Lesson 4

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Exercise 4 Interview

Based on the topic Information Revolution and Freedom of Speech, conduct informal
interview (maybe via messenger or chat) with people (2 persons ) of different backgrounds,
Use the following guide questions in conducting the informal interview.
1. Do you think that people should use social media in exercising their freedom of
2. What should be the limits of freedom of speech in social media?
3. Should we hold people accountable for misuse or abuse of social media in
exercising their freedom of speech? Why or why not?

Answers of the 1st person

1. Social media has become an extension of our lives. Everyone has a presence on social
media, although there are several flaws and ill effects, it cannot be run down because it
is also a remarkable tool to connect, collaborate, and unite people despite territorial
limitations. Social Media has become a vital communications tool through which
individuals can exercise their right of freedom of expression and exchange information
and ideas. In the past year, a growing movement of people around the world has been
witnessed who are advocating for change, justice, equality, accountability of the
powerful and respect for human rights wherein the Internet and Social Media has
played a key role.
2. The freedom of speech and expression does not confer on the citizens the right to speak
or publish without responsibility and the legislature may enact laws to impose
restrictions on the right to speech and expression on the several grounds. Social media
is open to misuse as well, as several cybercrimes can be easily committed through social
media. This gives the State a justification to regulate online content in the interests of
the public at large, the necessity of which cannot be denied.
3. For me yes, we all have the right in to say whatever we want, while you are allowed to
do largely free of legal responsibility, nothing in this life is absolved of personal
responsibility. You don't get to go back and say show me the video and when they do
say it's been edited and when they show you the whole video say its fake news and just
change your story to what you want it to be with no repercussions. All actions have
consequence even choosing not to take actions, and if we want to continue to live in a
society there always has to be some form of accountability or every system falls apart.

Answers of the 2nd person

1. No because hate speech has no positive purpose. Hate is insidious and only destroys. If
hate speech is permitted then logically hate acts are also to be tolerated since they flow
directly from it. There is a clear distinction between speech which offends and hates
speech defined by the legal concept of mens rea.
2. The categories of speech that fall outside of its protection are obscenity, child
pornography, defamation, incitement to violence and true threats of violence," he
explains. "Even in those categories, there are tests that have to be met in order for the
speech to be illegal. Beyond that, we are free to speak.
3. Yes, definitely people are responsible for those acts which are done by them on social
media by way of using their freedom of speech. The freedom of speech is a right which
is given in the law to people for expressing their views or perspective in a legitimate
way. Abuse of freedom of speech is not a right it’s a crime and any activity which of
criminal nature or inducing people to spread violence is not acceptable. That's why
people who post these types of speech on social media, they should be held responsible
for those acts. Social media can't keep eyes on each and every person’s activities, but it
is clear that social media should not be used for unlawful things or instigating agendas.

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