Hasil Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas 4

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Timestamp Score Nama : Kelas : are - ? - you - how - today.

8/10/2020 10:24:15 75 / 100 Muhammad Agust Canggih4FB how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:27:48 80 / 100 Fiqri akbat 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:29:19 85 / 100 Shafira Ramadhani Saepul4 A how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:29:28 50 / 100 Eka rahmatia 4B your are how today?
8/10/2020 10:32:37 75 / 100 citra mega ramadhani 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:33:08 85 / 100 ghalin kayyisa elmazea 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:35:44 75 / 100 Hani herlina 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:36:35 85 / 100 M Ilham k 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:39:48 80 / 100 Izza farida sabeela 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:42:46 90 / 100 Gina Nisatul ilmi 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:46:46 80 / 100 Dava Rifki Maulana 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:52:04 95 / 100 Talitha Maulida 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 10:55:05 25 / 100 haikal arsafin 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:03:38 95 / 100 Azzahra Syafia Arbinda 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:04:22 70 / 100 Riski irawan 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:06:15 80 / 100 Muhammad Devan Maulan4 B how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:10:51 90 / 100 Diandra Ali Zidan 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:13:08 85 / 100 Tiara putri 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:23:41 75 / 100 Rakha pratama alizky 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:30:58 70 / 100 M Dicky Iskandar 4A are how today you?
8/10/2020 11:31:26 85 / 100 Ahmad Zaenudin 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:33:27 80 / 100 Siti amimi 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:42:27 80 / 100 Muhamad rifqi angga 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:43:50 90 / 100 Soleh 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:43:55 75 / 100 Ervan Nurrizky Fauzi 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:51:03 75 / 100 Cherryca ramadhania 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:56:05 85 / 100 M. Fabian Al khadafi 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 11:56:46 45 / 100 Angga Rizki Ramadan 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 12:01:26 85 / 100 Dicky ashat ramadhan 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 12:20:07 80 / 100 Azizah Tarbiatul aulad 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 12:20:35 70 / 100 Alfin maulana 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 12:21:36 80 / 100 Adinda Prichillia 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 12:29:38 50 / 100 Risa amelia 4A are how today you?
8/10/2020 12:59:12 75 / 100 TEJA MAHESA 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 13:00:31 85 / 100 Rafa akmal alzahir 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 13:07:33 85 / 100 Raihan 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 13:08:16 70 / 100 Fadil Afri septian 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 13:09:43 75 / 100 Arvel winatra gautama 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 14:18:13 85 / 100 adinda oktavia andriani 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 14:29:44 80 / 100 Indah Ramadhani 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 14:50:58 65 / 100 Septi 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 14:58:44 75 / 100 M.azmi khildan. 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 15:41:52 85 / 100 SITI AISAH 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 15:55:15 85 / 100 Luthfi Al-Athar 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 16:05:47 90 / 100 Mario hidayat 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 16:38:29 80 / 100 Mila gusdamayanti 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 18:45:35 70 / 100 Meila zilfani 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 18:58:14 75 / 100 Destya Aryanti 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 18:59:56 85 / 100 AfDlolu Dzikri 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 19:50:54 85 / 100 Rahma wardah puspita 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 20:18:35 75 / 100 Aulia Rizky lubis 4A how are you today?
8/10/2020 21:58:27 65 / 100 Indra abdul azis 4B how are you today?
8/10/2020 23:14:53 65 / 100 Dodo abdulghoni 4A how are you today?
sampai jumpa besok = ........
uncle : where do you live, Ani
? .................... telling about yourself to som
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow i study at nusa bangsa ele what is your surname telling story
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow i am fine thank you what is your surname greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you soon I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
see you soon I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your father name telling story
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
see you tomorrow i am nine years old what is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
nice to see you I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name greeting
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name telling story
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your full name self introducing
see you tomorrow I live in at Cemara Street Nwhat is your nick name greeting
Silviana Putri Sonia is ..... Bara: .........? Tiara: It is S Murni : "How do you do ?" Dio
the :following are parting (per
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how you are hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how you are hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what is your full name how you are goodbye
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what time is it how do you do hi
full name what day is it today how do you hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what day is it today how you are hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how you are hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
surname what time is it how do you do goodbye
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
nick name what day is it today how are you see you
full name what day is it today how do you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you do goodbye
full name what day is it today how you are hi
full name what day is it today how are you goodbye
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how do you do hi
nick name what day is it today how do you do hi
surname what day is it today how do you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how you are hi
last name what day is it today how are you hi
full name what day is it today how are you hi
surname what day is it today how are you goodbye
dad, this is mutiara. .......... aldi : ..........Ratna. Ratna Sinta: ...... are you? Helen nice to meet you ....... mea
he nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you where senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
they how are you what senang bertemu denganmu
he i am fine, thank you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she how are you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
they how are you what apa kabar
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
he nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
they nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she how are you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she how are you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
he nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
he i am fine, thank you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
we nice to meet you what senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
he nice to meet you what senang bertemu denganmu
they nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you where senang bertemu denganmu
she nice to meet you how senang bertemu denganmu
brian : how's everything going?
the following are greetings,i eam one of greeting. peop i am the antonym of first
i am how do you do? good morning nick name
i am how do you do? good morning last name
i am good morning good morning last name
i am how do you do? good morning last name
i am hi, there good morning last name
they are how do you do? good morning last name
i am hi, there good morning nick name
they are hi, there good morning last name
i am good morning good morning surname
i am see you tomorrow good morning last name
i am hi, there good night last name
i am see you tomorrow good morning last name
they are how do you do? hi full name
i am see you tomorrow good morning last name
i am good morning hi full name
they are hi, there good morning last name
they are see you tomorrow good morning last name
i am how do you do? good morning last name
i am hi, there good morning nick name
i am hi, there good morning nick name
they are good morning good morning last name
they are hi, there good morning surname
they are hi, there good morning last name
i am hi, there good morning last name
i am hi, there good morning nick name
they are good morning good night last name
i am see you tomorrow good morning nick name
i am hi, there hi full name
i am hi, there good morning last name
they are hi, there good morning last name
she is how do you do? good morning nick name
i am see you tomorrow good morning nick name
i am how do you do? good morning nick name
i am hi, there good morning nick name
i am see you tomorrow good morning nick name
i am good morning good morning last name
you are see you tomorrow good night last name
they are good morning good morning last name
i am how do you do? good morning last name
i am hi, there good morning last name
they are hi, there good night last name
i am good morning good morning last name
i am see you tomorrow see you nick name
i am how do you do? good morning last name
they are see you tomorrow good morning last name
i am see you tomorrow good morning nick name
they are how do you do? good morning last name
i am hi, there good night nick name
i am hi, there good morning last name
i am hi, there good morning last name
they are good morning good morning last name
i am how do you do? nick name
i am good morning good morning surname
if you meet a new person and
if you want to leave (pergi/ki am one of greeting. people use me when i want to sleep. who am i ?
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good evening
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce good morning good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
greeting see you good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good night
hi see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good evening
hi see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
greeting see you good night
hi see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce hello good night
greeting see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good night
introduce see you good evening
parting see you good night
i want to sleep. who am i ?

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