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Claudia Giwang D.P.F.P.


The manager of a hospitality business is faced, on a daily basis, with operational and guest
service problems which may directly impact to the hotel profitability. Please find 3 Examples of
daily quality problems that happen in housekeeping operation, and imagine that you are an
executive housekeeper, please explain how you can minimise that problems so it will not
happen again in the future. 

There are several common complaints that occur in housekeeping department, for examples:
1. Broken Lights and electricity.
In my opinion this complaint occurs very much. And to be honest, this can be really
frustrating for the guest. This is actually a very small problem but, when the guest is
impatient, this can be a really serious problem. If it become a constant problem, they can deter
people to become a repeater in your hotel which will end up impacting the profit.
How? As executive housekeeper, I will solve the problem quickly and teach how my fellow
housekeeper to do the same. We must have a good relation with the maintenance department
so the problem will be fixed quicker. We can perform weekly checks to ensure that all the
electrics are working properly. By having regular check, we can reduce the chance of guests
suffering from inconvenience (e.g., broken lights)

2. Not enough toiletries (paper roll, shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc)

It’s very common that the lack of toiletries can be such a nuisance to the guest. Especially for
the guest that is practical, and doesn’t often bring their own toiletries. Especially, when the
toilet paper runs out. Because, the type of guest is majorly vast so we better prevent the
How? As executive housekeeper, I will implement that each room have to have at least two
rolls a day (for toilet paper). For the other toiletries, we have to make sure that it is provided
by asking the guest if they need it more. If they call us and need more, we should answer it
quickly and deliver it to their room. If there’s a lacking in the supplies, try to find the best
suppliers for the needs, especially if it is a luxury hotel, we should provide a high-quality
luxury, toiletries for the guest, which of course will be appreciated by them.

3. Dusty room
Nowadays, guest can be very detailed about their room, in fact they expect a high-standards
on us. So, if they find any areas covered in dust, they will think we didn’t do our job
How? As executive housekeeper, I will make sure that each room should be tidied in high-
standard. If there’s a room that is frequently vacant, we should inspect it and gives it a good
wipe-down before any new guest arrive so it’s clean and fresh.

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