Basic Classrom Techniques

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Wahyu achmad setiawan


Some Basic Classroom Techniques

Look at all student in the class, when teaching we must switch our gaze evenly from one side to
another,we will have the advantage of knowing what is going on in the class the whole time,so we
will know who is paying attention and who isnt,and we can adapt our teaching accordingly.

Vary your techniques for asking question, If someone yawning in the back row,we can ask him
question, but dont start with the name of student we are adressing. Say the question,wait and look
arround, the students thinking they will be asked.

Dont go round the class, Dont ask question or to do exercise in rote around the class.
Because,students that furthest away from the questioning know they can relax for some time before
their turn comes.

Include everyone, Make sure everyone is called on equally. Our own warmth and feeling for our
students are a crucial basis for encouragement and motivation.

Make sure the class is seated in the best possible way, Make sure students are sitting in rows facing
you. The best arrangement is to have everyone ranged around the wall,in a circle.

Limit teacher talking time, Teacher should ideally be a stimulator who get his students to talk. When
training a class to listen and understand,we have to speak more,but try and strike balance.

Write clearly, As a teacher we must write clearly on the blackboard, so students understand the
material that written on blackboard.

Encourage your students, We must encouraged our students as much as possible. Remember too
that we can be encouraging or discouraging simply with intonation.

Be careful with gramatical terms, use as few of these as possible,apart from common ones like
noun,adjective, and fully conversant with the terms yourself.

Encourage your student to practice english outside the class,make sure your students feel
apreciated when they hand in their homework. Try to get your students to read english book or
newspaper for enjoyment.

Take account of different levels within the class, we can mix student with different
nationality,students will adapt and teach their friend each other.

Deal with individual problems, we can deal student problem after class, student will feel that you
are really care about his progress if you spend additional time on him.

Correct your student, we must note down the student mistake and go to over the student at the end
disscusion, so students will understand their mistakes.

Pair and group work, break them up into pairs or small group,it can stimulate conversation,although
close supervision is necesary.
Use their name correctly, make sure you pronounce student name correctly,if you dont they may
begin to feel that you are hardly in a position to correct their pronounciation. They may also feel that
you are slighting his country.

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