Middle East Institute

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Chronology February 1, 1981-April 30, 1981

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Summer, 1981), pp. 364-378
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4326251 .
Accessed: 21/02/2012 04:35

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February1, 1981-April 30, 1981

Arab-IsraelConflict expected the move to pave the way for mutual

recognition between the PLO and Israel. UP]
Feb. 16: Two rockets hit the South Yemeni Embassy in
(Seealso, Israel, Lebanon)
Paris, causing damage but no injuries. A group saying
it was avenging the bombing of a Paris synagogue the
year before claimed responsibility. [NYT)
1981 Israel called Sadat's proposal for a government in
exile "an absolute complete contradiction to the spirit
Feb. 2: US President Ronald Reagan said that he of the Camp David accords." UP)
thought there should be "some kind of American The Supreme Court of Israel blocked a bid by the
presence" in the Middle East so that the Soviet Union government to take over an Arab run electric compa-
would know "that if they made a reckless move, they ny's franchise on the West Bank, but it approved the
would be risking a confrontation with the United takeover with respect to East Jerusalem. [NYT}
States." [NYT} Feb. 20. Israel Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir met
Feb. 4. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) official with US Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Jr., in
Faruiq QaddQmi said that the US should censure Washington. Haig said later that there were "differ-
Israel for conducting a "state terrorism unique in the ences" between the US and Israel with respect to US
history of mankind." [NYT] military aid to Saudi Arabia. [NYT}
Feb. 9: Israel Interior Minister Yosef Burg warned that Feb. 23: Israel Foreign Minister Shamir said Israel
Egyptian unwillingness to reopen negotiations on considered that reviving negotiations with Egypt on
Palestinian autonomy was a breach of the Camp Palestinian autonomy was "the most important and
David accords and might release the Israelis from most urgent issue." [NYT)
fulfilling some of their commitments under the ac- Feb. 25. A spokesman for the World Zionist Organiza-
cords. [NYTI tion said that the Jewish population of the occupied
Feb. 10: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat spoke be- West Bank would be expanded by more than 40%
fore the European Parliament in Luxembourg and before the upcoming June elections in Israel. The
urged Europe to pursue its own peace initiative to settlers were to be housed in 6 new outposts. [NYT}
help persuade "both Israel and the Palestinians to Feb. 28: The US and Egypt began talks in Egypt on the
accept a formula of simultaneous and mutual recogni- creation of an international force to patrol a buffer
tion." [NYTI strip in the Sinai peninusla following Israeli withdraw-
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim acknowl- al from the Sinai. [NYT)
edged that the UN had wrongly accused Israel of March 6: The US announced it would sell military
blowing up the bodies of 5 Palestinians who had been equipment to Saudi Arabia which would improve the
killed by Israeli soldiers in Lebanon the previous range and fire power of F-15 jet fighters in order to
December. [NYTI halt a "serious deterioration" in US security interests
Feb. 11: The UN Human Rights Commission voted by in the Middle East. [NYT)
31 to 3 with 8 abstentions for a resolution which March 11: The Israel Knesset rejected a bill calling for
condemned Israel's policies concerning the occupied annexation of the occupied Golan Heights. [NYT)
territories, including "warcrimes that are an affront to March 13: The Mayor of the West Bank town of Anabta
humanity." [NYT} accused the Israeli occupation authorities of stealing
Feb. 15: Egyptian President Sadat called on leaders of Arab land to build a new Jewish settlement. [NYT)
the occupied West Bank and Gaza to cooperate with March 14. An Israel bus was attacked in Jerusalem by
the PLO to form a government in exile, saying he unknown assailants. One person was injured. UP]

List of Abbreviations
AN, Arab News; FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformationServiceDaily Report-Middle East and North Africa; JP, The
JerusalemPost, MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey;NYT, The New YorkTimes;
TDN, Turkish Daily News, LWP, The Washington Post.

March 15. A group of Israelis associated with the Peace "central role against the threat of the Soviet Union
Now movement announced the formation of a politi- and against its many surrogates." UP]
cal party to press for the creation of an "interim April 6: Haig arrived in Amman and met with Jordanian
trusteeship" for the West Bank. [NYT) King Husayn. [NYT]
March 16: Shamir said that the friendship between April 7: Jordan said King Husayn had told Haig that
Israel and the US had been "marred"by a decision to Israel intransigence towards the Palestinians had
supply Saudi Arabia with F-1 5 auxiliary equipment. "opened the door to turbulence, instability and other
[NYT} problems" in the Middle East. [NYTI
An Israel soldier was sentenced to 2?/2months in Haig flew to Riyadh and met with Crown Prince
prison for stealing a purse and money from an Arab in Fahd on matters including a projected sale of US
the West Bank. A second soldier received a 3 month Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)
suspended sentence for assaulting an Arab. [NYT) planes to Saudi Arabia. {NYTI
March 20: TheJerusalemPost reported that Israel Labor April 8: Haig ended a visit to Saudi Arabia. [NYT}
Party leader Shimon Peres had met with Moroccan Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Sa'ud al-Faysalsaid
King Hassan II earlier in the week. UP] that "the main cause of instability" in the Middle East
Israel Labor Party leader Peres confirmed reports was Israel. [NYT]
that he had met with Arab leaders during the week. April 10. Haig met with British Foreign Secretary Lord
He declined to name the leaders. [NYT) Carrington in London. The New York Times reported
March 25: The New York Times reported that Syrian that the 2 men had disagreed on the "priorities" that
President Hafiz al-Asad had declared he would allow should be given to peace efforts in the Middle East.
Palestinian guerrillas to operate against Israel from [NYT]
Syrian territory. [NYT) April 11: The Palestine National Council opened a
March 26: The Israel military commander in the West session in Damascus. [FBIS]
Bank said that municipal elections in the West Bank April 14: Rockets fired from Jordan fell near Kibbutz
had been indefinitely postponed because such elec- Ashdot Yaacov. No casualties were reported. UP]
tions would "bury the Camp David peace process." April 16: Israel said it had outlawed an organization of
[NYT} Israel Arab leaders called the "national coordinating
March 28: The US and Egypt held discussions in Cairo committee" because of its professed support for the
on the formation of a multinational peacekeeping PLO. [NYT]
force that would patrol Sinai following Israeli with- Dutch Foreign Minister Christoph van der Klaauw
drawal. [NYT) arrived in Beirut and met with Lebanese President
March 29: Egypt and the US continued talks in Cairo Ilyas Sarkis on the "European initiative" for a com-
and agreed that efforts to get the UN to form a prehensive Middle East settlement. [NYT}
multinational peacekeeping force should continue. April 17: Dutch Foreign Minister van der Klaauw
[NYTL arrived in Damascus to discuss Syrian views on the
The Israel Cabinet approved a plan for a hydroelec- European initiative. [NYTI
tric canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterra- April 19: The Palestinian National Council ended a 9
nean which would cross the occupied Gaza Strip. day session in Damascus. [NYT]
[NYT) April 21: The US White House announced it had "made
A bomb exploded on a bus in Tel Aviv. UP) a commitment to Saudi Arabia"to move forward with
March 30: Thousands of Israel Arabs demonstrated an arms package that included 5 AWACS aircraft and
against land policies of the government of Israel. fuel tanks for F-15 fighters. [NYT]
[NYT) April 22: Israel expressed its "profound regret and
The PLO accused the US of carrying out an "ag- unreserved opposition" to the proposed US sale of
gressive policy toward the Palestinians" and said it AWACS aircraft to Saudi Arabia. [NYT]
had encouraged Israel to carry out raids against its A US State Department spokesman said that the
forces in Lebanon. [NYT) US remained "firmly committed to the security and
Rockets fired from Jordan struck near the Kibbutz well being of Israel" and that it did not believe the
Maoz Haim. UP] proposed arms sale to Saudi Arabia would endanger
April 4. US Secretary of State Haig arrived in Cairo and Israel's security. [NYT}
met with Egyptian Foreign Minister KamailHasan 'Ali April 23: The Jerusalem Committee, founded by Islam-
on matters relating to peace efforts in the Middle ic nations, began its fifth round of meetings in Fez,
East. [NYT) Morocco. [FBIS]
April 5: Haig met with Sadat near Cairo and later April 25. Israel border policemen opened fire during an
described the talks as "extremely fruitful." It was Arab demonstration in the West Bank town of Ra-
reported that the question of US participation in a mallah, injuring 2 people. UP]
Sinai peacekeeping force had been discussed. [NYT) April 29. West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
Haig flew to Israel and met with Israel Premier said in Riyadh that the PLO would participate in a
Menahem Begin about a proposed arms sale to Saudi meeting between the European Economic Communi-
Arabia and other matters. UP) ty and Arab Foreign Ministers scheduled to take place
Haig said in Israel that a "strong Israel" could play a in the fall. [NYT]

Inter-ArabAffairs Afghanistan
(Seealso, General, Petroleum Affairs) (Seealso, Libya, Pakistan)

1981 1981
Feb. 11: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim an-
Feb. 4: The Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain nounced that he had appointed Javier Perez de Cuel-
and Kuwait, and the Ministers of State for Foreign lar as special representative to promote peace talks on
Affairs of the UAE and Oman met in Riyadh and
Afghanistan. [NYT]
decided to set up a cooperation council of Arab Gulf
Feb. 18: President Babrak Karmalarrived in Moscow for
states. [FBIS]
talks with Soviet leaders. [FBIS)
Feb.23: A conference of Arab Justice Ministers opened
March 6. The UN Human Rights Commission said it
in Sanaa, Yemen. [FBISJ
was "gravely concerned at the continued foreign
March 23: A session of the Arab League Council
armed intervention in Afghanistan." [NYTI
opened in Tunis. [FBIS)
March 9. US President Ronald Reagan said that if
Afghan "freedom fighters" who were fighting Soviet
forces asked for weapons, it would be something "to
General be considered." [NYT}
March 18: The Soviet press agency Tass said that US
President Reagan's remarks concerning weapons for
Afghan insurgents confirmed that the US and its allies
1981 were waging an "undeclared war" in Afghanistan.
Feb. 9: A conference of nonaligned nations opened in March 29: An insurgent spokesman said that a "military
New Delhi. [FBIS) base on the western front" near Herat had been set
Feb. 10: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim arrived up by the insurgents to fight the government. [NYT]
in New Delhi to take part in a session of the April 7: Saudi Arabia announced it was severing diplo-
conference of nonaligned nations. [FBISJ matic relations with "the current illegal regime" in
Feb. 13: The conference of nonaligned nations ended in Afghanistan. [ANI
New Delhi. [FBIS} April 26: The Soviet Union agreed to sell Afghanistan
March 19: US Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Jr., 300,000 metric tons of wheat. [NYT}
said the US would attempt to build a "consensus of
strategic concerns" to counter the Soviet Union in an
area stretching from Pakistan to Egypt. [NYT}
April 24: US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger
announced plans to establish a combat command to
assume operational control over all US military forces (Seealso, Tunisia)
that might be ordered to defend national interests
around the Persian Gulf. [NYTI 1981
Feb. 17: The Foreign Ministers of Algeria, Libya, Mali,
PetroleumAffairs Mauritania,Niger and Chad met in Algiers to discuss
regional cooperation. [FBIS]
Feb. 18: South Yemeni Chairman of the Presidium 'Ali
Nasir Muhammad arrived in Algiers on a visit. [FBIS]
1981 March 10.' Benin President Mathieu Kerekou met with
President Chadli Benjedid in Algiers. [FBISJ
Feb. 1: The UAE announced a $3 per barrel increase in March 29: Algerian President Benjedid arrived in An-
the price of its high quality crude oil. [NYT} gola on a 2 day visit. [FBIS]
March 17. The Oil Ministers of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, March 30: Benjedid arrived in Mozambique on an
Kuwait and Qatar met in Riyadh to discuss a number official visit. [FBIS)
of oil matters. [FBIS} March 31: Benjedid ended a visit to Zambia. [FBIS]
April 16: Egypt reduced prices on various grades of its Benjedid arrived in Salisbury, Zimbabwe, on an
oil. [NYT) official visit. [FBIS}
April 19: Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad April 8: In a joint communique issued in Dar es Salaam,
Zaki Yamani said Saudi Arabia would not raise its oil Tanzania and Algeria pledged continued support for
price or reduce production until other nations re- liberation movements in South Africa, Namibia and
duced their prices significantly. [NYT) Western Sahara. [FBISJ
April 12: Benjedid ended a visit to Niger. [FBIS) Feb. 18: Former Premier Ibrahim 'Abd al-Hadi, who had
April 16: The Nonaligned Coordinating Bureau opened served as Premier under King Faruq, died, aged 82.
a session in Algiers on the question of Namibia. [NYTI
[FBIS] Feb. 24: Omani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
April 18: Libyan Head of State Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhalt Qays al-Zawiwi arrived in Cairo and met with Sadat.
arrived in Algeria and met with Benjedid. [FBIS] [FBIS)
April 19: The Nonaligned Coordination Bureau called March 2: Defense Minister Ahmad Badawi and 13
on the UN Security Council to impose mandatory senior army officers were killed in a helicopter crash
sanctions on South Africa in order to force it to leave near the Libyan border. [NYT)
Namibia. [NYT} March 4: 'Abd Al-Halim Abui Ghazailahwas appointed
April 24: It was reported that Moroccan forces had Minister of Defense and Military Production. [NYT}
clashed with Algerian troops after entering Algeria in March 9: France and Egypt initialed an agreement under
pursuit of Polisario guerrillas. [FBIS} which France would supply 2 nuclear power plants to
April 25: Morocco denied reports that their troops had Egypt. [NYTI
clashed with Algerian forces in Algeria. [FBIS] March 10: Former Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Da-
April 27. Benjedid attended military maneuvers in yan met with Sadat near Cairo. [NYT]
southwest Algeria near the Moroccan border. [FBISI March 20: British Prince Philip arrived in Cairo on a
visit. [FBIS}
March 21: The US and Egypt initialed an agreement on
nuclear energy. [NYT}
Bahrain April 16: Greek Foreign Minister Konstandinos Mitso-
takis arrived in Cairo on a 5 day visit to Egypt. [FBIS}
(Seealso, Inter-Arab Affairs) April 25: Netherlands Foreign Minister Christoph van
der Klaauw met with Sadat in Egypt. [FBIS)
A tanker carrying explosives was engulfed in flames
1981 in Alexandria harbor. A state of emergency was
declared. [NYTI
March 18: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khad- April 29: Defense Minister Abu Ghazailahmet with US
dam arrived in Manama and met with Amir Shaykh officials in Washington. [FBIS}
'Isa bin Salman Al Khalifah. [FBIS}
April 1: British Secretary of State for Defense John
Nott met with Amir Shaykh 'isa in Bahrain. [FBISJ
April 27: Amir Shaykh 'Isa arrived in New Dehli for
talks with Indian leaders. [FBIS]
April 28: Amir Shaykh 'Isi met with Indian Premier
Indira Gandhi in New Delhi. [FBIS) (Seealso, Iran-Iraq Conflict, Jordan, Turkey)

Egypt Feb.2: Pakistani Foreign Minister Agha Shahi arrived in
Tehran for talks with Iranian leaders. [FBIS}
(Seealso, Arab-Israel Conflict, Petroleum Affairs, Iran- The New York Times reported that President
Iraq Conflict, Libya, Sudan) Abulhasan Bani Sadr had said there should have been
a debate on the freeing of the former US hostages the
month before to determine whether it was "a great
1981 service or high treason." [NYT)
Feb.4: Ayatollah Rfih Allah Khumayni urged quarreling
Feb.9: President Anwar al-Sidit arrived in Luxembourg politicians to stop "biting one another like scorpions."
to meet with officials of Luxembourg and the Europe- [NYT}
an Parliament. [FBISJ The US State Department said that Iran had re-
Feb. 11: Sidit arrived in Paris and was met by French leased from prison a US citizen who had been held
President Valery Giscard d'Estaing at the airport. since the previous September. [NYT}
[NYTI Feb. 5: Twenty-three Majlis members asked the Majlis
Feb. 12: An agreement on nuclear cooperation for to open a debate on the "doubts and questions" that
peaceful purposes was signed in Paris by France and had arisen with respect to the agreements with the US
Egypt. [FBIS) that had led to the release of 52 US hostages the
Feb. 14: Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky arrived in month before. [NYT}
Cairo on a 4 day visit. [FBIS] Feb. 6: Supporters of the government attacked about
Feb. 17: Arab News reported that the Egyptian parlia- 5,000 demonstrators from 2 Marxist-Leninist groups
ment had ratified the Nuclear Nonproliferation Trea- who were holding a rally in Tehran. At least 39
ty. [AN) people were reported to have been injured. [NYT)

Feb. 8: The US was notified that a revolutionary court and of making "consistent and increasing attacks upon
had found a US citizen, Mrs. Cynthia Dwyer, guilty of democratic rights and liberties." [NYT}
"espionage and activities against the Islamic Republic Former Premier Baizargin said that the Islamic
of Iran" and ordered her to leave Iran immediately. Republican Party was trying to silence the opposition
[NYT] Freedom Movement in the Majlis. INYTI
Feb. 9. A bureaucratic snag delayed the deportation of Feb.27: The 3 British Anglicans left Tehran and flew to
Mrs. Dwyer. [NYT] Athens. [NYTI
Feb. 10: Dwyer flew out of Tehran on her way back to March 6: Clashes erupted between supporters of Bani
the US. [NYT] Sadr and his opponents in Tehran. About 45 people
Feb. 11: Ayatollah Khumayni issued a "serious warning" were injured. [NYTI
to those "clergymen"who were serving in the govern- March 8: Ayatollah $idiq Khalkhali said that Bani Sadr
ment that they "should by no means interfere in areas had "committed treason against constitutional law and
outside their competence." [NYT) therefore must be tried." [NYT)
President Bani Sadr said that the economy was in The government banned all demonstrations.
"terrible" straits, with dwindling foreign currency [NYT]
reserves and growing unemployment. [NYT} March 11: The Majlis approved a bill giving Premier
Feb. 12: Supreme Court Chief Justice Ayatollah Mu- Muhammad 'Ali Raja'i the power to appoint acting
hammad Bahashti said that 4 Britons who had been ministers to the Cabinet. [NYT]
arrested the past August had been cleared of suspi- The Majlis approved the following Cabinet ap-
cion of espionage and would be released upon settle- pointments:
ment of a minor problem. [NYT] Husayn Namazi: Economy
Feb. 14: Fundamentalist counter demonstrators attacked Husayn Kazimpur Ardabili: Trade [FBIS]
a rally on the Caspian Sea coast and held a Majlis March 12. Police clashed with gunmen outside the
member who had been addressing the rally hostage Soviet Embassy in Tehran. Two policemen were
for 2 hours. [NYT) killed. [NYTI
Feb. 16: A group of 38 intellectuals circulated a letter March 16: Ayatollah KhumaynIset up a 3 man reconcili-
charging that the government was filling prisons with ation committee including "a representative of the
"militants and libertarians" and employing torture in President, one from the other side and one from my
the prisons. [NYT} own office" in order to "study complaints, problems
It was reported that Kurdish insurgents had with- relating to the war and other disputed issues." [NYTI
drawn from Mahabad after more than 2 weeks of Ayatollah Khumayni said that it would "be better"
artillery bombardment of the City by government if politicians gave "no more speeches until the end of
forces. [NYT} the war" with Iraq. [NYT)
Feb. 17: Ahmad Khumayni, son of Ayatollah Khumayni, March 17: Former Deputy Premier 'Abbas Amir Inti-
called for an immediate end to political violence zam went on trial on charges that included.collabora-
because "tomorrow will be too late." [NYT] tion with the CIA. [NYT}
Feb. 18: Forty Majlis members, including former Pre- March28: Ayatollah Rabbani Shirazi was wounded by 2
mier Mihdi Bazargan, warned in a letter that a failure gunmen in Shiraz. [NYT)
to halt street violence by fundamentalist counter April 1: Ayatollah Khumayni said that judicial authori-
demonstrators might strengthen a suspicion that ex- ties should "set up delegations to study the country's
tremists had "infiltrated the organs of the republic." courts and dismiss unsuitable judges" and called for
[NYTI the prosecution of all revolutionary guards who were
The US State Department issued a statement say- "interfering in matters that are up to the courts or
ing that the administration of President Ronald Rea- other institutions." [NYT)
gan had decided to "approve implementation" of the April 6: The US asked the International Court ofJustice
agreements with Iran concerning the release of the to dismiss a US suit against Iran for damages resulting
hostages "in strict accordance" with their terms. from the holding of American hostages by Iran in
[NYT] 1979. [NYT)
Feb. 19: Supreme Court Chief Justice Ayatollah Ba- April 7: The opposition newspaper Mizan was ordered
hashti said that 4 Britons who had been detained by the government to cease publication. [NYTI
since the previous August had been arrested on the April 8: The government issued a directive offering
basis of documents that had been proven to have legal recognition to ethnic groups "that have declared
been forged. [NYT] armed struggle" against the government "provided
Feb. 22: It was reported that 3 British Anglicans who that they renounce their stand" and "hand over their
had been held since the previous August had been arms to security officials." [NYT]
released from detention. A British businessman re- April 9. The Information Ministry ordered printing
mained in detention. [NYT3 companies not to print newspapers that lack a valid
Feb. 23. It was announced that the Anglican Church government license. The order came a day after the
would no longer be allowed to function in Iran. Interior Ministry had told political parties they must
[NYT] have government permission before issuing publica-
Feb. 26: A group of 133 intellectuals accused govern- tions. [NYT]
ment officials of the "torture" of political prisoners April 17. The Marxist Fedayeen held a rally near Tehran
commemorating the death of 9 people who had been said a "very short stage of cease-fire" might be
executed during the rule of the former Shah. The required followed "immediately" by an Iraqi with-
rally defied a ban on political meetings. [NYT} drawal from Iranian territory. [NYT)
April 19. A government spokesman acknowledged that March 3: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) lead-
Iranhad lost $56m in a scandalinvolvingfunds that er Yasir 'Arafat, a member of the Islamic Conference
were to purchase arms in Europe. [NYTI delegation, flew to Tehran to make arrangements for
April 26. The newspaper Mizan reappeared on the further talks with Iran by the delegation. [NYT]
newsstands. [NYT) March 4. The Islamic Conference delegation presented
April 27: The New York Times reported that Iran had a ceasefire proposal to Ayatollah Khumayni in Iran
notifiedthe US it waspreparedto beginnegotiations and to President Husayn in Iraq. [NYT}
with US companiesand citizens seeking claims for March 5. The Islamic Conference delegation said that it
damagesor brokencontracts.[NYTI had called on Iran and Iraq to begin a ceasefire by
March 13 to be followed by a withdrawal of Iraqi
troops from captured Iranian territory. [NYT]
March 6: Iran said its Supreme Defense Council had
Iran-IraqConflict unanimously rejected proposals for a ceasefire and
negotiated settlement. [NYT}
Iranian Ayatollah Muhammad 'All Khamana'i said
(Seealso, Iran, Iraq) that Iran was prepared to fight "until victory is
achieved." [NYT)
March 7: Tehran radio said that Iraqi planes had struck
1981 the town of Ilam and attacked Khurramshahr.[NYT}
The Iranian press agency Pars said that Iraqi mis-
Feb.2. Iransaid it had mountedmajorcounterattacks siles had hit Susangird, causing many casualties.
againstIraqitroopsand Kurdishinsurgentsin Kurdi- [NYT)
stan Province and in Azerbaijan. [NYTI The New York Times cited Iraqi First Deputy Pre-
Feb. 10.' Arab diplomats said that Iraqi forces had begun mier Taha Yisin Ramadan as saying Iraq would not
an offensive against Iranian troops in Ilam Province withdraw "from a single inch of Iranian territory
after a visit to the battlefront by Iraqi President before Tehran recognizes Iraqi rights." [NYT)
5addamHusayn.[NYTI March 9. Clashes took place in Khuzistan. [NYTI
Feb. 17. UN special envoy Olof Palme arrived in Pars said that Iraqi missiles had struck Ahwaz
Baghdad for talks with Iraqi leaders on the "funda- during the day. [NYTI
mentalissues of the conflict"between Iraqand Iran. March 11: Iraqi Foreign Minister Sa'dun Hammadi said
[NYTI in London that all mediation efforts had come to
Feb. 18: UN special envoy Palme arrived in Tehran naught. [NYT}
from Baghdad.[NYT} March 12: The Islamic Conference said its peace mis-
Feb. 19. Palme met with Iranian President Abulhasan sion had failed. [NYT}
Bani $adr on the "principles on which agreement March 14: Husayn said that Iraq was ready "to extend all
could be reached" to end the hostilities. [NYTJ types of aid including guns" to minorities in Iran so
Artillery exchanges took place at Abadan and that they could "achieve their national rights" and
Khurramshahr. [NYTJ establish neighborly relations with Iraq. [NYT)
Feb.21. PalmesaidthatIranwasfirmin its positionthat March 18: Fighting took place around Susangird and in
there could be "no cease-firebefore Iraqitroopsare the Gilan-Gharb Heights. [NYT}
withdrawn."[NYTI March 19. Heavy fighting continued in the Gilan area
Feb.23.' Palme said he had found on his most recent and around Susangird. [NYT}
peace missionthat the time was "not yet ripe"for a March 21: Tehran radio said that Iraqi missiles had
negotiatedsettlementof the war. [NYT} struck Ahwaz and Dizful. [NYT)
Feb. 26. Iraq said its forces in Iran had completed March 23: Iranian Speaker of the Majlis Hujjat al-Islam
preparation for a new offensive and were "not pre- Hashimi Rafsanjani said that the "removal of Sad-
pared to occupy new Iranian areas and towns." dam's regime" was "our strategic goal on which we
[NYT] will not compromise." [NYT)
Feb.28. A peace delegationsent by the IslamicConfer- March 24: Pars said that Iranian Revolutionary Guards
ence arrivedin Tehranandwaswelcomedby Iranian had struck across the Iraqi border near Panjvin and
President Ban! 5adr and Premier Muhammad'All captured an outpost more than a mile inside Iraq.
Raja'l.The delegation included the Presidents of [NYT)
Pakistan,Bangladesh,Gambiaand Guinea.[NYT] March29: Husayn pledged "full support for all national-
March1: The IslamicConferencedelegationmet with ities and national movements in Iran"in any efforts to
AyatollahRuihAllih Khumayni.AyatollahKhumayni overthrow the Iranian government. [NYT)
saidthe delegationmust"sitin judgment"of Iraqand PLO leader 'Arafat arrived in Tehran on a peace
Iranand"fight"whomeverhad"launchedthe aggres- mission as representative of the Islamic Conference.
sion."[NYT) [NYT)
March2. IranianmilitarycommanderVal!AllahFallihi March 30: The Islamic Conference delegation arrived in

Tehran on a peace mission and met with the Supreme April 2: The New YorkTimes reported that the US State
Defense Council. [NYT) Department had announced it had lifted a freeze on a
March 31: The Islamic Conference delegation met with sale to Iraq by Boeing Aircraft of 5 passenger planes.
Iraqi leaders in Bagdad. [NYT] [NYI'
Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat said that Egypt April 12: US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Morris
was selling ammunition to Iraq "out of gratitude for Draper met with Foreign Minister Sa'duinHammidi
the help" Iraq had once given Egypt but said Egypt's in Baghdad on bilateral relations and other matters.
position in the war was that it was "wrong that an [NYT)
Islamic country invades or attacks another." [NYT] April 21: Kuwait granted an interest-free loan of $2
April 3: Islamic Conference Secretary General Habib billion to Iraq to help finance reconstruction of areas
Chatti arrived in Tehran for talks with Iranian Lead- destroyed in the war with Iran. [NYT)
ers. [NYT} April 23. Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din Ma'irf met
April 4: Iranian jets struck at airbases deep in Iraq. An with Senegalese Premier Habib Thiam in Dakar.
Iraqi military communique said that Iranian bombers [FBIS)
had attacked an Iraqi airbase near the border with
Syria but charged that the jets had come from Syrian
territory. [NYT)
The Islamic Republican Party of Iran called for the
overthrow of Husayn. [NYT)
April 5: Iran said that its aircraft had destroyed Soviet
built TU-22 bombers in air strikes in Iraq the day (Seealso, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Lebanon)
before. [NYT]
April 6: Bani $adr characterized the Islamic Conference
peace proposal as vague. [NYTI 1981
April 8: A peace mission made up of representatives of
3 nonaligned nations arrived in Baghdad to attempt to Feb. 3: US defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger said
arrange a ceasefire. [NYTI that if Israel asked the US to station its forces in
April 15: Iran and Iraq reported that fighting had Israeli territory the US would examine the request
intensified in Khuzistan Province. [NYT} "very sympathetically and very carefully." [NYT)
Feb. 5: Israel said it would not ask for the stationing of
US troops on its soil. [NYT)
Feb. 18: Teachers staged a 1 day strike to press for a
Iraq wage increase promised by the government. [NYT)
The leadership of the Democratic Movement for
(Seealso, Iran, Iran-Iraq Conflict, Jordan, Kuwait, Change decided to disband the party rather than run
Lebanon, Morocco) in upcoming elections in June. [NYT}
Feb. 24: Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir met with US
President Ronald Reagan in Washington. UP]
1981 The New York Times reported that the Knesset had
passed a law making it a crime to copy, publish or
Feb. 1: France confirmed reports that it had turned over read the private correspondence of anyone without
5 F-1 Mirage fighter bombers to Iraq. [NYT) his or her permission. [NYT)
Feb. 23.: Dutch Foreign Minister and President of the March 3. About 100 Arab students from Israel universi-
European Economic Community Council of Minis- ties demonstrated outside the Knesset to protest
ters Christoph van der Klaauw arrived in Baghdad for provocations by Jewish students. [NYT)
talks with Iraqi leaders. [FBIS] March 7: Police units broke into a Yeshiva in Jerusalem
March 3. Jordanian King Husyan arrived in Baghdad following stone throwing demonstrations by Ortho-
and met with President $addam Husayn. [FBIS} dox Jews along the Ramat road. At least 9 people
March 4. It was reported that Italy had authorized the were arrested. UPI
export to Iraq of 11 naval vessels and a floating dock. March 8: An Israel bulk carrier ship sank southeast of
[NYT) Bermuda. [NYT)
March 15: Yemeni President 'All 'Abdallah Salih ar- March 14: Orthodox Jews protesting the use of cars on
rived in Baghdad and met with President Husayn. the Sabbath clashed with police in Jerusalem. [NYT]
[FBIS} March 23: Teachers went on a 1 day strike to protest a
March 16: First Deputy Premier Taha Yisin Ramadan government delay in implementing a promised pay
left Iraq at the start of visits to East Germany and increase. [NYT)
Hungary. [FBIS] April 4: Former Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan an-
March 17: Deputy Premier Tariq 'Aziz left Baghdad for nounced he would head a new party, the Movement
Paris where he was to have talks on bilateral relations for National Renewal, in the upcoming elections.
with French leaders. [FBIS} [NYT)
March21: Husayn spoke before the public in the Zakho April 7. Histadrut members went to the polls to elect
District in the north. [FBIS] the labor federation's convention. UP)

April 8: The Labor Alignment polled an estimated 63% Ahmad Sa'd al-Jasir:Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
in the Histadrut elections. The Likud won about 26% Naw5fal-Ahmadal-JabirAl $abah.:Interior
of the vote. UP] Salimal-,abahal-SalimAl $abah:Defense
April 15: Knesset Member Shmuel Flatto Sharon was 'All al-Khallfahal-'Adhb!Al $abah:Petroleum
found guilty of 2 counts of election bribery. UP] 'Abdal-Rahman'Abdallihal-'Awddl:PublicHealth
'Abd al-'Azlz Husayn: State for Cabinet Affairs
Salmin al-Du'ayjal-Salmin:Justice and Legal &
Jordan AdministrativeAffairs
(Seealso, Arab-Israel Conflict, Iraq, Lebanon) Hamad'Isi al-Rujayb:Social Affairs & Labor and
KhalafAhmadal-Khalaf:Electricity& Water
1981 Jisim Khilid al-Marztiq:Commerce & Industry
Feb. 18: Jordan severed diplomatic relations with Iran.
March9: The NationalAsemblyopenedits firstsession.
Feb. 19: Iraqi Revolution Command Council Vice
March17: SyrianForeignMinister'Abdal-HalimKhad-
Chairman 'Izza IbrThim arrived in Amman and met
damarrivedin Kuwaitfrom Riyadh.[FBIS]
with King llusayn. [FBIS)
April 14: KuwaitiDeputy Premier ShaykhSabiahal-
Feb. 25: Amman television reported that Jordanian
AhmadAl $abih returnedto Kuwaitat the end of
forces had arrested a number of plotters alleged to
visits to South Yemen and Oman. [FBIS}
have been sent by Syria to assassinate Premier Mudar
April23: DeputyPremierShaykh$abih left Kuwaitfor
Badran. Some of the plotters were said to have been
Moscowfor talkson bilateralrelations.[FBIS)
arrested on January 31. [FBIS}
April25:The SovietpressagencyTassreportedthatthe
Dutch Foreign Minister and President of the Euro-
SovietUnion andKuwaithadissueda jointstatement
pean Economic Community Council of Ministers
expressingoppositionto the establishmentof foreign
Christoph van der Klaauw arrived in Amman on a 3
militarybases and the deploymentof nuclearweap-
day visit. tFBIS]
April 7: King H{usaynleft Amman for a private visit to
ons in the Gulf area.[NYT}
the UK. [FBIS}
April 8: King Husayn met with British Premier Marga-
ret Thatcher. [NYT} Lebanon
Kuwait (Seealso,Arab-IsraeliConflict,Syria)
(Seealso, Inter-Arab Affairs, Iraq, South Yemen)
Feb.4: Palestinianguerrillasfired on 2 Israelgunboats
Feb. 9: Iraqi Interior Minister Sa'dun Shakir arrived in patrollingnearBeirut. [NYT}
Kuwait for talks on border matters. [FBIS] Feb.6: GunmenkidnappedJordanianCharged'Affaires
Feb. 10: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim met Hishim Muhaysanand 1 otherpersonin Beirut.The
with Amir Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al $abah in Ku- kidnappingleft 2 people dead. [NYT}
wait. [FBIS] The "Eaglesof the Revolution"saidthatJordanian
Feb. 23. Voters went to the polls to elect a National Charged'AffairesMuhaysanwas being held in rela-
Assembly. [NYT} tion to a demand that Jordan return 2 SyrianAir
Feb. 24. The government submitted its resignation to Force pilots who had defected to Jordan the year
Amir Shaykh Jabir and was asked to act as caretaker before. [NYT]
government until a new Cabinet could be formed. Feb.9: JordanianPremierMudarBadrin chargedthat
[FBIS} Syriawasresponsiblefor the abductionof Muhaysan.
Feb. 28: Amir Shaykh Jabir issued a decree appointing [NYT}
Heir Apparent Shaykh Sa'd al-'Abdallah al-Salim Al Feb.13: Israeljets clashedwith Syrianaircraftduringa
$abah Premier. [FBIS] "routineflight over Lebanon."A Syrianplane was
March 4: Amir Shaykh Jabir issued a decree announcing shot down in the encounter.[NYT]
a new cabinet: Feb.14: LebanesePremierShafiqal-Wazzincalled for
Sa'd al-'Abdallah al-Salim Al $abah: Premier Israelto be put on trialin "international
$abaihal-Ahmad al-Jabir Al $abah.:Deputy Premier, spheres"becauseof its "nonstopaggression"against
Foreignand Acting Information Lebanon.[NYT]
'Isa Muhammad IbrThimal-Mazidi: Communications Feb. 19: Gunmen fired on the car of Greek Catholic
Ya'qub Yuisuf al-Ghunaym: Education PatriarchMaximos Hakim in Beirut. He was not
'Abdallah al-Dukhayl al-Rushayd: Public Works injured.[NYT)
'Abd al-Latif Yusuf al-Hamad: Finance and Plan- Feb.27: Gunmenin Beirutassassinated2 officialsof the
ning IraqiEmbassyin Lebanon.[NYT]

March 2: Israel planes raided targets northeast of Tyre. build a road to link Zahle with other Christian
Later, rockets from Lebanese territory struck the districts in Lebanon and thereby encircle Syrian
Israel town of Qiryat Shemona. [NYT] forces. [NYT}
March 5: A US State Department spokesman said it had April 3. Public Works and Transport Minister Ilyas al-
been confirmed that the leader of an independent Hirawi met with Syrian President HIifiz al-Asad on
army in south Lebanon, Sa'd Haddad, had been the situation at Zahle. [FBIS]
threatening to shell Sidon unless the Lebanese gov- A ceasefire was reported at Zahle. [NYT]
ernment agreed to pay him $5m. [NYT} Israel seaborne commandos landed on the Leba-
March 7: Two Palestinians who had attempted to cross nese southern coast and ambushed a vehicle, killing 2
into Israel from Lebanon during the night using of its occupants. [NYT]
motorized hang gliders were captured, one in western Sidon came under artillery fire from Christian
Galilee and the other in south Lebanon. UPI militia positions. [NYTI
March 10. Gunmen fired on the motorcade of US April 4. Fighting intensified around Zahle after a cease-
Ambassador John Gunther Dean in Beirut. No one fire collapsed. [NYTI
was injured. [NYTI Artillery and rocket duels took place in Beirut.
March 11: President Ilyas Sarkis returned to Lebanon [NYTI
from Damascus at the end of talks with Syrian April 5. Sporadic shooting occurred in Zahle and Bei-
leaders. [FBIS] rut. [NYT]
March 15: Cuban Foreign Minister Isidoro Malmierca April 6. Syrian forces exchanged artillery fire with
Peoli met with Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Christian militiamen in Beirut and Zahle. Lebanese
Fu'ad Butrus. [FBIS] Army regulars clashed with Syrian forces in Beirut.
March 16: Two Nigerian soldiers in the United Nations [NYTI
Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) were killed US Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Jr., said in
when Christian militiamen shelled a UNIFIL position Jerusalem that the US viewed "the brutality of the
at Kantara in southern Lebanon. Eleven UNIFIL Syrian action against the Christian enclave" in Zahle
soldiers were wounded. [NYT] as "unacceptable by any measure of appropriate inter-
An Israel soldier was killed in southern Lebanon national standards." [NYTJ
while disarming a mine. [NYT] April 7: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khad-
March 18: Israel said it had rejected a demand from d~ammet with President Sarkis and later said that
Commander of UNIFIL William Callaghan to with- certain steps had been decided upon but would not
draw from south Lebanon and stop all assistance to yet be implemented. [NYT)
the Christian militia. [NYT] Fighting between Christian militiamen and Syrian
March 19: The UN Security Council agreed to issue a forces took place around Zahle and in Beirut. [NYT}
statement expressing concern about the killing of the Christian militiamen shelled Syrian forces in
2 UNIFIL soldiers earlier in the week. [NYT] Shrura. [NYTI
March 22: Gunmen fired at the US Embassy in Beirut. April 8. Sarkis ordered a ceasefire in Beirut and Zahle.
No injuries or damage were reported. [NYT] Sporadic fighting continued after the call. [NYT]
March 24: Christian militiamen accompanied by Israel US Under Secretary of State Morris Draper met
soldiers blew up a house in Al Tiri in south Lebanon, with Sarkis in Lebanon. [NYT}
killing 3 children and injuring 5 other people. [NYT] UN Special Envoy Brian Urquhart met with Sarkis
March 25: The government decided to send 90Q gov- in Lebanon. [NYT}
ernment soldiers to south Lebanon to serve alongside April 9: A ceasefire generally held. The International
the UNIFIL soldiers. [NYT} Red Cross sent ambulances to evacuate the wounded
UNIFIL Commander Callaghan said that he from Zahle. [NYT}
planned to return all of south Lebanon to Lebanese Israel paratroopers struck targets in southern Leba-
government authority and that he was prepared to non late in the night. [NYTI
"accept casualties" to do so. UP] April 10: The New York Times reported that the Israel
Muslim Shi'a members of the paramilitary organi- paratroopers had destroyed 2 tanks in the raids in
zation Amal clashed with Shi'a members of the Ba'th southern Lebanon. [NYT}
Party in Baalbek. Five people were killed. [NYT] Syrian artillerymen exchanged heavy fire with Leb-
March 28: A ceasefire ended fighting between Muslim anese Christian forces around Zahle. [NYTI
and Christian factions in Beirut. [NYT] Sporadic shooting between Syrian forces and
March 31: A seaborne Israel force raided the southern Christian militiamen took place in Beirut. [NYTI
coast of Lebanon, killing 8 people. [NYT} April 1: Syrian President Asad said the fighting in
April 2: Artillery exchanges between Christian militia- Lebanon was part of an "imperialist, Zionist plot" to
men and Syrian troops broke out all along the line fragment Lebanon and use its territory for strikes
dividing Christian and Muslim sectors of Beirut. At against Syria. [NYT)
least 37 people were reported killed. [NYT] Shelling intensified around Zahle and in Beirut.
Fighting took place between Syrian troops and [NYT)
Christian militiamen in Zahle. [NYT] April 12: Syrian forces clashed with Christian militia-
A Syrian communique said that fighting at Zahle men in the hills around Zahle. [NYT)
had begun when Christian militiamen had tried to April 14: Israeli military sources said that Israel was
"supplying the Christians of Lebanon with the means April 24: It was reported that a tentative agreement had
and equipment to guard their lives" and admitted that been reached to end fighting at Zahie. [NYT}
some Israeli aid went to Phalanges groups in north Intensive artillery exchanges were reported in
Lebanon. UP) south Lebanon between Christian militia forces and
Premier Wazzan, 4 Cabinet aides and 15 legislators Palestinian guerrillas. [NYT)
were trapped inside the Parliament building in Beirut April 25: Syrian forces mounted artillery and helicopter
as artillery shells exploded near the building during attacks around Zahle and other areas of the Bekaa
artillery duels between Syrian and Christian forces. Valley. [NYT)
[NYT) April 26: Israel jets struck targets in south Lebanon,
It was reported that Muhaysan had been released killing 15 people. A Syrian military spokesman said
and found in the town of Shtura. [NYT) that 2 Israel jets had been shot down. Israel said all its
Phalanges leader Bashir Jumayil said that his side planes had returned to base. [NYT]
wanted a ceasefire but wanted also "political as well as Syrian forces shelled Christian villages and military
military security." [NYT) positions in the Bekaa Valley and around Jebel
A gun battle took place in front of the US Embassy Sannin. [NYT)
in Beirut. Two Lebanese guards were wounded. Murabitun forces shelled the Christian port of
[NYT) Juniye. [NYTI
April 15: Wazzin met with the Cabinet and said later
April 27: Israel jets struck targets in south Lebanon.
the government would "intensify" its contacts with
Lebanese officials said that 50 people had been killed
Syria in order to resolve the conflict. [NYT)
or wounded. [NYT]
UN Special Envoy Urquhart arrived in Damascus
Syria said its forces had taken control of Mount
and conferred with Syrian Foreign Minister Khad-
Sannin from Lebanese Christian Phalanges militia-
men. [NYT)
April 16: Two Palestinian guerrillas attempting to enter
Artillery duels were fought between Christian mili-
Israel territory in a balloon were shot down and killed
tiamen and Syrian and Muslim forces in Beirut.
near the Lebanese village of Hule. [NYT)
Israel jets struck targets near the port of Tyre.
Foreign Minister Butrus met with Asad in Damas-
cus. [FBIS]
Israel frogmen blew up a freighter loaded with
canned food in the port of Sidon. [NYT) April 28: Syrian forces shelled Zahle. At least 12 people
April 17: Syrian forces allowed a convoy of food and were reported killed. [NYT)
medicine to enter Zahle. [NYT) Defense Minister JCizuf Skaf and Public Works
April 19: Christian militiamen shelled Sidon, killing at Minister Ilyas al-Hiriwi resigned their posts to pro-
least 16 people. Wazzan called the shelling "barbar- test the Syrian actions at Zahle. [NYT)
ic." [NYT) UNIFIL said that an Irish soldier had been killed in
Leader of the Christian militia in south Lebanon south Lebanon. [JP
Haddad was flown to a hospital in Haifa suffering Khaddam arrived in Beirut and met with Sarkis.
from "exhaustion and fatigue." UP) [FBIS]
Heavy exchanges of shelling between the Christian Syrian troops attacked Christian forces in the Be-
and Muslim sectors of Beirut took place. [NYT) kaa Valley. [NYT)
April 20: Syrian troops battled Christian forces in Israel jets shot down 2 Syrian helicopters in the
Beirut. [NYT) Bekaa Valley. Israel Premier Begin said Israel would
Shelling closed the Beirut airport. [NYT) not allow the Syrians to "take over Lebanon and
Rockets were fired into western Galilee in Israel annihilate the Christians." [WP}
from Lebanese territory. No casualties were report- A Syrian spokesman said the Israel action would
ed. [NYT) not "deflect Syria from the course it has charted in
Israel jets struck Beaufort Castle and other targets Lebanon." [NYT)
in south Lebanon. [NYTI April 29. Syria moved surface-to-air missiles into the
April 21: Fighting continued in Beirut. Government Bekaa Valley. [NYT)
radio said that 4 soldiers of the Lebanese Army had Israel planes struck at targets in southern Lebanon
been killed in the fighting. [NYT) near the border with Israel. [NYT)
Christian militiamen shelled the ports of Tyre and A US State Department spokesman said that the
Sidon. [NYT) US had "not given a green light to Israel to undertake
April22: Syrian forces battled Christian militiamen and any military actions in Lebanon." [NYT)
Shi'a Muslims fought with Ba'thists in Beirut. At least April 30. It was reported that additional surface-to-air
23 people were reported killed in the fighting. missiles were being deployed by Syria in the Bekaa
[NYT) Valley. [NYT)
April 23: Haddad met with Israel leaders in Tel Aviv. The State Department said it was "looking into the
Later Israel Premier Menahem Begin said that it had question" of whether Israel had violated agreements
been "agreed between us" that there would be no with the US by using US built aircraft in recent raids
more clashes with UNIFIL units in south Lebanon. against targets in Lebanon. [NYT)
[NYT) Israel settlements were shelled from Lebanese ter-

ritory. An Israel spokesman said that 8 people had

been slightly wounded. [NYT)
Sarkis sent a Lebanese Army unit to join 500
Lebanese soldiers alongside with the UN peacekeep- (Seealso, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Libya)
ing force in south Lebanon. [NYT)
March 15: King Hassan II arrived in Paris on a 2 day
private visit to France. [NYT}
March 16: Mauritanian radio said a Moroccan-spon-
Libya sored attempt to overthrow the Mauritanian military
government had been foiled. [NYT}
Niger President Seyni Kountche arrived in Marra-
(Seealso, Algeria, Pakistan, Sudan) kesh and was met by Premier Maati Bouabid. [FBIS]
March 26: Senegalese President Abdou Diouf left Mar-
rakesh at the end of a visit to Morocco. [FBIS]
1981 April 14: Sierra Leone President Siaka Stevens met with
King Hassan in Errachidia. [FBIS]
Feb. 12: Staff Major 'Abd al-Salam al-Jalliid arrived in April 22: Iraqi Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din
N'Djamena on a vist to Chad. [FBIS) Marirf arrived in Casablanca on a 1 day visit to
Feb. 13: Arab News reported that a Libyan pilot had Morocco. [FBIS]
landed a Mirage jet at a military airport on Crete 2
days earlier and asked for asylum. [AN]
Feb. 20: South Yemeni Chairman of the Presidium 'All
Nas,ir Mu,hammad arrived in Tripoli for talks with
Libyan leaders. [FBIS)
March 10: Turkish Deputy Premier Turgut Ozal left (Seealso, Inter-Arab Affairs, Egypt, Kuwait, United
Tripoli at the end of a visit to Libya. [FBIS] Arab Emirates)
March 12. Nicaraguan Foreign Affairs Minister Miguel
d'Escoto left Tripoli at the end of a visit to Libya. 1981
The Moroccan news agency cited official Moroccan Feb. 10. Sultan Qabas bin Sa'id issued a decree appoint-
sources as saying Libya had signed a contract with a ing Shabib bin Taymur Minister of State. [FBIS]
private West German company to buy missiles capa- Feb. 18: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim met
ble of carrying nuclear warheads. [NYTI with Sultan Qabus in Muscat. [MEED]
March 16: Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamil Hasan 'All US Senator John Tower met with Sultan Qabus
said that Egypt was channelling supplies to Chadian during a visit to Omar. [NYTI
guerrillas who were fighting the Libyan backed gov- March 14: Former US President Gerald Ford met with
ernment of Chadian President Goukouni Oueddei. Sultan Qabuis in Muscat. [FBIS]
[NYT) March 25: Muscat DomesticServicereported that Oman
March 19: The New York Times reported that Libya had had submitted a note to the Arab League outlining
cut off oil deliveries to Greece. [NYT) "acts of aggression" carried out by South Yemeni
April 19: Head of State Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhifi arrived forces inside the southern region of Oman. [FBIS}
in Nouakchott on a visit to Mauritania. [FBIS} March26: British Defense MinisterJohn Nott met with
April 27: Head of State Qadhdhifi arrived in Moscow Sultan Qabuisin Salalah. [FBIS}
and met with Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev. April 23: British Premier Margaret Thatcher met with
[NYT) Sultan Qablusin Oman. [NYT}
April 28: A Libyan spokesman said that the Soviet April 24: British Premier Thatcher said in Oman that
Communist Party newspaper Pravda had changed the she considered the Sultanate's anxiety about a Soviet
wording of a speech given by Qadhdhifi the night threat to the Gulf region "fully justified." [NYT]
before. The spokesman said that Qadhdhifi had said
it was necessary to guarantee the "independence and
neutrality" of Afghanistan and to "stop all forms of
outside interference." [NYT)
April 29. Qadhdhifi ended a visit to Moscow. A joint
communique said that Libya and the Soviet Union (Seealso, Iran)
rejected "attempts by imperialist circles to equate
international terrorism with the liberation struggle of 1981
peoples." [NYT)
Qadhdhafi arrived in Belgrade for 2 days of talks Feb. 16: A grenade exploded at the national stadium in
on international issues and bilateral cooperation. Karachi, killing the man who was carrying it and
[AN) wounding 2. The explosion occurred minutes before
Pope John Paul II was to arrive at the stadium. Farman Ali Khan: Petroleum& Natural Resources
[NYT) Saeed Qadir: Production
Pope John Paul II celebrated mass at the national Sayed Sharifuddin Pirzada: Attorney General
stadium in Karachi. [NYT] Zafarul Haq: Information & Broadcasting[FBISJ
West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich March 10: The hijackers reduced the number of prison-
Genscher arrived in Islamabad for talks with Pakistani ers that had to be released. Pakistan said that more
leader. [FBIS] than 30 people would be flown to Damascus in time
Feb. 24: UAE President Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan Al to meet a deadline for their release the following day.
Nuhayyan met with President Mohammad Zia-ul- [NYT]
Haq in Lahore. [FBISJ March 11: The deadline for release of the Pakistani
Feb. 26. Nusrat Bhutto, widow of executed former prisoners was extended by the hijackers. [NYTI
President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was arrested in Lahore March 12. The hijackers threatened to kill 3 Americans
after meeting with opposition leaders. [NYT) aboard the plane. [NYT)
A bombing and shooting attack at Karachi Univer- Pakistan agreed to release 55 prisoners. [NYT]
sity left a pro-government student leader and 12 March 13: Libya agreed to receive the prisoners that
followers dead. [NYT] would be released by Pakistan. [NYT]
It was reported that a bomb explosion in Quetta March 14: Libya reversed its decision and refused to
had killed 1 person and wounded another. [NYTI allow a plane carrying the released Pakistani prisoners
Feb. 27. Authorities released opposition leader. Nusrat to enter Libyan airspace. [NYTI
Bhutto from jail. [NYT] The hijackers surrendered to Syrian authorities.
March 1: UAE President Shaykh Zayid left Lahore for [NYT)
Abu Dhabi at the end of an 8 day private visit to The plane carrying the released Pakistani prisoners
Pakistan. [NYT} landed in Damascus. [NYT)
March 2. A Pakistani airliner with 141 people on board March 15. President Zia-ul-Haq called the hijacking
was hijacked on a domestic flight and forced to fly to part of a conspiracy to turn Pakistan from its Islamic
Kabul. [NYT} path and warned that he would crush "anti-state
March 3: The hijackers threatened to blow up the plane elements." [NYT)
unless 80 political prisoners were released by the March 22. Zia-ul-Haq said he had asked Syria to
Pakistani government. [NYT] extradite the 3 hijackers. [NYTI
March 4. The hijackers released 29 hostages. [NYT} Guinean President Ahmed Sekou Toure arrived in
March 6: The hijackers killed a Pakistani diplomat Islamabad on a 3 day visit. [FBIS}
aboard the plane. [NYT} March 23: Syria refused to return the hijackers to
March 7: Four hostages were freed by the hijackers at Pakistan. [NYT)
Kabul airport. [NYTI March 24: Zia-ul-Haq promulgated a law giving him the
March 9: The hijacked airliner was flown to Damascus. right to amend the Constitution of 1973 at will.
One of the hostages aboard the airliner was re- March 25.' Supreme Court Chief Justice Anwar ul-Haq
leased in Damascus. The 3 hijackers threatened to and 8 senior judges were dismissed when they re-
take "extremely drastic measures" if Pakistan did not fused to take an oath to uphold the law concerning
agree to free 92 prisoners. [NYT] the amending of the Constitution. [NYT}
A new Cabinet was sworn in in Rawalpindi: March 27: British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington
Agha Shahi: ForeignAffairs arrived on a 2 day visit to Pakistan. [FBIS}
Ali Ahmed Talpur: Defense April 2. Zia-ul-Haq returned to Islamabad from Saudi
Arbab Niaz Mohammad Khan: Culture, Sports & Arabia. [FBIS]
Tourism April 4: Police clashed with supporters of executed
Elahi Buksh Soomro: Industry former President Bhutto following a prayer meeting
Fakhar Imam: Local Government& Rural Develop- at Bhutto's grave. [NYT}
ment April 9: The government said it would pay the US
Ghulam Dastgir Khan: Labor,Manpowerand Over- $13.6m to rebuild the US Embassy. The Embassy had
seas Pakistani Affairs been burned by demonstrators in November 1979.
Ghulam Ishaq Khan: Finance & EconomicAffairs [NYTI
Inamul Khan: Housing & Construction April 18. Foreign Minister Agha Shahi left Karachi for
Maj. Gen. Jamaldar: Kashmir & Northern Areas Washington. [FBIS]
Affairs April 19. The British Broadcasting Company cited Mir
Mahmud Haroon: Interior Murtaza Bhutto, son of executed former President
Mohammad Abbas Khan Abbasi: Without Portfolio Bhutto, as saying that the hijacking the month before
Mohammad Ali Khan: Education had been carried out by members of the Al Zulfikar
Mohammad Fazil Janjua: Food,Agriculture & Coop- organization. [NYT)
eratives April 21. Foreign Minister Shahi said that the US had
Mohyuddin Baluch: Communications offered Pakistan a 5 year economic and military
Nasiruddin Jogezai: Health & Social Welfare assistance package. [NYT}
Raja Sikandar Zaman: Water & Power April 25. It was reported that the 3 hijackers of the

Pakistani plane and 2 5 of the political prisoners Feb. 13. Chairman of the Presidium Muhammad began a
released by Pakistan had gone to Afghanistan. [NYT] visit to Ethiopia. [FBIS]
March 3: Muhammad met with Soviet President Leonid
Brezhnev in Moscow. [FBIS]
Qatar March 4: Muhammad returned to Aden at the end of a
visit to the Soviet Union and a stopover in Syria.
1981 April 10: Djibouti President Hassan Gouled ended a
March 18. Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khad- visit to South Yemen. [FBIS]
dam arrived in Doha and met with Amir Shaykh
Khalifah bin Hamad Al Than!. [FBIS}
March 29. British Defense Secretary John Nott met
with Amir Shaykh Khalifah in Doha. [FBIS]
April 24: British Premier Margaret Thatcher arrived in
Doha on the last stage of a tour of Arab Gulf nations.
[NYT] 1981
April 25: British Premier Thatcher met with Amir
Shaykh Kahalifah in Doha. [FBIS} Feb. 18: An Ethiopian-Sudanese joint border commis-
sion ended 4 days of talks in Ethiopia. An agreement
between the 2 countries was signed. [FBIS]
Saudi Arabia March 15: Egyptian Defense Minister Kamal Hasan 'Ali
said that "any threat to Sudanese security" was also a
(Seealso, Arab-Israel Conflict, Inter-Arab Affairs, threat to Egyptian security and that Egypt would not
Petroleum Affairs, Afghanistan, United Arab allow Libya to threaten Sudan. UP]
Emirates) March 17: The Sudanese news agency reported that 5
army officers had been arrested for plotting an unsuc-
1981 cessful coup. [AN]
Feb. 18: It was announced that Saudi Arabia was releas- March 20: Arab News cited President Ja'far al-Numayri
ing 21 Americans from Saudi jails as a "gesture of as saying that if Sudan were attacked by "a superpow-
good will." [NYT] er," then Sudan's "friends" could make use of Suda-
Feb.20: Swedish King Carl Gustaf arrived inJiddah on a nese military facilities. [AN)
4 day visit. [FBIS) March 21: Sudan and Egypt announced the restoration
March 7. The Foreign Ministry announced that Saudi of full diplomatic relations. [AN]
Arabia would establish diplomatic relations with Ice- April 20: Djibouti President Hassan Gouled left Khar-
land and the Maldives. [NYT) toum at the end of a 3 day visit to Sud'an.[FBIS]
March 27: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) April 21: Ugandan President Milton Obote arrived in
announced that Saudi Arabia would provide the IMF Khartoum on a 1 day visit. [FBIS]
with $4.9 billion a year for the next 2 years in support April 22: Ugandan President Obote met with President
of an IMF lending facility for poor countries. [NYTI Numayri and later departed the country. [FBIS]
April 15: UAE President Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan Al
Nuhayyan arrived in Riyadh on a private visit. [AN)
April 21: British Premier Margaret Thatcher ended a
visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS]
April 27: West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
arrived in Riyadh for talks on economic, financial and (Seealso, Arab-Israel Conflict, Bahrain, Iran-Iraq
security issues. [NYT} Conflict Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Qatar, South
April 28. West German Chancellor Schmidt met with Yemen)
Crown Prince Fahd and said that it was "not feasible"
at the present time for West Germany to end its
policy of not selling arms to any Middle East nation. 1981
Feb. 7: President Hafiz al-Asad left Bucharest at the
end of a visit to Rumania. [AN]
Feb. 15: Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister 'Abd al-
South Yemen Halim Khadd~amreturned to Damascus at the end of a
(Seealfo, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Kuwait, Libya, 2 day visit to Bangladesh. [FBIS]
Oman, Syria) Feb.21: South Yemeni Chairman of the Presidium 'Ali
Nasir Muhammad arrived in Damascus for talks with
1981 Syrian leaders. [FBIS]
Feb. 1. Kuwaiti Amir Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al $abah March 10: Lebanese President Ilyas Sarkis arrived in
arrived in Aden and was welcomed by Chairman of Damascus and met with President Asad. [FBIS]
the Presidium 'Ali Nasir Muhammad. [FBIS} March 4. South Yemeni Chairman of the Presidium

Muhammad arrived at Damascus airport from Mos- April 3: A Turkish diplomat was shot and wounded in
cow and met with Asad. [FBISJ Copenhagen. An Armenian group claimed responsi-
March 17: Two gunmen assassinated the wife of a Syrian bility. [NYT)
leader of the Muslim Brotherhood at her home in April 6: Gunmen in Turkey fired on a car carrying 4 US
exile in West Germany. [NYT} military specialists. No one was hurt. [NYT]
April 10: Officials said that the US Pentagon had
notified Congress that it planned to sell Turkey 15 F-
4E jets and other equipment. [NYTI
April 11: A Greek government spokesman said Greece
Tunisia had protested to Turkey about 6 violations of Greek
airspace during the week by Turkish military aircraft.
(Seealso, Inter-Arab Affairs) [NYT]
April 15: The police announced the arrest of 49 mem-
bers of the Turkish Workers Peasants Liberation
1981 Army on charges of trying to overthrow the govern-
ment by armed revolution. [NYT}
Feb. 10. Algerian Premier Mohamed Ben Ahmed Ab- April 24: Leader of the National Salvation Party Nec-
deighani met with President Habib Bourguiba during mettin Erbakan and 33 followers went on trial in an
a visit to Tunisia. [FBIS] Ankara military court. They were charged with seek-
Feb. 18: Premier Mohamed Mzali began a visit to Paris ing to establish an Islamic state. [NYTI
for talks with French leaders. [MEED] April 29: A trial of Nationalist Action Party leader
Feb. 20: An agreement setting up a joint investment Alparslan TCirke?and 219 followers opened before a
bank with France was signed in Paris. [MEEDI military court. [NYTI

Turkey United Arab Emirates

(Seealso, Libya) (Seealso, Inter-Arab Affairs, Petroleum Affairs, Saudi

Feb. 6: A deputy security chief and an aide were
assassinated near Istanbul. [NYTI Feb. 21: Ruler of Umm al-Qaiwayn Shaykh Ahmad
Feb. 22: The government released into US custody 4 Ra,shidAl Mu'alla died. [FBIS)
Americans who had served prison terms for drug Feb. 22: It was announced that Shaykh Rashid bin
smuggling. [NYTI Ahmad Al Mu'alla had been chosen ruler of Umm al-
March 5: Two Turkish diplomats were assassinated in Qaiwayn. [FBIS]
Paris. [NYT) March 9: West German President Karl Carstens left
March 8: Foreign Minister Ilter Turkmen arrived in Abu Dhabi at the end of a short visit. [FBIS]
Dacca on a 4 day visit to Bangladesh. [FBIS} March 15: Former US President Gerald Ford arrived in
March 14: Premier Bulent Ulusu announced that crimi- the UAE and met with President Shaykh Zayid bin
nal proceedings had begun against people accused of Sultan Al Nuhayyan [FBIS)
torture in 14 cases and that investigations were March 30: British Secretary of State for Defense John
continuing in 40 other incidents. [NYT] Nott met with President Shaykh Zayid in the UAE.
March 16: An Iranian colonel and 11 other people [FBIS]
forced an Iranian transport plane to land at Van and April 7: The EmiratesNews Agency cited a "responsible
asked for political asylum in Turkey. [NYT} source" in the Premier's office as saying that Oman
March 17: The hijacked plane was returned to Iran. and Ras al-Khaimah had agreed to "adopt specific
[NYTI bases in the demarcation of the border" between the
March 26: It was announced that former Public Works two. [FBIS}
Minister *eraffetin Elci had been sentenced to prison April 21. A bomb exploded at a hotel in Abu Dhabi,
for making "Kurdish and secessionist propaganda." killing 2 people. [NYT]
[NYT] April 22: British Premier Margaret Thatcher met with
March 31: The New York Times reported that a televi- President Shaykh Zayid in the UAE. [FBIS]
sion program had aired which declared there was an It was announced that the UAE would purchase
extensive Kurdish organization in Turkey which was about 30 British Hawk trainer aircraft. [NYT}
apparently determined to use every means to achieve April 29: West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
an independent Kurdistan. [NYT] arrived in Abu Dhabi from Saudi Arabia. [NYTI

April 30. West German Chancellor Schmidt met with citizens who had been held for a year on charges of
President Shaykh Zayid. [NYT] being spies. [NYT]

April 11: The Kuwaiti periodical Al Watan reported

Yemen that former Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj had
been executed after a trial. [FBIS]
(Seealso, Inter-Arab Affairs, Iraq)
April 20. The following Ministers were appointed:
Lutfi Husayn al-Kilabi: Local Government
1981 Ahmad Muhammad Luqman: State
Muhammad Husayn Jaghman: Municipalities &
Feb. 8: The government released from prison 2 US Housing [FBIS]

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