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Name: Mark Marlatt

Art Self Evaluation (hand this in with your project)

High School
Think Like an Artist!
Standard 1 (creating): How did you go about making your artistic decisions: did you choose you
subject matter based on your interests? How is your final product different from your original ideas? Explain
the role of your rough drafts: how did they help you grow during this project and ultimately lead to your final?
Standard 2 (presenting):
What was our learning goal? Would you put this work in your portfolio? Explain your reasoning based on how
you finished it the way you did. If it were to hang somewhere publically, where do you picture it and why?
(Think about everything going on in the world today; would your piece impact social, cultural, or political
Standard 3 (responding & connecting):
Compare your work with other similar works (share the same style/technique/movement). Specifically, what ties
your work in with a movement and certain artists? Tell me about the artist/movement - they could have made
art in any style, so why do you think they created it they way they did? What elements of art and design
principles are present in your artwork? (give examples).

Standard 1: I first researched celebrities that I like and I ended up landing on Donald Trump. I looked
up pictures of Trump for reference to characterize them (the picture is at the bottom). While doing my rough
drafts I realized that I wasn’t really exaggerating anything that would make Trump distinct from any other
character. I tried again and make his hair larger as well as his smile. For the final draft I did just that am also
added layers of neck fat to fit his wide and large smile. The rough drafts really helped me decide what I wanted
to do for my final and it worked out perfectly the way I wanted it to.

Standard 2: Learning goal: what makes each person recognizable. I would put this work in my portfolio
because I think that I did a great job exaggerating his features so that you can tell who it was. If I were to hang
this work in a public place I would put it in a art in the park gallery thingy, because I feel like that would be a
place where people pay others to draw caricatures of them. I also feel like that the art put on display there
would be very diverse and it would fit in well. My work might convey the idea of politics because Trump is our
president, but I also feel that it wouldn’t because it is a funny drawing.
Standard 3: I would compare my work to the Trump caricature done by Chris R (at the bottom)
because he exaggerates Trumps hair, and that inspired me to make his hair large and in the way. He also adds
a large neck/ chin to draw attention, I also used that element in my work. I think Chris made his piece the way
he did because he exaggerates everything that makes Trump distinctable from the average Joe. The principles
of art I used was line, shape, and color. The elements of art that I used was contrast, and emphasis.

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