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Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain,
complex, unambiguous world)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
-recognize prevailing universal human values present in a piece of literature/literary selection;
-discern positive human values necessary in facing life’s challenges in given situation’s and
-appreciate the importance of literature as a medium for influencing positive human values in the midst of
challenging situations.

Topic: Literature in VUCA -Positive Human Values
Reference: Self-Learning Module (SLM): Literature in VUCA, First Edition, 2020
Instructional Materials: Visual Aids (Pictures and Graphic Organizers)
Technology Aids (Laptop, Bitmoji Classroom Background PowerPoint Presentation, Speakers and
Google Meet Video Conferencing)
Materials for Students: Laptop/Mobile Phone, Paper, Pen and SLM




1. Mindfulness Technique/Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Setting of Class Standards

Review: Whole Class Activity

_____ 1. What mood do the details of the lines convey?

My heart is like a singing bird/ whose nest is a withered shoot

My Heart is like an apple tree/ whose bough are with thick-set
My heart is like a rainbow shell / that paddles in peaceful sea
My heart is gladder than all these/ because my love has come to

a. sorrow b. happiness c. excitement d. nervousness Student’s answer: B

Determine the tone of the passage in the item.

_____ 2. Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles per
hour, the car can almost fly!
a. calm b. annoyed c. scary d. excited Student’s answer: D

_____ 3. What is the author’s purpose in these lines?

“No. I believe you have the power to be a steward of change.

Your influence can make our world better.”

a. to argue b. to inform c. to explain d. to persuade Student’s answer: A


Now, let us take a look at the graphic organizer.

What is the graphic organizer all about? Scientific Attitudes

Can you recall in what instance or situation in your Science Class Experiment, Problem-solving or
that you apply scientific attitudes and values? Investigatory Project

This time, let us guess the scientific attitudes and values in each

1. A scientist is humble when he admits that he is not free from 1. Humility
committing errors. 2. Responsibility
2. A scientist actively participates in a task and dutifully 3. Inventiveness
performs the task assigned to him. 4. Objectivity
3. A scientist can generate new and original ideas.
4. A scientist does not allow his feelings and biases to influence
hi recording of observations, interpretation of data and
formulation of conclusions.

Are the scientific attitudes and values cited impart positivity? Answers may vary.
Can you guess the topic of our lesson now?

Teacher presents goals and objectives for the lesson.


ACTIVITY 1 (2 big groups)

Representative from the group should read with emotion each

item. Then, choose what emotion the following lines imply from
the pool of words.

Romantic angry irritated

straightforward sympathetic disappointed

Group 1
1. “You call yourself a friend after your betrayal? Go out.” Angry
2. He gently touched her smiling face and whispered the words Romantic
of love.

Group 2
3. I pity those poor little children struggling in the streets. Sympathetic
4. “Why are you are here again? You keep on annoying me.” Irritated

ACTIVITY 2 (2 big groups)

Now, let us assume the role of a problem solver. Before that, let Girls: AYIE!
us first read the article. Every time I mentioned the name of
Cherry Treadway, all girls shall say aloud: AYIE! And when I Boys: Woot-Woot!
mentioned the name of Ethan Nickerson, all boys shall say aloud,

Ready? Teacher reads the selection, LIFE-SAVING PIZZA.

Cheryl is held hostage by her


As a problem solver, a representative of the group will report the She convinced her hostage-taker
problem in the story, the solution and values learned. Each group boyfriend to allow her to order
shall cite only 2 values learned. pizza and include in there her
Here are the questions: asking for help.

What is the problem of Cheryl Treadway? Alertness, presence of mind,

courage, determination, resilience,
How did she solve it? patience, hard work, trust in the
government and Lord.
Cite positive human values that the story presents to you.

Student representative-adjudicator
shall give their assessment to the
other group.

Each group shall have a representative to give their levels of

assessment on the presentation/output of the other group.


Teacher’s Guide Questions: Yes. Positive emotions are

romantic, straightforward,
In activity 1, can you distinguish the positive emotions from the sympathetic while negative
negative from the pool words? Kindly enumerate the positive and emotions are angry, irritated and
negative emotions. disappointed.

It is important to distinguish
Why do you think there is a need to distinguish positive/negative positive/negative emotion because
emotions? these emotions affect our
human/moral values.

In Activity 2, what type of literary genre is presented? Essay, A Story.

poem or a story?

What are those human values imparted in the story? Are those Answers may vary.
positive or negative human values?


Again, what human values does one possess in order to

overcome difficult situation? Positive or negative?
Answers may vary.
Can you enumerate positive human values in literature (story,
poem…) teaches/imparts?

Why is literature important in our society?


Teacher: Let us play BINGO TIME! In a sheet of paper, draw 3

horizontal lines and 3 vertical lines to form a bingo card with Bingo Card
four boxes in it. Then, fill in the small boxes with EVEN
NUMBERS from 2 to 10. Recall, what is an even number?

Rule: If a student, has all his/her chosen numbers covered on the

bingo card, he/she shall call BINGO and shall be entitled to extra
credits. Honesty is the controlling value that will apply in this
Teacher: Note that each even number (2,4,6,8, 10) has a Students shall send their drawn
corresponding situation that you are going to answer. As I call output via messenger group chat
your name, tell me the even number that you pick, then I will during proceeding.
read the situation that you are going to answer. You are going to
put into action the values prevailing in a scenario.

Student’s answer: D

Student’s answer: C

Student’s answer: D
Student’s answer: D

Student’s answer: D

Valuing and still counting!

Elicit students’ responses on the quote and its kernel for the Answers may vary.
day’s lesson.

Choose only the letter of the best answer. Screenshots of answers shall be posted via messenger group

1. Fire broke down at your neighbor’s house which is made of light materials. In no time, the structure
was razed to the ground. Now, they need to start anew–rebuilding their house and their dreams. As a
concerned neighbor, you reported the incident to the authorities and other organizations and asked them
to give immediate response to help the families. What human value is portrayed?
A. helpfulness
B. obedience
C. responsibility
D. sacrifice
2. Your school normally solicits “abuloy” from students whenever a member of the studentry or his/her
immediate relative passes on. At this particular moment, you have P40.00–as your “baon”/allowance.
Usually, you spend half of it in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Which value or character
then is demanded of you at this particular situation?
A. discipline
B. hard work
C. perseverance
D. self-sacrifice

3. Your tricycle-driver father lost his job during the pandemic because during the ECQ, public transport
was not allowed. Providing the family with their basic needs is really difficult at this point. What should
Father have in order to sustain the family’s needs?
A. care
B. loyalty
C. patience
D. resourcefulness

Direction: List down five (5) existing problems in your neighborhood or community. Mention the
activities or actions which the community members din/will do in order to solve it/them. Write your output
on a separate sheet of paper.


Problem Action
Flooded Road Purok members cleared the road from debris.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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