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Gas Air properties

1.- Specific heat of air at constant pressure Gas_AirCp_tK

2.- Specific heat ratio of air Gas_AirK_tK
3.- Specific enthalpy of air Gas_AirEnthalpy_tK
11. Air thermal conductivity Gas_AirConductivity_tC
12. Air specific heat at constant pressure Gas_AirSpecificHeat_tC
13. Air Prandtl number Gas_AirPrandtl_tC
14. Air density Gas_AirDensity_tC
15. Air absolute viscosity Gas_AirAbsoluteViscosity_tC
16. Air kinematic viscosity Gas_AirKinematicViscosity_tC
17. Air thermal difussivity Gas_AirThermalDiffusivity_tC
18. Array of thermal properties of air Gas_Air_properties_array_output_tC
19. Air atmospheric pressure Gas_AirAtmosphericPressure_Has(H)
20. Density Gas_AirPressDensity_PkPa_tC
21. Kinematic viscosity Gas_AirPressKinemVisc_PkPa_t
22. Wet air volume composition Gas_AirWetVolumeComposition_tdb_f_H(tdb, f, H)
Psychrometric air properties
Group 0. Sat. Water vapor & atmospheric pressure
Group 1. Functions of: tdb, f and H
Group 2. Functions of: tdb, twb and H
Group 3. Functions of: tdb, x and H
Group 4. Functions of: ent, x and H
Group 5. Functions of: tdb, ent and H

For psychrometric air functions, see,

omposition_tdb_f_H(tdb, f, H)
Dry Air Gas Properties

1 Specific heat of air at constant pressure 2 Specific heat ratio of air

Cp: Specific heat at constant pressure kJ/(kg*K) k: Specific heat ratio -
T: Absolute temperature [K] T: Absolute temperature [K]
Data from [1], Table 2, page 34 Data from [1], Table 2, page

VBA function VBA function

Cp = Gas_AirCp_tK k=
T= 194 K T=
Cp = #VALUE! kJ/(kg*K) k=

Temperature range Temperature range

56 [K] <= T <= 3000 [K] 56 [K] <= T <= 3556 [K]

'1.- Specific heat of air at constant pressure Gas_AirCp_tK

2.- Specific heat ratio of air Gas_AirK_tK
3.- Specific enthalpy of air Gas_AirEnthalpy_tK(tK)

11. Air thermal conductivity Gas_AirConductivity_tC(tC)

'12. Air specific heat at constant pressure Gas_AirSpecificHeat_tC(tC)
13. Air Prandtl number Gas_AirPrandtl_tC(tC)
14. Air density Gas_AirDensity_tC(tC)
15. Air absolute viscosity Gas_AirAbsoluteViscosity_tC(tC)
16. Air kinematic viscosity Gas_AirKinematicViscosity_tC(tC)
17. Air thermal difussivity Gas_AirThermalDiffusivity_tC(tC)
18. Array of thermal properties of air Gas_Air_properties_array_output_tC(tC)
19. Air atmospheric pressure Gas_AirAtmosphericPressure_Has(H)
20. Density Gas_AirPressDensity_PkPa_tC
21. Kinematic viscosity Gas_AirPressKinemVisc_PkPa_t
22. Wet air volume composition Gas_AirWetVolumeComposition_tdb_f_H(tdb, f, H

19 Air atmospheric pressure 22

Patm = Gas_AirAtmosphericPressure_Has(H)
H= 550 m.a.s.l.
Patm = #VALUE! Pa

20 Density of pressurized air

Density = Gas_AirPressDensity_PkPa_tC
P= 212.325 kPa
t= 15 ºC
Density = #VALUE! kg/m3

21 Kinematic viscosity
n = Gas_AirPressKinemVisc_PkPa_tC
P= 212.325 kPa
t= 15 ºC
n = #VALUE! Pa s
Specific heat ratio of air 3 Specific enthalpy of air Atmospheric dry air propertie
k: Specific heat ratio - h: Specific enthalpy of air kJ/kg
T: Absolute temperature [K] 'T: Absolute temperature [K] Input data: Temperature
Data from [1], Table 2, page 34 Gas_AirEnthalpy_tK(tK)
VBA function VBA function 11 Gas_AirConductivity_tC
Gas_AirK_tK h= Gas_AirEnthalpy_tK 12 Gas_AirSpecificHeat_tC
220 K T= 220 K 13 Gas_AirPrandtl_tC
#VALUE! - Cp = #VALUE! kJ/(kg*K) 14 Gas_AirDensity_tC
15 Gas_AirAbsoluteViscosity_tC
Temperature range Temperature range 16 Gas_AirKinematicViscosity_tC
56 [K] <= T <= 3556 [K] 56 [K] <= T <= 3611 [K] 17 Gas_AirThermalDiffusivity_tC

18 Gas_Air_properties_array_outp

osity_tC(tC) Gas_AirKinematicViscosity_tC

omposition_tdb_f_H(tdb, f, H)

Wet air volume composition

Gas_AirWetVolumeComposition_tdb_f_H(tdb, f, H)
t= 25 ºC
f= 65 %
H= 200 m.a.s.l.
Wet air volume composition
N2%vol = #VALUE!
O2%vol = #VALUE!
CO2%vol = #VALUE!
Ar%vol = #VALUE!
H2O%vol = #VALUE!
Mwet-air = #VALUE!
Rev. cjc.28.01.2018
page 1 of 2

Atmospheric dry air properties -73.15 ºC <= t <= 726.85 ºC

Input data: Temperature t= 45 ºC

Gas_AirConductivity_tC k= #VALUE! W/(m*K)
Gas_AirSpecificHeat_tC Cp = #VALUE! kJ/(kg*K)
Gas_AirPrandtl_tC Pr = #VALUE! -
Gas_AirDensity_tC r= #VALUE! kg/m3
Gas_AirAbsoluteViscosity_tC m = #VALUE! Pa*s
Gas_AirKinematicViscosity_tC n = #VALUE! m2/s
Gas_AirThermalDiffusivity_tC a = #VALUE! m2/s

t= 45 ºC
Gas_AirConductivity_tC k= #VALUE! W(m*K)
Gas_AirSpecificHeat_tC Cp = #VALUE! kJ(kg*K)
Gas_AirPrandtl_tC Pr = #VALUE! (-)
Gas_AirDensity_tC r= #VALUE! kg/m³
Gas_AirAbsoluteViscosity_tC m = #VALUE! Pa s
Gas_AirKinematicViscosity_tC n = #VALUE! m²/s
Gas_AirThermalDiffusivity_tC a = #VALUE! m²/s

page 2 of 2
Atmospheric air properties as a function of the temperature [5], page 767
t k Cp Pr rair m
ºC W/(m*K) kJ/(kg*K) - kg/m3 Pa s
0 -73.15 0.0181 1.007 0.737 1.7458 1.325E-05
1 -23.15 0.0223 1.006 0.72 1.3947 1.596E-05
2 26.85 0.0263 1.007 0.707 1.1614 1.846E-05
3 76.85 0.03 1.009 0.7 0.995 2.082E-05
4 126.85 0.0338 1.014 0.69 0.8711 2.301E-05
5 176.85 0.0373 1.021 0.686 0.774 2.507E-05
6 226.85 0.0407 1.03 0.684 0.6964 2.701E-05
7 276.85 0.0439 1.04 0.683 0.6329 2.884E-05
8 326.85 0.0469 1.051 0.685 0.5804 3.058E-05
9 376.85 0.0497 1.063 0.69 0.5356 3.225E-05
10 426.85 0.0524 1.075 0.695 0.4975 3.388E-05
11 476.85 0.0549 1.087 0.702 0.4643 3.546E-05
12 526.85 0.0573 1.099 0.709 0.4354 3.698E-05
13 576.85 0.0596 1.11 0.716 0.4097 3.843E-05
14 626.85 0.062 1.121 0.72 0.3868 3.981E-05
15 676.85 0.0643 1.131 0.723 0.3666 4.113E-05
16 726.85 0.0667 1.141 0.726 0.3482 4.244E-05

1 t -73.15,-23.15,26.85,76.85,126.85,176.85,226.85,276.85,326.85,376.85,426.85,476.85,526.8
2 k 0.0181,0.0223,0.0263,0.03,0.0338,0.0373,0.0407,0.0439,0.0469,0.0497,0.0524,0.0549,0.05
3 Cp 1.007,1.006,1.007,1.009,1.014,1.021,1.03,1.04,1.051,1.063,1.075,1.087,1.099,1.11,1.121,1
4 Pr 0.737,0.72,0.707,0.7,0.69,0.686,0.684,0.683,0.685,0.69,0.695,0.702,0.709,0.716,0.72,0.723
5 RhoAir 1.7458,1.3947,1.1614,0.995,0.8711,0.774,0.6964,0.6329,0.5804,0.5356,0.4975,0.4643,0.43
6 m 0.00001325,0.00001596,0.00001846,0.00002082,0.00002301,0.00002507,0.00002701,0.00

Concatenate a vertical range into a horizontal range separeted by comas

Select a cell to recive the result
Type the range (as an example) =A1:A17
Transpose range =Transpose(A1:A17)
At the end, add separator =Transpose(A1:A17)&","
Press F9 ={"A1,","B1,","C1,","D1,","E1,"
Delete curly brackets in formula bar. ="A1,","B1,","C1,","D1,","E1,"
Type =Concatenate( in front of all characters in formula bar. =Concatenate("A1,","B1,","C1
Type ) at the end in formula bar. A1,B1,C1,D1,E1,F1,G1,H1,I1,
Press Enter

Saturation properties of water as a function of the temperature [5], page 774

t k Cp Pr rwater m n a
ºC W/(m*K) kJ/(kg*K) - kg/m 3
Pa s m /s
0 0.569 4.217 12.99 1000.00 1.75E-03 1.75E-06 1.35E-07
1.85 0.574 4.211 12.22 1000.00 1.65E-03 1.65E-06 1.36E-07
6.85 0.582 4.198 10.26 1000.00 1.42E-03 1.42E-06 1.39E-07
11.85 0.590 4.189 8.81 1000.00 1.23E-03 1.23E-06 1.41E-07
16.85 0.598 4.184 7.56 999.00 1.08E-03 1.08E-06 1.43E-07
21.85 0.606 4.181 6.62 998.00 9.59E-04 9.61E-07 1.45E-07
26.85 0.613 4.179 5.83 997.01 8.55E-04 8.58E-07 1.47E-07
31.85 0.620 4.178 5.2 995.02 7.69E-04 7.73E-07 1.49E-07
36.85 0.628 4.178 4.62 993.05 6.95E-04 7.00E-07 1.51E-07
41.85 0.634 4.179 4.16 991.08 6.31E-04 6.37E-07 1.53E-07
46.85 0.640 4.18 3.77 989.12 5.77E-04 5.78E-07 1.53E-07
51.85 0.645 4.182 3.42 987.17 5.28E-04 5.35E-07 1.56E-07
56.85 0.651 4.184 3.15 984.25 4.89E-04 4.97E-07 1.58E-07
61.85 0.656 4.186 2.88 982.32 4.53E-04 4.61E-07 1.60E-07
66.85 0.660 4.188 2.66 979.43 4.20E-04 4.29E-07 1.61E-07
71.85 0.664 4.191 2.45 976.56 3.89E-04 3.98E-07 1.63E-07
76.85 0.668 4.195 2.29 973.71 3.65E-04 3.75E-07 1.64E-07
81.85 0.671 4.199 2.14 970.87 3.43E-04 3.53E-07 1.65E-07
86.85 0.674 4.203 2.02 967.12 3.24E-04 3.35E-07 1.66E-07
91.85 0.677 4.209 1.91 963.39 3.06E-04 3.18E-07 1.67E-07
96.85 0.679 4.214 1.8 960.61 2.89E-04 3.01E-07 1.68E-07
100 0.680 4.217 1.76 957.85 2.79E-04 2.91E-07 1.68E-07

Water data

1 t= 0,1.85,6.85,11.85,16.85,21.85,26.85,31.85,36.85,41.85,46.85,51.85,56.85,61.85,66.85,71.8
2 k= 0.569,0.574,0.582,0.59,0.598,0.606,0.613,0.62,0.628,0.634,0.64,0.645,0.651,0.656,0.66,0.6
3 Cp = 4.217,4.211,4.198,4.189,4.184,4.181,4.179,4.178,4.178,4.17
4 Pr = 12.99,12.22,10.26,8.81,7.56,6.62,5.83,5.2,4.62,4.16,3.77,3.42,3.15,2.88,2.66,2.45,2.29,2.14
5 rwater = 1000,1000,1000,1000,999.000999000999,998.003992015968,997.008973080758,995.024875621891,993.04865938431,991.080277502478,989.119683481701,987.166831194472,984.251968503937,982.318271119843,979.43192

6 m= 0.00175,0.001652,0.001422,0.001225,0.00108,0.000959,0.000855,0.000769,0.000695,0.000631,0.000577,0.000528,0.000489,0.000453,0.00042,0.000389,0.000365,0.000343,0.000324,0.000306,0.000289,0.000279,

7 n= 0.00000175,0.000001652,0.000001422,0.000001225,0.00000108108,0.000000960918,0.000000857565,0.000000772845,0.000000699865,0.000000636679,0.000000577577,0.000000534864,0.000000496824,0.000000461154,0.00

8 a= 1.34930045055727E-07,1.36309665162669E-07,1.38637446403049E-07,1.40845070422535E-07,1.43068355640535E-07,1.45231284381727E-07,1.471258674324E-07,1.49138343705122E-07,1.51363331737674E-07,1.5307633

9 Psat = 0.0061080062637844,0.00697932986141981,0.00990923822925504,0.0138760003413098,0.019178331441812,0.0261807905270562,0.0353234255764133,0.0471319192404081,0.062228129149328,0.0813409057952313,0.1053

Concatenate a vertical range into a horizontal range separeted by comas

Select a cell to recive the result
Type the range (as an example) =A1:A22
Transpose range =Transpose(A1:A9)
At the end, add separator =Transpose(A1:A22)&","
Press F9 ={"A1,","B1,","C1,","D1,","E1,","F1,","G1,"
Delete curly brackets in formula bar. ="A1,","B1,","C1,","D1,","E1,","F1,","G1,","
Type =Concatenate( in front of all characters in formula bar. =Concatenate("A1,","B1,","C1,","D1,","E1
Type ) at the end in formula bar. A1,B1,C1,D1,E1,F1,G1,H1,I1,
Press Enter
Atmospheric Air



Saturated Water

Psat Application example

0.0061 Input data: Temperature t= 41.85 ºC
0.0099 Function used
0.0139 SaturatedWaterConductivity_t k= #ADDIN? W/(m*K)
0.0192 SaturatedWaterSpecificHeat_t Cp = #ADDIN? kJ/kg
0.0262 SaturatedWaterPrandtl_t Pr = #ADDIN? -
0.0353 SaturatedWaterDensity_t r= #ADDIN? kg/m3
0.0471 SaturatedWaterAbsoluteViscosity_t m = #ADDIN? Pa*s
0.0622 SaturatedWaterKinematicViscosity_t n = #ADDIN? m2/s
0.0813 SaturatedWaterThermalDiffusivity_t a = #ADDIN? m2/s
0.1053 SaturatedWaterPressure_t Psat = #ADDIN? bar







[1] Gas tables
Joseph H. Keenan & Joseph Kaye
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1948



[4] Specific Heat of Air vs. Temperature Plot - Ninova


[5] 'Air data from Fundamental of heat and mass transfer by Frank P. Incropera & David P. De Witt
'John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 1985, second edition

[6] Fundamentos de termodinámica

Van Wylen & Sonntag
Limusa 1997

& David P. De Witt


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