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Situation now Sustaining Dunbar: Draft Dunbar and District 2025 Health Vision and Action Plan

What are the issues/barriers now? What

resources Actions Milestones
From the people’s point of view:
our are needed Activities Participation Short term Medium Term Long term
 Poor public transport to specialist
to be able to 5years 10 years 15 +years
health services and hospitals make Water quantity and New care home for all Our basic needs are being
 Threat of closure of local hospital e.g. change? What needs to be done? quality is assessed and ages and more met locally, we have a sense
watershed management resources for of purpose. We have
 Not enough NHS dentists locally Review SOA and Community Planning
plans are developed. homecare. supportive personal
 Limited opening hours for Pharmacies Ensure SOA creates enabling policies for relationships, strong and
 No Saturday morning GP surgeries resilient local health and well being Better public transport More GPs & NHS inclusive communities, good
 Distance to A&E too far and links to get to Dentists health, financial and
 Limited number of care home places Develop a set of agreed local health and specialty health services
well being indicators including water, soil, There is Enough/ more personal security, rewarding
 No surgeries outside Dunbar in villages from all over ward 7. employment, and a healthy,
air, biodiversity quality. local employment/
 Surrounded by polluters e.g. cement attractive and productive
Fewer people are on work available.
works, landfill, Torness Aim Gather a baseline for how healthy people Who needs to
waiting lists for local environments.
 Not safe to cycle and paths not joined feel they are locally and what their ideas be involved? Implementation of
are for being more healthy and well. allotments. Pollution is greatly reduced.
up for walking. By 2025 we are Local food, Transport,
 Lifestyles so busy it’s hard to find time Evidence Baseline measurement Health Enterprise and
more locally Develop action plans for improving local Local people of
All essential drugs are
for exercise and feeling stressed. health and wellbeing all ages and for how healthy people Education Plans
resilient because produced without
 Availability of good quality Food How do we
abilities feel.
we are healthier, Watershed and water quality assessment petrochemicals, some
 Too many takeaways know? Policy All land and space that
 Patient transport takes all day for
happier and able Legislation
and development of a watershed Teachers Local Action plans for can be is used for food locally
to access health management plan improving local health production. Many
round trip. Interviews SOA
Doctors more people are All NHS estate is a net
with 250+ care services and Community Curriculum for excellence includes practical
and well being
Planning developed. employed in food energy generator
Overall: local people, facilities using skills and how to be healthy and well ELC growing and
 oil is a primary raw material for many groups and 50% less fossil People
through reconnecting with locality and
It is easier for all abilities preparation, and Every NHS facility is
service living less oil dependent lifestyles. Government
drugs, equipment, and supplies; that fuels than we do to be more active, people’s involvement accessible on foot, by
transport for patients, staff, deliveries, providers. in 2010. Identify ways to reconnect physically and walking, cycling to school,
with food is far greater bicycle, and by public
and services is heavily oil dependent; socially to the locality. work and entertainment. transport
Local drama, art,
 Nutrition quality of the food has
Identify ways to make it easier for all music, dance, and
declined More community social
celebration are
By 2025 we are more
abilities to make more active transport
 We live more sedentary lifestyle than support groups commonplace locally resilient
There is Delivery Service
because we are
 Health Services and facilities require Open discussions with local Health Board Communities have a healthier and happier
from Chemists. network of registered
cars/ transportation to get to them. about relocalisation of services e.g.
volunteer carers and and able to access
 Public transportation and links are Community hospitals with A&E Community Garden s
emergency helpers health care services
poor. Open discussion with Pharmacies about
Patient Transport and facilities using
 Limited local employment opening all day Saturdays.
improved. 50% less fossil fuels
 We do not have a localised economy
 Debt based economy forces us all to Feasibility study of outreach surgeries in than we do in 2010.
Clean up local
run faster to stand still environment and
 Lack of connection to local landscape/ Assumptions Develop a Local Health Forum polluters
resources. What are our assumptions underlying this
 Not enough allotments – waiting lists happening? Develop a network of registered volunteer Development of LocalExternal Factors
East Lothian Council will agree and align: carers and emergency helpers What willfood,
this work: What will prevent this from working?
for allotments.
 Policy will be enabling and in place Enterprise and Education
 Uncertain health risks from East Lothian Council will agree and align: East Lothian Council do not have:
 Joined up Planning Identify care home and homecare needs for
 Policy will
be enabling and in place  Policy will be enabling and in place
polluting industries Legislation will be enforcing positive change all ages.
 Joined up Planning  Joined up Planning
 Antibiotics are losing their People will be welcoming of this change Legislation will be enforcing positive change No Legislation to enforce positive change
effectiveness. Funding will be available to enable Research, Technology People will be welcoming of this change People are not welcoming of this change.
and Skills Development Funding will be available to enable Research, Funding is not available to enable Research,
Technology and Skills Development Technology and Skills Development.
The norm is for systems designed for the

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