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English Language Reader

English Texts with Practice Activities

навчальний посібник з англійської мови

для слухачів підготовчих відділень вищих
навчальних закладів України

КИЇВ 2014

Р ец ен з ент и :

Рекомендовано до друку вченою радою підготовчого відділення
(протокол № __ від _____ року)

М.Ю. Цимбаленко
English Grammar in Use: навчальний посібник з англійської мови для підготовки до
зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання: Навч. посіб. – К.: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр “Київський
університет”, 2014. – 200 с.

Керівник проекту доцент І. В.Ляшенко

Навчальний посібник адресований учням старших класів середніх

навчальних закладів для підготовки до зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання.
Посібник допоможе набути навичок творчого характеру та практично
використовувати граматичні структури, типові для сучасної англійської мови.


Посібник розрахований на учнів старших класів середніх
навчальних закладів та студентів університетів. Він може бути
використаний для підготовки до зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання.
Посібник має на меті набуття навичок написання листів та
творів різної тематики, удосконалення знань із граматики англійської
Посібник складається з восьми розділів. У граматичній частині
подані короткі пояснення граматичних явищ та вправи для їх
опрацювання. Головна мета граматичної частини – систематизувати
знання та розвинути навички правильного вживання таких частин мови,
як іменника, займенника, прикметника, прислівника, дієприкметника,
дієприслівника, дієслова, інфінітива, герундія та артикля.
Два останні розділи охоплюють такі теми, як написання
офіційних та неофіційних листів, листів-заяв, листів-скарг, ділових
листів, листі другові тощо, різних видів творів.
Посібник можна використовувати як для аудиторної, так і для
самостійної роботи старшокласників та студентів.


1 UNIT 1 Family Life

2 UNIT 2 Around Home & City and Country Life
3 UNIT 3 Apparance and character
4 UNIT 4 Education
5 UNIT 5 Work
6 UNIT 6 Weather
7 UNIT 7 Cooking Food &Ukrainian cuisine
8 UNIT 8 Travelling
9 TEST 1
10 UNIT 9 Fafourite Sport
11 UNIT 10 Ethical Employment
12 UNIT 11 Hobbies
13 UNIT 12 Countries
14 UNIT 13 Accommodation
15 UNIT 14 Nature Protection
16 UNIT 15 Healthy Life
17 UNIT 16 Keeping Fit
18 TEST 1

Unit 1

Read the words. Mind the stress. A):

΄nuclear so΄ciety ,elec΄tricity
΄average in΄volve ,over΄all
΄weaken con΄sist tech΄nology
΄housework ex΄pect im΄prove
΄survey in΄vent en,viron΄mental
necessary a΄mount ,ado΄lescence
΄equally ma΄chine au,thori΄tarian
΄interview in΄clude e΄vent
΄confidence a΄ppearance de΄fine
΄discipline ma΄jority ,discipli΄narian
΄useful a΄rrange re,sponsi΄bility
΄probably do΄mestic ,enter΄tain
΄definite en΄gaged i΄dentical
΄willing co΄mmitment ne΄gotiate
΄category o΄ccasion ,flexi΄bility
΄decent su΄pport ,employ΄ee
΄formative so΄lution ,disad΄vantage

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
to shrink to manage
to mean to involve
to weaken to weaken
to expect to bring up
able to expect
to invent to obey
electricity to invent
technology electricity
environmental to improve
to include to include
necessary appearance
equal to define
flexibility to entertain
confidence to laugh
discipline to arrange
responsibility to adjust
identical commitment
rebelliousness to negotiate
to support to treat

Vern/noun Person Vern/noun Person
to manage to interview
to invent discipline
electricity to entertain
to lead to negotiate
to employ to support

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
nuclear [΄nju:kliə] ядерний; який відноситься до ядерної зброї;
nuclear energy ядерна енергія;

nuclear family мала родина; нуклеарна родина, родина, що складається
з батьків, дітей
society [sə΄saiəti] суспільство; суспільний лад; товариство, об’єднання:
to unite a society об’єднати суспільство;
civilized society цивілізоване суспільство;
to establish / found / set up a заснувати товариство
couple [ ] пара, парні предмети; два;
a couple of days ago кілька днів тому;
an engaged couple заручена пара;
a married couple одружена пара
to earn [ə:n] заробляти; приносити дохід, бути рентабельним;
He earned money by mowing Він заробляв гроші, підстригаючи газони.
She earned a reputation as a hard Вона заслужила репутації працьовитого робітника.
to look after доглядати за ким-небудь, чим-небудь; піклуватися,
дбати про кого-небудь, що-небудь
He looked after his younger Він доглядав за своїм молодшим братом.
unit [ju:nit] одиниця; ціле; частина; підрозділ
family unit проста сім’я, сімейна одиниця (що складається тільки
із дітей та батьків);
unit of weight одиниця ваги;
monetary unit грошова одиниця
to manage [ ] управляти; уміти поводитися з чим-небудь; справлятися;
впоратися з чим-небудь;
She can’t manage her child. Вона не може впоратися зі своїми дітьми.
He managed to escape from Він зміг утекти з в’язниці.
rather [΄ra:ðə] певною мірою, досить, почасти; дещо;
rather more трохи більше;
rather a lot мабуть, занадто багато / забагато
rather cold досить холодно
average [ ] (n.) середнє (число); (adj.) звичайний, нормальний, середній;
above the average вище середнього;
on an / the average в середньому;
average reader рядовий / широкий читач
trend напрям; загальний напрям, тенденція; мода, стиль;
the trend of events напрям розвитку подій;
a literary trend літературна течія;
the trend of human thought еволюція людської думки
the trend of his thoughts хід його думок
the latest trend in clothes останній крик моди в одязі
to set a new trend ввести нову моду
to shrink (shrank – shrunk; стискатися, зіщулюватися; зменшувати, скорочувати;
shrunk – shrunken ) сідати, давати усадку; викликати усадку
My sweater shrank in the wash. Мій светр сів під час прання .
The vast forests have shrunk. Великі ліси зменшилися.
to happen [΄hǽp(ə)n] 1.траплятися, відбуватися; 2. виявлятися (випадково)

What’s happened to his car? Що трапилося із твоєю машиною?
I happen to know him. Трапилось так, що я знаю його.
to involve [in΄volv] включати, містити; залучати, втягувати, уплутувати;
залучати до участі;
to involve smb in a project залучати когось до участі в проекті;
He was told that the job would Йому сказали, що його робота буде містити подорожі.
involve travel.
to mean [mi:n] – meant – meant значити, означати; мати на увазі, думати, гадати; мати
[ment] намір;
What do you mean by that? Що ви цим хочете сказати?
Money means nothing to him. Гроші нічого не значать для нього.
I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings – Пробачте, що я образив вас, я цього не хотів.
I didn’t mean to.
to weaken [΄wi:k(ə)n] ослабляти; знижувати ефективність; слабшати
to weaken a blow послабити / амортизувати удар
The fever weakened his body. Лихоманка ослабила його тіло.
to consist of складатися з чогось;
The house consists of six rooms. Будинок складається з шести кімнат.
to consist in полягати; визначатися
Freedom consists in the absence Свобода полягає у відсутності репресивних законів.
of oppressive laws
to expect [eks΄pekt] / [iks΄pekt] очікувати, чекати; розраховувати, сподіватися;
припускати, гадати; вимагати
We are expecting a telephone call. Ми очікуємо на телефонний дзвінок.
Children are expected to obey
their parents. Очікується, що діти слухатимуть своїх батьків.
to obey [ə΄bei] слухатися, коритися, підкорятися;
to obey the law / rules підкорятися законам, правилам
housework робота по дому; домашнє господарство
to do housework виконувати роботу по дому;
to get on with housework продовжувати поратися з хатньою роботою
amount [ə΄maunt] (with кількість; величина; усе, увесь обсяг, уся маса; загальна
uncountable nouns) сума, підсумок
a large amount of work великий обсяг роботи;
considerable amount значна кількість;
the full amount повний обсяг; повна сума
to invent [in΄vent] винаходити, створювати; видумувати, придумувати
When was the radio invented? Коли винайшли радіо?
electricity [,elek΄trisəti] електрика; наелектризованість;
to generate electricity виробляти електрику; давати електрику;
to conduct electricity проводити електрику
to lead [li:d]– led – led [led] (to) вести, приводити; призводити, викликати, спричиняти;
керувати, очолювати; управляти;
to lead a child by the hand вести дитину за руку;
The path led them to a village. Стежка привела їх до села.
This case led to passing the new Ця справа призвела до прийняття нового закону.
to arrive [ə΄raiv] прибувати, приїжджати; наставати (про час);
to arrive at приходити до чогось; досягати (якогось віку)
The bus has arrived. Автобус прибув.
to arrive at a station прибути на станцію;
to arrive in a country прибути в країну, приїхати в країну;

to arrive at the age of seventy дожити до сімдесяти років
washing machine [mə΄∫i:n] пральна машина
vacuum [΄vǽkju:m] cleaner пилосос
to vacuum / to do the пилососити
dishwasher посудомийна машина
to wash up/to do the washing-up мити посуд;
How many plates are there to Скільки ще немитого посуду?
wash up?
technology [tek΄nolədЗi] техніка; технічні, прикладні науки; технологія
спеціальна термінологія;
microprocessor (computer, мікропроцесорна (обчислювальна, медична, військова)
medical, military) technology техніка
technology assessment прогноз розвитку техніки
school of technology технічне училище;
non-waste technology безвідхідна технологія
high technology сучасна технологія
overall [,əuvər΄o:l] у цілому, взагалі; в основному
Overall it was a really good week. У цілому це був дуже гарний тиждень.
to share [∫εə] ділити, розподіляти; ділитися, розділяти з кимось щось;
to share smth equally поділити що-небудь порівно;
to share a house with four other жити в одному будинку із чотирма іншими людьми
to improve [im΄pru:v] поліпшувати, удосконалювати; покращувати(ся);
things are improving справи покращуються;
to improve in health видужувати;
He improved his German. Його німецька стала кращою.
in relation to відносно, що стосується
environmental який стосується навколишнього середовища;
environmental research дослідження навколишнього середовища;
environmental engineer спеціаліст з навколишнього середовища;
environmental engineering засоби охорони навколишнього середовища
cost ціна; вартість; (pl.) витрати;
free of cost безкоштовно;
the cost of living прожитковий мінімум;
at all costs, at any cost за всяку ціну;
to one’s cost на свою біду
survey [΄sə:vei] огляд; оглядання; інспектування, обстеження;
political survey міжнародний огляд
quality survey контроль якості; звіт про обстеження
to find [faind] out (found – found дізнатися, з’ясувати, довідатися; розкрити;
to find out the truth дізнатися правду
to include [in΄klu:d] містити, включати, охоплювати, мати у своєму складі;
Have you included the chairman Чи включили голову у ваш список членів комітету?
in your list of committee
necessary [΄nesəs(ə)ri] необхідний, потрібний; невід’ємний;
We will do whatever is necessary Ми зробимо все необхідне, щоб зупинити їх.
to stop them

contraction [kən΄trǽk∫(ə)n] скорочення, стиск, стиснення, звуження
to tend мати тенденцію; схилятись до чогось; прагнути;
to tend to the same conclusion схилятися до того самого рішення
draft [dra:ft] чернетка, проект
draft treaty проект договору;
draft legislation законопроект
extensive [iks΄tensiv] великий, широкий: екстенсивний;
extensive reading начитаність
care [kεə] турбота, піклування, опіка;
to take care of турбуватися, піклуватися, опікуватися
to mind [maind] заперечувати, бути проти (у запитальних та заперечних
I don’t mind if you go. Я не проти, якщо ти підеш.
Do you mind my smoking? Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я закурю?
equal [΄i:kwəl] / equally 1. (adj.) рівноправний; рівний; 2. (adv.) нарівно, порівну;
в однаковій мірі; так само, однаково; справедливо;
equal rights рівні права;
equal in price за одною ціною
opportunity [ ] зручний випадок; сприятлива можливість, нагода;
at the earliest / first opportunity перспектива;
to take / grab opportunity за першої нагоди;
to afford / give / offer an скористатися нагодою;
opportunity надати можливість;
to interview [΄intəvju:] 1. (v.) інтерв’ювати, брати інтерв’ю; проводити бесіду,
співбесіду (з ким-небудь); проводити опитування;
interview 2. (n.) зустріч; співбесіда; інтерв’ю;
to conduct an interview проводити інтерв’ю;
to give / grant an interview давати інтерв’ю;
job interview співбесіда про прийняття на роботу
event [i΄vent] подія, важливе явище; значний факт; випадок; захід
(прийом, вечір); змагання; вид спорту; номер у програмі
at all events у всякому разі;
in any event так чи інакше, за будь-якого випадку;
social event неофіційна зустріч
appearance [ə΄piər(ə)ns] поява (на прийомах); виступ (у театрі, концерті); поява
(у полі зору); зовнішній вигляд, зовнішність;
TV appearance виступ по телебаченню;
Her first appearance was a success. Її дебют був успішним.
at least [li:st] принаймні; у всякому випадку;
meal [mi:l] приймання їжі; їжа;
evening meal вечеря;
stand up meal закуска на ходу; фуршет
confidence [΄konfidəns] 1. упевненість; самовпевненість; 2. довіра;
конфіденційне повідомлення; 3. секрет;
degree of confidence ступінь довіри;
to tell smth in confidence розказати комусь по секрету;
to enjoy / have smb’s confidence користуватися чиєюсь довірою;
to gain / win smb’s confidence завоювати чиюсь довіру
to define [di΄fain] визначати, давати (точне) визначення; характеризувати;
to define smb’s powers визначити чиїсь повноваження;
Words are defined in a dictionary. У словнику даються визначення словам.
majority [ ] більшість;
narrow majority незначна більшість;
in the majority of cases у більшості випадків
discipline [΄disiplin] дисципліна, порядок; дисциплінованість;
harsh / iron / strict discipline сувора дисципліна;
lax / loose discipline слабка дисципліна;
violation of discipline порушення дисципліни;
to establish discipline установити порядок;
to maintain / keep discipline підтримувати порядок
disciplinarian [,disipli΄nεəriən] прихильник суворої дисципліни; педант
He had a reputation for being a У нього була репутація прихильника суворої
strict disciplinarian. дисципліни.
responsibility [ri,sponsə΄biliti] відповідальність; обов’язок, зобов’язання
to share (the) responsibility ділити відповідальність;
clear responsibility чітке коло обов’язків
to set – set – set встановлювати, визначати, подавати; ставити (стрілку,
годинник); сідати, заходити (про небесні світила);
to set limits встановлювати обмеження;
to set an example подавати приклад;
to set the table накривати на стіл
to entertain [,entə΄tein] розважати, забавляти; приймати гостей; проявляти
гостинність; влаштовувати прийоми;
to entertain smb with smth розважати когось чимось
We don’t entertain. Ми не влаштовуємо прийомів.
useful [΄ju:sful] / [΄ju:sf(ə)l] корисний, придатний; здібний; практичний;
useful work корисна робота;
useful life термін служби, довговічність (агрегату)
to laugh [la:f] сміятися;
to laugh at smth сміятися над чим-небудь
to burst out laughing розсміятися;
to laugh over / about smth. сміятися, пригадуючи щось;
chore [t∫o:] (часто pl.) робота по дому, прибирання; підсобна
household chores повсякденна робота по дому
to arrange [ ] 1. умовлятися, домовлятися, приходити до згоди; 2.
улагодити, урегулювати; 3. упорядковувати;
розташовувати в певному порядку; 4. вживати заходів;
здійснювати підготовку, давати розпорядження;
to arrange with smb about smth домовитися з кимось про щось;
to arrange a concert влаштувати концерт;
to arrange a trip організувати поїздку;
to arrange for a series of lectures підготувати курс лекцій;
to arrange papers привести папери до ладу;
to arrange furniture
to arrange one’s ideas розставити меблі;
привести свої думки у порядок;
arrangement [ ] домовленість, угода; заходи; приготування;
упорядкування; розташування в певному порядку,
розміщення, розстановка;
to make arrangements вживати заходів, робити приготування;
to come to an arrangement прийти до згоди

extra [΄ekstrə] додатковий; особливий, спеціальний;
extra activities додаткова діяльність; позакласні гуртки;
extra amount надлишок;
extra hours понаднормові години;
extra risks особливі ризики
willing [΄wiliŋ] старанний, ретельний; завзятий; готовий, схильний,
прихильний, згодний (зробити щоcь);
to be willing to (+ infinitive) бажати щось зробити;
I’m quite willing to come with you. я згодний / готовий / бажаю піти з вами
willing or not волею-неволею, хочеш-не-хочеш;
willing hands ретельна робота, ретельність, завзяття;
willing horse роботяга;
to be able and willing мати можливість та бажання;
to give willing service залюбки надати послугу
Nothing is impossible to a willing (пpиcл.) дуже захочеться – неодмінно доб’єшся; =
heart /mind. терпіння та труд усе перетруть
domestic [də΄mestik] сімейний; домашній; внутрішній; місцевий; вітчизняний
domestic science домоведення;
domestic airport аеропорт внутрішніх авіаліній;
domestic animals свійські тварини;
domestic man домосід
team [ti:m] команда; командне місце в змаганні; бригада; артіль
football (National, reserve) team футбольна (збірна, запасна) команда;
team member, member of a team гравець команди
team spirit дух товариства, колективізм; група
probably [΄probəbli] імовірно
It will probably rain. Імовірно, буде дощ.
engaged [ ] 1. зайнятий; 2. заручений;
to be engaged (in) бути зайнятим чимось;
to be engaged (to) бути зарученим з кимось
to run (ran – run) керувати (установою); вести (справу); управляти
to run the home вести домашні справи
Teach me how to run the business. Навчи мене, як вести справи.
identical [ai΄dentik(ə)l] той самий; однаковий, ідентичний, тотожний
This is the very identical man. Це та сама людина.
His hat is identical to mine. Його капелюх такий же як у мене.
to adjust [ ] (to) пристосовувати; приганяти, приладжувати;
упорядковувати, давати лад; регулювати; настроювати;
He had to adjust to the new climate. Йому довелося пристосовуватися до нового клімату.
duty [΄dju:ti] 1. обов’язок, моральне зобов’язання; обов’язок; 2.
чергування; вахта; 3. податок, мито
civic duty громадянський обов’язок;
sense of duty почуття відповідальності;
to do smth out of a sense of duty робити щось через почуття відповідальності;
professional duties професійні обов’язки;
customs duties мито;
liable to duty який підлягає оподаткуванню
definite [΄definit] 1. певний, ясний, точний; конкретний; деякий; 2.
означений (артикль);

definite problem точне завдання;
definite answer ясна та точна відповідь;
definite rights чітко встановлені права
commitment [kə΄mitmənt] 1. зобов’язання; 2. прихильність, схильність; погляди; 3.
здійснення, вчинення (чого-небудь поганого – злочину);
treaty commitments договірні зобов’язання;
to meet commitments виконувати зобов’язання;
family commitments сімейні обов’язки
occasion [ ] 1. випадок; 2. (важлива) подія; 3. можливість, добра
нагода; 4. підстава, причина, привід;
on occasion при нагоді, за (певних) обставин; іноді;
to have an occasion мати нагаду;
official occasion офіційне святкування
to negotiate [ni΄gəu∫ieit] вести переговори; домовлятися з ким-небудь;
non-negotiable [ni΄gəu∫iəbl] який не може бути предметом торгу, переговорів,
взаємних поступок
chairman / chairwoman голова;
chairman of the board голова ради директорів
flexibility [,fleksi΄biliti] 1. гнучкість; 2. еластичність, пружність; 3.
піддатливість, поступливість;
to demonstrate / show flexibility проявити гнучкість
to support [ ] підтримувати, допомагати, утримувати (родину);
New facts supported her story. Нові факти підтримували її розповідь.
to treat [tri:t] 1. звертатися, обходитися; відноситися, поводитися; 2.
трактувати, розглядати, обговорювати (питання)
Don’t treat me as a child. Не поводьтеся зі мною як з дитиною.
to treat smb badly (kindly, with поводитися з кимось погано (добре, дбайливо)
to treat smth as a joke ставитися до чогось як до жарту
to employ [im΄ploi] надавати роботу; наймати; тримати на службі, роботі;
to be employed by smb працювати на когось; служити у когось;
employer [im΄ploiə] наймач, роботодавець; хазяїн;
employee [,imploi΄i:] робітник; службовець; той, хто працює за наймом
to be able to могти..., бути здатним...
Will you be able to come? Чи ви зможете прийти?
to bring up (brought – brought) виховувати, виростити
I was brought up to respect the law.Мене виховували поважати закон.
decent [΄di:s(ə)nt] 1. пристойний; благопристойний; порядний; 2. добрий,
нестрогий; непричепливий, неуїдливий;
decent teacher добрий учитель
She had a decent upbringing. Вона була добре вихована.
to disadvantage [ ] ставити в невигідне, скрутне становище
This rule clearly disadvantages me. Це правило явно ставить мене в невигідне становище.
solution [sə΄lu:∫(ə)n] вирішення, розв’язання (проблеми); пояснення;
easy solution просте рішення;
ideal solution ідеальне рішення;
There’s no solution to / for this Цю проблему неможливо вирішити.
to depend (on) [di΄pend] залежати; обумовлюватися; покладатися,
розраховувати, сподіватися
to acknowledge [ ] 1. визнавати, допускати; усвідомлювати; 2. дізнаватися,

пізнавати, розпізнавати;
to acknowledge one’s mistakes визнати свої помилки;
to attend [ə΄tend] відвідувати, бути присутнім;
to attend a lecture відвідати лекцію
to deal [di:l] – dealt [delt] – займатися чим-небудь; мати справу з чим-небудь;
dealt (with) розглядати;
to refuse to deal with smb відмовлятися мати справу з кимось
issue [΄i∫u:] / [΄isju:] питання, проблема;
a point at issue спірне (суперечливе) питання
to amuse [ə΄mju:z] 1. забавляти, розважати; 2. (приємно) дивуватися; 3.
(приємно) провадити час, коротати дозвілля
to amuse smb with anecdotes розважати когось анекдотами;
to amuse smb by telling a story зайняти когось розповіддю
to fit відповідати, годитися; підходити; бути як раз, в міру;
збігатися, точно підходити
The theory fits the facts. Теорія відповідає фактам.
to provide (with) [prə΄vaid] постачати; забезпечувати когось чимось;
to provide smb with goods забезпечити когось товарами
to allow [ə΄lau] дозволяти; давати дозвіл
Smoking is not allowed. Курити заборонено.
Additional Vocabulary
possessive [pə΄zesiv] власницький; який стосується, відноситься до власності;
possessive case присвійний відмінок
to suppress [sə΄pres] стримувати, придушувати; приховувати, замовчувати;
to suppress a feeling (desire) придушувати почуття (бажання);
to inhibit [in΄hibit] заважати, перешкоджати; стримувати, зупиняти,
to inhibit smb from smth / doing стримувати когось від чогось
formative [΄fo:mətiv] твірний, утворюючий; сприятливий для створення,
утворення, розвитку; формуючий;
formative years роки формування (особистості)
authoritarian [ ] авторитарний; владний, який не терпить заперечень; (n.)
любитель командувати; деспот;
authoritarian government авторитарний, деспотичний уряд;
permissive [pə΄misiv] поблажливий, терпимий, нестрогий;
permissive parents поблажливі батьки;
adolescence [,ǽdə΄les(ə)ns] отроцтво; юність;
juvenile [ ] неповнолітній; юний, юнацький, молодий;
delinquency [di΄liŋkwənsi] злочин (неповнолітніх); правопорушення, провина;
juvenile delinquency підліткова злочинність
rebelliousness [ri΄beliəsnəs] непокора; бунтарство
to run wild рости без контролю, нагляду
development [di΄veləpmənt] розвиток, ріст, зростання; удосконалювання;
intellectual development інтелектуальний розвиток;
physical development фізичний розвиток;
development theory еволюційна теорія;
stage of development стадія розвитку, еволюція
adult [΄ǽdalt] / [ə΄dalt] дорослий, повнолітній; зріла людина;
adult life доросле життя;
adult education освіта дорослих

character [΄kǽrəktə] характер; вдача; сильний характер;
character building виховна робота;
man of character людина з характером;
to form one’s character формувати характер
shape [∫eip] форма, обрис; певна форма; порядок
to take shape набувати певної форми, втілюватися;
supervision [ ] 1. контроль; нагляд; спостереження; 2. завідування;
strict / close supervision суворий контроль;
parental supervision батьківський нагляд
to enable [i΄neibl] / [e΄neibl] давати кому-небудь можливість або право;
This skill will enable you to find a Це вміння дасть вам можливість знайти роботу на Уолл
job on Wall Street Стріт.
court [ ] суд; судове засідання; будинок суду; зал суду;
to stand court / to appear in court предстати перед судом;
to take to court направити до суду, передати до суду;
self-centred егоїстичний, зайнятий самим собою; егоцентричний
consideration [ 1. увага, люб’язність; повага; 2. розгляд; обговорення;
] 3. міркування;
to take into consideration взяти до уваги;
on /under no consideration нізащо
accept the assurance of my прийміть запевнення у моїй найщирішій повазі (в
highest consideration офіційних листах)
strict вимогливий, суворий, який не допускає поблажок;
strict teacher вимогливий учитель;
strict judge суворий суддя;
extreme [ik΄stri:m] 1. крайність; надмірність; крайній ступінь; 2. (pl.)
(крайня) протилежність; крайності;
Extremes meet. Протилежності сходяться.
to take to extremes доводити до крайності
to produce [prə΄dju:s] 1. виробляти, випускати; виготовляти; 2. приносити,
давати; 3. викликати, спричиняти, бути причиною
Paper is produced from wood. Папір виробляється з деревини.
to produce changes викликати зміни
to dominate [΄domineit] панувати; домінувати, переважати; впливати, мати
переважний вплив;
to dominate the events управляти подіями;
to dominate the world панувати у світі
attitude [΄ǽtitju:d] позиція, відношення, ставлення
casual attitude to / towards smth недбале відношення до чогось;
attitude of mind склад розуму
to encourage [ ] заохочувати, підбадьорювати; вселяти мужність, надію;
надихати; підтримувати;
to encourage smb to do smth заохочувати когось зробити щось;
authority [ ] 1. влада; начальство; адміністрація; 2. повноваження;
absolute / complete authority абсолютна влада;
local authorities місцева влада;
parental authority батьківська влада; батьківська воля;
conversely [΄konvə:sli] зворотно, протилежно, навпаки
adventure [əd΄vent∫ə] пригода; авантюра;
sense / spirit of adventure дух пригодництва; пристрасть до незвіданого,
in search of adventure у пошуках пригод
curiosity [,kjuəri΄ositi] допитливість; цікавість;
timid [΄timid] сором’язливий; невпевнений, боязкий
timid smile соромлива посмішка
timid look несміливий погляд
timid encouragement боязке схвалення
as timid as a hare /as a rabbit боягузливий як заєць
to express виражати, висловлювати;
mature [mə΄tjuə] / [mə΄t∫uə] зрілий; дорослий
well-adjusted урівноважений (про людину);
to require [ri΄kwaiə] вимагати, наказувати;
if required якщо буде потреба;
when required коли буде потрібно
wisdom [΄wizdəm] мудрість, премудрість; розважливість, здоровий глузд,
життєва мудрість
bit невелика кількість, небагато, трохи, трошки
a little bit трошки

E. Fill in the correct word. 1)

Environmental; couple; mean; unit; rather; obeyed; average; invented; happens; cost;
expecting; society; manage; trends; earn; improved; includes; survey; tend; electricity;
amount; set; share; interviewed; weakening; define; domestic; appearance; meals;
opportunity; responsibility
1. Will you ________ to repair your bicycle? 2. Companies must _______a reputation for
honesty. 3. Of the US’s million millionaires, the _________ age was 63. 4. The _______ have no
children. 5. The pound is the monetary ________ of Britain. 6. He was a danger to _________.
7. I’ve eaten ______ more than I should have. 8. She follows all the latest _______in fashion. 9.
If anything _______ to me it’ll be your fault. 10. The dictionary tries to tell you what words
_________. 11. Family structures are __________ and breaking up. 12. The meteorologists are
________ rain for tomorrow. 13. Tony __________ her mother without question. 14. If you
always pay the full _________, this won’t affect you. 15. Alexander Graham Bell ___________
the telephone. 16. Don’t waste _________. 17. The students _______ a sitting-room. 18. They
recently ______ the design of that car. 19. __________ groups plan to stage a protest during the
conference. 20. The _______ of a loaf of bread has increased five-fold. 21. According to the
________, overall world trade has also slackened. 22. The list ________ the names of many
famous writers. 23. Children ______ to prefer sweets to meat. 24. I hope I will have the
____________ of seeing you here often. 25. They __________ seven people for the job. 26. The
crowd went wild at their first ___________ on stage. 27. She eats three ___________ a day. 28.
You can __________ the word ‘difficult’ as ‘not easy’. 29. Everyone has the _____________ to
pay taxes. 30. The limits of our nature are ________, and we can never cross them. 31. Cows and
sheep have been _________ for many thousands of years.

2) duty; definite; arrangements; employed; adjusted; occasion; flexibility; commitments;

support; acknowledged; amuse; issue; decent; attend; allowed; negotiate; able
1. He soon _______ to his new way of life. 2. I am in charge of all the travel ___________. 3. I
do my ________ as a responsible citizen. 4. I’ll give you a ________ answer later. 5. I’ve got too
many ________ to take on anything more right now. 6. It will be a unique family ________. 7.
The president may be willing to __________ with the democrats. 8. They should be ready to
show some _________. 9. The evidence does not ________ the argument. 10. She is ________
as a teacher. 11. She was ________ to reach the top shelf. 12. We want a _______ standard of
living. 13. He _________ that he was a drug addict. 14. I rarely _______ services at my church.
15. The question of pay is not an important ______ at the moment. 16. He could ______ us for
hours with his stories. 17. We _______the children to go to the park.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. Who will look ______ the children while you go out to work? 2. ___ average we would be
spending $200 a day. 3. That’s the best thing that has ever happened _____ me. 4. His work as a
consultant consists ____ advising foreign companies. 5. My diet consisted almost exclusively
____ fruit. 6. They have a large amount ____ money ____ the bank. 7. The heavy rain led ____
serious floods. 8. The committee failed to arrive ____ a decision. 9. She arrived ____ home
____ 7 o’clock. 10. She didn’t arrive ____ Chicago until after midnight. 11. I mention this fact
____ relation ____ your proposed trip. 12. I found _____ the phone number by looking it up. 13.
_____ the event _____ rain the race will be cancelled. 14. ____ least he survived. 15. I am telling
you this ____ strict confidence. 16. The majority _____ our customers come _______ another
town. 17. He entertained us ______ anecdotes about his job. 18. They entertained us _____
dinner. 19. A combinatory dictionary is useful _____ students. 20. Computers are useful
____ compiling statistics. 21. We laughed ____ the funny photographs. 22. Everyone laughed
____ the incident. 23. They were deeply engaged ____ conversation. 24. It is difficult to adjust
one’s habits ____ someone else’s. 25. He acted ____ ____ duty. 26. I’ve heard him speak ____
several occasions. 27. My aunt brought ____ four children. 28. Can you find the solution ____
this problem? 29. I knew I could depend ____ you. 30. He’s a hard man to deal ____. 31. I will
be happy to provide you _____ a copy of the report.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. a family unit consisting of a mother and father and their children __________; 2. to gain or be
paid (money or other payment) in return for work or service __________; 3. (of an event in time)
to come about or take place; occur __________; 4. to include or contain as a necessary
part__________; 5. to become or cause to become weak or weaker __________; 6. to carry out
(instructions or orders); comply with (demands) __________; 7. the work of running a home,
such as cleaning, cooking, etc. __________; 8. to create or devise (new ideas, machines, etc.)
__________; 9. on the whole; generally __________; 10. of or relating to the external conditions
or surroundings __________; 11. having a large extent, area, scope, degree, etc.; vast
__________; 12. to assume responsibility for the maintenance, support, or treatment of
__________; 13. any of the regular occasions, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc., when food is
served and eaten __________; 14. a feeling of trust in a person or thing / belief in one’s own
abilities; self-assurance __________; 15. to give a definition for the meaning of a
word__________ ; 16. the greater number or part of something __________; 17. systematic
training in obedience to regulations and authority __________; 18. person who imposes or
advocates discipline __________; 19. able to be used advantageously; helpful or
serviceable__________ ; 20. a small routine task, esp a domestic one __________; 21. a group
of people organized to work together__________ ; 22. what one ought morally or legally to
do__________ ; 23. the presiding officer of an assembly, meeting, committee, or board
__________; 24. to take care of and educate (a child); rear __________; 25. to be present at
(meetings, church services, university), etc. __________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. society a. general tendency or direction
2. average b. to become reduced in amount or value
3. trend c. any phenomenon associated with stationary or moving
electrons, ions, or other charged particles
4. to shrink d. a comprehensive or general view

5. to expect e. a favourable, appropriate, or advantageous combination of
6. electricity f. to make or become better in quality;
7. technology g. to look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of:
8. to improve h. an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and
economic organization
9. cost i. the application of practical sciences to industry or commerce;
the methods, theory, and practices governing such application
10. survey j. an amount paid or required in payment for a purchase; a price
11. opportunity k. anything that takes place or happens, esp something
important happening; incident
12. event l. the typical or normal amount, quality, degree, etc.

I. Translate into English.

1. Біля входу стоїть пара поліцейських. 2. Він заробляє 5000 доларів на місяць. 3. Вона
гляділа дітей, поки мене не було. 4. Сільське господарство в минулому було засновано на
сім’ї як одиниці. 5. Мій юрист керує всіма моїми юридичними справами. 6. Ти зміг
заснути вчора? 7. Вона середня на зріст. 8. Я не можу сказати напевне, що трапиться. 9.
Його заощадження швидко зменшилися. 10. Червоне світло означає, що ви мусите
зупинитися. 11. Буря нарешті почала слабшати. 12. Футбольна команда складається з
одинадцяти гравців. 13. Краса стилю художника полягає в його простоті (simplicity). 14. Я
не очікувала побачити вас сьогодні. 15. Він підкорився наказу. 16. Я й досі виконую
певний обсяг роботи для них. 17. Хто придумав паровий (steam) двигун? 18. Вона взяла
дитину за руку та перевела її через дорогу. 19. Коли потяг прибуває до Києва? 20. Що ти
робиш по дому? – Я зазвичай мию посуд та прибираю пилососом. 21. У гуртожитку
(hostel) я живу з сусідкою. 22. Погода починає покращуватися. 23. Скільки коштує це
пальто? (Яка вартість цього пальта?) 24. Я дізнався, що він хотів. 25. Я зроблю все
необхідне. 26. Ви не проти, якщо я відчиню вікно?
2) 1. У тебе було кілька можливостей запитати їх про це. 2. Коли я пішов на мою першу
співбесіду з приводу роботи, я прийшов дуже рано. 3. Це не буде легким рішенням, в
будь-якому випадку. 4. Я впевнений в інших здібностях. 5. Наш учитель математики
завжди підтримує сувору дисципліну в класі. 6. Він має почуття відповідальності. 7.
Підтримання дисципліни не входить в коло моїх обов’язків. 8. Ти можеш накрити стіл для
вечері? 9. За обідом він розважав нас веселими історіями. 10. Люди часто сміються з
нього. 11. Ми домовилися поїхати рано. 12. Ми розставили книжки на полицях в
алфавітному порядку. 13. Терпіння та труд все перетруть. 14. Я зайнятий зараз, не заважай
мені. 15. Дівчата були вдягнуті в однакові сукні. 16. Голова оголосив збори відкритими.
17. Цей одяг не підходить їй (за розміром).

Reading 1
1. Read the article in exercise 3 quickly. Then put the following headings that summarise each
paragraph in the correct order.
a. Modern families b. What we mean when we talk about family c. The way family lived in
the past
1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ______

2. Read the article in exercise 3 again, and answer the questions.

1. What is a ‘nuclear family’? 2. How did the father spend a typical day fifty years ago? 3. How
did the mother spend a typical day fifty years ago? 4. Why are some people worried about
society today? 5. Do couples that live together always get married?
3. Read this short article about British and American families. Choose the best phrase from A-K
to complete the text. There is one extra phrase.
When British and American people use the word family 1. ______ the mother, father and
their children. In a general social context, ‘the family’ is usually 2. _____ mean this nuclear
Society in Britain and the US 3. ____ a nuclear family living in the same house and 4.
____ each other’s lives. Fifty years ago, the typical family was a husband and a wife, and two or
three children. The father spent all day at work and 5. ___ decisions about how the money he
earned was spent. The mother stayed at home to manage the house and look after the children.
Children were 6. ____ their parents.
Many modern families live rather differently, and because of this some people think that
the family unit is dying and society 7. ____ . Many couples still get married, but others live
together without 8. ____. A few years ago, couples living together usually got married when 9.
____ a family, but this happens less now. Another trend is 10. ____ married later in life and to
have fewer children, so the size of the average family is shrinking.
A. taken to G. made most of the
B. closely involved in H. which normally consists of
C. getting married I. they wanted to start
D. they often mean only J. expected to obey
E. is being weakened K. is traditionally based on
F. for people to get

4. Complete the text by putting the correct form of the word in brackets into each gap.
Housework and History
If you stop to think about it, the history of housework is the history of everything. Housework 1.
____________ (change) an amazing amount in only the last hundred years or so. The 2.
___________ (invent) of electricity was very important, and it led to the 3. _____________
(arrive) of the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the dishwasher, and so on. Housework 4.
__________ (be) much harder without them fifty years ago. It’s not just technology that’s
different – these days, most husbands 5. ___________ (expect) by their wives to share the
housework. Overall, then, we can see a great 6. _____________ (improve) in relation to
housework, especially for women – although the environmental cost of modern housework is

5. Read the dialogue and answer these questions.

1. What is Mike going to do for Alice?
2. When are they going to meet?
3. What is Alice going to help Mike with?

Alice: I’m really pleased you can help me, Mike.

Mike: That’s OK. I know there’s too much housework for one person to do. What would you
like me to do?
Alice: Could you clean the widows?
Mike: OK. But I’m quite busy right now. Can we do it in the evening, perhaps?
Alice: I’m going to the cinema later. Are you free after school?
Mike: Yes, I’ll meet you at your house after school.
Alice: Fantastic! And then I must return the favour. How can I help you?
Mike: Could you help me with my English homework? It’s really difficult this week.
Alice: Sure.

6. What kinds of homework are there? How many can you add?
 do the dusting
 make the beds
 do the washing
 sweep the floor
 __________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________

7. WRITING EXAM Read the task and the advertisement in exercise 6 carefully. Then read the
message below and decide if the writer has included all the requested information. Tick the
appropriate box.
1. __ who / you? 4. __ when / eat?
2. __ where / from? 5. __ when / study?
3. __when / sleep? 6. __ what / else?
I’m David. I sleep like a log from 10 p.m. until the alarm goes off at 7 a.m. I have breakfast at
7.30 a.m., lunch at midday and then dinner at 6 p.m. I really don’t like doing homework. I try to
play football as often as possible, and usually managed to every day.

8. You see this advertisement in an Internet forum. Write your response in an email of 40-50 words.
Are people the same everywhere? Or totally different? Help us to find out! Send us an email and
tell us:
 who you are and where you’re from
 when you sleep, eat and study
 what else you do in a typical day.

When you write a short text, such as an email message, always check you have included all
necessary points from the instructions.

9. WRITING AN INFORMAL LETTER Are these statements about writing informal letters
true or false?
1. It’s normal to use contractions, like they’re for they are, in informal letters. T/F
2. You don’t need to use paragraphs in informal letters. T/F
3. Planning what to write is less important for informal letters than for formal letters. T/F
4. You should try to make informal letters as interesting as possible, for example by using a
range of verbs and adjectives. T/F
5. The most common tense used in informal letters is the Present Continuous. T/F
6. Informal letters tend to be shorter than formal letters. T/F
7. You should think carefully about the reader of informal letters. T/F

10. Below is the part of a letter you receive from your penfriend abroad. Write your reply in 100
– 120 words. daily routine. So I’d really like to know about your daily routine. What do you usually do
in a typical day? What are duties about the house? What do you prefer doing in your free time?

Always plan your writing carefully. Look carefully at the topic or question and let ideas come
into your head. Then start to organize them into a suitable order. Then write one or more
sentences for each idea. Build the series of sentences into paragraphs. When you have finished
your first draft, check very carefully for mistakes.

Reading 2
11. Higher level Read the newspaper article on how fathers take part in looking after their
children. Choose the best answer.
Why fathers want to look after the baby (yes, really)
One of the most extensive surveys of fathers has now shown that, far from the stereotype,
most men would like to share childcare duties with their partners or wives.
The survey made by the Equal Opportunities Commission shows a modern type of father:
the New Dad. He takes part in day-to-day childcare and does not mind helping with the
vacuuming and washing-up – if only his partner asks him to. The EOC interviewed sixty-four
fathers and their partners about their home and work life. Most fathers agreed that it was
important to ‘be there’ for their children for key events such as school sports day, their first
appearance in the school play and for at least one meal a day. Many agreed that parenting classes
would be a good way to give them more confidence around the home.
Based on the survey results, four types of fathers were defined, from the traditional type
of dad to the perfect New Dad, who is as much involved in taking care of the children as the
mother. The survey found that the majority of men were somewhere between these two types.
In the first category comes Enforcer Dad, the old-fashioned disciplinarian who does not
see himself as involved in the day-to-day care of his children. He sees his responsibilities as
setting clear limits for them and being a role model. Most fathers do not see this as their only role.
The two biggest categories are Entertainer Dad and Useful Dad. Entertainer Dad is at his
best keeping his children laughing while his partner gets on with household chores and arranging
the children’s school and extra activities. Useful Dad is willing to help out around the house,
even though he expects the mother to be the ‘team leader’ in all things domestic.
Finally, and probably every woman’s dream, is Fully Involved Dad. He is equally
engaged in running the home and the family, and sees the role of the father and the mother as
practically identical. Fully Involved Dads adjust their work arrangements to their parents’
professional duties. ‘I do have definite childcare commitments,’ said one father in this category.
‘There are certain times or occasions where it is non-negotiable and I just leave the office in time.’
Julie Mellor, chairwoman of the EOC, said that fathers were still not given enough
flexibility at work and mothers would feel supported only if employers treated (and paid) both
sexes equally. ‘Mums and dads should be able to choose how they want to share the
responsibility of bringing up children and working outside the home,’ she said. ‘But until we
have equal pay, decent childcare and more opportunities to work flexible hours, many fathers
will continue to find it hard to be there for their children and many women will continue to be
disadvantaged at work. This is not necessarily the best solution for parents, children or
employers. Equality at work or home depends on both mums’ and dad’ family responsibilities
being acknowledged,’ Mellor said.

1. Why would many fathers like to go to parenting classes?

A. To learn how to do day-to-day childcare.
B. Because they want to attend school events.
C. Because they think it’s important to be involved in the day-to-day care of children.
D. So they can be more confident in dealing with domestic issues.

2. How do Enforcer Dads view their role in childcare?
A. They don’t see childcare as their responsibility.
B. They teach their children discipline by setting an example for them.
C. They keep their children amused while their partner gets on with housework.
D. It’s important for them to be involved in the day-to-day care of their children.

3. How do Fully Involved Dads find time to share childcare responsibilities with their partners?
A. They run the home and the family, so their partners can focus on their professional duties.
B. They fit their work commitments to their parent’s arrangements.
C. They often leave the office early.
D. They think it’s their parent’s responsibility to negotiate flexibility at their workplace.

4. What does Julie Mellor think employers should do?

A. Employers should provide both parents with equal pay and flexible working hours.
B. They should allow parents to work from home so they can look after their children.
C. They should give women more support so they can take on more of the childcare
responsibilities at home.
D. They should pay women more because they are often disadvantaged in the workplace.

Additional Reading
12. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the text.
A. possessive E. formative I. juvenile delinquency
B. suppress F. authoritarian J. rebelliousness
C. inhibited G. permissive K. run wild
D. upbringing H. adolescence

How Much Freedom Should Children Have?

It is often said that we live in a 1) ___ age, one in which people are allowed to do almost
anything they like. Is it good for children? They are going through their 2) ___, which is a very
3) ____ stage of their development since their final adult characters are beginning to take shape.
Some parents think it is good for children to be allowed to 4) ___, without control or supervision.
They say that this enables children’s personalities to develop naturally and that they will learn to
be responsible by the mistakes they make. However, this might lead to 5) ___, with the children
ending up in the courts, or it might simply make children self-centred, without any consideration
for others. Other parents believe in being strict, but taken to extremes this can produce a too 6)
___ atmosphere in the home, with the children being dominated and ruled by their parents.
Parents can also be very 7) ___and try to keep their children dependent on them. These last two
attitudes can encourage 8) ___ (against parents, school, authority) in a child, or, conversely, 9)
___a child’s natural sense of adventure and curiosity. A strict 10) ___ by over-caring parents can
make a child timid and 11) ___ that he or she is unable to express freely his or her ambitions and
form mature relationships. To bring up children to be normal, well-adjusted human beings
requires great wisdom, and perhaps a bit of luck.

13. Translate into English.

1. Роки формування особистості вона провела в Лондоні. 2. Маленькі діти є настільки
власницькими, що не дозволяють іншим грати зі своїми іграшками. 3. Я не можу стримати
бажання відвідати їх зараз. 4. Вона намагалась придушити посмішку. 5. Самотні батьки
зазвичай більш поблажливі. 6. Деякі молоді люди стають дуже незграбними в отроцтві

(юності). 7. Батьківська поблажливість часто приводить до підліткової злочинності. 8.
Авторитаризм батьків може викликати непокору в дітей. 9. Після смерті матері хлопчик
ріс сам по собі (без нагляду). 10. Що більш важливо: фізичний чи моральний розвиток? 11.
Дітей до 14 років повинні супроводжувати (accompany) дорослі. 12. Ви можете розказати
про характер людини по почерку. 13. Мої плани починають прояснятися (набувати
форми). 14. Я не звик працювати під наглядом. 15. У п’ятницю він предстане перед судом.
15. Вона занадто егоїстична, щоб піклуватися про інших, та не виказує поваги до інших.
16. Мої батьки не допускають поблажок (дуже вимогливі). 17. Їхні зусилля не дали ніяких
результатів. 18. Майкрософт домінує на ринку програмного забезпечення (software). 19.
Яке ваше ставлення до політики? 20. Коли справи йдуть не дуже добре, він завжди
підбадьорює мене. 21. У мені завжди жив дух пригодництва. 22. У дітях є природна
допитливість пізнавати оточуючий світ. 23. Це питання вимагає ретельного обміркування.

14 Look at the list below. Who is more important to you, your family or your friends, in relation to
these things? Tick the box for each one.
Family Friends
Talk about your reasons.

15. Read these sentences taken from essays about family and friends. Fill in the gaps with a suitable
word from the list below. Use each word only once. There are two gaps in each sentence.
answer; think; factors; considering; reasons; conclusion; importance; refer; ever; look
1. When ________ family and society, there isn’t a simple right or wrong ______________.
2. When we _________ about this subject, it depends on which society we ___________ to.
3. There are a number of __________ why I believe that the family is still as important as
4. If we ________ at the issue of education, the _________ of the family is clear.
5. Taking all these ________ into account, my _________ is that the role of family is changing,
but it remains highly important.

16. Write an essay of about 200 words for or against this statement:
People used to think that the family played an important role in society, but times have
changed and now the family is much less important.

Unit 2

Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄annual mi΄stakenly ,medi΄eval
΄caravan i΄dentity ,perse΄cution
΄reference e΄scape ,modi΄fication
΄proper re΄main ,out΄sider
΄follow a΄ttraction re΄veal

΄gradually a΄ttend main΄tain
΄westward my΄sterious di΄strust
΄punishment a΄ssume un΄doubtedly
΄attitude de΄scription a΄void
΄Romany de΄scendent con΄ceal
΄Appleby su΄spicion re΄ligion

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
mistakenly persecution
annual to escape
originally to remain
to move attraction
border dealing
event reference
proper to attend
gradually to move
westward border
mysterious to prove
modification to assume
description modification
descendent description
to avoid to avoid
trouble to conceal
death punishment
suspicion suspicion
religion to maintain

Vern/noun Person Negative Prefixes
travel charged
persecution trust
dealing regular
to attend proven
to pick changed
to follow religious
trouble different
suspicion attraction

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
Gypsy [ ] / Romany [ циган; циганка; циганська мова; циганський
medieval [,medi΄i:v(ə)l] середньовічний;
medieval history середньовічна історія
mistakenly помилково
fair [fεə] ярмарок; благодійний базар; виставка;
country fair сільський ярмарок
fun of the fair найголовніша подія програми (окраса програми, або це
– основа всього)

funfair [ ] парк розваг
annual [΄ǽnjuəl] щорічний; річний;
an annual subscription річна передплата (на газету, журнал);
the annual conference щорічна конференція
identity [ ] 1. тотожність, ідентичність; 2. дійсність, справжність,
автентичність; 3. особистість; 4. відмітні риси,
особливості; індивідуальність, самобутність;
to establish smb’s identity установити чиюсь особу;
national identity національні особливості
to escape [ ] 1. тікати (з ув’язнення); здійснювати втечу; іти (від
повсякденного життя), відключатися; 2. уникнути
(небезпеки); врятуватися, ухилитися; 3. вислизати,
випадати (про смисл); 4. вирватися (про слова, стогін);
to escape from prison (jail) тікати з в’язниці
His name escapes me/my У мене випало (з пам’яті) його ім’я.
persecution [ ] 1. переслідування, гоніння; 2. докучання, приставання;
political persecution політичні гоніння;
racial persecution расові переслідування;
religious persecution релігійні переслідування;
persecution mania манія переслідування;
to suffer persecution страждати від переслідувань (гонінь)
to buy [ ] (bought – bought [ 1. купувати, купити; здобувати (ціною жертв); 2.
]) підкуповувати, давати хабар; 3. повірити чомусь;
прийняти щось за чисту монету
He could not afford to buy a house. Він не міг дозволити собі купити будинок.
I will not buy that. Я на це не куплюсь. (Зі мною це не пройде.)
to sell (sold – sold [ ]) 1. продати; торгувати, продавати; продаватися; 2.
сприяти продажу; рекламувати; популяризувати;
to sell wholesale (retail) продавати оптом (у роздріб);
goods made to sell ходовий товар; товар, що не залежується;
to sell like hot cakes продаватися нарозхват;
to sell one’s soul to the devil.
These leather coats should sell продати душу дияволу
at / for $100. Ці шкіряні пальта продаватимуться за 100 доларів.
throughout [ ] 1. (adv.) усюди, скрізь; у всіх відношеннях, повністю,
зовсім; 2. (prep.) через, по всій площі, довжині; 3. увесь
час, протягом усього часу
throughout the country по всій країні
throughout the length по всій довжині
throughout the week протягом усього тижня
part [pa:t] 1. частина, частка; 2. участь (у роботі); обов’язок,
справа; зобов’язання;
to take part (in) брати участь;
in part частково;
to pay in parts платити частинами;
a seventh part одна сьома
to gather [ ] 1. збирати (речі, юрбу); збиратися, скупчуватися; 2.
рвати (квіти); збирати (ягоди); знімати, збирати
(урожай); 3. піднімати, підбирати (із землі, з підлоги);

to gather a crowd зібрати натовп
They gathered around the speaker. Вони зібралися навколо оратора.
caravan [ ] 1. караван; 2. низка (хмар), ключ (птахів); 3. фургон; 4.
критий циганський візок; кибитка
caravan bookshop книжковий кіоск на колесах;
a gypsy caravan циганський візок
trailer [ ] причіп, трейлер;
trailer truck вантажівка з причепом;
trailer coach житловий автопричіп;
trailer camp / court / park / стоянка для житлових автопричепів
site [sait] 1. місце розташування, місцезнаходження; 2. місце для
забудови; будівельний або монтажний майданчик;
the site of Moses’ tomb [tu:m] місцезнаходження гробниці Мойсея
few [fju:] 1. деякі; нечисленні; мало хто; майже ніхто; 2. небагато,
a few кілька, декілька;
not a few багато, велика кількість;
the few меншість; «обрані»;
very few дуже мало
to remain [ ] залишатися;
to remain cheerful залишатися бадьорим;
to remain at home залишатися вдома
Only a few trees remain. Залишилися тільки старі дерева.
attraction [ ] 1. притягання; тяжіння; 2. привабливість; принадність,
чарівність; 3. (pl.) принада; спокуса; 4. атракціон;
to feel an attraction to smth відчувати потяг до чогось
an attraction for smb привабливість для когось;
tourist attractions туристичні пам’ятки
dealing [ ] 1. угода; справа; (pl.) (ділові) стосунки; 2. поведінка; дії;
business dealings ділові зв’язки; торговельні справи, угоди; біржові операції;
under hand dealing безчесна угода, угода за чиєю-небудь спиною
to have dealings with smb вести справи, мати торговельні зв’язки з кимось;
double dealing
plain dealing фарисейство, лицемірство;
straight dealing прямота, відвертість;
reference [ ] 1. посилання на щось; згадка, згадування про щось; 2.
довідка, довідкова інформація; 3. відгук, рекомендація
with reference to smb / smth посилаючись на когось / щось; що стосується;
book of reference = reference book довідник;
good / positive reference гарний / позитивний відгук;
to give / provide a reference дати рекомендацію
to attend [ ] 1. відвідувати, бути присутнім; 2. (to) приділяти увагу,
бути уважним; 3. (to) піклуватися про щось; пильнувати,
наглядати за чимось; 3. (on, upon) прислуговувати (за
to attend school ходити до школи;
to attend to one’s own business піклуватися про свої власні справи;
to attend on smb доглядати, піклуватися (про хворого);
to attend on a guest прислуговувати гостю

to move [ ] 1. рухати, пересувати, переміщати; рухатися; пересуватися,
переміщатися; 2. переїжджати, переселятися (на нову
квартиру); перевозити, переселяти;
Oh, you’ve moved the furniture А, ти знову пересунув меблі!
around again!
She just moved here at the Вона переїхала сюди на початку семестру.
beginning of the term.
border [ ] 1. кордон; 2. прикордонний район; 3. межа, грань, границя;
closed border закритий кордон;
common border спільний кордон;
to cross a border/slip across a border перейти кордон, перетинати кордон;
to patrol a border охороняти кордон;
to smuggle goods across a border переправляти вантаж через кордон
strawberry [ ] суниця, полуниця;
strawberry jam полуничне варення;
strawberry bed грядка з полуницею;
strawberry ice-cream полуничне морозиво;
wild strawberry лісова суниця
to pick [pik] 1. вибирати, відбирати; підбирати; сортувати; 2. збирати,
знімати (квіти, врожай);
to pick mushrooms збирати гриби
to follow [ ] 1. іти, їхати слідом за кимось; супроводжувати; 2. іти за,
бути спадкоємцем; 3. переслідувати когось; стежити за
кимось; 4. дотримуватися (закону, правил); 5. розуміти;
уважно стежити (за ходом думки, словами); слухати; 6.
наслідувати приклад, бути послідовником
He followed his friend home. Він ішов слідом за своїм другом до дому.
Follow this path! Ідіть цією дорогою!
to follow smb’s example наслідувати чийсь приклад
race [reis] 1. змагання в бігу; гонка, перегони; (pl.) перегони,
скачки; 2. дистанція; забіг; заїзд; 3. гонка; погоня;
horse race скачки;
many-stage race багатоетапні перегони;
a race for power боротьба за владу
event [ ] 1. подія, важливе явище; значний факт; 2. випадок; 3.
захід (прийом, вечір);
at all events у всякому разі;
in any event так чи інакше, у будь-якому випадку;
social event неофіційна зустріч;
sporting event спортивна подія;
major / significant event головна подія
proper [ ] 1. властивий; 2. правильний, належний; придатний; 3.
пристойний; порядний, поважний;
in proper time вчасно;
proper conduct [ ] правильна, належна поведінка
prove [ ] (proved – proved 1. доводити; засвідчувати, підтверджувати документами;
/ proven) 2. випробовувати, пробувати; досліджувати; 3. виявлятися;
proven доведений; випробуваний, який довів свою придатність
proven fact доведений факт
to leave [li:v] (left – left) 1. іти, вийти, піти, (по)їхати, відходити; направлятися,

їхати (for) кудись; 2. залишати, полишати; залишати після
себе; забути, забувати; 3. залишати; кидати;
to leave Paris for London їхати з Парижа до Лондона
I left my keys at my grandma’s. Я забула свої ключі в бабусі.
gradually [ ] поступово, послідовно; помалу, потроху
westward [ ] (adj.) 1. (adj.) західний (про напрям); направлений на захід;
westwards (adv.) звернений на захід; той, що рухається на захід; 2. (adv.)
на захід, у західному напрямку
mysterious [ ] таємничий; незбагненний;
a mysterious visitor таємничий відвідувач;
mysterious conduct таємнича поведінка
to assume [ ] 1. приймати, брати (на себе); 2. уживати (заходів); 3.
припускати, допускати;
to assume responsibility брати на себе відповідальність;
to assume measures уживати заходів;
let us assume that ... припустимо, що…
modification [ ] модифікація, видозміна, зміна; щось модифіковане,
contract modification внесення змін у контракт
actually [ ] 1. фактично, насправді; в дійсності; по-справжньому; 2.
як не дивно; навіть;
That tree is actually a fir, not a pine. То дерево, насправді, – ялинка, не сосна.
description [ ] описання; зображення
accurate / correct / exact description точне описання;
to give / provide a description описувати
to claim [kleim] 1. стверджувати, заявляти; 2. вимагати (належне по
праву); 3. претендувати, пред’являти претензію, вимогу,
домагання; заявляти права; домагатися
to claim attention вимагати уваги до себе;
to claim one’s right вимагати свого
He claimed that he’d been cheated. Він стверджував, що його ошукали (обдурили).
descendent [ ] 1. (n.) нащадок; 2. (adj.) який походить, який веде своє
походження; 3. який спускається; спадний;
direct / lineal descendant прямий нащадок;
descendent gene спадковий ген
root [ru:t] 1. корінь; 2. коренеплід; 3. родоначальник, предок, рід,
який дав багато відгалужень; 4. причина, джерело; 5.
база, основа;
the root of a tooth корінь зуба;
nerve root корінець нерва;
the root of the matter суть справи;
the root of all evil корінь зла;
root principle основний принцип;
root cause першопричина;
to search for one’s roots (pl.) шукати своє коріння (своїх предків)
to avoid [ ] уникати, цуратися, ухилятися;
to avoid the world цуратися людей;
to avoid a disaster уникати нещастя (катастрофи)
trouble [ ] 1. неспокій: хвилювання; тривога; 2. неприємність, біда,
горе; напасті; 3. трудність; 4. перешкода, джерело

неприємностей; причина неспокою;
his heart was full of trouble серце його було сповнене тривоги;
to give smb trouble заподіювати комусь тривогу;
family trouble сімейні неприємності;
to be in trouble, to have trouble бути в біді;
to get into trouble потрапити в біду;
to make / to cause / trouble for заподіяти комусь шкоду
smb, to get smb into trouble
to get smb out of trouble визволити когось з біди
money troubles грошові утруднення
He finds it a great trouble to get Він дуже не любить рано вставати.
up early.
Life is full of petty troubles. У житті багато дрібних неприємностей.
to conceal [kən΄si:l] ховати, укривати; приховувати
She conceals her anger well. Вона добре приховує свою злість.
punishment [ ] покарання; стягнення
death [ ] смерть; відмирання, омертвіння; смертельний випадок
suspicion [ ] підозра;
on suspicion за підозрою;
above suspicion поза підозрою
to reveal [ ] 1. показувати, виявляти; 2. відкривати (секрет);
to reveal a secret відкривати таємницю (секрет);
distrust [ ] 1. (n.) недовіра; сумнів; підозра; 2. (v.) не довіряти;
сумніватися; підозрювати;
mutual distrust взаємна недовіра;
distrust of smb / smth недовіра до когось / чогось
outsider [ ] 1. сторонній; стороння людина, яка не належить до цієї
установи, партії; 2. неспеціаліст, профан
along with з, разом з
Let’s consider all the advantages Розглянемо всі переваги разом із недоліками.
along with the disadvantages.
to maintain [ ] 1. підтримувати, зберігати; 2. утримувати (сім’ю, армію);
3. захищати, відстоювати (точку зору, думку);
to maintain one’s health підтримувати своє здоров’я;
to maintain roads стежити за дорогами, підтримувати дороги в порядку;
to maintain a family утримувати сім’ю
attitude [ ] 1. позиція, відношення, ставлення; 2. положення, постава
undoubtedly [ ] безсумнівно, беззаперечно

E. Fill in the correct word.

medieval; mistakenly; fair; annual; identity; escaped; persecuted; sold; gathered;
descendants; remained; mysterious; attraction; dealings; claimed; reference; attend;
reveal; assumed; move; border; strawberry; conceal; maintain; modifications; picked;
followed; proper; avoid; prove
1. They _________ believed the licences they held were sufficient. 2. They have been ________
for their beliefs. 3. The police are still uncertain of the murderer’s ________. 4. The teacher
_______ the students around the exhibit. 5. A ________ is held here every spring. 6. There can
be no excuse for these _________ methods. 7. What is his _________ salary? 8. A prisoner has

_______ from a jail in Northern England. 9. I _______ everything I owned except for my car and
books. 10. The main ________ was a Charlie Chaplin film. 11. My home is in Yorkshire and I
don’t want to ________. 12. A number of developing countries in Latin America ________ the
opposite path. 13. Her speeches have special ________ to environmental policy. 14. Here they
found a spring of pure water, around which the grass was full of wild ________ plants, their
pretty red berries ripe and ready to eat. 15. The dress ________ wet after repeated attempts to
dry it. 16. He has always been honest in his ________ with me. 17. My friends _______ evening
school. 18. They’ll ask for your passport at the _______. 19. The little girl sat on the grass and
________ flowers. 20. Please ensure that the ________ procedures are followed. 21. You will
have to _________ to the police that you were at home that night. 22. He died in __________
circumstances. 23. He ________ the role of leader in the emergency. 24. Relatively minor
________ were required. 25. He ________ to be telling the truth. 26. This is a photograph of my
grandmother with all her ___________. 27. She had to lock herself in to ________ him. 28. Why
don’t you ________ your thoughts to me? 29. How long can you ________ this silence? 30.
Robert could not ________ his relief.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. Young people often desire to escape ____ their parents. 2. I hear that our married neighbour
has escaped ____ her lover. 3. He seems to have escaped ____ suspicion. 4. They were
persecuted ____ their religion. 5. I don’t want to sell the house ____ a loss. 6. He now runs
projects ____ Africa. 7. Did you take part ____ the discussion? 8. In the evenings, we gathered
____ the fire and talked. 9. Her personality held a strange attraction ____ him. 10. ____ a Law of
Nature with us, there is a constant attraction ____ the South. 11. It was rumoured he had dealings
____ gangsters. 12. This book contains several references ____ the Civil War. 13. I’m calling
____ reference ____ your series on prejudice. 14. Jane has been attending ____ her sick mother
for years. 15. We’ll attend ____ that problem later. 16. She attends ____ class regularly. 17. It is
not going to be an easy decision, ____ any event. 18. ____ all events, we can’t make things
worse than they already are. 19. She left her comfortable home ____ a rugged life ____ the
desert. 20. They travelled ____ westward toward the setting sun. 21. ‘Caesar’s wife should be
____ suspicion.’ (Julius Caesar) 22. She revealed the secret ____ us. 23. Other opinion polls
show widespread distrust ____ all immigrants. 24. He planned the project along ____ his
associates. 25. We tried to console them ____ their trouble. 26. She got ____ trouble with her
credit cards.
G. Give a word or a phrase which means:
1. occurring, done, etc., once a year or every year __________; 2. to give something in exchange
for money__________; 3. relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages __________; 4. member
of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal
work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living
on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America) __________ ; 5. to
obtain by purchase; to acquire by means of a financial transaction __________; 6. a large
transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a truck or tractor __________; 7. the boundary of
a country __________; 8. transactions or relations with others, usually in business. __________;
9. through the whole of (a place or a period of time) __________; 10. a very small number of
__________; 11. a type of small juicy red fruit__________ ; 12. to show to be true or correct
__________; 13. little by little; advancing or progressing by regular or continuous degrees
__________; 14. to take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc), usually by hand
__________; 15. toward the west __________; 16. in fact; in reality __________; 17. a
statement that represents something in words __________; 18. the child, grandchild, great-
grandchild etc of a person __________; 19. someone from whom you are descended (but usually
more remote than a grandparent) __________; 20. doubt about someone’s honesty __________;
21. to make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or

that was meant to be kept a secret __________; 22. to continue or retain; keep in existence

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. fair a. 1. something that happens; an incident or occurrence; 2. an item in a
programme of sports etc.
2. to persecute b. 1.  a large enclosed vehicle capable of being pulled by a car or lorry and
equipped to be lived, in US and Canadian name trailer; 2. a large covered
vehicle, esp. a gaily coloured one used by Gypsies, circuses, etc.
3. to gather c. 1. to come after in time, as a result; 2. to travel behind, go after, come after;
4. to remain d. right, correct, or suitable; respectable or well-mannered
5. to attend e. a gathering held at a specified time and place for the buying and selling of
goods; a market
6. to follow f. to come together in one place; to collect or get
7. identity g. to go away or depart from, often without intending to return; to go
without taking
8. race h. to make (someone) suffer, especially because of their opinions or beliefs
9. event i. a contest of speed
10. proper j. stay the same; remain in a certain state; be left; of persons, questions,
problems, results, evidence, etc.
11. to leave k. the individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or
12 caravan l. 1. be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.; 2. to look
after; to help or serve

I. Translate into English.

1. Дата проведення ярмарку була змінена. 2. У нашому місті проводяться кілька щорічних
фестивалів. 3. Поліція скоро встановила його справжнє ім’я (його особу). 4. а) Учора з
в’язниці втекли два злочинця. б) З моїх губ зірвалося зітхання. 5. Вона постраждала від
політичних переслідувань. 6. Мене не купиш на всю цю нісенітницю. 7. Фермер продає
молоко і яйця. 8. Дощ ішов усю ніч (безперервно). 9. Вона брала участь у святкуванні. 10.
Він побачив натовп людей, що зібрався перед вікном. 11. Він працює на будівельному
майданчику. 12. Його ідеї дуже складні, мало людей розуміють його. 13. У пляшці
залишилося трохи молока. 14. Головною принадою вечора були гарні напої і дотепні
розмови. 15. Без нього неможлива жодна угода. 16. У цьому повідомленні кілька разів
згадується моє ім’я. 17. Він буде ходити (відвідувати) до школи до шістнадцяти років. 18.
Ми купили новий будинок, але не можемо переїхати до кінця цього місяця. 19. Він
допомагав мамі збирати полуницю. 20. Ідіть за мною, пані. 21. Тієї ночі трапилася
жахлива подія. 22. Тобі треба було зробити домашнє завдання вчасно, зараз занадто пізно
починати. 23. Цей факт довів його вину. 24. Я завтра їду з Києва до Москви. 25.
Поступово вона почала довіряти йому. 26. Загальна довжина маршруту, припустимо,
(припускається) біля тридцяти двох кілометрів. 27. Він стверджує, що він найкращий
учень у класі. 28. Я пишаюся своїми українськими коріннями. 29. Я не хочу заподіювати
вам неприємностей. 30. Він приховав від друзів своє розчарування.

Reading 1
1. Read a magazine article about the Romany people (Gypsies). Choose from the list (A-H) the
sentence which best summarises each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra sentence which
you do not need to use.
A. The Gypsy people originally came from India.

B. The Gypsy culture and lifestyle will continue unchanged into the future.
C. In Medieval England, the people mistakenly believed the Gypsies came from Egypt.
D. The fair has a long history.
E. Many millions of Gypsies live in Britain.
F. Gypsies in England have an annual fair where horses are bought and sold.
G. Some Gypsies may hide their identity to escape persecution.
H. Throughout the year Gypsies travel around Britain, working and taking part in fairs.

Romanies: 1,000 years on the road

1. ____ Every June, the larger part of Britain’s 75,000-strong Gypsy population gather together
at the town of Appleby [΄ǽplbi] for the famous horse fair. All weeks long silver caravans and
trailers arrive at the site – one of the world’s very few remaining displays of Gypsy culture.
2. ____ The main attraction of the fair is horse dealing. Travellers have been coming to Appleby
for hundreds of years. References to the fair itself are found as early as 1176 and it’s believed
that Gypsies started to attend it in the 13th century.
3. ____ From Appleby the gypsies move on to another town, St Boswell’s in the borders then on
to Cambridgeshire for strawberry picking followed by the Stow-on-the-World fair and Barnet
fair. That’s it until the next season, which begins in June with a week of horse racing in Epsom,
where the Epsom Derby race is the main horse racing event of the Gypsy calendar. As the saying
goes, ‘You’re not a proper Gypsy if you don’t go to Epsom.’
4. ____ What makes a Gypsy? This has proven a very difficult question to answer. It seems that
the Gypsy people left Northern India in the 10 th century, gradually working their way westwards
and picking up parts of different languages and various cultures along the way.
5. _____ The use of the word ‘Gypsy’ as a description for Romany people actually came about
by mistake. When these mysterious dark-haired people began arriving in England in the Middle
Ages, people assumed they came from Egypt. Gypsy is a modification of the word Egyptian.
Gypsies actually claim to be specific people, a nation among nations, and describe themselves
using the word ‘Rom’ which includes all descendents of the people who left India a thousand
years ago.
6. ____ There are thought to be around 15 million Romanies in the world, with the largest
number (around 2 million) living in Romania. Many hide their Gypsy roots to avoid the trouble it
can bring them. They have concealed their language too. In England in the 16 th century the
punishment for speaking Romany was death.
7. ____ Gypsies and non-Gypsies often look at each other with suspicion. Gypsy customs are
rarely revealed and this is because of a distrust of outsiders. However, the Gypsy lifestyle of
travelling and working, along with their customs and religion, have been maintained through the
centuries, whatever the attitude of outsiders, and will undoubtedly continue for centuries into
the future.

2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below.

distrust of; reference to; persecution; reveal; descendant, modifications; conceal; maintain
1. The Indians try to ____________ their ancient customs in the modern world. 2. He has made
some __________ to his car. He has repainted it and changed the engine. 3. The _________ of
witches was widespread in the Middle Ages. 4. She is a(n) ____________ of Winston Churchill
– he was her great-great-grandfather. 5. Peter was afraid of being arrested, so he tried to
___________ his identity from the police. 6. His mother’s ___________him was such that he
wasn’t allowed to go out alone. 7. The spy was instructed never to ___________ her true
identity. 8. The lawyer made no ____________ the burglar’s criminal past.

3. Complete the following text with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

The Masai people of 1. _____________ (centre) Africa are one of the few ancient tribes that
remain almost untouched by 2. ____________ (civilise) as we know it today. They are a very
close-knit people and live in clans, with the eldest members of the tribe acting as 3.
_____________ (lead). The food they eat consists 4. ______________ (sole) of produce that
they have grown and meat that their warriors have caught while hunting. Only Masai men are
allowed to hunt while the women are responsible for the 5.____________ (cultivate) of grains
and vegetables.

4. Find the odd word out.

1. reveal – conceal – uncover – expose
2. gather – pick – deal – collect
3. recommend – attend – suggest – propose
4. trailers – inhabitants – residents – population

5. Choose the correct item.

1. Sam was so tired that he caught the wrong train by … .
a) error b) fault c) mistake d) oversight
2. Are there any … reasons why you don’t like him?
a) specific b) chief c) main d) characteristic
3. Her … towards her mother was rude and unacceptable.
a) handling b) treatment c) behaviour d) position
4. There was a huge firework … to celebrate the royal wedding.
a) display b) exhibition c) show d) performance
5. She … the identity of the murderer to the police.
a) demonstrated b) uncovered c) revealed d) exposed
6. People have an endless … with Hollywood film stars.
a) attraction b) appeal c) charm d) fascination

6. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.

A) culture; custom; tradition; civilization
1. The Incas were an ancient South American _____________. 2. Music is an important part of
__________. 3. The Japanese have a __________ of bowing to each other when they meet. 4. It
is a Christmas __________ to hang out a stocking on Christmas Eve.
B) race; match; game; contest
1. The runners were extremely tired after the _________. 2. The football ________ was called
off because of the rain. 3. The children played a ___________ of football. 4. My sister entered a
beauty ___________ and came second.
C) occasion; incident; episode; event
1. In the ________ of fire, raise the alarm. 2. A nasty _________ took place outside that bar last
night: two men were stabbed. 3. On that __________, she was lost for words. 4. This is the
second _________ of the TV series.
D) fair, festival; bazaar; gala
1. The children enjoyed the rides at the fun __________. 2. A __________ performance took
place to mark the Queen’s birthday. 3. The Cannes film ____________ is a big event for the film
industry. 4. I bought a jar of home-made jam at the church ____________.

Reading 2
Describing people’s appearance.
Read the following explanation concerning people’s appearance and translate the words in bold
into Ukrainian.
A. General
Positive: beautiful is generally used to describe women; handsome is used to describe men;
good-looking is used for both; pretty (often a girl) meaning ‘attractive and nice to look at.’
Negative: ugly is the most negative word to describe someone; plain is more polite.
e.g. She is very smart and elegant woman, always well-dressed; her husband is quite the
opposite, very scruffy and untidy-looking.
He’s very good-looking, but his friend’s rather unattractive.
Do you think beautiful women are always attracted to handsome men? I don’t. I think first
impressions matter most.

B. Height and build

English Ukrainian
tall and slim
medium height and build
short and fat
average height and very muscular
a rather plump or stout man
an obese person (negative = very fat)

Note: Another word for slim is thin, but slim has a more positive meaning, e.g. John is lovely
and slim, but his brother is terribly thin. Skinny also has the same meaning but is very negative.
It is not very polite to say someone is fat; overweight (or a bit overweight) is more neutral and
polite. If someone is broad and solid, we can say they are stocky. A person with good muscles
can be well-built (or muscular). If someone is terribly thin and refuses to eat, they may be

C. Hair, face, skin and complexion

English Ukrainian
straight hair and thin-faced
wavy hair and round-faced
curly hair and dark skinned
a crew-cut
bald with freckles
beard and moustache [mə΄sta:∫] with a chubby
receding hair and a few wrinkles
e.g. He used to have black hair but now it’s gone grey, almost white.
What sort of person would you like to go out? Blond(e), fair (light brown), dark (dark
brown or black) or ginger-haired/red haired?
She has such beautiful auburn [ INCLUDEPICTURE

%C9%9C%CB%90n" \* MERGEFORMATINET ] hair. (red-brown)
Fair and dark can be used for hair, complexion or skin.

D. Special features
The man on the left has got very pale skin. (= white skin) He also has broad shoulders, with
a small scar at the tip of his left arm. The other man has dark skin. He has a beard and
moustache and quite a hairy chest and a tattoo.

E. Asking questions about a person’s appearance

A: What does she look like? B: She’s quite tall, with short fair hair.
A: How tall is she? B: About 1 meter 65.
A: How much does she weigh? B: I don’t know and it may be rude to ask. Probably about 55
Note: The suffix -ish is used for describing people:
She is tallish. He has brownish hair. He must be thirtyish.

1. Complete the sentences in a suitable way. (More than one answer may be possible.)
1. She’s got blonde __________. 2. He’s got very pale ___________. 3. They’ve both got curly
__________. 4. I would say he was of medium __________. 5. Her brother has got very broad
_________. 6. She doesn’t like men with hairy _________. 7. Last time I saw him he had grown
a __________. 8. He’s got very muscular __________. 9. Both men were very good-
____________. 10. All of them have got dark ___________.

2. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with a word which is either more suitable
or more polite.
1. He told me he met a handsome ________ girl in the disco last night. 2. She’s a beautiful but
her sister is really quite ugly _____. 3. I think Peter is getting a bit fat ________. 4. Most
people want to stay slim, but not as skinny ________ as that girl over there. 5. I think she’s
hoping she’ll meet a few beautiful ________ men at the tennis club.

3. You want to know about the following:

 someone’s general appearance
 their height
 their weight
What questions do you need to ask? Complete these questions.
What ______________________________________?
How _______________________________________?
How much ___________________________________?

4. Answer these remarks with the opposite description.

Example: A: I thought you said he was the short, chubby one.
B: No, quite the opposite, he’s the tall, thin faced one.
1. A: Was that his brother, the dark-skinned, wavy-haired one? B: No, quite the opposite, his
brother is ___________________. 2. A: She’s always quite well-dressed, so I’ve heard. B:

What? Who told you that? Every time I see her, she’s ___________________. 3. A: So
Charlene’s that rather plump fair-haired woman, is she? B: No, you’re looking at the wrong one.
Charlene’s ____________________. 4. A: So, tell us about the new boss; good-looking? B: No,
I’m afraid not; rather ___________________. 5. A: I don’t know why, but I expected the tour-
guide to be middle-aged or elderly. B: No, apparently she’s only ______________.

5. A) Write one sentence to describe each of these people, giving information about their hair
and face, their height and build and general appearance.
1. your father or mother 3. a neighbour
2. your best friend 4. your ideal of a handsome man/a beautiful woman

B) You’re unique! You’re different from anyone else in the class. Write a paragraph about
yourself. Read this one for guidance.
I’m tall and I’ve got long dark hair. I’m a Leo. I’m left-handed. I have two brothers and a dog.
My favourite film star is Jack Nicholson and my favourite TV show is The Simpsons. I’m the
only one like this in the class. I’m unique!

6. Below is the part of a letter you receive from your penfriend abroad. Write your reply in 100-
120 words. uncle. So I’d really like to know about your favourite family member. Who is it? Why do
you like him or her so much? What does he or she look like? What does he or she do?

Describing people’s character.

Read the following explanation concerning people’s character and translate the words in bold
into Ukrainian.
A. Opposite
Many positive words describing character have clear opposites with a negative meaning.
Positive Negative
warm and friendly cold and unfriendly
kind unkind
nice, pleasant horrible, unpleasant
generous (= happy to give/share) mean (= never gives to others)
optimistic (= thinks positively) pessimistic (= thinks negatively)
cheerful (= happy and smiling) miserable (= always seems unhappy)
relaxed and easy-going tense (= nervous; worries a lot; not calm)
strong weak
sensitive insensitive (= does not think about others’ feelings)
honest (= always tells the truth) dishonest
e.g. Jane is very tense at the moment because of her exams, but she’s usually quite relaxed and
easy-going about most things.
I think the weather influences me a lot; when it’s sunny I feel more cheerful and optimistic;
but when it’s cold and raining I get very miserable.
He seemed a bit unfriendly at first, but now I’ve got to know him I realise he’s warm and
The shop assistant told me that the dress I tried on looked better on people younger than me.
I thought that was very insensitive of her, but at least she was honest, I suppose.

B. Character in action
People often talk about qualities of character that you may need in a work situation. Again,
some of these words come in pairs of opposites.
Positive Negative
hard-working lazy (= never does any work)
punctual (= always on time) not very punctual; always late
reliable unreliable (= you cannot trust / depend on someone like this)
clever, bright (infml) stupid, thick (infml)
flexible inflexible (= a very fixed way of thinking; unable to change)
ambitious unambitious (= no desire to be successful and get a better job)
Some pairs of opposites do not have a particularly positive or negative meaning:
He is very shy when you first meet him because he finds it difficult to talk to people and
make conversation; but when he knows people quite well he’s much more self-confident.
People often say the British are very reserved (= do not show their feelings), but when you
get to know them they can be very emotional like anyone else.

C. Using nouns
Some important qualities are expressed through nouns.
e.g. One of her great qualities is that she uses her initiative. (= she can think for herself and take
the necessary action; she does not need to wait for orders all the time)
That boy has got no common sense (= he does stupid things and doesn’t think what he is
doing). His sister, on the other hand, is very sensible. (= has lots of common sense)

D. Intellectual ability
Ability: bright, clever, smart, shrewd, able, gifted, talented, brainy (colloquial)
Lacking ability: stupid, foolish, half-witted, simple, silly, brainless, daft, dumb, dim (the last two
words are colloquial)
Clever, in a negative way, using brains to trick or deceive: cunning, crafty, sly

E. Attitudes towards life

Looking on either the bright or the black side of things: optimistic, pessimistic
Outward looking or inward-looking (i.e. to the world around one or to one’s own inner world):
extraverted, introverted
Calm or not calm with regard to attitude to life: relaxed, tense
Practical, not dreamy in approach to life: sensible, down-to-earth
Feeling things very intensively: sensitive

F. Attitudes towards other people:

Enjoying other’s company: sociable, gregarious
Disagreeing with others: quarrelsome, argumentative
Taking pleasure in other’s pain: cruel, sadistic
Relaxed in attitude to self and others: easy-going, even-tempered
Not polite to others: impolite, rude, ill-mannered, discourteous [ INCLUDEPICTURE

Telling the truth to others: honest, trustworthy, reliable, sincere
Unhappy if others have what one does not have oneself: jealous, envious

G. One person’s meat is another person’s poison

Some characteristics can be either positive or negative depending on your point of view. The words in
the right-hand column mean roughly the same as the words in the left-hand column except that they
have negative rather than positive connotations.
1. determined obstinate, stubborn, pig-headed
2. thrifty / economical miserly, mean, tight-fisted
3. self-assured self-important, arrogant, full of oneself (colloquial)
4. assertive aggressive, bossy (colloquial)
5. original peculiar, weird, eccentric, odd
6. frank/direct/open blunt, abrupt, brusque, curt
7. inquiring inquisitive, nosy (colloquial)
8. broad-minded unprincipled, permissive
9. generous extravagant
10. innocent naïve
11. ambitious pushy (colloquial)

1. Organise these words into pairs of opposites and put them in the columns below.
mean clever nice lazy relaxed hard-working
tense cheerful generous unpleasant stupid miserable
Positive Negative
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________

2. Match these words with their opposites.

1. clever a. introverted
2. extraverted b. tight-fisted
3. rude c. courteous
4. cruel d. gregarious
5. generous e. kind-hearted
6. unsociable f. half-witted

3. What prefix forms the opposite of each of these words? (You need three different prefixes.)
kind – _____________ reliable – ______________
flexible – _____________ sensitive – ______________
friendly – _____________ ambitious – ______________
honest – _____________ pleasant – ______________

4. How would you describe the person in each of these descriptions?

1. He never bought me a drink all the time we were together. 2. I have to tell her what to do
every minute of the working day. She wouldn’t even open a window without someone’s
permission. 3. He often promises to do things but half the times he forgets. 4. She’s always here
on time. 5. I don’t think he’s done any work since he’s been here. 6. She finds it difficult to meet
people and talk to strangers. 7. He could work in any of the departments, and it doesn’t matter to
him if he’s on his own or part of a team. 8. One of the great things about her is that she is so
aware of what other people think or feel. 9. Bob, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He
is always making people angry or upset because he just doesn’t consider their feelings. 10. The
other thing about Bob is that he really wants to get the supervisor’s job and then become boss for
the whole department.

5. Do you think the speaker likes or dislikes the people s/he is talking about.
1. Di’s very thrifty. 5. Dick’s quite bossy.
2. Molly’s usually frank. 6. I find Dave self-important.
3. Liz’s quite broad-minded. 7. Don’t you think Jim’s nosy?
4. Sam can be aggressive. 8. Jill is very original.
Reward the sentences above to give the opposite impression.

6. Magazines often publish questionnaires which are supposed to analyse your character for
you. Look at the words below and then match them to the questions which aims to decide whether a
person is like that.
Example: If you arrange to meet at 7 p.m., do you arrive at 7 p.m.? reliable
pessimistic, argumentative, sensitive, sociable, extravagant, assertive, inquisitive
1. Do you prefer to be in the company of others?
2. Do you think that ‘my glass is half empty’?

3. Do you find it easy to tell your boss if you feel he or she has treated you badly?
4. Do you always look out of the window if you hear a car draw up?
5. Do you often buy your friends presents for no particular reason?
6. Do you frequently disagree with what other people say?
7. Do you lie awake at night if someone has said something unkind to you?

7. Choose five or six adjectives which you think best describe either your own or a friend’s
character. How do you or your friend demonstrate these characteristics?
Example: sociable – I am sociable because I love being with other people.

8. What nouns can be formed from these adjectives?

Example: kind – kindness
punctual optimistic reliable lazy
confident generous ambitious stupid
sensitive strong flexible shy

9. Read the following composition about appearance and character and write a letter in exercise 11.
Appearance and Character
What traits in people’s character do you appreciate most and which of them are most
important for you? Does person’s appearance have something to do with his character? There is
no doubt that they are interconnected.
When we speak about somebody’s face, figure, hands, feet we mean his or her appearance. A
face may be oval, round, square, broad, sensual or worried. Features may be regular or irregular,
a figure – athletic, graceful, slim or clumsy and plump. A person may be tall, middle-sized or
short and, in general, appearance is agreeable, winsome and gentle or plain-looking and ugly.
Speaking about somebody’s character we can characterize a person as affable, amiable, good-
natured, kind-hearted, sociable, generous, thoughtful, discreet, earnest or, on the contrary,
hardhearted, ill-natured, reserved, uncommunicative, indiscreet, insincere, insensible, rude,
greedy, dashing, showy and tactless.
Now I’d like to describe my close friend. Frankly speaking, I have a lot of friends who are my
former schoolmates and boys and girls from my neighbourhood. But my bosom [ ]
friend is Ann. She is a pleasant-looking girl of about 18. Ann is not very tall, but she has a strong
attractive body, she is pleasantly plump. She is always very elegant, she wears clothes of the
latest fashion. Her features are very delicate and her charm is irresistible. Ann has fair curly hair
and dark-blue eyes. Her eyelashes are so long and thick, and they seem dark for this reason.
Ann’s face is oval and she has a turned-up nose. To cut the long story short – she is a pretty girl.
But in my opinion, inner beauty is more important than physical one. Ann is a well-bred, jolly
and kind-hearted person. She is very tactful, shy and sensitive, emotionally stable and witty,
generous and sophisticated. She is a girl of active and cheerful disposition. Ann is a pleasant
person to deal with, she never loses her temper. But to my mind, her main feature is that she is a
girl of character. Her words are entirely in character with her actions. Ann is an intelligent, bright
and quick-witted girl, she has a big soul and a strong will. One of her lovable traits is her
readiness to help. She is a helpful person and always tries to do her best to help somebody when
s/he has some problems. She always manages to be amusing and cheerful, energetic and
enthusiastic. I must admit, Ann is an easy-going girl, and when it sometimes comes to
quarrelling, she tries to make it up at once. In a word – my friend has a noble look and bright
spirit, she seems a good sort of girl and her character corresponds to her appearance.


10. Your penfriend asked you
 to describe the qualities you like and dislike about people most of all
 to describe the kind of people you like to spend time with
 What qualities do you think your friends appreciate in you?

Unit 3
Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
'neighbour con΄spiracy ,resi΄dential
'area ex΄plain ,sani΄tarium
'widespread i΄dentity e΄ssential
΄female ob΄session me΄tropolis
΄property re΄search po΄llution
΄purpose ne΄cessity co΄mmuter
΄narrow a΄part con΄gestion
΄convent a΄llow ,irre΄sistible

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun Adjective Verb Noun
reason residence
residence to explain
conspiracy obsession
identity arrangement
obsession expression
expression ownership
necessity to convert
patience to perform
convenience to separate ([΄sep(ə)reit])
heat to excite
benefit to occupy
separate pollution
attraction attraction
loneliness protection
environment survival

C. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
maze [meiz] плутанина, лабіринт, безвихідь,
to hide – hid – hidden ховати, приховувати
nest гніздо, кубло
neighbour [´neibə] сусід / сусідка
reason [´ri:z(ə)n] причина, підстава, резон, мотив
to have a reason for not doing мати поважну причину не робити; не робити цього
на підставі
area [´eəriə] територія, район, простір, зона
residential [,rezi´den∫(ə)l] area житловий район;
residence [´rezid(ə)ns] житло, місце проживання, резиденція, місце
entirely [in´taiəli] повністю, зовсім, цілком

He was entirely convinced. Він був повністю переконаний.
row [rəu] ряд, лінія, послідовність, порядок, низка, шеренга;
two rows of houses два ряди будинків;
in a row поспіль, послідовно;
in row у ряд, у лінію
patch клаптик, ділянка;
a patch of cabbages ділянка капусти
to claim [kleim] стверджувати, заявляти
conspiracy [kən΄spirəsi] змова, таємний намір
to mislead [mis΄li:d] (misled - misled) уводити в оману; навіяти помилку, дурити когось,
обдурювати когось
to point out відмічати, позначити, визначати, зазначити
straight [streit] прямий, рівний;
straight hair пряме волосся;
a straight line рівна лінія;
a straight answer пряма відповідь
to bend (bent – bent) повертати, згинати
the road bends to the left дорога повертає вліворуч
to camouflage [΄kæməfla:З] маскувати
to explain [iks΄plein]/ [eks΄plein] пояснити; дати пояснення
He explained to us that the Він пояснив нам, що екзамен (іспит) відбудеться
examination would take place later. пізніше.
castle [΄ka:sl] замок, палац;
to build castles in the air / in the sky будувати повітряні (захмарні) замки
An Englishman’s house is his castle. Дім англійця – його фортеця.
identity [ai΄dentiti] особистість, індивідуальність, тотожність,
obsession [əb΄se∫(ə)n] нав’язлива (настирлива, невідступна) ідея,
одержимість; заповзятість, уїдливість
His obsession with cleanliness annoys Його заповзятість до чистоплотності (охайності)
everyone. дратує (гнівить) всіх.
widespread [΄waidspred] поширений;
a widespread doctrine поширена теорія (доктрина)
research [ri΄sə:t∫] (наукове) дослідження, вивчення;
to conduct / do / pursue research into проводити дослідження; досліджувати щось
male [meil] чоловік, чоловічий;
the male rabbit кролик-самець;
the male of the species самець
female [΄fi:meil] жінка, жіночий;
the female of the species самка
arrangement [ə΄reindЗmənt] впорядкування, налагодження, розміщення,
to make arrangements розташування; домовленість, приготування;
готуватися, налагоджувати
expression [ik΄spre∫(ə)n] / вираз, виразність; мовний зворот
She had a pained expression on her Її обличчя мало скривджений вираз. / Вона зробила
face. кислу міну (розмовн.)
unique [ju:΄nik] унікальний, виключний, єдиний у своєму роді;
unique opportunity унікальна можливість
necessity [nə΄sesəti] необхідність, нагальна потреба;

in time of necessity у часи бідності (злиденності)
ownership [΄əunə∫ip] володіння, власність;
joint ownership спільна власність;
private ownership приватна власність;
public ownership; state ownership державна власність
property [΄propəti] майно, власність; нерухоме майно;
property rights майнові права
belongings [ ] (pl.) речі, пожитки, майно
apart [ə΄pa:t] окремо, порізно, віддалік, осторонь;
far apart на великій відстані один від одного
fate доля,
to meet one’s fate зустріти свою долю
gaping широко відчинені двері; широко роззявлений рот,
широко розплющені очі тощо
fireplace [΄faiəpleis] камін; (домашнє) вогнище
drawer [ ] висувний ящик (комода);
chest of drawers [dro:z] комод
narrow [΄nærəu] вузький, обмежений (про здібності), мінімальний;
narrow streets вузькі вулиці
wickerwork chair [΄wikəwə:k ΄t∫eə] плетене крісло
purpose [΄pə:pəs] ціль, мета
on purpose умисне, навмисне, наперед задумане, зумисне;
for the purpose of з метою;
to accomplish / achieve / fulfil a purpose досягнути мети
to convert [kən΄və:t] перетворювати, трансформувати
to convert iron into steel перетворити залізо на сталь
patience [΄pei∫(ə)ns] терпіння, терпець, терплячість;
to lose one’s patience втратити терпіння; терпець увірвався кому
to search [΄sə:t∫] шукати, розшукувати, обшукати
to search for a missed girl шукати зниклу дівчину
to search the car обшукати машину
downtown ділова частина міста; центр міста
to lack не вистачати, бракувати;
to lack wisdom бракувати мудрості;
to be lacking in smth не вистачати чогось
He’s lacking in courage. Йому не вистачає мужності.
to lack for (formal) потребувати чогось
They lacked for nothing. Їм нічого не було потрібно.
convenience [kən΄vi:niəns] зручність, вигода
an apartment with all the modern квартира з усіма сучасними зручностями
conveniences (вигодами)
Delivery times are arranged at your Доставка буде організована у зручний для вас час.
for convenience, for convenience’s для зручності
roommate [ ] сусід з квартири поруч (ліворуч, праворуч тощо)
loft горище; піддашшя
heating system система опалення
garbage [΄ga:bidЗ] (esp.US and сміття
Canada; another word for rubbish)
to dispose of garbage позбавлятися сміття;

garbage chute [ ] (= refuse chute) сміттєпровід
benefit [΄benifit] вигода, користь, зиск; пільга; перевага;
for the benefit на благо; заради когось
numerous [΄nju:m(ə)rəs] чисельний;
a numerous collection чисельна колекція
to allow [ə΄lau] дозволити
We allowed the children to go to the Ми дозволили дітям піти до парку.
band музична група, оркестр
to perform [pə΄fo:m] виконувати, грати, виступати
separate [΄sep(ə)rət] окремий, відділений, відокремлений, відмежований
separate rooms окремі, ізольовані кімнати
concrete [΄koŋkri:t] бетон, бетонний
to recycle [ri΄saikl] повторно використовувати, переробляти
tile плитка, кахлі
sign [sain] вивіска, знак, символ;
for sale sign вивіска «продається»;
road sign дорожній знак
to browse [brauz] розглядати; розглядати на ходу (у русі, мимохідь)
supply [sə΄plai] постачання, запас
water supply водопостачання
supplies товари, запаси, припаси
to boast [bəust] (about / of) хвалитися, вихвалятися; пишатися
I do hate the way Bill boasts about his Мені зовсім не подобається, як Білл хвалиться
new car. своєю машиною.
brand new новий, сучасний, новісінький
sanatorium [,sænə΄teəriəm] ізолятор; курорт, санаторій
nursing home будинок для літніх та інвалідів; пологовий будинок
convent [΄konvənt] жіночий монастир
vocation lodge приміщення для проживання службовців
excited [ik΄saitid]/[ek΄saitid] схвильований, збуджений (позитивні емоції)
instead (of) [in΄sted] замість, натомість, взамін
to occupy [΄okjupai] забрати (дім), орендувати; заволодіти, окупувати
This hobby occupies all of my free time. Це хобі забирає весь мій вільний час.
landlord орендодавець
hole діра, дірка, отвір
essential [i΄sen∫(ə)l] суттєвий, невід’ємний
Additional Vocabulary
metropolis [mə΄tropəlis] столиця; метрополія (іст.)
pollution [pə΄lu: ∫(ə)n] забруднення,
environmental pollution забруднення навколишнього середовища
commuter [kə΄mju:tə] пасажир, який регулярно їздить із передмістя до
congestion [kən΄dЗest∫(ə)n] затор
city-dwellers міський мешканець
to breed crime породжувати злочинність
irresistible lure [,iri΄zistəbl ΄ljuə] непоборна спокуса
to draw – drew – drawn тягти, перевозити, переміщати; малювати
attraction [ə΄træk∫(ə)n] привабливість
event [i΄vent] подія
glamorous façade [΄glæm(ə)rəs гламурний фасад

protection [prə΄tek∫(ə)n] захист, охорона
loneliness [΄ləunlinəs] самотність
environment [in΄vaiər(ə)nmənt] оточення
pressure [΄pre∫ə] тиск
strain [΄strein] напруга; навантаження
survival [sə΄vaiv(ə)l] виживання
struggle [΄stragl] намагатися з усієї сили, робити зусилля,
пробиватися, продиратися, боротися
rush-hour [΄ra∫ ,auə] година пік
to be worth [wə:Ө] варто (робити щось)
This play is worth seeing. П’єсу варто подивитися.

D. Fill in the correct word. 1)

maze; hid; nest; reason; area; residence; entirely; chest of drawers; ownership; row;
patch; claimed; conspiracy; misled; widespread; narrow; straight; bent; camouflage;
identity; obsession; necessities; property; belongings
1. Do you live in this ________? 2. He ________ that he killed the burglar. 3. There is ________
to believe that the accused did not commit this crime. 4. He won two gold medals in a ________.
5. That line is not ________. 6. She’s staying at her country ________. 7. The gangsters
________ out in a remote cabin until it was safe to return to the city. 8. She has the little
vegetable ________ in her backyard. 9. I’m lost in a ________ of rules and regulations. 10. I can
see an eagle’s ________ on the rocks. 11. The two cases are ________ different. 12. Many
people believe there was a ________ to kill President Kennedy in 1963. 13. This is another
clever attempt to ________ reality. 14. The ________ of life include food, clothing, and shelter.
15. I think he is a man with an ________ about football. 16. Her friendly attitude ________ me
into thinking I could trust her. 17. The road ________ slightly to the right. 18. I wanted a sense
of my own ________. 19. There is ________ support for the proposals. 20. There’s the growth
of home ________ in Britain. 21. These are my personal ________. 22. He took his clothes out
of the ________ in his bedroom. 23. These books are my ________. 24. The bridge is too
________ for large lorries to cross.

2) bands; purpose; separate; tiles; hole; converting; patience; allowed; essential;

searching; lacking; conveniences; occupy; supply; performed; boasting; loft; recycled;
benefit; landlord; signs; numerous
1. She has endless ________ with the children. 2. We suspected that he was lying, but proof was
_______. 3. Arms factories are ________ to peacetime production. 4. They kept a lot of spare
furniture in the ________. 5. The field trip was of great ________ to the students. 6. Smoking
will not be ________. 7. I’ve been ________ for that book for weeks. 8. The chalets have all the
modern ________. 9. She made _________ attempts to diet, but her weight still soared. 10. My
theatre group ________ a three-act play. 11. The garage is _________ from the house. 12. Local
________ provide music for dancing. 13. We have ________ on the wall and the floor of the
bathroom. 14. All glass bottles that can’t be refilled can be ________. 15. He posted ________
in all the shop windows. 16. The demand exceeded the ________. 17. His ________ doubled the
rent. 18. He took a shovel, dug a ________, and buried his possessions. 19. He was always
________ about how clever his son was. 20. The couple ________ the flat above mine. 21. Two
________ elements must be proven: motive and opportunity. 22. Blue was chosen as the uniform
color largely for practical ________.

E. Fill in the correct preposition or adverb where necessary.

1) 1. There is a reason ____ every important thing that happens. 2. This garden is twelve square
metres ____ area. 3. He won the title for three years ____ a row. 4. The guide took us through
the city, pointing interesting sights ____. 5. We explained our plan ____ the committee. 6. They
have an obsession ____ making money. 7. Research ____ Higher Education exists to encourage
discussion ____ significant research ____ higher education. 8. He sat there ____a sad expression
____ his face. 9. There is agreement ____ the necessity ____ reforms. 10. The Spartans lived
____ villages far ____. 11. Was it an accident, or did she do it ____ purpose? 12. We arranged
the meeting ____ the purpose ____ preventing a strike.
2) 1. The police were searching ____ clues. 2. ‘I’ll be here,’ promised Ned; and then he went
____ downtown to attend to some matters connected ____ his new duties. 3. He will not lack
____ advisers. 4. He is lacking ____ intelligence. 4. Fill out the form ____ your earliest
convenience. 5. I keep my reference book near at hand ____ convenience. 6. It’s been done ____
the benefit of all. 7. She boasted ____ her achievements. 8. You should have been working
instead ____ watching television.

F. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1) 1. any address at which you dwell more than temporarily __________; 2. a small piece of
ground __________; 3. a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young
__________; 4. a deliberately confusing series of paths, often surrounded by walls or hedges,
from which it’s difficult to find the way out __________; 5. lead someone in the wrong direction
or give someone wrong directions__________ ; 6. being the only one of a particular type; single;
sole __________; 7. to put or keep (oneself or an object) in a secret place; conceal (oneself or an
object) from view or discovery__________ ; 8. a person who lives near or next to another
__________; 9. an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line __________; 10. to state
to be true or existing __________; 11. the things that a person owns or has with him; possessions
__________; 12. wide open; extremely wide __________; 13. furniture with drawers for keeping
clothes __________
2) 1. to look through (a place, records, etc.) thoroughly in order to find someone or something
__________; 2. to change or adapt the form, character, or function of; transform __________; 3.
the reason for which anything is done, created, or exists __________; 4. the central area or
commercial center of a town or city __________; 5. the state or quality of being suitable
__________; 6. the space inside a roof __________; 7. a group of musicians who perform as an
ensemble __________; 8. a person with whom one shares a room or rooms __________; 9.
consisting of many units or parts __________; 10. divided; not joined __________; 11. to put (a
used substance) through a particular process so that it is fit to use again __________; 12. offering
goods and services for sale __________; 13.  a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper’s
name, the direction of a town etc) to the public __________; 14. a construction material made of
a mixture of cement, sand, stone, and water that hardens to a stone-like mass__________ ; 15. an
institution for the treatment of chronic diseases __________; 16. a private hospital or residence
staffed and equipped to care for aged persons; (Brit) a private maternity home__________; 17.
absolutely necessary __________; 18. to live or be established in (a house, flat, office, etc.)

G. Match the words with their definitions.

1. reason a. make or write a comment on
2. area b. a persistent preoccupation, idea, or feeling
3. conspiracy c. to make (something) clear or easy to understand
4. to point out d. something that a person owns
5. to explain e. a rational motive for a belief or action
6. identity f. an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in

the future
7. obsession g. being the only one of its kind, or having no equal
8. research h. good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
9. unique i. a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary
10. property j. systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to
collect information on a subject
11. fate k. who or what a person is
12. patience l. a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act,
esp. with political motivation

H. Translate into English.

1) 1. Зірки сховалися за хмарами. 2. Ластівки будують гніздо під дахом нашого
будинку. 3. Я рідко зустрічаю своїх сусідів. 4. Яка причина вашого приїзду до
Лондону? 5. У них є причини вірити, що можуть бути неприємності. 6. Ти живеш у
цьому районі? 7. Він повернувся до свого місця проживання. 8. Це була повністю її
провина. 9. У мене є невеличка ділянка з городиною за містом. 10. Дорога повертає
ліворуч. 11. Він пояснював закони природи своїм студентам. 12. Він переконаний, що
з ним несправедливо поводилися, і це стало його нав’язливої ідеєю. 13. Його
дослідження призвели до вражаючих відкриттів. 14. Її стиль унікальний. 15. Він зібрав
свої речі і пішов. 16. Камін був настільки великий, що в нього можна було ввійти. 17.
Дорога раптово стала вузькою.

2) 1. Яка мета вашого візиту? 2. Ви розбили чашку навмисно? 3. Вони готові піти
куди завгодно, щоб досягнути своєї мети. 4. Він перетворив свій будинок на чотири
окремі квартири. 5. У неї урвався терпець і вона закричала: «Замовкніть!» 6. Його
забрали до поліцейського відділку, обшукали та допитали. 7. Не грошей бракує на
проект, а ентузіазму.) 8. Зроби цю роботу, коли тобі буде зручно, будь ласка. 9. У
нашому будинку є всі сучасні зручності, включаючи холодну та гарячу воду,
сміттєпровід і систему опалення. 10. Я щиро вірю у переваги цієї форми терапії
(therapy). (11. Його недоліки (fault) занадто чисельні, щоб їх згадувати. 12. Не
дозволяється грати в футбол на вулиці. 13. Трупа буде грати (виконувати) грецьку
комедію. 14. Я піду замість тебе. 15. Стіл займає центр кімнати.

Reading 1
1. Read the first paragraph of the text in exercise 4 quickly. Don’t fill in the gaps yet. Which
headings below, A or B, do you think would match the paragraph?
A. A view from a helicopter B. How the English live

2. Match the following headings to each of the paragraph 2-5.

A. A maze of streets C. No such number
B. A hidden artist in every Englishman D. The nation of nest builders

3. Read the following extracts from the text. Circle the words that the underlined words
refer to in each extract 1-3 below.
1. Our neighbours were from Argentina. Their two little daughters were the nicest children
I’ve ever seen.
2. We have decided to put the house up for sale. The price we set wasn’t high, so we soon
found somebody interested in buying it.

3. She was born in the country and spent her childhood in a small quiet village. She
considered it the happiest period in her life. That was the reason why she always dreamed of
buying a small house and moving away from London.

EXAM TIP Missing sentences always refer to what comes before or after each gap.
Underline the words in each missing sentence and in the text which help you choose the
right sentence. When you have completed the text, check that the extra sentence doesn’t fit
any of the gaps.

4. Read the following extract from the book about English people. Five sentences have been
removed from the text. Fill in the gaps 1-5 with the missing sentences from A – F. There is
one extra sentence that won’t fit any gap.
(1) If you look from a helicopter at any English town, you will see that residential
areas consist almost entirely of rows of small boxes, each with its own little patch of green.
1. ____ The principle, however, will be clear: the English all want to live in their own
private houses with their own private gardens.
(2) What you cannot see from your helicopter, you will learn as soon as you try to
visit an English home. 2.___ Some humorists claim this is the result of ‘a conspiracy to
mislead foreigners’, pointing out that our streets are never straight, every time a street
bends, it is given a different name, there are at least 60 confusing synonyms for ‘street’, and
the numbering of the houses is hopelessly illogical.
(3) The house numbers are at least as well camouflaged as the street names. 3. ___
One taxi-driver explained: ‘An Englishman’s house is his castle, right? We can’t actually
have massive walls around it, but we can make it difficult to get to.’
(4) The Englishman’s home is much more than just his castle; it is his identity and
his prime obsession. 4. ___ The mania for home improvements is widespread. Research
shows that only 2% of English males and 12% of females have never done any Do-It-
(5) Working on the home improvements is an opportunity to exercise our creative
talents. 5. ____ Although it may sometimes be an economic necessity, we see the
arrangement, furnishing and decorating of our homes as an expression of our unique
personal taste.
A. You may have its address and a map, but you will have great difficulty in finding the
house you are looking for.
B. Or at least that’s how we like to think of it.
C. This is an unwritten rule of home ownership and the moving-in ritual.
D. They are either hidden, or even not there at all.
E. In better-off areas, these boxes will be further apart, and the green patches attached to
them will be larger.
F. This is why a house is not something you just ‘passively’ have, it is something you
constantly ‘work on’.

5. Read part of a Sherlock Holmes story. Choose the best option (a, b, c, or d) to fill the
gaps in the text.
A small side door 1) ___ into the whitewashed corridor from which the three bedrooms
opened. We 2) ___ at once to the one in which Miss Stoner was now sleeping, and in which
her sister 3) ___ with her fate. It was a cosy room, with a low 4) ___ and a gaping fireplace,
the style of old country houses. A brown chest of drawers stood in one corner, a narrow bed

in 5) ___ , and a dressing table on the left-hand side of the window. These articles, with two
small wickerwork chairs, 6) ___ all the furniture in the room, save for a square of Wilton
carpet in the centre. Holmes drew one of the chairs into a corner and sat in 7) ___ , while his
eyes travelled round and round and up and down, taking 8) ___ every detail of the apartment.
1. A. carried B. led C. guided D. took
2. A. arrived B. entered C. reached D. passed
3. A. was met B. had met C. was meeting D. will meet
4. A. floor B. ceiling C. windows D. walls
5. A. other B. another C. second D. the second
6. A. made up B. lined up C. put up D. took up
7. A. silent B. silence C. quietly D. silently
8. A. in B. on C. through D. up

EXAMINATION TIP When you read the text for the first time, ignore the gaps, and
just try to get a general sense of what it is about. Always check your answers to make
sure they fit logically as well as grammatically

Homes and Buildings

Read the following explanation concerning homes and buildings and translate the words
in bold into Ukrainian.
A. Houses
English Ukrainian
detached house
semi-detached house
terraced[ ] apartment
terraced houses
front garden
front doorbell
front door
garage [ ]
I live in a block of flats. My brother lives on the ground floor, and I have a flat on the third
floor. Unfortunately there is no lift, so I have to climb three flights of stairs to reach my flat.
But I do have a balcony with a wonderful view of the park opposite the flats.
Note: Steps are usually outside a building or inside a public building; they are stone or wooden.
Stairs (pl.) connect floors inside a building and are often covered with a carpet.
B. Buying and Renting
Some people buy a flat or house (= they own it / it belongs to them). When they do this in
Britain, people usually borrow money from a bank or an organization called a Building Society.
This money, which is called a mortgage [ ], is often paid back over 25 years.
Other people rent a house or flat (= they pay money every week or month to the person who
owns the house). When they do this, the money they pay is called the rent, and the person who
owns the house or flat is the landlord.
C. Describing a Flat or House

The rooms on the ground floor are quite dark (not light) because they don’t get (= receive)
very much sun. They are also quite noisy (not quiet) because they are near the roads and the
traffic. The other negative thing is that the rooms are draughty [ ] (= cold air comes into
the room through the windows and under the doors because they don’t fit very well). This means
it is expensive to heat the rooms (= to keep the rooms warm). Fortunately I have a very good
central heating system. In other ways, it is also very nice: it’s in good condition (= in a good
state / doesn’t need to be repaired; not in bad condition), and the rooms are huge / enormous (=
very, very big; not tiny / very, very small)

6. Complete the sentences with a suitable noun or verb.

1. I opened the ________, walked up the ________ and rang the ________.
2. We had to _______ six flights of stairs to get to her flat because the _______ wasn’t working.
3. I’ve got a great _______ from my balcony.
4. Do you own the flat or do you ________ it?
5. I’m living in the house now but it actually _________ to my brother. He bought it two
years ago. It was in bad _______ then, but he spent a lot of money on it.
6. It costs a lot of money to ________ a house when you live in a cold climate. Central
_______ is usually quite expensive.

7. Write down four more positive things and four more negative things you could say about a
house / flat or the room in a flat / house.
Positive Negative
the rooms are very light the rooms are very dark

8. What about your home? Answer these questions.

1. Do you live in a house or flat? 2. If you live in a flat, what floor is it on? 3. If you live in a
house, do you have a garden? 4. Does the house/flat belong to you (or your family), or do
you rent it? 5. Do you have your own garage or personal parking space? 6. Would you
describe your house/flat as dark or light? 7. Is it noisy or quiet? 8. Do you have central

Around the Home

Read the following explanation concerning rooms in a flat / house and translate the words
in bold into Ukrainian.
A. Rooms
The living room or lounge [ ] (= where you sit, relax, talk and watch TV); the
dining room; the kitchen; the bedroom; and the bathroom.
Some people also have a study (= room with a desk where you work), a utility [
] room (= a room usually next to the kitchen, where you have a washing machine), a spare
room (= a room you don’t use every day. Often this is a room that guests can use), and
possibly a playroom for small children.
B. The lounge
English Ukrainian
curtains [ ] (Am.) drapes

CD player / hi-fi / music system
coffee table
vase [ ]
standard lamp
remote control
While the cat was asleep in the armchair, I sat on the sofa and had a look at the paper.
Then I turned on the TV and went to make a cup of coffee.
C. The kitchen
English Ukrainian
fridge (refrigerator)
food mixer
a kettle
saucepan [ ]
frying pan
washing machine
I put the meat in the oven [ ], put my dirty clothes in the washing machine, made
the coffee and put the milk back in the fridge.
D. The bedroom
English Ukrainian
chest of drawers
alarm clock
pyjamas [ ]
bedside table
duvet [ ] / continental quilt [ ]
I put on my pyjamas, got into bed, set the alarm clock, switched off the light, and went to
E. The bathroom
English Ukrainian
towel rail

I didn’t have time for a bath, but I had a wash, cleaned my teeth, and then I went to school.

9. Complete the descriptions. There may be more than one answer.

1. The bedroom, that’s where you _________________________.
2. The kitchen, that’s where you do the _____________________.
3. The bathroom, that’s where you have a ___________________.
4. The lounge, that’s where you ___________ and ____________.
5. The dining room, that’s where you _______________________.
6. A spare room , that’s often where ________________________.
7. A study, that’s usually where you ________________________.
8. A utility room, that’s often where ________________________.

10. You are in the kitchen. Where would you put these things?
1. milk ________________________
2. meat that you are going to cook _________________________
3. dirty clothes ________________________________________
4. dirty cups and sauces _________________________________
5. clean cups and sauces _________________________________
6. biscuits and a packet of spaghetti ________________________

11. Complete these sentences with the correct adverb or preposition.

1. He put the plates ______the cupboard. 2. I took the ham _____ of the fridge, made myself a
couple of sandwiches, and I put the rest of the ham ______ in the fridge. 3. I usually sit _____
the sofa and my husband sits _____ the armchair. 4. I was bored, so I turned _____ the
television.5. You normally cook it ____ the oven for about forty minutes. 6. I took the butter
____ of the fridge and put it ____ the table.

12. Write down:

1. three things in the lounge and kitchen you can turn on/off. ________________________
2. three things in the kitchen you can wash. _____________________________________
3. three things in the lounge and kitchen you can sit on. ____________________________
4. two things you can use to boil water. _________________________________________

13. How well do you know your own home? Answer these questions as quickly as possible.
1. Have you got a mirror above the washbasin in the bathroom?
2. Have you got a towel rail on the dame wall as the washbasin?
3. Is the toilet next to the bath/shower?
4. Have you got a wardrobe and chest of drawers in your bedroom?
5. Have you got a lamp on you bedside table?
6. Have you got an alarm clock?

14. A) You have recently moved into a new flat. Write a letter to your English penfriend
describing in brief:
 this new flat
 then compare it with the old one
 and describe the location of your block of flats
Use 100-120 words.

B) Write an advertisement for your flat/house to let. Don’t forget to mention the
conveniences, the location and the price.

15. Read the title of the text in exercise 15. Then choose the right answer to the question:
What is the article about?
A. Young people studying art and architecture of old buildings.
B. Students living in places that used to serve other purposes.
C. Stylists who give advice to students on how to convert old places.

EXAM TIP Before you read the text, try to predict what it is about from the title and the
exam task items. Read the task items carefully to know what information you’re going to be
looking for in the text. Scan the text quickly to find the information. Try not to spend too
much time reading the text slowly again and again from the beginning to the end.

Reading 2

16. Higher level Read the brochure on four different student residences in the USA. Decide
which of the places A-D is described in each sentences 1-9.
The Art of Living in Style
Before you go to the nearest Huge Apartment Megaplex to find your living space for the
next semester, let it be known that there are alternatives. With a little patience and time to
search around Tucson’s historical downtown and university areas, you may be able to find
an older residence that makes up in style for what it lacks in modern conveniences, a place
that had been many, many things before it became a place for you to call home.
Lauren Benz and her four room-mates live in Studio Apartments, in the mostly
commercial downtown area. Their loft-style apartment, which has been a graphic design
studio and a recording studio, has a few problems other apartments don’t. There is no
heating system, no central cooling system, no residential garbage service, no mail service
and no parking. But the benefits of living in their apartment are numerous. The open
architecture has allowed the room-mates to host parties with up to 600 guests, with space
left over to allow bands to perform.
Henry Electric Apartments is another converted space. A former electric store opened in
1936, the building was divided into four separate apartments two years ago.
The contractors that renovated the building left the original, polished, concrete floors,
while installing industrial-looking steel walls to the main room and recycled pool tiles to the
bathroom. They also left the original Henry Electric sign out front, which can invite some
confused visitors to the property. Residents have come out of their bedrooms to find elderly
men browsing through their belongings, looking for electrical supplies.
Rincon Apartments, located on North Sixth Avenue and East University Boulevard, are
older apartments that boast the kind of early 20 th century architecture one won’t find in
brand new places. ‘It’s the very first apartment building built in Tucson. It was built in
1908,’ said the owner and manager Margaret Sokser. ‘The historic building has seventeen
units in it,’ she said, noting that over the years, there has been a fair mix of student and non-
student residents. Each apartment has wooden floors, high ceilings and a fireplace.
Another apartment building in the university area, the Castle Apartments, on the corner of
North Euclid Avenue and Adam Street, was a hospital, tuberculosis sanitarium, nursing
home, convent and vocation lodge before becoming an apartment building. The building
which was originally built in 1906 has thirty-two apartments and is mostly occupied by
upperclassmen and graduate students, according to owner Kathy Busch. Castle resident
Becky Blacher said living in a small complex owned by one person instead of a company

made it possible for her to have an art show there. ‘Kathy was really excited,’ she said about
talking to her landlord in preparation for the show. ‘She’s so cool. What other landlord
would let you put holes in cement walls?’ Blacher said.

A. Studio Apartments; B. Henry Electric Apartments; C. Rincon Apartments; D. Castle

Which residence is it?
1. It only provides the most essential conveniences. ___ 2. It was originally designed to
serve as a residential property. ___ 3. It used to serve healthcare purposes. ___ 4. It is
unusually spacious. ___ 5. It has the biggest numbers of apartments to let. ___ 6. It is
sometimes mistaken for a shop. ____ 7. It was used by musicians. ___ 8. It was only
converted into apartments a short time ago. ___ 9. The people who live there seem to have
good relationships with the owner. ___

Town and Country

Read the following explanation concerning towns and countryside and translate the words
in bold into Ukrainian.
A. Towns
Here are some of other things you will find in most big countries.
a commercial centre: an area with lots of banks and company offices
shopping centre: places with many shops, either indoors or outdoors
car parks: places to leave many cars
factories: buildings where you can make/manufacture things, e.g. cars
suburbs: areas outside the centre of town where people live
libraries: places where you can borrow books
pollution: dirty air because of smoke and petrol fumes
catering and night-life: places to go at night, e.g. bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, discos, etc
B. Advantages and Disadvantages
People who prefer the countryside to big towns, often say:
Towns: The Country:
are noisy is quiet and peaceful
are dirty and polluted is clean
are stressful is calm and relaxing
are crowded (= full of people) has lots of open space
are dangerous is safe
People who prefer big towns have a different point of view:
In towns: In the countryside:
there are plenty (= lots) of things to do there’s nothing to do
it’s exciting it’s boring
there’s a wide range of shops there are only a few shops
there’s lots of night-life there’s no night-life
C. Towns can be convenient places to live in because they have many facilities.
Sports: swimming pool, sports centre, golf course, tennis court, football pitch
Cultural: theatre, opera house, concert hall, radio station, art gallery
Educational: school, college, university, library, evening classes, museum
Catering and night-life: restaurant, cafe, nightclub, take-away, hotel B and B (bed and
breakfast), youth hostel, dance hall, discos, etc.
Transport: bus service, taxi rank, car hire agency, car park, parking meters

Other: health centre, law courts, registry office, citizens’ advice bureau, job centre, bottle bank,
department store, chemist’s, estate agent, garden centre, police station, Town or City Hall,
suburbs, housing estate, industrial estate, pedestrian precinct [ ]
D. Towns also have their own special problems. Here are some to be found in London now.
Traffic jams: every day, particularly in the rush-hour, the streets get so packed with traffic that
travel is very slow or even comes to standstill. This is particularly stressful for commuters,
people who travel to work in the towns.
Slums: certain parts of the city which are poor and in a very bad condition
Vandalism: pointless destruction of other people’s property
Overcrowding: too many people live in too small a place
Pollution: the air and the water are no longer as pure as they were
Crime: murder, robbery, shoplifting, etc.
E. Here are some useful adjectives for describing towns.
picturesque historic spacious elegant magnificent atmospheric
quaint lively hectic deserted (at night) bustling crowded
packed filthy run-down shabby

17. Complete this table of opposites.

Big towns and cities Village life and the countryside
1. 1. quiet and peaceful
2. 2. clean air
3. exciting 3.
4. stressful 4.
5. 5. lots of open space
6. 6. nothing to do in the evening
7. dangerous 7.
Do you agree with everything in the table above? Put a tick (√) beside each answer you do, and
a (x) beside each answer you don’t. Compare and discuss your answers with others.

18. Organise the words in the box into three groups: things you usually find in towns, things you
usually find in the country, and things you often find in both towns and country.
fields factories gates car parks libraries tractors suburbs traffic
nightlife Town Hall shopping centres footpath pollution valleys woods villages
Town Country Town and Country
_____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________

19. Look at the list of facilities listed in C. Tick all those which your town has. What facilities
would an ideal town have? Name the three most important facilities for you in each of the

20. Are there any of the problems mentioned in D in your city or a city you know well? Could
you suggest a solution to these problems?

21. Write sentences about any town you know, using each of the adjective in E.

Example: The most picturesque part of my town is the old market-place.

Additional Reading
22. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the text.
A. cosmopolitan E. urban I. city-dwellers
B. metropolis F. commuter J. to breed crime
C. stimulation G. congestion K. irresistible lure
D. pollution H. cost of living L. anonymity

City Life
Most people in developed countries are 1) ____, many drawn by the 2) ____ of the 3) ____. The
attractions of the city are many: the 4) _____ atmosphere (foreign restaurants, different
languages, international companies), the 5) ____ of cultural events or the simple hope of finding
work. All too many find, however, that glamorous façade is false. One can be very alone in the
city and the 6) ____ which at first seems to give freedom and protection later leaves just
loneliness. There is a lot to do but everything is expensive. The 7) ____ is high. There is 8) ___
not only of the physical but also of the moral environment and the various pressures of 9) ____
life cause cities 10) ____. Above all, perhaps, it is the daily stresses and strains of the city which
make life there a matter of survival rather than of enjoyment. Many a 11) ___ struggling to work
through the rush-hour 12) ____ asks, ‘Is it worth?’

23. Write an essay of 100 – 120 words comparing advantages and disadvantages of living in a
small town and living in a big city.

EXAM TIP If the aim of your essay is to outline the advantages and disadvantages of
something, you are not expected to express your own opinion by using personal words or
expressions. Start by making a general statement and then divide the advantages and
disadvantages into two separate paragraphs. To conclude, give a balanced consideration of your
points. An opinion can be expressed in a non-emotional way. E.g. it seems that…, it can be
seen that…
Outline: giving advantages and disadvantages
Introduction: general statement about the topic
Main body: paragraph 2: advantages and statements to support your point of view
paragraph 3: disadvantages and statements to support your point of view
(Note: If you believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages write them
in the third paragraph so that it will be easier for you to lead the reader to the
Conclusion: give the balanced consideration or give your opinion without using personal
words or expressions


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
'effort di΄stract ,satis΄faction
'schedule pri΄ority ,sponta΄neity
'graduate a΄head in,feri΄ority

΄educate a΄djust in΄crease
΄frighten in΄telligent com΄pulsory
΄credit a΄chieve cer΄tificate
΄average e΄lite di΄visive

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun Verb Verb Noun
strength to distract
satisfaction to educate
impression to attend
certificate to behave
enrichment to increase
exam (examination) to consider
entrance to confuse
identification to sign
creation to achieve
production to encourage
variety to develop

C. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
effort ['efət] спроба, зусилля, напруга;
to make an effort силкуватися, спробувати;
without effort без зусиль, легко
schedule ['∫edju:l]/['skedju:l] (Am.) графік, план, розклад
according to schedule за графіком, згідно з розкладом;
on schedule вчасно; точно;
to be behind schedule відставати від плану / графіку; запізнюватися
upcoming [ ] що настає (надходить), наступний;
upcoming elections наступні вибори
folder ['fəuldə] папка, тека, зшивач, швидкозшивач
to divide [di'vaid] into ділити, поділити, розділити на;
to divide into two/three parts розділити на дві / три частини
to light [ ] (lit – lit / lighted – 1. запалювати, засвічувати; запалюватися, загорятися;
ighted) освітлювати; освітлюватися; прикурювати (сигарету);
2. світити, посвітити кому-небудь; 3. сяяти (про очі)
well-lit добре освітлений
distract [di'strækt] відволікати;
to distract the attention from smth відволікати увагу від чогось
brain [brein] мозок, розум, інтелект;
on one’s brains подумки; у голові, на думці;
to be in one’s right brains мати здоровий глузд
plenty of [΄plenti] багато, маса, сила-силенна, чимало;
in plenty удосталь; досхочу
to snack [ ] перекусити; підобідати, перехопити; заморити
черв’ячка (фразеол.);
to snack on smth перекусити чого-небудь під’їсти
cookies (домашнє) печиво, тістечко
strength [ ] сила, сильна сторона;
to build up / develop one’s strength розвивати силу, нарощувати силу;
to find strength знайти сили;

to gain / gather strength зібратися на силі, спромогтися
satisfaction [ ] задоволення;
to one’s satisfaction на чиєсь задоволення
priority [prai΄orəti] першість, перевага, пріоритет;
to establish / set a priority розставити пріоритети, визначити систему цінностей;
to re-examine / rethink priority переглянути систему цінностей
to accept [ək΄sept] прийняти, погодитися;
to accept a suggestion / an offer прийняти пропозицію
ahead [ə΄hed] уперед, попереду;
years ahead майбутні роки, майбутнє;
ahead of smth / smb попереду когось / чогось, перед кимось
to graduate [΄grædjueit] (from) закінчувати (вищий навчальний заклад);
to graduate with honours / cum закінчити з відзнакою
laude [kʊm΄laʊdeɪ]
exception [ek΄sep∫(ə)n] виняток, виключення;
to make an exception for smb зробити виняток для когось;
without exception без винятку;
with the exception of за винятком;
an exception from / to the rule виняток з правила
to suffer [΄safə] (from) страждати на, терпіти, перебути, мучитися, слабувати
He suffers from headaches. Він страждає на головний біль.
to suffer a loss терпіти збитки
adjust [ə΄dЗast] (to) smth давати лад чому, довести до ладу що, упорядковувати,
пристосовувати; улагодити
to educate [΄edjukeit] виховувати, навчати, давати освіту
primary [΄praim(ə)ri] головний, основний, найперший, базовий;
primary education початкова освіта
secondary [΄sek(ə)nd(ə)ri] другий (у черзі); середній (про освіту);
secondary education середня освіта
choir [΄kwaiə] хор
behave [bi΄heiv] поводитися;
behave oneself поводитися добре; шануватися
a first degree (Bachelor’s degree ступінь бакалавра
a second degree (Master’s ступінь магістра
target [´ta:git] ціль, мішень; завдання;
to aim at target прицілюватися;
to fire at a target стріляти по мішенях;
an easy target for criticism зручна мішень для критики;
on target точно, у ціль
to increase [in´kri:s] збільшувати(-сь), зростати;
to increase by 10% зрости на 10%;
to increase in number / size / збільшуватися в числі, розмірі, об’ємі; зростати,
volume множитися, більшати обсягом
to consider [kən´sidə] розглядати, обдумувати, обговорювати; вважати; взяти
до уваги;
We considered him as a possible Ми розглядали його як можливого кандидата.
We considered her to be our friend. Ми вважали її нашим другом.
to confuse [kən´fju:z] плутати, заплутати, змішувати, приводити в безлад,

збентежити; спантеличувати
I always confuse him with his brother. Я завжди плутаю цього чоловіка з його братом.
to frighten [΄frait(ə)n] лякати, злякати;
frightening що лякає;
frightened наляканий;
to frighten off / away сполохати, злякати, відлякувати
sight [sait] 1. зір; 2. вигляд; 3. (швидкий) погляд; 4. погляд; точка
зору, думка; (мист.) бачення; 5. поле зору;
first sight перший погляд;
at first sight з першого погляду, на перший погляд;
at the sight of побачивши;
in my sight у мене на очах;
at sight з листа; відразу
to menace [΄menəs] загрожувати, погрожувати;
menacing страхітливий, загрозливий;
a menacing weapon грізна зброя
to sign [sain] підписувати;
to sign an agreement / a cheque / a підписувати угоду, чек, контракт;
to sign in / out зареєструвати свій прихід / ухід (приїзд / від’їзд)
deceptive [di´septiv] оманливий, що вводить в оману
Appearances are often deceptive. Зовнішність часто вводить в оману.
impression [im´pre∫(ə)n] враження;
to make an impression (on) справляти враження
resort [ri´zo:t] 1. звернення (по допомогу); 2. притулок, розрада;
надія; рятівний засіб; 3. відвідуване / улюблене місце
(відпочинку, прогулянок); 4. курорт
last resort остання надія, останній притулок, остання інстанція;
all-night resort нічний клуб;
health / holiday resort курорт;
seaside resort морський курорт;
as a last resort у крайньому разі
compulsory [kəm´pals(ə)ri] обов’язковий, примусовий;
compulsory education обов’язкова освіта
drop out кидати, покинути (навчання, роботу)
basics [´beisiks] основи, ази;
the basics of math ази математики
to award [ə´wo:d] присуджувати, нагороджувати, дати в нагороду;
equivalency [i´kwiv(ə)l(ə)nsi] еквівалентність, рівноцінність, рівнозначність
certificate [sə´tifikət] документ, свідоцтво, сертифікат;
Certificate of Secondary атестат про середню освіту;
certificate of birth свідоцтво про народження
to expel [iks´pel] / [eks´pel] (from) виключити (з якоїсь організації), відрахувати, вислати,
principal [´prinsəp(ə)l] (Am.) директор (школи), начальник
staff [sta:f] штат службовців, службовий персонал, кадри;
teaching staff учителі; професорсько-викладацький склад;
nursing staff середній медичний персонал
to enroll [in´rəul] (Am.) – to enrol записуватися, вступати в члени (організації), вносити в
(Br.) списки;
to enroll the child in kindergarten записати дитину до дитячого садка;
to enrol for the conference записатися на конференцію
enrichment збагачення; збагачування
playwriting [´pleiraitiŋ] драматургія
credit [´kredit] «кредит» (залікова одиниця в деяких внз); залік;
to get a credit for a course отримати залік за предмет
previous [´pri:viəs] попередній;
the previous day напередодні
on average [´æv(ə)ridЗ] у середньому; пересічно, помірно
to explore [iks´plo:] досліджувати, розглядати, вивчати;
to explore every possibility дослідити кожну можливість
Additional Vocabulary
elite [ei´l:t] / [i´l:t] еліта
conventional [kən´ven∫(ə)n(ə)l] звичайний, традиційний, загальноприйнятий
divisive [di´vaisiv] що викликає розбіжності, незгоду
spontaneity [,spontə´neiəti] безпосередність, спонтанність, природність
to cram [kræm] спішно готуватися до екзамену; зубрити; увіпхнути у
величезній кількості (інформацію)
to stream ділити класи за рівнем знань
inferiority complex [in,fiəri´orəti] комплекс неповноцінності
intelligent [in΄telidЗ(ə)nt] розумний, кмітливий, метикуватий
to hold back (held – held) стримувати, утримуватися
to achieve [ə΄t∫i:v] досягти, домагатися
strict суворий, жорстокий, вимогливий, визначений, точний
to encourage [in΄karidЗ] заохочувати, підтримувати
to develop [di΄veləp] розвивати, удосконалювати; забудовувати
premises [ ] (pl.) нерухомість, будинок з прилягаючими будівлями
е ділянкою; приміщення, будівля, будинок
stud [ ] запонка; цвях з великою головкою; штифт; кнопка
liable [ ] зобов'язаний, зв’язаний зобов’язанням; який підлягає
чому-небудь; схильний до чого-небудь
to bully [ INCLUDEPICTURE залякувати; задирати; мучити; знущатися; грубо
" поводитися

D. Fill in the correct word. 1)

plenty; efforts; schedule; upcoming; divided; lit; distract; brain; snacked; graduated;
behaved; strength; educated; exception; satisfaction; suffering; ahead; priority; accepted
1. The giant moon _______ the road brightly. 2. All old clothes will be gratefully _______ by the
organizers. 3. She would improve her diet if she _______ less. 4. Video games sometimes
_______ him from his homework. 5. The representatives expressed full assurance that
preparations for the Olympic Games are going according to the _______. 6. It’ll take a while
before you gain full _______. 7. The government’s _______ to improve the economy were
unsuccessful. 8. This brochure [ ] contains our latest information including details of all
_______ projects. 9. The world _______ into the idle rich and the labouring poor. 10. The power
of thinking depends on the _______. 11. There was still _______ of time. 12. They felt
________ that a fair compromise had been reached. 13. The government’s ________ should be
better health care. 14. We are well _______ of our rivals. 15. He _______ in German and
French. 16. The possession of the gift was the rule and not the _______. 17. I realized he was
_______ from shock. 18. I have _______ my children at the best schools. 19. The child _______
badly at the party.

2) increased; considered; awarded; confuse; staff; frightens; sight; certificate; menacing;

sign; deceptive; expelled; last resort; explore; enrichment; compulsory; basics; impression;
principal; enroll; credits
1. The stranger who hangs around the building _______ me. 2. Also, there was nothing
frightening about their behavior-nothing furtive, nothing _______. 3. She has always _______
herself a strong, competent woman. 4. She did not suspect how interested he was – his manner
was so _______. 5. The number of children in this school has _______ greatly in recent years. 6.
I can’t see how anyone could _______ you two with each other. 7. She waved until the car was
out of _______. 8. I got him to _______ my copy of his book. 9. An appeal to his uncle was his
________. 10. He used to say any state cop needed to know the _______ of creative writing. 11.
Medical services are free for people living with HIV/AIDS, upon production of a medical
________. 12. You must _______ your child before the start of the school term. 13. He is the
_______ of the local high school. 14. My ________ is that they are totally out of control. 15.
Many young men are trying to get away from _________ military conscription (військова
повинність). 16. She was _______ the prize for both films. 17. You _______ from the house
which you have disgraced. 18. The hospital has an excellent nursing _______. 19. They are
groups contributing to the _________ of society. 20. The B.S. degree in chemistry requires a
minimum of 180 ________ to graduate. 21. He teems with curiosity and a spirit adventurous
enough to ________ the world.

E. Fill in the correct preposition or adverb where necessary.

1) 1. This last phrase he could not utter even in thought _____ an effort. 2. The President also
stated his intention to conduct presidential elections ____ schedule before the end of the year. 3.
As it was, they were running far _____ their schedule. 4. After World War II the world divided
_____ two tight blocs, one dominated ____ the United States and one by the Soviet Union. 5. He
was constantly being distracted _____ his work ____ the noisy conversation ____ his colleagues.
6. You’ve got that Madonna _____ your brain. 7. Awards and honours came ____ her ____
plenty. 8. There are plenty ____ cars on display here. 9. He threw it forward ____ all his
strength. 10. _____ my immense satisfaction he arrived ____ time. 11. The school gives priority
____ science and maths. 12. He went on ____ ____me. 13. She graduated ____ English and
Drama ____ Manchester University. 14. It was a day off for everyone, ____ the exception ____
Lawrence. 15. We have good relations and we work together _____ all nations ____ the world
_____ exception. 16. The plastics of course were the first major exception ____ the rule. 17. He
suffers _____ headaches. 18. The observations were right ____ target. 19. We threw knives ____
2) 1. There has been a sharp increase ____ productivity recently. 2. We in reality confuse wealth
____ money. 3. Keep still, or you’ll frighten the rabbit ____. 4. I faint ____ the sight ____ blood.
5. The end of our troubles is ____ sight. 6. He signed his name ____ the document. 7. He signed
____ at the hotel when he arrived. 8. If we can’t get the money in any other way, I suppose we
could, ____ a last resort, sell the car. 9. Many students drop ____ because they are not prepared
____ our challenging program. 10. He’s certainly made an impression ____ the interviewing
board. 11. The referee awarded a free kick ____ the team. 12. The family were so ashamed when
the youngest son was expelled ____ his school. 13. We enrolled ____ the army. 14. Can we enrol
____ this class?

F. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1) 1. a great number, amount, or quantity; lots __________; 2. coming soon; forthcoming

__________ ; 3. to take or receive (something offered) __________; 4. the fulfilment or
gratification of a desire, need, or appetite __________; 5. hard work; energy; a trying hard; a
struggle __________; 6. a file for holding loose papers__________ ; 7. to separate or be
separated into parts or groups; split up; part__________ ; 8. any of various small flat sweet cakes
(‘biscuit’ is the British term) __________; 9. to receive a degree, diploma etc. __________; 10.
to train and teach__________ ; 11. a person, thing etc against which unfriendly comment or
behaviour is directed; any object at which shots, bombs etc are directed __________
2) 1. make bigger or more __________; 2. threatening to harm __________; 3. an essential,
fundamental element or entity __________; 4. causing one to believe what is not true or fail to
believe what is true __________; 5.  to mix up in one’s mind; to make puzzled__________ ; 6.
act of turning to for assistance __________; 7. to think about (carefully); to take into account
__________; 8. to cause fear in; terrify; scare __________; 9. write one’s name (on)
__________; 10. to record the arrival of another or oneself by signing a register __________; 11.
to record the departure of another or oneself by signing a register__________ ; 12. leave school
or an educational program prematurely (передчасно) __________; 13. a document attesting to
the truth of certain stated facts __________; 14. a state of being essentially equal or equivalent;
equally balanced __________; 15. to force to leave or move out __________; 16. the head of a
school or other educational institution (Br. headmaster or headmistress) __________; 17. the
writing of plays __________; 18. a certificate to show that a student has completed a course
which counts towards his degree __________; 19. to examine or investigate, esp systematically
________; 20 personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task __________

G. Match the words with their definitions.

1. schedule a. the state or quality of being physically or mentally strong
2. to distract b. anything excluded from or not in conformance with a general rule,
principle, class, etc.
3. to snack c. fundamental; basic; first in position or time, as in a series
4. strength d. to act in a suitable way, to conduct oneself (well)
5. ahead e. to draw someone’s attention away from something
6. exception f. a group of singers
7. to suffer g. to eat between meals
8. primary h. in front; in advance
9. choir i. a list of times of departures and arrivals; a timetable; a plan for
performing work or achieving an objective
10. to behave j. to undergo, endure or bear pain, misery etc

H. Translate into English.

1) 1. Вивчення іноземної мови потребує зусиль. 2. «Я бачив розклад», – він сказав мені. 3.
Ми зіткнемося з жорстокою боротьбою під час наступних виборів. 4. Він розгорнув папку
й протягнув мені документи. 5. Викладач поділив студентів на чотири групи. 6. Кімната
освітлювалася тільки свічками. 7. У нас удосталь часу добратися туди. 8. Перекусіть
свіжими овочами, якщо хочете втамувати голод. 9. Щось дало мені сили подолати
труднощі. 10. На моє задоволення, робота була зроблена. 11. Кажуть, що економічний
розвиток має перевагу (пріоритет) над навколишнім середовищем. 12. Я приймаю вашу
люб’язну пропозицію. 13. За кілька метрів переді мною стояв чоловік. 14. Моя сестра
закінчила університет у 2010 році. 15. У кожному правилі є виняток. 16. Він жахливо
страждав від поранень (injuries).
2) 1. Начальник нарешті збільшив їй зарплату. 2. а) Ви повинні враховувати почуття
інших людей. б) Він обдумав їхні коментарі. 3. a) Я постійно плутаю Джона з його
братом-близнюком. б) Він повністю спантеличив мене своїм запитанням. 4. Більшість

дітей лякаються виду крові. 5. Він стріляв у повітря, щоб відлякувати їх. 6. Ти віриш у
кохання з першого погляду? 7. Вона підписала листа та відправила його. 8. Зовнішність
може бути оманливою. 9. Ти моя остання надія на порятунок. 10. У нашій країні середня
освіта – обов’язкова. 11. Я справив погане враження тим, що запізнився на співбесіду. 12.
Учні середньої школи відраховуються за шахраювання на екзаменах. 13. Школа має
великий викладацький склад. 14. Ми дослідили (вивчили) стару частину міста.

Reading 1
1. Read the text in exercise 3 quickly to find out what it is about. Choose the best title for the
1. There is no success without effort.
2. How to do your homework without effort.
3. How to become a perfect student.

2. Read paragraphs 1-3 in the text carefully. Choose the correct answer: a, b, or c.
1. What is paragraph 1 about?
A. The necessity to plan your work.
B. The best place to do homework.
C. Creating the best working conditions.

2. What is paragraph 2 about?

A. Buying school materials.
B. Making notes.
C. Keeping your papers in order.

3. What is paragraph 3 about?

A. When to do homework.
B. Where to do it.
C. How to do it.

3. Read this leaflet giving advice on doing your homework. Match headings A – I to paragraphs
1 – 8. There is one heading you will not need.
1. It is easy to get your homework done even if you have a busy schedule – if you decide in
advance what you have to do. On Sunday or Monday, jot down your activities for the upcoming
week in a notebook and then include a time for homework for each day.
2. Buy a folder for each of your classes. Divide it into three sections: notes, homework, and tests.
Always put papers in the correct section.
3. Forget about doing your homework in front of the TV. Find a quiet place that’s well-lit, where
you can concentrate without getting distracted.
4. You won’t get any work done if you’re hungry. Your brain needs energy to work effectively!
Drink plenty of water, and snack on some fruit or cookies to get more strength.
5. Begin with your best subject! Your success will give you a feeling of satisfaction that will
help you deal with your weaker subjects later.
6. If you’ve started your Science homework, finish it! Don’t leave one part of your homework
unfinished to start another – you may not remember all those Chemistry formulas when you
come back.
7. Take at least a five-minute break when you feel tired. The rest will re-energise you so you’ll
be able to finish your work.

8. Homework is rarely an exciting thing to do. But it’s your top priority, and you have to get it
done. Accepting this fact will help you deal with homework effectively.

A. __ Start strong D. __Eat for energy G. __ Talk to an expert

B. __Complete each task E. __Just do it H. __ Take a break
C. __Plan ahead F. __Keep things in order I. __ Find the right place

4. Read the sentences and choose the best option: a, b, or c.

1. Each year thousands of young people … from British Universities.
A. grade; B. graduate; C. graduation
2. Most … institutions in France are financed by the state.
A. educate; B. education; C. educational
3. Students who are … talented in certain fields can follow an individual curriculum.
A. exception; B. exceptional; C. exceptionally
4. Quite a few students in the area suffer from severe social and economic … .
A. advantages; B. disadvantages; C. advantageous

5. Use the correct suffixes from the list to build another part of speech.
-ise -able -(at)ion -(i)ty -ness -ful -en
-less -al -ance/ence -ing -ed -ment -ly
1. wide (adj.) – (v.) 5. resource (n.) – (adj.)
2. create (v.) – (n.) 6. full (adj.) – (adv.)
3. dark (adj.) – (n.) 7. refuse (v) – (n.)
4. adjust (v.) – (adj.) 8. popular (adj.) – (v.)

6. Change the beginning of each word using the negative prefixes.

___happy ____behave ____like ____understand ____polite
___complete ____do ____agree ____correct ____possible

7. Read the text about education in Britain. Complete the gaps with the best form of the word in
brackets. There may be some words that you don’t have to change.
In Britain 1) _____________ (educate) is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. At the
age of five, children start primary school. Then, at the age of eleven, they begin their secondary
education. Most children go to state schools, and only about 7% 2) ____________ (attend) fee-
paying private schools.
A school year is divided into three terms. 3) ___________ (near) all schools work a five-day
week and they are closed on Saturdays. The day starts at nine and finishes between three and
four. There is a lunch break which usually lasts about an hour and a quarter. A 4) _________
(type) timetable includes English, Science, Maths, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical
Education and foreign languages. A lot of schools offer a range of after-school 5) ___________
(activity) such as choir, drama, and trips to 6) ___________ (interest) places.
Young people are expected to show respect for their teachers and obey school rules. Students
who 7) ____________ (behave) risk being excluded from school.
The main exams are GCSEs (school-leaving exam at 16), and A-levels (university entrance
exams at 18). University students 8) ____________ (graduate) after completing their first
degree, usually in three years. Many students then continue their studies for a Master’s degree or
a PhD.


8. Match the two parts of sentences about motivation for studying at school.
1. Not getting enough sleep a. for doing homework.
2. Set yourself realistic targets b. to increase your energy levels.
3. Don’t try to do your homework c. you’ll feel more awake.
4. Do exercise every day d. when you’re tired.
5. If you eat a balanced diet, e. can make you feel uninterested.

9. Match the two parts of sentences to make suggestions about what to study. Two answers are
1. Why don’t try a. History?
2. Have you considered b. do science subjects.
3. I think I should c. taking Business Studies?
4. What about d. choose languages.
5. One idea would be to

10. Here is part of a letter you have received from your penfriend Sam:
So I’m really confused. I can’t see the point of staying at school. I don’t seem to be making
much progress. I find it difficult to feel motivated. Also, this month we have to choose what
subjects we will study at advanced level. You can choose three, but I have no idea what to
choose, or whether to stay at school at all …
Write a reply to Sam:
 telling him about ways to improve motivation;
 suggest subjects to study;
 explaining the benefits of staying at school

Reading 2
11. HIGHER LEVEL Read the article in exercise 12 to find what it is about. Choose the best
summary for the text.
1. A particular educational institution in New York.
2. Changes in the American system of education.
3. Problems that young people face with gaining qualifications.

12. Read paragraph 1 carefully. Choose the best answer: a, b, or c. What is the paragraph about?
A. The school building looks frightening.
B. The students who attend Manhattan Comp make friends there.
C. Manhattan Comp is not what it seems at first sight.

13. Read the article about an American School. Four extracts are missing from the text. There is
one extra extract.
America’s First Night High School
The first impressions are rather menacing. Visitors must sign in and show identification
before being allowed into the building. 1. ____ But what a deceptive first impression! Manhattan
Comprehensive Night School may be the friendliest, most caring institution in all of New York
City. A school of last resort for many of its students, it is their best chance to turn their lives
around, and make friends in the process. Manhattan Comp, as it’s called, is the first full-time
night school in America.

High school is compulsory until the age of sixteen in America, but many students drop out,
either before or after they reach sixteen, and before receiving their high school diplomas. Until
now, night education programmes for dropouts only provided the basics and then awarded an
equivalency certificate. 2. ___ The students receive an academic diploma, which they say is
more helpful in getting a job than an equivalency certificate. More than sixty percent of
Manhattan Comp’s students go on to college.
Most of the school’s 450 students have either been expelled from or dropped out of other high
school. Some have been in two or three school before this one. What seems to make this school
work for these hard-to-place students is the staff and, most importantly, the principal. All the
students call him Howard. 3.___ The institution is his own creation. He designed and opened it
in 1989.
Most students at Manhattan Comp are between eighteen and twenty-two years old. You must
be at least seventeen to enroll (in regular day high schools, students are usually between fourteen
and eighteen years old). The classes run from 5 to 11 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays, with
all-day enrichment programmes on Sundays which explore topics like playwriting, art and video
production. 4. ___ Most students already have some academic credits from previous schools, so
instead of the normal four years in high school, they spend, on average, between six months and
two years at Manhattan Comp.

A. School terms are ten weeks long, which gives students the opportunity to take time off for
family matters or jobs.
B. The community coordinator helps students write résumés [`rezju:mei] and find jobs, and has
even brought in clothes for students, so they can dress up for interviews.
C. As he walks through the building, he greets students by name, asks about their families and
jokes with them about the lack of variety in the school cafeteria.
D. Such tight security gives one the feeling of entering a prison or some other dangerous place.
E. But now, Manhattan Comp offers the total high school experience, complete with a ‘lunch’
break, physical education and clubs.

Additional Reading

14. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the text.
A. elite E. spontaneity I. privileged
B. classless F. labelled J. gifted
C. conventional G. potential K. streaming
D. divisive H. cram L. inferiority complex
Issues of Education
It is interesting that in some countries which are socialist and therefore supposedly 1) ___, the
educational system is based on 2) ____, which means that children are educated according to
their ability, with more 3) ___ children separated from the others. Supporters of this system say
that more intelligent children will be helped to achieve their full 4) ____ in this way and that
these children will be held back if they have to share lessons with less clever pupils. Opponents
of this system, on the other hand, maintain that it creates an educated 5) ____, a special class of
6) ___people who are encouraged to think of themselves as superior to the others. Similarly the
others may, as a result of being 7) ___ second-rate, develop some kind of 8) ___. In a word, such
a system is 9) ___, since it creates a division between people. Another important question in
education is the amount of freedom and choice children should be given at school. The
conservative view is that a 10) ___system of strict rules is best. However, critics of this attitude

say it causes regimentation, as in the army, and discourages children’s natural imagination and
11) ___. We must ask ourselves what the purpose of education is: to 12) ___ children’s heads
with facts or to encourage them to develop their natural abilities in their own way.

15. Write an essay of about 200 words about the issues involved in this question:
Should you start a career or enter university at 18?
Consider the following:
 earning a living
 starting a family
 gaining experience
 meeting new people

Education: school
Read the following explanation concerning education at school and translate the words in
bold into Ukrainian.
A. The system
Most children in England and Wales follow this route in the state system (= free education).
3 some go to nursery school
5 everyone starts primary school
11 pupils go to a secondary school (Am. high school) This may be a comprehensive (=
mixed ability) or a grammar school (= children selected for their academic ability)
16 they leave school and get a job, or go to a college for vocational (= job) training,
e.g. hotel management, secretarial courses; or stay at school for two more years
18 they leave school and get a job or – go to university
– go to a college for further education/training
e.g. teaching, business studies
 You go to school (as a pupil to study) and go to university (as a student to study). You don’t
use the definite article ‘the’ here. Other expressions like this are go to bed (to sleep), go into
hospital (when you are ill); go to church (to prey / to worship).
 In some areas of the UK there are not many grammar schools.
 There are also public schools. In fact, these are private, and parents pay to send their
children there. Some are expensive. About 5% of the population go to public schools.
B. School timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lesson 1 Religious Math Social English Visual Art
Education Education
Lesson 2 History Science Music Science Geography
Lesson 3 English French Physical Maths
Lesson 4 Maths History Information Maths Physical

Technology Education
Lesson 5 Geography Visual Art French English
As you can see, the pupils have five lessons every day, and altogether they do (= study)
eleven subjects a week plus Physical Education (PE). Every morning they have a twenty-minute
break. There are three terms (= period of continuous work) in a school year, and the timetable
changes every year.
Note: Some words in English which end in ‘s’ look plural, but in fact they are singular:
Maths isn’t my favourite subject, and physics is very difficult.
Most nouns of this type refer to subjects; other examples are economics and politics.

16. How much can you remember? Try to answer these questions or complete the sentences
without looking at the explanations.
1. At what age do children go to nursery school? 2. At what age do they start primary school? 3.
When they go to secondary school it is either a grammar or a ________________. 4. At what age
can English or Welsh children leave school? 5. According to the timetable the foreign language
studied is _______. 6. Not including PE, how many subjects do the children do? 7. What
happens if children fail all the exams they take at the age of 16? 8. What can they do if they pass
all their exams at the age of 18?

17. What about you and your country? Answer these questions?
1. Did you go to nursery school? 2. Do most children start primary school at the age of five? 3. Is
the secondary school system similar or different? 4. How many subjects did/do you study at
secondary school? 5. Did/Do you study any subjects which are not included in the explanations?
6. What was/is your favourite subject? 7. How many lessons did/do you have every day? 8.
Is/was your school a state school or public school? 9. At what age can you leave school? 10.
How many terms are there in a school year?

18. Complete these sentences with correct expression.

1. When she was a child she went __________________ in a small village with only fifty other
pupils. 2. He didn’t go to school last term because he was very ill and he had to go
_________________. 3. I was very tired, so after I finished my homework I went
_______________. 4. When I left school I went __________________ and studied medicine. 5.
It was a religious school, so we had to go ______________ quite a lot.

Additional Reading
19. Here is an extract from the current school rules of a large girls’ secondary school in
London. Read it and answer the questions.
School Rules
 Attendance at school throughout every school day is essential. Girls should only be absent in
case of illness or other necessity. Parents should avoid arranging holidays in school time.
 The school day begins at registrations. All girls should be in their form rooms by 8.40 a.m.
Latecomers must report to reception on arrival and sign the late book.
Evening Events
 Girls who are involved in evening events may stay in school from 4.00 p.m. until the evening
begins as long as this has been agreed before.

 Girls before the sixth form are not permitted to leave school premises at such times where
written parental permission is given for them to go quickly to buy a snack. In such cases,
girls must always go together in groups.
Appearance and Dress
 School uniform must be worn by all girls other than sixth formers during school hours.
 No jewellery must be worn, except one pair of matching plain silver or gold ear studs by
girls with pierced ears and a simple religious chain.
 Nose and other body piercings are not acceptable in school.
 Hair should not be dyed any colour which is not a natural shade.
Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco and Other Items
 Girls are forbidden to be under the influence of or to have in their possession any of the
following items: tobacco, drugs, illegal substances, weapons. Girls found with any of these
items may be liable to expulsion.
Conduct in Lessons and Work
 Good behaviour in class is vital and it is expected that all girls will treat teachers and one
another with respect. Williness to listen to others and show respect for their opinion is
 Efficient organisation of their homework time and the meeting of deadlines is regarded as a
priority for all girls.
 Verbal, psychological and all other forms of bullying will not be tolerated in the school. All
such matters should be reported immediately.

A) You are at this London school and are showing a group of new girls around. They are asking
you questions about the school rules. Answer their questions using must, have to, mustn’t, or
don’t have to. Remember that the school rules are written in formal language and you should
express the same idea in a simpler way.
1. Can we wear earrings? You can wear earrings if you have pierced ears, but you have to wear
a pair and they must be gold or silver only.
2. Can we wear gold or silver nose rings? ___________________________________________
3. What time do we have to be here in the morning? ___________________________________
4. What happens if we’re late ? ___________________________________________________
5. If there’s something on in the evening at school, do we have to go home first? ____________
6. It’s very strict here so I suppose I’ll have to stop dying my hair – it’s only slightly blonder.
7. Is there any bullying here? _____________________________________________________
8. I suppose you get more freedom in the sixth form. Can you smoke, for example? _________
B) Look at the rules about alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other items. Do you agree? Are there
any other items you would also ban (for example: aerosols, dangerous animals or chewing
gum)? Why?
C) Do you think the rules restricting going out for a snack are too strict? Why do you think the
school has such a rule?
D) Numerous abstract nouns are used in this text and are listed below. Write the appropriate verb using
a dictionary to help you where necessary.

Noun Verb Noun Verb
permission influence
expulsion behaviour
appearance respect
attendance conduct
arrangement organisation
possession registration
20. You have received a letter from your penfriend, in which he describes the rules at his school.
Write the answer. (Refer to the rules in Ex. 19) Include the following items:
 Attendance and conduct in class
 School uniform and valuable items
 Mobile phones and other electronic gargets
 Illegal substances
 Bullying

21. Can you think of six subjects you can study at university which you do not normally study at
Education: university
Read the following explanations concerning education at university and translate the words
in bold into Ukrainian.
A. Subjects
You can normally do/study these subjects at university but not always at school:
medicine law philosophy engineering
psychology sociology architecture politics
business study agriculture history of art
Note: The underlined letters in some of the words above show the syllable with the main stress.
Also note that the first syllable of psychology is pronounced [sai].
B. Studying at university (in England and Wales)
If you want to go to (= enter) university, you must pass examinations that most students
take at the age of eighteen (called ‘A’ levels). Most students take three ‘A’ levels (three
examinations in three different subjects) and they must do well in order to get/obtain a place at
university because the places are limited. At the moment, approximately 30% of young adults go
to university in Britain.
If you get a place at university, the tuition (= the teaching) is free, and some students also get
(= receive) a grant (= money to pay for living expenses, e.g. food and accommodation) as well.
Students at university are called undergraduates while they are studying for their first degree.
Most university courses last (= go on for / continue for) three years, some courses last four
years, and one or two courses, e.g. medicine, may be even longer. During this period students
can say that they are doing/studying history, or doing/studying for a degree in history, for
example. When they finish the course and pass their examinations, they receive a degree (the
qualification when you complete a university course successfully). This can be a BA (= Bachelor
of Arts) or BSc (= Bachelor of Science), e.g. I have a friend who has a BA in history, and
another who has a BSc in chemistry.
C. Postgraduate courses
When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. (In the US, students also use this
word as a verb and say, they ‘graduated in history’ or ‘graduated in chemistry’, for example.)

Some students then go on to do a second course or degree (postgraduate course / postgraduate
degree). These students are then postgraduates. There are usually three possible degrees:
MA (Master of Arts) or MSc (Master of Science); usually one year
MPhil (Master of Philosophy); usually two years
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy); at least three years
When people study one subject in great detail (often to find new information), we say they are
conducting / doing / carrying out research; e.g. I’m doing some research into/on the
languages of different African tribes.
D. School vs. university
At school you have teacher and lessons, at university, you have lecturers and lectures.
When a lecturer gives/does a lecture, the students listen and take/make notes (= write down the
important information), but do not usually say much, except to ask occasional questions.

22. Read these sentences spoken by university students. What does each person study?
1. We have to know every bone in a person’s body. ________ 2. I’m concentrating on the
modernist style and the work of Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright? ________ 3. The way we
use fertilizers is much more precise than twenty years ago. ________ 4. We are going to
concentrate on Freud and Jung this term. ________ 5. I’ve been reading some books on time
management. ________ 6. Expressionism was really a reaction to the work of the Impressionists.
________ 7. We’ve spent a lot of time on American foreign policy and how it has been affected
by various domestic problems. ________ 8. You must know this case – it’s one of the most
famous in the legal history. ________

23. What do you call:

1. the money some students receive if they get a place at university? ________ 2. the
qualification you get at the end of university? ________ 3. the name we give students during this
period of time at university? ________ 4. teachers at university? ________ 5. students when they
have completed their first degree? ________ 6. students studying for their second degree?
________ 7. the study of one subject in great depth and detail, often to get new information?
________ 8. the talks that students go to while they are at university? ________

24. Replace the underlined verbs with different verbs that have the same meaning in the context.
1. Who is giving the lecture today? ________ 2. Did she receive a grant for her course?
________ 3. Is it more difficult to obtain a place at university? ________ 4. You have to pass the
exams before you enter university? ________ 5. He’s studying physics, I think. ________ 6. I
think they’re carrying out some research into the cause of asthma. ________7. I didn’t take any
notes in the lecture yesterday. ________ 8. The course goes on for three years. ________

25. How similar is university education in your country? Answer these question.
1. Do you need to pass examinations before you can go to university? 2. Do some students get a
grant to study at university? 3. Is the tuition free if you go to university? 4. Do most students go
to university at the age of 18 or 19? 5. Do more students go to universities in your country than
in Britain? 6. Do most degree courses last three years? 7. What is your equivalent of the British
BA or BSc? 8. Do you have similar postgraduate degrees in your country?


26. Your penfriend wrote a letter to you where he/she described the educational system of
his/her country and he/she is interested in education in your country. Answer the letter including
the following items:
 secondary education
 university education
 your plans concerning your further education


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄therefore more΄over ,neverthe΄less
΄instance dis΄tinctively ,desti΄nation
΄consequently ex΄pense ,poli΄tician
΄pleasant ce΄lebrity ,over΄weight
΄realize a΄void ,conver΄sation
΄landmark po΄lite ,disa΄bility
΄recognise a΄ccount ,legis΄lation
΄customer am΄bition ,regimen΄tation
΄licence pro΄motion ca΄reer
΄prospect o΄besity i΄mmediately
΄prejudice a΄ffect ful΄filment
΄challenge i΄nitiative re,sponsi΄bility

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
perfection to describe
successful promotion
responsibility to provide
distinctively to accept
expense to manage
occasionally to add
pleasant to realize
advantage to recognise
dangerous to avoid
ambition celebrity
attractive to suggest
to avoid to argue

C. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
moreover [mo:(r)΄əuvə] крім того, більше того
because of через (вказує на причину); внаслідок
Many families break up because of a Багато родин руйнуються через брак грошей.
lack of money.
therefore [΄ðeəfo:] тому, внаслідок цього, із цієї причини
They all became healthier men Тому вони всі стали здоровішими.

nevertheless [,nevəðə΄les] тим не менш, однак
in spite of [spait] не зважаючи на
in addition (to) до того ж, крім того, на додаток, як додаток
for instance [΄instəns] наприклад
as a matter of fact фактично, насправді, по суті
however [hau΄evə] однак, тим не менш
consequently [΄konsikwəntli] отже, отож, тому, внаслідок
the back of the hand тильний бік руки;
to know smth like the back of one’s знати щось як свої п’ять пальців, знати як
hand облупленого
distinctively [dis΄tiŋktivli] помітно, вочевидь
no matter how не має значення як
trouble [΄trabl] біда, неприємність, прикрість, клопіт, лихо;
занепокоєння, хвилювання;
to give trouble викликати занепокоєння
You’ve caused us a lot of trouble. Ви завдали нам чимало клопоту (неприємностей).
rude [ru:d] грубий, невихований, нечемний
a would-be (taxi-driver) майбутній, імовірний, потенціальний (таксист)
route [ru:t] маршрут, траса; шлях, дорога
thick товстий, огрядний, гладкий
to wear – wore – worn носити
He wears the same clothes for years. Він роками носить те саме.
She wears her hair short. Вона носить коротку зачіску.
tights [taits] колготки
to earn [ə:n] заробляти,
earn one’s leaving заробляти собі на життя
He now earns £250,000 a year. Він заробляє 250 000 фунтів на рік.
to cost – cost – cost коштувати
expense [ik΄spens]/ [ek΄spens] витрати, трата, видаток; ціна, вартість;
at my expense за мій рахунок;
travelling expense дорожні витрати
to cope with упоратися з чим, дати (собі) раду із справою
I can’t cope with such a pile of work Я не можу впоратися з такою купою роботи.
this weekend.
occasionally [ə΄keiЗ(ə)n(ə)li] час від часу, іноді; інколи
nasty [΄na:sti] огидний, бридкий, непристойний, брудний;
небезпечний, ризикований
He is nasty to everyone. Він огидно поводиться з усіма.
nasty weather похмура погода, негода;
nasty trick брудний трюк
pleasant [΄plez(ə)nt] приємний, милий, радісний;
man of pleasant manners приємна, привітна людина;
pleasant to the eye приємний для ока;
pleasant to the ear приємний на слух
polite [pə΄lait] ввічливий, привітний; вихований, ґречний
a tip чайові, гроші «на чай»
fare [fεə] вартість проїзду, плата за проїзд;
to charge a fare брати плату,
to pay a fare платити за проїзд
to grab схопити

She grabbed the child’s hand and ran Вона схопила дитину за руку та вибігла з кімнати.
out of the room.
to beat smb up (beat – beaten) бити, побити когось (жорстоко)
The boys robbed the old man and beat Хлопці пограбували старого та жорстоко побили
him up. його.
to push [pu∫] штовхати; заштовхнути; натиснути
That rude man pushed me aside and Грубіян відштовхнув мене та першим уліз в
got on the bus ahead of me! автобус.
to push the button натиснути на кнопку
to manage [΄mænidЗ] 1. змогти, ухитритися, умудритися; упоратися; 2.
He managed to escape from prison. Він ухитрився втекти з в’язниці.
to reach [ri:t∫] (smth) дотягнутися до; досягти, дістатися; доїхати,
He is not so tall as to reach the ceiling. Він не настільки високий, щоб дотягнутися до стелі.
You may easily reach London in a day Звідси ви легко можете дістатися Лондона за день.
from here.
emergency [i΄mə:dЗ(ə)nsi] надзвичайний випадок, крайня потреба, аварія,
in case of emergency у випадку крайньої потреби;
to cause / create emergency спричинити, викликати аварію;
life-and-death emergency питання життя й смерті;
emergency door аварійний вихід;
emergency measures екстрені або надзвичайні заходи
aid [eid] допомога, підтримка;
come to smb’s aid прийти комусь на допомогу;
to give / render first aid надати першу допомогу;
urgent aid швидка допомога, невідкладна допомога
advantage [əd΄va:ntidЗ] перевага, вигода; користь;
gain an advantage over smb добитися переваги, взяти гору над кимось;
turn to advantage перетворити на користь;
to take advantage (of) скористуватися (у своїх інтересах); перехитрити;
обманути; обдурити
destination [,desti΄nei∫(ə)n] місце призначення, пункт призначення; популярне
popular holiday destination поміж туристів місце, магніт для туристів;
point of destination кінцевий пункт призначення;
to reach one’s destination дістатися до місця призначення;
to arrive at one’s destination прибути до місця призначення;
advance [əd΄va:ns] рух уперед, просування; успіх, прогрес, досягнення;
in advance заздалегідь;
technological advances технічний прогрес
celebrity [sə΄lebriti] знаменитість, зірка, відома людина; популярність;
literary celebrity відомий письменник;
local celebrity місцева знаменитість;
national celebrity національний герой
politician [,poli΄ti∫(ə)n] політик, державний діяч
to add додавати, прибавляти, приєднувати
Everything is clear, there’s nothing to add. Усе ясно, додати нічого.
to add three to six додати три до шести
to realize [΄riəlaiz] усвідомлювати, розуміти; реалізувати, втілювати в
життя, виконувати
She realized that she had been cheated. Вона зрозуміла, що її обманули.
She finally realized her goal. Вона нарешті втілила в життя свою мету.

gate (often gates) ворота
landmark [΄lændma:k] об’єкт, що впадає в очі; визначна пам’ятка
The Rock of Gibraltar is one of Гібралтарська скеля – один із найбільших
Europe’s most famous landmarks. визначних орієнтирів Європи.
to recognise [΄rekəgnaiz] впізнавати, визнавати
I recognised an old friend in him. У ньому я впізнав старого друга.
to recognise defeat визнати поразку;
to recognise officially офіційно визнати
dangerous [΄deindЗərəs] небезпечний, ризикований;
dangerous driving небезпечне керування авто (машиною)
to avoid [ə΄void] уникати, ухилятися;
to avoid an accident уникнути нещасного випадку
She managed to avoid being punished. Вона змогла уникнути покарання.
to join [dЗoin] (smb/smth) приєднати(ся), об’єднати
They joined us for lunch. За обідом вони приєдналися до нас.
to join a club стати членом клубу;
to join a library записатися до бібліотеки, стати абонентом
customer [΄kastəmə] покупець, споживач; замовник; клієнт
account [ə΄kaunt] рахунок (в банку)
to close / open an account with a bank закрити/відкрити рахунок у банку;
to pay into an account внести гроші на рахунок
licence [΄lais(ə)ns] (Am. license) ліцензія, дозвіл;
to apply for a licence звертатися за дозволом, ліцензією;
to receive a licence отримати ліцензію;
driving licence посвідчення водія, водійські права
to describe [di΄skraib] smth to smb описати щось комусь, зображувати, розказати;
to describe accurately / exactly точно описати
I would describe him as an excellent Я б охарактеризував його як чудового вчителя.
extreme [iks΄tri:m]/ [eks΄tri:m] (adj.) виключний, особливий; крайній;
надзвичайний; (n.) протилежність
He knew that he was in extreme peril. Він знав, що знаходиться в надзвичайній небезпеці.
Протилежності притягуються.
Extremes meet.
skill навичка, уміння, умілість, вправність
language skills мовні навички
ambition [æm΄bi∫(ə)n] заповітна ціль, мрія; предмет бажання; честолюбний
намір; честолюбство, самолюбство, гонор
He achieved his ambition to become a Його заповітне бажання стати юристом
lawyer. здійснилося.
to wonder [΄wandə] цікавитися, дивуватися
I wonder why they left. Цікаво, чому вони пішли.
I wouldn’t wonder if... Я не здивуюсь, якщо…
work placement працевлаштування
available [ə΄veiləbl] доступний, що мається в розпорядженні, бути в
This book is not available. Цю книгу не знайти (не дістати).
The information is available to anyone. Інформація доступна всім.
suitable [΄sju:təbl] придатний для використання, належний, зручний
Would it be suitable to discuss this Чи зручно буде обговорити це питання за обідом?
matter at lunch?
promotion [prə΄məu∫(ə)n] підвищення, просування (по службі), сприяння;
to make / win one’s promotion отримати підвищення;
a promotion to the rank of professor присвоєння звання професора
to recommend smb for promotion рекомендувати когось для підвищення
to provide (with) [prə΄vaid] забезпечувати, постачати;
to provide smb with goods забезпечити когось товарами
career [kə΄riə] кар’єра, професія, заняття;
good career prospects гарні шанси (чудова нагода) зробити кар’єру
prospects [΄prospekts] перспектива, шанси, плани на майбутнє
to outlaw [΄autlo:] оголошувати поза законом, незаконним;
to outlaw smoking in public заборонити куріння в громадських місцях
prejudice [΄predЗədis] упередження; упереджена думка; забобони;
without prejudice неупереджено
bias [΄baiəs] упередження
There was clear evidence of a strong Було очевидно, що до неї ставляться із сильним
bias against her. упередженням.
overweight [,əuvə΄weit] надмірна вага
obesity [ə(u)΄bisiti] опасистість, гладкість, ожиріння
to affect [ə΄fekt] впливати;
to affect smb deeply сильно впливати на когось
to turn up з’явитися, прийти
low [ləu] низький;
low ceiling низька стеля
immediately [i΄midiətli] негайно, відразу
to upset – upset – upset засмутити; перекидати, перевернути
It upset me to learn of their attitude. Я засмутився, дізнавшись про їхні стосунки.
to be upset бути засмученим;
to upset a boat перекинути човен
conversation [,kənvə΄sei∫(ə)n] розмова;
to hold conversation вести розмову
to suggest [sə΄dЗest] пропонувати, припускати
I suggested waiting. Я запропонував почекати.
to hit – hit – hit ударити, влучити (в ціль);
to hit smb in the face ударити когось у обличчя;
to hit him on the head ударити когось по голові
victim [΄viktim] жертва, скривджений, ушкоджений, що зазнав чогось;
victims of war (of an accident, of жертви війни (нещасного випадку, епідемії,
pestilence, of circumstances) обставин);
the victim of his own folly жертва власної дурості;
to fall victim to smth стати жертвою чогось
to judge [dЗadЗ] / judge (v.) судити, виносити вирок; цінити; (n.) суддя;
to judge by appearances судити за зовнішнім виглядом
appearance [ə΄piər(ə)ns] зовнішність; поява; виступ
to range from ….. to коливатися у межах;
prices range from a shilling to a pound ціни коливаються від фунта до шилінга
to turn down відмовляти комусь, відкидати (пропозицію)
to sweep – swept – swept охопити; пронестися; мести, замітати
A feeling of isolation swept over me. Мене охопило почуття самотності.
to sweep the floor замітати підлогу

attractive [ə΄træktiv] привабливий
relating to стосовно, щодо, що стосується чогось / когось
in regarding відносно, по відношенню до
issue [΄i∫u:] / [΄isju:] суперечне питання, предмет суперечки,
to bring up an issue порушити питання
disability [,disə΄biliti] непрацездатність, інвалідність
to claim подавати позов (про відшкодування збитків);
скласти скаргу
You should claim against the car Вам треба подати позов на страхову компанію.
to arise – arose – arisen (from) виникати
A new difficulty has arisen. Виникли нові труднощі.
to leak просочитися, текти; передавати, розкрити
He leaked information to newspapers. Він передав інформацію до преси.
to fit підходити, відповідати чомусь
The theory fits the facts. Теорія відповідає фактам.
an associate [ə΄səu∫iət] компаньйон, партнер
legislation [,ledЗi΄slei∫(ə)n] законодавство, законодавча діяльність; закон
in the meantime тим часом, у цей час
a matter of time питання часу
to rely on [ri΄lai] покладатися на щось / когось
successful [sək΄sesful] успішний
to argue [colleague ΄a:gju:] сперечатися, аргументувати; стверджувати;
to argue about / over сперечатися про щось
to force [΄fo:s] примушувати, змушувати
The loss of money forced her to sell her Втрата грошей змусила її продати будинок.
a tie [tai] краватка
colleague [ ] колега
to accept [ə΄ksept] приймати, брати;
to accept the responsibility брати на себе відповідальність
I accept your kind offer. Я приймаю вашу люб’язну пропозицію.
applicant [΄æplikənt] кандидат, кандидатура, претендент, абітурієнт
to forbid – forbad(e) – forbidden забороняти
They were strictly forbidden to engage Їм було суворо заборонено братися до будь-якого
in any business. бізнесу.
case справа, судова справа, випадок
legal [΄li:g(ə)l] законний, юридичний, правовий
regimentation [,redЗimen΄tei∫(ə)n] розподіл за групами, класифікація, систематизація;
повна та загальна регламентація життя
initiative [i΄ni∫ətiv] ініціатива;
to take the initiative ініціювати
scope масштаб, рамки, сфера, галузь діяльності
scope for initiative простір для ініціативи
challenge [΄t∫ælindЗ] виклик, складна задача, проблема,
to accept / meet / respond to / take up a прийняти виклик
rewarding [ri΄wo:diŋ] вартий, корисний
to aspire [əs΄paiə] (to) прагнути чогось, бажати;
to aspire to great knowledge прагнуть великих знань
conditioned [kən΄di∫(ə)nd] умовний, обумовлений

fulfilment виконання; завершення
aimless [΄eimləs] безцільний
attitude [΄ætitju:d] (to/towards) позиція, ставлення до
leisure [΄leЗə] дозвілля
adult [΄ædalt] / [ə΄dalt] дорослий, повнолітній
to impose [im΄pəuz] накладати (покарання)
look forward to з нетерпінням очікувати чогось
to depend on [di΄pend] залежати від
responsibility [ri,sponsə΄biliti] відповідальність, підзвітність, обов’язок
to complain (about) скаржитися (на щось)
Go to the teacher and complain about Підійди до вчителя та поскаржся на хлопця, який
that boy who sits behind you. сидить за тобою.
Jane is complaining of a headache Джейн знову скаржиться на головний біль.
routine [ru:ti:n] звичайний порядок, визначений режим,
daily / ordinary routine розпорядок дня
obviously [΄obviəsli] очевидно, явно
to require [ri΄kwaiə] вимагати, наказувати
genuine [΄dЗenjuin] справжній, щирий
to receive [ri΄si:v] одержати (листа), приймати (гостей), вітати гостей
conventional [kən΄ven∫(ə)nəl] традиційний, загальноприйнятий, звичайний
to offer [΄ofə] пропонувати
He offered to help me. Він запропонував мені свою допомогу.
whereas [wεə΄ræz] не зважаючи на, беручи до уваги, оскільки

D. Fill in the correct word.

celebrity; expense; joined; manage; occasionally; described; rude; customer; recognized;
fare; advantage; extreme; destination; trouble; polite; landmark; account; cope;
dangerous; advance; tip; licence; realized; avoid;
1) 1. Fans who make ________ during the World Cup will be severely dealt with. 2. The child
was scolded by his grandmother for being ________. 3. It costs nothing to be _________. 4.
Redecorating the house will be a considerable _________. 5. I can’t _______ with all this work.
6. Imagine you are choosing a holiday __________. 7. I _________ go to the cinema with a
friend. 8. A _____ is a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered for example
by a waiter. 8. He hadn’t enough money for his bus _______. 9. The subject of the talk is
announced a week in ________. 10. Did you ________ to get the tickets for the performance 11.
He had an ________ over me because of his experience. 12. I _________ my mistake. 13. The
Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles ________. 14. A _________ is a person who works hard all
his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to ______ being _______. 15. Unemployment
has reached ______ proportions. 16. She ______ him for a meal. 17. A ________ is a person
who uses goods or services. 18. He moved his bank ______ to a new bank. 19. They made the
Mig-21 jet fighter under _______ from Russia. 20. She _______ her childhood as a time of
wonder and discovery. 21. He holds _______ views on education.

2) judge; associate; victims; claim; turned down; to range; legal; applicant; forced; issues;
disability; arose; leaked; legislation; forbid; rely; arguing; case; issue
1. They settled the _______ out of court. 2. In November 2007, as a result of this illness, he
personally applied for a ________ pension and furnished the necessary medical certificates. 3.
Suggestions on the introduction of _________ to the agenda should be presented in writing
specifying each proposed _______ and their solutions. 4. He was the man who had convinced a

________ to rule against me at my trial. 5. Doubts ________ in his mind. 6. Marine mammals
________ heavily on the use of underwater sounds to communicate and to gain information
about their surroundings. 7. He had to consult his ________ before continuing. 8. He was
________ to take a second job. 9. I ________ you to call me late at night. 10. The successful
________ will have excellent interpersonal skills. 11. Will your children stop ________ with
each other about whose toy that is! 12. Food is being sent to the ________ of the disaster. 13.
This can be put right through positive ________. 14. We ________ the invitation. 15. Is it
________ to bring gold watches into the country? 16. The news has ________. 17. You must
________ your money back if the goods are damaged. 18. Weather conditions here
________from bad to dreadful.

E. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1) 1. developed talent or ability __________; 2. a fellow worker or member of a staff,
department, profession, etc. __________; 3. a person or thing that suffers harm, death, etc.
__________; 4. strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power__________; 5. to
present for acceptance or rejection __________; 6. based on law __________; 7. a point or
matter of discussion, debate, or dispute __________; 8. time or opportunity for ease, relaxation
__________; 9. the act or process of making laws __________; 10. the spoken exchange of
thoughts, opinions, and feelings; talk __________; 11. one who has attained maturity or legal
age __________; 12. to put forth reasons for or against; to debate__________ ; 13. to command
(someone) not to do something__________ ; 14. to be the proper size and shape for__________;
15. to disturb mentally or emotionally __________

2) 1. a person who joins with others in some activity__________ ; 2. to prohibit (a person) in a

forceful or authoritative manner __________; 3. a person who requests or seeks something such
as assistance or employment or admission __________; 4. a) to quarrel with (a person) or
discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way; b) to suggest reasons for or for not
doing something __________; 5. a person who receives ill-treatment, injury etc. __________; 6.
the act or process of making laws; enactment __________ ; 7. a) to reject or refuse; b) to make
an appearance; arrive __________; 8. to have an influence on __________; 9. a) to become
publicly known through a breach of secrecy; b) a hole through which liquid or gas
escapes__________ ; 10. ask for legally as of debts __________; 11. to vary between certain
limits__________ ; 12. an opinion formed beforehand, esp. an unfavourable one based on
inadequate facts __________; 13. favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc) rather than
remaining neutral __________; 14. the first step or action of a matter __________; 15. the
intervening time or period, as between events __________; 16. in respect of; on the subject of

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1) 1. There’s a postage and packing fee in addition ____ the repair charge. 2. He succeeded ___
the expense ____ his health. 3. She coped well ____ the problem. 4. They reached ___ their
destination ___ the evening. 5. Everybody realises the advantage ____ knowing foreign
languages. 6. Start training at once. It will give you an advantage _____ the other team. 7. He
always takes advantage ____ mistakes made ____ other people. 8. We expect your payment ___
advance. 9. We joined ____ the photography club. 10. The hall is available ___ the guests ____
Saturday night. 11. The most suitable season ___ transplanting the roots is spring. 12. Her death
affected ___ him greatly. 13. Don’t worry. He’ll turn ___ soon. 14. The wind swept ____ the
plain. 15. Heat the oil in a heavy pan. ___ the meantime, prepare the aubergines. 16. Their ages
range ____ 18 ___ 21.

2) 1. He made his promotion ____ major. 2. She hit him ____ the head ____ her umbrella. 3. He

was afraid that he would fall victim____ a robber. 4. Additional expenses arose _____ your
delay. 5. You can’t judge a man’s character ____ his looks. 6. The town relies ____ the seasonal
tourist industry ____ jobs. 7. Many old friends turned ____ _____ the reunion.8. I’m afraid he’ll
turn _____ our offer. 8. They offer goods ranging _____ the everyday _____ the esoteric. 9. The
jury must listen ____ his statement _____ prejudice. 10. There is a bias _____ people of other
religions. 11. He provided them _____ a bed ____ the night. 12. Inflation affects _____ the
buying power ____ the dollar. He believed ____ giving his staff scope ____ initiative. 13 ____
the meantime, prepare the aubergines. 14. He aspired ____ the position ____ president. 15. The
symbols relate ____ an earlier system.

G. Match the words with their definitions.

1. genuine a. a person who applies, as for a job, grant, support, etc.; candidate
2. challenge b. to have an influence on or effect a change in:
3. routine c. based on general agreement, use, or practice; customary
4. to receive d. actual; real
5. applicant e. a beginning or introductory step; an opening move
6. initiative f. to have a great ambition or ultimate goal; desire strongly
7. to look forward to g. to admit or welcome guests or visitors; to hear or see (information,
for example):
8. conventional h. a call to engage in a fight, argument, or contest; a questioning of a
statement or fact;
9. to affect i. to think of (a future event) with pleasurable, eager anticipation
10. to accept j. a usual or regular method of procedure, esp. one that is unvarying
11. to aspire k. to agree to take (a duty or responsibility); to answer affirmatively

H. Translate into English.

1. Ми дісталися міста пізно вночі. 2. Я знаю це місто як свої п’ять пальців. 3. Я ніколи не
мав неприємностей зі своїм старим радіоприймачем. 4. Вона часто буває грубою
(нечемною) зі своїми друзями. 5. Він був одягнений у темно-зелену куртку. 6. Він
заробляв собі на життя продаючи газети. 7. Куртка коштує 75 доларів. 8. Компанія
сплатила всі їхні витрати. 9. Я зміг упоратися з усіма завданнями вчасно. 10. Ми
зустрічаємося час від часу. 12. У нього огидний (гидкий, паскудний) характер. 13. Він –
людина з приємними та ввічливими манерами. 14. Я дала чайові офіціанту. 15. У мене не
було достатньо грошей заплатити за проїзд у таксі. 16. Я схопила своє пальто і вийшла. 17.
Грабіжники жорстоко побили літню жінку та забрали всі її речі. 18. Ми зайшли в ліфт і
натиснули на кнопку другого поверху. 19. Нам треба заощадити трохи грошей на крайній
випадок. 20. Багаті країни надають допомогу країнам, що розвиваються (країнам третього
світу). 21. Які переваги життя у великому місті? 22. Нарешті ми дісталися кінцевого
пункту нашого призначення. 23. Мені подобається робити все заздалегідь. 24. У нашому
університеті вчилося багато знаменитостей та відомих політиків. 25. Квіти додають краси
нашій кімнаті. 26. Ви усвідомлюєте, наскільки важливим є це рішення? 27. У ньому вона
впізнала небезпечного злочинця (criminal). 28. Ми не можемо уникнути відповіді на це
питання. 29. Відколи ви стали членом цього клубу? 30. Наші клієнти відкривають рахунки
в різних банках.

Reading 1
1. Read each sentence 1 – 4, choose the only word A – D, that is not possible to use to complete it.
1. It takes a lot of time, effort and money to obtain the special licence needed to drive a taxi in
London. ______, only the most determined candidates achieved this goal.
A. As a result, B. Moreover, C. Because of this, D. Therefore, E. __________

2. Taxi drivers are expected to know the city like the back of their hands. ________, they must
be as pleasant as possible, even to rude passengers.
A. What’s more B. Also C. In addition D. Nevertheless E. _________
3. During the training period, the trainee taxi drivers have to cover their own expenses,
________ the cost of getting around London using private transport.
A. as a matter of fact B. for instance C. for example, D. such as E.
4. Being a taxi driver may be dangerous. __________, most London taxi drivers would never
want to change their job.
A. However B. Therefore C. In spite of this D. Nevertheless E.

2. Choose one word from the list below which could also be used to fill the gaps in the sentences
in exercise 1 above. Write the correct word in the blank space (E) after each sentence.
still consequently additionally like

3. Read the article about taxi drivers in London. Seven extracts have been removed from the text.
Put an extract from A-H back in the right space to complete the text. There is one extract you
will not need.
London taxi drivers know the capital like the back of their hands. Just jump into one of the
city’s 22,000 distinctively-shaped cars and tell the driver your destination. No matter how small
and difficult to find street is, the driver will be able to get you without any trouble.
1. ___ During this period, which can take from two to four years, the would-be taxi-driver has
to learn the most direct route to every single road and to every important building in London. To
achieve this, most learners go around the city on small motorbikes, practicing how to move to
and from different points of the city.
Going around London on a small motorbike can have its problems, especially during the
winter. 2. ___ ‘There was thick snow everywhere and I had to wear my mother’s tights because I
was so cold,’ he said.
Learner drivers are not allowed to work and earn money as drivers. 3. ___ The training period
can cost quite a lot, because learners have to pay for their expenses (getting around London using
private transport), the tests they take and a medical exam.
Once a new taxi driver has a licence, the next thing he or she has to cope with is the public.
Drivers agree that most passengers are very pleasant, although occasionally they can be nasty.
But, as Brian Turner, 53, a taxi driver for thirty years, explains: ‘Your job is to take them where
they want to go in a polite and pleasant manner, whatever they are like. After all, if you’re
unpleasant to your passenger, you won’t get a tip.’
4. ___ Colin Sinclair was once attacked by a passenger who did not want to pay the fare; ‘He
grabbed my hand and said, ‘I am going to beat you up, and then he started pushing me towards
the window. Luckily, I managed to reach the emergency radio and within five minutes twenty
drivers had come to my aid.’
5. ___ The big advantage of this system is that drivers then know the name and the
destination of their passengers in advance, which is very useful if something nasty happens.
6. ___ Celebrities and politicians often use taxis and this can add a bit of excitement to the
lives of the drivers. Brian Turner once carried two princesses in his taxi – without even realizing
it! He recalled: ‘They stopped me in front of the gates of Kensington Palace. I knew I had seen
them in photographs but it was only after they left that I realized who they were!’
Talking and driving at the same time is not easy. 7. ___ They and their taxis are a landmark of
the capital and are recognised throughout the world, along with the Queen and Big Ben, as a
great British tradition.

A. But sometimes it is not only the tip that is at risk; a taxi driver’s job can also be dangerous.
B. To avoid situations like this, more and more drivers are joining radio taxi companies, which
only deal with customers who have telephoned for a taxi and who often have an account with
C. Therefore, many of them keep their previous jobs until they get their taxi-driving licence.
D. But this is the art that London’s taxi drivers have brought to perfection.
E. Colin Sinclair, 40, who has been a taxi driver for fifteen years, described his training period as
a time of extreme physical discomfort.
F. Learner taxi drivers are tested several times by government officers.
G. However, not all unexpected meetings are nasty ones.
H. The reason London taxi-drivers are so professional is that they have all gone through a very
difficult training period known as ‘the knowledge’ to get the special licence needed to drive

4. Make some notes about yourself under the following headings.
Education: ____________________________ Hobbies ________________________________
Ambitions / Plans: ________________________ Skills: _______________________________

5. Use the information from exercise 4 to write a short text about yourself.
My name is ________________ and I live in __________________. In my family,
_______________________. I attend ____________school, where I study several subjects:
__________________________________________. The subject(s) that interest(s) me most
is/are _____________________________________ because ___________________________.
The hobbies and interests are ___________________________. I enjoy it / them because
_______________________. In the future, I hope to _______________ and to ____________. I
think I would be good at _________________ because ________________________________.

6. Choose from the words below to fill in gaps 1-4. Then write the end of the sentence.
wondering; like; interested; hope
1. I would _________ to know what qualification I would need to be a __________. 2. I was
__________ if work placements are available in ____________________. 3. I __________ that
you can tell me about suitable training course for ________________. 4. I would be
_____________ to know if opportunities for promotion are good in ___________________.

7. You have seen the following announcement, and decided to write a letter to the council. Write
100-120 words.
Education and Skills. Support Council
The council’s role is to provide young people in the region with help and advice about planning
their future. We will tell young people about education, training, work placement and career
prospects if they write to us:
 telling us about their studies, achievements and interests
 saying what ambitions and plans they have for study and / or work
 explaining what help they want

Reading 2
8. Higher level Read the article about discrimination in the workplace, and choose the best
option to complete statements about the text.
Overweight, underpaid
Sexual, racial and age discrimination are outlawed. Are sizeism and lookism the last
SONYA is heavily overweight and used to what she describes as ‘fatism’ from the general
public. But she hadn’t expected her obesity to affect her career prospects. ‘I knew the moment I
turned up to my last job interview that my chances were low,’ she says. ‘When I met my two
interviewers, I knew I’d lost immediately because of the way they looked at me. The thing that
was most upsetting was that the telephone conversation I’d had with one of them beforehand
suggested I had all the skills and experience necessary and the interview was just a formality.’
Lookism is the latest discrimination to hit the workplace, according to the law firm
Eversheds. Victims of the trend are judged by employers on aspects of their appearance ranging
from weight to clothing and from hairstyle to body piercing. Some are turned down for jobs,
others miss out on promotion. The latest research has revealed a culture of appearance
discrimination sweeping business across the world. A staggering 16% of Americans believe they
have been discriminated against because of the way they look and 33% believe that those who
are more physically attractive are likely to get promoted.
Discrimination claims involving alleged lookism are surging in the USA. In fact, there are
only two states of America that have specific laws against appearance discrimination. In other
states, lawyers are turning to discrimination laws relating to issues like gender, race and
disability. So if someone is overweight because of a clinical problem, they can claim disability
There are examples of lookism issues already arising in the UK as well. A couple of years
ago, Fitness First received widespread criticism after a leaked email claimed that larger
employees did not fit the firm’s image. In the UK, we don’t have any laws against appearance
discrimination, but Ms Emma Harris, an associate at Eversheds, believes it won’t be long before
we do. ‘I think it’s only a matter of time before some kind of beauty bias legislation comes into
play,’ she says. In the meantime, victims of lookism are, like most Americans, relying on sex,
race and disability discrimination. Among the British who have been successful in an indirect
discrimination claim are Matthew Thompson, who last year argued that he had suffered sexual
discrimination because he was forced to wear a tie while his female colleagues weren’t, and a
man who was made to cut his long hair by his employers.

1. Before her last job interview Sonya …

A. had expected problems getting the job.
B. had never felt discriminated against.
C. had not realized how overweight she was.
D. had thought the interview would be a formality.

2. During the interview …

A. Sonya was surprised there were two interviewers.
B. she didn’t like the way the interviewers looked.
C. the interviewers were surprised at her qualification.
D. she had a feeling she wouldn’t be accepted.

3. Lookism ..
A. is not limited to job applicants.
B. is opposed by one third of Americans.
C. only affects unattractive and overweight people.
D. has been researched for many years now.

4. In the US …
A. lookism is forbidden by federal law.
B. race discrimination is more widespread than lookism.
C. the number of cases related to lookism is growing.
D. lawyers turn down people who claim appearance discrimination.

5. In the UK …
A. there is public acceptance of lookism.
B. legal regulations against lookism are expected soon.
C. victims of lookism have no chance to claim their rights.
D. there have been no cases related to lookism so far.

Reading 3
9. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the text.
A. constructively E. initiative I. aspire
B. aimless F. scope J. conditioned
C. regimentation G. challenge K. 9 to 5
D. rewarding H. creativity L. fulfilment
Attitudes to Work and Leisure
Most adults 1) ____ to more leisure but, in fact, not many people have the necessary 2) ___ to
use the free time they already have very 3) ___. The sad fact is that we need work because it
imposes the discipline we need. Life seems 4) ___ and we secretly look forward to our work
again. We dream about personal 5) ___ but probably find it more in our work than in our leisure
time. This depends on age. The young are free from work and responsibility, and freedom comes
naturally to them. However, after they begin jobs they become 6) ___ to work. They find they
need it, however much they complain about its routine and 7) ____. Obviously this again
depends on the kind of work. Those with 8) ___ jobs, or jobs which require 9) ___, receive
genuine satisfaction from their work, but most of us are in conventional 10) ___ jobs which offer
little 11) ___ for imagination. We leave our work only to face a leisure that we find difficult to
cope with. Our mistake is in regarding leisure as a chance to do nothing, whereas in fact it should
be looked on as a 12) ____.

Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄traffic fru΄strated ,disa΄ppear
΄desperate em΄barrass ,controv΄ersial
΄forecast re΄sort ,obser΄vation
΄profile activity pre΄fer un,predicta΄bility
΄generator va΄riety ,docu΄mentary
΄satellite in΄trigue ,pictu΄resque
΄orbit com΄parative hu΄midity
΄relevant de΄livery pro΄longed

΄accuracy pre΄diction ca΄pacity
΄influence sig΄nificant de΄mand
΄frequently su΄pport ex΄hausted
΄televise trans΄mit e΄ventually
΄harbour ad΄mire pre΄cisely
΄desert au΄thorities re΄cord

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun Adjective / Adverb to admire
seasick to fail
desperate to embarrass
controversial to disappear
misty delivery
comparative to prefer
prediction observation
variety comparison
accuracy prediction
relevant variety
significant authority
influence storage
frequently to prove
precisely to record
Verb Noun support
punishment to invite
to permit to transmit

C. Add negative prefixes or suffixes.

hope responsible
aim to appear
heart predictable
legal wire
logical cloud
relevant accurate

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
to be exhausted [ig΄zo:stid] бути виснаженим
She felt exhausted after a hard day. Вона відчувала себе виснаженою після важкого дня.
journey [΄dЗoni] мандрівка, подорож (зазвичай сухопутна);
to go on / make / take / undertake a вирушити в подорож
to get seasick страждати на морську хворобу
to fail [feil] провалитися, зазнати невдачі, не виконати, не зробити,
підвести, обдурити, ошукати
My project failed. Мій проект провалився.
to fall behind [bi΄haind] (fell – відставати, запізнюватися, знижувати темп
The work of this class has been Останнім часом клас став гірше вчитися.
falling behind recently.
overtime наднормовий час;
to work overtime працювати в наднормовий час;
to pay overtime оплачувати наднормову роботу
to delay [di΄lei] відкладати, затримувати
We delayed sending the telegram. Ми відклали відправлення телеграми.
to be bored [bo:d] нудно, набридло, остогиділо, надокучило
I am bored. Мені нудно. Мені набридло.
bored to death до смерті остогиділо
to set out (set – set) = set off вирушити (в дорогу)
hardly [΄ha:dli] ледь, насилу, навряд чи
I hardly ran away. Я ледь втік.
That news is hardly surprising. Новина навряд чи неочікувана.
(hardly … when / as) не встигли / ледь …. як…..
Hardly had I lit a cigarette when / as Не встиг я запалити сигарету, як вітер вибив її з моїх
the wind blew it out of my hands. рук.
to carry нести, носити, переносити
He was carrying a briefcase. Він ніс портфель.
traffic [΄træfik] (транспортний) рух, транспорт;
heavy traffic інтенсивний рух;
traffic congestion (jam) транспортна пробка; затор
to direct traffic регулювати транспортний рух
frustrated (at/with) [fra΄streitid] засмучений, незадоволений, у відчаї
She grew frustrated with the lack of Вона прийшла у відчай, через брак успіхів.
anxious [΄æŋk∫əs] 1. стурбований, тривожний; 2. що сильно бажає; палко
to be anxious about smth турбуватися про щось;
to be anxious for success прагнути чогось
purse [΄pə:s] гаманець, дамська сумочка
queue [kju:] (Am. line) to queue черга, стояти в черзі;
to join a queue встати в чергу;
to stand in a queue стояти в черзі;
to jump the queue пролізти без черги
to mutter [΄matə] бурмотати, тихо та нерозбірливо говорити, мурмотіти
собі під ніс
to embarrass [im΄bærəs] бентежити, спантеличити
He was embarrassed when the Він був розгублений (збентежився), коли вчитель
teacher asked him to read his essay попросив його прочитати свій твір класу.
to the class.
to disappear [,disə΄piə] зникати
to disappear from smb’s view зникнути у когось з поля зору
to leave – left – left 1. покидати, поїхати, піти;
to leave Paris for London поїхати з Парижа до Лондона;
2. залишити, забути
I left my keys at my grandma's. Я забув ключі в бабусі.
desperate [΄desp(ə)rət] у відчаї, безнадійний, розпачливий, відчайдушний;
desperate state безвихідне становище
fool [fu:l] дурень;
to make a fool of oneself зробити з себе дурня, клеїти дурня;
to make a fool of smb обдурити когось
in front of [ INCLUDEPICTURE перед, попереду
criptionHandler.ashx?Text=fr%CA У театрі Сьюзан та Джек сиділи переді мною.

Susan and Jack were sitting in front
of me at the theatre.
stranger незнайомець, іноземець;
complete stranger зовсім незнайома людина
eventually [i΄vent∫uəli] врешті-решт; зрештою, кінець кінцем
lift послуга, що складається в тому, щоб підвозити когось;
to give smb a lift підвести когось;
to get a lift під’їхати кудись
delivery [di΄liv(ə)ri] доставка, постачання;
pizza delivery van фургон для доставки піци
controversial [,kotntrə΄və:∫(ə)l] спірний, суперечливий, дискусійний;
controversial point спірне питання
to prefer [pri΄fə:] (smth to smth) надавати перевагу
At this time of day, I prefer tea to У цю годину я віддаю перевагу чаю над кавою.
to resort (to) [ri΄zo:t] покладатися (на), звертатися (до);
to resort to threats погрожувати
observation [,obzə΄vei∫(ə)n] спостереження, дотримання; зауваження;
personal observations особисті спостереження
damp [dæmp] вологий, сирий;
damp autumn волога осінь
misty туманний; розпливчатий;
a misty morning туманний ранок;
the misty past неясне минуле
off-shore [of ΄∫o:] прибережний, узбережний;
off-shore islands [΄ailənd] острови, розташовані неподалік берега
comparative [kəm΄pærətiv] порівняльний, відносний;
the comparative degree порівняльний ступінь

prediction [pri΄dik∫(ə)n] передбачення, прогнозування, пророкування; пророцтво
The prediction proved correct. Передбачення справдилося (виявилося правильним).
unpredictability непередбачуваність
quite [kwait] повністю, цілком; доволі, досить, до деякого ступеня;
quite sure цілком впевнений
The work is not quite finished. Робота не повністю завершена.
quite near доволі близько
to show smb around супроводити когось під час огляду
Ella showed her around the town. Елла показала їй всі визначні пам’ятки міста.
He showed us to our seats. Він супроводжував нас до наших місць.
I’ll show you out. Я проведу вас (до виходу).
forecast [΄fo:ka:st] (n.) прогноз;
weather forecast прогноз погоди;
to make a forecast робити прогноз;
forecast – forecast – forecast (also прогнозувати
forecasted) (v.)
forecaster синоптик, прогнозист, провісник
profile [΄prəufi:l] /[΄prəufail] помітність, примітність; профіль; контур; коротка
to have a high profile бути в центрі уваги,
to have a low profile бути непомітним,
a high profile activity помітна діяльність
variety [və΄raiəti] різноманітність, багатогранність, розмаїття;
wide variety широка різноманітність, широке розмаїття;
varieties of fortune перипетії долі
insight [΄in,sait] (into) проникнення (в суть), здогадка, розуміння, інтуїція
authority [o:΄Өoriti] влада, повноваження, управління, департамент;
local authorities місцева влада
highway шосе, траса, магістраль
likely [laikli] можливий, імовірний;
less likely groups менш імовірні групи
It is not likely to snow. Несхоже, що буде сніг.
generator [΄dЗenəreitə] генератор, джерело енергії;
power generator електрогенератор
demand [di΄ma:nd] попит; вимога;
to dictate demand диктувати попит,
demand for попит на щось;
to be in (great, little) demand користуватися (великим, маленьким) попитом;
demand and supply попит та пропозиція
storage [΄storidЗ] зберігання, накопичення, сховище;
storage capacity [kə΄pæsiti] місткість сховища
to intrigue [in΄tri:g] інтригувати; замишляти зле на когось, задумувати;
I’m intrigued by this case. Я заінтригований цією справою.
input [ ] уведення інформації; вхідні відомості; надання
satellite [΄sæt(ə)lait] супутник, сателіт;
to launch / orbit a satellite запустити супутник;
artificial satellite штучний супутник

to orbit [΄o:bit] виходити на орбіту; обертатися
The spaceship orbited successfully. Корабель успішно вийшов на орбіту.
The satellite orbited the Earth Супутник обернувся кілька разів навколо Землі.
several times.
wire дріт, телефонний дріт, провід;
wireless [΄waiələs] радіо, радіозв’язок;
wireless operator радіооператор
modelling [΄modəliŋ] моделювання, робота в модельному бізнесі;
computer modelling комп’ютерне моделювання
the middle of середина чогось
to zoom (in) 1. давати зображення крупним планом; збільшувати
масштаб; 2. гудіти, дзижчати
cover [΄kavə] покриття, укриття, покривало, кришка, обкладинка;
cloud cover вкрилося хмарами, захмарило
wind [wind] вітер;
wind direction напрямок вітру
to happen [΄hæp(ə)n] трапитися, відбуватися, статися
What’s happened to his car? Що сталося з машиною?
to happen to do ненавмисне щось зробити
I happen to know him. Сталося так, що я знаю його.
to prove [΄pru:v] доводити, підтверджувати; виявитися (насправді);
You will have to prove to the police Вам доведеться підтвердити поліції, що ви були вдома
that you were at home that night. тієї ночі.
relevant [΄reləvənt] суттєвий, значущий, значний, релевантний,
to prove relevant виявитися важливим, значним, відповідним
The evidence is relevant to the case. Ці свідчення мають відношення до справи.
accurate [΄ækjərət] точний, правильний;
accurate description точний опис;
accuracy [΄ækjərəsi] точність, правильність, відповідність;
historical accuracy історична точність
precisely [pri΄saisli] точно, визначено;
at eight o’clock precisely точно о восьмій годині
The date is not precisely known. Дата ще точно не відома.
to record [ri΄ko:d] записувати, реєструвати, вносити до списку
Earthquake shocks were recorded Підземні поштовхи були зафіксовані сейсмографом.
by a seismograph. [ ]
display [dis΄plei] показ, демонстрація, виставка, шоу;
window display вітрина
in order to (syn. so as to) для того щоб;
(in order) to give strength для придання сили
to buy – bought – bought [bo:t] купити, придбати
to sell – sold – sold продати, продавати
term [tə:m] термін, строк, тривалість; чверть, семестр; умова (угоди);
short-term короткотерміновий;
long-term довготривалий;
term of office тривалість / термін повноважень (президента)
significant [sig΄nifikənt] значущий, значний, суттєвий;
significant achievement важливе досягнення;

significant differences / changes суттєві розбіжності / зміни
support [sə΄po:t] підтримка, допомога;
to have the support of smb мати чиюсь підтримку
on the one hand з одного боку;
on the other hand з іншого боку
influence [΄influəns] вплив, дія;
to have a great influence on smth/smb мати великий вплив на щось/когось;
to influence smb впливати на когось
frequently [΄frikwəntli] часто
eavesdropping [΄i:vzdropiŋ] підслуховування, прослуховування
to eavesdrop підслуховувати; прослуховувати
Have you been eavesdropping on Ти знову підслуховував розмову сусідів?
your neighbour again?
to invite [in΄vait] запрошувати;
to invite over / round запрошувати до себе
to invite to a party запросити на вечірку
to televise [΄telivaiz] передавати по телебаченню, показувати по
телебаченню; передавати телебаченням;
to televise a football game передавати / транслювати футбольний матч
to transmit [trænz΄mit] передавати, відправляти, посилати, пересилати,
проводити, переносити
Water transmits electricity. Вода проводить електрику.
Radio waves are transmitted Радіохвилі передаються через атмосферу.
through the atmosphere.
Insects can transmit disease. Комахи передають хвороби.
punishment [΄pani∫mənt] покарання, кара
capital punishment найвища міра покарання, смертна кара, вишка (розм.)
documentary [,dokju΄ment(ə)ri] документальний фільм (розповідь, роман)
to anchor [΄æŋkə] стати на якір, кинути якір
They have anchored (the boat) near Вони стали на якір біля берега.
the shore.
harbour [΄ha:bə] гавань, порт
throughout [Өru΄out] через, на всій території, по всій довжині, скрізь,
протягом всього час, упродовж
cities throughout country міста по всій країні;
throughout her life упродовж усього її життя
to admire [əd΄maiə] милуватися, розглядати із захопленням,
захоплюватися, високо цінувати
I admire his honesty. Я високо ціную його чесність.
picturesque [,pikt∫(ə)΄resk] живописний, яскравий, колоритний;
a picturesque view живописний вид
to run out (ran – run) закінчитися
I’ve run out of coffee. У мене закінчилася кава.
to permit [pə:΄mit] дозволити;
weather permitting якщо дозволить погода
weather-beaten загартований, загрубілий, обвітрений, пошарпаний
under the weather нездоровий, хворий; у важкому стані
in all weathers за будь-якої погоди
weather the storm витримати бурю; перебути важкі часи; здолати злидні
roof дах
A roof leaks. Дах протікає.

under smb’s roof під чиїмось дахом
shower [΄∫auə] злива;
to be caught in a shower потрапити під зливу
sleet дощ зі снігом, мокрий сніг, мряка, ожеледиця
It is sleeting. Йде дощ зі снігом.
to drop падати, кидати, упускати, крапати, текти;
to drop a letter into the post-box кинути лист у поштову скриньку
Be careful not to drop the cup. Обережно, не впусти чашку.
unsettled нестійкий, невлаштований, неврегульований,
невирішений, неоплачений (про рахунок, борг)
The weather is unsettled. Погода нестійка (не встановилася).
to replace заміняти, заміщати, витіснити;
to replace the broken window замінити розбите вікно
heavy (heavier- heaviest) важкий, сильний, інтенсивний;
heavy bag важка сумка;
heavy thunderstorm сильна гроза
prolonged [prə΄loŋd] тривалий, довгий, затяжний;
prolonged rain затяжний дощ
to hamper [΄hǽmpə] перешкоджати, заважати, стати на заваді
He was hampered in his efforts by Його зусиллям перешкодила погана погода.
the bad weather
spoil – spoilt – spoilt (spoiled) псувати, пошкодити, зіпсувати, балувати, пестити;
spoilt children розпещені діти
to lose – lost – lost (a job) втратити, загубити, програти;
to lose a purse загубити гаманець;
to lose a job втратити роботу
to lose a game програти гру
humidity [hju΄midəti] сирість, вологість
desert [΄dezət] пустеля;
the Sahara Desert [ ] пустеля Сахара
chilly прохолодний
thunder [΄Өandə] грім;
thunderstorm гроза
lightning [΄laitniŋ] блискавка;
stroke of lightning удар блискавки;
lightning flashes блискавка блискає;
lightning strikes блискавка б’є
spell період;
a cold spell in January холод у січні
gentle breeze легкий вітерець

E. Fill in the correct word.

fail; carried; bored; embarrassed; seasickness; stranger; controversial; queue; delayed;
hardly; exhausted; anxious; overtime; traffic; lift; journey; fall behind; fool; left; set out;
comparative; desperate; zoomed; disappeared; support; frustrated
1) 1. By train, it is a two-hour _______ from here to the coast. 2. Her father was a tired and
________ individual, loaded with years. 3. Suffering from nausea and dizziness caused by the
motion of a ship at sea is called __________. 4.  If only my memory does not _____ me. 5.
Don’t __________ now, just when you're doing so well. 6. I was working a twelve-to thirteen-
hour day, but I wasn't being paid _________. 7. Heavy traffic ________ us. 8. But the weather is
extremely trying, and she really has been ______ to death down at our place in Lincolnshire. 9.
He ______ for work an hour ago. 10. I had ______ got on my bicycle when I got a puncture. 11.
She ________ the baby in her arms. 12. The police officer was directing ________. 13. He gets
________ when he can’t remember the correct word for something he sees or wants to express.
14. The president is not _____to have another crisis. 15. We had to ______ for the cinema. 16.
She was __________ by his praise. 17. My blue bag has __________ from the shelf where I
______ it. 18. Their case seemed _________, for there was no one to help them. 19. She made a
______ of herself at the party. 20. I am a ______ in these parts. 21. Can I give you a _____ into
town? 22. The issue of the death penalty is highly__________. 23. The task was accomplished
with __________ ease. 24. They are prepared to resort to violence in _______ of their views. 25.
The motorbike ________ past us.
2) prolong; shower; hampered; admiring; spoil; humidity; sleet; anchored; roof; thunder;
desert; documentary; ran out; lightning; harbour; unsettled; picturesque; dropped
1. We were frightened by frequent ________ and ________. 2. The heat and were
insufferable. 3. These parts of the country are like a ________. 4. Grandparents are often
tempted to ________ their grandchildren. 5. Despite the ________ weather, we had a
marvellous weekend. 6. If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably ________ . 7. I
was ________ by a lack of information. 8. Please do not ________ the discussion
unnecessarily. 9. I ________ my glasses and broke them. 10. I got caught in a ________ on my
way here. 11. Three generations live under one ________. 12. This is the most ________ village
I’ve ever seen. 13. We ________ of time just as the discussion was getting interesting. 14. I’ve
just been ________ your new car. 15. The ship was allowed to tie up in the ________. 16. They
have ________ the boat near the shore. 17. This TV ________ is on homelessness

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. The day before the robbery, he saw Carroll _______ the bank. 2. We set ____ for the country
early ____the morning. 3. The town relies ___ the seasonal tourist industry ____ jobs. 4.
Whether the game will be played depends ___ the weather. 4. You may reach ___ your native
town ____two hours from here. 5. Poets sometimes resort ___ strange uses ___ the language. 6.
Her Majesty was shown ______ a children’s clinic. 7. He let me ____ and showed me the way
_____the sitting room. 8. The talk gave us some insight ___ the work they were doing. 9. Books
are ____ great demand in our country. 10. The demand ____ seats was so big that all the tickets
were sold out. 11. The men were imprisoned ____ intriguing _____ the government. 12. That’s
the best thing that has ever happened ___ me. 13. Who influenced ____ her to do that? 14. The
influence ___ television ___ modern life is great. 14. The child eavesdropped ___ her parents’
discussion. 15. We invited them ____ to our place for a drink. 16. The road is kept open _______
the year. 17. Our supplies finally ran ___. 18. He left ___ Kyiv ___ Odessa. 19. She was
frustrated ____ the news. 20. We’d like to invite you ____ dinner. 21. The movie bored us ____
death. 22. I am getting very bored ____ this entire business.23. He has often been frustrated ____
her. 24. I am dreadfully anxious _____ him. 25. The counsellors of Charles were anxious ____
their own safety. 26. I was ____ the middle ____ the back row.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1) 1. to bring or transport to the proper place or recipient; distribute __________; 2. slightly wet
__________; 3. filled with fog __________; 4. to estimate or calculate in advance, especially to
predict (weather conditions) by analysis of meteorological data __________; 5. а public agency
or corporation with administrative powers in a specified field __________; 6. to revolve around
(a center of attraction) __________; 7. many times at short intervals, very often __________; 8.
to pass or cause to go from one place or person to another; transfer__________ ; 9. clear or deep
perception of a situation __________ ; 10. to take the place of __________; 11. space or area
reserved for storing __________; 12. to move with a low humming noise __________; 12. to

listen in order to overhear a private conversation __________; 13. faithfully representing or
describing the truth __________; 14. information put into a computer for processing
__________; 15. a line of people, vehicles, etc., waiting for something __________; 16. a)
having lost all hope; b) undertaken out of extreme urgency or as a last resort __________
2) 1. a flash of electricity between clouds or from a cloud to earth during a storm, usually
followed by thunder __________; 2. a) to damage or ruin; to make bad or useless; b) to give (a
child etc) too much of what he wants and possibly make his character, behaviour etc worse by
doing so __________; 3. explosive noise that accompanies a stroke of lightning __________; 4.
wetness in the atmosphere __________; 5. an area of barren country, usually hot, dry and sandy,
where there is very little rain __________; 6. to lengthen in duration __________; 7. inconstant,
changing, unpredictable __________; 8. partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)
__________; 9. (of places) pretty and interesting __________; 10. a) to let fall, usually
accidentally; b) to fall __________; 11. a short fall (of rain) __________; 12. a structure that
covers or forms the top of a building __________; 13. to exhaust (a supply of something) or (of
a supply) to become exhausted __________; 14. to look at with great pleasure and often to
express this pleasure __________; 15. a place of shelter for ships __________; 16. to hold (a
boat etc) steady __________; 17. a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or
event __________; 18. to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of; to make it difficult
for (someone) to do something __________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. to prefer a. a statement made about the future
2. observation b. a main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.
3. prediction c. to establish the truth or validity of by presentation of argument or
4. variety d. a penalty or sanction given for any crime or offence
5. highway e. an effect of one person or thing on another
6. satellite f. to like better or value more highly
7. to prove g. to listen secretly to the private conversation of others
8. accuracy h. the act of noting and recording something, such as a phenomenon,
with instruments
9. influence i. a celestial body that orbits a planet; a moon
10. to eavesdrop j. faithful measurement or representation of the truth; correctness;
11. punishment k. collection of unlike things, esp. of the same general group;

1. Read about the linking words of reason and result.

 Clauses of reason are introduced by: as, since, because, for, the reason for, the reason
why, on the ground that etc. E.g. As he was late for work, he got a taxi.
 Because usually answers a why-question. ‘Why did you lie to him?’ ‘Because I was afraid of
being punished.’ For always comes after a comma in written speech or a pause in oral
speech. I didn’t tell him anything, for I don’t trust him. Because of / Due to + noun/-ing
form She was late because of / due to heavy traffic. Because of / Due to + the fact that
Because of the fact that / Due to the fact that it had been snowing for four days, all roads
were closed.
 Clauses of result are introduced by: that (after such/so), (and) as a result, (and) as a
consequence, consequently, so etc. E.g. The sea is so cold that they can’t swim.

such a(n) + (adjective) + countable noun E.g. It was such a nice dress that she bought it.
such + (adjective) + uncountable noun / plural noun E.g. It was such bad weather that we
stayed indoors.
such + a lot of + noun E.g. There were such a lot of people on the bus that there were no seats
so + adjective / adverb E.g. He speaks so quickly that hardly anyone can understand him.
so + much/many/little/few + noun E.g. She won so much money that she bought a mansion.
so + adjective + a(n) noun E.g. It was so delicious a cake that we ate it all.
as a result / therefore / consequently / so + clause E.g. He didn’t have a visa and as a result he
couldn’t enter the country.

2. Join the sentences using the linking words in brackets.

1. It was a hard job. We were exhausted by the time we had finished. (such … that) 2. He’d
forgotten to bring the report with him. He had to go home and get it. (because) 3. The food was
bad. We complained to the manager. (since) 4. It was a long journey. They packed some food to
take with them. (due to the fact) 5. I hate sailing. I get seasick. (the reason) 6. Their house is
too small. They are going to look for a larger one. (consequently) 7. Sharon is busy this
weekend. She can’t come to seaside with us. (since) 8. The exam was difficult. Many students
failed. (such … that) 9. They fell behind the project. They had to work overtime. (as a result)
10. Their flight was delayed. They spent the night in a hotel. (as)

3. Fill in so, such or such a(n)

Mandy was getting 1) ____ bored one afternoon that she decided to go shopping. She always
took 2) ____ pleasure in buying things for herself that she would often spend lots of money in
just one day. She set out feeling really excited. After two hours she had bought 3) ____ many
things that she could hardly carry them. The shops were closing and there was 4) ____ lot of
traffic in the streets that she couldn’t find a taxi. She started feeling frustrated as the parcels and
bags she was carrying were getting in everyone’s way. She was 5) ____ anxious to get back
home that she decided to take the underground. She took 6) ____long time to find her purse
among her things that people walking behind her in the queue started muttering. When she
finally found it, there was 7) ____little money in it that she didn’t have enough to buy a ticket.
Mandy was 8) ____ embarrassed that she just wanted to disappear. She left the station and was
in 9) ____ desperate state that she didn’t know what to do. ‘I’ve spent 10) ____much money,’
she thought, ‘that I’ve made a fool of myself in front of complete strangers.’ Mandy eventually
got home with all her shopping after getting a lift in a pizza delivery van!’

4. You are going to read a newspaper article about the weather. Seven sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits the gap (1-7).
There is one extra sentence.
For many years I used to think that the national interest in weather was as much a British
obsession as the state of their lives was a French one, but I’ve realised it’s not really like that.
1. ____ When other subjects could be controversial, embarrassing or too personal, the British
prefer to resort to unimportant observations: ‘Rather cold today, isn’t it?’ they say. In these damp
and misty off-shore islands, the weather and its comparative unpredictability is quite an
interesting subject. 2.____
Tony Targett, our regional television presenter, showed me around. He is, like other
forecasters, actually an employee of the Meteorological Office. Doing the televised forecast,
although a high profile activity, is only part of the work of those employed by the Met Office.
A wide variety of people have a serious interest in the weather and will pay for an early
insight. It’s not just the obvious ones like the National Rivers Authority, which can usefully learn

about rainfall, but the police, the highway authorities, the airports, and also some less likely groups.
3. ____ The power generators and the fuel industries take advice on expected temperatures
which dictate demand and, for the gas industry, the need for storage capacity. I was intrigued by
the range of information inputs which provide the basis of the forecast from the Bristol Weather
Centre. 4. _____ There are other satellites, either orbiting the earth or in a fixed position.
Weather stations, wireless operators on ships in the Atlantic, radar which shows exactly where
the rain is – and computer modelling add to the flow of information.
At the Met Office we were able to look at readings from weather stations in eastern Canada
and the United States. There, it was the middle of the night. 5. ____ We watched as the computer
graphic zoomed into a weather station in Vermont to take a reading of temperature, cloud cover
and wind direction.
Most of the British weather comes from the west, so knowing what is happening on the
eastern seaboard of North America will often prove relevant more than 24 hours later. 6. _____
But the Met Office is pleased to say they are 85 per cent accurate in their forecast.
I have observed that when the local authorities in Boston forecast rain, it really does rain. The
reason is, of course, that on the coastal edge of a populated continent, the weather systems have
been recorded by information points for some time and so accuracy is to be expected. 7. ______

A. Would you believe that supermarkets buy weather advice in order to change their window
displays on the basis of what will sell more?
B. This led me to the question of the accuracy of short-term forecasting, since it takes so long for
the information to become significant.
C. The British use the weather as a support in conversation.
D. In the UK, on the other hand, the weather systems which influence us most frequently usually
come across the Atlantic, which does have information points, but not many of them.
E. Seeing these readings felt almost eavesdropping over a silent, still-sleeping continent.
F. The Weather Centre provides a computer prediction of when precisely ice will form.
G. So when I was invited to visit the Bristol Weather Centre, I was pleased to accept.
H. Two satellites provide on-screen information direct to PCs.

5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

I. The British are obsessed with the state of their lives. 2. The British use the weather as
controversial, embarrassing and too personal subject. 3. It is interesting to speak about the
weather because it is difficult to predict. 4. The Met office work is only to do televised
forecast. 5. Various organizations are interested in weather forecast. 6. The weather
information is provided by two satellites. 7. The both satellites are orbiting the earth. 8.
The information from Canada and the United States is transmitted to the Met Office. 9.
The British weather comes from the United States and Canada. 10. The Met Office is
frequently inaccurate in their forecast.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Look at this list of common weather words. Notice that it is very common to form adjectives
by adding ‘y’.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

sun wind
cloud ice
fog shower
heat humidity
Note: When it rains for a short period of time, we call it a shower. e.g. We had several showers
yesterday afternoon. When it is raining a lot we often say it’s pouring or it’s pouring with rain.
This phrase is much more common than ‘it’s raining cats and dogs’, which many students seem
to learn.

7. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word(s) from the list below:
resort to; insight; eavesdropping; coastal; offshore; orbiting; intrigued; controversial
1. More and more people are__________ by computers and spend all their time learning about
them. 2. Capital punishment is a very ________ issue worldwide at the moment. 3. The
documentary gave an interesting _________ into how the Aborigines live. 4. The boat was
anchored __________, just outside the harbour. 5. Throughout the journey, they admired the
picturesque __________ villages of South Wales. 6. When my pen ran out, I had to _________
using the pencil. 7. The earth is continually _________ around the Sun. 8. He knew from
_________ on the conversation that they had been talking about him.

8. Fill in the appropriate idiom related to ‘weather’ from the list below:
weather permitting; weather-beaten; under the weather; in all weathers; weather the
1. The old-sailor’s face was _______ from all the years he had spent at sea. 2. The stadium can
be used ________ because the roof can be closed when it rains. 3. We’ll go for a picnic on
Sunday, ___________. Let’s hope it’s sunny! 4. Together we’ll _______ until things get better.
5. 1 didn’t go to school because I was feeling _________.

9. Fill in the correct word.

snow, showers, temperatures, fog, sleet, sunny, ice, sunshine
‘...Good evening, my name is Ian Fish. The good news today is that the weather will be better
than yesterday, with less rain and 1) _______. The 2) _______will be a few degrees higher, but
will drop again from the early evenings onwards, getting as low as 2 degrees Celsius.
The weather tomorrow will continue to be unsettled, with 3) _______throughout the day.
There should be a few 4) ______ periods, but later in the afternoon the showers will be
replaced with heavier, more prolonged rain, which will die out later in the evening.
Drivers on Sunday will be hampered by thick 5) ________and very poor visibility. As the
temperature drops, there may also be patches of black 6) _______ on the roads, and the AA
advises against travelling unless it is absolutely necessary. Later, rain will turn to 7)________
and possibly 8) ________on higher ground. Have a good weekend, whatever the weather,
wherever you are!’

10. True or false? If a sentence is false write a true sentence about the weather conditions.
1. It often pours with rain in the desert. 2. It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening. 3.
Thunder makes a noise. 4. Lightning can kill people. 5. A spell of hot weather may end in a
thunderstorm. 6. If it is humid, the air will be very dry. 7. Below zero, water turns to ice. 8. A
shower is a gentle breeze. 9. Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain. 10. When it’s foggy
you need sunglasses.

11. Grammar check. Fill in be / get used to; used to; would in the appropriate form.
1. I ________ go ice-skating o lot, but I hardly have the time any more. 2. He doesn’t go
swimming anymore but he _______. 3. Spoilt children ________getting their own way. 4. I
should ________ the new working conditions quickly. 5. He couldn’t _____ the fact that he had
lost his job. 6. As a child, she _______ ride her bike for hours. 7. You will _________ the
weather conditions after a few months. 8. It took me a while to ________the noise in my new
flat. 9. They _______ live in the country some years ago. 10. While staying at our grandparents’
cottage we ________get up early and go for a long walks before having breakfast.

12. You see this announcement on the Internet. Write a reply in 100-120 words.


Where is it?
Write to us and tell us why the place you live, or another place you know
well, is the best place in the world.
We want to know:
 what it’s called and where it is
 how you know about it
 what the weather is like in winter and summer
 why you recommend it.


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄wildlife pre΄vent ,inter΄rupt
΄ bypass a΄void ,curi΄osity
΄chestnut in΄jection ,compe΄tition
΄annual a΄ppoint in΄corpo,rate
΄memory fa΄miliarize ,disa΄ppoint
΄ literally de΄partment ,mayo΄nnaise
΄fragrant a΄rrange in,terview΄ee
΄ highlight in΄vent ca΄noe
΄mushroom de΄licious ca΄tastrophe
΄mouthful a΄mazement en΄close
΄vigorously a΄nnounce ,nece΄ssarily
΄excellent in΄clude po΄tato
΄organizer re΄ception ,dispo΄sition
΄recipe in΄tend ,expec΄tation

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb mixture
healthy to intend
to avoid to familiarize
to intend judgement
department to prevent
to familiarize injection
curiosity to appoint
vigorously to arrange
fragrant reception
competition to incorporate
to cook to interrupt
to cheer memory
to incorporate competition
to invent to own
delicious to disappoint
ready to invent
to include to include
Verb Noun to serve
to announce to amaze

Vern/noun Person to cook
to organize reception
to own to invent
to appoint to dine
judgement to announce
competition to interview

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
aim ціль, намір, навмисне
with the aim of для того, щоб; з наміром (зробити щось)
to achieve one’s aim досягнути поставленої мети
in order (not) to / so as (not) to для того, щоб (не)
so that так що; з тим, щоб; для того, щоб; з тим результатом
in case у випадку, якщо, у тому випадку, якщо;
for fear [fiə] зі страху;
in fear (of) у страху, зі страхом;
to be in fear боятися
lest щоб не (зробити щось)
Write down my address lest you forget Запиши мою адресу, щоб ти не забув її.
to prevent [pri΄vent] запобігати; завадити; перешкоджати
to prevent the spread of disease запобігати поширенню хвороби
to prevent crime запобігати злочинності
to prevent smb from doing smth завадити комусь зробити щось
Nothing shall prevent us from reaching Ніщо не завадить нам досягти нашої мети!
our aim!
to avoid [ə΄void] уникати, сторонитися, ухилятися
to avoid doing smth уникати робити щось
One could hardly avoid noticing him Його важко не помітити.
to give up кинути (звичку), відмовитися від; здатися, поступитися,
to give up smoking кинути курити

The suspects gave themselves up. Підозрювані здалися.
oven [΄av(ə)n] піч, духовка;
microwave oven мікрохвильова піч
to save 1. рятувати; 2. економити, заощаджувати, відкладати
to save smb’s life рятувати комусь життя;
to save smb from drowning рятувати втопленика; рятувати того, хто потопає;
to save oneself рятуватися;
to save (up) money for a holiday відкладати гроші на відпустку;
to save part of one’s salary each month відкладати із зарплати якусь суму щомісяця
to burn [bə:n] (burnt – burnt) палити, спалювати; горіти, обпікати, займатися
Wood burns easily. Дерево легко горить.
They have money to burn. У них грошей і кури не клюють.
to intend [in΄tend] мати намір, планувати, націлювати
Do you still intend to go? Ви все ще маєте намір піти?
pencil sharpener точилка (або тесачка) для олівців
a pack of cards колода карт
to stick – stuck – stuck 1. застрягнути, зав’язнути; 2. наклеювати,
приклеювати, склеюватися, зліплюватися; липнути;
міцно триматися; приставати;
to get stuck застрягати;
to be stuck in a traffic jam застрягти в автомобільному заторі; в автомобільній
to stick to the saucepan пристати до каструлі
injection [in΄dЗek∫(ə)n] ін’єкція;
to give an injection зробити ін’єкцію
malaria [mə΄lεəriə] малярія
to bypass [΄baipa:s] обходити, об’їхати; уникати
wildlife [΄waildlaif] жива природа
to stand out вирізнятися, відзначатися, бути помітним
to appoint [ə΄point] призначати (на посаду), призначити (час, дату)
The time appointed for the meeting Збори були призначені на 7(сьому) годину.
was 7 p. m.
to appoint smb professor of the призначити когось на посаду професора університету
to hold [həuld]– held – held тримати; проводити, відбуватися;
to hold a spoon / knife тримати виделку, ніж;
to hold hands тримати один одного за руки;
to hold smb in one’s arms тримати когось на руках; тримати когось в обіймах;
to be held провадитися
The Olympic Games are held every Олімпійські ігри провадяться що чотири роки.
four years.
senior [΄si:niə] старший;
senior lecturer старший викладач (посада в університеті);
senior man / citizen літній чоловік, громадянин;
senior officials of the government вищі урядові чиновники
department [di΄pa:tmənt] відділ, відділок, департамент, управління, відомство;
HR / personnel department відділ кадрів;
menswear department відділ чоловічого одягу;
department store універмаг;
police department поліцейське управління;
fire department управління пожежної охорони;

intelligence department розвідувальна служба, розвідка
to arrange [ə΄reindЗ] домовитися, влаштувати, упорядковувати, дати лад,
довести до ладу, розташувати; організувати;
to arrange with smb about smth домовитися з кимось про щось;
to arrange papers паперам дати лад; упорядкувати папери;
to arrange furniture розставити меблі;
to arrange one’s ideas дати лад своїм думкам;
to arrange a wedding організувати весілля
to request [ri΄kwest] просити, звертатися з вимогою, вимагати, замовляти
as requested in your letter як ви просили у своєму листі
Visitors are requested not to walk on Відвідувачів просять не ходити по траві.
the grass.
to enclose [in΄kləuz] вкладати (у лист)
The cheque was enclosed with our letter. До нашого листа додається чек.
to waste [weist] марно витрачати гроші, гаяти час;
to waste words марно витрачати слова, говорити на вітер
All his efforts were wasted. Усі його зусилля не дали якогось результату.
to last [la:st] тривати
This winter seems to last forever. Здається, що зима ніколи не скінчиться (триватиме
to familiarize [fə΄mili(ə)raiz] ознайомити;
to familiarize oneself with smth ознайомитися з чимось
reception [ri΄sep∫(ə)n] приймання, прийом, отримання, зустріч, відгук,
реакція; стіл адміністратора (у готелі, установі);
reception of deposits приймання внесків;
to give (smb) a reception зустріти когось;
to meet with a cold reception зустріти холодним прийомом;
at reception в адміністратора
to report [ri΄po:t] повідомляти, доповідати, робити звіт, сповістити
I’ll report you to the police if you don’t Я повідомлю поліцію про вас, якщо ви й надалі
stop annoying me. докучатимете мені.
it is reported повідомляється (що);
to report to the police зробити заяву в поліцію
staff common room учительська, викладацька
disguise [dis΄gaiz] маскування, перевдягання, маска; оманлива
зовнішність, личина; лицемірство, обман
He is a master of disguise. Він майстер перевтілення.
a blessing in disguise неприємність, яка виявилась благом; не було б щастя,
так нещастя допомогло; нема лиха без добра;
blessing благо, благословення; благодіяння; молитва (до /
після їжі)
to give / make / say a blessing over благословити когось
judge / to judge [΄dЗadЗ] суддя, судити;
fair, impartial judge об’єктивний, неупереджений суддя;
a judge of art цінитель мистецтва;
to judge by appearances судити за зовнішністю;
to judge from the facts судити на підставі фактів
judgement [΄dЗadЗmənt] судження, думка, оцінка; слухання/розгляд справи в
суді; вирок / рішення судді;
the Last Judgement, the Judgement of God Суд Божий;
in smb’s judgement на чиюсь думку

chestnut [΄t∫esnat] каштан (плід);
chestnut = chestnut tree каштан (дерево)
fair [fεə] ярмарок, базар, ринок, виставка;
annual fair щорічний ярмарок;
book fair книжковий ярмарок;
county fair сільський ярмарок;
job fair ринок вакансій;
computer fair виставка комп’ютерної техніки;
fun of the fair родзинка програми, увесь смак
tiny [΄taini] крихітний, малесенький
to interrupt [,intə΄rapt] перебивати, переривати, раптово припиняти
uninterrupted непереривний, безперервний
Sorry to interrupt… Пробачте, що перебиваю…
chaos [΄keios] хаос, повний безлад;
economic chaos економічний хаос;
political chaos політичний хаос
curiosity [,kjuəri΄osəto] допитливість, цікавість;
out of curiosity з простої цікавості;
to be burning with curiosity згорати від цікавості
annual [΄ænjuəl] щорічний, річний;
annual income річний прибуток;
an annual medical examination щорічний медичний огляд
memory [΄mem(ə)ri] пам’ять, спогади;
good memory for names гарна пам’ять на імена;
in memory of smb / smth на згадку про когось, щось;
to lose one’s memory втратити пам’ять;
to the best of my memory наскільки я пам’ятаю;
from memory з пам’яті
lane вузька дорога, стежина; провулок;
memory lane спогади
diet [daiət] дієта, їжа, харчування;
(well-)balanced / steady diet збалансована дієта;
high-calorie diet висококалорійна дієта;
low-salt diet дієта з мінімальним споживанням солі;
starvation diet голодування;
salt-free diet безсольова дієта;
to be on a diet дотримуватися дієти;
to go on a diet сісти на дієту;
to prescribe a diet приписати дієту
literally [΄lit(ə)r(ə)li] буквально, дослівно; точно, без перебільшень
I was literally dying to mention it. Я буквально помирав з бажання згадати про це.
grove [grəuv] гай;
olive grove оливковий гай
fragrant [΄freigrənt] ароматний, духмяний, запашний;
fragrant flowers запашні квіти
smell запах;
a pleasant smell приємний запах
There’s a strong smell of gas. Відчувається запах газу.
to roast [rəust] смажити, пекти (особливо в духовці або на вогні);
to roast a chicken over the fire засмажити курча на вогні
downpour [΄daunpo:] to pour down злива; лити як з відра, хлинути (про дощ);
brief downpour коротка злива;

steady downpour затяжна злива;
sudden downpour раптова злива;
torrential downpour заливний дощ, злива, проливень
to soak [səuk] мочити; замочувати; просочувати, насичувати;
to soak oneself in smth поринати, занурюватися в що-небудь;
soak through / to the skin промочувати (про дощ)
stand ларьок; кіоск; прилавок; стенд, буфетний прилавок;
fruit stand фруктовий ларьок
flour [΄flauə] борошно;
white flour біле борошно;
to mix flour with water until you get a змішати борошно з водою до отримання однорідної
uniform mass маси
to mash [mæ∫] розминати; плющити, обжимати; перемішувати;
mashed potatoes картопляне пюре
article предмет; річ;
article of clothing предмет одягу;
article of food продукт харчування;
articles of trade / commerce споживацький предмет
stick палиця, паличка; ціпок, тростина; стек; посох; жезл;
walking stick ціпок
highlight [΄hailait] яскравий момент, кульмінація;
match highlights найгостріші моменти матчу;
to be in / hit the highlight бути в центрі уваги
competition [,kompə΄ti∫(ə)n] змагання, конкурс, турнір, конкурсний іспит;
конкуренція, суперництво;
cookery competition кулінарний конкурс;
to win a competition перемогти в змаганнях;
to enter into competition конкурувати
to cook готувати (їжу), куховарити; варити, смажити, пекти;
варитися, смажитися, пектися; працювати кухарем,
куховаркою; (n.) кухар; куховарка
She cooked the chicken. Вона приготувала курча.
The chicken is cooking in the oven. Курча готується в духовці.
cookbook (=cookery book) кулінарна книга
panel [΄pæn(ə)l] група фахівців; рада, комісія, комітет; учасники радіо /
або телепередачі (дискусії / відповіді на запитання)
a panel on drug addiction комісія з питань наркоманії;
to select a panel обрати раду спеціалістів
to own [əun] володіти, мати;
privately owned land земля, що знаходиться в приватній власності;
American-owned company американська компанія;
to own land володіти землею
chef [∫ef] шеф-кухар, головний кухар
recipe [΄resipi] (for) рецепт (кулінарний, медичний); готовий рецепт;
a recipe for a pie рецепт пирога;
recipe for success. рецепт успіху
to incorporate [in΄kopə,reit] включити (до складу); з’єднувати(ся), об’єднувати(ся);
приймати, в число членів (клубу); вводити до складу
Gradually incorporate the olive oil into Поступово додавайте оливкову олію до тіста.
the dough.
to invent [in΄vent] винаходити, створювати; видумувати, придумувати;
When was printing invented? Коли був винайдений друк?
inventive [in΄ventiv] винахідливий; швидкий на вигадку; спритний
to call for вимагати, зобов’язати
It’s the work that calls for patience. Це робота, що вимагає терпіння.
plant [pla:nt] рослина;
to grow plants вирощувати рослини;
to water a plant поливати рослини;
exotic plant екзотична рослина;
annual plant однолітня рослина
mushroom [΄ma∫rum] (їстівний) гриб; бoт. печериця
to pick mushrooms збирати гриби;
edible mushroom їстівні гриби
to come across (випадково) зустрітися, наштовхнутися, здибатися
I came across my old college room- Сьогодні я випадково зустрівся зі своїм старим другом
mate in town today. по кімнаті з коледжу.
jog/jogging пробіжка, біг підтюпцем, швидка хода;
to go on daily jog займатися щоденними пробіжками
to pack (into / out) заповнювати, переповняти, пакувати, запаковувати;
pack up набиватися, скупчуватися
Thousands of people packed into the Тисячі людей набилися в мерії.
city hall.
Fans packed the stadium. Фанати заповнили стадіон.
I’ll go home and pack. Я піду додому та спакую речі.
partly [΄pa:tli] частково; почасти, певною мірою;
partly private and partly political частково особистий та частково політичний
crowd [kraud] юрба, натовп;
to stand out in / from a crowd виділятися з юрби, вирізнятися з-поміж інших
to sample [΄sa:mple] / sample (v.) відбирати зразки або проби; покуштувати (на
смак), дегустувати; випробовувати; (n.) зразок; проба;
приклад; шаблон, модель;
free sample безплатний зразок
The restaurant critic must sample a Ресторанний критик повинен покуштувати все
little of everything. потроху.
mouthful [΄mauӨful] повний рот; шматок; ковток; ім’я, слово або фраза, що
складно вимовляються
Could I try a mouthful of that? Чи можу скуштувати шматочок тієї страви?
dish блюдо, таріль; миска; чашка; посуд; їжа, страва;
to wash / do the dishes (= to wash up) мити сосуд;
a dish of strawberries тарілка з полуницею;
main dish головне блюдо
mark бал, оцінка
The student received passing marks in Студенти отримали прохідні оцінки з усіх предметів.
all subjects.
taste [teist] смак, присмак;
mild taste м’який смак / присмак;
nice / pleasant taste приємний смак / присмак;
sour taste кислий смак / присмак;
strong taste сильний смак / присмак;
bitter to the taste гіркий на смак
to win – won – won [wan] виграти, перемогти;
to win a prize виграти приз;

to win a game / battle / war / race / an перемогти в грі / у війні / в перегонах / у виборах;
to win in the lottery / at cards виграти в лотерею / карти;
to win by eight points to three виграти з рахунком вісім три
delicious [di΄li∫əs] дуже смачний; дуже приємний; чудовий, чарівний;
delicious food дуже смачна їжа
Thank you for a delicious meal. Дякую за смачне частування.
puree [΄pjuərei] пюре, суп-пюре
cream [kri:m] вершки
sour [΄sauə] кислий;
sour apples кислі яблука;
sour cream сметана
to serve [sə:v] накривати, подавати (на стіл); служити (в армії),
to serve tea подати чай;
to serve the guests a wonderful dinner накрити чудовий обід для гостей
bitter гіркий;
bitter taste гіркий смак
sauce [so:s] соус, підлива;
tomato sauce томатний соус, томатна паста
audience [΄o:diəns] публіка, глядачі;
enthusiastic / responsive audience активна публіка
deeply глибоко, дуже, серйозно; сильно;
to regret smth deeply сильно шкодувати про щось
He is deeply in debt [det]. У нього величезні борги.
to allow [ə΄lau] дозволити, позволити
Smoking is not allowed. Курити заборонено (не дозволяється).
We allowed the children to go to the Ми дозволили дітям піти до парку.
to stare [stεə] пильно дивитися, витріщатися;
to stare at smb / smth пильно дивитися на когось / щось;
to stare out of the window визирати у вікно;
to stare into the distance дивитися вдалечінь;
to stare in mute amazement роздивлятися в мовчазному здивуванні
to amaze [ə΄meiz] вражати, дивувати
Your ability to speak six languages Ваше вміння говорити шістьма мовами вражає мене.
amazes me!
amazement [ə΄meizmənt] здивування, подив;
in amazement з подивом, у здивування
harsh [ha:∫] суворий, різкий (про клімат), різкий (про рух, дію);
грубий, різкий (про слова); жорстокий;
the harsh reality of life сурова правда життя
I was too harsh to him. Я був занадто різкий щодо нього.
harsh punishment суворе покарання
to sum up підсумовувати, узагальнювати, підбивати підсумок
It is the chairman’s duty to sum up at В обов’язки голови входить підсумовування
the end of the meeting. результатів у кінці зборів.
summing-up підсумок, узагальнення, підбиття підсумків
speech промова, виступ;
to make / deliver a speech виступити з промовою
texture [΄tekst∫ə] текстура; структура;

the texture of cooked fish текстура приготовленої риби
youth [ju:Ө] юність, молодість; молода людина, юнак;
the fountain of youth джерело молодості;
in one’s youth за часів чиєїсь молодості;
youth organization молодіжна організація;
youth festival фестиваль молоді
jolly (jollier – jolliest) [΄dЗoli] веселий, радісний, жвавий; святковий;
a jolly tune весела мелодія
garlic [΄ga:lik] часник;
hop, clove of garlic зубок часнику;
whiff of garlic часниковий запах
pot горщик; казанок; (висока) каструля;
pots and pans кухонний посуд (каструлі та сковорідки або пательні);
pot flowers кімнатні квіти
to stir [stə:] мішати, помішувати, розмішувати; збовтувати;
ворушити, рухати; ворушитися, рухатися;
not to stir an eyelid оком не моргнути;
not to stir a finger пальцем не поворушити
Next, stir up the eggs with the milk. Потім збовтайте яйця з молоком.
mixture [΄mikst∫ə] суміш, змішування
vigorously [΄vig(ə)rəsli] сильно, енергійно, рішуче;
to defend smb vigorously енергійно захищати когось;
to oppose smth vigorously рішуче опиратися / протистояти чомусь
paddle гребок, байдаркове весло;
canoe [kə΄nu:] paddle весло для каное
to cheer / cheer [t∫iə] (v.) надихати, підбадьорювати; аплодувати;
нагороджувати схвальними вигуками, оплесками;
(n.) схвальний вигук; (pl.) оплески; пожвавлення; радість;
The fans cheered the runners on. Уболівальники підбадьорювали бігунів.
Cheer up, things could be a lot worse. Не журися, могло бути значно гірше.
to dine [dain] обідати, пригощати обідом;
diner [΄dainə] той, хто обідає; гість, запрошений до обіду
to announce [ə΄nauns] повідомляти, сповіщати; анонсувати; заявляти
It is my pleasure to announce that ... Маю задоволення повідомити, що…
to be ready (for) [΄redi] бути готовим;
ready for any emergency готовий до будь-якої несподіваності
Dinner is ready. Обід готовий.
She is always ready with an answer. У неї завжди готова відповідь.
We are ready to begin. Ми готові починати.
waltz [wolts] (n.) вальс; (v.) вальсувати
a spin крутіння, вертіння, обертання
healthy [΄helӨi] здоровий, корисний
Smoking is not healthy for you. Куріння небезпечне для вашого здоров’я.
to put out загасити
to put fire out загасити вогнище
to use [ju:z] (v.) використовувати, користуватися, застосовувати
use [ju:s] (n.) використання, застосування
to be in use бути у використанні
to use force застосувати силу
ingredient [in΄gri:diənt] складова частина, компонент, елемент, інгредієнт
to combine ingredients змішувати інгредієнти (під час приготування)
to include [in΄klu:d] містити, включати, охоплювати, мати у своєму складі
shelter дах, пристановище, притулок; укриття,
to find / take shelter знайти собі притулок;
to afford / give / offer / provide shelter давати комусь пристанище;
under the shelter (of smb / smth) під прикриттям (когось / чогось); під охороною
rest спокій, відпочинок; сон;
to have a rest відпочивати
to disappoint [,disə΄point] розчаровувати, не справджувати надій;
disappointed розчарований
excellent [΄eksəl(ə)nt] чудовий; добрий
boring [΄bo:riŋ] надокучливий; нудний, зануда
It was boring to sit there without Було нудно сидіти вдома без діла.
anything to do.
catastrophe [kə΄tǽstrəfi] катастрофа
to derive [di΄raiv] виникати, походити; випливати
The word Druid may derive from Слово «друїд» походить від «drus», що означає «дуб».
‘drus’, meaning ‘oak tree’.
the only єдиний, один;
the only reason єдина причина
to treat [tri:t] 1. пригощати; 2. звертатися, обходитися; ставитися,
відноситися; 3. лікувати;
to treat smb to smth пригостити когось чимось;
to treat smb badly (kindly) ставитися до когось погано (добре);
to treat smb for illness лікувати когось від хвороби
bloom цвіт, цвітіння; квітка;
roses in bloom троянди в цвітінні
sense почуття; відчуття; значення, важливість чогось;
to make sense мати значення;
common sense здоровий глузд
pie [pai] пиріг
porridge [΄poridЗ] (вівсяна) каша
pork свинина
venison оленина
ham шинка; окіст;
beef яловичина
veal телятина
mutton баранина
Additional Vocabulary
to pluck патрати (птаха); смикати; тягти; щипати
to crack розколювати, розбивати; розщеплювати
to grate терти на тертці; розтирати
to knead [ni:d] місити, замішувати (тісто, глину); створювати
(з’єднувати в) масу
to peel знімати шкірочку, шкурку; чистити фрукти, овочі
She sat down and began peeling Вона сіла та почала чистити картоплю.
to skin очищати від шкірочки, шкірки, шкаралупи
to slice різати скибами, скибочками або тонкими шарами
to carve різати, розрізати; нарізати; розбирати, ділити, дробити
a joint of meat шматок м’яса

dough [dəu] тісто
to mince пропускати м’ясо через м’ясорубку
to shell очищати (від шкарлупи); чистити; лущити
to toss перекинути , перегорнути
to stuff набивати, заповнювати; фарширувати
to beat бити, розбивати
to ice охолоджувати
a hardboiled egg (ant. a soft-boiled яйце, зварені круто
to boil варити, кип’ятити
to fry смажити
to bake пекти, випікати; пектися
to grill смажити на рашпері; запікати
to stew [stju:] тушкувати; тушкуватися
to casserole [΄kǽsərəul] запікати; запікатися;
meat casserole м’ясна запіканка
pastry [΄peistri] випічка, борошняні кондитерські вироби; здобне тісто
cuisine [kwi΄zi:n] кухня; кулінарне мистецтво
beet буряк;
shredded beets подрібнений буряк
cabbage [΄kǽbidЗ] капуста
carrot [΄kǽrət] морква
onion [΄anjənə] цибуля
pepper [΄pepə] перець (приправа)
sauerkraut [΄sauəkraut] квашена капуста
to chop кришити; нарізати, шаткувати;
chop відбивна котлета
pickles соління, маринади, пікулі; солоні або мариновані
dill pickle маринований огірок
sunflower oil соняшникова олія
Easter [΄i:stə] Великдень
filling заповнення, наповнення, фарш
to grind [graind]– ground – ground молоти, розмелювати, перемелювати; товкти;
ground meat рублене м’ясо
liver печінка; лівер
strawberry [΄stro:bəri] суниця, полуниця
leaf (pl. leaves) лист;
leaves rolled with meat закручене з м’ясом листя
to roll згортати, звертати, скручувати
fritter [ ] фритюр (фрукти, овочі, риба чи м’ясо, дрібно нарізані
та засмажені в тісті)
raisin [ ] родзинка, ізюминка; (pl.) ізюм;
breadcrumb [ ] крихта; (pl.) панірувальні сухарі
mayonnaise [,meiə΄neiz] майонез, риба або м’ясо під майонезом

E. Fill in the correct word.

saving; interrupted; stuck; reported; avoid; judges; roasting; youth; amazed; intends; aim;
curiosity; injection; lasted; mash; dishes; harsh; memory; oven; burn; competition; owns;
disguise; samples
1. He drove carefully to ______ the holes in the road. 2. The tea is hot. Don't _____ your mouth.
3. The meeting _______ from one to three. 4. The research programme has failed to achieve its
_______. 5. Put the loaf in the _______ and bake for thirty minutes. 6. I thought we were
________ money for a holiday. 7. She _______ to do A levels and go to university. 8. We were
_______ for hours in a traffic jam. 9. They gave me an _______ to help me sleep. 10. I
________ the theft to the police. 11. He was wearing a false beard as a ________. 12. A panel of
________ is now selecting the finalists. 13. He ________ her while she was speaking. 14.
Children have a natural _________ about the world around them. 15. They held a minute's
silence in _______ of those who had died. 16. The beef was _________ in the oven. 17. Put in
some butter when you ______ the potatoes. 18. There's been some fierce _______ for the title.
19. He ______ three houses in Florida. 20. We're giving away 2000 free _______. 21. There are
plenty of vegetarian ______ to choose from. 22. He _______ us with his knowledge of local
history. 23. The weather got _____ and unpredictable.24. The team is now a good mixture of
experience and _______.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. We eat ____ live. 2. a) I, ____ fear ____ the worst, took to my heels. b) She would not go
swimming ____ fear ____ catching a cold. 3. ___ case you doubt me, please, look ____ this
photograph. 4. He prevented me ______ going. 5. Don’t give ____ without even trying. 6. You
can’t judge a man’s character ___ his looks. 7. The age of a good wine can be judged ____ its
colour, smell, and taste. 8. They built a monument ___ memory ___ their dead leader. 9. He said
the whole poem _____ memory. 10. This recipe calls ____ more time ___ cooking. 11. I recently
came ________ a college friend in New York. 12. He went ___ another early morning jog. 13.
You can learn to stand ____ ____ the crowd. 14. She got good marks ___ the exam. 15. They
stared ___ us ___ amazement. 16. He delivered his speech ____ French. 17. I want everything to
be ready ___ his arrival. 18. The mother was holding the baby ____ her arms. 19. The Ladies of
Croye met ____ the most cordial reception ____ the Bishop. 20. a) If the clothes are very dirty,
soak them ____ soapy water. b) The curtain of rain caught them up and ____ a moment soaked
them ____ the skin.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. to continue in time; go on __________; 2. a person who is appointed to determine the result
of contests or competitions; a public official with authority to hear cases in a court of law and
pronounce judgment upon them__________ ; 3. а gathering held at a specified time and place
for the buying and selling of goods; a market __________; 4. occurring, done, etc., once a year
or every year; yearly __________; 5. in a literal manner; word for word __________; 6. а booth,
stall, or counter for the display of goods for sale __________; 7. food, especially a course of
recommended foods, for losing weight or as treatment for an illness etc. __________ ; 8.
extremely small __________; 9. a small wooded area or plantation__________ ; 10. to make,
become, or be thoroughly wet__________ ; 11. wheat, or other cereal, ground into a powder and
used for cooking, baking etc. __________; 12. а cook, especially the chief cook of a large
kitchen staff__________ ; 13. to include or be included as a part or member of a united whole
__________; 14. to require; demand __________; 15. to place or arrange (articles) in (a
container), such as clothes in a suitcase__________ ; 16. merry and cheerful __________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. to bypass a. a condition or place of great disorder or confusion.

2. senior b. a list of ingredients and directions for making something, esp. a food
3. to familiarize c. a narrow road or way between buildings, hedges, fences, etc.
4. chaos d. as much as is held in the mouth at one time
5. lane e. to go around or avoid (a city, obstruction, problem, etc.)
6. downpour f. prepared or available for service, action, or progress:
7. to cook g. the general structure and disposition of the constituent parts of
8. recipe h. to make known, recognized, or familiar.
9. mouthful i. fail to meet the hopes or expectations of;
10. texture j. a heavy fall of rain.
11. ready k. higher in rank or length of service; older in years
12. to disappoint l. to prepare (food) for eating by applying heat.

I. Translate into English.

1. Вона дала мені бутерброди із сиром на той випадок, якщо я зголоднію. 2. Що завадило
тобі зробити завдання вчасно? 3. Він уникає дивитися на неї. 4. Якщо ти хочеш бути в
формі, тобі слід кинути курити. 5. Він не мав наміру марно витрачати час. 6. Екзамен
тривав дві години. 7. Залишить свій ключ в адміністратора. 8. Її батько дав своє
благословення на цей шлюб. 9. Судячи з зовнішності, він дуже розумна людина. 10. Київ
славиться своїми каштанами. 11. Ми змінили дату проведення ярмарку. 12. Слухайте мене
та не перебивайте! 13. Я спитав про це не з простої цікавості. 14. Вона сіла на дієту для
схуднення (to lose weight). 15. Коли ми зайшли, у кімнаті був запах свіжовипеченого хліба.
16. Я хочу засмажити курча цілим (whole). 17. Під дощем вони вимокли до нитки. 18.
Моїй мамі дуже подобається готувати. 19. Її батько – власник (володіє) місцевого
футбольного клубу. 20. Я можу дати тобі рецепт цього салату. 21. Хто придумав
(винайшов) мікроскоп? 22. Поливай кожну рослину так часто, як вимагається. 23. Цього
року ми не збирали грибів. 24. Частково це була моя провина (fault). 25. Ця страва має
незвичайний, дуже смачний присмак. 26. Він виграв перший приз на конкурсі. 27. Батьки
дозволяють мені їздити на машині. 28. Не витріщайся так на них – це неввічливо. 29. Деякі
люди кажуть, що сьогоднішній молоді бракує почуття відповідальності. 30. Він додав
цукру та молока до чаю та розмішав його.

1. Read about the linking words of purpose. Purpose is expressed with:

 to / in order (not) to / so as (not) to + inf. e.g. She is studying so as to qualify as a lawyer.
 so that + can/will (present/future reference) e.g. She works hard so that she will have better
career prospects.
 so that + could/would (past reference) e.g. She gave me directions so that I could find the
house easily.
 with a view to/with the aim of + -ing form e.g. He did a Master’s degree with the aim of
applying for the post.
 for + noun/-ing form e.g. This knife is for cutting bread.
 in case + Present (present/future reference) e.g. I’ll write it down in case I forget it.
 in case + Past (past reference) e.g. He took an umbrella in case it rained.
 for fear/ lest + might/should e.g. He didn’t say where he was going for fear he might be
 for fear of sth/doing sth e.g. He gave them all his money for fear of being shot.

 prevent + noun/pronoun +from +-ing form e.g. She put on her raincoat to prevent herself
from getting soaked.
 avoid + -ing form e.g. He took a taxi to avoid being late.

2. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use two to five words.
1. I didn’t tell her the bad news. I didn’t want to upset her. (avoid) I didn’t tell her bad news
_____________ her. 2. Mary wrote out a shopping list. She didn’t want to forget anything. (that)
Mary wrote out a shopping list __________ forget anything. 3. Paul trained hard every day. He
wanted to be the best. (as) Paul trained hard every day _________ the best. 4. Lee gave up her
job. She planned to continue her education. (view) Lee gave up her job _______________ her
education. 5. She turned the oven down. She didn’t want to burn the cakes. (might) She turned
the oven down ____ burn the cakes. 6. He was saving all his money. He intended to buy a house.
(aim) He was saving all his money ______ a house. 7. Peter left the office early. He wanted to
be at the cinema on time. (in) Peter left the office early _________ at the cinema on time. 8.
This is a pencil sharpener. We use it to sharpen pencils. (for) This is a pencil sharpener. It is
used ___________ pencils. 9. I’ll bring a pack of cards. We might want to play later. (case) I’ll
bring a pack of cards _____________ play later. 10. We didn’t want to get stuck in a traffic jam
so we bypassed the city centre. (avoid) We bypassed the city centre _______________ in a
traffic jam. 11. Before we went to Africa we had injections so we wouldn’t get malaria.
(prevent) Before we went to Africa we had injections _________________ malaria. 12. He’s
taking a camera on holiday. He might want to take some photos of the wildlife. (case) He’s
taking a camera on holiday ____________________ to take some photos of the wildlife. 13.
Peter goes to night school. He wants to learn French. (order) Peter goes to night school
_________________ to learn French. 14. If you want him to remember to phone bank, leave a
note on his desk. (that) Leave a note on his desk ___________________ to phone the bank. 15.
She tries her best. She wants to stand out in her field. (as) She tries her best
__________________ in her field.

3. Use the notes below to write the letter. Use the purpose words where possible.
Dear Mr Bowes,
1. I write / invite you / attend / interview / 27th May / Edge Hill College.
2. We hold interviews / view / appoint / Senior Lecturer / English Department.
3. If you be unable / attend / please phone / college / as soon as possible / we arrange / alternative
4. You / be requested / read / enclosed information / avoid / waste time on the day of the
5. The day last / 9 am to 3.30 pm /give interviewees time / familiarize themselves / college.
6. When you arrive / college / please report / reception/ you be shown / staff common room.
I look forward to meeting you shortly.
Yours sincerely,
M. Davies
(Head of English Department)

4. You are going to read an article about a village fair. For questions (1-8) choose the answers
( A , B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
‘ A rainy day can be a blessing in disguise’ was the judgement of one of the organizers of this
year’s sweet-chestnut fair in the tiny French village where I live. Because of almost
uninterrupted rain, "only" about 10,000 people turned up. Had it been sunny, there would have
been total traffic chaos.
Some visitors came out of curiosity – the fair is only five years old. For others, it has become
an annual journey down memory lane; until fairly recently, the chestnut was a central part of the
diet here in Chataigneraire (literally, the chestnut grove).
The air was fragrant with the smell of roasting chestnuts - at least until the downpour soaked
the grill. There were stands selling cakes made with chestnut flour and open sandwiches with
mashed chestnuts, cheese and bacon. There were also articles made of chestnut wood such as
baskets, furniture and walking sticks.
One of the highlights of the fair was a cookery competition for original recipes incorporating
chestnuts. The president of the panel of judges was the chef Michel Bras who owns the best
restaurant in the region. Bras has written a massive cookbook of inventive recipes, many of
which call for the wild plants and mushrooms he comes across as he goes on his daily jog.
People packed into the village hall as the competition started, partly because they wanted to
see the famous Bras, and partly because it was pouring down outside.
The crowd watched calmly as the judges sampled mouthfuls of seven dishes and gave them
marks for appearance, taste, balance and so on. The winning recipe was a delicious charlotte of
chestnut puree and cream, served with bitter orange sauce.
At that point, the audience, already deeply frustrated at not being allowed to taste the dishes
themselves, stared in amazement as Bras made a harsh summing-up speech. ‘I couldn't find the
taste or texture of the chestnuts of my youth,’ he said, before running off to his car.
There was a jollier atmosphere at the aligot evening. Aligot is a local dish consisting of
cheese, mashed potatoes, cream, butter and garlic. A huge iron pot of the kind used for cooking
pig food was carried in. Three well-built young men stirred the mixture vigorously which what
looked like canoe paddles, then, to cheers from the 340 diners, they announced it was ready. 25
An hour later, after everyone had eaten their aligot (made from 145 kg of potatoes, 42 kg of
cheese, 12 litres of cream and 4 kg of butter) the waltzing began. It was a proper village dance
where anyone was free to invite anyone else for a spin round the floor.

1. Some visitors came out of curiosity while others came because ....
A. they enjoyed the trip through the country roads.
B. the chestnut fair brought back memories of the past.
C. they wanted to go on a diet.
D. chestnuts are healthy.

2. Why did the smell of roasting chestnuts disappear?

A. There were no chestnuts left.
B. People were selling other things.
C. The heavy rainfall put the fires out.
D. It was late in the day.

3. The cookery competition was for recipes which ...

A. Michel Bras had written in his book.
B. were very old.
C. included chestnuts.
D. were used in the best restaurants.

4. Michel Bras ...

A. finds ingredients for his recipes when he goes out running.
B. uses only chestnuts in his recipes.
C. looks for chestnuts when he goes out running.
D. invented the idea of cooking with chestnuts.

5. The village hall was packed because some people wanted to see Bras and some wanted to ...
A. take shelter from the rain. C. learn the recipes.
B. have a rest. D. cook chestnuts.

6. How did Michel Bras sum up the competition?

A. He thought the food was excellent.
B. He was disappointed with the recipes.
C. He said he didn't like chestnuts when he was young.
D. He was amazed by the high standards of the recipes.

7. What does 'it' in line 25 refer to?

A. an iron pot; C. the atmosphere;
B. pig food; D. a local dish.

8. What was the dance like?

A formal; C informal;
B. boring; D. confusing.

5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The rainy day appeared to be a catastrophe for the fair as people didn't want to come. 2.
It was a sunny day, that's why there was total traffic chaos. 3. The name of the village is
derived from the trees growing there. 4 They sold dishes containing chestnuts as well as
goods made of chestnut trees. 5. The cookery competition was held because of the rainy
weather. 6. The only reason for attending the cookery competition was rainy weather. 7.
The audience gave marks for appearance, taste, balance and so on. 8. The delicious charlotte
was made of chestnut puree and cream, served with bitter orange sauce. 9. The audience was
amazed by the final speech of Bras. 10. The guests of the fair were treated to this delicious
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word(s) from the list below:
massive; mashed; literally; downpour; vigorously; fragrant; recipe; incorporating
1. In spring, the air smells _________with all the flowers in bloom. 2. If you translate a French
expression ______, it will not necessarily make sense in English. 3. It started to rain, and very
soon we were caught in a _______. 4. Last night we had ________ potatoes with butter for
dinner. 5. I found the_________ for his pie in a cookbook. 6. The exam is divided into two parts,
________reading and writing. 7. A _________new hotel is being built, with twenty floors and
two thousand rooms. 8. You must stir the porridge __________ so that it doesn't stick to the

7. Some meat is given a different name from the animal it comes from. What animals do the
following meats come from?
1. pork _________ 2. beef __________ 3. bacon ____________
4. venison ______ 5. veal __________ 6. mutton ___________
7. ham __________

8. Food preparation. Match each verb on the left below with the food item on the right it is most
often associated.
1. to pluck a) cheese 1. to mince a) cream
2. crack b) an orange 2. to shell b) meat
3. to grate c) a chicken 3. to toss c) a hardboiled egg
4. to knead d) a nut 4. to whip d) eggs
5. to peel e) a rabbit 5. to stuff e) a cake
6. to skin f) a joint of meat 6. to mash f) a chicken
7. to slice g) dough 7. to beat g) a pancake
8. to carve h) a loaf 8. to ice h) potatoes

9. Ways of cooking food. Match the words with their definitions.

1. to boil a. to cook (bread, pastry) with dry heat, especially in an oven.
2. to fry b. to cook, usually with vegetables in the oven, and serve food in
a dish in which food is both baked and served;
3. to bake c. to cook (meat, fish, etc.) by direct heat, as under a grill or over
a hot fire (usual US and Canadian word broil)
4. to roast d. to cook or be cooked by the process of boiling;
5. to grill e. to boil with vegetables in the same pot;
6. to stew f. to cook (meat or other food) by dry heat, usually with added fat
and esp. in an oven
7. to casserole g. to cook over direct heat in hot oil or fat.

10. Read the text and match the name with the dish.
A. Syrnyky E. Olivye (Salad Olivier):
B. Paska F. Borsch (borshch):
C. Kotlety (cutlets): G. Cabbage rolls (holubtsi/holubchi):
D. Varenyky H. Vinigret (from French Vinaigrette):

Ukrainian cuisine has a rich history and offers a wide variety of dishes. Ukrainian cuisine is
rich in taste and nutritional value.
1. _______ is vegetable soup made out of beets, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions,
garlic, sometimes green pepper, served with sour cream.
2. _______ is salad with cooked and shredded beets, sauerkraut, cooked and chopped potatoes,
onions and carrots, sometimes pickles mixed with some sunflower oil and salt.
3. _______ is traditional rich Easter bread. It is shaped in a short round form. The top of it is
decorated with typical Easter symbols, such as roses or crosses.
4. _______ are small pastries made with any filling such as mashed potatoes and fried onions,
ground meat and fried onions, liver and fried onions, fried cabbage with fried onions, cherries,
strawberries. Served with sour cream and butter or sugar when filled with fruits.

5. _______ are cabbage leaves (sour) rolled with meat (minced beef or bacon) and rice filling,
optionally stewed in tomato sauce or roasted with bacon strips on top, served with sour cream.
6. _______ are cottage cheese fritters, sometimes with raisins, served with sour cream and jam.
7. _______ are minced meat or fish mixed with eggs, onions, garlic, breadcrumbs and milk, fried
in oil sometimes rolled in breadcrumbs.
8. _______ is salad made out of cooked and chopped potatoes, dill pickles, boiled chopped eggs,
cooked and chopped chicken, onions, mixed with mayonnaise.

11. Write a letter to a penfriend about your national cuisine (use 100-120 words). Include the
following items:
 eating habits in your country and your family
 your favourite food
 the recipe of your favourite dish


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄indicate a΄board ,exhi΄bition
΄movement fe΄male ,high-΄tech
΄irritate re΄quirement ,loud΄speaker
΄entrance es΄pecially ,walkie-΄talkie
΄separate re΄turn ,enter΄tainment
΄aircraft a΄ttraction ,super΄stitious
΄preference pre΄fer ,super΄stition
΄slippery re΄ality ,disem΄barking
΄surface i΄magine ,over΄come
΄satisfy be΄lief ,acci΄dentally
΄custom su΄rround for΄mality
΄mountain dis΄posal com΄partment
΄waterfall lu΄xurious re΄flection
΄ancient con΄venient ob΄serve

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
smooth movement
calmly warning
easy to separate
attraction attraction
reality entertainment
enjoyable to fail
lucky to believe
superstitious reflection
to separate to indicate
accidentally requirement

luxurious exhibition
convenient to irritate
legislation entrance
slow to prefer
aware to imagine
mildly to satisfy

Verb/noun Person Negative Prefixes
to drive expensive
entertainment advantage
to observe convenient
politics ability
legislation attractive

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
channel [΄t∫ǽn(ə)l] канал; смуга частот;
the Channel (= the English Ла-Манш;
to change channels перемкнути на інший канал;
television / TV channel телевізійний канал
tunnel [΄tan(ə)l] тунель;
railroad tunnel / railway tunnel залізничний тунель;
through a tunnel через тунель;
to drive through a tunnel їхати тунелем;
the light at the end of the tunnel світло в кінці тунелю
shuttle [΄∫atl] автобус, поїзд чи літак, який здійснює регулярні
(короткі) рейси;
an airline shuttle between літак між Лондоном та Единбургом
London and Edinburgh
site місце розташування, місцезнаходження; місце для забудови;
будівельний або монтажний майданчик; місце (події);
a historic site історичне місце
exhibition [,eksi΄bi∫(ə)n] виставка, показ, демонстрація;
art exhibition художня виставка;
international exhibition міжнародна виставка;
photo exhibition фотовиставка;
trade exhibition виставка-продаж
to indicate [΄indikeit] указувати, показувати; позначати; служити ознакою,
означати, свідчити про що-небудь
The speedometer indicated 50 Спідометр показував 50 миль на годину.
miles per hour.
toll [təul] мито, збір; додаткова плата за послуги; плата за
to charge / exact / impose a toll накладати мито, збирати плату;
bridge toll міст із платним проїздом;
tunnel toll плати за проїзд тунелем
booth [bu:ð] кіоск; палатка; будка; кабіна; кабіна для голосування;
information booth бюро довідок;
phone / telephone booth телефонна будка;
polling / voting booth кабіна для голосування
straight [streit] (adj.) прямий; не вигнутий; який не відхиляється від
курсу, безперервний; (adv.) прямою лінією, прямо;
straight hair пряме волосся;
strait streets прямі вулиці;
to ride straight їхати навпростець
carriage [΄kǽridЗ] пасажирський вагон; екіпаж; карета;
double-decker carriage двоповерховий вагон
to light – lit – lit запалювати(ся), засвічувати; загорятися; освітлювати(ся);
She lit a candle. Вона запалила свічку.
high-tech [,hai΄tek] (= high- який використовує складну сучасну техніку або
technology) технологію чи виготовлений з її допомогою;
high-tech company компанія високих технологій
loudspeaker гучномовець
slow повільний; тихий;
a slow train пасажирський потяг
My watch is fifteen minutes Мій годинник спізнюється на п’ятнадцять хвилин.
My watch is 15 minutes fast. Мій годинник поспішає на п’ятнадцять хвилин.
aboard [ə΄bo:d] на борту
to come / go / get / step aboard піднятися на борт; сісти на корабель, літак;
crew [kru:] команда, екіпаж
crew member член команди
walkie-talkie [,wo:ki΄to:ki] (переносна) рація
crossing переїзд по воді; переправа; перехрестя; перехід (через
cross / to cross хрест, розп’яття; перетинати, переходити, переправлятися
to cross the sea переплисти море;
to cross the road перейти дорогу
female [fi:΄meil] жіночий; жінка
requirement [ri΄kwaiəmənt] вимога, необхідна умова; потреба;
the daily requirements повсякденні потреби;
legal requirements законне обмеження;
minimum requirements мінімальне обмеження;
to establish / set requirements встановлювати вимоги;
requirement for accuracy вимога до точності;
to fill / fulfil / meet / satisfy відповідати вимогам;
to waive a requirement тимчасово скасовувати вимоги
What are his requirements? Які його умови?
especially [is΄pe∫(ə)li] особливо, спеціально; головним чином; зокрема;
for everyone’s sake, especially заради всіх, особливо ваших дітей
your children’s
to slide – slid – slid ковзати; рухати(ся) плавно; ковзати на крижині;
to slide away прослизнути, пройти непомітно, обережно прокрастися;
вислизнути; (непомітно) засовувати, усувати; засуватися
speed швидкість; темп; швидкість ходу;
with all speed поспішно;
full speed ahead повний хід уперед;

sonic speed звукова швидкість (руху);
sound speed швидкість (поширення) звуку;
supersonic speed надзвукова швидкість
ride прогулянка (велосипедом, автомобілем, верхи); їзда,
поїздка; тривалість поїздки;
two hours ride двогодинна поїздка;
train ride поїздка потягом (залізницею);
to bum / hitch / thumb a ride голосувати на дорозі;
to catch / get / go for / go on / прокататися;
have / take a ride
to give smb a ride підвести когось;
to take smb for a ride повезти когось покататися
smooth [smu:ð] гладкий, рівний; стертий, витертий;
smooth tyre зношена, «лиса» шина;
the smooth course of his life мирний рух його життя
movement [΄mu:vmənt] переміщення, пересування; марш; хід механізму (годинник);
жест, рух тіла; переїзд, переселення; рух, (громадська
діяльність; течія, напрямок літературний);
downward movement рух униз;
upward movement рух угору;
uncoordinated movements некоординовані рухи
barely [΄bεəli] ледь; лише; ледь не; ледве;
a barely audible whisper ледь чутний шепіт
to be aware (of) [ə΄wεə] усвідомлювати що-небудь; знати що-небудь;
to be aware of one’s error усвідомлювати свої помилки
to welcome вітати (гостя); привітно приймати;
to welcome smb at one’s home привітно приймати кого-небудь у себе (удома)
to shoot – shot – shot стріляти; вести вогонь; пронестися, промчати,
промайнути; з силою посилати (м’яч); набирати бали;
to shoot and kill застрелити; розстрілювати;
shoot at / for полювати на когось
return [ri΄tən] to return повернення; віддача, відшкодування; (по)вертатися; іти
назад; повертати, віддавати; відповідати (тим самим);
return trip зворотний квиток, квиток в обидва боки;
return address зворотна адреса;
return fare вартість зворотного проїзду;
in return (of) замість, на обмін; у відповідь; на виплату
halfway across на півдорозі
alarm [ə΄la:m] тривога, сигнал небезпеки, аварійний сигнал;
попередження про небезпеку; тривожна сигналізація,
сигнальний дзвінок,
alarm clock будильник;
a fire alarm пожежна тривога; автоматичний пожежний сигнал
to go off пролунати (про гудок, постріл); вистрілити (про зброю);
neighbour / to neighbour [΄neibə] сусід; сусідка; межувати; бути по сусідству; прилягати;
to neighbour with дружити, бути в добросусідських стосунках з кимось
calmly [΄ka:mli] тихо; рівно; спокійно, мирно; безвітряно
warning [΄wo:niŋ] попередження; застереження;
to give a warning попередити, застерегти;
without warning без попередження
lorry вантажівка, вантажний автомобіль;

to drive / operate a lorry керувати вантажівкою
to fall – fell - fallen падати, знижуватися; ущухати, слабшати; погіршуватися;
fall down / over падати (з висоти);
to fall off a table впасти зі столу;
to fall asleep заснути;
to fall in love with закохатися
boarding [΄bo:diŋ] посадка
wait [weit] очікування;
to wait for a person (for a train) чекати на людину (на потяг);
I can’t wait я не можу чекати; згораю від нетерпіння; мені закортіло
mildly [΄maildli] м’яко, тихо, спокійно
to irritate [΄iriteit] дратувати, сердити;
irritated [΄iriteitid] роздратований, сердитий;
to be irritated at smb сердитися на когось;
mildly irritated трохи роздратований
ferry [΄feri] пором; поромне судно; переправа, перевіз;
ferry company поромна компанія
We took the cross-channel ferry. Ми сіли на пором, що переїздить через канал (перетинає
to disembark [,disim΄ba:k] вивантажувати; висаджувати на берег; висаджуватися,
disembarking висадка, розвантаження
swift швидкий; негайний; поспішний;
swift to anger запальний;
swift of wit кмітливий
easy [΄i:zi] легкий, нескладний;
as easy as ABC дуже простий, простіше не буває
doubt [daut] сумнів; нерішучість, вагання; сумніватися; піддавати що-
небудь сумніву;
Do you think England will Ти думаєш, англійці переможуть? – Я сумніваюся.
win?’ – ‘I doubt it.’
beyond (any) doubt без всякого сумніву
without (a) doubt, no doubt безсумнівно
undoubtedly [an΄dautibli] безсумнівно, без всяких сумнівів
attraction [ə΄trǽk∫(ə)n] притягання; тяжіння; привабливість; принадність,
attractions принада; спокуса
gull [gal] чайка;
cry of gulls крик чайок
sea [si:] море; водна поверхня земної кулі;
at sea в морі;
by sea морем;
by the sea біля моря;
in / on the open sea у відкритому морі;
the Mediterranean Sea [ Середземне море
date побачення, зустріч; людина, з якою призначено побачення;
to go out on a date піти на побачення
entrance [΄enrtəns] вхід; вхідні двері; в’їзні ворота; вступ (до спілки, коледжу);
front / main entrance to a building парадний вхід у будинок;
back / rear entrance чорний вхід;
service entrance службовий вхід;
side entrance боковий вхід
to be like бути схожим, подібним
What is the weather like today? Яка сьогодні погода?
What is he like? He is like his Що він собою являє? Що він за людина? (за характером)
father. Він схожий на батька.
What does he look like? He На кого він схожий? Він схожий на батька. (за
looks like his father. зовнішністю)
like father like son (like mother Яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає.
like daughter), like master like
ugly [΄agli] потворний; огидний, бридкий, гидкий, неприємний;
ugly as sin страшний (дурний) як смертельний гріх;
ugly news неприємні (погані) новини;
ugly habits кепські (погані) звички;
ugly customer грубіян
citizen [΄sitiz(ə)n] громадянин; громадянка;
fellow citizens співгромадяни
to get – got – got 1. діставати; добувати;
He got a bicycle for his Він одержав велосипед на день народження.
birthday. 2. купити, придбати
Він придбав ці джинси за 100 доларів.
I got these jeans for $100. 3.потрапляти, прибувати куди-небудь; добиратися;
досягати; діставатися
When did you get home? Коли він добрався до дому? О котрій він дістався дому?
to get on a bus (tram, train) сісти на автобус (трамвай, потяг)
to get in a taxi (car) сісти в таксі (машину);
to get off a bus (tram, train) вийти з автобуса (трамвая, потяга);
to get out of a taxi (car) вийти з таксі (машини);
to get around the city їздити містом
to separate [΄sepəteit] відокремлювати, роз’єднувати; відділятися,
роз’єднуватися; розрізняти, відрізняти
The garage is separated from Гараж відокремлений від будинку стежиною та
the house by a path and a flower квітником.
to show – showed – shown показувати; показуватися;
to show smb to / into, over / проводжати, супроводжувати кого-небудь куди-небудь;
round a place
to show oneself (to be) good, проявити себе з хорошого, поганого боку
bad, etc.
to pass the time проводити час
refreshments частування, освіжаючи напої;
to serve refreshments надавати напої;
refreshment bar буфет
entertainment [,entə΄teimənt] розвага; забава; видовище, вистава; естрадний концерт;
прийом (гостей);
to provide entertainment розважати;
to everyone’s entertainment для загальної розваги
a means (pl. means) засіб, спосіб, метод;
effective means ефективний засіб;
fair means справедливий засіб;
foul means брудні методи;
means to an end засоби досягнення мети

to prefer [pri΄fə:] надавати перевагу
He prefers watching rugby to Він надає перевагу дивитися регбі, аніж грати в нього.
playing it.
boat [bəut] човен, шлюпка; судно, корабель; підводний човен;
rowing boat [rəuiŋ΄bəut] човен із веслами
rail [reil] рейка; залізниця; залізнична колія; рейковий шлях;
railway залізниця;
rail junction залізничний вузол, вузлова станція;
rail terminal кінцевий пункт залізниці
bridge [bridЗ] міст; перемичка, перегородка; капітанський місток
bridge of the nose перенісся;
railroad / railway bridge залізничний міст;
to build / construct / erect a bridge спорудити міст
plane [plein] літак
aircraft [΄εəkra:ft] літак; літальний апарат; авіація
train потяг
ship корабель; судно
slippery слизький; гладкий; верткий;
slippery road слизька дорога
surface [΄sə:fis] поверхня;
little waves on the surface of the невеликі хвили на поверхні води
instead (of) [in΄sted] замість
I don’t like coffee. Could I Я не люблю кави. Можна мені чаю кави замість?
please have tea instead?
Please take me instead of him. Візьміть мене замість нього.
reality [ri΄ǽləti] дійсність, реальність; реальне існування;
objective reality об’єктивна реальність;
in reality насправді;
to accept reality сприймати реальність, якою вона є;
to deny reality відкидати реальність
to imagine [i΄mǽdЗin] уявляти собі; припускати, думати
Can you imagine him being a Ти можеш уявити його президентом?
power [΄pauə] 1. сила; міць; 2. енергія; потужність; потужність; 3.
могутність, сила, влада; 4. право, повноваження;
military / economic power військова/економічна міць;
a party in power правляча партія;
electric power електроенергія;
legislative power законодавча влада
power struggle боротьба за владу;
to exceed one’s powers перевищувати свої повноваження
to fail [feil] 1. зазнавати невдачі; не збуватися, 2. підводити, не
виправдати очікувань; не вдаватися;
to fail in business зазнати невдачі в бізнесі;
Take care not to fail me Постарайся не підвести мене.
to overcome (overcame – побороти, подолати, перемогти (ворога); перемогти,
overcome) перебороти, здолати, подужати
We shall overcome Ми переможемо.
to overcome obstacles подолати перепони
to satisfy [΄sǽtisfai] задовольняти
I am not satisfied with your Я не задоволений вашою роботою.
enjoyable [in΄dЗoiəbl] приємний; який приносить задоволення;
highly enjoyable дуже приємний
to break – broke – broken 1. ламати; ламатися; зламати (замок)
break = break up 2. розбивати; розбиватися
I broke my leg skiing. Я зламав ногу, катаючись на лижах.
a mirror [΄mirə] дзеркало
lucky [΄laki] щасливий, удачливий; вдалий
You are lucky to be alive. Тобі пощастило, залишитися в живих.
superstitious [,sju:pə΄sti∫əs] марновірний, забобонний
I am extremely superstitious. Я надто забобонний (марновірний).
superstition [,sju:pə΄sti∫(ə)n] ірраціональний забобон; несвідоме упередження;
belief [bi΄li:f] віра, довіра; переконання; вірування
Nothing will shake his belief in Ніщо не змусить його похитнути віру в привиди.
reflection [ri΄flek∫(ə)n] відображення;
reflection in the mirror відображення в дзеркалі
soul [səul] душа, серце; дух; сутність, невід’ємна властивість
People often discuss whether Люди часто обговорюють, чи мають душі рослини та
animals and plants have souls. тварини.
probably [΄probəbli] імовірно
They probably won’t make this Вони ймовірно не оголосять свої плани до липня.
plan public until July.
to arise – arose – arisen виникати, з’являтися;
when the need arises коли виникає потреба
to renew обновляти; відновлювати, реставрувати
to surround [sə΄raund] оточувати; обносити; обступати
When the car stopped it was Коли машина зупинились, її оточила поліція.
surrounded by police.
accidentally [,ǽksi΄dent(ə)li] випадково; ненавмисне, без наміру
The door cannot be opened Ці двері не можна відчинити випадково.
bill банкнот, банкнота, рахунок;
ten-dollar bill десятидоларовий банкнот (або банкнота);
an electricity bill рахунок за електрику
sign [sain] знак, позначення; умовний знак, символ; емблема;
to put up / post a sign поставити знак
custom [΄kastəm] звичай; звичка;
religious customs релігійні звичаї
to die [dai] умирати; помирати;
to die of / from cancer померти від раку;
to die a violent death / by померти насильницькою смертю;
to die a natural death померти природною смертю
to fetch (сходити та) принести, привести
She fetched a towel from the Вона сходила та принесла рушник із ванної.
to persist [pə΄sist] наполягати, упиратися; наполегливо продовжувати
He persisted in his opinion. Він наполегливо стояв на своєму.
to observe [əb΄zə:v] спостерігати, стежити за чим-небудь; помічати;

to observe attentively / carefully уважно стежити
/ closely
Additional Vocabulary
to be fond of любити кого-небудь, що-небудь; захоплюватися
She was very fond of horses. Вона дуже любить коней.
sight [sait] 1. зір; вигляд; 2. чудовий вид, прекрасне видовище; (pl)
визначні пам’ятки;
long sight далекозорість; далекоглядність;
at the sight of побачивши;
in my sight у мене на очах;
to see the sights оглядати пам’ятки;
sights of a city визначні пам’ятки міста
view [vju:] вид, пейзаж, панорама;
a room with a view of the кімната з видом на гори;
mountain [΄maintin] гора;
chain / range of mountains гірський хребет, гряда
lake озеро
valley [΄vǽli] (гірська) долина; низина;
a valley between high mountains долина між високими горами
plain [plein] рівнина
waterfall [΄wotəfol] водоспад; каскад
forest ліс (великий);
dense / thick forest густий ліс;
wood = woods ліс (невеликий), лісок
They went for a walk in the Вони вирушили на прогулянку до лісу.
ruins [ru:in] руїни
ancient [΄ein∫(ə)nt] древній; стародавній, давній
to travel for pleasure подорожувати заради задоволення;
to travel on business їздити в справах
disposal [dis΄pəus(ə)l] право розпорядження;
at one’s disposal у чийомусь розпорядженні;
to have at one’s disposal мати у своєму розпорядженні;
at your disposal до ваших послуг;
to place at smb’s disposal надати в чиєсь розпорядження
The car was at my disposal. Машина у вашому розпорядженні.
humble [΄hambl] простий, бідний, скромний; непомітний
luxurious [lag΄zjuəriəs] розкішний
compartment [kəm΄pa:tmənt] купе
to see off проводжати (від’їжджаючих)
envious [΄enviəs] заздрісний; який заздрить
convenient [kən΄viniənt] зручний, вправний, ловкий
dust пил, порох
dirt [də:t] бруд; грязь
to change from train to ship пересісти з потягу на корабель
dining-car вагон-ресторан
berth [bə:Ө] койка; спальне місце, полиця (у вагоні)
sleeper = sleeping-car спальний вагон
excitement [iks΄saitmənt] збудження, хвилювання
gaiety [`geiti] веселощі; веселість

shout [∫aut] гучний крик, лемент, вигук
porter 1. носій (у готелі, на вокзалі); вантажник;
2. провідник (спального вагона)
to pull [pul] тягти
luggage [΄lagidЗ] багаж; поклажа, кладь
booking-office білетна каса
thirsty [΄Өə:sti] хто відчуває спрагу, хто мучиться від спраги, спраглий;
to be thirsty хотіти пити
to breathe [bri:ð] дихати; вдихати; видихати; зітхнути
deck палуба
cargo-ship вантажне судно, баржа, суховантаж
sailing ship парусник, вітрильне судно
sailor моряк
path [pa:Ө] стежка; доріжка; велосипедна доріжка
heather [΄heðə] верес; болото, вкрите вересом; вересове пустище
to wander [΄wondə] блукати, мандрувати
nest гніздо, кубло
quietness [΄kwaiətnəs] тиша; спокій
besides [bi΄saidz] крім того; також; до того ж
to travel on foot подорожувати пішки
to deny [di΄nai] заперечувати; відкидати;
mode [məud] метод, спосіб;
mode of travelling засіб подорожування
dull [dal] сумний; який навіває зневіру, тугу; безрадісний; хмурий,
похмурий (про погоду)
broad [bro:d] широкий; великий, просторий
to wind [waind]– wound витися, звиватися;
[waund] – wound
the path (the river) winds доріжка (річка) в’ється / звивається
thrilling хвилюючий, захопливий; що лоскоче нерви
to remind of [ri΄maind] нагадувати, викликати спогади
You remind me very much of Ти дуже нагадуєш мені твою маму.
my mother.
to remind about нагадати про
Will you remind me about that Нагадаєш мені про зустріч?
quantity [΄kwontəti] кількість
non-perishable goods товари, призначені для тривалого зберігання
scenery [΄si:n(ə)ri] пейзаж, ландшафт; вид; (театральні) декорації; обстановка

E. Fill in the correct word.

slow; carriage; citizens; slide; site; welcomed; custom; toll; entertainment; channels;
movement; especially; warnings; undoubtedly; power; speed; smooth; indicate; attraction;
ugly; ferry; cross; lit; beliefs; surface; alarm; requirements;
1. We can paint an arrow here to ______ the right path. 2. Our railway _______ was full of
football fans. 3. BBC Television now has two________. 4. The ____ for the new factory has not
been decided. 5. A market _____ is paid for the accommodation which a market provides. 6. The
room was ____ only by candles. 7. The watch runs ______. 8. Let’s _____ the street. 9. The
products met all legal __________. 10. The system we design will be __________ for you. 11.
The canoe seemed to ______ painfully on a mirror (of a lake). 12. I was amazed at his ______ of

working. 13. Did you have a ________ flight from New York? 14. This is a nationalist
__________ that’s gaining strength. 14. We were _________ by our hosts. 15. As soon as the
door opened he heard the _____ go off. 16. There are health __________ on cigarette packets.
17. They crossed the river by _______. 18. He is __________ talented. 19. The walled city is an
important tourist ________. 20. She is rather an _____ young woman. 21. ‘We have learned to
be _______ of the world, members of the human community.’ (Franklin D. Roosevelt). 22. I
play the piano purely for my own _______. 23. Two-thirds of the earth’s _________ is covered
with water. 24. Cat has the _______ of seeing in the dark. 25. He refuses to compete on Sundays
because of his religious _______. 26. It is a _______ to eat turkey for Christmas dinner.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. Latin is no longer a requirement ____ entry ___ university. 2. He drove off ___ high speed. 3.
He likes to go ____ a long ride ___ a Sunday afternoon. 4. They are well aware ____ the
dangers. 5. What do I get ___ return ____ taking part ___ your experiment? 6. He returned ___
London _____ Paris yesterday. 7. He is returning ___ home tomorrow. 8. Why did she get so
annoyed? I was only trying to neighbour ____ her! 9. He fell ____ the stairs. 10. They waited
___ me. 11. Entrance ____ universities was restricted. 12. I want to enter ____ the University.
13. It was like a ride ______ the London underground. 14. I didn’t hear the fire alarm go ____.
15. He looks _____ Father Christmas. 16. It is hard to get ______ the city without a car. 17. He
got ____ the car and fastened his seat belt. 18. Only one game separates us ______ total victory.
19. ___ this time of day, I prefer tea ___ coffee. 20. I left my book ___ the bus. 21. He is leaving
____ Kyiv ____ Odessa tomorrow. 22. She had to spend four months away, instead ____ the
usual two. 23. Meg stared ____ her reflection ___ the mirror. 24. The police put ___ a sign that
the road was closed. 25. ____ a severe winter, wild animals can die ____ lack of food. 26. My
brother is fond ____ pointing out my mistakes. 27. Your house has a fine view ___ the hills

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. an underground passageway, esp. one for trains or cars that passes under a mountain, river, or
a congested urban area __________; 2. on, in, a ship, train, aircraft, etc __________.; 3. to an
extent or degree deserving of special emphasis; particularly__________; 4. without breaks, stops
__________; 5. having knowledge; cognizant __________; 6. to go or come back, as to an
earlier condition or place; to send, put, or carry back __________; 7. to make a noise;
sound__________ ; 8. a large motor vehicle designed to carry heavy loads __________; 9. a
vessel for transporting passengers and usually vehicles across a body of water, esp as a regular
service __________; 10. without question __________; 11. unpleasant to look at; unpleasant,
nasty or dangerous s__________; 12. something that amuses, pleases, especially a performance
or show__________ ; 13. a method, or an instrument by which an act can be accomplished or an
end achieved__________ ; 14. the quality or state of being actual or true __________; 15. to
fulfil (a need or desire) __________ ; 16. to go after and bring back __________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. exhibition a. the act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft
2. crew b. to receive with pleasure and hospitality into one’s company or home
3. requirement c. to leave a vehicle or aircraft.
4. barely d. a public display of art, products, skills, activities, etc.
5. welcome e. moving or able to move quickly; fast
6. alarm f. to annoy or anger
7. neighbour g. by a very little; hardly
8. warning h. a group of people working together;
9. boarding i. a person who lives near or next to another
10. to irritate j. something demanded or imposed as an obligation
11. to disembark k. a hint, intimation, threat, etc., of harm or danger
12. swift l. a warning of existing or approaching danger.

I. Translate into English.

1. Його маршрут проходив прямо через пустелю. 2. Мій годинник поспішає (спізнюється)
на п’ять хвилин. 3. Машина їхала на високій швидкості. 4. Можна покататися на твоєму
велосипеді? 5. Ми могли бачити кожний її рух. 6. Вона ледь бачила дорогу в тумані. 7. Ми
не усвідомлювали складність завдання. 8. Раптово пролунала сигналізація. 9. Температура
падає щодня. 10. Вона швидко заснула. 11. Вони покохали одне одного та вирішили
одружитися. 12. Почекайте мене кілька хвилин тут. 13. Її крикливий голос дратував
слухачів. 14. Приємно висадитися на берег після довгої морської подорожі. 15. Це не легке
завдання. 16. Він безсумнівно великий гравець. 17. Він показав мені фотографії своєї
родини. 18. Проведіть мене до моєї кімнати, будь ласка. 19. Як ви провели час учора? 20.
У нас не має засобів боротися із злочинністю. 21. Якому засобу подорожування ви надаєте
перевагу? 22. Він поїхав до свого рідного міста залізницею. 23. Дорога була дуже
слизькою. 24. Забудь про дієту та їж нормально замість цього. 25. Важко уявити, щоб він
одружився з кимось. 26. У мене немає сили йти далі. 27. Я провалив свій екзамен. 28. У
мене залишалися деякі сумніви. 29. Їй вдалося подолати свою сором’язливість (shyness).
30. Він душа компанії. 31. Мені не подобаються люди, які оточують її. 32. Піди принеси
трохи хліба. 33. Вони живуть унизу, в долині.

Reading 1
1. Read the article and choose the correct answer which best fits the text.
Recently I was offered the chance to travel by train through the channel tunnel between
England and France. I went on the shuttle that carries cars. The site was not beautiful. There is a
huge railway complex with tracks disappearing into a large hole, and a brand-new exhibition
The location of trains is indicated by signs saying ‘France’. Cars must stop at the toll booths
and French immigration points, where passports are shown. (Dealing with formalities here
means you can drive straight off the train at the other end.)
The double-decker carriages are brightly lit, air-conditioned and very hi-tech. Loudspeaker
announcements from the ‘Chef de Train’, an Englishman speaking very slow French, welcomed
us aboard. A crew member with a walkie-talkie said the crossing would take about 35 minutes
and passengers were expected to stay in or by their cars. He told me the shuttle employed several
female drivers. 'The most important requirement for the job is that they know about computers
and learn French, especially numbers. They practice by playing bingo.
Then we started. We slid into the tunnel and hit our travelling speed of 80mph. The ride was
so smooth one was barely aware of any movement. It was, predictably, about as interesting as a
ride round the London underground. Somewhere to sit and have a coffee would have been
welcomed, but a crew member said: ‘With the numbers we expect to carry, it just wouldn't be
practical.’ 16
After half an hour we shot back into the French daylight, had lunch, and then came back. The
return trip, however, did not go so smoothly. Halfway across, a fire alarm went off. We were all
moved to a neighbouring carriage. Moments later, a young man appeared and said calmly: ‘Just
practicing. You can all go back!’
Then without warning, the train stopped. We found out that a lorry had fallen over during
boarding. After half an hour we were still waiting. People were becoming mildly irritated, and
the only person still smiling worked for a cross-channel ferry company.
Then, all at once, we moved off. Disembarking was swift and easy and, within minutes, we
were driving on the left through a wet English night. It had been an interesting day I had enjoyed

the experience of what will undoubtedly become routine in the 21st century; but for me, the
attractions of the sea and the cry of gulls will always win in the end.

1. Why did the writer make the trip?

A. Because he was given the opportunity.
B. Because he wanted to go to France.
C. Because he had an important date.
D. Because it was the only method available.

2. What is the English Channel train entrance like?

A. badly constructed;
B. large and ugly;
C. small and quiet;
D. bright and cheerful.

3. Why is the French immigration office in England?

A. So passengers can get straight on to the train in England.
B. So passengers can drive off the train as soon as they get to France.
C. So non-European citizens can be separated from Europeans.
D. So French citizens don’t have to show their passports.

4. Why do the crew play bingo?

A. to improve their English;
B. to pass the time;
C. to decide who will drive the train;
D. to practice their communication skills.

5. What was the crossing to France like?

A. It was alarming.
B. It was calm.
C. It was impractical.
D. It was interesting.

6. What does ‘it’ in line 16 refer to?

A. carrying large numbers of people;
B. making the journey faster;
C. serving refreshments on the train;
D. providing entertainment during the journey.

7. What does the writer think will happen to channel travel in the future?
A. The trains will stop running.
B. The trains will not be used by the very rich.
C. There will be a lot of technical problems.
D. The train will become the usual means of transport.

8. Why will the writer not use the channel tunnel train in the future?
A. Because it’s too expensive.
B. Because it takes too long.
C. Because he has no reason to travel to France.

D. Because he prefers going by boat.

2. Ask six questions of different types to the text.

3. Find a word or phrase which fits the following definition:

a ) two parallel rails for travelling along; b) slightly; c) a means of transport that travels regularly
between two places; d ) a place where money is paid for the use of a road or bridge; e) act of
getting on a train or plane; f) to leave a ship or an aircraft; g) a place where a building / town etc.
situated; h ) to move smth along esp. on a slippery surface; i ) hardly.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

When the channel tunnel opened, many people had high 1)_______________ (expect).
Instead of travelling for up to 3 hours on the sea, the tunnel appeared to be an 2)_____________
(attract) alternative. In reality however, the channel tunnel project ran into some 3)
______________ (predict) problems. Nobody had imagined that there would be power 4)
___________ (fail), leaving the passengers stranded in the tunnel for hours. 5) ____________
(doubt), these problems will have been overcome in a few years’ time, satisfying passengers’ 6)
____________ (require) for an enjoyable journey.

Reading 2
5. Read the text and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space.
Why are broken mirrors believed to be unlucky?
Breaking a mirror is said to (0)___ seven years’ bad luck. Although most people may (1) ___
that they are not superstitious, they would nonetheless be a (2) ___ uncomfortable if they did
break a mirror. This age-old superstition is (3) ___ to have come from the ancient belief that
when a person (4) ___ at their reflection, they were seeing their own soul. (5) ___ that reflection
was broken, then the soul would be (6) ___ . The seven-year (7) ___ probably arises from
another ancient belief, that the body (8) ___ itself every seven years. After this time had (9) ___ ,
the soul would then be renewed. Superstitions surrounding mirrors don’t (10) ___ there. Break
one in Yorkshire, and you’ll (11) ___ your best friend, and in America, it’s not bad luck to break
one on (12) ___. If you do it accidentally, simply (13) ___ out a dollar bill and make the sign of
the cross. In many countries it’s a (14) ___ custom to (15) ___ any mirrors in the house with a cloth
when someone has died.
0. A. carry B. fetch C. bring D. take
1. A. tell B. claim C. persist D. support
2. A. lot B. small C. little D. few
3. A. possible B. likely C. probable D. apparently
4. A. looked B. saw C. watched D. observed
5. A. As B. Should C. If D. Unless
6. A. disappeared B. crushed C. exploded D. destroyed
7. A. period B. time C. distance D. date
8. A. charged B. replaced C. removed D. began
9. A. left B. spent C. passed D. been
10. A. end B. complete C. go D. begin
11. A. overlook B. misplace C. miss D. lose
12. A. purpose B. accident C. reason D. chance
13. A. remove B. have C. take D. bring
14. A. common B. cultural C. plain D. familiar
15. A. dress B. screen C. shade D. cover

6. Read the text in exercise 7 and answer the questions.
1. What do we see and learn while travelling? 2. Can we learn about these places at home? Why?
3. What is the best way to study geography? 4. And what is the best way to get to know and
understand the people? 5. Why do many people take camera with them when travelling? 6. What
do they usually photograph? 7. Why are so many people fond of travelling? 8. What are the main
modes of travelling? 9. Why do some people prefer travelling by train? What are advantages and
disadvantages of this kind of travelling? 10. What is your attitude towards sea- voyages? What
makes you (dis)like it? What kind of people usually object to travelling by sea? 11. What do you
think of walking tour? 12. Have you ever travelled by air? What are advantages and
disadvantages of an air trip? 13. What mode of travelling do you prefer and why?

7. Read this text about travelling. Choose the best phrase from A-K to complete the text. There is
one extra phrase.
If we are fond of travelling we see and learn all sorts of things that we can never see or learn
at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them at
the cinema. 1. ____
Most people who spend a holiday in travelling take a camera with them and photograph
anything that interests or pleases them – the sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes, valleys,
plains, waterfalls, forests, etc., famous men and women, the ruins of ancient buildings, and even
animals and birds. 2. _____
Those who wish to travel, either for pleasure or on business, have at their disposal various
means of transport. There is, for instance, a humble, inexpensive bicycle, then there’s a car by
which you can travel quickly and cheaply without getting too tired. Luxurious ships cross seas
and oceans from one continent to another. Comfortable compartments of trains bring you to any
place you like. With a plane you can reach your destination in a moment and be as fresh as
before starting your trip. 3.____
Some of us hate seeing people off, they prefer being seen off themselves. 4.____ Let us travel
together! But what method of travelling shall we choose? Each of them has its own advantages
and disadvantages. Travelling by air is more comfortable, more convenient and of course far
quicker than any other method. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey,
none of the trouble of changing from train to ship and then to another train. 5.____
But some words should be said about trains. Travelling by railway still remains one of the
most popular ways of travelling. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined.
From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have as splendid view of the whole
countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; if the journey is a long
one, you can have a berth in a sleeper. 6___ There is the movement, excitement, gaiety of the
people going away or waiting to meet people. There are shouts of porters as they pull luggage
along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowd at the booking-office getting tickets, the
hungry and the thirsty ones trying to the refreshment rooms before the train start.
If you want to breathe in more fresh air, then do travel by sea! What a pleasure it is to feel the
deck of the ship under your feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel a fresh sea wind
blowing in your face and hear the cries of sea-gulls. And what excitement, too, there is in
coming into the harbour and seeing round you all the ships, cargo-ships, sailing ships, rowing
That’s all right for good sailors, but if you are always seasick, then takes a walking tour. What
does a driver see of the country? 7.___ He takes mountain paths through the heather; he wanders
by the side of quiet lakes and through the shade of woods. He sees the real country, wild flowers,
young birds in their nests, deer in the forest; he feels the quietness and calm of nature. And
besides, you are saving your railway fare travelling on foot. No one can deny that walking tour if
the cheapest mode of travelling. So, what mode of travelling would you choose for yourself?

A. And finally, there is nothing like a walking tour!
B. But the walker leaves the dull broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where a car
can’t go.
C. Besides, flying is a thrilling thing.
D. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand
the people is to meet them in their own homes.
E. Besides, a railway-station is a very interesting place.
F. Although slow, modern sea transport is a highly effective method of transporting large
quantities of non-perishable goods.
G. Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photographs of the happy time they had.
H. They are extremely fond of travelling and feel terribly envious of anyone who is going

7. Write a letter to a penfriend.
You have just come back from a village in which you stayed a month. Write a letter to a friend
sharing your impressions:
 living conditions, scenery;
 local people, customs;
 daily routine, food, etc.


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄injury com΄pete an,tici΄pation
΄highlight su΄cceed ,prepa΄ration
΄rival di΄stinctive ,iso΄lation
΄altitude su΄spense ,psycho΄logic
΄tendon in΄telligent ,culmi΄nation
΄sideline dis΄miss ,exca΄vation
΄heighten de΄sire en΄gagement
΄calculate ob΄jective fi΄ancée
΄destiny ath΄letic e΄xact
΄confident im΄ply con΄troversy
΄advertise cam΄paign ,ever΄lasting
΄luxury con΄ceive pro΄duction
΄signify a΄broad ,recon΄structed
΄profitable sig΄nificance dis΄approval

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
to compete anticipation
to succeed to compete

distinctive to succeed
to heighten injury
intelligent to prove
to calculate preparation
strength isolation
psychological to heighten
desire to calculate
athletic strength
confident to dismiss
controversy culmination
exact to rob
spiritual excavation
luxury to imply
to signify engagement
profitable to advertise
production to signify

Verb/noun Person Negative Prefixes
to compete distinctive
to succeed to prove
to ride intelligent
to cycle fit
psychology exact
to rob profitable

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
anticipation [ǽn,tici΄pie∫(ə)n] очікування, передбачення, передчуття; побоювання
thanking you in anticipation вдячний заздалегідь (у листі)
to compete [kəm΄pi:t] 1. змагатися, брати участь у змаганні; 2. конкурувати
to compete in the Olympic games брати участь в Олімпійських іграх;
to compete with others for a брати участь у змаганнях за приз
The stores are competing with Магазини конкурують один з одним за частки (пайки)
each other for increased market ринку, що зростають.
to succeed [sək΄si:d] 1. досягти мети, домогтися; 2. процвітати; мати успіх; 3.
зуміти зробити що-небудь; 4. іти за чим-небудь, зміняти,
приходити на зміну
to succeed in life досягти успіху в житті; зробити кар’єру;
to succeed in doing smth досягти успіху в якійсь діяльності; змогти зробити щось;
to succeed in business досягти успіху в бізнесі
to succeed to the throne наслідувати трон
injury [΄indЗəri] 1. тілесне ушкодження, забите місце, рана, травма,
каліцтво; 2. шкода; (майновий) збиток;
bodily injury тілесне ушкодження;
internal injury ушкодження внутрішніх органів;
injury to the head рана голови;
minor / slight injury легке ушкодження;
serious / severe injury тяжке ушкодження, пошкодження;

to receive / suffer / sustain an injury
отримати ушкодження
to prove [pru:v] доводити; засвідчувати, підтверджувати документами
This fact proves his guilt. Цей факт доводить його вину.
alike схожий; подібний; такий самий, однаковий,
alike in colour одного кольору; обоє рябоє
apart [ə΄pa:t] на віддалі, віддалік, осторонь, відособлено;
miles apart за милі один від одного; на великій відстані одне від одного;
stand apart стояти осторонь
preparation [,prepə΄rai∫(ə)n] (при)готування, підготовка; стан готовності, готовність;
to make preparations for smth підготуватися до чогось;
preparations for the wedding підготовка до весілля
race / to race (n.) змагання з бігу; гонка, перегони; (v.) змагатися у
швидкості, брати участь у перегонах;
motor race автоперегони;
to lose a race програти перегони;
to win a race виграти перегони
isolation [,aisə΄le∫(ə)n] ізоляція; самотність;
in isolation окремо, самостійно, наодинці
to highlight [΄hailait] яскраво освітлювати; висувати на перший план;
випинати; надавати великого значення;
to be in / hit the highlight бути в центрі уваги
distinctive [di΄stiŋktiv] характерний, особливий, відмінний;
distinctive feature відмінна риса
rival [΄raiv(ə)l] (n.) суперник, конкурент; (adj.) який суперничає, конкуруючий;
business rivals конкуренти в бізнесі;
rival firms конкуруючі фірми
to head [hed] направляти; направлятися; тримати курс куди-небудь;
to head for town направитися до міста;
altitude [΄ǽltitju:d] висота; висота над рівнем моря;
at high altitudes високо;
to reach an altitude of досягнути висоти
to hurt – hurt – hurt [hə:t] 1. заподіювати біль; боліти; 2. ушкодити; травмувати;
ранити; порізати; ударити; 3. заподіювати шкоду,
збиток; 4. кривдити; ображати; болісно зачіпати
to hurt badly / seriously заподіяти сильний біль;
to hurt deeply дуже сильно образити;
to hurt slightly несильно ушкодити
It hurts me to cough. У мені болить, коли я кашляю.
It hurts me to see her ruin her life. Мені болить дивитися на те, як вона руйнує своє життя.
knee [ni:] коліно; коліно (штанів);
up to one’s knees до колін;
on bended knees стояти на колінах; уклінно, навколішках
tendon [΄tendən] сухожилля;
to pull a tendon розтягнути сухожилля;
tendon injury ушкодження сухожилля, зв’язки
sideline [΄saidlain] бічна лінія (майданчика); (pl.) місця за межами
спортивного майданчика, арени, поля; (pl.) місця глядачів;
позиція людини, що не бере участі в грі, в акції;
to keep smb on the sidelines тримати когось на лаві запасних;
to be on the sidelines бути пасивним спостерігачем чого-небудь
to heighten [΄hait(ə)n] підвищувати, підсилювати; підвищуватися, підсилюватися
The tension heightened. Напруга підсилилася.
suspense [sə΄spens] занепокоєння, тривога очікування; напружений інтерес;
схвильованість (читача чи глядача);
a novel of suspense пригодницький роман;
to keep smb in suspense тримати когось у стані напруженого очікування
battle royal 1. генеральний бій; 2. баталія, побоїще (про бійку,
суперечку, сутичку)
to cycle [saikl] = (bicycle) їздити на велосипеді або мотоциклі;
cycling giant велетень велосипедного спорту
giant [΄dЗaiənt] велетень, гігант; велетень, титан;
a giant fern гігантська папороть
rider вершник, наїзник; велосипедист; мотоцикліст
intelligent [in΄telidЗ(ə)nt] розумний; кмітливий; тямущий; інтелектуальний;
an intelligent solution to the розумне рішення проблеми
calculating [΄kǽlkjuleitiŋ] розважливий, обачний; тямущий; обчислювальний;
calculating machine обчислювальна машина;
the calculating defence of an розважливий захист досвідченого адвоката
experienced attorney
to share [∫εə] ділити, розподіляти; брати участь у чомусь, мати частку
або частину, бути пайовиком; ділити (горе, радість);
розділяти (чуже горе); поділяти (думку, смаки)
to share smth equally поділити що-небудь порівну; користуватися спільно
(the) same те ж саме, те саме; так само, у такий самий спосіб, таким
же чином;
at the same time у той самий час, одночасно;
that same day саме в той день;
much the same майже такий, схожий
strength [streŋӨ] сила; джерело сили; підтримка; міцність; міць,
могутність, межа міцності;
strength of body фізична сила; сильна сторона, достоїнство;
the strength of current сила струму;
to find strength знаходити сили;
to save strength берегти сили
heavyweight [΄heviweit] штангіст, боксер або борець важкої ваги;
heavyweight boxing match боксерський матч важковаговиків
to dismiss відкидати (нaпp., сумніви); опускати; розпускати;
звільняти (з роботи);
to dismiss suggestions відкинути припущення;
to dismiss the subject закрити тему; припинити обговорення питання
Dismissed! Розійтись! (команда)
psychological (= psychologic) що стосується психології, психологічний;
[,saikə΄lodЗ (ə)l]
psychological war психологічна війна;
psychological novel психологічний роман;
psychological need психологічна (емоційна) потреба;
psychological problem психологічна проблема
destiny [΄destini] доля; талан; неминучість; фатум;
to believe in destiny вірити в долю;
to decide / shape smb’s destiny вирішувати чиюсь долю
to watch out бути напоготові, насторожі; проявляти обережність;
to watch (out) for вичікувати;

watch (out) for an opportunity вичікувати можливість
fit придатний; слушний; відповідний; пристосований;
годящий, здоровий, бадьорий;
physically fit фізично розвинутий;
to feel / keep fit бути бадьорим, здоровим;
to be fit бути у формі;
(as) fit as a fiddle цілком здоровий
desire / to desire [di΄zaiə] (n.) (палке) бажання; жадання, пристрасть; бажати; (v.)
жадати; хотіти;
sincere desire щире бажання
to go on to + infinitive потім (зробити щось); після цього (зробити щось);
to go on to say потім сказати
mind [maind] розум, розумові здібності;
on one’s mind у думках; подумки; стояти на думці, собі на умі
tour [tuə] подорож; поїздка; турне; прогулянка; екскурсія;
to make a tour of Ukraine подорожувати Україною;
to organize a tour організувати екскурсію
objective [əb΄dЗektiv] мета, ціль, завдання; прагнення;
economic objective економічна ціль
Our objective is freedom. Наша мета – свобода.
culmination [,kalmi΄nei∫(ə)n] найвища точка; кульмінаційний пункт
athletic [ǽӨ΄letik] спортивний; атлетичний, сильний, мускулистий;
athletic field спортивний майданчик;
He was tall, with an athletic build. Він був високий на зріст, спортивної статури.
complimentary улесливий; вітальний; привітальний; похвальний,
[,kompli΄mentəri] утішний;
complimentary language улеслива мова;
to be complimentary about наговорити лестощів про когось / щось
confident (of) упевнений; самовпевнений;
confident of success упевнений в успіху
muscle [΄masl] м’яз, мускул; мускули; сила;
pain in muscles біль у м’язах
Muscles ache. Болять м’язи (мускулатура).
bone [bəun] кістка;
to break / fracture a bone зламати кістку
cord [ko:d] (тонка) мотузка, шнурок, шворка;
vocal cords голосові зв’язки
pitch поле; майданчик;
football pitch футбольне поле
fear [fiə] страх, острах, боязнь; побоювання;
for fear із страху;
in fear зі страхом; боячись
to rob грабувати, обкрадати, цупити, поцупити;
to rob a bank грабувати банк
setting 1. кладка, мурування; 2. оточення, навколишня
обстановка; 3. обрамлення, фон, тло
stone камінь; камінь, каміння (матеріал)
to hurl / throw a stone кинути камінь;
house built of stone будинок, побудований із каменю
circle [΄sə:kl] коло; круг; кільце, оточення;
to describe / draw a circle накреслити коло;
artistic circles артистичні кола, артистична богема
temple храм;
a temple of learning. храм науки
although [o:l΄ðəu] хоча
excavation [,ekskə΄vei∫(ə)n] розкопки; копання, риття; викопування, відкопування,
to carry out archaeological провадити археологічні розкопки
to imply [im΄plai] мати на увазі, припускати; означати; опосередковано
виражати; натякати, давати зрозуміти
Rights imply obligations. Наявність прав припускає наявність зобов’язань.
controversy [kən΄trovəsi] (over суперечка, дискусія, полеміка, розбіжність у думках;
smth) сварка, суперечка;
without / beyond controversy безсуперечно, безперечно
exact [ig΄zǽkt] точний (зміст); точний (не приблизний); строго відповідний;
exact sciences точні науки;
your exact words ваші точні слова
regard (to) [ri΄ga:d] відношення (до), зв’язок з чимось;
in regard to = with regard to у відношенні до, що стосується
worship / to worship (n) шанування, поклоніння; культ; віросповідання;
відправлення церковних обрядів; богослужіння; (v.)
поклонятися, схилятися; шанувати; обожнювати, боготворити
an object of worship предмет поклоніння
the worship of rank (of wealth, of преклоніння перед званнями (багатством, розумом,
intellect, of success) успіхом)
spiritual [΄spirit∫uəl] духовний, інтелектуальний, розумовий; одухотворений,
церковний, релігійний, набожний
force [fo:s] сила, міць;
with all one’s force щосили;
in force діючий, чинний, який має силу (про угоду, документ);
to come into force набувати чинності
fiancée [fi΄a:nsei] (= bride) / наречена / наречений
engagement [in΄geidЗmənt] заручення, заручини;
to announce an engagement оголосити про заручення;
to break (off) an engagement розірвати заручини;
engagement ring каблучка, дарована на заручини
ring [riŋ] кільце; каблучка;
wedding ring обручка
accessory [ək΄sesəri] (pl) аксесуари; супутні товари
wedding весілля; одруження
campaign [kǽm΄pein] кампанія, похід; операція; боротьба;
campaign for equal rights кампанія за рівні права;
campaign to curb alcoholism кампанія проти алкоголізму;
to carry on / conduct a campaign провадити кампанію;
to launch / organize a campaign організовувати кампанію;
advertising campaign рекламна кампанія;
anti-smoking campaign кампанія проти куріння;
election campaign виборча кампанія
advertiser [΄ǽdvetaizə] рекламодавець;
to advertise рекламувати;
to advertise in the press рекламувати в пресі;
to advertise over the radio рекламувати по радіо;
to advertise on TV рекламувати по телебаченню
luxury [΄lak∫əri] розкіш; предмет розкоші;
in luxury у розкоші
everlasting вічний, безсмертний; довговічний, міцний; витривалий
to signify [΄signifai] означати, бути ознакою кого-небудь; виражати,
висловлювати, показувати; мати значення, бути
важливим, відігравати роль
He signified his wish to pay the Він висловив своє бажання заплатити рахунок за нашу
bill for our meal. їжу.
to conceive [kən΄si:v] 1. задумувати, замишляти; 2. представляти, уявляти;
to conceive a plan to increase придумати план зі збільшення податків
Ancient peoples conceived of the Стародавні народи уявляли землю пласкою (плоскою,
earth as flat. рівною).
profitable [΄profitəbl] прибутковий, вигідний, рентабельний;
profitable business прибутковий бізнес;
mutually profitable взаємовигідний
production [prə΄dak∫(ə)n] виробництво, виготовлення; вироблення; видобуток
production cost (заводська) собівартість;
process of production, production виробничий процес; технологія;
production engineering організація виробничого процесу; технологічне проектування;
production line потокова лінія; технологічна лінія
to look back 1. оглядатися; звертатися до минулого (подумки),
згадувати; 2. відставати; стояти на одному місці
abroad [ə΄bro:d] за кордоном; за кордон;
to go abroad поїхати за кордон;
to travel abroad подорожувати за кордоном

E. Fill in the correct word.

battle royal; alike; suspense; succeeded; dismissed; competed; went on to; rivals;
anticipation; giants; knee; strength; culmination; prove; calculating; apart; although;
muscles; destiny; objective; desire; altitudes; signified; worship; injury; sharing; sidelines;
implied; campaign; fear
1. Can you _______ your theory? 2. The twins are as _____ as two peas in a pod. 3. He’s happy
to have _______ in his chosen career. 4. The scandal did considerable ______ to the campaign.5.
Jim ________ with the world’s best runners in the Games, and did well to come third. 6. There's
been an atmosphere of __________ round here for some days. 7. The trees were planted three
metres ______. 8. We are ______ for first place in the race. 9. In those ________ the air is thin.
10. The child sat on her father’s ______. 11. The coach stood on the _________ yelling
instructions to the players. 12. Their father’s illness kept them in a state of _________. 13.
__________ traditionally refers to a fight involving three or more combatants that is fought until
only one fighter remains standing. 14. Einstein is one of the _______ of twentieth-century
science. 15. He is a cool, _____________ and clever criminal. 16. The little boy hated
_________ his toys. 17. Do you have the ________ to lift this weight? 18. He was __________
as incompetent. 19. _________ brought them together. 20. I have no ______ ever to see him
again. 22. She _________ become a senator. 23. His ________ was to play golf and win. 24.
This week’s events are the __________ of a long-running row between the two countries. 25. He
has well-developed ___________ in his arms. 26. Flying was his greatest _____. 27. ______ she

was ill, she worked hard. 28. His tone _________ disapproval. 29. A church is a place of
_________. 30. A new _________ has begun to encourage more people to become blood donors.
31. These two approaches ___________ a sharp difference between the men.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. After his book was published, he never looked _______. 2. Some people will succeed ___
their efforts to stop smoking. 3. Preparations ____ the ceremony began. 4. He works ___
isolation but I have no doubts ____ his abilities. 5. She was ___ her knees weeding the garden. 6.
You really ought to watch _____ these weirdoes. 7. Watch ____ ____ a chance to improve your
position in the firm. 8. I have a sudden desire ___ a bar ___ chocolate. 9. She wasn’t very
complimentary _____ your performance, was she? 10. ____ regard ____ your request, no
decision has been made. 11. We are going to launch an advertising campaign ____ our new
product. 12. Religious groups are not allowed to advertise ___ TV. 13. They live ___ luxury. 14.
We now cannot conceive _____ a world without electricity. 15. These two companies are
involved ___ the production ____ the steel pipes. 16. The controversy was ____ the appointment
of the new chairman. 17. He remained in that position no longer than was necessary, ____ fear
____ burning his exposed face. 18. She was tired ____ death ____ living ____ fear. 19. In time
he became more confident ____ success. 20. She slammed the door ____ her ____ all her force.
21. This law is still ____ force.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. at a distance in place, position, or time ________; 2. separately, individually, independently
apart ________; 3. characteristic, special, individual ________; 4. to make or become high or
higher________ ; 5. a mythical figure of superhuman size and strength, esp in folklore or fairy
tales ________; 6. a professional boxer weighing more than 175 pounds (79 kg) ________; 7.
physically fit or strong; muscular or active ________; 8. having or showing confidence or
certainty; sure ________; 9. to take something from (someone) illegally, as by force or threat
of violence ________; 10. to have, use etc (something that another person has or uses); to
allow someone to use (something one has or owns) ________; 11. a building dedicated to
religious ceremonies or worship ________; 12. a dispute where there is strong
disagreement________ ; 13. relating to, or characteristic of sacred things, the Church, religion,
etc. ________; 14. a woman who is engaged to be married ________; 15. to indicate, show,
or suggest ________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. anticipation a. having the same or similar characteristics
2. alike b. the height of a thing above a level, especially above sea level or
above the earth’s surface
3. race c. the condition of being insecure or uncertain
4. rival d. a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied
by symptoms of anxiety
5. altitude e. the state or quality of being physically or mentally strong
6. hurt f. an expectation; the feeling that something is about to happen
7. suspense g. a trip with visits to various places of interest for business, pleasure,
or instruction.
8. strength h. the final, highest, or decisive point
9. psychological i. a competition of speed, as in running or riding.
10. obsession j. relating to the mind or mental activity

11. tour k. opponent, competitor;
12. culmination l. to cause physical pain to (someone or something)

I. Translate into English.

1. Спортсмени з багатьох країн змагаються за міжнародні нагороди. 2. Наша фірма
занадто мала, щоб конкурувати з такою великою компанією. 3. Єлизавета ІІ успадкувала
трон 1952 року. 4. Нам вдалося дістати квитки на концерт. 5. Я можу довести, що я прав.
6. Друзі зазвичай схожі у своїх смаках. 7. Вона бере участь у скакових перегонах
наступної неділі. 8. Ці події були в центрі уваги засобів масової інформації. 9. Партія
складається з конкуруючих груп. 10. Хлопці вирушили додому. 11. Яка висота міста над
рівнем моря? 12. Моя рука все ще болить. 13. Дії уряду збільшили напругу в державі. 14.
Він автор, який тримає читача в напрузі протягом усього роману. 15. Він кмітливий
хлопець. 16. Вони розділили гроші між собою. 17. У мене ті самі проблеми. 18. Щось
надало мені сили подолати труднощі. 19. Він відпустив таксі. 20. Ми господарі (master)
своєї долі. 21. Моє найбільше бажання – повернутися додому. 22. Вона зламала дві кістки
на нозі. 23. Його побоювання були безпідставні (groundless). 24. Чоловіка, який учора
намагався пограбувати банк, уже заарештували. 25. Він добре відомий в артистичних
колах. 26. Хоча він і поспішав, магазин був зачинений, коли він прийшов туди. 27. Його
мовчання означало (припускало) згоду. 28. Я не пам’ятаю точні слова, які він сказав. 29.
Партії починають проводити свої виборчі компанії задовго до виборів. 30. Вона виросла в
атмосфері розкоші та багатства. 31. Хмари вказували на близьку бурю. 32. Я почав
замишляти план нападу. 33. Він жив за кордоном багато років.

Reading 1
1 . Read the text and match the heading with the paragraph. There is one extra heading.
A. Different attitudes to taking part. B. Increased anticipation.
C. Will age be a factor? D. Different styles of training
E. Taking a short break. F. The will to succeed.
G. Alike in many ways. H. Competing again after injury.
I. Not trying to prove anything.

1. ___Tony Rominger and Miguel Indurian the two favourites to win the July Tour de France,
will be miles apart in their preparation for the race. One will stop racing and train in isolation,
while the other will compete in an international race, both decisions highlighting the two
sportsmen’s distinctive training methods.
2. ___Rominger, after beating his rivals in recent weeks in the Tour of Spain, will no longer be
in the public eye when the Spanish competition ends on I5th May in Madrid. The 33-year-old
Swiss will rest for a few days before heading off to the high altitude of Colorado Springs for
three weeks of training.
3. ___Indurian’s main preparation for France will come in the three-week Tour of Italy which
starts on 22 May. He will also race in the three-day Tour de L'Oise in France. It will be only his
second stage race since hurting a knee tendon, which kept him on the sidelines from 4th April
until the Tour of Romandy on 3d May.
4. ___The different paths the pair are taking to prepare for the world’s greatest race has only
heightened the growing suspense for the battle royal between the two cycling giants. Both riders
are intelligent, calculating and share the same strengths. They both knew that the 2004 Tour de
France was going to be like a heavyweight boxing match.
5. ___ But as Rominger’s first public appearance came to an end, he was quick to dismiss
suggestions that his victory in the Tour of Spain was to show Indurian that he was better
prepared than him. ‘This psychological business doesn’t interest me,’ he said. ‘Indurian has his
road and I have mine.’
6. ___ Whatever Indurian’s destiny in the Tour of Italy, Rominger believes the Spaniard is the
man to watch out for. He dismisses any idea that his main rival may be less fit this year. He also
thinks Indurian’s desire to win means that whatever happens in the Italian race, he will be ready
in France. He is the one to beat.
7. ___ Rominger went on to say: ‘Indurian has nothing but the Tour de France on his mind. For
me the tour is not an obsession but an objective.’ Rominger seems to see the Tour as more of a
step up in his career than the culmination of a lifetime's athletic ambition.
8. ___ Indurian uses equally complimentary language about Rominger. ‘He started the season
very strongly with wins in the Tour of Pays Basque and the Paris-Nice. At the age of 33, it may
be difficult for him to progress further. Over the past two years, however, he has got stronger and
is far more confident of his ability.’

2. Ask six questions of different types to the text.

3. Find a word or phrase which fits the following definition:

a) a strong desire to be or to do smth _______; b) purpose _______; c) height above the sea level
_______; d ) something which happens to smb, thought as determined in advance by fate
_______; e) thick cord that joins muscle to bone _______; f) lines bounding football pitch, tennis
court at the sides _______.

4. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Rominger will start training in isolation. 2. Indurian won’t race in France. 3. They will use the
same styles of training. 4.The Tour de L'Oise in France will be Indurian’s second stage since he
injured a knee tendon. 5. They both will participate in a heavyweight boxing match. 6. Rominger
is sure that his victory i n the Tour de France proves that he is better prepared than Indurian. 7.
Rominger is thirty-three years old.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. Fill in the gap with the appropriate word(s) from the list:
highlighted, distinctive, culmination, altitude, in isolation, on the sidelines; obsession,
in anticipation of
l. The castle stood _____________ on the hill. 2. Her mother is eccentric and wears
__________clothes. 3. At a(n) ______________ of 400 meters the view is fantastic. 4. The
documentary _______________ the problems faced by the homeless. 5. The students waited
nervously ________________ their results. 6. Her fear of being robbed has become a(n)
_______________. 7. The player was kept ____________ for two weeks because of an injury to
his shoulder. 8. Winning the gold medal was the _____________ of his hard training.

Reading 2
6. Think of the word which best fits each space. Write only one word in each space.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument (0) ___ an area of land called Salisbury Plain – about 7
miles north of the town of Salisbury in England. Stonehenge consists (1) ___ a series of stone
settings arranged (2) ___ a circle and is considered one of the (3) ___ complex stone circles in
the world. Built as a religious temple, Stonehenge was first recorded (4) ___ John Aubrey in the
17th century, although excavation of the site did not begin (5) ___ 1919. Research has shown that
there were three main periods of construction, beginning around 1800 BC and finishing (6) ___

the 15th century BC, when Stonehenge (7) ___completely reconstructed. The fact that the
monument is (8) ___ large implies that many people must (9) ___ worked together in a team to
help build it. There has been controversy (10) ___the exact function of Stonehenge. Although
(11) ___ is no doubt that it had religious importance, it was also known to have a special
significance (12) ___ regard to the sun. Records show that the site was used (13) ___a place of
worship during the summer months and especially (14) ___ June 21st, the Longest day of the
year. Today, Stonehenge is a major tourist attraction and is still believed to have a spiritual force,
(15) ___ to this day.

7. Read the text and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space.
Diamonds are Forever
It has been (0) ___ practice in recent years for a man to buy his fiancée a diamond to 1) ___
their engagement. Diamond rings have been bought by the aristocracy since the 2) ___ of the
century, but until the 1950s they were considered an expensive and 3) ___ accessory for a
working-class wedding. 4) ___, it was around this time that De Beers, the biggest producers of
diamonds in the world, decided that they needed to 5) ___ their market. As a 6) ___ they
launched an advertising campaign which was 7) ___ at couples with a slightly smaller budget. It
was one of the most successful campaigns in the company’s 8) ___. For this campaign, the
advertisers wanted to sell the idea that, 9) ___ diamonds are an expensive luxury, they are also
the 10) ___ of everlasting love. Thus a diamond engagement ring was supposed to signify the
husband’s life-long 11) ___ to his wife. The idea was expressed in the 12) ___ which was first
conceived by De Beers’ advertisers: ‘Diamonds are forever’. This 13) ___ to be highly profitable
because the public bought the idea and 14) ___ bought diamond rings by the thousands. De
Beers, who now have almost total 15) ___ over diamond production worldwide, have never looked
0. A. usual B. common C. average D. regular
1. A. prove B. notice C. show D. mark
2. A. beginning B. first C. origin D. front
3. A. unwanted B. unnecessary C. invaluable D. needless
4. A. Although B. However C. While D. When
5. A. stretch B. grow C. continue D. extend
6. A. fact B. result C. conclusion D. reaction
7. A. aimed B. pointed C. guided D. led
8. A. history B. past C. story D. tale
9. A. even B. but C. although D. nevertheless
10. A. post B. signal C. fact D. symbol
11. A. devotion B. trust C. relationship D. faith
12. A. word B. phrase C. part D. remark
13. A. turned B. proved C. ended D. confirmed
14. A. after B. though C. consequently D. following
15. A. force B. check C. control D. strength

8. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

A really (1) __________ (comfort) thing when you’re alone abroad and surrounded by (2)
___________ (strange) is to receive a letter from a friend or (3) _________ (relate) from home.
It’s always (4) __________ (interest) to know what people are up to. But in responding, the
hardest thing is to (5) ________ (summary) a whole new way of life and (6) ________ (collect)
of ideas, not to mention new friends and unfamiliar (7) ____________ (surround). Those
receiving your letters can never have a full (8) _________ (understand) and your (9) _______

(day) routine, but you can make it clearer by providing a (10) _________ (describe) of these,
adding a (11) __________ (vary) of unexpected details.

9. Write a letter to a friend.
You have recently received a letter where your friend describes his/her favourite sport. Write an
answer mentioning the following items:
 how to keep fit
 what sport(s) you enjoy watching and
 what sport(s) you go in for


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄ethical a΄ccording ,under΄estimate
΄image co΄mmitted ΄share,holder
΄interested be΄haviour be΄lief
΄pressure in΄volve re΄sponse
΄evidence impact de΄mand
΄impact en΄vironment a΄ppreciate
΄sentiment co΄mmunity pri΄ority
΄lucrative in΄centive per΄suade
΄salary con΄cern re΄spect
΄timber pre΄fer e΄normous
΄minefield o΄ppose in΄vestigate
΄editor de΄pend co΄mmittee
΄workshop sub΄contract cri΄teria
΄boundary en΄gage ,repre΄sent

B) Read the words. Mind the stress.

Noun Verb Noun Verb
impact impact import import
increase increase export export
conduct conduct suspect suspect
present present convict convict

С) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb to investigate
environment behaviour
responsible image
to accept pressure
ethical to prefer
committed to assess
chiefly to involve
interested to suspect
evidence to establish
to oppose to oppose

sentiment hiding
apparently to depend
harm to engage
editor to advise
to assess editor
Verb Noun belief
to quote response
to justify to appreciate

Verb/noun Person Negative Prefixes
research underestimate
to hold shares ethical
environment interested
to publish dependent
to oppose responsive

E) Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
to underestimate недооцінювати;
underestimate [,andə΄estimət] недооцінка;
to underestimate smb’s abilities недооцінювати чиї-небудь здібності
power [΄pauə] сила; міць; могутність, сила, влада; можливість; (pl.)
(розумові або фізичні) здібності;
purchasing /buying/ power купівельна спроможність;
her powers of concentration. її здібності до концентрації
to bring about викликати, спричиняти, бути причиною;
to bring about a change in the law викликати зміну в законі
ethical [΄eӨik(ə)l] етичний, який відноситься до етики; моральний;
ethical conduct бездоганна поведінка, бездоганні манери;
the ethical dilemmas of genetic етичні дилеми генної інженерії
according to [ə΄ko:diŋ] відповідно до, згідно з; на підставі якого-небудь;
according to law згідно з законом, за законом;
according to weather forecast за прогнозом погоди
to be committed to [kə΄mitid] бути ідейним, відданим ідеї; з активним та зацікавленим
ставленням до чогось; бути зобов’язаним
behaviour [bi΄heivjə] поведінка; учинки; манери; гарні манери; вихованість;
to exhibit behaviour демонструвати поведінку;
to exhibit strange behaviour дивно поводитися;
abnormal behaviour неадекватна поведінка;
asocial behaviour антисоціальна поведінка;
criminal behaviour кримінальна поведінка;
diplomatic behaviour дипломатичні манери
image [΄imidЗ] зображення, образ, імідж, престиж;
virtual image уявне зображення, відбиття
The tobacco industry has been Тютюнова промисловість намагається покращити свій
trying to improve its image. престиж.
He is the image of his uncle. Він копія свого дядька.

chiefly [΄t∫i:fli] головним чином, особливо; переважно, в основному;
насамперед; найбільше
We are chiefly concerned with Ми, головним чином, займаємося добробутом дітей.
the welfare of the children.
to be interested in цікавитися, бути зацікавленим;
I am interested in politics. Я цікавлюсь політикою.
shareholder [΄∫εə,həuldə] власник акцій, акціонер
to involve [in΄volv] включати, містити; залучати, втягувати, уплутувати;
to involve smb in a project залучати когось до проекту
pressure [΄prε∫ə] тиск, вплив; надмірна експлуатація або використання;
натиснення, надавлювання; стискування;
pressure of taxation податковий тиск;
atmospheric pressure атмосферний тиск;
under pressure of smth. під тиском чогось;
to face pressure стикатися зі спротивом
evidence [΄evid(ə)ns] свідчення; доказ; підстава; дані, факт(и); показання
свідка або обвинувачуваного;
evidence against свідчення проти;
conclusive evidence неспростовні (невідпорні) докази
to face 1. стикатися; зустрічати що-небудь сміливо; 2. знаходитися
обличчям до; бути зверненим до; дивитися в обличчя
to face the facts прямо дивитися фактам в обличчя
Let’s face it! Давайте подивимося правді в очі!
My house faces the park. Мій будинок стоїть біля парку.
impact [΄impǽkt] / to impact (n.) вплив; наслідки; удар, поштовх, імпульс;
[im΄pǽkt] (v.)впливати; щільно стискати, ущільнювати; ударятися;
to have an impact (upon) on мати вплив на когось, щось
environment [in΄vaiər(ə)mənt] (навколишнє) середовище, оточення;
moral environment моральна атмосфера, моральний клімат;
to clean up environment очищувати навколишнє середовище;
to preserve / protect the environment зберігати навколишнє середовище;
to pollute the environment забруднювати навколишнє середовище
community [kə΄mju:niti] 1. громада, община; група населення (об’єднана за
релігійною, расовою або національною ознакою); 2.
співтовариство; об’єднання; співдружність;
the community суспільство;
scientific community наукова громадськість; наукові кола;
business community ділові кола
incentive [in΄sentiv] (n.) спонукальна причина, стимул, спонукання; (adj.)
спонукальний, стимулюючий; надихаючий;
powerful / strong incentive сильний стимул;
to offer an incentive спонукати; стимулювати;
to have no incentive to work harder не мати стимулу для більш наполегливої роботи
to concern [kən΄sə:n] 1. турбувати, хвилювати;
to be concerned about smth бути стурбованим, схвильованим стосовно чогось;
to concern with smth 2. займатися, цікавитися;
to concern smth / smb 3. стосуватися чогось / когось;
as concerns що стосується
to bear out [bεə] – bore – born / підтримувати; підтверджувати, підкріплювати
Te witness will bear me out. Свідок підтвердить мої свідчення.
sentiment [΄sentimənt] 1. почуття; дух (твору мистецтва на противагу формі);

2. сентиментальність; 3 (pl.) думка, відношення, настрій;
public sentiments громадська думка;
patriotic sentiment почуття патріотизму;
the sentiment of pity / respect почуття жалю / поваги;
to express a sentiment виразити думку;
to show sentiment проявити почуття
poor [puə] бідний, незаможний; нещасний; поганий, низької якості; кепський;
one of the world’ poorest countries одна з найбідніших країн світу;
goods of poor quality товари низької якості;
poor health погане (слабке) здоров’я;
poor eyesight / hearing / memory поганий зір, слух, погана пам’ять
His English is very poor. Він погано говорить англійською.
the poor бідні (люди)
record [ ] 1. факти, дані про кого-небудь; характеристика,
репутація; досягнення; результати діяльності; 2. запис, 3.
реєстрація, облік;
record management документознавство, діловодство
record clerk, record keeper реєстратор, діловод;
sound record фонограма, звукова доріжка;
good academic record гарна академічна характеристика;
to record [rі΄ko:d] 1. записувати, протоколювати; заносити до списку, до
реєстру, до протоколу; реєструвати; 2. записувати на
плівку, платівку; записуватися (про звук)
The camera records badly. Камера погано записує.
lucrative [΄lu:krətiv] прибутковий, вигідний;
a lucrative marketing strategy прибуткова стратегія маркетингу
salary [΄sǽləri] платня, оклад; заробітна плата службовця;
to draw / earn / get / receive a salary отримувати зарплату;
to cut / reduce / slash salaries скоротити зарплату;
to pay a salary платити зарплату;
fixed salary твердий оклад; фіксована зарплата
to establish [is΄tǽbli∫] встановлювати; створювати (умови); засновувати;
створювати, організовувати;
to establish contact / relationship встановлювати контакти, відносити;
to establish the cause of death встановити причини смерті
to oppose [ə΄pəuz] опиратися, чинити опір; бути проти; перешкоджати,
заважати, протидіяти; заперечувати, не погоджуватися,
as opposed to на противагу чомусь, на відміну від, порівняно;
to oppose new ideas опиратися новим ідеям
hiding [haidiŋ] ховання, переховування; приховування; утаювання
in hiding в бігах;
to go into hiding приховуватися;
information hiding навмисне приховування інформації від користувача
oil нафта; олія, масло (рослинне або мінеральне);
cod-liver oil риб’ячий жир;
volatile /essential/ oils ефірні масла;
crude oil сира / неочищена / нафта
timber (adj.) деревний; дерев’яний; (n.) деревина;
лісоматеріали; ліс
apparently [ə΄pǽr(ə)ntli] явно, очевидно, безсумнівно
harm шкода, збиток; зло, лихо, неприємність;
bodily harm тілесне ушкодження;
to do more harm than good заподіяти більше шкоди, ніж користі
raw [ro:] сирий, неварений; недоварений, недосмажений, не пропечений;
raw materials сировина;
raw milk сире / не пастеризоване, некип’ячене молоко;
raw water сира / недистильована вода;
raw data необроблені дані
to depend залежати; обумовлюватися; покладатися, розраховувати,
to depend on / upon залежати від, покладатися на;
to depend upon smb for advice залежати від чиєїсь поради
debt [det] борг, боргове зобов’язання; заборгованість
debt burden податковий тягар; зовнішній борг;
to collect a debt стягнути борг; борг, моральне зобов’язання
The young family is always in debt. Молода родина завжди в боргах.
to subcontract укладати субдоговір
to engage [in΄geidЗ] наймати, приймати на роботу; замовляти (квиток);
to engage in, on, with займатися (спортом, наукою); брати участь
to engage a room забронювати номер;
to engage a carpenter найняти теслю
human rights права людини;
respect for human rights повага прав людини;
human rights activist / advocate правозахисник;
to uphold human rights добиватися дотримання прав людини
to advise радити; рекомендувати;
to advise smb to do smth радити комусь робити щось
minefield [΄mainfi:ld] мінне поле
editor [΄editə] редактор; завідувач відділом (журналу, газети);
co-editor співредактор (журналу)
to assess [ə΄ses] оцінювати, давати оцінку чому-небудь
The value of this property was Власність була оцінена в мільйон доларів.
assessed at one million dollars.
workshop майстерня; цех; робоча група; семінар; симпозіум;
to conduct a workshop on smth проводити семінар з чогось
She runs a writing workshop for Вона проводить семінари для жінок.
belief [bi΄li:f] віра, довіра; переконання; вірування;
to express a belief виразити довіру;
to shake one’ belief похитати довіру;
to give up one’ belief перестати віри;
false / mistaken belief помилкове, хибне переконання;
a belief in personal liberty віра в особисту свободу
boundary [΄baund(ə)ri] кордон; межа; обмежувальна лінія (поля);
common boundary спільний кордон;
to draw / fix / set a boundary провести кордон
response [ri΄spons] відповідь; реакція; реагування; відгук; почуття у відповідь;
in response to у відповідь на;
to elicit / evoke a response витягувати відповідь
demand [di΄ma:nd] вимога, наполегливе прохання; потреба; попит;
excessive demands надмірні запити;
demand for higher pay вимога підвищити зарплату;
reasonable demand розумна вимога;
legitimate demand законна вимога;

to meet / satisfy smb’s demands відповідати вимогам / задовольняти попит:
to be in demand користуватися попитом;
demand and supply попит та пропозиція
issue [΄i∫u:] питання, проблема; питання, яке становить предмет
a point at issue спірне питання
logging заготівля лісу; трелювання (лісу)
genetically modified food генетично модифікований продукт
labour [΄leibə] праця; труд; робота, завдання; задача (важка);
labour legislation трудове законодавство;
labour contract трудовий договір
to appreciate [ə΄pri:∫ieit] цінувати, високо оцінювати; бути вдячним за що-небудь;
гідно оцінювати; розуміти значення; добре розбиратися
Your early / prompt reply will be Ми будемо дуже вдячні за швидку відповідь.
very much appreciated.
priority [prai΄orəti] пріоритет; старшинство, першість; передування;
порядок черговості, черговість; терміновість;
priority right(s), right of priority переважне право;
to establish / set a priority розставити пріоритети, зазначити систему цінностей;
to re-examine / rethink priority переглянути систему цінностей;
to reorder / sort out one’s змінити пріоритети
to justify [΄dЗastfai] виправдувати, знаходити виправдання; підтверджувати
to fob off обманути, надурити
to quote [kwəut] цитувати, посилатися (на автора); відкривати лапки,
брати в лапки
Then suddenly he quoted a line Потім, несподівано, він процитував рядочок з п’єси.
from the play.
to persuade [pə΄sweid] переконувати; схиляти, умовляти
Try to persuade him to come. Спробуй умовити його прийти.
to respect [ri΄spekt] / respect (v.) поважати, шанувати; дотримуватися; не порушувати;
(n.) повага;
to respect smb’s privacy поважати чиєсь право на особисте життя
value [΄vǽlju:] цінність; важливість; корисність; вартість;
moral (artistic) values моральні (художні) цінності;
value for money цінність у порівнянні зі сплаченою сумою
enormous [i΄noməs] величезний, грандіозний;
an enormous fortune величезне багатство
to sort out улагоджувати, утрясати (проблеми); розбиратися (у
проблемі, непорозумінні)
acceptable [ə΄ksept(ə)bl] прийнятний, підходящий; бажаний; терпимий, припустимий
completely / fully acceptable повністю прийнятний
to investigate [in΄vestigeit] розслідувати; розглядати (справу); дізнаватися,
досліджувати; вивчати (питання); стежити, вистежувати;
to investigate a crime розслідувати злочин
mission [΄mi∫(ə)n] місія; мета життя; покликання; доручення; відрядження
mission statement задекларовані цілі;
goodwill mission місія доброї волі;
rescue mission рятувальна місія
to benefit [΄benifit] приносити користь, допомагати; благотворно впливати;
приносити вигоду, прибуток; отримувати користь,
допомогу; мати зиск
You will benefit from her good Її гарний приклад допоможе вам.
flat плоский, рівний, гладкий;
flat roof плоский дах
network мережа (залізнична, каналізаційна, радіотрансляційна,
network of espionage шпигунська сітка

F. Fill in the correct word.

apparently; power; sentiment; committed; involves; ethical; pressures; community; face;
behaviour; underestimate; depend; incentive; assessed; image; oppose; poor; chiefly;
timber; evidence; record; lucrative; human rights; issues; environment; appreciate; raw
materials; demand; brought about; impact; bear
1. By his own efforts, Charles Fox __________ the fall of the government. 2. They were
________ to follow orders. 3. He was asked to explain his extraordinary _________. 4. Would it
be _______ to lie to save a person’s life? 5. He no longer has the _______ to walk.6. Never
_________ what you can learn from a group of like-minded people. 7. She looked at her
_______ in the mirror. 8. The committee was composed ________ of grey-haired old gentlemen.
9. His job _________ a lot of travelling. 10. The ________ of modern life are great. 11. The
lawyer produced conclusive _________ that the accused could not have been at the scene of the
crime. 12. You must _______ the truth that the relationship has ended. 13. The film had quite an
_________ on television viewers. 14. We should protect the _______ from destruction by
modern chemicals. 15. He did it for the good of the __________. 16. Hope of promotion was an
________ to hard work. 17. If I tell the judge that I wasn’t there, will you _____ me out? 18. The
song was full of patriotic ________. 19. He was one of thirteen children from a ______ family.
20. I wish to keep a ______ of everything that is said at this meeting. 21. Many of them have
found ________ jobs in private security firms. 22. There was a major campaign to ________ the
building of a nuclear reactor. 23. These forests have been exploited for ______ since Saxon
times. 24. ________ the girls are not amused by the situation. 25. What ____________ are used
to make plastic? 26. His decision will ________ on how soon he meets the committee.
26.________________ are the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often
held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality
before the law. 27. The value of this property was _______ at one million dollars. 28. Supply
should rise to meet ________. 29. Is it right for the Church to express a view on political
______? 30. I’d _________ it if you didn’t mention that fact.

G. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. Major changes will have to be brought ______ in British industry. 2. __________ local gossip
(плітки) they haven’t been ____ touch ___ years. 3. My friends and I are interested ____
dancing. 4. He started involving me ___ the more confidential aspects ___ the job. 5. He doesn’t
want to work well _____ pressure. 6. Have the police enough evidence ______ him? 7. They
expect that the meeting will have a great impact ____ the country’s future. 8. The law firm was
concerned ____the building contract. 9. Don’t concern yourself ___ matters that are not your
business. 10. The problem concerns ____us all. 11. The prisoner’s story was borne ___ by his
wife. 12. The cost of these planes is £3 million, ___ opposed ___ the £2 million charged by their
competitors. 13. Whether the game will be played depends ___ the weather. 14. He is ___ debt
to me for a large sum. 15. If I had engaged ___ politics, I should have perished long ago. 16. She
advised _____ her associates. 17. The estate was assessed ____ three thousand pounds. 18.
Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a workshop ____ jazz ____ young artists. 19. My belief ___ you
is as strong as ever. 20. This situation developed ___ response ___ events in Africa. 21. He was

much ___ demand as a lecturer. 22. He gives you value ___ your money. 23. Did you benefit
____ your holiday?

H. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. to estimate (a person, a thing etc) at less than his or its real amount, value, strength etc
_________; 2. representation or likeness of a person or thing; reproduction of an object, such as
one formed by a lens or mirror; a person or thing that resembles another closely; double or copy;
idea produced by the imagination _________; 3. the owner of one or more shares in a
company_________ ; 4. to meet or be confronted by; to be opposite_________; 5. a fixed
regular payment made by an employer, often monthly, for professional or office work
_________; 6. any of a large class of viscous liquids that are typically very slippery and greasy
_________; 7. the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material _________; 8. it
appears that; as far as one knows; seemingly _________; 9. physical or mental injury or damage
_________; 10. to make a contract assigning to another party some obligations of a prior
contract _________ ; 11. to judge the worth, importance, etc., of smth; to evaluate; to estimate
the value of (income, property, etc.) _________; 12. something that indicates the farthest limit,
as of an area; border _________; 13. a reaction, as that of an organism or any of its parts, to a
specific stimulus _________; 14. a subject for discussion and argument _________; 15. difficult
work or effort _________; 16. prime concern, first concern, primary issue, most pressing matter
_________; 17. to cheat or deceive (another) _________; 18. to cause to believe; convince
_________; 19. the person who determines the final content of a text (especially of a newspaper
or magazine) _________

I. Match the words with their definitions.

1. to bring about a. a forceful consequence; a strong effect;
2. behaviour b. motivating influence; stimulus
3. impact c. to relate to; be of importance or interest to;
4. environment d. producing a profit; profitable; remunerative
5. community e. to cause to happen
6. incentive f. delicate or romantic emotion; a thought, opinion, or attitude
7. to concern g. to create or set up (an organization, etc.) on or as if on a permanent
8. sentiment h. manner of conducting oneself
9. record i. the people living in one locality; a group of people having cultural,
religious, ethnic, or other characteristics in common;
10. lucrative j. the state of concealment
11. to establish k. an account in writing, preserving knowledge or information about
facts or events
12. hiding l. external conditions or surroundings, esp. those in which people live or

J. Translate into English.

1. Ніколи не недооцінюйте свого суперника. 2. Різні політичні групи борються за владу в
нашій країні. 3. Вони грали за правилами. 4. Ми хотіли б, щоб ви пояснили свою дивну
поведінку. 5. Вона точна копія своєї сестри. 6. Ви цікавитесь малюванням? 7. Він
погодився під тиском. 8. Поліція каже, що немає доказів боротьби. 9. Він стикається з
багатьма проблемами на роботі. 10. Книга мала сильний вплив на моє мислення. 11.
Нещасливе домашнє оточення може привести підлітка до злочину. 12. Немає ніякого
стимулу вживати таких засобів. 13. Ця справа тебе не стосується. 14. Я стурбований
вашою поведінкою. 15. Ми зацікавлені в цьому контракті. 16. Результати тестування
підтвердили наші очікування. 17. Вона народилась в бідній родині. 18. У мене поганий зір.
19. Ведіть запис всіх своїх платежів. 20. Зарплата секретаря в Лондоні достатньо висока.
21. Вони заснували школу в 1890 році. 22. Будинок побудований із дерева. 23. Очевидно,
вони не знали одне одного. 24. Ліки можуть заподіяти більше шкоди, ніж користі, якщо ви
приймаєте занадто багато їх. 25. Він по вуха в боргах. 26. Я б не порадив вам їхати туди.
27. Він редактор жіночого журналу. 28. Чи можете ви оцінити мої шанси на виграш? 29.
Наш будинок знаходився на західному кордоні лісу. 30. Книги користуються великим
попитом у нашій країні. 31. Я дуже ціную вашу допомогу. 32. Пріоритетом уряду повинне
бути краще піклування про здоров’я. 33. Це рішення було повністю виправдане
економічною ситуацією. 34. Багато людей цитують Біблію, навіть не усвідомлюючи це.
35. Нарешті він переконав нас купити цей будинок. 36. Усі поважають його за чесність.
35. Такого типу проблеми улагоджує директор. 36. Поліція розслідує причини вибуху

Reading 1
1. Read the following magazine article and answer questions 1 – 6.
How to Choose an Ethical Employer
Students and graduates shouldn’t underestimate their power to bring about change by
choosing an ethical employer.
According to some research findings published this week, we should be slightly sceptical
when large companies say that they are committed to ‘socially responsible behaviour’. Such
companies could actually be chiefly interested in their public-relation image. They make these
claims as a way of attracting customers and shareholders who want to be involved in a business
that is ‘ethical’. The reason does highlight one positive trend, however. It seems that companies
which claim to be socially responsible are facing increasing pressure from their employees to put
these principles into practice. What’s more, the researchers say there is even evidence to suggest
that those companies which continue to have a negative impact on the environment and on the
communities in which they work may fail to attract the most able candidates in the job market.
Could this be an incentive for them to change their ways, and an opportunity for young people to
have some influence?
‘I think most people who are concerned about society or development as a whole want to work
for a company whose policies are not hurting parts of society or stopping their development,’
says Rachel Hare, a student at London University. Another survey, this time by graduate careers
publisher Axiom Software, bears out these sentiments. It found that 79% of UK graduates would
prefer not to work for a company with a poor ethical record. What’s more, over half of UK
graduates said they would choose a job which fitted their ethical principles rather than one with a
more lucrative salary or prospects – despite having student debts to pay off. But establishing
which companies are truly socially responsible, as opposed to those simply hiding behind their
publications image, is not an easy task.
Some companies involved in oil, tobacco and timber have been criticized for their behaviour,
but many apparently harmless companies may be equally irresponsible. It depends where they
invest, where their raw materials come from and to whom they sub-contract work. Some
companies have what’s known as a Company Social Responsibility (CSR) policy; others go as
far as to engage the services of highly qualified consultants to advise them on human rights and
environmental policies. ‘It’s a potential minefield for students,’ says Lauren Steadman, co-editor
of Ethical Consumer Magazine. ‘We got lots of calls asking for help in assessing whether or not
a company is ethical.’
But to be sceptical, students need to be informed. It was in response to a growing demand for
advice on such issues that the first ethical careers service in the UK, People and Planet, was set
up. Manager Helen Wallis tours universities giving workshops for students on how they can find
a job that fits with their beliefs. Everyone has their own idea of what is ethical, and what one
person will question, another will accept. For example, Tom Chance from Reading University
has his own boundaries: ‘I wouldn’t work for an oil company full stop. I don’t think I’d ever be
that desperate for a job. I wouldn’t work with anything to do with logging, genetically modified
food or child labour.’ Other students appreciate the chance to talk through the issue to arrive at
their own particular priorities.
Once an individual has sorted out in their own mind what they consider to be acceptable
working practices, Helen helps them investigate whether the company they are interested in is
living up to those standards. ‘You can find out what social and environmental policies the
organization has by looking at its reports and mission statements,’ she says. ‘Then look at its
website or annual review for proof that those things have been achieved. You can also look for
facts it’s not going to be publicizing by doing your own web search. Has there been anything in
the media criticizing their practices, or are there independent reports from campaigning groups
and charities?’ says Helen. ‘Finally, when candidates are asked at interview if they have any
questions, they should take advantage of the opportunity, and not be fobbed off. Companies
should be able to justify what they say they are doing.’
So, students and graduates shouldn’t underestimate their power to bring about change; after
all, most of them will spend more than 17,000 hours of their lives in the workplace. Research by
the Industrial Society a couple of years ago claimed 65% of business would change their policies
if pushed by employees. To quote Helen Wallis: ‘Choosing a socially and environmentally
responsible career and persuading your employer to respect your values has enormous potential
to benefit both community and environment.’

1. What does recent research say to us about companies which claim to be socially responsible?
A. Their claims may not always be very sincere.
B. Their shareholders may not support their principles.
C. Their customers do not really believe their claims.
D. Their employees may not always be aware of their polices.

2. What did Axiom Software discover about graduates in the job markets?
A. Most have unrealistic expectation of ethical employers.
B. Most see financial necessity dictating their choice of employer.
C. Most would avoid working for companies believed to be unethical.
D. Most do not know which companies claim to have ethical principles.

3. In the third paragraph, the writer is suggesting that some companies...

A. may be less ethical than they appear.
B. have tended to be rather unfairly criticized.
C. have misused the services of experts in the field.
D. may not respond well to enquiries about their policies.

4. Through its workshops, the careers service People and Planet aims to...
A. promote a general awareness of the idea of ethical employment.
B. help students to establish their own criteria for judging employers.
C. reach a standard definition of what represents as ethical employer.
D discourage students from working in certain sectors of the economy.

5. Helen Wallis encourages individual students to...

A. share information they uncover about a company’s activities.
B. find independent confirmation of information obtained from the media.
C. look for evidence that a company’s ethical policies are actually effective.

6. In the article as a whole, the writer is
A. critical of employers who have no ethical policy.
B. sceptical about the findings of various research projects.
C. sympathetic towards companies failing to meet ethical targets.
D. supportive of students who wish to work for ethical employers.

Reading 2
2. Read the text and decide which word A. B, C or D best fits each space.
Why don’t the British cycle? Only a quarter of the 0) ___ twenty million bicycles in the
country are thought to be in 1) ___ use. In Denmark, which is flatter but darker or rainier than
Britain, twenty per cent of all journeys are made by bicycles, while in Britain the 2) ___ is only
5%. The government are trying to 3) ___ this. It is hoped that a grant of millions of pounds from
the National Lottery will 4) ___ more people to use their bikes. The money will be used to 5)
___ for a 6,500 mile national network of cycle tracks. Britain needs to 6) ___ environmentally
friendly schemes such as this. The southern third of the country is one of the most 7) ___ areas
of the world. Environmentalists make it 8) ___ to build new roads, and 9) ___ roads are very
overcrowded. One official committee described the growth of motor transport as ‘possibly the
10) ___ environmental threat to the UK’. The 11) ___ of building the cycle track is to motivate
people to use their bicycles instead of their cars. However, the new tracks are being built 12) ___
cities and not through them. This 13) ___ that only long distance journeys may be easier and
safer. Those cyclists who want to 14) ___ inside cities will still be in danger of 15) ___ their
lives on busy roads every time they use their bicycles.
0. A. counted B. numbered C. estimated D. guess
1. A. right B. regular C. normal D. proper
2. A. size B. portion C. figure D. part
3. A. improve B. succeed C. excel D. help
4. A. support B. activate C. boost D. encourage
5. A. cost B. give C. pay D. afford
6. A. do B. introduce C. commence D. make
7. A. full B. loaded C. occupied D. crowded
8. A. rough B. uneasy C. stiff D. difficult
9. A. existing B. prevailing C. living D. left
10. A. hardest B. greatest C. grandest D. strongest
11. A. aim B. function C. design D. course
12. A. from B. in C. among D. between
13. A. tells B. says C. means D. defines
14. A. travel B. wander C. tour D. follow
15. A. expiring B. losing C. missing D. terminating

3. For questions 1- 15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the
number in the answer boxes provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the
word in the answer boxes provided.
Winter Visits to London
0 Every year at Christmas time my parents √
00 pay on a short visit to London. They like on
1 to fly there on a Friday morning and

2 return on a Saturday evening. While been in London
3 they always stay in an expensive hotel
4 close to the Marble Arch. Christmas time may
5 seem a strange time for to visit London.
6 After it all. England in the wintertime can be
7 cold, wet and foggy itself. Sometimes it even
8 snows. However, my parents like going
9 because, despite of the cold weather,
10 there is a lots to do. My mother goes
11 in order that to visit the shops and buy
12 presents, my father does enjoys visiting the
13 museums and art galleries, and they
14 both like to visiting the theatre in the evening
15 when the streets are being lit with Christmas lights.

4. Write a letter to a friend.
Your friend asked you to give advice how to prepare for an English exam in the best way.
Mention the following items:
 your experience of organizing the work
 daily routine before the exam

5. Write a letter of application for a job.

Mention your age, school and other experience you think may help you to get the job; any
special qualification you have for the job. Anything else you think should be in the letter.


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄memory de΄termined e΄quipment
΄wholesale ad΄mire celeri΄ac
΄carpenter con΄vert ,kohl΄rabi
΄glazier i΄nitial en΄grave
΄margin a΄pproach ec΄centric
΄venture ex ΄pense bi΄zarre
΄reckon a΄fford a΄ssociate
΄content co΄llect re΄liable
΄turnip in΄sanity ,perso΄nality
΄parsnip psy΄chologist de΄cide
΄salsify ta΄ttoo in΄vest
΄mental de΄pression em΄ploy
΄suffer a΄broad ad,minis΄tration
΄evidence a΄dvise ,prepa΄ration

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
determined memory
to admire to determine
to convert to admire
initial to convert
widely to laugh
expense to collect
eccentric to suffer
mental to associate
reliable depression
insanity to create
depression to advise
creative to decide

Verb/Noun Person Negative Prefixes
to admire reliable
to engrave able
carpenter likely
craft expensive
to create administration

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
memory [΄mem(ə)ri] пам’ять, здатність запам’ятовувати; спогад, пам’ять про
щось, про когось; посмертна слава, репутація
powerful memory чудова пам’ять;
good memory for names чудова пам’ять на імена;
in memory of smb / smth на чиюсь пам’ять; на пам’ять про когось;
to lose one’s memory втратити пам’ять;
to the best of my memory наскільки я пам’ятаю;
if my memory serves me right / if якщо мені пам’ять не зраджує; якщо не помиляюсь
my memory does not fail me
bitter memories гірки спогади;
pleasant memories приємні спогади;
memories of one’s childhood спогади про дитинство
determined [di΄tə:mind] рішучий, повний рішучості; непохитний; певний,
determined price тверда ціна;
determined resolution тверда рішучість;
determined character рішучий характер
rather than [΄ra:ðə΄ðǽn] краще, скоріше; охочіше, радше, переважніше;
anything rather than... що завгодно, аби тільки не...
I would rather, I’d rather краще б я...; я б охочіше; найпевніше, більш;
it is rather good than bad це найпевніше добре, ніж погано
shell черепашка; шкаралупа; лушпайка; панцир, черепаха
to admire [əd΄maiə] захоплюватися; милуватися; дивуватися
I admire his honesty. Я високо ціную його чесніть.
wholesale [΄həulseil] (adj.) оптовий; (n.) оптова торгівля; (adv.) оптом, за
оптовою ціною;

wholesale company оптова компанія;
by / at wholesale оптом; за оптовою ціною; у масовому масштабі; гуртом,
без розбору;
to throw contempt at a book by огульно осудити книгу;
wholesale business / trade оптова торгівля;
wholesale dealer / merchant оптовий торгівець, оптовик;
wholesale store оптовий склад
to convert [kən΄və:t] перетворювати; обертати; навертати (в іншу віру);
to convert iron into steel перетворити залізо на сталь
spare [speə] / to spare (adj.) запасний, резервний; додатковий; зайвий; вільний;
(n.) запасна частина (машини); запасна шина; запасний
гравець; (v.) берегти, зберігати; заощаджувати,
витрачати ощадливо;
spare room кімната для гостей;
in one’s spare time підчас дозвілля; у вільний час;
-cum- [kam] як компонент складного слова; сполучений, сумісний
office-cum-studio кабінет, який одночасно служить студією;
bedroom-cum-sitting room сумісна спальня та вітальня
carpenter [΄ka:p(ə)ntə] тесля; столяр
frame рамка, рама; каркас, кістяк; остов;
picture frame рама для картини;
frame of society суспільний лад;
frame of government структура уряду
glazier [΄gleiziə] скляр
Is your father a glazier? Ти не прозорий. Ти не зі скла (жарт).
initial [i΄ni∫əl] початковий, первісний; вихідний;
initial speed початкова швидкість;
initial chaos первозданний хаос;
initial cost первісна ціна
to set up споруджувати, встановлювати, ставити; засновувати
They set up a committee. Вони створили (заснувати) комітет.
widely [΄waidli] широко; далеко; на великій відстані; з великими
widely known широко відомий;
to appeal widely for support звернутися за підтримкою до широкої громадськості
He travelled widely. Він багато подорожував. / Він бував в багатьох країнах.
widely scattered розкидані на великій території
margin [΄ma: dЗin] поле (сторінки); край, грань; допустима межа; запас
(грошей, часу, місця); припустиме відхилення від
розкладу (автобусів); (eк.) прибуток;
profit margin розмір прибутку; рівень / межи прибутку;
to write / leave notes / remarks робити нотатки на полях;
on / in the margins
on the margin of poverty на межі бідності
to order [΄o:də] наказувати; розпоряджатися; замовляти
He ordered a hamburger. Він замовив гамбургер.
She ordered the dog to sit. Вона наказала собаці сісти.
to venture [΄vent∫ə] наважитися, ризикнути, зважитися, насмілитися; ставити
на карту;
nothing venture, nothing have/win вовків боятися, у ліс не ходити;

to venture too far зайти занадто далеко; знахабніти;
to venture (on) an opinion (on) наважитися висловити думку;
to venture one’s life (one’s ризикувати життям (грошима)
He ventured into the wilderness. Він наважився зайти в занедбану частину саду.
to approach [ə΄prəut∫] підходити, наближатися; наставати (зима); межувати;
звертатися (з проханням, пропозицією); вступати в
We approached the tunnel. Ми наблизилися до тунелю.
They approached the Вони звернулися з проханням до керівництва про
administration for a raise. підвищення зарплати.
expense [eks΄pens] /[iks΄pens] витрата; (pl.) витрати; рахунок, ціна;
running expenses експлуатаційні витрати;
at the expense of one’s life ціною життя;
at my expense за мій рахунок
range [reindЗ] круг, сфера; низка; серія, ряд; асортимент,
range of influence сфера впливу;
range of vision кругозір (широкий погляд), поле зору;
range of patterns колекція зразків товарів;
range of interests коло інтересів;
mountain range гірський кряж
to reckon [΄rekən] думати, уважати; дотримуватися думки; мати на увазі
Do you reckon we’ll succeed? Ви вважаєте, він досягне успіху?
to afford [ə΄fo:d] мати можливість, могти зробити що-небудь; дозволити
собі (покупку); надавати, давати
I can’t afford it. Мені це не по кишені. (Не з моєю кишенею. За дорого
для мене. Я не можу дозволити це собі.)
I cannot afford the time. Мені ніколи.
to afford great pleasure приносити велике задоволення
craft [kra:ft] ремесло; професія; уміння, майстерність, мистецтво;
the craft of wood-carving мистецтво різьбярства
on your behalf [bi’ha:f] від вашого імені
equipment [i΄kwipmənt] устаткування, обладнання; оснащення; спорядження;
апаратура; знаряддя;
measuring equipment вимірювальна апаратура;
office equipment офісна техніка, оргтехніка;
sports equipment спортивне знаряддя;
military equipment військове спорядження
heavy-duty 1. надміцний; надпотужний; призначений для важкого
режиму роботи; 2. що обкладається великим митом;
heavy-duty truck вантажівка;
heavy-duty compressor компресор великої потужності
Additional Vocabulary
fat [fǽt] (n.) жир, сало, лій; повнота, гладкість, огрядність; (adj.)
жирний, сальний; маслянистий; жировий; товстий,
гладкий, огрядний, одутлий;
Fat товстун (часто як прізвисько); товстуха;
fat cheeks пухлі щоки;
fat fingers товсті пальці;
a fat magazine товстий журнал
content [΄kontent] (pl.) вміст (сумки, кишені); зміст (книги, листа); суть,
основний зміст (пропозиції); частка, відсоток, вміст чого-

небудь у чому-небудь;
fat content вміст жиру;
contents of a book зміст книги
harm [ha:m] шкода, збиток; зло, лихо, неприємність;
(grievous) bodily harm (тяжке) тілесне ушкодження;
to do more harm than good завдавати більше шкоди ніж користі;
to cause / do harm to smb. завдати шкоди / збитків комусь;
There is no harm in doing that. У цьому немає нічого страшного (ніякої шкоди).
turnip [΄tə:nip] ріпа; турнепс
parsnip [΄pa:snip] пастернак
crisp (adj.) хрусткий; розсипчастий; свіжий, твердий; (n.) (pl.)
хрустка картопля (у пакетах); хрустка скоринка
crisp lettuce свіжий салат;
crisp apple соковите та тверде яблуко;
crisp banknote хрустка банкнота
celeriac [silεri΄ǽk] корінь селери;
celery селера салатна
kohlrabi [,kəul΄ra:bi] кольрабі
salsify [΄sǽlsifi] козельці (ботанічна назва)
to mention [΄men∫(ə)n] згадати, посилатися на когось, щось
She mentioned the book to me Вона сказала мені про цю книгу.
Don’t mention it. Нема за що (у відповідь на подяку).
Нічого страшного (у відповідь на вибачення).
not to mention не кажучи вже про…
to laugh [la:f] сміятися;
to laugh at smth сміятися з чого-небудь
stamp марка; штамп, штемпель, печать (на документі)
to collect [kə΄lekt] збирати; збиратися; колекціонувати;
to collect stamps збирати марки;
to collect oneself узяти себе в руки; зібратися з думками
to engrave [in΄greiv] гравіювати; різьбити (по дереву, каменю)
spoon ложка
soup spoon столова ложка;
tea spoon чайна ложка
scarf [ska:f] – (pl.) scarves шарф; кашне
mug кухоль
eccentric [ik΄sentrik] (n.) дивак, оригінал, дивна людина; (adj.) ексцентричний,
чудакуватий, дивний; екстравагантний
mad божевільний, несповний розуму; скажений, навіжений
cave печера
isle [ail] острів, острівець; острів (у назвах)
toe [təu] палець ноги, носок (ноги, черевика, панчохи);
great /big toe великий палець (ноги)
bizarre [bi΄za:] дивний, химерний, ексцентричний
mental [΄ment(ə)l] розумовий, психічний;
mental disorder психічний розлад;
mental home, mental house психіатрична лікарня
insanity [in΄sǽniti] душевна, психічна хвороба; божевілля; неосудність
evidence [΄evidəns] дані, факт(и), ознака (ознаки); свідчення; доказ
to suffer [΄safə] страждати; зазнавати;
to suffer from smth страждати на який-небудь недолік; постраждати;

to suffer from insomnia страждати від безсоння;
to suffer losses зазнавати збитків; зазнавати втрат
to associate [ə΄səusieit]/ асоціювати, викликати асоціацію; нагадувати;
[ə΄səu∫ieit] об’єднувати(ся); спілкуватися;
to associate with smth асоціювати з чимось
a night owl [aul] опівнічник, ‘сова’
an early bird уранішня пташка
a fly-by-night ненадійна особа
a lame duck невдаха; бідолаха
a couch potato лежень, сидень, домосід
a live wire енергійна людина; живчик
the apple of one's eye зіниця ока
the life and soul of the party душа компанії
lively [΄laivli] живий, сповнений життя; веселий, жвавий, моторний,
weak слабкий (фізично); безсилий; кволий, тендітний
reliable [ri΄laiəbl] надійний, вірний

E. Fill in the correct word.

determined; convert; margins; spare; reckons; set up; expense; expenses; approached;
frame; venture; range; crafts; initial; fat; mentioned; afford; laughs; widely; equipment;
1. She kept a picture of her mother in a silver ______. 2. They needed the money to _______a
special school for gifted children. 3. The ________reaction has been excellent. 4. We haven’t a
_______ room for guests in our house. 5. All her _______ were paid by the company. 6. A poet
is one who can ________ ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing. 7. He
travelled _________. 8. These islands are on the __________ of human habitation. 9. He decided
to _________ all his money on the scheme. 10. Few of the workers have _________ the director
about their working conditions. 11. The company has increased productivity at the __________
of safety. 12. She is _________ to finish law school. 12. The two men discussed a _______ of
issues. 13. The city council _______ its library as an important part of public service. 14. We can
_________ to buy a small house. 15. All kinds of traditional _______ are preserved here. 15.
Exports of military ________to Iraq are forbidden under British law. 16. This milk is so ______,
that it makes a cream two fingers thick. 17. Eggs have a high protein ________. 18. His name
was _______ in connection with the invention. 19. A daredevil is that who ________ at danger.

F. Fill in the correct preposition or adverbs where necessary.

1. I have a good memory ____ details.2. He had happy memories ____ his father. 3. Are you
absolutely determined ____ this course of action? 4. He is my sister’s friend really, _____than
mine. 5. He has converted his house ____four separate flats. 6. ___ her spare time she raises
funds ____ charity. 7. The journal was set ____ in 1924. 8. Please write your comments ______
the margin. 9. We ventured _____ the world of high-tech and bought a supercomputer. 10. We
were approaching ___ our destination. 11. He succeeded ___ the expense ___ his health. 12. The
trees on the mountain were ______ my range ___ vision. 13. I can’t afford _____a new car. 14.
___ behalf of my wife and myself, I’d like to thank you all. 15. There was no harm ___ keeping
the money. 16. A release of radioactivity will cause harm ___ our country’s environment. 17.
They mentioned __ her that they would bring a guest. 18. They laughed ____ our efforts. 19. He
suffers ____ headaches. 20. I always associate the smell ___ those flowers ____ my childhood.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:
1. the hard outer covering of many molluscs; the hard outer layer of some fruits, esp. of nuts
_________ ; 2. to look at with great pleasure and often to express this pleasure; to have a very
high opinion of (something or someone) _________; 3. used between two nouns to designate an
object of a combined nature _________; 4. a skilled worker who makes, finishes, and repairs
wooden objects and structures; to do the work of a carpenter _________; 5. one who cuts and fits
glass, as for doors and windows _________; 6. to come nearer in position, time, quality,
character, etc., to (someone or something) _________ ; 7. an area in which something acts or
operates or has power or control: a variety of different things or activities_________ ; 8. to have
the financial means for _________; 9. made to withstand hard wear, bad weather, etc.
_________ ; 10. physical or mental injury or damage _________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. memory a. more exactly; more correctly
2. rather b. relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first
3. wholesale c. to or over a great extent or range; far; to a great degree
4. to convert d. something spent to attain a goal or accomplish a purpose
5. spare e. to expose to danger; hazard; follow a procedure or take a course
6. initial f. ability of the mind to store and recall past sensations, thoughts, knowledge, etc.
7. to set up g. to consider or regard
8. widely h. in excess of what is needed; additional
9. to order i. the sale of goods in large quantities, as for resale by a retailer
10. to venture j. to begin or enable (someone) to begin (a new venture), as by acquiring or
providing means, equipment, etc
11. expense k. to give a command to (a person or animal to do or be something)
12. to reckon l. to change or adapt the form, character, or function of; transform

I. Translate into English.

1. У нього гарна пам’ять на обличчя. 2. Вона повна рішнчості досягти успіху. 3. Я б
сказав, що він скоріше дурний, ніж злий (wicked). 4. Ми зупинилися, щоб помилуватися
видом. 5. Наша компанія купує та продає товари оптом. 6. Цей диван перетворюється на
ліжко. 7. Він міг би мати запасний ключ. 8. В нашій квартирі кухня сумісна з їдальнею. 9.
Віконні рами були зроблені з дерева. 10. Були деякі труднощі на початкових етапах
будівництва будинку. 11. Вони вирішили заснувати свою власну справу. 12. Її робота
широко відома. 13. Він раніше жив на межі бідності. 14. Він наказав нам встати. 15. Ми
замовили курча на обід. 16. Він поставив на карту (ризикнув) своє життя. 17. Коли я
наблизився до них, вони замовкли. 18. Ми досягли швидкості за рахунок точності. 19. У
нього широке коло інтересів. 20. Він вважається найкращим піаністом в Британії. 21. Вона
не мала можливості розплатитися. 22. Марія навчилася своєму мистецтву приготування
їжі від своєї бабусі. 23. Я телефоную вам від імені мого клієнта. 24. Цей соняшниковий
маргарин (margarine) має той же самий вміст жиру, що й масло. 25. Ці міри, ймовірно,
спричинять більше шкоди ніж користі для нашої економіки. 26. Я не згадав про її
відсутність. 27. Сміється той, хто сміється останнім. 28. Вони вигравірували його ініціали
на срібній ложці. 29. Мене часто мучить безсоння.

Reading 1
1. Read a magazine article. Seven sentences have been removed from the text. Fill in the gaps 1-
7 with the missing sentences from A – I. There is one extra sentence that won’t fit any gap.
Making Mirrors

Viv Thomas, together with her husband Clive, returned to Britain after nearly 30 years of
living abroad with wonderful memories. 1. ____
Determined to use them rather than just keep in a box or throw them out, Viv made a shell
mirror for her bathroom. This was very much admired by friends and neighbours who came to
visit her. 2. ____
That was two years ago. Viv now runs her own small mirror-making business. She buys
shells all over the world through a wholesale company and has converted a spare bedroom in her
house into an office-cum-studio. 3. ____
A local carpenter makes frames for her and a glazier then fits glass inside. Viv does
everything else herself: the design, the initial planning of the frame and then the final making up.
4. ____
Clive is a banker and was able to advise Viv on deciding how much money should be
invested when she decided to set up the business. Around £ 3000 was spent on shells alone. 5.
____ Viv’s main problem was knowing how to market her work more widely.
Local shops could only sell a small number because they had added their profit margin, the
mirrors became rather expensive. However, Viv has now made contract with another company
that makes and sells mirrors of a different type. 6. ____ At such events, the right sort of people
get to see the mirrors and can order them.
Venturing into other areas, Viv plans to approach restaurants and hotels as she thinks her
mirrors might be attractive to them. She has also taken website on the internet 7. ____ It means
Viv doesn’t have the expense of travelling around with her range of mirrors in the back of the
Viv reckons it will take another year before her business starts to make money. 8. ____ She
would like to employ someone to help her with the administration and preparation of the frames,
for example, which would allow her to devote more time to the artistic side.

A. Together they can afford to take stands at specialists exhibitions and craft fairs.
B. This represents about one week’s work and each mirror brings in anything between £100 and
£ 400 for the business.
C. As Viv discovered, it’s a good idea to find a company willing to sell goods on her behalf.
D. Before long, she was being asked to make mirrors for other people.
E. But it didn’t end there, Viv also had to think about equipment such as the heavy-duty.
F. She works there, surrounded by shells of every shape and colour and the other materials
needed to make mirrors.
G. Once this happens, she feels she will be able to concentrate on the side of the business she
H. This is very economical way of selling.
I. She also brought back a huge collection of sea shells collected from beaches around the Indian

2. Think of the word which best fits each space. Write only one word in each space.
We are frequently told these days that we should eat more vegetables (1) _______a part of a
healthy diet. However, a large (2) _________ of people are still not taking this advice. One of
the reason could be that they (3) ________ bad memories of the few vegetables they were forced
to eat by (4) ________ parents when they were children. (5) ________ the other hand, potatoes
are one (6) _______ of vegetables which we are familiar (7) ________ although we do not
perhaps think of them (8) _______ healthy food to eat. Of course, chips are not very good for us
(9) ________ of their high fat content, but potatoes can (10) _____ cooked in many other

interesting ways which do not harm our health. (11) _______ vegetables which we will almost
certainly (12) _________ eaten are carrots, turnips and parsnips. Carrots can be eaten raw, while
parsnips can be prepared (13) ________ potatoes, and baby turnips are crisp and as sweet as
apples when cooked. Alternatively, there are many vegetables in the shops, (14) _________ as
celeriac, kohlrabi and salsify. These may (15) _______ strange to us now, but they are as easy to
cook as (16) _________of other vegetables mentioned and make a delicious change.

3. Write the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

Nowadays, you are more likely to hear 1)____________(laugh) than serious comment when
stamp-collecting is mentioned because it’s no longer 2)_________(fashion). But lots of people
are 3)__________(enthusiasm) about collecting things and find it a 4) ________ (create) way
to spend their time. Souvenirs from holiday 5) __________ (locate), whatever the country, are
6)_____________ (particular) popular with collectors. So are household items with something
special in common which makes them 7 _______ (attract), such as sugar spoons with engraved
pictures, scarves or 8) _______ (colour) mugs. Collecting things is a 9) __________ (social)
activity – great for meeting new people – which may be why it is said to have 10)___________
(psychology) benefits. It is a relaxing and interesting 11) ___________(occupy).

4. Read the text and decide which word A. B, C or D best fits each space.
Eccentric or mad
Traditionally, the British have always been very fond (0) ___ their eccentrics. Even today,
British eccentrics are considered to be the strangest, 1) ___ to American psychologists David
Weeks. 2) ___ the Leopard Man, for example, he lives alone in a cave on the Isle of Skye. He is
tattooed from 3) ___ to toe with leopard spots and 4) ___ a living selling seafood. But is this
bizarre 5) ___ a type of mental illness? It has long been believed that creativity and insanity are
6) ___ . In the last 30 years or so, psychologists have tried to find evidence to 7) ___ this belief.
One study found that creative people have a lot 8)___ common with eccentrics and also that they
are more 9) ___ to suffer from extreme depression, which is often associated with mental illness.
But during David Weeks’s detailed 10) ___ into the personalities of eccentrics, he found that
they are 11) ___ the happiest and healthiest of people. Not 12) ___ do they visit their doctors
much less often than the (13) ___ of us, but they are also usually 14) ___ in several things at one
time, so they always have a 15) ___ in life.
0. A for B about C of D with
1. A concerning B considering C responding D according
2. A Take B See C Watch D Look
3. A head B hair C height D peak
4. A creates B makes C gets D has
5. A action B treatment C behaviour D acting
6. A joined B connected C same D attached
7. A support B hold C give D bear
8. A on B from C in D of
9. A likely B probable C possibly D available
10. A search B research C check D look
11. A among B between C by D apart
12. A only B just C simply D purely
13. A other B most C others D rest
14. A interesting B involving C interested D invested
15. A goal B reason C score D want

5. Match the following idioms with the correct definition.

1. a night owl a. someone who says very little about themselves

2. a fly-by-night b. someone who likes to get up early

3. a lame duck c. someone who spends all their free time in front of the TV
4. a dark horse d. someone who is lively and energetic
5. a cold fish e. someone who you are extremely fond of
6. an early bird f. someone who prefers doing things at night
7. a couch potato g. someone who is weak and depends on others for help
8. a live wire h. someone who is unreliable
9. the apple of one’s eye i. someone who is very lively and entertaining at parties
10. the life and soul of the party j. someone who is unfriendly and unemotional

Additional Reading
6. Read the following explanation concerning hobbies and translate the words in bold into
Hobbies are activities that we do in our spare time. (= free time)

A. Things people play:

cards; board games; chess; musical instruments: guitar, saxophone, piano…
Note: People join clubs (= become members of clubs) where they can play cards and chess.
B. Things people collect:
stamps; coins; antiques [ ], postcards…
C. Outdoor activities:
hiking; hitchhiking; camping; rock climbing; hunting; jogging…
With these hobbies we can use two different verbs, go and do:
We often go camping in the summer. or I do a bit of / a lot of rock climbing in the summer.
D. Creative hobbies:
Caroline makes her own clothes. (= she makes clothes for herself; she doesn’t buy them)
Barbara likes photography.
Brigit is mad about (= really likes) DIY. (DIY = do-it yourself)
Note: When we start a hobby for the first time we often use the phrasal verb take up, and when
we stop doing the hobby for the final time, we often use the phrasal verb give up.
I took up golf when I was fifteen, but I gave it up last year.

7. Write down:
1. three things that people often play _______________________________________________
2. three things that people often collect _____________________________________________
3. five outdoor hobbies which include some physical exercise ___________________________

11. Here are some people talking about their hobbies. Can you guess what hobby is in each case?
1. I usually use colour, but sometimes you get a better effect with black and white. It really
depends on the subject.
2. I really enjoy going round the shops and markets looking for a bargain.

3. I try to practise every day, but sometimes it’s difficult because I don’t like to disturb my
neighbours too much. And one neighbour gets very angry if I play the same thing over and over
4. The great thing is you can do it when you like. I usually do it three or four times a week –
either early in the morning, or after school. I only go for about 25 minutes but it really keeps me
5. Obviously it saves me a lot of money; and in any case, I hate buying things in boutiques [
] because so many things are badly made.
6. I joined a club because I want to get better, and I now play twice a week in the evenings. It has
helped me a lot and I have a much better memory for all the different moves and strategies.
7. I think this is a very common hobby for people like me, who have a house but don’t have
much money. That’s why I started, but now I think I do a better job than many professionals.

8. Complete these sentences with a suitable verb.

1. How often do you _______ jogging? 2. She ________ hiking because she wanted to get more
exercise. Unfortunately, she didn’t like it and she ________ it _____ six months later. 3. She has
always ________ her own clothes; it’s much cheaper than buying them. 4. He ________ old
coins. 5. I _______ quite a lot of rock climbing when I’m on holiday. 6. I learned to _____ the
piano when I was at school. 7. I wanted to improve my chess, so I ________ a chess club. 8. I
don’t really _______ anything in my spare time.

9. Answer these questions.

1. Have you got a hobby? If so, what is it? 2. How long have you had this hobby? 3. Is it an
expensive hobby? 4. Why do you like it? 5. How much time do you spend on you hobbies? 6. Is
it a common hobby in you country? 7. Write down three other hobbies.

10. Write a letter to a friend.
Your penfriend wrote to you about his/her studies at school and asked you about your schooling
and ideas concerning the following items:
 what can be done towards improving education in your country
 what would you do in your school if you were its headmaster
 what qualities a good teacher should have
 description of your favourite school teacher


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄balance re΄vival ,preser΄vation
΄countless so΄lution su΄stained
΄luxury in΄creasingly con΄vention
΄option ex΄change ex΄clusive
΄border ex΄plore dis΄cover
΄chateaux ex΄pand ob΄serve
΄violence ba΄roque com΄plete

΄renovate con΄dition sur΄vive
΄wander un΄spoilt fa΄cility
΄lessen re΄store ,pre΄war
΄benefit de΄pend a΄nemia
΄influx with΄draw ,ano΄rexia
΄prospect pre΄vail en΄courage

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
preservation revival
to count preservation
to increase solution
exchange growth
to explore to increase
exclusive to explore
luxury to discover
to expand to expand
option to observe
condition to survive
to lessen to renovate
benefit to wander
to depend to restore
spectacle to justify
violence to withdraw
to prevail to prevail

Vern/noun Person Negative Prefixes or Suffixes
to earn countable
to explore discovered
to discover complete
cash conditioned
to observe to cover
to depend balance

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
revival [ri΄vaiv(ə)l] відродження; повернення до життя; відновлення сил;
revival of ancient music відродження старовинної музики;
Revival of Learning Відродження, Ренесанс
to balance [΄bǽləns] надавати рівноваги; урівноважувати, зрівнювати;
зберігати рівновагу, бути в рівновазі; балансувати;
to balance oneself зберігати рівновагу;
to balance disadvantage by / with нейтралізувати шкоду від чогось
preservation [,prezə΄vei∫(ə)n] збереження; схоронність; консервування; охорона
building restoration and preservation реставрація та збереження будівель;
the preservation of the country’s охорона національних інтересів країни;
national interests охорона історичних та архітектурних пам’ятників;
architecture and historic preservation охорона природи

preservation of wild-life
to preserve [pri΄zə:v] зберігати, оберігати (зір, мир): підтримувати (звичаї);
зберігати (фрукти); охороняти (від браконьєрів)
beyond [bi΄jond] поза, за межами; удалині; далеко від, далі, на відстані
(указує на знаходження за, по той бік, вихід за межі,
рамки чого-небудь);
beyond the ocean по той бік океану;
it is beyond me це за межами мого розуміння;
beyond reach за межами досяжності;
beyond compare поза всяким порівнянням
solution [sə΄lu:∫(ə)n] вирішення, розв’язання (проблеми); пояснення;
easy solution легке рішення;
satisfactory solution задовільне рішення;
to find a solution to a problem знайти рішення проблеми
to count [΄kaunt] рахувати; підраховувати; перераховувати; брати до
уваги, у розрахунок, враховувати, зважати
to count on (upon) розраховувати на що-небудь, кого-небудь;
countless [΄kauntləs] незліченний, незлічимий
castle [ka:sl] замок; палац
sustained [sə΄steind] тривалий; безперервний; підтримуваний
growth [grəuӨ] ріст; розвиток; приріст; збільшення; посилення;
поширення; плід; продукт, рослинність; поросль;
щетина; урожай
economic growth економічний розвиток;
rapid growth бурхливий розвито
boom [bu:m] бум, швидкий підйом; галас, гучна реклама; ажіотаж
business boom швидкий підйом ділової активності;
economic boom економічний підйом
increasingly [in΄kri:siŋli] усе більше, усе більшою мірою
to account [ə΄kaunt] for пояснювати; відповідати, нести відповідальність;
That accounts for it! От, виявляється, у чому справа!
to rise – rose – risen зростати, збільшуватися, підсилюватися;
to rise by ten per cent піднятися на десять відсотків
exchange / to exchange [iks΄t∫eindЗ]/ (n.) обмін, міна; заміна, зміна; (v.) міняти(ся),
[eks΄t∫eindЗ] обмінювати(ся); проміняти; розмінювати (гроші);
in exchange for smth в обмін на щось;
exchange of salutations обмін привітаннями;
to make an exchange здійснювати обмін;
to exchange dollars for euro обміняти долари на євро
to earn [ə:n] заробляти; приносити дохід, бути рентабельним
earner особа, що отримує зарплату; годувальник; джерело
to explore [iks΄plo:] / [eks΄plo:] досліджувати, вивчати; розвідувати, виявляти,
to explore carefully з’ясовувати;
to explore different cuisines ретельно досліджувати;
куштувати різні кухні світу
sight [sait] 1. гарний вид, прекрасне видовище; (pl.) визначні
пам’ятки; 2. зір; 3. вигляд;
to see the sights оглядати пам’ятки;
long sight далекозорість; далекоглядність;
at the sight of побачивши;

in my sight у мене на очах;
at first sight з першого погляду; на перший погляд;
to disappear / vanish from sight зникнути з поля зору
Out of my sight! Геть з моїх очей!
to bid (bade/bad – bidden) for 1. пропонувати ціну (на аукціоні, торгах); брати участь
(у торгах); 2. вітати когось (якими словами)
John bid ($1,000) for the painting. Джон запропонував 1000 доларів за картину.
to bid good morning / good night побажати комусь доброго ранку, спокійної ночі;
to bid farewell / goodbye попрощатися; сказати «до побачення»;
to bid smb welcome привітливо зустріти когось
convention [kən΄ven∫(ə)n] збори, з’їзд; договір, угода, конвенція;
constitutional convention конституційний з’їзд (конвент);
the importance of observing the важливість дотримання Женевської конвенції про права
Geneva convention on human rights людини
exclusive [iks΄klu:siv] винятковий, особливий; ексклюзивний; розбірливий,
exclusive right виключне право; який виключає, несумісний;
mutually exclusive взаємовиключний;
exclusive standards підвищені вимоги;
exclusive of крім, за винятком;
exclusive of wrappings без упаковки (про вагу товару)
to discover [dis΄kavə] відкривати, робити відкриття; виявляти, знаходити;
to discover a plot розкрити змову;
to discover a solution to the problem знайти рішення проблеми;
to discover prehistoric graves знайти стародавні поховання
luxury [΄lak∫(ə)ri] розкіш; велике задоволення, насолода; предмет розкоші;
pure / sheer luxury явна розкіш;
unaccustomed luxury незвична розкіш;
in luxury у розкоші;
to afford a luxury дозволити собі розкіш
inn готель, кафе; (icт.) постоялий двір; трактир
to pour [po:] лити(ся); наливати; розливати; вкладати (великі гроші);
= to pour out наливати (у чашку, склянку із чайника, пляшки), розливати
Pour me some coffee. Налий мені кави.
He poured out a glass of mineral water. Він налив склянку мінеральної води.
to pour in / out хлинути кудись / звідкись
cash готівка; гроші; каса;
prompt cash негайний розрахунок готівкою;
cash sale продаж за готівку;
cash on delivery оплата при доставці;
cash down за готівку;
in cash при грошах
corner [΄ko:nə] кут, куточок; завулок, закуток; частина, район;
round the corner за рогом; зовсім близько;
to turn the corner повернути за кут;
in every corner повсюди;
the four corners of the earth чотири сторони світу
to expand [iks΄pǽnd] розширювати(ся), розвивати(ся), поширювати(ся)
Air expands when heated. Повітря розширюється, коли нагрівається.
option [΄op∫(ə)n] вибір, право вибору або заміни; предмет вибору;
at your option на ваш вибір;
to keep one’s options open оставити за собою право вибору

to observe [əb΄zə:v] зауважити; спостерігати, стежити за чим-небудь;
помічати; дотримуватися, слідувати чому-небудь;
to observe attentively / carefully відзначати,
to observe a fast уважно спостерігати;
The speaker observed that times had дотримуватися посту; поститися
changed. Доповідач зауважив, що часи змінилися.
border [΄bo:də] to border кордон; межа, грань, граничити, межувати;
closed border закритий кордон;
common border спільний кордон;
open border відкритий кордон;
to cross a border перетнути кордон
The United States borders on Canada. Сполучені Штати межують з Канадою.
to house уміщати, містити; таїти, містити в собі; надавати житло;
жити, мешкати
The gallery houses about 800 works У галереї міститься біля 800 робіт сучасного мистецтва.
of modern art.
to survive [sə΄vaiv] залишитися в живих, вижити, вціліти; зберігатися
She survived her husband by five Вона на п’ять років пережила свого чоловіка.
baroque [bə΄rok] барочний, у стилі бароко; гротесковий; химерний;
baroque art мистецтво в стилі бароко
complete / to complete [kəm΄pli:t] (adj.) повний; закінчений; досконалий; (v.) закінчувати,
complete set повний комплект;
to complete a painting закінчити картину
stage sets сценічні декорації
château [΄∫ǽtəu] / (pl.) chateaux палац, замок
condition [kən΄di∫(ə)n] стан, положення; (pl) обставини, умови;
on no condition у жодному разі, ні за яких умов;
in good condition у порядку, у гарному стані;
bad / poor / terrible condition у поганих умовах (стані)
to cover [΄kavə] покривати; поширюватися; розстелятися; охоплювати;
закривати, накривати; укривати; висвітлювати в пресі
Snow covered the ground. Сніг покрив землю. Сніг укривав землю.
The law does not cover all crimes. Закон не охоплює всі злочини.
They covered 60 miles in two days. Вони пройшли (подолали) 60 миль за два дні.
covered with shame покритий ганьбою;
to cover sports events висвітлювати спортивні події
square [skwεə] площа, майдан; сквер; квартал; квадрат; прямокутник;
market square базарна площа;
the length of the side of a square довжина сторони квадрата
sewage [΄s(j)u:idЗ] нечистоти, стічні води;
sewage system каналізація;
to treat sewage очищати стічні води
to renovate [΄renəveit] підновляти; ремонтувати; реставрувати; реконструювати;
to renovate an old building реконструювати старий будинок
to wander [΄wondə] блукати, мандрувати, бурлакувати; прогулюватися
This man was found wandering about Коли цього чоловіка знайшли, він мандрував без грошей
with no money or papers. та документів.
unspoilt = unspoiled [an΄spoilt] незіпсований; нерозбещений
even [΄i:v(ə)n] (adj.) рівний, гладкий; рівномірний;

even voice монотонний голос;
an even surface рівна поверхня
facility [fə΄siliti] об’єкт або споруда; (pl.) засоби; обладнання; зручності; засоби
обслуговування; можливості, сприятливі умови; пільги;
athletic facilities спортивні споруди;
dining / eating facilities установи громадського харчування;
educational facilities освітні установи;
mechanical facilities технічні засоби / технічне обладнання;
medical facilities медичні установи;
transportation facilities транспортні засоби
to lessen [΄les(ə)n] зменшувати(ся), скорочувати(ся); применшувати;
to lessen the hours of work скорочувати години праці
strain [strein] напруга, навантаження; перевантаження; перевтома
emotional / mental strain емоційна, душевна напруга;
physical strain фізичне навантаження;
strain on relations напруження у відносинах;
under a strain під напругою;
to ease / relieve the strain послабити, зменшити напругу / перевантаження;
to stand the strain витримати напругу
seeker який шукає; мисливець
to restore [ri΄sto:] реставрувати, відновлювати; повертати (на колишнє
місце); повертати до колишнього стану
to restore old customs відродити старі традиції
prewar [,pri:΄wo:] передвоєнний, довоєнний
benefit [΄benifit] перевага, привілей; користь, благо; вигода; благодіяння,
милість, добра справа;
for the benefit заради
influx [΄inflaks] впадання; втікання; наплив; приплив; надходження;
influx of tourists наплив туристів
to depend [di΄pend] залежати; обумовлюватися; покладатися, розраховувати;
to depend on smb for advice розраховувати на чиюсь пораду; залежати від чиєїсь
traveller’s cheques дорожні чеки;
prospect [΄prospekt] вид, панорама, перспектива; (pl.) види, плани на
майбутнє; надія;
good career prospects гарні шанси зробити кар’єру;
excellent promotion prospects чудові шанси отримати підвищення
to withdraw [wið΄dro:] (withdrew – вилучати; віднімати, забрати; відсмикувати;
withdrawn) відмовлятися; відходити, відсуватися;
to withdraw a boy from school забрати хлопчика зі школи;
to withdraw money from a bank забрати гроші з банку;
to withdraw a deputy відкликати депутата;
to withdraw a privilege позбавити привілеї;
Withdraw it! Заберіть назад свої слова!
to withdraw from a line of conduct відмовитися від манери поведінки;
She withdrew her eyes. Вона відвела очі.
note банкнота
coin монета
currency [΄kΛrənsi] валюта, гроші; грошовий обіг;
hard currency тверда валюта / вільно конвертована валюта; дефіцитна
валюта (для даної країни);
soft / free currency неконвертована валюта

traveller's cheque дорожній (туристський) чек
exchange rate курс обміну
vending machine торговий автомат
run-down зубожілий, жалюгідний; розвалений; запущений,
run-down district занедбаний;
зубожілий район
spectacle [΄spektəkl] видовище, сцена; вистава, спектакль;
affecting spectacle вражаюче видовище
violence [΄vaiəl(ə)ns] насильство, жорстокість, примус;
to use violence застосовувати силу (насильство);
to resort to violence вдатися до насильства;
to die by violence умерти насильницькою смертю
to prevail бути поширеним, визнаним, прийнятим; існувати;
переважати, превалювати; панувати; торжествувати,
This is a strange custom that still здобути перемогу
prevails. Це дивний звичай, який досі існує.
anorexia [,ǽnə΄reksiə] анорексія, відраза до їжі, відсутність апетиту
anaemia [ə΄nimiə] анемія, недокрів’я; хирлявість, блідість; слабість,
to develop anaemia захворіти на недокрів’я

E. Fill in the correct word.

preservation; sustained; accounted; solutions; complete; revival; beyond; explored;
growth; rises; increasingly; convention; poured; currency; houses; observe; renovating;
exclusive; counting; exchange; bidding; unspoiled; lessen; castle; restored; influx;
prospects; survive; facilities; balance; covers; even; sights
1. She carefully tried to ________ religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. 2.
________ of wild-life is the activity of protecting the environment from pollution or destruction
3. The plan succeeded _________ all expectations. 4. They were given a guided tour of the
medieval __________. 5. There is no chance of a _________ in car sales. 6. He has the ability to
sort out effective _______ to practical problems. 7. The proposals follow ________ criticism
from teachers. 8. We’re all _______ on you to do the right thing. 9. The market has shown
annual ___________ of 20 per cent for several years. 10. He was finding it __________ difficult
to make decisions. 11. These accidents are __________ for by his negligence. 12. The sun
_________ later in the fall. 13. Can you _________ a dollar note for two 50-cent pieces? 14. The
oceans have not yet been fully _________. 15. I am going to show you the _________ of our
wonderful city. 16. A surprising number of people were ________ for those rather worthless
things at the sale. 17. I flew to Boston to attend the annual ____________ of the Para-
psychological Association. 18. The __________ means of transport on the island was the
bicycle. 19. Tens of millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money has been ________ into this project.
20. Forcing motorists to __________ speed restrictions is difficult. 21. This library _______ rare
books. 22. Few birds managed to _______ the bad winter. 23. He only needs one more stamp to
________ his collection. 24. The history book ________ the years of Eisenhower’s presidency.
25. They spent thousands _________ the house. 26. I made the offshore trip to the _________
island of Cozumel. 27. What recreational _________ are now available? 28. Keep immunisations
to ________ the risk of serious illness. 29. The police __________ the stolen cars to their
owners. 30. There are some problems caused by the __________ of refugees. 31. I had no job,
no education, and no _________. 32. More people favour a single European ________ than
oppose it. 33. The tables are fitted with a glass top to provide an _______ surface.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. They heard footsteps in the main room, ______ a door. 2. There’s no solution _____ this
problem. 3. I’m counting ____ your support. 4. There’s a boom ____ the sales ____ TV sets
nowadays. 5. This accounts ___ his behaviour. 6. The cost of living is reported to have risen ____
two per cent. 7. ____ that time the British pound exchanged ____ $2.80. 8. I faint _____ the sight
____ blood. 9. The dealers were bidding high prices ____ the valuable paintings. 10. Exclusive
____ bonus payments, you will earn this amount. 11. They lived ____ luxury. 12. Would you
like me to pour ____ the tea? 13. Thousands of cars poured _____ London. 14. She hid it away
____ a corner of her room. 15. He waited until the man had turned ______ the corner. 16.
Germany borders ____ France. 17. The office complex can house _____ 25,000 people. 18. He
survived his wife ____ 12 years. 19. She covered her face ____ her hands. 20. The house is
located ____ one of Kyiv’s prettiest squares. 21. She was tired and ______ great strain. 22.
These constant delays are a strain ____ our patience. 23. His decision will depend _____ how
soon he meets the committee. 24. I have withdrawn _____ all attendance at public banquets.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem ________; 2. too
numerous to be counted ________; 3. a large fortified building or group of buildings with thick
walls, usually dominating the surrounding country ________; 4. an increase in size, number,
significance, etc. ________; 5. someone who earns wages in return for their labour________ ; 6.
a large formal assembly of a group with common interests, such as a political party or trade
union ________; 7. belonging to a particular individual or group and to no other; not shared
________; 8. а public lodging house serving food and drink to travellers; a hotel ________; 9.
money in the form of bills or coins________ ; 10. one of a number of things from which only
one can be chosen________ ; 11. to remain alive in spite of (a disaster etc) ________; 12. a style
of architecture and decorative art that flourished throughout Europe from the late 16th to the
early ________; 13. to bring to a finish or an end________ ; 14. representation consisting of the
scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production________ ; 15.
waste matter carried away in drains ________; 16. to restore to an earlier condition, as by
repairing or remodelling ________; 17. to move or travel about, in, or through (a place) without
any definite purpose or destination; 18. to make less; reduce ________; 19. worn and broken
down by hard use ________; 20. having a horizontal surface; flat ________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. preservation a. maintained at length without interruption or weakening;
2. beyond b. to provide an explanation or justification for;
3. sustained c. examine or investigate, esp. systematically; travel around;
4. boom d. to be the first to find or find out about; to reveal or make known;
5. to account for e. farther along in space or time or degree
6. to rise f. indulgence in and enjoyment of rich, comfortable, and sumptuous living
7. to exchange g. the activity of protecting someone or something;
8. to explore h. to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase;
9. sight i. to give up, part with, or transfer (one thing) for an equivalent;
10. to bid j. attraction, place of interest, view, wonder, landmark, monument,
11. to discover k. a period of high economic growth characterized by rising wages, profits,
and prices, full employment, trade, and other economic activity
12. luxury l. to offer (an amount) in attempting to buy something, esp in competition
with others as at an auction

I. Translate into English.

1. Ми робимо все можливе, щоб зберегти мир. 2. Наш будинок – за горою. 3. Їх
досягнення – поза всяким порівнянням. 4. Давайте знайдемо загально задовільне рішення
цієї проблеми. 5. У нашій країні туристи можуть побачити незліченні церкви, собори,
замки та палаци. 6. У нашій країні зараз спостерігається приріст населення. 7. Я не можу
відповідати (нести відповідальність) за ці дії. 8. Знявся вітер. 9. Він повільно підвівся зі
стільця. 10. Сонце встає на сході і сідає на заході. 11. Вони обмінялися здивованими
поглядами. 12. Ми вирішили дослідити стару частину міста. 13. Вона повезла своїх гостей
оглянути пам’ятки Лондона. 14. Мій зір погіршується, я не можу навіть читати. 15. Моя
фірма бере участь у тендері на будівництво нової дороги. 16. Він попрощався та вийшов.
17. Вона всім побажала спокійної ночі. 18. Відпочивати на берегу океану було явною
розкішшю для них. 19. Цей острів був відкритий Джеймсом Куком у 1775 році. 20. Ви
бажаєте заплатити готівкою? 21. Він зачекав, доки чоловік не повернув за кут. 22. Вплив
партії при владі поширюється. 23. У мене не має вибору, тільки послухатися їх. 24. Ви
мусите дотримуватися правил руху, інакше вас оштрафують (to fine). 25. Україна межує з
Росією. 26. Бабуся завжди застилала стіл мережаною (lace) скатертю. 27. Усю ніч ішов
сніг, і вранці всі вулиці та площі міста були вкриті снігом. 28. Тобі треба відпочити, щоб
зменшити перевантаження. 29. Це заради вашого блага. 30. Я вірю в переваги нашої
системи освіти. 31. Ми віримо, що справедливість візьме гору.


1. You are going to read a magazine article about tourism in the Czech Republic. Choose the
most suitable heading from the list (A-I) for each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra
A. Revival attracts business. F. Tourism brings big money.
B. Balancing progress and preservation. G. Small but luxurious.
C. Tourists starting to move beyond Prague. H. Countless castles and old towns.
D. The ideal solution. I. Sustained growth in tourism.
E. A cheap place for a holiday.

1. ___The Czech Republic is enjoying a tourist boom that has become increasingly important to
the country economy. In 2004, tourism accounted for £1.5 billion which is expected to soon rise
by ten per cent. ‘Tourism, one of our top foreign exchange earners, is very important to the
country,’ says Jiri Cech, director of Tourism Department.
2. ___ More than 17 million tourists came to explore the various sights of Prague, known as the
‘Golden City’, in 2004, and the boom continues. Private business people have improved the
Czech capital with new shops, restaurants and cafes.
3.___ Although plans to build a luxurious hotel were opposed, the capital has several of the
world’s leading hotel groups - including Hyatt, Hilton International and Holiday Inn. These
hotels bid for sites and contracts in the Czech capital. ‘We are optimistic about the prospects in
Prague, especially for conventions and meetings,’ says Daniel Durand, manager of the Prague
Hilton Atrium located near the city centre.
4. ___ What makes Prague special, however, are small friendly hotels like the Villa Voyta. This
quiet and architecturally beautiful hotel, built in 1921, has become the first in the country to be
accepted into the exclusive Small Luxury Hotels of the World Association.
5. ___ Foreign tourists are also beginning to discover attractions outside the capital, pouring cash
into the farthest corners of the country. ‘It is very important for us to expand the options available
for visitors exploring the Czech countryside,’ observes Jiri Cech.
6. ___The most popular site after Prague is the south Bohemian town of Cesky Krumlov. situated
above the Austrian border. Its castle houses the oldest surviving baroque theatre in the world,
complete with stage sets, costumes and a library of opera libretti. Thousands of such castles and
chateaux, many in excellent condition, cover the Bohemian and Moravian landscapes, and many
historic towns are renovating their ancient squares. Those looking for unspoilt nature can explore
the Sumava region close to the Austrian and German borders, an area still rich in wildlife.
7.___ The Czech tourism Department is trying to encourage greater investment in facilities
outside Prague to try to lessen the strain on the already crowded capital. What The Minister
would like most is an even spread of tourism across the whole country rather than the
concentration on Prague. Indeed the city is finding it difficult to cope with the tourists in terms of
accommodation, transportation and sewage system. ‘For me the perfect world would be to have
nature lovers wandering in the Bohemian hills, or hiking in the Sudeten mountains, and culture
seekers visiting the castles of Moravia before a stop in the musical city of Prague,’ says Mr Cech.
8.___ There are many destinations to explore in the Czech Republic, which is busy restoring
prewar greatness. Whether the country gets full benefit from the still growing influx of tourists
depends on how successful it is in offering more facilities while preserving its old world

2. Ask six questions of different types to the text.

3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

I. Tourism is one of the main industries that brings profits in the Czech Republic. 2. The
Czech Republic suffers from tourism recession. 3. The capital was refined with new shops,
restaurants and cafes. 4. The world’s leading hotel groups refuse to conclude contracts with
the Czech Republic. 5. The Villa Voyta is quiet and architecturally beautiful hotel. 6. There
are very few places of interest outside Prague. 7. The oldest surviving baroque theatre in
the world is situated in Bohemia. 8. However, it is difficult to find unspoilt nature in
Czechia. 9. Tourism is evenly spread across the whole country. 10. Prague is suffering from
lack of accommodation, transportation and sewage system. 11. The success of tourist
business depends on preserving Czech old world atmosphere.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

4. Fill in the gaps with words from the list below:

convention, influx, bid, wandering, exclusive, prospects, options, boom
1. Famous people usually dine at very ________ restaurants. 2. There was a(n) _______in land
development all over the world during 1980s. 3. A large construction company has __________
for the contract to build the new town hall. 4. They are going to use the Hilton Hotel to hold the
annual teachers’ _________ . 5. Being enthusiastic about your job improves your ________ of
promotion. 6. The authorities will try hard to cope with the huge _________ of visitors to the
Olympic Games. 7. There are various ________ open to someone who wants to study in
England. 8. When I am on holiday. I love ________ through the countryside.

5. Fill in the text with the following words related to ‘money’.

cash, coins, bank, cash card, traveller’s cheques, exchange, withdraw, notes, currency,
exchange rate, credit card
Before going on holiday it is a good idea to go to the 1) ________ to 2) _______ some money,
so that you have some foreign 3) ________ in your pocket when you arrive. The bank will give
you most of your foreign money in 4) ________ but it is also useful to have some 5) __________
in case you want to make a phone call or to buy something from a vending machine. In some
places you may be able to use your 6) ________ to make a phone call. Always check the 7)
_________ so that you know how much money you should be getting per pound! If you do not
want to carry 8) _______ you can convert your money to 9) _______, and in some countries you
can even use your 10) _______ to 11) _______ money.
6. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets.
For an 0) _________ (excite) holiday destination, few cities can compare to New York. From 1)
_______ (fashion) Fifth Avenue to the run-down and 2) ________ (fright) ghettos of the Bronx,
New York is a city of 3) ________ (spectacle) contrasts. However 4) __________ (alarm) it may
seem, it is worthwhile wandering the streets on your own to get the feeling for the 5)
__________ (characterise) areas of the city. Of course it is 6) __________ (advise) to use your
common sense. You should be 7) ________ (caution) when approached by strangers, and always
keep in mind that violence is 8) _________ (prevail) and that acting 9) _________ (afraid) is the
best protection against attack. Keeping this in mind, you can be assured of having a 10)
________ (marvel) time.

7. Write the opposite of the following adjectives.

1. active ___________ 4. legible _________ 7. available ______________
2. existent ___________ 5. religious _________ 8. responsible _____________
3. well-adjusted ___________ 6. moral _________ 9. respectful ______________

8. Read the text and decide which word A. B, C or D best fits each space.
Anorexia is a comparatively new illness and seems to be 0) ___ to the society we live in which
increasingly 1) ___ us on our appearance. The media encourages us to try to be 2) ___ and
beautiful. Falling short of these criteria can put enormous 3) ___ on the majority of us who are
less than 4) ___ . Each year there are estimated to be at 5) ___ 2,000 new cases of anorexia.
About one sufferer in ten is male, but most anorexics are females in their teens and twenties
who suffer 6) ___ a distorted self image, feeling fat and ugly, 7) ___ slim and attractive they
may appear to others. Though constantly hungry, anorexics attempt to gain 8) ___ of their lives
by 9) ___ to eat. The problem commonly 10) ___ in teenage years, when responsibilities
increase. In 11) ___ cases, it can 12) ___ anaemia, heart and kidney problems and, in almost a
fifth of the cases, death by starvation or secondary infection. Treatment 13) ___ encouraging
patients to 14) ___ weight by providing counseling and therapy which, in essence, guides the
sufferers 15) ___ a normal life.

0. A. resulted B. linked C. caused D. developed

1. A. watches B. judges C. measures D. criticises
2. A. narrow B. slight C. light D. slim
3. A. pressure B. tension C. weight D. force
4. A. exact B. perfect C. excellent D. good
5. A. minimum B. less C. least D. more
6. A. by B. from C. of D. for
7. A. whether B. either C. moreover D. however
8. A. control B. direction C. power D. authority
9. A. forbidding B. refusing C. rejecting D. denying
10. A. develops B. delivers C. turns D. takes
11. A. enlarged B. extended C. prolonged D. expanded
12. A. lead B. catch C. cause D. give
13. A. considers B. involves C. concerns D. deals
14. A. put B. win C. earn D. regain
15. A. in B. from C. at D. towards

9. Write a letter to a friend.
Your English-speaking penfriend is coming to Ukraine. She / He asked you to give her/him the
information about your country. Write your answer mentioning the following points:
 population, territory, climate, national flag;
 Ukraine’s place in Europe;
 rules concerning daily life, places to stay at and to see.


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄origin ex΄tend a,ccommo΄dation
΄socialize no΄torious ,fast-΄forward
΄refuge im΄pressive ,inspi΄ration
΄desperate lu΄xurious a,ssoci΄ation
΄reasonably dis΄creet ,inter΄national
΄resident cu΄rator Ja΄cuzzi
΄uniform re΄wind ho΄tel
΄casual en΄sure ,admi΄ration
΄sculpture pre΄caution con΄tain
΄content re΄ligious pres΄tigious
΄commentary o΄riginally ex΄plain
΄average pro΄fessional ,refu΄gee

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
origin origin
to extend to extend
desperate to furnish
reasonably inspiration
impressive commentary
resident to ensure
luxurious to locate
casual danger
theme resident
to talk association
danger admiration
local to contain
religion to explain
prestigious symbol

Vern/noun Person Negative Prefixes or Suffixes
to socialize home
refuge extended
resident reasonably
account to include
commentary original

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
origin [΄oridЗin] походження; джерело; початок; вихідна точка;
of humble origin першопричина;
theories about the origin of life простого походження (не знатного);
the origin(s) of the English теорії про походження життя;
language походження англійської мови
to mind [maind] заперечувати, бути проти (у питальних та заперечних
реченнях, а також у стверджувальних відповідях);
I don’t mind if you go. Я не проти, щоб ти пішов.
He doesn’t mind the cold. Він не звертає уваги на холод.
Do you mind my smoking? Ви не проти, якщо я закурю?
I don’t mind it a bit. Ні, зовсім.
Yes, I mind it very much. Так, я сильно (дуже) проти цього.
shelter [΄∫eltə] укриття, прикриття, захист; дах, пристановище, притулок;
bomb / air-raid shelter бомбосховище;
to find / take shelter знайти притулок, пристановище;
to afford/give/offer/provide shelter дати притулок;
to seek shelter from smth. шукати притулок, захист від чогось
homeless бездомний, безпритульний;
the homeless безпритульні (as collective noun)
to extend [iks΄tend] продовжити, відтягнути; пролонгувати; тривати;
простягати, розширювати
The forest extends beyond the Ліс тягнеться за кордон.
His power extended over the Його влада поширилася всією країною.
whole country.
His schooling extended for three Його навчання тривало три роки.
extended stay тривале перебування, знаходження
to socialize [΄səu∫(ə)laiz] спілкуватися, зустрічатися; бувати в товаристві
The old man hates to socialize. Старий не любить спілкуватися.
single єдиний, один; одиночний; непарний; самотній;
неодружений; придатний для одного напрямку (про
проїзний квиток)
single room номер, кімната на одного;
double room номер, кімната на двох
refuge [΄refju:dЗ] пристановище, захисток, притулок; порятунок;
to find / take refuge знайти притулок;
to give / provide refuge дати притулок;
to seek refuge шукати притулок;
to take refuge from the storm рятуватися від бурі;
refugee біженець;
a refugee camp табір біженців
aid [eid] допомога; сприяння; підтримка;
in aid of у підтримку, на допомогу;
to extend / give / offer / provide aid пропонувати допомогу;
to come to smb’s aid прийти комусь на допомогу;
to cut off / withdraw aid відмовитися від допомоги;
to administer/give/render first aid надати першу допомогу;
generous aid щедра допомога;

urgent aid невідкладна допомога
basis [΄baisis] (pl.) bases [΄baisi:z] основа; підстава; базис;
on the basis of на основі;
basis for основа, базис чогось;
on a good neighbourly basis на основі добросусідських відносин;
on a weekly basis щотижня
basic [΄baisik] основний, головний, найістотніший; елементарний,
basic need основна, головна потреба;
basic principles основні потреби;
the basic hotel room простий номер готелю (без розкоші)
charge [t∫a:dЗ] / to charge ціна, плата (часто за послуги); призначати ціну, брати
free of charge безплатно, безоплатно;
no charge for admission вхід безплатний;
extra charge додаткова плата
They charged us ten dollars for it. Вони взяли з нас 10 доларів за це.
drug [drag] 1. ліки, засіб; медикамент; зілля; 2. наркотик;
drug addict / fiend [΄fi:nd] наркоман;
to take a drug приймати ліки;
to take drugs приймати наркотики;
to be on drugs приймати наркотики регулярно, бути наркоманом
desperate [΄despərit] 1. розпачливий; доведений до розпачу, відчаю;
безрозсудний; 2. безнадійний, безвихідний;
desperate situation безвихідна ситуація;
desperate need крайня потреба
accommodation житло, приміщення; розміщення; притулок,
[ə,komə΄dei∫(ə)n] пристановище; стіл, нічліг; розквартирування;
furnished accommodations мебльовані кімнати;
hotel accommodation номер у готелі;
travel accommodation готель у місцях зупинок під час подорожі
budget [΄badЗit] бюджет; фінансовий кошторис;
household budget сімейний бюджет;
to be on a budget бути обмеженим у витратах
shared bathroom ванна спільного користування;
to turn into перетворювати когось, щось на когось, щось,
to turn cream into butter робити масло з вершків;
to turn sunlight directly into безпосередньо перетворювати сонячне світло на
electricity електроенергію
the drawing room was turned into вітальня була перетворена / перероблена / на кабінет,
a study вітальня стала служити кабінетом
notorious [nəu΄to:riəs] який користується поганою славою; славнозвісний;
a notorious gangster відомий, славнозвісний бандит
wash-basin [΄beisn] раковина (для стікання води), умивальник
precaution [pri΄ko:∫(ə)n] обережність; передбачливість; запобіжний захід
to take precautions against smth вживати запобіжних заходів / передбачити запобіжні
necessary precaution необхідні заходи безпеки;
fire precautions протипожежні заходи
damp [dǽmp] вологий, вогкий; запітнілий;
damp autumn волога осінь

It’s very damp in here. Тут дуже вогко.
feature особливість, характерна риса; ознака, властивість;
characteristic / distinctive / характерна риса
distinguishing feature
ride прогулянка (на велосипеді, автомобілі, верхи); їзда,
поїздка; тривалість поїздки;
two hours’ ride двогодинна поїздка;
train ride поїздка потягом;
to catch/get/go for/go on/have/ покататися;
take a ride
to give smb a ride підвезти
reasonably розумно; розсудливо; розважливо; помірковано;
reasonably priced недорогий
safe безпечний; який знаходиться в безпеці; надійний;
safe for children безпечний для дітей;
at a safe distance from smth на безпечній відстані від чогось;
safe and sound цілий і неушкоджений
touch [tΛt∫] 1. домішка; відтінок, наліт; 2. штрих; риска; деталь;
a touch of irony (of bitterness, of відтінок іронії (гіркоти насмішки);
the first touches of autumn перші ознаки осені
to have a touch of colour бути злегка забарвленим;
there’s a touch of colour in her її щоки злегка порожевіли;
there was a touch of frost in the air відчувався легкий морозець, злегка морозило;
the personal touch характерна риса (людини);
touch of nature риса вдачі;
a characteristic touch in speech характерна нотка в мові
tray [trei] піднос, таця; вміст підносу;
tea-tray чайна таця;
to serve breakfast (dinner) on a подавати сніданок (обід) на підносі;
to carry smth on a tray нести на підносі щось;
a whole tray of food цілий піднос їжі
impressive [im΄presiv] який справляє глибоке враження, вражаючий; виразний;
impressive speech яскрава промова;
an impressive ceremony. вражаюча церемонія
gym [dЗim] (gymnasium) 1. гімнастичний зал; 2. гімназія
resident [΄rezid(ə)nt] постійний житель; мешканець; резидент;
local residents місцеві жителі
to furnish [΄fə:ni∫] обставляти, меблювати;
to furnish luxuriously розкішно обставляти;
to furnish plainly просто обставляти;
to furnish tastefully обставляти зі смаком
luxurious [lag΄zu(ə)riəs] розкішний;
luxurious car дорога (розкішна) машина
suite [swi:t] 1. номер люкс (з декількох кімнат); 2. набір, комплект;
luxury suite номер люкс;
the presidential suite президентський номер;
suite of soft furniture гарнітур м’яких меблів

staff [sta:f] штат, штати (працівників); персонал, співробітники;
teaching staff учителі; професорсько-викладацький склад;
nursing staff середній медичний персонал
uniform [΄ju:nifo:m] форма, формений одяг, уніформа;
military uniform військова форма;
parade uniform парадна форма;
in uniform у формі;
out of uniform не у формі;
to wear a uniform носити форму
dress code дресс-код, рекомендований стиль одягу
discreet [dis΄kri:t] розважливий; розсудливий, поміркований; стриманий;
скромний; обережний, обачний; тактовний;
discreet question тактовне питання
casual [΄kǽЗjuəl] 1. несерйозний; легковажний; недбалий; 2. неофіційний;
повсякденний, непарадний (про одяг); 3. випадковий;
casual touch неофіційний наліт / відтінок;
casual atmosphere неофіційна атмосфера
to stock / stock (v.) 1. постачати, забезпечувати; 2. мати в наявності, у
продажу; зберігати на складі; мати про запас; 3.
створювати запас, запасати; (n.) запас, фонд
He keeps a good stock of whisky. У нього гарний запас віскі.
in stock у наявності, в асортименті;
fully-stocked bar бар із повним запасом; повністю (або вщерть)
заповнений бар
account [ə΄kaunt] рахунок (у банку);
to close / open an account with a закрити / відкрити рахунок у банку;
bank вносити гроші на рахунок
to pay into an account
sculpture [΄skΛlpt∫ə] скульптура, ліплення, статуя;
to create / produce a sculpture створити скульптуру
theme [Өi:m] тема; предмет (розмови, міркування, твору);
the theme of today’s lecture тема сьогоднішньої лекції;
the war theme військова тема;
to develop the theme розвивати тему
curator [kju΄reitə] 1. завідувач музею, бібліотеки; 2. куратор, член
правління університету; 3. опікун
to rewind / rewind [ri:΄waind] (v.) перемотувати; (n.) перемотування (стрічки із
(rewound – rewound) записом)
fast-forward [,fa:st΄fo:wəd] / to (n.) прискорене перемотування вперед (плівки); (v.)
fast-forward прискорено перемотувати вперед;
fast-forward mode режим прискореного перемотування;
to fast-forward to the next song перемотати до наступної пісні
layer [΄leiə] шар; пласт; ряд;
ozone layer озоновий шар;
in layers шарами / рядами;
several layers of paint кілька шарів фарби;
bottom layer нижній (долішній) шар;
top layer верхній (горішній) шар
content [΄kontent] (pl.) вміст (сумки, кишені); зміст (книги, листа,) контент
сайту; суть, основний зміст (пропозиції); частка,
відсоток, вміст чогось у чомусь;

the drawer’s [dro:z] contents вміст шухляди;
table of contents зміст (книги)
inspiration [,insp(ə)΄rei∫(ə)n] натхнення; наснага, душевне піднесення; ідея, що
надихає, думка;
flash / spark of inspiration іскра натхнення;
divine inspiration божественне натхнення;
to give / offer / provide inspiration надавати натхнення, надихати
surface [΄sə:fis] поверхня; земна поверхня;
surface transport наземний транспорт
on the surface зовні /із зовнішньої сторони
commentary [΄komənt(ə)ri] коментар; дикторський текст;
running commentary репортаж;
commentaries (pl.) мемуари, записки, хроніки;
commentary on national politics коментар національної політики
splash [splǽ∫] 1. плескіт, сплеск; (pl.) бризки; бризкання, плюскіт; 2.
ефект; виставляння напоказ; сенсація;
splash of waves плюскіт хвиль;
splash headline помітний заголовок
guide [gaid] 1. провідник; гід; екскурсовод; 2. інструкція, довідник;
tour guide екскурсовод;
to take a guide найняти гіда;
modern guide to English grammar сучасний довідник з граматики англійської мови
to mix (= to mix up / to mix in) 1. спілкуватися; сходитися, уживатися; 2. змішувати,
to mix well добре спілкуватися
Pauline has never mixed well. У Полін завжди були труднощі в спілкуванні.
to ensure [in΄∫uə] 1. забезпечувати; гарантувати; 2. страхувати,
Steps must be taken to ensure this Треба вжити заходів для того, щоб гарантувати, що це
never happens again. ніколи не трапиться.
average [΄ǽv(ə)ridЗ] 1. (n.) середнє (число); 2. (adj.) середній
above the average вище середнього
on an /the average у середньому;
average reader рядовий / широкий читач
snack / to snack легка закуска; закусити, підобідати, перехопити;
party snacks святкові закуски;
between-meal snack перекус (наприклад, між обідом та вечерею);
to have a snack перекусити;
to fix a snack приготувати легку закуску

E. Fill in the correct word.

origins; mind; shelter; extends; desperate; impressive; extended; single; accommodation;
socialize; turned; charge; refuge; touch; basis; basic; residents; safe; tray; discreet; staff;
notorious; casual; furnish; splash; commentary; theme; stock; average
1. They no longer _______ as they used to. 2. The UN plan is a possible _______ for negotiation. 3.
I hope you don’t _______ me calling in like this. 4. A __________ room at the hotel costs £36 a
night. 5. The strike _______ over 22 weeks. 6. We cannot escape our _______, however hard we
try. 7. At last they found a house where they were given food and ________. 8. The territory
__________ over one fifth of Canada’s land mass. 9. The escaped prisoner sought _______ in
the church. 10. There are certain ethical principles that are ______ to all the great religions. 11.
Their case seemed _________, for there was no one to help them. 12. We can arrange this for a

small _______. 13. Prices start at £2,000 per person, including flights, hotel __________ and
various excursions. 14. Jack the Ripper was one of Britain’s most ___________ serial killers. 15.
There was a ________ of bitterness in what he said. 16. He will be writing a twice-weekly
__________ on American society and culture. 17. The film’s special effects are particularly
_________. 18. She brought in the tea on a _______. 19. You should keep your money in a
_______ place. 20. She ________ the house into a beautiful home. 21. Ten per cent of
__________ live below the poverty line. 22. The school has a large teaching _______. 23. Many
proprietors try to ________ their hotels with antiques. 24. He is an easy-going young man with a
__________ approach to life. 25. My secretary won’t let the secret out – she’s very _________.
26. We bought a large _______ of food for the camping trip. 27. The novel’s central ________ is
the conflict between men and women. 28. I would sit alone and listen to the _______ of water on
the rocks. 29. Of the US’s million millionaires, the ________ age was 63.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. He came ____ my aid when my car broke down. 2. They gave a charity performance ____ aid
____ the local children’s hospital. 3. Our conclusions were drawn ____ the basis ____ these
medical reports. 4. The basis ____ most liquids is water. 5. They charge 50 cents ____ a pint of
milk, but they don’t charge ____ delivery. 6. He behaves as though he is ____ drugs. 7. He made
a desperate appeal ____ help. 8. Troops are needed to get food to people ____ desperate need. 9.
The water turned ____ ice. 10. Would you like to go ____ a ride? 11. The children are safe ____
danger ____ the garden. 12. They served dinner ____ trays. 13. He was ____ ____ uniform
when he was picked up by the military police. 14. The tools you require are _____ stock. 15. The
tools you require are ____ ____ stock. 16. I have (opened) an account ____ the local bank. 17.
His letters were always ____ the theme of love. 18. A fresh layer _____ snow covered ____ the
street. 19. ____ the surface he seems cold and unfriendly, but he’s really a kind person. 20. He
gave the listening crowd a running commentary ____ the game. 21. This handbook is a good
guide ____ London.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. having nowhere to live________ ; 2. to last for a certain time ________; 3. to give support to
(someone to do something); help or assist ________; 4. a substance, sometimes one used in
medicine, taken by some people to achieve a certain effect, e.g. great happiness or
excitement________ ; 5. having lost all hope; despairing ________; 6. bathroom sink that is
permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe; where you can wash your
hands and face ________; 7. to provide (a house, room, etc.) with furniture, carpets, etc.
________; 8. a group of people employed by a company ________; 9. a set of rules or guidelines
regarding the manner of dress acceptable in an office, restaurant ________; 10. the sum of
money deposited at a bank ________; 11. one who manages or oversees, as the administrative
director of a museum collection or a library ________; 12. stimulation of the mind or emotions
to a high level of feeling or activity ________; 13. one who shows the way by leading, directing,
or advising ________; 14. a light quick meal eaten between or in place of main meals________ ;
15. care taken to avoid accidents, disease etc. ________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. origin a. the price asked for something;
2. shelter b. well-known for some bad or unfavourable quality, deed, etc.;
3. refuge c. athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training;
4. to socialize d. apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living
unit (as in a hotel);
5. charge e. a thin flat board or plate of metal, plastic, etc., usually with a raised

edge, on which things can be carried;
6. notorious f. something that provides cover or protection, as from the weather;
7. damp g. a person who lives or has his home in a particular place;
8. tray h. careful to avoid social embarrassment or distress, esp by keeping
confidences secret; tactful;
9. gym i. protection or shelter, as from danger or hardship;
10. resident j. the place or point from which anything first comes; (pl.) a person's
place of birth, family background etc.;
11. suite k. slightly wet, as from dew, steam, etc.
12. discreet l. to behave in a friendly or sociable manner

I. Translate into English.

1. Він намагався приховати своє походження. 2. Вона не заперечує того, щоб робити всю
хатню роботу. 3. Вони надали старому притулок на ніч. 4. Він ніколи не буває в товаристві
своїх колег. 5. Багаті країни надають допомогу країнам, що розвиваються. 6. Яка ціна за
телефонний дзвінок? (Скільки коштує телефонний дзвінок?) 7. Мені здається, що вона
вживає наркотики. 8. Літня жінка до відчаю потребувала грошей. 9. Уряд повинен
забезпечити житлом 3000 безпритульних людей. 10. За якої температури вода
перетворюється на лід? 11. Рушник усе ще вогкий. 12. Ціни тут непомірно високі. 13.
Зниклу дитину знайшли цілою й неушкодженою. 14. У її словах відчувалася якась іронія
(відтінок іронії). 15. Бар готелю відкритий тільки для осіб, які проживають у готелі. 16.
Вони обставили кімнату дуже дорогими столами та стільцями. 17. Він звик жити тільки в
розкішних готелях. 18. Персонал лікарні був роздратований змінами. 19. Тема для
сьогоднішньої розмови – освіта. 20. Шар пилу вкривав підвіконня. 21. На початку книги
немає змісту. 22. Що надихнуло його на створення цієї скульптури? 23. На поверхні води
були невеличкі хвилі. 24. Зазвичай він спілкується з людьми молодшими за нього. 25. Ми
гарантуємо рівні можливості для всіх. 26. Середня людина спалює 2 000 калорій (calories)
на день. 27. Ми вжили всіх заходів для того, щоб наша подорож була безпечною та
приємною. 28. Сади – характерна ознака цієї частини регіону.

1. You are going to read some information about hotels. For questions 1-16 choose from the types
of accommodation (A-E). Some of the types of accommodation may be chosen more than one.
Which hotel(s):
is for people who like sport? 1.
are not recommended for tourists? 2. 3.
have religious origin? 4. 5.
is for those who don’t mind how much they spend? 6.
can offer services to non-guests? 7.
offers free shelter for the homeless? 8.
is for people who want to be near a park? 9.
is for those who want to prepare their own hot drinks? 10.
are for those who plan an extended stay in London? 11. 12.
is for those who prefer formality? 13.
is for people who want to socialize? 14.
is for those who prefer a homely environment? 15.
only has single rooms? 16.

A. The City Refuge This Refuge was started in the 18th century by Methodists Missionaries in

the East End of London. Traditionally, the East End has always been the poorest part of London
and the people who started this Refuge went in aid of those who had no money, and nowhere to
sleep. The Refuge still runs today on the same basis. There is no charge to stay there, and there is
even tea and toast in the morning. The people who run the Refuge, however, do not accept
anyone who has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs. They will only take people who are in
desperate need of somewhere to sleep. The problem they face, however, is that nowadays there
are more people needing this accommodation than the Refuge has rooms for.
B. Long Term Hotels There are several streets around an area of London called King’s Cross
that only have this type of accommodation. They used to be for tourists who were on a budget
and wanted to be centrally located. But this has now changed. King’s Cross has turned into an
area notorious for crime of all kinds, and tourists in particular are advised not to go there at all.
Long Term Hotels in this area are fairly cheap due to the accommodation being very basic: a bed
and a wash-basin in the rooms, with a shared bathroom. They are often dirty, damp and
dangerous. They seldom have proper fire precautions and dealing in drugs is a common feature
in these hotels. Not for the clean-living visitor!
C. The Bayswater Hotels This area of London is a few minutes’ bus ride away from Hyde Park.
The hotels are reasonably priced and the area is a safe one which attracts many tourists. The
Bayswater Hotels are often large houses which have been turned into small hotels. As a result
they have a warm, friendly atmosphere. The rooms, though small, are kept very clean and have
that special English touch – the tea-tray. This is to enable guests to make themselves a cup of tea
or coffee at no extra charge. These hotels sometimes have a bar and restaurant which are
reasonably priced, and can be used by people who are not even staying in the hotel. Very often
guests of the hotels have their breakfast and evening meal included in the price of the room.
D. The YMCA The Young men’s Christian Association has a very impressive complex in the
heart of London’s West End. Originally the YMCA met together for religious studies, but it has
now grown into a huge international organization. The YMCA in Tottenham Court Road has
some of the best facilities in Central London. It has a gym, squash courts and a swimming pool.
It is a long term hotel and many residents, both men and women, stay there for months, even
years. The rooms are for single people. They are very comfortably furnished and all have their
own bathroom. It may seem an expensive place to live, but if you want lots of things to do and
want to meet lots of people in a safe, central environment, then this is for you.
E. The Dorchester Hotel The Dorchester, situated in the heart of London, is one of the most
luxurious and expensive hotels in the world. A single night in one of their suites can cost you
thousands of pounds. The services they offer are the best you can find, from serving you tea to
driving you around London. The staff have a strict dress-code and always wear a uniform. The
Dorchester offers everything the lover of luxury could want, especially as it’s provided in a very
discreet, professional and very friendly manner. This hotel is not for people who like the casual
touch. The rooms are absolutely luxurious, with colour televisions, Jacuzzis, a fully-stocked bar,
fresh flowers and fruit. Definitely a hotel for people with taste and a large bank account.

2. Find a word or phrase which fits the following definition:

1. housing; 2. large set of buildings; 3. worthy of admiration; 4. polite and careful; 5. unable to
spend a lot of money; 6. well-known for smth bad; 7. luxurious set of rooms in a hotel; 8. set of
clothes worn by workers; 9. informal; 10. lasting a long period of time.

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word(s) from the list below:
Notorious, impressive, long term, accommodation, on a budget, casual, complex, uniform,
discreet, suite
1. My brother is a shop assistant but his ________ ambition is to become a lawyer. 2. James is
very _______ when he’s with his friends and is always joking around. 3. When I was working in
a fast-food restaurant I had to wear a horrible red________. 4. The film star stayed in a(n)
________ on the top of the hotel. 5. Some areas of New York City are ________ for their high
crime rate. 6. Sarah wanted to buy an expensive new coat but she was _______ and couldn’t
afford it. 7. The restaurant manager is very _____, and never speaks about his famous clients. 8.
Sue’s exam results were very ________; she has been offered a place at Oxford University. 9. A
new shopping ________ is being built which will contain shops, restaurants and a cinema. 10.
Holiday ________ is often difficult to find, so it is wise to book in advance.

4. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each
Art Goes Audio
Visitors to the (0) ___ Tate Gallery in London can now 1) ___ the British artist David Hockney
talk about one of his paintings, which is 2) ___ The Bigger Splash. Following the example of the
French, who have 3) ___ such a system in the Louvre in Paris, technology is coming both the
Tate and the National Gallery, two of Britain’s 4) ___ prestigious art institutions. The Tate is
now offering Tateinform, a personal audio 5) ___ to the paintings and sculptures 6) ___ show,
and to the themes of 7) ___ displays. At the 8)___ of a button visitors can listen to artists, art
critics and gallery curators explaining any work that 9) ___ their interest; they can stop, start,
rewind or fast-forward their cassette machines 10)___ they want. Many of the commentaries on
works of art 11) ___ several layers of information. Style, content and symbols may be explained,
or you may even be given details of particular paints the artist has used. Some of the artists 12)
___ on the inspiration for their own works. David Hockley, for 13) ___, talks about his interest
in the surface and movement of water in his commentary for The Bigger Splash. The 14) ___ of
audio guides is a great help to people wanting to 15) ___ a better understanding of art.
0. A. known B. familiar C. famous D. accustomed
1. A. hear B. listen C. attend D. observe
2. A. told B. said C. announced D. called
3. A. brought in B. brought on C. brought about D. brought along
4. A. much B. wholly C. most D. great
5. A. instruction B. guide C. plan D. map
6. A. in B. at C. on D. to
7. A. sure B. definite C. secure D. certain
8. A. switch B. touch C. press D. push
9. A. catches B. opens C. turns D. fills
10. A. that B. however C. where D. whenever
11. A. offer B. say C. propose D. tell
12. A. aim B. focus C. look D. direct
13. A. illustration B. sample C. instance D. case
14. A. start B. introduction C. presentation D. discovery
15. A. earn B. take C. gain D. win

5. For questions 0-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.
Dinner Parties
Organising a dinner party can (0) ___ a stressful business. Firstly you have to decide 1)
______ you are going to invite and make 2) ______ the guests are going to mix well. It’s 3)
_____ good inviting people that are either going to sit around 4) _____ small groups and only
speak to each 5) _____ or people that are going to hide behind the furniture and not talk at 6)
_____. Also you have to ensure they can get to and from your home 7) _______ any problems.
Next is organising the food. You want to prepare a meal that is above average standard, but

doesn’t 8) ______ the earth. It is also wise to ask the guests about their likes and dislikes 9)
_____ you invite them, as you don’t want to serve up a meal nobody 10) ______ eat. Cooking
the meal is important as 11) ______, because you want it ready at the time you stated. Seating
arrangements are important too. You don’t want 12) _______the quiet guests at one end of the
table and the talkative 13) ______ at the other. Serving drinks before, during and 14) ______ the
meal is always a good way to 15) ______ people to relax and chat. And remember to shut the cat
in another room, as you don’t want it jumping onto the table searching for a snack!

6. Write a letter of to your penfriend.
You have recently returned from a foreign country. Describe the country/city you visited, the
place (hotel) where you lived and the sights you saw.


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄lonely in΄telligent pub΄licity
΄constant frus΄tration re΄lease
΄treatment de΄spite a΄ttach
΄native in΄tend de΄vice
΄benefit ma΄rine pro΄tection
΄generate a΄djust Ice΄landic
΄capable pro΄cedure ,recommen΄dation
΄dolphin a΄rise co΄mmission
΄celebrate con΄fine au΄thorities
΄monitor ex΄tinct ,possi΄bility
΄contrary re΄cycling cap΄tivity
΄primate a΄ggression. e΄ventually
΄glamorise re΄sult ,popu΄lation
΄curious ad΄ministrator ex΄pansion

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
nature to recommend
intelligent frustration
lonely to warn
to intend to intend
publicity treatment
capable to generate
to adjust to adjust
procedure to attach
to attach device
protection protection
captive to celebrate
extinct to confine
to glamorise to breathe
curious to weigh

aggression to recycle

Vern/noun Person Negative Prefixes
to keep satisfaction
protection capable
to toddle to attach
aggression natural

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
whale [weil] кит;
whale catcher китобійне судно
killer whale (дельфін) косатка
nature [΄neit∫ə] 1. натура, характер, вдача; 2. природа; світ, Всесвіт;
good nature добродушність;
human nature людська природа;
ill nature недоброзичливість;
the laws of nature закони природи
The protests had been non- Протести, по суті, не мали політичного характеру.
political by nature.
keeper доглядач (у лікарні); наглядач (у в’язниці); охоронець
giant [dЗaiənt] 1. величезний, гігантський, велетенський, колосальний;
2. велетень, гігант;
a giant wave гігантська хвиля;
a giant impact величезний вплив
jaw(s) [dЗo:(z)] щелепа; паща;
lower jaw нижня щелепа;
upper jaw верхня щелепа
intelligent [in΄telidЗ(ə)nt] розумний; кмітливий; тямущий; знавець;
an intelligent decision розумне рішення;
an intelligent child кмітлива дитина
frustration [frΛs΄trei∫(ə)n] 1. розлад, зрив; розчарування; невіра у свої сили; 2.
катастрофа, крах; провал;
the frustration of their plan провал їхнього плану;
to vent one’s frustration on smb зривати своє незадоволення на комусь
bored [bo:d] нудний
I’m bored. Мені нудно. / Мені набридло.
bored with life утомлений життям
lonely [΄ləunli] самотній; який навіває тугу; сумний
lonely life самотнє життя
feel lonely відчувати себе самотнім
mate [meit] 1. самець або самка з (однієї) пари (особл. у птахів); 2.
товариш (по роботі); напарник; напарниця; 3. помічник
dove [ ] and its mate голуб зі своєю голубкою;
schoolmate, classmate однокласник;
the mate to this glove пара до рукавички;
flatmate сусід по квартирі
mood [mu:d] 1. настрій; тон; 2. ( pl.) примхи;
festive / holiday mood святковий настрій;

to be in the mood for smth бути в настої / бажати зробити щось;
in no mood for doing smth не бажати робити чогось / бути не в гуморі робити щось;
man of moods людина настрою
to warn [wo:n] (against, of) попереджати; застерігати; сповіщати; доводити до відома
He was warned of /against the Його попередили про небезпеку.
The gong warned us that it was Гонг сповістив нас, що настав час переодягатися до
time to dress for dinner. обіду.
constant [΄konstənt] постійний, безперервний; стійкий, сталий;
constant interruptions постійні втручання
tiny [taini] дуже маленький, крихітний;
tiny little child, tiny tot карапуз, малюк;
tiny little piece манюсінький шматочок;
tiny bit крапелька, крихітка;
tiny fact незначний факт;
tiny movement майже непомітний рух
She settled in two tiny rooms. Вона поселилася у двох крихітних кімнатах.
despite [di΄spait] всупереч, незважаючи на;
despite our pleadings незважаючи на клопотання
to intend [in΄tend] (+-ing or inf.) мати намір; хотіти, збиратися, гадати, мати на увазі,
We intended going to Rome. (We задумати
intended to go to Rome.) Ми збиралися поїхати до Рима.
treatment [΄tri:tmənt] лікування;
treatment by exercises лікувальна гімнастика;
a new treatment for consumption новий спосіб лікування туберкульозу;
patients under treatment пацієнти, які знаходяться на лікуванні;
to go to a nursing home for лягати в клініку на лікування;
to try many treatments for пробувати різні засоби від запалення легенів;
to undertake treatments проходити курс лікування;
to be under treatment лікуватися; проходити курс
My cold won’t respond to Мій нежить не піддається лікуванню. / Мого нежитю
treatment. жодні засоби не беруть.
marine [mə΄ri:n] морський; військово-морський;
marine painter художник-мариніст;
marine life морське життя;
marine plants / animals морські рослини / тварини
native [΄neitiv] (adj.) рідний; місцевий; природний; дикий; уроджений,
природний; (n.) уродженець; корінний житель;
native land батьківщина;
native rights спадкоємні права;
a plant native to Asia місцева рослина Азії;
the native customs /art of Brazil; місцеві звичаї / мистецтво Бразилії
publicity [pΛb΄lisiti] публічність, гласність; популярність, слава; реклама,
рекламування; рекламні матеріали (статті, фільми);
to avoid publicity уникнути розголосу, розголошення;
to give publicity to smth надати розголосу; розголошувати
to benefit [΄benifit] приносити користь, допомагати; благотворно впливати;
приносити вигоду, прибуток; отримувати користь,
допомогу; мати зиск
Did you benefit from your holiday? Ти з користю провів свою відпустку?

to generate [΄dЗen(ə)reit] породжувати, викликати, спричиняти; створювати,
виробляти, генерувати;
to generate steam отримати пар;
to generate a message видати повідомлення;
to generate a stress викликати напруження
capable (of) [΄keipəbl] здібний, обдарований; умілий; знаючий; здатний;
a capable administrator здібний адміністратор;
capable of violence здатний на насильство
He was capable of stealing. Він був здатний на крадіжку.
to adjust [ə΄dЗΛst] упорядковувати, давати лад; улагоджувати,
урегулювати; пристосовувати; приганяти,
приладжувати; регулювати;
unable to adjust themselves to не здатні пристосуватися до оточення;
their environment
to adjust the television налаштувати телевізор
procedure [prə΄si:dЗə] процедура; судочинство; операція; порядок дії;
to establish a procedure of smth установити порядок проведення чогось;
to follow a procedure дотримуватися певної процедури;
testing procedure метод випробування;
parliamentary procedures порядок проведення парламентських засідань
to release / release [ri΄li:s] 1. (v.) звільняти, випускати, відпускати; випускати у
світ, публікувати; 2. (n.) звільнення; позбавлення;
to release prisoners звільнити в’язнів;
to release balloons випустити кульки;
to release a book опублікувати / видати книгу;
a new release of a software program випуск нового програмного забезпечення;
release from the obligation to work звільнення від зобов’язання працювати;
to bring about / effect smb’s release звільнити когось
bay [bei] бухта, затока;
the Hudson Bay Ґудзонська затока;
to anchor in the bay стати на якір у затоці
to attach (to) [ə΄tǽt∫] прикріплювати, приєднувати; скріплювати, зв’язувати,
прив’язувати; прикладати; додавати; прибудовувати;
to attach a stamp to an envelope наклеїти марку на конверт
The cheque was attached to our До нашого листа прикладається чек.
letter. приєднатися до чогось
to attach oneself to smth Я дуже прив’язаний до своєї родини.
I am attached to my family.
device [di΄vais] пристрій, пристосування; механізм, апарат, прилад;
safety device запобіжний механізм;
labour-saving device механічні, побутові прилади;
stylistic device стилістичний прийом
dolphin [΄dolfin] дельфін;
a school of dolphins зграя дельфінів
protection [prə΄tek∫(ə)n] захист, охорона, запобігання; огородження;
заступництво, покровительство;
protection forest заповідний ліс;
environment protection захист навколишнього середовища
dissatisfaction [dis,sǽtis΄fǽk∫(ə)n] невдоволеність; невдоволення; незадоволення;
to express / voice one’s dissatisfaction виразити своє незадоволення;
to feel dissatisfaction відчувати невдоволення

obvious [΄obviəs] явний, очевидний; помітний;
obvious question очевидне питання; питання, яке напрошується саме собою;
It’s obvious that he is ill. Ясно, що він хворий.
to arise [ə΄raiz] (arose – arisen) виникати, з’являтися
A new difficulty has arisen. Виникло нове ускладнення.
Doubts arose in his mind. У нього з’явилися сумніви.
to monitor [΄monitə] контролювати, стежити;
to monitor the bear population of контролювати популяцію ведмедів у національному
a national park парку;
to monitor the political views of відстежувати політичні погляди людей
the people
captive [΄kǽptiv] полонений, узятий у полон; який утримується в неволі
або в ув’язненні; поневолений;
to take captive узяти в полон;
to hold captive утримувати в полоні
contrary (to) [΄kontr(ə)ri] протилежний; протилежного напрямку;
to the contrary / on the contrary навпаки;
contrary to popular belief на противагу поширеній думці
species [΄spi:∫i:z] (pl. – species) вид, різновид; рід, порода;
the species, our species людський рід;
species becomes extinct / dies out вид вимирає; вид вироджується;
species survives вид виживає;
endangered species вид під загрозою вимирання
to confine [kən΄fain] обмежувати; тримати під замком, у клітці; ув’язнювати
I will confine my remarks to one Я обмежуся однією темою.
I have been confined within these Я просидів у чотирьох стінах цілий тиждень.
four walls for a week.
to breed [bri:d] (bred – bred) / (v.) розводити; розмножуватися, плодитися; висиджувати
breed (курча); виводити (пташеня); (n.) порода;
to breed cattle розводити худобу;
to breed trouble породжувати неприємності
Rabbits breed often. Кролики розмножуються часто.
to threaten [΄Өret(ə)n] загрожувати; грозити;
to threaten revenge загрожувати помстою;
to threaten smb with punishment / загрожувати комусь покаранням;
to threaten to punish smb
a flood threatened the city місту загрожувала повінь;
a new war threatened нависла погроза (небезпека) нової війни
extinct [iks΄tiŋkt] вимерлий (про плем’я, вид тварини); який припинився,
урвався (про рід); згаслий (про почуття); зниклий, який
вийшов з ужитку (про слово, звичай);
the bones of extinct animals кістки вимерлих тварин;
extinct feelings згаслі почуття;
extinct volcano згаслий вулкан
calf [ka:f] (pl.) calves теля, телятко; дитинча (оленя, слона);
golden calf золотий телець (золотий ідол)
mammal [΄mǽm(ə)l] ссавець;
the higher mammal вищий ссавець;
the lower mammal нижчий ссавець
to celebrate святкувати, відсвяткувати; урочисто відзначати;
to celebrate formally / officially офіційно відзначати

crucial [΄kru:∫(ə)l] вирішальний; ключовий; критичний;
crucial game ключова гра;
crucial point вирішальний момент;
crucial decision відповідальне рішення;
crucial question важливе питання;
crucial stage критична, заключна стадія
to witness [΄witnəs] бути свідком, очевидцем чогось; бачити щось;
свідчити; бути підтвердженням;
to witness an accident бути свідком аварії
Her pale face witnessed the Її блідість свідчила про сильне хвилювання, якого вона
agitation she felt. зазнала.
to breathe [bri:ð] дихати; зітхнути;
to breathe into вдихнути;
to breathe out видихати;
to breathe again / freely зітхнути з полегшенням
to feed (fed – fed) годувати, давати їжу; забезпечувати, утримувати;
to feed the children годувати дітей;
to feed fish to the cat годувати кішку рибою;
to feed a family утримувати сім’ю
Cows feed on grass. Корови харчуються (живляться) травою.
to be fed up with бути по горло ситим (набриднути)
The men are fed up with the war. Людям обридла війна.
squid [skwid] кальмар; (pl.) головоногі молюски
prawn [pro:n] креветка
primate [΄praimeit] примат
to glamorise [΄glǽm(ə)raiz] прикрашати що-небудь, представляти що-небудь у
привабливому вигляді
This new wallpaper really Ці нові шпалери справді прикрашають вітальню!
glamorizes the living room!
ape [eip] людиноподібна мавпа
gentle [dЗentl] м’який, добрий; лагідний; ніжний; тихий, спокійний
a gentle old lady добра літня жінка
curious [΄kjuəriəs] допитливий; цікавий;
curious child допитлива дитина;
curious idlers роззяви, ґави
I’m curious (to find out) whether Мені цікаво (дізнатися), чи він склав екзамен.
he passed his exams.
source [so:s] 1. джерело; верхів’я; ключ; 2. письмове джерело,
документ; 3. основа; початок, першопричина;
food source джерело їжі;
government sources джерело (інформації) в уряді;
energy source джерело енергії;
the source of the Nile [ ] верхів’я Нілу
vast [va:st] великий, величезний; безбережний;
vast areas великі райони /території, простору;
vast depth величезна глибина;
vast scheme грандіозний задум;
vast empires гігантські імперії;
vast mind великий розум;
a man of vast soul людина великої душі
to roam [rəum] мандрувати, блукати;
to roam the streets блукати вулицями
insect [΄insekt] комаха; нікчема
to toddle шкандибати, вчитися ходити;
toddler [΄todlə] дитина, той, хто ще вчиться ходити
adulthood повноліття; зрілість; дорослість
to weigh [wei] зважувати; важити; мати вагу, значення; впливати;
to weigh oneself зважуватися
recycling [ri:΄saikliŋ] повторне використання (відходів виробництва)
envelope [΄envələup] конверт; обгортка; обкладинка
to empty / empty [empti] (v.) спорожняти; осушувати (склянку); виливати; висипати;
(adj.) порожній, незаповнений; (n.) порожня тара
I emptied the ashtray. Я висипав попільничку.
empty bottle порожня пляшка
A cupboard stood open full of Буфет стояв відчинений, наповнений порожніми
empties. коробками.

E. Fill in the correct word.

Despite; nature; jaws; frustrations; lonely; mate; mood; constant; tiny; intends; publicity;
treatment; marine; released; procedure; capable; generated; dissatisfaction; attach;
benefited; protection; confined; arisen; native; captive; contrary; adjusted; extinct;
monitor; device
1. He had never imagined that it was possible to be so _________ in a great city. 2. I’m in a bad
________ today. 3. The crocodile’s ________ opened wide. 4. Some birds sing in order to
attract a ________. 5. I am fed up with the __________ of everyday life. 6. It’s only human
________ to want to live well. 7. Women are under _________ pressure to be thin. 8. ________
a thorough investigation, no sign of him has been found. 9. She _________ to do A levels and go
to university. 10. After examining one by one the different theories, it becomes necessary to
admit the existence of a ________ animal of enormous power. 11. Many patients are not getting
the ___________ they need. 12. Though she was ________, she had a very loud voice. 13. She
spoke not only her ________ language, Swedish, but also English and French. 14. The case has
generated enormous __________. 15. It is 250 years since the wolf became ________ in Britain.
16. The long rest ________ her. 17. This is a camera ________ of being used underwater. 18. I
felt I had _________ to the idea of being a student very well. 19. ______ labels to things before
you file them away. 20. The film has been ________ to various movie theatres. 21. His
suggestions __________ a lot of ill-feeling. 22. He did not follow the correct _________ in
applying for a visa. 23. This _______ can measure minute quantities of matter. 24. The primary
duty of parents is the __________ of their children. 25. He was never slow to express his
___________ with the service he received. 26. These problems have _______ as a result of your
carelessness. 27. The police ________ the suspect’s moves. 28. Her heart had begun to pound
inside her chest like a _______ animal. 29. ‘Are you busy?’ ‘No, on the ________, I’m not doing
anything at the moment.’ 30. The prince was _______ in the castle for three years.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. I am getting very bored ____ this entire business. 2. Have you seen the mate _____ this glove?
3. He was ____ no mood to laugh and talk with strangers. 4. The doctor warned him _____
working too hard. 5. This animal/plant is native ___ Australia. 6. Both sides have benefited ____
the talks. 7. He is capable ____ doing better. 8. It is difficult to adjust one’s habits ____ someone
else’s. 9. He was released _____ custody the next day. 10. I’m very attached ____ my brother.
11. Are there any matters arising ____ our earlier discussion? 12. I’m not sick; ____ the
contrary, I’m in the peak of health. 13. Despite what you say ____ the contrary, this contract is
fair. 14. This old auditorium has witnessed ____ many ceremonies. 15. She breathed ____
deeply. 16. Certain animals feed ____ insects. 17. We feed meat ____ our cat. 18. I'm fed ___

____ all this work!

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. either of the two bones of the mouth in which the teeth are set ________; 2. to tell (a person)
in advance (about a danger etc) ________ ; 3. uninterested, sick and tired ________; 4.
remarkably or supernaturally large________; 5. lacking companions or companionship
________; 6. very small; 7. found in, or relating to the sea________ ; 8. relating or belonging to
a person or thing by virtue of conditions existing at the time of birth ________; 9. to produce or
bring into being; to create ________; 10. having ability, esp. in many different fields ________ ;
11. to set free; to allow to leave ________; 12. to have special festivities to mark (a happy day,
event, etc.) ________; 13. a group (of animals etc) whose members are so similar or closely
related as to be able to breed together ________; 14. to keep within limits; to stop from
spreading; to shut up or imprison ________; 15. to raise animals or plants, often to produce new
or improved types ________; 16. the young of cattle, esp. domestic cattle; the young of certain
other mammals, such as the buffalo, elephant, giraffe, and whale ________; 17. to treat or
portray in a romantic manner; idealize or glorify; to make glamorous ________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. keeper a. the application of medicines, surgery, psychotherapy, etc., to a
patient or to a disease or symptom
2. intelligent b. an invention serving a particular purpose, especially a machine used
to perform one or more relatively simple tasks;
3. frustration c. having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high
4. mate d. taken and held prisoner, as in war;
5. despite e. a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not
6. treatment f. opposed, as in character or purpose;
7. publicity g. in spite of; notwithstanding
8. procedure h. a person in charge of animals, esp in a zoo;
9. device i. a particular course of action intended to achieve a result;
10. dissatisfaction j. the technique or process of attracting public attention to people,
products, etc., as by the use of the mass media;
11. captive k. the partner of an animal;
12. contrary l. the feeling of being displeased and discontent;

I. Translate into English.

1. Ця організація займається захистом природи. 2. Він дуже щедрий за характером (за
природою). 3. Чи є розумне життя у всесвіті (universe)? 4. Він ходив музеєм з нудьгуючим
видом. 5. Вони дуже самотні люди, які просто хочуть поговорити. 6. Я давно бачив своїх
однокласників. 7. Коли його сусід по квартирі переїхав, він дав оголошення, щоб знайти
нового. 8. Він, очевидно, був у чудовому настрої. 9. Вони зателефонували і попередили,
що, можливо, затримаються. 10. Лікар застеріг його проти занадто напруженої роботи. 11.
Це потрібно зберігати при постійній температурі. 12. Він не отримав роботу, незважаючи
на всю його кваліфікацію. 13. У тебе все ще є намір піти? 14. Лікарі пробують різні засоби
від запалення легенів. 15. Кенгуру – корінна тварина Австралії. 16. Нам би не хотілося,
щоб ви надали розголосу цій інформації. 17. Наша країна отримала зиск від цієї угоди. 18.
Ця машина виробляє електрику. 19. Вона здатна працювати напружено. 20. Згодом він
пристосувався до нового способу життя. 21. Ти не можеш робити цього просто, як ти
хочеш – ти повинен дотримуватися певної процедури. 22. Учора його звільнили з в’язниці.
23. Невеличкий пором ходить регулярно через затоку. 24. Електрик приєднав дроти до
стовпа (post). 25. Цей прилад достатньо малий, щоб носити його в кишені. 26. Кити та
дельфіни – це види морських ссавців. 27. Свідки вимагали поліцейського захисту. 28.
Вона святкує своє дев’ятнадцятиріччя наступного тижня. 29. Очевидно, що мені буде
потрібна допомога. 30. Зателефонуй мені, якщо виникне потреба. 31. «Як твоя нога,
краще?» – «Навпаки, значно гірше». 32. Існує кілька видів зебр. 33. Він живе сам,
розводячи коней та собак. 34. Він не міг дихати через дим. 35. Я по горло сит твоїми
скаргами. 36. Це шоу представляє роботу поліції в привабливому вигляді. 37. Місту
загрожує епідемія (epidemic).

Reading 1

1. You are going to read a newspaper article. Eight sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences (A-I) the one which fits each gap (1-8). There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.
Fight to free the sad whale
Ulysses, a sixteen-year old killer whale, has been the top attraction at Barcelona Zoo for nine
years. Winning the hearts of millions of visitors with his good nature, he even allows keepers to
put their heads and hands inside his giant jaws. 1 __ They are also the most intelligent animals in
the ocean.
However, Ulysses has recently been showing signs of unhappiness and frustration. 2___ He
is under stress, bored, lonely and desperate for a mate.
He has already begun to show sudden mood changes and signs of aggression. 3 ___ As a
result keepers no longer risk their heads among Ulysses’ 50 teeth.
A team of scientists has warned that Ulysses could turn dangerous because of constant stress
and being on show in his tiny pool. Despite the warnings, zoo administrators only intend to send
him on a three-year rest treatment to a marine show in the United States. 4 ___ They are also
going to ensure that he returns to Barcelona with a mate.
However, British experts have recommended that Ulysses should be returned to his native
Icelandic seas. The regional government believes that the good publicity generated by such an
action would benefit Barcelona and the zoo itself. 5 ___
The recommendation to return the huge animal to the sea has caused problems between the
zoo and the local government. 6 ___ Ulysses, however, would be the perfect candidate as he
seems capable of adjusting to life in the wild.
The procedure of his release is very simple. First, he would be taken to an Icelandic bay and
taught how to catch live fish. 7 ___ When they have been located, Ulysses will be released and
an attached electronic device will follow his progress.
The recommendation to free Ulysses made by the British society for the Protection of Whales
and Dolphins seems quite logical. 8 ___ His future will now be decided by a commission of

A. On the other hand, zoo authorities have said they will fight animal protection groups to keep
their star attraction.
B. Ulysses’ dissatisfaction in captivity makes releasing him the obvious thing to do.
C. Zoo authorities, aware of the possible danger, have increased safety measures.
D. The problem has arisen because there is the possibility that Ulysses would be unable to adjust
to sea life and eventually die.
E. Scientists believe that this behavior could have been caused by the fact that he has outgrown
his pool.
F. Then his “family” will be located, which should not be difficult as Icelandic whales are well-

G. No captive whale has ever been returned to the sea.
H. While he is away, they can build a new bigger pool by the sea.
I. This proves that, contrary to popular belief, killer whales are not necessarily aggressive.

2. Answer these T / F statements.

1. Ulysses lives in a zoo. 2. Ulysses is very happy. 3. He has a large pool area. 4. British experts
want to free Ulysses. 5. Ulysses couldn’t adjust to life in the wild. 6. A commission of scientists
will decide Ulysses’ future.

1 2 3 4 5 6

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word from the list below.
mood, aggression, native, attached, captivity
1. I think zoos are wrong: animals shouldn’t be kept in __________ . 2. Guard dogs are trained
to show ________ to anyone who tries to approach them. 3. Jenny had been so ________ to her
goldfish that she was very upset when it died. 4. Maria lives in America but her ________
country is Mexico. 5. Michael has been in a bad _________ ever since he failed his driving test.

4. Fill in the correct word from the list below.

natural, captivity, protect, confine, released, species, breed, extinct
Human population expansion and the effects of hunting are threatening many 1)_________
to such an extent that they are almost 2) __________. In order to 3) ___________ them, many
animals are kept in 4) ____________ in zoos and safari parks. The idea is that when animals are
able to 5) ___________ in safety, their numbers will increase enough so that some can be 6)
__________ into their 7) ___________ habitats. Some extreme animal rights activists, however,
believe that it is better to allow a species to become extinct than to 8) _______________them to
a prison-like zoo.

5. Choose the correct item.

1. The prisoner was … from prison after serving a five-year sentence.
А. fled; B. liberated; C. emancipated; D. released
2. He was flattered by her invitation and thought that it was a very nice … .
A. sign; B. signal; C. symbol; D. gesture
3. If you practise enough, you’re sure to make … with your dancing.
А. increase; B. advancement; C. progress; D. development
4. Electricity is easily … through metal.
А. generated; B. conducted; C. charged; D. discharged

6. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

The Vancouver Aquarium has 1)_________ (recent) attracted a lot of attention. This new interest
has been generated by the news that a dolphin is expecting a calf. In the 2) _____________
(continue) battle to protect these mammals from 3)______________ (extinct), it is no surprise
that the birth of the calf was 4) ___________ (wild) celebrated. The first 24 hours were crucial
and 5) ___________ (science) were able to witness how the calf adjusted to its new
environment. It swam to the surface and took its first 6) ___________ (breathe). In the coming
months the calf is expected to become progressively less 7) ___________ (rely) on the mother.

Soon it will be so 8)________ (depend) that it will be able to feed on squid and prawns itself.

7. Fill the gaps 1-8 using the best options: a, b, or c, to complete the text.
Almost everybody in the world has heard of orang-utans. These tree-climbing primates have
been glamorised by the media, appeared in Hollywood and can be seen in most zoos (1) ___. The
‘orang-utans’, (2) ___ means ‘Man of the Forest’ in Malay, is the largest tree-living mammal and
(3) ___ great ape in Asia.
It isn’t hard to understand (4) ___ the Malays call this primate ‘orang-utan’. The orang-utan is
(5) ___ human in behaviour – gentle, curious and playful – they live (6) ___ the vast tropical
forests and, under ideal conditions, roam the forests in search of widely-distributed food sources
such as fruits, plants and insects. The same size (7) ___ a human baby when it is a toddler, an
orang-utan can weigh (8) ___ 90 kilograms upon reaching adulthood. Unfortunately, not many
1. A. everywhere B. widespread C. worldwide
2. A. it B. that C. which
3. A. exclusively B. one C. the only
4. A. because B. the reason for C. why
5. A. incredibly B. invariably C. impossibly
6. A. in B. between C. at
7. A. like B. as C. such as
8. A. up to B. totally C. heavier than

Reading 2
8. Read and translate the information concerning pollution and environment.
A. Important definitions
People are more worried about the environment (= the air, water, and the land around us) as
a result of the harmful (= dangerous/damaging) effects of human activity. Some of these
activities cause pollution (= dirty air, land and water) and some are destroying the environment
(= damaging it so badly that soon parts will not exist). Here are some of the problems:
the ozone [΄əuzəun] layer: a layer of gases which stop harmful radiation from the sun reaching
the earth; recent research shows that there is now a hole in parts of the ozone layer.
global warming: an increase in world temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide
[΄ka:b(ə)n dai΄oksaid]. (вуглекислий газ)
acid [΄ǽsid] rain: rain that contains dangerous chemicals; this is caused by smoke from

B. The ‘greens’
Because of these problems, there are many groups of people whose aim is conservation (=
the protection of natural things, e.g. plants and animals). They are often referred to as greens,
e.g. ‘Greenpeace’ and ‘Friends of the Earth.’

C. Common causes of damage

 smoke from factories
 car exhaust fumes [ig΄zo:st ΄fju:ms]
 dumping (= throwing away) industrial waste (= unwanted material) in seas and rivers
 aerosol [΄εərəsol] cans (usually called sprays). Some of these contain CFCs (= chemical)
which can damage the ozone layer.
 cutting down tropical rainforests (e.g. The Amazon). This increases carbon dioxide in the
D. How can we help?
 Don’t throw away bottles, newspapers, etc. Take them to a bottle bank or newspaper bank,
and then they can be recycled (= used again).
 Plant more trees.
 Don’t waste (= use badly) resources, e.g. water gas. Try to save them.
Note: a resource is a valuable possession. There are natural resources, e.g. water or gold; and
human resources, e.g. knowledge and skills. The word is usually plural.

9. Fill the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase from the text.
1. the ___________ layer 5. ____________ warming
2. ______________ rains 6. ____________ fumes
3. ______________ waste 7. ____________ rainforests
4. a bottle ____________ 8. natural or human _________

10. Complete the definitions.

1. Conservation is the protection of natural things, e.g. ____________ and __________. 2. Acid
rain is rain that contains dangerous chemicals. It is caused by ______________. 3. The ozone
layer is a layer of gases that stop dangerous radiation from the sun reaching ____________. 4.
Global warming is an increase in world temperature caused by an increase in ______________.
5. CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is a chemical which _____________.

11. If we want to look after the environment, there are certain things we should and shouldn’t
do. Complete these two lists in suitable ways.
We should:
_________________ paper, bottles and clothes.
_________________ tropical rainforests.
_________________ more trees.
_________________ water and energy.
We shouldn’t:
_________________ paper, bottles and clothes.
_________________ the ozone layer.
_________________ water and energy.
_________________ tropical rainforests.

12. Write a leaflet, which is going to be given to everybody in your neighbourhood. The aim is to
encourage everybody to recycle. Include the following points (use 50 – 80 words):
 suggest what things people should recycle
 explain how to recycle
 how the environment will be helped

13. Test your knowledge. Are these statements true or false?

1. CFCs protect the ozone layer. 2. ‘Greens’ believe in conservation. 3. A hole in the ozone layer
could increase skin cancer. 4. Cutting down tropical rainforests increases the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. 5. Plastic cannot be recycled.
1 2 3 4 5

14. Complete the text by writing one word in each gap.
Here’s (1) ____ I do about recycling. I put all my newspapers, magazines, old envelopes – (2)
____fact, all my paper – to one side, and recycle it, along (3) ____ all the bottles that become
empty (4) _____ the week. I take my printer cartridges to a shop round (5) ____ corner, where
they collect them. It’s (6) ____ much, I know, but I think every little thing counts.

15. What word is missing from each gap in these sentences.

1. If you don’t drive to the shop, you’ll use less _______. 2. If you walk to the shop, you’ll get
valuable ________. 3. If you recycle paper, fewer _______will be cut down. 4. There’ll be less
air ________ if people buy electric cars.

16. Write a letter to an international magazine about protecting the environment in your
country. Include the following information:
 what threats to the environment there are in your country
 what you recommend people should do
 what you think will happen to the environment in the future.
Write about 150-200 words.


Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄mainland e΄xplain ,over΄come
΄calorie con΄firm de΄ssert
΄product di΄sease re΄sist
΄walnut con΄sume a΄mount
΄vital pre΄vent ,simi΄larity
΄vitamin re΄duce ,bene΄ficial
΄cancer a΄buse in΄herit
΄protein di΄saster per΄haps
΄combat sur΄prise to΄bacco
΄rheumatism su΄ggest in΄gredient

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
calorie to explain
varied product
to explain to confirm
to confirm to consume
to resist to resist
vital to prevent
to prevent vitamin
poison to reduce

similarity to abuse
beneficial to inherit
disaster to suggest
cure to contain

Vern/noun Person Negative Prefixes
to consume varied
to combat similarity
poison curable
Greece certain
Crete difference

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
mainland материк
mainland China материковий Китай (на відміну від Тайваню)
varied [΄vεərid] різний; різноманітний; змінний;
varied in colour різнобарвні;
varied opinions найрізноманітніші думки;
varied stock багатий асортимент (товарів);
varied scenery змінна декорація;
with varied success з перемінним успіхом
to make up складати; збирати;
to make up rules встановлювати правила;
to make up a bundle зв’язати у вузол
The board of directors is made up Рада директорів складається з чоловіків та жінок.
of men and women
calorie [΄kǽl(ə)ri] калорія;
low calorie food харчовий продукт низької калорійності;
to count calories рахувати калорії
to explain [ik΄splain] пояснювати; виправдуватися, давати пояснення;
to explain by giving an example пояснювати на прикладі
He explained to us that the Він пояснив нам, що екзамен відбудеться пізніше.
examination would take place later.
product [΄prodΛkt] продукт, продукція, виріб; фабрикат; товар;
skin-care products засоби догляду за шкірою;
dairy products молочна продукція;
to make products виробляти товари
chemical [΄kemik(ə)l] 1. хімічний реактив; хімічний продукт; хімікат; 2.
to take place відбуватися; мати місце
The meeting took place without Збори пройшли без інцидентів.
yoghurt [΄jogət] йогурт
lactose [΄lǽktəus] лактоза, молочний цукор
pattern [΄pǽt(ə)n] 1. зразок, приклад; 2. шаблон; форма, модель; схема, спосіб
(життя); манера (поведінки); 3. малюнок, візерунок;
to establish / set a pattern давати приклад;
behaviour pattern модель поведінки;
new patterns of family life нові тенденції в сімейному житті
to confirm [kən΄fə:m] підтверджувати; затверджувати, ратифікувати;
оформити (угоду); підкріплювати, підтримувати;
to confirm smb in his decision підтримати когось у його рішенні;
to confirm smb in office затвердити когось на посаді
confirm a treaty ратифікувати угоду
His story confirmed my doubts. Його розповідь підтвердила мої сумніви.
disease [di΄zi:z] хвороба;
heart disease хвороба серця, порок серця;
common disease поширена хвороба;
serious disease тяжка хвороба;
to come down with a disease захворіти;
to cure (a) disease лікувати хворобу;
to prevent (a) disease запобігати хворобі
to consume [kən΄sju:m] споживати, витрачати; з’їдати, поїдати, поглинати;
engines that consume less fuel мотори, які витрачають менше палива
The time consumed on that На цей проект було витрачено занадто багато часу.
project was excessive.
A society consumes as fast as it Суспільство споживає настільки ж швидко, як і
produces. виробляє.
He consumes a huge amount of Він поглинає велику кількість їжі.
puzzle [΄pΛzl] складне запитання, проблема; завдання; загадка;
головоломка, пазл;
cross-word puzzle кросворд;
pictorial puzzle ребус
That’s a real puzzle. Це справжня загадка.
to overcome [,əuvə΄kΛm] побороти, подолати, перемогти (ворога); перемогти /
(overcame – overcome) перебороти (погані звички); охопити (про почуття)
We shall overcome. Ми переможемо.
to overcome temptation подолати спокусу;
to overcome obstacles подолати перепони
dessert [di΄zə:t] десерт, солодке (страва); тістечко, пудинг, морозиво (як
What’s for dessert? Що на десерт?
walnut [΄wo:lnΛt] волоський горіх
to resist [ri΄zist] чинити опір, пручатися; протидіяти; не піддаватися;
протистояти, встояти проти чого-небудь;
to resist temptation устояти проти спокуси;
to resist arrest опиратися арешту
poison [΄poiz(ə)n] отрута; згубний вплив;
to resist poison протидіяти отруті
resistant [ri΄zist(ə)nt] який чинить опір, стійкий; міцний;
resistant to antibiotics стійкий до антибіотиків;
resistant to chemicals стійкий до хімічного впливу; хімічно інертний;
heat-resistant жаростійкий, теплостійкий, теплонепроникний, жаротривкий
amount [ə΄maunt] кількість; величина; все, увесь обсяг, уся маса; загальна
сума; (with uncountable nouns)
a large amount of work багато роботи;
considerable amount значна кількість
What is the amount of this? Скільки це складає?
a large amount of money in the bank велика сума грошей у банку
to back (up) підтримувати; підтверджувати;
to back an argument with proof підтримати аргументацію доказами

vital [΄vait(ə)l] життєвий; життєво важливий, що має життєво важливе
значення; насущний;
vital force / principle життєва сила / життєве начало;
vital spark іскра Божа, душа, життя;
vital interests життєві інтереси;
vital question життєво важливий / найважливіший питання;
vital industries найважливіші галузі промисловості
acid [΄ǽsid] кислота; уїдливість; єхидство; їдке зауваження;
fatty acid жирна кислота;
acid rains кислотні дощі
She wrote with acid about her Вона з єхидством написала про свій перший шлюб.
first marriage.
to prevent [pri΄vent] запобігати, охороняти;
to prevent from заважати, перешкоджати, не допускати;
to prevent the spread of disease запобігати поширенню хвороби;
to prevent crime запобігати злочинності;
to prevent smb from doing завадити комусь зробити щось
to search [sə:t∫] шукати; відшукувати, розшукувати; обшукувати;
to search for a lost girl шукати загублену дівчинку;
to search the car обшукувати машину
vitamin [΄vitəmin] вітамін;
vitamin tablets вітаміни в таблетках;
to take vitamins приймати вітаміни;
vitamin deficiency нестача вітамінів (у продукті); авітаміноз
to reduce [ri΄dju:s] знижувати; зменшувати; скорочувати;
to reduce pain полегшувати біль;
to reduce one’s expenditure скорочувати свої витрати;
to reduce prices знижувати ціни
similarity [,simi΄lǽriti] подібність; схожість;
striking similarity вражаюча схожість;
close similarity близька схожість;
similarity of appearance зовнішня схожість
beneficial [,beni΄fi∫(ə)l] благотворний, корисний; цілющий; вигідний;
beneficial to health корисний для здоров’я
clue [klu:] ключ до розгадки, дороговказна нитка; доказ;
a vital clue to the killer’s identity важливий доказ для встановлення особи вбивці
a great deal багато (with uncountable nouns)
This would help a great deal. Це дуже допомогло б.
rural [΄ruər(ə)l] сільський;
rural economy сільське господарство;
a rural area сільська місцевість
as well (as) також, так само як і, а також
He mentioned other matters as well. Він згадав інші справи також.
courageous as well as strong сміливий, а також сильний
cancer [΄kǽnsə] рак;
a cancer ракова пухлина;
cancer detection centre онкологічний центр;
cancer sticks (slang) сигарети
protein [΄prəuti:n] білок, протеїн;
to furnish / provide protein of забезпечити надходження білків у кров з їжі

moderate [΄mod(ə)rət] поміркований; стриманий, помірний; середній;
посередній (про якість); невеликий (про кількість, силу)
a moderate price помірна ціна;
a moderate climate помірний клімат;
moderate rain невеличкий дощ;
man of moderate abilities людина середніх здібностей
to abuse [ə΄bju:z] зловживати; неправильно або незвично вживати;
to abuse one’s eyesight перенапружувати зір;
to abuse one’s authority зловживати владою;
to abuse alcohol зловживати алкоголем
disaster [di΄za:stə] нещастя; лихо, біда; катастрофа;
national disaster національна катастрофа;
natural disaster стихійне лихо;
to experience / meet / suffer (a) disaster потрапити у біду; вскочити в лихо
to cope with / recover from (a) впоратися з бідою;
to avert (a) disaster запобігти нещастю;
to invite (a) disaster накликати біду;
to cause (a) disaster приносити нещастя
excess [ik΄ses] нездержливість, непомірність (у їжі, питві)
to excess надмірно
to live to excess жити, зловживаючи їжею та питвом
to inherit [in΄herit] успадковувати, отримувати в спадок; бути спадкоємцем;
to inherit a fortune from an uncle успадкувати статок від дядька
gene [dЗi:n] ген;
dominant gene домінантний ген
to combat [΄kombǽt] вести бій, боротися;
to combat against disease боротися з хворобою
cure [kjuə] ліки, засіб; лікування; курс лікування
a disease beyond cure невиліковна хвороба;
to take the cure for cancer пройти курс лікування від раку;
a cure for the headache засіб від головного болю
rheumatism [΄ru:mətiz(ə)m] ревматизм;
chronic rheumatism хронічний ревматизм;
to suffer from rheumatism страждати на ревматизм
to enhance [in΄ha:ns] збільшувати, підсилювати; підвищувати ціну або
цінність; підвищувати якість
This will enhance the tension. Це збільшить напругу.
quality [΄kwoliti] якість, сорт, ґатунок; властивість; ознака; характерна
excellent / superior quality найвища якість;
low / poor quality погана якість;
quantity and quality кількість та якість
fibre [΄faibə] волокно, фібра; нитка
glass fibre скловолокно;
coarse fibre грубе волокно
wholemeal bread [΄həulmi:l] хліб ціло-зернистого борошна
pasta [΄pǽstə] макаронний виріб; макаронні вироби; спагеті, макарони;
страви з макаронів

E. Fill in the correct word.

varied; calories; explained; resisted; products; confirmed; acid; vitamin; disease; consume;
overcome; amount; vital; abused; prevent; a great deal of; pattern; similarity; inherit;
cancers; disaster moderate; searched; fibre; beneficial; enhance; clue; quality rural; gene;
as well as; combat
1. He _________ the process to us in simple terms. 2. Andrew would ________ nearly two
pounds of cheese per day. 3. My diet allows me 1,200 _______ per day. 4. She’s suffering from
kidney _________. 5. Try to get the best __________ at the lowest price. 6. A _______ range of
dishes is suitable for vegetarians. 7. They _________ their hotel booking by letter. 8. I have
fought to __________ my fear of spiders.9. They ________ our attempts to modernize
distribution. 10. Speed is _______to the success of our plan. 11. We must ________ the cancer
from spreading 12. Have you ________ through your pockets thoroughly? 13. ________ C is
found in fruit and vegetables 14. She spilled some _______ which burned a hole in her dress. 15.
I still do a certain ______ of work for them. 16. There is the astonishing _______ between my
brother and my eldest son. 17. Scientists have discovered a ________to the puzzle of why our
cells get old and die. 18. It is intended to cover all subjects of interest, from leisure to
commercial shopping, ________ fishing and the environment. 19. We’ve had ________ rain this
year. 20. Vitamins are ________ to health. 21. These plants grow in the more _______ areas. 22.
She _______ her privileges by taking too long a holiday. 23 A _______ amount of stress can be
beneficial. 24. The earthquake was the greatest _______ the country had ever experienced. 25.
Ninety percent of lung ________ are caused by smoking. 26. He has no son to ________ his
land. 26. If the children are red-haired, one of their parents must have a _______ for red hair. 27.
The residents of the town tried to ________ the government’s plans to build a motorway. 28.
They want to _______ their reputation abroad. 29. Eat more ______, less sugar and less fat. 30.
We look for ________ rather than quantity. 31. They changed their dietary ________.

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. These three articles make ____ the whole book. 2. We explained our plan ____ the committee.
3. We had homemade ice cream ____ dessert. 4. Some people are resistant _____ the idea of
exercise. 5. Her children always backed her ____. 6. Nothing shall prevent us ____ reaching our
aim! 7. I’ve been searching _____ that book for weeks. 8. A healthy diet is full ____ vitamins. 9.
Fresh air is beneficial ____your health.10. He is dying ____ cancer. 11. He drinks ____ excess.
11. He inherited four thousand dollars _____ his father. 12. He was _______ cure. 13. There is
still no cure _____ the common cold. 14. Thanks ____ recent research, effective treatment is

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules
____________; 2. а usually sweet course or dish, as of fruit, ice cream, or pastry, served at the
end of a meal ____________; 3. the main part of a land mass as opposed to an island or
peninsula ____________; 4. quantity, especially of money ____________; 5. to form or
compose ____________; 6. displaying or characterized by variety____________ ; 7. to happen;
to occur____________ ; 8. to support or assist ____________; 9. to look for something by
careful examination ____________; 9. producing or promoting a favourable result; advantageous
____________; 10. in addition to ____________; 11. to use wrongly, usually with harmful
results ____________ ; 12. to an inordinate extent; immoderately____________ ; 13. to receive
(property, a right, title, etc.) by succession or under a will ____________; 14. any of the basic
elements of heredity, passed from parents to their offspring____________ ; 15. an agent, such as
a drug, that restores health; a remedy ____________; 16. to increase ____________; 17. an
example suitable to be copied; a model or guide for making something ____________

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. calorie a. to establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts;

2. to confirm b. a problem that cannot be easily or readily solved;

3. disease c. any of a large number of substances present in milk, eggs, meat etc,
which are necessary as part of the food of human beings and animals;
4. to consume d. keep from happening or arising;
5. puzzle e. a unit of energy given by food;
6. to overcome f. a point, feature, or detail in which two items are alike;
7. to prevent g. living in or characteristic of farming or country life;
8. similarity h. a terrible event, especially one that causes great damage, loss etc.;
9. clue i. a pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism
resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or
environmental stress;
10. rural j. to win a victory over;
11. protein k. something that helps to solve a problem or unravel a mystery
12. disaster l. to eat or drink; to use up; expend;

I. Translate into English.

1. Чи пояснила вона вам, чому запізнилася? 2. Магазин пропонує великий асортимент
продуктів. 3. Нічого важливого не відбувалося. 4. Це підтвердило мої підозри (suspicion). 5.
Краще запобігати хворобі, ніж лікувати її. 6. Скільки електрики ви споживаєте за місяць? 7.
Вона намагається подолати свою сором’язливість. 8. У нас сьогодні фрукти на десерт. 9.
Важко опиратися спокусі. 10. Сума, яку він мав готівкою, була значною. 11. Нам потрібні
додаткові факти, щоб підтримати нашу теорію. 12. Це життєво необхідно, щоб ми
прибули до лікарні швидко. 13. Кислотні дощі містять небезпечні хімічні речовини. 14.
Затори на дорозі завадили мені прийти вчасно. 15. Вони вжили заходів для запобігання
страйку. 16. Заняття спортом та дотримання дієти корисні для здоров’я. 17. Номер
машини був підказкою для встановлення особистості злочинця. 18. Мені справді більше
подобається жити в сільській місцевості. 19. В Україні помірно континентальний клімат.
20. У своїй книзі він показав, як посадовці (official) можуть зловживати владою. 21.
Землетрус у Сан-Франсіску пам’ятають як одну з найбільших катастроф на території
Америки. 22. Уникайте надмірного вживання цукру в своїй дієті. 23. Він отримав будинок
у спадок від свого батька. 24. Уряд вживає заходів для боротьби зі злочинністю. 25. Вони
намагаються знайти ліки від раку. 26. Їх витрати на життя постійно зростають. 27. Для нас
якість важливіша за кількість. 28. Бавовна – природне волокно. 29. Сукня гарна, але мені
не подобається модель.

Reading 1
1. You are going to read a magazine article about food and old age. Choose from the list (A-I)
of the paragraphs which have been removed to fit each gap (1-7) of the article. There is one
extra sentence.
Eat Greek and Live Longer
If you want to live to a healthy old age and eat well along the way, then perhaps you should
move to the Greek mainland or Crete. These are the areas of Europe whose population lives
longest, thanks to their varied diet. 1 ___
But although these people are healthy and live longer, this surprises some experts. A study of
several villages on Crete and the Greek mainland showed that fat made up 40 per cent of the
average person’s calories, well over what most experts consider to be healthy. 2 ___
Researchers cannot yet explain why, though all of these products are produced by cows, they

should have such different effects on people. It is possible that a chemical change could take
place during the process of making cheese and yoghurt. 3 __
Whether it’s lactose or not, national patterns in other parts of Europe appear to confirm this
theory. For example, Finns have one of Europe’s highest rates of heart disease, and it could be
because they consume four times more milk and butter than the Greeks do. Another puzzle has
come out of the study. This concerns tobacco. 4___
But it appears that their diet is so good that it can even overcome the dangers of smoking.
This kind of diet could account for the surprising health of one of the study’s subjects, an 82-
year-old Greek carpenter. He has enjoyed food and wine all his life and has never dieted or taken
special exercise. He starts the day with bread and milk. At midday he eats a large lunch with lots
of vegetables and feta cheese. 5 ___
He says he hardly ever eats butter and his favourite dessert is full-fat natural yoghurt with
walnuts, honey and fruit. There is a high level of chemicals which resist poisons in this kind of
diet and it could be the chemicals that limit the effects of smoking. 6 ___
The study also suggests that wine is an important part of the Greek formula, but only at
certain times and in certain amounts. The people who were studied drank wine regularly, but in
moderate amounts and always with meals. This backs up a recent study, this time done in Italy. 7
Or could the secret be in olive oil? All the people studied consumed large amounts of olive
oil, although experts are still not certain it could be the oil which helps them live longer. A final
part of this mystery could be a vital fatty acid, which according to research can prevent heart
disease. 8 ___
But the search for a single magic ingredient may not be the answer. It may be that it is the
whole diet that helps people to stay healthy and live longer, not just one of its individual parts.

A. But most of this fat comes from cheese and yoghurt and very little from butter and milk. This
could be the factor which makes the difference.
B. The resistant chemicals and many vitamins that are found in fruit and vegetables have been
shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and other illnesses.
C. There seem to be similarities between the Greek mainland and Cretan traditional diets that
may offer scientists a clue as to their beneficial effects.
D. Cretans consume 68 per cent more of this acid than the average European. Walnuts contain a
great deal of this acid, and these are eaten in large quantities by Cretans and rural Greeks.
E. He eats all kinds of meat but mostly chicken. Everything is cooked in olive oil, and he also
puts it on just about everything: salads, vegetables and cheese.
F. Most of the people studied, who are in their eightieth, are smokers. Tobacco is a big risk
factor for heart disease as well as cancer.
G. It has been proved that some foods prevent illness. Some other foods however, encourage it.
H. A Greek professor who worked on the study believes it may have something to do with
lactose, which is the protein found in milk.
I. Men who drank between meals had a higher death rate than those who only drank when they
were having a meal. In women there was an even greater difference.

2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Cretans are healthy and live longer. 2. There is a low level of fat in the Greek diet. 3. Wine
should be drunk in moderate amounts. 4. Experts are certain that olive oil is the secret to a long
healthy life.

1 2 3 4

3. Fill in the gaps with words from the list below:

process, average, consume, vital, resist, individual, ingredient, overcome
1. It is wise to________ fruit and vegetables as part of your daily diet. 2. He couldn’t__________
his fear of flying so he travelled by boat. 3. Certain vitamins help the body to __________
disease. 4. Let’s cooperate instead of each making _________ decisions. 5. The __________ of
making cheese takes a couple of weeks. 6. The fingerprints found at the scene of the crime were
_________ clues in the murder case. 7. Your ___________ intake of wine should not be more
than two glasses per day. 8. Flour is a necessary _____________ for making a cake.

4. Think of the word which best fits each space. Write only one word in each space.
There has been a trend (1) ______ healthier living in the (2) ______ two or three decades.
However, there is still a lot of debate about (3) _____style of life is the (4) ______likely to help
you live longer.
Many people believe that staying fit and (4) _____ regular exercise can lead to a long life. It’s
true that the healthier we are, the better we feel, but (5) _______ this lead to a longer life? Some
people would like to think (6) ____, but there is no proof that exercise is the answer.
Obviously, abusing our bodies can lead to disaster. Drinking, smoking or leading a stressful
life can shorten our lives dramatically. But even (7) _____ some people live to excess, something
appears to protect them. Could it be the genetic make-up they inherited (8) _____ their parents?
A particularly strong gene could help people combat illness.
On the other hand if we are unlucky (9) _____ to have inherited a weak gene, then there is
little to (10) _____ done. Even if this is the (11) _____, then a balanced diet could be a help, if
not a cure. It has (12) ____ proven that diet can help a variety of illnesses – from cancer to
rheumatism – and even if we don’t suffer (13) ____ these illnesses, a healthy diet can surely
enhance the quality of our lives.
There is no certainty that (14) ____ of these things will prolong our lives but even if we are
unlucky in our genetic make-up, (15) ____ can be no harm in giving our bodies the best, even if
nature doesn’t.

5. Read the text and decide which word A. B, C or D best fits each space.
Living a Healthier Life
Keeping fit and healthy may (0) ___ difficult but there are a few easy-to-follow 1) ___.
Firstly, a balanced diet is absolutely essential. This 2) ___ selecting food that is 3) ___ in salt and
sugar. Experts recommend 4) ___ the amount of fat in our diet, as too much can lead to heart
problems. They also suggest increasing the 5) ___ of high fibre food we eat. This comes in the 6)
___ of fresh fruit, vegetables, wholemeal bread and pasta. As well as being packed 7) ___
vitamins and minerals, they are delicious too. Secondly, it’s important to fit exercise into your
daily 8) ___ . This can be done by simply walking as much as 9) ___ and climbing stairs instead
of 10) ___ the lift. Exercise is necessary to 11) ___ a healthy body, as well as increasing energy
levels and 12) ___ you feel generally fitter and happier. Finally, staying relaxed is important for
good health. Too much stress can 13) ___ to a variety of illnesses, from headaches to high blood
pressure. 14) ___ possible, do things you enjoy and treat yourself occasionally. So the message is
15) ___ – enjoy yourself but learn to respect your body too. It’s all a question of getting the
balance right.

0. A. have B. seem C. find D. happen

1. A. laws B. guides C. order D. guidelines
2. A. contains B. points C. means D. suggests
3. A. poor B. short C. small D. low
4. A. declining B. dropping C. cutting D. reducing
5. A. bulk B. amount C. number D. mass
6. A. form B. way C. look D. means
7. A. by B. with C. of D. in
8. A. routine B. custom C. time D. practice
9. A. possible B. probable C. able D. capable
10. A. catching B. having C. taking D. going
11. A. keep B. maintain C. support D. manage
12. A. providing B. doing C. assisting D. making
13. A. bring B. direct C. guide D. lead
14. A. Whichever B. Whenever C. However D. How
15. A. ordinary B. natural C. simple D. casual

Reading 2
6. Read and translate the following information about health: illness and disease.
A. Common problems
What the matter with them?
She’s sneezing. She’s coughing. He’s got a sore throat. He’s blowing his nose. She’s got a
What’s the matter? How do you know? (symptoms) Cause of illness
I’ve got a cold. a sore throat [Өrəut], sneezing, a a virus [΄vai(ə)rəs]
cough [kof]
I’ve got flu (more serious symptoms for a cold + aching a virus
than a cold) [΄eikiŋ] muscles [΄mΛslz] and a
temperature, e.g. 39,5
I’ve got hay fever. [΄fi:və] sneezing, runny nose, sore eyes allergic reaction to pollen
from grass
I’ve got diarrhoea. I keep going to the toilet. often food, or a virus
I feel sick. I want to vomit (= be sick) many e.g. food, alcohol
I’ve got a hangover. headache, feeling sick too much alcohol
Note: For these illnesses, you can either buy something from the chemist [΄kemist], or go to
your doctor, who may give you a prescription (= a piece of paper with an order for some
medicine) that you get from the chemist.

B. Aches and pains

Nouns: We only use ache with the following: I’ve got toothache, a stomach-ache [΄stΛməkeik],
backache, earache and a headache. For other parts of the body we use pain, e.g. I woke up in
the night with a terrible pain in my chest.
Verbs: You can use ache for some things, e.g. my back aches; but hurt is more common to
describe real pain, and it can be used with or without a direct object:
She hurt her foot when she jumped off the bus and fell over. (also injured here) or
She hurt herself when she jumped off the bus and fell over.
I hit my leg against the table and it really hurts. (= gives me a terrible pain)

Adjectives: The only common adjective is painful (painless):
I had an injection yesterday and it was very painful.
A: Did it hurt when you had you filling? (= when the dentist fills a hole/cavity in the tooth)
B: No, it was painless.

C. Serious illnesses
Doctors believe that smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. He had a heart attack and died
almost immediately. Hepatitis [,hepə΄taitis] is a liver disease. Asthma [΄ǽsmə] (chest illness
causing breathing problems) has become more common.
Note: Illness and disease are often used in the same way, but disease is used for a serious
condition caused by an infection e.g. a liver disease. Illness is a more general word.

D. What do doctors do?

They take temperature, listen to your chest, look in your ears, examine you, take your blood
pressure, ask you some questions and weigh and measure you before sending you to the hospital
for further test.

C. What does the doctor prescribe?

a) Take one three times a day after meals.
b) Take a teaspoonful last thing at night.
c) Rub a little on before going to bed each night.
d) We’ll get the nurse to put a bandage on.
e) You’ll need to have some injections before you go.
f) I’ll ask the surgeon when he can fit you in for an operation.
g) You’ll have to have your leg put in plaster.
f) I think you should have a total bed rest for a week.

7. Write down the main symptoms for these conditions:

1. a cold: _____________________________________________________________________
2. flu: ________________________________________________________________________
3. hay fever: ___________________________________________________________________
4. a hangover: __________________________________________________________________
5. diarrhoea: ___________________________________________________________________
6. asthma: _____________________________________________________________________

8. Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1. I hit my hand on the desk and it really _____________. 2. They say she died of a heart
___________. 3. She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomach-
__________. 4. I’ve got this terrible __________ in my neck from sleeping in the wrong
position. 5. He died of _____________ cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in his
life. 6. I went to the doctor, and she gave me a ____________ for some tablets. 7. Pollution
makes her ___________ worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe. 8. There are different forms
of hepatitis; one is a more serous __________ than the other. 9. I hurt _____________ when I
fell off the chair. 10. My back ____________ from sitting at that computer today. 11. The doctor
took my __________ and listened to my __________. 12. I had to take a ________ after a meal
every day.

9. Write a letter to a friend. Use 100-120 words.

You are writing to your friend about the illness you (or members of your family or friends) have had.
Mention the following items:
 What were the symptoms?
 What did the doctor do?
 What did the doctor prescribe?
 Have you got any aches and pains now?

Read the words. Mind the stress. A):
΄sensible re΄plenish ,circu΄lation
΄cavity main΄tain mi΄nority
΄scurvy hu΄midity ,stir-΄fry
΄conquer su΄sceptible re΄spiratory
΄measurement re΄vise de΄fence
΄lifestyle dis΄covery po΄tassium
΄pleasure Chi΄nese ,carbo΄hydrate

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun /Verb Adjective / Adverb Verb Noun
circulation circulation
sensible jogging
low to replenish
to aim to maintain
to heal to revise
humidity defence
susceptible to conquer
respiratory discovery
to revise pleasure
defence prevention

Vern/noun Person Negative Prefixes / Suffixes
to heal sensible
to suffer to increase
to revise susceptible
to conquer overweight
to sail pleasure

D. Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.
to cut down (on) скорочувати споживання;
to cut down on one’s intake of скорочувати споживання дорогих продуктів або жирної
rich foods їжі
circulation [,sə:kjə΄lei∫(ə)n] циркуляція; тираж (газети), наклад;
circulation of the blood кровообіг
sensible [΄sensibl] розумний, розсудливий; відчутний, помітний; який
усвідомлює, розуміє; який відчуває, чутливий;
a sensible person розсудлива людина;
a sensible choice розумний вибір;

sensible of your kindness що усвідомлює вашу доброту;
a sensible difference помітна різниця
to aim [eim] прагнути до чого-небудь; ставити що-небудь за свою
мету, домагатися чого-небудь;
to aim at gaining the prize прагнути виграти приз;
to aim at absolute power прагнути абсолютної влади;
to aim to attain better results прагнути отримати кращих результатів;
to aim to become a doctor прагнути стати лікарем
She was aiming for a promotion. Вона прагнула отримати підвищення.
aim at success прагнути успіху
low [ləu] низький, невисокий; тихий, неголосний; недостатній;
low diet низькокалорійна дієта;
low ceiling низька стеля;
to feel low бути в депресії
to shorten [∫o:t(ə)n] укорочувати, скорочувати; урізувати, зменшувати;
to shorten a dress укорочувати сукню;
to shorten delivery dates скорочувати строки поставки;
to shorten their stay at the hotel скорочувати час перебування в готелі
to keep / feel fit бути здоровим та бадьорим
jogging [΄dЗogiŋ] розминка, пробіжка, біг підтюпцем
to replenish [ri΄pleni∫] знову наповнювати або поповнювати; (до)заправити
Allow me to replenish your glass (паливом);
with some more juice. Дозвольте мені ще раз наповнити ваш склянку соком.
to heal [hi:l] виліковувати (рани); сприяти загоєнню, рубцюванню;
гоїтися, загоюватися; зціляти (хворих); заспокоювати;
to heal of illness вилікувати від хвороби
Time heals. Час лікує.
worth [wə:Ө] вартий, що заслуговує чогось; що має значення;
to be worth doing варто зробити щось
This play is worth seeing. П’єсу варто подивитися.
study of great worth дослідження великої цінності;
to be not worth the trouble не вартий затрачених зусиль
What is it worth? Скільки це коштує?
to maintain [mein΄tein] підтримувати, зберігати; утримувати (сім’ю, армію)
to maintain one’s health підтримувати своє здоров’я;
to maintain one’s composure зберігати холоднокровність, самовладання;
to maintain good relations підтримувати гарні стосунки;
to maintain a family утримувати сім’ю
intake споживання; втягування, всмоктування;
an intake of oxygen споживання кисню;
an intake of students набір студентів
to take over 1. приймати від іншого; 2. переймати, успадковувати; 3.
прийти до влади; взяти у свої руки керування;
to take over a business приймати на себе керування справою / підприємством;
приймати на себе ведення справ;
to take over duties приймати / заступати на чергування
minority [mai΄noriti] меншина; меншість; менша кількість; менша частина;
national minority національна меншина;
minority opinion думка меншої частини / меншості

She is still in her minority. Вона все ще неповнолітня.
stir-fry [,stə:΄frai] печеня
humidity [hju:΄miditi] вологість, вогкість;
absolute humidity абсолютна вологість;
relative humidity відносна вологість
cavity [΄kǽviti] порожнина, западина; дупло (у зубі); западина;
nasal [΄neiz(ə)l] cavity порожнина носу;
abdominal cavity черевна порожнина;
mouth cavity порожнини рота;
chest cavity грудина;
to fill a cavity (in a tooth) запломбувати зуб
susceptible [sə΄septəbl] сприйнятливий; вразливий; чутливий; уразливий;
susceptible to diseases уразливий до хвороб;
susceptible to colds уразливий до застуди
bug [bΛg] 1. мікроб; інфекційне захворювання; зараза; 2. жук;
комашка; клоп; 3. вірус (комп’ютерний); 4. жучок (для
flu bug вірус грипу;
to get / pick up the bug підхопити інфекцію;
May bug хрущ;
potato bug колорадський жук
to surge [sə:dЗ] наростати (про почуття, звук); (на)хлинути, ринути;
здіймати; підніматися і опускатися (про хвилі)
As favourable reviews came out, Коли з’явилися позитивні рецензії, зацікавленість у
interest in the software surged. комп’ютерних програмах зросла.
The fans surged forward to see Фанати хлинули вперед, щоб побачити кінозірку.
the movie star.
respiratory [ri΄spirət(ə)ri] респіраторний, дихальний;
respiratory infection респіраторна інфекція
to revise [ri΄vaiz] переглядати, змінювати; перевіряти, виправляти;
to revise one’s opinion повторювати;
переглянути свою думку
defence [di΄fens] захист; оборона; виправдання;
to speak out in defence of justice виступати на захист справедливості
Best defence is offence. Кращий захист – це напад.
to sniff сопіти; чмихати носом; нюхати, понюхати
The baby sat on the grass sniffing Дитина сиділа на траві та нюхала квітки.
at the flowers.
to hug [hΛg] міцно обіймати, стискати в обіймах; міцно обійматися;
to hug one’s grandmother обняти свою бабусю
to shake (shook – shaken) трясти, струшувати; тремтіти; трястися;
to shake hands (with smb) = to потискувати руку
shake smb’s hand / to shake smb
by the hand
to shake off the dust from one’s струшувати бруд з ніг;
to shake with cold тремтіти від холоду
She was shaken by the news of Вона була вражена (зворушена) новиною про нещастя.
the disaster.
a cold (=common cold) застуда; нежить;
to catch a cold застудитися;

cold in the head нежить
to find out (found – found) дізнатися, з’ясувати, довідатися; розкрити (обман,
таємницю); розгадати (загадку); викрити кого-небудь,
піймати (на брехні);
to find out the truth з’ясувати правду;
to find smb out викрити когось
to sail [seil] плавати; іти під вітрилами; керувати, управляти
(судном); відпливати, відходити (про судно)
They sailed down the river. Вони поплили вниз по річці.
sailor моряк;
to be a good / bad sailor добре / погано переносити хитавицю
scurvy [΄skə:vi] цинга
to conquer [΄koŋkə] завойовувати, підкоряти; перемагати; переборювати;
to conquer the town завойовувати місто;
to conquer fear подолати страхи;
to conquer disease перемогти хворобу;
conquer one’s desires перебороти бажання;
conqueror [΄koŋkərə] завойовник;
William the Conqueror Вільгельм Завойовник
discovery [dis΄kΛv(ə)ri] відкриття; виявлення, розкриття; викриття;
the discovery of new forensic відкриття нових судових прийомів;
Discovery Day День відкриття Америки (12 жовтня).
potassium [pə΄tǽsiəm] калій
carbohydrate [,ka:bə΄haidreit] вуглевод
measurement [΄meЗəmənt] вимірювання, вимір;
exact measurements точні розміри;
to take a measurement виміряти, зняти змірок

E. Fill in the correct word.

cut down; circulation; sensible; aiming; low; shorten; fit; susceptible; replenish; heal; took
over; worth; sniffling; sailing; hugged; bug; revised; maintain; cold; conquered; defence;
intake; surged; measurement; cavities; William the Conqueror; discoveries; shook; humidity;
carbohydrate; found out
1. She was a ________ girl and did not panic. 2. The _______ prices and friendly service made
for a pleasant evening out. 3. She keeps _______ with diet and exercise. 4. Anyone with
________ problems should seek medical advice before flying. 5. We must _________ our stock
of coal. 6. The historical society is _______ to restore the town hall. 7. You should _________
on your daily fat intake. 8. When the days _________, some people suffer from depression. 9.
This ointment will soon _______ your cuts. 10. You should always ________ your friendships.
11. The heat and _________ were insufferable. 12. Walking with weights makes the shoulders
________ to injury. 13. This year’s _________ of students is smaller than last year’s. 14. His
suggestion is _______ considering. 15. She __________ the throne after her husband died. 16.
The dentist said she had three ________ in her teeth. 17. I think I’ve got a bit of a stomach
_______. 18. Twenty-eight per cent of the federal budget is spent on _________. 19. This
dictionary has been completely ________. 20. The waves ________ over the rocks. 21. The sick
student was _______ in the back row. 22. The explosion _______ the building.. 23. She
_________ her son when he returned from the war. 24. He has a bad ______. 25. Early in the
eleventh century the whole of England was again __________ by the Vikings. 26. There’s a boat
______ for England in the morning. 27. I ________ the phone number by looking it up. 28.
Perhaps one of the most significant ___________ in the field in recent years has been made by

Dr. Brown and his colleagues. 29. ________________ was the duke of Normandy who led the
Norman invasion of England and became the first Norman to be King of England; he defeated
Harold II at the battle of Hastings in 1066 and introduced many Norman customs into England.
30. _________ of blood pressure can be undertaken by the practice nurse. 31. Potatoes are full of

F. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

1. The doctor advised him to cut ____ ____ drink. 2. The publicity campaign was aimed ___
improving the eating habits of children. 3. She took ____ the job after he left. 4. When the vote
was taken they were ____ the minority. 5. He was unusually susceptible ____ flattery. 6. He
spoke ____ defence ____ the plans. 7. The dog sniffed ____ the stranger ____ a minute but did
not recognize him. 8. He shook John ____ the hand. 9. I stood there, crying and shaking ____
fear. 10. If you’re not sure, find ____. 11. This myth is about a great warrior who conquers
_____ the spiritual enemies of his people. 12. There was a steady increase _____ temperature.
13. Crime is _____ the increase.

G. Give a word or a phrase which means:

1. a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part
___________; 2. movement in a circle or circuit, especially the movement of blood through
bodily vessels as a result of the heart’s pumping action___________ ; 3. running at a slow
regular pace usually over a long distance as part of an exercise routin___________e; 4. wetness
in the atmosphere ___________; 5. to move forward with great force___________ ; 6. to move
or cause to move up and down or back and forth with short quick movements; vibrate
___________; 7. a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the
lungs) ___________; 8. to learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or
other effort ___________; 9. to overcome or defeat ___________; 10. to move across the surface
of water, especially by means of a sailing vessel ___________; 11. a disease caused by a lack of
vitamin C ___________; 12. an essential structural component of living cells and source of
energy for animals___________ 

H. Match the words with their definitions.

1. sensible a. provide a cure for, make healthy again;
2. to aim b. to correct faults and make improvements in (a book etc); to study
one’s previous work, notes etc in preparation for an examination etc;
3. fit c. the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by
4. to replenish d. wise; having or showing good judgement;
5. to heal e. to assume the control or management of
6. to maintain f.  to hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love;
7. intake g. physically and mentally sound or healthy
8. to take over h. resistance against danger, attack, or harm; protection;
9. susceptible i. to direct toward or intend for a particular goal
10. to revise j. keep in a certain state, position, or activity;
11. defence k. Easily influenced or affected
12. to hug l. to make full or complete again by supplying what has been used up
or is lacking

I. Translate into English.

1. Ця газета колись мала найбільший тираж (наклад) з усіх щоденних газет. 2. Якщо ви
дотримуєтеся дієти, вам треба скоротити вживання продуктів, що містять борошно й

цукор. 3. З її боку було розумно відкласти поїздку. 4. Ми прагнули закінчити роботу до
кінця місяця. 5. Сонце було низько на небі. 6. Рукопис треба скоротити. 7. Ранкові
пробіжки дуже корисні для здоров’я. 8. Нам треба поповнити наш запас товарів. 9. Рана
загоюється дуже повільно. 10. Якщо справу треба робити, її треба робити як слід. 11. Вони
припинили підтримувати стосунки вже давно. 12. Злодій заховав кольє (necklace) в
порожнині стіні. 13. Холодна погода робить нас уразливими до застуд. 14. а) У
комп’ютерній програмі був вірус. б) У телефоні стояв жучок. с) Він підхопив вірусну
інфекцію. 15. Натовп хлинув із церкви. 16. Тобі краще почати готуватися (повторювати)
до екзамену (іспиту). 17. Кращий захист – це напад. 18. Вона витерла (wipe) обличчя і
голосно шмигнула носом. 19. Вони обнялися на прощання. 20. а) Вітаючись, він потиснув
усім руки. б) Вона була глибоко вражена (зворушена) тим нещасним випадком. с) Дув
сильний вітер, і ми тремтіли від холоду. 21. З’ясуй, чи розмовляє він англійською. 22. Я
ніколи не плавав Середземним (the Mediterranean) морем. 23. а) Нормандці завоювали
Англію в 11-му столітті. б) Ви повинні перебороти свої страхи темряви. 24. З відкриттям
нафти в регіоні ситуація змінилася.

1. Pre-reading task. Match verbs (1-8) with phrases (a-h) from collocations connected with a
healthy lifestyle. There may be different solutions possible.
1. stay a. enough sleep
2. keep b. fit
3. avoid c. a sensible diet
4. go d. jogging
5. work out e. in shape
6. get f. weight
7. lose g. stress
8. follow h. in the gym

2. Match the phrases with their definitions.

1. put on weight a. start (e.g. a new hobby)
2. give up b. grow fatter
3. cut down on c. have less of
4. take up d. stop (doing)

3. Read the following leaflet giving advice on leading a healthy life. Some phrases have been
left out of the text. Choose from phrases A-I below to complete the gaps. There is one extra
 Reduce calories and cut down on sweets, cakes and chocolate. If you are overweight, try to
lose weight. Being overweight increases your (1) ____ of developing circulation problems.
 Follow a sensible diet – eat as much low-fat food as possible: chicken, fish and yogurt are
good for you. Aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to ensure your (2)
___ of Vitamin C and healthy-giving minerals.
 Give up smoking – every cigarette shortens your life.
 Lead an active lifestyle. Keep fit and stay in shape: (3) ___ out in the gym or take up
jogging? Choose an activity that you (4) ___ . Exercise should be a pleasure, not a duty. Aim
to exercise for about 30 minutes at least five times a week. If you work sitting down, (5) ___
up as often as you can and walking around for a while.


 Don’t go to bed late: if you don’t get enough sleep, you will lack energy and you will age
faster. Sleep replenishes the energies spent during the day and aids the natural healing
process of the body.
 Don’t get stressed: (6) ___ and avoid stress at home, school or work. Learn to relax, and
when you feel that your stress level is rising, take a break.
 Don’t eat between meals: it’s the fastest way to put on weight. If you (7) ___ snacks, try at
least to eat healthy snacks, like fruit or yogurt.
 Don’t be a fitness fanatic! You need to stay in shape but remember to (8) ___.

A. why not work D. chances G. maintain a balanced lifestyle

B. it’s worth practicing E. can’t give up H. enjoy doing
C. keep calm F. try getting I. intake

4. Read the extract from a book on British culture and use one word only to fill each gap in the text.
The ethnic minorities are taking over British food. And it’s a good thing, too, since no one
would say the British have ever (1) ______ famous for their cooking. We are actually famous for
not being (2) ______ to cook at all. After hundreds of years of trying to create a national cuisine
(3) ______ could impress the world, the British have never really got much further (4) _____
breakfast. In fact, other Europeans have always said that in (5) ______ to eat well in Britain one
has to eat an English breakfast three times a day.
But times (6) ______ changing. Nowadays, if you turn (7) _____ for a meal in a British
family home, you are more (8) ______ to be given Indian curry or a Chinese stir-fry than roast
beef with Yorkshire pudding.

5. Read the text and decide which word A. B, C or D best fits each space.
The cold and flu season is back again, so it’s time to (1) ___ up on prevention and treatment. (2)
___ to popular belief, cooler weather doesn’t cause colds. What is more likely is that we stay
indoors more, giving viruses (3) ___ to spread from person to person. In addition, the cold
months are associated (4) ___ low humidity, and the dry air makes the nasal cavity more
susceptible to bugs. Consequently, cases of colds and flu surge between the beginning of autumn
and spring (the (5) ____ adult gets two to four respiratory infections a year; children even more).
Because the season is upon us, it is a good (6) ___ to revise a few cold and flu tactics.
To prevent an infection, the best defence is a good offence. The first step is to (7)
____physical contact with the cold sufferer. When someone with a cold sneezes, coughs or
sniffs, (8) ___ your distance. Hugging, kissing and shaking hands are sure ways to catch a cold.

1. A. bring B. brush C. get D. take

2. A. Contrary B. Opposite C. Similar D. Unlike
3. A. chance B. chances C. the opportunities D. an opportunity
4. A. for B. on C. to D. with
5. A. average B. different C. ordinary D. same
6. A. idea B. suggestion C. sense D. advice
7. A. break B. control C. limit D. lose
8. A. cover B. judge C. keep D. remember

6. Decide if statements 1-6 below are true or false.

1. Cold weather is the main cause of colds. 2. In the drier seasons we are more prone to
illnesses like colds and flu. 3. Most people suffer from colds, especially between early
autumn and the spring. 4. Children suffer from colds and flu less often than adults. 5. It’s
best not to have any physical contact with the person who suffers from a cold. 6.You can’t
get ill from shaking hands with someone with a cold.
1 2 3 4 5 6

7. The title of the article is The History of Dieting. Paragraphs A-H are in the wrong order.
Decide on the correct order for the paragraphs. The first and the last paragraphs are correct.
_1_ A. The word ‘diet’ originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’, but, these days, we use
the word to mean an eating pattern or programme designed to change something.
___ B. But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to some
increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages,
sailors started to spend many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease called
‘scurvy’. Eventually, it became clear that they needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we
know that Vitamin C is the reason.
___ C. But when did it start? There is a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of
England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank
alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.
___ D. Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t known.
Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or what to do about it.
___ E. Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really recommend it as an
approach for most people. What’s important is the kinds of food you eat, because different foods
contain different things our bodies need.
___ F. However, despite all things, we usually say ‘diet’ about losing weight. This is certainly
the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history.
___ G. We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding
certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase amounts of certain things, like
potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight.
___ H. Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began investigating how foods
consisted of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. He found that he could measure the heat value of
these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a ‘calorie’.
_9_ I. This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and dieting.
Since then, knowledge has come quickly – some people say too quickly!

8. Decide if statements A-I below are true or false.

1. The meaning of the word ‘diet’ has changed. 2. Before the discovery of Vitamin C, sailors
used to suffer more from seasickness. 3. William the Conqueror tried losing weight by staying in
bed and drinking alcohol. 4. Before the beginning of modern food science, nobody understood
why some people gained weight while others didn’t. 5. For most people, eating a varied diet
ensures weight loss. 6. Dieting is a very modern phenomenon. 7. Some diets help people gain
weight. 8. Wilbur Atwater introduced a new measurement for weight. 9. Modern food science
started with the discovery of Vitamin C.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9. Write a letter to a friend. Use 100-120 words.
Your friend asked you to give advice how to keep fit in the best way. Mention the following

 changing eating habits
 giving up harmful habits
 daily routine

Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to
A. Cover bad breath
B. Show that you are wrong
C. Show that everything is fine
D. Indicate approval or disapproval
E. Making fun or just being focused
F. Indicating a feeling of helplessness
G. Guard against negative consequences
H. Demonstrate your peaceful intentions
Body Language
1. ____
Shaking hands is a polite gesture indicating friendship and acceptance. At one time, however,
meeting with a stranger aroused suspicion and fear. To prevent each other from suddenly
attacking, strangers joined right hands as a pledge of non-aggression, thus demonstrating that
neither party was about to use a weapon. Handshaking is now the activity practiced by both men
and women not only to greet one another, but to seal a contract as well.
2. ____
The American ‘OK’ sign, the joining of the thumb and forefinger in a circle, indicates that all is
well or perfect. The ‘OK’ sign acquired its modern connotation from the ancient world,
wherein the circle itself was one of the oldest and most common symbols for perfection. The
verbal expression ‘OK’ is native to the United States and was formed in support of the letter ‘O’
indicating that something was perfect as a circle.
3. ____
When not used in hitchhiking, the thumbs-up gesture in American culture typically indicates ‘I
like that’, while the thumbs-down gesture indicates your negative feeling towards something.
The gesture has been linked to the time of the Roman arena, where the emperor supposedly
ordered life or death for a gladiator by turning thumbs up or thumbs down.
4. ____
Crossing one’s fingers serves as protection from bad luck or from penalties associated with
lying. Thus, when people wish for good luck, they cross fingers, and when they wish not to be
held accountable for a lie, they cross their fingers and hide their arms behind their backs not to
let on that they are lying.
5. ____
By sticking out their tongues, people react to situations that may be unpleasant for them. Such
displays indicate laughing or rejection. For example, children often stick out their tongues
to tease each other. Or, they may also stick out their tongues in reaction to activities requiring
close concentration; hence, the tongue-showing of children focused on their homework.

Task 2
Read the text below. For questions (6-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Generation Gap
As president of Walt Disney Company’s children’s book and magazine publishing unit,
Russell Hampton knows a thing or two about teenagers. Or he thought as mush until he was
driving his 14-year-old daughter, Katie, and two friends to a play last year in Los Angeles.
‘Katie and her friends were sitting in the back seat talking to each other about some movie
star; I think it was Orlando Bloom,’ recalled Mr. Hampton. ‘I made some comment about him, I
don’t remember exactly what, but I got the typical teenager sigh and Katie rolled her eyes at me
as if to say, ‘Oh, Dad, you are so out of it.’
After it, the back-seat chattering stopped. When Mr. Hampton looked into his rearview mirror
he saw his daughter sending a text message on the cell phone. ‘Katie, you shouldn’t be texting all
the time,’ Mr. Hampton recalled telling her. ‘Your friends are there. It’s rude.’ Katie rolled her
eyes again.
‘But, Dad, we’re texting each other,’ she plied. ‘I don’t want you to hear what I’m saying,’
Mr. Hampton turned his attention back to the freeway it’s a common scene these days, one
playing out in cars, kitchens and bedrooms across the country.
Children increasingly rely on personal technological devices like cell phones to define
themselves and create social circles apart from their families, changing the way they
communicate with their parents. Adults and teenagers alike found a form of easy communication
unknown to the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, and his daughters.
And the computer, along with the Internet, has given even very young children virtual lives
distinctly separate from those of their partners and siblings.
Social psychologists who have studied the social impact of mobile communication, say these
trends are likely to continue as cell phones turn into mini hand-held computers, social
networking devices and pin-sizes movie screens.
‘For kids it has become an identity-shaping and psyche-changing object,’ Ms. Turkle said.
‘No one creates a new technology really understanding how it will be used or how it can change
a society.’

6. What is mentioned in the text about Russell Hampton?

A. He is professionally engaged in film production.
B. He used to think he understood youngsters.
C. He finds it hard to drive with kids chatting.
D. He felt hurt by his daughter impolite reaction.
7. Why did Katie and her friends stop chattering in the car?
A. Mr. Hampton ordered them to be quiet.
B. They did not want to distract the driver.
C. They wanted to keep their conversation private.
D. They did not have anything else to talk about.
8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. Mr. Hampton tried to teach his daughter good manners.
B. Katie was skeptical about his father’s views and remarks.
C. The generation gap has deepened due to technological advances.
D. It was easy for Alexander Graham Bell to communicate with his daughters.
9. What can one conclude about modern children from the text?
A. What can one conclude about modern children from the text?
B. They use the Internet to hide their identify.
C. They use cell phones to form their own community.
D. They prefer texting to any other forms of communication.

10. What is stated in the text about technology developers?
A. They can rarely predict the effect of their innovation.
B. They should follow the advice of social psychologists.
C. They concentrate their efforts on mini computers.
D. They try to bridge the generation gap with their gadgets.

Task 3
Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (11-16). There are two choices you do not need to
The following advertisement offers______.
A. tours perfectly suited for single travelers
B. a travel by a modern comfortable plane
C. you to participate in a treasure hunt
D. an opportunity to discover Europe by train
E. sightseeing tours round some ancient cities
F. you to plan your own city sightseeing tour
G. a chance to experience new places on foot
H. exciting cruises aboard a racing yacht

11. _____
The Big Bus Company
Open Top Sightseeing Tour of London
 It’s your passport to the unique sights and history in London.
 Create your own tour; with over 50 stops to choose from.
 Hop on and off as many times as you like.

12. _____
Over 250 years of discovery
Cox & Kings
Auto 1756
Travel with Cox & Kings on the 9-th day Highlights of Peru Tour
We offer the highest quality tailor-made private travel ideas for solo and small-
group tours for discerning travelers.
Benefits from our expertise,
Personal service and superb value.

13. ____
Holiday Cruises
Classical Europe River Cruise
Places you’ll visit:
Amsterdam, Cologne, Bamberg, Nuremberg, Melk,
Linz, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest
Start your vacation in Amsterdam and follow the Rhine to Cologne. Journey on the

main river whilst you relax on board and enjoy tours of medieval cities. You’ll
reach the historic Danube canal. Cruise through the lush Blue Danube and end
your voyage in the fascinating cities of Vienna and Budapest.

14. _____
Experience the World
Worldwide Adventures
Discover different ways of life hiking, explore historical sites
and everyday modern culture.
Meet the local people and experience new customs and cuisines.

15. _____
Including The Falkland Islands
The Captain’s Choice Tour has exclusively chartered an all Business Class Boeing 757 to move
you away from London to experience the highlights and hidden treasures of South America

16. ____
Discover Glorious Europe
By Glacier Express
Relax and enjoy one of your expertly planned fully escorted holidays to Europe
Our Tours Include:
 Return Eurostar from London St Pancras
 Expertly planned itineraries
 Many meals and excursions
 Carefully selected hotels
 Rail and coach travel
 Services of an experienced Tour Manager

Task 4
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H )the one which best fits space (17-22). There are two
choices you do not need to use.
A. to stop at this command
B. to enable policemen
C. awarding the lollypop lady
D. holding up the sign
E. to cross the road safely
F. to assist adults with crossing, too
G. to supplement their income
H. doing away with the practice
Lollipop Men and Women
In Britain someone helping children cross the street is called ‘lollypop person’, because their
sign looks like a lollypop.
The job of a lollipop person is to walk to the middle of the road at a suitable time, (17) ____;
it is a legal requirement for traffic (18) ____. The lollypop man / lady will signal that it is all

right (19) ____. Traffic may only move once the sign has been lowered.
Generally speaking, school crossings are manned for approximately 3 hours a day or less. As
a result, the work has always appealed more to people who were just seeking (20) ____ such as
the retired.
Lollipop people were introduced (21) ____, who had previously run crossing patrols, to
perform other duties. The earliest lollipops were red and black rectangles printed with ‘Stop,
Children Crossing’.
In 2001 in Europe patrollers were given extra powers allowing them (22) ____. The most
recent change in the history of the School Crossing Patrol saw the word ‘children’ replaced with
a symbol to bring the UK in line with the rest of the EU.

Use of English
Task 5
Read the text below. For questions (23-32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Harry Potter Film Takes $168 m to Break Ticket Records
The (23) ____ Harry Potter movie has shattered box office records in the US and Canada,
taking $168 m over its opening weekend.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 had already made $92, 1 m on its opening day,
said the film distributor, Warner Bros. The (24) ____ opening weekend record as held (25) ____
Batman film The Dark knight, (26) ____ took $10 m.
The Potter film is the eighth movie in the hugely popular franchise. Fans around the world
(27) ____ for hours to be among the first to see the film, which was based on the second part of
JK Rowling’s seventh and final book in the series.
Most cinemas were showing the film in3D, which slightly increased the ticket (28)
____. The (29) ____ Potter film series has so far earned more than £4 bn worldwide, not
including the final film’s takings so far. Internationally, the film had taken $157,5 m by
Friday. ‘A billion dollars is (30) ____ going to happen,’ said Dan Fellman, head of domestic
distribution at Warner Bros. It has been the first movie in the serious, Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s Stone, was (32) ____. It made stars of its young cast, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma
Watson and Rupert Grint.
23 A. past B. definite C. final D. complete
24 A. initial B. previous C. first D. eventual
25 A. by B. on C. with D. over
26 A. when B. which C. what D. who
27 A. hoped B. imagined C. held D. queued
28 A. interest B. need C. price D. importance
29 A. full B. all C. absolute D. entire
30 A. extremely B. definitely C. strictly D. strongly
31 A. since B. of C. as D. from
32 A. released B. done C. prepared D. delivered

Task 6
Read the text below. For questions (33-42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Ancient Olympic Events
The ancient Olympics were rather different from the Modern Games. There were (33) ____
events, and only free men who (34) ____ Greek could compete, instead of athletes from any
country. Also, the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to different
sites every time.

Like our Olympics, though, winning athletes were heroes who made their (35) ____ towns
proud. One young Athenian nobleman defended his political reputation by (36) ____ how he
entered seven chariots in the Olympic chariot-race. This high number of entries made both the
aristocrat Athens (37) ____ very wealthy and powerful.
33 A. the least B. little C. the fewest D. few
34 A. spoke B. speak C. speaking D. speaks
35 A. home’s B. homes C. homes’ D. home
36 A. mentions B. mentioned C. mentioning D. mention
37 A. looks B. looked C. look D. looking

Enduring Masterpiece
Although it’s known as the Mona Lisa, (38) ____ famous painting was (39) ____ titled La
Giaconda. Painted on wood, it’s a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine merchant.
X-rays (40) ____ that Leonardo sketched three different poses before (41) ____ on the final
design. The painting of Lisa has no eyebrows because it was the time for women (42) ____
them off.
38 A. Leonardo’s da B. Leonardo’s da C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Leonardo da
Vinci Vinci’s Vinci’s
39 A. origin B. original C. originally D. originality
40 A. reveals B. revealed C. are revealed D. revealing
41 A. settling B. settled C. to settle D. having settled
42 A. shave B. being shaved C. shaved D. to shave


43. You’ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she wrote you about his/her
future plans. He/she wants to become an actor. And your friend is sure that his profession will
give him/her the opportunity to become famous and make a lot of money. Write a letter to your
pen-friend in which say
 about your thoughts regarding his/her career plans
 what you are going to do after leaving school
 how you prepare yourself for your future profession
 what you think is necessary to be successful in your future job


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