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Assignment Name: 1.

Metacognitive Reading Report

Instructions: Watch the TED Talk Why the World Needs WikiLeaks on YouTube
( then complete the metacognitive reading

1. Difficult Concepts

a) The concept I found difficult to understand was how people cannot be trace if they leak
b) The concept I found difficult to understand was how WikiLeaks spread information that
fast in just a few days.
c) The concept I found difficult to understand was how Julian Assange protects the
privacy of his people

2. Learning Insights

a) Before reading the article/understanding the lesson,

I thought media (news and such) has all the power in spreading information. That media is
the only tool or an instrument that can open the eyes of the people about the wrong
doings of an individual especially the politicians.
However, reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that WikiLeaks
or the small online organizations can actually spread more information than a media can
do. Furthermore, the information they are spreading lights up the world and bring truth
and hope to the people.

b) Before reading the article/understanding the lesson,

I thought that WikiLeaks will just spread all the information they have receive through their
mail without analyzing them, specifically the Information that people sent to them, like
one’s opinion, reports, and other sources of information even if the information is bias or
However, reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that they only
accept information that they find relevant and legit. Most of the time, the information they
accept will only be legitimate and relevant information related to government, politics and
other significant issues of the world.

c) Before reading the article/understanding the lesson,

I thought that leaking information can only have a negative impact to the people as well as
in the community. That leaking information can be the cause of a trouble or an issue that
affects the whole community.
However, reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize that spreading
an information can also light up the whole world, that the founder of these non-profit
media organizations can also be considered as a hero to everyone because they could
actually open the eyes of people to seek truth and can change their perception in life for
the better.

3. Discussion Questions

a) Are the people working for WikiLeaks were also considered as a hacker?
b) What will happen if WikiLeaks gets shut down? Can it be possibly shut down?
c) What if the WikiLeaks spread and reported false information? What will they do to solve
it and make it right?

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