were in- revolutionary guards were taken hostage by the
tended to divert attention from internal unrest. crowd and held in the Muslim People's Party head-
[NYT] quarters. [NYT]
The Pars News Agency said that Iran was recalling its PanamanianPresident Aristides Royo said that Iran
Ambassadors from France, West Germany and the had told Panama it would request extradition of the
Scandinavian countries for consultations. [NYT} Shah. [NYT]
Dec. 16: Demonstrators marched in Tehran to denounce Dec. 29.' Qutabzadah said there were no longer any
"imperialist and Zionist" distortions in foreign press plans to hold a "grand jury" into alleged US "crimes"
coverage. [NYT] and acts of the Shaih. [NYT]
Dec. 17: The General Assembly adopted without dissent The Pars News Agency said that 3 former officials
a code to outlaw the taking of hostages. [NYT] under the Shah had been executed in Ahwaz. [NYT]
The Ayat Allah said that the student captors were Dec. 30: The Ayat Allah said he would not see Wald-
expressing the will of the people. [NYT) heim and did not "trust" him. [NYT]
Two correspondents of Time magazine in Tehran The Governor of East Azerbaijan, Niur al-Din
were ordered expelled from Iran. [NYT) Gharavi, met with Ayat Allah Shari'atmadariin Qum

on the Tabriz hostages. [NYT} Jan. 5: A spokesman said that revolutionary guards had
Captors of the hostages in Tabriz said the hostages surrounded Ayat Allah Shar-iatmadari'sresidence in
would be freed after the release of local people who Qum. (NYT]
had been arrested in disturbances 2 weeks before. Ayat Allah Shari'atmadari said that if the Muslim
[NYT] People's Party continued to operate it would "not be
Dec. 31: The Security Council voted by 11 to 0 with 4 approved by me at all." [NYT]
abstentions to pass a resolution deploring the deten- Qutabzadah asked the Ayat Allah to decide wheth-
tion of the hostages, calling for their release and re- er to turn Laingen over to the student captors. [NYT}
questing the Secretary General to lend his good Jan. 6: Tehran radio reported that 43 people had been
offices towards a solution of the problem. The Coun- killed in clashes between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims in
cil decided to meet on January 7 to review the situa- Lingeh. [NYT]
tion. [NYT} Street fighting between supporters of the Ayat
Following a request by Ayat Allah Shari'atmadari Allah and Ayat Allah Shari-atmadariin Tabriz left 1
for the release of the Tabriz hostages, the captors person dead and hundreds injured. [NYT)
agreed in principle for the release after conditions Jan. 7: Waldheim told the Security Council that "at
were met. [NYT) present" Iran was "not prepared to respond" to the
Three US television networks broadcast excerpts UN call for the release of the hostages. [NYTI
of an Iranian film showing 4 of the hostages criticizing Acting Governor of Kurdistan Husayn Shahvaysi
the deposed Shah and the US. [NYT] resigned and joined demonstrators in Sanandaj who
were demanding for the withdrawal of revolutionary
guards from the city. [NYT)
1980 Four soldiers and revolutionary guardsmen were
killed in ambushes near Zahidan. [NYT}
Jan. 1: About 2,000 Iranians and Afghans demonstrated Jan. 9: Revolutionary guards fired on supporters of
at the Soviet Embassy to protest the Soviet inter- Ayat Allah Shari'atmadariduring a demonstration in
vention in Afghanistan. Revolutionary guards pre- Tabriz. At least 10 people died. [NYT}
vented the demonstrators from occupying the Revolutionary Council member Ayat Allah
Embassy. [NYT} Muhammad Bahashti said there was "some move-
Waldheim arrived in Tehran for meetings with Ira- ment" concerning the hostage situation. [NYT]
nian officials. [NYT] The International Committee of the Red Cross
The Interior Ministry said that the results of the published previously secret reports which found a
referendum on the Constitution were: 15,785,956 "notable improvement in most of the prisons" in Iran.
yes, 78,516 no, with 111 votes void. [NYT] The present government had published earlier re-
Jan. 2. Waldheim met with Qutabzadah in Tehran. ports by the committee. [NYT]
[NYT] Jan. 10: The headquarters of the revolutionary guards
The captors said they would not meet with Wald- said that the leader of the Furqan Fighters and 15 of
heim. [NYT] his followers had been captured in Tehran 2 days be-
Qutabzadah said that a plot against Waldheim had fore. [NYT]
been discovered and thwarted. [NYT] Jan. 11: Shooting broke out in Tabriz. [NYTI
A 48 hour ceasefire was imposed in Sanandaj, A Security Council vote on a proposed resolution
where Kurdish guerrillas and revolutionary guards concerning Iran was postponed after Iran conveyed a
had battled during the night. [NYT] new proposal to Waldheim. [NYT]
Jan. 3: Waldheim met with the Revolutionary Council. Jan. 12: Waldheim asked Iran for "clarification of the
A spokesman said Waldheim would not meet with the proposal." [NYT]
Ayat Allah. [NYT] Revolutionary guards captured the headquarters of
Mourners at a cemetery rushed Waldheim's car in the Muslim People's Party in Tabriz. Four people
Tehran. [NYT] died in the fighting. [NYT]
Afghan residents in Tehran tried to storm the So- Authorities in Tabriz tried and executed 11 men
viet Embassy but were turned back by revolutionary captured earlier in the day. [NYT]
guards. [NYT] Iran asked Panama to arrest the Shah for extra-
An agreement was reached in Sanandaj to enable diction to Iran. [NYT]
forces supporting the Ayat Allah to pull out of the Jan. 13: The Soviet Union vetoed a Security Council
city. [NYT] resolution that proposed economic sanctions on Iran.
Jan. 4: The student captors demanded that US Charge The vote was 10 to 2 with 2 abstentions in favor of
d'Affaires Laingen be brought to the US Embassy. the resolution. [NYT]
[NYT] All foreign journalists were banned from Tabriz.
Clashes between followers of the Ayat Allah and [NYT]
Ayat Allah Sharr'atmadari took place in Qum. Jan. 14: The Revolutionary Council announced that all
[NYT] journalists working for US news organizations would
Insurgents in Tabriz occupied the government ra- be expelled from Iran. [NYT]
dio station. [NYT] The US accused the Soviet Union of vetoing the

Security Council resolution because it had "designs Fighting broke out in Kurdish areas in Iran. [NYT}
on Iran." [NYT) Jan. 31: Revolutionary guards clashed with Kurdish
The Soviet Union said it had vetoed the resolution guerrillas in a second day of fighting in the Kurdistan
on Iran because it would have "dealt a blow to the and Khurramshahrprovinces. [NYT)
Iranian revolution." [NYT} In a broadcast in Arabic, Iranian radio announced
Iran warned that relations with UN member states plans to create a "pioneering force of young men"
would be jeopardized if they joined in economic that would help "export the Islamic revolution."
sanctions against Iran. [NYT] [NYT]
Jan. 15: Jalil al-Din Farsi withdrew as a candidate for Feb. 2: Fighting continued in the Kurdish regions. The
the presidency. [NYT) clashes between revolutionary guards and Kurdish
US journalists were ordered to leave Iran by Janu- guerrillas centered on Kamyaran and Paveh. [NYT]
ary 18. [NYT) The student captors called for a mass demonstra-
jan. 17: Bani Sadr said the Soviet Union wanted Iran tion of solidarity on February 4. [NYT)
"divided" so that it could push to the Indian Ocean. Feb.3: The student captors called off a planned march of
[NYT] solidarity in Tehran. [NYT}
jan. 19: The director of the Tabriz jail said that 25 Kurdish sources said that government forces had
members of the air force had been arrested by author- regained control of Kamyaran. [NYT)
ities in Tabriz on charges of plotting a coup. [NYT} Feb. 4: The Ayat Allah installed Ban! Sadr as President.
The Ayat Allah ruled that anyone who had not The televised ceremony took place in the hospital in
voted for the Islamic Constitution could not run for which the Ayat Allih was convalescing. [NYT)
the presidency. [NYT] Feb. 6: Ban! Sadr denounced the student captors as
The New York Times cited western diplomats as "children"who behaved "like a government within a
saying Iran had moved troop reinforcements towards government." [NYT)
the Afghan border. [NYT) The student captors denounced Information Minis-
jan. 20: It was announced that the Ayat Allah was pre- ter Nasir Minatchi for alleged contacts with the US.
pared to examine an amendment to the Constitution [NYTI
which would allow Sunni Muslims to have their own Revolutionary guards arrested Information Minis-
courts in certain parts of the country. [NYTI ter Minatchi. [NYT]
Jan. 21: An Iranian jetliner crashed northeast of Teh- The Revolutionary Council announced that parlia-
ran, killing all 124 people on board. [NYT] mentary elections would be held March 7. [NYT]
Jan. 23: The Ayat Allah entered a hospital for a heart Panamanian Foreign Minister Carlos Ozores said
ailment. [MEED] the Shah "definitely" could not leave Panamanianter-
Qutabzadah said that the President of Panama had ritory. [NYT]
told him the Shah was under arrest. [NYT} Feb. 7: Minatchi was released on the orders of the Revo-
Panama said it had informed Iran that the Shah was lutionary Council. [NYT)
"under the care" of Panamanian security forces but Ban! Sadr was made head of the Revolutionary
was not under arrest. [NYT] Council [NYT]
Jan. 24: The Ayat Allah urged Iranians to vote in the Feb.8: Melkite Archbishop Hilarion Capucci visited the
presidential elections. He said his physical condition hostages with Hujjat al-Islim Ah.mad Khumayni.
was "not bad." [NYT} [NYT]
Jan. 25: Voters went to the polls to elect a new Presi- Feb. 9: Fighting between Turkomans and revolutionary
dent. [FBIS] guards in Gunbad-i-Qawus left 12 people dead.
Jan. 28: It was announced that Ban! Sadr had been [NYTI
elected President with 75.7% of the vote. [NYT] Feb. 10: A group of 49 Americans met with the student
The US affirmed that it was ready to cooperate with captors in Tehran but did not meet with the hostages.
Iran "towarda solution of the present crisis." [NYT] [NYT]
Canada closed its Embassy in Tehran. [NYT] Bani Sadr criticized the students for inviting the
Jan. 29: US and Canadian officials disclosed that 6 US group without consulting the Ministry of Foreign
Americans who had escaped from the US Embassy Affairs. [NYT]
when the hostages were taken, had flown out of Iran Feb. 11: The Ayat AllIh said Iran would struggle against
over the weekend posing as Canadian diplomats. The the US until "all economic, military, political and cul-
6 had been hiding in diplomatic residences since es- tural dependence' was broken. Then "ordinary rela-
caping from the US Embassy. [NYT] tions" could be established. [NYT]
At a conference of Islamic nations in Islamabad a Bani $adr said the hostages might be released "per-
resolution called on Iran and the US to "resolve the haps even in the next few days" if the US admitted
outstanding problems between themselves by peace- the "crimes"it had committed in Iran, pledged "never
ful means" and opposed "imposition of economic again to interfere in our affairs"and recognized "our
sanctions" against Iran. [NYT) right to obtain the extradition" of the Shah. [NYT]
Jan. 30: Qutabzadah said that "sooner or later, some- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader
where in the world, Canada will pay" for having got- Yasir 'Arafatarrived in Tehran and met with the Ayat
ten the US diplomats out of Iran. [NYT] Allah at a Tehran hospital. [FBIS]

Feb. 12: The Ayat Allih appealed for unity in upcoming met with Husayn on bilateral relations. [FBIS]
parliamentary elections. [NYT) Feb. 13: Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins
The Revolutionary Council announced that the arrived in Baghdad on a 2 day visit to Iraq and was
parliamentary elections would be postponed to met by Husayn. [FBIS}
March 14. [NYT]
Feb. 13: Carter said that an international commission
with "a carefully defined purpose" would be a "step
toward resolution" of the hostage situation. [NYT) Israel
Revolutionary Council member Ayat Allah
Bahashti said Iran wanted to resolve the crisis "as (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Lebanon,
soon as possible." [NYT) Turkey)
Mu'infar said that Iran had reduced exports of nat-
ural gas to the Soviet Union by 85% in order to in-
crease supply for domestic consumption. [NYT] 1979
Feb. 14: Ban! Sadr said that if the US met certain condi-
Nov. 16: Former President Rahel Ben-Zvi died, aged
tions, the hostages might be released in "48 hours."
[NYT] 93. UP]
Nov. 20. Finance Minister Yigael Hurwitz announced
PLO leader 'Arafat left Tehran at the end of a 3 day
visit. [NYT) economic measures designed to brake inflation.
The price of some basic food items went up by as
much as 100%. [NYT)
Iraq Dec. 17: The Knesset passed on first reading an amend-
ment that would repeal a section of an abortion law.
Premier Menahem Begin made the vote a vote of
(Seealso, General, Petroleum Affairs, Afghanistan, confidence. The vote was 58 to 53. [NYTI
Algeria, Iran, Morocco, Tunisia) Dec. 25: The Knesset voted by 55 to 50 to abrogate leg-
islation that permitted abortion for certain economic
1979 reasons. [NYT]
Dec. 28: Defense Minister Ezer Weizman met with US
Nov. 17: Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda con- President Jimmy Carter in Washington. The talks
cluded a 4 day visit to Iraq and departed Baghdad. concerned a possible increase in US economic and
[FBIS] military aid to Israel. [NYT]
Nov. 18: Greek Premier ConstantineKaramanlismet Dec. 31: US officials announced that the White House
with President Saddam Husayn in Baghdad. [FBIS] would seek $200m in additional military sales credits
Nov. 23: PresidentHusaynreturnedto Iraqat the end for Israel. Israeli Finance Minister Hurwitz said the
of a 1 day visit to Algeria.[MEED] sum would "not answer our needs." [NYT)
Nov. 29: Two gunmen opened fire on a crowd in Kar-
bala, killing 2 people and wounding 16. [FBIS]
Dec. 5: It was announced that Iraq would withdraw its
Ambassador to Bulgaria and recall all Iraqi students as Jan. 2: The government defeated 4 motions of no con-
a result of a recent killing of an Iraqi student in Bul- fidence brought over the decision to delay evacuation
garia. [FBISJ of the Elon Moreh settlement on the occupied West
Dec. 16: Four men were executed in Baghdad for ac- Bank. [NYT]
cepting bribes and divulging classified information to Jan. 6: Former Justice Minister Dov Joseph died in Tel
foreign companies. [FBIS] Aviv, aged 80. [NYT]
Dec. 19: Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere met with Jan. 15: The Central Statistics Bureau reported that
Husayn in Baghdad on bilateral relations. [FBIS] consumer prices had risen by 111.4% during 1979.
1980 Jan. 27: Workers' committees called out 100,000 work-
ers in a 24 hour strike to protest government policies
Jan. 2: Djibouti President Hasan Gouled arrivedin dealing with inflation. [NYT)
Baghdad and met with Husayn. [FBIS] Feb. 1: A court convicted the former mayor of a suburb
Jan. 5: Iraq and Brazil signed an agreement in Baghdad of Tel Aviv for responsibility in the death of a man at
concerning cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear a road barrier illegally erected in Bnei Braq on the
energy. Under terms of the agreement Brazil would Jewish Sabbath in 1977. [NYT]
sell uranium, equipment and engineering services to Feb. 11: Premier Begin said that Israel would deal with
Iraq. [MEES] the problems of US black Hebrews in Israel "and
Jan. 28: Jordanian Premier al-Sharif 'Abd al-Hamid they will be citizens of this country." An aide to Begin
Sharaf met with Husayn in Baghdad. [FBIS] said this was meant to be understood "on the humani-
Feb. 11: Moroccan King Hasan arrived in Baghdad and tarian level." [NYT]

Jordan Nov. 27: US Treasury Secretary William Miller arrived

in Kuwayt and met with Amir Shaykh Jabir. [FBIS}
Nov. 30: Several thousand Kuwaytis and Iranians dem-
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Bahrayn, Iraq, Kuwayt, onstrated at the US Embassy in Kuwayt City. The
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria) demonstrators were dispersed. [NYT}
Dec. 9: Sierra Leone President Siaka Stevens met with
1979 Shaykh Jabir. [FBIS]
Dec. 10: Finance Minister'Abd al-Rahmin al-'Atiqi said
Nov. 22: King Husayn returned to Amman after attend- in an interview that a US decision to freeze Iranian
ing the summit conference in Tunis. [FBIS) assets had "implications of a most dangerous and seri-
Dec. 19: Premier Mudar Badran resigned his post. ous kind." [MEES]
King Husayn issued a decree appointing a new 1980
al-Sharif 'Abd al-Hamid Sharaf: Premier,Foreign Af- Jan. 13: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Kuwayt and
fairs and Defense met with Shaykh Jabir. [FBIS)
Qasim al-Raymiwi: Agriculture Feb. 3: Premier Shaykh Sa'd al-'Abdallih Al $abah re-
Najib Irshaydit:Justice turned to Kuwayt after more than 2 months of medi-
'Umar al-Nibulsi: Laborand Reconstruction& Develop- cal treatment in London. [FBIS}
ment Feb.9: The Defense Ministry said that the Soviet Union
Silim al-Musi'adah: Finance had recently delivered advanced surface-to-surface
Ma'an AbuaNuwwair:Public Works missiles to Kuwayt. [NYT]
Muhammad Ntiri Shafiq: Education Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins ar-
Muhammad 'Adduibal-Zabin: Communications rived in Kuwayt and met with Shaykh Jabir. [FBIS]
Hasan Ibrihim: State Feb. 100: US Chief Delegate to the UN Donald
Kamil al-Sharif: Awqdf and Islamic Affairs & Holy McHenry arrived in Kuwayt for talks with Kuwayti
Places officials. [FBIS}
Marwin al-QIsim: State for ForeignAffairs
Sulayman 'Arir: State for Premier'sAffairs
'Ali al-Suhaymat:Transportand Statefor Premier'sAf-
Sa'id al-Tall:Information
'Ali al-Bashjr:Interior
Zuhayr Malhas: Health
Jamal al-Sha ir: Municipal & Rural Affairs Lebanon
Muwaffaq al-Fawwiz: Tourism & Antiquities
Tihir Hikmat: Culture & Youth
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General)
In'm al-Mufti: Social Development
Jawid al-'Anlni: Supplies
'Ali al-Nusuir:Industry & Trade [FBIS) 1979
Nov. 22: A summit conference of the Arab League
1980 ended in Tunis. A request from Lebanon calling for
the withdrawalof Palestinian guerrillas from southern
Jan. 15: King Husayn returned to Jordan at the end of a
4 day tour of Arab Gulf nations. [FBIS} Lebanon was rejected. The conference pledged to
give $2 billion to Lebanon over the next 5 years.
Jan. 24: Premier Sharaf returned to Amman at the end
of a 2 day visit to Syria. [FBIS]
Dec. 10: Lebanon closed its airspace to Iranian planes in
Feb. 12: Spanish Premier Adolfo Suarez arrived in Am-
man and met with King Husayn. [FBIS) order to prevent Iranian "volunteers" from entering
the country to fight against Israel alongside Palestini-
an guerrillas. [NYT}
Kuwayt Dec. 17: Fijian Premier Kamisese Mara met with Presi-
dent Ilyis Sarkis. The talks concerned the Fijian
participationin the United Nations Interim Forces in
(Seealso, General, Petroleum Affairs, Saudi Arabia) Lebanon (UNIFIL). [FBIS}
Dec. 18: President Sarkis ordered security forces to take
1979 measures to bar Iranian volunteers from entering the
country to fight Israel. [NYT}
Nov. 24: Amir Shaykh Jibir al-Ahmad Al $abih said a Dec. 19: A group of Iranian volunteers arrived in Da-
committee of experts would be formed to amend the mascus, hoping to make its way to Lebanon. It was the
Constitution. [AN] second such group to arrive in Syria. [NYT)

Dec. 20: Syria was reported to have given Sarkis assur- Fighting broke out in Beirut at an army barracks
ances that the Iranian volunteers would not be al- near the airport. [NYT)
lowed to enter Lebanon. [NYT) Feb. 14: Rival Christian militias battled in north Leba-
non. [NYT)
Member of Parliament Rizq reappeared unharmed.
1980 [NYT)

Jan. 18: A gunman hijacked a Lebanese jetliner en route

to Cyprus, protesting against the disappearance in
1978 of Imam Musa $adr, a Shi'a leader. The hijacker
surrendered after the plane landed in Beirut. [NYTI
Jan. 19. Israeli forces and Lebanese Christian militia-
men shelled the Lebanese village of Tibnin. [NYT}
Jan. 28: A Lebanese protesting the disappearance in Libya
1978 of Imam Musai adr hijacked a jetliner en route
to Beirut. He surrendered in Beirut. [NYT) (Seealso, General, Petroleum Affairs, Tunisia)
Jan. 29: The state radio said that Israeli and Lebanese
Christian gunners had shelled the southern outskirts
of Tyre during the day, causing heavy damage. 1979
Jan. 31: Three armed Lebanese were arrested at the Nov. 24: Yemeni President 'Ali 'AbdallIh $ilih left
Beirut airport as they tried to board a commercial air- Tripoli at the end of a 2 day visit to Libya. [AN]
liner. [NYT} Nov. 29: Head of State Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhifi called
Feb 4: Syria announced it was pulling its peacekeeping upon the Palestinian "masses"to form "revolutionary
troops out of Beirut. [NYT) committees" and create a new leadership in Libya.
Premier Salim al-HIus met with Syrian President [NYT)
Hifiz al-Asad in Damascus and said later it had been Dec. 1: Mauritanian Premier Mohamed Khouna Ould
agreed that the Syrian withdrawal from Beirut would Heydalla arrived in Tripoli for talks on bilateral rela-
be delayed "a few days." [NYT) tions. [FBIS]
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Ya- Dec. 2: About 2,000 demonstrators stormed the US Em-
sir 'Arafat met with Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al- bassy in Tripoli and heavily damaged the building.
Halim Khaddam in Damascus on the withdrawal of The Embassy personnel escaped without injury.
Syrian troops from Lebanon. [NYT} [NYT)
Feb. 5: Syrian President Asad said he would wait "some The US lodged "the strongest possible protest"
time" before pulling Syrian troops out of Lebanon. over the "inadequate and unresponsive" actions of
[NYT} Libyan security forces. [NYT)
Feb.6: The government said it would deploy units of the Dec. 3: The US rejected a Libyan expression of regret
Lebanese Army at truce supervisory positions when over the attack and said that future relations with
Syriawithdrew its troops. The National Front, a coali- Libya were "under active review." [NYT)
tion of Muslim militia forces, opposed the govern- Dec. 5: The US announced it was "suspending normal
ment's decision. [NYT) operations" at its Embassy in Tripoli. [NYT)
Feb. 7: Israeli Premier Menahem Begin said that Israel Dec. 9: The New York Times reported that the Palestine
would come to the aid of "Christiansin the south and Liberation Organization (PLO) had appealed to Head
in the north of Lebanon" if they were in danger and of State Qadhdhafi to end a siege of PLO offices in
would not "under any circumstances" allow them to Tripoli and to stop interfering in the internal affairsof
be "compromised". [NYT) the guerrilla movement. [NYT)
Feb.8: Two persons were wounded by snipers in central Dec. 10: Qadhdh5fi said Libya wanted "to intensify our
Beirut. [NYT) dialogue" with the US. [NYT)
One person was killed in Nabatiyah during a shell- Dec. 16: Libya closed the PLO office in Benghazi and
ing. [NYT) ordered the expulsion of 3 PLO leaders. [FBIS]
Feb. 11. Four Lebanese Christians were killed in their
homes near the border with Israel. Mortar fire was 1980
traded between Christian militiamen and Palestinian
guerrillas as a result. [NYT) Jan. 6: The General People's Congress ended a confer-
Feb. 13. Premier Hu4 arrived in Damascus and met ence in Tripoli. [AN]
with Syrian Premier 'Abd al-Ra'if al-Kasm on the Jan. 11: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that the
Lebanese situation. [FBIS) following new Secretaries had been named to the
Phalanges Party member Edmund Rizq, a member General People's Committee during the meeting of
of Parliament, was abducted in Beirut. [NYT) the General People's Congress:
Hus. met with Asad in Syria and returned to Leba- 'Abd al-Salkn Zaq'ar: Petroleum
non. [FBIS] Muhammad MahmiudHija2zi:Information

al-BukhMriSalim Hawdah: Communicationsand Ma- Jan. 19: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Qays al-
rine Transport Mun'im al-Zawawi denied reports that Oman would
'Abd al-Hifiz Zlitni: Education offer military bases on its territory to the US. [FBIS)
Muhammad al-Duwayk: Municipalities [MEED} Feb. 7: Tunisian Foreign Minister Mohamed Fitouri ar-
Feb. 4: Demonstrators attacked the French Embassy in rived in Muscat for talks. [FBIS)
Tripoli, causing extensive damage. The French Am-
bassador said he felt there was a "close link" between
the attack and recent "problems in Tunisia." [NYT)
Feb. 5: France recalled its Ambassador and diplomatic
staff from Libya and ordered a similar number of Lib- Pakistan
yan diplomats to leave France to protest the attack on
the French Embassy in Tripoli. [NYT)
Feb. 6: Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins ar- (Seealso, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab
rived in Benghazi and met with Qadhdhafi. [FBIS] Amirates)

Nov. 21: Hundreds of demonstrators stormed and set
Morocco fire to the US Embassy in Islamabad,killing 1 US Ma-
rine. Pakistani troops rescued about 100 people
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iraq, Saudi trapped in the Embassy chancery. [NYT]
Arabia) Demonstrators set fire to the US cultural centers in
Rawalpindi and Lahore. A British cultural center in
1979 Rawalpindi was burned. [NYT)
The AssociatedPresscited a leader of the attackers as
Dec. 5: The Organization of African Unity ended a saying he had believed US citizens had been respon-
meeting in Monrovia, Liberia, and called on Morocco sible for the attack on the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
to withdraw its troops from Western Sahara. It rec- [NYT)
ommended that a peacekeeping force be set up to Nov. 22: The bodies of a second American and 2 Paki-
monitor a cease fire in the disputed territory. [NYT] stanis were found at the Embassy. [NYT]
The New York Times reported that 2 of the demon-
strators had also died in the attack. [NYT}
1980 Iranian Ayat AllIh RuihAllah Khumayni called the
attack on the US Embassy in Islamabad "a great joy
Jan. 25: Arab News reported that the US had announced
for us." [NYT)
it would sell 50 military aircraftto Morocco. [AN]
Nov. 24: Secretary of Information Mujib ur-Rahman de-
Feb.12: King Hasan arrived in Marrakeshat the end of a
plored the attack on the US Embassy as "un-Islamic"
visit to Saudi Arabia and Iraq. [FBIS)
and said that President Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq had
ordered the Embassy rebuilt "at the maximum
speed." [NYT)
Nov. 28: The government announced that it had
Oman amended the penal code to permit imprisonment of
journalists who published "defamatory material."
(Seealso, General, Petroleum Affairs) [NYT)
Nov. 29: A Pakistani correspondent of the Far Eastern
EconomicReviewwas sentenced to 1 year of hard labor
1979 for writing an article concerning unrest in Baluchi-
stan. [NYT)
Dec. 14: 'Asim al-Jamili was named Minister of Public Dec. 2: Students demanding compensation for the fam-
Works. [FBIS] ily of a student killed in the US Embassy in Islamabad
the month before clashed with the police in Rawal-
1980 pindi. [NYT)
Dec. 11: A member of the Hyderabad City Council was
Jan. 3: Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubirak arrived arrested for leading a demonstration of support for
in Muscat and met with Sultan Qabuis bin Sa'id. executed former Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. [NYT)
[FBIS} Dec. 16: Djibouti President Hasan Gouled arrived in Is-
Jan. 10: British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington ar- lamabad on a 5 day visit to Pakistan. [FBIS)
rived in Muscat on a 3 day visit for talks with Omani Dec. 26: President Zia-ul-Haq returned to Islamabad at
officials. [FBIS] the end of a 2 day visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS)
Jan. 14: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Oman and Dec. 28: Foreign Affairs Adviser Agha Shahi returned to
was met by Sultan Qibfis. [FBIS] Islamabad after a 2 day visit to Iran. [FBIS)

1980 Feb. 10: Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins

met with Amir Shaykh Khalifah in Doha. [FBIS]
Jan. 4: US President Jimmy Carter said the US would
provide military equipment and other assistance to
help Pakistan "defend its independence and its na-
tional security" against the "seriously increased
threat" from the north. [NYT]
Jan. 12: Zia-ul-Haq met with tribal chiefs at Saidu in the
northwest frontier region and said the borders of the
Soviet Union had been effectively extended to the
Khyber Pass. [NYT}
Foreign Affairs Adviser Shahi met with US Presi- SaudiArabia
dent Carter and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance in
Washington on US aid and commitments to Pakistan. (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Petroleum
[NYT] Affairs, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, United Arab
Jan. 13. US officials said the US had offered Pakistan a Amirates, Yemen)
tentative economic and military aid package of about
$400m. [NYT] 1979
Jan. 15: British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington met
with Zia-ul-Haq in Rawalpindi. [FBIS) Nov. 20: Muslim gunmen seized the Grand Mosque in
Jan 16.' Lord Carrington visited the border with Afghan- Mecca and took hostages. [NYT)
istan and said that Britain would do its best "to in- Nov. 21: Tehran DomesticServicequoted a statement is-
sure that Pakistan remains an independent country." sued by Ayat Allah Ruih Allih Khumayni which said
[NYT) it was "not farfetched" to assume the attack on the
Jan. 17: Zia-ul-Haq said that the size of the offer of US Great Mosque in Mecca had been "perpetrated by the
aid was "peanuts". [NYT] criminal American imperialism." [FBIS}
jan. 18: Chinese Foreign Minister Huang Hua arrived Nov. 22: The government said that the occupation of the
in Islamabad for talks on the Soviet intervention in Grand Mosque by Muslim fundamentalists was con-
Afghanistan. [NYT] tinuing in Mecca. [NYT]
Jan. 23: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim left Is- Interior Minister Prince Nayif said that neither the
lamabad after meeting with Zia-ul-Haq. [FBIS} US nor Iran was in any way responsible for the attack
Jan. 24: The European Economic Community said it on the Grand Mosque. [NYT)
would give more than $20m to Pakistan to aid refu- The New York Times cited sources in the Interior
gees from Afghanistan. [NYT) Ministry as confirming that an attempt to take over
Feb. 1: US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski the Prophet's Mosque in Medina had taken place 2
arrived in Islamabad for talks with Pakistani leaders. days earlier. [NYT)
[NYT) Nov. 23: A government official said that security forces
Feb.2: US national security adviser Brzezinski met with were in "complete control within all areas" of the
Zia-ul-Haq. Zia-ul-Haq said that the US was "giving Grand Mosque. [NYT]
us the impression of finding a lost Asian ally." [NYT] Nov. 24: US Treasury Secretary William Miller met with
Feb. 3" Zia-ul-Haq said that the talks with US officials King Khalid in Saudi Arabia. [FBIS]
had given "new life" to a 1959 US security accord US Treasury Secretary Miller said that Saudi lead-
with Pakistan. [NYT] ers were "very upset" because they felt that the low
Feb. 5: Indian Foreign Secretary R. D. Sathe met with Saudi oil prices had "not gone to the benefit of con-
Zia-ul-Haq and Shahi during a trip to Pakistan. sumers" but had instead been "raked off by the oil
[FBIS} companies." [NYT)
Feb. 7: Indian Foreign Minister Sathe returned to India Iranian Ayat AllIh Khumayni charged that the US
and said his discussions with Pakistani leaders had "and its corrupt colony, Israel" were "attempting to
been "friendly, cordial, frank and useful." [NYT] occupy" the Grand Mosque in Mecca and called on
Muslims to "rise up and defend Islam." [NYT}
Nov. 26: Information Minister Muhammad Abdui
Qatar Yamani said that soldiers had cornered the last of the
gunmen in the basement of the Grand Mosque.
(Seealso, General, Petroleum Affairs, Afghanistan, Saudi [NYT)
Arabia) Bahrayni Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman Al Khalifah
and Kuwayti Amir Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al $abah
arrived in Riyadh and were met by King Khalid.
Jan. 14: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Doha and A Pakistani airliner crashed near Jidda, killing all
met with Amir Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al 156 people aboard. Most of the passengers were
Thini. [FBIS) Muslim pilgrims. [NYT)

Nov. 27: Qatari Amir Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al

ThMniarrived in Riyadh and was met by King Khalid.
South Yemen
Nov. 28: Clashes in Sayhat between Shi'a workers and (Seealso, Yemen)
the National Guard left 5 people dead. [MEED)
Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Riyadh and was 1979
met by King Khalid. [FBIS]
Nov. 30: Interior Minister Prince Nayif said that some Nov. 16: Chairmanof the East GermanState Council
of the gunmen at the Grand Mosque were still hold- ErichHoneckerandChairmanof the Presidium'Abd
ing out in tunnels under the building. [NYT) al-FattahIsma'ilspoke beforea rallyinJa'ar.[FBIS]
Dec. 4: Prince Nayif announced that the last of the at- Nov. 17: A treaty of friendshipand cooperationwith
tackers of the Grand Mosque had been captured. EastGermanywassignedin SouthYemen.[MEED]
[AN] Nov. 29: EthiopianChairmanMengistuHaile Mariam
Dec. 6: King Khalid reopened the Grand Mosque for arrivedin Aden and conferredwith Chairmanof the
prayers. [NYT) PresidiumIsmi'il. [FBIS]
Dec. 24: Pakistani President Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq ar-
rived in Riyadh on a 3 day visit to Saudi Arabia and
met with King Khalid. [FBIS] 1980
Dec. 31: Riyadh Domestic Service announced that King
Jan. 31: Aden News Agency reported that an agreement
Khilid had accepted the resignation of the Governor
with Yemen to unify telephone tariffsand reduce
of Mecca District, Prince Fawwaz bin 'Abd al-'Aziz.
postal charges between the 2 countries had been

1980 Sudan
Jan. 1: The Saudi PressAgencyreported that King Khilid
had ordered the retirement of the commander of the
air force and the commander of the public security
forces. [NYT) 1979
Jan. 8: Prince Nayif said that 127 Saudi soldiers had been
killed as a result of the siege at the Grand Mosque. Dec.3: PresidentJa'faral-Numayrlleft Sudanfor Mon-
In addition, 75 gunmen had been killed and 27 rovia,Liberia,to participatein a meeting of the Or-
others had died of wounds suffered in the siege. [AN) ganizationof AfricanUnity. [FBIS]
Jan. 9: A total of 63 people were executed in 8 cities for Dec.30: SudanandUgandaagreedto restorediplomatic
their part in the attack on the Grand Mosque. An In- relations.[AN)
terior Ministry statement said that 28 people had
been acquitted and that a number of others had been
sentenced to prison reformatories. [NYT) 1980
Jan. 12: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Riyadh and
Jan. 10: SaudiArabianPetroleumMinisterAhmadZaki
met with King Kh.lid. [FBIS]
Yamninmet with PresidentNumayriin Sudanon en-
jan. 13: British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington ar-
rived in Riyadh for talks with Saudi officials. [FBIS]
ergy cooperation.[FBIS)
Feb.4: Numayriissued a decree dissolvingparliament
Jan. 26: Syrian President Hifi? al-Asad arrived in
and the regionallegislativeassemblyof south Sudan.
Riyadh and met with King Khalid on bilateral rela-
tions. [FBIS)
Feb. 3: Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky met with
Crown Prince Fahd in Riyadh. [FBIS]
Feb.4: US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski
arrived in Riyadh and met with Crown Prince Fahd.
Feb. 5: The New York Times cited US officials in the (Seealso,General,Lebanon)
Brzezinski mission as saying Saudi leaders had said
they were willing to consider closer military 1979
cooperation in the Gulf region. [NYT)
Feb. 7: Moroccan King Hasan arrived at al-Tiaif and was Nov. 22: SyrianPresident i1fi4al-Asadreturned to
met by King Khilid. [FBIS) Syriaafter attendinga summitconferencein Tunis.
Feb. 11: Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins [FBIS)
arrived in Riyadh for meetings with Saudi officials. Nov. 25: Gunmentried to assassinatethe governorof
[FBIS] Hama.Two of the gunmen and 2 membersof the

security forces were killed in a clash. [MEED)

Dec. 27: Delegate to the UN Hlammuidal-Shfifi re-
signed his post and said that "repression" in Syria was
"impossible". [NYT) (Seealso, Algeria, Bahrayn, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya,
Oman, Syria, United Arab Amirates)

1980 Nov. 17: A conference of Arab Foreign Ministers ended
in Tunis. The meetings were in preparation for a sum-
Jan. 15: A new Cabinet was formed: mit conference. [AN)
'Abd al-Ra'if al-Kasm: Premier Nov. 20: A summit conference of Arab League countries
'Abd al-HialimKhaddam: Deputy Premierand Foreign opened in Tunis. Iraqi President $addam Husayn de-
Affairs livered the opening address. {NYT}
Walid Hamdan: Deputy Premierfor ServicesAffairs
'Abd al-Qadir Qadduirah:Deputy Premierfor Economic
Affairs 1980
Mustaf1aTalas: Defense
Ahmad Iskandar Ahmad: Information Jan. 14: Two Arabs seeking the release of 25 political
Nasir al-Din Niair: Interior prisoners in Tunisia hijacked an Italian jetliner on its
Muhammad Ghabbash: Supply & Internal Trade way to Tunis. The plane landed in Palermo and 21
'Adnan Dabbagh: LocalAdministration passengers were freed. [NYT}
Muhammad Najib al-Sayyid Ahmad: Education Jan. 28: About 20 people were killed when raiders at-
'Abd al-Karim 'Adi: State for ForeignAffairs tacked the town of Gafsa. The raiders were reported
As'ad Darqawi: Higher Education to have been Tunisian migrant workers who had
'Umar al-Sibi'i: State come from Libya. [NYT)
Anwar Hamadah: State for Cabinet Affairs Jan. 30: Premier Hedi Nouira announced that Tunisia
Ahmad 'Umar Yasuf: Electricity had decided to recall its Ambassador to Libya and ex-
Najib al-'Attar: Culture pel the Libyan Ambassador to Tunisia as a result of
MuharramTayyarah: Transport the attack on Gafsa. [FBIS]
Yusuf Ju'ayd6ni:State for LaborAffairs Jan. 31: Tunisian forces, backed by French warships and
Salim Yasin: State for Planning Affairs military supplies, continued "mopping-up" opera-
Muhammad al-Atrash: Economy& Foreign Trade tions in Gafsa. [NYT)
Nayif Ta'ini: State
'Abd al-Jabbaral-Dah,hak:Oil & Natural Resources
Husayn al-Q(di: Industry
Hamdi al-Saqqa:Finance
Faruq al-Shar':State for ForeignAffairs
Nawras al-Daqr: Housing & Utilities
Khalid al-Maliki:Justice
Hamdi Musawkar:Agriculture & Agrarian Reform
Yahya al-Khiyir: Euphrates Dam (Seealso, Cyprus)
Mikhayil Naqqul: State
Ra'fat al-Kurdi: Communications 1979
Ahmad Salim Darwish: State
Nayif Jarbiu':Public Works& Water Resources Nov. 19: Premier Suleyman Demirel presented the pro-
Muhammad Muhammad al-Khapib:Awqdf gram of his government to the National Assembly.
Jurj Radwan: State [FBIS) [NYT)
Jan. 23.' Jordanian Premier al-Sharif 'Abd al-Hamid Nov. 20: An Istanbul University professor was found
Sharaf arrived in Damascus for talks on bilateral rela- murdered. The university was closed as a result.
tions. [FBIS} [NYT)
Jan. 27: Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Gro- Nov. 22: About 2,000 Muslims demonstrated outside
myko arrived in Damascus and met with Foreign Af- the residence of the US Consul General at Izmir, but
fairs Minister Khaddam. [FBIS] were dispersed by security forces. [NYT]
Jan. 29: A bomb exploded at the Syrian Embassy in Nov. 25: The new government of Premier Demirel won
Paris, killing 1 person and injuring 8 others. [NYT] a vote of confidence in the National Assembly. The
Khaddam arrived in Paris and met with French For- vote was 229 to 208. [AN)
eign Minister Jean Fran,ois-Poncet. [NYT] Nov. 28: Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II arrived in
Feb. 2: A Sunni religious leader and another person Ankara and was met by President Fahri Koruturk and
were assassinated by 3 gunmen while leading prayers Demirel. [NYT)
in a mosque in Aleppo. [NYT] Nov. 29: Pope John Paul II urged the expansion of links

between Islam and Christianity in the service of "so- Jan. 30: It was announced that security forces had
cial justice, moral values, peace and freedom." caught 103 members of 2 terrorist groups in raids in
[NYT} Izmir, Istanbul and other cities. [TDN)
The Pope flew to Istanbul and met with Eastern Or- Feb. 6: Gunmen shot and wounded the Turkish Am-
thodox Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I for talks on bassador to Switzerland in Bern. An Armenian group
relations between the 2 faiths. [NYT) claimed responsibility. Three men were detained for
Nov. 30: Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I questioning. [NYT]
and the Pope pledged in Istanbul to "hasten the day Feb. 11: Clashes between demonstrators and police took
of full communion between the Catholic Church and place in Izmir. [NYT]
the Orthodox Church." [NYT} Feb. 13: The Istanbul MartialLaw Command announced
The Pope flew to Izmir and later addressed Chris- the arrest of the alleged assassins of the 4 Americans.
tians in Ephesus. Thereafter he returned to Rome. A total of 56 arrests were announced of which 52
[NYT) were members of the Marxist-LeninistUnion. [NYT}
Dec. 14: Four Americans were assassinated in Istanbul as Feb. 14: Troops stormed the Tari?spinning mill in Izmir
they were returning home from a NATO installation and arrested more than 1,500 people who had been
near the city. [NYT) occupying the building. [TDN}
Dec. 15: The Turkish People's Liberation Front-Marxist Feb. 15: Chief of the General StaffEvren demanded that
Leninist Armed Propaganda Union claimed responsi- "more authority" be given to martial law commanders
bility for the killing of the 4 Americans. [NYT} to fight terrorism. [NYT]
Dec. 19: Parliament voted to continue martial law in 19 "Leftist"militants clashed with security forces in Iz-
provinces for 2 months. [NYT} mir. [NYT)
Dec. 20: The lira was devalued against 9 European cur-
rencies and the Kuwayti dinar. [TDN)
Dec. 22: A press attache at the Turkish Embassy in
France was assassinated in Paris. An Armenian group
claimed responsibility. [NYT]
Dec. 23: A Turkish airliner carrying 43 people crashed
near Ankara. There were 4 survivors. [NYT]
Dec. 24: Demonstrations in Ankara resulted in 4 deaths.
Two people died in clashes in Istanbul. A total of al-
most 4,000 people were arrested in the 2 cities.
Dec. 26: Political violence in Ankara left 5 people dead.
Dec. 27: The Martial Law Commander announced that
certain reports on security matters broadcast over
state radio and television would be censored. [NYT) United ArabAmirates
(Seea/so, General, Petroleum Affairs, Afghanistan)
Jan. 2: Chief of the General Staff Kenan Evren and oth- 1979
er military commanders issued a "warning to the po-
litical parties" that the nation must unite to combat Nov. 23: President Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan Al
"anarchy,terrorism and separatism." [NYT) Nuhayyan returned to Abu Dhabi after participating
Gunmen assassinated the director of the Istanbul in a summit conference in Tunis. [FBIS]
office of El Al, the Israeli airline. [NYT) Nov. 26: US Treasury Secretary William Miller arrived
Jan. 3: About 50 people tried to attack the Soviet Con- in Abui Dhabi and met with Vice President and Pre-
sulate in Istanbul to protest Soviet intervention in Af- mier Shaykh Rishid bin Sa'id Al Maktum. [FBIS]
ghanistan. [NYT) Dec. 22: President Shaykh Zayid returned to Abui
Jan. 9: Turkish Daily News reported that British For- Dhabi at the end of a short visit to Saudi Arabia.
eign Secretary Lord Carrington had arrived in Ankara [FBIS]
for talks on the situation in Afghanistan. [TDN} Dec. 23: Shaykh Zayid left Abui Dhabi on a private visit
Jan. 10: Turkey and the US initialed a defense to Pakistan. [FBIS]
cooperation agreement that would regulate the status
of US installations in Turkey and define the scope of 1980
US military aid to Turkey. [TDN)
Jan. 22: Security forces and workers clashed at the TariE Feb. 7: Shaykh Ziyid returned to the UAA after a pri-
thread factories. [TDN) vate visit to Pakistan. [FBIS)
jan. 24: The lira was devalued by 33-35% against all Feb. 8: Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins ar-
currencies. [MEED) rived in Abu Dhabi for talks on oil matters. [FBISJ

Yemen Dec. 20: Djibouti President Hasan Gouled arrived in

San on a 3 day visit to Yemen. (FBISJ
Dec. 30: Foreign Minister Hasan al-Makki received So-
(Seealso, General, Libya, South Yemen) viet Deputy Minister of Justice Aleksandr Sukharev
in Yemen. [FBIS]
Nov. 21: Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani arrived in
London for talks on economic cooperation. [MEED] 1980
Dec. 1: Premier 'Abd al-Ghani left Britain on a com-
mercial airliner after his own jet was impounded in Jan. 16: 'Abd al-Ghani returned to SanT' at the end of a
London in a legal dispute with a British airline. UP) visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS)
Dec. 6: Yemen recalled its Ambassador to London for Feb. 3: South Yemeni Justice Minister Khilid Fadil
consultations following the impounding of the air- Mangir left San'i' for Aden at the end of talks on
craft. [MEED) unification of Yemen and South Yemen. [FBIS]

Fromthe Arab BackgroundSeries-

The Origins and Development of Shi'a Islam

S. H. M. Jafri, American University of Beirut

.. LONGMANINC. College Division

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