If She Sells Them at $1.20 Each, We Can: Dozen

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Solution :- So, the percentage of her loss from her

selling price is : $3.60 / $18 × 100%
Total cost of 2 kg butter @ $ 8 per kg =
8*2  = 20%

= $ 16
3.Shirley buys a fax machine and sells it to
Total cost of 3 kg butter @ $ 6 per kg = 6*3 Devi at a gain of 25% on the cost price.
= $ 18 Shirley buy price:: x
Devi buy price:: 1.25x
Total cost of 5 kg butter = $ 16 + $ 18
= $ 34 
devi then sells the fax machine to Amirah
Selling price = $ 2.55 per 250 g at a loss of 25% on the price which she
buys it from shirley.
Selling price of per kg = $ 2.55*4
Amirah buy price = 0.75*1.25x
= $ 10.2/kg ------

Selling price of 5 kg = 10.2*5 if amirah pays $360 for the fax

machine,how much did shirley pay for it?
= $ 51
Profit = $ 51 - $ 34 Equation:

= $ 17 0.75*1.25x = 360
Percentage on cost price = ($ 17*100)/$34
= 50 %
(3/4)(5/4)x = 360
Percentage on selling price = ($ ----
(15/16)x = 360
= 33.33 % x = (16/15)360
Ans: x = $384.00 (Price Shirley paid)
2. A dozen contains a group of twelve.
It means the florist actually buys
each rose at $18 ÷ 12 = $1.50. 4. ≈harga beli awal (modal) = 200 x $28 =
If she sells them at $1.20 each, we can 1 kotak isi 60 apel, maka 200 kotak = 200
count her loss by subtracting buying x 60 = 12000 apel
(purchasing) price and selling price. 15% apel sudah rusak/busuk, berarti 15%
For each rose, her loss is $1.50 - $1.20 = x 12000 = 1800 apel
$0.3 and it will be 12 × $0.3 = $3.60 per sisa apel yang masih bisa di jual 12000 -
dozen. 1800 = 10200
keuntungan yang diharapkan 80% dari
harga beli = 80% x 5600 = $4480
7. Jeruk= 120 buah
harga jual = 5600 + 4480 = $10080 Apel= 120 x 20 ÷ 100 = 24
= 120 + 24
harga jual per apel nya menjadi = 10080 /
10200 ≈ $0,99  = 144 buah
Pir = 100% - 40% = 60%

5. Price of 1 article =   = $5 = 120 adalah 60% dari jumlah pir

260 articles at a price that is 20 % above = 20 adalah 10% dari jumlah pir
the cost price. = 10% x 10 = 100%
That is selling price of one article = $5 +  = 20 x 10
×5 = $6 = 200 buah
Selling price of 260 article = $6 × 260 = Total buah si pedagang= 120+144+200
$1560 =*464*
Remaining article is sold at a price that is
50 % of the selling price of each of the 260
8. Number of pages of book read by Kate
on first day = 60
Remaining article Selling price =   × 6 =
Given that Kate read 1/6 of book on
second day
Remaining articles = 300 -260 = 40
Let total number of pages in book = x
Selling price of Remaining 40 articles = 40
Number of pages of book read by Kate on
× 3 = $120
second day = x/6
Total selling price of  300 identical article =
Also, given that 60 was 20% more than
$1560 + $120 = $1680
number of pages read by Kate on second
Profit = Selling price - cost price = 1680 day
-1500 = $180
Thus, we get
% profit =   × 100 =  12%
x/6 + (x/6) * 0.2 = 60
x/6 + 0.2x/6 = 60
6. For $500 commisssion=4%
1.2x/6 = 60
therefore, for $1 commission=4/500%
1.2x = 360
therefore, for $1220 commission= 4/500 ×
x = 360/1.2
x = 300
there commission in amt. =1220×9.76÷100
9. Let x be the selling price of car.
Cost price of car =60000+10010
According to the question-
The car must be sell for Rs.75900 to
gain 15%.

10. Answer:
Step-by-step explanation:
100% - 6% = 94% = 0.94
$78,400 × 0.94 = $73,696.00

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