Vocabulary Ex14

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Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space.

The Importance of the Dinner Table

Not too long 1........... , the dinner table was the centre 2.............. family life. Parents
and children would 3........... around the table, enjoy a good home-made 4.......... and
discuss the day’s events. Nowadays, 5............., the family dinner table has become
a 6............... of the past. The reason for this is the 7............. that parents don’t
spend as much time with their children as they once 8......... to. In most households,
both parents 9............... and are simply too tired to organise meals 10............ other
domestic matters. Nevertheless, many experts insist 11......... time spent at the
family dining table is essential to the well-being of the family unit. Gathering for
meals gives children a 12......... of security and helps them understand and
appreciate family life. Experts also claim that children not 13............. get a
nourishing meal but they also get emotional, intellectual and spiritual nourishment.
So, 14............it is once a month or once a week, busy parents should 15..............
aside a few hours of their time to organise a family meal and spend quality time
with their children. 16.............. all, the family that eats together stays together.

1 ago 9 work
2 of 10 and
3 gather 11 that
4 meal 12 sense
5 however 13 only
6 part 14 whether
7 fact 15 put
8 used 16 after

For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D
best fits each space. There’s an example at the beginning (0)

14 The Home of the Future

In the 0... people could live in “smart homes” that will tell them when to wake up
or remind them to 1 ... the front door. These homes will be equipped with
electronic sensors connected to a computer that will 2 ... people to take their
medicine or 3 ... off the oven. This computerised system, with about thirty sensors
will be 4 ... to talk and negotiate with the tenant. It will also have the ability to 5 ...
out if it is doing something that might be harmful. The 6 ... of the “smart home” is
to allow the elderly to live independently in their own homes for as 7 ... as
possible, instead of moving into nursing homes. The number of people living into
their 80s is expected to increase dramatically in the 8 ... few decades. As a result,
there will probably be a 9 ... demand for these homes, which will enable the elderly
to 10 ... their independence and privacy. In addition to reminding them about
things they may have forgotten to do, the system would contact a volunteer in 11 ...
of illness or danger. At the 12 ... , a bioengineer at Brunel University near London
is working with several housing associations, communication companies and
charities in order to make this 13 ... home a reality. Although he is planning to
14 ... up new homes and apartments with the system, he says that it would also be
15 ... to change existing homes, too.

0A distance B future C beginning D end

1A fasten B seal C bolt D lock
2A make B request C remember D remind
3A shut B close C turn D cut
4A potential B able C probable D capable
5A think B sort C work D try
6A plan B wish C aim D target
7A long B far C soon D much
8A further B later C next D near
9A grand B tall C great D wide
10A keep B assert C claim D win
11A time B need C case D fact
12A moment B present C time D instant
13A imaginary B unreal C dream D wishful
14A set B build C make D put
15A likely B suitable C possible D hopeful
Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If a line is correct, put a
tick (√) by it. If it has a word which should not be there, write the word at the
end of the line.

14 A habitat in your own back yard!

Creating a habitat for wildlife is so simple you can do it in your 1 √

own back yard. All you need to start them are a few things to 2 them
supply the wildlife with, such like shelter, water and food. 3 with
This can be achieved by choosing the proper trees and shrubs 4 √
for your area that they will provide birds and mammals with 5 they
both food and shelter. Many of birds and animals also 6 of
depend on flowers for nectar, so be sure to have a wide 7 √
variety of flowers. The type of plants you use will depend on 8 √
the each type of wildlife in your area and what food sources 9 the
they need. As for the water you will be need, digging a small 10 be
hole in the ground and filling it with water is sufficient for 11 √
the most wildlife. You can also put up a birdbath, which 12 the
you can be bought at most garden shops. Butterflies like being 13 you
around mud holes, so make a mess in a corner if you like. 14 √
Don’t feel you need a large back yard so to make sure wildlife 15 so
visit. Even if the balcony of a city apartment can become a 16 if
wildlife habitat, so long as well there is enough food, shelter 17 well
and water for the animals and plants 18 the

Find the word which should not be in the sentence

1. My friend’s motorcycle is twice as more fast as mine.

2. As John’s team was winning, he got the more and more excited.
3. Our new car is by far more modern than our old one.
4. Today is much more colder than yesterday.
5. The more he reads, the far more knowledgeable he becomes.
6. Your jacket is the same colour as with mine.
7. How about we going dancing tonight?
8. I saw Alice to open your bag.
9. We found the show being very amusing.
10. Did you hear the Prime Minister was talking about the new law?

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the space. Write your word in the answer boxes provided.

14 Mum jailed as sons run riot

France has found a new and 1.............. weapon in its war against the
2 ................. violent tide of youth crime sweeping the country. For the first time, a
court has jailed a parent of delinquent children for parental 3) ................... . The
35-year-old mother was jailed for one month after a court in Mulhouse,
4. ................. France, heard the criminal records accumulated by her four sons,
aged 12 to 17, while in her care. She was accused of ignoring frequent
5 .................. , egging them on, refusing to comply with the 6 ....................... of the
juvenile court, and leaving the flat in a “filthy, 7................... cockroach-infested
and grease-covered” state. The French criminal code permits a court to punish, by
up to two years in prison, any parent who “without legitimate reason shirks the
obligations of parenthood, specifically where the health, safety, morals or
education of their child are 8.......”. Last year the French authorities announced a
draconian 9............... of measures to stem youth violence, promising 7,000 extra
policemen to patrol the volatile suburbs and 50 new high security juvenile
10 .................. centres for serious and multiple 11 ............. aged between 13 and

1 CONTROVERSY controversial 7 REPEL repellent

2 INCREASE increasingly 8 DANGER endangered
3 COMPETENT incompetence 9 PACK package
4 EAST Eastern 10 DETAIN detention
5 TRUANT truancies 11 OFFEND offenders
6 RECOMMEND recommendations

1. Match the two part expressions in sentences 1-7 to the definitions a-g

1. We are concerned about the breakdown of law and order in the country.
2. Here are a few facts and figures about the city.
3. I learned most of what I know about computers through trial and error.
4. I’m sick of all their petty rules and regulations.
5. Apart from the usual aches and pains she felt all right.
6. These are tried and tested security procedures.
7. Let’s settle this matter once and for all.

a) testing different methods in order to find which one is the most successful
b) a situation in which people respect the law and crime is controlled by the
c) a method which has been used successfully many times
d) official instructions saying how things should be done/what is allowed
e) deal with something completely and finally
f) the basic details and numbers concerning a situation or subject
g) slight feelings of pain that are not considered serious

1b, 2f, 3a, 4d, 5g, 6c, 7e.

2. Complete the sentences with expressions from ex.1.

1. We eventually found the answer by means of trial and error.
2. I must be coming down with the flu. I am all aches and pains.
3. The police have a tough job keeping law and order in the rundown parts of the
4. The documentary confused me with all those facts and figures.
5. We really need to make a decision about this once and for all.
6. If you like the cake, I’ll give you my tried and tested recipe.
7. I hated being in the army because of all the rules and regulations.

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