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Chronology May 16, 1980-August 15, 1980

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Autumn, 1980), pp. 469-483
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 21/02/2012 04:32

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May 16, 1980-August 15, 1980

ArabIsraeliConflict Sixteen Arab nationsannounceda boycott of the

WorldHealth Organization'seasternMediterranean
regionaloffice as long as it remainedin Alexandria,
(Seealso,Iran,Israel,Lebanon,Pakistan) Egypt.[NYTI
May 25: Israelnamed the Deputy Mayorsof Hebron
1980 andHalhoulas Mayorsto replacethe formerMayors
who had been deported. [NYT]
May 17: A daytimecurfew was lifted in the occupied In an interview published in The Washington Post,
West Banktown of Hebron. A nighttimecurfewre- SaudiArabianCrownPrinceFahdsaid that if Israel
mainedin effect. [NYT) "woulddeclareits sincere intentionof withdrawing
May 18: PalestineLiberationOrganization
(PLO)leader from the landsoccupiedin 1967, SaudiArabiawould
Yasir 'Arafatwarned West Europeannations that do its utmost to bring the Arabsto cooperateand
they wouldpay "dearly"if they continuedtheir"pro- work for a full settlement."He said also that UN
Zionist policies."[NYT] SecurityCouncilResolution 242 could be made "a
May 19: The New York Times reported that Israeli au- basisfor a peace settlement."[WPI
thoritiesthe week beforehadremovedthe familiesof May 26: An Israeliborderpolicemanwas stabbedand
2 West Bank youths to the Ein Sultanrefugee camp woundedwhile on patrolin Hebron. [NYTI
nearthe Dead Sea, withoutelectricityor runningwa- May28: SaudiArabianCrownPrinceFahdsaidthatany
ter. The youthshad been accusedof attackingthe ve- solution to the Arab Israeli conflict "must secure
hicles of 2 local militarygovernors.[NYT) withdrawalby Israel from the occupiedArab terri-
A statementwas issued by 250 prominentIsraelis, tories,especiallyJerusalem."[NYT)
including20 membersof the Knessetand 5 former May29: FormerMayorof HebronShaykhMuhammad
generals, urging a "returnto mainstreamZionism" 'AllJa'baridied, aged 80. [NYT}
and the attainmentof peace "throughcompromise May30: The SecurityCouncilvoted by 14 to 0 to ex-
andpartitionof the land of Israel."[NYT] tend the mandateof the UN DisengagementObserv-
May20: Three IsraeliSupremeCourtJusticesordered er Forcein thejawlin region6 months.Chinadid not
the governmentto explainwhy 3 Palestinianleaders participatein the vote. [NYT)
hadbeen deportedfromthe occupiedWestBankear- IsraeliPremierMenahemBeginwarnedthatIsrael
lier in the monthandwhy they shouldnot be allowed wouldnot implementthe finalstageof the withdrawal
to return. [NYT} fromSinaiunderthe termsof the peace treatyunless
The UN SecurityCouncilvoted 14 to 0 for a reso- Egyptsignedan agreementfor a multinationalforce
lutionthat"stronglydeplored"the failureof Israelto to police a bufferzone. UP]
rescinda deportationorderagainst3 West Banklead- May 31: EgyptianForeignMinisterKamil Hasan 'Ali
ers. The US abstainedin the vote. [NYT) said that Egypt was "satisfied"with Israeli "clari-
May21: The IsraeliDefense Ministryannouncedit had fications"concerningthe finalstageof the Sinaiwith-
rescindedbanishmentordersfor 2 Arabfamiliescon- drawal.UP)
fined to the Ein Sultanrefugee camp.[NYT) June 1: The Al Fathcongressendedin Damascus.A re-
May 22: A Conference of IslamicForeignMinisters, port callingfor "armedpopularrevolution"and the
meetingin Islamabad,adopteda resolutioncallingfor establishmentof "asecularstate"wasissued.[NYT)
the restorationof the "inalienablenationalrights"of Israeliauthoritiesbanned2 Arabicdailiesfromdis-
Palestinians.[NYT) tributingtheirnewspapersin the West Bankbecause
A congressof membersof the Al FathPalestinian the papers"promptedincitementsagainstthe military
guerrillaorganizationmet in Damascus.[NYT) government."[NYT)
List of Abbreviations
AN, Arab News; FBIS,ForeignBroadcastInformationServiceDaily Report-Middle East and North Africa andForeign
BroadcastInformationServiceDaily Report-South Asia; JP, TheJerusalemPost; MEED,Middle East EconomicDigest;
MEES,Middle East EconomicSurvey;NYT, The New York Times; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington


June 2: A hand grenade was thrown into a crowd in oc- European Economic Community (EEC) nations is-
cupied Hebron, injuring 7 people. [NYT) sued a declaration in Venice which said that Israeli
A bomb planted in the car of Ramallah Mayor settlements "as well as modifications in population
Karim Khalaf exploded, blowing off his right foot. and property in the occupied Arab territories" were
[NYT) "illegal under international law," said that the EEC
A bomb planted in the car of Nablus Mayor would "not accept any unilateral initiative designed to
BassaumShak'ah exploded, blowing off both his legs. change the status of Jerusalem," and asserted that the
[NYT) PLO would have to be "associated"with peace nego-
A bomb at the garage of El Bireh Mayor Ibrilhim tiations. The declaration called for "the right to exis-
al-Tawil exploded, blinding an Israeli Druze ex- tence and to security of all the states in the region"
plosive expert sent to search for bombs. [NYT] and "the recognition of the legitimate rights of the
Israeli soldiers shot and wounded 2 Arab student Palestinian people." [NYT)
demonstrators in Ramallah. [NYT} June 14: The PLO said that the EEC declaration "came
Gaza Mayor Rashid Shawa and the Gaza city coun- short of our expectations." (NYT)
cil resigned in protest against the bombings. [NYT) The New York Times reported that about 90 US
June 3: Bethlehem Mayor Ilyas Frayj and the Bethle- Jews had issued a statement calling on Israelis and US
hem city council resigned in protest over the bomb- Jews not to follow policies which undermined Israel's
ings. [NYT) "new relations with Egypt and its longstanding rela-
Stores and offices in most West Bank cities and East tionship with the United States." (NYT)
Jerusalem were closed in a protest strike. [NYT) June 15: Seven people were injured when a gasoline
June 4: Israeli soldiers forced Arab merchants in Nablus bomb was thrown into a cafe in the West Bank village
and other West Bank towns to open their shops. of Anabta. [NYT)
[NYT) June 16: An Israeli patrol boat intercepted and killed 3
Israeli Premier Begin was quoted as saying that his guerrillas in a rubber craft off the coast of Gali-
government intended to establish 10 new settlements lee. [NYT}
in the West Bank. [NYT) June 17: Jordanian King Husayn met with US President
June 5: The Security Council voted 14 to 0 for a resolu- Carter on the situation in the Middle East. The talks
tion condemning the "assassinationattempts" on the were described as "both very frank and extremely
West Bank and expressing "deep concern" that Israel cordial and constructive." [NYT}
had failed, as occupying power, "to provide adequate June 18: King Husayn met with Carter and called his
protection to the civilian population." The US ab- meetings in Washington "extremely fruitful." [NYT]
stained in the vote. [NYT) US officials said that King Husayn had assured the
Nablus Mayor Shak'ah was taken to Jordan for US that Jordan would not permit Palestinian guerril-
medical treatment. [NYT) las to use its territory to carry out military operations
Bethelehem Mayor Frayj and Gaza Mayor Shawa against Israel. [NYT)
withdrew their resignations. UP] June 19: Saudi Arabian King Khalid said in West Berlin
June 6: The Israeli Supreme Court rejected an appeal that he hoped Jerusalem would "once again be in-
for the release of Jewish Defense League leader Rabbi tegrated with the Arab territory"with "the support of
Meir Kahane and a colleague who had been arrested those nations who befriend us." [NYT)
by Israeli authorities under administrative detention An Arab woman was injured when an Israeli bor-
orders in May. [NYT) der policeman accidentally fired a burst of machine
June 7: Israeli soldiers crossed the Jordanian border in gun fire in Bethlehem. [JP]
pursuit of "a terrorist squad" that was trying to cross June 21: Frayj called for an end to violence in the West
into Israel. Two Arabs were killed. [NYT) Bank. [NYT)
June 8: An Israeli official said that an Israeli yeshiva stu- June 22: An Israeli government official disclosed that
dent had been arrested in possession of explosive de- Begin had decided to move his office and the Cabinet
tonators. [NYT) conference room to East Jerusalem. [NYT)
US President Jimmy Carter sent a letter to Egyp- June 23: The Arab woman wounded in Bethelehem by
tian President Anwar al-Sadat suggesting a formula an Israeli border policeman died. [NYTI
for resumption of Egyptian Israeli negotiations on Two Israeli soldiers were formally charged with
Palestinian autonomy. [NYT) conspiring to blow up mosques and Christian mis-
June 9: An official of Al Fath said that the organization sionary institutions with explosives stolen from the
would reestablish a base in Jordan for military opera- army. [NYT)
tions against Israel. [NYT) A bomb exploded in a grocery store in a Tel Aviv
The US offered Shak'ah and Ramallah Mayor Kha- suburb, wounding 3 people. [NYT)
laf medical treatment in the US. [NYT) UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim expressed
June 10: An Israeli border policeman in Jerusalem was great concern" over the Israeli decision to move the
wounded by a sniper. [NYT) Premier's office to East Jerusalem, saying it would
June 1 1: The US said that the heads of the Egyptian and "heighten tension" in the Middle East. [NYT)
Israeli negotiating teams would come to Washington June 24: The International Labor Organization voted by
"to prepare for the resumption of formal negotia- 249 to 15 with 165 abstentions for a resolution that
tions" on Palestinian autonomy. [NYT) denounced Israeli policies establishing settlements in
June 13: The heads of state and government of the 9 "Palestine and the occupied Arab territories." [NYT)

June25: Begin said he wantedIsraeliuniversitiesto ex- Palestinianpeople had "arightto self-determination,

pel Arab students who openly supportedthe PLO. includingstatehood."[NYT]
[NYT) Nine Arabwomenwent on a hungerstrikein sym-
June 29: Jewish Defense LeagueleaderRabbi Kahane pathywith their sons, who were prisonersat Nafha
wassentencedto 6 monthsin jailfor incitingviolence Prison.[NYT)
in the West Bank the previousyear.[NYT) July 28: Venezuelasaid it was movingits Embassyin
June 30: The SecurityCouncilvoted by 14 to 0 with 1 Israel from West Jerusalemto Tel Aviv because of
abstentionto deplore Israelipolicies towardJerusa- Israeli efforts to make all of Jerusalemits capital.
lem. [NYT) [NYT}
The VaticanSecretariatof Statecirculateda state- An Arab was arrested in Belgium after he had
ment sayingthatany unilateralattemptto changethe hurled2 handgrenadesinto a group of Jewish teen-
statusof Jerusalemwould be "veryserious."[NYT) agers in Antwerp.One person was killed in the at-
July 1: Khalafleft Ammanfor medicaltreatmentin the tack. JP]
United States.[FBIS) July 29: The UN GeneralAssemblyvoted by 112 to 7
July 2. EgyptianForeignMinister'All andIsraeliInteri- with24 abstentionsfor a resolutionwhich:reaffirmed
or MinisterYosef Burgmet withUS SpecialEnvoyto the rightsof the Palestinianpeople to self-determina-
the MiddleEastSol Linowitzin Washington.[NYT) tion and to establish an "independent sovereign
July 3: 'All and IsraeliInteriorMinisterBurg met with state;"reaffirmedthe rightsof the PLOto participate
US SpecialEnvoyLinowitzin Washington.LaterLi- "in all efforts,deliberationsand conferenceson the
nowitz said Egypt and Israel had agreed to resume questionof Palestine,"andcalleduponIsraelto with-
negotiations.[NYT) draw from all Arab territoriesoccupied since June
July 6: It wasreportedthatIsraeliArmyauthoritieshad 1967 "includingJerusalem"before November 15,
restricted8 Israeli Arabs to their hometownsfor 6 1980. [NYT)
monthsandplaceda curfewon them. [NYT) July 30: The IsraeliKnesset voted by 69 to 15 with 3
July 9: Shak'ahreturnedto Nablus.Hundredsof Pales- abstentionsto approvea bill thatmade"completeand
tinianswelcomedhim. [NYT) unitedJerusalem"the capitalof Israel.The bill pro-
July 11: The WorldJewish Congresssaidthata solution vided that the holy places would be protectedfrom
of the ArabIsraeliconflictshouldinclude"duerecog- "anythingthat is likely to prejudicethe freedom of
nition of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian accessof the religiouscommunitiesto the placesholy
people."CNYT] to them."[NYT)
US presidentialcandidateJohn Anderson toured July 31: Turkeyannouncedit was summoninghome its
EastJerusalemand met with Begin. Laterhe flew to charged'affairesin Tel Aviv becauseof the Israeli
Cairofor talkswith Egyptianleaders.[NYT) vote on Jerusalem.[NYT}
July 13: IsraeliJustice MinisterShmuelTamirtold re- Aug. 1: Egyptsaidit wouldnot suspendtalkswith Israel
portersin Cairothat IsraelbelievedJerusalemto be on Palestinianautonomyor recallits Ambassadorto
"aunifiedcity, the capitalof Israel,withinIsraelisov- Israel.[NYT)
ereignty."[NYT) Aug. 2: The KuwaytinewspaperAl-Qabasquoted Ku-
EgyptianandIsraelinegotiatorsmet in Cairoon the wayti Finance Minister 'Abd al-RahmanSalim al-
questionof Palestinianautonomy.[NYT) 'Atiqias sayingSaudiArabiaand Kuwaythad frozen
multimilliondollarloans to the WorldBank to pro-
July 14: Egyptian,Israeli and US negotiatorsmet in
were unable to test the denial of observerstatus to the PLO at an
Cairo on Palestinianautonomybut
upcoming WorldBank meeting.[NYT]
agree on an agendafor futuretalks.[NYT)
'Ali said that Egypt had asked for a delay in the
July 15: Israeli militarysources said it had been discov-
autonomytalks until Israeli reaction to a message
ered that a group in the Gaza Striphad plannedto from Sadat to Begin concerning Jerusalem was
murderAgricultureMinisterAriel Sharon.[NYT] "clear".[NYT]
EgyptandIsraelended talksin Cairo.Egyptianand Aug. 3: Egypt delivered a letter from Sadatto Begin
Israeliofficialsclashedover the issueof Jerusalemat a concerningthe law on Jerusalem.[NYT)
news conference.[NYT) 'Ali said that Egypt "totallyrejected"the law on
July 18; The Israeli government approved a plan to Jerusalemand said that althoughEgyptwas not sus-
builda roadalongsidethe wallsof the old city of Jeru- pending autonomytalks it was "waitingfor the re-
salem.[NYT) movalof the obstaclescreatedby Israel."[NYT]
July 22: An Arabprisonerfrom Nafhaprisonwho had Aug. 4: A US spokesmansaid that the US did not see
been on a hungerstrike died of pneumonia.UP) Jerusalem"as an obstacle"to the autonomy talks.
July 23: The bill to makeJerusalemthe capitalof Israel [NYT]
passedits firstreadingin the Knesset. [JP] Aug. 6: SaudiArabiaand Iraq issued a joint commu-
The IsraeliCommissionerof Prisonssaid that the nique whichsaid the 2 nationswould sever political
prisonerwho had died the daybeforehadapparently andeconomicties with any countrythatacceptedthe
sufferedlung damagewhile being force fed. [NYT) Israeliannexationof Jerusalemor thatretaineddiplo-
July 24: A secondPalestinianprisonerfromNafhaPris- maticmissionsin Jerusalem.[MEES]
on died afterhavingbeen force fed by Israeliprison Aug. 7: Seven prominentWest Bank Arabs were or-
personnelduringa hungerstrike.[NYT) dered confinedto their homes. [NYT]
July 25: UN SecretaryGeneralWaldheimsaid that the Aug.8: Israeldeliveredto Egypta responseby Begin to

a letter earlier in the week from Sidat concerning the May 25: Jordan announced that it would participate in
question of Jerusalem and the autonomy talks. the Olympic Games in Moscow. [NYT)
[NYTI May 26: The Tunisian Olympic Committee decided not
Aug. 9: Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubarak said to participate in the Olympic Games because of "the
there had been "nothing positive" in the Israeli reply. aggression which the Muslim people of Afghanistan
[NYT] have experienced." [FBIS]
Shak'ah arrived in Paris for medical tests. [NYTI
Qatar announced it had decided to sever relations
with any state that transferred its Embassy to Jerusa-
lem. [FBIS]
Aug. 10: Kuwayt said that it would cut all ties with any
nation that recognized the Israeli law on Jerusalem. PetroleumAffairs
Aug. 11: The text of the letter by Begin to Sadat was 1980
made public. [NYT]
Aug. 12: Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
Butrus Ghgli flew to Bucharest for talks with Ruma- May 19: Libya raised the price of its crude oil by $2 and
nian leaders on the situation in the Middle East. Algeria by $1 per barrel. [NYT)
{NYTE May 21: Qatar raised the price of its crude oil by $2 per
Israeli explosives experts dismantled a total of 2 barrel. [NYT)
bombs in Jerusalem and Dimona. [NYT] June 9; The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun-
Aug. 13: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd said that talk tries (OPEC) opened a meeting in Algiers. [NYT)
about peace with Israel had become "a kind of illu- June 10: The OPEC meeting ended in Algiers. It was
sion." [NYT] agreed that prices for oil would be set between a floor
The US State Department said the US "doesn't ac- price of $28 per barrel and a ceiling of $37 per barrel.
cept nor has it ever accepted unilateral national legis- [NYT)
lation dealing with Jerusalem." [NYT] June 11: Kuwayt, Iraq and Qatar raised their oil prices
Aug. 15: Sadat proposed in a letter to Begin that a sum- by as much as $2 per barrel, beginningJuly 1. [NYT}
mit meeting be held with the US after the US presi- June 30: Kuwayt announced it was raising the price of its
dential elections. The text of the letter was made oil by $2 per barrel. [NYT]
public. [NYT} July 18: PetroleumIntelligenceWeekly reported that the
Uruguay announced that it would move its Em- National Iranian Oil Company had reduced the price
bassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. [NYT] of some of its oil by as much as $1 a barrel. [NYT)
The prison commander of Nafha Prison said that all
but 3 Palestinian prisoners at the prison had ended a
33 day hunger strike for better prison conditions.

(Seealso, General, Iran, Pakistan)
May 18: Indian Foreign Secretary R. D. Satha met with
President Babrak Karmal in Kabul. [FBIS)
May 19: Austria, Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands and May 22: A Conference of Islamic Foreign Ministers,
Sweden decided to send teams to the Olympic Games meeting in Islamabad, adopted a resolution which de-
in Moscow despite a call by the US for a boycott to manded the "immediate, total and unconditional
protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. [NYT] withdrawal of all Soviet troops" from Afghanistan and
May 20: The Italian National Olympic Committee decided to establish a committee that would open
voted to compete in the Olympic Games in Moscow. "appropriate consultations" to seek a solution to the
[NYT] crisis in Afghanistan. [NYT)
May 22: The Israeli Olympic Committee voted to boy- May 23: The US State Department said that Afghan sol-
cott the Olympics. [NYT] diers and police had used cattle prods and fire hoses
May 23: Turkish Olympic officials voted to boycott the to break up demonstrations in Kabul during the
Olympic Games. [NYT] week. [NYT)
Australia and Spain decided to participate in the May 24: Demonstrators protesting the Soviet presence
Olympics. [NYT] in Afghanistan marched in Kabul. [NYT)
May 24: The Japanese Olympic Committee decided not June 7: Travellers arriving in New Delhi from Kabul
to send a team to the Olympics. [NYT] said that hundreds of Afghans had abandoned their
homes to escape a battlenear KabulbetweenSoviet commandof the Ghaznigarrisonsouthof Kabulafter
troopsand Afghaninsurgents.[NYT] most of the Afghan troops there had deserted or
June 8: Kabulradioannouncedthat 10 supportersand joined the insurgents.[NYT)
aides of slain formerPresidentHafizullahAmin had Aug. 7.'The US StateDepartmentissueda reportsaying
been executed. [NYT) it was "highlylikely"thatthe Soviet Union had used
June 9: It was reportedthat Soviet bombersbackedby outlawedchemicalweaponsagainstinsurgentforces
tankshaddestroyedvillagesoutside Kabul,killingup in Afghanistan.[NYT)
to 1,000 insurgents.[NYT) Aug. 10: Afghanistanradioreportedthat Government
June 14: Kabul Domestic Service reported that former forces had destroyed"alarge number"of insurgents
CommunicationsMinister MohamadZarif, former in air and ground offensives in Balkh Province.
Border AffairsMinisterSahibyanSahraiand former [NYT)
PlanningMinisterMohamedSediqAlemyarhadbeen Aug. 11: The New YorkTimesreportedthatfightingbe-
executed. [FBISI tween Afghangeurrillasand governmenttroopshad
Afghaninsurgentleadersreportedthatheavyfight- takenplacein HeratandKandahar"inthe lastweek."
ing was takingplacein PaktiaProvinceaftera Soviet [NYT)
armoredcolumnhadbeen ambushednorthof Urgun.
June22: The Soviet Union announcedthat"somearmy
units"in Afghanistanwere being withdrawnto the
Soviet Union "on agreementwith the AfghanGov-
The leadersof 7 westernindustrialnations,meet-
ing in Venice, said that a Soviet withdrawalwould
have to be "permanentand continue until the com-
plete withdrawalof the Soviet troops."[NYT) (Seealso,PetroleumAffairs,Morocco)
June 23: Moscowradioreportedfrom Kabulthata So-
viet divisionand 108 tankswere being pulled out of 1980
June 26: NATO foreignministers,meetingin Ankara, May 29: Saudi ArabianCrown Prince Fahd met with
called for the "immediate,unconditionaland total PresidentChadliBenjedidin Algiers. [FBIS)
withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan." May30: SaudiArabianCrownPrinceFahdleft Algiers
[NYT) at the end of talkswith Algerianleaders.[AN]
June 30: West German ChancellorHelmut Schmidt July 15: The Cabinetwas reshuffledas follows:
called on the Soviet Union in Moscow to make a MohamedBen AhmedAbdel-Ghani:Premier
"completewithdrawal" from Afghanistan.[NYT) AhmedTalibIbrahimi:Presidential Adviser
July 2: The Soviet CommunistPartynewspaperPravda BoualemBen Hamouda:Interior
said that for a politicalsettlementof the situationin MohamedSeddikBen Yahia:ForeignAffairs
Afghanistanto take place, armedincursionsby the SalimSaadi:Agriculture& AgrarianReform
"mercenaries of the imperialistandreactionaryforces BrahimBrahmia:Hydrolics
fromthe territoryof neighboringstates"mustfirstbe MohamedKortebi:PublicWorks
ended. [NYT) BelkacemNabi:Energy& Petrochemicals
July 9: It was reportedthat insurgentshad raideda So- Said Ait Massaoudene:LightIndustry
viet militarycampnorth of Kabul3 daysearlierand MohamedLiassine:HeavyIndustry
thatSovietforceshadrespondedwith 3 daysof coun- MohamedHadj Yala:Finance
ter-attacks.[NYT) Abdel-HamidBrahimi:Planning& RegionalDevel-
July 20: Radio Kabulreporteda shuffleof administra- opment
tive posts had been effected and said that President Abdel-RazzakBouhara:Health
Karmalhad set up a "generalpresidencyfor guid- Abdel-Hak Brerhi:Higher Education& Scientific
ance"to supervisethe administrativework of prov- Research
inces and municipalities.[NYT) CherifKharroubi:Primary& Secondary Education
July 23: Radio Pakistansaid that EducationMinister MouloudOumeziane:Labor& Vocational Training
AnahitaRatebzadand the Deputy Ministerof Interi- Abdel-AzizKhellef:Commerce
or Affairshad been killed in Kabul 2 days earlier. Abdel-NourBekka:Posts& Telecommunications
[NYT) Ahmed Ali Ghazali:Housing,Construction & Town
July 25: It wasreportedthat2 battleshadtakenplacein Planning
July between Afghansoldiers of the ParchamParty BakhtiNemmiche:Mujdhidin
andthe Khalqfaction.At least 21 soldierswerekilled Abdel-RahmaneChibane:ReligiousAffairs
in the battles. [NYT) Djamel Houhou:Youth& Sports
July 31: It wasreportedthatSoviet troopshadfoiled an Abdel-MadjidAllahoum:Tourism
attempted coup againstthe governmentby Afghan SalahGoudjil:Transport
forces 2 weeks earlier.[NYT) BoualemBaki:Justice
Aug. 3: It was reported that Soviet forces had taken BoualemBessaieh:Information &Culture[MEED)

Bahrayn Vice President Husni Mubarak met with US Presi-

dent Jimmy Carter in Washington. [NYT)
US Secretary of Transportation Neil Goldschmidt
(Seealso, Oman) arrived in Cairo on a 4 day visit. [FBIS)
May 27: Vice President Mubirak arrived in London
1980 from Bonn on a 1 day visit and met with British Pre-
mier Margaret Thatcher. [FBIS]
June 21: Yemeni Deputy Premier Muhammad 'Abd al- June 5: President Sadat said that if Ethiopia interfered
Rahmin al-Ruba'i arrived in Manama from Qatar for with Egypt's water from the Nile there would be "no
talks with Bahrayni leaders. [FBIS] alternative but for us to use force." [NYT]
June 23: It was announced that Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin June 14: An Egyptian who worked for the Iraqi Atomic
Salmin Al Khalffah had accepted the resignation of Energy Commission was found murdered in Paris.
Labor and Social Affairs Minister Shaykh 'Isa bin [NYT]
Muhammad Al Khalifah. [FBIS} June 16: Egypt announced that it was reimposing martial
June 26. Niger President Seyni Kountche arrived in law in the regions along its border with Libya. [NYT]
Manama on an official 3 day visit. [FBIS} July 100:A squadron of US F-4E Phantom jets arrived in
Cairo from the US for 90 days of training exercises
with the Egyptian Air Force. [NYT}
July 12: US presidential candidate John Anderson ar-
rived in Egypt for talks with Egyptian leaders. [AN]

June 7: UN special envoy Javier Perez de Cuellar said

that Turkish Cypriot leaders had rejected a UN initia-
tive to reopen intercommunal negotiations on the Cy- (Seealso, Petroleum Affairs, Morocco, Pakistan, Syria)
prus question. [NYT)
June 9: President Spyros Kyprianou arrived in Prague 1980
on an official visit to Czechoslovakia. [TDN]
June 11: President Kyprianou arrived in East Berlin for May 17: A man was killed and another wounded at a
talks with East German leaders. [TDN) hotel in London when a bomb they were handling ex-
June 20: The UN Security Council approved a 6 month ploded. The men were believed to be Iranians.
extension of the mandate of the UN peacekeeping [NYT)
forces. [MEED] May 18: European Economic Community (EEC) For-
June 26: Kyprianou ended 4 days of talks with Greek eign Ministers said they would impose sanctions
leaders in Athens. [MEED) against Iran on contracts signed since the taking of the
Aug. 9: Representatives of the Greek Cypriot and Turk- US hostages the previous November. [NYT]
ish Cypriot communities met in Nicosia under UN May 19: Iranian armed forces units held maneuvers in
auspices. [TDN] the Strait of Hormuz. [NYT)
The British government decided to limit economic
sanctions against Iran to new contracts only. [NYT]
May 20: In a statement from Zenjan, students holding
US hostages said that any vote in the Parliament
Egypt against a trial of the hostages would "not speak for the
nation." [NYT)
Helicopters crossed into Iranian airspace from Af-
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran, Morocco)
ghanistan and opened fire, killing at least 1 person.
1980 May 21: The Pars News Agency said that 2 helicopters
from Afghanistan had violated Iranian airspace from
May 22: Egyptians went to the polls to approve a refer- Afghanistan during the day but had been repulsed by
endum on amendments to the constitution. Among border forces. [NYT]
the amendments were provisions allowing President Twenty people accused of narcotics offenses were
Anwar al-Sadit to remain in office indefinitely and executed. [NYT)
making the Islamic religious code the principal source May 22: A Conference of Islamic Foreign Ministers,
of legislation. [NYT} meeting in Islamabad, adopted a resolution opposing
May 23: The government announced that the constitu- any action against the sovereignty or territorial integ-
tional amendments had been endorsed by 98.96% of rity of Iran and warning against imposition of eco-
the voters. [NYT) nomic sanctions against Iran. [NYT]
The EEC trade embargo with Iran went into effect. June 10: Ayat AllIh Ruh Allih Khuymaynisaid that
Only Britain refused to make the measures retroac- Iran was in "chaos"and that he was worried"that
tive to the previous November. [NYT] the IslamicRepubliccould be defeatedby those who
Japan said it would impose a freeze on contracts are on our side."[NYT)
signed with Iran since the seizure of the US hostages. Tehranradioreportedthat 16 people hadbeen ex-
[NYT) ecuted in Tehran.[NYT}
Nine people were executed in Tehran for dealing June I 1: The New York Times reported that Ghulam 'ARl
in narcotics. [NYT) 'Uvaysli,formerArmyCommanderunderthe depos-
May 23: Military authorities said they had uncovered ed Shah,saidthatthe Iranianpeople were becoming
plans for a coup that was to have been staged the fol- "enraged"at injusticesin Iran and that "the Tehran
lowing day by a former general. [NYT} regime'sdaysare numbered."[NYT)
Demonstrators denouncing the US marched June12: Supportersof AyatAllih Khumayniattackeda
through Tehran and 14 other cities. [NYT) rallybeing held by the People's Mujihidin.Revolu-
May 24: The International Court of Justice ruled that tionaryguardsopened fire. At least 1 person was
Iran had violated and was still violating obligations to killed. [NYT)
the US and that Iran must "immediately take full The New York Times reported that Iran had an-
steps to redress the situation." It unanimously de- nouncedthat it had uncovereda conspiracyto over-
cided that Iran must "immediately terminate the un- throwthe regime.[NYT)
lawful detention" of the US hostages and said the June 14: AhmadKhumayni,son 6f the AyatAllah,criti-
hostages could not be held in Iran "to be subjected to cized the attackon the People'sMujihidinas "adis-
any formal judicial proceedings." The Court voted by grace to God and a disgrace to Islam." [NYT)
12 to 3 that Iran was obligated to make "reparations" June16: Memberof the UN CommissionDa'idi ended
to the US. [NYT] his visit to Iran. Foreign MinisterQutabzadahsaid
May 25: Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky arrived in that Da'5d! and the UN fact findingcommissionof
Tehran "to collect better information about the Is- whichhe wasa parthad"nomore reason,as faras we
lamic revolution." [NYT) are concerned,to returnto Iran."[NYT)
Adib Da'Qdi, a member of the UN commission June17: The Commanderof the RevolutionaryGuards,
that had visited Iran the previous March, met with an appointeeof Bani$adr,resignedbecauseof "pow-
Foreign Minister Sadiq Qutabzadah in Iran. [NYT) er-seekingandgroupdivisions"in theguards.[NYT)
May 26: Austrian Chancellor Kreisky met with Presi- June 18: The US Senatevoted to deplorethe actionsof
dent Abuilhasan Bani Sadr on the hostage situation privatecitizenswho would take part in negotiations
and departed Iran. [NYT) affectingthe hostages.[NYT)
May 28: A Majlis, or Parliament, convened in Tehran. June 19: Bani $adrappointeda new Chiefof Staff,Air
[NYT) ForceCommanderand ArmyCommander.[NYT)
May 29: Britain imposed economic sanctions against The newspaper The Islamic Revolutionpublished a
Iran. Restrictions applied only to new contracts being transcriptof a purportedconversationappearingto
negotiated by traders not already doing business with implicatean officialof the IslamicRepublicPartyin a
Iran. [NYT) plot to underminethe authorityof Bani$adr.[NYT)
June 2: A group of 10 Americans, including former US The head of the state radio resigned his post.
Attorney General Ramsey Clark, arrived in Tehran to [NYT)
attend an international conference on US "inter- June21: Militarycourtsaccuseda groupof allegedarmy
vention in Iran." [NYT) plottersof havingties to Iraqandsaidthat27 soldiers
The international conference on US "intervention" had been arrested.[NYT)
opened in Tehran. [NYT} June22: Two intrudersgainedentry to a house in New
June 3: Former Attorney General Clark volunteered to York City occupiedby relativesof the deposedShih.
take the place of any of the US hostages if it would The intrudersfled afterbeingconfrontedby security
help end the crisis. [NYT) guards.[NYT)
Pakistani Foreign Affairs Minister Agha Shahi ar- June 25: The Ayat Allaihcriticized "turbanedinfil-
rived in Tehran to attend meetings of a 3 member trators"who were tryingto undermineIslamin his
committee on Afghanistan. [FBIS) name. [NYT)
June 4. Clark said he had agreed to a request by Presi- June 26: The Islamic Revolutionpublished the outline of
dent Bani Sadr that he form a commission in the US an agreementbetweenBani$adrandmembersof the
to investigate US involvement in Iran during the rule IslamicRepublicParty.[NYT)
of deposed Shah Muhammad Riza Pahlavi. [NYT) June 27: The Ayat Allih called on the governmentto
June 6. The final document of the conference on "purgethose governmentofficialswho were "com-
"United States intervention in Iran" denounced the mittingcorruption"in their offices. [NYT)
US for interference in Iran and called Clark a "latter- The Shiahwas admittedto a hospitalnear Cairo.
day Rudolf Hess." [NYT] [NYT}
June 7: Six members of the American delegation to the US officialssaid the US was responsiblefor some
conference met with the student captors of the US radiobroadcastsin Persianaimedat underminingthe
hostages in Tehran. [NYT) Ayat Allih. [NYT)
June 8. Iran and Rumania signed a trade pact. [NYTI June 28: EgyptianPresident Anwar al-Sidat said the

Shah was in "very serious condition." [NYT} A spokesman said that at least 7 people had been
Pakistani Foreign Minister Agha Shahi arrived in killed in connection with the coup plot. [NYT}
Tehran to meet with Iranian leaders. [FBIS] July 13: An official said that 2 former generals had been
June 29. Ban! Sadr announced that he had appointed arrested as masterminds of the plot and had confessed
Kizim Bujnurdi as Commander of the Revolutionary that they wanted to bring former Premier Bakhtiyar
Guards. [NYTI "back to Iran." [NYT)
June 30: A Soviet diplomat was ordered expelled for July 14: The New YorkTimes reported that firing squads
spying. [NYT] had executed 26 people, including a general, during
The Shah underwent minor surgery at a hospital the night. [NYT]
near Cairo. [NYTI July 15: It was announced that Queen was suffering
July 1. Employees of Tehran's water board went on from multiple sclerosis. [NYT)
strike, demanding pay increases. [NYT} July 16: The government banned all travel into and out
July 2: Iranian physicians staged a 1 day strike to protest of the country for 48 hours in order to aid efforts to
the execution of a doctor earlier in the week. [NYT} capture coup plotters.- [NYT]
July 3. Four people were executed by stoning in Ker- July 17: Authorities announced that former Health
man. [NYT] Minister Anfishirvin Puiyan and former Commerce
Seven people were executed by firing squads. and Industry Minister 'Abbas Qtili Bakhtiyair had
[NYTI been arrested in a search for conspirators. [NYTI
July 4. More than 500,000 people marched in Tehran in July 18: Eight people were hanged in Tehran. {NYT}
support of the Ayat AllIh and demanded the purge of Tehran radio broadcast a statement by a group
all "counterrevolutionaries" from the government. called the "Guardsmen of Islam" which said that
[NYT] Bakhtiyar had been condemned to death. [NYT)
Fourteen people were executed in Shiraz for drug Gunmen in Paris attempted to assassinate Bakh-
offenses. [NYT] tiyar at his apartment. Bakhtiyar was unhurt but 2
Police in France stormed the Iranian Embassy in people were killed in the attack. Three gunmen were
Paris and arrested Iranian students who had occupied captured. [NYT]
the building to protest against Qutabazadahand other Queen arrived in Washington. [NYT]
government officials. [NYT] July 19: Qutabzadah said in Paris that Iran had had
US President Jimmy Carter said that "fanatics"and nothing to do with the assassination attempt and that
"terrorists" in Iran were responsible for the contin- it had "denounced such actions anywhere in the
ued holding of the hostages. [NYT] world." [NYTI
July 5: About 2,000 women demonstrated in Tehran to July 20. The Ayat Allah said that the new government
protest against an Islamic dress code. [NYT] that would be appointed must be "decisive and 100
July 6. The student captors broadcast a statement saying percent Islamic," and said the Majlis must reject any
that some of the hostages had been transferred from 3 proposed ministers who were not "100 percent revo-
cities to other sites because of "satanic plots" by the lutionary." [NYT)
US against the lives of the hostages. [NYT] The Majlis elected Ayat Allah Hashimi Rafsanjani
July 7. The Soviet press agency Tass said that it had in- as Speaker. [NYT]
formation that elements in Iran hostile to the Soviet July 21: Six people accused of subversion were exe-
Union intended to carry out "provocative actions" cuted. [FBIS]
against its Embassy in Tehran and demanded that Iran July 22. A gunman assassinated 'All Akhbar Tabatabili,
take "all appropriate measures" to prevent such ac- a former press attache, in Bethesda, Maryland.
tions. [NYT] Tabataba'i was an opponent of the Ayat A11ah.
July 8: Seven men convicted of drug trafficking were [NYT]
executed in Tehran. Ten other people were executed State radio reported that Ban! Sadr had proposed
in various parts of the country. [NYT] Ahmad Khumayni as Premier the month before but
The government announced a ban on all political that the Ayat Allah had rejected the proposal. [NYT]
demonstrations "for reasons of security." [NYT] Ban! $adr was formally sworn in by the Majlis as
July 10: It was announced that the government had President. [FBIS]
smashed a plot by military officers to bomb the home July 23: Three bombs exploded in a parking lot in cen-
of the Ayat Allih and other targets in Tehran and tral Tehran, killing 6 people and injuring at least 100
Qum. [NYT] others. [NYT]
July 11. The New York Times reported that the Ayat July 25: Iran denounced Israel and the US in the UN
AllIh had ordered the release of Richard Queen, one General Assembly during a debate on the question of
of the US hostages, because of illness. [NYT] Palestine. The US delegation walked out of the As-
Queen flew to Zurich and was hospitalized for ob- sembly. [NYT]
servation. [NYT] July 26: Bani $adr nominated Mustafa Mir Salim to be
Former Premier Shahpur Bakhtiyar praised in ex- Premier. [NYTI
ile the "courage and determination' of the plotters. July 27: The Shah died in an Egyptian military hospital
[NYT] near Cairo, aged 60. [NYT]
July 12: Queen was transferred from Zurich to a US Air Egyptian President Sadat ordered a state funeral to
Force hospital in Wiesbaden, West Germany. [NYT] be held for the Shah. [NYT]

The US issued a statement saying the death of the fahan was arrested on charges of spying. [NYT)
Shah marked "the end of an era in Iran, which all Iranians demonstrated in support of the Ayat Allah
hope will be followed by peace and stability."[NYT) in Washington. Counter demonstrators confronted
Iranian supporters and opponents of the Ayat them. [NYT)
Allih demonstrated in Washington. More than 190 Three of the detained Iranians on hunger strike in
male and female demonstrators were arrested. London were removed to a prison hospital. [NYT)
[NYT] Italian police arrested 22 Iranians demonstrating in
July 29: The Shah was buried at Al Rifa'i Mosque in support of Iranians held in the US and Britain.
Cairo. [NYT] [NYT]
The Foreign Ministry said the police in Washington Aug. 9: Bani Sadr nominated Education Minister
had engaged in "savage attacks" on demonstrators Muhammad 'Ali Raja'l to be Premier. [NYT)
supporting the Ayat Allah. [NYT] A spokesman for an Iranian student organization
July 30: A letter signed by 187 members of the US Con- said in the US that the organization had not been re-
gress urging Iran to resolve the hostage crisis was read ceiving "any money" from the government of Iran.
in the Majlis. [NYT] [NYT)
July 31: Twenty four people, including 11 implicated in The Iranian Embassy in London charged that Brit-
the coup plot, were executed in various cities. [NYT} ish police had "unjustly assaulted" supporters of the
Aug. 2: It was announced that the male and female Ira- Ayat AllIh who had been detained while demonstrat-
nian demonstrators who had been arrested in Wash- ing earlier in the week. [NYT)
ington had been transferred to separate detention Aug. 11: The Majlis approved the nomination of Raja'i
facilities in New York state. None of the detainees as Premier. [NYT)
would give their names to US authorities. [NYT) Aug. 13: The British Foreign Office said it feared that 2
Aug. 3: The Ayat Allah said that the Iranian demon- Anglican missionaries had been arrested in Iran and
strators detained in the US were "chained in prison said that "urgent inquiries" were being made with Ira-
and under torture." [NYT) nian officials. [NYT)
Aug. 4. A US State Department spokesman said the US The heads of 9 Embassies in Tehran met with Raf-
would welcome a UN investigation of the prison con- sanjani to urge the release of the hostages. [NYT)
ditions of the Iranian detainees. [NYT] Aug. 15: Fifteen people, including former air force chief
Majlis Speaker Ayat AllIh Rafsanjnai said that de- Sa'id Mihdiyan, were executed in Tehran for their
bate on the hostages would be postponed because of parts in a coup plot. [NYT)
the treatment of Iranian detainees in the US. [NYT}
About 67 Iranian demonstrators in London were
arrested after a clash with police outside the US Em-
bassy. [NYT]
Aug. 5: About 250,000 people demonstrated in Tehran
to protest the alleged mistreatment of the Iranian de- Iraq
tainees in the US. [NYT]
After the detainees gave their names, the US freed
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs,
171 Iranian men who had been imprisoned in Otis-
Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey)
ville, New York. Another Iranian was taken to Wash-
ington to face charges. [NYT]
Twenty Iranian women being detained in Manhat- 1980
tan were freed. [NYT]
Aug. 6: The Iranian demonstrators detained in London May 177:Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Baghdad and
went on a hunger strike. [NYT] met with President $addiLmHusayn. [FBIS)
Aug. 7: US officials said they had evidence that Iran had May 19: MauritanianPresident Mohamed Khouna Ould
sent money and assistance to help supporters of the Haydala met with President Husayn in Baghdad.
Ayat AllIh foment civil disturbances in the US. [FBIS]
[NYT} May 25: Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi arrived in
The British Foreign Office appealed to the Iranian Baghdad for talks on bilateral relations. [AN)
charge d'affairsto help persuade the detained Iranians May 26: Omani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
to "cooperate with the authorities." [NYT] Qays 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Zawawi arrived in Iraq on a
Iranian demonstrators marched in Washington in visit. [AN)
support of the Ayat Allh. They were taunted by May 28: Bulgarian Chairman of the State Council Todor
American counter demonstrators. [NYT] Zhivkov arrived in Baghdad on an official visit.
Aug. 8: Iran threatened to recall its Ambassador from [FBIS)
Moscow on the grounds that the Soviet Union was June 4: Two gunmen opened fire on the Iraqi Embassy
supplying weapons to Iraq for attacks on Iran. [NYT] in Rome, killing 1 person. One of the gunmen was
Bakhtiyar announced the formation of a national captured by Embassy guards. A bomb left by the at-
resistance movement and called on Iranians to over- tackers was diffused. [NYT)
throw the Islamic Republic. [NYT] June 9: Foreign Minister Sa'duinHammidli left Iraq for
The former secretary to the Anglican Bishop of Is- Paris on an official visit. [FBIS)

June 19: Three gunmen entered the British Embassy in a group of squatters at the tent city in Jerusalem.
Baghdad. Iraqi security forces stormed the building [NYT)
and killed the gunmen. [NYT] June 19: Squatters left the tent city after the government
June 20: Voters went to the polls to elect a National promised better housing. [NYT]
Assembly. [NYT3 The government ordered a $145m cutback in its
June 23: Niger President Seyni Kountche met with Hu- military budget to help curb inflation. [NYT)
sayn in Baghdad. [FBIS) June 23: Two members of the Democratic Movement
July 5: The Kuwayti newspaper al-Ra'y al-'Am quoted left the government coalition to form a new party.
Oil Minister Tayih 'Abd al-Karim as saying that Arab [NYT}
nations should use their oil as a political weapon to June 30: Begin was hospitalized after suffering a heart
resist superpower intervention in the Middle East. attack. [NYT]
[NYT] July 8: US presidential candidate John Anderson arrived
July 13: TheJerusalemPost cited "diplomatic sources" as in Israel for talks with Israeli leaders. UP]
saying France had shipped a consignment of uranium July 20: Two Israeli soldiers pleaded guilty to charges of
to Iraq. UP] removing arms from a military base without author-
July 27: An Iraqi diplomat was killed in Abu Dhabi ity, using a military vehicle without authority and im-
when a bomb exploded at his house. Two colleagues personating officers. [NYT}
were wounded. [FBIS] July 21: A Defense Ministry spokesman said that an ac-
Aug. 7: Time bombs wrecked the offices of an Italian cidental explosion during a weapons test at a defense
company in Rome that was supplying nuclear tech- installation in central Israel the day before had killed
nology and equipment to Iraq. The Committee for 6 people. [NYT]
Safeguarding the Islamic Revolution in Iran claimed July 24: Begin said he had no objection to criticism of
responsibility. [NYT] Israeli policies by US Jews as long as they did not
Aug. 14: Moviegoers at a theater in a suburb of Baghdad issue public advice on security matters "within ear-
fled an electrical fire in the building. The stampede shot of our enemies who conspire to do us evil."
left 59 people dead. [NYT] [NYT]
July 31: Justice Minister Shmuel Tamir announced his
resignation from the Cabinet. [NYT]
Luxembourg Foreign Minister Gaston Thorn ar-
rived in Jerusalem on a fact-finding mission for the
Israel European Economic Community. [NYT]
Aug. 8: The head of the Internal Security Service con-
firmed reports that he was resigning. [NYT}
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iran,Lebanon,
Aug. 12: Israeli officials said that the correspondent of
The WashingtonStar would be indicted under the Of-
ficial Secrets Act for revealing the identity of the head
1980 of the Internal Security Service. [NYT]
Aug. 13: The Knesset voted to approve the appoint-
May 25: Defense Minister Ezer Weizman resigned his ment of Moshe Nissim as Justice Minister. [NYT]
post. [NYT)
May 26. US Secretary of Transportation Neil Gold-
schmidt met with Premier Menahem Begin in Jerusa-
lem. [FBIS]
Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek cancelled a sched-
uled tour of Jerusalem for US Secretary of Transpor-
tation Goldschmidt after refusing a request by
Goldschmidt that the itinerary of the tour be (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iraq, Kuwayt)
changed. [fBIS]
May 27: The US rejected an Israeli request to renew an 1980
agreement that gave Israel preferential access to US
strategic stockpiles. [NYT] May 18: King Husayn returned to Amman at the end of
June 1: The Cabinet unanimously agreed that Premier a 2 day visit to Iraq. [FBIS]
Begin should retain the post of Defense Minister. May 28: King Husayn left Amman for London on a pri-
[NYT} vate visit to the UK. [FBIS]
June 2: A motion of no confidence was defeated in the June 16: King Husayn arrived in Washington for talks
Knesset by a vote of 58 to 48. [NYT] with US President Jimmy Carter on the Middle East
June 16: The New York Times reported that Begin had situation. [NYT]
met with a group of Israelis who had set up a tent city June 19: US officials said the White House had agreed to
in Jerusalem to protest government housing policies. sell Jordan 100 M-60 tanks with advanced armament.
June 18: A Supreme Court justice issued a temporary July 3: Premier 'Abd al-Hamid Sharaf died in Amman,
injunction prohibiting the government from evicting aged 41. [NYT]
King HusaynaskedAgricultureMinisterQasimal-
Raymdwito assumethe Premiership.[NYT] Lebanon
July 3: A new Cabinetwas swornin:
Qasim al-RaymAwi:Premierand Defense 1980
Sa'id al-Tall: Information May 16: The State radio reported that Israeli military
TahirHikmat:Culture & Youth forces had crossed into Lebanon and taken up posi-
ZuhayrMalhas:Health tions near the town of Shaqra. [NYT)
Najib Irshayddt:Justice The state radio said that Israeli gunboats and heli-
MuhammadNdri Shafiq:Education copter gunships had been sighted off the southern
Ma'anAbu Nuwwir:PublicWorks coast and bombarded Al Rameili near Sidon. [NYT}
'All al-Suhaymat: Transport and State for Premier's May 23: Christian militiamen in southern Lebanon
Office shelled the port of Sidon, killing 5 people. [NYT)
Jamal al-Shi'ir: Municipalities May 28: Rival Muslim factions battled in the suburbs of
'Ali al-Nusur:Trade & Industry Beirut and in southern Lebanon, leaving 19 people
Jawid al-'Andni:Supply dead. [NYT)
In'im al-Mufti: Social Development June 5: The New YorkTimes reported that an Israeli task
Muwaffaqal-Fawwiz:Tourism & Antiquities force had raided the port of Sidon during the night
'Umar al-NAbulsi:Laborand Construction and killed a number of people. [NYT)
Marwan al-Qisim: ForeignAffairs June 7: The Cabinet submitted its resignation to Presi-
Silim al-Musa'dah:
Finance dent Ilyas Sarkis. [NYT)
Sulaymin 'Arar: Agriculture & Premier's Office June 17: A car bomb exploded outside a beachfront ca-
[MEED] sino in Beirut, killing 2 people. [NYT)
Aug. 10: LuxembourgForeignMinisterGastonThorn June 25: Israeli gunboats shelled targets at 3 sites in
met with King Ijusaynin Jordonon the MiddleEast southern Lebanon. [NYT)
situation.[NYT] July 6: A neighborhood leader of the Arab Socialist
Union was killed in West Beirut. [NYT)
July 7: Fighting broke out in Beirut between Phalanges
militiamen and forces of the National Liberal Party.
At least 7 5 people were killed in the clashes. [NYT)
Forces of the Arab Socialist Union and the
Murabitun took place in West Beirut. [NYT)
Kuwayt July 8: The New York Times reported that Phalanges
forces had captured the 2 main garrisons of the Na-
tional Liberal Party at Safra and Amsheit on the
(Seealso, ArabIsraeliConflict,PetroleumAffairs)
northern coast. [NYT)
July 9: Following talks between leaders of the Phalanges
1980 Party and the National Liberal Party, the Phalanges
Party announced that it would unify all private Chris-
May21: Mauritanian Head of State MohamedKhouna tian militia groups in east Beirut into a single military
Ould Haydalaarrivedin Kuwayton a 2 dayvisit and unit called the National Home Guard. [NYT)
was met by Amir ShaykhJdbiral-AhmadAl Sabih. Gunmen killed an Iraqi diplomat and wounded 3
[AN] other Iraqis in Beirut. [NYT)
June 1: A bomb exploded at the Londonoffice of the July 10: A Phalanges spokesman said the party planned
KuwaitOil Company.No one was injured.[NYT] to "liberate" the country from "Palestinian occupa-
June 9: Kuwaytand the US signed a science and tech- tion." [NYT)
nology cooperationagreement.[NYT] July 13: Dany Sham'un, son of National Liberal Party
June28: Niger PresidentSeyniKountchearrivedin Ku- leader Camille Sham'uln,vowed to fight the Phalanges
waytfor meetingswith Kuwaytileaders.[FBIS} Party to "save the Christians from these bloodthirsty
July 5. PakistaniForeignAffairsMinisterAgha Shahi madmen." [NYT]
met with Amir ShaykhJabirin Kuwayt.[FIBS] July 16. President Sarkis accepted the resignation of the
July 6: South Yemeni Chairmanof the Presidium'Ali Cabinet. [NYT)
Nisir Muhammadarrivedin Kuwaytfor talks with July 20: Sarkis named former Premier Taqi al-Din Sulh
ShaykhJabir.[FIBS] to be Premier. [NYT)
July 12: Two explosionstook place at the officesof Al- July 23: Chairman of the Press Syndicate Riyad Taha,
Ra'yal-'Am,killingat least 1 person. [NYT] was assassinated in Beirut. [NYT)
July 24: Two Jordanianshijackeda KuwaitAirlinesjet- July 25: Journalists started a 2 day strike to protest the
liner and demanded3/4m dollars.[NYT] murder of Chairman of the Press Syndicate Taha.
July 25: The hijackerssurrenderedin Kuwaytafterhav- [NYT)
ing forced the jetlinerto fly aroundthe Gulffor more July 26: Heavy shooting broke out in Baalbek as the
than 24 hours. [NYT] body of Taha arrived on its way for burial in the town

of Hermil. [NYT)
July 28: A member of the Ba'th Party was assassinatedin
Beirut. Later fighting broke out between Ba'th Party
forces and Shi'a Muslim militiamen. [NYT) 1980
July 30: A bomb exploded in East Beirut, killing 16
people. [NYT)
Aug. 3: The state radio said that Lebanese Christian and May 24: It was announced that voters had approved a
Israeli artillerymen had shelled the city of Tyre and constitutional amendment to allow a successor to
adjacent Palestinian refugee camps. Israel denied the King Hasan II to ascend the throne as early as the age
report. [NYT) of 16. [NYT)
Aug. 9: Premier designate al-Sulh met with Sarkis and The government said that the Polisario Front had
submitted a letter indicating he could not form a Cab- attacked the Moroccan town of Abattekh 3 times be-
inet. [FBIS) ginning on May 15 but that the attacks had been re-
Aug. 13: An Israeli patrol boat moved into Lebanese pulsed. [AN)
territorial waters and fired shells into the city of Tyre. May 27: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd met with
Heavy machine gun fire was returned. [NYT) King Hasan in Fez. [AN]
May 30: Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Sa'ud al-Faysal
arrived in Fez from Algiers and met with King Hasan.
Libya June 9: Tunisian Premier Mohammed Mzali arrived in
Rabat on a 3 day official visit and met with Premier
Maati Bouabid. [FBIS]
(Seealso, Petroleum Affairs, Egypt) June 22: Iran established diplomatic relations with the
"SaharanArab Democratic Republic" of the Polisario
1980 Front. [AN]
July 3: Eight nations, including Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt
May 20: A Libyan merchant was found murdered in and Sudan, said they would quit the Organization of
Rome. UP] African Unity (OAU) if the "Saharan Arab Demo-
May 21: A Libyan was found murdered in a suburb of cratic Republic" of the Polisario Front were admitted
Athens. He was reported to have been an opponent to the OAU. [NYT}
of Head of State Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhifi. UP] July 4. The OAU ended an annual conference in Free-
May 25: West German authorities expelled 2 Libyans town, Sierra Leone. A spokesman said a committee
who had been arrested on suspicion of aiding a group had been formed to study the question of Western
that was mounting terrorist acts against Libyan exiles. Sahara. [NYT]
[NYT) July 14: The Cuban consul in the Canary Islands accused
June 11: A Libyan was assassinated in Milan. A second the Moroccan Air Force of carrying out a "brutaland
Libyan was wounded by a gunman in a Rome suburb. cruel" strafing of 2 Cuban ships off the Western Saha-
[NYT) ran coast. [NYT]
June 13: Britain expelled the head of the Libyan diplo- July 18: Forty five political prisoners were released after
matic mission in London a day after he had publicly being pardoned by King Hasan. [NYT]
endorsed the plans of a Libyan assassination squad to
murder 2 Libyan exiles in the UK. [NYT)
A firebomb was thrown at the British Embassy in
Tripoli. [FBIS)
June 28: Senegal broke off diplomatic relations with
Libya. [FBIS)
July 7: Maltese Premier Dom Mintoff said that Libya Oman
had stopped supplying oil to Malta. [MEES]
July 14: Billy Carter, brother of US President Jimmy
(Seealso, Iraq)
Carter, registered as an agent of the government of
Libya and disclosed he had received payment from
Libya of over $220,000. [NYT) 1980
Aug. 4: US President Carter said that his brother Billy
had had "no influence or effect on my decisions or on May 23: Yemeni Deputy Premier for Foreign Affairs
any United States government policy or actions con- Hasan Makki left Muscat at the end of a visit. [FBIS]
cerning Libya." [NYT) June 5: The US State Department said that an agree-
Aug. 7: Libya said its relations with Billy Carter were ment with Oman had been completed that gave US
"normal"ties of the sort engaged in with other promi- military forces access to certain Omani airfields.
nent US citizens. [NYT) [NYT)
Aug. 9: Head of State Qadhdhafi said that the $220,000 July 21: Information Minister 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Rawwas
given to Billy Carter was "a loan related to business." returned to Muscat from Manama at the end of a 2
[NYT] day visit to Bahrayn. [FBIS]

July 30: The government announced that diplomatic re-

lations with Thailand would be established at the am-
bassadorial level. [FBISj
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs)

June 21: Yemeni Deputy Premier Muhammad 'Abd al-
Rahman al-Ruba'iarrived in Doha on a visit. [FBISJ
(Seealso, Afghanistan, Iran, Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia)

May 17: A Conference of Islamic Foreign Ministers SaudiArabia
opened in Islamabad. [NYT)
May 18: Eight Afghan guerrilla leaders joined the Ira-
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Morocco)
nian delegation at the Conference of Islamic Foreign
Ministers. [NYT]
May 19: Iranian Foreign Minister Sadiq Qutabzadah 1980
urged the Conference to condemn both US "aggres-
sion" in Iran and Soviet "aggression" in Afghanistan. June 1. An explosive device was thrown from a passing
[NYT] car at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Brussels. [NYT)
May 22: The Conference of Islamic Foreign Ministers June 16. King Khalid arrived in Bonn on a 4 day visit
ended. It condemned "American aggression" against and met with West German President Karl Carstens.
Iran, rejected Israeli policy toward Jerusalem, called [NYTI
for the "immediate, total and unconditional" with- June 17. A State Department spokesman said that the
drawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and an- US was considering selling Saudi Arabia military
nounced a ministerial committee to begin hardware and missiles for F-15 jet fighters because
"appropriate consultations" for a settlement of the the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan had altered "the
Afghan crisis. [NYT) regional security atmosphere." [NYT)
June 1. Foreign Affairs Adviser Agha Shahi was sworn in June 23: Senegalese President LIopold Senghor arrived
as Foreign Minister. [FBISJ in Jiddah and met with King Khilid. [FBIS)
June 3. President Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq said that gen- June 25. The New YorkTimes reported that Saudi Arabia
eral elections to establish a civilian government would had directed international contractors not to award
be held. He set no date for their occurrence. [NYT) contracts to British companies for work at Jubayil or
June 8: Foreign Minister Shahi left Islamabad for 4 days Yanbu. [NYT)
of talks on Afghanistan with Rumania and West Ger- June 28: South Yemeni President 'Ali Nasir Mu-
many. [NYTI hammad arrived in Riyadh for talks with Saudi
June 16: Government officials accused Soviet aircraft of leaders on bilateral relations. [NYT)
violating Pakistani air space from Afghanistan in re- July 2. Niger President Seyni Kountch6 left Jiddah at
cent weeks. [NYT) the end of a 2 day visit. [FBISJ
July 4" A convention of Shi'a Muslims began in Islama- July 8: A coalition of 68 US Senators urged US Presi-
bad. [FBIS] dent Jimmy Carter to reject a Saudi Arabian request
July 5.' Shi'a demonstrators protesting against govern- for military equipment for its F-15 fighter planes.
ment tax laws clashed with police in Islamabad. At [NYT)
least 1 person was killed. [NYT) July 9.' Defense Minister Prince Sultan criticized Con-
July 6: A government communiqu6 said that President gress for trying to block the sale of military equip-
Zia-ul-Haq had promised changes in a tax law that ment to Saudi Arabia and said the Kingdom would
Shi'a protestors had charged was contrary to their re- "never ask for a weapon and be refused." [NYT)
ligious laws. [NYT) Pakistani President Mohamed Zia-ul-Haq arrived
Aug. 5: Eleven members of the Communist Party were in al-Tg'lf on a visit. [FBIS]
arrested. Police charged that they were planning July 28. Saudi Arabia and the UK announced that they
"subversive activities." [NYT) were resuming relations at the ambassadorial level.
Aug. 7: Zia-ul-Haq left Islamabad on a 2 day visit to [NYT)
Saudi Arabia. [FBIS) Aug. 5: Iraqi President Saddam Husayn arrived in al-
Aug. 9: The New YorkTimes reported that former Presi- Ta'if and was met by King Khalid. [FBIS]
dent Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan had died, aged Aug. 7: Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq arrived inJiddah
63. [NYT) on a private visit. [FBIS)

June 20: Security men killed 8 members of the Muslim

SouthYemen Brotherhood in a gunfight in Homs. [FBIS]
June 24: Niger President Seyni Kountche arrived in Da-
(Seealso, Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab mascus on a 3 day official visit. [FBIS]
Amirates, Yemen) June 28: Syrian Orthodox Church leader Moran More
Ignatius Yacoub III, Patriarchof Antioch, died in Da-
mascus, aged 67. [NYT]
1980 July 2: Iranian Deputy Premier Sadiq Tabataba'i ar-
rived in Damascus for meetings with Syrian leaders.
May 25: Chairman of the Presidium 'All Nasir Mu- [FBIS]
hammad left South Yemen on a tour of Syria and July 3: The New YorkTimes cited a British Broadcasting
the Soviet Union. [AN] Corporation report as saying that an assassination at-
May 30: Chairman of the Presidium Muhammad re- tempt on President Asad had occurred the week be-
turned to South Yemen at the end of a tour of Syria fore. [NYT)
and the Soviet Union. [FBIS] Jily 11: Archbishop Ilyas Zakka of Baghdad was elected
June 13: Muhammad returned to Aden from San'a'. Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all Orient.
July 2: Muhammad returned to Aden at the end of a 3 July 21: Former Premier and co-founder of the Arab
day visit to the UAA. [FBIS) Socialist Ba'th Party Salah al-Bitar was assassinated in
Paris. [NYT)

(Seealso, Morocco)
(Seealso, General, Morocco)
May 24: Ethiopian Chairman of the Provisional Military
Administrative Council Mengistu Haile Mariam ar- Aug. 3: President Habib Bourguiba said there were no
rived in Khartoum on a 5 day official visit. [AN] longer any political prisoners in Tunisian jails follow-
June 3: President Ja'faral-Numayri relieved Vice Presi- ing the release 2 days earlier of 2 union members sen-
dent al-Rashid al-TiahirBakr and Minister of Peo- tenced to jail terms after riots in January, 1978.
ple's Assembly Affairs Jalal 'Ali Lutfi from their [NYT)
posts. [FBIS]
The following Ministers were appointed:
Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahman:Internal Affairs
Haydar Kabsuin:Public Serviceand Administrative
June 6: President Numayri met with the Heads of State (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General)
of Tanzania and Uganda in Arusha, Tanzania. [FBIS]
June 7: Numayri met with Kenyan President Daniel 1980
Arap Moi in Nakuru, Kenya. [FBIS]
June 9: Former Vice President Bakr was elected Speak- May 27: Former Minister of Customs and Monopolies
er of the People's Assembly. [FBIS] Gun Sazak was assassinated in Ankara. [TDN)
June 28: Numayri left Khartoum on a 3 week private June 1: The state radio reported that 13 Turkish peas-
visit during which he was to undergo medical check- ants had been killed by gunfire from Iraqi helicopters
ups. [FBIS) after they had entered Iraqi territory to collect fod-
July 28: Numayri returned to Khartoum at the end of der. [NYT)
visits to the US and UK. [MEED) June 9: The Lira was devalued against the US dollar by
5.5%. [TDN}
June 17: A former deputy of the Republican People's
Syria Party was assassinated in Nevlehir. [TDN)
June 18: The International Monetary Fund approved a 3
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, South Yemen) year $1.6 billion loan to Turkey. [NYT}
The Parliament voted to extend martial law in 20
provinces for 2 months. [NYT]
1980 June 24: Parliament agreed to consider a motion of no
confidence against the government. [NYT]
May 25: South Yemeni Chairman of the Presidium 'Ali US Secretary of State Edmund Muskie arrived in
Nasir Muhammad arrived in Syria and was met by Ankara and met with Premier Suleyman Demirel.
President Hafiz al-Asad. [FBIS] [NYT)
June 25: A MinisterialCouncil meeting of NATO Aug. 8: A military court sentenced 22 people to death
opened in Ankara.[TDN] for theirr6lesin the murderof more than100 people
June 28: Greek Foreign Minister ConstantineMitso- in Kahramanmaras in 1978. Fifteen defendantsre-
takismet withForeignMinisterHayrettinErkmen.It ceivedcommuteddeathsentencesand411 of the 835
was agreed that periodicmeetings at the ministerial defendants charged with "armedinsurrectionand
level would be held. [NYT} massacre"were acquitted.[NYT)
July 2: A no confidencemotion was defeatedby a vote
of 227 to 214. [NYT]
July 3: TurkishDaily News reportedthat a curfewhad
been imposedon the city of forum followingterror-
ist incidentsduringthe nightwhichhadleft 3 people
dead. [TDN] United ArabAmirates
July 4: At least 4 people were killed duringclashesbe-
tween Sunni and Alevi Muslimsin the town of 5:o-
(Seealso, Iraq, South Yemen)
rum. [NYT]
Militaryreinforcementswere sent to 5orum to
quell sectarianviolence. [NYT) 1980
July 8: The Iraq-Turkeyoil pipeline was blown up in
southeastTurkeynearthe villageof Silopi. [MEES] June30: SouthYemeni Chairmanof the Presidium'Ali
July 11: Troopsenteredthe townof Fatsa.It wasreport- Nasir Muhammadarrivedin Abu DhabifromJiddah
ed that the Mayorand nearly400 residentshadbeen on a 2 day visit. [FBIS]
takeninto custody.[NYT) July 1: South Yemeni Chairmanof the Presidium
July 15: A deputy from Istanbulof the Republican Muhammad met with President Shaykh Zayid bin
People's Partywas assassinated.[NYT) Sultan Al Nuhayyan in Abu Dhabi. [FBIS)
July 19: FormerPremierNihat Erimwasassassinated by
gunmenin a suburbof Istanbul.[NYT]
July20: Politicalviolencein variouspartsof Turkeyleft
22 people dead. [NYT)
July 21: InteriorMinisterMustafaGuilcigilresignedhis
post. [NYT) Yemen
July 22: The leaderof the Metalworkers'Union wasas-
sassinatedin Istanbul.[NYT)
July 23: Hundreds of thousandsof workersstopped
work in majorcities to protest the murderof the la-
bor leader. [NYT) 1980
July25: It wasannouncedthatPremierDemirelandRe-
publican People's Party leader Bulent Ecevit had June 3: InformationMinisterYahyaHusaynal-'Arashi
agreedto supportlegislationreinforcingthe authority returned to San'a' at the end of a visit to the Soviet
of the armyandthe courtsagainstterrorism.[NYT) Union. [FBIS]
July 31: A gunmanassassinatedthe Turkishattacheand June 9: South Yemeni Chairmanof the Presidium'Ali
his daughterin Athens.The ArmenianSecretArmy Na.sirMuhammadarrivedin San'a'on an officialvisit.
for the Liberationof Armeniaclaimedresponsibility. [FBIS)
[NYT) June 10: South Yemeni Chairmanof the Presidium
Aug. 1: Turkeyrecalledits Ambassadorfrom Iraqfor Muhammadmet with President'Al 'AbdallihSalih
consultations,citingIraqiinactionfollowingthe kill- in San'l. [FBIS]
ing of 10 Turkishcitizensby Iraqisoldiersat the end June24: Deputy PremierMuhammad'Abdal-Rahmin
of May. [NYT) al-Ruba'i returned to San'i' at the end of a tour of 5
Aug. 5: A gunmanwounded 4 people at the Turkish ArabGulf nations.[FBIS]
consulate in Lyons, France. An Armeniangroup July8: Muhammad endeda visit to Yemenandreturned
claimedresponsibility.[NYT) to Aden. [FBIS]

AN, Arab News (Arab New Building, P.O. Box 4556, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). FBIS, ForeignBroadcastInformation
ServiceDaily Report:Middle East and North Africa and ForeignBroadcastInformationServiceDaily Report:Sosth Asia
(NTIS, US Departmentof Commerce,Springfield,Va. 22151). JP, TheJermsalem Post(TheJerusalemPost Build-
ing,Jerusalem,P.O. Box 81). MEED,MiddleEastEconomic Digest(21 John Street,LondonWC1N 2BP, England).
MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey (P.O. Box 4940, Nicosia, Cyprus). NYT, The New YorkTimes (229 W. 43rd St.,
New York, N.Y. 10036).TDN, Turkish DailyNews(TunusCad.49/7, Ankara,Turkey).WP,TheWashingtonPost
(1150 15th St., N.W., Washington,D.C. 20071).

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