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Food Exchange and Meal Distribution

Food No. of CHO PRO FAT ENERG Meal Distribution

Exchange Exchange Y kcal
330g. 70 g. 30 g. B L D Sn
I. Veg A 3 9 3 - 48 1 1 1
Veg B 3 9 3 - 48 1 1 1
II. Fruits 7 70 - - 280 2 1 1 3
III. Milk 2 24 16 10 160+90 1 1
IV. Rice 9 207 18 - 900 3 3 2 2
V. Meat 4 32 4 128+36 1 1 1 1
VI. Sugar 2 10 - - 40 1 1
VII. Fat 3 - - 15 135 1 1 1
Total 33 329 72 29 1865 11 8 7 8

To obtain the amount of rice, meat/fish and fats exchanges:

Rice: 330 - 122 Protein: 70 – 40 Fats: 30 – 14
= 208 ÷ 23 = 30 ÷ 8 = 16÷ 5
= 9.04 or 9 = 3.75 or 4 = 3.2 or 3

Food Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Veg A 1 cup cucumber ½ cup malungay ½ cup ampalaya
Veg B 1/ 2 cup ½ cup squash ½ cup coconut
singkamas sout
Fruits Apple and banana Mango and Papaya and Apple, pear and
pureed pineapple mangosteen kalamansi
Milk ½ cup lite low fat ½ cup lite low fat
milk milk
Rice Whole wheat 1 cup rice ½ cup rice Sweet potato
bread 2 pieces 1/3 cup potato 3 mamon 2 slices of whole
11 pieces wheat bread
½ cup cereals
Meat ¼ cheese 1 lapu-lapu ¼ cup dilis cheese
Sugar 1 tsp honey 1 tsp ube halaya
Fat 1 tsp olive oil 1 tsp olive oil 1 tsp canola avocado

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